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OOT, OOS and Deviations: ICH Guidelines and Improvement Questions

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OOT, OOS and Deviations

ICH Guidelines and Improvement Questions


Hello everyone,

Feel free to contact me at my personal email:

Thanks again for attending!

I welcome all feedback (as long as it’s degrading, keep your

positive comments to yourself).

OOT (Out-of-Trend) Evaluation
• What is an OOT result?
– A result that does not follow the expected trend,
either in comparison with other stability batches
or with respect to previous results collected
during a stability study.
– More complicated than a comparison to
specification limits.
– Procedures to identify OOT depend on available
data that define the norm.

OOT Results Modus Operandi
• OOT results do not follow the expected trend.
– They are not necessarily Out-of-Specification.
• OOT results are somewhat of a rogue topic.
– United States vs. Barr Laboratories (1993) forced
an FDA draft guidance on OOS.
– This guidance footnotes that similar guidance can
be used to examine OOT results.
– But there is no clear legal or regulatory basis to
require consideration of data within specification
but not following expected trends.
OOT identification as a necessity
• Common sense:
– OOT analysis could predict the likelihood of future
OOS results.
• The Nature of Stability Data
– Stability data is a routine regulatory submission.
– Stability data can set internal release limits.
– Stability data estimates product change to expiry.
• OOT is crucial to both regulatory and business.

Types of OOT Identification
• Qualitative
– Graphical
• Quantitative
– Statistical

• Note: OOT identification must be SOP driven

– Specific criteria identified.
– Prevention of false positives.

Graphical OOT Evaluation

Lot #4 – Results vs. Time






Lot 4

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36


Graphical OOT Evaluation
Lot #4 through Lot #7 – Results vs. Time





Lot 4

80 Lot 5

Lot 6

70 Lot 7

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36


Statistical Evaluation of OOT
• Pros
– Data variability
– Assay specific

• Randomness (attractive & statistically baseless)

– Three consecutive aberrant results
– Result is ± 5% of T=0
– Result is ± 3% of previous result
– Result is ± 5% of the mean of all previous results
Conservative Statistical Models
• Account for the variability of data
– Three types of data.
• Rate of false positives can be set after limits
• Historical database is needed

• Three methods:
– Regression Control Chart
– By Time Point
– Slope Control Chart

Regression Control Chart
• Uses & Assumptions
– Within a batch or between batches
– Normal and independent distribution of data
– Constant variability across time points
– Common linear slope for all batches

• Fit a least-squares regression line to data.

expected result = intercept + (slope × time)

Regression Control Chart
• expected result = intercept + (slope × time)
• To find control limits
– Calculate the expected result ± (k × s)
– k = multiplier of normal quantiles for protection
– s = square-root of the mean square error of
• Results within limits are not OOT
• Results outside limits are OOT and require
further investigation

Regression Control Chart
Time Point (x) Result (y) XY XX
0 98 0 0
3 104 312 9
6 90 540 36
9 98 882 81
12 97 1164 144
18 100 1800 324
24 98 2352 576
36 97 3492 1296

Regression Control Chart – expected result ± (k × s)

Results (units) vs. Time (months) in Regression Control Chart with Regression Control Limits




Lot 4


Linear Regression

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36


By-Time-Point Chart
• Compares based on historical batches
• Assumes
– normal distribution
– all observations at a time point are independent
• Advantages
– level of confidence can be tailored to product
– no assumptions about the shape of the degradation curve
• Challenges
– if current data aren’t tested at nominal time points
• Tolerance interval is computed per time point using historic
• Calculate: mean (x̄) and standard deviation (s)
interval = x̄ ± ks 15
By-Time-Point Chart - interval = x̄ ± ks
Results (units) vs. Time (months)




Lot 4

0 3 6 9 12 15 18

OOT in Degradants and Impurities
• Batches measured for degradation product and
– percent area or percent
• Useful knowledge
– shape of trend
– distribution of results
• Differences with regular assaying
– linearity
– constant variance of results
– What often happens to degradant level as variability
with time increases?
OOT in Degradants and Impurities
• Linearity and variance may not hold for
degradants and impurities
– consider the relationship between variability with
time and % degradant (both increase).
• Limit of Quantitation (LOQ)
– no number below LOQ
– reported: < LOQ [ICH: < RT (Reporting Threshold)]
• What is the result of truncating data?
– on variability?
– on valuable statistical information?

OOT in Degradants and Impurities
• Example: a new peak forms
– should it exist?
– is it OOT?
– it is a new data point.
• Two options
– comparison to previous values from the batch
– comparison to previous values from other batches

OOT in Degradants and Impurities
• Comparison to previous values from batch
– degradation/impurity all above LOQ
– linear relationship
– assuming normality
• What if one or none of these criteria don’t stand?
– Then identifying OOT results from the batch’s data
isn’t recommended.
– Why?
• OOT = deviation from the expected
• if T=0M, 3M and 6M are below LOQ and 9M is above LOQ
then a possible underlying trend between 0 and 9 can’t be
outlined by analyzing only the batch in question.
OOT in Degradants and Impurities
• Comparison of new value to values from other
• Three options:
– All values are above LOQ
– All values are below LOQ
– Portions of the data are below LOQ

OOT in Degradants and Impurities
• All values are above LOQ

0.75 Normal
– By-time-point method
– Interval-normality assumed

• Skewed distribution:

– Plot (x,y)
-1 2 5 8 11 14 17 20

– Plot (log(x),log(y)) -2 -1 0 1 2

– Analyze transformation

• Fewer points = wider intervals -0.3


• Linear trend & constant variance -0.5


– regression chart can be used -0.7

22 -0.8
OOT in Degradants and Impurities
• All values are below LOQ
– Use LOQ value.
• any result above LOQ is an OOT result
• requires sufficient amount of data

• A portion of data are below LOQ

– Normalize all values below LOQ to LOQ prior to
calculating tolerance interval.

Implementation Challenges
• ID during stability is more difficult than ID
during release.
– Stability studies are less frequent
– Batch release is one point / stability results change
– Experience with product is required
– Contract vs. in-house evaluation
– Computer systems treat data per time-point
– No set definition of OOT prior to analysis

Implementation Challenges
• Definitions:
– a result is OOT if it is at odds with previous test
results for that batch
– a results is OOT if it is at odds with previous test
results from other batches at that time-point

• No widespread definite agreement currently

– Agreement must be reached and an OOT process
must be proceduralized.
OOT questions to consider
• What is minimum amount of data required?
• Is the OOT procedure intended for NDA studies, commercial studies or both?
• What is the change over time? Linear or nonlinear?
• Are multiple statistical approaches necessary?
• What is each analytical method’s precision?
• Do ICH reporting thresholds impact impurities?
• How are degradants and impurities rounded/reported? How does this affect
statistical tools?
• What is the effect of container closure?
• Is OOT a moving or still criterion?
• Are statistical procedures documented?
• Is the integrity of data used to identify future OOT intact?
• Can department handle scope of statistical limits as studies multiply?
• Can previous time points turn OOT after including later measurements?
• Are multiplicity in testing and p-value adjustments necessary as studies progress?
• Is the computer code for data extraction validated per 21CFR Part 11 (7).
• What are the main points to consider?
Main Questions
1. What is the breadth of the stability program?
2. What statistical approaches are used?
3. What data is used to determine/update limits?
4. What are the minimum data requirements?
5. What evaluation is performed if #4 isn’t met?
6. What are the investigation requirements?
7. Who is responsible for evaluating OOT data?
8. How is OOT confirmed, and is it limited to specifications?
9. What is the result of a confirmed OOT?
10. How do OOT investigations contribute to annual product
Identify Out of Specification (OOS) Results

• Any result not within specification is OOS.

– Not average
– Not mean/midrange
– Not rounded (e.g. 9.9 U/mL is not ≥ 10.0 U/mL)

• Every OOS Investigation is Time Sensitive.

21 CFR 211.192
• All OOS incidents must be investigated.
• Phases
– Laboratory Investigation
– Full-scale Investigation
• Responsible individuals:
– Analysts
– Supervisors
– QA

21 CFR 211.192
• Significant aspects of an investigation
– Prompt
– Impartial
– Well-documented
– Well-founded scientifically
– 30 day turn-around
• OOS Procedure for Stability Studies is necessary
– Multitude of reasons for OOS (measurement, MFG)
– Multiple outcomes (batch failure, batch rejection)
Phase 1 – Laboratory Investigation
• Laboratory Errors
– Analyst
• Calibrated Equipment
• System Suitability
• Specifications
• Unexpected Results
• Stopping Erroneous Testing
– Supervisor
• Timely assessment
• Confirmation of Procedural Compliance
• Examination of Raw Data
• Confirmation of Instrument-performance
• Examination of Solutions, Reagents & Standards
• Evaluation of performance of test method
• Documentation of Assessment
Laboratory Investigation Checklist
Product Name: ___________ Issued by/date: _________
Stability Study #: ___________ Lot #: ________ Sample #: _________
Method: ___________ Method #: ________ Test Date: _________
Equipment IDs: ___________ Analyst: ________ Suitability: yes / no
Sample ID and Condition Satisfactory? y/n
Packaging Satisfactory? y/n
Correct Reagent Used? y/n
Within expiry date? y/n
Correct glassware used? y/n
Solvent washed/dried Glassware used? y/n
Correct volume/volumetric ware used? y/n
Equipment qualified for intend purpose? y/n
Equipment within calibration period? y/n
Equipment Setting Appropriate? y/n
Correct column used per chromatography method? y/n
Column wash steps completed prior to injection? y/n
Analyst Training
Analyst trained on use of equipment? y/n
Analyst trained on analytical method? y/n
SOP Steps
Weights in correct range? y/n
Dilutions performed per analytical method? y/n
All steps performed as analytical method? y/n
Software Qualified? y/n Huynh-Ba, Kim, and N. Subbarao. "Evaluation of Stability Data."
All calculations checked and found to be correct? y/n 32
Handbook of Stability Testing in Pharmaceutical Development:
Regulations, Methodologies, and Best Practices 2008. 271.
Lab Investigation Results
• Aberrant result is due to laboratory error.
– Invalidation of result
– Retain investigation and attach raw data

• Frequency
– Relatively rare
– Frequency indicates lack of control over lab/people
– Once source of error is identified, appropriate
Corrective And Preventative Actions (CAPA) ensues.
Phase 2 – Full Scale OOS Investigation
• When Laboratory Investigation does not identify
root cause, initiate full-scale
– Involve functional groups
– Promptly initiate & complete
• Critical Parts
– Clear statement for reason of investigation
– Summary of aspects of potentially problematic mfg.
– Results of a documentation review and review of
historical data
– A description of corrective actions taken
Retesting vs. Resampling
• Retesting
– Investigation may involve retesting of original sample
• Should be original and homogenous material.
• Should be approved by Quality Unit
• Should be based on sound scientific judgment
• Should be performed by another analyst if possible
• Should be fully proceduralized (§ 211.160) and definite.
• Should not test into compliance
• In case of a defined laboratory error, the retest results would
substitute the original test result
• In case of no defined laboratory error, the retest results
would not substitute the original result and both would be
recorded and considered in batch release decisions.
Retesting vs. Resampling
• Resampling
– In studies for which the original sample cannot be
retested/resampled e.g. due to passage of time
• Pull new sample and designate as such e.g. T=6M is
OOS, then designate and pull T=7M (§ 211.165(c))
– If faced with insufficient samples to test OOS
• Consider obtaining samples from other programs e.g.
retention programs.
– Not recommended given variability of storage conditions
– Also must initiate new, accurate sampling method (§§ 211.160
and 211.165(c))
Statistical Trickery
• Outlier Testing (§ 211.165(d))
“arbitrary rejection or retention of an apparently aberrant
response can be a serious source of bias... the rejection of
observations solely on the basis of their relative magnitudes is a
procedure to be used sparingly” (USP <111>)
– Must be proceduralized (type, parameters, mechanics)
– May be appropriate for biological assays that have a high
– Is inappropriate for validated chemical methods with relatively
small variance, and cannot invalidate result.
• A result found to be a discordant outlier can be used as supporting
evidence with other data to evaluate significance.
– Is not applicable in cases of assaying variability e.g. uniformity,
dissolution, release rate determination.
• Outlying result can be valid non-uniform product.
Statistical Trickery
• e.g. Outlier Test Time Result
Z p
Point (x) (y)
0 98 0.58 > 0.05
3 104 1.13 > 0.05
6 90 1.31 > 0.05
9 98 0.09 > 0.05

Results (units) vs. Time (months)




Use caution in stat-SOP, there can be 80 Lot 4


possible contradictions with earlier 70


0 3 6 9
graphical analysis. Solidify OOT definition. Time
(months) 38
Statistical Compliance
• USP 24 (2000, 1837)
– provides outlier guidance
– EP allows situational response
• Reserve for bioassays
– e.g. petri dish assay
– Perform test and use G values in USP 24 to define significance and
establish statistical basis for omitting an outlier.

N 3 4 5 6 7
G1 .976 .846 .729 .644 .586
N 8 9 10 11 12 13
G2 .780 .725 .678 .638 .605 .578
N 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
G3 .602 .579 .559 .542 .527 .514 .502 .491 .481 .472 .46439
Statistical Compliance
• Data imputation (tread carefully)
– Mathematician vs. Mathemagician
– Reference USP 24 (2000, 1838), EP (2000, 270)
– Substituted value is there to aid calculation, not to add
information to existing data.
– Subtract degree of freedom for each substitution.

– f = number of sets (assay plates)
– k = number of treatments
– Tr’ = the incomplete total from the plate having a missing value
– Tt’ = the incomplete total from the treatment having missing value
– T’ = the incomplete totals from the assay as a whole 40
Confirmed OOS
• If full-scale investigation does not identify a laboratory
error then OOS is confirmed and is representative of
the lot.
• Commercial Lots
– Lots subject to regulatory application
– Submit Field Alert Report (FAR) within 3 days
• Development Lots
– Registration Studies
– Products intended for long-term storage at RT
– Review ICH Q1A(R2)
– Upon significant change, begin testing at intermediate
– Failure at accelerated condition may trigger label-changes.

Confirmed OOS
• OOS at Long-Term Storage
– Can trigger changes to packaging, formulation,
storage condition and proposed shelf-life.
– Removal of lot from ongoing clinical study is up to
Quality Unit.
• Trending OOS Results
– Considered to be best practice (proceduralized)
– Benefits: identify process improvements in lab, grow
database of elements (product, temp, method, cause).
– Aids periodical queries and Pareto Charts for
continuous improvement.
Non-reportable OOS or Atypical Result
(Development, intermediates, special conditions)

Special Conditions
Product at proposed condition and within shelf-life.
(Accelerated, Photostability, Excursion, Expired)

Investigate and/or retest at

management discretion Initiate OOS Investigation Doc

No Yes
First Occurrence of
failure? Yes Initiate OOS First Occurrence of failure?
Investigation Doc
Yes No
Yes Are Retest Samples
Available? No-retesting

No Further Complete OOS Doc, justify and

Action perform retest

Complete OOS Doc. Submit for Quality Review and file.

Reportable OOS or Atypical Result
(Final Products, API with licensed specifications or intermediates
and process substances with established specifications)

Initiate OOS Investigation Doc

Yes First Occurrence of failure? No

Are retest samples available?

No retesting required.
No Yes Complete OOS Doc.

Initiate Retesting Yes Record “no samples”

as justification on
OOS doc to not retest

Retest failed? Yes


Request a stability Confirmed Stability Failure (CSF) and record on OOS

No Yes
Notify QRC, QP and QMR of Product Release/Manufacturing Facility
through official correspondence.
Complete OOS
and Submit Submit OOS doc to Quality Management for review.

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