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Public Space, Infrastructure, Landscape: An Interdisciplinary Matrix For Urban Spatial Continuity

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Public Space, Infrastructure, Landscape: an interdisciplinary matrix for urban spatial

Article · March 2017
DOI: 10.5204/jps.v2i1.55

2 372

2 authors:

Ana Brandão Pedro Brandao

ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa University of Lisbon



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The Journal of Public Space
2017 | Vol. 2 n. 1

Public Space, Infrastructure, Landscape:

an interdisciplinary matrix for urban spatial
Ana Luísa Brandão, Pedro Brandão

Universidade de Lisboa, CERIS - Civil Engineering Research and Innovation

for Sustainability, Portugal Universitat de Barcelona, POLIS Research
Centre, Facultat de Belles Arts, Spain |

Spatial growth of cities corresponded to new theoretical and practical knowledge
capacities with new kinds of urban infrastructures, new services organisation and
new construction methods, of XIX and most of XX century’s industrial space
production. The decline of those capacities and a “crisis” of modern models,
followed by the still on-going post-industrial transition process of the past 50
years are translated in many different forms of spatial, social, economic and
cultural organisation and diversity of emerging urban contexts. Contemporary
processes seem to carry difficulties in understanding and conducting urban
transformation in such diverse and changing context. What strategic elements
can be used to interpret and act in such contexts?
In this paper we intend to show an interdisciplinary perspective of public space
as part of strategic and theoretical principles recognised by several fields of
urban knowledge and practice: we include the spatial continuity of the
Commons in those structuring principles, as a notion of urban “publicness”.
These new perspectives require a perception of public space that goes beyond
traditional city references, to other peripheral or scattered urban areas, but
maintaining its fundamental structuring role, as systemic and interactive
reference for complex urban environments. Through a study on the specific
case of the South Bank of Lisbon Metropolitan Area, we present a conceptual
operative matrix, based on the hypothesis of strategic interaction between
urban systems, aiming for its structuring potential for spatial continuity –
public space, infrastructure and landscape.
Outputs of this study aim at a contribution to a more flexible and interactive
structuring approach to urban design and planning, focused on interdisciplinary
perspectives of public space production.

Keywords: public space; infrastructure; landscape; interdisciplinary;

spatial continuity.

To cite this article:

Brandão A. L. and Brandão P. (2017). Public Space, Infrastructure, Landscape: an
interdisciplinary matrix for urban spatial continuity, The Journal of Public Space,
2(1), 123-134, DOI:
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ISSN 2206-9658 |
© Queensland University of Technology
Public Space, Infrastructure, Landscape

Although ‘industrial city’ is understood as the result of urban expansion
and city reorganisation related to industrial production models
(critically portrayed by Engels and other social European thinkers in the
19th century), the first use of the term “industrial city” was perhaps
made by Tony Garnier, in 1905 (Choay, 1965). Before that,
“Urbanization” concept had already been used by Cerdà in the Teoría
General de la Urbanización (Cerdà, 1867) as the theoretical and
practical knowledge about the city’s new production system, with new
features of urban infrastructure, facilities, energy, transportation or
housing development. Cities growth was associated with new kinds of
production tools organised in plans.
The breakdown of the industrial model followed by post-industrial
transition corresponds to diversifications and specialisations of urban
knowledge, developed by several scientific areas, design and planning
disciplines. On one hand this specialisation corresponds to a deepening
of sectorial knowledge (e.g. mobility, environment, social sciences,
engineering, economy, etc.), but on the other hand, no longer
responding to the complexity of diverse urban phenomena where less
predictability and greater uncertainty are now dominant. After 150
years of beliefs, experiments and models, this knowledge no longer
seems effective to solve emerging problems in many of present urban
In such a changing and diverse period, what kinds of urban knowledge
are available? Different situations, perspectives and dynamics in
several realities could still be expected to work with a same stable and
independent disciplinary practical and theoretical knowledge base?
The unstable variable contexts and characteristics of post-industrial
cities have to be understood as a large variety of urban realities and a
requirement for collaborative and reflexive practice of a variety of
knowledge cultures referring to the contemporary city. So instead of
one paradigmatic model, of one knowledge base responding
everywhere to same needs of urban space production, some reflexive
action needs to be taken on what we call urbanism or city planning.

New post-industrial territories and ‘commons’ 1 systems – a

case-study The transition from what we call the industrial city to a
diverse set of different urban realities we live in today, may adopt a
great variety of what might be called ‘post-industrial urban metropolis’
(Bell, 1973) including a new scale of urban space production (Lefebvre,
1974). At the least we may agree considering that today there is a much
less homogeneous and a more diverse, extensive and scattered urban
reality, which lacks a uniform urban identity. What we generically call
post-industrial (other authors refer to it as “post-modern”) is in itself
illustrative of the complexity of transition we deal with (A. Brandão & P.
Brandão, 2013).
The same observation can be made to public spaces of contemporary
cities (Carmona, 2010a). New perspectives require the perception of
public space to move from a feature of urban life based on traditional
city spatial references and to start being understood in the context of
contemporary urban complex changes: increasing mobility and social
and economic connectivity, new typologies (24h spaces,
multifunctional spaces, …) and characteristics (more heterogeneous
and conflicting, subject to commodification processes, …). Public space
production is no longer restricted to traditional models of public space -
i.e. the square, the garden - in typically dense and central urban
environments. Instead public space is embedded in those
contemporary urban dynamics

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2206-9658 © Queensland University of Technology
Ana Luísa Brandão, Pedro

also facing its related issues, as lack of connectivity, segregation,

loss of activities and social interaction.
If industrial city models were marked by long-term ideas and
convictions enabling its planning, contemporary stresses the logic of
real time and short term horizon to many resources. Recent worldwide
changes lead us to a “cityness” process notion encompassing different
ways of urban being, with different spatial imprints from what we were
used to call a “city” (Choay, 1994).
Interdisciplinary experimentation isn’t a “normal” practice but when
diverse realities develop in uncertain contexts, shouldn’t we focus on
“common thinking”, valuing reflexive concepts and collaborative
interaction? More effective concepts are now required to respond to
emerging public investment targets, at new range scales and types of
urban space systems with new thematic interrelations.
The hypothesis to be placed is that persistent and common values can
act as interdisciplinary referents (with combined tools and concepts)
encompassing complex changing realities and transition periods. In
that sense, our hypothesis is based on urban spatial continuity as a
conceptual integration reference of common and persistent spatial
service value: where public space (interaction, sharing and identity
capacities) interacts with other urban systems - infrastructure
(mobility facilitator, urban activities support) and landscape (life
production potential, ecological sustain).
Therefore public space should be considered, not as a sum of isolated
space types, but as a network of places (Pinto & Remesar, 2012) with
shared set of properties, interdependences and interactions, in a
systemic perspective, fostered by functional and morphological sense.
New multidimensional facts under the theoretical principle of urban
space continuity in space and time, may answer to present dilemmas:
growth of scale and distance (dispersion); growth of complexity and
diversity (indeterminacy) and growth of non-systemic actions
(disruption) in today’s city call for more integration of a system of
public spaces at the centre of urban transformation processes (Pinto &
Brandão, 2015). A conceptual and operational matrix aims to interpret
these spaces in unstable, disconnected, or unforeseen contexts, by
mapping urban qualities focusing on the basis of urban spatial
continuity, and testing urban systems with structuring potential.

Fig. 1. South Bank in Lisbon Metropolitan Area. (A) orthophotomap and (B) aerial view.
Source: (A) base imagery source Google 2010 and (B) Remesar A. 2012
The Journal of Public Space, 2(1), 2017 | ISSN 2206-
9658 | 125 © Queensland University of Technology
Public Space, Infrastructure, Landscape

By mapping spatial service values, potential for their interaction and

integration becomes legible as a new coherent structure of the
‘Commons’, acting as a reference in transition process, managing
uncertainty and balancing changing needs, actors roles and resources.

Discontinuity and indeterminacy on Lisbon Metropolitan Area Tagus

South Bank. Formulation of an “Industrial city” in Portugal comes only
on early 20th century, also translating a late industrial structure of
economy and territory. Tagus South Bank as part of “Lisbon industrial
belt” is still not a homogeneous urban area (Fig. 1). It is characterised
by contrasting realities and mixed patterns of growth and decay. In the
growing of industrialisation process, as well as in “post-industrial”
transformations, despite the existence of planning policies, rules and
operational tools along different periods, it is possible to find several
unstable and uncertain aspects, examples of prevision or decision
incapacities, and ambiguities.
A brief presentation of some transformation episodes allow us to show
several aspects of discontinuity and indeterminacy in urban process,
emphasizing the need for new understanding of a Commons’ system
structuring potential:
a) Only at the beginning of 20th century, the biggest industrial centre of
Portugal was born in the village of Barreiro driven by the combination
of prime location and infrastructure (port and railway network). The
growth in industrial activity goes together with increasing population
and urban sprawl beyond the limits of the village, in a continuous
urban-industrial axis. In the absence of urban planning practice, initial
growth appears informally and supported by services provided by the
industry itself. The decay of this industrial model since the 1970s, fails
to address the deficits of infrastructure and facilities, lack of urban
qualities and important environmental liabilities. But facing the decay
of industrial activity we can find a new “urban production driving
force” by replacement or else by diversifying city activities?
b) The tourism potential of the South Bank has undergone various
visions and models: a futuristic city, a garden city of individual
houses, a natural park for recreational activities, mass tourism
developments, inter alia. Tourism is the subject of regeneration
operations, while the riparian areas of the estuary recover slowly
from intense industrial use. However, the 60’s land occupation with
forest consumption for illegal allotments, and later tourism products
such as golf courses, small resorts, favoured gated communities, in
disconnected developments based on natural features of the area,
which normative planning unsuccessfully attempted to control and
recent planning strategies try to minimise. How can we take
advantage from the inherent potential, promoting diversity and
complementarities, without degrading natural ecosystems?
c) The first bridge connection in the 1960’s led the development of a
Regional Plan, given the need to control urban sprawl. Urban and
population growth driven by industry (in its heyday) overlaps what
was spurred by easy accessibility to Lisbon. The plan had no
operative capacity (legal or financial) to conduct or arrange
urbanisation when unplanned transformations were already ongoing.
Populations sought answers to their needs through illegal urban
space production with large deficits of infra-structuring and facilities.
If a plan did not secure the execution of its options, neither the
absence of other plans prevented occupation of large extensions,
which should be the critical tool to restructure urbanisation?

126 | The Journal of Public Space, 2(1), 2017 | ISSN

2206-9658 © Queensland University of Technology
Ana Luísa Brandão, Pedro Brandão

d) In the 1990’s a second bridge was built to reinforce national and

metropolitan accessibility system, but the location decision was
untied to regional planning options. The connection transformed the
metropolitan structure and relations: new accessibility reoriented
urban and population growth to a more polycentric model, favouring
less urbanised territories. Later, planning instruments supported
urban expansion - residential schemes, logistic areas, commercial
spaces, etc. - but lacked scheduled programming actions of urban
design. Near road accesses expanding urban perimeters, generated
new fragments and voids. Could occupation flexibility over time be
balanced with structuring elements of urban relation?

Central or Stabilised urban spaces Peripheral or transforming spaces

Historic areas with issues Derelict or brownfield

of preservation and ageing, areas with lack of
searching for population activities and
and activities investments, but with
diversification while large availability of
managing heritage features land for new
for tourist attraction. possibilities and
Urban voids or
fringe areas seek
between new Peri-urban changing
activities and old areas responding to
surroundings, by present population
managing needs for facilities and
transition or balancing urban and
temporary nature evolving
solutions. dynamics.

Mono functional Hubs, poles and

spaces with deficits of nodes in large
urban spatial quality, accessibility and
urban infrastructure strategic
and facilities development areas,
pondering key requiring a set of
investment for elements both for
diverse possibilities. global attraction
and local scale
Housing areas,
residential Landscape features in
neighbourhoods in urban areas,
need of “liveable” managing leisure and
amenities, by joining productive activities
communities into a (e.g. by fishing,
cohesive and lasting orchards, food
identity. gardening) in
ecosystems, while
saving reserve
Tab. 1. Examples of urban instability indicators in the spaces.
South Bank area.
Source: Adapted from A. Brandão, 2013.
e) In late 2000’s the possibility of an important set of infra-structure
initiatives - new Lisbon airport, new bridge connections, high-speed
railway line and logistics platform - created great expectations for
this area’s development. Related planning processes were launched,
including a large development operation on former industrial areas
on the riverfront. The model followed Lisbon’s EXPO98 World
Exhibition project.

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9658 | 127 © Queensland University of Technology
Public Space, Infrastructure, Landscape

However, in a larger peripheral area, with no triggering event to

prompt change and in a different economic, financial and political
context the infrastructure projects set on hold. The absence of a
leverage of public investment due to global financial crisis
compromised the entire development operation. Is uncertainty due to
external context or was it an effect of short adaptability of the
proposed model? As result of rapid and uncontrolled urban expansion,
many spaces are characterised by disconnected parts or poorly
designed public spaces, similarly to several south European urban
change processes. Urban change problematic as an adaptation
flexible process is in the need for new approaches, which can restore
public space quality.

Spatial continuity matrix of the Commons: public space,

infrastructure, landscape
An interdisciplinary theoretical principle
The diversity of urban fabrics and related problems is also translated to
the production of public spaces: ”What is clear is that contemporary
trends in public space design and management are resulting (over time)
in an increasingly complex range of public space types” (Carmona,
2010b: 172). Our question is about a strategic necessity: with what
instruments can we act in a growing, diverse, complex territory, in
changing conditions? What is the Commons role in a structuring process
of “becoming urban”?
Knowledge on the city no longer reflects the diversity of problems in
a variety of contemporary urban environments when it is structured
top-down from mechanical rational principles and tools defined for
industrial mode of production. In fact city knowledge by organising
principles, rules, procedures and former planning practices – now
report difficulties in mastering present urban phenomenon.
Our proposal for an operative matrix, is based on urban structuring
elements needed in emerging urban areas, as an approach to common
concepts of urban space continuity, as a transversal and interacting
concept, crossing several urban dimensions (Carmona, Heath, Oc, &
Tiesdell, 2003): morphologic, experiential, economic, social, political...
with an interdisciplinary and systemic perspective. For the moment
there are no previously agreed starting points, based on alleged ability
to predict and master variables on this perspective2. Thus, it is
essential to question "disciplinary plots and fences" regarding urban
approaches in planning, urban design, infrastructure, architecture,
landscape, transportation, art, social organization, economics, history,
geography, etc. Interdisciplinary experimentation of a "crossing"
principle such as spatial continuity is not yet a common practice. But
there are some positive exemplary cases such as the recognised need
to match the quality of mobility with spatial quality showing what can
be done:
a) by experimenting new types of joint infrastructure and public space
in “shared space” projects (Monderman, 2007),
b) in regenerating transport interchange concepts by integrating mixed
uses and services in inter-modality areas.
c) in experimenting new forms of urban systems integration –
namely public space, landscape and infrastructure in urban
actions risk preventing of climate change effects.
A conceptual and operational matrix, will aim to interpret these spaces
and give them better urban representation in different readings by
focusing on structuring urban spatial

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2206-9658 © Queensland University of Technology
Ana Luísa Brandão, Pedro

continuity by a procedural logic - upgrading of the Commons role,

and systems service integration. For that we propose a reflection on
matrix application to urban spatial-temporal adaptability promotion.

Urban systems for urban continuity: Public Space, Infrastructure,

Although public investment and public attention on urban design
projects grew much in recent years, many actions still focus on
isolated units or local actions, often lacking connectivity or
integration, so as to gain real meaning as urban systems and to
provide more social and economic value return, ensuring
We now acknowledge weak returns in quantity and quality of use,
economic activity attraction, long term social meaning, basic utility or
environmental evidence as public spaces that are often due to poor
network qualities. This means there is a systemic potential that needs
to be assessed and fostered, so as to enable spatial and functional
continuity in fractured urban fabrics. Therefore a research based on a
combined action “systems of collective spaces grounded in the
interaction with landscape and infrastructural systems“ (Portas,
2004) can frame methods and tools appropriate for specific contexts.
Such features are also the more lasting elements of urban fabric,
defining public interaction, with ability to support and structure
transformation over time, securing conditions for later decisions
related to opportunity, resources availability, stakeholders interests.
Common and persistent values of public space (interaction, sharing and
identity capacities), interacting with infrastructure (mobility facilitator,
urban activity support) and landscape (production potential, ecological
sustain), are the base for management strategies.

PUBLIC SPACE can be characterized as urban space for common use,

with no restriction to access, in opposition to private use of public
interest space. Public space is a structuring layer of urban form (space
between buildings), which can be seen as hardware, performing
territorial and functional integration in the city. But as software (P.
Brandão, 2008) it incorporates relations and interactions that make
urban life - a social-cultural dimension, representing its society or
community, as a space for expression and sharing (Borja & Muxí, 2003).
In contemporary city, public space is no longer made only by canonical
typologies - square, garden, public, private - but evolves several hybrid
spaces and joint uses, including the sphere of communication and
virtual spaces. To understand its complexity we need to focus on
systemic views, a network space (Pinto & Remesar, 2012), fostering
functional and morphological continuity.

INFRASTRUCTURE can be defined as the system – the set of elements – that

frame and support urban life and structures. As the backbone of
transformation, infrastructure is one of the more lasting elements of built
environment, visible at an initial phase and building on throughout time,
supporting several cycles of transformation (Lukez, 2007). In today’s city,
exchanges, flows, connections, are important features and can sometimes
be and alternative (or substitution) to traditional social and urban relations
(Ascher, 1995). In addition to physical structures, other networks of
technological or virtual links add new interaction possibilities. Expansion of
infrastructure networks changed territory’ space uses. But the potential of
network connections is also in their capacity for multi-mobility

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9658 | 129 © Queensland University of Technology
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and communications, as infrastructures in a networked city use all

possible links and mediums to be connected.

LANDSCAPE can be seen as a complex and dynamic system, including

natural and cultural interacting aspects, changing over time.
Traditionally based on physical, biological, natural objectives it also is an
expression of human activities. Today, the landscape concept is
expanding, as result of interdisciplinary action, with combination of
cultural, natural and environmental problematic3. Its holistic character is
referred as a base for an integrated territorial management (Cancela
d’Abreu, Correia, & Oliveira, 2004) for its “expression of numerous
relations throughout time between natural and human factor of a
certain area”. A dynamic system, in constant change and
reinterpretation (Antrop, 2005), but capable of support a community
identity, conducting it through transformations. Although the “root” of
landscape is located in natural life supporting systems, in post-industrial
cities, urban landscape is also characterised by urban built-up
continuous, with urban-rural distinctions blurred in new hybrid
The broader set of “public use spaces” is now more inclusive,
embracing a greater variety of users. It is also structuring connection
and continuity, allowing a management of different timeframes of
movement and transformation. Spatial continuity of living spaces, show
itself in different scales and ways of space appropriation - from the
street and neighborhood to the larger spaces of encounter and
interaction, we can assume that space networks - integrating
landscapes, infrastructures or public spaces - add up as interconnected
systems, i.e. part of each other acting for converging objectives.
Integration of these concepts in a spatial continuity matrix has to
respond to an interdisciplinary culture opposed to the limitation of
“spatial expertise” and ignoring identified dimensions, and denying the
need for broader, transversal strategies.

Signs of continuity and discontinuity in metropolitan structure

In recent years, Lisbon South Bank spaces have been targeted with
various urban regeneration strategies with different aims and results.
The majority of these actions fostered the creation of new public
spaces - more diverse typologies than the traditional central ones - with
potential to create a wider network of spaces and relations. Based on
some of these examples, we intend to map the continuity matrix, with
potential for articulating the territory's complexity and diversity.

a) In an important touristic area, the project of a new cycle path (Fig.

2) connects the ferry terminal on the traditional fisherman village
Trafaria with the main urban seaside of Caparica. The path follows the
existent urban structure, using street or road connections and
integrating ongoing regenerations actions. Urban fabrics connected by
the path are very diverse - informal settlements, high-density housing,
single-dwellings - and correspond to different typologies of public
spaces and uses - squares, urban parks, recreational natural areas,
beaches, avenues, poorly designed streets. As a result, the cycle path
comprises different sections and designs, but ensuring connectivity and
continuity, providing a space for recreational activities but also social
interaction. As an infrastructure element the cycle path connects to
other transport modes and networks (ferry boat, bus), extending links to
Lisbon and beach areas. The linear and “light” characteristic of this
structure allows its future expansion to connect other areas and
transport modes. Connection also comprises important natural
protected spaces,

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2206-9658 © Queensland University of Technology
Ana Luísa Brandão, Pedro

(agricultural areas, coastal dunes and forest areas), linking and

providing a systemic integration of natural features.
The relative “lighter, quicker, cheaper” way of developing a connection
like this can be used to create a network of further connections fostering
public uses and active modes of transportation, that may be diversified
and complemented by adding elements from other transports, natural
and social systems, connecting other proximity realities.

Fig. 2. Trafaria-Caparica cycle path connection (A) mapping uses and connections;
(B) avenue insertion view. Source: (A) and (B) Brandão A. 2014.

Fig. 3. Light rail transit (A) mapping connections and urban spaces; (B) station with
poor urban insertion.
Source: (A) and (B) Brandão A. 2014.

b) Developed to link the main urban nucleus of the riverside area, a

light rail transit network (Fig. 3) aims to surpass the deficits in the
mobility systems. Financial and operational constrains limit the
network to Almada municipality connecting the city centre, other
centrality areas and transport hubs through a diversified urban
structure. Strong urban growth followed disconnected and individual
developments with few
The Journal of Public Space, 2(1), 2017 | ISSN 2206-
9658 | 131 © Queensland University of Technology
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connection or complementary strategies. The light rail transit

implementation has redesigned some parts of fragmented urban
structure with new articulation axis and easier connections patterns,
but also disrupted previous continuities and urban fabrics, in a “tunnel”
type of connection: In some cases transportation system features
disregard space quality or possibilities for shared spaces. Natural
landscape features along the mobility axis are weak, but some are
connected by the transport system.
Major perceptual and image changes made in urban landscape along
the system may suggest new interaction possibilities by establishing a
strategic development axis improving urban and landscape quality,
fostering gradual connections within Almada, by linking several parts
and promoting urban mix. Further expansion of the light rail network
could extend this continuity to other territories, increasing users and
their interactions, focusing on multipurpose links.

Fig. 4. Waterfront South Bank spaces (A) mapping spaces and connections; (B) urban
park view.
Source: (A) and (B) Brandão A. 2014.

c) In a wider metropolitan scale, several regenerated waterfront

spaces (Fig. 4) already form the base for a relevant linking structure
throughout different municipalities, although several expectant spaces
remain. Regeneration actions mainly recuperate riverside areas for
public space and recreational uses, while supporting local identity
features. Although close to historic central areas, many of these
structures already surpass these limits providing connection between
urban nucleuses. Landscape features are found in the riparian
ecosystem (in de-pollution process) and natural spaces in urban parks
but also within the inlet’s outstanding views and bays. Although these
structures are mostly used in recreational activities rather than in daily
dislocations, ongoing actions tend to redesign spaces to a less car
dependent environment, promoting active modes of transportation by
linking to transport hubs.
This existent potential can be further developed. Vacant passive spaces
can be used to articulate both regenerated spaces and poorly qualified
urban areas, in a network linking all waterfront area. Natural areas,
compatible productive uses, passage areas, may ensure a livable
landscape. Obviously, new continuous elements cannot substitute
other infrastructure or mobility systems, still in deficit for the
connection between many of South Bank urban areas. But they can act
as a network to both the existent connections

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2206-9658 © Queensland University of Technology
Ana Luísa Brandão, Pedro

and future actions, encompassing shared space activities as an

opportunity to diversify “typical” waterfront public space initiatives
with more productive and social uses, less dependent of large public
These examples of the South Bank area multipurpose spaces, illustrate
the potential of sharing systems of public space, infrastructure and
landscape to address some questions regarding population’s basic needs
in a sustainable and interrelated perspective, with spatial quality. Also
showing that spatial continuity can be developed in different scales and
frameworks (locally, within a municipality or even at metropolitan scale).

In this paper we addressed a knowledge gap for new
interdisciplinary approaches on urban transformation action. The
cases analysed showed that different problems and perspectives of
post-industrial urban places, where the proposed structuring matrix
– public space, infrastructure and landscape - can recover urban
spatial quality by re-establishing continuity and growing of the
Commons’ diversity.
Urban Design action should focus on the process of re-structuring
urban territories by using Public Space, Landscape and Infrastructure
as integrated systems. Mapping the existing structures and available
resources, can be a starting point to develop a spatial continuity
strategy for common values and spaces, as an interdisciplinary
The interdisciplinary matrix can contribute to a more flexible and
interactive approach to urban design and planning. Further aspects are
to be questioned on future investigations. Is it possible to intervene
with a “fertilizing” but low intensity action promoting the commons?
Can we act in a small and local scale while establishing wider
connections by fostering effects and opportunities in a broader urban
The use of the matrix analytical interpretation and design practice
ensures the articulation of different (spatial) scales, linking different
elements to secure the continuity in several layers and keeping the
global coherence. Instead of a rigid hierarchy, regulations or restrictions,
the coherence between different scales can be secured by
reestablishment of connections - as networks of uses, spaces, relations,
meanings - through adding and sharing new elements in planning
processes, programming and designing does not imply a pre-determined
order but rather can be worked on different contexts and solutions.
In designing structuring public space elements, priority should be
given to the qualities that in the long term can increase their
lifecycle, in transversal, diverse and interdependent actions allowing
more adaptability options. This systemic perspective enables
transition process to be made in incremental steps, instead of
replacing or developing drastic transformation actions.
We will find the matrix for Urban Design not in a specific discipline, a
specific scope or shape of space, but in the possibilities open by public
space as an organising urban system, in interaction with infrastructural
and landscape systems, integrating all different and simultaneous
“spaces in between” composing the elements of the ‘Commons’.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of Fundação para a
Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) under the PhD grant SFRH/BD/69911/2010
and the research project PTDC/ECM-URB/2162/2014.

The Journal of Public Space, 2(1), 2017 | ISSN 2206-

9658 | 133 © Queensland University of Technology
Public Space, Infrastructure, Landscape

(1) The definition from the Digital Library of the Commons is: “The commons
is a general term for shared resources in which each stakeholder has an
equal interest”.
(2) PSSS - Public Space’s Service System is a research project the authors are
pursuing in an international and interdisciplinary team between Lisbon,
Oporto and Barcelona Universities, developing some of presented
(3) As a disciplinary concept in some academic traditions (such as in
Portugal), Landscape Architecture is connected to a life production
process of territorial nature. So landscape as an Urban Design part is less
significantly based regarding “image”, “skyline” and other visual features
and more on eco-systemic concepts.

Antrop, M. (2005). Why landscapes of the past are important for the future.
Landscape and Urban Planning, 70(1–2), pp. 21–34,
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134 | The Journal of Public Space, 2(1), 2017 | ISSN

2206-9658 © Queensland University of Technology

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