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Simulation of Multifilament Semicrystalline Polymer Fiber Melt-Spinning

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Simulation of Multifilament Semicrystalline

Polymer Fiber Melt-Spinning

Young-Pyo Jeon, Christopher L. Cox

Mathematical Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina, USA

Correspondence to:
Christopher L. Cox, email:

ABSTRACT clearer understanding of the fiber spinning process,

The goal of this effort is to provide an accurate allowing both troubleshooting for existing systems
simulation of multifilament fiber melt spinning, and improved process design. Examples along with a
applicable for a wide range of material and process review of early fiber spinning models can be found in
conditions. For ease of use, the model should run on [2]. Simulations of multifilament spinning of PET
a standard laptop or desktop computer in reasonable fibers, based on a Newtonian constitutive model, are
time (one hour or less). Most melt spinning models described in [3], [4], and [5].
simulate the formation of a single filament, with little
or no attention given to multifilament effects.
Available multifilament simulations are primarily
limited to Newtonian constitutive models for the
polymer flow. We present a multifilament simulation
based on the flow-enhanced crystallization approach
of Shrikhande et al. [J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 100, 2006,
3240-3254] combined with a variant on the
multifilament quench model of Zhang, et al. [J.
Macromol. Sci. Phys., 47, 2007, 793-806]. We
demonstrate the versatility of this model by applying
it to isotactic polypropylene and polyethylene
terephthalate, under a variety of process conditions.
Key words: Computer modeling; Semi-crystalline
polymer; Multifilament; Melt-spinning.

Fiber melt spinning is one of the most common
industrial polymer processes. In multifilament
spinning, the molten polymer exits from a forming
die, or spinneret, into the quench zone where cooling FIGURE 1. Schematic of fiber spinning process
air is blown across fibers (often numbering in the
thousands) and the fibers solidify as they cool and are
stretched (see Figure 1). Extreme changes in process Most commodity polymers are semi-crystalline,
conditions (e.g. temperature and axial velocity) occur meaning that both crystalline and amorphous regions
during this stage resulting in large changes in fiber exist together in the solid state. Flow-enhanced
properties at the macro level (diameter, temperature) (flow-induced, or stress-induced) crystallization is
and molecular or structure level (polymer orientation, known to occur as a result of high tensile stresses in
degree of crystallinity for semi-crystalline polymers. the fibers. One of the more recent FEC models is the
Quench conditions strongly influence the structure, one developed by McHugh, et al [6-9]. Their
which is directly linked to final properties. experimentally validated approach, which combines a
Experimental data confirm that variations in quench viscoelastic constitutive model for the melt with a
properties across a multifilament bundle create rigid rod model for the crystalline phase, is able to
nonuniformities in fiber properties [1]. predict the location along the spinline of the necking
phenomenon associated with rapid phase change
Predictive models have the ability to provide a under high-stress conditions.

Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics 34

Volume 4, Issue 1 – 2009 – Special Issue: MODELING
Harvey and Doufas recently published results of a that the system of equations forms a set of first-order
multifilament simulation coupling a single filament ordinary differential equations. A full development of
model with a 3D solution for the quench domain the FEC model can be found in the papers of
based on the Navier Stokes equations [10]. Their McHugh, et al. [6-9]. We focus on aspects of this
code requires extensive computing resources (both model most pertinent to temperature dependence and
time and memory) and no experimental validation of heat transfer.
results have been reported.

The authors of the current manuscript combined the

FEC model in [9] with the multifilament quench
model in [4], resulting in a simulation which
compares favorably to industry data for PET
multifilament spinning and also runs on a standard
personal computer in minutes rather than hours [11].
This model includes viscoelastic effects and
semicrystalline behavior in a nonisothermal
multifilament setting.

The purpose of this paper is to describe a variation of

the multifilament fiber melt-spinning model in [11],
motivated by the work of Zhang et al. [5]. The
simulation is applied to two polymers which differ
significantly in their characteristics during processing.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In the
next section, the governing equations for the fibers
and quench environment are developed. Simulation
results are then provided for a variety of process
conditions. The paper concludes with a summary and
an outline of continuing work.

The McHugh FEC model accurately predicts effects
of viscoelasticity and phase change for a melt-spun
fiber [9]. We encapsulate the FEC equations for a
single fiber within a simple algorithm which accounts
for convective heat transfer between the quench air FIGURE 2. Overview of multifilament simulation
and the fibers. The conservation equations for the
quench environment, in discrete form, are similar to
those in [4] and [5]. The overall algorithm is The zero-shear-rate viscosity of the melt used in our
illustrated in Figure 2. version of the model takes the form of the Arrhenius
In this section we provide a brief description of the
FEC model and a more detailed discussion of the
0 (T ) A exp B (1)
equations governing the quench air. T

FEC Fiber Spinning Model

The FEC model uses the empirical heat transfer
The 1D FEC model assumes that all dependent
coefficient of Kase and Matsuo [12] in the form
variables (axial velocity (v ), temperature (T),
conformation tensor components (czz and crr),
semicrystalline orientation tensor component (Szz ), 1/3 2 1/6
and relative degree of crystallization (x)), depend hc 0.42k 2 air 1 (2)
only on z, the axial distance. Fiber diameter, D, can D vz
be calculated based on mass conservation (with mass
flow rate, W, assumed constant). The fiber is also
in which k is heat conductivity, air
assumed to be at steady-state with constant density, ρ. is air viscosity,
and vcair
Acceleration, dv z/dz, is also a dependent variable so
is cross-flow quench air velocity. The

Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics 35

Volume 4, Issue 1 – 2009 – Special Issue: MODELING
conservation of energy equation for the fiber takes
the form

dT dvz (3)
vz C1(D,v z)h c(T Tair) C (v
2 z, ,c ,c ,x)
dz dz zz rr

where C1 and C 2 are coefficients that depend on

solution variables, as indicated, and material
parameters. This equation plays a central role in
coupling the quench and fiber models. The
momentum equation has an air drag term which also
couples the two models, normally in a less significant
way. Specific details about the governing equations
for the fiber model can be found in [6-9].
FIGURE 4. A schematic diagram of a computational cell
The numerical solution of the FEC equations for a containing a filament cross-section.
single fiber is accomplished using a shooting method.
In this algorithm, all dependent variables except czz
are set at the spinneret and a nonlinear system solver A mass balance on cell (i, j) using the notation in
is used to iteratively determine the initial value of czz Figure 3 takes the form
which results in a specified take-up speed at the feed
roll. ( air vair Ac)(i,j 1) q(i 1,j) ( air air
c vc q(i,j) (4)
Ac )(i,j)
Multifilament Quench Model
The model we employ to simulate the multifilament where ρ is the air density, vc
quench environment is based on the work of Dutta velocity,airq is the downward air mass
air flow rate, and Ac

[4] and Zhang et al. [5], consisting of conservation is the area of the cell border perpendicular
is air cross-flow
to the
equations for mass and energy. We assume that all primary direction of the quench air flow. Dutta
fibers in a row transverse to the quench air cross-flow calculates q using the equation
experience the same air velocity and temperature, and Reff
that the fibers are arranged in a rectangular array as q 2 air
rv dr (5)
shown in Figure 3. d

where r f is the fiber radius, vd is the downward air

velocity, and Reff is an effective radius for each fiber,
defined in terms of the number of fibers, N, and the
area of the spinneret, A , as
Asp = NπReff (6)

Dutta uses Matsui's expression for the downward air

velocity [13]:

FIGURE 3. Spinneret geometry vd v z1 2 (1 2 2 1/ 2 d (7)
) ]

Consider the computational cell in Figure 4 for one where is a dimensionless radius ( rf / r ), ReD
filament cross-section.
is the Reynold's number (ReD = D v/ ), CD is the
drag coefficient (CD 1.22K 0.78Re D0.61 and K = 0.22),
and is a constant being related to Prandtl's mixing

Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics 36

Volume 4, Issue 1 – 2009 – Special Issue: MODELING
length ( K 2 Re2D C D / 2 ). Combining eqs. (5) and In (10) and (11), Tair is the air temperature, and Cp
(7) gives a complete expression for the downward air and Cp are
mass flow rate,

eff 1
1 CD ReD (8)
q 4 air f r2 *5
1 2
d d *
vz [ (1 2)2]1/2
1 *

in which the dimensionless effective radius, eff, is

defined as eff Reff / r f .
From the mass balance (4) imposed on each cell, we
obtain quench air velocity, vc(i,airj) :
FIGURE 5. The air temperature distribution around fiber.
air air
vc(i, j 1) (i, j 1) Ac(i, j 1) q(i, j) q(i 1, j)
vc(i, j) (9)
air air mer and air, respectively. Each is formulated as a
(i, j) Ac(i, j) (i, j) Ac(i, j)
polynomial in the respective temperatures [11]. As
developed in Dutta [4], the three terms on the right
The equation used for calculating the air temperature hand sides of (10) and (11) represent heat due to the
begins with consideration of the energy input and polymer, heat due the quench air flowing transversely,
output for the computational cell in Figure 4, and heat due to the air pumped downwards,
formulated by Dutta as the heat capacities of the poly- respectively.
air air air air
Ein WC pT (i 1, j) (i, j 1) c(i,
v j 1) Ac(i, j 1)Cp(i, j 1) (i, j 1)
T Zhang, et al. modified Dutta’s model by introducing
0.5q(i 1,j)(Cair air air air an exponentially weighted distribution of
p(i 1, j 1)T (i 1,j 1) Cp(i 1,j) (i 1,j)) (10)
T temperatures, illustrated in Figure 5. We modify the
form of the weighting term used in Zhang et al. in
air air air air order to better control the weight given to the fiber
Eout WCpT(i, j) (i, j) c(i,
v j) Ac(i, j)Cp(i, j) (i, j)
(11) temperature relative to the air temperature. Our
0.5q(i,j)(Cair air air air
p(i,j 1) T (i,j 1) Cp(i,j) (i,j))
T variation on equations (10) and (11) is given by (12)
and (13).

E in WC air air air air

p T( i 1, j) ( i, j 1 ) v c( i,j 1 )A c( i ,j 1 )C p ( i,j 1 )T( i ,j 1 )

air R eff
2 air e 10k r e 10k Reff 10k rf(i,j) e 10k r T( air , ) T( air, )
( i 1, j)C p( i 1, j) i 1j 1 i 1j
vd(i 1,j) T e rdr (12)
e rf(i,j) e Reff (i,j) 2

air air air air

Eout WC pT(i, j) (i, j) c(i,
v j) Ac(i, j)C p(i, j) (i, j)
R eff
2 air
i ,j )Cp ( i, j ) e 10k r e 10k Reff 10k r T(air, ) T( air
ij 1
, )
vd(i,j) T e f(i 1,j) e 10k r rdr (13)
r ( , ) e Reff 2
e f i 1j
Equating the right hand sides of eqs. (12) and (13) and solving for T air results in
(i, j)

Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics 37

Volume 4, Issue 1 – 2009 – Special Issue: MODELING
WCp[ T(i 1,j) T(i,j) ] (i,jair1) c(i,j
v air1) Ac(i,j 1)Cair air
p(i,j 1) T(i,j 1)

R eff R
2 (iair
1,j) T(aii r1,j 1) T(i 1,j)
vd(i 1,j)e 10k rrdr T(iair1,j 1) T(iair
1,j) e 10k rf(i,j) T e 10k Reff
T(i,j) T ij air vd(i 1,j)rdr
2 ( i ,j )
e 10k rf(i,j) e 10k R eff ( , ) 2
eff eff
air air
2 (i,j)Cp(i,j) air air 1) e 10k rf(i 1,j)
T(i,j 10k Reff
T(i,j 1) 10k r
T (i 1,j) vd(i,j)e rdr T(i 1,j)e vd(i,j)rdr
10k rf(i 1,j) e 10k R 2 2
e eff rf(i 1,j) rf(i 1,j)

eff 10krf(i 1,j) e 10kr
air air
air air air
2 (i,j)Cp(i,j)
vd(i,j) e
(i,j)Cp(i,j) c(i,j)Ac(i,j) rdr
v e rf(i 1,j) e Reff 2
rf(i 1,j)

RESULTS Simulation 1: Experimental validation

We present simulation results for five cases: three for We first compare our results to on-line industry data.
polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and two for Quench air velocity and temperature data were
isotactic polypropylene (iPP). The material properties collected at a Wellman, Inc. fiber spinning plant [15].
used for each polymer are listed in Table I. Further
details about these parameters are in [11]. The
algorithm displayed in Figure 2 is implemented in
Matlab [14]. Convergence is reached in 2 or 3
iterations. The code takes less than 30 minutes to
execute on a desktop PC.

TABLE I. Material parameters used for simulations.

Name [units] PET iPP

1.36 0.75 FIGURE 6. Spinneret hole arrangement for simulation.
polymer density [g/cm3]
melt shear modulus [Pa] 9.52e4 2.59e4
surface tension [dyne/cm] 35 36
3.3e4 4.66e3 The spinneret is circular, and the quench air flows
A s] and [K]B used in Eq. (1)
7,570 5,521
ultimate degree of crystallinity [-] 0.42 0.5
from a diffuser in the middle of the spinline (see Jeon
maximum crystallization rate [s ] 0.016 0.55 and Cox [11] for details). The PET melt is extruded
maximum crystallization rate temp. [ C] 190 65 through a spinneret with holes arranged in 10 rings,
crystallization rate curve half-width [ C] 64 60 each containing 300 capillaries. We approximate the
Cs1 [cal/(g C)] 0.2502 0.318 hole arrangement as a rectangular array, averaging
crystalline part C [cal/(g ( C) 2)] 0.0007 0.00266
through the rings. Process conditions, including hole
Cs2 3
s3 [cal/(g ( C) )] 0 0
C [cal/(g C)] 0.3243 0.502 spacings used in the model, are listed in the first
amorphous part Cl1l2 [cal/(g ( C) 2)] 5.65e4 8.0e4 column of numbers in Table II. The quench profile
Cl3 [cal/(g ( C) 3)] 0 0 consists of an active quench zone (0.41 m in length)
reference heat of fusion [cal/g] 30 20.1 where air is distributed by the quench diffuser to the
fibers, followed by the air entrainment zone (0.43 m
long) where the velocity of the quench air was
For each case, the exponential weight parameter k measured as 0.1 m/sec. Speed of the cross-flow
used in (14) is set to 4. The parameters governing the quench air on the windward side of the fiber bundle
spinneret hole spacing are defined in Figure 6. was measured at several points along the spinline.

Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics 38

Volume 4, Issue 1 – 2009 – Special Issue: MODELING
Table II. Process parameters used for simulations.

Name [units] PET spinning iPP spinning

Simulation. 1: Simulation 2: Simulation. 3: Simulation 4: Simulation 5:
experimental validation varying W high speed varying vz varying vcair
spinneret temperature [ C] 285 310 310 220 220
mass flow rate [g/min/hole] 0.5231 1.4 & 2.8 2.8 0.7 0.7
capillary diameter [mm] 0.231 0.4 0.4 1.0 1.0
take-up speed [m/min] 1,371 1,200 5,500 1,300 & 2,000 2,000
spinline length [m] 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.0
upwind air temperature [ C] 35 25 25 25 25
upwind air cross velocity [m/sec] (see write-up) 0.6 2.0 1.0 0.5, 0.6, & 0.7
quench zone start [m] 0.02 0 0 0 0
quench zone end [m] 0.43 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
number of rows 10 10 10 10 10
spinneret length [m] 0.546 0.288 0.288 0.288 0.288
spinneret width [m] 0.03166 0.072 0.01 0.018 0.018
distance between rows [mm] 2.935 7.2 1.0 1.8 1.8
distance between holes [mm] 1.589 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6

These values are plotted as data points in the first plot

in Figure 7. A piecewise linear fit of this data, using
3 lines, was used as the inflow condition for quench
air in the model. Also shown in the first plot in
Figure 7 are the calculated air cross-velocities in
rows 1, 6, and 10. Experimental measurements of
quench air temperature on the leeward side of the
bundle, at 5 points along the spinline, were also
provided. The data points on the leeward side and
calculated temperature profiles for rows 1, 6, and 10
are plotted in the second graph in Figure 7. The
calculated temperatures for row 10 compare well
with the experimental data.

FIGURE 7. Simulation 1 results of quench air velocity and

temperature for the Wellman Spinneret at 1,371 m/min take-up
velocity: (a) Air temperature, T and (b) Air cross velocity, vc .
air air

Simulation 2: Effects of polymer mass flow rate, W

The simulation was used to examine the effects of
polymer mass flow rate, W, for low-speed PET
spinning. Process conditions for this simulation are
listed in the second column of numbers in Table II.
Simulation results for fiber speed, temperature, and
radius are plotted in Figure 8. The variation in
quench air conditions between rows resulted in
significant variation in fiber characteristics. For the
case with the mass flow rate W = 1.4 g/min/hole, the
upwind air cross velocity (0.6 m/sec) was sufficient
(nearly) to cool the fibers in each row to the ambient
(upwind) temperature. When the mass flow rate was
raised to 2.8, however, the fibers remained warmer
through the spinline likely resulting in more non-
uniform final properties. A next step motivated by

Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics 39

Volume 4, Issue 1 – 2009 – Special Issue: MODELING
these results would be to extend the quench region.

Simulation 3: High speed PET spinning

In contrast to observations at low speeds, PET fibers
spun at higher speeds often exhibit a nontrivial
degree of crystallinity. We simulate PET melt-
spinning at 5,500 m/min take-up speed and compare
computed quantities through the bundle. Process
conditions for this simulation are listed in the third
column of numbers in Table II. The results for fiber
speed, crystallinity, and temperature are displayed in
Figure 9. Warmer conditions from the windward to
leeward side resulted in delayed initiation of the
velocity plateau, and lower degree of crystallinity on
the leeward side. FIGURE 8. Simulation 2 results for fiber properties for different
mass flow rates: (a) Take up speed, vz , (b) Fiber radius, fr , (c)
Tensile stress, r f,, (d) Fiber crystallinity, x, and (e) Fiber
temperature, Tf.

Simulation 4: Effects of take-up speed, vz, for iPP

We investigated the effects of take-up speed for iPP
fiber spinning. The process conditions are listed in
the fourth column of Table II. Figure 10 contains
comparisons of results for take-up speeds of 1300
m/min and 2000m/min. Fiber speed, crystallinity, and
temperature are plotted for 3 rows in the bundle. The
start of the ‘plateau’ region in the fiber velocity
varies from row to row. The final degree of
crystallinity in row 1 fibers is more than 10% greater
than in row 10 fibers for the 1,300 m/min take-up
speed. This result correlates with warmer temperature
and lower stress values in row 10 than in row 1.
Unlike the spinning results for vz = 1,300 m/min case,
at 2,000 m/min the variation between rows is
negligible, likely resulting in more uniform fiber
properties. This motivates the consideration of a
longer spinline and/or modified quench conditions
for lower take-up speeds.

Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics 40

Volume 4, Issue 1 – 2009 – Special Issue: MODELING
calculation with industry data. Then the code was
used to examine trends as material and process
properties were varied. Variation of mass flow rate
in low speed PET fiber spinning resulted in
significant differences in velocity, temperature, and
radius profiles. For higher speed PET spinning, a
10% variation in degree of crystallinity is seen
between the windward and leeward sides of the
bundle. Variation in take-up velocity for iPP fiber
spinning showed that fiber properties (notably
crystallinity) differed more through the bundle at
lower speeds. A similar effect was seen when the
inflow quench air velocity was changed, so that at
lower air velocity a more drastic variation in fiber
properties was seen through the bundle.

FIGURE 9. Simulation 3 results for PET fiber properties at higher

take up speed (vz = 5,500 m/min): (a) Take up speed, vz , (b) Fiber
crystallinity, x, and (c) Fiber temperature, Tf.

Simulation 5: Effects of quench air velocity, vc

We now investigate the effects of varying quenchair air
cross velocity on fiber properties for iPP fiber
spinning at 2000 m/min. The process conditions for
this simulation are located in the last column of
numbers in Table II, and the simulation results, (fiber
take-up speed, crystallinity, and temperature), are
displayed in Figure 11. The effect of varying quench
air speed is more strongly felt toward the leeward
side, especially for degree of crystallinity. This
suggests that more non-uniformities in final
properties across the bundle may occur at lower
quench air speeds. Temperature profiles are shown
only for rows 1 and 10 so that the figure is less

We have presented a versatile melt spinning
simulation based on the McHugh et al. FEC single-
fiber model and a variation on the multifilament
quench zone model of Zhang et al. First we
demonstrated the correlation of the quench air

Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics 41

Volume 4, Issue 1 – 2009 – Special Issue: MODELING
FIGURE 10. Simulation 4 results: comparisons of iPP fiber
properties at take-up velocities of 1,300 m/min and 2,000 m/min:
(a) Take up speed, v z, (b) Fiber crystallinity, x, and (c) Fiber
temperature, Tf.

Further experimental validation is needed for this

simulation. The code will be generalized to model
other spinneret geometries, including staggered
arrays of capillaries and circular spinnerets. The
code will be applied to other polymers at various
process conditions. The effects of radiative heat
transfer will be incorporated in the simulation,
allowing for a study of what process or material
conditions warrant the inclusion of both convective
and radiative terms.
FIGURE 11. Simulation 5: comparisons of iPP spinning results of
fiber properties for varying quench air cross velocity, vc : (a) Take
up speed, v , (b) Fiber crystallinity, x, and (c) Fiber temperature, Tf.

This work was supported by the ERC program of the
National Science Foundation under Award Number
EEC-9731680. The authors gratefully acknowledge
Fred Travelute from Wellman Inc. for providing on-
line quench air data.


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Volume 4, Issue 1 – 2009 – Special Issue: MODELING

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