Importance of Management Information System in Service Delivery and Paper Work in Nigeria University
Importance of Management Information System in Service Delivery and Paper Work in Nigeria University
Importance of Management Information System in Service Delivery and Paper Work in Nigeria University
e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 20, Issue 9. Ver. I (September. 2018), PP 30-38
Abstract: The study was on management information system, the study aimed to examine how management of
information system has assisted in service delivery in Nigeria universities; examine how management
information system has assisted in reducing paper work in the universities. The study had a population’s size of
1,928, out of which a sample size of 332 were utilized using Freund and William’s formula. Instrument used for
data collection was primarily and secondary questionnaire. 275 staff returned the questionnaire and correctly
filled. The survey method was adopted for the study. Three hypotheses were formulated and chi-square (x2) was
used for the test with the aid Chi-square (𝜒 2 ) statistical tool for hypotheses one and three and Z-test for
hypothesis two the aid of Special Package of Statistical Software (SPSS). The result was revealed that
management information system has assisted in service delivery to a high extent hence, 𝜒𝑐2 (95,n =150) =
0.889,p<0.5; management information system has assisted in reducing paper work to a large extent, hence,
𝜒𝑐2 (95,n =150) = 36.042,p<0.5. The study concludes that poor management information system has been
identified as a bottleneck in the successful management of universities in Nigeria. The study recommends that
proper orientation should be given to managers at all levels as well as in-service training for secretaries to
ensure proper and adequate use of MIS facilities in generating and disseminating information for better
decisions in the universities.
Keywords: Management Information System, Investment, Organization
Date of Submission: 20-08-2018 Date of acceptance: 06-09-2018
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I. Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
The problem of management information system as an important tool to achieving organizational
objectives is challenging to managers of any organization especially the modern day institutions. No
organization can realized its goals and objective without a conscious effort using a well organized management
information system. All businesses share one common asset, regardless of the type of business. It does not
matter if they manufacture goods or provide services. It is a vital part of any business entity, whether a sole
proprietorship or a multinational corporation. That common asset is information. Information enables us to
determine the need to create new products and services. Information tells us to move into new markets or to
withdraw from other markets (Encyclopedia of Management).
The essence of study is to show the relevance of management information system to management and
to ascertain whether it has helped in facilitating decision making or management and to determine the extent to
which it has enabled planning, control and operational function of an organization (Agu, 2001). The information
system stores documents and revision histories, communication records and operational data. The trick to
exploiting this recording capability is organizing the data and using the system to process and present it as
useful historical information. Manager can use such information to prepare cost estimates and forecasts and to
analyze how manager actions affected the key company indicators (Markgraf, 2017).
activities are executed, monitored, controlled and information are distributed to management, supervisors,
employees and customers.
1.3 Objective of the Study
The main objectives of this study are to critically examine the impact of Management Information System on
the universities. The objective of the study includes to:
i. Examine how management of information system has assisted in service delivery in Nigeria universities
ii. Examine how management information system has assisted in reducing paper work in Nigeria universities.
Management information system use formalized procedures to provide management at all levels in all
functions with appropriate information based on the data from both internal and external sources to enable them
to make timely and effective decision for planning, directing and controlling the activities for which they are
responsible. An effective management information system typically employs computer and other sophisticated
technology to process information that reflects the day to day operations of the company. Based on the above,
management information system is an integrated manual computer system that provides information to support
the operations of managements and the decisions making functions of a company. Management information
system is also a collection of people, procedures and devices organized to convert data from internal and
external sources into information and communicate such information in an appropriate form to management at
all levels Kenneth and Jane Laudon (2003) Dos Santos (1991).
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Importance of Management Information System in service Delivery and Paper
Concept of Investment
An investment is an asset or item that is purchased with the hope that it will generate income or will
appreciate in the future. In an economic sense, an investment is the purchase of goods that are not consumed
today but are used in the future to create wealth. In finance, an investment is a monetary asset purchased with
the idea that the asset will provide income in the future or will be sold at a higher price for a profit. Investment
can be used to refer to any mechanism used for the purpose of generating future income. In the financial sense,
this includes the purchase of bonds, stocks or real estate property. Additionally, the constructed building or other
facility used to produce goods can be seen as an investment. The production of goods required to produce other
goods may also be seen as investing (Investopedia).
Concept of Organization
Human beings cannot live in isolation. They are unable to fulfill their needs and desires alone, because
any one individual lacks the strength, ability, time and potential. In simple words, organisation is viewed as a
group of persons formed to seek certain goals. Organisation is not a new and modern invention or phenomenon
(Diksha, 2017). Organisations are defined as collectivities that have been established for the pursuit of relatively
specific objectives on a more or less continuous basis. Organisations have more or less fixed boundaries, a
normative order, authority rank, a communication system and an incentive system which enables various types
of participants to work together in the pursuit of common goals. Organisation is the process so combining the
work which individuals or groups have to perform with the facilities necessary for its execution, that the duties
so performed provide the best channels for the efficient, systematic, positive and coordinated application of the
available effort (Diksha, 2017).
making it possible to process large quantities of information, and synchronise and share it. Management
information systems are used to process information both at strategic and operational level to monitor activities,
assess and plan new services, and monitor trends which enable senior managers to effectively manage the
strategic direction of an organisation. Management information systems play an important role in measuring
organisational performance. The purpose of the study was to describe the role of management information
systems (MIS) in measuring organisational performance in the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Arts & Culture. A
case study approach was used to investigate the research problem. Managers of the core programmes of the
department were included in the study. Face-to-face interviews and self-administered questionnaires were used
to collect data. The study concluded that the role of MIS in measuring organisational performance was limited
in the department. The department did not have an integrated PMIS (performance management information
system) or adequate capacity to develop and manage such a system. The study recommends that the department
should formalise its performance measurement framework and build capacity to fully implement a PMIS.
Further studies should include participants who are not in management and should examine the records
management systems in greater detail.
IV. Methodology
The study used a survey to evaluate the impact of management information system on the performance
of universities in Nigeria. The survey approach was adopted because the respondents were spread all over the
Institutions that make up the study organization; hence, the researcher was interested in obtaining their views
through the use of questionnaire and personal interviews. The area of study includes Enugu State University of
Science and Technology (ESUT), University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) and Institute of management and
technology (IMT) Enugu. The idea of choosing the institutions was growing number of staff in the institutions.
Two sources of data were utilized in the study. They included primary and secondary sources. The primary
sources were personal interview and the administration of questionnaire. Out of a population of 1928 staff, 332
staff was sampled. The sample size of 332 was chosen after applying the Freund and William’s formula for the
determination of adequate sample size. 275 staff returned the questionnaire and accurately filled. That gave 83
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Importance of Management Information System in service Delivery and Paper
percent response rate. The closed-ended questionnaire was utilized. The validity of the instrument was tested
using content analysis and the result was good. The reliability was tested using the Pearson correlation
coefficient (r). It gave a reliability co-efficient of 0.92 which was also good. The data were analyzed using
Pearson product of moment correlation for hypothesis one, Chi-square (𝜒 2 ) for hypothesis, Z-test for hypothesis
three with aid of Special package of statistical Software (SPSS).
ESUT 93 73 21 20 6
IMT 32 30 9 2 0
Table 4.1 shows that 332 questionnaires representing 83 percent of the questionnaire were returned, while 57
representing 17 percent were not returned. The table presents analyses and interprets the data collected for the
study. Frequency table and percentages were used for data analysis. A total of three hundred and thirty two
(332) copies of questionnaires were prepared and distributed to the respondents from the three selected
Institutions, a total of 275 were duly completed and returned.
Table 4.1.1 Response on whether diverse workforce planning has effect on employees job satisfaction in
the Universities
ESUT UNN IMT Total Percent
Neutral 4 - 1 5 2
Disagree 13 8 2 22 8
Strongly Disagree 5 7 3 15 6
From table 4.1.1 above, 100 respondents out of 275 representing (36 percent) strongly agree, 133
respondents (48 percent) agree, that diverse workforce planning has effect on employee job satisfaction in
the Universities. 5 respondents (2 percent) were neutral, 22 respondents (8 percent) disagree, while 15
respondents (6 percent) strongly disagree that diverse workforce planning has effect on employees job
satisfaction in the Universities.
Table 4.1.2 Response on whether career development plan for diverse workforce employees increases the
productivity in the universities
ESUT UNN IMT Total Percent
Agree 25 47 11 83 30
Neutral 2 5 2 9 4
Disagree 2 17 3 23 7
Strongly Disagree 4 13 1 17 6
From table 4.1.2 above, 143 respondents out of 275 representing (53 percent) strongly agree, 83
respondents (30 percent) agree, that career development plan for diverse workforce employees increases the
productivity in the universities. 9 respondents (4 percent) were neutral, 23 respondents (7 percent) disagree,
while 17 respondents (6 percent) strongly disagree that career development plan for diverse workforce
employees increases the productivity in the universities.
Table 4.2.1 Hypothesis One: Management information system has assisted in service
delivery to a high extent
Mean Std. Deviation N
Management of information system 1.98818 1.26276 275
Service industry 2.3818 1.29979 275
Source: Field Survey 2017.
Table 4.2.1 Hypothesis One: Management information system has assisted in service
delivery to a high extent
Management Service
of information industry
Management of information system Pearson correlation sig. 1 .889**
(2-tailed) N 275 .000
Service industry Pearson Correlation sig. (2- .889**
tailed)N .000 1
275 275
** Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed)
Decision Rule
If the calculated correlation coefficient (r) is greater than the critical correlation coefficient (i.e. rcal >
rcritical), there is a significant correlation hence the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis
accepted accordingly.
From the result displayed in the correlation table above the Pearson product moment correlation
coefficient is 0.889. This result is greater than the critical correlation coefficient of 0.88 (i.e. r cal = 0.889 > rcritical
= 0.088). Hence, this result indicates that management information system has assisted in service delivery.
Hypothesis Two: Management information system has assisted in reducing paper work
Table 4.2.2 Hypothesis Two: Management information system has assisted in reducing
paper work
Agree Count 45 23 35 83
Neutral Count 2 1 6 9
Disagree Count 23 8 8 31
Strongly Count 12 2 5 19
Decision Rule
If the calculated chi-square is greater than the critical chi-square (i.e. 𝜒 2 cal > 𝜒 2 critical) – reject the null
hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis accordingly.
V. Result
Table 4.2.2 shows the chi-square test statistics computed from the frequency distribution that the chi-
square computed value 𝜒𝑐2 = 36.042 is greater than chi-square table value 𝜒𝑡2 = 15.51 with 8 degrees of freedom
at 0.05 level of significance.
VI. Decision
Since the chi-square computed 𝜒 2 cal = 36.042 is greater than critical 𝜒 2 critical = 15.51 the null hypothesis
should be rejected. Therefore, we conclude that management information system has assisted in reducing paper
4.3.2 How Management Information System has Assisted in Reducing Paper Work
In the analysis of the findings of the study, it was stated that, how management information system has assisted
in reducing paper work to a large extent, hence, 𝜒𝑐2 (95,n =150) = 36.042,p<0.5. However, Management
information system has changed the physical layout of offices to accommodate local networks and departmental
integrated systems Yusuf, Isyaka and Aina (2014)
VII. Conclusion
Based on the findings of this study, management information system is useful in the area of decision
making as it can monitor by itself disturbances in a system, determine a course of action and take action to get
the system in control. Poor management information system has been identified as a bottleneck in the successful
management of universities in Nigeria. In a university organization where information cannot be stored or
retrieved as at when needed, it becomes difficult or impossible to take accurate and timely decisions on long and
short term planning such as: expenditure estimates, revenue estimate, cost of each programme of the universities
and the like. Ineffective use of MIS in decision making by some of the universities usually result in failure of
academic programmes, ineffective budgeting, wastage of resources, inaccurate projection of students’ enrolment
and manpower needs, poor motivation of staff, poor resource allocation among others.
Management Information System (MIS) is basically concerned with the process of collecting,
processing, storing and transmitting relevant information to support the management operations in any
organizations. Therefore, managerial objectives are absent or unclear, probably due to inadequate information,
there is no basis for a search. Without information obtained through a search, there are no alternatives to
compare, and without a comparison of alternatives the choice of a particular course of action is unlikely to yield
the desired result.
5.3 Recommendations
In the light of findings enumerated above, the following recommendations were made towards using the
management information system to achieve the objectives of human resources development in Nigeria
1. It is therefore recommended that the MIS units should be adequately financed and maintained to ensure free
flow of information and adequate use of MIS in decision making on long-term and short-term planning as
well as budgeting.
2. Proper orientation should be given to managers at all levels as well as in-service training for secretaries to
ensure proper and adequate use of MIS facilities in generating and disseminating information for better
decisions in the universities.
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IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) is UGC approved Journal with Sl.
No. 4481, Journal no. 46879.
Marire Mary Ijeoma Ph.D. “Importance of Management Information System in service Delivery
and Paper Work in Nigeria University." IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-
JBM) 20.9 (2018): 30-38.