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Continual Energy Management System of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Hybrid Power Electric Vehicles

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MATEC Web of Conferences 4 4, 0 2 0 19 (2016 )

DOI: 10.1051/ m atecconf/ 2016 4 4 0 2 0 19

C Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2016

Continual Energy Management System of Proton Exchange Membrane

Fuel Cell Hybrid Power Electric Vehicles

Yuan Rena, Zhi Dan Zhong, Zhi Wen Zhang, Tian Yu Luo
School of Mechatronics Engineering, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471003, Henan Province, China

Abstract. Current research status in energy management of Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell hybrid
power electric vehicles are first described in this paper, and then build the PEMFC/ lithium-ion battery/ ultra-
capacitor hybrid system model. The paper analysis the key factors of the continuous power available in PEM fuel cell
hybrid power electric vehicle and hybrid power system working status under different driving modes. In the end this
paper gives the working flow chart of the hybrid power system and concludes the three items of the system
performance analysis.

1 Introduction management system is able to ensure the low frequency

of the power demand can be deals with the PEMFC and
Fuel cell hybrid power electric vehicles mean one or two the super capacitor can supply all the high frequency
auxiliary storage device(s) applied to the fuel cell electric components which could damage the PEMFC membrane.
vehicles [1]. Then the key technology of the power This paper analyses the current research status in the
control is to coordinate the fuel cell system and auxiliary energy management of Proton Exchange Membrane
storage device and the electric-drive system according to (PEM) fuel cell hybrid power electric vehicles. Then
the rapidly changing load. The goal of the power build the PEMFC/ lithium-ion battery/ ultra-capacitor
management is to improve the vehicle efficiency while Simulink model and gives the working flow chart of the
maintaining the power balance of the vehicle under hybrid power system under different driving mode,
different working conditions. In this work, we just study concludes the three items of the system performance
the energy management of the Proton Exchange analysis.
Membrane (PEM) fuel cell hybrid power electric vehicle.
There are different approaches in the literatures to
analysis the power management in the PEM fuel cell 2 Modeling of the Energy management
hybrid power systems. Ref. [2] discusses the impact of of the PEMFC Hybrid Power System
the different power management strategies on the PEM
fuel cell vehicles and concludes that the serial power train The basic configuration of the PEMFC powered
is shown to be more efficient than the parallel one. Diego hybrid system is shown in Fig.1. The hybrid system is
Feroldi[3] uses the concept of the preceding horizon with composed of the PEMFC , Energy Store System (ESS)
the predictions of a PEM fuel cell hybrid power system include the batteries and the ultra-capacitor, the uni-
( PEM fuel cell, renewable sources and batteries) with the directional DC/DC converter ,the bi--directional DC/DC
future generation from the renewable sources(wind and converter, the Power management system[6].
solar),the future load and the state of charge(SOC) in the The main source of the hybrid system is the PEMFC
battery. The results show that a reduction in the loss of which is connected to the uni-directional DC/DC
power supply probability (LPSP) is up to 88% which converter that can raise the low voltage delivered by the
compared with the case without predictions. Rupendra PEMFC to DC bus. The batteries and the ultra-capacitor
Kumar Pachauri[4] compares different types of fuel cells are used as ESS to supply the output power during the
and power management schemes. In reference [5], the acceleration or for the energy recovery during braking.
author proposes a original control algorithm of the The Energy Store System is connected to the bi-
distributed generation supplied by a PEM fuel cell main directional DC/DC converter which allows the charge
sources, and the storage devices: super capacitor and and discharge of the batteries and the ultra-capacitor.
batteries. Qi Li [6] adopts the power sharing strategy for In order to distribute the demand power, the PMS
a PEM Fuel cell hybrid power systems (combined with determines the reference power signals for the energy
Li-ion battery and super capacitor) based on a generation unit and the energy storage unit by regulating
combination of fuzzy logic control (FLC) and Haar the unidirectional and bidirectional DC/DC converters.
wavelet transform (Haar-WT).The proposed the energy
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Figure 1. Power management of the PEMFC/Battery/UC powered hybrid systems

2.1 Modelling of the PEMFC

2.2 Modelling of energy storage unit (Batteries
and the ultra-capacitor)
In our study, we choose PEMFC as the generation unit.
The simulated model of the PEMFC is shown as The simulated values of the lithium-ion battery parameters
Fig.2.The inputs are the voltage of the stack and stack are shown as the Table1, the lithium-ion battery
current. discharge characteristic is shown as Fig.4. The equivalent
circuit of the ultra-capacitor is shown as Fig.5.
Table 1. Values of lithium-ion battery parameters


Nominal voltage 23.1(V)

Rated Capacity 11.5(Ah)

Initial State-Of-

Figure 2. PEMFC simulated model

Figure 3. PEMFC V-I curve Figure 4. Lithium-ion battery discharge characteristic


3 Power management schemes and
Performance analysis

3.1. Power management schemes
The hybrid power system works at different status under
Figure 5. The equivalent circuit of the ultra-capacitor different driving conditions. The Fig.8 shows the PEM
FC, lithium-ion battery and ultra-capacitor working flow
chart under different driving modes.
2.3 Modelling of DC/DC converters (1)At the start up mode, the whole vehicle electrical
energy comes from the lithium-ion battery and then it
The unidirectional DC/DC converter for the PEMFC and the starts PEMFC up.
bidirectional DC/DC converter for lithium-ion battery and ultra- (2)At the accelerate or climbing mode, the vehicle
capacitor are shown in Fig.6 and Fig.7. electrical energy is provided by the PEM FC , lithium-ion
battery and the ultra-capacitor(UC) .
(3)When the vehicle is at the even speed driving mode,
the main power is provided by the PEM FC, and if the
SOC of the lithium-ion battery and UC are low, the
PEMFC may charge to the lithium-ion battery and UC.
(4)At the abrupt accelerate mode, the PEM FC stops
work because it couldn’t bear the wave load, at this time
the lithium-ion battery and UC starts undertake the
change, and the UC undertake the high frequency parts.
(5)During the braking mode, the output of PEM FC is
single direction, so it can’t absorb the feedback current,
then the lithium-ion battery and UC are composed of the
brake energy regeneration.

Figure6. Unidirectional DC/DC converter topology for PEMFC 3.2 Performance analysis

3.2.1Continuous power available

The hybrid power system must be consistently supplied

during the operation. To be safe guard, it is necessary to
prepare a backup power source to prevent the primary
power source to be interrupted. Then the backup power
source can support the power demand when critical
power load required.

Figure 7. Bidirectional DC/DC converter topology for lithium-

ion battery and ultra-capacitor

climbing even speed
Start up

PEMFC ,lithium-ion PEMFC charge to

Vehicle lithium-ion lithium-ion battery
PEMFC start up battery and UC
Start up battery start up
hybrid working and UC


UCˈ lithium-ion lithium-ion battery and UC

battery working working
Off operation
(Brake energy
( UC undertake high frequency)


Figure 8. Hybrid power system working flow chart under different driving modes

MATEC Web of Conferences

3.2.2 Hybrid system stability

The hybrid power electric vehicles are consists of energy

generation unit, storage unit and converters, which are
affected by the temperature and load variation. The
change of the power demand may cause instability of
the power system as all units are interconnected. So
the management system must be well designed to
ensure the system operates at its nominal power.

3.2.3 On-board energy management

In the PEM fuel cell hybrid power electric vehicles, the

transient changes in load demand may occur frequently
which may be have damage to the PEMFC membrane
due to oscillated pressure and the oxygen starvation,
and that may reduce the lifetime of the PEMFC system.
Thus, to ensure PEMFC lifetime prolongation by
preventing the FC system from load changes with high
frequencies, it is necessary to optimize the three power
sources on-board and to meet the requirement load.

4 Conclusions
The paper analyses the current research status in the
energy management of Proton Exchange Membrane
(PEM) fuel cell hybrid power electric vehicles. Then
build the PEMFC/ lithium-ion battery/ ultra-capacitor
Simulink model including the three parts and the
converters model. Then the paper gives the working flow
chart of the hybrid power system under different driving
mode. In the end, the paper concludes the three items of
the system performance analysis.

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