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Unit 2 Location

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Unit 2 Location

Section 1 Presentation
1. Look at this diagram of a building under construction in the southern
part of a building site:

railway line


irrigation ditch West South

building site

Vehicular access open space

pedestrian access

Now look at the examples and complete the following sentences:

Example: The front of the building faces west.
It is a west-facing wall.

a. The back of the building …………

It is ………………………………
b. The sides of the building …………
They are …………………………

Example: The long axis of the building is orientated east-west.

The orientation of the long axis is east-west.

c. The short axis of the building …………

The orientation ……………….

Example: The longer walls of the building face north and south to
minimize the area of wall exposed to the sun.

d. The shorter walls of the building …………

Example: The site is bounded by a road to the west.

A road runs along the western boundary.

e. The site ……………………… an irrigation ditch ………….

An irrigation ditch ……………………….
f. The site is bounded by ……………… to the east.
………….. runs along the eastern boundary.

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Example: The site has vehicular access from the road to the west.
It does not have vehicular access from the north, south or east.

g. The site has ………………the open space ……………

It does not have …………………

2. Now complete this:

The building is approximately …………….. in shape. It is bounded by
……….. to the north, ……………to the east and ………….. to the west.
Vehicular access is from a …………, which …….. the western boundary.
The long axis of the building is ……… east-west to minimise …………..

3. Now write a similar description of a building site in your local area.

4. Look at these diagrams and answer the following questions:

North solar radiation

House A


path of sun

a. In which direction do the longer walls of house A face?

b. Does this maximize the area of wall exposed to the sun?
c. Does this help to keep the inside of the house cool?

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West House B East

path of sun

d. In which direction is the long axis of house B orientated?

e. Will the inside of house B be cooler than the inside of house A? Why?


House C House D
West East

prevailing breeze

f. Which house has the minimum length of wall exposed to the prevailing
g. Which house has the best orientation for a hot country?
h. In a warm-humid country with the prevailing wind from the east, what is
the best orientation for the long axis of a house? Draw a diagram.

5. Read this :
Four factors which can influence the orientation of buildings are:
1. Climate
2. View
3. Building site requirements, e.g. the shape of a building site may
determine the orientation of a building
4. The function of the building, e.g. a coastguard building will look
out to the sea.
Now look at some local buildings and say which factors have helped to determine
their orientation.

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Section 2 Development
6. Look and read:
Look at this drawing of the exterior of single-storey house:

The side walls are perpendicular

at right angles to the front wall.

The front wall is parallel to the

A back wall.
The ground slab foundation
extends beyond the perimeter
canopy walls.

The roof of the house is removed by cutting along line A-B which is parallel to the

Now look at a cut-way view of the interior of the house:

A view looking straight down on a cut-away view of the interior of a building is

known as a plan:
North Looking north, the living room is on the
bath right of the house.
room kitchen
Living Looking north, the bedroom is to the left
room of the living room.
The kitchen is next to the living
adjacent to

Viewed from the front, the kitchen is

behind the bedroom (or, the bedroom is
in front of the kitchen).
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Views at right angles the front, rear and sides of building are known as elevations:

Viewed from the front, the chimney

stack is on the right-hand side of the

canopy There is a lintel over the window


There is a sill under the window


There is a window at the top of the

South elevation
The knocker is in the centre of the

The letter box is at the bottom of the


There are windows on either side of

the door.

The door is between the windows.

Now look at this elevation of the house and answer the questions:

down pipe
waste pipe

a. Is this the north or west elevation of the house?

b. Which wall is parallel to it?
c. Which walls are at right angles to it?
d. Does the back door have a canopy over it?
e. Is the window shown on the right of the elevation the kitchen window or the
bathroom window?
f. What is between the back door and the bathroom window?
g. Looking south, where is the living room?
h. Which room is to the left of the bathroom and adjacent to the living room?
i. What is under the bathroom window?
j. Where do flue gases come out of the chimney stack?
k. What is at the bottom of the chimney stack?

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l. What are on either side of the windows?
m. What is on the left-hand side of the living room?
n. What extends beyond the top of the roof
o. Which rooms are in front of the bedroom?
p. What is in the centre of the chimney stack?
q. Which room is behind the kitchen?
r. What runs along the edge of the roof?
s. Where is the down pipe?

7. Study these plans of a two-storey house:

bathroom 1 bathroom 2 toilet


kitchen family room

bedroom 2 hall

roof main dinning
garage room
bedroom living room
bedroom 4 bedroom 3 entrance

covered porch

First floor plan Ground floor plan

Now say whether these statements are true or false. Correct the false statements.

a). The dining room is located under the main bedroom.

b). A hall is located in the centre of the first floor.
c). There are three adjacent bathrooms on the first floor.
d). There is a toilet between the kitchen and the dining room
e). Bedroom 2 is situated over the family room.
f). There is a cupboard under the stairs.
g). Bedrooms occupy most of the ground floor.
h). Viewed from the front, the dining room is on the left of the entrance.
i). Viewed from the rear, the living room is behind the family room.
j). Entering the house from the garage, you pass through the living room to
enter the family room.
k). The entrance is situated at the bottom of the stairs.
l). The kitchen and family room are located on either side of the toilet.
m). A door in the garage leads to the kitchen.

8. Say where these rooms are in relation to each other:

a. kitchen – dining room
b. bathroom 1 – kitchen
c. cupboard – bedroom 2, bedroom 3

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9. Read this:
When the architect designed the house, he placed the bedrooms away from the
living room (A). He also placed the kitchen next to the dinning room (B) and
the bathrooms near the bedrooms (C). On the outside of the house he placed a
covered porch over the entrance (D).

Each of the following sentences will fit into one of the spaces in the above
passage which are marked by the letters A, B, C, D. Match these sentences
with these letters.

a. because people need to wash before going to bed

b. because people waiting to enter the house need protecting from the
c. because the noise from the living room will disturb people sleeping
d. because it makes serving food easier

10. Look at this plan for a single-storey house:

Now read this discussion between an architect and his client:

Client : I don’t like this plan because the dining room and the kitchen are
on opposite sides of the house.
Architect : So what!
Client : well, it is a long way to carry the food.
Architect : Does that matter very much?
Client : Yes. I think it does, because the food will get cold on its way
from the kitchen to the dining room.

Make similar discussion between the architect and his client complaining about:
a. the relative position of the bathroom and the bedroom
b. the relative position of the bedroom and the living room
c. the lack of a covered porch over the entrance

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Section 3 Reading
11. Read this description of house A:
The house is a single-storey building with a square-shaped plan. It contains
seven rooms. The entrance which is located on the south side leads into a hall.
On the left of the hall is the living room and beyond that in the north-west
corner is the dining area. The kitchen is adjacent to the dining area. A terrace
is situated outside the living room on the west side. A toilet is located in the
centre of the house. Access to the toilet is from the hall. The two bedrooms are
located on the east side with a bathroom between them. There is also an
entrance to the kitchen on the north side.

Match the letters with the names of the areas.

12. Now write a description of house B:

13. Say whether these statements are true of house A, house B or both. Then
make statements comparing the two houses.
Example: This house contains eight rooms.
Answer: house B

House A contains seven rooms whereas House B contains eight


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a. The front door of this house opens inwards.
b. The toilet is located in the south-east corner of the house.
c. The terrace extends the whole length of the western wall.
d. It has a longer and narrower shaped plan.
e. The kitchen door opens outwards.
f. The bathroom has a window.
g. This house has a study.
h. It does not have a separate dining room.
i. The windows of the living room face west.
j. The kitchen window faces north.

14. Now design a single-storey house and compare your plan with house A.

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