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Arihant Upsc Indian Polity Governance Practice Set 4. CB1198675309

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Who among the following is the members of the

electoral college electing the President?
7. The National Development council consists of
(a) the Prime Minister, the Chief Ministers of all the States
(a) Elected members of the Rajya Sabha and the members of the NITI aayog
(b) Elected members of the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha (b) the Prime Minister, the Chief Ministers of all States,
(c) Elected members of the Rajya Sabha, the Lok Sabha and the Central Cabinet Ministers and the members of the
State assemblies NITI aayog
(d) Elected members of the Rajya Sabha, the Lok Sabha, (c) the Prime Minister, the Chief Minister of all
State assemblies and assemblies of Union Territories Administrators of Union Territories and the members
of the NITI aayog
2. Which among the following is not true regarding the (d) the Prime Minister, all Union Cabinet Ministers, Chief
42nd Amendment Act, 1976 which is also called a Mini
Ministers of all the States, Administrators of Union
Constitution of India?
Territories and the members of the NITI aayog
(a) The amendments were mainly to give effect to the
recommendation of Swaran Singh committee 8. Who among the following can establish a common
(b) The words liberty, equality and fraternity were added in High Court for two or more States or Union
the Constitution Territories in India?
(c) Directive Principles of State Policy were extended (a) The President (b) Supreme Court
(d) Fundamental Duties of the citizens added (c) Governors of the two states(d) Parliament by the law
3. Which among the following statements is correct? 9. Under which of the following amendments the
(a) A joint sitting of both the Houses of the Parliament is power of judicial review of the Supreme Court and
summoned and presided by the President High Courts was restored, which was curtailed by
(b) A joint sitting of both the Houses of the Parliament is Constitution (42nd Amendment) Act, 1976?
summoned and presided by Speaker of the Lok Sabha (a) 43rd Amendment Act, 1977
(c) A joint sitting of both the Houses of the Parliament is (b) 45th Amendment Act, 1980
summoned by the President and presided over by (c) 46th Amendment Act, 1982
Speaker of the Lok Sabha (d) 48th Amendment Act, 1984
(d) A joint sitting of both the Houses of the Parliament is
summoned by Speaker of the Lok Sabha and presided
10. Before 26th November, 1949, which among the
following was the governing law of India?
by the President
(a) The Cabinet Mission Plan
4. Which of the following pairs is incorrectly matched? (b) Government of India Act, 1935
(a) The Regulating Act, : Supreme Court to be set-up at (c) Government of India Act, 1919
1773 Madras. (d) Government of India Act, 1909
(b) Charter Act, 1793 : Power to Governor-General to
override his council.
11. “A rule of legislative procedure under which further
debate on a motion can be stopped’’ is known in
(c) Charter Act, 1813 : Procedures for the use of
parliamentary terminology as
Indian Revenue.
(a) session (b) closure (c) resolution (d) de jure
(d) Charter Act, 1853 : Governor-General to be called
Viceroy. 12. The Contingency Fund of India has been placed at
the disposal of which among the following
5. Indian Legislature became ‘bicameral’ through which of authorities?
the following?
(a) Comptroller and Auditor General of India
(a) The Morley– Minto Reforms
(b) President of India
Practice Set 4

(b) Montague–Chelmsford Reforms

(c) Parliament of India
(c) Government of India Act, 1935
(d) Prime Minister of India
(d) Indian Councils Act, 1892
13. Who among the following recommends to the
6. In which of the following situations, a President can President the basis for distribution of the net
establish an Inter -State council?
proceeds of taxes between the centre and states?
(a) During an emergency
(a) Finance Minister
(b) During a national calamity
(b) Reserve Bank of India
(c) When Council of Ministers recommends him / her to do so
(c) Comptroller and Auditor General of India
(d) When it appears to him / her that it would be serving the
(d) Finance Commission
public interest
204 Magbook ~ Indian Polity and Governance
14. Which among the following Bills embodies the budget? 3. has the power to appoint and remove the members of
(a) Money Bill (b) Finance Bill State Public Service commission.
(c) Appropriation Bill (d) Both ‘b’ and ‘c’ 4. has the power to allocate business of the
15. Which of the following were envisaged in the 74th Which of the statements given above are correct?
Constitutional Amendment Bill? (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2, 3 and 4
(a) Constitution and composition of a Municipality (c) 1 and 4 (d) 1, 3 and 4
(b) Personnel system in a Municipality
(c) Relations between elected members (executive) of a 22. Which of the following statements are true of
Municipality and bureaucracy Adjournment motion?
(d) All of the above 1. It is an extraordinary procedure which sets aside the
normal business of the House.
16. Consider the following.
2. Its main object is to draw the attention of the house to
1. Adjudication 2. Judicial review
a recent matter of urgent public importance.
3. Writs 4. Public interest litigation
3. The Rajya Sabha can make use of this procedure.
Which among the above are used to exercise judicial control
4. It must be supported by not less than 50 members for
over administration?
(a) 2, 3 and 4 (b) 1, 2 and 3
(c) 2 and 3 (d) All of these 5. It involves an element of censure against government.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below
17. Which among the following regarding NRI’s voting (a) 1, 2, 4 and 5 (b) 2, 3 and 5
rights is correct? (c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 4
(a) NRIs cannotvoteinparliamentaryandassemblyelections
(b) NRIs cannot vote in parliamentary elections, but can vote 23. In the Rajya Sabha, the states have been provided
in assembly elections representation on which of the following basis?
(c) NRIs can vote in parliamentary elections, but cannot vote (a) Area
in assembly elections (b) Population
(d) NRIs can vote in parliamentary as well as assembly (c) Number of the Lok Sabha constituencies
elections (d) Number of the Legislative assemblies

18. Which among the following is correct in context with the 24. Which among the following Bill will not be lapsed, in
powers of the Parliament in enacting the budget? the event of dissolution of House?
(a) Parliament can increase tax, but cannot reduce or (a) Any bill pending in the Lok Sabha
abolish it (b) Any Bill passed by the Lok Sabha, but pending in the
(b) Parliament can reduce or abolish a tax, but cannot Rajya Sabha
increase (c) Any Bill passed by the Rajya Sabha and pending in
(c) Parliament can neither increase nor reduce or abolish the Lok Sabha
a tax (d) Any Bill pending in the Rajya Sabha and not passed
(d) Parliament can increase as well as reduce or abolish a tax by the Lok Sabha

19. For elections in the Lok Sabha and Assemblies in India, 25. Which among the following committees of Lok
which of the following system is used? Sabha is assisted by Comptroller and Auditor
(a) Proportional representation General of India?
(b) Functional representation (a) Estimates committee
(c) Territorial representation (b) Public Accounts committee
(d) Communal representation (c) Joint Committee of Salary and allowances
(d) Joint Committee of Offices of Profit
20. With reference to the retired judge, which among the
following statements is correct? 26. Under which of the following jurisdiction, Supreme
(a) There are provisions that a retired judge of Supreme Court of India is duty bound to give its opinion on
Court only can sit and act as Judge of Supreme Court matters referred to it by President of India?
(b) There are no such provisions exist (a) Original jurisdiction (b) Appellate jurisdiction
(c) There are provisions that a retired Judge of Supreme Court (c) Advisory jurisdiction (d) Both ‘a’ and ‘c’
and High Courts can sit and act as Judge of Supreme 27. Who among the following can recommend the
Practice Set 4

Court removal of the Chairman of UPSC to the President?

(d) There are provisions that a retired Judge of High Courts (a) Vice-President (b) Supreme Court
only can sit and act as Judge of Supreme Court (c) Minister of Human Resources (d) All of these
21. The Governor of a State 28. Constitution has given powers to the President and
1. possesses executive, legislative and judicial powers Governors regarding nomination of members of
analogous to the President. Anglo Indian community (in case the community
2. has to act with the aid and advice of the Council of does not get adequate representation) in the Lok
Ministers always. Sabha and State Legislative assembly respectively.
Magbook ~ Practice Set 4 205
Which among the following statements is correct in this 34. Which among the following is incorrect?
regard? (a) President : 35 years
(a) President and Governor can nominate two members (b)Vice-President : 30 years
each (c) Prime Minister : 25 years
(b) President can nominate two members and Governor can (d)Rajya Sabha : 30 years
nominate one member
(c) President and Governor can nominate one member each 35. Which among the following statements is incorrect ?
(d) President can nominate five members and Governor can (a) All Money Bills can originate in the Lok Sabha only
nominate two members more
(b) Resolution of removal of Vice-President can originate
29. With reference to the pardoning powers of the President in the Rajya Sabha
and Governor, which among the following is a correct (c) Resolution to create new all India services can be
statement? initiated in the Lok Sabha
(a) Only President can grant pardon to a person awarded (d) No confidence motion against Council of Ministers is
death sentence and a person punished under martial law exclusive power of the Lok Sabha
(b) Both President and Governor can grant pardon to a
person awarded death sentence and a person punished
36. The JVP committee which was constituted in
1948-49 was related to which of the following?
under martial law
(c) President can grant pardon to a person awarded death (a) Industrialisation of India
sentence and Governor can grant pardon to a person (b) Formation of new states on linguistic basis
punished under martial law (c) National language of India
(d) Only President can grant pardon to a person awarded (d) Reservation for SCs and STs
death sentence and a person punished under Martial 37. Who among the following has right to declare any
Law, however, Governor can grant pardon a person area as a scheduled area?
punished under martial law (a) Governor of the respective state
30. With reference to the Constitutional Amendment, which (b) President of India
among the following statements is correct? (c) Parliament of India
(d) State Legislature
(a) The State Legislative assemblies have no role to play in
Constitution Amendments 38. Consider the following.
(b) All provisions of the Constitution can be amended only 1. Union Executive
after ratification by the State Legislatures of majority of 2. Parliament
3. Supreme Court and High Courts
(c) Some provisions of the Constitution can be amended
4. Comptroller and Auditor General of India
only after ratification by the State Legislatures of majority
of states The Part V of Indian Constitution deals with which among
(d) Some provisions of the Constitution can be amended the above?
only after ratification by the State Legislatures of all the (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 2 and 4
states (c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) All of these

31. Which among the following is true about the judiciary in 39. The qualifications of a candidate for Attorney
India and United States? General must be equivalent to that of
(a) Single integrated judiciary is provided in India while dual (a) a Judge of High Court
court system in USA (b) a Judge of Supreme Court
(b) Single integrated judiciary is provided in USA while dual (c) a minimum practice of 10 years in High Court
court system in India (d) a minimum practice of 10 years in Supreme Court
(c) Single integrated judiciary is provided in India and USA
(d) Dual court system in India and USA 40. Which of the following statements is correct with
respect to the NITI aayog?
32. With reference to the Right to property, which among (a) NITI aayog is a constitutional body
the following statements is correct?
(a) Right to property is a Fundamental Right and right to (b) The Five Year Plan is approved by the National
privacy is a Implied right Integration Committee
(b) Right to property is a legal right and right to privacy is a (c) The Minister for planning is necessarily the
Practice Set 4

Fundamental Right Vice-Chairman of the Planning Commission NITI

(c) Right to property is a implied right while right to privacy is aayog
a legal right (d) The Prime Minister is the Chairman of the NITI aayog.
(d) Right to property is a legal right while right to privacy is a
implied right
41. Consider the following statements regarding the
word Socialist of Indian Constitution.
33. Which among the following is not a Gandhian Principle? 1. It was inserted in the Indian Constitution by the
(a) Powerful Village panchayats Constitution 42nd Amendment Act of 1976.
(b) Promotion of economically weaker sections of society 2. The concept of socialism was not implicit in the
(c) Promotion of cottage industries Constitution before this amendment.
(d) Equal pay for equal work without sexual discrimination
206 Magbook ~ Indian Polity and Governance
3. The socialism aims to end the erstwhile capitalist 46. Why the Indian Constitution called as Fundamental law of
regime in the country and end poverty by the land?
nationalisation of some large corporations. (a) Because Preamble indicates the source from which
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct? Constitution comes that is people of India
(a) Only 1 (b) 2 and 3 (b) Because Constitution envisages the Fundamental Rights
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 1 and 2 (c) Because the government organs owe their origin to the
Constitution of India and derive their authority from and
42. Article 13 of Indian Constitution uses the words
discharge their responsibilities within the framework of the
“To the extent of such inconsistency be void.’’
Which of the following doctrines is coherent to
(d) Because Constitution of India declares great rights and
freedoms to all citizens of India
(a)Doctrine of Eclipse
(b) Doctrine of Waiver 47. Which among the following is not a privilege of the
(c)Doctrine of Severability President under Article 361 of the Constitution?
(d) Doctrine of Lapse (a) The executive power of the Union shall be vested in the
President and it shall be exercised by him (or her) in
43. Consider the following statements
accordance with the Constitution
1. Article 18 of the Constitution says that no title, not
(b) the President shall not be answerable to the any court for
being a military or academic distinction, shall be
exercise and performances of the powers and duties of his/
conferred by the state.
her office or for any act done or purporting to be done by
2. National awards like Bharat Ratna amount to the him in the exercise of those powers and duties
titles, but are considered as exception with regard (c) No criminal proceedings whatsoever shall be instituted and
to this article. continued against the President in any court during the term
3. Titles violate the principle of equality as guaranteed in the office
by the Constitution. (d) No process for the arrest or imprisonment of the President
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? shall be issued from any court
(a) 1 and 3
(b) Only 1
48. Directive Principles particularly Article 39 (b) and (c) of
(c) 1 and 2 the Constitution of India are many times referred as
(d) All of the above charters of the following?
(a) Liberty of religion
44. Consider the following statements about Public (b) Social and economic justice
Interest Litigations (PILs) (c) Liberty to move anywhere in Indian territories
1. Only the affected individual, group and institution (d) Imparting education to school children
can file PIL in the court.
49. Consider the following statements about Comptroller and
2. PILs are mentioned in the Article 144 of the
Auditor General of India.
Constitution of India to ensure social justice to the
marginalised. 1. The salary and allowances are charged upon Consolidated
Fund of India.
3. Judiciary can consider a case on its own based on a
newspaper report or postal complaint received by 2. The appointment is for a period of 6 years or up to age of 65
the court. years whichever is earlier.
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are incorrect? 3. After retirement Comptroller and Auditor General can be
(a) Only 1 (b) 2 and 3 appointed as member of UPSC or Chairman of State Public
(c) 1 and 2 (d) Only 2 Service commission.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
45. The bill to amend the Constitution has to be (a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 and 3 (c) Only 1 (d) Only 2
introduced and passed in which of the
following houses before presenting it to President 50. Who among the following recommends the President of
for assent? India regarding the principles which should govern the
(a) Introduced and passed in both Lok Sabha and grants-in-aid of the revenues of the states out of
Rajya Sabha Consolidated Fund of India?
(b) Introduced and passed in Lok Sabha (a) Finance Minister
(c) Introduced and passed in Rajya Sabha
Practice Set 4

(b) Comptroller and Auditor General of India

(d) Introduced in both houses, but can be passed in (c) Finance commission
Lok Sabha only (d) Controller General of Accounts

1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (b) 6. (d) 7. (d) 8. (d) 9. (a) 10. (b)
11. (b) 12. (b) 13. (d) 14. (d) 15. (a) 16. (d) 17. (d) 18. (b) 19. (c) 20. (c)
21. (c) 22. (a) 23. (b) 24. (d) 25. (b) 26. (c) 27. (b) 28. (b) 29. (a) 30. (c)
31. (a) 32. (d) 33. (d) 34. (b) 35. (c) 36. (b) 37. (b) 38. (b) 39. (b) 40. (d)
41. (a) 42. (a) 43. (a) 44. (c) 45. (a) 46. (c) 47. (a) 48. (b) 49. (a) 50. (c)

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