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Metamorphic Mineral Assemblages

EENS 2120 Petrology

Prof. Stephen A. Nelson Tulane University
Metamorphic Mineral Assemblages

This document last updated on 21-Mar-2011

The mineral assemblages that occur in metamorphic rocks depend on four factors:

z The bulk chemical composition of the original rock.

z The pressure reached during metamorphism.

z The temperature reached during metamorphism.

z The composition of any fluid phase that was present during metamorphism.

If a rock is taken to some higher pressure and temperature then the mineral assemblage that
develops should represent stable chemical equilibrium if the conditions are held for a long
enough period of time that equilibrium can be achieved. Since metamorphism usually involves
long periods of geologic time, most metamorphic rocks represent an equilibrium mineral

The Phase Rule for Metamorphism

Recall that the phase rule states that

F =C+2-P

where F = the variance of the system or number of degrees of


C = the number of components in the system,

and P = the number of phases present.

the 2 stands for the two independent variables, Pressure and


If you think about it, in metamorphic rocks where temperature and pressure can both vary
during metamorphism, the most likely case would be to find a divariant (F=2) assemblage of
phases. A univariant assemblage (F=1) would be less likely to occur, and an invariant
assemblage (F=0) would represent equilibrium at a fixed point in temperature and pressure, and
would thus be even less likely to occur.

So, for F=2, C=P, the number of phases present in a rock for the more common divariant
assemblage will be equal to the number of components. If P is greater than C, then one of three
possibilities exist for the mineral assemblage.

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Metamorphic Mineral Assemblages

1. The assemblage represents a non-equilibrium assemblage (perhaps due to incomplete

chemical reactions or due to the presence of retrograde minerals that developed during
cooling, uplift, or unroofing of the metamorphic rock).

2. The assemblage represents univariant or invariant equilibrium, as discussed above.

3. The number of components have not been chosen correctly.

If possibility (1) is the reason for the lack of correspondence with the phase rule, it can usually
be determined by close inspection of the rock. Reaction textures present in the rock might
indicate incomplete reaction. Known retrograde minerals, i.e. those stable at lower pressures
and temperatures than the rest of the minerals in the rock, could be identified. These retrograde
phases could then be subtracted from the number of phases being considered and the phase rule
could be reapplied to only the phases known to be in equilibrium. (For example, the presence
of chlorite in amphibolite and granulite facies rocks would be indicative that the chlorite is a
retrograde mineral or mineral produced during weathering, and thus would not be considered in
the application of the phase rule.)

Possibility 2 could always occur, and if the number of components is chosen correctly and
retrograde minerals are not considered, then this may be the case.

The number of components, as stated in the phase rule, must be chosen so as to represent the
minimum number necessary to form all phases possible in the rock. Recall that the number of
components is not strictly the number of oxide components or the number of elements as
reported in a chemical analysis of the rock. If we just consider the major phases that make up
metamorphic rocks and consider that some ions freely substitute for one another in solid
solutions, then the number of components can often be reduced to 7 or 8. For example:

1. K2O.Al2O3 (based on the ratio of K to Al in the alkali feldspars)

2. (Ca,Na2)O.Al2O3 (based on the ratio of Ca and Na to Al in the plagioclase)

3. (Si,Ti)O2 - based on the common substitution of Ti into tetrahedral sites in most


4. (Fe,Mn)O - based on the common substitution of Mn for Fe in minerals.

5. MgO - usually needed because Fe-Mg solid solution compositions are both temperature
and pressure dependent. (although sometimes these two are combined, which would
reduce the total number of components by 1).

6. (Al,Fe+3)2O3 - based on the commonly observed substitution of Fe+3 for Al+3Al in


7. H2O - usually present in a fluid phase, but also an important component of hydrous

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Metamorphic Mineral Assemblages

8. CO2 - also usually present in a fluid phase, but also an important component in carbonate

If H2O and CO2 are assumed to be always present and available to form hydrous and carbonate
minerals, then the number of components can be reduced to 5 or 6. Thus for a divariant
assemblage (F=2) we would expect to find 5 or 6 different mineral phases present in a
metamorphic rock, or up to 8 phases if the assemblage is invariant.

This is the basis for the construction of the AKF and ACF diagrams discussed previously,
where the number of components have been reduced to 4, by making assumptions like quartz
and alkali feldspar can always be present. Still, you are cautioned that the above analysis is not
always generally applicable, and each rock must be considered on a case-by case scenario.

Example of Progressive Metamorphism

Progressive or prograde metamorphism occurs as the temperature and pressure are increased
on the rock. As the pressure and temperature increase, a rock of a given chemical composition
is expected to undergo a continuous series of chemical reactions between its constituent
minerals and any fluid phase present to produce a series of new mineral assemblages that are
stable at the higher pressures and temperatures. We here illustrate how the mineral
assemblages might change in a hypothetical set of rocks, starting with a low grade mineral
assemblage as shown in the ACF diagram below.

First, consider the compositions of various

types of rocks. Pelitic and quartzo-
feldspathic rocks are relatively aluminous,
calcareous rocks are relatively rich in the
C component, and basic rocks are relative
rich in the F component. At some low
temperature and pressure typical of low
grade metamorphism, pelitic and quartzo
feldspathic rocks in this example would
consist of epidote, chlorite, andalusite,
muscovite, and possibly quartz, k-spar,
muscovite, and albite. Calcareous rocks
would contain epidote, calcite, actinolite,
and possibly quartz, albite, and k-spar.
Basic rocks would consist of epidote,
chlorite, actinolite, and possibly, quartz,
albite, and k-spar. Ultramafic rocks would
consist of actinolite, chlorite and talc.

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Metamorphic Mineral Assemblages

At some higher pressure and

temperature the assemblage might
change as follows: pelitic rocks
would consist of sillimanite,
plagioclase, cordierite, muscovite,
and possibly quartz and k-spar (the
albite is now included in the
plagioclase). Quartzo-feldspathic
rocks would consist of plagioclase,
cordierite, biotite, and likely
quartz and k-spar. Calcareous
rocks would consist of
grossularite, calcite and
hornblende. Basic rocks would
contain plagioclase, biotite,
hornblende, and perhaps quartz
and k-spar. Ultramafic rocks
would consist of biotite
anthopyllite, and hornblende.
Now let's consider what happened in jumping from the pressure/ temperature conditions of the
first diagram to those of the second diagram. First, we list the phases that have disappeared
and those that have appeared:

Phases Disappeared New Phases

andalusite sillimanite
epidote/zoisite plagioclase
chlorite grossularite
talc cordierite
actinolite biotite
albite anthophyllite

Next, let's try to write the chemical reactions that must have occurred between the two sets of
pressure/temperature conditions that would explain the new mineral assemblages.

For the disappearance of andalusite and appearance of sillimanite the reaction is simple:

Al2SiO5 => Al2SiO5

Andalusite Sillimanite

Epidote (zoisite) would break down to produce the anorthite component of plagioclase and
grossularite, resulting in the expulsion of water as a fluid phase:

4Ca2Al3Si3O12(OH) + SiO2 => 5CaAl2Si2O8 + Ca3Al2Si3O12 + 2H2O

Epidote/Zoisite Qtz Anorthite (plag) grossularite fluid

Chlorite could have reacted with muscovite and quartz to produce biotite, cordierite, and fluid:

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Metamorphic Mineral Assemblages

(Mg,Fe)5Al2Si3O10(OH)2 + KAl3Si3O10(OH)2 + 2SiO2 =>

Chlorite Muscovite Qtz

K(Fe,Mg)3AlSi3O10(OH)2 + (Mg,Fe)2Al4Si5O18 +H2O

Biotite Cordierite fluid

Talc would break down to produce anthophyllite, quartz, and fluid:

7Mg3Si4O10(OH)8 => 3Mg7Si8O22(OH)2 + 4SiO2 + 25H2O

Talc Anthophyllite Qtz fluid

and chlorite, actinolite, epidote (zoisite), and quartz would react to produce hornblende and

7(Mg,Fe)5Al2Si3O10(OH)2+13Ca2(Mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2+12Ca2Al3Si3O12(OH)+14SiO2 =>
Chlorite Actinolite epidote (Zoisite) Qtz

25Ca2(Mg,Fe)4Al2Si7O22 (OH)2 + H2O

Hornblende fluid
With the exception of the first reaction (andalusite => sillimanite) all of these reactions result in
the evolution of H2O in a fluid phase. Such reactions are called dehydration reactions, and
will be discussed further in the next lecture.

Next, let's increase the temperature and pressure so that a new set of minerals develops for each

At these new pressure/temperature conditions, pelitic rocks would contain plagioclase,

sillimanite, cordierite, quartz, and k-spar. Quartzo-feldspathic rocks would consist of
plagioclase, cordierite, almandine/pyrope garnet, quartz, and k-spar.
Calcareous rocks would consist
either of wollastonite, grossularite
and diopside, or grossularite,
plagioclase, and diopside, or
plagioclase, diopside, and biotite,
depending on the composition of
the initial rock. Basic rocks would
consist of plagioclase, diopside,
and almandine/pyrope, or
plagioclase, hypersthene, and
almandine/pyrope. Ultramafic
rocks would consist of
hypersthene, almandine/pyrope,
and diopside.

Again, we can make a list of the phases that disappeared and those that appeared at some point
between the two pressure/temperature conditions.

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Metamorphic Mineral Assemblages

Phases Disappeared New Phases

muscovite wollastonite
calcite diopside
hornblende hypersthene
anthophyllite almandine/pyrope

Exploring the reactions that must have taken place to explain the new mineral assemblage, we
proceed as follows:

For the disappearance of muscovite we can write:

KAl3Si3O10(OH)2 + SiO2 => KAlSi3O8 + Al2SiO5 + H2O

Muscovite Qtz K-spar Sillimanite fluid

For the disappearance of calcite and the appearance of wollastonite we can write:

CaCO3 + SiO2 => CaSiO3 + CO2

Calcite Qtz Wollastonite fluid

Hornblende would break down to diopside, hypersthene, plagioclase, and fluid.:

Ca2Mg4Al2Si7O22 (OH)2 => CaMgSi2O6 + 3MgSiO3 + CaAl2Si2O8 +H2O

Hornblende Diopside Hypersthene Plagioclase fluid

Anthophyllite would break down to hypersthene and quartz:

Mg7Si8O22(OH)2 => 7MgSiO3 + SiO2 + H2O

Anthophyllite Hypersthene Qtz fluid

For the breakdown of biotite to form hypersthene and k-spar the following reaction must have

K(Fe,Mg)3AlSi3O10(OH)2 + 3SiO2 => KAlSi3O8 + 3(Mg,Fe)SiO3 + H2O

Biotite Qtz K-spar Hypersthene fluid

And finally, for the formation of almandine/pyrope from cordierite and anthophyllite, the
following reaction could have occurred:

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Metamorphic Mineral Assemblages

(Mg,Fe)2Al4Si5O18 + (Mg,Fe)7Si8O22(OH)2 =>

Cordierite Anthophyllite

2(Mg,Fe)3Al2Si3O12 + 3(Mg,Fe)SiO3 + 4SiO2 + H2O

Almandine/Pyrope Hypersthene Qtz fluid
Again, all of the reactions evolve a fluid phase. The calcite => wollastonite reaction is a
decarbonation reaction, and the rest are dehydration reactions. This illustrates very well the
concept we have discussed repeatedly throughout this course, that prograde metamorphism
involves a series of devolatilization reactions that produce a fluid phase. The fluid phase
generally will consist of a mixture of H2O and CO2. This results in producing minerals that are
less volatile rich with increasing grade of metamorphism. Ultimately, at the highest grade of
metamorphism no hydrous or carbonate bearing phases exist.

Retrograde Metamorphism

If retrograde metamorphism were a common process then upon uplift and unroofing
metamorphic rocks would progressively return to mineral assemblages stable at lower pressures
and temperatures. Yet, high grade metamorphic rocks are common at the surface of the Earth
and usually show only minor retrograde minerals. Three factors inhibit retrograde
metamorphism, two of which involve the fluid phase.

1. Chemical reactions run faster at higher temperatures. During prograde metamorphism

the reaction boundaries are continually being over-stepped to higher temperature. At
higher temperature diffusion rates are higher and molecular vibration required to break
chemical bonds is higher. Thus, during prograde metamorphism reaction rates are faster.
As temperature is lowered on a rock, the reaction boundaries are over-stepped to low
temperature, and as a result the reaction rates are much slower.

Of course, this depends on the rate at which temperature is lowered. It is certainly

possible for temperatures to decrease at such a slow rate during uplift and unroofing, that
retrograde mineral assemblages would have time to form. Also, a second episode of
prograde metamorphism may occur during which temperatures are increased again.
Minerals stable at the new temperature may start to grow and overprint the minerals that
were formed at higher temperature during the first episode of metamorphism.

2. During prograde metamorphism, as we have just seen, a fluid phase is driven off as a
result of the devolatilization reactions. As pressure increases, porosity of rocks also
decreases, and thus this fluid phase will likely be driven out of the rock body. In the
absence of the fluid phase it is impossible to form hydrous minerals and carbonates, since
H2O and CO2, two of the key components needed in such reactions, may not be present.

3. The fluid phase also helps to catalyze chemical reactions. Although the net reactions may
appear to be solid-solid reactions, in reality there may be more involved. For example
the fluid phase could dissolve a mineral in one part of the rock and precipitate a new
mineral in another part of the rock, just as happens during diagenesis of sedimentary
rocks. If the fluid phase is driven off during prograde metamorphism, then it will not be
available to catalyze the reactions to produce the retrograde mineral assemblage as
pressure and temperature are lowered.

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Metamorphic Mineral Assemblages

Given enough time, all metamorphic rocks will eventually change to an assemblage of minerals
stable under conditions present near the surface of the Earth.

This process, however, is called weathering, and occurs near the earth's surface..

Next time we will explore in more detail some the factors that govern the chemical reactions
that occur during metamorphism.

Examples of questions on this material that could be asked on an exam

1. What faactors are responsible for the mineral assemblages that develop in metamorphic

2. Given a sequence of triangular diagrams, be able to deduce and write the chemical
reactions that must have occurred as the pressure and temperature conditions changed
during progressinve metamorphism.

3. Why is retrograde metamorphism less commonly observed than prograde


4. What is the ultimate fate of metamorphic rocks that have reached the surface of the earth
and why does this occur?

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