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Nutritional: Needs of Low-Birth-Weight Infants

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Committee on Nutrition

Nutritional Needs of Low-Birth-Weight Infants

The goal of feeding regimens for low-birth- In practice, caloric intakes of 110 to 150
weight infants is to obtain a prompt postnatal kcal/kg/day enable most low-birth-weight in-
resumption of growth to a rate approximating fants to achieve satisfactory rates of growth. If
intrauterine growth because this is believed to infants fail to gain satisfactorily, a higher caloric
provide the best possible conditions for subse- intake may be offered.
quent normal development. This statement
reviews current opinion and practices as well as Caloric Density of the Formula-Water
earlier reviews1-5 of the feeding of the low-birth- Requirement
weight infant. Although human milk or formulas that provide
67 kcal/dl (20 kcal/oz) are recommended for
Caloric Requirement term infants, more concentrated formulas are
The basal metabolic rate of low-birth-weight often used for low-birth-weight infants to facili-
infants is lower than that of full-term infants tate increased caloric intakes in infants with
during the first week of life, but it reaches and limited gastric capacity. Several studies have
exceeds that of the full-term infant by the second shown that feeding low-birth-weight infants
week. Daily caloric requirements reach 50 to 100 formulas with higher caloric densities results in
kcal/kg by the end of the first week of life and faster rates of growth.8-13 Some nurseries now feed
usually increase to 110 to 150 kcal/kg in subse- formulas of 81 kcal/dl (24 kcal/oz) and in some
quent active growth. instances 91 kcal/dl (27 kcal/oz). The 81-kcal/dl
A partition of the daily minimum energy re- concentration supplies most of the water required
quirements is shown in Table 1.6 by the infant (150 ml/kg)14 and provides 120
There are considerable variations from these kcal/kg.
average values, depending on both biological and The increased protein and mineral levels in
environmental factors. Infants who are small for these more concentrated formulas increase the
gestational age tend to have a higher basal renal solute load. With the limited capability of
metabolic.rate than do premature infants of the the immature kidney for concentrating urine,
same weight.7 The degree of physical activity sufficient water may not be supplied if the
appears to be a characteristic of the individual formula is too concentrated. Infants consuming
infant. Environmental factors may have a greater less than a normal volume of formula are particu-
influence than biological variation in determining larly vulnerable because, under constant condi-
the total caloric requirements. The maximal tions of extrarenal water loss, the lower the
response to cold stress can increase the resting formula intake the greater the proportion of
rate of heat production up to 21/2 times.6 Calories water required for renal excretion.'5 Infants
expended for specific dynamic action and for whose water balance is threatened (e.g., infants
fecal losses are dependent on the composition of exposed to heat, phototherapy, or cold stress, and
the milk or formula fed, as well as on individual those with infection or diarrhea) should have
variations in absorption of nutrients, particularly formulas of low renal solute load and should not
fat. be fed formulas of caloric density greater than 81
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PEDIATRICS Vol. 60 No. 4 October 1977 519
TABLE I IV fluid is discontinued or hyperglycemia and
ESTIMATED REQUIREMENTS FOR CALORIES IN A TYPICAL, hyperosmolality, which may be difficult to
GROWING PREMATURE INFANT' control.4 Serum glucose levels should be regularly
monitored and glucose infusion rates lowered to
Item kcal/kg/Day 0.4 g/kg/hr, or less if the serum glucose level
Resting caloric expenditure 50 exceeds 125 mg/dl.4 The first feeding should be
Intermittent activity 15 distilled water to avoid excessive damage to the
Occasional cold stress 10 lungs if vomiting occurs.
Specific dynamic action 8
Fecal loss of calories 12 Protein Requirement
Growth allowance 25
Total 120 The optimal protein intake for the low-birth-
weight infant has not been precisely defined;
'Data from Sinclair et al.6 however, it is between 2.25 and 5 g/kg/day for
cow's milk formulas. Human milk contains about
1.1 g of protein or less per deciliter, or 1.65 g/100
kcal.31 When fed at intakes of 120 kcal/kg/day,
keal/dl (24 kcal/oz).15 Preterm infants excrete human milk supplies almost 2 g of protein per
sodium well,16 17 and late metabolic acidosis seen kilogram per day. The feeding of human milk to
in low-birth-weight infants may be related to low premature infants was the preferred practice
mineral intake.16-19 Lactic acid-containing formu- until 25 years ago when Gordon et al.32 demon-
las should not be fed because they may produce strated that premature infants gained more
acidosis.20 weight and retained more nitrogen when fed
cow's milk formulas of higher protein content.
Alternate Feeding Procedures Subsequent reports have confirmed this, but in
When conventional feedings every few hours some reports the increased weight gains with the
do not result in the attainment of an adequate higher protein cow's milk formulas were
nutrient intake, alternate methods of feeding such attributed in part to increased electrolyte intake
as continuous nasogastric drip,21 nasojejunal feed- and subsequent water retention.33-37 However,
ing,22 23 intravenous (IV) administration of Babson and Bramhall38 found no increase in
nutrients supplemented by oral feeding,24 and weight gain when only minerals were added to
total IV alimentation25 27 may be tried. However, formula providing 1.8 g of protein per 100 kcal.
the hazards and complexities of IV administration In studies designed to determine the protein
preclude its use in routine practice.28 Parenteral requirement of low-birth-weight infants, protein
administration of (1) 20% glucose and 2.5% amino has been given at levels ranging from 1.7 to 9
acid solution; (2) 12% glucose with 2.5% amino g/kg/day. The feedings have consisted of human
acids and 10% soybean oil emulsion; and (3) 12% milk and cow's milk formulas, with the protein
glucose, 2.5% amino acids, and 1% alcohol in a content varied by dilution with carbohydrate or
volume of 125 to 150 ml/kg/day all provided by the addition of casein or deionized milk or
positive nitrogen balance.29 Glucagon levels were whey. Because of the many variables in the
lower and growth hormone levels higher in formulas, including types and levels of fat and
infants given the fat-free mixtures. Parenteral carbohydrate and levels of vitamins and minerals,
feedings appear to increase water retention.30 it is difficult to assess the nutritional adequacy of
In a controlled study of the feeding of low- the various formulas used in the studies or to
birth-weight infants by continuous nasogastric attribute the findings solely to dietary protein
drip,21 satisfactory growth and clinical progress level.
were reported with the feeding of human milk Infants fed 1.7 to 2.25 g of protein per kilogram
and a simulated human milk formula (67 kcal/dl). per day either from human milk or a cow's milk
Feeding was started at the fourth hour of life at formula did not increase in weight36-39 or
the rate of 60 ml/kg/day and increased to 300 length38-39 as rapidly as those fed higher intakes,
ml/kg/day (200 kcal/kg/day) by the ninth day. In and some developed low levels of serum
practice, the latter intake is difficult to achieve. proteins.
Although early administration of fluids is The feeding of relatively high levels of protein
generally considered beneficial to prevent dehy- (6 to 9 g/kg/day) was associated with hyperpy-
dration, excessive weight loss, hypoglycemia, and rexia and lethargy,40 high BUN levels,36 diar-
excessive jaundice,4 5 use of 10% glucose parenter- rhea,39 high urinary excretion of phenols,39 clin-
ally may cause reactive hypoglycemia when the ical edema,42 late metabolic acidosis, and
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increased mortality.39 The weight gains obtained breast milk had higher taurine levels than the
with the feeding of the high intakes of protein did other formulas. This suggestive study requires
not exceed those obtained by the feeding of confirmation.
moderate levels.36'39.40 Elevated plasma amino A review of the literature led Cox and Filer53 to
acid levels in low-birth-weight infants fed high- conclude that, with an adequate caloric intake,
protein formulas suggest that the high protein most low-birth-weight infants will grow satisfac-
intake may present an amino acid load that torily on cow's milk formulas supplying 2.25 to
exceeds the metabolizing capability of the imma- 5.0 g/kg/day of cow's milk protein. Fomon and
ture enzyme systems. Elevated levels of plasma co-workers estimated from hypothetical consider-
tyrosine and phenylalanine are not uncommon, a ations that the premature infant requires 3.0
finding related to late maturing of p-hydroxy- g/kg/day or 2.54 g of protein per 100 kcal,
phenylpyruvic oxidase.43 44 High plasma levels of assuming an intake of 120 kcal/kg/day.54
proline and methionine are also associated with If further studies confirm these findings,
high protein intake.45 consideration of protein quality along the lines
The amino acid composition of formulas for discussed here may be important in defining the
premature infants deserves special attention. optimal protein quantity for low-birth-weight
Low-birth-weight infants require some amino infants. With adequate intakes, human milk may
acids that are not essential for the term infant. In be the superior feeding for low-birth-weight
the balance studies of Snyderman,46 the removal infants.
of either cystine or tyrosine from the diet resulted
in an impairment of growth and nitrogen reten- Fat
tion, and a depression of the level of that partic- The ability of low-birth-weight infants to
ular amino acid in the plasma. Infants requiring absorb fat, particularly saturated fat such as
cystine also failed to show an increase in plasma butterfat, is relatively poor.55-58 This limitation is
cystine level after a methionine load, a finding in associated with liver immaturity and decreased
accord with the lack of cystathionase in the livers bile salt synthesis,59 and it is found to a lesser
of fetuses and premature infants reported by extent in full-term infants during the first few
Sturman et al.47'48 The high levels of cystathionine weeks of life.606' When palmitic acid-a long-
in the plasma49 and urine50 of premature infants chain saturated fatty acid-is present in fat, its
fed high-protein formulas also suggest that absorption depends on its position in the triglyc-
conversion of methionine to cystine is not effi- eride molecule.6263 Early recommendations for
cient until some time after birth. the feeding of low-birth-weight infants included
Raiha et al.5152 fed low-birth-weight infants the feeding of low-fat formulas.64'65 However, the
five formulas, including pooled breast milk. The recognition that the vegetable oils were much
breast milk supplied approximately 1.7 g of better absorbed than butterfat and other satu-
protein per kilogram per day, two formulas rated fats55 led to use in formulas of vegetable oils,
supplied 2.25 g of protein per kilogram per day, or blends of vegetable oils and animal fats. These
and two formulas supplied 4.50 g/kg/day. One are absorbed well, as is human milk fat.66
formula at each protein level had a 60:40 ratio of Including medium chain triglycerides as part of
whey/casein proteins, and the other two had an the fat in the formula has been shown to improve
18:82 ratio of whey/casein proteins. All infants fat absorption in low-birth-weight infants.67'0
grew equally well when fed 117 kcal/kg/day; Medium-chain triglycerides have also been shown
statistically, the breast-fed group gained at a to increase weight gain70 and to enhance calcium
slightly lower rate. Significant differences in absorption69 and nitrogen retention.68
plasma amino acid and ammonia levels were Fat in human milk supplies a major proportion
noted. The lower ammonia, tyrosine, and phenyl- of the caloric content. Formulas with 40% to 50%
alanine levels were found in infants fed whey/ of calories from fat are recommended for the
casein of 60:40, and the highest levels were in feeding of low-birth-weight infants because
those fed the high-protein formula with casein formulas of a lower fat content may contain
predominant. Those fed the high-protein, casein- higher levels of protein which increase renal
predominant formula developed late metabolic solute load.
acidosis. Serum protein levels were lowest in To meet the normal infant's requirement for
infants fed breast milk. essential fatty acids, it is recommended71 that
A major difference between the formulas was infant feedings supply 3% of the total calories in
the higher content of cystine in the breast milk the form of linoleic acid or 300 mg of linoleic acid
and high-whey protein formula. In addition, the per 100 kcal. Proprietary infant formulas with
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their high content of unsaturated fat supply a mineral contents of the bodies of premature and
generous allowance of linoleic acid. term infants.80'81 Body composition data can
provide a rough estimate, at best, of the increase
in minerals that the low-birth-weight infant
The utilization of carbohydrate by the low- would have accrued had he remained in utero.
birth-weight infant differs slightly from that of Because infants with low stores may retain 50%
the full-term infant. Intestinal disaccharidases to 70% of the nutrients they are fed, the levels of
develop early in fetal life72; maltase and sucrase nutrients supplied by formula must be 1.3 to 2
reach mature values by the sixth to eighth month, times those required to meet their needs. It
and lactase reaches it at term. These data suggest appears that minimal levels in formula designed
that the low-birth-weight infant can adequately for full-term infants could probably satisfy re-
digest disaccharides, although there is some quirements of the low-birth-weight infant for
evidence that lactose digestion may not be fully sodium, potassium, chloride, and zinc; would
efficient for the first few days of life.73 Low-birth- probably be borderline in copper; and would
weight infants develop satisfactorily when fed probably be deficient in iron, calcium, and phos-
formulas in which the lactose of the milk has been phorus. Based on these calculations, some changes
augmented with sucrose and when fed lactose- in mineral composition might be made in
free formulas (i.e., formulas based on soy isolates, formulas intended for use by premature infants to
meat or protein hydrolysates and containing achieve a mineral retention equivalent to that in
sucrose and/or dextrose, maltose, and dextrins as utero.
the carbohydrate). Lactose, sucrose, and maltose
oral tolerance tests conducted on 2-week-old,
low-birth-weight infants previously fed formulas Calcium and Phosphorus
containing either lactose or sucrose as the sole Balance studies and roentgenographic findings
carbohydrate revealed no significant differences in low-birth-weight infants suggest that formulas
in the utilization of these three disaccharides, made from cow's milk with higher calcium and
despite the presence or absence of the substrate phosphorus levels provide greater retention of
sugar in the diet for the two weeks preceding the calcium and phosphorus and increased minerali-
test.74 In another study of dietary sugars, infants zation of the skeleton than does human
grew equally well on soy-isolate formulas milk.64'82-84 Although earlier studies85'86 suggested
containing sucrose or dextrose,75 and a slightly that the low phosphorus content of human milk
lesser rate with lactose. was the limiting factor in skeleton mineralization,
Lactose, as the natural sugar of human milk, work by Day et al.87 suggests that the underminer-
has been the usual choice for addition to a cow's alization of bone observed in premature infants
milk formula to increase the carbohydrate fed human milk may also be caused by an
content up to that of human milk. However, a inadequate calcium intake. In the Day et al.87
recent study with cow's milk formulas found that study of low-birth-weight infants (less than 1,300
the addition of sucrose rather than lactose to the g), infants fed a proprietary formula supple-
milk base resulted in a lower incidence of diar- mented with calcium lactate (total calcium, 154
rhea and metabolic acidosis,76 which appears to mg/ 100 kcal) showed a better-defined bone
support the findings of Boellner et al.73 Thus, the texture and wider cortices than infants fed unsup-
slight delay in the maturation of intestinal lactase plemented formula containing 63 mg of calcium
may be of physiological consequence in some per 100 kcal. Fomon et al.54 have calculated that
infants. Usually lactose enhances calcium absorp- premature infants require 132 mg of calcium per
tion in the small intestine77 and promotes a 100 kcal.
fermentative, less putrefactive bacterial flora78'79 Infant formulas fed to low-birth-weight infants
and reduces the incidence of constipation. in the United States (Table II) contain higher
levels of calcium and phosphorus than those
supplied by human milk, but they are generally
lower than the level used by Day et al.87 or that
Two thirds of the mineral content of the body recommended by Fomon et al.54 In clinical
of the full-term infant is deposited during the last studies in which low-birth-weight infants were
two months of gestation. The amounts of minerals fed current proprietary formulas88'89 or earlier
the preterm infant must retain from the diet to formulas of comparable calcium and phosphorus
achieve the mineral composition of the full-term content,36'90 no apparent abnormalities of cal-
infant might be estimated from the differences in cium/phosphorus metabolism were noted, offer-
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Nutrient Minimum Human Enfamil PM60/40 Premature Similac SMA Similac

Level Milk60 Formula (13, 24,
Recoin- or 27 Calo-
mendedt riesloz)
Protein, g 1.8t 1.3-1.6 2.3 2.3 2.8 2.3 2.3 2.7
Fat, g 3.3§ 5 5.5 5.2 5.1 5.3 5.3 5.3
Carbohydrate, g 10.3 10.3 11.1 11.5 10.6 10.7 10.3
Ash, mg 300 530 320 680 530 370 580
Vitamin A, IU 250 250 250 370 250 370 390 370
Vitamin D, IU 40 3 63 60 63 60 63 60
Vitamin E, IU 0.3(0.7)11 0.3 1.9 2.2 1.9 2.2 1.4 2.2
Vitamin K, jg 4 2 9 4 9 14 9 4
Vitamin C, mg 8 7.8 8.1 8.1 8.0 8.1 8.6 8.1
Thiamin, jig 40 25 78 96 78 96 105 96
Riboflavin, ,jg 60 60 94 147 94 147 156 147
Niacin, ,ug 250 250 1,250 1,074 1,250 1,030 780 1,000
Vitamin B6, Lg 35¶ 15 63 49 63 60 63 60
Folic acid, ug 4 4 16 7.3 16 7.3 8 7.3
Pantothenic acid, ,ug 300 300 470 440 470 440 310 440
Vitamin B12, lAg 0.15 0.15 0.3 0.22 0.3 0.22 0.16 0.22
Biotin, ,tg 1.5 1.0 2.5 1.7 2.5 1.5 3.0 1.5
Inositol, mg 4 20 5 7.5 6 5.0 5.5
Choline, mg 7 13 7 18.8 7 15 13 25
Calcium, mg 50 50 80 60 156 75 66 102
Phosphorus, mg 25# 25 70 30 78 57 49 79
Magnesium, mg 6 6 7 6 10 6 8 6
Iron, mg 0.1500 0.1 0.2tt 0.4 0.2 Tracett 1.9 Tracett
Iodine, ,ug 5 4-9 10 6 8 15 10 15
Copper, ug 60 60 100 62 100 60 70 60
Zinc, mg 0.5 0.5 0.65 0.59 0.65 0.74 0.55 0.74
Manganese, ug 5
5 1.5 160 5 160 5 23 5
mg 20# 24 42 23 40 32 24 38
mEq 0.9# 1.0 1.8 1.0 1.7 1.6 1.0 1.7
mg 80 81 102 85 110 103 83 126
mEq 2.1 2.1 2.6 2.2 2.8 2.5 2.1 3.2
mg 55 55 80 66 85 79 55 94
mEq 1.6 1.6 2.3 2.0 2.4 2.3 1.6 2.7
Renal solute load01 ... 11.3 16 14.3 18.1 16.2 13.6 18.4
°Per 100 kcal.
tCommittee on Nutrition recommendations7" for formula for full-term infants per 100 kcal.
VProtein of a nutritional quality equivalent to casein.
§Including a minimum of 300 mg of essential fatty acids.
IlCommittee on Nutrition recommendation different for low-birth-weight infants; also 1.0 IU/g linoleic acid.
Minimum of 15 ,ug of vitamin B6 per gram of protein.
*Some evidence for higher requirement for low-birth-weight infant.
@01.0 mg in iron-fortified formula.
ttl.5 mg in iron-fortified formula.
t$Calculated by the method of Ziegler and Fomon.?5

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ing some assurance that current ranges of Without supplemental iron, the body stores of
concentrations are not grossly inadequate for the iron will be depleted sometime after 2 months of
feeding of low-birth-weight infants. age rather than after 4 to 6 months of age, as in
The hypocalcemia-hyperphosphatemia syn- the normal, full-term infant.93 Orally adminis-
drome seen in normal term neonates fed undi- tered iron is well absorbed.94
luted cow's milk has been attributed to immature Although the greater need for iron by the low-
homeostatic control of serum phosphate.88 This birth-weight infant has been interpreted to indi-
suggests that formulas for low-birth-weight cate that iron-fortified formulas be given as early
infants should have a calcium/phosphorus ratio as possible, recent findings show that iron-supple-
approaching that of human milk (2.0:1), or at least mented formulas increase the susceptibility of
between 1.1:1 and 2.0:1, as recommended for infants to vitamin E deficiency and hemolytic
formulas fed to full-term infants.7 anemia, especially when formulas are high in
polyunsaturated fatty acids.5 95 (See discussion of
vitamin E.) These studies leave unresolved the
The recommended minimum requirement for question of whether supplementary iron should
magnesium in formula for the term infant was be started at 2 months of age or shortly after
based on the amount present in human milk, 6 birth.93 They also suggest that formulas for low-
mg/100 kcal.71 Clinical experience suggests that birth-weight infants containing more than 1 mg of
this amount also suffices for the low-birth-weight iron per 100 kcal should contain moderate
infant. Average serum magnesium levels of the amounts of polyunsaturated fats (and ample
neonatal, low-birth-weight infant are similar to vitamin E in an absorbable form), and that those
adult values.89 Low levels are not uncommon in with higher amounts of polyunsaturated fats
the first few days of life, particularly in the small- should contain about 0.1 mg of iron per 100 kcal,'
for-gestational-age group, but they rise to adult which is roughly equivalent to the iron present in
values within days after feeding of conventional breast milk.
formulas.89 Another, more speculative reason for tempo-
Magnesium depletion has been observed in rarily delaying the use of iron-fortified formula in
infants suffering from the gross malnutrition of low-birth-weight infants comes from recent
kwashiorkor,9' and hypomagnesemia, as is true evidence that two iron-binding proteins in human
with hypocalcemia, may result from high phos- milk (lactoferrin and transferrin) lose their bacte-
phate feedings.92 But, there have been no reports riostatic action when saturated with iron.93 The
of magnesium deficiency in healthy, low-birth- bacteriostatic properties of these proteins may be
weight infants fed formulas of magnesium content especially important to low-birth-weight infants
equal to or in moderate excess over that in human in the early weeks of life.
milk. Low-birth-weight infants have been main- Thus, even though the Committee on Nutrition
tained for prolonged periods on IV feeding continues to recommend that low-birth-weight
containing 2 mg of magnesium per 100 kcal.2f If infants receive 2 mg of iron per kilogram per day
the low-birth-weight infant can absorb 33% of the starting at age 2 months or earlier, one cannot
magnesium in the formula-a reasonable as- categorically require that formulas provide this
sumption-the 6 mg/100 kcal required in the level of iron from birth. Thus, formulas for low-
formula would readily supply the 2 mg/ 100 kcal birth-weight infants may provide either 0.1 mg or
given intravenously. 1.5 mg of iron per 100 kcal. If they provide the
higher level of iron, they should contain ample
vitamin E and a moderate level of polyunsatu-
The low-birth-weight infant is especially rated fatty acids.
susceptible to the development of iron deficiency Copper
anemia because its stores of iron are much smaller
than those of a full-term infant, and they are The recommended level of copper in infant
insufficient to last over a prolonged period when formulas is 60 pgg/100 kcal.71 This level is based on
growth must be rapid. Erythrocyte and hemo- early data on human milk. Although copper
globin levels are high at birth; the hemoglobin deficiency has not been noted in normal infants
iron released by destruction of old RBCs is on customary feedings, several reports96-98 have
salvaged and stored for future use. Active erythro- indicated that copper deficiency may develop in
poiesis resumes between 1 and 2 months of age, small infants fed formulas not supplemented with
and rapidly decreases the size of the iron reserve. copper. Recent data suggest that an intake of 90

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gtl100 kcal is desirable for low-birth-weight recommended for full-term infants71 until further
infants.99 work confirms a higher, suggested need.
Iodine Vitamins
The recommended minimum requirement of Table II shows the levels of vitamins recom-
normal infants (5 ,ug of iodine per 100 keal)71 was mended by the Committee as minimum levels for
also based on the iodine content of human milk. infant formulas for full-term infants.7' These
The uptake of radioactive iodine by the thyroid apply to formulas based on milk and milk substi-
gland of premature infants has been found to be in tutes. The Committee recommends that the same
the normal range for children and adults100; there- levels apply to formulas for low-birth-weight
fore, we can assume that 5 ,ug of iodine per 100 infants, except for vitamin E.
kcal is also adequate for the low-birth-weight However, even with proprietary formulas
infant. containing adequate levels of vitamins, premature
Zinc and Manganese and low-birth-weight infants often consume much
less than 120 kcal/kg/day during the early weeks
The Committee on Nutrition has recently of life, and they may not receive sufficient vita-
proposed that infant formulas for full-term infants mins to prevent deficiency. For example, rickets
supply 0.5 mg of zinc and 5 ,ug of manganese per has been found in premature infants fed proprie-
100 kcal.7' There is no basis for modifying these tary formulas containing 400 IU of vitamin D per
recommended levels for low-birth-weight in- liter,104 and. folate and vitamin B1, deficiencies
fants. have also been noted'05-'08 when the infants
Other Trace Minerals
consumed a small volume of formula. Therefore,
the Committee recommends that low-birth-
Although other minerals (such as cobalt, weight infants receive an intramuscular injection
molybdenum, selenium, and chromium) are of 1 to 2 mg of vitamin K at birth and a daily, oral,
probably essential in trace amounts for infants, multivitamin supplement providing the recom-
there is no information on which to base recom- mended daily allowance of vitamins for infants as
mendations at this time. Fluoride is usually established by the Food and Drug Administra-
provided in supplements or as fluoridated tion.'09
water. The vitamin E requirement of low-birth-weight
infants merits special consideration.
Sodium, Chloride, and Potassium 1. Absorption of vitamin E by these infants is
The daily requirements of low-birth-weight poor; Gordon et al.1"0 showed that the levels of
infants for sodium, chloride, and potassium can vitamin E usually found in formulas-which are
only be roughly estimated from tissue composi- adequate to maintain normal serum tocopherol
tion (Table II), because obligatory losses in the levels in term infants-were not sufficient to do so
urine and feces and from the skin vary consider- in premature infants. Recently, it was shown that
ably. water-soluble forms of vitamin E improve absorp-
Minimum levels of sodium, chloride, and potas- tion and result in higher' serum tocopherol
sium recommended by the Committee on Nutri- levels."'
tion for new formula standards were based on 2. The requirement for vitamin E increases as
levels in human milk and should be sufficient for the level of polyunsaturated fats in the diet
low-birth-weight infants. There have been a few increases.93 Thus, when formulas are high in
reports'01-'03 of hyponatremia in low-birth-weight polyunsaturated fats, the infant needs more
infants fed a formula with a concentration of vitamin E.
sodium similar to that in human milk. Fomon et 3. When iron levels in the formula are high,
al.54 also suggest that the level of sodium in the requirement for vitamin E by low-birth-
human milk is not sufficient for the premature weight infants also increases. For example, low-
infant; they recommend 30 mg of sodium per 100 birth-weight infants receiving a formula supple-
kcal. mented with iron (12 mg/liter) and high in
The Committee on Nutrition recommends that, polyunsaturated fats have a greater incidence of
to prevent dehydration and disturbances of acid- RBC hemolysis and lower serum tocopherol levels
base balances, minimum and maximum levels of than infants receiving formula that has a low level
sodium, chloride, and potassium in formulas for of iron and is low in polyunsaturated fats.94
low-birth-weight infants be the same as those Therefore, the Committee on Nutrition recom-

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mends that formula fed to premature infants ml/kg/day will support the desired weight gain
should provide 0.7 IU of vitamin E per 100 kcal in most infants.
and at least 1.0 IU of vitamin E per gram of An appropriate requirement for protein equiv-
linoleic acid. In addition, the multivitamin alent to casein for the low-birth-weight infant
supplement given to low-birth-weight infants would appear to fall in the range of 2.5 to 5.0
should provide 5 IU of vitamin E, preferably in g/kg/day, or 2.25 to 4.5 g/100 kcal. A more
water-soluble form. precise statement of optimal protein quantity
awaits the definition of optimal protein quality
Formula Compositions for low-birth-weight infants. Evidence has been
Table II shows the composition of major accumulating that some amino acids considered
proprietary formulas available for feeding full- nonessential for the normal infant are indispens-
term and low-birth-weight infants, the average able to low-birth-weight infants. Thus, the
composition of human milk, and the recent apparent normal growth of infants fed breast milk
recommendations of the Committee on Nutri- supplying 1.7 g of protein per kilogram of body
tion71 for proposed standards for infant formula. weight may be caused in part by its distribution of
This information is presented in units per 100 amino acids. For the larger low-birth-weight
kcal-which relate specific nutrient needs to infant, recommendations similar to those for the
caloric requirements-and is particularly useful in term infant, including the desirability of breast
discussing formulas for low-birth-weight infants feeding, apply.71
because it allows easy comparison of formulas of Fat mixtures in formulas currently in use
differing caloric densities. include unsaturated vegetable oils and/or me-
In many instances, formulas for term infants are dium-chain triglycerides, which are well ab-
used for feeding low-birth-weight infants, and, in sorbed. Although good absorption of fat is impor-
other instances, special formulas are available for tant-not only for energy requirements but also to
premature and low-birth-weight infants. enhance the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins
Discussions in this statement suggest that levels and certain minerals-other aspects must be
of some nutrients in formulas for low-birth-weight considered in the selection of ideal formula fat
infants should be somewhat higher than the compositions for low-birth-weight infants. The
minimum levels proposed by the Committee for fatty acid composition of the diet influences the
full-term infants; however, all of these recom- composition of body lipids, especially in low-
mendations can be met within the proposed birth-weight infants who have meager stores of
standards for infant formulas.7 body fat. Fat mixtures should not be too saturated
or too unsaturated.
The occurrence of hemolytic anemia in low-
Conclusions birth-weight infants has been related to the
The optimal diet for the low-birth-weight polyunsaturated fat, vitamin E, and iron content
infant may be defined as one that supports a rate of the formula. The fortification of infant
of growth approximating that of the third formulas with vitamin E, related to the polyunsat-
trimester of intrauterine life, without imposing urated fatty acid content, is particularly impor-
stress on the developing metabolic or excretory tant for the low-birth-weight infant because poor
systems. Cell division and growth of all tissues in absorption of naturally occurring vitamin E by
the infant should proceed at a rapid rate; undue low-birth-weight infants makes them more
delay in the resumption of growth may have susceptible to a deficiency. This is especially
serious and lasting consequences. The attainment important if iron-supplemented formulas are used
of an adequate caloric intake is the primary in the early weeks of life.
requirement, and this may be facilitated by the Recent evidence indicates that some mineral
feeding of formulas of caloric density greater than requirements (e.g., calcium, sodium, copper) of
that of human milk. However, the feeding of this the low-birth-weight infant may be greater per
type of formula requires special attention to avoid 100 kcal than for full-term infants. This suggests
too high an osmolar load and to provide sufficient that slightly higher levels of these minerals be
water. The use of continuous intragastric or present in formulas for low-birth-weight infants
intrajejunal drip with formulas providing 67 or 81 than the minimum levels proposed by the
kcal/dl also may be a safe and practical means of Committee for full-term infants.
increasing caloric intake. Caloric intakes of about Low body stores of vitamins, possible defects in
120 kcal/kg/day in formula volumes of 150 to 200 absorption (particularly of fat-soluble vitamins),

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17. Aperia A, Broberger 0, Thodenius K, Zetterstrom R:
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Published case reports of unexpected deaths of infants during sleep prior to
the early decades of the 20th century routinely attributed the infant's death
either to overlaying of the mother or wet-nurse, or after the 1840s, to
suffocation by an enlarged thymus. The two cases in letter form reported
below are of historic interest because they are among the first to infer that
unexpected infant death during sleep might be due to natural causes.
To the Editor of THE LANCET.
Sir,-I have lately been called upon to examine two children, who, without having been
previously indisposed, were found'dead in bed.
In the first case the child was about six months old, and was lying in bed with its mother, who
discovered in the middle of the night that it was dead. An inquest was held upon the body, and I
was directed, in the absence of anything like testimony as to the cause of its dissolution, to make
a post-mortem investigation. I should mention that the mother stated positively that the child
had not lain near her, .and that it was impossible it could have been suffocated, either from its
mouth having been applied to any part of her person or to the bed linen.
I found nothing unusual in the cavity of the skull,-no engorgement of the vessels,-no
sanguineous or serous effusion. The viscera of the belly were in every respect of healthy
appearance, and there was nothing in the stomach to indicate that it had come by its death
unfairly. In the chest, however, I found, upon the surface of the thymus gland, numerous spots of
extravasated blood, similar spots upon the surface of the lower and back parts of each lung, and
many patches of ecchymosis upon the margin of the right ventricle of the heart, and along the
course of the trunk of the coronary vein. There was no engorgement, however, of the pulmonary
vessels, of the coronaries, or of the vessels of the thymus.
In the second case the child was five months old. It had been pretty well, had been suckled by
its mother, and laid in bed upon its side, and in about an hour and a half afterwards was
discovered to be dead. There was some frothy matter in and about the mouth, and its hands were
firmly clenched. From the position in which it was found it was impossible it could have been
The appearances exhibited in the autopsy were strikingly the same as in the first case. The
contents of the skull and belly were in a perfectly natural condition. The extravasated spots upon
the thymus gland were more numerous than in the first case, and those upon the heart and the
surface of the lungs were fewer in number. There was about half an ounce of serous fluid in the
In these cases one naturally asks,-what was the cause of death? The similarity of the post-
mortem appearances would lead one to suppose that the cause must in each case have been the
In the first case I was strongly disposed to think, in spite of the evidence of the mother, that
the child must have been destroyed by overlaying it; but after the occurrence of the last case,
where, from all the testimony that could be obtained, it seemed impossible that the child could
have been suffocated, as it was lying in bed by itself, and was not obstructed in its breathing by
the bed-clothes, I confess that the opinion I had formed was a good deal shaken, and that I
became almost entirely at a loss how to account for death in either. In both cases there seems to
have been, from some cause or other, a sudden and violent action of the heart,-and numerous
small vessels, from the increased force of its contraction, appear as a consequence to have given
way. But so trifling a lesion could hardly, in either instance, be supposed to be of itself sufficient
to produce death, and it is with the hope that some of your correspondents who may have seen
similar cases, and who may be better able to offer an explanation of the phenomena they present
than I am, will take the' trouble of enlightening me upon the subject, that I am induced to
forward you this communication.
Derby, Oct. 19, 1834 Saml W. Fearn
Noted by T. E. C., Jr., M.D.
From Feam SW: Sudden and unexplained death in children. Lancet 1:246, 1834.
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Nutritional Needs of Low-Birth-Weight Infants
Pediatrics 1977;60;519

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Nutritional Needs of Low-Birth-Weight Infants
Pediatrics 1977;60;519

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