Power System Voltage Stability: Indications, Allocations and Voltage Collapse Predictions
Power System Voltage Stability: Indications, Allocations and Voltage Collapse Predictions
Power System Voltage Stability: Indications, Allocations and Voltage Collapse Predictions
ABSTRACT:Voltage collapse has been recognized as a series threat in power system stability and operation. Fast and
accurate indications and allocations of voltage stability in power systems are a challenging task to accomplish. Voltage
violations and undesirable line outages might be inevitable when power systems operated close to its transmission
capacity limits. Unexpected load increases or insufficient reactive power supply may contribute to partial or total
voltage collapse threatening system security. The ability to draw a clear and complete picture of system voltage
stability with accurate indications and precise voltage collapse allocations allow operators to take the necessary action
to prevent such incidents. A successful avoidance of such system collapse is based on method’s accuracy, speed of
indication, and very low computation time.
This paper presents a new approach of studying voltage stability in power systems at which voltage stability in
transmission lines and system buses are carefully analysed based on their V-Q and V-P relationships. Four indices are
proposed; two for voltage stability analysis at system buses designated as VPIbus and VQIbus studying the dynamics of
loads and generators while VPILine and VQILine are for line voltage stability analysis studying transmission lines stress
and outages. Voltage collapse is precisely predicted by the proposed indices for the system as a whole and for every
bus and line. These developed indices are simple, fast, and accurate proving a clear and complete picture of power
flow dynamics indicating maximum active and reactive power transfers through transmission systems. The proposed
approach was demonstrated on the IEEE 14-bus and 118-bus systems and compared with existing methods to show its
effectiveness and efficiency.
Keywords: Voltage collapse, Line voltage stability index, Voltage stability analysis
The growth of power systems have been witnessed worldwide by engineers, utilities and customers. As
energy demands is increasing rapidly, power system is expanding to accommodate the rapid load growths by
constructing new power plants, transmission lines, substations, and control devices. The shape of electric power
industry also has been changed and persistently pressured by government agencies, large industries, and investors to
privatize, restructure, and deregulate [1]. This continues expansion and persistent pressure make power system more
complex or may be vulnerable and difficult to maintain its stability and ensure its security.
As a result, several blackouts directly related to voltage collapse have been occurred costing lots of million
dollars, and still a threat to power system stability and security. Some well-known incidents of blackout recorded in
Germany in 2006 and Russia in 2005[2-4], in Greece 2004 [5, 6], Italy in 2003[2] and in the same year, blackouts
occurred in USA and Canada[7], Sweden-East Denmark[2], London, UK[8] and Croatia and Bosnia Herzegovina[9].
Voltage collapse is most likely to occur when a power system is operated near its capacity limits. Some
electric utilities are forced at such level due to the difficulty of constructing a new transmission line because of the new
regulations and policy, or to reduce their operational costs and maximize their profits, but doing so raises risks that
make it challenge for operators to contain or control.
Operating within operational design limits makes power system more protected and secure, yet operating
beyond those limits can lead to the absence of generator synchronism, transmission outages or might result in partial or
total system voltage collapse. Hence, maintaining voltage stability in power networks plays a significant role in
preventing voltage collapse.
Voltage stability is well-defined and classified in [10] while addressing an appropriate analysis for voltage
stability phenomena among engineering and researches are still debatable. Voltage stability has been studied using two
main approaches: static and dynamic analysis, where voltage instability as fact is considered as dynamic phenomenon.
Although the dynamic analysis is preferable by most utilities, the static voltage stability approach is commonly used in
research and on-line applications providing an insight into stability problems with high speed analysis.
Copyright to IJAREEIE www.SeminarsTopics.com 3138
ISSN (Print) : 2320 – 3765
ISSN (Online): 2278 – 8875
Several methods have been used for static voltage stability analysis to measure voltage stability proximity
estimating the point of voltage collapse. A number of methods proposed in the literature use the singularity of power
flow Jacobian matrix as base, sing or indicator of voltage collapse. Several methods are developed using eigenvalue or
Jacobian matrix singularity monitoring the smallest eigenvalue[11-14], are based on a reducing Jacobian
determinants[15, 16], identifying the critical buses using a tangent vector [17], or computing eigenvalues and
eigenvectors of a reduced Jacobian matrix as introduced in[11, 18] and named as modal analysis. Other methods took
another approach determining maximum loadability at line [19-23] while others are specifying system stability margins
at bus attempting to determine the weaken bus [24-27].
Recently, voltage collapse prediction index (VCPI) has been introduced in [28] to evaluate voltage stability
and predict voltage collapse while an improved voltage stability index designated as Lij has been described in [29]
taken into account the influence of the load model.
A combination of voltage stability static and dynamic approaches was introduced in [30] named as PTSI and
used to study power system dynamic and behaviour and to predict voltage collapse point. Similar approach was
developed in [31] evaluating voltage stability when a small disturbance is applied.
P-V curves introduced in [32] using only one power flow solution instead of multiple solutions to estimate
voltage collapse point while another indices based on voltage stability margins presented in[33, 34]. Similarly, two
sensitive indices with deviation approach developed in [35] used to monitor the available voltage stability margin to the
collapse point terms as TRGGP and TRGGQ.
Other researchers took a different approach to study voltage stability problem using a non-iterative technique
based on Taylor’s expansion [36], using an equivalent local network model in[37], or considering a distribution
network with high/medium [38] to evaluate voltage stability and determine system voltage collapse point.
Method diversity in applications, conditions, purposes, and usability is vulnerability in voltage stability
analysis. Some of these methods are robust or accurate, but might consume more time particularly in large power
systems while others tend to fail if any power system element such control devices is involved. Some of these models
are also just applicable for specified applications or certain conditions which might be inappropriate to be used in
general. Other methods such on-line monitoring methods dispread to have real-time data to determine the proper
corrective strategies in insecure conditions while other approaches such load modelling are not practical when every
load should be modelled accurately.
Because of above these shortcomings, research in this area is needed. Readability and clear indications,
speediness and lower computation consumption, result accuracy, correct indications and precise allocations of voltage
stability, and simplicity rather than complexity are the keys of preventing voltage instability and avoiding voltage
collapse event. If such indices are developed, system blackouts can be avoidable.
This paper presents a new approach of conducting voltage stability analysis, where transmission lines and
power system buses are both analysed based on V-P and V-Q associations providing a clear and complete picture of
system dynamics. Four indices are proposed; two for voltage stability analysis at system buses designated as VPIbus and
VQIbus studying the load and generator dynamics while VPILine and VQILine are for line voltage stability analysis
studying transmission lines stress and outages. VPIbus and VQIbusgenerate indications of voltage stability for each power
system bus while VPILine and VQILineproduce voltage stability indications at each individual line. VPIbus ,VQIbus, VPILine
and VQILineine predict accurately the point of voltage collapse for the system as a whole and also for every bus and line
indicating powerful tools in conducting voltage stability analysis.
The proposed indices are simple, accurate and fast generating voltage stability indications with low
computation time needed to avoid such voltage collapse events. The introduced indices can be applied in real-time
application producing quick voltage stability indications, allowing controls to take necessary action to prevent such
incidents. The proposed indices might fulfil the needs of electric sectors and meet application’s requirements to prevent
future blackout incidents. This method has been demonstrated on the IEEE 14-bus and 118-bus Test Systems to show
its effectiveness and efficiency.
The paper proposed two indices of conducting voltage stability analysis based on bus and line power system.
The first index is named as VPI where voltage profiles and maximum power transfer in power systems is related while
the relationship between voltages and load reactive powers are established in the second index termed as VQI. Both
indices,VPIandVQI, are able to conduct voltage stability based on bus system designated as VPIbusandVQIbus studying
the dynamics of load-generation powers at bus while VPILineandVQILine curry out line voltage stability analysis studying
line stress conditions and outages.
The system shown in, Fig.1 is representative of general power system and the transmission line is connecting a
generator with load. The network is presented by an equivalent generator modelled in steady state and it is assumed that
the generator voltage, E, is in normal condition and equal to the voltage at generation bus Vi. Vi will be kept constant
using generator excitation systems.
Vi∟δi Vj∟δj
(G +jB)ij
Pi +jQi ILine
Bus i Bus j
This general system can be extended to an n-bus power system used to establish a relationship between the
sending voltage,Vi, and the receiving real powers, Pj at bus. This gives an accurate estimate of voltage stability margin
with real power at the specified or critical bus indicating the maximum MW that can be transferred via transmission
Let’s assume bus i is as a reference bus, then, the line current, I, is calculated by:
I Vi V j Ybus (1)
By using the receiving powers, the current i also is determined by
Sj P jQ j (2)
I j
V Vj j
Rearranging equation (1) and (2) yields:
Pj jQ j V j ViYbus j V j
Ybus (3)
The real and imaginary parts can be separated from equation (3) as:
Re : Pj V j ViYbus cos( j ) V j Ybus cos( ) (4)
Im : Q j V j Vi Ybus sin( j ) V j Ybus sin( ) (5)
By substituting equation (5) into equation (3) to establish Vi-Pjrelationship, yields:
Pj j V j Vi Ybus sin( j ) V j Ybus sin( ) (6)
V j Vi Ybus j V j
With a few algebra manipulations, the new equation is expressed as
2 V j Vi cos( j ) Pj
Vj 0 (7)
cos( ) Ybus cos( )
Let’s assume the load at receiving terminal is constant and consequently the power factor of demands
powers remains constant. δj is relatively small and can be assumed to be ignored due to its limited contribution on
Eq.(7) as a whole, then the whole term of (cos(θ- δj)/cos(θ) ) is eliminated. Beside, since Gbusis a representation of Y
bus .cos (θ), the new equation is given by
V j2 V j Vi 0 (8)
The solution ofVj in equation (8) is:
4 Pj
Vi Vi 2
Gbus (9)
Equation (9) gives one distinct real root or two equal roots of Vj if (∆=b2 – 4ac) is discriminated to zero. The
discriminated real roots of Vj can be expressed as
4 Pj
Vi 0
…… Gbus (10)
4 Pj 1
G V 2
bus i
The Vj varies from zero to one producing several indications due to the real root limitation. This limitation can
be usedas voltage stability indicator, where real root voltage is greater than zero and lower than one. If not, the voltage
stability is compromised. This proves that the developed equation determines voltage stability at bussystem and be
termed as
4 Pj
VPIbus 1.0 (11.1)
diag( Gbus ) Vi
4 Pj diag( Rbus )
0r 2
1.0 (11.2).
Fig.1 is also used here to establish a relationship between the sending-end voltage,Vi, and the receiving-
endreactive powers, Qj. It perhaps may give more accurate voltage stability analysis. Reactive power is closely
associated with system voltage security giving an accurate estimate of voltage stability margin with reactive power at
the specified or critical bus. The reactive power margin is the MVAr distance starting from the normal operation point
and ending by the point of voltage collapse.
By substituting equation (4) into equation (3), the V-Q relationship is establishedas
sin( )
Ybus sin( )
By using the same assumptions and following the same procedures, the discriminated Vj root in relationship with load
reactive powers is expressed as
4Q j
VQI 1.0
Bbus Vi 2
As Bbus has dominant diagonal elements; the VQI can be expressed as
4Q j
VQIbus 1.0 (14.1)
diag ( Bbus ) Vi 2
4Q j diag ( X bus )
0r 1.0 (14.2)
Vi 2
VPIbus and VQIbus vary from zero to one indicating system stability boundaries. When the values of VPIbus and
VQIbus close or near to the unity, the voltage stability reaches stability limits. Voltage collapse occurs when both VPIbus
and VQIbusareexceeding their stability limits.
The number lines in power systems are usually higher than the number of buses as to assure power delivery to
main load centres and to improve system reliability and stability ensuring its security. Due to heavy loaded or stressed
system lines, transmission line is more likely to be collapsed or outage and mayeventually contribute to partial or total
system collapse. Studying the maximum transfer of real and active powers that each transmission line can handle
before its outage or collapse is essential.
Copyright to IJAREEIE www.SeminarsTopics.com 3141
ISSN (Print) : 2320 – 3765
ISSN (Online): 2278 – 8875
Because transmission lines are connecting buses in power systems, the same assumption should be applied in
this developed theory, which is the generator voltage, E, is equal to the voltage at generation bus Vi.Vi will be kept
constant using generator excitation systems.
The system shown in, Fig.2 is a simple line power system connecting the sending bus by the receiving bus
through transmission line. This simple line system can be extended to an n-line power system.
Bus k Bus m
Pk +jQk Pm +jQm
ILine (G +jB)km
Vk∟δk Vm∟δ
Fig.2 Simple line power system
Vk , V m sending and receiving voltages at system buses
δk, δm. sending and receiving voltages angle at system busk and m
Pk, Pm sending and receiving real powers at buses
Qk , Q m sending and receiving reactive powers at buses
Ykm (G+jB) line admittance between bus k and m
Here, the sending-end voltage profiles, Vk,,and receiving-end powers,Pm, relationship at system line is
established. Let’stake bus k as a slack bus, then, the line current, I, is:
I Vk Vm Ykm (15)
By using the receiving-end apparent powers, the current between sending-end bus and receiving-end
P jQm (16)
I m m
Vm Vm m
Rearranging equation (15) and (16) yields:
Pm jQm VmVk Ykm m Vm Ykm (17)
VmVk Ykm m Vm Ykm
4 Pm 1
Gkm Vk 2
The Vm varies from zero to the unity and can be fit for line voltage stability indicator expressed as
4 Pm
VPI Line 1.0 (25.1)
G km V k
4 Pm R km
0r 2
1.0 (25.2)
The sending-end voltages, Vk, and receiving-end reactive powers, Qm, are also can be connected in line power
system. By using Fig.2 and the same assumptions mentioned earlier, the connection between Vk-Qm can be derived
from equations (17) to (19) by substituting equation (18) into equation (17) andyields,
VmVkYkm cos( m ) Vm2Ykm cos( ) Qm
VmVkYkm m Vm2 Ykm
By arraigning equation (26) with a few algebra manipulations, the new equation is expressed as
Vm2 VmVk
sin( m Qm
0 (27)
sin( ) Ykm sin( )
By using the same assumptions of neglectingδmand following the same procedures, the discriminated Vm root in
relationship with load reactive powers is expressed as
4 Qm
VQILine 1.0 (28.1)
Bkm Vk2
4 Qm X km
or 1.0 (28.2)
VPILineandVQILinevary from zero to one presenting line voltage stability margins. Once the value of
VPILineandVQILineapproach unity, the voltage stability reaches stability limits. The occurrence of voltage collapseis
taken place once VPILineandVQILineexceedingtheir stability limits. VPILineandVQILinedetermine how far the transmission
line is from its instability or collapse point.
Three voltage stability methods arebriefly discussed in this sectionwhich are: Modal analysis introduced in
[77, 90, 91], voltage collapse prediction index at bus (VCPI) [17], andLine stability index (Lmn) [13].
A Modal Analysis
Modal analysis is analytical tools used to determine system stability margins and network limits. It
computesthe eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a reduced power flow Jacobian matrix, where the eigenvalue defines
stability modes and themagnitude of eigenvectors approximate system voltage instability. The equations of power
floware expressed in matrix format as
∆P and ∆Q the changes in the real and reactive powers
∆V and∆δ the deviations in bus voltage magnitude and angle
Once assumed ∆P=0in Eq.(29), the V-Q sensitivity is established and expressed as
J r1 (30)
Copyright to IJAREEIE www.SeminarsTopics.com 3143
ISSN (Print) : 2320 – 3765
ISSN (Online): 2278 – 8875
where, J r J QV J Q J P1 J PV .
Then, the right and left eigenvector of Jrmatrix can be expressed as
J r1 1 (31)
ζ and η the left and the right eigenvectors
Λ the diagonal eigenvector matrix of Jrmatrix
1 0........ . 0
0 ..... . 0
_ 1 2
. . . 0
0 0..... 0 n
Hence, V
i1 Q , i 1,2,.... n . (35)
For any i, if λ > 0, then the variation of Vi and Qiare in the same direction representing system stability
whileinstable system occurred when λ < 0 for any i. Once assumed ∆Q=0in Eq.(29), the V-P sensitivity is established
and expressed as
J r1 (36)
where, J r J PV J P J Q1 J QV .
The right and left eigenvector of the Jr matrix is given by
J r1 1 (37)
By doing the same procedure, the V-P sensitivity is then expressed as
V bus i1 P , i 1,2,.... n . (38)
For any i, if λ > 0, then the variation of Vi and Qiare in the same direction and the system is stable while the
system is considered unstable when λ < 0 for any i.
VCPI is voltage stability index used for voltage stability evaluation able to define system stability margins. The
index is based on bus system and derived from the basic power flow equations usingsystem apparent power, Si. Sican be
expressed as:
Vk 2 Vk cos k j Vk sin k
S k N
Vm cos m j Vm sin m
mm 1k
whereV’m is given by:
Vm km Vm , and Y Ykm
Y k 1, j k
m 1, m k
VCPI bus 1
VCPI varies from zero to one and its limitation specifies voltage stability margins for the entire system. Once
the value of VCPIis nearthe unity or exceeding it, the system voltage stability is comprised and the voltage collapse is
more likely to occur.
C Lmn
Lmn is a new voltage stability approach used to calculate line voltage stability attempting to detect the stress and
condition of power system lines and predict line voltage collapse. Using a single power system line model as shown in
Fig.2, the line quadratic voltage is calculated by
Vk sin( ) Vk sin( m )2 4 XQ4
Vm (41)
where the real root of receiving voltage generates more values between zero and one and its boundaries representing
line system stability, used as an index named as Lmn and expressed as
4 XQ4 (42)
Lmn Line
Vk sin( ) 2
This section is a demonstration of the proposed indices,VPIbus, VQIbus,VPILine andVQILine, on IEEE 14-bus and
118-bus systems to carry out line and bus voltage stability analysis. The proposed bus indices were compared first with
receiving-end voltages to check V-P and V-Q associations, and then compared to VCPI and Modal analysis (dV/dP and
dV/dQ) at bus system to measureVPIbus’s andVQILine’s relative effectiveness and efficiency. The proposed line indices
wereafterward compared with Lmn first to verify their accuracy in conducting line voltage stability analysis (because
they have similar characteristics) and then to VCPI and Modal analysis to validate their accuracy of voltage collapse
VCPI and Modal analysis ( dV/dP anddV/dQ) are used for bus voltage collapse predictions; where VCPI is
suggested for online voltage stability evaluation and Modal analysisisproposed to compute the eigenvalues and
eigenvectors of power flow Jacobian matrix to estimate voltage dynamic collapse. These mentioned methods are
different and have different characteristics, yet they all share voltage stability margins estimating one system collapse
event or point. Few loading scenarios were considered in this study where each loading scenario was increased
gradually till the system collapsed.
VPIbus and VQIbus on IEEE 14-Bus system at Initial Steady- State
VQIbus VQIbus
Voltage Collapse
VPIbus VPIbus Stability Margin
Vbus 9 Vbus
Voltage Collapse
VQIbus Voltage Collapse
VPIbus Stability Margin
Fig.3 1st scenario on IEEE 14-bus system, VPIbus,VQIbus and Fig.4 2nd scenario on IEEE 14-bus system, VPIbus,VQIbusand Modal
Voltage at bus vs. load factor k Method (dV/dP, dV/dQ) vs. load factor k
All indices started together in normal system condition and collapsed at loading rate k= 2.96 showing that they
had an identical voltage collapse point as they had the same system stability margin. At loading rate k= 2.96,VPIbus
Voltage Collapse Voltage Collapse
Unstable Unstabl Unstable
Stable System e Stable System
Line outages
Lm Lm
n 5 Vnbus
Fig.5 2nd scenario on IEEE 14-bus system, VPILineandVQILine, Fig.6 1st scenario on IEEE 14-bus system, VPILineandVQILineand
andreceiving-end Voltage vs. load factor k Modal Method (dV/dP, dV/dQ) vs. load factor k
andVQIbus went sharply passing their unity and exceeding their stability limits while dV/dP and dV/dQ dropped
gradually to zero, where their matrixes approached singularity.
As seen in subfigures (4.a) and (4.c), VPIbus andVQIbusindicated voltage stability for the system as a whole and
for every bus providing maximum real and active powers that every buswas able to deliver while dV/dP and dV/dQ
gave a clear voltage collapse prediction as shown in subfigures (4.b) and (4.d) respectively.
Table.2 showed the VPILineand VQILine performances on IEEE (14-bus, 20 lines) system, where both were
carried out line voltage stability analysis at system normal condition. The result outcomes effectively indicated voltage
stability at 20 power system lines, recording 0.895 k and 0.918 at zero loading rate k for the summation of VPILine and
VQILine respectively. There was a difference of only 0.0595 loading rate k between the total summations of two
methods confirming their similarity results. Our results also showed there no voltage stability indications were
recorded by VPILine when the line resistance is or close to zero as indicated in lines 8, 9, 10, 14, and 15.
Here, VPILine showed its capability to estimate the maximum real power delivery for every line while, Lmnand
VQILine explained how much reactive powers can be delivered at each line. Vbusis no longer be taken for granted as a
voltage collapse indicator, line may be outage or appeared as a perfect steady voltage as shown in subfigure (5.a).
As it can be seen from subfigures (5.a), (5.b), and (5.d), all performed indices predicted the point of voltage
collapse at loading rate k =3.96 while in subfigure (5.c) Lmn predicted only the point of voltage collapse earlier by
loading rate difference k = 0.11 than other indices indicating an error in its projection. At subfigure (5.c), VPILine
andVQILine, projected the point of voltage collapse where they both intercepted with the receiving-end
voltage,Vbusindicating their accuracy measures in producing voltage stability indications along with load increase.
VPILine and VQILine on IEEE 14-Bus System at Initial Seady State
Figure 6 illustrated the first loading scenario where the load powers were increased steady at all buses with
identical loading rate k until the IEEE 14-bus system collapsed. The results showed that VPILine, VQILine,dV/dP and
dV/dQ indices had an identical system voltage collapse prediction recording loading rate k =2.75.
At this point, all indices shared equal voltage stability margin. VPILine, VQILine indicated maximum real and
reactive powers that can be transferred through the transmission lines for the system as a whole and also for every line
while dV/dP and dV/dQ had voltage stability indications with limited information assigned to each line.
VQILineindicated the outage of three lines due to their maximum reactive power limits at loading rate k = 2.44, 2.58and
2.67 respectively, while VPILine,dV/dP and dV/dQshowed no such outage indications. These line outages led to cascade
voltage collapse.
Figures (7) showed the performance of the proposed bus indices on IEEE 118-bus system and compared to
VCPI and Modal analysis-dV/dP methods. In each of these subfigures, VPIbus and VQIbus are shown in sub-figures (a)
and (c), while VCPI and dV/dP are shown in subfigures (b)and (d) respectively.Here, the first loading scenario was
applied where the loads were increased simultaneously at all buses with identical loading rate k until the IEEE118-bus
system collapsed.
The results showed that VPI bus, VQI bus, VCPI and dV/dP had very similar system voltage collapse prediction
recorded at loading rate k =0.86. At this point, VPIbus, VQIbusand VCPI had exceeded their stability limits passing their
unity while some of dV/dQcomponents went to zero and others approached infinity indicating its matrix reached
singularity. All indices started with system initial condition at zero loading factor k and ended at the point of voltage
collapse sharing equal system voltage stability margins.
System Collapse Sensitivity Margin Sensitivity Margin
Sensitivity Margin Sensitivity Margin
Line outages System Collapse
System Collapse
System Collapse
(a) VQI bus (b) VCPI (a) VQI bus (b) VCPI
Sensitivity Margin
Sensitivity Margin
Sensitivity Margin
System Collapse
System Collapse outag
Fig.7 First scenario on IEEE 118-bus system, VPIbusandVQIbusand Fig.8 1st scenario on IEEE 118-bus system, VPILine,VQILine,, VCPI and
Modal MethoddV/dP vs. load factor k Modal MethoddV/dP vs. load factor k
slowest in computation time estimated at 1.1166sec. Our results also indicated that VPIbus ,VQIbus,VPILine, andVQILine
were still faster in producing voltage stability indications comparing to the alternative methods. Modal indices, for
example, recorded the highest computation time estimated at 1.4635sec and 1.5154sec for dV/dQ and dV/dP
A Computation Time Comparison AmongMethods Implemented in IEEE 118-Bus System
C. Overall Results:
Overall, VPIbus, VQIbus VPILine and VQILine have very similar stability margins providing almost identical
voltage collapse point for power system as a whole while they have the same voltage stability results comparing to
modal analysis, Lmn,VCPI, and receiving-end voltage Vbus. The results also exhibit high voltage stability analysis with
low computation time using VPIbus, VQIbus VPILine and VQILineindices generating accurate voltage stability indications
and allocations with clear readability for each individual line and bus and also for entire power system.
VCPI and modal analysis are powerful approach conducting voltage stability analysis in bus system while line
voltage stability is effectively conducted by Lmnmethod. However, modal indices are complex and consuming much
calculation times to conduct voltage stability analysis. Their stability indications are based on Jacobian sensitivities
which are not easy to extract voltage stability at each individual bus or system line. For a system with several thousand
buses it is impractical to calculate all of eigenvalues even calculating the minim eigenvalues of Jris not sufficient;
because there is more than one weak mode associated withdifferent part of the system. Although VCPI has advantages
of lowering analysis computation time with good voltage stability indications for ever bus, its information is based on
voltage ratios with no sing of remedial actions.
VPIbus and VQIbus generate indications of voltage stability for each power system bus while VPILine and VQILine
produce voltage stability indications at each individual line. Voltage collapse are accurately predicted by VPIbus ,
VQIbus, VPILine and VQILine comparing to alternative methods estimating voltage stability margins for each power
system bus and line; and indicating maximum active and reactive power transfers through transmission systems.
VPIbusandVQIbus study the load and generation dynamics while VPILineandVQILine study transmission lines
stress and outage. The synchronism of generators and loads might be predicted or detected using these indices while
other methods such VCPIshow no signs of line outages during load increase.
The proposed indices produce more voltage stability indicationsonce a power system subjected to an
unexpected increase of load components. Limited power transfers and shortage in supplying reactive power demands
may cause a partial or total system breakdown. Our results also show that the occurrences of voltage collapse take
faster rates when a system subjected to an increase of active and reactive load components. Although those indices are
valid for the linearized model as dynamic analysis is preferred by some utilities, the proposed indices can be applied at
points in timein a dynamic simulation and can be also implemented easily in on-line voltage stability applications.
Thus, the proposed indices,VPIbus ,VQIbus, VPILine and VQILineare superior in their simplicity, accuracy, speed
calculations and direct VQ and VP associations indicating a powerful tool to conduct a static voltage stability analysis
and predicts precisely the point of voltage collapse. They also are capable of identifying the weaken buses and which
area are involved with. With this simplicity, speeds of readability and knowing system maximizing power transfers,
operators may act faster than before particularly when the system subjected to a sudden disturbance; not only to prevent
voltage instability, but also to improve system stability ensuring its security.
This paper presented a new approach of analysing voltage stability in power systems. Voltage stability in
transmission lines and power system buses are carefully analysed as to prevent line outages and/or to avoid partial or
total system voltage collapse. Four indices are proposed; VPIbus and VQIbus for voltage stability analysis at system buses
studying the dynamics of loads and generatorswhile VPILine and VQILineare for line voltage stability analysisstudying
transmission lines stress and outages.
Copyright to IJAREEIE www.SeminarsTopics.com 3150
ISSN (Print) : 2320 – 3765
ISSN (Online): 2278 – 8875
VPIbus and VQIbus generate indications of voltage stability for each power system bus while VPILine and VQILine
produce voltage stability indications at each individual line. Voltage collapse are accurately predicted by VPIbus ,
VQIbus, VPILine and VQILine comparing to the alternative methods estimating voltage stability margins for each power
system bus and line; and indicating maximum active and reactive power transfers through transmission systems. In
other words, the proposed indices indicate how far the bus and/or line are from their severe loading condition or
The accuracy ofVPIbus ,VQIbus, VPILine and VQILine in conducting voltage stability analysis and theirestimation
of voltage collapse were verified extensively, indicating that they have very similar system stability margins and
voltage collapse detectioncomparing to alternative methods. Line outages are predicted by VPILine and VQILinecaused by
either limited real power transfers or insufficient reactive power to support the required demand.
The results also show the proposed indices are superior to theirsimplicity, accuracy, speed calculations and
direct VQ and VP associations indicating a powerful tool to conduct a static voltage stability analysis and predict
precisely the point of voltage collapse. With this simplicity, speeds of readability and knowing system maximizing
power transfers, operators may act faster than before particularly when the system subjected to a sudden disturbance;
not only to prevent voltage instability, but also to improve system stability ensuring its security.
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F. A. Althowibi received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from College of Technology, Saudi Arabia in 2000
and the degree of M.S. from University of Queensland, Australia in 2006. He is currently pursuing PhD degree at
UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia, Malaysia.
M. W. Mustafa received his B.Eng degree (1988), M.Sc (1993) and PhD (1997) from University of Strathclyde,
Glasgow. His research interest includes power system stability, deregulated power system, FACTS, power quality and
power system distribution automation. He is currently deputy dean graduate studies and research, Faculty of Electrical
Engineering at UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia.
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