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Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease

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Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease

and Cardio-Related Events
Written by

Vicki Batts and the editors of Natural News

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

Copyright © 2019 Natural News

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner
without written permission except in the case of brief quotations included
in critical articles and reviews.

First Edition, First Printing

Written by Vicki Batts and the editors of Natural News

Edited by Natural News Editors

Disclaimer: This book is offered for information purposes only and is pro-
tected under freedom of speech. It is not medical advice nor should it be
construed as such. Nothing in this book is intended to diagnose or treat any
disease. Always work with a qualified health professional before making any
changes to your diet, prescription drug use, lifestyle or exercise activities.
This information is provided as-is, and the reader assumes all risks from the
use, non-use or misuse of this information.

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

Table of Contents
Ch. 1 – What Is Heart Disease?.....................................................................4

Ch. 2 – Pitfalls of Conventional Treatment……………………………………………….16

Ch. 3 – Natural Prevention and Treatment Is Possible……………………………..29

Ch. 4 – The Impact of Food on Heart and Cardiovascular Diseases…………..41

Ch. 5 – Lifestyle Changes to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease……………..57

Ch. 6 – Supplements to Promote Cardiovascular Health………………………….70

Subscribe to our newsletter…………………………………………………………………….80

Food Forensics (bestselling book by Mike Adams)…………………………………..81



Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

Heart disease can go by many names and comes in many different forms.
Heart disease isn’t just one disease, but rather numerous problems and
conditions related to the heart muscle. Arrhythmia, angina, coronary artery
disease and genetic defects can all be considered heart diseases. The term
cardiovascular disease may often be used interchangeably with the term
heart disease but they are recognized as two different conditions. Cardio-
vascular disease refers to diseases and conditions of the vascular system.
Most often, cardiovascular disease involves narrowed or blocked blood ves-
sels. Cardiovascular conditions can still lead to heart attacks and strokes.
Many types of heart disease and cardiovascular disease can be prevented
with diet and lifestyle changes.1

What Types of Heart and Cardiovascular Disease Are

Ischemic heart diseases are conditions which compromise blood flow to the

One of the most feared forms of ischemic heart disease is myocardial infarc-
tion, most commonly known as a heart attack. The heart muscle needs a
constant flow of oxygen and nutrients. There are two branching arteries
that deliver fresh oxygenated blood to the heart. During a sudden blockage,
the heart muscle is starved of oxygen. If this starvation of the muscle goes
on for too long, that part of the muscle tissue will begin to die. This tissue
death is what we call a heart attack, or myocardial infarction.3 Another
common type of ischemic heart disease is angina. Angina is caused by ath-
erosclerosis. It is caused by a decrease in blood flow to the heart muscle and
causes pain in the chest.

The clots associated with heart disease are most often formed by dislodged
arterial plaque. Plaque buildup in the arteries is a cardiovascular condition
known as atherosclerosis.4 These plaques are made up of fat, cholesterol,
calcium and other substances in the blood that stick to and collect along the
arterial walls. Over time, the plaques thicken and narrow the blood vessels
considerably. Atherosclerosis can lead to strokes as well as heart attacks

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

and death. The condition can affect any blood vessel in the body. A number
of diseases can develop throughout the body as a result of atherosclerosis,
such as peripheral artery disease, carotid artery disease and chronic kidney
disease. Many other serious conditions and diseases are related to athero-

Atherosclerosis is also the cause of coronary artery disease, another ischem-

ic heart disease. Coronary artery disease is the most common form of heart
disease and the leading cause of heart attacks and angina. Coronary heart
disease refers to diseases of the arteries that supply the heart with blood. In
coronary heart disease, the coronary arteries become constricted or
blocked by plaques lining the arterial walls, restricting the blood flow to the
heart. Sometimes simply called ischemic heart disease, coronary artery dis-
ease is the most common form of heart disease. It is also one of the more
common causes of heart attacks and angina.2

Cerebrovascular diseases refer to diseases and conditions caused by a re-

duction or cessation of blood flow to the brain. Strokes are an example of
cerebrovascular disease.2 There are two types of stroke that people typically
suffer from. Ischemic strokes are the most common form of stroke and oc-
cur when a blood vessel that feeds the brain is blocked – usually by a blood
clot. When blood flow to the brain is cut off, brain cells die. This often leaves
the person unable to function as they once did. Some may lose the ability to
walk or talk or use a part of their body. Sometimes, the effects of a stroke
may be permanent if grievous damage and cell death was incurred. Howev-
er, this is not always the case, and functionality can generally be improved
over time and with rehabilitation.

The second type of stroke is a hemorrhagic stroke. This occurs when a blood
vessel in the brain bursts, often due to uncontrolled hypertension, or high
blood pressure.1 Transient ischemic attacks are very similar to a stroke, in
that the blood flow to the brain is briefly blocked. This may result in a sud-
den change in brain function, but the changes do not last long. Transient
ischemic attacks can be a warning sign that you may be at risk for having a
future stroke. Cerebral vascular disease is caused by atherosclerosis, and

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

refers to the narrowing of blood vessels to the brain. Cerebral vascular dis-
ease can lead to transient ischemic attacks and strokes.2

Hypertensive heart diseases are diseases related to high blood pressure.

High blood pressure can damage the heart and blood vessels, leading to any
number of complications. Hypertension is the medical term for high blood
pressure, or the excessive force of blood pumping through your blood ves-
sels. This excessive force can damage your kidneys and increase your risk of
having a stroke or heart attack. High blood pressure also increases your risk
of developing an aneurysm – or a weak spot in the wall of a blood vessel.
Aneurysms can enlarge over time, and can be life-threatening if they rup-
ture. The most common locations for aneurysms are the arteries at the base
of the brain and the abdominal aorta.2

Inflammatory heart disease refers to inflammation in or around the heart

muscle. Toxins, infectious agents and other factors can cause the inflamma-
tion. Pericardial disease refers to diseases of the pericardium – the sac that
encompasses the heart muscle. Pericarditis is inflammation of the sac, while
pericardial effusion refers to fluid buildup within the sac. Valvular heart dis-
eases are diseases that affect the valves of the heart. Stenosis is when the
heart valves don’t open wide enough to allow blood to flow through freely.
There are other conditions where the valves may not close properly, bulge
or prolapse into the upper chambers of the heart.3 Valvular diseases can be
genetic, or they can be caused by external factors such as rheumatic fever
or other infections and certain medications or radiation therapies in the
treatment of cancer. There are other heart conditions, such as congenital
heart defects, that are influenced by genetics as well.2

What Causes Heart and Cardiovascular Disease?

Atherosclerosis is the most common cause of heart and cardiovascular dis-
eases. The buildup of plaque along arterial walls causes the blood vessels to
become stiff and narrow. This constricts blood flow and can be quite dam-
aging to blood vessels themselves and the organs they carry blood to. A
number of conditions can be caused by atherosclerosis, such as coronary

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

artery disease. Fragments of the plaques caused by atherosclerosis that

have broken away from the arterial wall and blocked the blood stream can
indirectly cause strokes and heart attacks. Atherosclerosis can be brought
about by a variety of preventable causes. Poor eating habits, lack of exer-
cise, smoking and being overweight are all potential causes of atherosclero-

Other conditions, like arrhythmias, can be caused by a wide variety of be-

haviors and conditions. Arrhythmias occur when your heart beats to an ab-
normal rhythm, often because the heart’s electrical impulses are not travel-
ing correctly across the heart tissue. Diabetes, smoking, drinking and high
blood pressure are just a few potential causes of arrhythmia that can be
controlled. Some arrhythmias may also be due to heart defects. There are
other causes of heart disease that may be out of a person’s control, such as
birth defects or rheumatic fever. Heart defects are most often present at
birth but may also develop as a person ages. As you grow into an adult, your
heart grows too, and this can also be when a heart defect occurs or wors-
ens. There are several types of heart disease, such as cardiomyopathy, that
may be inherited from a parent.5

What Puts You at Risk?

There are a number of modifiable risk factors for the onset of heart and
cardiovascular disease. Even if you have already been diagnosed with heart
or cardiovascular disease, reducing your risk factors is still important for
treating the condition and preventing it from getting worse. While risk fac-
tors are not exact guarantees that you will develop heart or cardiovascular
disease, every risk factor you associate with will increase your chances of
compromised health.

The single greatest risk factor for having a stroke is high blood pressure, and
it also plays a big role in heart attacks as well. Hypertension can be treated
and reversed, but only through proper management. Hypertension also in-
creases your risks of developing an aneurysm, and having an aneurysm rup-
ture. Abnormal blood lipid profiles are another contributing factor to the

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

onset of heart and cardiovascular disease. High total cholesterol, high low-
density lipid (LDL) cholesterol and high triglycerides are all part of the blood
lipid profile that is often used as a biomarker for cardiovascular disease
risk.6 Abnormally high blood lipid profiles also increase your risk of develop-
ing atherosclerosis – which causes many heart and cardiovascular condi-

Tobacco use, regardless of what form you are using, increases your risk for
cardiovascular disease. Whether you are smoking or using a smokeless to-
bacco product makes no difference, as they are both harmful.6 Smoking is
greatly associated with the development of atherosclerosis, due to the fact
that smoking can damage your blood vessels, raise your cholesterol levels
and cause your blood pressure to skyrocket.7 Physical inactivity is also a ma-
jor risk factor in the development of heart and cardiovascular diseases. In
fact, being physically inactive boosts your risk for heart disease and stroke
by a staggering 50%. Being overweight or obese also greatly increases your
chances of developing heart disease.6 Being overweight and inactive also
increases the likelihood that you will develop other risk factors for heart
disease such as diabetes.

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

Type 2 diabetes is a major risk factor in heart disease and stroke incidence.
Having type 2 diabetes makes you twice as likely to develop heart disease as
someone who does not have it. Uncontrolled or otherwise poorly managed
diabetes will increase your risk of developing cardiovascular disease at an
early age, and it will likely become more severe and debilitating.6

A diet high in saturated fats, trans fats, sodium and sugar can worsen risk
factors for the onset of atherosclerosis.7 Poor diet is a risk factor for heart
and cardiovascular diseases as well. Many of these risk factors tend to occur
together. When a person is obese and has high cholesterol and high blood
sugar, it is called metabolic syndrome. Having metabolic syndrome makes a
person twice as likely to develop heart disease and five times more likely to
develop diabetes, than a person who does not have metabolic syndrome.8

There are, of course, risk factors that you cannot control. For example, heart
disease risk increases for men after age 45, while for women it increases
after age 55 or after menopause. Family history is also an important factor
in heart disease risk as well. If your father or brother was diagnosed before

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

age 55, your risk goes up significantly. Your risk also increases if your mother
or sister was diagnosed with heart or cardiovascular disease before age 65.8
Your gender can also influence your risk factor. Men are more likely to de-
velop heart disease than pre-menopausal women. Post-menopausal women
and men have relatively similar risks. Stroke risk is equal among men and
women. People of African or Asian descent are also more likely to develop
heart and cardiovascular diseases.6

Statistics of Heart and Cardiovascular Disease

What does it really mean to be diagnosed with a form of heart disease?
Many people are diagnosed with these life-threatening conditions and fail
to understand the gravity of what is going on inside their own bodies. They
continue to eat poorly and lead inactive lives. It is important to talk about
the severity of these conditions and the consequences they lead to when
left untreated.

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

Heart disease is the leading cause of death across the globe. Worldwide,
there are over 17.3 million deaths due to heart and cardiovascular diseases
each year. The American Heart Association expects this number to reach
23.6 million or more by the year 2030. In 2013, 31% of deaths around the
world were attributed to heart and cardiovascular disease alone.9 Heart dis-
ease is also the leading cause of death for men and women in the United
States.10 In the U.S., cardiovascular diseases account for more deaths per
year than all cancers combined. Over 800,000 people in the United States
died from heart and cardiovascular diseases and strokes in 2013. That
equates to approximately one in three deaths in the U.S. That is also roughly
2,200 deaths per day, or one death from a cardiovascular disease every 40
seconds. Every 40 seconds, someone in America dies from what was likely a
preventable condition. About 85.6 million United States citizens live with
some form of cardiovascular disease, or suffer with the aftermath of having
had a stroke. The direct and indirect costs of these diseases and strokes to-
tal over $316 billion per year.9

The number of people who do very little to reduce their risk of disease is
saddening. For instance, approximately one in three U.S. adults reports do-
ing no leisurely physical activity or exercise. Nearly 30% of the population

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

does no exercise. This is compounded by the fact that most adults over the
age of 20 are overweight or obese. Over 159 million adults in the United
States are overweight or obese. That is just about 69% of the population –
meaning more than two-thirds of the population is at risk for developing
heart or cardiovascular disease. Worse still, about 32% of children are
overweight or obese as well.

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), mean healthy diet

scores for adults have improved by less than 1% between the years of 2003
and 2012. In 2011–2012, 1.5% of adults were found to be reaching the ideal
healthy diet target, up from 0.7%.9 This means that, in nine years, adult di-
ets improved by 0.8%. Technically, the number has just about doubled –
making it statistically impressive. However, the fact remains that just 1.5%
of adults in America – a first world country – have an ideally healthy diet.
That statistic is less dismal than the 0.6% of children reaching the ideal
healthy diet score. That’s right, just barely over one-half of a percent of
children were reaching ideal nutrition each day in 2012. And we wonder
why the United States is a nation of sick people.

The AHA attributes these dietary “improvements” to the inclusion of more

whole grains in the diet, and fewer sugar-sweetened beverages. They also
state that no changes were made in regard to decreasing sodium intake or
increasing intake of fish. The AHA also notes that there was a small, insignif-
icant change in fruit and vegetable intake.9 While I am glad that people are
drinking less soda – how small of an increase could there have been in fruit
and vegetable intake? If we consider 0.8% over nearly a decade to be signif-
icant, how small must an insignificant change be? Is eating more whole
grains really that great of an improvement if you are still eating fried and
processed foods? The answer is no. It’s really not that great of an improve-
ment, and it is shameful. We should not be patting ourselves on the back for
switching what kind of bread we buy at the supermarket and nothing else.
Eating whole wheat bread isn’t going to have a terribly strong impact on
your heart disease risk if you are failing to change anything else.

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

Obesity and overweight would appear to be among the most common risk
factors in our population, followed by poor diet and inactivity. According to
the Centers For Disease Control, about half of all Americans have at least
one of their top three keys to heart disease: high blood pressure, high cho-
lesterol and smoking.10About 33% of adults in the United States also have
hypertension. Nearly half of individuals who have high blood pressure do
not have it under control. About 9% of the adult population in the States
has been diagnosed with diabetes, as well. About 35% of adults have pre-
diabetes, the precursor to type 2 diabetes.9 Being overweight increases your
risk of developing coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, stroke, type
2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.11 These are all contributing factors and
risk factors to the onset of heart and cardiovascular disease.8 Obesity can
also lead to heart failure – a critical condition where your heart is not capa-
ble of pumping enough blood for your body’s needs.11

The obesity, poor nutrition status and the lack of exercise are the true root
causes of what makes our population sick. The World Heart Federation even
states on their website,, that the role of diet is
imperative to both the development and prevention of heart disease. They
also state that diet is one of the only key things you can change that can and
will impact all other cardiovascular risk factors. In fact, studies show that
following a diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables and fish that is lower in satu-
rated fats reduces the risk of having a new cardiac event by 73%, when
compared to a typical Western diet.12

Being physically active can also help extend your lifespan. Exercising and
engaging in some form of physical activity regularly can help protect your
heart against a number of cardiovascular diseases, as well as other condi-
tions. Being active is beneficial for your blood pressure, blood lipid profile
and the general health of your blood vessels.13 Nearly all of the conditions
that are risk factors for heart and cardiovascular disease relate to basic nu-
trition and exercise. Engaging in just 30 minutes of physical activity a day, or
about 150 minutes per week, is associated with a 30% reduction in one's
risk of developing coronary artery disease when compared to doing no ac-

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

tivity at all. Even if you have other risk factors, staying active can still help
reduce your risk of disease.

It is true that some risk factors are genetic, and others out of your control,
such as age. Even genetic predisposition is not a rock solid guarantee for
developing a heart or cardiovascular condition. Being old or being a male
does not mean you have to succumb to a life crippled by disease. If you are
predisposed to heart disease or another medical condition, you owe it to
yourself to put the effort into prevention. By controlling as many risk factors
as possible, you can reduce your risk of developing heart and cardiovascular

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

© grgroup/Adobe Stock

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

One of the hallmarks of conventional Western medicine is the stream of

prescription drugs available for almost any condition imaginable. If you can
think of a complaint, chances are, there is a medication available to “fix” it.
In the incidence of atherosclerosis – the cause of many heart and cardiovas-
cular conditions – some of the most common drugs are statins, which are
supposed to lower your cholesterol. Statins are generally prescribed to peo-
ple with high cholesterol or diabetes, or those who have developed coro-
nary artery disease or peripheral artery disease already. It is also common
for doctors to prescribe drugs to prevent high blood pressure, prevent blood
clots, lower your blood sugar or reduce inflammation.13 There is truly a pill
for everything.

Adults in America are increasingly being prescribed medications for high

cholesterol, for example. A report using data found by the National Health
and Nutrition Survey from the years 2003 to 2012 found a dramatic increase
in adults taking cholesterol-lowering drugs. The report was published by the
Centers for Disease Control’s National Center for Health Statistics Data Brief
in December 2014. In the 2011–2012 time period, over a quarter of all
adults over the age of 40 were taking a medication to reduce their choles-
terol. And approximately 70% of the adult population over the age of 40 and
living with cardiovascular disease now takes a cholesterol-lowering drug.
93% of those adults taking a cholesterol-lowering drug are using statin

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

Statins have long been hailed as a miracle drug, since their induction to the
pharmaceutical marketplace nearly two decades ago. However, new re-
search suggests that the drugs, commonly prescribed to lower cholesterol
and prevent heart attacks, do not do what they claim to do and are not as
effective as they claim to be. A 2015 analysis conducted by Dr. David M. Di-
amond, professor of psychology, molecular pharmacology and physiology at
the University of South Florida, and Dr. Uffe Ravnskov, an independent

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

health researcher and a specialist in cardiovascular disease and cholesterol,

found some serious flaws in the rose-colored world of statin drugs. In fact,
the doctors say that, while statins may produce dramatic results when it
comes to lowering cholesterol, they have still “failed to substantially im-
prove cardiovascular outcomes.”16 Furthermore, they state that the multi-
tude of studies conducted on statins supporting their usefulness have ne-
glected the many harmful side affects associated with statin use.

Diamond and Ravnskov refer to the studies used by statin supporters as

“statistical deception” to prop up their products and inflate their claims
about the efficacy of the drugs. Their analysis of the data gathered from
statin trials led them to their conclusion that "statin advocates have used
statistical deception to create the illusion that statins are 'wonder drugs,'
when the reality is that their modest benefits are more than offset by their
adverse effects." Or in other words, the results of the data were manipulat-
ed to make the drugs appear far more effective than they really are while
downplaying their potentially harmful consequences. The analysis also de-
tails how the statin studies pull off their deception. In statin studies, authors
present absolute risk and relative risk. The absolute risk refers to the effect
of the drug on the population. Studies have shown that statins only benefit
about 1% of the population. However, relative risk transforms that 1% figure
into 30-50%.16

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

Absolute risk reduction for 1% of the population means that out of 100
people being treated with statins, only one person might be prevented from
having a heart attack.16 The book Smart Health Choices: Making Sense of
Health Advice explains that absolute risk reduction is the best and most use-
ful way of presenting research results to help with decision making. Relative
risk refers to the proportional measure of the scope of the effect of the
treatment compared to other treatments or no treatment at all. The relative
risk is the proportion of bad outcomes in the group receiving a treatment
divided by the number of bad outcomes in the control group, or the group
that did not receive treatment. Sometimes, relative risk may also be used to
measure good outcomes as well. They also explain that relative risk reduc-
tion tells you how much the treatment reduced the risk of a negative out-
come relative to the control group. The number needed to treat (NNT) is a
calculation used to determine how many people need to be treated in order
to prevent a bad outcome, and is also a useful calculation. The number of
people who benefited from the treatment, for instance, divides the number
of people treated with a drug. For example, if 100 people test out a new
drug and only one person experiences benefits from the drug, then the
number needed to treat is 100.17 With a measly absolute risk reduction, it is
easy to understand why supporters of statin drugs would focus on relative
risk instead. The authors point to a statin study where 3% of the control

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

group had outcomes of heart attack or death, and 1.9% of the statin-
receiving group also experienced heart attacks or death. That is a 1.1% dif-
ference. If the groups contained 100 people, that is the difference of just a
single person. Naturally, when the study was publicized the figure was
bloated up to an approximate 36% reduction in risk. This was technically
correct, because they were using the statistic for relative risk reduction.
1.9% divided by 3% is indeed 63.3%. This means there was a 63.3% relative
risk of having heart attack. The inverse of this would be just about a 36%
relative risk reduction, as reported. Do you see how manipulative that sta-
tistic is? One might be inclined to say that while statistically correct, to make
such a claim is morally wrong. But the joy of statistics is that there is usually
an equation to get the results that you want people to see. However, it is
important to note that based on the statistics provided from the study, 100
people would still need to be treated with statin drugs to prevent one heart
attack – based on the equation for NNT.

The report written by Diamond and Ravnskrov notes that the exaggerated
claims of statin drugs’ effectiveness and minimization of their enormous
risks for harm to the recipient have led to not just an increase of their pre-
scription, but even enthusiasm for their use. There are a number of adverse
affects related to statin drug use that go unreported in the media, and even
in medical conferences according to Diamond and Ravnskrov. The authors
state that the increased frequency of cataracts, diabetes, cancer, cognitive
impairments and musculoskeletal disorders more than outweigh the mini-
mal cardiovascular benefits statin drugs may have. They also stress that low
cholesterol levels due to statin use have been greatly associated with an
increased risk of cancer. Studies have shown an increased frequency of can-
cer in patients taking statins, and one long-term study found that there was
a staggering increase in breast cancer diagnosis among women who had
been taking statins for more than ten years. The authors also point out that
most studies of statin drugs are cut off between two and five years. Such a
short time frame makes it very difficult to ascertain their true long-term ef-
fects. Diamond and Ravnskrov go on to caution the public about conflicts of

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

interest in the medical community and pharmaceutical industry, especially

when it comes to statins.16

Statin drugs prevent your body from producing cholesterol. That is how they
create their cholesterol-lowering effect. This might not sound so bad, but by
preventing the liver from producing its cholesterol-making enzyme, hy-
droxy-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase (HMG-CoA reductase), they are
also setting up your body for a world of unpleasant side effects. Muscle and
joint pain, nausea, constipation, diarrhea and headaches are the least of
your worries when it comes to statin drugs. Liver damage is a much more
concerning problem associated with statin use. Statin drugs can cause an
increase in liver enzymes that can actually damage the organ’s tissues. This
can lead to jaundice or acute liver failure. A damaged liver can also wreak
havoc across the body.18

Another known side effect of statin drugs that is rather serious in nature is
kidney damage and kidney failure. Statin drugs can cause rhabdomyolysis.
The condition causes degeneration of muscle tissue, kidney failure and
death. The risk of developing type 2 diabetes is also increased if you take
statin drugs. Type 2 diabetes is one the leading causes of death in the Unit-
ed States, with approximately 230,000 succumbing to the disease’s compli-
cations each year. Statins have been linked to an increase in fasting blood
glucose levels and elevated HbA1C levels. The drugs increase your diabetes
risk in two different ways. In addition to raising blood glucose levels, statin
use is also associated with increased insulin resistance. The two combined
are a potent recipe for diabetes. Statin drugs are also associated with a
number of neurological conditions. Cognitive impairments, memory loss and
confusion are just some of the listed complaints associated with statin
drugs. Some researchers have also linked statin drugs to the onset of amyo-
trophic lateral sclerosis, also known as ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease. The dis-
ease is known for its quick and devastating progression and poor out-

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

Statin drugs remain one of the most common drugs people take for heart
and cardiovascular disease, with up to one out of every four Americans tak-
ing part in the prescription drug phenomenon. And why wouldn’t pharma-
ceutical companies want that? Statin drugs are not drugs you can just stop
taking. Most people who take statin drugs will be taking them for the rest of
their lives.17 Talk about a cash cow. There is nothing more profitable than a
lifelong patient. The American Heart Association and the American College
of Cardiology updated cholesterol guidelines just a few years ago. Their aim
was to prevent as many heart attacks as possible, but not with education on
nutrition and exercise. True prevention requires too much work. Instead,
they implore physicians to cast a much wider net when it comes to prescrib-
ing statin drugs.

The original guidelines, written in 2002, primarily focused on individual pa-

tients’ numbers – how high their cholesterol was to begin with and what the
numbers were after beginning treatment. The goal was to get that patient
to an LDL level of 70 mg/dL. Now, these so-called experts have created new
guidelines which suggest that anyone who might be at an increased risk of
heart attack could benefit from the use of statins. The new guidelines rec-
ommend statin drugs to anyone who currently has heart disease or has pre-
viously had a heart attack or stroke, anyone with high LDL cholesterol, any-
one between the ages of 40 and 75 that has diabetes, and anyone with a
7.5% or greater chance of having a heart attack or stroke or developing an-
other cardiovascular condition in the next ten years. These new guidelines
also discuss how doing away with target cholesterol levels is beneficial be-

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

cause it’s really not about the number – it’s about “lowering your risk” and
taking an “effective dose.”

Reena Pande, MD, an instructor of medicine at Harvard University, wrote in

an article regarding the guidelines that she is already prescribing statins to
patients who have relatively normal cholesterol levels but are at a “high risk
of heart disease.” So, this doctor is prescribing cholesterol-lowering drugs to
patients who don’t have high cholesterol because she is under the spell of
statins. Dr. Pande also states, “We have long known that statins lower the
risk of premature death, heart attack, and stroke, even among individuals
with relatively normal cholesterol levels – who are not exempt from having
heart attacks or stroke.”19

It is true that even a healthy person could randomly suffer a heart attack.
People can die with no preexisting conditions. It doesn’t happen often, but
it does happen. But this woman, this doctor, is suggesting that other medi-
cal professionals should also prescribe drugs to people who don’t need
them for what is essentially nothing more than whimsy. More frightening
still is the recommendation that diabetics take a drug that is associated with
increasing blood sugar levels, increasing insulin resistance and instigating
the onset of type 2 diabetes. I may not be a doctor, but if 100 patients need
to be treated to prevent a single heart attack, the benefit for a diabetic pa-
tient just is not there and it surely does not outweigh the risk of worsening
their diabetes – which will actually give them heart problems, among other
health complications.18

Statins are being portrayed as a cure-all by modern medicine, when they are
truly quite far and away from being anything close to that. Statistically,
statins don’t work that well. The analysis conducted by Diamond and
Ravnskrov clearly suggests that statins really only lower your absolute risk
for heart attack by about 1%.16

The fact is that statin drugs are not all that they are cracked up to be. Shock-
ingly, or perhaps not so shockingly, saturated fats and cholesterol are not
quite as bad as the mainstream media would have you believe, either. Nei-

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

ther the drugs nor the “culprits” are what conventional medicine would like
us to believe.

Ansel Keys first developed the hypothesis on the evils of lipids in the 1950s.
His theory was that there was a direct relationship between the amount of
saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet, and the incidence of coronary
heart disease. Keys promoted this hypothesis throughout the medical com-
munity. Hundreds of subsequent studies have failed to support his initial
hypothesis, and many differing conclusions have been seen. In fact, about
90% of all properly documented studies examining Keys’ theory have not
supported the claim that saturated fats and cholesterol cause heart disease.
Interestingly enough, if one were to examine an arterial plaque, one would
find saturated fat accounts for an estimated 26% of a plaque’s makeup.
More than 50% of the fat found in an arterial plaque is comprised of polyun-
saturated fat.20

Cholesterol and saturated fats are generally looked at as evil substances

that must be kept at bay and treated with prescription drugs in modern
medicine. But the reality is that your body needs cholesterol and saturated
fats to be in good health. It may seem hard to believe after you’ve been told
all your life that cholesterol and saturated fat is bad, but it is true. Choles-
terol is absolutely necessary for optimal health and disease prevention. The
American Heart Association Task Force on Cholesterol Issues published a
report in 1994, exposing the risks of having too little cholesterol. The report
detailed a link between low total cholesterol levels (below 160 mg/dL) and
an increased risk of death from trauma, certain cancers, hemorrhagic stroke
and infectious disease. Many other studies link low total cholesterol to anxi-
ety, depression, aggression and other mental health conditions.21

A 2010 study conducted by researchers from Johns Hopkins Medicine found

that statins are often prescribed to people who likely won’t receive any
benefit from them. The investigators followed 950 healthy men and women
for six years. The team found that upwards of 95% of all heart attacks,
strokes or other deaths related to cardiac events occurred in the study par-
ticipants who had a measurable amount of calcium built up in their arteries.

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

Calcium deposits are known for causing blood vessels to harden. Only 5% of
cardiac events occurred in the 47% of study subjects who had no measura-
ble calcium deposits in their arteries. This suggests that statin therapy likely
wouldn’t offer coronary protection. The study’s lead researcher Michael
Blaha, M.D., M.P.H, says, “Our results tell us that only those with calcium
buildup in their arteries have a clear benefit from statin therapy, and those
who are otherwise healthy and have no significant calcification should with
their physician focus on aggressive lifestyle improvements instead of early
initiation of statin medications.” Blaha goes on to say that not every adult
needs to be on statin drugs to prevent heart attacks, especially when rough-
ly half of all adults have a negligible risk of having a heart attack or cardiac
event in the next five to ten years.22

Results of the study also showed that C-reactive protein levels may not be a
risk factor after all. Many statin drug advocates boast their ability to lower
C-reactive protein levels, as it was once thought to be an indicator of heart
disease risk. The Johns Hopkins team found that a high C-reactive protein
level provided no predictive value after other established risk factors were
accounted for, such as obesity or smoking. In other words, having a high C-
reactive protein level but being absent of other risk factors doesn’t auto-
matically mean you are at risk for developing cardiovascular disease, so pre-
scription of statin drugs may not be necessary.22

Cardiologist Roger Blumenthal, M.D., professor and director of the Cicca-

rone Preventive Cardiology Center at Johns Hopkins and study co-
investigator said, “Statin therapy should not be approached like diet and
exercise as a broadly based solution for preventing coronary heart disease.
These are lifelong medications with potential, although rare, side effects,
and physicians should only consider their use for those patients at greatest
risk, especially those with high coronary calcium scores.” 22

Blumenthal makes a brilliant point, and goes on to recommend that individ-

uals monitor their risk factors for heart disease. Lifestyle modifications such
as changing dietary habits and increasing physical activity should absolutely
be considered before prescribing patients – especially otherwise healthy

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

patients – statin drugs. It is shameful that people who do not need medica-
tions are prescribed them anyways under the guise of “prevention.”

In addition to the drugs that you might be prescribed for your high choles-
terol, there’s a good chance you are going to end up being prescribed drugs
for at least one or two other conditions that develop as a result of the first
prescription. Maybe you’ll get type 2 diabetes, or maybe your cholesterol
will drop low enough to incite depression. Or maybe you’ll be lucky enough
to develop liver damage or some other horrific, debilitating condition – I’m
sure there is a drug to “fix” it. You know who all of those drugs are benefit-
ing? Certainly not you, the patient, that’s for sure. The pharmaceutical in-
dustry though, now they are taking all of that straight to the bank.

The other type of medication commonly prescribed in instances of heart

and cardiovascular disease is blood pressure medication. Blood pressure
medications are used to lower your blood pressure. There are quite a varie-
ty of medications used for this purpose, but some of the most common
ones are diuretics, beta blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
(often called ACE inhibitors), angiotensin II receptor blockers (often called
ARBs) and calcium channel blockers.

Diuretics work by helping your kidneys remove a little extra salt from your
body, along with the fluid they’re expelling. This results in less fluid for your
vascular system to carry and lower blood pressure. Diuretics are also com-
monly called water pills. Beta blockers work by slowing your heart rate and
reducing the force with which it beats, which in turn lowers your blood
pressure. ACE inhibitors and ARBs work in the same manner. They both
serve to relax your blood vessels, which results in lower blood pressure. Cal-
cium channel blockers also work by relaxing blood vessels by preventing
calcium from entering cells.23

Most blood pressure medications come with side effects. Some common
side effects for blood pressure medications include nausea, vomiting, diar-
rhea, dizziness, constipation, nervousness, headaches, drowsiness, fatigue
and weight changes.23 A 2015 study conducted by researchers from the Uni-

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

versity of Alabama at Birmingham concluded that certain blood pressure

medications may pose even more concerning risks. The study looked at
26,785 black and white participants ages 45-plus from the Reasons for Geo-
graphic and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) study. The participants
were followed for 6.3 years. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is con-
sidered a serious risk for strokes, but the study found that the harder a pa-
tient’s blood pressure is to control, the higher their risk of having a stroke
was – even if the blood pressure was being controlled by medication suc-
cessfully. Patients with hypertension that was controlled by three or more
medications were two and a half times more likely to have a stroke than
people who have normal blood pressure without medication.

The lead researcher, George Howard, Dr.P.H., a professor in the Department

of Biostatistics in the UAB School of Public Health, stated, "You're in as
much trouble by the time you are on three medications that achieve excel-
lent control as you are when you have hypertension and it is untreated,
which is amazing." Requiring that many blood pressure medications to have
normal blood pressure levels poses the same amount of risk as not control-
ling your blood pressure at all. It really is astounding, isn’t it? Dr. Howard
goes on to say that relying solely on medications to treat the issue of blood
pressure is simply not enough. People have got to take the initiative to pre-
vent hypertension in the first place. A healthy diet, healthy body and regular
exercise are all suggested for keeping your blood pressure under control,

It is easy to see why prescription medication should not be at the forefront

of heart and cardiovascular disease prevention. Diet, exercise, and a healthy
lifestyle are the true keys to wellness. Changing the way you eat and live
your life can have a profound impact on your health. Heart and cardiovascu-
lar diseases not only can be prevented with dietary and lifestyle changes but
can be treated with these same natural methods as well.

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

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Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

Heart and cardiovascular diseases are most commonly caused by athero-

sclerosis. Atherosclerosis is caused by a build-up of plaque along the arterial
walls. What actually causes these plaques to form is unknown, but a num-
ber of things can influence your risk for developing the condition.4

Preventing and treating atherosclerosis is of utmost importance to reduce

the risk of other diseases such as coronary artery disease. Atherosclerosis
can be prevented and treated with lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet,
increased physical activity, weight reduction if overweight and the cessation
of tobacco product use.4 Natural prevention and treatment of heart disease
can be easily attained through a personal commitment to one’s own health.

Perhaps one of the most influential risk factors for heart and cardiovascular
disease is diet. Research has made it clear that abnormal blood lipid pro-
files, such as high cholesterol and high triglycerides, put you at an increased
risk of heart and cardiovascular diseases.12 However, newer research sug-
gests that elevated cholesterol levels are not the actual cause of heart dis-
ease. In fact, more recent research suggests that cholesterol is essential for
peak health. Cholesterol is imperative to the proper function of almost eve-
ry organ, nerve and cell in the body.

Excess calcium, however, may be the more likely culprit behind the rise of
cardiovascular diseases. Dr. Stephen Seely, a cardiologist, had an essay pub-
lished in the International Journal of Cardiology in 1991. In this essay, he
discussed why he believed excess dietary calcium was a primary cause of
atherosclerosis in the Western world. Dr. Seely noted that, in countries
where the average calcium intake is 200–400 mg daily, arterial disease is
extremely rare and blood pressure does not typically increase with age. In
contrast, other countries where the daily calcium consumption averages
800 mg or more, such as the United States, Ireland and Scandinavian coun-
tries, heart disease is the leading cause of death. Dr. Seely also notes that
the average arterial plaque is only 3% cholesterol. Calcium, however, makes
up roughly 50% of one plaque. Dr. Seely suggests that reducing dietary cal-
cium intake by reducing milk consumption is imperative to reducing athero-

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

sclerosis risk. Vitamin D has also been associated with preventing the devel-
opment of arterial plaques.25

A study published in the European Heart Journal had some very shocking
findings, as well. The study looked at a cohort of men and women over the
age of 55, and their coronary calcifications were analyzed and ranked by the
Agatston scoring method. The Agatston score refers to the size and density
of calcified plaques. The well-recognized risk factors for heart disease –
blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels – were all measured over
a seven-year period, as were the Agatston scores. Smoking was also taken
into account. 29% of the men and 15% of the women who had no discerna-
ble risk factors were found to have severe arterial calcification. No cardio-
vascular symptoms and no other risk factors were present in these individu-
als. The patients all had low to average cholesterol scores, yet their arteries
were filled with life-threatening, calcified plaques. Upwards of 90% of pa-
tients who experience a heart attack have calcified plaques in their arteries.

Interestingly, about 45% of patients that are admitted to a hospital for a

heart attack have cholesterol levels within a normal, healthy range.25 Ameri-
ca’s penchant for dairy products has long been associated with heart dis-
ease risks due to their saturated fat content, but perhaps the calcium in
dairy is what’s truly to blame.

It is worth noting that studies have indicated that statin drugs actually in-
crease the calcification of arterial plaque. Some researchers propose that
this calcification is part of the “healing” process and helps “stabilize” the
plaques – because calcification causes the plaques to harden, making them
more difficult to rupture.

A study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology

found that calcification of arterial plaques occurred independently of plaque
regression – meaning that the plaques' calcification did not occur due to a
reduction of plaque size. Rishi Puri, MBBS, Ph.D. and consultant for the Ath-
erosclerosis Imaging Core Laboratory within the Cleveland Clinic Coordinat-
ing Center for Clinical Research, was the study’s lead researcher. The study

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

analyzed the coronary arteries of 3,495 patients for 18 to 24 months. All of

the patients had been diagnosed with coronary artery disease. 224 of them
were in the control group and received no medication. 1,726 participated in
the “low-intensity statin” group, and 1,545 subjects participated in the
“high-intensity statin” group. All groups had statistically significant increases
of arterial plaque calcification. The control group saw a 0.020 increase in
calcium indices, and 0.038 and 0.044 increases were seen in the low-
intensity and high-intensity groups, respectively.

Regarding the study, Dr. Puri stated, “What struck me were the differences
in changes in plaque calcification between the no-statin and low-intensity
statin groups. Both groups achieved relatively similar LDL-C levels and
demonstrated the same degree of plaque progression over time, yet the
increase in calcium index in the low-intensity statin group was nearly double
that in the no-statin group.”26

So, the group not receiving statins saw their arterial plaques increase at the
same level as the group receiving statins. Perhaps what boggles the mind
most is the fact these professionals see calcification of the arteries as a good
thing. This is in no way a positive outcome, yet these medical professionals
are claiming that it is.

Another study published in the journal Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry

found that atorvastatin increased the calcification of vascular smooth mus-
cle cells dose-dependently. The more of the drug was used, the more calcifi-
cation was seen. The researchers note that calcification of the arteries is
associated with increased morbidity and heart attacks.27

Another study published by the Journal of the American Society of Nephrol-

ogy also notes the dangers of arterial calcification, and why it is important
to minimize it. Arterial calcification is part of the pathology of atherosclero-
sis. The plaques form and calcify over time, hardening your arteries along
with them. Vascular calcification has been linked to a variety of conditions,
including increasing the burden of atherosclerosis, cardiac event morbidity
and an increase of ischemic events in peripheral artery disease. Calcification

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

of the coronary artery is suggested to be predictive of and associated with

an increased risk of sudden cardiac death.28 There is no rational reason for
medical professionals to purport statin use and its capacity to increase calci-
fication of arterial plaques and the blood vessels themselves as a good
thing. It is beyond comprehension as to how these supposed professionals
could be so careless as to foster out-and-out lies just to reinforce the belief
that statins are actually of use.

Lowering your cholesterol levels with statins might not be of particular use
to your heart health endeavors, but what about your blood pressure? Hy-
pertension, or high blood pressure, is defined as a systolic blood pressure at
or above 140 mmHg or a diastolic blood pressure at or above 90 mmHg. Sys-
tolic blood pressure is a measure of the maximum amount of pressure in
the arteries as the heart contracts, while diastolic blood pressure is a meas-
ure of the minimum pressure in the arteries between contractions.

Hypertension is the single most important risk factor in stroke incidence.

Around 50% of ischemic strokes are caused by high blood pressure, accord-
ing to the World Heart Federation. High blood pressure can damage your
arteries in a number of ways. It can cause hardening of the arteries and lead
to atherosclerosis. It can also cause weak points along the arterial walls,
which can rupture.29

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

There are a variety of ways to keep your blood pressure in check, naturally
and holistically. Weight loss is one of the top suggestions for people who are
overweight and concerned about their blood pressure. Blood pressure often
increases as weight increases. Losing even 10 pounds can significantly re-
duce your blood pressure and decrease your hypertension risk.

Carrying weight around your midsection is also a risk factor for developing
hypertension. Men with a waist circumference of 40 inches or greater, and
women with a waist circumference of 35 inches or greater, should be par-
ticularly concerned, as these measurements are associated with an in-
creased risk of developing high blood pressure.

Regular exercise can both minimize your risk for becoming overweight or
developing central adiposity. Exercising or engaging in physical activity regu-
larly can also help reduce your blood pressure. However, it is important to
engage in physical activity consistently. If you stop exercising once your
blood pressure drops a few millimeters of mercury (mmHg), it will start to
climb back up. Regular physical activity can prevent the onset of hyperten-
sion, and help reverse it.30

Diet is another key factor in managing your blood pressure risks. Following a
diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help boost your potassium intake. Po-
tassium is known for its ability to balance the effects that sodium can have
on blood pressure.27 Potassium is an essential mineral that most Americans
do not get enough of. According to an analysis of the data gathered by the
National Health And Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) between the
years of 2003 and 2008, 99.4% of Americans consumed more sodium each
day than the amount recommended by the American Heart Association,
which is 1,500 mg or less per day. Additionally, 90.7% consume more than
the Institute of Medicine’s Tolerable Upper Limit Level of 2,300 mg per day.
Conversely, less than 2% of the adult population consumes enough potassi-
um each day.31

A diet high in sodium is associated with an increased risk of developing hy-

pertension in some healthy people. It also a significant factor in raising

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

blood pressure in people already diagnosed with hypertension. In over-

weight and obese individuals, a high-salt diet increases the risk of cardiovas-
cular disease as well. Hypertension causes damage to the blood vessels and
may lead to atherosclerosis or narrowing of the arteries.30

A report published in the American Heart Association’s journal Circulation in

2002 and led by Daan Kromhout, Ph.D., M.P.H., from the Division of Public
Health Research in the Netherlands, analyzed the effects of diet and exer-
cise on heart disease prevention. The researchers began the study by noting
that there are several likely hypotheses about the onset of atherosclerosis.
The primary theories behind the cause of the condition are oxidation, a re-
sponse to injury and a response to retention. It is important to note that the
three theories are not mutually exclusive. The authors of the report also
note that the oxidation hypothesis highlights the importance of modifying
oxidative stress in the case of atherosclerosis. When compared to native LDL
cholesterol, arterial walls take up oxidized LDL more favorably. This theory
makes diet and lifestyle of great concern. For instance, oxidation can be re-
duced by consumption of antioxidants in the diet but can also be increased
by behaviors such as smoking. The researchers state that there is over-
whelming evidence tying risk factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption
and physical inactivity to heart disease.32 In their overview of numerous
studies on the correlations between diet and lifestyle to heart disease, a
number of important observations can be found.

The Diet and Reinfarction Trial, conducted in 1989, found that consuming
oily fish just twice a week provided a 32% reduction in coronary heart dis-
ease and a 29% reduction in all-cause mortality. A 46-month follow-up study
known as the Lyon Diet Heart Study found even more impressive results.
Participants in the study followed a Mediterranean diet supplemented with
linolenic acid as their intervention. A 65% reduction in coronary heart dis-
ease and a 56% reduction in all-cause mortality were achieved by the
study’s conclusion. Nearly two-thirds of the participants experienced a re-
duction in heart disease with diet modifications alone.

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

For hypertensive patients, dietary changes can be quite powerful as well. In

the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) trials, results of the
dietary changes made were found to be quite similar to the results seen in
drug trials for blood pressure medications. The DASH diet emphasizes a diet
that is high in key minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium. A
more recent, secondary DASH trial found that decreasing sodium intake
along with implementing the other DASH diet principles produced an even
greater decrease in blood pressure than either modification would provide

Another, smaller trial conducted with cardiac patients found that dietary
and lifestyle modifications can also benefit patients who have been diag-
nosed with cardiovascular disease. The intervention group received exten-
sive dietary and lifestyle modification. A whole-food, vegetarian diet was
followed in conjunction with the implementation of aerobic exercise, stress-
management classes, smoking cessation and support group meetings. A fol-

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

low-up after five years found that the intervention group had a 7.9% reduc-
tion in coronary artery stenosis. This is remarkable, especially when con-
trasted with the 27.7% increase in coronary artery narrowing found in the
control group. In other words, the intervention group experienced a signifi-
cant reduction in the severity of their condition, while the control group saw
their condition continue to worsen.

The results show that healthy eating and lifestyle can reduce risks for cardi-
ac patients as well as healthy individuals. It has previously been thought
that dietary and lifestyle changes are only preventative measures that are
worthwhile for primary prevention in healthy individuals.32 The results of
this study, among others, show that dietary and lifestyle changes are not
just for prevention – they can help improve diseases and conditions such as
hypertension and coronary artery disease.

Conventional medicine seeks to create lifelong patients out of the majority

of our population. Not because they care, but because the more patients
there are, the more money they make. Part of how they do this is by trying
to convince the public that heart disease, even simple hypertension, is irre-
versible and that you need to take pills for the rest of your life to control it.
Even the American Heart Association says hypertension is a lifelong condi-
tion and that if your blood pressure is 140/90 mmHG or higher, your doctor
will likely prescribe medication. Their website,, also states that
there is no cure for hypertension but that lifestyle modifications can help
“manage” the condition.33

Vigilance over one’s diet and lifestyle can drastically change your health,
and that can’t be said enough. It is true that, once you have developed high
blood pressure, you will be at an increased risk of developing it again. If you
follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly until your blood pressure is
normal and then go back to eating cheese fries and couch surfing, you’re
going to find that your blood pressure goes right back up to where it was.
Making the commitment to get healthy and stay that way is a lifelong com-
mitment. Having a disease doesn’t have to be.

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

Most dietary studies on nutrition and its relationship with heart and cardio-
vascular disease focus primarily on saturated fats, cholesterol and sodium
intake. However, there is reason to believe that high glycemic load foods,
such as refined grains and sugars, may also increase heart disease risks
when consumed in large quantities.

A study published by the American Society for Clinical Nutrition found that
their epidemiologic data suggested that high consumption rates of refined
grains, sugars and other high-glycemic-index foods increased the risk of cor-
onary heart disease, independent of other risk factors. In the study, a cohort
of 75,521 women between the ages of 38 and 63 with no previous diagnosis
of diabetes, heart attack, stroke or other cardiovascular conditions were
followed for 10 years. The subjects filled out food frequency questionnaires,
and their total dietary glycemic loads were determined. At the study’s 10-
year follow-up, dietary glycemic loads were indicated as directly related to
coronary heart disease risk, even after adjustment for other risk factors. For
women who were above average in weight (or with a BMI over 23), the as-
sociation between dietary glycemic load and disease risk was more appar-

The Journal of the American Heart Association published a systematic re-

view and meta-analysis of the association between glycemic load and heart
disease in 2012. The researchers began the study by noting the proposal
that upwards of 80% of all heart disease in Western nations has been
caused by high-risk lifestyle choices. They note that the primary concern in
the modern medicine world has been saturated fat consumption. This has
led to the adoption of a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet across the board as
the standard dietary protocol for patients with heart and cardiovascular dis-
ease. However, new research is suggesting that high carbohydrate con-
sumption, particularly carbohydrates of the refined grain and sugary nature,
may actually increase heart disease risks. The researchers analyzed a num-
ber of studies to determine the effects of a high-glycemic diet on heart dis-
ease risks. Their conclusion was that diets with a high glycemic index and
high glycemic load were associated with a significant increased risk of de-
veloping coronary heart disease in women, but not in men. The researchers

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

posit that women normally receive protection from heart disease due to
their higher levels of circulating HDL (high density lipoprotein) cholesterol.
High-glycemic diets are associated with a reduction in circulating HDL cho-
lesterol, and this may excessively increase the risk of heart disease in wom-

The researchers also note that a high-glycemic index diet may also raise
blood pressure and C-reactive protein levels, which can in turn increases the
risk of developing coronary heart disease. The link between low glycemic
index diets and heart disease risk reduction was also validated through ran-
domized clinical trials evaluating the effects of low glycemic index and low
glycemic load as well as low saturated fat. A systematic review of these
studies found that, in obese and overweight individuals, exchanging refined
carbohydrates for low glycemic index complex carbohydrates provided a
much greater impact on coronary heart disease lipid risk factors. Meta-
analyses of low glycemic index foods in randomized clinical trials have
shown impressive effects on body weight and lipid profiles in overweight
and obese individuals.

Budding research suggests that there may also be positive effects of low-
glycemic diets on other heart disease risk factors, such as oxidative stress in
overweight and obese individuals and inflammation in type 2 diabetics. The
researchers concluded their study by stating that they believe that reducing
glycemic index and glycemic load in the diet may have promising affects for
coronary heart disease outcomes for women, but further studies are re-
quired to deduce the effects provided to men.35

The average American diet is known for being notoriously high in refined
grains and sugars, along with saturated fats, trans fats and salt. The typical
fast food hamburger is the perfect example of these ingredients. The food
most people eat every day is the primary source of their disease or condi-
tion, and yet they remain none the wiser. Some people believe that there is
nothing they can do to prevent heart disease. This pessimistic attitude
serves only to lead you to an early grave. The truth is that many common
causes of heart and cardiovascular diseases are known. The vast majority of

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

all cases could have been avoided with lifestyle changes. In fact, the World
Heath Organization states that, if risk factors are eliminated, 80% of all
heart disease, strokes and type 2 diabetes could be prevented.36

Most cases of heart disease are not only preventable but also manageable
and treatable with appropriate lifestyle changes. Surgery and prescription
medications are too often used as a quick and easy solution. By-pass surgery
may solve the problem of a clogged artery, but it will not change the dietary
and lifestyle habits that created the condition. Major surgery and potentially
harmful drugs should not be our go-to method of treating what is often a
disease caused by the way a person leads their life. It has been proven that
diet and lifestyle modifications can not only prevent the onset of heart and
cardiovascular disease but can also treat these conditions after they have

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

The foods you choose to eat can either have a negative or a positive impact
on your health. There are a wide variety of foods to choose from, but not all
foods are created equal. In fact, quite a lot of the food available at your lo-
cal supermarket is of little nutritional value and often toxic.

For example, a study published in the journal Circulation concluded that

processed meats raise the risk of heart disease significantly. The researchers
performed an extensive review and meta-analysis of 20 studies on the im-
pact that consuming red and processed meat has on the development of
diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Consumption of red meat was not linked
to the development of heart disease and diabetes, based on the four studies
on red meat consumption. However, the analysis of five studies on pro-
cessed meat suggested that a 50-gram serving per day increased the risk of
heart disease by 42%.37 This distinction is important, because it shows that
red meat is not inherently bad for you. It also suggests that the chemicals
and preservatives that are added to foods do indeed play a role in the onset
of disease and death, despite safety claims.

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

There are a number of preservatives used in processed meats and other

products. Sodium nitrate is one of the more widely known preservatives. It
is recognized for its ability to enhance flavor and color of meat products.
Sodium nitrites can also produce nitrosamines when heated to high tem-
peratures – like during cooking – or when they come into contact with
stomach acids. Nitrosamines are associated with an increased risk of colo-
rectal and pancreatic cancers.38 It is also thought that sodium nitrites can
damage blood vessels and make your arteries more likely to harden and
narrow over time – leading to heart disease.39

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a food additive used to enhance flavor in

many types of food. Asian cuisine, soups and other processed foods are like-
ly to contain MSG.38 MSG is linked to a number of negative side effects, such
as obesity and damage to the hypothalamus. Consumption of MSG can also
over-stimulate the electrical pulses of the heart muscle. This can lead to ar-
rhythmias and sudden cardiac arrest. MSG can go by many names on an
ingredient list, too. In addition to monosodium glutamate, it may also be
listed as glutamate textured protein, glutamic acid, yeast extract, gelatin
yeast nutrient or hydrolyzed vegetable protein. The best way to avoid MSG
is to avoid processed foods. 40

Another popular food additive is trans fat. Trans fats are an artificial, man-
made substance created by adding hydrogen molecules to liquid oils in or-
der to make them more solid at room temperature. Trans fats are often
called “partially hydrogenated oils” under the ingredient list of a food label.
Trans fats are most commonly found in processed foods. They provide a
better taste and texture to the item at low cost to the company. Instead of
making a pastry with real butter, they make it with hydrogenated corn oil.
Trans fats can be found in a wide array of foods. Cookies, crackers, pre-
made piecrusts, frozen pizzas and other items such as donuts and pastries
are all likely to contain trans fats. The ever-popular margarine is also a trans
fat. Once thought to be the healthy alternative to butter, it is now known
that this replacement is not in fact a newer and better version of the origi-
nal. Trans fats can negatively impact your health by reducing the good HDL
(high density lipoprotein) cholesterol, and increasing the LDL cholesterol in

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

your bloodstream. Trans fat consumption increases the risk of having a

heart attack or stroke and developing type 2 diabetes.41

An article published by the journal Circulation in 1997 cautioned against the

use of trans fats due to their negative effects on blood lipid profiles. Author
Alice H. Lichtenstein, D.Sc., states that studies, even at that time, found that
trans fatty acids increased cholesterol levels more than naturally occurring
fats. Lichtenstein even stated that it was prudent to substitute natural, un-
hydrogenated cooking oil for trans fats whenever possible.42

Unfortunately, the act of reducing dietary intake of trans fat can be made
difficult by the FDA regulations on trans fat labeling. Though it is mandatory
to list trans fat as an ingredient – if one serving contains less than half a
gram, it may be listed as “0 g trans fat” on the nutrition label. Presumably,
this should mean that if you see “0 g trans fat” on the label, the food actual-
ly does contain trans fat. And, if you don’t see it at all – the food likely
doesn’t contain any trans fat. That would still be relatively sneaky, as most
people would not be aware that zero grams doesn’t actually mean “zero
grams” – it just means “less than half a gram.” However, the FDA doesn’t
stop there. Just to keep things interesting, there is also a loophole for even

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

listing trans fat on the nutrition label. If there are no claims about the food
being low in trans fat, manufacturers don’t even have to list “0 g trans fat”
on the label.43

Per the website, “For conventional food products (those food
products other than dietary supplements), declaration of '0 g' of trans fat is
not required for such products that contain less than 0.5 g of total fat in a
serving if no claims are made about fat, fatty acid or cholesterol content. In
the absence of these claims, the statement 'Not a significant source of trans
fat' may be placed at the bottom of the table of nutrient values in lieu of
declaring '0 g' of trans fat.”43

The language here is pure semantics. By stating it’s “not a significant

source,” a product can easily fool low-comprehension readers into thinking
that the product is good for them. But the same statement still implies that
the item does contain trans fats, just miniscule amounts of them. It is legally
permissible, but is it morally acceptable? Is it okay for manufacturers to de-
ceive the general public with misleading language and numbers? Apparent-
ly, according to the FDA, not only is it okay, but they will provide the instruc-
tions. Ultimately, it is up to the consumer to avoid consuming trans fats. The
best way to do that is by avoiding processed foods altogether.

Refined grains and sugars may also play a role in the development of heart
and cardiovascular diseases. Many studies have shown that consuming
whole grains and other lower-sugar, higher-fiber carbohydrate options in-
stead of white flour, white rice and other low-fiber or high-sugar foods de-
creases heart disease risks. Whole grains are also associated with prevent-
ing weight gain over time. Whole grains can also help reduce cholesterol
and lower blood pressure, and they may also help improve blood vessel
function and stave off hunger. Processing removes most of the nutritive val-
ue found in grains, like dietary fiber. It also transforms a food’s natural
structure. A finely milled product, like oat flour, is going to break down
more rapidly than whole oats in the digestive system.

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

Sodas and other sugar-sweetened beverages are also huge offenders when
it comes to their impact on the diet. Not only do they provide an easy way
to consume far more calories than you need each day, but they also cause
blood sugar spikes. Sugary drinks are just as bad for your body as refined
carbohydrates, but with even fewer nutrients and no fiber. A study pub-
lished in 2000 in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluded that a
high glycemic load from consumption of refined carbohydrates increases
the risk of coronary heart disease, independent of other known cardiovascu-
lar disease risks.34

Another study published in 2010 in the journal Circulation noted that sugar-
sweetened beverages increase the risk of heart disease in several ways. Not
only do they increase the risk of becoming overweight or obese, but they
also increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Being overweight,
obese or a type 2 diabetic significantly increases your risk of developing a
heart or cardiovascular disease.

Other studies indicate that sugar-sweetened beverage consumption also

may play a role in the development of cardiovascular disease, independent
of these other risk factors. Sugary drinks may also be linked to the develop-
ment of hypertension, undesirable blood lipid profiles and inflammation.

One study followed 88,000 women for 22 years. Women who consumed
two or more sugar-sweetened beverages per day had a 35% greater chance
of having a fatal or nonfatal heart attack than those who consumed one or
fewer sugary beverages per month. The researchers, from the Harvard
School of Public Health in Boston, concluded that sugar-sweetened bever-
age consumption is a significant contributor to increased rates of obesity,
type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption likely increases cardiovascular dis-

ease risks independent of other risk factors. This is because sugary drinks
promote a high dietary glycemic load and increased fructose metabolism,
which can lead to inflammation and high blood pressure. Sugar-sweetened
beverages are also associated with the accumulation of visceral fat, or fat in

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

or around internal organs, and dyslipidemia that may lead to atherosclero-


Salt is another additive found in many prepackaged or processed foods and

kept in most kitchens. The debate on sodium is a complex one. Many stud-
ies have implicated salt overconsumption as a cause of high blood pressure
and a risk factor for developing heart and cardiovascular diseases.

A report published in The New England Journal of Medicine indicated that

reducing the average worldwide sodium intake from nearly 4,000 milligrams
to a more modest 2,000 milligrams daily would save over one and a half mil-
lion lives each year. Conversely, another report also published by the same
journal concluded that the current average wasn’t problematic, but having
much more or much less could be detrimental. A third study concluded that,
while too much sodium can have negative side effects, consuming too little
potassium is equally damaging.45 The overwhelming majority of adults in the
United States, for instance, consume well above the recommended amount
of sodium each day, while a very miniscule number of people manage to
consume enough potassium each day. According to NHANES survey data
from the years 2003 to 2008, less than 2% of American adults consume
enough potassium each day.31

A diet high in sodium can lead to fluid retention and increase blood pres-
sure. A diet too low in potassium can also increase blood pressure. High
blood pressure is a risk factor for having a heart attack or stroke or develop-
ing a cardiovascular disease. The excess fluid associated with a high sodium
intake can cause other potential problems as well. For people with poorly
functioning hearts, this fluid retention can lead to congestive heart failure.
Decreasing the consumption of salt-laden foods is recommended for heart
health, as is increasing the amount of potassium-rich foods that are con-

The keys to avoiding foods that promote heart disease are simple. By re-
moving refined grains, added sugars, preservatives and other food additives
from your diet, you can begin the path to preventing and reversing disease.

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

Eliminating processed foods that are loaded with sugars, salt and artificial
ingredients will make it easy to begin eating more nutritious foods.

Foods to Prevent and Treat Heart Disease

Getting enough potassium each day is vital to achieving optimal heart and
cardiovascular health. A Swedish study published by the British medical
journal The Lancet found that increased potassium intakes were able to re-
duce stroke risks. The same study also found that greater levels of potassi-
um reduced blood pressure.

Potassium is a vital nutrient and electrolyte. It plays a number of important

roles in the body, such as maintaining electrical conductivity within the
nervous system and muscle function and formation. The heart is a muscle,
and it requires electrical pulses to function properly. The influence of potas-
sium as a necessary medium for proper electrical conductivity and muscular
function is imperative to heart health. Without potassium, the heart muscle
simply cannot operate properly. Potassium also interacts with sodium.46

A wide variety of foods contain potassium, particularly fresh fruits and vege-
tables. Bananas are often considered one of the best sources of potassium,
but there are many foods with just as much or more of the mineral. A glass
of orange juice or a serving of potatoes has nearly double the amount of
potassium as a banana. A cup of lima beans or a serving of cantaloupe is
also another way to get your daily dose. Tomatoes, almonds and wild-
caught salmon are also rich in potassium.46 Eating a diet centered around
whole foods, fruits and vegetables makes it quite easy to get enough potas-
sium each day.

Vitamin D is another nutrient that is linked to heart and cardiovascular

health. Emerging research suggests that vitamin D promotes heart health in
a variety of ways. Type 2 diabetes, for instance, has been linked to low vit-
amin D levels and an increased risk of developing heart disease. Osteoporo-
sis has also been closely linked to heart disease.

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

The relationship between vitamin D, osteoporosis and arterial calcification

makes sense. There is a strong correlation between low vitamin D levels and
arterial calcification. The more vitamin D a person has in their bloodstream,
the less their arteries calcify. Low vitamin D levels are also associated with
an increased risk of developing atherosclerosis. Some research suggests that
a low vitamin D level escalates the likelihood of developing plaques along
the arterial walls due to calcium build-up. High levels of vitamin D appear to
reduce this risk.47

A review of epidemiological and clinical evidence of the effects of vitamin D

on heart disease risk was published in The American Journal of Medical Sci-
ences 2010. The review examined data from a number of studies. One study
looked at vitamin D status in 3,000 patients with already existing cardiovas-
cular disease and found that those were severe vitamin D deficiency had a
risk of dying from sudden cardiac arrest or heart failure during the seven-
year follow-up period that was three to five times greater than subjects with
optimal vitamin D levels. In the same study, participants with low vitamin D
levels were also found to have a 50% increased chance of having a fatal

Vitamin D can be obtained through exposure to sunlight, consumption of

food or supplementation. The skin produces vitamin D3 when exposed to
ultraviolet-B rays. In dietary form, vitamin D may be seen as D2 or D3.48 The
exact length of time needed for your body to produce ample amounts of
vitamin D is largely dependent on where you live and the shade of your skin.
People with fair skin may produce their daily dose of vitamin D in just 15
minutes, if the sun is just right. For darker-skinned individuals, it may take
an hour or two. Where you live, what time of day it is and how much skin is
exposed are other variables that effect how much of the vitamin is pro-
duced. The farther away from the equator you are, the less potent the sun
will be. The time of day and year are also important to take note of. Around
noon is when the sun tends to be most powerful. Taking a supplement is
necessary for many people to ensure that they are not deficient, due to the
constraints of where they live or what their schedule is like. There are foods
that contain vitamin D, but getting enough through food and sun exposure

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

can be very difficult, especially if you live in a low-sunlight region of the

globe, such as Canada.49

Fatty fish are some of the most excellent sources of dietary vitamin D. Cod
liver oil is especially potent, but wild-caught salmon or swordfish can also
pack a serious punch. Egg yolks are also a good source of vitamin D, with
one yolk providing 10% of your daily needs. Mushrooms are also a great
vegetarian source of vitamin D. Fortified foods such as orange juice and yo-
gurt with added vitamin D can also help you get enough vitamin D each

Vitamin C is also a beneficial nutrient that may help prevent heart disease
and atherosclerosis. Vitamin C is imperative for multiple processes in the
body. For instance, vitamin C is needed for growth and repair of bodily tis-
sues. It aids in the construction of collagen, a vital protein used to make
skin, cartilage, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels. Vitamin C is also an
antioxidant vitamin that is necessary for healing wounds and maintaining
healthy bones and teeth.

It is rare to be dangerously deficient in vitamin C, but people who smoke are

more likely to have lower levels of the vitamin. Smoking cigarettes or using
other tobacco products decreases the amount of vitamin C that you have in
your body. A few signs of deficiency include dry hair with split ends, dry or
scaly skin, decreased wound healing and easy bruising. Low levels of vitamin
C are also associated with high blood pressure, atherosclerosis and an in-
creased incidence of heart attacks and strokes.

Studies suggest that, while vitamin C doesn’t lower cholesterol levels, it can
protect the arteries against damage. Some studies suggest that vitamin C
protects against the onset of atherosclerosis and the build-up of plaques
along the arterial walls. Other studies have suggested that vitamin C helps
arteries maintain their flexibility and prevent hardening. A diet rich in vita-
min C and other antioxidants has also been shown to reduce the risk of de-
veloping hypertension in population-based studies.51

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

For disease prevention and treatment, it is often recommended that a per-

son consume anywhere between 500 and 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C per
day. There are a variety of foods that are rich in vitamin C, making it easy to
obtain enough of this valuable vitamin every day if you are following a
healthy diet. Fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, papayas, melons, berries,
kiwis, pineapples and mangoes are all excellent sources of vitamin C. Vege-
tables such as red and green peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, Brussels sprouts,
potatoes, winter squash, cauliflower, broccoli and other dark, leafy greens
are also excellent sources of this vital nutrient. A supplement can also be
taken, but you should speak with your naturopathic doctor before beginning
supplementation if you are likely getting enough of the vitamin through
your diet.51

In addition to vitamins and minerals, some foods have also been indicated
as especially protective for the cardiovascular system. Garlic, for example,

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

has shown a variety of benefits for protecting against and even treating
heart disease. Several studies have indicated that garlic can inhibit some of
the key enzymes involved in the synthesis of cholesterol. Studies also show
that aged garlic contains higher amounts of beneficial, water-soluble com-
pounds such as S-allylcysteine, which are less cytotoxic and more efficient at
preventing cholesterol production than the lipid-soluble sulfuric compounds
that are also found in the plant. Garlic is also shown to prevent platelets
from clumping together and forming blood clots. Aged garlic extract has
been shown to actually help dissolve clots and improve circulation.52 Garlic
can be found in a variety of supplemental forms, such as garlic powder,
aged garlic extract or garlic oil. Garlic is also a very popular ingredient in a
variety of cuisines, and is a delicious, healthy way to bring flavor to a meal.

Tree nuts and peanuts also provide multiple benefits in the fight against
heart disease. A number of epidemiologic and clinical trials have shown that
tree nuts and peanuts consistently help protect against coronary heart dis-
ease and other heart disease risk factors. Nearly all studies conducted in the
United States on the relationship between nut consumption and heart dis-
eases have reported that there is a beneficial association between the two.

A meta-analysis of four epidemiologic studies found that people in the high-

est nut consumption group had a 35% reduction in coronary heart disease
risk. In addition to having a very desirable fatty acid profile, tree nuts and
peanuts also have a number of bioactive compounds that can promote
heart health. The fatty acid profile of peanuts and tree nuts can help reduce
LDL cholesterol, but when in concert with antioxidants, vitamins and miner-
als, the beneficial effects are far greater than the fatty acids could produce
alone. The phytochemicals, micronutrients and fiber found in nuts gives
them an extraordinary nutritional punch. Walnuts are particularly rich in
two types of polyunsaturated fats, linoleic acid and linolenic acid, which are
quite healthful.

Most nuts are rich in monounsaturated fats, which are also very good for
you. Nuts are very complex and nutritionally dense. They contain a wide
variety of micronutrients, such as potassium, magnesium and tocopherols.

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

They are also rich in phytonutrients, such as resveratrol, phytosterols and

phenolic compounds. Together, all of these compounds make tree nuts and
peanuts especially cardioprotective.53

In addition to their cholesterol-lowering capacity due to their unique fat

make-up, nuts are also good at reducing oxidative stress. One study pub-
lished in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that following an
almond diet was better at reducing plasma oxidation and LDL cholesterol
levels than a low-fat diet. Nuts are rich in antioxidants, but most of the anti-
oxidants are in the skin of the nut. In fact, up to 50% of a nut’s antioxidant
content can be found in its skin. Many nuts, like almonds, are often peeled
before consumed. It is better to leave the skin on, as with walnuts, if you
want to get the most nutritional bang for your buck. Walnuts have also been
shown to reduce inflammation and improve vascular reactivity. This means
walnuts help maintain healthy veins and arteries, and help keep them flexi-
ble.53 Walnuts have been studied extensively for their myriad of health ben-
efits. The omega-3 fatty acids found in walnuts have also been associated
with promoting good heart and cardiovascular health.

A study published by the Journal of Nutrition found that the consumption of

walnuts or walnut oil helps reduce heart and cardiovascular disease risks
through a variety of mechanisms. Regarding the results, one of the re-
searchers, Dr. Penny Kris-Etherton stated, "We already know that eating
walnuts in a heart-healthy diet can lower blood cholesterol levels... but, un-
til now, we did not know what component of the walnut was providing this
benefit. Now we understand additional ways in which whole walnuts and
their oil components can improve heart health." The researchers discovered
that, in addition to lowering LDL cholesterol levels, walnuts can help pre-
serve blood vessel elasticity and also provide health-enhancing effects even
just 30 minutes after consumption.54

High levels of consumption of foods rich in antioxidants is also associated

with a decrease in heart disease risk. Researchers from the Institute of Envi-
ronmental Medicine, located in Stockholm, Sweden, conducted a study
which confirmed the importance that antioxidants in the diet has on heart

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

health. The scientists followed a cohort of 32,561 Swedish women between

the ages of 49 and 83 for a period of 10 years. They found that women with
the highest amounts of antioxidant consumption had a 20% reduction in risk
of having a heart attack.

Dr. Alicja Wolk, the study’s lead researcher, said, "In contrast to supple-
ments of single antioxidants, the dietary total antioxidant capacity reflects
all present antioxidants, including thousands of compounds, all of them in
doses present in our usual diet, and even takes into account their synergistic
effects." In other words, antioxidants are more powerful when combined.55

Many studies are focused around the effects of a single antioxidant that’s
been isolated and often synthesized. The effects of these types of antioxi-
dants are nowhere near as beneficial as those that are naturally occurring in
concert with other complementary bioactive compounds found in plants. It
is the scientific equivalent of conducting a symphony with a single instru-
ment and wondering why it doesn’t sound the same.

A host of antioxidants have been studied for their potentially cardioprotec-

tive benefits. Lycopene, the fat-soluble carotenoid that gives tomatoes their
brilliant red color, is associated with a reduced risk of stroke. The study,
conducted by Finnish researchers, was published in the medical journal
Neurology and had some very impressive findings. For instance, men with
the highest levels of lycopene had a 55% reduction in risk for all types of
strokes. High levels of lycopene were also associated with a 59% lesser
chance of having a stroke related to blood clots. The researchers hypothe-
sized that, in addition to its antioxidant benefits, lycopene may also improve
cholesterol levels, decrease inflammation, boost immunity and prevent
blood clots from forming. These are all factors than help reduce the risk for
having an ischemic stroke.

Dr. Edward Giovannucci, a professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the

Harvard School of Public Health, has said that the shape of the lycopene
molecule is part of what makes it such an effective antioxidant. Dr. Giovan-
nucci recommends that people consume at least 10,000 micrograms of ly-

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

copene per day. That sounds like a lot, but even half a cup of tomato sauce
has over 6,000 micrograms. While it’s not necessary to go out of your way
to eat fatty foods with tomatoes, because lycopene is fat-soluble, drizzling a
little olive oil on your favorite salad or adding a handful of nuts can be a
great way to really boost the nutrition of your meal.55

Reaching the minimum recommended amount of fruits and vegetables each

day is also paramount to heart health. According to the CDC, in the years
2007 to 2010, only 13% of American adults consumed enough fruit each
day, and only 8.9% consumed the suggested amount of vegetables. The rec-
ommendation for adults listed by the CDC is one to two cups of fruit, and
two to three cups of vegetables.57 Some professionals recommend consum-
ing up to 10 cups of fruit and vegetables a day for maximum health protec-

Poor fruit and vegetable consumption is widespread across the United

States. Ample consumption of produce is strongly associated with better
health and reduced risk for a myriad of diseases and conditions.57 Fruits and
vegetables are nutrient-dense but low in calories. They are also high in fiber
and water content. This makes them the perfect heart-healthy food. The
higher your fruit and vegetable intake is, the less likely you are to develop
heart disease. In fact, people who consume eight or more servings of pro-
duce per day are 30% less likely to have a heart attack or stroke. All fruits
and vegetables are good for you and help fight disease. However, leafy
green and cruciferous vegetables and citrus fruits are of particular benefit in
the fight against heart disease.58

Multiple studies have also confirmed the benefits of consuming enough die-
tary fiber each day. A comprehensive review published in the journal Circu-
lation notes that a diet with at least 25 grams of fiber per day is associated
with a decreased risk of death from coronary heart disease. The average
adult in the United States gets about half, or 15 grams per day. Some stud-
ies also suggest that dietary fiber can help reduce cholesterol levels. It is
unclear if the antioxidants and phytonutrients found in fiber-containing
foods are what precipitate this phenomenon, or if it is the fiber itself. How-

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

ever, fiber-containing foods are generally associated with a number of nutri-

tional benefits in addition to their cholesterol-lowering effects.59

The hallmarks of good nutrition to prevent and treat heart disease are cen-
tered on eating whole, natural foods. Avoiding refined, processed grains,
added sugars, trans fats and other food additives like artificial colorings and
preservatives are the keys to eliminating disease from your life. Restructur-
ing your diet, and your pantry, to focus on fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and
seeds is of utmost importance to regain and maintain your health.

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

Dietary modifications can go a long way towards preventing and treating a

number of conditions in addition to heart disease. However, many lifestyle
factors also play a pivotal role in the development of heart and cardiovascu-
lar diseases. Making necessary changes to your daily life is often imperative
to reducing your risks and treating disease. Getting plenty of exercise, quit-
ting smoking and reducing stress are some of the keys to living a healthier

An article published by the American Heart Association’s journal Circulation

by Jonathan Myers, PhD., from the Cardiology Division of the VA Palo Alto
Health Care System at Stanford University in California examines and ex-
plains the importance of physical activity to reduce heart disease risks. My-
ers states that as many as 250,000 deaths each year in the United States
alone are due in part to a lack of regular exercise. Many studies over the
years have shown that people who engage in regular physical activity are
less likely to develop a number of conditions, including heart disease. These
same studies also often find that people who don’t exercise are more likely
to develop conditions like hypertension and type 2 diabetes, both of which
increase the risk of developing heart and cardiovascular diseases. People
with low levels of fitness are also more likely to have a cardiac event, such
as a heart attack. An inactive lifestyle is a major risk factor in the onset of

Participating in regular physical activities is associated with a reduction in a

number of other risk factors for heart disease. For example, exercise can
help you lose weight and lower your blood pressure. It can also help im-
prove blood lipid profiles and increase insulin sensitivity. Exercise also pro-
vides a host of physiological benefits as well. Aerobic activity can help im-
prove your blood vessels’ capacity to dilate, which can help maintain good
function of the vascular walls.61

The introduction of regular exercise is also beneficial for cardiac patients.

People with heart disease who begin to exercise regularly are able to return
to work more quickly, and report feeling less stress and anxiety as well as
being more confident. Even better, studies show that beginning an exercise

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

regimen reduces the risk of death by 20 to 25% in patients who have had a
heart attack. Researchers also estimate that up to 40% of cardiac events in
America could be prevented just by meeting daily exercise requirements.

The CDC recommends that Americans achieve at least 30 minutes of mod-

erate physical activity most days of the week, if not every day. Moderate
activities include brisk walking or activities that require similar exertion,
such as yard work or cycling. There are many other options as well, such as
recreational activities like playing a sport.60

A 2013 study published in the journal BMJ compared the mortality out-
comes of exercise and medication. The researchers concluded that, in many
instances, exercise interventions are equally as effective as drug interven-
tions in secondary heart disease prevention, rehabilitation after stroke,
treatment of heart failure and prevention of heart disease.61

According to the CDC, only about one in five Americans meet the 2008 Phys-
ical Activity Guidelines. This equates to a little over 20% of the population.
That doesn’t seem so bad, but it leaves us with 80% of American citizens
who are not getting enough exercise. Inactive adults are at an increased risk
of early death, stroke or heart attack as well as type 2 diabetes and some
types of cancer.62

Physical activity provides a myriad of benefits, such as a stronger heart and

improved lung function. Regular participation in moderate or vigorous phys-
ical activities can lower your risk for coronary heart disease and other relat-
ed conditions. According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute,
exercise can reduce your blood pressure and help lower the number of tri-
glycerides circulating in your bloodstream. Regular exercise can also help
increase good HDL cholesterol levels. These are key elements in the preven-
tion of developing a heart or cardiovascular condition, such as atherosclero-

Exercise can also help you lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. Being
overweight or obese is another major risk factor in the development of
heart and cardiovascular disease. Additionally, exercising regularly can make

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

it easier to quit smoking, and stave off the dreaded weight gain associated
with smoking cessation. Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can
do to reduce your risk of disease.63

There are many types of exercise a person can do to help reduce their heart
disease risk. Most people think of aerobic exercise when they think about
exercising for better heart health. However, both aerobic and anaerobic
activities have been indicated as beneficial to preventing heart disease. An-
aerobic exercise, such as strength or resistance training, can also help stave
off age-related muscle loss. Muscle loss typically occurs as we age and is
associated with the onset of abnormal blood lipid profiles, obesity, type 2
diabetes and hypertension. These issues are also related to cardiovascular
structural abnormalities, such as arterial stiffness. Evidence suggests that
regular resistance training can help reduce muscle loss over time. Both the
American Heart Association and the American College of Sports Medicine
have endorsed resistance trainings for the prevention and treatment of hy-

A meta-analysis of data from 1996 and 2003 included nine randomized con-
trolled trials and 341 participants. Resistance training lowered systolic blood
pressure by 3.2 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by 3.5 mmHg. This may
not seem like a lot, but a reduction in blood pressure of just 3 mmHg in
populations has been shown to lower cardiac death risks by up to 9% and
risk of stroke by 8% to 14%.

Resistance training has also been shown to help reduce total fat mass in
both men and women, independent of caloric restriction. In other words,
even if you aren’t actively dieting, resistance training can help improve your
body composition. Studies have indicated that where the body fat is located
can be just as important as total body fat. Central obesity, especially visceral
fat, is heavily linked to a number of conditions. Type 2 diabetes, abnormal
blood lipids, hypertension and heart disease are all associated with ab-
dominal obesity. Several studies have displayed that engaging in resistance
training can help reduce central adiposity and visceral fat.64

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

In addition to beginning a regular exercise regimen, or including some kind

of physical activity to your daily routine, quitting smoking is another pivotal
step you can take to reduce your heart disease risk. Smoking is one the most
lethal lifestyle choices you can make. The chemicals in tobacco do not just
harm your lungs. They also harm your blood cells and damage the structure
of your heart and blood vessels. The functional damage incurred by tobacco
product use is a major risk factor for the development of atherosclerosis.
When in concert with other risk factors such as abnormal blood lipid levels
and obesity, smoking exponentially raises the risk of developing heart dis-

Smoking also increases the chances of developing peripheral artery disease.

The accumulation of plaque and narrowing of the arteries to your head, or-
gans and limbs are the characteristics of peripheral artery disease. It in-
creases your risk of heart disease, heart attack and stroke. Breathing in
secondhand smoke can be just as harmful to the heart and blood vessels as
being a smoker. Secondhand smoke also raises the risk of children and teens
developing coronary heart disease in the future.65

The CDC reports that cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable
deaths in the United States. In fact, cigarettes alone lead to the death of
480,000 citizens each year. It is estimated that smoking increases your
chances of developing cardiovascular disease by two to four times that of a
nonsmoker. It can double or quadruple your risk of having a stroke as well.
Smoking increases your chances of developing blood clots and also raises
your blood pressure, two major risk factors for having a heart attack or
stroke.66 Smokeless tobacco is often considered a safe alternative to ciga-
rettes, but in addition to the cancers and oral ulceration that it is associated
with, smokeless tobacco still doubles your risk of having a heart attack, ac-
cording to the World Heart Federation.67

Fortunately, when you quit smoking, there are nearly immediate benefits to
be had. Just 20 minutes after your last cigarette, your blood pressure and
pulse will begin to lower. Your circulation will also begin to improve. Within
the first eight hours, your blood oxygen levels will begin to rise and your risk

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

of having a heart attack will begin to drop. After a single day without a ciga-
rette, carbon monoxide will be eliminated from your body, and your lungs
will begin to expel the mucus and debris caused by cigarettes. After three
days, it will be noticeably easier to breath and your lung function will con-
tinue to improve. Heart attack risks will continue to drop, and after five
years your risk of a heart attack will be half that of a smoker. It will take
about 15 years smoke-free to have the same heart attack risk of a non-
smoker, but it is worth it. Even for older adults, quitting smoking can still
extend the lifespan by two to three years, and improve quality of life for
those remaining years.67 Quitting smoking or halting the use of other tobac-
co products is a vital factor in the prevention and treatment of heart and
cardiovascular disease. It is an extremely worthwhile endeavor and is im-
perative to reducing your risks and reversing disease.

Another obstacle that many people face on their path to preventing and
reversing heart disease is weight. Obesity reached epidemic proportions in
the United States a few years ago. America is a fat nation. In fact, nearly
70% of all American adults are overweight or obese. About 38% of the
population is clinically obese. Can you believe that? That is roughly 78 mil-
lion people!68

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

Being overweight or obese is sadly not just a superficial, aesthetic issue. It is

associated with a myriad of conditions and health concerns. The risk of de-
veloping coronary heart disease, for instance, is much higher in those that
are obese or overweight. The higher your BMI, the more at risk you become.
Higher risks of developing hypertension and having a stroke are also associ-
ated with being overweight or obese. Being overweight can cause plaques
to build up along your arterial walls that can eventually break off, clog an

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

artery and cause a stroke. Obesity also greatly increases your chances of
heart failure, where the heart is not capable of pumping blood throughout
the body to meet its needs. Excess weight also increases your risks of many
other conditions that are associated with an increased risk of heart disease.

Type 2 diabetes, abnormal blood lipid profiles and metabolic syndrome are
all conditions that are closely related to overweight and obesity and are
linked to an increased risk of heart disease. Metabolic syndrome is the name
given to a group of risk factors that increase your risks for developing heart
disease. Abdominal obesity, high triglycerides, hypertension and high blood
sugars are all parts of the conditions known as metabolic syndrome.11

A 2002 study published in the Journal of The American College of Cardiology

detailed the relationship between obesity, insulin resistance and heart dis-
ease risk. The study utilized 314 non-diabetic, healthy participants. The
study found that both obesity and insulin resistance are major indicators for
coronary heart disease risk. They also found that insulin resistance seen at
any level of obesity greatly increased the risks for developing heart disease
and type 2 diabetes.69 In other words, having high blood sugar while also
being obese greatly increases your disease risks.

A more recent study, conducted in 2014 and published by the same journal,
found that obesity independently increases heart failure risks and can in-
duce subclinical damage to the heart muscle. Lead researcher Chiadi
Ndumele, an assistant professor at the Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Center for
the Prevention of Heart Disease, stated, “Obesity is a well-known 'accom-
plice' in the development of heart disease, but our findings suggest it may
be a solo player that drives heart failure independently of other risk factors
that are often found among those with excess weight.”

Ndumele also went on to say, “The direct relationship we found between

obesity and subclinical heart damage is quite potent and truly concerning
from a public health standpoint given the growing number of obese people
in the United States and worldwide.”

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

In the study, the researchers looked at participants’ troponin T levels. Tro-

ponin T is a heart enzyme that is released by injured cardiac muscle cells.
Measuring troponin T levels is the most often method used for diagnosing
acute or recent heart attacks, and is commonly used in emergency rooms
for testing patients with chest pains or other symptoms that may be indica-
tive of a heart attack. Data from the study showed that obese subjects had
elevated levels of the enzyme, which is suggestive of subclinical heart dam-
age. In other words, obese individuals may incur minor damage to the heart
muscle that goes unnoticed long before they have heart disease or experi-
ence a cardiac event.70

The study also found that increases in the hormone correlated with in-
creased body mass index (BMI). As a subject’s BMI increased, so did their
troponin T levels. The researchers measured BMI and troponin T levels in
9,500 men and women who did not have heart disease and were between
the ages of 53 to 75. The subjects’ health statuses were tracked for 12
years, and during the follow-up, 869 of them were found to have heart fail-
ure. People who were extremely obese – having a BMI above 35 – were
found to be twice as likely to develop heart failure as normal-weighted indi-
viduals. Additionally, the researchers found that heart failure risk rose pro-
portionally with BMI. For every five-digit increase in BMI, the heart failure
risk rose 32%. So, a person with a BMI of 30 has a 32% greater chance of
developing heart failure than a person with a BMI of 25.

The researchers also found that people with elevated troponin T levels had
an increased risk of heart failure, irrespective of their BMI. This suggests
that BMI and troponin T can affect heart failure risks independently. Com-
bining the effects of troponin T and obesity led to some staggering results.
Obese subjects with elevated troponin T levels were nine times more likely
to develop heart failure than those that were of normal weight and had un-
detectable troponin levels, even when other risk factors were accounted

Childhood obesity is also on the rise and is of great concern. In fact, approx-
imately 31% of children between the ages of 2 and 19 in the United States

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

are overweight or obese.68 An article written by Tracey Bridger, MD, FRCPC,

from the Janeway Children’s Health and Rehabilitation Centre in Canada,
notes that many overweight or obese children are already showcasing risk
factors for diseases later in life, including cardiovascular disease. For exam-
ple, carotid intima-media thickening (IMT) is considered a marker for the
development of atherosclerosis. Carotid IMT refers to a thickening of the
carotid artery walls. In adults, it’s often associated with obesity and other
related risk factors. In children, IMT is also associated with obesity, hyper-
cholesterolemia – or high cholesterol in the blood – and hypertension.

One study examined carotid IMT in over 70 children, 57% of whom were
obese. The average age was 13 years old. 75% of the children were found to
have advanced vascular age or arteries that would generally be characteris-
tic of a person who was 45 years old. Children who were obese and had high
triglycerides had the most advanced vascular aging. Obese or overweight
children are also more likely to develop adult diseases at a young age. They
may also carry their weight trend into adulthood. Some studies suggest that
anywhere between 40% and 80% of overweight children will become obese

While it is widely recognized that obesity in adulthood increases the risk for
a variety of diseases, particularly heart and cardiovascular diseases, adults
who were overweight or obese as children also may have a greater preva-
lence of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. For example, adults who
were overweight or obese as children had a greater incidence of hyperten-
sion and abnormal blood lipids than obese adults who were not overweight
as children.71

If you are overweight, it is far more likely that your children are or will be-
come overweight. After all, most children are eating what their families eat,
and in similar portions as well. Parental obesity can lead to child obesity
simply through an adoption of similar habits. If you eat a few cheeseburg-
ers, fries and a milkshake for dinner before setting up shop on your sofa for
the evening, there is a good reason to believe that your child will follow
your footsteps. A study published in the Journal of Pediatrics found that 48%

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

of children with overweight parents became overweight themselves, while

only 13% of children with normal-weight parents became overweight. At
the study’ conclusion, researchers found that parental obesity was the most
important factor in childhood obesity.72

Childhood obesity is a serious issue, and it can lead to lifelong conditions

such as cardiovascular disease. If you are a parent that is overweight, the
best thing you can do for yourself and for your children is to lead by exam-
ple. If you begin a path towards wellness, you can help your children lead a
healthier life as well. By eating more fruits and vegetables each day and in-
creasing your activity levels, you can encourage your children to do the
same. After all, if you never eat your vegetables, you can’t expect them to!
Leading a healthier lifestyle can have many impacts on your life, and your
children’s lives as well. For example, if everyone is eating healthier, you will
have more energy to do activities together as a family. It can be difficult to
make time for yourself when you have children to worry about, so making
exercise a family activity can be beneficial both for its health benefits and
the quality time spent together.

Being overweight or obese is not a life sentence. You can lose weight, you
can change the way you eat, and most importantly – you can change the
way you live your life. Reducing your weight does not mean you need to go
on some crazy diet, either. Simply eating more produce and less processed
food, along with increasing your activity levels, will actually help promote a
healthy weight along with countless other health benefits. The best way to
become healthy is not to follow a low-carb or a low-fat diet, or whatever the
current dieting trend may be. The best way to reduce your heart disease risk
is to eat healthy, wholesome foods that are nutrient-dense, engage in a dai-
ly physical activity and to cease unhealthy behaviors such as smoking.

Eating a more varied and wholesome diet and beginning an exercise routine
can also help reduce stress. Stress can be good in some ways. Stress on your
muscles causes them to grow stronger and increases endurance, for in-
stance. However, experiencing unrelenting stress for a long period of time is
not good for you. Unfortunately, many of us experience and accept exces-

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

sive stress as part of life. Stress is part of life, but it is not supposed to be a
constant state. Consistent stress all day, every day for long periods of time
can be very damaging to your body. When stressed, the body releases a
hormone called cortisol. Some studies indicate that high levels of cortisol
from continual stress may lead to a rise in blood pressure, triglycerides and
cholesterol, and may promote the depositing of plaque along arterial walls.
Long-term stress may also lead to changes in the blood and how it clots –
increasing the risk of clot formation and stroke.73

Exercise can help reduce the harmful effects that stress has on your body,
and help relieve the emotion of stress that you are experiencing. Having a
good support system, such as a spouse, family or friends whom you can talk
to, or being part of a community or organization, can help reduce stress and
decreases your chances of developing heart disease. Studies suggest that
belonging to a group of some sort can help reduce your risk of developing
cardiovascular disease and lower your stress. Not having to feel like you are
facing life alone is truly helpful. Even if you already have heart disease, this
same support system can help prevent future heart attacks. Research also
shows that lacking a support system is associated with an increase in un-
healthy behaviors such as smoking, drinking and eating poorly.73

Seeking treatment or engaging in therapy for consistent depression or anxi-

ety is also beneficial in the prevention of heart disease. Some studies have
suggested that long-term anxiety can increase your chances for sudden car-
diac death. Some natural methods for reducing stress and anxiety include
yoga and mediation.73

All in all, there are number of steps that you can take to reduce your risks of
heart disease when it comes to your lifestyle. You may not be able to reduce
stress at work, but you can choose to take the time to de-stress when you
get home. Taking your dog for a stroll, or taking up yoga or another activity
can help not only to reduce your stress levels but to increase your activity
levels also. Trying to reach and maintain a healthy weight through sustaina-
ble lifestyle modifications is beneficial in a multitude of ways and can great-
ly impact your overall health.

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

There are many things that you can do, but remember that you don’t have
to do them all at once. Pick a change that you want to make and commit to
it. It is better to make small changes and be successful with them than to try
to change everything at once and become overwhelmed. Being successful
doesn’t mean that you have to be perfect. Being successful means that you
are putting in the effort to change. Being successful means that you didn’t
give up just because it was hard. Changing your diet, learning to exercise,
quitting smoking and losing weight are all things that can be very difficult to
accomplish. It’s not easy. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it al-

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

©Milles Studio/Adobe Stock

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

In addition to dietary and lifestyle modifications, you may wish to include

supplements to boost your efforts. Dietary supplements may help fill in nu-
tritional gaps, reverse deficiencies and much more. Supplements can also
boost consumption of beneficial phytonutrients such as antioxidants.

Turmeric, for example, is a heavy hitter in the natural medicine world. Cur-
cuminoids are considered the active compounds in turmeric and are what
give the root its unique yellow-orange color. There are a number of curcu-
minoids that are present in turmeric. One of these compounds is named
curcumin, though sometimes the name may be used to refer to all curcumi-
noids. Curcumin is actually turmeric’s most studied compound, and it has
been shown to be nothing short of miraculous. Curcumin boasts incredible
healing abilities across a wide spectrum of diseases and conditions. It’s no
wonder that turmeric has been part of traditional Asian medicinal practices
for hundreds of years.

Researchers from the University of Tsukuba in Japan conducted a series of

three studies which show that the spice can promote heart health. For the
first study, researchers randomly assigned 32 women to participate in mod-
erate aerobic exercise, take a curcumin supplement or to be in the control
group, where no changes were made. The investigators then measured the
“flow-mediated dilation,” or “FMD,” of the participants’ blood vessels, a
measure that can be used to predict cardiovascular risk. While there was no
improvement in the control group, the researchers found that both the
supplement group and the exercise group experienced improvements in
their FMD. The results of the two groups were, in fact, identical.74

A second study surveyed the effect that curcumin had on arterial respon-
siveness to changes in blood pressure. Another 32 women were randomly
assigned to participate in a group receiving either a curcumin supplement or
placebo, or to participate in a group engaging in exercise while also receiv-
ing a supplement or placebo. The researchers found that the group not do-
ing exercise and receiving a placebo showed no improvements. The exercise
with placebo group and the curcumin supplement group showed similar
improvements in arterial responsiveness. The group that showed the most

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

improvement, however, was the group that was exercising and taking a cur-
cumin supplement.

For the third and final study, the researchers wanted to assess what effects
curcumin and exercise had on the heart’s left ventricle and age-related de-
generation. The same four test groups were used for this final study, but
this time 45 participants were used. The researchers found that participants
who took a curcumin supplement and engaged in daily exercise had sub-
stantial increases in their heart health. In fact, the heart-rate-corrected aor-
tic augmentation index, which is used to gauge the efficiency of arterial
function, and aortic systolic blood pressure only decreased significantly in
the subjects who were taking the curcumin supplement and engaging in an
exercise routine.74

The beneficial effects of turmeric and curcumin are multi-faceted. Some

studies have indicated that the antioxidant properties of curcumin may help
prevent blood clots and diabetes-related heart conditions. The anti-
inflammatory powers of curcumin, along with its potential to lower serum
cholesterol levels, may also play a role in protecting against cellular changes
seen in atherosclerosis. Some studies have also indicated that curcumin may
protect cardiac muscle cells from apoptosis (cell death) after an ischemic
cardiac event and subsequent reperfusion injury. Reperfusion injuries are
injuries that are caused by the return of blood flow to tissues that had lost

A research team from Chang Mai University at the University Hospital con-
ducted a study following 121 heart bypass operation patients who had un-
dergone non-emergency bypass surgery at the hospital between the years
2009 and 2011. Half of the patients were given a placebo pill, and the other
half was given one gram of curcumin supplement. Both groups received
their pills four times a day, three days before surgery and for five days after.
The researchers found that the curcumin group had a 65% reduction in risk
for post-surgery heart attack. The group receiving the supplement also
showed a reduced presence of oxidative stress and inflammatory markers in
their blood.76

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

Another popular spice revered for its myriad of health benefits is ginger.
Ginger has been widely used in natural medicine practices across the globe
for many generations. The active ingredient in ginger is a compound known
as gingerol, but there are other potentially active ingredients in the root
known as phenolic compounds. Gingerol is thought to relax blood vessels
and improve circulation. Ginger also boasts powerful anti-inflammatory
benefits, making it ideal for preventing and treating a number of conditions,
including heart and cardiovascular diseases.

One study found that the consumption of ginger extract prevented the pro-
gression aortic atherosclerosis in atherosclerotic mice. Researchers associ-
ated this result with the dramatic reduction in plasma LDL cholesterol levels
that was seen in the mice. In another study, 20 healthy male human volun-
teers were given 5 grams of ginger daily. The results found that it was able
to decrease platelet aggregation, or the formation of blood clots.

Another study of human volunteers that taking a one-time dose of 10 grams

of dried ginger still promoted a distinct reduction in platelet aggregation.75
In other words, several studies have shown that ginger may fight heart dis-
ease through a number of different avenues, such as reducing LDL choles-
terol levels, preventing arterial plaque progression and inhibiting blood clot

Black pepper has also been indicated as a heart-healthy spice. It boasts im-
pressive antioxidant properties, aids digestion and promotes the breakdown
of fat cells. The active compound in black pepper is known as piperine. Pip-
erine has been shown to have a number of beneficial interactions in the
body. For example, piperine has been shown to help protect cells against
oxidative damage and free radicals.

Black pepper has also been said to influence fat metabolism, primarily
through the mobilization of fatty acids. In animal studies, rats fed a high-fat
diet and treated with black pepper had significant decreases in cholesterol
and triglycerides. The rats on a high-fat diet receiving black pepper also had
much higher levels of good HDL cholesterol and lower levels of LDL choles-

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

terol than the rats that were fed a high-fat diet and did not receive supple-

Black pepper is also rich in vanadium. Vanadium compounds are associated

with increasing cardiac function. In this way, studies suggest that black pep-
per may help improve cardiac recovery after a heart attack.75

Astaxanthin is a popular health supplement, regarded for its antioxidant

benefits. Astaxanthin is a xanthophyll carotenoid that is found primarily in
microalgae, along with fungi and seafood, as well as flamingoes and quail.
Astaxanthin is what gives fish such as salmon their reddish hue. Due to its
immense antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it has great poten-
tial to offer cardiovascular benefits.

A small number of clinical trials have assessed the bioavailability, safety and
effects of astaxanthin on inflammation and oxidative stress which suggest
that it has relevance in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular dis-
ease. For example, one study analyzed the effects of astaxanthin on sponta-
neously hypertensive rats. After 14 days of astaxanthin supplementation,
the rats experienced a significant reduction in blood pressure.77

Another study analyzed the effects of synthetic astaxanthin in mice. Inter-

estingly, the supplementation of synthetic astaxanthin resulted in the pres-
ence of free astaxanthin in their hearts, livers, plasma and platelets. An in-
crease in arterial blood flow and a delay in the formation of obstructive
blood clots, or “occlusive thrombosis,” after an endothelial injury were seen
in mice that were fed the astaxanthin. The authors of the study concluded
that the evidence was supportive of the potential for astaxanthin to be used
as a possible therapy to prevent blood clots related to cardiovascular dis-
ease. A number of other studies have also shown that astaxanthin may pro-
vide cardiac protection and prevent thrombosis.76

Omega-3 fatty acids are also quite beneficial to the prevention and treat-
ment of heart disease. An article published by the journal Arteriosclerosis,
Thrombosis and Vascular Biology denotes the broad range of benefits seen
in cardiac patients by consuming omega-3 fats, as well as the number of

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

studies that have indicated its usefulness. Large-scale epidemiological stud-

ies have suggested that people who are at risk of developing coronary heart
disease are helped greatly by the consumption of omega-3 fats from plants
and fish. Secondary prevention studies have indicated that intakes of EPA
and DHA ranging from 0.5 to 1.8 grams per day, either from fatty fish or a
supplement, can significantly reduce all-cause mortality in addition to re-
ducing death from heart disease. In randomized clinical trials, supplementa-
tion of omega-3 fatty acids substantially reduced the number of cardiovas-
cular events, such as non-fatal heart attacks or strokes, in patients with cor-
onary heart disease.

Research has suggested that omega-3 fatty acids reduce heart disease risks
in a number of ways. For example, omega-3 fats can help inhibit the for-
mation of blood clots, which can trigger heart attacks and strokes. They can
also reduce triglycerides and lipoproteins in the blood as well as decrease
the growth and formation of arterial plaques associated with atherosclero-
sis. In addition to this, omega-3 fats can also improve and enhance endothe-
lial function and reduce inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids are also associ-
ated with modest reductions in blood pressure.78

Flax seeds are a popular choice for supplementing omega-3 fatty acids in
the diet. They are one of the richest plant sources of the nutrient, especially
alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA. ALA levels have been inversely associated with
primary cardiovascular events in nine major studies. This means that a low-
er level of ALA is associated with a greater risk of having a first-time cardiac
event, such as a heart attack or stroke.

Secondary prevention trials have also been supportive of dietary ALA’s sub-
stantial heart-protective qualities. For example, the Lyon Diet Heart study
found that alpha-linolenic acid was related to a reduced risk of recurrent
non-fatal and fatal heart attacks. There was also a 73% decreased risk of
primary cardiac mortality and morbidity. A study conducted by the National
Heart, Lung and Blood Institute also found that consumption of dietary ALA
was also associated with a decreased incidence of hypertension and lower
systolic blood pressure. Another study of obese human subjects found that

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

the consumption of 20 grams of flaxseed oil per day substantially increased

arterial compliance and reduced the oxidation of LDL cholesterol when
compared to other interventions involving oleic acid or saturated fat.79

Whey protein, the popular ingredient in protein shakes, may also help boost
heart health. A study published by the journal Clinical Nutrition found that
just four weeks of whey protein supplementation led to substantial im-
provements in the test subjects’ blood lipid profiles. The team of Swiss re-
searchers behind the study noted that the data suggests that whey protein
could be protective against heart and cardiovascular disease. In the study,
11 obese, non-diabetic women were given 60 grams of whey protein a day
for four weeks. At the end of the four-week period, the women had some
amazing results. Intra-hepatocellular fat, or fat inside the liver, had de-
creased by about 21%; fasting plasma triglycerides had dropped 15%; and
there was a 7% reduction in total plasma cholesterol concentration. The
researchers also noted that the participants had no major changes in body
weight or body composition. The scientists stated that this evidence sug-
gests that following a high-protein diet supplemented with whey protein
may help fight against heart disease in obese patients.80

Whey protein supplementation, or other protein supplements, can also pro-

vide some secondary benefits when it comes to heart disease. For instance,
whey protein can be a healthy addition to your diet in the form of a shake.
Consuming a protein shake every morning for breakfast instead of donuts
will help cut calories, boost your protein intake and reduce the glycemic in-
dex of your meal. These things can indirectly benefit your heart by helping
you along the path to a healthy weight.

There is substantial evidence supporting that a higher protein intake can

help promote weight loss and weight maintenance. A review of evidence
from controlled clinical trials that was published by the journal Advances in
Nutrition in 2013 showed that, while whey tends to quickly release amino
acids into the bloodstream after consumption, casein tends to enter the
bloodstream at a more gradual rate. Whey protein is only one type of dairy
protein, while casein actually makes up the majority of dairy protein. There

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

are clear benefits to both, but some studies have sought to compare the

For example, a 2009 study published by the International Journal of Obesity

examined the results that consuming whey, casein or carbohydrates had on
body weight and composition for 12 weeks of weight maintenance. The par-
ticipants of the study had previously engaged in five weeks of calorie re-
striction. Both groups receiving proteins had much better weight mainte-
nance after weight loss than the group receiving carbohydrates. The protein
groups also showed a much greater loss of body fat than the carbohydrate
group, but there was no significant difference between proteins. There was
a tendency for whey to help build more lean body mass, or muscle tissue,
over casein.

A previous study conducted in 2006, published by the International Journal

of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism also suggested that whey pro-
tein could help build a greater amount of lean mass than casein. Consuming
more protein can also help preserve muscle tissue during times of calorie
restriction. If you are trying to restrict calories to lose weight, consuming a
protein supplement can help preserve valuable muscle mass and also in-
crease satiety.81 These benefits are of great use to people wishing to reduce
their heart disease risk in that whey protein may help with weight loss ef-
forts and may also promote a reduction total fat mass, especially for those
engaging in physical activity.

Grape seeds and grape seed extract are also a popular supplement with a
myriad of health benefits. Grapes and grape seeds have been celebrated for
their nutritional and medicinal values for centuries. It is thought that grape
seed extract can treat a variety of conditions, including cardiovascular dis-
ease. An analysis of healthy volunteers found that consuming grape seed
extract dramatically increased antioxidant levels in their bloodstreams. An-
tioxidants can help prevent damage to DNA by destroying free radicals.
Grape seed extract contains a potent combination of antioxidants consisting
of vitamin E, flavonoids, linoleic acid, resveratrol and oligomeric proantho-
cyanidin complexes, or OPCs. Resveratrol is a very popular antioxidant that

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

is still being studied for its efficacy in fighting against a number of diseases.
OPCs are also believed to treat a number of conditions and are considered
very powerful antioxidants.

Hypothetically, grape seed extract may help reduce high blood pressure by
protecting the blood vessels from becoming damaged. Maintaining the elas-
ticity and health of your blood vessels is imperative to preventing high blood
pressure and other related conditions. In preliminary trials, grape seed ex-
tract has also been effective at reducing LDL cholesterol levels.

In a study of 24 male smokers that were otherwise healthy, those receiving

grape seed extract saw a significant drop in LDL cholesterol levels compared
to placebo recipients. Another study of 40 individuals with high cholesterol
sought to determine if chromium, grape seed extract or a combination of
both would be more effective at lowering cholesterol levels. A control group
also received a placebo. The study ran for two months. At the end, it was
found that the people taking a combination of grape seed extract and
chromium had the biggest reduction in cholesterol levels.82

Chromium is an essential mineral that is required for optimal lipid and car-
bohydrate metabolism. Chromium deficiency has been seen in people with
high blood glucose levels and abnormal blood lipid profiles. A wide variety
of foods contain chromium, such as egg yolks, meat, green beans, broccoli,
nuts and whole grains. Once absorbed, chromium is distributed throughout
the body. As people age, their total body chromium concentrations de-
crease anywhere from 25 to 40%. To make matters worse, most people in
the United States do not get enough chromium from their diet. This combi-
nation can lead to serious deficiency.

One of chromium’s functions is its role in an auto-amplification system for

insulin signaling. Chromium also encourages insulin sensitivity to rise.83 Type
2 diabetes is a significant risk factor in the development of heart and cardio-
vascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis.7 The majority of well-controlled
studies of chromium supplementation have indicated positive effects in
people with insulin resistance or diabetes.83

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

Chromium may also play a role in the prevention of heart disease. There is
some interesting epidemiological data to be had on the relationship be-
tween chromium and the risk of heart disease. Some studies have found
that there is an inverse relationship between chromium levels in toenails
and the risk of coronary heart disease in men. Toenails are an excellent re-
flection of long-term nutrient intake. In case-controlled studies, higher lev-
els of toenail chromium was correlated with a decreased risk of having a
heart attack.

A study on erythrocytes, also called red blood cells, featured erythrocytes

that were treated with high levels of glucose to mimic diabetes. Some were
placed in a medium with chromium, and others were not. The results found
that chromium prevented protein glycosylation and oxidative stress associ-
ated with high levels of glucose in cells. These findings are indicative of
chromium providing an antioxidant effect, and shows that it may prove
quite beneficial at protecting diabetic patients in particular from the onset
of heart disease.83

There are a number of herbs and other supplements available to help boost
your heart health. Supplements and other aids can only take you so far,
though. It is important to remember that supplements should only be used
to bolster other efforts, such as learning to eat more nutritious food and
exercising. A supplement is not a replacement for other key factors in living
a healthy lifestyle. A supplement is meant to complement your hard work.
With the exception of a whey supplement – which can effectively be a meal
or snack when combined with some other ingredients – none of these
things can replace or reverse other aspects of your life.

Taking a turmeric supplement doesn’t mean that your heart will be protect-
ed if you continue smoking, for example. Nutritional supplements can help
fill in dietary gaps and boost immunity and antioxidant intake, among many
other great things. They are very beneficial, but they are most powerful
when combined with other healthy lifestyle choices.

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

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Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

The Hidden Toxins Lurking in Your Food and
How You Can Avoid Them for Lifelong Health

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events












Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

1. “Diseases and Conditions, Heart Disease: Definition”

2. “Different Heart Diseases”

3. “What Is Heart Disease?”

4. “What Is Atherosclerosis?”

5. “Disease and Conditions, Heart Disease: Causes”

6. “Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors”

7. “Who Is at Risk for Atherosclerosis?”

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

8. “Who Is at Risk for a Heart Attack?”

9. “Heart Disease, Stroke and Research Statistics At-a-Glance”

10. “Heart Disease Facts”

11. “What are the Health Risks of Overweight and Obesity?”

12. “Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors – Diet”

13. “Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors – Physical Inactivity”

14. “How is Atherosclerosis Treated?”

15. “Prescription Cholesterol-lowering Medication Use in Adults Aged

40 and Over: United States, 2003–2012”

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

16. “Safety, Life-Saving Efficacy of Statins Have Been Exaggerated, Says


17. Irwig, Les; Irwig, Judy; Trevana, Lyndal; Sweet, Melissa

Smart Health Choices: Making Sense of Health Advice

Hammersmith Press, 2008

Retrieved from:

18. “Why Statins Side Effects May Be (Literally) Killing You”

19. “Cholesterol and Statins: It’s No Longer Just about the Numbers”

20. “Heart Disease: Understand the Difference Between Truth and

Myth, Part I”

21. “Reverse Heart Disease Without Drugs or Surgery”

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

22. Statin Therapy May Be Overprescribed in Healthy People without

Evidence of Diseased Arteries, New Study Shows”

23. “High Blood Pressure Medications”

24. “Blood Pressure Medications Can Lead to Increased Risk of Stroke”

25. “The Cause of Heart Disease: High Cholesterol or Excess Calcium?”

26. “Plaque Paradox: Statins Increase Calcium in Atheromas Even as

They Shrink Them”

27. “Modulation of calcification of vascular smooth muscle cells in cul-

ture by calcium antagonists, statins, and their combination”

28. “Ferritin Prevents Calcification and Osteoblastic Differentiation of

Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells”

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

29. “Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease”

30. “10 Ways to Control High Blood Pressure Without Medication”

31. “Sodium and potassium intakes among U.S. adults: NHANES 2003-

32. “Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease by Diet and Lifestyle”

33. “Prevention & Treatment of High Blood Pressure”

34. “A Prospective Study of Dietary Glycemic Load, Carbohydrate In-

take, and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in U.S. Women”

35. “Associations of Glycemic Index and Load With Coronary Heart Dis-
ease Events: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prospective

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

36. “Overview – Preventing Chronic Diseases: A Vital Investment”

37. “Red and Processed Meat Consumption and Risk of Incident Coro-
nary Heart Disease, Stroke, and Diabetes: A Systematic Review and

38. “5 Food Additives You Should Avoid”

39. “Does Sodium Nitrite in Processed Meat Increase My Risk of Heart


40. “MSG Is Safe in Small Amounts, or so You Think”

41. “Trans Fats”

42. “Trans Fatty Acids, Plasma Lipid Levels, and Risk of Developing Car-
diovascular Disease”

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

43. “Guidance for Industry: Trans Fatty Acids in Nutrition Labeling, Nu-
trient Content Claims, Health Claims; Small Entity Compliance

44. “Sugar Sweetened Beverages, Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and Cardio-

vascular Disease Risk”

45. “Sodium studies blur the picture on what is heart healthy”

46. “Potassium Helps Prevent Strokes, Heart Attacks and More”
“Vitamin D Prevents Heart Disease”

47. “Vitamin D Deficiency and Risk for Cardiovascular Disease”

48. “How Do I Get the Vitamin D My Body Needs?”

49. “Which Foods Are Naturally High in Vitamin D?”

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

50. “Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)”

51. “Garlic and Cardiovascular Disease: A Critical Review”

52. “The Role of Tree Nuts and Peanuts in the Prevention of Coronary
Heart Disease: Multiple Potential Mechanisms”

53. “Eating Walnuts and Walnut Oils Slashes Heart Disease Risk by Im-
proving Multiple Biometrics”

54. “Diet High in Antioxidants Slashes Heart Disease Risk in Women”

55. “Lycopene-rich Tomatoes Linked to Lower Stroke Risk”

56. “Adults Meeting Fruit and Vegetable Intake Recommendations —

United States, 2013”

57. “Vegetables and Fruits”

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

58. “Fiber, Lipids and Coronary Heart Disease”

59. “Exercise and Cardiovascular Health”

60. “Comparative Effectiveness of Exercise and Drug Interventions on

Mortality Outcomes: Metaepidemiological Study”

61. “Facts about Physical Activity”

62. “Benefits of Physical Activity”

63. “Resistance Exercise Training

It’s Role in the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease”

64. “How Does Smoking Affect the Heart and Blood Vessels?”

65. “Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking”

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

66. “Tobacco: Totally Avoidable Risk Factor of CVD”

67. “Obesity Information”

68. “Relationship between Obesity, Insulin Resistance, and Coronary

Heart Disease”

69. “Study: Obesity Fuels Silent Heart Damage, Increased Risk of Future
Heart Failure”

70. “Childhood Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease”

71. “Obese Parents Increase Kids’ Risk of Being Overweight”

72. “Stress Can Increase Your Risk for Heart Disease”

73. “Turmeric Compounds Improve Heart Health as Much as Exercise”

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

74. “Indian Spices for Healthy Heart”

75. “Protect Your Heart with Turmeric”

76. “Astaxanthin: A Potential Therapeutic Agent in Cardiovascular Dis-


77. “Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Disease”

78. “The Cardiovascular Effects of Flaxseed and Its Omega-3 Fatty Acid,
Alpha-Linolenic Acid”

79. “Whey Protein Fights Fatty Liver Disease and Heart Disease”

80. “Effect of Dairy Proteins on Appetite, Energy Expenditure, Body

Weight, and Composition: a Review of the Evidence from Controlled
Clinical Trials”

81. “Grape Seed”

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease and Cardio-Related Events

82. “Chromium in Metabolic and Cardiovascular Disease”


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