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Bsti Standard Catalog

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Maan Bhaban
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1. Director General's Foreword 3

2. Annexure

A. Group System for Pricing of Bangladesh Standards (BDS) 4-5

B. List of Divisional and Sectional Committees 6-9

C. List of Bangladesh Standards 10-127

D. List of International Standards adopted as

Bangladesh Standards 128-288


I am happy to introduce the Standards Catalogue-2016 of BSTI. It contains more than

4000 national standards of Bangladesh that are now in vogue.

In fact formulation, amendment and revision of national standards is a continuous

process which is done by the technical committees of BSTI. The committees consist of
persons drawn from professionals, scientists and technical experts of high standing. BSTI
provides only the secretarial services. Currently, 2 (two) National Committees, 6 (Six)
Divisional Committees and 73 (seventy three) Sectional (Technical) Committees are working
on standards formulation.

Product standards are now required to be set not only for its own domestic market but
the eyes are also kept open to accommodate the fast changing and often fastidious consumer
preference, market dynamics and exigencies prevailing in the global market. Failure to
respond to these paradigms would not only push the product out of market but will also
jeopardize the credibility and good will of the product's country of origin. The distinguished
members of the committees are relentlessly working to achieve those objectives. Often
adoption of internationally recognized standards par se hastens the process, staves off
controversy and facilitates access to foreign markets. It is hoped that the Sectional (Technical)
Committees will consider this aspect of standard formulation.

Currently, 154 products are under the compulsory Certification Marks (CM) scheme of
BSTI which in other words means that marketing of any of these items needs conformity
certificate of Bangladesh Standard from the BSTI. These include Food and Agriculture,
Chemical, Jute and Textile, Electrical-Electronics and Engineering products. With the
launching of BSTI web site, the institution is now contemplating to insert as much information
related to standards as possible in its web site for the clientele at home and abroad.

I thank my colleagues for their untiring efforts without which this publication would
not have seen the light of the day.

We hope that the users will find the catalogue helpful.

Director General

Group System for Pricing of Bangladesh Standards

Group system for Pricing of Bangladesh Standards (BDS)

Bangladesh Standards (BDS) have been classified in the following ‘Price

Schedule’. The prices of all standards are indicated by an alphabetic code instead of a
monetary value.
Bangladesh Standards (BDS)

Group Pages Price (Tk.)

A 01-05 500.00
B 06-10 600.00
C 11-15 700.00
D 16-20 800.00
E 21-25 900.00
F 26-30 1100.00
G 31-35 1300.00
H 36-40 1500.00
I 41-45 1700.00
J 46-50 1900.00
K 51 Up 2000.00

Adopted International Standards


Group Pages Price (Tk.)

XA 01-10 1500.00
XB 11-20 1800.00
XC 21-30 2100.00
XD 31-40 2500.00
XE 41-Up 3000.00

Reproduction or utilization of Bangladesh Standards (BDS) in any form or
by any means, electronic, including photocopying and microfilm by any
individual/agency other than BSTI is a punishable offence.

List of Divisional and Sectional Committee


A.1 Agricultural and Food Products Division

A.1.1National Codex Committee
A.1.2 Agricultural and Food products Divisional Committee (AFDC)
A.1.3 Sectional Committees

1. AF/SC 1 Cereals, Pulses and their Products

2. AF/SC 2 Oilseeds and their Products
3. AF/SC 3 Milk and Milk Products
4. AF/SC 4 Fish and Fisheries Products
5. AF/SC 5 Meat, Poultry and their Products
6. AF/SC 6 Spices and Condiments
7. AF/SC 10 Tea and Coffee
8. AF/SC 11 Sugar and Sugar Industries Products
9. AF/SC 13 Animal Feeds
10. AF/SC 15 Fruits and Vegetables Products
11. AF/SC 16 Starch, derivatives and their bi-products
12. AF/SC 17 Forest Products
13. AF/SC 18 Food Colour, Artificial Sweeteners and Additives
14. AF/SC 20 Pesticides
15. AF/SC 21 Tobacco and Tobacco Products
16. AF/SC 22 Soft Drinks and Beverages
17. AF/SC 23 Irradiated Food Products

A.2 Jute and Textile Division

A.2.1 Jute & Textile Divisional Committee (JTDC)
A.2.2 Sectional Committees

1. JT/SC 1 Jute Products

2. JT/SC 2 Textile Products
3. JT/SC 3 Raw Jute
4. JT/SC 4 Jute Mills spares and Accessories
5. JT/SC 5 Textile Test Methods
6. JT/SC 6 Yarn, Rope, Twine & Cordages
7. JT/SC 7 Knit & Knit Products
8. JT/SC 8 Garments Products
9. JT/SC 9 Silk Products
10. JT/SC 10 Handloom Products
11. JT/SC 11 Textile Mills Accessories
12. JT/SC 12 Capital Machineries
13. JT/SC 13 Raw Cotton
14. JT/SC 14 Man -Made Fiber and Products

A.3 Electrical and Electronics Division
A.3.1 Bangladesh National Electrotechnical Committee (BNEC)
A.3.2 Electrical and Electronics Divisional Committee (EEDC)
A.3.3 Sectional Committee

1. ET/SC 1 Transformers
2. ET/SC 2 Electric Lamps and Accessories
3. ET/SC 3 Switchgear and Protective Devices
4. ET/SC 4 Dry Cells and Accumulators
5. ET/SC 5 Electric Fans and Appliances
6. ET/SC 8 Electric Wires and Cables
7. ET/SC 9 Insulators and Insulating Materials
8. ET/SC 10 Electronics
9. ET/SC 12 Rotating Electric Machines
10. ET/SC 13 Electric Measuring Instruments
11. ET/SC 14 Telecommunication
12. ET/SC 16 Information Technology (IT)
13. ET/SC 15 Computer and Computer Related
14. ET/SC 17 Conformity Assessment
15. ET/SC 18 Power Electronics

A.4 Chemical Division

A.4.1 Chemical Divisional Committee (CDC)
A.4.2 Sectional Committee

1. CH/SC 1 Fine Chemicals

2. CH/SC 2 Rubber and Plastics
3. CH/SC 3 Paper, Pulp, Board and Stationery
4. CH/SC 4 Leather, Footwear and Leather Products
5. CH/SC 5 Paints and Allied Materials
6. CH/SC 6 Glass and Ceramics
7. CH/SC 7 Lubricant and Related Products
8. CH/SC 8 Soap and Detergent
9. CH/SC 9 Mineral, Fuels and Petroleum Products
10. CH/SC 10 Cosmetics and Related Products
11. CH/SC 11 Ink and Allied Products
12. CH/SC 12 Fertilizer and Allied Products
13. CH/SC 13 Oils, Fats and Allied Products
14. CH/SC 14 Adhesives

A.5 Engineering Division
A.5.1 Engineering (Civil) Divisional Committee (ECDC)
A.5.2 Sectional Committees

1. CE/SC 1 Clay bricks, Hollow clay bricks, Clay Ceramic

Tiles and Cement Blocks.
2. CE/SC 2 Cement and Cementing Materials
3. CE/SC 3 Structural Steel Section Bars Sections and Other Products
4. CE/SC 4 Pipes and Pipes Fittings
5. CE/SC 5 Sanitary Appliances and Water Fittings
6. CE/SC 6 Fire Fighting and Safety Equipments

A.6 Engineering Division

A.6.1 Engineering (Mechanical) Divisional Committee (EMDC)
A.6.2 Sectional Committees

1. ME/SC 1 Metallic Sheets, Plates, Wires and Allied Products

2. ME/SC 2 Tools, Equipments and Measuring Instruments
3. ME/SC 3 Security and Safety Items
4. ME/SC 4 Pump, Engine and Agricultural implements
5. ME/SC 5 Specialized Products and Household Appliances
6. ME/SC 6 Vehicles and Fuels
7. ME/SC 7 Sports Goods

List of Bangladesh Standards

BDS 1:1958 Covers the requirements and methods of test for soda
AC electrical ceiling, bracket, table and pedestal fans ash, chemically termed as sodium carbonate, This
(Cancels & replaces by BDS 818) material is used in textile, glass, ink, paper, paints, and
ET leather industries. It is also used for water purification,
BDS 2:2001 for boilers and power station.
Football, volley balls and basket balls 07 Page Gr-B CH
(First Revision)
Covers general requirements, materials, sizes, shape, air BDS 11:1995
pressure, colour, finish, sampling and testing, Caustic soda (pure and technical) (First Revision)
Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and
Part -1 Footballs test for caustic soda and technical.
03 Page Gr-A ME 22 Page Gr-E CH

Part -2 Volley balls BDS 12:1991

03 Page Gr-A ME Laundry soap (Second Revision, Reaffirmed 2014)
Prescribes the requirements for three types of the
Part -3 Basket balls material and the determination of total fatty matter, rosin
03 Page Gr-A ME acid, free caustic alkali, unsaponified fatty matter,
chlorides, matter insoluble in alcohol, matter insoluble in
BDS 3:1957 water and total fatty matter.
Cricket and hockey balls (two grades) 05 Page Gr-A CH
Covers general requirements, materials, sizes, shape,
grade, mass, sampling and testing. BDS 13:2006
04 Page Gr-A ME Toilet soap (Third Revision ; Amendment 1, 2008)
Prescribes requirements and the methods of sampling
BDS 4:1957 and test for total fatty matter/rosin acid, unsapnified fatty
Cricket bats (three grades) matter, free caustic alkali, matter insoluble in alcohol,
Covers general requirements, materials, grade, sizes, chloride, total free alkali and matter insoluble in water.
shapes, mass, sampling and testing. 11 Page Gr-C CH
04 Page Gr-A ME
BDS 14:1998
BDS 5:1957 Common salt (3 types) (First Revision)
Hockey sticks (two grades) A. This standard covers two grade of salt for industrial
Covers general requirements, materials, sizes, mass, use. (Grade- 1 is recommended for chemical industries
construction, sampling and testing. including paper industry and Grade-2 for other industries
06 page Gr-B ME including soap industry)
B. Fish and meat curing salt. This Specification covers
BDS 6:1957 fish and meat curing salt.
Tennis, badminton and squash rackets C. Salt for use in the manufacture of explosives. This
Covers general requirements, materials, grade, Specification covers salt for use in the manufacture of
construction, dimension, sampling and testing. explosives.
08 page Gr-B ME 24 Page Gr-E CH

BDS 7:1957 BDS 15:1958

Shuttle cocks Common salt for animal consumption (Reaffirmed
Covers general requirements, type, materials, mass, 2012)
manufacture, and finish, sampling inspection and Specifies requirements, packing, marking and methods
packing. of test of common salt for animal consumption.
09 page Gr-B ME 03 Page Gr-A CH

BDS 8:1958 BDS 16:1958

Method of Testing of cotton yarn Liquid chlorine
(Cancels & replaces by BDS 1047:2013) Specifies requirements, sampling, packing and marking
JT and methods of test for liquid chlorine used in bleaching
BDS 9:1958 of pulp and textiles, in water sterilization and
Method of inspection of cotton yarn grey manufacture of chemicals.
(Cancels & replaces by BDS 1047:2013) 05 Page Gr-A CH
BDS 10:1992 BDS 17:2006
Soda ash, technical (First Revision)

Tungsten filament lamps for domestic and similar CE
general lighting purposes (Third Revision) BDS 27:2012
Applies to incandescent lamps for general lighting for Cotton drills (Second Revision)
those lamps of 25 W to 200 W rating, 100 V to 250 V This standard prescribes the constructional details and
with a nominal life of 1000 hours. Also describes other particulars of four varieties of cotton drills, gery,
methods of test. scoured, bleached, dyed and printed.
22 Page Gr-E ET 04 Page Gr-A JT

BDS 28:1991
Cotton cloth twill (First Revision)
Construction and other particulars of four varieties of
BDS 18:2006A cotton twill.
Plywood tea-chests (Second Revision) 04 Page Gr-A JT
Prescribes the requirements for plywood for tea-chests BDS 29:2012
standard sizes and requirements for tea-chests and their Cotton shirting (Second Revision)
components, the tare; tests for plywood and tea-chests; This Bangladesh Standard prescribes the constructional
terminology raw materials, manufacture of plywood for details and other requirements cotton shirting
tea-chests, and methods of sampling. 03 Page Gr-A JT
29 Page Gr-F AF
BDS 30:2008
BDS 19:1958 Cotton cloth calico (First Revision)
Glass shell for general lighting service lamps This Standad covers the manufacturing particulars and
(Cancels & replaces by BDS 1582 Part-1 and Part- other details of the following:
2:1997) (1) Cotton Cloth, Calico, Scoured.
CH (2) Cotton Cloth, Calico, Bleached.
BDS 20:2002
(3) Cotton Cloth, Calico, Dyed light shade after
Hide curing salt (First Revision; Reaffirmed 2012)
Prescribes requirements, sampling, packing, marking
(4) Cotton Cloth, Calico, Dyed heavy shade with out
and methods of test for hide curing salt bleaching
11 Page Gr-C CH 03 Page Gr-A JT
BDS 21:2000 BDS 31:2008
Cotton seed oil (First Revision) Cotton cloth cellular shirting (First Revision)
Prescribes grades, requirements methods of sampling This Standard covers the manufacturing particulars and
and test of cotton seed oil other details of the following:
05 Page Gr-A AF (1) Cotton Cloth, cellular shirting, Grey.
(2) Cotton Cloth, cellular shirting, Scoured.
BDS 22:1958 (3) Cotton Cloth, cellular shirting, Bleached.
Methods of inspection of cotton hosiery yarn (4) Cotton Cloth, cellular shirting, Dyed light shade
(Cancels & replaces by BDS 1137:2013) after bleaching.
05 Page Gr-A JT (5) Cotton Cloth, Calico, Dyed heavy shade with out
BDS 23:1968 05 Page Gr-A JT
Methods of inspection of cotton fabric grey
(Cancels & replaces by BDS 24:2010) BDS 32:2011
JT Poplin fabric (Third Revision)
BDS 24:2010 This Standard prscribes the constructional detail and
Methods of testing of woven cotton fabrics other particulars of one variety of cotton cloth poplin,
(First Revision) bleached or dyed. If agreed, man-made fibres may be
Definition and specific methods for determining blended with cotton, but their percentage shall not
dimension, weight, construction, shrinkage, breaking exceed 40%.
load and elongation of woven cotton fabrics. 07 Page Gr-B JT
05 Page Gr-B JT
BDS 33:1989
BDS 25:2015 Cotton sewing thread (Reaffirmed 2005)
Mustard oil (Second Revision) Detail construction and other particulars of 43 varieties
Prescribes grades, requirements and method of sampling of cotton sewing threads.
and test of mustard oil. 07 Page Gr-B JT
7 page Gr-B AF
BDS 34:1993
BDS 26:1958 Nitric acid (First Revision)
Pipe threads

Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and JT
test for four grades of nitric acid, namely, technical, BDS 45:1968
nitration, pure and analytical reagent. It covers specific Testing fastness of dyes on textiles to soda boiling
gravity, minimum nitric acid content and impurities. (superseded by BDS 1289 : 1990 washing test 3 & 4)
17 Page Gr-D CH (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105 X06:2007)
BDS 35:1994 BDS 46:2000
Sulphuric acid for use in secondary batteries ISO 105-E01
(Withdrawn) Textiles-tests for colour fastness - colour fastness to
Covers sulphuric acid for use in electrolytic solutions for water (First Revision)
secondary batteries (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105-E01:2016)
20 Page Gr-D CH JT
BDS 47:2001
BDS 36:1993 Textile-Test for colour fastness to potting
Ammonium sulphate (fertilizer) (First Revision)
(First Revision; Amendment 1: 2008) (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105-E09:2011)
Covers the requirements sampling, packing and methods JT
of tests.
12 Page Gr-C CH
BDS 37:1994
Hydrochloric acid (First Revision)
Prescribes the requirements and method of sampling and BDS 48:1991
test for hydrochloric acid. It covers technical, chemically Testing fastness of dyes on textiles to mercerising
pure, and analytical reagent grades. (First Revision)
19 Page Gr-D CH (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105-X04:2007)
BDS 38:1993 BDS 49:1994
Sulphuric acid (First Revision) Testing fastness of dyes on textiles to acid milling
27 Page Gr-F CH (First Revision)
Methods for assessing the resistance of colour on dyed
BDS 39:1968 textiles to the action of acid as used in the acid milling of
Fastness of dyes on textile to soap washing wool.
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1298:1990 part 1 & 2) 03 Page Gr-A JT
27 Page Gr-F JT

BDS 40:1991 BDS 50:1991

Testing fastness of dyes on textiles to bleaching with Testing fastness of dyes on textile to carbonizing with
hypochlorite (First Revision) Aluminium chloride (First Revision)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105-N01:2007) (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105- X01:2005)
BDS 41:1991 BDS 51:1991
Testing fastness of dyes on textiles to bleaching with Testing fastness of dyes on textiles to carbonizing
peroxide (First Revision) with sulphuric acid (First Revision)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105-N02:2007) (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105-X02:2007)
BDS 42:1991 BDS 52:1993
Testing fastness of dyes on textiles to organic solvents Testing fastness of dyes on textiles to stoving
(First Revision) (First Revision)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105-X05:2007) (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105-N05:2007)
BDS 43:2000 BDS 53:1993
ISO 105-E02:1994 Testing fastness of dyes on textiles to acid
Textiles-tests for colour fastness- part E02:colour chlorination (First Revision)
fastness to sea water (First Revision) Methods for assessing the resistance of colour on dyed
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105-E02:2016) woollen textile to the action of acid hypochlorite
04 Page Gr-A JT solution.
05 Page Gr-A JT
BDS 44:2000
ISO 105-E04:1994 BDS 54:1990
Textiles––Tests for colour fastness- part E04: colour Testing fastness of dyes on textiles to rubbing
fastness to perspiration (Second Revision) (First Revision)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105 E04:2016) (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105-X12:2006)

JT BDS 66:1991
BDS 55:1991 Cotton markin (mazri cloth) (First Revision)
Testing fastness of dyes on textiles to hot pressing This Standard prescribes constructional details and other
(First Revision) particulars of five varieties of grey cotton markin.
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105-X11:2005 ) 02 Page Gr-A JT
BDS 56:1961 BDS 67:1998
Methods of sampling and test for vegetables oils and Single super phosphate (First Revision)
fats Prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling
(Cancels & replaces by BDS 1584:1997) and test for super phosphate. The material is used as a
CH fertilizer.
BDS 57:1958 04 Page Gr-A CH
Methods of testing fastness of dyes on textiles to cross
dyeing wool BDS 68:1996
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105-X07:2007) Bone meal, raw (fertilizer grade) (First Revision)
JT Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and
BDS 58:1958 tests for bone meal (raw), used as fertilizer.
Methods of testing fastness of dyes on textiles to 07 Page Gr-B CH
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105-X08:2007) BDS 69 (Part-1):1990
JT Coal tar black paint
BDS 59:1962 Prescribes the requirements and the methods of test for
Textile-test for colour fastness to acid felting mild the material commercially known as coal tar black paint
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105-E14:2003) which generally used as a protective paint for iron and
JT steel, and for the protection of timber.
05 Page Gr-A CH
BDS 60:1993 BDS 69 Part-2:1991
Methods of testing fastness of dyes on textile to acid Alquatra (Amendment 1:2006)
felting severe (First Revision) Prescribes requirements and methods of test for alquatra
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105- E13:2004) which is used as a protective paint for country boats,
JT fishing nets, iron, steel and for the protection of timber.
BDS 61:2008 11 page Gr-C CH
Code for seaworthy packing of cotton textile
(First Revision) BDS 70:2000
Method of packing of textile which are to be transported ISO 105-E06:1989
over long distance. Textiles-tests for colour fastness- part E06 colour
11 Page Gr-C JT fastness to spotting : alkali (Second Revision)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105- E06:2011)
BDS 62:1997 02 page Gr-A JT
Cotton cloth dhoties (First Revision)
Details construction and other particulars of cotton BDS 71:2000
dhoties. ISO 105-E05:1989
03 Page Gr-A JT Textiles-tests for colour fastness- part E05 colour
fastness to spotting : acid (Second Revision)
BDS 63:2004 (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105- E05:2011)
Mill made cotton saries (Second revision) 04 page Gr-A JT
Detail construction and other particulars of Mill made
cotton saries. BDS 72:2000
03 Page Gr-A JT ISO 105-E07:1989
Textiles-tests for colour fastness- part E07 colour
BDS 64:2015 fastness to spotting : water (Second Revision)
Cotton long cloth (Second Revision) (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105- E07:2011)
Construction and other particulars of three varieties of 04 page Gr-A JT
cotton long cloth.
05 Page Gr-A JT BDS 73:1993
Methods of testing fastness of dyes on textiles to
BDS 65:2014 sublimation (First Revision)
Sheeting for general purposes (First Revision) Methods of assessing the resistance of colour on dyed
This standard prescribes the methods of sampling and textiles in any form to the action of sublimation.
tests for woven sheeting materials used for the purpose 04 page Gr-A JT
of clothing, covering, sheeting or any similar activity.
04 Page Gr-A JT BDS 74:1991

Methods of testing fastness of dyes on textile to materials and the addition of a given percentage known
steaming (First Revision) as the “official regain”, in textiles bought and sold on
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105- E11:2004 ) weight basis.
JT 09 page Gr-B JT
BDS 75:1990
Methods of testing fastness of dyes on textiles to BDS 85:1992
bleaching with sodium chloride mild Ferro-gallo tannate fountain pen ink (0.1 percent
(First Revision) iron content) (First Revision)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105- N03:2007) Prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling
JT and test for ferro-gallo tannate fountain pen inks
BDS 76:1993 fountain pen inks containing not less thank 0.1 percent
Methods of testing fastness of dyes on textiles to of iron.
bleaching with sodium chloride severe 13 page Gr-C CH
(First Revision)
BDS 86:1992
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105- N04:2007 )
Dye-based coloured fountain pen inks (blue, red,
black, green and violet) (First Revision)
BDS 77:1993
Prescribes the requirements, sampling, packing method
Textile-test for colour fastness to decatizing
of, test of dye based coloured fountain pen inks (blue,
(First Revision)
black, red, green and violet)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105- E10:2011)
05 page Gr-A CH
BDS 78:1993
Testing fastness of dyes on textiles to alkaline milling BDS 87:1960 (Reaffirmed 2012)
(First Revision) Ink powders and tablets, blue, black and red powders
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105- E12:2004) Specifies requirements, definition, sampling, packing,
marking and methods of test of ink powders and tablets,
JT blue, black and red.
13 page Gr-C CH
BDS 79:1993 BDS 88:1991
Methods of testing fastness of textiles to several Ferro-gallo tannate fountain pen ink (0.2 percent
agencies (First Revision) iron content) (First Revision; Amendment 1:2006)
Methods for assessing the resistance of colour on dyed Prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling
textile to several agencies. and test for ferro-gallo tannate fountain pen inks
05 page Gr-A JT containing not less than 0.2 percent iron content.
05 page Gr-A CH
BDS 80:1990
Testing fastness of dyes on textiles to light: daylight BDS 89:1960 (Reaffirmed 2012)
(Second Revision) Fluid ink for registration and for cheques and
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105- B01:2015) records
JT Prescribes requirements, composition, sampling,
BDS 81:1991 packing, marking and method of test for fluid ink for
Methods of testing evaluation change in colour registration and for cheques and records.
(First Revision) 10 page Gr-A CH
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105- A02:2005)
JT BDS 90:2011
BDS 82:1991 Specification for stamp pad ink (Second
Methods of testing evaluation staining Revision)
(First Revision) This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105- A03:2005) of sampling and test for stamp pad ink used for stamping
JT with rubber stamps from fabric or foam pads.
BDS 83:1958 12 page Gr-C CH
Methods for determination of breaking load (tensile
strength) and elongation of woven cotton fabrics BDS 91:2011
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 932: 1980) Methods for determination of starch in yarns &
JT fabrics (Second Revision)
BDS 84:1991 This Bangladesh Standard prscribes the methods for
Methods for evaluation of moisture content in textile determination of starch in sized yarns and fabrics.
materials (First Revision) 05 page Gr-A JT
This Standard defines the terms covering standard
conditions of humidity and temperature for purpose of BDS 92:1991
testing and describes a method of amounting the “correct Methods for removal of added matter from textiles
invoice weight’’ based on the oven-dry weight of the (First Revision)

This standard prescribes the methods for removing BDS 101:1991
common types of added matter from textile material on Electric boiling plates for domestic use
which they are customarily found at present. (First Revision)
07 page Gr-B JT Requirements for electric boiling plates, open type and
enclose type intended for operation on AC and DC
BDS 93:1960 circuits having voltage rating not exceeding 250 volts.
Yarn count systems and conversions 09 page Gr-B ET
(Cancels & replaces by BDS 942:1980 and BDS
1069:1983) BDS 102:1990
04 page Gr-A JT Two-pin plugs and socket outlets of reversible type
for domestic use (First Revision; Reaffirmed, 2005)
BDS 94:1958 Requirements of reversible two-pin plugs and socket
Methods for evaluating shrinkage of fabrics on outlets of the surface type having a current rating of 5
immersion in cold water amps and intended for use on AC and DC circuits having
(Cancels & replaces by BDS 1124:1985) voltage not exceeding 250 volts for domestic appliances.
JT 5 page Gr-E ET
BDS 95:1991
Methods for determination of shrinkage in woven BDS 103:2001
cotton and linen fabrics on laundering Rules for rounding off numerical values (First
(First Revision) Revision)
This Standard prescribed for determination of shrinkage Prescribes rules for rounding off numerical values for
of woven cotton and lienen fabrics on laundering. the purpose of determining conformance to specified
04 page Gr-A JT limiting values.
08 page Gr-A ET
BDS 104 :1991
BDS 96:1962 Paper sizes (Second Revision)
Cottonseed oilcake, expeller type (Cancel and replaces by BDS ISO 216: 2012)
Prescribes requirements, moisture and volatile matters, CH
crude fibre, grades, methods of sampling and test. BDS 105:1960
19 page Gr-A AF White pigments for paints (Reaffirmed 2012)
It covers description, composition and specifies
requirements for residue on sieve, oil absorption value,
colour, reducing power, moister and volatile matter,
BDS 97:1961 soluble in water and alkalinity of the aqueous extract.
Castor oil (technical) 30 page Gr-A CH
Prescribes requirements regarding definitions, grades,
moisture and volatile matter, colour, refractive index, BDS 106:1960
specific gravity, iodine value, specification value, acetyl Zinc oxide (low-lead type 1 & 2) for paints
value, unsaponifiable matter, acid value, critical (Reaffirmed 2012)
solution, test procedure and critical solution temperature. CH
04 page Gr-A AF BDS 107:1960
Leaded zinc oxide (type 1, 2 & 3) for paints
BDS 98:2000 (Reaffirmed 2012)
Sesame oil (First Revision) CH
(Cancel and replaces by BDS CAC 26:2008) BDS 108:1989
AF Lithopone for paints (First Revision)
BDS 99:2007 (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 473:2006 )
Coconut oil (Second Revision) CH
Prescribes requirements regarding grades, sampling, BDS 109:2000
moisture and volatile matter, colour, refractive Antimony oxide for paints (First Revision)
index, specific gravity, saponification value, titre Prescribes requirements and the methods of sampling
value, acid value, unsaponifiable matter, melting point and test for the material commercially known as
and method of test. antimony oxide, intended for use as paint pigment.
15 page Gr-E CH CH
BDS 110:1960
BDS 100:1962 Basic lead sulphate for paints (Reaffirmed 2012)
Ground nut oil, expelled CH
Prescribes grades, requirements, methods of sampling BDS 111:2001
and test for ground nut oil obtained by process of Titanium dioxide for paints (First Revision)
expelling and used for edible purposes. Prescribes requirements and the methods of sampling
03 page Gr-A AF and test for Titanium dioxide, anatase, used as a pigment
in the paint industry.

CH BDS 120:1960
BDS 112:1960 Designation of the structure of single plied and
Black Japan (Reaffirmed 2012) cabled yarn
Covers requirement and method of test for material (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 1139:2008 &
commercially known as Black Japan and used as a BDS ISO 2:2009)
protective coating for metal and wood surface. JT
04 page Gr-A CH BDS 121 :1991
Determination of shrinkage in woven rayon and
BDS 113:1960 synthetic fibre, fabrics on washing (First Revision)
Ready mixed paints, varnish, lacquer and related This Standard prescribed the methods for determination
products (Reaffirmed 2012) of shrinkage of washing fabrics in which rayon or
Prescribes methods of sampling of ready mixed paints synthetic fibres are a major constituent either in warp or
and tests. Which are common to many Bangladesh weft. This method is not applicable to fabrics containing
Standard Specifications for individual ready mixed wool.
paints and enamels. 05 Page Gr-A JT
67 page Gr-K CH
BDS 122:1992
BDS 114:1960 Determination of crimp in yarn in fabric (First
Black bituminus paint brushing for general purposes Revision)
(Reaffirmed 2012) (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 7211/3 :2008)
Prescribes requirements and method of test of bituminus JT
paint, brushing for general purpses. BDS 123:1991
03 page Gr-A CH Count of yarn removed from fabric (free from added
matter ) (First Revision)
BDS 115:1989 (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 7211/5 :2008)
Three-pin plugs and socket outlets JT
(First Revision; Reaffirmed, 2005) BDS 124:1960
Three-pin plugs and sockets of the round pin type used Determination of length of woven or knitted fabric
in domestic appliances for standard ratings of 5, 15 & 30 (at zerotension)
amps and up to 250 volts. (Cancels & replaces by BDS 957:1981)
22 page Gr-E ET

BDS 116:2006
Ceiling roses (Second Revision)
Covers 63.5 mm in diameter ceiling rose made of BDS 125:1960
vitreous or plastic moulding material in which the Determination of width of woven or knitted fabrics
voltage does not exceed 250 V and current dose not (when relaxed at Zero tension)
exceed 5 A. (Cancels & replaces by BDS 957:1981)
10 page Gr-A ET JT
BDS 126 : 1991
BDS 117:1997 Determination of twists in yarns removed from
Tumbler and other switches for domestic and similar fabric (First Revision)
purposes (Second Revision) (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 7211/4 :2008)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS IEC 60669-1) JT
ET BDS 127:1961
BDS 118:2012 Sodium bichromate (technical) (Reaffirmed 2012)
Method for determination of the irregularity of year Prescribes requirements, methods of sampling and test
(by variability of masses of 25 mm lengths) for sodium bichromate (technical)
(First Revision) 07 Page Gr-B CH
This Bangladesh standard prescribes the methods for
determining the percentage of irregularities like thick BDS 128 :2010
and thin places, slubs etc, in warp and weft yarns and in Potassium bichromate (technical and analytical)
the yarns from packages. Irregularity is measured by the (First Revision)
standard deviation of the weight of 25mm lengths of the Prescribes requirements, methods of sampling and test
yarn. for potassium bichromate, technical and analytical
04 page Gr-A JT reagent grades.
BDS 119:1960 09 Page Gr-B CH
Determination of yarn Count or yarn number for
single yarns BDS 129:1991
(Cancels & replaces by BDS 942:1980) Sodium silicate (First Revision)

Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and Lays down the requirements for the performance of inks
method of test. for marking cotton, silk, linen and wool fabric which are
08 Page Gr-B CH required to stan laundering or dry cleaning very shortly
after marking.
BDS 130:1961 page Tk. CH
Ochre (two types) for paints; type-1 red, type-2
yellow (Reaffirmed 2012) BDS 137:1990
Covers requirements of sampling and method of test. Marking inks for dark-coloured fabrics
05 Page Gr-A CH (First Revision)
Lays down requirements for the performance of inks
BDS 131 (Part-1):1998 AC energy meters consisting of pigments dispersed in suitable vehicles
Single-phase, two-wire whole current watt-hour intended for marking dark-coloured cotton, linen and
meters (accuracy class-2) (Second Revision) wool fabrics.
(Cancels and replaces by BDS IEC 62053-11) 13 Page Gr-C CH
BDS 131 (Part-2):1999 AC energy meters BDS 138:2006
Single-phase, two-wire whole current watt-hour Refined sugar
meters (accuracy class 1) (Second Revision; Amendment-1, 2008)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS IEC 62053-11) Covers requirements regarding sucrose, reducing sugar,
ET sulphated ash, sulphur, dioxide, lead, arsenic, total
BDS 132:1962 nitrogen, determination of colour, moisture, methods of
Screw threads sampling and test, air oven method, vacuum oven
Contains basic profile for triangular screw threads method.
(except pipe thread) as well as associated design profile. 17 Page Gr-D AF
Basic1 sizes for screw threads for screws, bolts and nuts
rengeng from dia 0.25 to 5 mm. recommended for BDS 139:2011
general purpose and special purpose. Specification for Cane molasses (Second Revision)
09 Page Gr-B ME This standard prescribes the requirements, methods of
sampling and test for cane mslasses.
BDS 133:2001 03Page Gr-A AF
Glauber salt (sodium sulphate, decahydrate)
technical (First Revision) BDS 140:1986
Covers requirements, method of sampling, packing, Dextrose monohydrate (First Revision)
marking and test procedure for sodium sulphate, matter (Cancels and replaces by BDS CAC 8:2007 )
insoluble in water, soluble iron compounds and pH. AF
03 Page Gr-A CH BDS 141:1994
Liquid Glucose (Second Revision)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS CAC 9:2006)
BDS 134:1990 AF
Marking inks for stock purpose (First Revision) BDS 142:1961
Specifies the requirements for performance of inks used Wood doors
for applying marks (which may or may not require heat (Cancels and replaces by BDS 1504:1996)
or other development treatment) to cotton, linen and AF
wool fabrics which are to be stocked sometime. BDS 143:1961
14 Page Gr-C CH Determination of weight per unit length and weight
per unit area of woven or knitted fabrics.
BDS 135:1990 (Cancels and replaces by BDS 980: 1981)
Marking inks for domestic purpose JT
(First Revision) BDS 144:1995
Specifies the requirements for performance of inks for Determination of resistance of fabrics to penetration
marking cotton, linen and wool fabrics intended to be by water (hydrostatic head test) (First Revision)
left for some hours so that the ink may develop fully but (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 811:2006)
requiring washing within a few days to preserve damage JT
to the fabric the fabric not being heated or stored under BDS 145:1995
warm conditions before washing. Determination of the weight of warp and weft (free
14 Page Gr-C CH from added matter) per unit area of cloth, (First
BDS 136:1990 (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 7211/6:2008)
Marking inks for laundry and dry cleaning purposes JT
(First Revision) BDS 146:2002

Ink duplicating, for twin cylinder rotary machines This standard prescribes the requirements and the
(Second revision) methods of sampling and tests for dried/dehydrated,
Prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling salted fish.
and test for duplicating ink, all weather, for use on twin 07 page Gr-B AF
cylinder rotary type machines.
06 Page Gr-B CH BDS 156:2016
Fish, dried/dehydrated, unsalted
BDS 147:1961 (Second Revision)
Copper sulphate (technical) (Reaffirmed 2012) This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and of sampling and tests for fish, dried/dehydrated,
test for insoluble matter, soluble iron compounds and unsalted.
free acid. 04 page Gr-A AF
09 Page Gr-B CH
BDS 157:1962
BDS 148:1961 Grades of carcass of goat
Potassium nitrate (technical) (Reaffirmed 2012) Prescribes grades of carcasses of goat, colour, odour,
Covers requirements, sampling, and method of test of confirmation and quality.
potassiumnitrate, technical for industrial purpose. 03 Page Gr-A AF
17 Page Gr-D CH
BDS 158:1962
BDS 149:2014 Grades of carcass of sheep
Aluminium sulphate, non-ferric (Second Revision) Prescribes grades of carcases of sheep, colour, odour,
Covers technical, pure and analytical reagent grades and confirmation and quality.
prescribes requirements, methods of sampling and test. 03 page Gr-A AF
08 Page Gr-B CH
BDS 159:1964
BDS 150:1994 Grades of carcass of oxen
Method for determination of the permeability of Prescribes grades, colour, confirmation and quality.
fabrics to air at low pressure (First Revision) 03 Page Gr-A AF
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1695:2002; ISO
9237:1995) BDS 160:1962
JT Grades of carcass of buffalo
BDS 151:1992 Prescribes grades, colour, confirmation and quality.
Method for determination of tensile strength and 03 Page Gr-A AF
elongation at break of single yarns (First Revision)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 2062:2014) BBS 161:1962
JT Methods for determination of number of thread per
BDS 152:1992 inch in the cotton woven fabrics.
Method for determination of lea strength and lea (Cancels and replaces by BDS 933:1980)
count of spun yarns JT
(First Revision; Reaffirmed, 2011) BDS 162:1993
This Standard prscribes methods for determining the lea Methods for determination of thickness of cloth
strength and lea count of spun yarns (First Revision)
JT (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 5084:2009)
02 Page Gr-A JT

BDS 153:1994
Method for tongue (Double-RIP) tear test of cloth
(First Revision) BDS 163:1993
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO13937-4:2005) Evaluating bursting strength of fabrics by diaphragm
JT pressure (First Revision)
BDS 154:1988 (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 13938-2:2009)
Maize, starch (First Revision) JT
Prescribes microscopic appearance and granular size, BDS 164:1994
particle size, solubility, requirements of moisture, total Method for determination of resistance of textiles to
ash, acid insoluble ash, starch, protein, pH, free acidity, attack by micro-organisms (First Revision)
microbiological requirements, packing & marking, This Standard has been intended to cover biological
method of sampling & tests. pocedures to evaluate the resistance of textiles to attack
09 Page Gr-B AF of micro-organisms.
07 Page Gr-B JT
BDS 155:2016
Fish, dried/dehydrated, salted (Second Revision) BDS 165:1962

Determination of relative humidity in the atmosphere BDS 179:1962
JT Anhydrous sodium sulphate (technical) (Reaffirmed
BDS 166:1992 2012)
Method for testing of knitted textile fabrics (First Covers the requirements, sampling and method of test
Revision) for anhydrous sodium sulphate, matter insoluble in
This Standard specifies the methods of testing and water, sodium chloride, soluble iron and aluminium
examining and tolerances thereof for the knitted fabrics compounds and pH.
in tubular or split form, prepared for the purpose or 07 Page Gr-B CH
entering into other manufacturing processes later on.
08 Page Gr-B JT BDS 180:1963
Gas, oxygen, compressed industrial
BDS 167-169:1962 (Reaffirmed, 2012)
Red oxide of iron for paints Prescribes the requirements and method of test for
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 1248) compressed oxygen gas intended to be use in
CH combination with fuel gases for welding and cutting
BDS 170:1962 operations.
Black oxide of iron for paints 07 Page Gr-B CH
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 1248)
BDS 181:2001
Carbolic soap
BDS 171:1962
(Second Revision; Amendment 1:2002)
Purple oxides of iron for paints
Covers requirements, packing and marking and method
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 1248)
of test.
07 Page Gr-B CH
BDS 172:1962
Manufactured oxides and hydrated oxides of iron for
BDS 182:1992
Ink, stencil, oilbase, for marking porous surfaces
(Cancels and repleaces by BDS ISO 1248)
(wooden boxes, fibres, cartons, etc.) colour as
required (First Revision)
BDS 173:1962
Deals with methods of test for oil based stencilling ink
Wood windows
used for transferring letters figures from a stencil on a
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1504:1996)
porous surface.
13 Page Gr-C CH
BDS 174:1992
Test for shrinkage of knitted cotton fabrics on
BDS 183:1962
laundering (First Revision)
Specification for DDT, Technical
Construction and other particulars of four varieties of
This standard Prescribe requirements and method of test
handloom cotton light sheeting grey.
for DDT (Dichloro Diphenyl Tricchloroethane),
03 Page Gr-A JT
Technical, employeed in the preparation of insecticides.
32 Page Gr-G AF
BDS 175:1962
Determination of twist in single cotton yarn by
BDS 184:1962
untwist twist methods.
B.H.C. (technical)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 17202:2007)
Prescribes requirements and method of test.
32 Page Gr-G AF
BDS 176:1962
Evaluating of twist in yarn in package form
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 2061:2011)
BDS 185:1990
07 Page Gr-B JT
Electric irons (First Revision)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS IEC 60311:2005)
BDS 177:1960
Determination of abrasion resistance of textile yarn BDS 186:1984
(Withdrawn) Induction motors
11 Page Gr-C JT (Cancels and replaces by BDS 1139)
BDS 178:1962 BDS 187:2012
Potash alum (technical) (Reaffirmed 2012) Soft soap (Second Revision)
Specifies sampling, packing, marking and method of Prescribes requirements and the method of sampling and
test. test for total fatty matter, unsaponifiable matter, rosin
12 Page Gr-C CH acids, total free alkali and free caustic alkali,

BDS 188:1992 Methods for determination of Wettability of cotton
Soap flakes (First Revision) fabrics (Second Revision)
Deals with requirements, sampling and methods of test. This Bangladesh standard prescribes the methods for
CH determination of wettabiulity of cotton fabrics, This
BDS 189:1962 method is also applicable for assessing the efficiency of
Anhydrous ammonia (compressed) (Reaffirmed, 2012)
Deals with requirements and method of test.
03 Page Gr-A JT
11 Page Gr-C CH
BDS 199:1962
BDS 190:1991 Methods for testing and tolerances for cotton sewing
Suji (semolina) (First Revision; Amendment 1:2001) threads.
Prescribes requirements regarding moisture, total ash, This Standard prscribes the methods of testing and
acid insoluble ash, gluten content, acidity, alcoholic tolerances thereof for the cotton sewing thread both
acidity, grades and methods of test. untreated and treated, and shall be applicable for
11 Page Gr-C AF commercial acceptances and routine quality control.
06 page Gr-B JT
BDS 191:1962
Pearl barley BDS 200:2014
Prescribes requirements regarding moisture, total ash (on Testing and tolerances for woollen yarns
dry basis) acid insoluble ash (on dry basis), protien, (First Revision)
crude fibre, alcoholic acidity, method of sampling and This standard deals with the methods of testing and
test. tolerances of woollen and worsted yarn, regardless of the
18 Page Gr-D AF systems of its manufacture and applicable to commercial
transactions and laboratory procedures.
BDS 192:2014 07 page Gr-B JT
Barley powder (Second Revision)
Prescribes requirements regarding moisture, total ash, BDS 201:1962
acid insoluble ash, protein (on dry basis), crude fibre, Methods for test for shrinkage of knitted Rayon
alcoholic aicidity, granularity,methods of sampling and fabrics on laundering
test. Besides the physical characteristics it gives This standard prescribes the methods for evaluating the
microscopic structure of barley starch for purpose total shrinkage (full change in dimensions with
of comparison. avoidance of any restorative force) in rayon knitted
13 page Gr-C AF fabrics irrespective of tubular or flat on laundering. This
method present only a means of obtaining reproducible
BDS 193:1962 results and does not attempt to set up tolerances.
Wheat bran 06 page Gr-B JT
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 997:2006)
AF BDS 202:2014
BDS 194:1962 Method for testing and tolerences thereof for cotton
Frozen raw headless shrimp and cotton rayon fabrics (First Revision)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 821:1975) This standrad has been intended to prescribe the methods
AF of test and tolerances thereof, for cotton and cotton-
BDS 195:1962 rayon fabrics meat for wearing & other personal uses
Hand Knitted woollen Bukhara (Mori) type carpets. and also manufactured confirming to some specification.
Requirements for the manufacture of hand-knitted 03 page Gr-A JT
woollen bukhara (mori) type carpets.
06 page Gr-B JT BDS 203:1963
Methods for evaluating relaxation and felting
BDS 196:1962 shrinkage of stabilized woollen knitted fabrics on
Recommendations on classification of textile goods laundering
for laundering purposes 06 page Gr-B JT
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 3758:2013)
07 page Gr-B JT BDS 204:1962
Methods for testing of unevenness of textile strands
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 16549:2007)
BDS 197:1962 BDS 205:1992
Methods for determination of seam slippage of woven Test for recovery of textile fabrics from creasing by
fabrics measuring the angle of recovery (First Revision)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 13936-2:2013) (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 2313:2008)
BDS 198:2011 BDS 206

Lead acid starter batteries (Second Revision) 09 page Gr-B CH

BDS 206 (Part-1):2002 BDS 212:2003

General requirements and methods of test Oil of Mentha arvensis L (First Revision)
(Seceond Revision) Prescribes requirements and method of test for the
Applicable to lead-acid batteries with a nominal voltage material commercially known as oil of peppermint.
of 6 V and 12 V. It used primarily as a power source for 08 Page Gr-B CH
passenger cars, vehicles for normal and servere use.
15 page Gr-C ET BDS 213:1962
Substances of paper and board (Reaffirmed 2012)
BDS 206 (Part-2):2002 Deals with terminplogy, prefered substance and range of
Dimensions batteries and dimension and marking of substances.
terminal (Second Revision) 06 page Gr-B CH
Describe dimensions of batteries and dimensions and
marking of terminals of lead-acid batteries. BDS 214:1962
14 page Gr-C ET Wrapping paper (First Revision)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1547:2003)
BDS 206 (Part-3):2002 CH
Dimensions of batteries for heavy commercial BDS 215:1962
vehicles (Second Revision) Folding box board uncoated white and coloured
Applicable to lead-acid batteries for starting, lighting (Reaffirmed, 2012)
and ignition of agriculture machines, buses, coaches and Prescribes requirements and method of test.
lorries. 22 page Gr-E CH
05 page Gr-A ET
BDS 216:1991
BDS 207:1990 Triple super phosphate
AC voltages and frequencies for transmission and (First Revision; Amendment 1,2:2007)
distribution systems (First Revision) Prescribes the requirements and the method of sampling
(Cancels and replaces by BDS IEC 60038 and BDS IEC and test for triple superphosphate, intended for use as a
60196) fertilizer.
ET 09 page Gr-B CH
BDS 208:2009
Specificatin for common building clay bricks BDS 217:2011
(Third Revision) Specification for urea (fertilizer) (Second
Specific to the dimensions, strength & other quality Revision.)
requirements of common burnt clay building bricks. This Bangladesh Standard prescribe the requirements
17 page Gr-D CE and methods of sampling and test for urea, intended to
be used as fertilizer. It does not cover' pure grade used
BDS 209:1962 by other industrial manufacturers.
Glass making, sands (Reaffirmed 2012)
04Page Gr-A CH
Prescribes grades, requirements and the method of
sampling, test for silica, iron, titanium, moisture, colour
BDS 218:1992
and size grading.
Phenolic moulding materials (First Revision)
27 page Gr-F CH
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 800:2010)
07 page Gr-B CH
BDS 210:1995
Glass milk bottles (First Revision)
Prescribes requirements for dimensions quality and BDS 219:2002
performance for 1-litre, 500-ml and 25 ml glass bottles Safety Razor Blades (First Revision; Reaffirmed 2009)
for liquid milk other than sterilized milk. Specification for covers the requirements of double edge
09 page Gr-B CH safety razor blades used for human shaving, sizes &
dimensions material, method of test etc.
07 page Gr-B ME

BDS 220:1962
Cotton seed for industrial consumption
Prescribes requirements, grade determination, method of
BDS 211:1991 sampling and test for cotton seed used for industrial
Hydraulic leather, vegetable tanned consumption.
(First Revision) 23 page Gr-E AF
Prescribes the requirements for sampling and test for
vegetable tanned hyraulic leather. BDS 221:1962

Banaspati BDS 231:1962
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 804:2011) Mild steel bars for structural uses
AF (Cancels and replaces by BDS 1313:1991)
BDS 222:1962 CE
Decorticated groundnut oil cake, expeller type BDS 232:1993
Prescribes requirements, moisture and volatile matter, Portland cement (ordinary and rapid hardening)
acid insoluble ash, crude protein, fat (ether extract), (Second Revision)
crude fibre, grades, method of sampling and test. (Cancels and replaces by BDS EN 197-1:2003)
06 page Gr-B AF 45 page Gr-I CE

BDS 223:1962 BDS 233:2003

Edible groundnut flour, expeller type, Poultry feeds (Second Revision)
Prescribes requirements, moisture, total ash, acid Prescribes types, requirements, moistrure, crude protein
insoluble ash, fat, crude protein, crude fibre, method of and fibre, acid insoluble ash, salt, calcium, available
sampling and test for edible groundnut flour obtained phosphate, lysine, methionine or methionine plus cystin,
from expeller pressed groundnut meal. metabolizable energy, Supplimentary requirements for
22 page Gr-D AF ckicken feeds, list of ingredients, packing & marking,
method of sampling and test.
BDS 224:1962 37 page Gr-G AF
Mustard and rape oilcake, expeller type.
Specifies requirements moisture and volatile matters, BDS 234:1963
acid insoluble ash, crude protein, fat (ether extract), Balance feed mixture for livestock
crude fibre, argemone, allyisothiocyanate and Prescribes ingredients for compounding concentrate feed
prescribes method of sampling and test. mixture requirements such as moisture, crude protein,
10 page Gr-B AF crude fibre, phosphorus recommended feed formula,
methods of sampling and test.
BDS 225:1962 27 page Gr-F AF
Coconut oil cake, expeller type
Specifies requirements, grades, method of sampling and BDS 235:1963
test. Fish manure
06 page Gr-B AF Prescribes requirements regarding moisture nitrogen salt,
sand, methods of sampling and test.
BDS 226:1982 14 page Gr-C AF
Sesame oilcake, expeller type Prescribes
requirements, grades, method of sampling and test. BDS 236:1998
06 page Gr-B AF Type writer ribbons (First Revision)
This specification prescribes the requirements and the
BDS 227:1962 methods of sampling and test for type writer ribbons
Linseed oilcake, expeller type made of cotton and nylon.
Prescribes requirements, grades, method of sampling and 17 Page Gr-D CH
06 page Gr-B AF BDS 237:1963
Surgical instruments and appliances
BDS 228:1990 Covers general requirements regarding quality of
Fish meal (First Revision) material and finished products, construction, sampling,
Prescribes grades, requirements, moisture, crude fat & tests etc.
protein, total ash, acid insoluble ash, ammoniacal 14 page Gr-C ME
nitrogen, phosphorous, chloride, packing & marking and
method of test. BDS 238:1963
03 page Gr-A AF Fireclay refractory bricks and shapes for general
BDS 229:1963 This Standard specifies the requirements forfireclay
Ammonium nitrate, coated (fertilizer) (withdrawn) refractory bricks and shapes meant for general purpose;
CH the products are classified in four grades according to the
BDS 230:1962 duty for which they are suitable.
Glossary of terms applicable to timber, plywood and 14 page Gr-C CE
Defines characteristics and explanatory terms, seasoning, BDS 239:1963
defects, plywood aircoreboard terms and joinery terms. Soft solder
49 page Gr-J ME Covers the requirements for non-antiminial and
antimonial soft solder for general use and those for use

of higher temperature, Chemical composition, melting This Standard specifies the methods to determine the
characteristics and typical uses of specified solders. flexural rigidity (resistance to bending) and bending
03 page Gr-A ME length of cloth.
07 page Gr-B JT
BDS 240:1963
Plain cold drawn steel wire for prestressed concrete
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 6934-2:2008) BDS 251:2014
06 page Gr-B CE Method of testing and tolerances for certain wool and
part wool fabrics (First Revision)
BDS 241:1963 This Standard prescribes the methods of testing and
Tensile testing of steel inspection and tolerances thereof for fabrics made
Describes the test methods for properties of steel wholly or in part of yarn containing wool. This standard
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 6892:2008) does not apply to blankets, pile fabrics, knitted fabrics or
11 page Gr-C CE felts of wool.
03 page Gr-A JT
BDS 242:1963
Tensile testing of steel wire BDS 252:1990
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 6892:2008) Portable electric immersion water heaters for
06 page Gr-B CE domestic use (First Revision)
Requirements for portable immersion heaters having
BDS 243:1963 voltages not exceeding 250 volts. It also covers the rated
Coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for voltage, rated wattage and tests.
concrete 05 page Gr-A ET
(Cancels and replaces by BDS EN 12620:2011)
06 page Gr-B CE BDS 253:1990
Electric kettles for domestic use (First Revision)
BDS 244:1964 Minimum requirements for electric kettles with metalic
Bend test for steel bodies meant for domestic use and having voltages not
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 7438:2016) exceeding 250 volts.
07 page Gr-B CE 07 page Gr-B ET

BDS 245:1963 BDS 254:1963

Reverse bend testing of steel wire. Lathe Tool post
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 7801:2008) (Cancels and replaces by BDS 1274:1990)
06 page Gr-B CE ME
BDS 255:1977
*BDS 246:1963 Machine tools speed and feed (First Revision)
Sausages, animal casings for ME
AF BDS 256:1963
BDS 247:1985 Machine tools test code
Gelatin, edible (First Revision) The aim of the code is to standarize method of testing
Prescribes requirements regarding moisture, ash, arsenic, the accuracy of machine tools by means of geometrical
copper, zinc, lead, total bacterial count, E. coil and and practical test. It covers tolerances, checking
methods of test. instruments for testing machine tools, method of
17 page Gr-D AF measurements.
106 page Gr-K ME
BDS 248:1963
Classification of materials for the insulation of *BDS 257:1977
electrical machinery and apparatus in relation to Files and rasps- lengths and cross sections
their thermal stability in service (Cancels and replaces (First Revision)
by BDS 1020) ME
ET *BDS 258 (Part-1)
Parallel shanks twist drills jobber and stub series
morse tapes shank twist drills and core drills
BDS 249:1963 (Cancels and replaces by BDS 1288 (Part-1) 1990.)
Methods for testing hand knotted woollen pile ME
carpets *BDS 258 (Part-2)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 2549:2009) Core drills with parallel shanks and morse taper
JT shanks recommended stocked sizes,
BDS 250:2013 (Cancels and replaces by BDS 1288:1990)
Method of test for stiffness of fabrics ME
(First Revision) *BDS 259:1979 Part-1

Hand reamers (First Revision) Handloom cotton bed sheets, grey, bleached, dyed or
ME striped
*BDS 259: 1979 Part-2 (Cancels and replaces by BDS 1569:2013)
Long fluted machine reamers, morse taper shanks JT
(First Revision) BDS 273:1963
ME Handloom cotton honeycomb towels bleached,
*BDS 260 (Part-2):1977 striped checked or dyed.
Rotating tools with parallel shanks- it covers (Cancels & replaces by BDS 1716:2002)
(First Revision) JT
*BDS 261:1977 BDS 274:2005
Reduction sleeves and extension sockets for tools with Handloom cotton cloth light sheeting grey
morse taper shanks (First Revision) (First Revision)
ME Construction and other particulars of four varieties of
Handloom cotton cloth light sheeting grey.
*BDS 262 03 page Gr-A JT
Drill chuck tapers
ME BDS 275:2015
*BDS 263 Handloom cotton duster (Second Revision)
Milling cutter- interchangeability This Standard prescribes constructional particulars and
Dimensions for Milling Cutter and Cutter Arbors or other requirements of four varieties of handloom cotton
Cutter Mandrels. dusters, grey, bleached, striped or checked.
ME 05 Page Gr-A JT
*BDS 264
Shanks for turning and planning tools BDS 276:2011
It Covers Types and Dimensions of the Section. Methods for determination of scouring loss in grey
ME and finished cotton textile materials
*BDS 265 (Second Revision)
Carbide tips for brazing on turning tools This Standard prescribes a methods for determining the
ME scouring loss ( loss in mass on scouring) of grey and
*BDS 266 finished cotton textile materials.
Turning tool with carbide tips external tools 05 page Gr-A JT
BDS 267:2016 BDS 277:1963
Berets (knitted wool) (First Revision) Method for determination of weight per square metre
This standard prescribes the constructional details and and weight per linear metre of wool fabrics
other particulars of nine sizes of knitted berets, one (Withdrawn)
piece, made from woollen yarn. JT
BDS 278:1963
09 page Gr-B JT
Method for determination of ends and picks per inch
BDS 268:2013 in woven woollen fabrics
This Standard prescribes three method for determining
Methods of testing for curl in textile fabrics
the number of ends and picks per inch in woven woollen
(First Revision)
03 page Gr-A JT fabrics.
(superseded by BDS 980:1981)
BDS 269:1963 03 page Gr-A JT
Surges, worsted, dyed (superior)
Details construction and other particulars of surges, BDS 279:1963
worsted, dyed (superior) Abrasion of coarse aggregates by use of Los Angles
04 page Gr-A JT machine
(Cancels and replaces by BDS EN 1097-2:2011)
BDS 270:1963 03 page Gr-A CE
Method for determination of grist (or yarn melidity * BDS 280
in tex) of single jute yarn Aggregates crushing value, method of test for
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 955:1981) determination of
05 page Gr-A JT (Cancels and replaces by BDS EN 1097 series)
*BDS 271:1963
Method for determination of twist in single jute yarn BDS 281:1963
(Cancels and replaces BDS ISO 2061:2011) Organic impurities in sands for concrete
BDS 272:1963

The test covers the determination of the presence of ET
injurious organic compounds in natural sands. *BDS 293:1963
03 page Gr-A CE Porcelain insulators for overhead lines with a
nominal voltage of 1000 volts and upwards
BDS 282:1963 ET
Method of test for amount of material finer than No. *BDS 294:1963
200 BDS sieve in aggregates High-voltage alternating-current circuit-breakers
(Cancels and replaces by BDS EN 933 series) ET
03 page Gr-A CE *BDS 295:1963
Temperature rise, rules for normal load condition
BDS 283:1963 ET
Method of test soundness of aggregates by use of
sodium sulphate of magnesium sulphate
(Cancels and replaces by BDS EN 1367-2:2011)
06 page Gr-B CE *BDS 296:1963
Rated voltages, rated breaking capacities and rated
BDS 284:1963 normal currents, rules for nermal load condition co-
Sampling aggregates for concrete ordination
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 1920-6:2008) ET
03 page Gr-A CE *BDS 297:1963
Circuit-breakers for service, rules for eretion and
BDS 285:1963 maintenance of circuit breaker in service, rules for
Method of test for sieve or screen analysis of fine and strength of insulation, rules for the selection.
coarse aggregates ET
(Cancels and replaces by BDS EN 933 series) *BDS 298:1963
04 page Gr-A CE Voltage measurements by means of sphere-gaps
BDS 286:1963 *BDS 299:1963
Description and classification of mineral aggregates High voltage test techniques.
Describes the aggregates of granite, limestone etc. ET
03 page Gr-A CE *BDS 300-316
International electro-technical vocabulary
BDS 287:1963 ET
Method of compressing test for timber *BDS 300:1963
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1090:1984) Fundamental definations
*BDS 288:1963 *BDS 301:1963
Mild steel for general structural purpose Electronics.
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 6926:2008) ET
ME *BDS 302:1963
BDS 289:1963 Electro-acoustics
Vulcanized rubber insulated flexible cords. ET
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 899) *BDS 303:1963
ET Machines and trasformers
BDS 290:1990 ET
Portable electric radiator for domestic use *BDS 304:1963
(First Revision) Statics converters
Requirements for portable radiators having voltage not ET
exceeding 250 volts. *BDS 305:1963
03 page Gr-A ET Transducers ET

BDS 291:1987 *BDS 306:1963

Safety requirements for electric mains operated radio Switch boards and apparatus for connection and
receiving apparatus (First Revision) regulation
Applies to safety requirements mainly of radio receiving ET
apparatus intended for domestic or similar general use. *BDS 307:1963
29 page Gr-F ET Protective relays ET

BDS 292:2001 *BDS 308:1963

Tubular fluorescent lamps for general lighting Scientific and industrial measuring instruments
services (Second Revision) ET
(Cancels and replaces by BDS IEC 60081)

*BDS 309:1963 BDS 322:1963
Electric-traction ET Oxalic acid, technical and analytical reagent
Prescribes requirements of sampling, methods of test for
*BDS 310:1963 oxalic acid, technical and analytical reagent grades.
Signalling and security apparatus for railways 07 page Gr-B CH
ET BDS 323:1963
*BDS 311:1963 Chrome salt (Reaffirmed 2012)
Electro-technical applications Prescribes requirements and methods of test for chrome
ET salt used for making fresh baths for electroplating with
* BBS 312:1963 chromium and anodizing aluminium surfaces.
Electro-heating applications 04 page Gr-A CH
*BDS 313:1963 BDS 324:1963
Lighting ET Chromic acid (Reaffirmed 2012)
Prescribes requirements and methods of test for
material commercially known as chromic acid used in
*BDS 314:1963 electroplating and in anodizing aluminium surfaces.
Electro-chemistry and electro-metallurgy 05 page Gr-A CH
* BDS 315:1963
Wave guides ET
BDS 325:2008
* BDS 316:1963 Specification for Flat Transparent Sheet Glass
electro-biology ET (First Revision)
This standard prescribes the requirements and the
BDS 317:2008 methods of sampling and tests for flat transparent, clear
Cotton Filter cloth sheet glass having glossy, apparently plane and smooth
(First Revision) surfaces for use in the manufacture of photographic
Detail construction and other particulars of filter cloth, plates, projection slides, silvered glass mirrors,
grey, for sugar and oil industries. toughened or laminated safety glasses and for glassing
05 page Gr-A JT and framing purposes.
13 Page Gr-C CH
BDS 318:2014
BDS 326:1994
Cotton furnishing fabrics (First Revision)
Cow hides and calf skins full chrome tanned in blue
This Standard prescribes minimum requirements to
(First Revision)
dyefastness to light washing and maximum foreign
03 page Gr-A CH
matter content for curtain and loose cover cloth made
from cotton.
BDS 327:1963
06 page Gr-B JT
Oil of eucalyptus
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 3044:2009)
BDS 319:2005
Cotton canvas (Thrid revision) CH
This standard prescribes the constructional details and BDS 328 : 1963
particulars of seven grades of finished canvas. Spirit of turpentine (oil of turpentine) tentative
06 page Gr-B JT (Cancels and replaces by BDS 1787:2007)
05 page Gr-A CH
BDS 320:1963
Calcium chloride, technical (Reaffirmed 2012) BDS 329 : 1991
Prescribes the methods of test for calcium chloride, Laundry soap powder
matter insoluble in water, magnesium chloride, (First Revision; Reaffirmed 2006)
alkalinity, and alkali chlorides. Intended for use in Prescribes the requirements and the method of test for
refrigeration, ice manufacturing and chemical industries total fatty matter, rosin acids, unsaponified fatty matter,
as raw materials. free caustic alkali, matter insoluble in alcohol, glycerol
07 page Gr-B CH and hexabromide.
03 page Gr-A CH
BDS 321:1963
Calcium carbide, technical BDS 330:1993
Specifies requirements for calcium carbide in grades, Pencils (First Revision; Amendment 1:2006)
sizes in the original packages, sampling, packing and Deals with requirements, grades, quality, methods of
method of test. tests and inspection procedure and marking.
25 page Gr-E CH 08 page Gr-B CH

BDS 331:2008 05 Page Gr-A CH
Specification for Kraft Paper (First Revision)
This specification prescribes the requirements and BDS 341:1963
methods of sampling and test for kraft paper for Glass container for preserved fruit industry
wrapping and general packing purposes. (Reaffirmed 2012)
08 Page Gr-B CH Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling,
and test of alkalinity and thermal shock test.
BDS 332:1963 06 page Gr-B CH
Dieldrin emulsifiable concentrates BDS 342:1963
Prescribes requirements, sampling and method of test. Prussian blue for paints (Reaffirmed 2012)
15 page Gr-C AF Prescribes requirements, composition and method of
BDS 333:1963 05 page Gr-A CH
BHC water dispersible powder concentrates BDS 343:2012
Presctibes requirements, packing and marking, sampling Internal combustion engine lubricating oils.(Diesel
and method of test and Gasoline) (First Revision)
21 page Gr-E AF Prescribes the requirements and the method of tests for
the following three classes of internal combustion engine
BDS 334:1963 lubricating oils suitable for both compression ignition
Colour code for identifying contents pipe line and spark ignition engines (except aero engine) under all
Prescrides colour codes for the contents of pipe lines in climatic conditions in Bangladesh.
building and industrial installation. a) Regular b) Premium and c) Heavy duty.
02 page Gr-A CH 10 page Gr-B CH
BDS 344: 2016
BDS 335:1963 High Speed Diesel (Second Revision)
Lead chrome for paints This standard prescribes the requirements, sampling
09 page Gr-B CH procedure and test methods for high speed diesel. It is
applicable to automotive diesel fuel for use in diesel
BDS 336:1963 engine vehicles designed to run on automotive diesel
Black (carbon) pigments for paint fuel.
Prescribes the requirements sampling and methods of
06 page Gr-B CH
test for carbon black for use in paints.
09 page Gr-B CH
BDS 345:2015
Light diesel oil (Second Revision)
BDS 337:1963
Prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling
Paint, spraying under coat interior for paint finishing
and test for light diesel oil for use in low speed diesel
vehicles (Reaffirmed, 2012)
Prescribes the requirements for composition, viscostity,
04 page Gr-A CH
flash point and consistency.
04 page Gr-A CH
BDS 346:2010
BDS 338:1963 Specification for Unleaded Motor Gasoline-
Paints, spraying under coat exterior for paints Premium (Fourth Revision)
finishing vehicles (Reaffirmed, 2012) This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
Prescribes requirements and method of test, supply and of sampling and test for motor gasoline-premium,
vendor certificates. suitable for use as a fuel in automobile spark-ignition
04 page Gr-A CH internal combustion engines.
05 page Gr-A CH
BDS 339:1963
Paints, brushing, under coat interior for paints BDS 347:2010
finishing vehicles (Reaffirmed 2012)
Specification for unleaded motor gasoline-
Covers requirements and methods of test.
04 page Gr-A CH regular (Fourth Revision)
This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
of sampling and test for motor gasoline-premium,
BDS 340:2012
suitable for use as a fuel in automobile spark-ignition
Specification for sole leather (vegetable internal combustion engines.
tanned) (Second Revision) 05 page Gr-A CH
This standard prescribes requirements and their methods
of sampling and tests for vegetable tanned sole leather BDS 348:1963
including those which have been specially treated for Accelerated ageing test on rubbers
water -resistance property. (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 188:2010)

CH Prescribes requirements and methods of test for
BDS 349:1990 material commercially known as geranium oil.
Methods of testing vulcanized rubber : determination 05 page Gr-A CH
of tear strength of rubber (trouser angle and crescent
test pieces) (First Revision)
Specifies three test methods for the determination of tear BDS 359:1963
strength of rubber. Anhydrous sodium carbonate, pure and analytical
08 page Gr-B CH reagent grades (Reaffirmed 2012)
BDS 350:1963 Covers requirement, methods of test and sampling.
Polish plate glass (Reaffirmed 2012) 17 page Gr-D CH
Covers polished plate glass used for glazing of windows
in building and vehicles and for mirrors.
06 page Gr-B CH

BDS 351:1963 BDS 360:1983

Leather lining, vegetable tanned and chrome Logs for matches (First Revision)
retanned (Reaffirmed, 2012) Prescribes terminology, name of species of timber
Describes requirements for leather lining manufactured general requirements, defects, grading and measurement,
from fresh, green salted or dry salted sheep and goat treatment.
skins vegetable tanned or chrome retanned. 07 page Gr-B AF
03 page Gr-A CH
BDS 361:1994
Vacuum pan sugar (plantation white)
(First Revision)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS CAC 212:2006)
BDS 352:1963 05 page Gr-A AF
Leather belting vegetable tanned (Reaffirmed 2012)
Specifies vegetable tanned leather belting with regard to
raw materials, tanning, curving and making up of the BDS 362:2006
belt. Sugar for food preservation
12 page Gr-C CH (First Revision; Amendment 1, 2008)
Prescribes colour, method of test, specifies polarization,
BDS 353:1963 specific conductivity, moisture, reducing sugars,
Method of determination of tensile stress and strain sulphated ash, sulphur dioxide, arsenic, lead, total count,
properties of rubbers yeast, moulds and other spoilage organisms, includes
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1004:1981) procedure for sampling, packing and marking.
BDS 354:1995 10 Page Gr-B AF
Black lead for pencil (First Revision) BDS 363:1963
Prescribes requirements and methods of test for Milk powder (whole and skim)
lead for pencils/coloured pencils/mechanical pencils. (Cancels and replaces by BDS 860:2001)
05 page Gr-A CH AF
BDS 364 : 1963
BDS 355:1963 Condensed milk
Dieldrin, technical (Cancels and replaces by BDS 896:1976)
Preparation requirements and methods of test and AF
employed in preparation of insecticidal formulations. BDS 365 : 1964
19 page Gr-D AF Frozen prawn, peeled and devained.
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 821:1975)
BDS 356:1963 AF
Acetic acid glacial BDS 366 : 1964
Deals with acetic acid glacial, pure and technical. Frozen prawn, peeled, devained and cooked.
06 page Gr-B CH (Cancels and replaces by BDS 821:1975)
BDS 357:2000 *BDS 367
Magnesium chloride (technical) (First Revision) Antimortem and Postmortem, examination of meat
Covers requirements and methods of test for magnesium animals, code of practice for
chloride. (Cancels and replaces by BDS/CAC/RCP 41:2000)
13 page Gr-C CH AF
*BDS 368
BDS 358:1963 Hard boiled sugar for confectionery
Geranium oil AF

BDS 369:2008 content, total ash, acid insoluble ash, gluten, crude fibre,
Specification for cube sugar (First Revision). alcoholic acidity granularity.
This standard prescribes the requirements and the 11 page Gr-C AF
methods of test for cube sugar manufactured from
BDS 381:2007
refined sugar. Maida (Third revision)
04Page Gr-A AF Prescribes terminology, grades, requirements,
microscopic appearance, moisture, total ash, acid
BDS 370:1963 insoluble ash, gluten, alcoholic acidity, granularity,
Arrowroot starch packing and marking, method of sampling and tests.
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 373 : 1980) 10 page Gr-B AF
BDS 371:1980 BDS 382:2016
Sago starch (First Revision) Bread (Third Revision)
Prescribes microscopic appearance, requirements, Give list of essential and optional ingredients-Also
moisture, total carbohydrate, crude fibre, total ash, prescribes tolerance of weights, detail of packing and
acidity, packing & marking. marking, requiremets of total solid, pH, acid insoluble
05 page Gr-A AF ash, and crude fibre.
14 page Gr-C AF
BDS 372:1983
Shoti starch (First Revision) BDS 383:2001
Prescribes definition, requirements, dirt & extraneous Biscuits (Second Revision)
matter, Particle size, moisture, total ash, acidity, packing Give list of essential materials and other ingredients,
and marking. prescribes the requirements, moisture, acid insoluble ash,
07 page Gr-B AF acidity of extracted fat and organoleptic test.
17 page Gr-D AF
BDS 373:1980
Arrowroot starch (First Revision)
Prescribes terminology, microscopic appearance,
requirements, dirt & extraneous matter, particle size,
moisture, total ash, acid insoluble ash, pH, starch
content, packing & marking, methods of test. BDS 384:1983
10 page Gr-B AF Macaroni, spaghetti and vermicelli (First Revision)
Prescribes requirements, moisture, total ash, acid
*BDS 374 insoluble ash, acidity, cooking test, packing and
Offset lithographic ink CH marking, method of sampling and tests.
06 page Gr-B AF
*BDS 375
Improved inks for letter press for colour printing.
BDS 385:1964
Beam impact test V-notch for steel
BDS 376:1964
11 page Gr-C CE
Rockwell hardness test (B and C scales) for steel
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 6508-1:2008) BDS 386
09 page Gr-B CE Steel Wire, Method for Simple Torsion Testing of
BDS 377:1964
Vickers hardness test for steel BDS 387:1964
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 6507-1:2008) Alternating current circuit-breakers (field testing of
07 page Gr-B CE circuit breakers With respect to the switching of
overhead on no-load) (Withdrawn)
*BDS 378:1964 ET
Brinell hardness tests for steel. BDS 388:1964
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 6506-1:2008) Alternating current circuit-breakers (testing of
06 page Gr-B CE circuit breakers with respect to the switching of
cables on no-load) (Withdrawn)
BDS 379:1964 ET
(Cancels & replaces by BDS 990:1981) BDS 389:1990
AF Glossary of terms relating to hides, skins, and leather
BDS 380:2007 (First Revision)
Wheat atta (Second Revision) This glossary defines terms which are widely used in
Prescribes microscopic appearance, methods of sampling leather trade and industries.
and test requirements in regard to wheat atta, moisture 129 page Gr-K CH

Aluminium paint, brushing for general purposes
BDS 390:1990 in dual containers (Reaffirmed, 2012)
Method of chemical testing of leather (First Revision) Prescribes requirements and methods of test for the
Covers chemical methods of testing. material.
133 page Gr-K CH 03 page Gr-A CH

BDS 391:1964 (Reaffirmed, 2012) BDS 401:1964

Polythene tube for cold water services (low density) Varnish, finishing exterior, type 1 (synthetic)
Applies to black polythene tube (type 425) for use in (Reaffirmed, 2012)
cold water services and in flush overflow warning and Covers requirements and methods of test.
waste pipe applications. 03 page Gr-A CH
18 page Gr-D CH
BDS 402:1989
Ready mixed paint, brushing, finishing, semigloss for
BDS 392:1990 general purposes
Test sieves (First Revision) (First Revision; Amendment 1, 2:2007)
Specifies requirements for wire cloth test sieves and Prescribes requirements and methods of test.
perforated plate test sieve. 09 page Gr-B CH
29 page Gr-F CE
BDS 393:1964 BDS 403:1964
Nitrogen, technical (Reaffirmed, 2012) Red-oxide paint for wagons (Reaffirmed 2012)
Covers requirements and method of test for nitrogen. Covers keeping qualities, inspection, packing and
03 page Gr-A CH marking of packages, composition and testing procedure.
04 page Gr-A CH
BDS 394:1964
pH scale (Reaffirmed, 2012) BDS 404:1991
Applies strictly to aqueous solution at temperature Ink, drawing, waterproof black (First Revision)
between 0° to 95°C. Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and
05 page Gr-A CH test for the material.
05 page Gr-A CH
BDS 395:1964
Oil of lemongrass BDS 405:2012
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 3217:2003) Writing and printing papers (Second Revision)
CH Prescribes the requirements for the commonly used types
BDS 396:1964 (Reaffirmed 2012) of writing and printing paper.
Paints brushing undercoat exterior for finishing 05 page Gr-A CH
Covers requirements and methods of test for material BDS 406: 2016
commercially known as ready mixed paint, brushing, Methods of Sampling and Test for Soaps
undercoating, exterior with distintive colours. (Second Revision)
03 page Gr-A CH This standard prescribes methods of sampling and test
BDS 397:1964 for soaps.
Ready mixed paint, brushing red-oxide-zinc chrome, 51 page. Gr-K CH
priming. BDS 407:1964
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 1248:2003)
Sticklac (Reaffirmed 2012)
03 page Gr-A CH Deals with sampling, grades and method of test.
BDS 398:1964 16 page Gr-D CH
Ready mixed paint, spraying, red-oxide-zinc chrome,
priming BDS 408:1964
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 1248:2003) Seedlac (Reaffirmed 2012)
03 page Gr-A CH Deals with method of sampling and testing.
17 page Gr-D CH
BDS 399:1964 (Reaffirmed, 2012)
Aluminium paint, spraying for general purposes in BDS 409:1964
dual containers Stationery for correspondence (Reaffirmed 2012)
Covers requirement and methods of test for material Specifies sizes and order of measurement of stationery
commercially known as aluminium paint, spraying for and also defines various forms of stationery covered.
general purpose in dual container. 03 page Gr-A CH
03 page Gr-A CH
BDS 410:1964
BDS 400:1964 Sizes of correspondence envelopes and pockets

(Reaffirmed 2012)
Covers sizes and designations of correspondence *BDS 421
envelopes and pockets intended for postal purposes. Fresh Concrete, Sampling
04 page Gr-A CH (Cancels and replaces by BDS 1044 series)
BDS 411:1989
*BDS 422
Carbon paper for typewriter
Concrete, Slump Test for
(First Revision; Amendment 1:2006)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1044 series)
Prescribes requirements and method of sampling and test
for carbon papers for use with typewriter,
05 page Gr-A CH
*BDS 423
Cold drawn Steel Wire for Concrete reinforcement
BDS 412:1964
(Cancels and replaces by ISO 6935-3:2006)
Endrin technical
Deals with sampling, requirements, quality, packing and
marking and test procedure vulcanized. BDS 424:1964
18 page Gr-D AF Load calibration testing machines for tensile testing
of steel
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 7500 series)
BDS 413:1964 11 page Gr-C CE
Determination of hardness of rubber
(superseded by BDS 880 : 1978)
CH BDS 425:1964
BDS 414:1989 Calibration of vickers hardness testing machines
Standard of resistance for copper (First Revision) (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 6507-2:2008)
Lays down standard values of the physical properties of 07 page Gr-B CE
annealed copper and specifies how the conductivity of
commercial annealed copper can be calculated. BDS 426:1964
06 page Gr-A ET Wrapping test for steel
Describes the winding test of wire.
BDS 415:1990 03 page Gr-A CE
Standard current ratings (First Revision)
Gives standard current ratings in the range from 1 to BDS 427:1964
8000 A. Charpy impact test (U-notch) for steel
03 page Gr-A ET (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 148-1:2008)
08 page Gr-B CE
BDS 416:1990
Standard rated current for low voltage BDS 428:1964
(First Revision) Asbestos cement pressure pipes
Gives the standard rated current from 2 A to 63 A of Specifies the manufacture, dimensions and tests.
fuse links for low voltage. 14 page Gr-C CE
02 page Gr-A ET
BDS 429:1964
*BDS 417 Asbestos cement building and sanitary pipes
Copper, Nickel and Cromium, Commercial Silver (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 22306:2016)
Plating for CH 16 page Gr-D CE

*BDS 418 BDS 430:1964

Copper, Nickel and chromium Electroplated Silver Asbestos cement corrugated sheets for roofing and
Plating for cladding
CH (Cancels and replaces by BDS 1046:1983)
*BDS 419 14 page Gr-C CE
Concrete Block for Masonry Construction
(Cancels and replaces by BDS EN 771-3:2009) BDS 431:1964
CE A Symmetrical section corrugated sheets in asbestos
BDS 420:1964 cement for roofing and cladding
Izod impact test for steel Applies to a symmetrical corrugated sheets and fittings
This Standard is based on the draft ISO Recomandation without any metallic reinforcing media, for roofing and
No. R 84’’ IZOD Impact Test for Steel 1st edition cladding.
February 1959, which represents the consensus of the 10 page Gr-B CE
International opinion on this subject, the use of which is
acknoweldged with thanks. * BDS 432
09 page Gr-B CE

Aluminium conductors in insulated cables BDS 441 (Part-4): 1991
ET Determination of gramage of paper and board
BDS 433:1980 (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 536:2015)
Primary dry cells and batteries (First Revision) CH
(Cancels and replaces by BDS IEC 60086 BDS 441 (Part-5):1991
Part-1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Determination of tensile properties:Constant rate of
ET loading method
* BDS 434 (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 1924-1:2015)
Antimonial lead for ltorage battery plates CH
BDS 441 (Part-6):1991
* BDS 435:1965 Determination of tensile properties constant rate
Cotton Mosquito Nettings, Round mesh, dyed elongation method
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 956:1981) (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 1924-2:2015)
* BDS 436:1965 BDS 441 (Part-7):1991
Cotton Gabardine, Bleached Determination of tearing resistance, (Elmendore
(Cancels and replaces by 1096:2015) method)
JT This standard specifies a method for determinig the
BDS 437:2015 resistance of paper. It can also be used for light boarts if
Handloom Cotton Curtain Cloth (First Revision) the tearing resistance is within the range of the
This standard prescribes the constructional particulars instrument.
and other requirements of seven varieties of handloom CH
cotton curtain cloth, bleached, dyed, striped, checked or BDS 441 (Part-8):1991
printed. Determination of ash of paper and board
05 Page Gr-A JT (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 2144:2015)
BDS 438:1965 BDS 441 (Part-9):1991
Weaving loom working width Paper, pulp and board measurement of diffuse blue
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 109:2009) reflectance factor
JT This Standard specifies the equipment and preliminary
BDS 439:1964 procedures for measuring the diffuse reflectance factor
Weaving looms definition of side of pulp, paper and board.
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1170:1991) CH
JT BDS 441 (Part-10):1991
BDS 440:1965 Paper, pulp and board measurement of diffuse
Diameters of drafting rollers for cotton fibre reflectance factor. (ISO Brightness)
This Standard is based on the ISO Recommendation R (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 2470:2011)
98 Diameters of Drafting Rollers for Cotton, Wool, CH
Spun, Silk, and Staple Fibre prepared by Technical
Committee ISO TC 72, Textile Machinery and BDS 441 (Part-11):1991
Accessories. Paper and board-determination of opacity (paper
04 page Gr-A JT backing) diffuse reflectance method.
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 2471:2011)
BDS 441 (Part-1):1991 CH
Determination of moisture content of paper and BDS 441 (Part-12):1991
board-oven drying methods Paper and board determination of stiffness-static
This Standard specifies an oven dying method for the bending method
determination of moisture content of paper and board at This Standard specifies a static bending method for
the time of sampling. determining the stiffness of paper and board.
10 page Gr-B CH CH
BDS 441 (Part-13):1991
BDS 441 (Part-2):1991 Determination of bursting strength of paper
Determination of the thickness of single sheets and (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 2758:2011 &
methods of calculation of the apparent density of 1186: 1987)
board CH
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 534:2012) BDS 441 (Part-14):1991
CH Determination of bursting strength of board
BDS 441 (Part-3):1991 (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 2759:2011)
Determination of water absorption Cobb Method CH
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 535:2012) BDS 441 (Part-15):1991

Determination of air resistance (gurley) of paper and This Standard specifies a procedure for high moisture
board heat treatment of paper or board and the general
This Standard specifies the equipment required and the procedure for testing the heat treated matarials. This
method for determining the air resistance of paper and method is based on work on printing & writing papers,
board by the principle known as “Gurley” but may be used with discretion for other types of
CH paper and board.
BDS 441( Part-16):1991 BDS 441 (Part-24):1991
Paper and board-determination of bursting strength Paper and board-accelerating ageing dry heat
after immersion in water treatment at 120ºC or 150ºC
This Standard specifies a method for determination of This Standard specifies a procedure for heat treatment of
the wet strength of paper and board by measuring its paper or board in air at relatively high temprature and
bursting strength after it has been immersed in water for the general procedure for testing for heat treated
a specified period. matarials. This primarily intended for high points paper
CH such are used insulation in electrical equipment.
BDS 441 (Part-17):1991 CH
Paper and board-determination of tensile BDS 441 (Part-25):1991
strength after immersion in water for a specified Paper and board-determination of grease resistance
period This Standard specifies a method for the determinitaion
This Standard specifies a method for determining the of the grease resistance of paper and board may be tested
wet strength of paper by measuring the tensile strength either creased or uncreased. The test is primarily
of the material after it has been immersed in water for a intended for foodboard grease proof, vegetable
specified time. parchment and similar product.
BDS 441 (Part-18):1991 BDS 441 (Part-26):1991
Paper and board-determination of resistance to Measurement of dimensional change of paper after
picking-accelerating speed method using the IGT immersion in water
tester (pendulum or spring model) This Standard specifies a method of measuring the
This Standard specifies a methodof operating the dimensional change of paper after immersion in water.
pendulum or spring model of the IGT printability factor This property should not be confused with
in order to provide a measure of the packing resistance hydroexpansibility.
of paper and board. CH
BDS 441 (Part-19):1991
Paper and board-determination of resistance to BDS 441 (Part-27):1991
picking-accelerating speed method using the IGT Determination of air permeance of paper and board
tester (Electric model) (medium range) schopper method.
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 3783:2011) This Standard specifies a method for the determining the
CH air permeance of paper and board in the medium air
BDS 441 Part-20:1991 permeance range using the schopper apparatus.
Determination of folding endurance CH
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 5626:2011) BDS 441 (Part-28):1991
CH Determination of water absorption of paper and
BDS 441 (Part-21):1991 board after immersion in water
Paper and board-determination of ageing dry heat This Standard specifies a method for the determinitaion
treatment at 105oC of the water absorption of paper and board after the total
This Standard specifies a method of accelerating the immersion in water for a specified time.
using of paper and board the dry heat tretment at 105ºc CH
CH BDS 441 (Part-29):1991
BDS 441 (Part-22):1991 Determination of pH of aqueous extracts of paper,
Paper and board-accelerating ageing moist heat board and pulps
treatment at 90ºC and 25 percent relative humidity This Standard specifies a method for the determinitaion
This Standard specifies a procedure humidified heat of the pH of an aqueous extract of paper and board or
treatment of paper or board and the general procedure pulps. The pH value is not a quantitative measures of the
for testing the heat treated matarials. This is board on total content of acid or base in the matarial extracted.
work printing & writing papers, but may be used with CH
discretion for other types of paper and board. BDS 441 (Part-30):1991
CH Paper and board-determination of microbiological
BDS 441 (Part-23):1991 properties total bacterial count.
Paper and board-accelerating ageing moist heat This Standard specifies a method for the determining the
treatment at 80oC and 65 percent relative humidity total bacterial population in paper (i.e. all bacteria both

within and on the surface of the sheet). It is applicable to 18 page Gr-D CH
most kinds of paper and board especially food grade.
CH BDS 449:1964
BDS 441 (Part-31):1994 Methods of test for essential oils.
Methods of test for paper and allied products: Part- 35 page Gr-G CH
31, Paper determination of smoothness
(Bekkmethod) BDS 450:1991
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 5627:2012) Packing paper, waterproof, bitumen laminated (First
CH Revision)
BDS 441 (Part-32):1994 Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling
Methods of test for paper and allied products: Part- and test for bursting strength, tensile strength, water
32, paper determination of air permeability penetration and bleeding resistance.
(Porosity) 12 page Gr-C CH
This Standard specifies a method of determinitaion of air
permeability (porosity) of paper. BDS 451:1964
CH Office chair
BDS 441 (Part-33):1994 (Cancels and replaces by BDS 1190:1988)
Methods of test for paper and allied products: Part- AF
33, Paper determination of oil absorbancy. BDS 452:1964
This Standard specifies a method of determinataion of Cheatles sterilizer forceps (light and heavy patterns.)
oil absorbancy of paper. Specifies the requirements for cheatles sterlizer forceps
CH of light and heavy patterns made of stainless steel.
BDS 441(Part-34):2003 11 page Gr-C ME
Methods of test for paper and board: Part-34, Paper BDS 453:1964
determination of kappa number of pulp. Sinus forceps
This Standard specifies the method for determining the This specifies requirements for box-jointed sinus forceps
kappa number which is used to describe the degree of made of stainless steel.
delegaification obtained in a chemical pluping process. 08 page Gr-B ME
This standard is applicable to all kinds of chemical and
semi-chemical unbleached semi-bleached pulps within BDS 454:1964
the kappa number from 5 to 100 or pulps obtained with Dissecting forceps (plain ends)
yields below 70%. It specifies for single block joint-in three Parts, forged
02 Page Gr-A CH semi-block joint-in two Parts and turnover end type
BDS 442:1964 dissecting forceps made of stainless steel.
Kerosines 09 page Gr-B ME
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 830:2015) BDS 455:1964
CH Halsteds mosquito forceps
BDS 443:1975 (Reaffirmed 2012) Specifies requirements for Halsteds mosquito artery
Sodium thiosulphate forceps, made of stailess steel and having a nominal
CH overall length of 43/4, 47/8, 5, Provision is made for
BDS 444 instruments with box joints and with screw joints. Also
Boric acid CH covers heat treatment, hardness table, finish, sizes &
dimension, etc.
BDS 445:1964 (Reaffirmed 2012) 11 page Gr-C ME
Paper bags and sizes
Deals With types and method of measurement. BDS 456:1964
06 page Gr-B CH Straight artery (haemostatic) forceps
This standard specifies a range of straight artery
BDS 446:1964 (haemostatic) forceps spencer wells pattern having screw
General classification of coal joint and made of stainless steel.
Presents a general classification of coal. 14 page Gr-C ME
04 page Gr-A CH
BDS 457:1964
BDS 447:1964 (Reaffirmed 2012) Spencer Wells artery forceps (straight and curved)
Chipboard with box joints
Deals with requirements, tolerances, sizes, packing and Specifies for spencer wells artery forceps (straight &
marking. curved) with box joints made of stainless steel for a
03 page Gr-A CH range of sizes of 12.7 cm., 15 cm., 20 cm. nominal
overall length. Test requirements for engagement, heat
BBS 448:1964
treatment hardness table, finish, dimensions, marking
Rosin (gum rosin)
Presciribes requirements and method of test.
13 page Gr-C ME

BDS 458:1964 Acid Sugar AF
Smith fullers
Covers material and dimensions requirements of the *BDS 468
following four pattern of S.F
1. S.F. Bottom, small shank *BDS 469
2. S.F. Bottom, large shank
3. S.F. Bottom top, handel types BDS 470:1965
4. S.F. Bottom tops wire clamp type Bolts, screws and studs dimensioning
It also covers requirements of fullers handle for S.F. Top It covers the dimension of bolts, screws and studs.
handle type 02 page Gr-A ME
and wire clamp type inspection and testing.
08 page Gr-B ME BDS 471:1965
Clearance holes for metric bolts
BDS 459:1964 It covers the clearance holes dimensions for metric bolts.
Punches round 02 page Gr-A ME
Covers the technical requirements for punches used for
cold punching in metals for general use, materials, heat BDS 472:1965
treatment etc. Hexagon bolts and nuts widths across flats heights of
03 page Gr-A ME heads, thickness of nuts.
It covers the dimensions of hexagonal bolts and nuts
BDS 460:1964 widths across flats, heights of heads and thickness of
Grinding wheel nuts.
This standard relates to the system of marking used for 03 page Gr-A ME
the grinding wheel. It also lays down specification
regarding the recommended shapes and dimensions of BDS 473:1965
grinding wheel, (Precision & nonpercision type) Pipe threads for gas list tubes and screwd fittings
hardness; test, grain sizes etc. where pressure tight joints are made on the threads
10 page Gr-B ME (1/8 inches to 6 inches)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 7-1:2008)
* BDS 461 12 page Gr-C ME
Timber, tension test for AF BDS 474:1965
Pipe threads where pressure tight joints are not made
BDS 462:1964 on the threads (1/8 inches to 6 inches)
Bicycle frames (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 7-2:2008)
Covers the requirements of bicycles frames of two 12 page Gr-C ME
standard sizes. (22 and 24 inches).
07 page Gr-B ME BDS 475:1965
BDS 463:1964 Oil of aniseed
Bicycle handle bars (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 3475:2010)
Covers the requirements of the handle bars for bicycles CH
of two standard sizes. (22 and 24 inches). BDS 476:1990
06 page Tk. 150.00 ME Tallow technical (First Revision)
Prescribes requirements and method of test.
BDS 464:1964 19 page Gr-D CH
Bicycle paddle assembly
Covers the requirements of the paddle assembly for BDS 477:1965
bieycles of two standard sizes. Drawing paper (cartridge)
04 page Gr-A ME Prescribes requirements, sizes of rolls, method of
inspection and test, packing and sampling.
BDS 465:1964 04 page Gr-BA CH
Spokes (including) nipples and washers.
Covers the requirements for spokes including nipples BDS 478:1965
and washers for 2 standard sizes. (22 and 24 inches). Shoe polish cream (First Revesion)
06 page Gr-B ME (Cancels and replaces by BDS 1815:2008)
04 page Gr-A CH
BDS 466 : 1964
Bicycle seat pillars BDS 479:1999
Covers the requirements of seat pillars for bicycles of Rubber and plastics containers for lead-acid storage
two standard sizes. (22 and 24 inches). batteries (First Revision)
03 page Gr-A ME Requirements and methods of test for rubber and plastics
containers of single cell or monobloc construction for all
*BDS 467 types of lead-acid batteries.
10 page Gr-B ET

Give essential and optional ingredients. prescribes
BDS 480:1965 requirements, moisture, sulphated ash, acid insoluble
Performance of fractional horse power electric motor ash, sucrose, sulphur dioxide, arsenic, lead, copper, zinc,
(Withdrawn) tin, methods of sampling and test.
ET 09 page Gr-B AF
BDS 481:1990
Single band medium wave radio receivers for ac *BDS 491
mains of battery operations (First Revision) Crude Maize Oil AF
Covers performance requirements of single band,
amplitude, low-sensitivity medium wave receivers for ac BDS 492:1965
mains having 240 volts system voltage or battery Shark liver oil
operations with inbuilt antenna and facilities for using an Prescribes requirements, method of tests and procedure.
external entenna. 09 page Gr-A AF
03 page Gr-A ET
BDS 493:1965
BDS 482:1965 Tea standard
Medium sensitivity single band medium wave radio (Cancels and replaces by BDS 808:2007)
receivers for ac mains or battery operation AF
(Withdrawn) *BDS 494
ET Genera Purpose Metric Screw Threads-General Plan
BDS 483:1965
Medium and short wave radio receivers for ac mains ME
or battery operation (Withdrawn) *BDS 495
ET General Purpose Metric screw Threads, Selected
BDS 484:2010 Sizes for Screws, Bolts and Nuts
Bicycle rubber tubes (Second Revision) ME
Prescribes the requirements, method of sampling and test
for bicycle rubber tubes intended use with tyres. *BDS 496
04 page Gr-A CH Inch Screw Threads, General Plan and Selection for
Screws, Bolts and Nuts (Dial Ranges 0.06 )
BDS 485:2001 (Amendment 1,2,3:2006)
Ceramic tableware (Second Revision) ME
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling BDS 497:1962
and test. Ballast for tubular fluorescent lamps
06 page Gr-B CH (Cancels and replaces by BDS IEC 60921:2005)
BDS 486:1964 * BDS 498
Leather footwear (Reaffirmed 2012) Ammonium Chloride-Pure
Intended for leather footwear prepared for home export CH
markets and includes only commercial shoes both BDS 499:1965
machine and hand closed. Ready mixed paints, brushing for road marking
15 page Gr-C CH (white, yellow and black)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1151:1980)
BDS 487: 2002 CH
Sizes and fitting of footwear (First Revision) BDS 500:1965 (withdrawn)
Prescribes sizes and fitting of footwear which are Distemper dry CH
manufactured from leather.
06 page Gr-B CH BDS 501:1965
Blotting paper
*BDS 488
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 920:1980)
Road Tar CE
BDS 502:2002
BDS 489:1965
Animal glue for match industry (First Revision)
Sampling and testing for paper and allied products,
Deals with grades, requirements, packing, marking and
method of test.
Prescribes methods of sampling and test for paper and
27 page Gr-F CH
allied products.
05 page Gr-A CH
BDS 503:2006
Canned and bottled fruits (First Revision)
Prescribes general requirements, packing and marking.
06 page Gr-B AF
BDS 490:2014
Lozenges (Third Revision)

BDS 504:1964 Cancels & replaces by BDS 519:2002)
Canned fruit cocktail AF
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 807:1973) BDS 515:1964
AF Aerated or carbonated beverages (containing fruit
BDS 505:1964 juice)
Canned and bottled vegetables Prescribes general requirements, packing and marking,
Packing and marking, coaltar colours and chemical coaltar colours with their chemical names and
names are appended, preservation are also specified. preservatives.
AF 08 page Gr-B AF
BDS 506:2002
Fruit squashes (Second Revision) BDS 516:2001
Prescribes additives, preservation, organoleptic test, Tomato Juice (Third Revision)
requirements or fruit juice, total soluble solids, degree (Canceles and replaces by BDS CAC 49:2006)
brix, acidity, microbiological requirements, lead, copper, AF
zinc and tin. BDS 517:2015
05 page Gr-A AF Tomato paste (Second Revision)
Specifies requirements, total solids, microbiological
BDS 507:1964 requirements, mould count, arsenic, mercury, lead,
Fruit beverages drink and crushed copper, zinc, tin, organoleptic test, packing and marking.
This standard prescribes the general requirements for 08 page Gr-B AF
fruit beverages drinks and crushes.
08 page Gr-B AF BDS 518:1994
Tomato puree and pulp (First Revision)
BDS 508:2006 Prescribes general requirements, packing and marking.
Fruit cordial (Second Revision) 04 page Gr-A AF
Give basic and optional ingredients. prescribes
requirements, total soluble solids, fruit juice, total sugar, BDS 519:2002
sulphurdioxide, benzoic acid, acidity, arsenic, lead, Jams, jellies and marmalades (Second Revision)
copper and tin. (Cancels and replaces by BDS CAC 79 & BDS CAC 80)
03 page Gr-A AF AF
BDS 520:2001
BDS 509:1964 Pickles (Second Revision)
Barley waters (lemon, orange or grape fruit) (Cancels and replaces by BDS CAC 260:2014.)
This standard prescribes the general requirements for AF
barley waters (lemon, Orange, or grape fruit) BDS 521:2011
09 page Gr-B AF Chutneys (Second Revision)
This standard prescribes the requirements for
BDS 510:1964 chutneys prepared from fruits and vegetables.
Dried and dehydrated fruits 13 page Gr-C AF
Prescribes requirements, packing and marking,
preservative. BDS 522:2015
05 page Gr- A AF Fruit and vegetable preserve (morabba) (First
BDS 511:1964 Prescribes general requirements, ingredients, packing
Dried vegetables and marking.
Prescribes requirements,, moisture, acid insoluble ash, 03 Page Gr-A AF
preservatives, packing and marking.
8 page Tk. 150.00 AF BDS 523:2015
BDS 512:2007 Fermented Vinegar (Second Revision)
Sauce (fruits and vegetables) (Second revision) This Bangladesh Standard prescribes the requirements,
Prescribes general requirements, packing and marking. methods of sampling and test for
07 page Gr-B AF Fermented Vinegar.
11 Page Gr-C AF
BDS 513:2013 BDS 524:1993
Fruits and vegetables juices (Third Revision) Fruit and vegetable candies (candied, crystallized and
This Bangladesh Standard prescribes the general glazed fruit & vegetable) (First Revision)
requirements for fruit and vegetable juice. Prescribes general requirements, ingredients, packing
14 page Gr-C AF and marking includes permitted food colours.
08 page Gr-B AF

BDS 525:1964
BDS 514:1964
Gulqand (flower preserve)
Prescribes general requirements, ingredients, packing BDS 537:1966
and marking, permitted food colours and preservative. Conversion table for ordinary use.
08 page Gr-B AF Describes the basic conversion factors for units.
BDS 526:1964 19 page Gr-D ME
Cheese and spread BDS 538:2012
{Canceles and replaces by BDS CAC 8(b):2008} Specification for handloom cotton bandage cloth
AF bleached, non-sterilized (Second Revision)
BDS 527:2015 This Bangladesh standard prescribes the constructional
Concentrated fruit juice (Second revision) particulars, and other requirements for handloom cotton
Prescribes general requirements, ingredients, permitted bandage cloth, bleached and non-sterilized.
food colours and preservatives. 03 page Gr-A JT
13 Page Gr-C AF
BDS 539
BDS 528:2006 Prawn Canned in brine
Fruit syrup (Second Revision) AF
Prescribes general requirements, ingredients, and BDS 540:1965
permitted food colours. Fish fresh quick frozen
07 page Gr-B AF (Cancels and replaces by BDS 1310:1990)
BDS 529:1964 BDS 541:1992
Fruit jelly Castor oil (Fisrt Revision)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 519 : 2002) Prescribes requirements, specific gravity refractive index
AF critical solution, acid value saponification value, acetyle
BDS 530:2002 value, iodine value, packing and marking and methods
Tomato ketchup (Second Revision) of test.
Prescribes requirements, total soluble solids specific 04 page Gr-A AF
gravity, acidity, microbiological test, mould count, lead,
copper, zinc, tin, and organoleptic test. BDS 542:1992
08 page Gr-B AF Linseed oil (First Revision)
Specifies colour, foots, requirements, specific gravity,
BDS 531:1965 refractive index, acid value, saponification value, iodine
Cement concrete flooring tiles value, unsaponifiable matter, packing and marking
(Cancels and replaces by BDS EN 490:2008) method of sampling and tests are appended.
22 page Gr-E CE 05 page Gr-A AF
*BDS 532:1965 BDS 543:1964
Simple bend testing of steel sheet and strip less than Linseed oil, boiled
3mm thick. Prescribes requirements, specific gravity, acid value,
03 page Gr-A CE saponification value, unsponifiable matter, dry test, ash
content, packing and marking methods of test.
*BDS 533:1965 05 page Gr-A AF
Tensile testing of steel sheet and strip less than 3 mm
and not less than 0.5mm thick.
07 page Gr-B CE BDS 544:1992
Linseed oil, refined (First Revision)
*BDS 534:1965 Prescribes requirements, colour, methods of test.
Reverse bend testing of steel sheet and strip less than page Tk. AF
3mm thick (1/8 inch)
03 page Gr-A CE BDS 545:1964
Methods of sampling and test for activated carbon
BDS 535:2003 used for decolourizing vegetable oils and sugar
Commercial Metric weights (First Revision) solutions.
Describes the requirements solid and sheet metal Covers methods of determining moisture, ash, bulk
weights. density, matter soluble in water and dilute hydrochloric
21 page Gr-E ME acid, titratable acidity or alkalinity and pH value of
aqueous extract. Screen analysis and methods for
BDS 536:2003 determining filterability, oil retention and decolourizing
Commercial metric carat weights (First Revision) power of material are also prescribes.
Describes the requirements for commercial metric carat 17 page Gr-D AF
07 page Gr-B ME * BDS 546
Meat of Sheep and Goat Canned in Brine

(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1081)
* BDS 547 *BDS 564
Sweet Potato Starch AF Graphical symbols- machines, transformers, primary
cells and accumulators
* BDS 548 ET
Acid modified starch BDS 565:1965
AF AC energy meters. Three phase whole current and
* BDS 549 transformer operated meters (Withdrawn)
Oxidized starch AF ET
*BDS 550
Concentrated Corn Steep Liquor.
AF * BDS 566:1965
*BDS 551 Conductors in insulated cables and cords
Wood-Determination of Ultimate Shearing Stress ET
Parallel to Grain. *BDS 567:1965
AF Porcelain insulators. (telegraph and telephone
*BDS 552 purposes)
Wood-Determination of Moisture Content for ET
Physical and Mechanical tests. *BDS 568:1965
AF Power engineering power cable
*BDS 553 ET
Timber, Cleavage test for BDS 569:1965
AF Cast iron piston rings for internal combustion
*BDS 554 engines
Timber, Determination of specific gravity and It covers rings (except aircraft engine) within range of
weight/cubic-centimeter (food) for sized 25.4 to 152.4mm cylinder bore dia (I2 to 62 dia).
AF 05 page Gr-A ME
*BDS 555
Wood-Determination of ultimate strength in static BDS 570:1966 (Reaffirmed 2012)
bending Sulphur for manufacture of sulphuric acid
AF Deals with sampling, requirements and test procedure.
08 page Gr-B CH
*BDS 556
Timber, Impact bending test for BDS 571:1966 (Reaffirmed 2012)
AF Paint, traffic reflectorized for air-field runway
*BDS 557 Asbestos Cement Siding Shingles marking.
CE Specifies requirements, definitions and test procedure.
*BDS 558 18 page Gr-D CH
Asbestos Cement Pipes, Joints and Fitting for
Sewerage and Drainage *BDS 572:1966
CE Grading of coal for marketing.
*BDS 559 BDS 573:2009
Cast Iron Sanitary Pipes and Fittings for Waste Commercial metric capacity measures
Water and Ventilation (First Revision)
CE Describes the requirements for metric capacity measures
*BDS 560 of cylindrical and conical shapes.
Concrete Compression test Specimens in the field, 06 page Gr-B ME
marking and curing of
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1044 series)
*BDS 561
Machine Tolls-Self holding tapers for Tool Shanks. BDS 574:1966
Sodium sulphide, technical
ME Prescribes requirements and method of test for sodium
sulphide, iron, sulphate, and water insoluble matter.
BDS 562:1965 Office tables 09 page Gr-B CH
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1190:1988)
AF BDS 575:1966
BDS 563:1965 Oil of lavender
Electrical performance of power transformers (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 3515:2011)

03 page Gr-A CH Methods of sampling for leather (First Revision)
Prescribes the methods of sampling for non-fabricated
BDS 576:1966 leather in the form of whole hides of skins, sides, butts,
Vaccum flask bends, bellies or shoulders.
Deals with description, material and test procedures. 05 page Gr-A CH
08 page Gr-B ME
BDS 587:1966
BDS 577:1991 Aldrin-technical
Ball point pen ink (First Revision) Prescribes the requirements, methods of test and
Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and sampling for aldrin-technical.
test for the ink used for filling, cartridges of ball point 19 page Gr-D AF
pens and the barrels of the ball point pens which are used
without refills. *BDS 588:1966
03 page Gr-A CH Stationery Batteries
BDS 578:1966
Coal tar pitch
Covers the range of four grades of coal pitch from soft to ET
hard consistencies with softening points varying from BDS 589:1966
45°C to 92°C intended for the production of water Industrial ashphalt
proofing protective and binding compounds employed in Deals with grades/types and requirements.
masonary, steel, timber and concrete structures and also 02 page Gr-A CH
for the preparation of roofing felts.
09 page Gr-B CE BDS 590:1990
Conditioning of leather for physical tests
BDS 579:1966 (First Revision)
Products in fibre reinforced cement
Deals with physical testing of leather
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 390:2016)
05 page Gr-A CH
BDS 580:1966
BDS 591:1990
Rolled deformed steel bars (intermediate grade) for
Methods of physical testing of leather
concrete reinforcement
(First Revision)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 6935-2:2006)
Deals with physical testing of leather.
10 page Gr-B CE
03 page Gr-A CH
BDS 581:2008
BDS 592:1966
Ink metal stamp, black (First Revision)
Glossory of terms relating to asphalt and tar
Deals with sampling, marking, packing and method of
Covers standard glossary of terms concerning ashphalt
08 page Gr-B CH
and tar and their products.
06 page Gr-B CH
BDS 582:1966
Glossary of terms used in fertilizer trade and
BDS 593:1966
Water, distilled quality
Defines terms widely used in fertilizer trade and
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 833:1990)
11 page Gr-C CH
BDS 594:1966
Size measurements for mens knitted underwear.
BDS 583:1966
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1488:1994)
Chromium sulphate (basic)
Deals with requirement, sampling and method of test.
*BDS 595
09 page Gr-B CH
Method for determination of breaking load
BDS 584:1966
elongation at break and tenacity of jute yarn
Paving asphalt
(Cancels and replaces by BD 1092:1984)
Prescribes requirement and test.
03 page Gr-A CH
*BDS 596:1966
BDS 585:1966 Liquid glucose, candy test for
Cutback asphalt AF
Covers types and grades. BDS 597:1966
03 page Gr-A CH Determination of protein in starches
Prescribes requirements, moisture, protein, gluten, acid
BDS 586:1990 insoluble ash, total ash, alcoholic acidity, water

absorption, granularity, sedimentation value, acid value (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 6506:2008)
packing and marking and methods of tests. (superseded 59 page Gr-K CE
by BDS 1108 : 1987)
06 page Gr-B AF *BDS 611
Tables of Vickers Hardness Values (HV) for metallic
*BDS 598:1966 materials
Hard-drawn wire for telegraph and telephone (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 6507-1:2008)
purposes CE
ET BDS 612:1967
*BDS 599:1966 Sulphate resisting portland cement type 'A'
Hard-drawn copper and copper-cadmium (Cancels and replaces by BDS EN 197-1:2003)
conductors for overhead power transmission 18 page Gr-D CE
ET *BDS 613
*BDS 600:1966 Asbestos cement products, sampling and inspection
Copper-cadmium wire for telegraph and telephone of
purposes (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 390:2016)
BDS 601:1966 BDS 614:1967
Starter for fluorescent lamps Wafer biscuits
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 859) Cancels & replaces by BDS 1001:1982)
BDS 602:1966
Accessibility test probes BDS 615:1966
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 858) Aldrin, emulsifiable concentrates
ET Prescribes requirements, aldrin content, emulsion
*BDS 603 stability, cold test, flash point, heat stability, acidity &
Fish Paste (fish Spread) alkalinity, packing & marking, sampling and methods of
AF test.
BDS 604:1966 26 page Gr-F AF
Grading rules for coniferous sawn timber intended
for further conversion BDS 616:1966
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 857:1977) Enamel, brushing, exterior (1) undercoating, (2)
AF finishing, colour as required
*BDS 605 Prescribes requirements and method of sampling and
Rolled deformed steel bars (hard grade) for concrete test.
re-in-for cement 06 page Gr-B CH
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 6935-2:2006)
CE BDS 617:1966
*BDS 606:1966 Enamel, brushing, interior (1) undercoating, (2)
Rolled deformed steel bars (structural grade ) for finishing, colour as required
concrete re-in for cement Deals with requirements and methods of test,
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 6935-2:2006) 09 page Gr-B CH
BDS 607:1967 BDS 618:2012
General technical delivery requirements for steel Specification for Hydrozen peroxide (First Revision)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 404:2015) Specifies requirements and methods of test.
06 page Gr-B CE 06 page Gr-B CH
BDS 608:1967 BDS 619:1993
Bend test on steel tubes (First Revision) Particle board (medium density) (First Revision)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 1031:2006) Deals with requirements, classification and method of
03 page Gr-A CE test.
11 page Gr-C CH
* BDS 609:1967
Steel tubes, ring expanding test on BDS 620:1993
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1031:2006) Hard board (First Revision)
CE Prescribes commercial types and size of hardboards and
provides specifications for physical requirements and
BDS 610 test methods. It recommends a uniform means of
Tables of Brinell Hardness Values (HB) for use in marking and certifying for consumer hardboard.
tests made on flat surface

20 page Gr-D CH CE
*BDS 621 *BDS 635
Presser bar for sewing machine for home use. Pipes and fittings of plastic materials, socket fitting
ME for pipes under pressure, basic dimension : metric
*BDS 622 series
Needle bar for sewing machine for home use. (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 4422-3:2008)
*BDS 623
Presser foot for sewing machine for household *BDS 636
purposes. Galvanised steel barbed wire
*BDS 624 *BDS 637
Sewing machines for home use, general requirements Forks, shovals and spades
for. ME
ME *BDS 638:1967
Evaluating bursting strength of fabrics by ball-burst
*BDS 625 test
Carbon brushes used in commutator and slip-ring This Standard prescribes the methods for evaluating the
machines, dimension and tolerances of bursting strength of cloth. The method is recommended
ME for very extensible fabrics whose bursting strength,
*BDS 626 determined by the diaphragm method, exceeds 2068.
Lobster fresh and frozen kilonewtons/sq. meeter(or 300 pounds per square inch).
*BDS 627 BDS 639:1966
Performance of constant speed internal combustion Hermatically sealed metal food containers
engines for general purposes Prescribes requirements, determination of capacity,
marking types of cans, procedure for dimensional
ME specification, recommended sizes with their intended
BDS 628:1967 use.
Custard powder 03 page Gr-A AF
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1226:2015)
*BDS 629 *BDS 640
Corn Flake AF Carbon tetrachloride
BDS 630:1967 *BDS 641
Method of sampling and test for fruit and vegetable Methanol (industrial grade)
products. CH
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1010:1982) BDS 642:1990
AF Acetone (First Revision)
*BDS 631 Covers requirements, methods of test and sampling.
Preferred numbers-series of preferred numbers 11 page Gr-C CH
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 3:2008)
CE *BDS 643
*BDS 632 Low density polythene sheet.
Pipes and fittings of plastic material, socket fitting CH
with spigot ends for domestic and industrial waste * BDS 644
pipes, basic diamensions: metric seris Ready mixed paint, brushing, printing for enamel for
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 265-1:2008) use on vehicles.
*BDS 633 BDS 645 : 1968
Pipes of plastic materials for the transpot of fluid Aerated water glass bottles
(outsidediameters and nominal pressure) part-II inch Prescribes requirements and method of test of aerated
series water glass bottle of crown cork pattern with nominal
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 161-2:2008) capacity of 170 ml to 340 ml normally used for storing
aerated water.
CE 07 page Gr-B CH
*BDS 634
Pipes of plastic materials for the transpot of fluid *BDS 646 :1968
(outsidediameters and nominal pressure) part-I Glass globes for hurricane lantern
metric series (Cancels and replaces by BDS 975:2000)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 161-1:2008) CH

*BDS 647 Prescribes types, grades, requirements moisture, acid
Oil of citronella insoluble ash, packing and marking, method of sampling
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 3849:2011) and test.
05 page Gr-A AF
*BDS 648 *BDS 659
Oleic acid-technical Linseed oilcake as livestock. feed (expeller type)
CH BDS 660:1967
Methods of sampling and test for coaltar and food
*BDS 649 colours
Stearic acid-technical Prescribes methods of sampling and determination of
CH volatile matter water insoluble matter, combined ether
*BDS 650 extracts, mixed oxides, arsenic lead, copper and
Briquettes (fule) chromium permitted coaltar colours.
CH Page Tk. AF
*BDS 651
Sealing wax *BDS 661:1967
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1583:1997) Electric toasters for household and similar purpose,
CH methods for measuring performance
*BDS 652 ET
chlordance, technical * BDS 662:1967
CH Household and similar electrical appiances
BDS 653:1968 ET
Malathion emulsifiable concentrates * BDS 663
Prescribes requirements, cold test, flash point emulsion Cathode copper
stability, heat stability malathion content, acidity or ET
alkalinity, packing and marking methods of test. BDS 664-673:1968
17 Page Gr-D AF Raw copper (First Revision)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 959-970)
BDS 654:2015 ET
Furnace Oil (Second Revision) BDS 674:1984
This standard prescribes the requirements and the Frozen frog legs
methods of sampling and test for furnace oil used mostly Prescribes terminology, grades and types requirements
for industrial and marine purposes in the country. total bacterial count, E. coli salmonella arizona,
06 page Gr-B CH coagulase positive staphylococcus, packing and marking,
BDS 655:1968 sampling and methods of test. (supersedes BDS 863 :
Wrapping paper waxed 1978)
Specifies wrapping paper waxed for wrapping food
*BDS 675
stuffs bright steel parts, electrical appliances, etc. guard
Raw Jute (Pucca Assortment) Grade
against biological damages due to tot, mildew
corrosions, etc. as a result of humidity involving (Cancels and replaces by BDS 801:2003)
absorption atmospheric moisture. JT
13 page Gr-C CH BDS 676:1998
Tapioca/cassava starch/flour (Second Revision)
* BDS 656 This standard prespribes the requirements, packing,
Raw materials into positive and negetive lists marking and tests of tapioco/cassava starch/flour.
intended for cosmetic and toilet goods, AF
*BDS 677
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1340 Part 1 & 2)
Sunest Yellow, FCF
BDS 657:2015
*BDS 678
Baking powder (First Revision)
Prescribes requirements, ingredients includes Tartrazine
constituents such as edible starch, sodium bicarbonate, CH
acid reacting component requirements regarding *BDS 679
available carbondioxide arsenic, heavy metals. Amanth
11 Page Gr-C AF CH
*BDS 680
BDS 658:1984 Steel nails for building purposes
Fish maws (First Revision)
*BDS 681:1968
Hot-rolled steel strips (bail)

(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 4995:2006) CH
05 page Gr-A CE BDS 697:2008
Specification for Chlorobenzene (First Revision)
*BDS 682 This standard prescribes the requirements and the
Oil pressure stove brass-type ME methods of sampling and tests for chlorobenzene.
16 Page Gr-D CH
*BDS 683
Black smiths anvils (cast steel) ME BDS 698:1968
Surgical rubber gloves
(Cancel & replaces by BDS ISO 10282:2003)
*BDS 684 CH
Picks and beaters ME BDS 699:1968
Adhesive insulating tape (fabric based) (Withdrawn)
*BDS 685 ET
Steel tubes and tubulars
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1031:2006) *BDS 700
CE Black bitumen oil varnish
*BDS 686 BDS 701:1990
Bleaching powder stable Upholstory leather (First Revision)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1383:1992) Prescribes requirements, methods of test and sampling.
CH 03 page Gr-A CH
*BDS 687
Rubber tyres for bicycles BDS 702:1968
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1368:2007) Method of sampling and testing vegetable adhesives.
CH Prescribes methods of sampling and testing adhesives
*BDS 688 manufactured from materials of vegetable origin, It
Paints, finishing, brushing, spraying (interior) egg applies to adhesives in the form of liquids, pastes,
shell flat powders are granular solids
CH 25 page Gr-E CH
*BDS 689
Paints, finishing, brusing, spraying (exterior) egg * BDS 703
sheel flat Mineral turpentine CH
CH (Cancels and replaces by BDS 1787:2007)
*BDS 690
Method for measuring rub resistance of print * BDS 704
CH D.D.T. emulsion concentrates
BDS 691:1968 AF
Malathion, technical *BDS 705
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 861:1976) D.D.T. water dispersible power
*BDS 692 BDS 706:1968
Pyethrum extract (aerosol grade) Method for determination of moisture in coal-direct
AF volumetric
BDS 693:1968 Prescribes direct columetric method for detemination of
Packing for air freight moisture in analysis sample of coal.
Prescribes rules of packing of air freight 05 page Gr-A CH
11 page Gr-C CH
BDS 707:2001
*BDS 694 Coke for domestic open fires (First Revision)
Fibre board brums CH Specifies requirements of quality control at produced
works for cokes intended for use in burning open fires. It
BDS 695:1968 also deals with sampling and method of test.
Plaster of paris 37 page Gr-G CH
Prescribes requirements of material, packing and
marking BDS 708:1968
09 page Gr-B CH Soap lye crude glycerol
*BDS 696 BDS 709:1980
Formaldehyed solution Liquid toilet soap (First Revision)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1885:2014) (Cancels and replaces by BDS 1740:2004)

CH 23 page Gr-E ME

*BDS 710 BDS 725:1969

Smith tongs ME Copper sulphate test and visual examination of hot
dip galvanized and standarized coating method.
*BDS 711 Deals with visual examination and dip testing of coating.
Sparking plugs ME 03 page Gr-A CH
*BDS 712:1968 BDS 726:1969
Metal clad swithces ET Sodium hydrosulphite, technical
Prescribes requirements, sampling and methods of
*BDS 713 test
Atmospheric conditions for test purposes 08 page Gr-B CH
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 814:1975)
JT BDS 727:1990
BDS 714:1968 Full chrome upper leather (First Revision)
PVC cables and cords (withdrawn) Prescribes requirements and methods of test.
ET 11 page Gr-C CH
*BDS 715:1968
Colour chart for PVC insulation and sheath of * BDS 728
electric cables Oil of Naroli
ET (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 3517:2010)
*BDS 716:1968 AF
Fressh concrete in the laborotary mixing sampling *BDS 729
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1044 series) Ash of hard coal
*BDS 717 BDS 730:1969
Concrete compacting factor test for Vaporising oil
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1044 series) Covers requirements, packing and marking.
CE This Standard presents the requirements and the methods
*BDS 718 of test for vaporising oil used mostly as a fuel in tractors.
Chemical analysis of steel-determination of total 03 page Gr-A CH
CE BDS 731:1969
Petroleum solvent grade 60/120
*BDS 719
Prescribes the requirements and the methods of test for
Chemical analysis of steel-determination of total
one grade of petoleum solvent used mostly in the rubber
industry. Gives the definition of petroleum solvent.
3 page Gr-A CH
*BDS 720
Calibration analysis of brinell hardness testing
BDS 732:1969
Packages for use of libraries
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 6506-2:2008)
Covers packing and requirements of packages for
transport of books for use by libraries.
*BDS 721 05 page Gr-A CH
Galvanized steel wire ropes, ship building detains
test on BDS 733:2010
ME Zinc Oxide for cosmetic industry
*BDS 722 Deals with requirements, Sampling method of test,
Galvanized steel wire for ropes,for ship building packing and marking.
(classification) 15 page Gr-C CH
BDS 723:1968 BDS 734:1969
Coconut oil for industrial purposes. Zinc stearate for cosmetic industry.
Prescribes the requirement and method of test for Prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling
coconut oil for industrial purposes. and test for zinc stearate for cosmetic industry.
03 page Gr-A AF 17 page Gr-C CH

BDS 724:1977 *BDS 735

Single barrel stirrup pump type sprayer Rolled Oats (quick cooking type)
It covers the requirements and the methods for testing AF
the perfomance of the single barrel stirrup pump. BDS 736:1968

Covering chocolate page Specification for Ammonium Alum, technical
AF (First Revision)
*BDS 737 This standard prescribes the requirements and the
Cochineal methods of sampling and tests for ammonium alum
AF (aluminium ammonium sulphate), commercially known
*BDS 738 as ammonia alum.
Carmel (burnt sugar) 16 Page Gr-D CH
BDS 739:1994 BDS 751:1969
Infant milk food Moulded rubber hot water bottle for hospital use.
(Cancels and replaces by BDS CAC 72:2008) Deals with physical and chemical tests, packing and
AF marking.
03 page Gr-A CH
BDS 740:1969
Processed cereal infant food BDS 752:1969
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1135:1985) Oil of east indian sandalwood
AF Prescribes the requirements and the methods of test for
*BDS741 the material commercially known as the oil of East
Dried prawn Indian Sandalwood. The material is largely used by the
AF soap, cosmetics and perfumery industries and also for
*BDS 742 medicinal purposes and beverages.
Verification of vickers hardness testing machines 03 page Gr-A CH
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 6507-2:2008)
CE *BDS 753
Oil of east australia, sandal wood
*BDS 743 AF
Hot rolled steel sections, equal leg angles-metric BDS 754:1969
series-dimensions and sectional properties, DDT dusting powder
dimensions of Prescribes the requirements, methods of test and
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 657-1:2008) sampling for DDTdusting powders.
CE 08 page Gr-B AF
*BDS 744
* BDS 755
Dimensions of hot rolled steel sections-unequal leg
Detergent in the daily industry
angles-metric series-dimension and sectional
BDS 756:1969
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 657-2:2008)
Method for determination of moisture in coal
Describes the gravimetric method for the determination
*BDS 745
of moisture in the analysis of coal sample.
Chemical analysis of steel and cast iron
05 page Gr-A CH
determination of sulphur, (method after combustion in
a current of oxygen and titration with sodium borate) *BDS 757
CE Yield of tar water, gas and coke residue by low
*BDS 746 temperature
Cements Definition and Terminology Distillation of brown coal and lignite, method for
(Cancels and replaces by BDS EN 197-1:2003) determination of.
*BDS 747
Cement-Determination of Sulphur as sulphide, BDS 758:1969
Chemical Analysis Casein (edible)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS EN 197-1:2003) Prescribes requirements, particle size, hygienic
CE characteristic, packing and methods of sampling and test.
BDS 748 AF
Cements-Main Constituents of Portland Cement, BDS 759:1969
Chemical Analysis Abbreviated symbols for timber species
(Cancels and replaces by BDS EN 197-1:2003) (Cancels and replaces by BDS 803:1973)
*BDS 749 BDS 760:1969
Cements-Minor Constituents of Port Land Cement, Fruits buns and sheermal
Chemical Analysis Prescribes requirements, classification, ingredients
(Cancels and replaces by BDS EN 197-1:2003) and types, methods of sampling and test.
CE 09 Page Gr-B AF
BDS 750:2008

*BDS 761 blade, type of steel, classes of hand saw, manufacture,
Cakes mixes, prepared AF requirement of blades, tests etc.
12 page Gr-C ME
*BDS 762
Milk and milk products, code of principles BDS 770:2015
concerning terminoly applicable to Solid-woven impregnated hair
AF Belting for Power transmission (First Revision)
BDS 763:2016 This standard covers the requirements for two, grades of
Soluble Coffee Powder (Second Revision) solid- woven impregnated hair belting used for power
This standard prescribes requirements and the methods transmission.
of sampling and test for soluble coffee powder or 05 Page Gr-A JT
agglomerate derived by dehydration of aqueous extract
of freshly roasted and ground coffee. * BDS 771
19 page Gr-D AF Sodium aluminate

BDS 764:1970 BDS 772:1970
Horizontal rectangular hospital sterilizer pressure Plastic (polythene) containers
steam type Deals with plastic containers of 45.4 litres capacity with
It covers dressing sterilizers, instrument and utensil and without outers. Gives the definition of polythene;
sterilizer, sterilizer for bottle fluids, Also covers internal specifies drop test ; describes capacity and wall
dimension of the camber, material, construction, vaccum thickness of the container and the material from which
production, steam pressure control, thermal insulation, the containers are made.
thermometer, pressure gauge, hydraulic test etc. 03 page Gr-A CH
22 page Gr-E ME
BDS 773:1970
BDS 765:1970 General purpose rubber water hose
Butter knives and fish knives 04 page Gr-A CH
It covers requirements for the following types of knives
made of stainless steel of nickiled. (1) Butter knives, (2) BDS 774:1970
Fish knives with, ...(a) Solid handle forged with blade or Anti-corrosive paints, brushing for ships bottoms and
(b) hollow handle, smooth finish or (c) hollow handle hulls, red, chocolate or black as required.
embossed finish or (d) plasic handle. Also covers (Cancels and replaces by BDS 972:1981)
chemical composition, manufacture, tests etc. CH
06 page Gr-B ME *BDS 775
Frozen fish cartons
*BDS 766 CH
Carbon steel forging or ship-building industries BDS 776:2014
ME Paper for permanent records (First Revision)
BDS 767:1990 Deals with requirements, sampling, method of test,
Cold chisels packing andmarking.
It covers the requirements for the following types of high 18 page Gr-D CH
carbon steel chisels intended for cold cutting of metals.
Types : (1) Flat chisels. (2) Cross cut chisels, (3) *BDS 777
Diamond point chisels. (4) Round nose chisels. Also Spoons made of brass and nickel silver
covers designating sizes, Dimensions, heat treatment, ME
manufacture, test etc. *BDS 778
14 page Gr-C ME Forks made of stainless steel
*BDS 779
BDS 768:1970 Forks made of brass and nickel silver
Steel casting for ships structure ME
It relates to the requirements for steel casting for ship *BDS 780
structure, material, heat treatment, test etc. Galvanized steel binding and jointing wire;
10 page Gr-B ME ME
*BDS 781
BDS 769:1970 Metric length measure (non-flexible), commercial
Hand saws ME
It relates to the type, differences and certain dimensional BDS 782
aspects of taper ground and flat ground hand saws for Metric length measure (non-flexible), secondary
cutting timber. It covers minimum carbon content of the ME
BDS 783

Metric length measure (non-flexible), working BDS 797:1997
ME Wood poles for overhead power and telecom-
BDS 784:1970 munication lines
Tea standard (Cancels and replaces by BDS 809:1973)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 808:2007) AF
AF * BDS 798:1970
BDS 785:1983 Generators for internal combustion engines
lce cream ET
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1083:2006) BDS 799:2006
AF Plywood for general purpose (First Revision)
*BDS 786-1 Cover the requirements of different grades and types of
Pillar type vertical drilling machines-testing of the plywood use for general purpose.
accuarcy, part-1 Geometrical tests, test conditions for 14 page Gr-C AF
BDS 800:1970
*BDS 786-11 Pillar type vertical drilling machine- Toffee
testing of accuracy part-II: practical test, test (Cancels and replaces by BDS 1000:2001)
conditions for gr. 2 AF
ME BDS 801:2003
*BDS 787 Grades of raw jute (pucca assortment)
Inspection and test chart for shaping machine (First Revision; Amendment 1:2004)
ME Grades and grading procedure of raw jute.
*BDS 788 07 page Gr-B JT
Polyethylene containers, methods of tests
BDS 802:2003
CH Grades of raw jute (kutcha assortment)
* BDS 789 (First Revision)
Liquid flow with a free surface, vocabulary of terms Grades and grading procedure of raw jute.
and symbols Used in connection with the 04 page Gr-A JT
measurement of
ME BDS 803:1973
* BDS 790 Trade names and abbreviated symbols of timbers
Liquid flow measurement in open channel-velocity commonly used in Bangladesh.
area method (Cancels and replaces by BDS 759:1969)
ME 16 page Gr-D AF
* BDS 791
Liquid limit of soil, method of test BDS 804:2011
CE Banaspati (Second Revision)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test.
*BDS 792 (Cancels and replaces by BDS 221:1962)
Plastic limit and plasticity index of soil, method of 37 Page Gr-H AF
test of
CE BDS 805:2016
*BDS 793 Roasted and Ground Coffee (First Revision)
Soil samples for grains-size analysis and This standard prescribes the requirements and the
determination of soil constants method for dry methods of sampling and test for roasted and ground
preparation coffee.
CE 16 page Gr-D AF
* BDS 794
Machine tools-direction of operation of controls BDS 806:2016
ME Roasted Coffee - Chicory Powder (First Revision)
BDS 795:1970 This standard prescribes the requirements and the
Grading rules for sawn hard wood timber (non-teak) methods of sampling and test for roasted coffee-chicory
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 857:1977) powder.
AF 05 Page Gr-A AF
BDS 796:1970
Guar gum (tentative)
prescribes requirements, moisture, protein, fibre, BDS 807:2016
ash, fat, galactomannan, packing and marking methods Canned fruit cocktail (First Revision)
of test. This standard prescribes the general requirements for
13 page Gr-C AF fruit cocktail.
06 page Gr-B AF

BDS 808:2007 Performance and construction of electric circulating
Specification for Tea (First Revision) fans and regulators
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 3720:2008) (First Revision; Amendment 1:2006)
AF Applies to the following types of electric motor directly
BDS 809:1973 driven fans and their associated inbuild regulator
Wood poles for overhead power and intended for use on single phase, ac and dc circuits not
telecommunication lines. exceeding 250 V :
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 797:1970) a. Celling type fans.
24 page Gr-E AF b. Table type fans.
c. Pedestal type fans.
BDS 810:1973 08 page Gr-B ET
hardwood railway sleepers
Covers chiefly the sleepers made of sal and garjan and BDS 819:1975
specifies their requirements in regard to dimensions and Code of practice for preservation of timbers
permissible defects. prescribes terminology. Covers types of preservatives their brief descriptions,
29 page Gr-F AF methods of treatment and the type and choice of
treatment, for different species of timber for a number of
BDS 811:1974 use.
Diazinon, technical 33 page Gr-G AF
Prescribes requicments, diethyl-6 methy 102 iso propy BDS 820:1978
1-4 pyrimidinyl phosphorothionate, water content, Recommendation for maximum permissible moisture
material insoluble in acetone, acidity, method of content of timbers used for different purpose in
sampling & tests, packing and marking. Bangladesh.
11 page Gr-C AF Laydown the limits of maximum moisture content in
timber of different stores in order to insure unimpaired
BDS 812:1974
utility of the stores as a result of climatic change.
Butylated hydrozyanisole
04 page Gr-A AF
Prescribes requirements, purity, melting point, sulphated
ash, arsenic, lead, iron, packing & marking, methods of
BDS 821:1975
Frozen prawns/shrimps
08 page Gr-B CH
(Cancels and replaces by BDS CAC 92:2002)
16 page Gr-D AF
BDS 813:2009
Bangladesh hessian, Part-1, General
BDS 822:2012
(Second Revision)
Code of hygienic conditions for food processing units
Terminology, requirements, packing and marking
(First Revision)
sampling and inspection and criteria for conformity of
13 page Gr-C AF
Bangladesh hessian.
08 page Gr-B JT
BDS 823:2016
Roasted Chicory Powder (First Revision)
BDS 814:1975
This standard prescribes the requirements, the methods
Standard atrosphere for conditioning and testing of
of sampling and test for roasted chicory powder.
(Canceles and replaces by BDS ISO 139:2006) 10 page Gr-B AF
BDS 815:1975 BDS 824:1976
Method for determination of correct invoice mass Code of practice for storage of food grains and its
(weight) of textile. protection during storage.
It deals with the variations in moisture content in textile. Prescribes the method for storage of food grain and its
11 page Gr-C JT protection during storage against insect pests, rats and
dampness, chiefly intended for trade and Government
BDS 816:1975 purposes.
Ballast for fluorescent lamps 24 page Gr-E AF
(Canceles and replaces by BDS IEC 60921)
ET BDS 825:1991
BDS 817:2008 Specification for portable fire extinguisher
Glossary of terms for electrical wires, cables & (First Revision; Reaffirmed 2007)
conductors (First Revision) This standard specifies requirements for rechargeable
(Cancels and replaces by BDS IEC 60050-461) and nonrechargeable metal - bodied portable fire
05 page Gr-A ET extinguishers containing an extinguishing medium
which can be expelled by the action of internal pressure.
Extinguishers are classified according to the
BDS 818:1998 extinguishing medium they contain. The types referred

to in this standard are water, foam and powder. Carhon 07 page Gr-B CH
dioxide and halon as fire extinguishing medium have
been excluded from this standard du., to its adverse
effect on environment and ozone layer. BDS 834:2007
47 page Gr-J CE Water for use in secondary batteries
(First Revision)
BDS 826:1983 Requirements, methods of test and sampling of water for
Current transformers use in secondary storage batteries
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1578) 08 page Gr-B ET
BDS 827:1976 BDS 835:1976
Recommended common names for pest control Hurricane lanterns
chemical and plant growth regulators It covers the requirements for cold blasts storm proof
Comprises a list of common names for pest control and hurricane lantern complete with globe and wick. It
plant growth regulators, together with their chemical covers design & construction “performance and safety
names and structural formula. tests” sizes & dimensions etc.
17 page Gr-D AF 18 page Gr-D ME
BDS 828:1976
Dichlorvos, technical BDS 836:1976
Prescribes requirements of active ingredient, moisture, Mild steel wire for general engineering purposes
material insoluble in acetone, acidity, packing & This standard stipulates the minimum requirements for
marking, method of tests. Mild steel wire for general engineering purpose,
05 page Gr-A AF Chemical composition. Tolerances on dia, Tensile
strength, method of test etc.
BDS 829:1976 15 page Gr-C ME
Annatto colours for dairy products
Prescribes types, requirements, packing, marking and BDS 837:2003
storage, methods of sampling and test. Bangladesh hessian, Part-2:10 Oz (305 g/m2) and 7
06 page Gr-B AF Oz (229 g/m2) at 16 percent contract regain (First
BDS 830:2015 Detail construction and other particulars of two types of
Kerosine (Third revision) hessian.
Specifies the requirements for flash point, soluble 03 page Gr-A JT
colour, (ASTM) distribution, smoke point, char value,
copper-strip corrosion, sulphur, acidity and calorific BDS 838:1976
value. Jute carpet backing cloth
03 page Gr-A CH (Canceles and replaces by BDS ISO11860:2005)
BDS 831:1975 BDS 839:2013
Method for determination of abrasion resistance of Jute bags for packing cement (First Revision)
paper and board by Taber method. Construction and other particulars of double warp heavy
Specifies methods for the measurement of susceptibility cee jute bags for packing cement.
of the surfaces of paper and board to the action of 08 page Gr-B JT
standardized abrasive surfaces, either wet or dry, using
Taber instrument. BDS 840:1976
05 page Gr-A CH Method for determination of width of woven or
knitted fabrics when relaxed at zero tension
BDS 832:1975 (Cancels and replaces by BDS 957:1981)
Method for the conditioning of paper and board JT
samples (First Revision) BDS 841:1976
Defines the conditioning atmosphere and the method of Method for determination of length of woven or
conditining paper and board before and during testing. knitted fabrics when relaxed at zero tension.
02 page Gr-A CH (Cancels and replaces by BDS 957:1981)
04 page Gr-A JT
BDS 833:1990
Water for laboratory use (Second Revision) BDS 842:1976
Prescribes requirements for water, non-volatile residue, Method for determination of mass per unit length or
residue, on ignition, pH, specific conductance, per unit area of woven or knitted fabrics
oxidizable matter, chlorides, ammonia, sulphates, (Cancels and replaces by BDS 980:1981)
carbondioxide and heavy metals. (Supersedes bds 593 : 07 Page Gr-B JT

BDS 843:1977 mass, pH, arsenic, lead, copper, zinc, tin, microbiology
A C electric pedestal type fans and regulators packing and marking.
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 818) 11 page Gr-C AF

ET BDS 853:2002
BDS 844 :1977 Canned Pineapple
A C electric table type fans and regulators. (Canceles and replaces by BDS CAC 42:2006)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 818) AF
BDS 845:2012
Specification for Newsprint (Second Revision)
This standard prescribes the requirements and methods BDS 854:2015
of sampling and test for newsprint intended for use in Ginger, whole in pieces and ground (First Revision)
printing presses for publication of newspapers and Prescribes requirements, moisture, total ash, water
periodicals. soluble ash, acid insoluble ash, cold water-soluble
06 page Gr-B CH extract, calcium, volatile oil, packing & marking.
05 Page Gr-A AF
BDS 846:1977
Crude glycerine and refined glycerine BDS 855:1977
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling Carotene
and test. prescribes description, requirements of purity, arsenic,
48 page Gr-J CH lead, copper packing & marking of method sampling and
06 page Gr-B AF
BDS 847:1977
Ethanol BDS 856:1978
Specifies requirements for ethanol, colour, strength, Sorbic acid, food grade
residue on evaporation, miscibility with water, alkalinity Prescribes requirements of solubility, identification,
or acidity, aldehydes and ketones. purity, moisture, sulphated ash, aldehydes, stability,
11 page Gr-C CH arsenic, lead, packing & marking method of test.
05 page Gr-A AF
BDS 848:1977
Platform weighing machines
It covers the requirements for platform weighing BDS 857:1977
machines with capacity range of 50 kg. to 3000 kg. Grading rules for logs and sawn timber
08 page Gr-B ME Prescribes terminology, classification of timbers, grades,
general requirements, dimensions, measurement,
BDS 849:1977 marking guiding principles for inspection.
Feed for laboratory animals, Part-1, Rats and mice (Cancels and replaces by BDS 604:1966 and BDS
Prescribes requirements of moisture, crude protein, fat & 795:1970)
fibre, total ash, acid insoluble ash, calcium, 24 page Gr-E AF
phosphorous, packing & marking method of sampling &
tests. BDS 858:1978
06 page Gr-B AF Accessibility test probes
Gives dimensions of standard test probes and the method
BDS 850:1977 of their use for testing protection against electric shock
Feed for laboratory animals, Part-2, Guinea pigs due to contact with live parts in electrical equipment and
Prescribes requirements of moisture, crude protein, fat & appliances.
fibre, total ash, acid insoluble ash, calcium,
05 page Gr-A ET
phosphorous, packing & marking method tests.
07 page Gr-B AF
BDS 859:1978
BDS 851:2008 Starter for flourescent lamps.
Milk (First Revision) (Cancels and replaces by BDS IEC 60155)
Prescribes terminology, requirements, fat content, solids ET
not-fat, density, lactose, protein, ash, titratable acidity, BDS 860:2001
packing & marking, method of sampling & tests. Whole milk powder, and skim milk powder
04 page Gr-A AF (First Revision) (Supersedes BDS 363:1963)
(Canceles and replaces by BDS CAC 207:2008)
BDS 852:1977 AF
Canned mangoes BDS 861:2011
Prescribes terminology, types, styles, grade, Specification for Malathion, Technical
requirements, vaccum of the can, head space, drained

(First Revision) This International Standards specifies methods for
This standard prescribed the requirements and methods determining the velocity and cross-sectional area of
of tcst for malathion, technical, employed in the water flowing in open channels.
preparation of insecticidal formulations. 16 page Gr-C ME
12 Page Gr-C AF
BDS 870:1978
BDS 862:1977 Liquid flow measurement in open channels -
Saffron Vocabulary and symbols
Prescribes terminology, grades, indentification test, This International Standard defines terms and symbols
requirements of volatile matter, total ash, acid insoluble used in connection with the measurement of liquid flow
ash, cold water soluble extract, total nitrogen, packing & in open channels. The terms and definitions are grouped
marking, method of tests. in the following sections.
09 page Gr-B AF 13 Page Gr- C ME

BDS 863:1978 BDS 871:1978

Frozen frog legs Liquid flow Measurement in open channels,
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 674:1984) calibration of rotating-element current - meters in
AF straight open tanks
BDS 864:1978 This International Standards specifies the procedure to
Code of hygienic practice for processing of frog legs used for the calibration current- meters, i,e for the
Prescribes terminology, raw material requirements, plant experimental determination of the relationship between
facilities and operating requirements. liquid velocity and rate of revolution of the rotating
08 page Gr-B AF element.
13 Page Gr- B ME
BDS 865:2002
Pineapple juice (First Revision) BDS 872:1978
(Canceles and replaces by BDS CAC 85:2006) Specification for Liquid Measurement in open
AF Channels - Cut- type and Propeller type Current -
BDS 866:1978 Meters
Amyl alcohol This International Standard specifies the operational
Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and requirements, construction, Calibration and maintenance
test for two grades ; Grade 1 intended for use in testing aspects of velocity measuring devices employing a
milk and Grade 2 for use as an industrial solvent and rotating element.
especially as a thinner and solvent for paints. 09 Page Gr- B ME
06 page Gr-B CH
BDS 873:1978
BDS 867 Part-1:1978 Code of practice for improvement of existing
Bitumen road emulsions (anionic and cationic) structures used or intended to be used for food grain
Part-1, recommendations storage
(Cancels and replaces by BDS EN 12591 :2009) Covers methods for improvement of existing structures
26 page Gr-F CE used or intended to be used for food grain storage, both
for bag and bulk storage type.
BDS 867 Part-2:1978 09 Page Gr- B AF
Bitumen Road emulsions (anionic and cationic),
Recommendations for use BDS 874:2001
This standard describe the use of bitumen emulsion on Butter
roads etc. (Canceles and replaces by BDS CAC A-1:2002)
26 page Gr-F CE AF
BDS 875:1978
BDS 868:1978 Fish canned in brine
Galvanized corrugated sheet roof & wall coverings Prescribes requirements for the finished product, head
It deals with the use of galvanized corrugated steel space of the can, sodium chloride, acidity, arsenic, lead,
sheets for roofing & cladding in building, Suggestions copper, zinc, tin, bacteriological requirements, packing
are given on design & materials, construction & & marking, method of sampling and tests.
maintainance along with information of weather 30 page Gr-F AF
tightness, durability, thermal insolation, etc.
22 page Gr-E CE BDS 876:1978
Phosphamidon, technical
BDS 869:1978 Prescribes requirements, 2-chloro-2-diethy1 carbamyl-1
Specification for Liquid flow Measurement in open methylvinyl phosphate content, water content, acidity,
Channels-Velocity area methods packing & marking, method of sampling and tests.
08 Page Gr- B AF

Plastic testing methods PTM-15
BDS 877:1978 Method for measuring thermal stability of polyvinyl
Cartridge fuses for ac circuits in domestic and chloride and related copolymers and their
similar premises compounds by the congo red test
Requirements, ratings and test for fuse links, fuse bases Covers procedure for determining the time taken for
and carriers. Dimensions and time/current zones for fuse hydrogen chloride to be evolved from polyvinyl chloride
links. Type 1-rated 240 V and 5 A to 45 A for and related copolymers and their compounds.
replacement by domestic consumers ; Type 11-rated 415 03 Page Gr- A CH
V and 60 A, 80 A or 100 A for use by the supply
authority in the incoming unit of domestic and similar BDS 885:1979
premises. Plastic testing methods PTM-12
33 Page Gr- G ET Method for measuring the viscosity number and K-
value, of PVC resins
BDS 878:1978 Covers laboratory procedure for determining the
Weldable structural steels viscosity number (V.N) and K-value of PVC resins.
Specifies the requirements of weldable steel for general 04 Page Gr- A CH
structural and engineering purposes. BDS 886:1978
43 Page Gr- I ME Plastics testing methods PTM-3
Method for direct measuring the specific gravity of
BDS 879:1978 plastics
Plastic testing methods PTM-1 Covers a laboratory procedure for determining the
Method for measuring the softness number of specific gravity of various non-cellular thermoplastic
thermoplastic materials. materials, rubbers and rubber and rubber like materials
Covers laboratory procedure for determining the softness by the immersion method.
number of various soft thermoplastic materials. 03 Page Gr- B CH
08 Page Gr- A CH BDS 887:1978
Plastic testing methods PTM-6
BDS 880:1978 Method for measuring deformation under heat of
Plastic testing methods PTM-2 flexible and rigid polyvinyl chloride compounds
Method for measuring the hardness of rubber and Covers laboratory procedures for determining the
rubber like material etc deformation under heat of various flexible and rigid
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 413:1964) PVC compounds.
03 page Gr-A CH
03 Page Gr- A CH
BDS 888:1978
BDS 881:1978
Plastic testing methods PTM-7
Plastic testing methods PTM-4
Method for measuring temperature of deflection
Method for measuring the apparent density of
under load (TDL)
moulding material that can be poured from a funnel.
Describes the method for determining the temperature of
Describes the procedure for determining apparent
deflection under bending, load, Method using fibre stress
density of loose moulding material that can be poured
of 28.5 kgf/cm2 and Method B using fibre stress of 4.6
from a funnel of specified design.
03 Page Gr- A CH
04 Page Gr- A CH
BDS 882:1978
Plastic testing methods PTM-13 BDS 889:1978
Method for measuring the melt flow rate (MFR) of Plastic testing methods PTM-8
thermoplastics Method for measuring the vicat softening
Covers procedures for determining the melt flow rate temperature (VST) of thermpolastics
(MFR) of various thermoplastics, in arbitrary units. Describes two methods for measuring the vicat softening
Under specified conditions of temperature and pressure. temperature of thermpolastics.
05 Page Gr- A CH 03 Page Gr- A CH

BDS 890:1978
BDS 883:1978
Plastic testing methods PTM-5
Plastic testing methods PTM-14
Method for measuring the water absorption at room
Method for measuring the density of plastics by the
temperature and boiling water absorption of plastics
density gradient technique
Describes the procedure for determining the water
Covers procedure for filling and calibrating the density
absorbed by moulded test specimen.
gradient columns and for dertermining the density of
solid non cellular plastic. 03 Page Gr- A CH
05 Page Gr- A CH
BDS 891:1978
BDS 884:1978 Plastic testing methods PTM-9

Method for measuring the flexural modulus of Part 1: General requirements (First Revision)
plastics Requirements and dimensions for insulated flexible
Covers a procedure for determining the flexural modulus cords and cables upto and including 450 V to earth &
of various rigid thermoplastic and thermosetting non- 750 V between conductors.
cellular materials. 08 Page Gr- B ET
04 Page Gr- A CH
BDS 899 (Part-2):2001
BDS 892:1978 Part 2: Requirements for rubber insulated flexible
Plastic testing methods PTM-10 cords (First Revision)
Method for measuring the resistance to tear Requirements and dimensions for rubber insulated
propagation of flexible plastic film or sheeting flexible cords upto and including 450 V to earth & 750
Covers the determination of the average force required V between conductors.
to propagate tearing through a specified length of plastic 08 Page Gr- B ET
04 Page Gr- A CH BDS 899 (Part-3):2001
Part 3: Requirements for PVC insulated flexible
cords (First Revision; Amendment 1:2009)
BDS 893:1978 Requirements and dimensions for PVC insulated flexible
Plastic testing methods PTM-11 cords upto and including 300 V to earth and 500 V
Method for measuring bursting strength of film between conductors.
Covers the determination of the air pressure required to 08 Page Gr- B ET
burst the form under specified conditions.
02 Page Gr- A CH BDS 899 (Part-4):2001
Part 4: Flexible cords insulated with varnished glass
BDS 894:2003 fibre. (First Revision)
Packaging of jute products in bales (First Revision) Requirements and methods of test for flexible cords
Requirements of packaging convensional types of jute insulated with varnished glass fibre upto and including
fabrics and jute bags in the form of bales. 300 V/300 V
08 Page Gr- B JT 05 Page Gr- A ET

BDS 899 (Part-5):2001

Part 5: PVC insulated extensible leads
BDS 895:2003 (First Revision)
Packaging of jute products in rolls (First Revision) Requirements for PVC insulated extensible leads and
Requirements of packaging different types of jute cloth relevent methods of test.
in the form of rolls. 08 Page Gr- B ET
05 Page Gr- A JT
BDS 899 (Part-6):2001
BDS 896:2001 Part 6: Methods of test (First Revision)
Condensed milk and condensed skim milk Methods of tests used for testing rubber insulated
(Frist Revision) flexible cords and PVC insulated flexible cords.
(Canceles and replaces by BDS CAC-A-4:2002) 21 Page Gr- E ET
BDS 897:1979 BDS 900:2010
Evaporated milk and evaporated skim milk PVC insulated cables (non-armoured) for electric
Prescribes types, requirements, total milk solids, fat, power and lighting (Second Revision)
titratable acidity, bacterial count, lavel of permitted food Cover the requirements and tests for non-armoured PVC
additives, packing and marking and method of test. insulated cables with copper or aluminium conductors
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 364:1963) with conductors for electric power and lighting
04 Page Gr- A AF (including weatherproof cables and cables for low
temparature conditions) for voltages up to and including
BDS 898:1979 450 V to earth and 750 V between conductors.
Ball valve (horizontal plunger type) including floats 13 Page Gr- C ET
for water supply purpose
It specified the requirements of manufacture, sizes & BDS 901:1985
dimension materials, workmanship mass, and testing of Power cables insulated and sheathed with
ball valves. thermoplastic materials based on PVC (First
14 Page Gr- C ME Revision)
(Canceles and replaces by BDS IEC 60502 Part-1, 2, 4)
BDS 899 Insulated flexible cords
BDS 899 (Part 1):2000 BDS 902:1979

Plastic testing methods PTM 16 Sodium alginate, food grade
Method for determination of the charpy impact Prescribes requirements, solubility, identification test,
resistance of rigid plastics (charpy impact flexural purity, moisture, matter insoluble in water, viscosity,
test) arsenic, lead, packing, storage & marking, method of
Covers the determination of the behaviour of specified test.
specimens under specified impact stresses and for the 06 Page Gr- B AF
estimation of the brittleness.
05 Page Gr- B CH BDS 912:1979
Butylated hydroxy toluene, food grade
BDS 903:1979 Prescribes requirements, solubility, identification test,
Iso-propyl alcohol purity, melting point, sulphated ash, arsenic, leads, iron,
Covers requirements for colour, relative density, packing, storage & marking, method of tests.
distillation range, residue on evaporation, miscibiluty 05 Page Gr- A AF
with water, water content, alkalinity or acidity,
aldehydes and ketones content and test methods. BDS 913:1979
11 Page Gr- B CH Benzoic acid, food grade
Prescribes requirements, solubility, identification test,
purity, melting point, sulphated ash, lead, chlorinated
BDS 904:1972 compounds, packing & marking, method of tests.
Ethanol 06 Page Gr- B AF
(Canceles and replaces by BDS 847:1977)
CH BDS 914:1980
BDS 905:2003 Method for the determination of the kappa number
Hessain bags (First Revision) of pulp (degree of delignification)
Construction and other particulars of two types of (Cancels & replaces by BDS 441 (P-34):2003)]
hessian jute bags. CH
08 Page Gr- B JT
BDS 915:1980
BDS 906:2016 Hard-drawn copper and copper cadmium conductors
B- Twill Jute Bags (Second Revision) for overhead power transmission purpose
This Standard prescribes constructional details and other Covers chemical composition, dimensions, mechanical
requirements of jute bags for packing 100, 93 and 75 kg and electrical tests for solid and stranded circular
food grains. conductors.
08 page Gr-B JT 13 Page Gr- B ET

BDS 907:1980 BDS 916:1980

Pulp, bamboo (soda) flash dried Method for the determination of dry matter content
Deals with grades and fibre classification and specifies of pulp
the requirements and methods of test for moisture, Applies to moist air dry pulp that does not contain any
brightness, ash content, fibre length, breaking length, appreciable quantity of matter (other than water) volatile
burst factor, tear factor, double fold. at 105+20û C and does not apply to slush pulp not to the
08 Page Gr- B CH determination of the saleable mass of lots of pulp.
10 Page Gr- B CH
BDS 908:2012
BDS 917:1980
Butter Oil and Ghee (Second Revision)
Method for the determination of acid insoluble ash of
(Cancels and replaces by BDS CAC A-1:2008)
19 page Gr-D AF
Specifies a method for the determination of the acid-
insoluble ash of all kinds of pulp.
BDS 909:1979,
05 Page Gr- A CH
Soyabean oil (Amendment 1:2000)
Prescribes the requirements of volatile matter, insoluble BDS 918:1980
matter, soap content, acid value, unsaponifiable matter, Method for determination of the moisture content of
refractive index, density, iodine value, saponification paper and board
value, and poisonous metals, sampling and tests. [Cancels and replaces by BDS 441 (Part-1):1999]
19 Page Gr- D AF 05 Page Gr- A CH
BDS 919:1991
BDS 910:1979
Method for sampling of paper and board
Mango juice
(First Revision)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 513)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 186:2012)
10 Page Gr- B AF
06 Page Gr- B CH
BDS 911:1979 BDS 920:1980

Blotting paper which can stand handling, without damage, whilst
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 501:1965) wetted with petrol, mineral oils and lubricants.
05 Page Gr- A CH 03 Page Gr- B CH
BDS 921:1980 BDS 927:1980
Standard sand for testing of cement Ready mixed paint, slushing, petrol resisting, air-
(Cancels and replaces by BDS EN 197-1:2003) drying, for interior painting of tanks and containers,
05 Page Gr- A CE red oxide (colour unspecified)
Prescribes methods of test, composition, and
BDS 922:1980 requirements for consistency, drying time, finishing,
Ammonium chloride colour fastness to light, residue on sieve, water content,
Covers two types of material : Type A contains no scratch hardness, flexibility and adhesion, protection
deliberate additive, whereas Type B contains an anti against corrosion, resistance to lubricating oil and petrol,
caking agent and is intended for use where a non-caking flash point, weight in kg per 10 litres, calcium
material is required. Requirements and methods of test compounds, keeping properties, spreading capacity,
are included for water, total chlorode, matter insoluble in spreading time and wet opactiy.
water, sulphated ash and acidity or alkalinity. A limit test 05 Page Gr- A CH
for trace impurities is also specified.
08 Page Gr- B CH

BDS 923:1980
Plastics testing method PTM -17
Determination of the IZOD impact resistance of rigid
plastics (IZOD impact flexural test)
Methods of test are intended to determine the relative
sensitivity of fracture by shock of rigid plastics as BDS 928:1980
indicated by the energy expanded by a standard Ready mixed paint, brushing, acid resisting, for
pendulum type impact machine in breaking in one below protection against acid fumes, colour as required
standard IZOD (cantilever beam) specimen. Prescribes methods of sampling and test, composition,
06 Page Gr- B CH and requirements for resistance to acid and acid fumes,
consistency, drying time, finish, colour, fastness to light,
BDS 924:1980 residue on sieve, scratch hardness, flexibility and
Leather cash bag adhesion, stripping test protection against corrosion,
Prescribes requirements material of construction and flash point, weight in kg per 10 litres, water content,
sampling procedure for inspection with regard to two spreading capacity, spreading time, wet opacity and
sizes of leather cash bags, namely 230 and 300 mm., keeping properties. The materials is intended for the
intended for safe keeping and carriage of cash and other protection of equipment and the interior of laboratories,
valuables. The cash bags and other departments for factories and fume cupboards exposed to acid fumes.
keeping heavy coins. 07 Page Gr- B CH
06 Page Gr- B CH
BDS 929:2012
BDS 925:1980 Jute corn sacks/bags (First Revision)
Chamois Leather This Standard prescribes the constructional details and
Prescribes requirements for three grades of chamois other requirements of jute corn sacks/bags of dimensions
leather intended for filtering petrol, cleaning optical 104 X 58.5cm(41X 23inch).
instruments and polished surfaces, lining or padding of 03 Page Gr- A JT
leather goods, and orthopaedic purposes. and also certain
optional requirements for defence purposes.Essential BDS 930:2003
chemical and physical requirements for free oils and fats, A-twill jute bags (First Revision)
combined oils and fats, water soluble matter, ash, hide Detail construction and other particulars of A-twill jute
substance, water absorption and sink test, wet exposure bags.
test, petrol filtration test, etc. have been included. 06 Page Gr- A JT
14 Page Gr- C CH
BDS 931:2006
BDS 926:1980 Heavy cee jute bags (First Revision)
Ready mixed paint, brushing, petrol resisting, air- Detail construction and other particulars of heavy cee
drying, for exterior painting of containers colour as jute bags.
required 06 Page Gr- B JT
Prescribes requirements and methods of test for the
materials which are used for the exterior protection of BDS 932:1980
containers for petrol, mineral oils and lubricants. The
materials are such that on air-drying these give a film

Method for determination of breaking load and Jute ww-vlour jute cloth (First Revision)
elongation at break of woven textile fabrics This Standard prescribes the constructional details and
(Reaffirmed 2006) other requirements Dw-Flour jute cloth.
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 13934-1:2006.) 03 Page Gr-A JT
BDS 933:1980 BDS 942:1980
Method for determination of threads per decimetre Universal yarn count system of textile
in woven fabrics (Canceles and replaces by BDS ISO 1144:2009)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 7211/2:2008.) JT
JT BDS 943:1980
BDS 934:1980 Method for determinitation of P H of the aqueous
Code of practice for frozen fish extract of textile matirials
Prescribes sanitary conditions for producton, storage and (Canceles and replaces by BDS ISO 3071:2006)
handling of frozen fish and fish fillets on board fishing JT
vessels and on shore excluding shellfish, fresh water fish BDS 944:2014
and per-cooked fishery products. Cotton Dosuti ( Panama Canvas) (First Revision)
19 Page Gr-D AF This standard prescribes the constructional details and
other particulars of cotton dosuti, grey, scoured,
BDS 935:1980 bleached or dyed.
Code of hygienic practices for handling and 04 page Gr-A JT
processing of fresh fish
Applies to fresh fish, chilled but not frozen, intended for BDS 945:2012
human consumption. Contains technological guidelines B-twill cloth (First Revision)
and most essential requirements of hygiene for the This Standard prescribes the constructional details and
handling and processing of fresh fish at sea and on shore. other particulars of B-twill jute cloth used for the
08 Page Gr-B AF manufacture of jute bags for packing food grains.
07 Page Gr-B JT
BDS 936:1980
Fenitrothion, technical
Prescribes description, chemical name, requirements of
active ingredient, free 3 methyl 4-nitrophenol content,
material insoluble in acetone, moisture, acidity,
alkalinity, specific gravity, packing and marking method BDS 946:1980
of tests. L-twill cloth (Reaffirmed 2008)
21 Page Gr-E AF Detail construction and other particulars of liverpool
twill (L-twill) cloth made of jute.
BDS 937:1980
04 Page Gr-A JT
Canned shrimps/prawns
prescribes terminology, style of presentation essential
composition, requirements, drained weight, arsenic, lead, BDS 947:2006
copper, zinc, tin, bacteriological requirements, permitted Heavy cee cloth (First Revision)
Construction and other particulars of heavy cee cloth
additives, packing and marking, method of sampling and
made of jute.
04 Page Gr-A JT
07 Page Gr-B AF
BDS 938:1980 BDS 948:1981
Canned crab meat DW-flour jute bags
Prescribes terminology, requirements, drained weight, Construction and other particulars of DW-flour jute
acid insoluble ash, arsenic, lead, copper, zinc, tin, bags.
bacteriological requirements, packing and marking, 05 Page Gr-A JT
method of tests.
09 Page Gr- B AF BDS 949:2012
Method for Determination of Added oil Content of
BDS 939:2008 Jute Yarn and Fabrics (First Revision)
Rice bran (First Revision) This Standard prescribes a method for determination of
This standard prescribes the requirements and methods added oil content of jute yarn, rove and fabric.
of test for rice bran for use as livestock feed. This procedure is applicable to all types of jute yarns,
04 Page Gr-A AF roves and fabrics, but. does not apply to products
containing petroleum-soluble additives other than oil,
BDS 940:1980 e.g. copper naphthenate.
Form of gunny contract packing allowance 05 Page Gr-A JT
BDS 941:2012 BDS 950:1980

Cotton turkish towels
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1898:2015) BDS 959:1981
04 Page Gr-A JT Raw copper
25 Page Gr-E ET
BDS 951:2012
Cotton bed sheets (First Revision) BDS 960:1981
This Standard prescribes the constructional details and Cathode copper
other particulars of Cotton bed sheets, scoured, bleached, Requirements for cathode copper (chemical
dyed or printed. composition)
07 Page Gr-B JT 07 Page Gr-B ET
BDS 952:1981
Grades on milled rice (First Revision) BDS 961:1981
Prescribes terminology, processing, requirements, Electrolytic tough pitch high conductivity copper
contaminants and methods of sampling and analysis. Requirements for electrolytic tough pitch high
20 Page Gr-D AF conductivity copper.
05 Page Gr-A ET
BDS 953:1981 BDS 962:1981
L-twill bags Fire refined tough pitch high conductivity copper
Detail, construction and other particulars of Liverpool Requirements for fire tough pitch high conductivity
twill (L-twill) bags made of jute. copper.
05 Page Gr-A JT 07 Page Gr-B ET
BDS 954:2016
Methods for Determination of Weight of Jute Fabrics BDS 963:1981
(First Revision) 99.85 percent tough pitch copper
This Standards prescribes methods for determination of Requirements for 99.85 % tough pitch copper.
weight per linear metre and weight per square metre of 05 Page Gr-A ET
jute fabrics
BDS 964:1981
04 page Gr-A JT
99.50 percent tough pitch copper
BDS 955:1981 Requirements for 99.50 % tough pitch copper.
Methods for Determination of Universal Count of 05 Page Gr-A ET
Jute Yarn (Reaffirmed 2011)
This Bangladesh Standard prescribes two methods for BDS 965:1981
determination of universal count of jute yam. It is also 99.75 percent tough pitch copper
applicable to single, plied or cabled yam. Requirements for 99.75 % tough pitch copper.
05 Page Gr-A JT 06 Page Gr-B ET

BDS 956:2013 BDS 966:1981

Cotton mosquito netting, round mesh Phosphorus deoxidized non-arcenical copper
(First Revision) Requirements for phosphorus deoxidized non-arsenical
Detail, construction and other particulars of cotton copper
mosquito netting, round mesh, dyed or grey. 05 Page Gr-A ET
05 page Gr-A JT
BDS 967:1981
Tough pitch arsenical copper
BDS 957:1999
Requirements for tough pitch arsenical copper.
ISO 3932:1976
07 Page Gr-B ET
Textiles — Woven fabrics-Measurement of width of
pieces (First Revision)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 22198:2009) BDS 968:1981
JT Phosphorus deoxidized arsenical copper
BDS 957:1999 Requirements for phosphorus deoxidized arsenical
ISO 3933:1976 copper.
Textiles — Woven fabrics-Measurement of length of 04 Page Gr-A ET
pieces BDS 969:1981
Oxygen free high conductivity copper
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 22198:2009)
Requirements for oxyzen free high conductivity copper.
BDS 958:1981 05 Page Gr-A ET
Method for determination of nep count in cotton
BDS 970:1981
(First Revision)
Method for determination of number of neps present in Oxygen free high conductivity copper for special
cotton at different stage of spining process. application
05 Page Gr-A JT

Requirements for oxyzen free high conductivity copper Leather picking bands for looms
for special applications. Requirements of leather picking bands for looms.
06 Page Gr-B ET 03 Page Gr-A JT

BDS 971:1981 BDS 979:2013

Anti-fouling paint, brushing for ships, bottoms and Woven cotton tapes (First Revision)
hulls, red, chocolated or black, as required Detail construction and other particulars of 21 varieties
Prescribes composition and 2 types depending upon the of woven cotton tapes.
properties, and gives requirements and tests for leaching 06 page Gr-B JT
rate and toxicant availability and other general
characteristics. BDS 980:1981
07 Page Gr-B CH Method for determination of weight per square metre
and weight per linear metre of fabrics
BDS 972:1981 (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 3801:2010)
Anti-corrosive paint, brushing for ships, bottoms and JT
hulls, red chocolate or black, as required BDS 981:2013
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 774:1970) Inland packaging of cotton cloth and yarn (First
07 Page Gr-B CH Revesion)
Requirements of packing of cotton cloth and yarn
BDS 973:1981 intended for overload transport.
Specification and methods of test for linseed stand oil 04 page Gr-A JT
for paints and varnishes
Specifies the requirements and the corresponding BDS 982:2014
methods of test for five types of linseed stand oil suitable Handloom cotton Napkins, bleached, striped,
for use in paints and varnishes. checked or dyed (First Revesion)
05 Page Gr-A CH This standard prescribes constructional details and other
particulars of four varieties of Handloom cotton
BDS 974:1981 napkins, bleached, striped, checked or dyed.
Specification and methods of test for raw tung oils for 06 page Gr-B JT
paints and varnishes
Specifies the requirements, and the corresponding BDS 983:2013
methods of test for two types of tung oil suitable for use Method for determination of breaking load (tensile
in paints. strength) of jute yarn (First Revesion)
06 Page Gr-B CH This standard prescribes a method for determinition of
breaking load (strength) of jute yarn b constant rate of
BDS 975:2000 traverse machine using a single strand yarn as the test
Glass globes for hurricane lantern (First Revision) specimen.
Covers the requirements for two sizes of glass globes for 03 page Gr-A JT
hurricane lanterns
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 646:1968) BDS 984:1981
05 Page Gr-A CH Jute canvas. Part-1, General requirements
(Reaffirmed 2007)
BDS 976:1981 Detail and describes requirements of jute canvas.
Methods for thermal shock tests of laboratory 09 Page Gr-B JT
BDS 985:2007
Specifies general methods of test intended to assess the
Jute canvas, Part-2 Fine 640 g/m2 (First Revision)
resistance of glassware used in laboratories to a shock
Specific requriements of 640 gm/m2 fine jute canvas.
arising from predetermined change in temperature.
03 Page Gr-A JT
05 Page Gr-A CH
BDS 986:2006
BDS 977:1981
Bi-cycle rims (First Revision)
Chrome waxed sole leather
It covers the requirements for four sizes rim materials,
Prescribe requirements for chrome waxed sole leather
shape and dimension, manufacture, finish, typical profile
used for soles of chapplas, sports shoes and for
and method of test etc.
occupational and protective footwear. Besides giving the
11 Page Gr-C ME
guidelines for raw material, tanning, bleaching, waxing
and finish, it includes essential chemical and physical
BDS 987:1981
requirements like total ash, fats and oil, chromium
Sand cast brass screw-down bib taps and stop taps
content, pH, water absorption and crackness of the grain.
for water services
05 Page Gr-A CH
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1507 & BDS 1508)
BDS 978:1981 13 Page Gr-C CE

BDS 988:1981 Prescribes requirements, particle size, (grade) moisture,
Wheat meal bread/brown bread crude protein, crude fat, crude fibre, total ash, packing
Prescribes essential and optional ingredients, and marking, method of sampling
requirements of weight, total solid, pH, acid value, crude 05 Page Gr-A AF
fibre, packing & marking.
13 Page Gr-C AF
BDS 998:1982
BDS 989:1981 Dextrin for textile industry
Code of practice for shrims/prawns Prescribes types, requirements, particle size, moisture,
Prescribes the hygienic conditions for processing, cold water soluble, free acidity, ash content, reducing
handling and storage of fresh and frozen sugar, packing & marking, sampling & methods of test.
shrimps/prawns. 07 Page Gr-B AF
09 Page Gr-B AF
BDS 999:2000
BDS 990:1981 Edible Palm oil (First Revision)
Dextrin for adhesive purpose This standard prescribed the requirements and methods
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 379:1964) of sampling and test for edible Palm oil.
AF 04 Page Gr-A AF
BDS 991:2001
Turmeric powder (First Revision) BDS 1000:2001
Prescribes the requirements of moisture, ash, starch and Toffees (First Revision)
lead. Prescribes essential ingredients, types, requirements,
04 Page Gr-A AF moisture, sulphated ash, acid insoluble ash, reducing
sugars, sucrose, fat, protein, lactose, packing & marking
BDS 992:2015 and method of test.
Turmeric whole (First Revision) 05 Page Gr-A AF
Prescribes the requirements of moisture, extraneous
matter, defective rhizomes, pieces of barious grades. BDS 1001:2010
09 Page Gr-B AF Wafer biscuits (First Revision)
This standard prescribes the essential requirements and
BDS 993:1981
Method for sampling of leather footwear the methods of test for wafer biscuits
Covers, terminology, scale of sampling, method for 06Page Gr-B AF
selecting footwear, criteria for conformity and
classification of defects of leather footwear. BDS 1002:1981
06 Page Gr-B CH Raw natural rubber
Prescribes the minimum quality requirements and the
BDS 994:2012 corresponding methods of test for four grades. The
Metal Polish, liquid (Second Revision) grades are defined by number which indicate their
Prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling maximum dirt content.
and test for the metal polish, liquid, which is suitable for 02 Page Gr-A CH
general application to copper, brass, bronze, zinc, steel
and allied metals. BDS 1003:1981
07 Page Gr-B CH Method for determination of dirt in natural rubber
Specifies a method for the determination of dirt
contained in raw natural rubber. It is not applicable to
dirt present as surface contamination.
BDS 995:1999 03 Page Gr-A CH
Silver polish liquid (First Revision)
Prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling BDS 1004 Part-1:1996
and test for the silver polish, liquid which is suitable for Method of test vulcanized rubber : density
general application to silver, gold, aluminium and Prescribes the methods for determination of density of
electroplated nickel or chrome surfaces. solid vulcanized rubber.
05 Page Gr-A CH Page Tk. CH
BDS 996:1981 BDS 1004 Part-2:1981
High density polyethylene pipes for potable water Methods of testing vulcanized rubber. Determination
supplies of tensile stress-strain properties
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 4427 series) Specifies a method of test in which standard test pieces,
07 Page Gr-B CH either dum-bells or rings, are attached in a tensile testing
machine at a constant rate of traverse of driven grip or
BDS 997:2006 pulbey.
Wheat bran (First Revision) 09 Page Gr-B CH

microbiological requirements and conversion table of
BDS 1004 Part-3:1996 brix, specific gravity, degree baume of sugar solution.
Methods of test for Vulcanized rubbers: 34 Page Gr-G AF
measurement of cut growth of rubber by the use of
the ross flexing Machine BDS 1011:1982
Prescribes the method for determining the resistance of Methods of sampling and test for spices and
rubber to cut growth when subjected to repeated flexing condiments
or bending under specific conditions and for known Covers detail of sampling and methods of test of spices
periods on Ross flexing machine. and condiments.
09 Page Gr-B CH 46 Page Gr-J AF

BDS 1005:1981 BDS 1012:2007

Ready mixed paint, brushing, finishing stoving, List of permitted food additives and their permissible
enamel, colour as required. limits of use
Prescribes methods of sampling and test, composition (First Revision; Amindment-1:2010)
and requirements for consistency, drying time, finish, (Cancels and replaces by BDS CAC 192:2015)
colour, residue on sieve, scratch hardness, flexibility and 05 Page Gr-A AF
adhesion, stripping test, protection against corrosion,
flash point, weight in kg per 10 litres, water content, BDS 1013:1982
spreading capacity, spreading time, wet capacity, Fenitrothion 50 percent (w/w) emulsifible concentrate
keeping properties, etc. The material is intended for Prescribes requirements, cold test, emulsion stability,
painting of metal parts of apparatus, equipment, heat stability, flash point, fenitrothion content, acidity or
machines, etc. alkalinity, moisture content, packing & marking,
03 Page Gr-A CH sampling and method of test.
25 Page Gr-E AF
BDS 1006:1981
Shoe polish, paste (Amendment 1:2006) BDS 1014:2011
Covers requirements and methods of test for shoe polish Diazinon 60 Percent (W/W) Emulsifiable
of wax-solvent paste type. Concentrate (First Revision)
02 Page Gr-A CH
This standard prescribed the requirements and methods
BDS 1007:1981 of sampling test for diazinon 60 percent (w/w)
Methanol (methyl alcohol) emulsifiable concentrate
Specifies requirements and methods of sampling and 26 Page Gr-F AF
20 Page Gr-D CH BDS 1015:1982
Rice bran oil for industrial uses
BDS 1008:1982 Prescribes requirements, moisture and voltile matter,
Castorseed oilcake for fertilizer acid value, unsapoinfiable matter, refractive index,
Prescribes types, requirements, moisture, water iodine value, saponification value, flash point, packing
insoluble, organic nitrogen, total ash, acid insoluble ash, & marking and method of test.
packing & marking, method of sampling and test. 11 Page Gr-C AF
14 Page Gr-D AF
BDS 1016:1982
BDS 1009:1982 Crude palm kernel oil
Methods of sampling for milk and milk products Prescribes grades requirements, moisture and volatile
Covers general and technical requirements, transport of matter, colour, acid value, free fatty acid, unsaponifiable
samples, scale of sampling, sampling of milk and milk matter, refractive index, iodine value, saponification
products, sample containers for milk & cream, sampling value, packing & marking.
of sweetened condensed milk, dried milk, dried milk 06 Page Gr-B AF
products & edible casein, butter oil and anhydrous butter
oil (ghee), cheese, ice cream, water ices, frozen BDS 1017:2001
confections chemical and bacteriological examination. Chilies, whole and ground (First Revision)
34 Page Gr-G AF Prescribes description dimension of whole chillies,
physical requirements, moisture content, total ash, acid
BDS 1010:1982 insoluble ash, crude fibre, non-volatile either extract,
Methods of sampling and test for processed fruits packing & marking.
and vegetables in cans/containers 06 page Gr-B AF
Covers sampling, testing of samples, examination of the
cans/containers, determination of bacuum of the BDS 1018:1982
cans/container head space, drained weight, pH of cut out Adhesive insulating tapes for electrical purposes –
syrup, specific gravity, acidity, sodium chloride, Tapes with cotton textile substrates
calcium, total sugars, arsenic, lead, copper, zinc, tin,

Requirements and the test for adhesive insulating tapes inspection, criteria for conformity, packing and marking
used for insulation purpose in electrical industry on low for Jute Tarpaulin Fabric.
and medium voltage circuits. 09 Page Gr-B JT
07 Page Gr-B ET
BDS 1026:1982
BDS 1019:1982 Jute corn sack cloth
Adhesive insulating tapes for electrical purposes –– Detail construction and other particulars of jute corn
Tapes with PVC substrates sack cloth.
Covers adhesive insulating tapes for electrical purposes 04 Page Gr-A JT
with PVC substrates to be used for holding, binding and
insulating in electrical applications. BDS 1027:2016
17 Page Gr-D ET Cotton yarn dleached/dyed (First Revision)
This standard prescribes linear density (count) of yarn,
BDS 1020:1982 strength of yarn, tenacity in kg per tex of bleached cotton
Classification of insulating materials for electrical yarn, colour fastness of dyed yarn intended for use in
machinery and apparatus power loom for manufacture of toweling cloth.
Covers seven classes of insulating materials generally 08 Page Gr-B JT
used in electrical machinery and apparatus in relation to
their thermal stability in service. BDS 1028:2014
18 Page Gr-D ET Lining Cloth (First Revision)
This standard prescribes the constructional details and
BDS 1021:1982
other particulars of lining cloth. Cotton, Man-made
Type-writing paper
Covers requirements for type-writing paper intended for fibres or Man -made fibres may be blended with cotton.
official correspondence and documentation. 04 Page Gr-A JT
03 Page Gr-A CH
BDS 1029:1982
Cotton lining cloth (warp faced satin) dyed
BDS 1022:1982
Detail construction and other particulars of cotton lining
Perchloroethylene (tetrachloroethylene) technical
Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and cloth (warp faced satin) dyed.
test for perchloroethylene used in dry-cleaning, metal 06 Page Gr-B JT
drying, solvent extraction, etc. It does not cover the
pharmaceutical or food solvent grade material. BDS 1030:1998
12 Page Gr-C CH Stencil paper (First Revision; Amendment 1:2006)
Specifies the requirements, methods of sampling and
BDS 1023:2011 tests for waxless stencil papers used on duplicating
Bangladesh hessian Part III, 213g/m2 and 270 g/m2 at machines.
16 percent contraact regain 08 Page Gr-B CH
(Second Rivision)
BDS 1031:2006
This Standard prescribes constructional details and other
Mild steel (MS) pipe and galvanized iron (GI) pipe
particulars of the following type of Hessian of such
widths as agreed to between the buyer and the seller. (First Revision)
This standard specifies the requirements for butt welded
Type I -- 213gm/m2, 38 31 ( or 7 oz/ 40 9 8 )
and seamless screwed, socketed and plain end Mild Steel
Type II – 270gm g/m2, 47¬ 47 ( or 8.9 oz/ 40 in, 11
Pipes and Galvanized Iron (GI) Pipes
12 )
13 Page Gr-C CE
04 Page Gr-A JT
BDS 1032:1983
BDS 1024:2011
Dimension of pipe threads for gas list tubes and
Bangladesh Hessian Part-4, 245 g/m2 at 16 percent pressure tight screwed fittings
contract regain (First Revision) It specified the basic profiles, design and dimensions,
This standards prescripes constructional details and other tolerances and designation recommended gauge, etc.
particulars of 245g/m2: 3839 (7.25 oz/sq. yd:9 10) 14 Page Gr-C CE
type of Hessian of such widths as agreed to between the
buyer and the seller BDS 1033:1983
06 page Gr-B JT General requirements for the supply of metallurgical
BDS 1025 Part 1-3:2012
Terminology, certificate of compliance, supply,
Jute tarpaulin fabric (First Revision)
independent test etc.
This standard (Part I) covers general requirements
03 Page Gr-A ME
regarding construction, freedom from defects, length,
medium cuts and short pieces, width, contract moisture
BDS 1034
regain, corrected net mass, sampling, testing and
Winding wires

BDS 1034 (Part-1):2006 BDS 1039:2002
Enamelled round Copper winding wires Honey
(First Revision) (Cancels and repleces by BDS CAC 12:2007)
Applies to enemelled round copper winding wires AF
intended to be used for winding of electrical BDS 1040:2006
equipments. Safety matches in boxes (First Revision)
29 Page Gr-F ET Prescribes requirements, appearance, sticks, boxes,
number of sticks, splints match head, defective boxes,
BDS 1034 (Part-2):2006 sticks without head, performance, requirements, safety
Enamelled rectangular copper winding wires ignition, burning quality, wearing stength of friction
(First Revision) surface, damp proofness, packing & test.
Requirements for enemelled rectangular copper winding 13 Page Gr-C AF
wires to be used for windings of electrial equipment
08 Page Gr-B ET BDS 1041:2016
Tamarind Pulp (First Revision)
BDS 1034 (Part-3):2006 This standard prescribes the requirements and the
Enamelled round aluminium winding wires methods of sampling and test for tamarind pulp, obtained
(First Revision) from the mature fruits of Tamarindus indica.
Requirements for enemelled round aluminium winding 09 Page Gr-B AF
wires intended wires to be used for windings of
BDS 1042:1983
electrial equipments.
Code of practice for seasoning of timber
17 Page Gr-D ET
Covers classification of timbers for seasoning,
preliminary treatment and storage, seasoning methods,
BDS 1034 (Part-4):2006
air seasoning and its producers, kiln seasoning, solar
Enamelled rectangular aluminium winding wires
seasoning, inspection, storage and transport of seasoned
(First Revision)
Requirements for enemelled rectangular aluminium
22 Page Gr-E AF
winding wires to be used for windings of electrial
BDS 1043:1983
08 Page Gr-B ET
Gravel aggregates for surface treatment of roads
(including surface dressings)
BDS 1034 (Part-5):2006
(Cancels and replaces by BDS EN 13043:2011)
Test methods (First Revision)
04 Page Gr-A CE
Test methods for round and rectangular, copper and
aluminium enamelled winding wires.
BDS 1044 Part-1:1983
40 Page Gr-H ET
Methods of testing concrete, Methods of sampling
fresh concrete
BDS 1035:1983
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 1920:2008 Series)
Enamelled copper conductors (Polyvinyl) acetal base
09 Page Gr-B CE
with high machanical properties), round wire
(Canceles and repleces by BDS 1034 (Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
BDS 1044 Part-2:1983
Methods of testing concrete, methods of testing of
BDS 1036:2006
fresh concrete
Bare aluminium and aluminium alloy conductors for
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 1920:2008 Series)
overhead power transmission
27 Page Gr-F CE
Applies to aluminium stranded and aluminium alloy
conductors for overhead power transmission purpose.
BDS 1044 Part-3:1983
Cover all common construction having wires of the size
Methods of testing concrete, dimensions, tolerences
in each aluminium and aluminium alloy layer.
and afflicability
10 Page Gr-B ET
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 1920:2008 Series)
BDS 1037:2003
BDS 1044 Part-4:1992
Aluminium conductors, steel-reinforced (ACSR) for
Methods of testing concrete, making and curing of
overhead power transmission (First Revision)
test, specimens for strength test
Applies to aluminium conductors, steel-reinforced for
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 1920:2008 Series)
overhead power transmission purposes.
18 Page Gr-D ET
BDS 1044 Part-5:1992
Methods of testing concrete, making and curing of
BDS 1038:1983
testing, specimens for strength test
Ventilating fans
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 1920:2008 Series)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS IEC 60665)

BDS 1045:1983 Specifies the requirements and the corresponding
Methods of testing concrete 30. p.k. 50.00, Method of methods of test for iron blue pigments for paints.
testing fresh concrete 04 Page Gr-A CH
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 1920:2008 Series)
09 Page Gr-B CE BDS 1055:1983
Ultramarine pigments for paints
BDS 1046:1983 Specifies the requirements and corresponding test
Asbestos cement Products-Corrugated sheets & methods for artificial ultramarine pigments, suitable for
fittings for roofing & cladding use in paints.
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 10904:2016) 04 page Gr-A CH
17 Page Gr-D CE
BDS 1056:1983
BDS 1047:2013 Grease, graphite
Cotton yarn grey (Second Revision) Prescribes requirements and the methods of sampling
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 9:1958) and test for each of the four grades of graphited grease
07 Page Gr-B JT used for general service under comparatively high load,
low speed or low relative displacement of interacting
BDS 1048:2015 surface requiring lubricating.
Flannelettes (First Revision) 04 page Gr-A CH
Detail construction and other particulars of flannelettes
scoured. BDS 1057:1983
04 Page Gr-A JT Chrome retained upper leather
Prescribes requirements for footwear leather uppers.
BDS 1049:2014 commercially known as chrome retained upper leather,
Textiles-Jute sacking- general requirements tanned with basic chromium salts initially followed by
This standard specifies terminlolgy, general ratanage/vegetable and/orsyntans. Besides, giving a
requirements, packing, marking, sampling, inspection general guideline with regard to raw material, tanning
and criteria for conformity of jute sacking fabrics and and finishing, it includes essential chemical and physical
bags. requirements like total ash, free fats oils, chromium, pH,
13 page Gr-C JT water absorption, tensile strength, grain strength, and a
method for assessing the resistance to mould growth.
BDS 1050:1983 04 page Gr-A CH
Hessian sand bags, unproofed and proofed
Requirements for 36 cm x 84 cm hessian sand bags used BDS 1058:1983
as temporary barricades after filling with sand. Methods of testing of strength of paper
07 Page Gr-B JT Specifies the method for determination of tensile
strength and stretch (or elongation) and breaking length
BDS 1051:1983 of paper.
Method for determination of grammage of paper and 05 page Gr-A CH
board.wrapping and packing purposes
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 441 (Part-4):1995) BDS 1059:1983
06 Page Gr-B CH Tracing paper
Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and
BDS 1052:1983 test for natural and treated tracing papers.
Cereal based food for infant and children 04 page Gr-A CH
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for
cereal based food for infant and children. BDS 1060:1983
AF Petrol (gasoline) for motor vehicle
BDS 1053:1983 (Cancels and replaces by BDS 346:2010 and BDS
Wrapping tissue paper 347:2010)
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling CH
and tests for tissue paper used for wrapping and packing BDS 1061:1983
purposes. Red phosphorous
06 Page Gr-B CH Prescribes requirements, methods of sampling and test,
and analysis for red phosphorus, suitable for match
industry, manufacture of fire works and general industral
use. It also covers the additional requirements for
defence purposes.
10 page Gr-B CH
BDS 1054:1983
Iron blue pigments for paints

BDS 1062:1983 BDS 1070:2014
Potassium chlorate, technical Cotton Mulls (Frist Revision)
Prescribes two grades of the material and specifies This standard prescribes the constructional details and
requirements, and methods of test and sampling. other particulars of one variety of bleached cotton mulls.
12 page Gr-C CH If agreed, man made fibres may be blended with cotton,
but their percentage shall not exceed 40.
BDS 1063:1983 04 page Gr-A JT
Litharage BDS 1071:2015
Deals with composition, methods of sampling and test Coverlet (First Revision)
and requirements for the material commercially known This standard prescribes constructional details and other
as litharge intended for the use in the manufacture of requirements of coverlet.
paints and pigments. 04 page Gr-A JT
04 page Gr-A CH
BDS 1072:2012
Jute fabric for fertilizer bag
BDS 1064:1983
(First Revision)
Varnish, stoving
Deals with composition and prescribes methods of This Standard prescribes the constructional details and
sampling and test and requirements for resistance to other particulars of the double warp (DW) jute fabric
white spirit, lubricating oil and water, drying time, used for making bags for packing fertilizer
finish, colour, scratch hardness, flexibility and adhesion, 07 page Gr-B JT
stripping test, flash point, volatile matter, viscosity, acid BDS 1073:2014
value and keeping properties. The materials is used for Laminated jute bags for packing fertilizers (First
the production and decoration of metal surfaces. Revision)
04 page Gr-A CH This standard prescribes constructional details and other
requirements of the laminated jute bags manufactured
BDS 1065:1983 from basic fabric 407 g/m2; 85×39 Jute tarpaulin fabric
Varnish, acid resisting conforming to BDS 1025(Part 2).
Deals with composition and prescribes methods of 05 page Gr-A JT
sampling and test and requirements for resistance to
acid, drying time, finish, colour, scratch hardness, BDS 1074:1983
viscosity, acid value and keeping properties. The Bread rolls
material is used for the protection and decoration of Prescribes essential and other ingredients, types,
metal surfaces. weights, physical characteristics, requirements, total
04 page Gr-A CH solid, pH, acid insoluble ash, crude fibre, packing &
BDS 1066:1983 05 page Gr-A AF
Varnish, finishing, interior
Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and BDS 1075:1983
test. Edible sunflower oil
04 page Gr-A CH (Canceles and replaces by BDS CAC 23:2002)
BDS 1067:1983 BDS 1076:2016
Recommended SI unit for textiles Tamarind Concentrate (First Revision)
It contains a list of SI units recommended for use in the This standard prescribes the requirements and the
textile industry and trade. methods of sampling and test for tamarind concentrate.
05 page Gr-A JT 13 Page Gr-C AF

BDS 1068:1983 BDS 1077:1983

Integrated conversion table for replacing traditional Irradiated foods
yarn number by rounded values in the tex system (Cancels and replaces by BDS CAC 106:2008)
This standard contains conversion factors and table 06 page Gr-B AF
rounding values of English, Metric, Worsted, Linen, Jute
and Denier system compared with tex system. BDS 1078:1983
24 page Gr-E JT Code of practice for the operation of radiation
facilites for the treatment of foods
BDS 1069:1983 Applies to code of practice for the operation of radiation
Conversion factors and conversion tables for yarn facilities for the treatment of foods.
counts 04 page Gr-A AF
(Supersedes BDS 93:1960)
23 page Gr-E JT BDS 1079:1984

Spades Phosphamidon 100 percent m/v water soluble
It specifies requirements of spades for earth cutting and concentrates
digging in agricultural and other sectors, Shapes, Prescribes requirements, phosphamidon, technical
dimension, manufacture, finish, treatment, hardness, content, acidity, solubility, packing & marking, sampling
tests, packing & marking, etc. and methods of test.
04 page Gr-A ME 09 page Gr-B AF
BDS 1080:1984
Pad locks
It covers the padlocks used for locking doors, boxes, BDS 1089:2007
almirah, etc. fitted with sliding bolts, hasps and staples Mosquito coils (Second Revision)
and chain Material, sizes & dimensions, manufacture, Prescribes general characteristics, active ingredients,
workmanship tests etc. biological efficacy, burning characteristics, moisture,
13 page Gr-C ME sampling and method of test, packing and marking.
10 page Gr-B AF
BDS 1081 (Part-1 to 6)
Power transformer BDS 1090:1984
(Canceles and replaces by BDS IEC 60076) Methods of test for plywood
ET Covers the method of density & moisture, resistance to
BDS 1082:1984 dry heat, fire resistance, glue shear strength, adhesion of
Horizontal centrifugal pumps for clear, cold, fresh plies, water resistance, mycological test, tensile strength,
water for agricultural purposes. static bending strength, compressive strength.
This specifies the technical requirements for horizontal (supersedes of BDS 287:1963)
centrufigal pumps for handing clean, cold, fresh, water 24 page Gr-F AF
for agiricultural purpose.
32 page Gr-G ME BDS 1091:1984
Method for determination of seam strength of jute
BDS 1083:2006 fabric including their laminates
Ice cream (First Revision) This standard prescribes a method for determination of
Prescribes physical requirements, composition, seam breaking strength of seams when the load is
requirements of mass in gram, total milk solids, milk fat, applied perpendicularly to the seam using strip method
acidity, sugar/solid ingredients, total colony counts, and grab method.
coliform count, phosphatase test, hygienic requirements, 05 page Gr-A JT
packing & marking and methods of test.(supersedes
BDS 785 : 1970) BDS 1092:1984
30 page Gr-F AF Method for determination of breaking load,
elongation at break and tenacity of yarns
BDS 1084:2015 (Supersedes BDS 595)
Coriander powder (First Revision) (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 2062:2014)
Prescribes description of the material, physical JT
requirements, moisture, total ash, acid insoluble ash, BDS 1093:1984
packing & marking. Methods for sampling cotton fabrics for
04 page Gr-A AF determination of physical characteristics
It specifies the methods for sampling of cotton fabrics
BDS 1085:2015 for physical test, namely, ends, picks, width, length,
Coriander, whole (First Revision) thickness, weight, breaking load and bursting strength.
Prescribes description of the material, physical 07 page Gr-B JT
requirements, grade, moisture content, packing &
marking. BDS 1094:1984
05 page Gr-A AF Methods for sampling of cotton fabrics for chemical
BDS 1086:1984 (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 5089:2008)
Guides for storage of tomatoes JT
Prescribes the method of preserving tomatoes, harvesting BDS 1095:1984
optimum storage conditions. Cotton mosquito netting, square mesh
03 page Gr-A AF Detail construction and other particulars of cotton
mosquito netting, square mesh, bleached or dyed.
BDS 1087:1984 04 page Gr-A JT
Methods of sampling of plywood
Prescribes terminology and sampling method. BDS 1096:2015
04 page Gr-A AF Cotton gaberdine (First Revision)
Detail construction and other particulars of cotton
BDS 1088:1984 gaberdine bleached.

04 page Gr-A JT 03 page Gr-A CH

BDS 1097 Part-1:1984 BDS 1103:1984

Plastic emulsion paint for interior use Ascorbic acid, food grade
Prescribes the requirements, the methods of sampling Prescribes requirements, purity, loss on drying,
and test plastic emulsion paint used for interior sulphated ash, arsenic, lead, specific rotation, pH,
decoration. packing, storage, & marking and methods of test.
05 page Gr-A CH 04 page Gr-A AF
BDS 1104:1984
Sodium, metabisulphite, food grade
Prescribes requirements, purity, thiosulphate, arsenic,
BDS 1097 Part-2:1989 lead, iron, selenium, packing, storage & marking,
Plastic emulsion paint for exterior use method of tests.
Prescribes methods of sampling and test for plastic 04 page Gr-A AF
emulsion paint. The requirements covered are recoating
properties, drying time, consistency, finish, colour, BDS 1105:1984
fastness to light, resistance to alkali, resistance to wet Guide for testing of physical conditions in cold
abrasion and washing, temperature stability, flexibility storage
and capacity. Prescribes definition of the most commonly occuring
09 page Gr-B CH terms in industrial cold storage practices of fruits and
vegetables, method for measuring the physical
BDS 1098:1988 conditions inside cold stores.
Green oxide of chromium for paints 09 page Gr-B AF
Specifies requirements and methods of sampling and test
for green oxide of chromium pigment used in paints and BDS 1106:2001
allied industries. Nooddles (Frist Revision)
12 page Gr-C CH Prescribes description, requirements, moisture, acid
BDS 1099:1984 value, degree of gelatinization, method of sampling and
Aluminium pigments for paints tests.
Specifies requirements and test methods for aluminium 09 page Gr-B AF
pigments suitable for use in i) general purpose,
decorative and protective paints and ii) speciality BDS 1107:2007
finishing paints Packet tea (First Revision)
19 page Gr-D CH (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 3720:2008)
BDS 1100:1984 BDS 1108:1984
Recommendation for the determination of the ink Cast aluminium and aluminium alloys for
absorbancy of paper and board manufacture of utensils
Applies to paper and board to be printed by the ME
lithographic, gravure or letterpress process. BDS 1109:1984
03 page Gr-A CH Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for
manufacture of utensils. Materials, chemical
BDS 1101:1984 composition, mechanical properties
Method for determination of water absorption of 04 page Gr-A ME
paper and board
Specifies method of determining the water absorption BDS 1110:1984
capacity or paper under standard conditions. Wrought aluminium utensils
03 page Gr-A CH Shapes and dimensions, of bati, thala, dish, decchi,
frypan, kettle, badnah, glass, basin, plate, milk can,
BDS 1102 Part-1:1984 screw, mug blati, batta etc.
Fibreboard boxes, Part-1, Corrugated fibre board 13 page Gr-C ME
Prescribes the requirements for corrugated fibreboard BDS 1111:1984
boxes for general packing purposes for the maximum Centrifugally cast (spun) iron pressure pipes for
mass of the contents up to 75 kg. water, gas and sewage
06 page Gr-B CH Specifies manufacture, mechanical tests, dimension of
pipes, sockets and spiget pipes, tolerances coating,
BDS 1102 Part-2:1984 marking etc.
Fibreboard boxes Part 2, Solid fibreboard boxes 06 page Gr-B ME
Prescribes the requirements for solid fibre board boxes
for general packaging purposes, for weight up to 40 kg. BDS 1112:1985

Porcelain insulators for overhead power lines with a 07 page Gr-B JT
nominal voltage greater than 1000 volts
(Canceles and replaces by BDS IEC 60383 (Part 1, 2) BDS 1122:1987
ET Galvanized steel sheets, coils & corrugated sheets
BDS 1113:1985 It specifies steel sheets & coils zinc coated (Reafirmed
Transformers for use on single wire earth return 2007)
distribution systems 25 page Gr-E ME
Covers the requirements for isolating and distribution
transformers for use on single wire earth return BDS 1123:2013
distribution system. Carbonated beverages (Third Revision)
14 page Gr-C ET This standard prescribes the requirements and the
methods of sampling and test for carbonated beverages
BDS 1114:1985 17 page Gr-D AF
Gum arabia or gum acacia
Prescribes identification tests. requirements, loss on
drying, total ash, acid insoluble ash, acid insoluble BDS 1124:1985
matter, starch or dextrin, tannin bearing gum, arsenic, Method for determination of dimensional changes of
lead, heavy metals, method of tests and packing & fabrics
marking. (Canceles and replaces by BDS ISO 7771:2006)
04 page Gr-A AF JT
BDS 1125:2005
BDS 1115:1985 Umbrella Cloth (First Revision)
Marine plywood Covers requirements for materials Detail construction and properties of seven classes of
manufacture and performance of marine plywood umbrella cloth.
suitable for the construction, repair and maintenance of 07 page Gr-B JT
marine and river craft, pontoons and the like. BDS 1126:1985
09 page Gr-B AF Textile for preparation, marking and mesuring of
BDS 1116:1985 (Canceles and replaces by BDS ISO 3759:2006)
Logs for plywood
Prescribes dimensions of logs, quality requirements and JT
marking. BDS 1127:2015
06 page Gr-B AF Determination of Cleanness of Raw Silk (First
BDS 1117:1985 Revision)
Potassium meta bisulphate, food grade This standard prescribes the method to determine the
Prescribes requirements, identification tests, purity, degree of cleanness of Raw silk on the basis of number
matter insoluble in water, thiosulphate, arsenic, lead, of cleanness defects of raw silk.
iron, selenium, packing and marking, methods of test. 07 page Gr-B JT
03 page Gr-A AF BDS 1128 : 1985
Methods for sampling of cotton yarn for
BDS 1118:1985 determination of physical characteristics, namely
Phosphoric acid, food grade skein breaking load and twist
Prescribes requirements, identification tests, purity, Methods of sampling for cotton yarn for determination
nitrates, volatile acid, chloride, sulphate, flouride, of physical characteristics.
arsenic, lead, packing and marking, methods of test. 07 page Gr-B JT
05 page Gr-A AF
BDS 1129:1985
BDS 1119:1985 Methods of fibre sampling for testing
Dichlorvos 100 percent m/v émulsifiable concentrates It specifies several methods for preparing laboratoty
Prescribes requirements, physical description, cold test, samples of fibre for testing.
flash point, emulsion stability, acidity, water content, 14 page Gr-C JT
packing and marking, sampling and method of tests.
21 page Gr-E AF BDS 1130:1985
Dimensions of flyer Bobbins and screws
BDS 1120:1985 (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 344:2007)
Size designation of cloths 14 page Gr-C JT
(Canceles and replaces by BDS ISO 3635:2006)
JT BDS 1131:1985
BDS 1121:1985 Three phase squirrel cage induction motors for
Methods of testing viscose rayon staple fibres centrifugal pumps for agricultural application
This standard prescribes methods for determining the Covers 2, 4 & 6 pole squirrel cage three phase induction
following characteristics of viscose rayon staple fibres. motors for centrifugal pumps for agricultural application

for voltages up to and including 650 V and having 11 kv and having winding with class A, class B and E
output up to and including 5 kW. insulation.
24 page Gr-E ET 36 page Gr-H ET
BDS 1132 BDS 1140:1986
Lamp caps and holders Standard colors for PVC insulation for low frequency
BDS 1132 (Part-1):1985 cables and wires
Part-1 Lamp caps (Cancels and replaces by BDS 1876:2013)
Dimentional requirements of bayonet caps, bayonet ET
automobile caps, caps for fluorescent and sodium lamps. BDS 1141:1986
22 page Gr-E ET Ready mixed aluminium priming paints for wood
BDS 1132 (Part-2):1985 Specifies two types of ready mixed aluminium paints,
Lamp holders for application either to soft wood of woods treated with
Appropriate data sheets, the dimensions for lamp holders metallic naphthenates with brush.
for use with the appropriate lamp caps. 04 page Gr-A CH
11 page Gr-C ET
BDS 1142:2006
Woven cotton apparel fabric (First Revision)
BDS 1133:1985 Performance and requirements of woven cotton apparel
Guide for storage of mangoes fabric.
Prescribes botanical and common names of mango, 05 page Gr-A JT
harvesting, physical & chemical characteristics for
different varieties of mangoes, quality characteristics of BDS 1143:1986
storage, methods of storage, optimum conditions for Size designation of clotchs, women’s and girls under
storage. wear, nightwear, foundation and shirt
03 page Gr-A AF (Canceles and replaces by BDS ISO 4416:2006)
BDS 1134:1985
BDS 1144:1986
Veneered wood boards for packing cases
Dimensions of flange mounted ac induction motors
Prescribes termionlogy, grades, materials, manufacture,
Covers the dimensional requirements for horizontal shaft
workmanship and finish, dimensions and tolerances,
flange mounted screen protected and/or drip-proff or
sampling, tests, and marking.
totally enclosed fan cooled ac squirrel cage industrial
06 page Gr-B AF
motors of frame size from 90 mm to 280 mm intended
for general purpose application.
BDS 1135:1984
11 page Gr-C ET
Cereal-based food for infant and children
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 74)
BDS 1145:1986
09 page Gr-B AF
Diemension of vertical shaft motors for pumps
Covers the dimensional requirements of vertical solid
BDS 1136:1986 (Reaffirmed 2007)
and hollow shaft motors mainly for driving pumps.
Protective helmets for scooter and motor cycle riders
04 page Gr-A ET
Specifies materials, construction, workmanship, finish,
weight performance etc.
09 page Gr-B AF

BDS 1137:2013
Grey cotton yarn for hosiery (First Revision) BDS 1146:1986
Requirements of grey cotton yarn used in hosiery. Latches and locks for doors in buildings
09 page Gr-B JT It covers the dimensions, performance requirements,
methods of test etc.
BDS 1138:2005 25 page Gr-E ME
Glossary of terms relating to hosiery
(Fisrt Revision) BDS 1147:2006
Definitions of terms commonly used in the hosiery Matkal Hand Spun silk fabric (First Revision)
industry and trade. Detail construction and other particulars of seven
45 page Gr-I JT varieties of matka silk fabric woven on handloom.
05 page Gr-A JT
BDS 1139:1986
Three-phase induction motors (Amendement 1:2006) BDS 1148:2011
Covers ratings, technical requirements, characteristics of Polyester blend shirting (market varieties)
three- phase induction motors for voltage up to including (Second Revision)

Prescribes the requirements for polyester blend shirting thickness, mass, warpage, moisture regain and the beam
manufactured out of any combination of polyester strength on the basis of which the ten varities are graded,
blended or filament yarns in warp and weft directions sampling plan is also included.
having polyester constituent of at least 48 percent and 06 page Gr-B CH
maximum 80 percent of the total.
07 page Gr-B JT BDS 1157:1986
BDS 1149:2015 Prescribes definitions, classification & grading, packing
Method of Grading of Raw Silk (First Revision) & marking, sampling and test method, requirements of
This standard prescribes method of grading of raw silk. purity, foreign matter, wed seeds, cracked kernels, other
12 page Gr-C JT varieties, immature, demaged and fermented kernels and
BDS 1150:1986 03 page Gr-A AF
Grading of continuous filament viscose rayon yarn
Method of grading continuous filament viscose rayon BDS 1158:1986
yarn and acetate yarn. Veneered decorative plywood
30 page Gr-F JT Prescribes terminology, grades, materials, list of species
of timber, manufacture, requirements, sampling and
BDS 1151:1986 marking.
Pavement marking paints 06 page Gr-B AF
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 499:1965)
25 page Gr-E CH BDS 1159:1986
Packaging of plywood, particle board, hard board
BDS 1152:1986 and flash door.
Paper for match boxes Prescribes terminology, covers the requirements of
Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and crates type of timber, size of frame sections and
test. Essential characteristics for which requirements battens/struts and the mode of assembly of the same for
have been spcified include substance, tear factors, packaging the intended materials.
breaking length and cob test. 11 page Gr-C AF
02 page Gr-A CH
BDS 1160:1987
BDS 1153 : 1986 Wrought aluminium solid conductor for electrical
Base paper for carbon paper purpose for insulated cables.
Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and Requirements for circular solid and 2, 3 and 4 core
test. shaped solid conductors in a range of standard sizes from
05 page Gr-A CH 16 mm2 upto and including 300 mm2.
07 page Gr-B ET
BDS 1154:1986
Backing sheet for stencil BDS 1161:1987
Prescribes requirements and methods of test Wrought aluminium strip with drawn or rolled edges
The essential characteristics for which requirements for electrical purpose
have been specified include burst factor, substances, Requirements for aluminium strip with drawn or rolled
folding endurance, bresking length and cob test. edges for electrical purpose including chemical
02 page Gr-A CH composition, mechanical properties and electrical
05 page Gr-A ET
BDS 1155:1986
Millboard, greyboard and strawboard BDS 1162:2014
Prescribes requirements for two grades of millboard and Specification for Sanitary Ware Appliances
strawboard and one grade of greyboard. Essential (Third Revision)
characteristics include moisture content, breaking This standard covers the general requirements for
strength, burst factor, stiffness, pH value, ash percent, materials of manufacture, methods of test, inspection and
cupping test, water soluble chlorides and sulphates, fatty marking of all vitreous china and sanitary ware clay
and similar acids, and matter soluble in ether. appliances.
09 page Gr-B CH 07 page Gr-B CE

BDS 1156:1986 BDS 1163 Part-1:1987

Cardboard tubes used as cores for jute industry Vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china) General
Cardboard tubes used as cores for jute industry requirements
recommends paper of cardboard for the manufacture of It covers the general requirements for materials,
ten varieties of tubes and provides requirements and manufacture, methods of test, inspection & working of
methods of test for their internal diameter, wall all vitreous sanitary appliances.

13 page Gr-C CE 04 page Gr-A AF

BDS 1163 Part-2:1987 BDS 1169:1987

Vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china) Sliver cans used in textile mills
Specific requirements for water closets. (Canceles and replaces by BDS ISO 93-1:2006 & BDS
It specifies the requirements for manufacture and ISO 93-2:2006)
construction, performance, dimensions and tolerances, JT
finish & marking for water closets made of vitreous BDS 1170:1991
china. Defination of size of weaving preparatory machines
04 page Gr-A CE and looms
(Canceles and replaces by BDS ISO 142:2006)
BDS 1163 Part-3:1987 JT
Vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china) BDS 1171:2015
Specific requirements of urinals. Determination of Scouring
It specifies the patterns, sizes construction, dimensions Loss (Degumming) in Silk textile materials
and tolerances and finish of bowl type urinals made of (First Revision)
vitreous china. This standard prescribes a method for determining the
03 page Gr-A CE scouring loss in silk textile materials.
03 page Gr-A JT
BDS 1163 Part-4:1987
Vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china) BDS 1172:1991
Specific requirements of foot rests. Shuttles for jute broad looms (First Revision)
It covers the requirements for materials, manufacture & This standard prescribes requirements of shuttles for use
constructin, dimensions & tolerances, tests, finish & in over pick broad loom of RS 53 cm (or 135 in) to 86.6
marking of integrated pans made of vitreous china. cm( or 220 in ) used for weaving Jute cloth. Shuttles
03 page Gr-A CE conforming to this standard are suitable for use with full
cops of the following sizes.
06 page Gr-B JT

BDS 1163 Part-5:1987

Vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china) specific BDS 1173:1987
requirements of integrated squatting pans (long pans) Glossary of terms relating to jute products
04 page Gr-A CE This standard prescribes definitions of terms commonly
used in the jute industry and trade.
BDS 1164:1987 20 page Gr-D JT
Orange juice BDS 1174:2000
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 513) Specification and method of test for brightness of jute
09 page Gr-B AF goods (First Revision; Reaffirmed, 2012)
BDS 1165:1987 This Bangladesh standard prescribes the details of
Tragacanth gum brightness and other particulars of jute goods.
Prescribes identification tests, requirements, loss on 03 page Gr-A JT
drying, total ash, acid insoluble ash, arsenic, heavy
metals, bacterial count, E. coli, packing & marking. BDS 1175:2011
03 page Gr-A AF Polyester blend suiting (Second Revision)
This Standard prescribes the requirements for polyester
BDS 1166:2015 blend suiting with a minimum mass of 175g/m2
Dehydrated onion (First Revision) manufactured form a combination of polyester spun or
Gives terminology, prescribes physical requirements,, filament yarns in warp and weft directions having a
chemical requirements of moisture, total ash, acid minimum polyester content of 48 percent of the total
insoluble ash, packing & marking. 07 page Gr-B JT
06 page Gr-B AF BDS 1176:1987
Colour fastness requirements of synthetic fabrics and
BDS 1167:2016 their blends with cotton and wool
Dehydrated Garlic (First Revision) (Cancels and replaces by BDS 1758:2006.)
This standard prescribes the requirements and the 06 page Gr-B JT
methods of sampling and test for dehydrated garlic
07 page Gr-B AF BDS 1177 (Part-1):2013
Plain knitted cotton fabric (First Revision)
BDS 1168:2002 Requirements of plain knitted cotton fabric grey, scoured
Wheat flour for use by biscuit industry or bleached knitted in circular machine.
(First Revision) 07 page Gr-B JT
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 597:1966)

BDS 1177 (Part-2):2013 Prescribes requirements for waxed paper ntended for
Plain knitted cotton Vests (First Revision) packaging condfectionery and allied materials. As
Requirements of grey, scoured or bleached plain knitted compared to waxed paper for general pakaging, the
cotton vest of round or V-neck and with or without standard covers more stringent requirements and an
sleeves. additional requirement of tear strength.
08 page Gr-B JT 03 page Gr-A CH

BDS 1178:1987 BDS 1186:1987

Warpers beam Method for dete Srmination of brusting strength of
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 8116-2:2008 and paper
BDS ISO 8116-4:2008) (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 2758:2011)
03 page Gr-A JT 09 page Gr-B CH

BDS 1179:2001 BDS 1187:1988

Malathion 57 percent (w/v) emulsifiable concentrates Methods of determination of resistivity of metallic
(First Revision) electrical conductor materials
Prescribes requirements, cold test, flash point, water Describes a reference method and a routine method for
content, emulsion stability, high temperature storage determining the electrical resistance and resistivity of
stability, malathion content, acidity, alkalinity, specific specimens of metallic electrical conductor materials.
gravity, packing & marking, sampling and method of 11 page Gr-C ET
13 page Gr-C AF BDS 1188:1988
Tensile testing of non-ferrous metals
BDS 1180:2016 It specifies the dimensions of standard test pieces of non-
Chhana (First Revision) ferrous metal and standard methods of tensile testing.
This standard prescribes the requirements and the 12 page Gr-C ME
methods of sampling and test for CHHANA.
10 page Gr-B AF BDS 1189:1988
BDS 1181:2015 Pectin
Jute Batching Oil (First Revision) Prescribes terminology, identification tests, galacturonic
This standard prescribes the requirements and the acid, acetyl group, loss on drying, acid insoluble ash,
methods of sampling and test for jute batching oil. sulphur dioxide, lead, copper, bacterial count, E. coli,
16 page Gr-D CH packing & marking, methods of test.
05 page Gr-A AF
BDS 1182:2003
Liquefied petroleum gas (First Revision) BDS 1190:1988
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling Wooden furniture for office
and test for all types of liquefied pertoleum gases (Cancels and replaces by BDS 451:1964 and BDS
commercially marked for household commercial and 562:1965)
industrial applications but not for the automotive use. 17 page Gr-D AF
03 page Gr-A CH
BDS 1191:1988
BDS 1183:1987 Wooden furniture for school
Base paper for waxed paper Specifies dimensions, requirements, description of table,
Prescribes two grades of base paper for waxed chair, bench, almirah, black board, notice board,
paper.Essential characteristics for which requirements furniture for students boarding and furniture for students
have been specified include finish, substance, burst dining.
factor, tear factor, pH, wax absorptiveness, etc. Test 13 page Gr-C AF
method for determining the wax absorptiveness has also
been included. BDS 1192 (Part-1):2014
04 page Gr-A CH Interlock knitted cotton fabric (First Revision)
BDS 1184:1987 Requirement of interlock knitted cotton fabric grey,
Waxed paper for general packaging scoured, bleached or dyed, knitted on circular machine.
Prescribes four types of waxed paper used for general 06 page Gr-B JT
packaging. Characteristics for which requirements have
been specified include substance, wax coating content,
burst factor, water vabour permeability and blocking BDS 1192 (Part-2):2014
resistance. Interlock knitted cotton vest (First Revison)
03 page Gr-A CH Requirements of grey, scoured, bleached or dyed
interlock knitted cotton vests of round or V-neck.
BDS 1185:1987 08 page Gr-B JT
Waxed paper for confectionery

BDS 1193:1988 Requirements for colour fastness of cotton fabrics
Woven polyester/cellulosic blended apparel fabric (Cancels and replaces by BDS 1758:2006
Specifies requirement for woven polyester/cellulosic JT
blend apparel fabric.
03 page Gr-A JT BDS 1202:1988
Requirements for colour fastness of handloom cotton
BDS 1194:1988 textiles
Terminal markings and direction of rotation for (Cancels and replaces by BDS 1758:2006)
rotating electrical machinery JT
Determines terminal markings, direction of rotation and BDS 1203 (Part-1):1988
relation between terminal markings and direction of Test on electric cables under fire conditions- Part-1
rotation for ac machines without commutator and dc Method of tests on a single vertical insulated wire or
machines with commutator. cable
11 page Gr-C ET Method of tests on a single vertical insulated wire or
cable and the requirement for compliance.
BDS 1195:1988 05 page Gr-A ET
Designation of method of cooling of rotating electrical
machinery BDS 1203 (Part-3):1990
Gives s simplified code for a few currently used types of Test on electric cables under fire condition - Method
machinary. Defines and classifies methods of circulation for classification of flame propagation characteristics
of coolants. Gives symbols and short definitions for any of bunched cables
method in current use. Describes a method for the classification of the flame
09 page Gr-B ET propagation characteristics of a bunch of cables.
14 page Gr-C ET
BDS 1196:1988
Dimensions of three-phase foot mounted induction BDS 1204:1988
motors Mustard and rapeseed
Specifies the fixing dimensions for foot mounted three- Prescribes grades and types of seed, requirements,
phase, 50 cycle, ac squirrel cage motor for general foreign matter, moisture, free fatty acid, urocic acid,
purpose application and having screen protected or allylisothiocyanate, amount of oil. packing & marking,
driproof or both of toatlly enclosed construction. methods of test.
08 page Gr-B ET 06 page Gr-B AF

BDS 1197:1988 BDS 1205:2013

Gas mantles (Reaffirmed 2007) Curry powder (Second Revision)
It covers the requirements for 100, 200, 300, 350, 400 Prescribes requirements, moisture, volatile oil, non
candela gas mantles for oil pressure lenterns and it does volatile ether extract, acid insoluble ash, crude fibre, salt,
not include hard mantles for low pressure gas lanterns. lead, packing & marking and test of spices and
03 page Gr-A ME condiments.
09 page Gr-B AF
BDS 1198:1988
Wooden head form for testing of helmets BDS 1206:1988
It covers regarding sizes & dimensions, construction, 2, 4-d Sodium salt, technical
etc. Prescribes requirements, active ingredients, acid content.
03 page Gr-A ME equivalent weight of the acid, melting point, loss on
drying, packing & marking, sampling and method of
BDS 1199:2005 tests.
Rubber flat transmission belting of textile 06 page Gr-B AF
construction for general use (First Revision)
Requirements for materials and construction of rubber BDS 1207:2014
flat transmission belting of cotton textile, constructin Handloom Absorbent lint cloth (First Revesion)
having no distinct rubber cover. This standard prescribes the constructional details and
17 page Gr-D JT other particulars of cotton lint absorbent, bleached,
BDS 1200 (Part-1):2005 woven on handlooms used as an external absorbent and
Rubber conveyor and elevator belting of ply protective dressing and for the application of ointments
construction Part 1: for general use (First Revision) and lotion.
Basic requirements in materials and construction for 06 page Gr-B JT
rubber and fabric ply felting designed for use on flat or
troughed idlers.
23 page Gr-E JT BDS 1208:1989
Shuttle for hessian and sacking looms (Reaffirmed
BDS 1201:1988 2005)

Shape and dimensions, materials, shuttle accessories and sieve, oil absorption, colour, matter soluble in water,
mass of the shuttle for use on jute hessian and sacking acidity and alkalinity.
looms. 05 page Gr-A CH
03 page Gr-A JT
BDS 1216:2012
BDS 1209:2014 Specification for tooth-paste
High speed jute bobbins (First Revesion) (Second Revision)
This standard prescribes dimensions and tolerances in This standard prescribes the requirements and the
respect of three sizes of high speed jute bobbins for use methods of sampling and test for toothpaste.
on jute spinning frames. Bobbins conforming to this 27 page Gr-F CH
standard are suitable for use on jute spinning frames
having a pitch of 139.7mm, 120.65mm and 108 mm. BDS 1217:1989
06 page Gr-B JT Fixed capacitors for fans
Covers the basic mechanical and electrical requirements
BDS 1210:1989 and method of tests for capacitors. It also gives the
Pitch-bound wire reeds for jute loom dimensions and capacitance up to 4 mF.
Dimensions and other requirements of pitch-bound wire 11 page Gr-C ET
reeds, used in jute loom.
03 page Gr-A JT BDS 1218 :1989
Accessories for use in shuttles for jute looms
BDS 1211:1989 Prescribes requirements of accessories, such as offset
Loom pickers typs, cover, coverlock, drag spring, pin and bristles.
Tolerances on dimension and mass and requirements for 03 page Gr-A JT
workmanship, etc of loom pickers.
03 page Gr-A JT BDS 1219:1989
Picking sticks (arms) for overpick jute looms
BDS 1212:1989 It prescribes materials, shape and dimensions of the
Recommendations on shape and dimensions of jute picking sticks (arms) for overpick jute looms.
loom pickers 02 page Gr-A JT
Recommended shape and dimensions of pickers for both BDS 1220:2009
narrow and broad jute loom. Handloom cotton gauze, absorbent, non-sterilized
05 page Gr-A JT (First Revision)
Detail construction and other particulars of bleached and
BDS 1213 (Part 1):2016 unmedicated non-sterilized cotton gauze made on
Spool Centres (Cylindrical and Conical ) for Jute handloom used for packing absorbent purpose during
Spool Winding Machines (First Revision) surgical operation.
This standard prescribes the requirements of 13 types of 05 page Gr-A JT
cylindrical and 11 types of conical spool centres for use
BDS 1221:2011
in different types of jute spool winding machines.
Industrial sewing threads made wholly or partly
05 page Gr-A JT from synthetic fibres (Third Revision)
This Bangladesh Standard specifies requirements and
BDS 1213 (Part 2):2016
Spool centres (cylindrical and conical ) for Jute method of test for industrial sewing threads made wholly
precision winding machines or partly from synthetic fibres.
This standard prescribes the requirements of cylindrical 19 page Gr-D JT
and conical spool centres for use in different types of BDS 1222:2012
jute precision winding machines. Method for Conditioning of Textiles (First Revision)
07 Page Gr-B JT This standard prescribes a procedure for conditioning of
all textile materials.
BDS 1214:2016 07 page Gr-B JT
Card and Gill Pins for Use in Jute Industry-
BDS 1223:2015
Specification (First Revision)
Visual and Tactual Examination of Raw silk
This standard specifies the requirements for the
(First Revision)
characteristics of card and gill pins for use in the Jute
Industry. This standard prescribes the method to inspect visually
and by hand the general finish and characteristic nature
06 Page Gr-B JT
of a lot of raw silk.
04 Page Gr-A JT
BDS 1215:1989
Kaolin for paints
BDS 1224:1989
Deals with composition and prescribes methods of 2, 4-D Sodium salt (water soluble powder)
sampling and test and requirements for form and
condition, lead-free material, volatile matter, residue on

Prescribes requirements, active ingredients, extractble 02 page Gr-A JT
acid, equivalent weight of extractable acid, impurities,
free phenols, materials insoluble in water, rate of BDS 1233:2013
soluble, packing and marking, method of tests. Nylon socks (Second Revision)
02 page Gr-A CH Description and requirements of the seamless socks,
knitted in plain, rib of fancy stitches.
BDS 1225:2002 08 page Gr-B JT
Wheat flour for use in bread industry
(First Revision) BDS 1234:1989
Prescribes requirements, moisture, protein, gluten, total Cotton socks (Reaffirmed 2006)
ash, acid insoluble ash, alcoholic acidity, water Detail construction and other particulars of seamless
absorption, maltose, granularity, sedimentation value, cotton socks knitted or rib stitches.
uric acid, titratable acidity, packing & marking and 08 page Gr-B JT
methods of test.
05 page Gr-A AF BDS 1235:1989
General and Safety requirements for household and
BDS 1226:2015 similar electrical appliances
Custard powder (First Revision) (Cancels and replaces by BDS IEC 60335)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 628:1967) ET
BDS 1227:1989 BDS 1236:2001
New insulating oil Iodized salt (First Revision; Amendment 1, 2007)
Prescribes the requirements of new insulating oil or Prescribes requirements, moisture, particle size, water
petroleum origin suitable for use as an insulating and insoluble matter, chloride content, matter soluble in
heat transfer medium and are quenching medium for water other than sodium chloride, pH, iodine content,
power and distribution electrical apparatus, such as arsenic, copper, lead, cadmium, mercury, packing and
transformer, switchgear; capacitors and allied marking, methods of test.
equipments. The oils are low viscosity type completely 07 page Gr-B AF
free from additives.
22 page Gr-E ET BDS 1237:1989
BDS 1228:1989 Grades of wheat
Dry battery type buzzers Prescribes terminology, grade, classification of wheat
Applicable to dry battery type buzzers, which can emit (International and Bangladesh), requirements, protein,
signal sound by means of the electro-magnetically test weight, moisture, heat damaged, damaged classes,
excited diaphrame. It does not apply to those buzzers other classes of wheat, packing & marking and methods
which are operated both ac and dc. of analysis.
05 page Gr-A ET 06 page Gr-A AF

BDS 1229:1989 BDS 1238:1989

Cotton huckaback towels Cheddar cheese
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1898:2015) Prescribes requirements, moisture, salt, fat content,
JT method of manufacture, packing & marking.
BDS 1230:2015 03 page Gr-A AF
Determination of Conditioned size
(Linear Density) of Raw silk (First Revision) BDS 1239:1989
This standard prescribes a method for determining the White potato starch
average conditioned size (linear density) of Raw silk. Prescribes microscopic appearance, particle size,
03 Page Gr-A JT requirements, moisture, total ash, pH, crude fibre, total
bacterial count, E. Coli, packing and marking.
03 page Gr-B AF
BDS 1231:2015
Determination of Conducting Winding Test of Raw BDS 1240:2001
Silk (First Revision) Drinking water (First Revision)
This standard prescribes the method of test to determine Prescribes biological and virological examination,
the number of times the raw silk will break during a requirements, of colour, odour, taste, turbidity, dissolved
certain period of winding it on the bobbins off the skeins solids, pH, total hardness, calcium, copper, iron,
and the feasibility of skeins for the winding operation. manganese, chloride, sulphate, flouride, phenolic
06 Page Gr-B JT compound, zinc, aluminium, limits for toxic substances,
lead, arsenic, selenium, chromium, cyanides, cadmium,
BDS 1232:1989 nitrates, barium, list of microscopic organisms.
Bobbin carrier for jute spinning frame 09 page Gr-B AF
Requirements of bobbin carrier for jute spinning frame.

BDS 1241:2017 Acid resistant bricks
Shaving cream It specifies the requirements for acid-resistant bricks,
(First Revision; Amendment 1,2:2006) dimensions, tolerances, test etc.
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling 08 page Gr-B CE
and test for shaving creams covering both the lather and
brushless types. BDS 1250:1990
06 page Gr-B CH Burnt clay facing bricks
It specifies the dimensions, quality & strength of burnt
BDS 1242:1989 clay facing bricks used in building & other structure,
Rectified sprit physical requirements etc.
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling 03 page Gr-A CE
and test.
25 page Gr-E CH BDS 1251:2002
PVC insulation and sheath of electrical cables
BDS 1243:1989 (First Revision)
Carbon papers, handwriting Physical requirements and test methods for the types of
Prescrbies requirements regarding base paper, substance, PVC insulation and sheath for electric cables.
coating, durability and manifolding. Also includes 09 page Gr-B ET
description and requirements regarding carbon work and
resistance of curling. Methods of sampling and tests are BDS 1252:2016
also given. Pabna type semi-automatic handloom (First Revision)
03 page Gr-A CH This Standard prescribes the requirements of the bare
machine under the name and style of Semi-automatic
BDS 1244:1989 Handloom being extensively used in Bangladesh for the
Silvered glass mirror for general purposes purpose of conversion of yarn into fabric irrespective of
Prescribes requirements and the methods of sampling the origin, class and creed of fibre and also the quality,
and test. nomenclature or resultant composition of fabric woven
06 page Gr-B CH there at.
05 page Gr-A JT
BDS 1245:1990
Electric axila flow fan BDS 1253:1990
It covers performance and efficiency of requirements Methods for calibration and grading of extensometer
and tests to verify axial flow fans having impellers for testing of metals
directly coupled to the shaft of AC electric motor. 19 Page Gr-D ME
Terminology, symbols and units, design and general
construction, speed regulations. BDS 1254:1990
14 page Gr-C ME Methods of sampling of liquid dielectrics
Describes the procedures to be followed for sampling
BDS 1246:1990 new liquid dielectrics in their delivery containers, as well
Forged/rolled CTC segments as insulating liquids in service in electrical equipments.
CTC segments are used in CTC machines. (Crush tear It also applies to liquid dielectrics whose viscosity at the
and curl). It is to guide the manufacturers of CTC sampling temperature is less than 1500 centi stocks.
machine and the estate managers. Materials, chemical 14 Page Gr-C ET
composition, mechanical properties, tests, packing,
marking etc. BDS 1255:1990
03 page Gr-A ME Synthetic syrup
Prescribes terminology, additives, preservatives, total
BDS 1247:1990 soluble solids content, organoleptic test, limits of
General purpose lathes (preferred sizes) poisonous metals as arsenic, lead, copper, zinc & tin,
It lays down series for seing dia over bed, over carriage, packing & marking.
and distances between centres. 05 page Gr-A AF
02 page Gr-A ME
BDS 1256:1990
BDS 1248:1989 Classification of commercial timber
Ceramic unglazed vitreous acid resistant tiles Details the distribution of common commercial timbers
It covers the requirements for ceramic unglazed vitreous of Bangladesh classified according to their various uses
acid resistant tiles used in laying of floors & lining of and gives information on some of their important
tanks subjected to corrosive conditions. Manufacture, properties.
Finish, Tests etc. 11 page Gr-C AF
05 page Gr-A CE
BDS 1257:2013
BDS 1249:1989 Faller bars (First Revision)

Requirements of faller bars for use in drawing frames in Non metal Helmate for firemen & civil defence
jute mills. personnel
05 page Gr-A JT It lays down the requirements regarding materials,
construction, workmanship & finish, weight &
performance of helmets, for the firemen & civil defence
BDS 1258:2013 personnel.
Faller screws for jute drawing frames (First Revision) 12 page Gr-C CE
Requirements of faller screws for use in drawing frames
in jute mills. BDS 1267:1990
03 page Gr-A JT Duplicating ink for single drum rotary machine
Prescrbes requirements and methods of sampling and
BDS 1259:1990 test.
Spindle for jute cop winding machine 09 page Gr-B CH
Requirements of spindle for cop winding machine in jute
mill. BDS 1268:1990
03 page Gr-A JT Determination of water by karl fischer method
prescribes determination of free water or water of
BDS 1260:2016 crystalization or moisture in most solid or liquid
Absorbent Cotton (Second Revision) chemical products, both organic or inorganic.
This specification prescribes the requirements and 09 Page Gr-B CH
methods of test for absorbent cotton.
17 Page Gr-D JT BDS 1269:2014
Shampoo surfactant based (Second Revision)
BDS1261:2016 Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and
Sanitary Towels/Napkins (First Revision) test.
This Bangladesh Standard specifies the requirements and 17 Page Gr-D CH
test methods for sanitary towels. This standard does not
apply to serviettes, refreshing towels and napkins, and BDS 1270:1990
panty liners. Strong room door
13 Page Gr-C JT This standard lays down the requirements regarding
BDS 1262:1990 materials and details of constructions which affords a
Clay flooring tiles degree of protection against burglarious attack. it also
It specifies the requirements for dimensions, quality & covers sizes & dimensions, locking mechanism door
strength for caly flooring tiles & differnt types of tests. fittings, finish, marking etc.
05 page Gr-A CE 07 Page Gr-B ME

BDS 1263:1990 BDS 1271:1990

Burnt Clay hollow bricks for walls & partitions Safes
It covers the dimensions, quality & strength for hollow This standard covers sizes, and dimensions, construction
bricks made from burnt clay & having perforations and workmanship, security requirements, materials,
through & at right angle to the bearing surface tests. chemical composition etc.
07 Page Gr-B CE 15 Page Gr-C ME

BDS 1264:1990 BDS 1272:1990

Glossary of terms relating to structural clay products Safes deposit locker
It covers the definition of common terms applicable to This standard covers types, sizes, materials, design &
structural clay products, used in building & civil manufacture, workmanship and finish, packing, marking
engineering works. etc.
03 Page Gr-A CE 07 Page Gr-B ME

BDS 1265:1990 BDS 1273:1990

Industrial safety helmet Vault door
It specifies the requirements regarding material, This standard covers sizes & dimensions of the
construction workmanship & finish & performance component parts, construction and general requirements,
requirements of helmets intended to provide protection locking machanism, packing, marking etc.
against falling objects & other hazards. 11 page Gr-C ME
11 Page Gr-C CE
BDS 1274:1990
Overall internal heights for lathe tool posts
It covers dimensions, tolerances, heights for lathe tool
BDS 1266:1990 posts with reference to the horizontal axis of the lathe for
various heights of the tool shanks.

02 page Gr-A ME Bicycle free wheel
It specifies the requirements for standard sizes (22² and
BDS 1275:1990 24²) of bicycles only. It covers materials, dimensions,
Carbide tips for brazing on Turning Tools workmanship, finish, packing, marking etc.
This standard lays down the types and dimensions of 03 page Gr-A ME
carbide tips for turning tools included to be fixed on the
shanks of tools by brazing. BDS 1283:1990
02 page Gr-B ME Bicycle front Forks
It specifies the requirements for standard sizes (22² and
BDS 1276:1990 24²) of bicycles only. It covers materials, dimensions,
Turning tools with carbide tips-External Tools manufacture and finish, test method, packing, marking
This standard specifies types and dimensions of turning etc.
tools with carbide tips (external tools). It also gives ME
definition of right hand and left hand tools.
ME BDS 1284:1990
BDS 1277:2011 Bicycle hub assemblies
Methods of sampling cosmetics (First Revision) It specifies the requirements for front and rear hub
This standard prescribes methods of sampling cosmetics. assemplies suitable for fitting in popular sizes of bicycle
It does not include the sampling procedure of toilet used in the country. It covers materials, dimensions,
soaps. Methods of sampling and test for soaps are finish, tests etc.
covered under 05 page Gr-A ME
(BDS 12:1991; Reaffirmed 2014).
12 page Gr-C CH BDS 1285:1990
By-cycle cranks and chain wheel
BDS 1278:1990 It specifies the requirements for cranks and chain wheels
Method of determination of the electrical strength of suitable for two standard sizes (22² and 24²) of bicycle. It
insulating oils covers materials, dimensions, workmanship, finish,
Describes a conventional test intended to reveal the packing etc.
extent of physical pollution of the insulating oils by 03 page Gr-A ME
water and other suspended matter, and the abvisibility of
carrying out drying and filteration treatment before the BDS 1286:1990
oils are introduce into the apparatus for which they are Bicycle Cotterpins, washers and nuts
intended. It covers the requirements for two standard sizes
08 page Gr-B ET (22² and 24²) of bicycle. It also covers dimensions of
plain and spring washers, workmanship and finish,
BDS 1279:1990 packing, marking etc.
Specific resistance (resistivity) of insulating oil liquids 20 page Gr-D ME
Prescribes the method for the determination of specific
resistance (resistivity) applied to new electrical BDS 1287 (Part-1):1990
insulating liquids, as well as to liquids in service, or Reciprocating Internal combustion engine
subsequent to service cables, transformers, circuit- performance
breakers and other electrical aparatus. (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 3046 series)
16 page Gr-D ET 20 page Gr-D ME

BDS 1280:1990 BDS 1287 (Part-2):1990

Low pressure sodium vapour lamps Reciprocating Internal combustion engine
Specifies low pressure sodium vapour lamps, which are performance
integral type consists of arc-tube, u-shaped and glass (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 3046 series)
tube made of tubular glass, operating on ac mains at 50 ME
Hz with a ballast. BDS 1287 (Part-3):1991
10 page Gr-B ET Reciprocating internal combustion engine
performance Test Measurements
BDS 1281:1990 (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 3046 series)
Lamp-cap temperature rise ME
Specifies the standard method of measurement of lamp BDS 1287 (Part-4):1991
cap temperature rise which is to be used when testing Reciprocating internal combustion engine
lamps for general lighting services. It describes the test performance Speed covering
lamphoders to be used for lamps fitted with E 27, E 40 (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 3046 series)
and B 22/25 X 26 caps. ME
08 page Gr-B ET
BDS 1287 (Part 5):1991
BDS 1282:1990

Reciprocating internal combustion engine etc) and their form (fibre, yarn or fabric) to the action of
performance Torsional vibrations soap and sodium carbonate solution at 60- c.
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 3046 series) 03 page Gr-A JT
BDS 1287 (Part-6):1991 BDS 1292:1990
Reciprocating internal combustion engine Method for determination of colour fastness of textile
performance. Over speed protection. material to washing: test 4 (Withdrawn)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 3046 series) This standard, prescribes a method for determination of
ME colour fastness of all textile materials action of soap and
BDS 1287 (Part-7):1991 sodium carbonate solution at 90-- c. It is applicable only
Reciprocating internal combustion engine to those fibres which are capable of withstanding such
performance Codes for engine power conditions.
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 3046 series) 03 page Gr-A JT
BDS 1293:2002
BDS 1288 (Part-1):1990 Textile test for colour fastness to artificial light
Parallel Shank twist drill, jobber and stub series, (Canceles and replaces by BDS ISO 105-B02:2015)
more taper shank twist drills and core drills JT
Tables are given various recommended dimensions in
millimetres and inches. BDS 1294:2011
37 page Gr-H ME Methods for determination of water soluble matter in
textile materials (First Revision)
BDS 1288 (Part-2):1990 This Standard prscribes a methods for water soluble
Core drills with parallel shanks and more taper matter of textile materials.
shanks-recommended stocked sizes 04 page Gr-A JT
Dimensions are given in millimetres in the form of table.
ME BDS 1295:1990
Cotton cambs (Reaffirmed 2008)
BDS 1289 (Part-1):1990 This standard prescribes the shape and dimensions of
Washing test cotton cambs for use in jute looms.
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105 -C01:2005) JT
JT BDS 1296:2008
BDS 1289 (Part-2):1990 Inset mail wire healds for jute weaving
Washing test (First Revision)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105 -C02:2005) Requirements for inset mail wire healds used in jute
JT weaving.
BDS 1289 (Part-3):1990 JT
Washing test
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105- C03:2005)
JT BDS 1297:2012
BDS 1289 (Part-4):1990 Boards for lay races of jute looms (First Revision)
Washing test This Standard prescribes requirements of boards for lay
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105 C04:2005) races of jute looms.
JT 03 page Gr-A JT
BDS 1289 (Part-5):1993
Washing test (Reaffirmed 2008) BDS 1298:2008
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105-C05:2009) Box back blanks for jute looms
JT Requirements of box back blanks for jute looms.
BDS 1290:1990 JT
Method for determination of colour fastness of textile
material to washing: test 2 (Withdrawn) BDS 1299:2012
This standard, prescribes a method for determination of Blanks for lay blocks for jute looms
colour fastness of textile materials to the action of soap (First Revision)
solution at 50-- c This Standard prescribes requirements of blanks for lay
03 page Gr-A JT blocks for jute looms
03 page Gr-A JT
BDS 1291:1990
Method for determination of colour fastness of textile BDS 1300:2012
material to washing: test 3 (Withdrawn) Specification for Blanks for swells of jute looms
This standard, prescribes a method for determination of (First Revision)
colour fastness of all textile materials irrespective of This Standard prescribes requirements of blanks for
their composition (cotton, wool silk or man-made fibres, blanks for swells of jute looms jute looms

05 page Gr-A JT Rosogolla
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1811:2008)
BDS 1301:1990 AF
Glazed earthenware tiles BDS 1310:1990
It covers the requirements for glazed earthenware tile & Frozen fish
associated fittings, generally used for finishing the Prescribes terminology, types, requirements of colour
surfaces of walls & floors of water closets, bathrooms, fillet, colour of flesh, surface discoloration, total
kitchen, hospitals & similar places. bacterial count, E. coli, salmonella, hygienic
09 page Gr-B CE requirements, packing and marking, method of sampling
and tests.
BDS 1302:1990 07 page Gr-B AF
Glossary of terms relating to ceramic ware
It covers the terms & definition relating to ceramic ware. BDS 1311:1990
04 page Gr-A CE Key for identification of commercial timber
Prescribes definition, equipment & also covers a simply
BDS 1303:1990 operated punched card key for the field identification of
Chemical resistant motars commercial timbers both softwoods and hardwoods
It covers the requirements for silicate type, sulphur type based on their gross physical features and anatomical
& resin type chemical resistant motars for bonding structure as visible with naked eye and under a hand
chemical resistant masonry units. lines.
04 page Gr-A CE 08 page Gr-B AF

BDS 1304:1990 BDS 1312:1990

Methods of test for chemical resistant mortars Methods of microbiological colour fastness and
It covers the methods for carrying out the following tests microscopic tests for leather
on silicate type, sulphur type & resin type chemical This standard prescribes various microbiological test
resistant mortars. Method of test. methods in Section I, colour fastness test methods in
i) Working time, ii) Tensile strength, section II and test methods for the preparation of
ii)Flexural strength, iv) Compressive strength, microscopicl slides for assessment of leather, hides and
v) Bond strength etc. skin in section III
20 page Gr-D CE 58 page Gr-K CH

BDS 1305:1990 BDS 1313:1990

Ball clays for ceramic industry Steel bars & wires for the reinforcement of concrete
It prescribes the requirements & the methods of test & (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 6935 series)
sampling for ball clays used in ceramic industry. ME
13 page Gr-C CE BDS 1314 (Part-1):1990
Fire detection & alarm system, general & definition
It specifies the components of fire detection & alarm
BDS 1306:1990 systems, requirements for their interconnection &
China clay for ceramic industry installation & the performance, testing & servicing of
It prescribes the requirements & the methods of parts or of complete system. Fire detection & alarm
sampling & test for china clay used in the ceramic systems for buildings.
industry. 05 page Gr-A CE
13 page Gr-C CE
BDS 1315:1990
BDS 1307:1990 Fire protection safety sign
Electrometric insulation and sheath of electric cables It specifies : i) means of giving warning of fire & manual
Specifies the physical requirements and test methods of controls. ii) means of escape from fire. iii) means of fire
the five groups of materials listed below : fighting. iv) means of preventing fire spreading. v) areas
- electrometric insulation for general service. or materials of special fire risks.
- electrometric sheath for general service. 03 page Gr-A CE
- heat-resisting electrometric insulation.
- heat-resisting electrometric sheath. BDS 1316:1990
- Silicone rubber insufflation. Life jacket
03 page Gr-A ET It specifies the performance & safety requirements for
life jackets & internal life jacket/safety hamesses, life
BDS 1308:1990 jackets covered.
Yoghurt i) inherently buoyant life jacket-buoyancy produced by
[Cancels and replaces by BDS CAC - A-11 (a):2002] materials higher than water buoyant life jacket. ii)
AF partially inherently-buoyancy produced by materials
BDS 1309:1990

lighter than water & partly by inflation. iii) inflamable
life jacket-buoyancy produced solely by inflation. BDS 1320 (Part-6):1991
25 page Gr-E CE Detection of copper corrosion from petroleum
products by the copper strip tarnish test
BDS 1317:1991 This method covers the detection of the corrosiveness to
Road Vehicles - Determination of Exhorest carbon copper of ariston gasoline, aviation turbine fuel,
Honorable concentration al Idle sleep automotive gasoline or other hydrocarbons having a reid
03 page Gr-A ME vappor pressure not greater than 1.24 bar.
03 page Gr-A CH
BDS 1318 (Part-1):1990
Test condition for box type vertical drilling machine BDS 1320 (Part-7):1991
testing of the accuracy, geometrical Distillation of petroleum products
05 page Gr-A ME This standard specifies a procedure for the determination
of the distillation Characteristics of motor gasoline,
BDS 1318 (Part-2):1990 aviation gasoline, aviation turbine fuels, special boiling
Test condition for box type vertical drilling machine sprit, kerosene, gas oils, distillate fuel oils and similer,
testing of the accuracy, practical test petroleum products.
05 page Gr-A ME 18 page Gr-D CH
BDS 1320 (Part-8):1991
BDS 1319:1991 Determination of sulphur in petroleum products
Glossary of terms relating to ink and allied industries (lamp method)
CH This method covers the determination of total sulphur in
BDS 1320 (Part-1):1991 liquied petroleum products in concentration above 0.002
Density and relative density (specific gravity) of percent by mass.
crude petroleum and liquid petroleum products by 05 page Gr-A CH
hydrometer method
This standard prescribes the method for the BDS 1320 (Part-9):1991
determination of the density, relative density ( by Knock Characteristics of motor fuels by the research
means of a glass hydrometer, of crude petroleum & of method
petroleum products or mixtures of petroleum & non- This method covers the determination of the knock
petroleum products normally handled as liquids and craecteristices of motor gasoline, intended for using
having a ried uapons pressure 176.5 k Pa or less. spark ignition engines is terms of research octane
06 page Gr-B CH number.
17 page Gr-D CH
BDS 1320 (Part-2):1991
Colour by Saybolt Chromometer BDS 1320 (Part-10):1991
This standard specifies method of determination of the Total lead in gasoline by iodine monochloride method
colour of refined oils such as undyed motor & piston This method determines total lead in gasoline containing
gasoline, jet propulsion fuels, naphthas & kerosine & in lead alkyls at concentration between 0.026 and 1.3
addition, petroleum waxes and pharmaceutical white perlitere.
oils. 02 page Gr-A CH
05 page Gr-A CH
BDS 1320 (Part-11):1991
BDS 1320 (Part-3):1991 Vapour pressure of petroleum products by reid
Burning test (24 hours) for kerosine method
This methods is intended to evaluate the burning This method covers the determination of the absolute
properties of kerosine that may used as an illuminant & vapour pressure of valatile, non-viscous, petroleum
as a fuel for space heaters, cookers, incubators etc. matarials, volatile crude oils and natural gas liquid
02 page Gr-A CH having nominal vapour pressure 378ºc upto 7 bar.
10 page Gr-B CH
BDS 1320 (Part-4):1991
Flash point by the Abel apparatus BDS 1320 (Part-12):1991
This method determines the closed-cup-flash-point of Existent gum in fuels by jet evaporations
petroleum products & other liquids having flash points This method covers the determination of the existinent
between- 18ºc and 71ºc inclusive. gum in motor gasoline provision are made for
04 page Gr-A CH determination of the unwased gum content of motor
BDS 1320 (Part-5):1991 04 page Gr-A CH
Smoke point of kerosene
This standard method prescribes a procedure for BDS 1320 (Part-13):1991
evaluating a kerosene in respect of its ability to burn Oxidation stability of gasoline (induction method)
without producing smoke. This method covers the determination of the stability of
03 page Gr-A CH gasoline under accelerated oxidation condition.

09 page Gr-B CH BDS 1320 (Part-22):1991
Ash from petroleum products
BDS 1320 (Part-14):1991 This method is intended for the determination of the
Doctor test ash in the range 0.001 to 0.180 percent by mass from
This method is intended primarily for the detection of distillate residual fuel oils, lubricating oils, waxes and
mercaptans in motor fuels, kerosine and similar other petroleum products, in which any ash forming
petroleum products. It is inapplicable in the pressence of materials present are normally considered to be
more than slight traces of peroxides. undesirable impurities or contaminants.
03 page Gr-A CH 03 page Gr-A CH

BDS 1320 (Part-15):1991 BDS 1320 (Part-23):1991

Merchantman sulphur in gasoline, kerosine, abiation Neutralization number of petroleum products and
turbine and distillate fuels (potentiometer method) lubricants (Colour indication titration method).
This method covers the determination of the This method is intended for the determination of acidic
merchantman sulphur in gasoline, kerosine, avation or basic constituents in petroleum products and
turbine fuels and distillate fuels containing from 0.0003 lubricants soluble in mixtures of toluene and isopropyl
to 0.01 percent by mass of marcaptan sulphur. alcohol.
08 page Gr-B CH 04 page Gr-A CH

BDS 1320 (Part-16):1991

ASTM colour of petroleum products by ASTM
colour scale
This method covers the visual determination of the
colour of a wide variety of petroleum products such as BDS 1320 (Part-24):1991
lubricating oils, heating oils, diesel fuels oil and Neutralization number by potentiometer titration
petroleum waxes. This method is intended for the determination of acidic
03 page Gr-A CH constituents in petroleum products and lubricants and
soluble or nearly soluble in mixtures of toluene and
BDS 1320 (Part-17):1991 propan-2-Ol.
Pour point of petroleum oils 05 page Gr-A CH
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 3016 :2010)
CH BDS 1320 (Part-25):1991
BDS 1320 Part-18:1991 Methods of test for petroleum & its products: Cetane
Kinematic viscosity of transparent and opaque number
liquids and calculation of dynamic viscosity This method prescribes the test for determining the
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 3104 :2010) ignition quality of diesel fuels in terms of ASTM cetane
CH number .
06 page Gr-B CH
BDS 1320 (Part-19):1991 Determination
Sediment in crude oils and fuels oils by the extraction BDS 1320 (Part-26):1991
method Calculated cetane index of distillate fuels
This method is intended for the determination of This calculated index formula represents a means for
sediment in crude petroleum and fuel oils by extraction directly estimating the cetane number of distillate fuels
with toluene. from API gravity & mid boiling point . This index value
03 page Gr-A CH computed from the formula is termed the calculated
catane index.
BDS 1320 Part-20:1991 07 page Gr-A CH
Water in petroleum products and bituminous
materials by distillation BDS 1320 (Part-27):1991
This method covers the determination of water in crude Heat of combustion of liquid hydrocarbon fuels by
petroleum,(tars), and products derived from these bomb calorimeter
matarials. This method provide for the determination of the gross
03 page Gr-A CH heat of combustion of liquid fuels and formula are given
for calculating the net heat of combustion.
BDS 1320 (Part-21):1991 11 page Gr-C CH
Conradson carbon residue of petroleum products
This method covers the determination of amount of BDS 1320 (Part-28):1991
carbon residue left after evaporation & pyrolysis of an Flash point and fire point by cleveland open cup
oil, and is intended to provide some indication of relative method
coke forming properties. This method describes the procedure for determining the
03 page Gr-A CH flash and fire points of petroleum products except fuel

oils and products having an open cup flash point below BDS 1320 (Part-38):1991
79ºc Test for total acidity in aviation turbine fuels
03 page Gr-A CH This method covers the determination of total acidity in
avation turbine fuel in the range from 0.000 to 0.100mg
BDS 1320 (Part-29):1991 KOH/g.
Flash point(Closed) by pensky-martens apparatus 06 page Gr-B CH
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 2719 :2010)
CH BDS 1320 (Part-39):1991
BDS 1320 (Part-30):1991 Test for hydrocarbon types in liquid petroleum
Flash point (Open) and fire point of petroleum products by fluorescent indicator absorption
products by the pensky-Martens apparatus This method covers the determination of hydrocarbon
This method is intended for the determination of the types over the concentration ranges of 5 to 95 volume
open flash point & the fire point of petroleum products. percent aromatics, 0.3 to 55 volume percent olefins and
03 page Gr-A CH 1 to 95 volume percent saturates in petroleum fractions
that distill below 315ºc.
BDS 1320 (Part-31):1991 07 page Gr-B CH
Softening point of bitumen (ring and ball) BDS 1320 (Part-40):1991
This method prescribes a procedure for determining the Freezing point of aviation fuels
softening point of bitumen. This methods covers the detection of separated solids in
04 page Gr-A CH aviation reciprocating engine & turbine engine fuels at
any temperature likely to be encountered during flight or
BDS 1320 (Part-32):1991 on the ground.
Methods of test for petroleum and its products: 04 page Gr-A CH
Solubility of bituminous binders
This method covers the determination of the degree of
solubility in trichoethylene of asphatt materials having
little or nominal matter.
03 page Gr-A CH BDS 1320 (Part-41):1991
Aniline point and mixed aniline point of petroleum
BDS 1320 (Part-33):1991 products and hydrocarbon solvents
Loss on heating of bitumen and flux oil (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 2977:2010)
This method determines the loss on heating of bitumen CH
& of flux oil when heated under the conditions specified. BDS 1320 (Part-42):1991
03 page Gr-A CH Water reaction of aviation fuels
This method covers the determination of the presence of
BDS 1320 (Part-34):1991 water miscible components in avaition gasoline and
Penetration of bitumenuous materials turbine fuels and the effects of these components on the
This method covers determination of the penetration of fuel water interface.
semi-solid & solid bitumens materials. Materials having 03 page Gr-A CH
penetration below 350 can be tested by the standard
apparatus & procedure described. BDS 1320 (Part-43):1991
03 page Gr-A CH Determination of water separation Characteristic of
aviation turbine fuels by portable spectrometer in the
BDS 1320 (Part-35):1991 field
Specific gravity of semi-solid bitumenous materials This methods provides a rapid portable means for field
This method covers the determination of the specific and laboratory use to rate the ability of aviation turbine
gravity of semi-solid bitumenous materials, asphat fuels to release entrained or emulsified water when
cement, soft for pitches by use of a pycnometer. passed through fiber glass coalescing material. It is
03 page Gr-A CH intended to measure the water separation Characteristics
of fuel as produced, After it has been blended with
BDS 1320 (Part-36):1991 additives or delivered to the point of use.
Ductility of bitumenous materials 09 page Gr-B CH
This method covers the test for ductility of bitumenous
materials at 20 ± 0.5ºc BDS 1320 (Part-44):1991
02 page Gr-A CH Thermal oxidation stability of aviation turbine fuels
BDS 1320 (Part-37):1991 (JFTOT) procedure
Test for bitumen content This method covers the procedure for rating the
This method covers the determination of bitumen tendencies of gas turbine fuels to deposit decomposition
content is materials containing at least 25 percent products within the fuel system.
bitumen. 22 page Gr-E CH
03 page Gr-A CH
BDS 1320 (Part-45):1991

Silver corrosion by aviation turbine fuels. Requirements for flyers used in jute spinning frames.
This method describes a procedure for the detection of 03 page Gr-A JT
the corrosiveness to silver of aviation turbine fuels.
04 page Gr-A CH BDS 1327:1991
Faller bar slides for jute drawing frames
BDS 1320 (Part-46):1991 Requirements for faller bar slides for use in jute drawing
Test for electrical conductivity of aviation turbine frames.
fuels containing a static dissipator additive 03 page Gr-A JT
This methods cover the determination of the electrical
conductivity of aviation fuels containing a static BDS 1328:1991
dissipater additive. The methods normaly give a Narsingdi type semi automatic handloom
measurment of the conductivity when the fuel is Definition of handloom and name of its all parts and
uncharged, that is, electrically at rest. measurements.
05 page Gr-A CH 07 page Gr-B JT

BDS 1320 (Part-47):1991 BDS 1329:1991

Determination of phosphorous in lubricating oils and Cotton knitted sports shirts (Reaffirmed 2006)
additives (quinoline phospho molybdate method) Requirements of three types of cotton knitted sports
This method specifies a quinoline phosp homolydate shirts.
method for the determination of the phosphorous content 07 page Gr-B JT
of unused lubricating oils and additives concentrates.
04 page Gr-A CH
BDS 1330:1991
BDS 1320 (Part-48):1999 Code for inland packaging of cotton hosiery yarn and
Method of test for ptroleum and its products: goods
Determination of acidity and alkalinity of greases Method of packaging of cotton hosiery yarn and goods
This methods describes procedures for the determination for inland market.
of fueacid, fue alkali, and insoluble carbonates is 06 page Gr-A JT
calcium, sodium and lithium greases, but it is not
applicable when the soaps of lead, zinc, aluminium or
other weak bases are present. BDS 1331:2009
03 page Gr-A CH Handloom cotton lungi cloth
This standard, prescribes constructional details and other
BDS 1321:1991 particulars of handloom cotton lungi cloth.
TV aerial feeder cables 05 page Gr-A JT
Covers the requirements for the television aerial feeder
cables for connecting aerial and television receiver, BDS 1332:1991
unscreened, flexible and solid polyehtlene insulated and Methods for dermatological test for cosmetics
having a characteristic impedance 300 ohm. (Cancels and replaces by BDS 1824:2009)
08 page Gr-B ET 11 page Gr-C CH

BDS 1322:1991 BDS 1333:1991

Conductors of insulated cables Methods for determination of arsenic
(Cancels and replaces by BDS IEC 60228:2009) Prescribes methods for determination.
ET 07 page Gr-B CH
BDS 1323:1991
Electronic type fan regulator (Amendment 1:2006) BDS 1334:1991
Deals with safety and performance requirements of Glossary of terms relating to ink and allied industries
electronic fan regulators for use with single phase ac fan Covers the terms and definitions that are prevalent in ink
up to 250 V. and allied industries.
14 page Gr-C ET 03 page Gr-A CH
BDS 1324:1991
Loom (fly) spindles BDS 1335:1990
Requirements for loom (fly) spindles. Machine Tools. Lathe centers sizes for
JT interchangeability
BDS 1325:2010 03 page Gr-A ME
Flyer spindles (Reaffirmed 2008) BDS 1336:1990
Requirements for flyer spindles for use in conjunction Terms and definition related to twist drill
with speed frames. ME
JT BDS 1337:2015
BDS 1326:1991 Skin powders (First Revision)
Flyers for jute spinning frames

Prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling 29 page Gr-F ET
and test.
12 page Gr-C CH BDS 1344:1991
Capacitors for single phase ac motors
BDS 1338:1991 Requirements for capacitors intended for connection to
Hair dyes, liquid windings to asynchronous motors supplied from a single
Prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling phase system having rated frequency of 50 Hz and for
and test. capacitors to be connected to three-phase asynchronous
12 page Gr-C CH motors of that they may be supplied from a single-phase
BDS 1339:1991 22 page Gr-E ET
Hair oils (Amendment 1:2006)
Prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling BDS 1345:2011
and test. Motors for battery operated vehicles
04 Page Gr-B CH Specifies the classification and electrical and mechanical
performance of d.c. electric motors, having rated
BDS 1340 (Part-1):2006 voltages up to 96V, forming part of the electrical
Classification of cosmetic raw materials & adjuncts: equipment of battery operated industrial trucks, tractors
Part-1 days, colour and pigments (First Revision) and road vehicles for operation at ambient temperatures
This standards (Part-1)lists dyes, colours and pigments between 27 °C to 40 °C and at altitudes up to 1000 m.
which are generally recognized as safe (GRAS)for use 12 page Gr-C ET
in cosmetiics.The list also includes colourants which are
intended for use in tioletry proparations. BDS 1346:1991
06 Page Gr-B CH Zinc phosphide
Prescribes description, requirements of zinc phosphide,
zinc contents, sieving requirements, packing and
marking method of sampling and tests.
06 page Gr-B CH

BDS 1347:1991
BDS 1340 (Part-2):2012 Carbaryl 85% (w/w) soluble powder
Classification of cosmetic raw materials and Prescribes description, requirements of carbaryl content,
adjuncts: Part-2 Ingredients other than dyes, colour sieving requirements, suspensibility, pH, presistency,
and pigments (Second Revision) packing, storage and marking, method of sampling and
This standards (Part-1)lists cosmetics raw materials and tests.
adjuncts, other than dyes, colours and pigments in the 08 page Gr-B AF
following four groups: BDS 1348:1991
a) List of substances classified as GNRAS which must Chocolate
not form part of the composition of cosmetic products (Cancels and replaces by BDS CAC 87:2008)
(Annex-A). AF
b) List of substance which cosmetic products must not BDS 1349
containexcept subject to the restrictions and conditions Stabilized power supplies, dc output
laid down(Annex-B). ET
c) List of preservatives allowed (Annex-C). and BDS 1349 (Part-1):1991
d) List of U.V filters allowed in sunscreen products Terms and definitions
(Annex-D). Covers definitions applicable to stabilized power
62 page Gr-K CH supplies designed to supply dc power from an ac or dc
source for applications, such as in computers,
BDS 1341:1991 communication, laboratories and industry.
Methods of sampling of petroleum and its products 13 page Gr-C ET
This standard prescribes method for obtaining
representative samples of petroleum and its products for BDS 1349 (Part-2):1991
purposes of test or examination. Rating and performance
11 page Gr-C CH Covers rating and performance applicable to stabilized
power supplies designed to supply dc power from an ac
BDS 1343:1991 or dc source.
Ballast for low pressure sodium vapour lamps 13 page Gr-C ET
Covers inductive-type ballast for use on an ac supply at
50 Hz to 60 Hz associated with sodium lamps having BDS 1349 (Part-3):1992
rated wattages, dimensions and apply also to ballast’s Radio frequency interference test
which form an integral part of luminaire and which Specifies the measureing equipment and techniques to be
cannot be tested separately used in assessing the radio-frequency interference

generated by stabilized supplies designed to supply dc This standard covers requirements of washer for water
power from an ac or dc source. services suitable for use in bib taps, slops valves, self
13 page Gr-A ET closing taps, flush valves, piller taps and Ferrules.
BDS 1349 (Part-4):1992 03 page Gr-A CE
Test other than radio frequency interference BDS 1358:1992
Covers recommended procedures for measuring certain Protective filters for welding cutting and similar
performance characteristics associated with stabilized operations
power supplies designed to supply from a c or d c This standard covers requirements of the filters.
source. 09 page Gr-B CE
39 page Gr-H ET
BDS 1359:1992
BDS 1350:1991 Industrial safety belts and hardnesses
Method of test for power factor and dielectric This standard covers the requirements for safety belts
constant of electrical insulating liquids and hardnesses and their components.
Prescribes method for determination of power factor and 13 page Gr-C CE
dielectric constant of new electrical insulating liquids as
well as liquids in service or subsequent to service in BDS 1360:1992
cables, transformers, oil circuits breakers, and other Equipment for eye and face protection during
electrical apparatus. welding
12 page Gr-C ET This standard covers the requirements of goggles, hand
shield helmet intended to protect an operator above the
BDS 1351:1981 shoulder.
Road vehicle Determination of exhaust carbon 13 page Gr-C CE
monoxide concentration at idle speed
03 page Gr-A ME BDS 1361:1992
BDS 1352:2011 This standard specifies the technical requirements of
Cumin, whole (First Revision) various types of Faucets.
This standard prescribes the requirements and methods 29 page Gr-F CE
of sampling and test for cumin in the whole form.
03 Page Gr-A AF BDS 1362:1992
Compounded feeds for cattle
Prescribes terminology, types, grades & froms,
BDS 1353:1992 requirements of moisture, crude protein, crude fat, crude
Instant tea fibre, ash, common salt, calcium, phosphorous, vitamin
Prescribes terminology, requirements of moisture, A, packing & marking, sampling method of tests.
volatile oil, total ash, acid insoluble ash, packing and 19 page Gr-D AF
marking, method of sampling and test.
05 page Gr-A AF BDS 1363:1992
Carbon electrodes for dry cells and batteries
BDS 1354:1992 Lays down the dimensions, tests and performance
Cloves whole and ground requirements of carbon electrodes for drycells and
Prescribes terminology, grades, rquirements of moisture batteries.
volatile oil, total ash, acid insoluble ash, packing and 09 page Gr-B ET
marking, method of sampling and test.
05 page Gr-A AF BDS 1364:1992
Glossary of terms for primary cells and batteries
BDS 1355:1992 (Cancels and replaces by BDS IEC 60050-481)
Dimensions and properties for hot rolled steel column ET
channel and angle sections
This standard covers the nominal dimensions, mass and BDS 1365:1992
sectional properties of hot rolled sloping flange beam Neon tester
and column section. Covers common type of neon testers for use on circuits
17 page Gr-D CE of voltages not exceeding 500 volts ac or dc.
09 page Gr-B ET
BDS 1356:1992
Ferrules for water services BDS 1366:1992
This standard covers the dimension, properties, Spark testing of electric cables
manufacturer etc. Specifies requirements and test methods for ac and dc
07 page Gr-B CE spark testing of the insulation and sheath of electric
cables, but does not apply to telecommunication cables.
BDS 1357:1992 09 page Gr-B ET
Washers for use with fittings for water services

BDS 1367:1992 It covers the widths across flats for heagon products to
Single phase small ac and universal electric motors be used in the respective products standard.
Covers small single-phase ac motors of the capacitor 03 page Gr-A ME
split phase, shadded pole types, ac series and universal
motors for voltages up to and including 250 V and BDS 1376:1992
having winding with class A, class E, class B or class F Classification of Terms for shuttles
insulation and output up to and including 1500 W. Classification of terms for shuttle. Useable for shuttle
36 page Gr-H ET and its classification.
03 page Gr-A JT
BDS 1368:2007
Cycle and rickshaw tyres (First Revision) BDS 1377:2012
This standard prescribes the requiremnts, methods of Handloom Viscose Staple Fibre Lungies, Striped or
sampling and test for cycle & rickshaw pnematic tyres Checked (First Revision)
intended for normal and heavy duty applications, while This standard prescribes constructional particulars and
mounting in straight side rims conforming to BDS other requirements for two varieties of hand loom
986:1981 Bicycle rims-Specification viscose staple fibre, LUNGIES, striped or checked.
16 page Gr-D CH 07 page Gr-B JT
BDS 1369:2012
Aviation gasoline kerosine type (First Revision) BDS 1378:2013
This standard prescribes the specification of the jet A-1 Identification of textile fibres (First Revision)
type of aviation turbine fuel wjocj os a re;atove;u ; ogj Method of test for identification of textile fibre.
flash-point distillade of the kerosine type. 12 page Gr-C JT
08 page Gr-B CH
BDS 1379:1992
BDS 1370:1992 Glossary of terms used in apparel industry
Tooth powder (Amendment 1:2006) (Reaffirmed, 2006)
Prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling It defines the terms used in apparel industry.
and test for tooth powders. 11 page Gr-C JT
09 page Gr-B CH
BDS 1380:1992
Canola oil
Prescribes terminology, requirements of moisture, free
fatty acid, peroxide value, unsaponifiable matter,
saponification value, Refractive index, lodine value,
BDS 1371:1992 Relative density, allylisothiocyanate, iron, copper, lead,
Cycle mudguards arsenic, hygienic requirements, packing and marking,
It covers the requirements for cycle front and rear method of sampling and tests.
mudguards used in the country 03 page Gr-A AF
02 page Gr-A ME
BDS 1381:1991
BDS 1372:1992 Glossary of terms of paper, board, pulp, and related
Cycle padlocks terms
It covers the dimensional and other requirements of (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 4046
cycle padlocks. Part 1-5:2012 )
05 page Gr-A ME CH
BDS 1382 : 2015
BDS 1373:1992 Skin cream (Second Revision)
Slotted countersunk flat head tapping screws Prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling
It covers the characteristics of slotted countersunk flat and test for skin cream.
tapping screws with thread sizes from st 2.2 to st 9.5 07 page Gr-B CH
both inclusive.
BDS 1383:1992
03 page Gr-A ME
Bleaching powder, stable
Prescribes the requirements and method of sampling and
BDS 1374:1992
test for stable bleaching powder.
Slotted raised counter
08 page Gr-B CH
Classification of terms for shuttle. Useable for shuttle
and its classification
BDS 1384:2002
03 page Gr-A ME
Ball point pens (First Revision)
BDS 1375:1992 Covers the requirements for single refill ball point pens,
Fasteners hexagon products widths across flats including desk type ball point pens.
12 page Gr-C CH

Applicable to:
BDS 1385:1993 — dielectric tests with direct voltage;
AC disconnectors (isolators) and earthing switches of — dielectric tests with alternating voltage;
rated voltage above 1 kV — dielectric tests with impulse voltage;
Specifies requirements for ac disconnectors and earting — tests with impulse current.
switches, designed for indoor and outdoor installation, 25 page Gr-E ET
for voltage above 1000 V and for service frequencies up
to and including 60 Hz. It also applies to the operating BDS 1389 (Part-2):1993
devices of these disconnectors and earthing switches and Test procedures
to their auxiliary equipment. Applicable to:
57 page Gr-K ET — dielectric tests with direct voltage;
— dielectric tests with alternating voltage;
BDS 1386:1993 — dielectric tests with impulse voltage;
Carriers and bases used in rewirable type electric — tests with impulse current.
fuses for voltages up to 650 V 27 page Gr-F ET
Covers performance reuirements tests as well as
dimensions of carriers and bases used in rewirable type BDS 1389 (Part-3):1993
electric fuses having rated current up to and including Measuring devices
100 A meant for ac systems of voltages not exceeding Applicable to devices and to complete systems other
650 V between lines. than sphere-gaps, used for measurement of voltage,
21 page Gr-E ET alternating voltage, lightning and switching impulse
voltages for tests with high impulse current.
BDS 1387:1993 11 page Gr-C ET
Guide on effects of current passing through the
human body BDS 1390:1993
Covers the effects of current passing through the human Fuse-wire used in rewirable type electric fuses up to
body. 650 volts
04 page Gr-A ET Cover the requirements of fuse-wires used in rewirable
type electric fuses up to 650 V.
BDS 1388 06 page Gr-B ET
Basic environmental testing procedures for electronic
and electrical items BDS 1391 (Part-1):1993
ET Lightning arresters Part-1: Non-linear resistor type
BDS 1388 (Part-1):1993 for ac system
General Applies to surge protective devices designed for repeated
Covers general conditions applicable to all operation to limit voltage surges ac power curcuits and
environmental testing procedures and lists the services of to interrupt power follow current.
environmental testing procedures designed to assess the 35 page Gr-B ET
ability of electronic and electrical items and other items
employing similar techniques to perform under expected
conditions service, such as use, storage and transport.
15 page Gr-C ET BDS 1392:1993
Guide for partial discharge measurements
BDS 1388 (Part-2):1993 Applies to the measurement of partial discharges during
Cold test for non-heat dissipating items with gradual tests with alternating voltage, but general terms,
change of temperature definitions and requirements are usually also applicable
Deals with cold test for non-heat dissipating items with for measurement of partial discharges during tests with
gradual change of temperature. direct voltage.
03 page Gr-A ET 22 page Gr-E ET

BDS 1388 (Part-3):1993 BDS 1393:1993

Dry heat test for non-heat dissipating items with Bushings for alternating voltage above 1000 V
gradual change of temperauture (Cancels and replaces by BDS IEC 60137:2005)
Deals with dry heat test for non-heat dissipating items ET
with gradual change of temperature.
03 page Gr-A ET BDS 1394:1993
Application guide for the selection of high voltage
BDS 1389 fuses for transformer circuit application
High-voltage test techniques Applies to the use for transformer circuit applications.
04 page Gr-A ET
BDS 1389 (Part-1):1993
General definitions and test requirements BDS 1395:1993

Cut-out switches (Reaffirmed 2005) (Canceles and replaces by BDS ISO 105-D01:2011)
Specifies cut-out switches mainly used indoors for JT
leading in and branch circuit of single phase 2-wire and BDS 1404:1993
three phase 3-wire system of ac voltage not more than Method for textiles estimation of moisture total size
250 V and rated current not more than 100 A. or finish ash and fatty matter in grey and finished
07 page Gr-B ET cotton textile materials (Reaffirmed 2008)
This standard, prescribes a method for estimation of (a)
BDS 1396 moisture, (b) total size or finish, (c) ash and (d) fatty
Stabilized power supplies, ac output matter in grey and finished cotton textile materials.
BDS 1396 (Part-1):1993 BDS 1405:1993
Rating and performance Bolts, Screws, Nuts and Accessories Terminology and
Applies to stabilized power supplies designed to supply Nomenclature
ac power from an ac or dc source. This Bangladesh Standard lays down the terminology
14 page Gr-C ET and nomenclature of bolts, Screws, nuts and accessories,
recommended for use unless otherwise specified in the
BDS 1396 (Part-2):1993 appropriate product standard.
Tests 29 page Gr-F ME
Covers the details of measuring equipments, test
conditions and procedures for determination of BDS 1406:1993
performance characteristics of stabilized power supplies, Hexagon nuts style 2 products grades A and B.
ac output. 04 page Gr-A ME
15 page Gr-C ET
BDS 1407:1993
BDS 1397:1993 Hexagon nuts style 2 product grades A and B.
Jute bagging for wrapping cotton bales 03 page Gr-A ME
Detail construction and other particulars of jute bagging
for wrapping cotton bales. BDS 1408:1993
05 page Gr-A JT General purpose screw threads general plan
04 page Gr-A ME
BDS 1398:1993
Heald wire BDS 1409:1993
It covers the requirements of round steel wire for heald. General purpose screw threads selected sizes for
04 page Gr-A JT screws, bolts and nuts
This Bangladesh Standard specifies general purpose
BDS 1399:1993 screw threads for screws, bolts and nuts in the diameter
All metal reeds with plate baulks for use in cotton range 1 to 39 mm.
and silk looms 03 page Gr-A ME
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 366-2:2009)
JT BDS 1410:1993
BDS 1400:1993 Thread run-outs for fasteners thread of BDS
Steel wire for reeds 1408:1995 and BDS 1409:1993
It covers the requirements of round steel wire for reed 04 page Gr-A ME
used in textile industry.
04 page Gr-A JT BDS 1411:1993
BDS 1401:2010 Tapping screws thread
Wooden shuttles for automatic cop changing jute 07 page Gr-B ME
(First Revision) BDS 1412:1993
It prescribes the requirements of shuttles for used in Thread undercuts of external metric thread fastners
automatic cop changing jute looms. 03 page Gr-A ME
09 page Gr-B JT
BDS 1413:1993
BDS 1402:2007 Head configuration and gauging of countersunk head
Unteased white cotton-waste (First Revision) screws
It prescribes a method for unteased white cotton waste 05 page Gr-A ME
used in axle box packing.
04 page Gr-A JT BDS 1414:2000
Natural Mineral Water (First Revision)
BDS 1403:1993 Prescribes terminology, requirements of free
Method for determination of colour fastness of textile carbondioxide, total dissolved solids, copper,
matarials to dry cleaning manganese, organic matter, arsenic, nitrate, sulphide,

phenolic compounds, cyanide, labelling, packing and material is used in painting systems for protective and
marking, method of sampling and tests. decoration.
42 page Gr-I AF 09 page Gr-B CH

BDS 1415:1993 BDS 1424:1993

Dal Lipstick (Amendment 1,2:2006)
Prescribes definitions, hygienic requirements, moisture, Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling
dirt, foreign food serious, damaged, unripe, unhusked, and test for lipstick.
packing & marking, sampling & method of tests. 05 page Gr-A CH
04 page Gr-A AF
BDS 1425:2009
BDS 1416:1993 Table ware made of melamine plastics (First Revision)
Frozen Cuttle Fish and Squid Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and
Prescribes terminology, grades, requirements of colour test for tableware such as cups, saucers, plates, bowls,
of fillet or tube, colour of flesh, surface discolouration, compartmented trays and similar articles, made of
texture, odour, flavour, total bacterial count, E. coli, melamine plastics.
salmonella, hygienic requirement, packing and marking, 05 page Gr-A CH
method of sampling and tests.
04 page Gr-A AF BDS 1426:1993
BDS 1417:1993 (Cancels and replaces by BDS EN 12597:2009)
Carbofuran technical CE
Prescribes discription, requirements of moisture, BDS 1427:1993
curbofuran content, alkalinity, packing and marking, Methods of sampling of bituminous materials
method of sampling and tests. These methods apply to the sampling of bituminous
06 page Gr-B AF materials at points of manufacture, storage, or delivery.
11 page Gr-C CE
BDS 1418:1993
Cinnamon, whole BDS 1428:1993
Prescribes terminology, grades, requirements of Fasterners-bolts, screws, studs and nuts-symbols and
moisture, volatile oil, extraneous matter, packing and designations of dimensions
marking, method of sampling. It includes the method of dimensioning bolts Screws,
04 page Gr-A AF Studs and nuts for use, unless otherwise specified in the
appropriate products standards.
BDS 1419:1993 11 page Gr-C ME
Melamine/phenolic moulding materials
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 800:2010) BDS 1429:1993
CH Light gauge steel sections
BDS 1420:1993 Specifies the dimensions, mass, sectional properties and
Hair creams requirements for corrosion protection for cold formed
Prescribes the requirements for hair creams and other light gauge open well steel sections for structural and
oil-based emulsion preparations for the hair. These other general applications, having minimum thickness of
include water-in-oil and oil-in-water emulsions. 1.25 mm.
17 page Gr-D CH 27 page Gr-F CE
BDS 1421:1992
Nail polish BDS 1430:1993
Prescribes the requirements and the method of sampling Hot-rolled steel sheet of high yield stress structural
and test for nail polish used for cosmetic purposes. quality
11 page Gr-C CH Specifies the requirements of hot-rolled steel sheet of
high yield stress structural quality in the harious grades
BDS 1422:2006 and classes with the use of micro alloying elements and
Ball point refills (First Revision) having the thickness between 1.6 to 6 mm inclusive. It
Covers the requirements for ball point pen refills made includes dimensions, manufacture, chemical analysis,
entirely from metal or metal and plastics material. mechanical properties, test methods etc.
09 page Gr-B CH 11 page Gr-C CE

BDS 1423:1993 BDS 1431:1993

Enamel synthetic exterior, a) Undercoating b) Lined industrial rubber footwear
Finishing (Amendment 1:2007) Specifies the requirements for lined rubber footwear
Prescribes requirements and methods of sampling and for general purposes and industrial use. Dimensions,
test for the material commercially known as enamel, physical properties, test methods etc. are included in this
synthetic exterior, a) Undercoating b) Finishing. The standard.

11 page Gr-C CE Specifies the design and constructional requirements,
marking and tests on lighting filings for indour and out
BDS 1432:1993 dour purposes rated for a maximum voltage of 250 V.
Burnt clay perforated building bricks 14 page Gr-C ET
Specifies the requirements in regard to dimensions,
perforations, quality, strength and also for quality of BDS 1440:1994
surface in case of special grase for facing bricks of Designation method for mounted filaments of
perforated burnt clay building bricks for use in walls and incandescent tungsten lamps
partitions. Specifies the designation method for mounted filaments
02 page Gr-A CE of incandescent tungsten lamps (including tungsten
halogen lamps).
BDS 1433:1993 04 page Gr-A ET
Dimensions quantities in general construction work
Specifies the various dimensional values in S. I units BDS 1441:1994
used in general construction work. Decorative lighting outfits
08 page Gr-B CE Specifies the design and constructional requirements and
tests applicable to decorative lighting outfits for indoor
BDS 1434:1994 use rated for a maximum voltage of 250 V.
Voltage measurement by means of sphere-gaps (One- 07 page Gr-B ET
sphere earthed)
Specifies the requirements and method for use of sphere- BDS 1442 (Part-1):1994
gaps for the measurement of the peak value of ac Filler rods and wire for gas shielded arc-welding-
voltages, full standard voltage impulses and impulses Ferric steel
with larger tail and dc voltages. Specifies the requirements and chemical compositions
13 page Gr-C ET for Austenitic stainless steel filler rods and wires.
16 page Gr-D ME

BDS 1435:1994 BDS 1442 (Part-2):1994

Classification for electric and electronic equipment Filler rods and wire for gas shielded arc-welding-
with regard to protection against electric shock Austenitic stainless steel
Describes classification with definitions for protection Specifies the requirements and chemical compositions
against electric shock in the event of failure of the for Austenitic stainless steel filler rods and wires.
insulation. It applies to electrical and electronic 14 page Gr-C ME
equipment intended for connection to an external power
supply at system voltages not exceeding 440 V rms and BDS 1442 (Part-3):1994
250 V rms between phase and earth. Filler rods and wires for gas shielded are welding-
03 page Gr-A ET copper and copper alloy
Specifies the requirements and chemical composition for
BDS 1436:1994 copper and copper alloys filler rods and wires.
Electric welding accessories 11 page Gr-C ME
Specifies the requirements and tests for electric welding
accessories in order to optimize the safety of the operator BDS 1442 (Part-4):1994
to ensure satisfactory conditions of use. Filler rods and wires for gas shielded arc welding-
07 page Gr-B ET Aluminium and Aluminium alloy and magnesium
Specifies the requirements and chemical compositions
BDS 1437:1994
for aluminium and aluminium alloys for filler rods and
Degrees of protection provided by enclousers for
rotating electrical machinery
13 page Gr-C ME
Covers degrees of protection by enclousers applicable to
electrical rotating machines.
11 page Gr-C ET

BDS 1438:1994 BDS 1442 (Part-5):1994

Single operator type arc welding transformers Filler rods and wires for gas shielded arc welding-
Lays down the requirements and tests for air-cooled and Nickel and nickel alloys
oil-cooled arc welding equipment type, for manual, Specifies requirements and chemical composition for
semi-automatic and automatic welding. Nickel and Nickel alloys filler rods and wires.
14 page Gr-c ET 09 page Gr-B ME

BDS 1439:1994 BDS 1443:1994

General and safety requirements for electric lighting Tin Ingot
fittings Covers the requirements for tin in the ingot form.

06 page Gr-B ME Describes a method for determining the relative
flammability characteristics of rigid plastics when
BDS 1444:1994 brought into contact with an incandescent rod.
Water filter, potable 04 page Gr-A CH
Specifies requirements for a water filter used for
filtration of drinking water. BDS 1446 (Part-9):1994
08 page Gr-B ME Methods of testing plastics
Intends to serve as a basis for ensuring the preparation of
BDS 1445:2003 equivalent test specimens from identical thermosetting
Synthetic detergent powder (First Revision) compounds moulded under heat and pressure.
Prescribes the requirements, methods of sampling and 04 page Gr-A CH
test for synthetic anionic detergent powder.
17Page Gr-D CH BDS 1446 (Part-10):1994
Methods of testing plastics
BDS 1446 (Part-1):1994 Specifies a gravimetric method for the determination of
Methods of testing plastics the amount of matter that can be extracted by acetone.
It describes procedure for the determination water 03 page Gr-A CH
absorbed by a plastic test specimen.
04 page Gr-A CH BDS 1446 (Part-11):1994
Methods of testing plastics
BDS 1446 (Part-2):1994 Specifies a method of determining shrinkage of
Methods of testing plastics thermosetting moulding materials.
Specifies two methods for the determination of the 03 page Gr-A CH
temperature of deflection under load (bending stress) of
plastics and ebonite. BDS 1446 (Part-12):1994
04 page Gr-A CH Methods of testing plastics
Describes a method for the preparation of plastics test
BDS 1446 (Part-3):1994 specimens from plates or finished products by
Methods of testing plastics machining.
Specifies a colorimetric comparsion method for the 09 page Gr-B CH
semi-quantitative determination of the amount of
ammonia in phenol formaldehyde mouldings. BDS 1447 :2003
09 page Gr-B CH Classification of degrees of protection provided by
enclousers of electrical equipment (First Revision)
BDS 1446 (Part-4):1994 Provides a system for specifying the enclousers of
Methods of testing plastics electrical equipments on the basis of degrees of
Specifies a method of determining the bulk factor of a protection provided by enclousers where the rated
moulding material from its apparent density in the voltage of the equipment inside the enclouser does not
unmoulded form and its density in the moulding form. exceed 72.5 kV.
03 page Gr-A CH 37 page Gr-H ET

BDS 1446 (Part-5):1994 BDS 1448:1994

Methods of testing plastics Degrees of protection provided by enclousers for low-
Specifies a method for the determination of flexural voltage switchgear and controlgear
properties or figid non-reinforced and fibre-reinforced Covers the classification, marking and testing of
plastic materials. standard means of protection applicable to low-voltage
05 page Gr-A CH switchgear and controlgear.
BDS 1446 (Part-6):1994 12 page Gr-C ET
Methods of testing plastics
Specifies a method for the determination of the charpy BDS 1449:1994
impack strength of rigid plastics. Porcelain bushings for alternating voltages upto and
08 page Gr-B CH including 1000 V
Covers the requirements, characteristics and methods of
BDS 1446 (Part-7):1994 tests for porcelain bushings for indoor and outdoor use,
Methods of testing plastics suitable for electrical equipment of nominal system
Specifies a method for the determination of the Izod voltage upto and including 1000 V.
impact strength of rigid plastics. 12 page Gr-C ET
09 page Gr-B CH
BDS 1450:2012
BDS 1446 (Part-8):1994 Guide for improvement of power factor in consumers
Methods of testing plastics installations-Low and medium supply voltages (First

Provides guidance to the consumers of electric energy to 05 page Gr-A CE
take supply at low and medium voltages for
BDS 1460:1994
improvement of power factor of the installations in their Hot rolled steel sheet of structural quality
premises. (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 4995:2006)
13 page Gr-C ET 20 page Gr-D CE
BDS 1451:2016 BDS 1461:1994
Rollers for Drawing and Spinning Frames in Jute Guide for electrical layout in residential buildings
Mill (First Revision) Prescribes, for single family dwellings, the electrical
This standard (Part 1) prescribes the requirements for installations needed to provide satisfactory facilities by
rollers for jute drawing frames. the use of electricity. While this guide is primarily
07 Page. Gr-B JT intended to apply to single family dwellings, the criteria
are also to apply to the individual dwellings of
BDS 1452:1994 multifamily residences so far as the latter are self
Picking nose, boss and shell for looms contained. This guide is applicable for low voltage
It prescribes requirements for picking nose, picking boss system upto 250 V both ac and dc.
and picking shell for looms. 35 page Gr-G ET
03 page Gr-A JT
BDS 1462
BDS 1453:1994 Low frequncy cable and wire with PVC insulation
Picking cone and bolt for looms and PVC sheath
It prescribes requirements for picking cone and bolt for
looms. BDS 1462 (Part-1):1994
03 page Gr-A JT General requirements, tests and measuring methods
Specifies general requirements and mechanical,
BDS 1454:1994 electrical and climatic test methods for low frequency
Shuttles for plain cotton loom and its accessories cables and wires designed for use in telecommunication,
It prescribes shape and dimension, materials, accessories inside plant and equipment and electronic devices
and mass of the shuttle for use in plain cotton looms. employing similar techniques.
13 page Gr-C JT 55 page Gr-K ET

BDS 1455:1994 BDS 1462 (Part-2):1994

Textile machinery and accessories-spinning Equipment wires, single
machinery-Definition of side, (left or right) Covers the requirements for equipment wires, single for
It gives the definition of side (left or right) of spinning general and special purpose applications with solid or
machinery. standard conductor PVC insulated, used in electronic
09 page Gr-B JT and telecommunication equipment.
22 page Gr-E ET
BDS 1456:2013
Blanket (First Revision) BDS 1463:1994
It describes constructional details and other particulars of Edible Groundnut oil
three varieties of dyed blanket ; woollen, wool mixed This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
with polyester or acrylic, and wool mixed with other of sampling and test for groundnut oil used for edible
fibres. and industrial purposes.
04 page Gr-A JT 03 page Gr-A AF
BDS 1464:1994
BDS 1457:1994
Methods of determination of copper
Textiles-care labelling code using symbols
This standard prescribes electrolytic and colorimetric
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 3758:2013)
methods for the determination of copper in micro and
macro quantities.
13 page Gr-C CH
BDS 1458:1994
BDS 1465:1994
Textile machinery and accessories-Drafting
Determination of traces of heavy metals by dithizone
arrangements for spinning machines-Terminology
(First Revision)
It gives the terms and definitions of the main parts of a
This standard prescribes calorimetric and photometric
drafting arrangement of spinning machine.
methods for the determination of traces of heavy metals
09 page Gr-B JT
(as lead) by dithizone method.
BDS 1459:1994 09 page Gr-B CH
White portland cement
Includes requirements of chemical and physical
properties of white portland cement.

BDS 1466:1994 Specifice requirements, including dimensions and finish
Wooden flyer bobbins and pirns used in textile mills for different types of copper nails.
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1839 (Part-1):2010) 12 page Gr-C ME
BDS 1467:2009 BDS 1475 Part-3:1994
Bangla silk fabrics (First Revision) Nails (aluminium nails)
It specifies types, requirements, packaging, marking and Specifice requirements in respect of materials,
sampling and criteria for conformity and testing for dimension and finish for different types of aluminium
Bangladeshi silk fabrics. nails.
11 page Gr-B JT 29 page Gr-F ME
BDS 1468:1994 BDS 1476:1994
Canned papya in syrup Malt extract (liquid)
This standard prescribes the requirements for canned This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
papaya (carica papaya) in syrup. of sampling and test for malt extract for use in food
08 page Gr-B AF industries.
38 page Gr-H AF
BDS 1469:1994
Cardamom (whole) BDS 1477:1994
This standard prescribes the requirements for cardamom Edible safflower oil
(Choti Elachi) of the family zingiberaceac. This standard applies to safflower oil which must be
04 page Gr-A AF subjected to further processing in order it suitable for
BDS 1470:2015 human consumption.
Lassi (yoghurt drink) (First Revision) 05 page Gr-A AF
This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
of test for lassi prepared from yoghurt. BDS 1478:1994
12 Page Gr-C AF Hand hammers
Covers quality dimensions for different types of
BDS 1471:2012 hammers with dimensions of handles.
Flavoured Milk (First Revision) 55 page Gr-K ME
This standard prescribes the types, the requirements and
the methods of sampling and test for flavoured milk. BDS 1479:1994
16 page Gr-D AF Paper pin
Specifies the requirements for straight paper pin used for
BDS 1472:2014 testing of papers.
Zarda (chewing tobacco) flake type (First Revision) 04 page Gr-A ME
This standard prescribes the requirements for sampling
and test for zarda (chewing tobacco), flake type. BDS 1480:1994
15 page Gr-C AF Paper clips
Includes the requirements for wire paper clips used to
BDS 1473:1994 secure sheets of paper.
Low carbon steel wire rods 04 page Gr-A ME
Covers low carbon steel wire rods to be used for the
manufacture of iron wire, armoured cable wire, BDS 1481:2014
galvanized wire stands, etc. With the exception that wire Leather sandals for men (First Revision)
rods for core wire of coated electrodes shall be excluded. This standard prescribes the requirements, methods of
09 page Gr-B ME sampling and test for leather sandals for men. This
standard does not cover sandas made entirely from
BDS 1474:1994 plastics or rubber.
Low carbon steel wires 08 page Gr-B CH
Specifies the requirements of ordinary low carbon steel BDS 1482:1994
wires, annealed low carbon steel wires, galvanized low Zinc sulphate, heptahydrate (fertilizer)
carbon steel wire and low carbon steel nails. This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
09 page Gr-B ME of sampling and test for zinc sulphate (Fertilizer).
29 page Gr-F CH
BDS 1475 (Part-1):1994
Nails (steel nails)
Specifies requirements, including dimensions and finish
for different types of steel nails.
29 page Gr-F ME

BDS 1475 (Part-2):1994

Nails (copper nails) BDS 1483:1994

Paper adhesives liquid gum, office paste type 26 page Gr-F ET
This standard prescribes the requirements and the BDS 1493:1994
methods of sampling and test for adhesives for joining Glossary of terms used in refractory
paper to paper or paper to other surface like paperboard, Defines the different terms relating to refractory works.
wood, cloth, glass and metals in general office use. 05 page Gr-A CE
15 page Gr-C CH
BDS 1494:1994
BDS 1484:1994 Dimension of refractory bricks
Methods of samplilg for fish and fisheries praducts Specifies the dimensions of various types of refractory
This standard precribes the method of sampling for fish bricks.
and fisheries products and criteria of these products for 46 page Gr-J CE
conformity with the standard.
15 page Gr-C AF BDS 1495:1994
High aluminium refractory bricks
BDS 1485:2012 Specifies the dimension, characteristics and
Printed silk saris (First Revision) classification of high alumina refractory bricks.
This Bangladesh Standard prescribes the constructional CE
details and particulars of different varieties of printed BDS 1496:2007
silk saris Unplasticized PVC pipes for potable water supply
04 page Gr-A JT (Second Revision)
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 4422 series)
BDS 1486:1994 32 page Gr-G CE
Dead spindles used in jute spinning frames.
This standard specifies requirements for dead spindless BDS 1497:1994
used on jute spining frames Edible vegetable fats (Second Revision)
07 page Gr-B JT This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
of sampling and test for edible vegetable fat.
BDS 1487:1994F
05 page Gr-A AF
Fuse yarn
Specification for blasting fuses produced in Bangladesh.
BDS 1498:2012
03 page Gr-A JT
Chewing gum, ball gum and bubble gum
BDS 1488:1994 (First Revision)
Size designation of cloth men’s and boy’s underwear This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
nightwear and shirts. of sampling and test for chewin gum, ball gum and
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 4415:2007) bubble gum.
JT 06 page Gr-B AF
BDS 1489:1994
Size designation of clothes men’s and boy’s BDS 1499:1995
outerwear garments Mustard seed oilcake as livestock feed ingredient
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 3636:2007) This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
JT of sampling and test for mustard seed oilcake as
BDS 1490:2007 livestock feed ingredient.
Saris-made of man-made fibres and their blends 4page Gr-A AF
(First Revision)
It specifies the performance requirements of saris made BDS 1500:1996
of man-made fibres and their blends. Glossary of basic terms for fishing nets
05 page Gr-A JT This standards gives the basic terms relating to netting
for fishing nets, including hanging of netting together
BDS 1491:1994 with their definitions or, in some case, the method of
Testing methods for wiring devices expressing dimensions.
Specifies the general testing methods for switches, 04 page Gr-A JT
connectors, panel board for dwelling etc. used for
BDS 1501:2011
connection to wiring of electric circuit at ac voltage not
Worsted socks (First Revision)
exceeding 600 V and frequency 50 Hz or 60 Hz.
This Standard prescribes the constructional details and
89 page Gr-K ET
other particulars of worsted socks, white, dyed or
BDS 1492:1994 mixture shades.
Helical-scan video tape cassette system using 12.65 10 page Gr-B JT
mm magnetic tape on type VHS
Applicable to magnetic video recording using 12.65 mm
tape cassette on two-hand helical-scan video cassette
recorders and defines the basic VHS format video
cassette system of 50 Hz, 625 lines.

BDS1502:2012 PVC insulated cables (for voltages upto 1100 V) with
Handloom cotton saries (First Revision) aluminium conductors
This Bangladesh standard prescribes the constructional Covers 250/440 V grade cables suitable for use on single
particulars, and other requirements of different varieties phase or 3-phase systems where the voltage between
of handloom cotton asries bleached, striped or cheeked each conductor and earth does not exceed 250 V and
etc. 650/1100 V grade cables are suitable for use on medium
07 page Gr-B JT voltage 3-phase systems where the voltage between the
conductor and earth does not exceed 650 V.
BDS 1503:2011 34 page Gr-G ET
Mayonnaise (First Revision) BDS 1513:1995
This standard prescribes the requirements and the Tungsten rods and tungsten wire for lamps and
methods of sampling and test for Mayonnaise. electron devices
08 page Gr-B AF Covers the requirements of two types of drawn tungsten
wires suitable for fabrication of parts for lamps and
BDS 1504:1996 electron devices and tungsten rods for glass to metal
Timber door window and ventilator frames sealing.
This Standards lays down the requirements regarding 10 page Gr-B ET
material size construction and non knownship of timber
door window and ventilator frames generally used in BDS 1514:1995
residential buildings, offices, schools, hospitals etc. Umbrella
09 page Gr-B AF Covers the requirements for complete umbrellas.
08 page Gr-B ME
BDS 1505:1995
Knitted gloves BDS 1515 (Part-1):1995
It specifies the requirements of white, coloured or mixed Grades of gold and gold alloys
shaded knitted gloves. Specifies six standard grades of gold used in the
12 page Gr-C JT manufacture of articles of gold, based on their gold
BDS 1506:1995 07 page Gr-B ME
PVC pipes for electrical conduits
(Cancels and replaces by BDS EN 60386-21:2010) BDS 1515 (Part-2):1995
CE Jewelleries of 21 carat gold
BDS 1507:1995 Covers the typical composition of 21 carat gold alloys
Bip taps used in water supply used in jewelleries.
(Cancels and replaces by BDS EN 200:2009) 03 page Gr-A ME
BDS 1508:1995 BDS 1516:1995
Stop taps used in water supply Spring balances
Specifies the requirements, dimensions construction, Covers the requirements for spring balances.
materials and test methods of stop taps used in water 07 page Gr-B ME
CE BDS 1517:1995
BDS 1509:2002 Suction hand pump
Pillar taps used in water supply Specifies the technical requirements for hand pumps for
(Cancels and replaces by BDS EN 200:2009) suction of water from a depth not exceeding seven
CE metres.
BDS 1510:1995 09 page Gr-B ME
Plastic potable water bottles
This standard specifies the requirements for plastic water BDS 1518:2009
bottles used for carrying water purposes. Handloom cotton check shirting (Second Revision)
07 page Gr-B CH It prescribes constructional details and other particulars
of handloom cotton check shirting.
BDS 1511:1995 09 page Gr-B JT
Canvas shoes, rubber sole
This standard prescribes the requirement and the BDS 1519
methods of sampling and test for canvas shoes, rubber Insulated varnishes containing solvents
sole requirements for general use, games, sports and
physical training. BDS 1519 (Part-1):1995
07 page Gr-B CH Definition and requirements
Covers the definitions related to and general
BDS 1512:1995 requirements to be fulfilled by electrical insulating

varnishes containing solvents (after solvent removal and BDS 1523:1995
curing, become non-thermoplastic). Calcium carbonate, precipitated for cosmetic
03 page Gr-A ET industry
This standard prescribes requirements and the methods
of sampling and test for precipitated calcium carbonate
for cosmetic industry
20 page Gr-D CH

BDS 1519 (Part-2):2000

BDS 1524:2006
Methods of tests
After shave lotion (First Revision)
Covers the methods of tests applicable to insulating
This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
varnishes containing solvents for use in electrical
of sampling and test for after shave lotion.
03 page Gr-A CH
20 page Gr-D ET
BDS 1525:1995
BDS 1519 (Part-3):2000 Methods of sampling of rubber and rubber
Individual materials combination footwear
Covers the requirements for insulating varnishes This standard prescribes the methods of sampling and
containing solvents which dry and/or cure without the criteria for conformity for rubber footwear whose, upper
application of heat and are of temperature index 105, my be wholly or partly made of rubber or canvas and
120, 130. Insulating varnishes specially designed for sole made of rubber.
resistance to tacking as well as for resistances to mold 05 page Gr-A CH
growth are also covered in this standard. BDS 1526:1995
20 page Gr-D ET Mineral oil for cosmetic industry
This standard prescribes requirements and methods of
BDS 1520:2011 sampling and test for mineral oil for cosmetic industry.
Bangla coded character set for information 21 page Gr-E CH
interchange (Second Revision)
Specifies Bangia version of character code which are BDS 1527:1995
included in the Unicode version 6.0.0 and specification Cigarettes
of the codes and with their coded representations. This standard prescribes the requirements and the
10 page Gr-B ET methods of sampling and test for Cigarettes made for
tobacco gram and processed in Bangladesh.
BDS 1521 07 page Gr-B AF
Crosslinked polyethylene insulated PVC sheathed
cables BDS 1528:1995
ET Beam Scale, coverrs the reavire must for commercial
BDS 1521 (Part-1):1995 uses of four types of Beam Scale
For working voltages up to and including 1100 V 09 page Gr-B ME
Specifies earthed or unearthed single phase or three
phase systems for rated voltages upto and including BDS 1529:2002
1100 V both armoured and unarmoured single, twin, Specification for Air compression krafsack spraper
three, four and multicore crosslinked polyethylene (First Revision)
insulated and PVC sheathed cable for electric supply and Covers the requirements regarding constructions,
control purposes. materials dimension, method of test etc.
35 page Gr-G ET 08 page Gr-B ME

BDS 1521 (Part 2):1998 BDS 1530:1995

For working voltages from 3.3 kV up to and The authorizations of Irradiation by groups or
including 33 kV classes of food
Covers the requirements of armoured screened or This standard covers all food irradiation facilities and
unscreened single core and three-core crosslinked irradiated foods whether produced for domestic
polyethylene insulated and PVC sheathed cables for consumption, imported or exported.
electricity supply purposes. 05 page Gr-A AF
22 page Gr-E ET
BDS 1531:1995
BDS 1522:1995 Black Tea, Vocabulary
Bleaching and dyeing of cotton knitted fabrics This standard provides a list of terms and definitions,
Water hardness, and details description of bleaching and applicable to the techniques of processing and assessing
dyeing process of different steps of grey cotton knitted black tea for commerce.
fabric. 09 page Gr-B AF
12 page Gr-B JT

BDS 1532:1995 This standard prescribes the constructional particulars
Margarine and other requirements of women‟s knitted cardigan
This standard prescribes the requirements and methods manufactured by machine knitting, using knitted yarn,
of sampling and test for margarine. which are bleached, dyed or in mixture shades.
07 page Gr-B AF 10 page Gr-B JT

BDS 1540:2011
Code for packaging of ready-made garments for
export (First Revision)
This code prescribes the method of packing of ready-
made garments intended for export by sea or air to
BDS 1533:1995
ensure their safe transit. The requirements of the packing
materials have also been specified.
This standard prescribes the requirements and the
05 page Gr-A JT
methods of sampling and test for biddies. This standard
does not covers the requirements for flavor and aroma of
BDS 1541:1995
Handloom silk bush shirt cloths loom state
09 page Tk. 150.00 AF
This standard prescribes constructional details and other
BDS 1534:2014 particulars of handloom silk bush shirt cloth, loom state.
Letter press ink, black for general purpose 05 Page Gr-A JT
(First Revision)
This standard prescribes the requirements and the BDS 1542:2013
methods of sampling and test for Letter press Ink, Black Jute twine (First Revision)
General purpose, for use in flat-bed Letter press printing This standard prescribes requirements of Twines, made
Machines. from Jute.
04 page Gr-A CH 04 page Gr-A JT

BDS 1535:1995 BDS 1543:2006

Bitumen-based coatings for cold application, suitable Porcelain insulation for over head power lines with a
for use in contact with potable water nominal voltage up to and including 1000 volts (First
This standard specifies the requirements and method of Revision)
sampling and test for bitumen-based solvent borne Specifies requirements and methods of sampling and
coatings. It covers coating for cold application by either tests for porcelain insulators for overhead power lines
brushing, Spraying rolling, or dipping processes with a nominal voltage up to and including 1000 V. Both
intended to give a coat for the corrosion protection and pin and shackle type insulators are covered.
water proofing of substance including iron and steel. 29 page Gr-F ET
58 page Gr-K CH
BDS 1544:1995
BDS 1536: 2016 Direct action hand pump
Glycerine Toilet Soap (First Revision) Covers the hand pumps suitable for lifting water from a
This standard prescribes the requirements and the depth up to 15 meter from a tubewell. Moreover where
methods of sampling and test for glycerine toilet soap. the layer of water exist at a level below 15 metre in this
05 page Gr-A CH areas this type pump is not applicable.
BDS 1537:2013 17 page Gr-D ME
Textiles – Gent’s Pullover, Knitted BDS 1545:1995
(First Revision) Household battery chargers
This standard prescribes the constructional particulars Specifics requirements for batter chargers, with input
and other requirements of gent’s knitted sweater. ratings not exceeding 2.6 kVA intended for household or
Manufactured by machine knitting, using hosiery yarn, similar use for charging lead acid batteries of the
which are bleached, dyed or in mixture shades. automotive type and their derivatives such as batteries
10 page Gr-B JT for electric vehicles, golf buggies and semi-traction
BDS 1538:1995 05 page Gr-A ET
Handloom cotton bed spread
This standard prescribes constructional particulars and BDS 1546:1995
other requirements of different varieties of handloom Wheat flour for use in cake industry
cotton bed spread. This Standards Prescribes the requirements and the
11 page Gr-C JT method of sampling and test for wheat flour for use in
cake industry.
BDS 1539:2016 04 page Gr-A AF
Women’s knitted cardigan (First Revision)
BDS 1547:2003

General purpose packing/ wrapping paper Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for
(First Revision) liquid detergent for house hold hand dish washing.
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 214:1962) 13 page Gr-C CH
BDS 1548:1995 BDS 1555:1997
Characteristics of porcelain insulators for overhead Direct moulded sole (DMS) boots for general purpose
power line (3.3 kV and upwards) CH
Describes the standard characteristics of porcelain BDS 1556:1997
insulators for overhead power lines designed for system Chips/crackers (Amendment 1:2004)
voltages of 3.3 kV and upwards. This standard prescribes the quality requirements and
15 page Gr-C ET methods of test for chips/crackers taken as a snack and
not as a replacement for meals.
19 page Gr-D AF

BDS 1557:1997
BDS 1549 Portland pulverized-fue ash cement
Stationery lead acid batterie (Vented types) (Cancels and replaces by BDS EN 197-1:2003)
BDS 1549 (Part-1):1995
General requirements BDS 1558:1997
Applicable to lead-acid batteries which are designed for Portland blast furnace slag cement
services in a fixed location and which are permanently (Cancels and replaces by BDS EN 197-1:2003)
connected to the load to the dc power supply. It CE
described general requirements terminologies and BDS 1559:2016
functional characteristics. Spun Polyester Yarn Part 2: For Knitting
03 page Gr-A ET (First Revision)
This specification prescribes the requirements and
BDS 1549 (Part-2):1995 methods of sampling and test for 100% Spun Polyester
Test conditions and test methods yarn intended for knitting.
Applicable to vented types-test conditions and test 07 page Gr-B JT
03 page Gr-A ET BDS 1560:2009
Handloom woven shawls (First Revision)
BDS 1550:1996 This standard prescriber constructional particulars and
Diapharm type knap sack sprayer other requirements of different varieties of handloom
05 page Gr-A ME woven shawls.
07 page Gr-B JT
BDS 1551:2009 BDS 1561:2013
Y-neck plain knitted worsted jersey Glossary of Textile terms- natural fibres
(First Revision) (First Revision)
This standard prescribes the constructional details and This standard prescribes definitions of terms commonly
other particulars of plain knitted, Y-neck, scoured, used in the textile industry and trade relating to natural
bleached, dyed or of mixed shades made from worsted fibres.
yarn. 43 page Gr-I JT
14 page Gr-C JT
BDS 1562:1997
BDS 1552:2007 Solvent cements for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic
Instant noodles (First Revision) pipe and fitting
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for Specifies requirements for solvent cement for joining
instant noodles. unplasticized PVC pressure pipes complying with the
05 page Gr-A AF requirements of BDS 1496 : 1996
10 page Gr-B CE
BDS 1553:1997 BDS 1563:2011
Railway carriage fans
Protein Rich Biscuits (Second Revision)
Specifies the requirements and methods of tests for ac
This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
and dc fixed, swiveling and bracket type fans, including
of test for protein rich and intermediate protein rich
the associated speed regulators, for use in railway
nutritive biscuits.
34 page Gr-G AF
30 page Gr-F ET

BDS 1554:1997 BDS 1564:1997

Household dish washing liquid Chanachur (Amendment 1:2004)

This standard prescribes the qulity requirements and Specifies the method for measuring the size of ring for
methods of test for chanachur the purposes of designating ring sizes to be used in
20 page Gr-D AF jewellery.
03 page Gr-A ME
BDS 1565:1997
Bason BDS 1574:2012
This standard prescribes the requirements and methods Cakes (Second Revision)
of sampling and test for basan. This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
09 page Gr-B AF of sampling and test for plain, fruit and sponze Cake.
06 page Gr-B AF
BDS 1566:1997
BDS 1575:1997
Hooka, tobacco, manufactured
Cast iron manhole cover and frames
This standard prescribes the requirements and the
Lays down basic and performance requirements for
methods of test for hooka, tobacco manufactured.
Manhole covers and frames in cast iron, intended for use
13 page Gr-C AF
in drainage and water works.
09 page Gr-B CE
BDS 1567:2007
Refined Palm olein (First Revision) BDS 1576:1997
This standard prescribes the requirements and methods Method for tensile testing of steel tubes
of sampling and test for palm olein. Prescribes the method of conducting tensile testing of
03 page Gr-A AF steel tubes.
09 page Gr-B CE
BDS 1568:1997
Edible soya flour BDS 1577:1997
This standard prescribes the requirements and methods Carbon steel Billets for the manufacturing of
of sampling and test for edible soya flour. reinforcing Bars and Wire rods
10 page Gr-B AF Specifies requirements for carbon steelbillets for
manufacturing of wire drawingrods and reinforcing bars
BDS 1569:2013 of the deffernt 5 (five) types and grades.
Handloom cotton bedsheets (First Revision) 03 page Gr-A CE
This standard prescribes constructional particulars and
other requirements for seventeen varieties of handloom BDS 1578
cotton bedsheets. Current transformers
05 page Gr-A JT
BDS 1578 (Part-1):1997
BDS 1570:1997 General requirement
Jewellery fineness of precious metal alloys Specifies the general requirements applicable to current
Specifies a range of fineness of precious metal alloys transformers for use with electrical measuring
(excloding solders) recommended for use in the field of instruments and electrical protective devices at
jewellery. frequencies from 15 to 100 Hz. It will also apply to auto-
03 page Gr-A ME transformer type current transformers.
22 page Gr-B ET
BDS 1571:1997 BDS 1578 (Part-2):1997
Determination of gold in gold jewellery alloys Measuring current transformers
cupellation method (fire assay) Covers the specific requirements for measuring current
Covers a cupellation method (fire alloy) for the transformers for use with measuring and indicating
determination of gold in gold jewellerys alloys instruments, integrating meters and similar apparatus. It
preferably the gold content of the alloys between 333 also applies to the measuring cores of multi-core current
and 930 parts by mass per thousand of gold the transformers.
procedure applies specifically to gold alloys 05 page Gr-A ET
incorporating silver copper and zinc.
07 page Gr-B ME BDS 1578 (Part-3):1998
Protective current transformers
BDS 1572:1997 Specifies requirements and tests for protective current
Methods of sampling for precious metals transformers used with electrical protective devices
Specifies the procedure for optaining samples for the (relays/trip coils).
determination of standard of fineness in precious metals. 08 page Gr-B ET
06 page Gr-B ME
BDS 1578 (Part-4):1998
BDS 1573:1997 Protective current transformers for special purpose
Jewellery ring size definition measurment and application

Special purpose application such as balanced protective (Cancels and replaces by BDS 651)
systems and distance protective schemes. It also applies CH
to protective cores of multi-core current transformers for BDS 1584 (Part-1):1997
such applications. Methods of sampling and test for oils and fats Part-1,
07 page Gr-B ET sampling physical and chemical tests
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 56:1961)
BDS 1579:1997
Foot sprayer
BDS 1584 (Part-2):2013
Prescribes the materials of construction and the method
Methods of sampling and test for oils and fats Part-2
of testing the performance of foot operated sprayers used
purity test
for spraying liquid pesticides formulations.
This standard prescribes methods of sampling and purity
06 page Gr-B ME
tests for the oils and fats.
BDS 1580:1997 15 page Gr-C CH
Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders
Specifies minimum requirements for certain aspects BDS 1585:1998
concerning materials design construction and Household insecticidal aerosols
workmanship, manufacturing processes and test of This bangladesh standard priscribe the requirements and
manufacture of refillable seamless steel gas cylinders of methods of test for household insecticidal aerosols.
water capacities liquified or dissolved gases, expossed to 15 page Gr-C AF
ambiment temperatures.
29 page Gr-B ME BDS 1586:2007
Soft drink powder
This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
of sampling and test for sweetened soft drink powder.
11 page Gr-C AF

BDS 1581:2015 BDS 1587:1998

Fruit Drinks (Second Revision) Methods of test for printing inks (Reaffirmed 2013)
This Standard prescribes the requirements and This standard prescribes the metods of sampling and test
methods of sampling and test for fruit drinks for pringing inks.
31 page Gr-G CH
intended for direct consumption without dilution.
16 Page Gr-D AF
BDS 1588:1998
BDS 1582 (Part-1):1997 Moulded solid rubber soles and heels
Glass shells for general lighting service lamps Part-1, This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
60 to 80 mm shell diameter of sampling and test for rubber full-soles with or without
This part of this standard prescribes the requirements of heels, half-soles and and heels sold as finished products.
length and diameter. Wall thickness at neck and crown, a) This standard does not cover resin rubber soling
ovality, seaminess, bubbles, cords and staire. stones, neolite sole sheet, and very soft moulded rubber sole or
adhered glass defects in blowing, finishing and heel normally used for canvas or all rubber footwear.
annealing tests for glass shells of 60 to 80 mm shell b) Top lifts and ladies high heel until sole are also not
diameter, This standard also prescribes the methods of coverd in this standard.
sampling and test for pear-shaped and mushroom shapee 03 page Gr-A CH
glass shells for general lighting service lamps of bulb
diameters not less than 60mm and not more than 80mm. BDS 1589:1998
05 page Gr-A CH Shoe polish liquid
BDS 1582 (Part-2):1997 This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
Glass shells for general lighting service lamps Part-2, of sampling and test for liquid shoe polish suitable for
81 to 130 mm shell diameter general application to leather footwear.
This part (part-2) prescribes the requirements of length 05 page Gr-A CH
and diameter, Wall thickness at neck & at crown,
ovality, seaminess, bubbles, cords & staire, stones, BDS 1590:1998
stones & knots, achered glass, defects in blowing, Wet process procelain insulators — Spool
finishing & annealing tests for glass shells of 81 to 130 type/shackle type
mm shell diameter. This standard also prescribes the Covers spool type/shackle type insulators made of wet
methods of sampling & test for glass shells for general process procelain and used in the transmision and
lighting service lamps of nominal bulb diamenters not distribution of electrical energy.
less than 81 mm & not more than 130 mm. 10 page Gr-B ET
06 page Gr-B CH
BDS 1591:1998
BDS 1583:1997 Code of safety for sulphuric acid
Sealing wax

This standard prescribes a code of safety concerning BDS 1599:1998
hazard relating to sulphuric acid if describes and Woven uniform fabric (Polyester cotton and
essential information for the safe handling and use of polyester wool blend)
sulphuric acid. This standard prescribes the requirements and other
07 page Gr-B CH particulars of 2 pypes of woven uniform fabric namely.
1) Polyester and cotton fabric.
BDS 1592:1998 2) Polyester and wool fabric.
Code of safety for hydrochloric acid 08 page Gr-B JT
This standard describes properties of hydrochloric acid,
the nature of hazards associated with it and essential BDS 1600:2011
information storage, handling packing labelling, waste Sesame oilcake Aslivestock Feed
disposal, clearing and repar of tanks, selection and This standard prescribes the requirements and ethods of
training of personnel, personal protective equipment and test for sesame oilcake used as livestock feed.
firstaid. 06 Page Gr-B AF
19 page Gr-D CH
BDS 1601:1998
BDS 1593:1998 Mango chutney
Plastic sanitary squatting pan This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
Panlays down the requirement for material, dimension of test for mango chutney.
physical requirements and testing for power flush type 09 page Gr-B AF
injuction moulded high densit polyethiene (HDPE) or
polypropylene (PP) squatting pan. BDS 1602:1998
05 page Gr-A CE Water melon seed oil
This standard prescribes the requirements the methods of
sampling and test for water melon seed oil.
04 page Gr-A AF

BDS 1594:1998 BDS 1603:1998

Lithium base grease for industrial purposes Modified starch for food industry
This standard prescribes the requirements and methods This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
of sampling and test for lithium base greases suitable for of test of modified starch for food industry.
industrial applications and for lubrication of plain as 07 page Gr-B AF
well as antifrication bearings.
07 page Gr-B CH BDS 1604:1998
Rice flour
BDS 1595:1998 This standard prescribes the requirements, methods of
Ground rock, phosphate sampling and test for rice flour.
This Bangladesh standard specifies the requirements for 11 page Gr-C AF
ground rock phosphate fertilizer grade.
04 page Gr-A CH BDS 1605:2009
Textile great coat cloth - Specification (First Revision)
BDS 1596:1998 This standard prescribes the constructional particulars
Zinc sulphate monohydrate, granular grade and other requirements of two varieties of great coat
This standard prescribes the requirements of zinc cloth.
sulphates, monohydratc, granular grade. 06 page Gr-B JT
03 page Gr-A CH
BDS 1606:1999
Tungsten filament electric lamps for railway rolling
BDS 1597:1998 stock
Petroleum jelly for cosmetic industry Specifies the requirements and test for tungsten filament
This standard prescribes the requirements and methods electric lamps for railway rolling stock.
of sampling of test for petroleum jelly for cosmetic 06 page Gr-B ET
13 page Gr-C CH BDS 1607:1999
PVC covered conductors for overhead power lines
BDS 1598:1998 Specifies requirements for two type of (thickness 0.8
Correcting fluid mm and 1.6 mm) PVC covered conductors for overhead
This standard prescribes the requirements and the power lines. These requirements are limited to the PVC
methods of sampling and test for correcting fluid used covering and to the testing there of after application to a
for carring out correcting on waxless stencil papers. given overhead type of conductors.
03 page Gr-B CH 05 page Gr-A ET

BDS 1608:2009 03 page Gr-A AF
Cotton duck (First Revision)
This standard prescribes the constructional details and BDS 1614:2000
other particulars of five varieties of cotton duck. The Code for pasteurization of milk
cotton duck may be grey, scoured or dyed. This code prescribes the techniques for pasteurization of
05 page Gr-A JT milk.
03 page Gr-A AF
BDS 1609:1999
Plain jute bag BDS 1615:2000
This Bangladesh standard specifies types, size, and Cocoa powder
tolerance, manufacturing, requirements, packing, This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
marking and labelling, sampling and criteria for of test for cocoa powder.
conformity and testing jute bag. 05 page Gr-A AF
11 page Gr-C JT
BDS 1616:2000
BDS 1610:1999 Dry cocoa sugar mixtures for drink preparation
Gents cotton rib-knitted briefs part-1, 1X1, 2 ply rib- This standard prescribed the requirements and method of
knitted sampling and test for dry cocoa sugar mixture for drink
This standard (part-1) prescribes the constructional preparation intended for use as a beverage.
details and other particulars of scoured, bleached or dyed 04 page Gr-A AF
cotton rib-knitted briefs. Rib-knitted fabric shall be 1X1
with two threads to a feeder commonly known as double BDS 1617:2000
ribbed. Instant curried dal mix
05 page Gr-A JT This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
of sampling and test for instant curried dal mix.
BDS 1611:1999 03 page Gr-A AF
Textiles-Gents cotton briefs specification part-2 plain
knitted BDS 1618:2000
This standard (part-2) prescribes the constructions Milk added drinks
details and other particulars of bleached or dyed plain This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
knitted gents cotton briefs. of sampling and test for milk added drinks.
09 page Gr-B JT page Gr- AF

BDS 1612 BDS 1619:2000

Voltage transformers Threads for footwear
This specification covers cotton, linen, polyamide and
BDS 1612 (Part-1):1999 polyester threads and blended threads that consist of
Part-1 General requirements polyamide (or polyester) and cotton, suitable for use in
Covers the general requirements applicable to all voltage the manufacture of footwear.
transformers for use with electrical measuring 07 page Gr-B JT
instruments and electrical protective devices operating at
frequencies from 15 to 100 Hz. It basically applied to BDS 1620:2000
transformers with separate windings only to highest Lachsa shemai
system voltages of 36 kV for three phase voltage This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
transformers. of sampling and test for lachsa shemai.
29 page Gr-F ET 07 page Gr-B AF
BDS 1612 (Part-2):1999 BDS 1621:2000
Part-2 Measuring voltage transformers Soyamilk
Covers additional requirements for measuring voltage This standard specification types and kinds, ingredients
transformers. requirements, additives, contaminants, hygiene, packing,
03 page Gr-A ET mark and label, sampling and criteria for conformity and
testing for soyamilk. This standard does not cover
BDS 1612 (Part-3):2000 pasteurized and concentrated soya milk.
Part-3 Protective voltage transformers 05 page Gr-A AF
Covers additional requirements for protective voltage
transformers. BDS 1622:2016
07 page Gr-B ET Round Neck Jersey (Sweater) (First Revision)
This Standard prescribes the constructional details and
BDS 1613:2000 other particulars of round-neck, plain- knitted jerseys,
Green mango powder scoured, bleached, dyed or of mixture shades, made from
This standard prescribes the requirements for green worsted yarn.
mango powder.

10 page. Gr-B JT
BDS 1631 (Part-1):2000
BDS 1623:2000 Plastics materials for food contact use Part-1, Poly
Automotive hydraulic breake fluid heavy duty (Vinyl chloride) (PVC) compound
Prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling Covers the requirements for poly (Vinyl chloride) (PVC)
and test for non petroleum type heavy duty automotive compound plastics materials (in the form of granules or
hydraulic brake fluid for use in hydraulic breake systems powder) for the manufacture of plastics items for food
fitted with drum, discor either type of breakes at wide contact use.
ambient temperature. 27 page Gr-F CH
12 page Gr-C CH
BDS 1631 (Part-2):2000
BDS 1624:2000 Plastics materials for food contact use Part-2,
Offset ink, black general purpose miscellaneous additives
This standard prescribes requirements and methods of Prescribes the lists of miscellaneous additives which
sampling and test for offset ink, black, for general may be used in the manufacture of plastics materials for
purpose. food contact use and gives the maximum level of use
17 page Gr-D CH and any restriction or lamitations on the use of and
additives or on the end-use of a plastics material because
BDS 1625:2000 of the incorporation of a particular additives.
Handloom cotton pyjama cloth —Specification 56 page Gr-K CH
This Bangladesh standards prescribes constructional
particulars and other requirements for four varieties of BDS 1631 (Part-3):2000
handloom cotton pyjama cloth grey. Plastics materials for food contact use Part-3,
32 page Gr-G JT colourants
Specifies the purity (composition) and migration
BDS 1626:1999 Characteristics for colourants and colourant preparation
Concrete pipes (with and without) reinforcement to be used in the manufacture of plastics items for food
This standard covers the requirements and test for contact application.
reinforced and unreinforced cement concrete pipes of 09 page Gr-B CH
both pressure and non- pressure varieties used for water
mains, sewers, culverts and irrigation works. BDS 1632:2000
09 page Gr-B CE Lever operated knapsack sprayer
This Specification covers the design and construction
workmanship and finish, materials performance marking
testing and sampling requirements for lever operated
knapsack sprayers, used for spraying pesticides and agro
chemicals. The sprayers of this type having a working
BDS 1627:2000 pressure not enceeding 300 KPa.
Potassium chloride (muriate of potash ) fertilizer 09 page Gr-B ME
Covers the requirements and the methods of sampling BDS 1633:2000
and the test for potassium chloride (muriate of potash), Printed cotton dress fabric
fertilizer grade. This Bangladesh Standards prescribes constructional
details and other particulars of printed cotton dress
05 page Gr-B CH
12 page Gr-C JT
BDS 1628:2000
Diammonium phosphate
BDS 1634:2000
Covers the requirements and the methods of sampling
and test for diammonium phosphate with urea. ISO 105-E 03:1994
05 page Gr-A CH Textiles–Test for colour fastness-Part E03 Colour
fastness to chlorinated water (swimming pool water)
BDS 1629:2000 (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 105-E03:2011)
Potassium sulphate, fertilizer grade JT
Prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling BDS 1635:2000
ISO 14419:1998
and test for potassium sulphate fertilizer grade.
Textiles - Oil repellency – Hydro carbon resistance
05 page Gr-A CH
BDS 1630:2000 (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 14419:2012)
Activated carbons, powdered
Covers the requirements and the methods of sampling BDS 1636:2000
and test for activated carbons, powdered. ISO 6743-0:1981
05 page Gr-A CH

Lubricants, industrials oils and related products Establishes the detailed classification of Family H
(Class-L) Classification Part-O, General (Hydraulic systems) which belongs to class L
Establishes the general classification system which (Lubricants, industrial oils and related products.)
applies to lubricants, industrial oils and related products, 03 page Gr-A CH
designed by the prefix letter “L”. Within this class L, 18
families of products are defined according to application BDS 1642:2000
in order to cover as far as possible, all the application for ISO 6743-5:1988
which lubricants, industrial oils and related products are Lubricants, industrial oils and related products
used. (Class-L) Classification Part-5, Family T (Turbines)
03 page Gr-A CH Establishes the detailed classification of family T (gears)
BDS 1637:2000 which belongs to class-L (Lubricants, industrial oils and
ISO 6743-1:1981 related products).
Lubricants, industrial oils and related products 05 page Gr-A CH
(Class-L) Classification Part-1, Family-A, (Total loss
systems) BDS 1643:2000
Establishes the detailed classification of family. A (Total ISO 6743-6:1990
loss systems) which belongs to the class L (Lubricants, Lubricants, industrial oils and related products
industrial oil and related products.) (Class-L) lassification Part-6, Family-C (Gears)
06 page Gr-B CH Estabishes the detailed classification of family C (gears)
which belongs to class-L (Lubricants, industrial oils and
BDS 1638:2000 related products).
ISO 6743-2:1981 07 page Gr-B CH
Lubricants, industrial oils and related products
(Class-L) classification Part-2, Family-F (Spindle BDS 1644:2000
bearing, and associated clutches). ISO 6743-7:1986
Establishes the detailed classification of family F Lubricants, industrial oils and related products
(Spindle bearings, bearings and associated clutches) (Class-L) Classification-Part-7, Family M (metal
which belongs to the class L (Lubricants, industrial oils working)
and related products.) Establishes the detailed classification of family M (Metal
03 page Gr-A CH working) which belongs to the class L (Lubricants,
industrial oils and related products)
BDS 1639:2000 06 page Gr-B CH
ISO 6743-3A:1987
Lubricants, industrial oils and related products BDS 1645:2000
(Class-L) classification Part-3A, Family-D ISO 6743-8:1987
(Compressors) Lubricants, industrial oils and related products
Establishes the detailed classification of lubricants in use (Class-L) Classification, Part-8, Family R
for air compressors. It forms the preliminary part of the (Temporary protection against corrosion)
classification of lubricants in use for all compressors Establishes the detailed classification of family R
type, family D, including gas compressors and (Temporary protection against corrosion), which belongs
refrigeration compressors. to Class L (Lubricants, industrial oils and related
06 page Gr-B CH products.)
05 page Gr-A CH

BDS 1646:2000
ISO 6743-9:1987
BDS 1640:2000 Lubricants, industrial oils and related products
ISO 6743-3B:1988 (Class-L) Classification Part-9, Family X (Grease)
Lubricants, industrial oils and related products Establishes the detailed classification of family X
(Class-L) Classification-Part-3B : Family-D (Gas and (grease) which belongs to class-L (Lubricants, industrial
refrigeration Compressors). oils and related products).
Establishes the detailed classification of lubricants in use 05 page Gr-A CH
for gas and refrigeration compressors.
05 page Gr-B CH BDS 1647:2000
ISO 6743-10:1989
BDS 1641:2000 Lubricants, industrial oils and related products
ISO 6743-4:1982 (Class-L) Classification Part-10, Family Y
Lubricants, industrial oils and related products (Miscellaneous)
(Class-L) Classification-Part-4, Family H (Hydraulic Establishes the detailed classification of lubricants used
systems). for specific application, which affect relatively small
quantities of products.
03 page Gr-A CH

Specifies a titrimetric method for the determination of
BDS 1648:2000 the potassium content of fertilizers.
ISO 6743-11:1990 06 page Gr-B CH
Lubricants, industrial oils and related products
(Class-L) Classification Part-11, Family P BDS 1655:2000
(Pneumatic tools) ISO 5311:1980
Establishes the detailed classification of lubricants of Fertilizer-determination of bulk density (tapped)
family P for Pneumatic tools and machines driven by Specifies the bulk density (tapped) of a fertilizer,
compressed air. together, with the bulk density (Loose), provides
03 page Gr-A CH information relative to the required size of packaging
materials, store-house, stock-room etc.
6page Gr-B CH
BDS 1649:2000
ISO 6743-12:1989 BDS 1656:2000
Lubricants, industrial oils and related products ISO 5315:1984
(Class-L) classification Part-12, Family Q (Heat Fertilizers-determination of total nitrogen content-
transfer fluids) titrimetric method after distillation
Establishes the detailed classification of family Q (heat Specifies a titrimetric method, after distillation, for the
transfer fluids). determination of the total nitrogen content of fertilizers,
03 page Gr-A CH in all form, including those which have to be digested.
07 page Gr-B CH
BDS 1650:2000
BDS 1657:2000
ISO 6743-13:1989
ISO 6598:1985
Lubricants, industrial oils and related products
Fertilizers-determination of phosphorus content-
(Class-L) Classification Part-13, Family G
quinoline phosphomlybdated gravimetric method
Specifies a gravimetric method using quinoline
Establishes the detailed classification of family G
phosphomolybdate for the determination of phosphorus
(Lubricants for slideways.)
(expressed as disphosphorus pentaoxide) in a solution
03 page Gr-A CH
prepared from natural mineral phosphates as fertilizers.
05 page Gr-A CH
BDS 1651:2000
ISO 6743-14:1994 BDS 1658:2000
Lubricants, industrial oils and related products ISO 7497:1984
(Class-L) Classification Part-14, Family U (Heat Fertilizer-extraction of phosphates soluble in mineral
treatment) acids
Establishes the detailed classification of harding fluids of Specifies a method for the extraction of mineral acid-
family U for use in the field of heat treatment. soluble phosphates by attack with a mixture of
04 page Gr-A CH hydrochloric acid and nitric acids and a methods by
attack with a mixture of sulphuric and nitric acids.
BDS 1652:2000 04 page Gr-A CH
ISO 3944:1980
Fertilizers – Determination of bulk density (loose) BDS 1659:2000
Specifies a method for the determination of the bulk ISO 8189:1992
density (loose) if solid fertilizer, except powder Solid fertilizers-determination of moisture content-
fertilizer. gravimetric method by drying under reduced
05 page Gr-B CH pressure
Specifies a gravimetric methods by drying under reduced
BDS 1653:2000 pressure, for the determination of the moisture content of
ISO 4176:1981 fertilizers.
Fertilizer-determination of nitrate nitrogen content- 06 page Gr-B CH
nitron gravimetric method
Specifies the nitron gravimetric method for the BDS 1660:2011
determination of the nitrate nitrogen content of Guide for positioning of labels in garments (First
fertilizers. It is suitable for use as a reference method and Revision)
is applicable to all fertilizers. This Standard prescribes the positioning of labels in
04 page Gr-A CH garments
05 page Gr-A JT

BDS 1654:2000 BDS 1661:2000

ISO 5310:1986 Tungsten filament lamps for general service – safety
Fertilizers determination of potassium content- requirements
titrimetric method)

Specifies the safety and interchangeability requirements BDS CAC-73 :2000
of tungsten filament lamps for domestic and similar Canned baby food
general lighting purposes. Specified foods intended primarily for use during the
17 page Gr-D ET normal infant’s wearing period and also for the
progressive adaptation of infants and children to
BDS 1662:2000 ordinary food.
Guide to the manufacture of plastics items for food 08 page Gr-B AF
content applications
Describes the procedures that should be followed during BDS 1669:2000
the various stages of production, coating and printing of BDS CAC-175 :2000
plastics items for food contact such as packages, Soy protein products
domestic containers, wrapping, utensils on any other Prescribed standard applies to vegetable protein products
plastics items intended for contact applications. (VPP) prepared from soybeans by various separation and
03 page Gr-A CH extraction processes.
BDS 1663:2000 09 page Gr-B AF
Methods for testing flexible cellular polyurethane
Specifies the methods of sampling, conditioning and BDS 1670:2000
testing for cellular polyurethane. BDS CAC-181:2000
34 page Gr-G CH Formula foods for use in weight control diets
BDS 1664:2000 Specification applies to formula foods for use in weight
Flexible cellular polyurethane for seat cushioning control diet, do/does not apply to prepackaged meals
and bedding controlled in energy any presented in the form of
This standard sets out requirements for flexible load- conventional foods.
bearing cellular polyurethane, manufactured in book, flat 08 page Gr-B AF
of profiled sheet and strip form, in moulded and
fabricated shapes, and as reconstitute material, for use in BDS 1671:2001
seat cushioning, bedding and similar application. ISO 14021:2000
07 page Gr-B CH Environmental labels and declaration self declared
environmental claims (Type 11 labeling)
BDS 1665:2000 This International standards specifies requirements for
BDS CAC GL 09:2000 self declared environmental claims including statements
General principles for the addition of essential symbols and graphics regarding products. It further
nutrients to foods describes selected terms commonly used in
Specified, Principles are Intended to apply to all food to environmental claims and gives qualifications for their
which essential nutrients are added. used. This international standard also describes a general
07 page Gr-B AF evaluation and verification methodology for self
declared environmental claims and specific evaluation
BDS 1666:2000 and verification methods for the selected claims in this
BDS CAC RCP- 41:2000 standard.
Code for antemortem and post mortem inspection of 25 page Gr-E CH
slaughter animals and for ante-mortem and post-
mortem judgement of slaughter animals and meat BDS 1672:2001
Specified Code applies to the ante-mortem and post- ISO 14042:1999
mortem inspection of slaughter animal, other than Environmntal management life cycle assessment-life
animal covered by other Codex Codes, namely poultry, cycle impact assessment
fish and game, when those animal are intended for This International standard describes and gives guidance
human consumption and the judgement at abattoirs of on a general frame work for the life cycle impact
slaughter animals and the meat of such animals. assessment (LCIA) phase of life cycle assessment (LCA)
29 page Gr-F AF and the key features and inherent limitations of LCIA. It
specifies requirements for conducting the LCIA phase
BDS 1667:2000 BDS CAC-53:2000 and the relation ship of LCIA phase to the other LCA
Special dietary foods with low sodium content phase.
(including salt substitutes) 19 page Gr-D CH
Applies to foods which are represented directly or
indirectly or by Implication, as intended for special BDS 1673:2001
dietary uses by reason of their low sodium content, ISO 14043:2000
applies to salt substitutes with sodium content. Environmental management-life cycle assessment-life
06 page Gr-B AF cycle inter pretation
This International standard provides requirements and
recommendations for conducting the life cycle
interpretation in LCA or LCI studies.
BDS 1668:2000

This International standard does not describes specific 03 page Gr-A ME
methodologies for the life cycle international phase of
LCA and LCI studies.
08 page Gr-B CH

BDS 1674 (Part-1):2001 BDS 1674 (Part-10):2001

ISO 4074-1:1996 ISO 4074-10:1996
Rubber Condoms Part-1, Requirements Rubber Condoms Part-10, Packing and labeling
This part of ISO 4074 specifies requirements for male condoms in consumer packages
condoms made form compounded natural latex supplied This part of ISO 4074 specifies requirements for this
to consumers and designed for contraceptive purposes packaging and labelling of rubber condoms supplied in
and to assist in the prevention of sextually transmitted consumer packages.
disease. 05 page Gr-A ME
09 page Gr-B ME
BDS 1675:2001
BDS 1674 (Part-2):2001 Volumetric metering pumps and dispensers used to
ISO 4074-2:1994 dispense liquid fuel
Rubber Condoms Part-2, Determination of length This part specifies requirements for metering pumps and
This part of ISO 4074 specifies a method of determining dispensers to be installed at filling stations and used to
the length of rubber condoms. dispense liquid fuels into the tanks of motor vehicles,
05 page Gr-A ME boat and light aircraft and into portable containers.
19 page Gr-D ME
BDS 1674 (Part-3):2001
ISO 4074-3:1994 BDS 1676:2001
Rubber Condoms Part-3, Determination of width ISO 562:1981
This part of ISO 4074 specifies a method of determining Hard coal and coke-Determination of volatile matter
the width of rubber condoms. contents
04 page Gr-A ME This International standard specifies a method of
determining the volatile matter content of hard coal and
BDS 1674 (Part-5):2001 coke. It is not applicable to brown coals and lignite.
ISO 4074-5:1996 06 page Gr-B CH
Rubber Condoms Part-5, Testing for holes water leak
test BDS 1677:2001
This part of ISO 4074 specifies the method of testing of ISO 616:1995
rubber condom for holes by observing any leakage from Coke-Determination of shatter indices
the condom after it has been filled water. This International standard specifies a method for
03 page Gr-A ME determining strength of coke by the shatter test.
08 page Gr-B CH
BDS 1674 (Part-6):2001
ISO 4074-6:1996 BDS 1678 (Part-9):2001
Rubber Condoms Part-6, Determination of bursting ISO 787-9:1981
volume and pressure General methods of test for pigments and extenders,
This Part of ISO 4074 specifies the method of Part-9, Determination of pH value of an aqueous
determining the bursting volume and pressure of rubber suspension
condoms. This part of ISO 787 specifies a general method of test
04 page Gr-A ME for determining the pH, value of an aqueous suspension
of a sample of pigment of extender.
BDS 1674 (Part-7):2001 03 page Gr-A CH
ISO 4074-7:1996
Rubber Condoms Part-7, rubber condoms BDS 1678 (Part-10):2001
This part of ISO 4074 specifies a method for the ISO 787-10:1993
determination of the resistance of packaged condoms to General methods of test for pigments and extenders
determination during storage ISO 4074-6 and ISO 4074- Part-10, Determination of density, pyknometer
9 are used in conjunction with this method. methods
03 page Gr-A ME This part of ISO 787 specifies general methods of test
for determining the density of a sample of pigment or
BDS 1674 (Part-9):2001 extender, during a pyknometer.
ISO 4074-9:1996 08 page Gr-B CH
Rubber Condoms Part-9, Determination of tensile
properties BDS 1679:2001
This part of ISO 4074 specifies a method for the ISO 1171:1981
determination of tensile properties. Solid mineral fuels-Determination of ash

This International standard specifies a method for the Specification for coke (nominal size greater than
determination of the ash of all solid mineral fuels. 20mm) size analysis by sieving
29 page Gr-F CH This International standard specifies a method for the
size analysis of coke, of nominal size greater than 20
mm, by manual sieving.
BDS 1680:2001 04 page Gr-A CE
ISO 2309:1980
Coke sampling
This International standard gives the practical directions
a) The sampling of metallurgical coke from which BDS 1688:2001
breeze has been removed, for the determination of any ISO 5223:1999
property for both routine and special purpose. Specification for test sieves for cereals
b) The sampling of breeze, or small coke of nominal top This Intenational standard specifies requirements for test
size 20mm or less. sieves to by used for the laboratory determination of
c) Preparation of moisture sample of a laboratory undesirable substances in a sample of cereals and which
sample. pass through test sieves of the following nominal sizes.
26 page Gr-F CH 04 page Gr-A CE

BDS 1689:2001
BDS 1681:2001 ISO 6274:1999
ISO 8654:1987 Specification for concrete sieve analysis of aggregates
Colours of gold alloys definition range of colours and (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 6274:2008)
designation CE
This International standard specifies a limited number of BDS 1690: 2002
colours of gold alloys. Specification for metric steel tape measures (winding
07 page Gr-B ME type)
BDS 1682:2001 Covers the requirements for metric steel tape measures,
C-Band Parabolic dish antenna provided with automatic or hand-winding arrangement.
Specifies electrical and mechanical parameter for C- 03 page Gr-A ME
Band parabolic dish antenna used for cable distribution
system for television sound signals. BDS 1691:2002
03 page Gr-A ET Specification for metric fabric of plastic tape
BDS 1683:2001 Covers the requirements for metric or plastic tape
Cable distribution systems for television sound measures, which are used for measurement where the
signals — Safety requirements use of rigid length measures is not convenient or
(Cancels and replaces by BDS IEC 60728-11:2012) practicable.
ET 07 page Gr-B ME
BDS 1684:2001
Hair dye powder BDS 1692:2002
Prescribes the requirements and the methods of sampling ISO 14020:2000
and test for powder hair dyes Environmental labels and declaration general
06 page Gr-B CH principles
This International Standard establishes guiding
BDS 1685:2001 principles for the development and use of environmental
Size analysis of coal and coke for marketing labels and declarations. It is intended that other
The standard prescribes standard nomenclature and size applicable Standards in the ISO 14020 series be used in
rangesof Coal and Coke and the methods of sampling conjunction with this International Standard.
and test for their size grading. 08 page Gr-B CH
06 page Gr-B CH
BDS 1693:2002
BDS 1686:2001 Specification for activated carbons granular
Two-Stroke gasoline engine lubricating oil This Standard prescribes requirements and methods of
This standard spcifies Composition and manufacture sampling and test for granular activated carbons.
requirements, packaging, marking and labelling 03 page Gr-A CH
sampling and criteria for conformity and testing of two-
stroke gasoline engine lubricating, oil here in after to as BDS 1694:2002
‘’Engine oil’’ Methods of sampling and test for activated carbons
12 page Gr-C CH powders and granular
This Standard prescribes the methods of sampling and
BDS 1687:2001 test for activated carbons.
ISO 728:1999

11 page Gr-C CH
BDS 1701:2002
BDS 1695:2002 Glossary of terms for paints
ISO 9237:1995 This glossary defines the technical terms widely used in
Textiles- Determination of the permeability of fabric the Bangladesh paints industry and includes terms for
to air paints, varnishes, enamels and surface coating materials.
This International Standards describes a method for 65 page Gr-K CH
measuring the permeability of fabrics to air is applicable
to most types of fabrics, including industrial fabircs for BDS 1702:2002
technical purpose non woven and made-up textile Pasteurized milk
articles that are permeable to air. This standard prescribes the requirements and the
10 page Gr-B JT methods of sampling and test for pasteurized milk (cow
BDS 1696:2000 04 page Gr-A AF
ISO 9290:1990
Textile-woven fabrics determination of tear BDS 1703:2002
resistance by the falling pendulum method Solid state inverters run from storage batteries
This International Standard Specification a method for Lays down the requirements and test for solid state
determining the force required to propagate a tear inverters run from storage batteries (dc source)
through a specified distance and from a specified still, 04 page Gr-A ET
cut in a test specimen of textile fabric under specified
conditions of loading.. BDS 1704:2002
06 page Gr-B JT Dressed chicken
This standard prescribes the requirements and the
BDS 1697:2002 methods of sampling and test for dressed chicken.
IS0 14015:2001 04 page Gr-A AF
Environmental management-Environmental
assessment of sites and organizations (EASO) BDS 1705:2002
This International Standard provides guidance on how Code for handling processing quality evaluation and
to conduct an EASO through a systematic process of storage of poultry
identifying environmental aspect and environmental This code lays down guidelines for efficient and
issues and determining, it appropriate, their business hygienic handling, processing quality evaluation and
consequence. cold storage of poultry.
09 page Gr-B CH 09 page Gr-B AF
BDS 1698:2002
ISO 14031:1999 BDS 1706:2015
Environmental management Environmental Specification for Cement paints (First Revision)
performance evaluation guidelines This standard specifies requirement methods of sampling
This International Standard give guideline on the design and test for Portland cement of based paint powder for
and use of environmental performance evaluation with use on interior and exterior and porous surfaces, as a
in an organization it applicable to all organizations decorative and productive and productive coating.
regardless of typ, size, location and complexity. 09 page Gr-B CH
37 page Gr-H CH
BDS 1707:2002
BDS 1699:2002 Specification for liquid toilet cleaner
Specification for rotational polyethylene water This standard prescribes requirements and methods
storage tanks. of sampling and test for toilet cleaner, liquid.
This Standard covers the requirements of 05 page Gr-A CH
materials, dimensions, construction, shape,
workmanship, performance requirements and BDS 1708:2002
inspection and testing of rotational molded Semi sweet biscuits and cookies
polyethylene water storage tanks with a nominal service This standard prescribes the specification for semi-
temperature from +10C to +500C. sweet biscuits and cookies.
09 page Gr-B CH 07 page Gr-B AF

BDS 1700:2002 BDS 1709:2002

Methods of test for polyethylene molding Cream crackers
materials and polyethylene compounds This standard prescribes the specification for cream
This standard prescribes the methods of test for crackers.
[polyethylene molding materials and polyethylene 03 page Gr-B AF
22 page Gr-E CH BDS 1710:2002

Palm oil for food processing industry
This standard prescribes the requirements and methods BDS 1718:2002
of sampling and test for palm oil for industrial food use. Soy sauce
03 page Gr-B AF This standard applies to soy sauce, a condiment for
edible purposes.
BDS 1711:2002 Soy sauce in this standard shall consist of two grades in
Palm kernel oil each of the following categories.
This standard prescribes the requirements for crude and a) Light-Soy sauce-grades A & B
refined, neutralized bleached and deodorized palm b) Bank-Soy sauce-grades A & B.
kernel oil. 13 page Gr-C AF
09 page Gr-B AF
BDS 1719:2003
Methods for quantitative chemical analysis of binary
BDS 1712:2002 mixtures of polyester fibre with cotton or regenerated
Palm kernel olein cellulose
This standard prescribes the requirements for different Methods for quantitative chemical analysis of
products of palm kernel olein. binary mixtures of polyester fibres and cotton or
04 page Gr-A AF regenerated cellulose fibre in any form, such as fibre,
yarn or fabric..
BDS 1713:2002 05 page Gr-A JT
Red chilli sauce
This standard specification prescribes requirements for BDS 1720:2003
red chilli sauce. Recommended methods for the removal of non-
04 page Gr-A AF fibrous matter prior to quantitative analysis.
Procedures are described for the removal of certain
BDS 1714:2002 commonly found types of non-fibrous substances from
Composite and filled chocolate the fibres. Fibres to which the procedures are applicable
Specification for composite and filled chocolate this and those to which the procedures are not applicable are
standard applies to products described in the standard for listed in table 1
chocolate (Codex STAN-87: 1981) to which ingredients 07 page Gr-B JT
have been added in order to modifying in a characteristic
manner the organoleptic properties of the final products BDS 1721:2003
and to products which have an external chocolate portion AC static watt-hour meters for active energy (classes
and a delay distant center. 1 and 2)
07 page Gr-B AF (Cancels and replaces by BDS IEC 62053-21:2013)
BDS 1722:2003
Wall clocks (battery operated)
BDS 1715:2002 Covers the requirements and methods of test for general
Woven upholstery fabric-plain tufted or flocked purpose wall clocks, powered by 1.5 volt/R6 or R40 size
specification dry cells and batteries
This standard prescribes the performance requirements 22 page Gr-B ET
for plain, tufted or flocked woven upholstery fabrics
made by man-made fibreor their blends with other fibers BDS 1723:2003
used in the manufacture of new indoor furniture. Facial tissue paper
09 page Gr-B JT This Bangladesh Standard specific the requirements of
facial tissue paper in sheet form.
BDS 1716:2002 04 Page Gr-A CH
Handloom cotton turkish, honeycomb and
huckaback Towels and toweling cloth BDS 1724:2003
specification Energy efficiency rating — Fluorescent lamp ballast
This standard prescribes constructional particulars and Method for measuring energy consumption, loss and
other requirements for seven, five and four varieties of determination of energy rating of ballast used for 18/20
handloom cotton Turkish, honeycomb and huckaback W and 36/40 W fluorescent lamps by a.c supplies and at
towels respectively. 50 Hz, 230 V nominal.
10 page Gr-B JT 05 page Gr-A ET

BDS 1717:2002 BDS 1725:2003

Specification for duplicating paper Prawns/shrimps canned in brine
This specification prescribes the requirements and This standard specification applies to prawns/shrimps
methods of sampling and test for duplicating paper. canned in brine.
06 page Gr-B CH 20 page Gr-D AF

BDS 1726:2003 BDS 1734:2003
Handloom ticking cloth Self-ballasted lamps for general lighting services —
This standard prescribes the constructionsal details and Performance requirments
other partculars of other requirements for two varieties Specifices the performance requirments together with
of handloom cotton ticking cloth. the test methods and conditions required to show
07 page Gr-B JT compliance of tubular fluorescent and other gas-
discharge lamps with integrated means for controling
BDS 1727:2003 starting and stable operation (self-ballasted lamps)
Non carbonated, non-alcoholic ready to drink intended for domestic and similar general lighting
beverages purposes.
This standard prescribes the requirements and methods 04 page Gr-A ET
of test for non carbonated non-alcoholic water based
ready to drinks beverages.
04 page Gr-A AF

BDS 1728:2003
Cetyl alcohol for cosmetic industry
This standards prescribes the requirements and methods
of sampling and test for cety alcohol.
08 Page Gr-B CH BDS 1735:2003
BDS 1729:2003 Self-ballasted lamps for general lighting services —
Cetostearyl Alcohol for Cosmetic Industry Safety requirments
This standards prescribes the requirements and methods Specifices the interchangeability requirments, together
of sampling and test for cetostearyl alcohol. with the test methods and conditions, required to show
07 Page Gr-B CH compliance of tubular fluorescent and other gas-
discharge lamps with integrated means for controling
BDS 1730:2003 starting and stable operation (self-ballasted lamps)
Methods for quantitative chemical analysis. binary intended for domestic and similar general lighting
mixtures of acrylic, and certain other fibres purposes.
This standard precribes two methods for the quantitative 04 page Gr-A ET
chemical analysis of binary mixtures of acrylic, and
certain other fibres. It is suitable for application to fibres BDS 1736:2003
05 page Gr-a JT Crude degummed soyabean oil
This specification prescribes the requirments and
BDS 1731:2003 methods of test for crude degummed soyabean oil.
Method for quantitative chemical analysis of ternary 03 page Gr-a AF
methods for mixtures of viscose rayon, cotton and
protein fibres BDS 1737:2003
This standard precribes a methods for the quantitative Determinition of pilling Resistance of fabrics
chemical analysis of ternary mixtures of Viscose yarn, (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 12445:2009)
cotton and protein fibres. JT
05 page Gr-A JT BDS 1738:2004
Computer Bangla keyboard
BDS 1732:2003 Defines layouts for input of Bengali characters, signs,
Textiles-woven, terry towelling fabrics and towels symbols and currency marks using industry standard
made of man-made fibres and their blends- keyboard hardware and be useable in all known Unicode
specification compliant operating system.
This standard specifies the performance requirements for 12 page Gr-C ET
woven terry towelling fabrics and towels made from
man-made fibres and their blends used in the BDS 1739:2004
manufacture of beach, bath, hand finger tip and kitchen Cotton yarn waste
towels and face cloths. This standard prescribes the requirments of two types of
05 page Gr-A JT teased cotton yarn waste.
05 page Gr-A JT
BDS 1733:2003
Textiles-polyester cotton blended khadi suiting for BDS 1740:2004
uniform-specification Liquid toilet soap
This standard precribes constructional particulars and (Cancels and replaces by BDS 709:1980)
performance requirements of polyester cotton blended CH
khadi suitings for marking uniforms. BDS 1741:2005
05 page Gr-A JT Synthetic seperators for lead-acid batteries

Covers the requirements and the methods of tests for This methods is applicable,after removal of non-fibrous
synthetic seperators used in lead-acid storage batteries. matter, to binary mixtures of acetate with cotton, wool
19 page Gr-D ET animal hair, silk, protein.
05 page Gr-A JT
BDS 1742:2005
Satellite signal distribution on dabled distribution BDS 1749:2006
systems Method for quantitative chemical analysis of ternary
Lays down the characteristics for satellite signal mixtures of protein fibres, polyamides and certain
distribution for use in the direct broadcast satellite other fibres
service. This methods is applicable,after removalof non-
02 Page Gr-A ET fibrousmatter to ternary mixtures of a) natural or
regenerated protein fibres b)Polyamide (nylon 6 or
BDS 1743:2005 nylon6.6) fibres, and c)raw cotton,wet processed
Ready mixed paint anti corrosive priming paint (iron cotton,regenerated cellulose or polyester fibres..
oxide red-zinc chromate type) 11 Page Gr-C JT
This standard prescribes the requirements methods of
sampling and test for iron oxide red-zinc, chromate BDS 1750:2006
anticorrosive priming paint. Dolomite lime
07 Page Gr-B CH This Bangladesh Standard specifies the requirements for
dolomite lime [CaMg (CO3)2].
04 Page Gr-A CH
BDS 1744:2005
Glossary of terms Relating to fibre, Ropes and
This standard prescribes definations of terms relating to
various types of ropes and cordages made from natural
and man -made fibres or filaments.
15 Page Gr-C JT

BDS 1745:2006 BDS 1751:2006

Toilet tissue paper Pictorial marking for handling and class lebels for
This Bangladesh standard specifies toilet tissue papers dangerous Goods
in the form of rolls (hereafter referred to as “ Toilet This Standard prscribes the pictorial markings indicative
Tissue paper”paint. of the hazards involved in handling of dangerous goods.
04 Page Gr-A CH It also sets out details of the design and section of labels
appropriate to the classes, categories and subsidiary risk
BDS 1746:2006 of dangerous goods designated in the BDG* code. A
Power reeling machine large relica of each class label and of the class 1
This standard prescribes the requirements of power subsidiary risk label is provided.
reeling machine used in Bangladesh for the purpose of 32 Page Gr-G CH
conversionn of Yarn into hank from cone , cheese or ring
bobbin etc. BDS 1752:2006
09 page Gr-B JT Domestic pressure cookers
This standard covers the requirements for domestic
BDS 1747:2006 pressure cookers .
Textiles fibres-commercial moisture regain- 11 Page Gr-C ME
This standard prescribes the commercial moisture BDS 1753:2006
regains commonly used for a number of textile fibres. Taxi meter
Such moisture regainvalues are intended primarily for This standard specifies requirements of a taximeters, its
determining the commercial mass of a specific fibre design and construction, error limits, Installation and
when the fibre is bought or sold on this basis. These tests, verification and calibritation of a taximeter to be
regain values are also used in calculating the linear used in public transportation and soon.
density of yarn in procedures employing such factor and 04 Page Gr-A ME
in the quantitative analysis of fibre mixtures.
04 page Gr-A JT BDS 1754:2006
Steel yard wighing machine
BDS 1748:2006 Tis standard covers the requirements for steellyards.
Method for quantitative chemical analysis of binary 03 Page Gr-A ME
mixtures of acetate and certain other fibres
BDS 1755:2006
Specification for platform weighing machines

This standard covers the requirements for platform 15 Page Gr-C ET
weighing machines.
03 Page Gr-A ME
BDS 1763:2006
BDS 1756:2006 Wax candles
Counter weighing machines This standard prescribes requirements of wax candles for
This standard covers the requirements for counter use for illuminating purposes (excluding ornamental
weighing machines. candles).
03 Page Gr-A ME 10 Page Gr-B CH

BDS 1757:2006 BDS 1764:2006

Specification for weigh bridges Methods of sampling and test for glues (bone, skin
This standard covers the requirements for weigh-bridges. fleshing and glues)
04 page Gr-A ME This standard prescribes the methoods of sampling and
testing for adhesives manufactured form materials of
BDS 1758:2006 animal origin. It applices to adhesives in the from of
Textiles - colour fastness ratings-specification liquid, jelly, cake, flakes powder or granular solids.
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1176, BDS 1201, BDS 20 Page Gr-D CH
JT BDS 1765:2006
Methods for Random Sampling
BDS 1759:2006 This standard lays down general procedures for the
Code for inland packaging of man-made fibre fabrics selection of item from a lot on an objective basis by
and man-made fibre yarns using random sampling techniques. It also describes the
This code prescribes the methods of packaging man- methods of calculation of simple estimates like mean
made fibre fabrics and man-made fibre yarns intended and proportion of defective from the sample data.
for inland transport by rail or road. Section 1 of the code 30 Page Gr-D CH
deals with packaging of man-made fibre fabrics and
Section 2 deals with the packaging of man-made fibre BDS 1766:2006
yarns. Baby Oil
08 Page Gr-B JT This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
of test for baby oil.
BDS 1760:2006 08 Page Gr-B CH
Code for seaworthy packaging of man-made fibre
BDS 1767:2014
Jute bags for packing food grains, 50 Kg
This code prescribes the methods of packaging man-
(First Revision)
made fibre fabrics intended for transport by sea.
This standard prescribes the constructional details and
05 Page Gr-A JT
other requirements of the jute bags for packing 50 Kg
food grains.
BDS 1761:2006
15 Page Gr-C JT
Specification for energy eficiency rating for self-
ballasted lamps (integral type compact fluorscent
BDS 1768:2006
Ready mixed anticorrosive priming paint (iron oxide
Specifices requirements for energy efficiency labeling of
self ballasted lamps operating on mains supply of 230 V,
This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
a.c 50 Hz nominal, and method of measurement of
of sampling and test for iron oxide red-anticorrosive
electrical consumption and luminous flux for
prinming paint.
determination of efficiency if the lamps for the purpose
06 Page Gr-B CH
of energy efficiency labeling.
10 Page Gr-B ET
BDS 1769:2014
BDS 1762:2006 Fortified soyabean oil (First Revision)
In-service safety inspection and testing of electrical This standard prescribes the requirments and methods of
equipment sampling and test for fortified soybean oil for edible
Specifices procedure for the in-service safety inspection purposes.
and testing of single and polyphase electrical equipment, 14 page Gr-C AF
other than fixed equipment, which is designed for
connection by a flexible power supply cord and plug to a BDS 1770:2014
low voltage supply. It applies also to cord extention set, Fortified edible palm opil (First Revision)
electrical portable outlet devices, cord-connected This standard prescribes the requirments and methods of
portable residual current devices and portable isolation sampling and test for fortified Palm oil for edible
transformers. purposes.

10 page Gr-B AF
BDS 1780:2014
BDS 1771:2006 Sweetened/unsweetened condensed filled milk
Fortified mustard oil (vegetable fat) (First Revision)
This standard prescribes the requirments and methods of This Standard prescribes the requirements and method of
sampling and test for mustard oil for edible purposes. testing for filled Sweetened/Unsweetened condensed
04 Page Gr-A AF filled milk (Vegetable Fat).
14 page Gr-C AF
BDS 1772:2006
Fortified banaspati BDS 1781:2008
This Bangladesh standard prescribes the general Vegetable ghee (First Revision)
requirments and methods of test for banaspati. This Bangladesh Standard prescribes the general
16 Page Gr-D AF requirements and method of test for vegetable ghee.
11 Page Gr-B AF
BDS 1773:2016
Fortified edible sunflower oil (First Revision) BDS 1782:2007
This standard prescribes the requirements, methods of Edible red palm oil
sampling and test for fortified edible sunflower oil. This Standard prescribes the requirements and method of
05 page Gr-A AF sampling and test for edible red palm oil.
04 Page Gr-A AF
BDS 1774:2006
Fortified palm olein (Amendment 1:2014) BDS 1783:2006
This standard prescribes the requirments and methods of Akher gur
sampling and test for fortified palm olein. This Standard describes the requirements of Akher gur
04 Page Gr-A AF manufactured in the cottage industries in Bangladesh and
the method of test for Akher gur..
BDS 1775:2006 03 Page Gr-A AF
Jute fabrics used in the packing of textile products
This standard prescribes constructional details and other BDS 1784:2006
particulars of the four varieties of jute fabrics, of such Khejur gur
widths as agreed to between the buyer and the seller, This Standard describes the requirements of Khejur gur
used exclusively for packing of textile products. manufactured in the cottage industries in Bangladesh and
04 Page Gr-A JT the method of test for Khejur gur.
03 Page Gr-A AF
BDS 1776:2006
Polyester wool blended worsted suitings
This standard prescribes the requirements of polyester
wool blended worsted suitings.
05 Page Gr-A JT BDS 1785:2007
Pusteurized camel milk
BDS 1777:2006 This Standard prescribes the requirements and the
Plain-knitted gent’s cotton short drawer’s method of sampling and test for pusteurized Camel Milk.
This standard prescribes constructional details and other 04 Page Gr-A AF
particulars of plain-knitted gent’s cotton short drawers,
BDS 1786:2007
scoured, bleached or dyed.
Coconut oil for cosmetic industry
09 Page Gr-B JT
This Standard prescribes the requirements and the
method of sampling and test for coconut oil used for
BDS 1778:2006
cosmetic industry
Valve-regulated sealed type lead-acid stationary
05 Page Gr-A CH
Specifies requirements for valve-regulated lead-acid BDS 1787:2007
cells and batteries intended for use in stationary Mineral turpentine
applications. The Standard specifies the main This Standard specifies requirements for mineral
performance charcteristics and specifies corresponding turpentine which is used extensively in the surface
test methods. coating industry as solvents.
12 Page Gr-C ET 03 Page Gr-A CH
BDS 1779:2006 BDS 1788:2007
Filled ice-cream (vegetable fat) Gypsum (fertilizer grade)
This Standard prescribes the requirements and method of This Standard prescribes the requirements and methods
sampling and test for filled ice-cream. of sampling and test for gypsum for agricultural use.
05 Page Gr-A AF 03 Page Gr-A CH

Methods of test for cables
BDS 1789:2007 Loss of mass test
Magnesium sulphate (fertilizer grade) Cover the method to determine the thermal effact on the
This Bangladesh Standard specifies the requirements for mass of thermoplastic insulatin and sheath.
magnesium sulphate, fertilizer grade. 03 Page Gr-A ET
03Page Gr-A CH
BDS 1790 (Part 0):2007 BDS 1790 (Part-11):2009
Methods of test for cables Methods of test for cables
General Thermal ageing in air
Issued in different parts, prescribes methods of tests for Cover the method for thermal ageing test in air of
electric cables, wires and cords in finished stage as well insulation and sheath of electric cables.
as their components, such as conductor, insulation, 03 Page Gr-A ET
sheath and armour.
03 Page Gr-A ET BDS 1790 (Part-12):2009
Methods of test for cables
BDS 1790 (Part-1):2007 Shrinkage test
Methods of test for cables Cover determination of shrinkage characteristics of
Annealing test for wires used as conductors thermoplatic insulation and sheath of electric cables after
Covers method for determining the elongation properties exposure to specified elevated temperature.
of annealed copper wires, aluminium wires for welding 03 Page Gr-A ET
cables and solidal conductors used in electric cables.
03 Page Gr-A ET BDS 1790 (Part-13):2009
Methods of test for cables
BDS 1790 (Part-2):2007 Ozone resistance test
Methods of test for cables Cover a method for estimating the resistance of
Tensile test for aluminium wires elastomeric material of electric cable to ozone attack.
Covers method for determine tensile strength of 03 Page Gr-A ET
aluminium wires used for conductors of electric cables.
03 Page Gr-A ET BDS 1790 (Part 14):2009
Methods of test for cables
BDS 1790 (Part-3):2007 Heat shock test
Methods of test for cables Cover a method for finding out cracking of thermoplatic
Wrapping test for aluminium wires insulation and sheath of electric cables taking place on
Covers a method to determine the ductility of aluminium overtheating.
wire used as conductors of electric cables. 03 Page Gr-A ET
03 Page Gr-A ET
BDS 1790 (Part-5):2007
Methods of test for cables
Conductor resistance test
Covers a method to determine the resistance of copper BDS 1790 (Part 15):2009
and aluminium conductors. Methods of test for cables
03 Page Gr-A ET Hot deformation test
Cover a method to determination resistance of
BDS 1790 (Part-6):2007 thermoplatic insulation and sheath of electric cables to
Methods of test for cables deformation when subjected to mechanical pressure at
Thickness of thermoplastic and electromeric high temperature.
insulation & sheath 03 Page Gr-A ET
Covers a method for verification of thickness of
thermoplastic and electromeric insulation and sheath of BDS 1790 (Part-21)
electric cables. Methods of test for cables
03 Page Gr-A ET Cold impact test cover the method for cold impact
test of cables
BDS 1790 (Part-7):2008 ET
Methods of test for cables BDS 1790 (Part-43):2015
Tensile strength and elongation at break of Methods of test for cables
thermoplastic and elastomeric insulation and sheath Insulation resistance
Cover the method to determine the tensile strength and Covers method of determination of insulation resistance,
elongation at break of thermoplastic and lastomeric calculation of volume resistivity and insulation
insulation and sheath of electric cables. resistance constant of the dielectric material of electric
04 Page Gr-A ET cable of direct current method.
06 Page Gr-B ET
BDS 1790 (Part-10):2009

BDS 1790 (Part-45):2015
Methods of test for cables BDS 1792:2007
High voltage test Handloom cotton dress material, bleached, dyed,
Covers the method for high voltage test on electric printed
cables. This standard prescribes constructional particulars and
06 Page Gr-B ET other requirements for twenty varieties of Handloom
cotton dress material, bleached, dyed, printed.
BDS 1790 (Part-53):2015 05 Page Gr-A JT
Methods of test for cables
BDS 1793:2008
Flammability test
Fortified wheat atta
Prescribes a method of test on electric cables under fire
This standard prescribes the requirements and the
methods of sampling and test for fortified wheat atta,
07 Page Gr-B ET
hereafter termed FW atta.
09 Page Gr-B AF
BDS 1791 (Part-1):2007
BDS 1794:2008
13 A plugs, socket-outlets, adaptors and connection
Fortified maida
This standard prescribes the requirements and the
Rewirable and non-rewirable 13 A fused plugs
methods of sampling and test for fortified maida.
Specifies the requirements for 13 A fused plugs having
09 Page Gr-B AF
insulating sleeves on line and neutral pins, for
household, commercial and light industrial purposes,
BDS 1795:2008
with particular reference to safety in normal use. in a.c.
Textiles-rotor spun grey cotton yarns
circuits only, operating at voltages not exceeding 250 V
This standard specifies the requirements of grey cotton
r.m.s. at 50 Hz.
yarn spun by rotor spinning process
59 Page Gr-K ET
06 Page Gr-B JT
BDS 1791 (Part-2):2007 BDS1796:2008
13 A plugs, socket-outlets, adaptors and connection Muri (puffed rice)
units This standard prescribes the requirements and the
13 A switched and unswitched socket-outlet methods of Muri.
Specifies the requirements for 13 A switched and 10 Page Gr-B AF
unswitched shuttered socket-outlets for household,
commercial and light industrial purposes, with particular BDS 1797 (Part-1):2008
reference to safety in normal use. a.c. circuits only Graphical symbols for components of servo-
operating at voltages not exceeding 250 V r.m.s. at 50 mechanisms — Transductions and magnetic
Hz. amplifiers
62 Page Gr-K ET Describe graphical symbols for components of servo-
mechanisms of transductions and magnetic amplifiers
BDS 1791 (Part-3):2007 07 Page Gr-B ET
13 A plugs, socket-outlets, adaptors and connection
units BDS 1798:2008
Adaptors Baby toilet soap
Specifies the requirements for adaptors having insulating This specification prescribes the requirements and
sleeves on the line and neutral plug pins and suitable for methods of sampling and test for baby toilet soap.
use with socket-outlets with particular reference to safety 09 page Gr-B CH
in normal use. Adaptors are intended for household,
commercial and light industrial purposes. a.c. circuits
only, operating at voltages not exceeding 250 V r.m.s at
50 Hz. BDS 1799:2008
81 Page Gr-K ET Grades of raw cotton
This Bangladesh standard prescribes the requirements of
BDS 1791 (Part-4):2007 Grading of Raw Cotton.
13 A plugs, socket-outlets, adaptors and connection 03 page Gr-A JT
13 A fused connection units: switched and BDS1800:2008
unswitched Sheeting, ticking and bed sheets-specification
Specifies the requirements for 13 A fused fixed This standard prescribes constructional details and other
connection units for household commercial an d light particulars of sheeting, tickings and bedsheets, scoured,
industrial purpose, with particular reference to safety in bleached, dyed or printed.
04 page Gr-A JT
normal use. a.c. circuits only, operating at voltages not
exceeding 250 V r.m.s at 50 Hz. BDS 1801:2015
35 Page Gr-G ET Edible jell (Second Revision)

This standard prescribes the requirements and the 04 Page Gr-A JT
methods of sampling and test for edible jell.
12 Page Gr-C AF BDS 1811:2008
BDS 1802:2008 This Standard cancels and replaces BDS 1309:1990
Spirulina powder Rasogolla.
This standard prescribes the requirements and the 08 Page Gr-A AF
methods of sampling and test for dried spirulina powder
produced form the instantaneous and high temperature BDS 1812 (Part-1):2009
spraying and drying of Spirulina paitsnsis or Spirulina Code of practice for interior illumination
maxima, cultured on a large scale. General requirements and recommendations for
04 Page Gr-A AF working interior
Covers the principles and practice governing good
BDS 1803:2008 lighting in buildings and relates chiefly to the lighting of
Specification for hollow clay bricks and blocks ‘working areas’ in industrial, commercial and public
This standard covers hollow building and facing bricks, buildings, hospitals and schools.
hollow blocks made from clay, shale, fire clay or 27 Page Gr-F ET
mixtures thereof, and fired to incipient fusion. BDS 1812 (Part-2):2009
17 page Gr-D CE Code of practice for interior illumination
Schedule for values of illumination and glare index
BDS 1804:2008
Covers the recommended values of illumination and
Feeds and feeding of farm animals and pets
limiting values of glare index.
56 Page Gr-XE AF
20 Page Gr-D ET
BDS 1805:2008
Ultra high temperature milk and ultra high BDS 1812 (Part-3):2009
temperature homogenized milk Code of practice for interior illumination
This standard prescribes the requirements and the Calculation of coefficients of utilization by the BZ
methods of sampling and test for Ultra High method
Temperature (UHT) milk (cow milk) Covers the calculation of coefficients of utilization by
04 Page Gr-A AF the BZ classification.
24 Page Gr-E ET
BDS 1806:2008
Specification for stevia green leaf powder BDS 1813:2009
This standard prescribes the requirements and the General guidelines for production, preparation,
methods of sampling and test for dried stevia green leaf handling and storage of halal food
powder produced form the instantaneous and high This Sandard prescribes practical guidelines for the food
temperature spraying and drying of stevia leaves (Stevia industry on the preparation and bandiling of halal food
rebaudiana) cultured on a large scale. (including nutrient supplements) and to serve as a basic
04 Page Gr-A AF requirement for food product and food trade or business
in Bangladesh.
BDS 1807:2008
14 page Gr-C AF
Cumin powder
This standard prescribes the requirements for cumin
BDS 1814:2009
(shada jeera). (cuminum cyminum l) in the powdered
Dispensing capacity measures
This Sandard specifies requirements for metric
03 Page Gr-A AF
dispensing measures made of glass or transparent
plastics materials.
BDS 1808:2008
10 Page Gr-B ME
Grabes of raw kenaf and mesta fibre
This Bangladesh Sandard prescribes the requirements for
raw kenaf and mesta fibre (kutcha and Pucca assortment)
with permissible moisture.
07 Page Gr-B JT
BDS 1815:2008
Shoe polish, cream (First Revision)
BDS 1809:2008
This standard prescribes the requirements and the
Binola febric
methods of sampling and tests for wax-emulsion type
This Bangladesh Standard prescribes the constructional
shoe cream suitable for general application to leather
details and other particulars of Binola fabric.
03 Page Gr-A JT
08 Page Gr-C CH
BDS 1810:2008
Binola bag
BDS 1816:2008
This Standard prescribes constructional details and other
Surface active agents glossary of terms
requirements of Binola bag.

This standard defines terms frequently used in the field
of surface active agents. BDS 1825:2011
16 page Gr-D CH Tableware made of urea moulding compound
(First Revision)
BDS 1817:2008 This standard prescribes the methods of test for
Glossary of terms used in adhesives industry tableware such as cups, glasses and plates of various
This standard prescribes the glossary of terms used in the types made of urea moulding compounds
adhesives industry. 09 Page Gr-B CH
15 Page Gr-C CH
BDS 1826:2010
BDS 1818:2008 Sugar added partly skimmed milk powder
Talc for cosmetics industry This standard prescribes the requirements methods of
This specification prescribes the requirements and sampling and test for sugar added partly skimmed milk
methods of sampling and test for talc used in cosmetics powder.
industry. 04 page Gr-A AF
15 Page Gr-C CH
BDS 1827:2010
BDS 1819:2008 Emulsion paint
Paraffin wax This standard prescribes requirements and methods of
This Standard prescribes the requirements and the sampling and test for Emulsion Paint used for interior
methods of sampling and tests for paraffin was used for and exterior protection and decoration of building
waxing paper, making candles, and impregnating match surfaces after surface preparation and priming.
sticks and for other general uses. 09 Page Gr-B CH
17 Page Gr-D CH BDS 1828:2010
Animal tallow (in edible)
BDS 1820:2008 This standard prescribes requirements and methods of
Letterpress ink, black, book printing sampling and test for animal tallow.
This Bangladesh Standard prescribes the requirements 05 Page Gr-A CH
and methods of sampling and test for letterpress ink, BDS 1829:2010
black, book printing. Fresh, dried and powdered mushrooms
02 Page Gr-A CH This standard prescribes the essential requirements and
the method of sampling and test for fresh, dried and
BDS 1821:2009 powdered mushrooms and mushroom enriched food
Specification for solubor (boron) products.
This Bangladesh Standard specifies the requirements for 09 page Gr-B AF
solubor (boron), fertilizer grade.
04 Page Gr-A CH BDS 1830:2009
Cotton fabric, water repellent, for capes and rain
BDS 1822:2009 coats
Specification for chelated zinc (fertilizer grade) This standard prescribes constructional details and other
This Bangladesh Standard specifies the requirements for particulars of three varieties of the cotton fabrics, water
chelated zinc fertilizer grade. repellent for capes and rain coats. If agreed, man-made
04 Page Gr-A CH fibers may be blended with cotton.
05 Page Gr-A JT
BDS 1823:2009
Methods of test for dry pigments and extenders for BDS 1831:2009
paints Method for estimation of residual starch in cotton
This Standard prescribes methods of test which are fabrics after desizing
common to several material specificaitns for individual This standard prescribes a method for the estimation of
pigments and extenders in the dry condition. This residual starch in cotton fabrics.
standard covers definitins of terms used in the trade and 05 Page Gr-A JT
industry, methods of sampling, form and condition of the
material, color, staining power and tone, reducing power
of white pigments, matter insoluble in water, acidity and
alkalinity, ether extract, ash and lead content of
pingment are also specified.
14 Page Gr-C CH

BDS 1824:2009 BDS 1832:2010

Methods of test for safety evaluation of cosmetics Float glass
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1332:1991) This standard Specifies the requirements for float glass
07 Page Gr-B CH intended for in building, architectural, vehicles and

mirror. The quality requirements are specified in terms This Standard specifies requirements of wooden
of preferred thickness and tolerances, dimensional and bobbins suitable for use on speed frames with open-leg
optical properties. This specification excludes type flyers.
requirements for tempered and coated glass. 05 Page Gr-A JT
13 Page Gr-C CH
BDS 1833:2011 BDS 1839 (Part-2):2010
Economy emulsion paint (distemper) Bobbins and pirns used in textile mills
This standard prescribes requirements and methods of Wooden warp bobbins for rabbeth spindles
sampling and test for economy emulsion paint This Standard(part-2) prescribes requirements of warp
(distemper) used for interior decoration and protection of bobbins for rabbeth spindles for use on ring spinning
building surfaces after surface preparation and priming frames.
wherever necessary 09 Page Gr-B JT
13 Page Gr-C CH
BDS 1839 (Part-3):2010
BDS 1834:2011 Textile machinery and accessories-bobbins and pirns
Mobile phone bangla keypad Plastic flyer bobbins
Defines layouts for input of BangIa characters, signs, This Standard specifies the requirements for plastic flyer
symbols and currency marks using industry standard 3 X bobbins for use on speed frames.
4 Mobile Keypad. This standard specifies BangIa 05 Page Gr-A JT
Characters intended for the definition and
BDS 1840:2011
implementation of standards for localization of ICT.
Code for seaworthy packaging of woollen & worsted
12 Page Gr-C ET
yarn & cloth
This Standard prescribes the procedures of packaging of
BDS 1835:2009
woollen and worsted yarn and cloth to be exported
Textiles-ring spun polyester blended grey yarn-
overseas for their safe transit, The requirements of
packing materials have also been specified.
This standard specifies requirements of grey yarn
05 Page Gr-A JT
(single and doubled) spun from blend of polyester with
cotton or viscose fibre on ring spinning frame BDS 1841:2011
10 Page Gr-B JT Code for inland packaging of woollen & worsted
yarn & cloth
BDS 1836:2009 This Standard prescribes the procedures of packaging
Spun polyester yarn for the safe transit of woollen and worsted yarn and
Weaving (conventional loom) cloth intended for the internal markets. The
This specification prescribes the requirements and requirements of packing materials have also been
methods of sampling and test for 100 percent Spun specified.
Polyester Yarns intended for use in conventional looms 05 Page Gr-A JT
05 Page Gr-A JT BDS 1842:2011
Adhesives for timber and timber productss - polymer
BDS 1837:2011 emulsion adhesives
Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys rivet, bolt This standard specifics requirements for polymer
and screw stock uysed for general engineering emulsion adhesives, in one-component and two-
purposes component preparfations,intended for wood to wood
This Bangladesh standard specifies requirements far bvonding.
rivet stock or diumeter up to and including 25mm made 09 Page Gr-B CH
from one grade of aluminium and rrom rour aluminium
alloys in various conditions, and far bolt and screw stock BDS 1843:2011
or diameter up to including 12mm made rrom faur Specification for calcium hypochlorite
aluminium alloys in various conditions. This Standard prescribes the requirements of calcium
12 Page Gr-C ME hypochlorite intended to be used as a sanitizer.
10 Page Gr-B CH
BDS 1838:2011
Disposable razor blades BDS 1844 :2011
This Standard sets out the requirements for single, Skin powder for babies
double, triple edge or multiple edges disposable stainless This standard prescribes requirements and methods of
steel razor blades. sampling and test for skin powder for babies.
12 Page Gr-C ME 09 Page Gr-B CH

BDS 1839 (Part-1):2010 BDS 1845:2011

Bobbins and pirns used in textile mills Oven cleaner and grease remover
Wooden flyer bobbins This Standard prescribes three types of oven cleaners
and grease removers that are suitable for thew removal

of carbon deposits, grease, baked-on fats and other Performance of air conditioners and heat pumps —
surface contaminants from industrial and domestic energy labelling and minimum energy performance
cooking ovens, grills, fryers and other steel kitchen standard (MEPS) requirements
equipment, but that are not intended for use in self This Standard specifies the energy labelling
cleaning ovens. As type 1 and type2 oven cleaners may requirements for single-phase non-ducted air
contain solvents that are detrimental to health it is conditioners of the vapour compression type and the
recommended athat these cleaners be used in well- minimum energy performance standard (MEPS)
vintilated areas and that prolonged breathing of the requirements for single-phase and three-phase air
vapours be avoided. conditioners of the vapour compression type up to a
09 Page Gr-B CH rated total cooling capacity of 65 kW that fall within the
scope of AS/NZS 3823.1,1, AS/NZS 3823.1.2 or
BDS 1846:2011 AS/NZS 3823, 1.3.
Code of practice for curing and preservation of cattle 82 Page Gr-K ME
hides, goat and sheep skins
This code of practice recommends practices to be BDS 1853:2012
observed in wet salting method of curing of cow and Performance of close control air conditioners —
buffalo hides and goat sheep and calf skins. minimum energy performance standard (MEPS)
05 Page Gr-A CH requirements
This Standard specifies the minimum energy
BDS 1847:2011 performance standard (MEPS) requirements for close
Ice lolly control air conditioners that fall in the scope of ASINZS
This standard prescribes the requirements and the 4965.1.This Standard does not specify electrical safety
methods of test for ice lolly. requirements. This Standard specifies the following
22 Page Gr-E AF values for cooling, as applicable
17 Page Gr-D ME
BDS 1848:2011
Methods for determination of absorbency of BDS 1854:2012
absorbent textile materials Canned bamboo shoot
This Standard prescribes a methods for the determination This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
of the absorbency of absorbent textile materials. of test for canned bamboo shoot.
05 Page Gr-A JT 10 page Gr-B AF

BDS 1849:2012 BDS 1855:2012

Household refrigerators/freezers Edible rice bran oil
This standard covers the methods of determining the This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
performance of self-contained Refrigerators/Freezers of sampling and test for edible rice bran oil.
intended for household use. 04 page Gr-A AF
32 Page Gr-G ME
BDS 1850:2012 BDS 1856:2012
Energy efficiency rating of household refrigerators, Textile-handloom viscose staple fibre shirting-
refrigerator-freezers and freezers section 1 specification
conditioners—methods of measurement and This Standard prescribes constructinal partculars and
requirements for energy efficiency labeling other requirements for six varieties of handloom viscose
This section of the standard specifies requirements for staple fibre shirting.
energy efficiency labeling of household electric 06 Page Gr-B JT
refrigerators 'of the vapour compression type, together BDS 1857:2012
with a test method for determining the energy Method for estimation of common preservatives used
consumption of refrigerators that are capable of in textile tndustry
complying. This standard prescribes methods for quantitative
55 Page Gr-K ME estimation of single known preservative only and not for
mixtures of preservatives used in textile industry.
BDS 1851:2012 12 Page Gr-C JT
Blend composition of textiles BDS 1857 (Part-1):2015
This standard prescribes the requirements of blend Method for estimation of common preservative on
compositions of various textiles (yams, fabrics and textiles- Part 1
garments) and the method of marking or labeling in Prescribes methods for estimating the following
respect of various fibres used in blends. The methods of preservatives on textiles
testing the blends are also given in this standard. 13 Page Gr-C JT
05 Page Gr-A JT
BDS 1857 (Part-2):2014
BDS 1852:2012 Textiles –– estimation of common preservatives

Prescribes methods for estimation of the following This standard prescribes the requirements of 4(Four)
preservatives on textiles: varieties of Single Jute yarns; such as- Special (A), C.B
a) p-nitro phenol (B), Hessian (C) & Sacking (D)
b) 2, 4- dinitro-1-naphthol (DAN) 07 page Gr-B JT
c) 4, 6- dinitro-ortho-cresol (DNOC)
d) Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) BDS 1865:2013
e) Pentachlorophenyl laurate (PCPL) Textiles-jute and jute based bags- method for drop
08 page Gr-B JT test
This standard prescribes constant drop height and
progressive drop height methods for conducting drop test
BDS 1858:2012 on filled jute and jute based bags under controlled and
reproducible conditions.
Skin creams and lotions for babies
06 page Gr-B JT
This specification prescribes the requirements and
methods of sampling and test for skin creams and lotions
BDS 1866:2013
for babies.
Low fat milk
06 Page Gr-B CH This standard prescribes the requirements, methods of
BDS 1859:2012 sampling and test for low fat milk
Floor liquid detergents 10 page Gr-B AF
This standard specifies liquid detergents containing
surfactants, intended for cleaning of floors. Products BDS 1867:2013
complying with this standard are non-abrasive and are Safety glass for motor vehicles
intended to be used on surfaces such as painted surfaces, This Bangladesh standard specifies requirements for
linoleum, rubber and vinyl tile flooring, cement and safety glass for installation either as windscreens, other
ceramic surfaces. panes or as partitions in motor vehicles and their trailers.
09 Page Gr-B CH 17 Page Gr-D CH

BDS 1860:2012 BDS 1868:2013

Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and Papad
energy efficiency grades for ac electric fans This standard prescribes the requirements and the
Specifies the energy efficiency grades, allowable values method of sampling and test for Papad.
of energy efficiency, evaluating values of energy 12 page Gr-C AF
conservation, test methods and inspection rules for AC
fans. This standard is applicable to desk fan, box fan, BDS 1869:2013
wall fan, slide fan, floor fan and ceiling fan that the rated Methods of test for microbiological examination of
voltage not exceeding 250 V, other rated voltage not cosmetics and cosmetic raw materials
exceeding 480 V and driven by AC motors. This Standard prescribes methods for determinations of
07 Page Gr-B ET microbial content of cosmetics and cosmetic raw
BDS 1861:2012
12 Page Gr-D CH
Bangladesh essian part-vi, 298 g/m2 At 16 percent
contract regain
BDS 1870: 2013
This Standard prescribes the constructional details and Synthetic resin adhesives for plywood (phenolic and
other particulars of the following type of Hessian of such aminoplastic)
widths as agreed to between the buyer and the seller. This standard prescribes the requirements for phenolic
07 Page Gr-B JT and aminoplastic synthetic resin adhesives used in the
BDS 1862:2012 plywood industry, covering liquid, powder and film
Aviation gasoline adhesives.
This Standard prescribes the requirements and methods 07 Page Gr-B CH
of sampling and test for aviation gasoline intended for
use in aircraft reciprocating engines. BDS 1871:2013
07 Page Gr-B CH Handloom cotton voile
This Standard prescribes the constructional particulars
BDS 1863:2012 and other requirements for two varieties of handloom
Top (knit & woven) garments cotton voile.
This standard prescribes the Size designation & Test 05 page Gr-A JT
method of Top garments (knit & woven)
07 Page Gr-B JT BDS 1872:2013
Textiles- paper laminated high density
BDS 1864:2013 polyethylene/polypropylene fabric for
Single jute yarn wrapping/covering-specification

This standard covers high density polyethylene (HDPE)/ This standard specifies the tolerances on dimensions and
polypropylene (PP) fabric laminated with Kraft paper form for aluminium and aluminium alloy extruded
used for wrapping/covering heavy equipments and profile with a cross section contained within a
articles. circumscribing circle not greater than 800 mm (see
03 page Gr-A JT Figure 1). This standard applies to extruded profiles for
civil engineering applications only.
BDS 1873:2013 19 Page Gr-D CE
Guidelines for the safety assessment of foods derived
from genetically engineered plants BDS 1880:2014
This document is intended to provide guidance to both Textiles –– jute bags for packing 50kg sugar––
applicants and reviewers for regulatory purposes. No specification
attempt is made to explicitly define all of the data that This standard prescribes constructional details and other
might be required during a safety assessment, as this requirements of three types of jute bags for packing
may vary case-by-case, and generally, data and 50kg sugar.
information requirements are applicable only to those 13 Page Gr-C JT
plant parts used as a food source.
28 page Gr-F AF
BDS 1874:2013
Glass ableware BDS 1881:2014
This standard prescribes the requirements, methods of Bottom (knit & woven) garments
sampling and test for glass tableware. This includes This standard prescribes the Size designation & Test
tumblers, plates, cups, saucers, mugs, jugs, stem ware, methods of Bottom garments (knit & woven).
bowls, casseroles, dishes with or without cover. They 08 page Gr-B JT
can also be used for preparing food.
09 Page Gr-B CH BDS 1882:2014
Textiles- synthetic mosquito nets-specification
BDS 1875:2013 This standard prescribes the requirements for three
Curry paste and seasoning paste varieties of mosquito nets, made of polyester, polyamide
This standar specifies the requirements of curry paste or any other synthetic materials mosquito nettings.
and seasoning paste with edible oil,chilly ans spicy 06 page Gr-B JT
condiment composed equality, which is ready to use
with other food components. BDS 1883:2014
13 Page Gr-C AF Method of electrical and photometric measurements
of solid state lighting (LED) products
BDS 1876:2013 Covers the procedures to be followed and precautions to
Standard colors for insulation for low-frequency be observed in performing reproducible measurements
cables and wires of total luminous flux, electrical power, luminous
This Standard applicable to thermoplastic insulation to intensity distribution. and chromaticity, of solid state
be used with low-frequency cables and wires. lighting (SSL) products commonly known as LED
ET products for illumination purpose, under standard test
BDS 1877:2014 conditions.
Artificial fruit flavoured drinks 17 Page Gr-D ET
This Standard prescribes the requirements and methods
BDS 1884:2014
of sampling and test for artificial flavoured drinks
Baby shampoo
intended for direct consumption without dilution.
This specification prescribes the requirements and
08 page Gr-B AF
methods of sampling and test for hair shampoo for
BDS 1878:2015 babies based on surfactants.
Pipes and fittings made of unplasticized polyvinyl 12 Page Gr-D CH
chloride (PVC-U) used for potable water supply
This Bangladesh standard specifies the characteristics BDS 1885:2014
and test methods of solid-wall pipes made from Formaldehyde solution for industrial use
unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) for piping This Bangladesh standard specifies the purity
systems intended for use of cold potable water supply requirements of formaldehyde solution, sampling and
and for buried and above-ground drainage and sewerage methods of test.
under pressure 10 Page Gr-B CH
24 page Gr-E CE BDS 1886:2014
Fortified edible rice bran oil
BDS 1879:2014 This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
Extruded profiles of aluminium and aluminium of sampling and test for fortified edible rice bran oil.
alloys 11 Page Gr-C AF

This standard prescribes method for determining the
BDS 1887:2014 tenacity and elongation of raw silk.
Jute bags for packing urea 04 Page Gr-A JT
This standards prescribes the constructional particulars
and other requirements of jute bags for packing urea. BDS 1896:2015
07 Page Gr-B JT Synthetic vinegar
This Bangladesh Standard prescribes the requirements,
BDS 1888:2014 methods of sampling and test for
Textiles–glossary of terms relating made-up textiles synthetic vinegar.
items and ready-made garments 05 Page Gr-A AF
This standard prescribes definitions of terms relating to
made –up textile items and ready made garments.
BDS 1897:2015
21 Page Gr-E JT
Fortified rice
This standard prescribes the requirements, processing,
BDS 1889:2014
methods of sampling and test for fortified rice.
Woven nylon fabric for umbrellas, water resistant
19 Page Gr-D AF
This standard prescribes the performance requirements
of different kinds of water resistant, woven, nylon
BDS 1898:2015
fabrics used for various types of umbrellas.
Towels and towelling
11 Page Gr-C JT
This standard prescribes constructional details and other
particulars of terry and huck-a-back towelling and
towels; bleached, dyed, printed or striped.
BDS 1890:2015
08 Page Gr-B JT
Methods for determination of cohesion of raw silk
This standard prescribes method for determination of the
BDS 1899:2015
degree of agglutination of cocoon filaments forming the
Cloth marking chalks (tailor’s-chalk)
This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
03 Page Gr-A JT
of sampling and test for cloth marking chalks. The
material is mainly used for marking cotton, silk,
BDS 1891:2015
synthetic fabrics and woolen cloth with pencil or any
Methods for determination of conditioned mass of
other suitable instrument.
raw silk
This standard prescribes method to determine the 11 Page Gr-C CH
moisture free mass of the raw silk plus 11 percent of the
dry mass allowed as regain of moisture. BDS 1900:2015
03 Page Gr-A JT Tulsi pati
This standard prescribes the requirements and methods
BDS 1892:2015 of sampling and test for tulsi pati.
Methods for determination of size (count) deviation 15 Page Gr-C AF
and maximum deviation of raw silk
This standard prescribes method to determine the degree BDS 1901: 2015
of size (count) variation within the test pieces of definite Octane booster
length of raw silk, expressed in tex units (or denier). This standard prescribes the requirements of octane
04 Page Gr-A JT booster.
05 Page Gr-A CH
BDS 1893:2015
Methods for determination of evenness variation of BDS1902:2016
raw silk Textiles – polypropylene braided tapes for berets –
This standard prescribes method to determine the degree specification
of evenness variation occurring in raw silk threads.
07 Page Gr-B JT This standard prescribes the constructional particulars
and performance requirements of polypropylene braided
BDS 1894:2015 tapes used in the manufacture of berets.
Methods for determination of neatness and low 09 Page Gr-B JT
neatness of raw silk
This standard prescribes method to determine the
neatness percentage of raw silk.
Rib-knitted cotton fabric
03 Page Gr-A JT
This standard prescribes the requirements of grey,
scoured, bleached, dyed or printed rib- knitted fabric
BDS 1895:2015
Methods for determination of tenacity and elongation 04 page Gr-A JT
serigraph tests of raw silk

BDS1904:2016 This standard covers positive list of constituents of
Rib-knitted cotton vests polyethylene, namely the homopolymer, copolymers,
This standard prescribes the requirements of grey, terpolymers and blends of these polymers manufacturing
scoured, bleached, dyed or printed rib- knitted cotton residues and auxiliary additives, which may be regarded
vests with or without sleeves having round or V-neck. as safe for use, when properly processed, in contact with
04 Page Gr-XA JT foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and drinking water and
when present only in the prescribed limits of
BDS1905:2016 concentration.
Laminated jute bags for packing milk powder 08 page Gr-B CH
This standard prescribes constructional details and other
requirements of two types of laminated jute bags for BDS 1912:2016
packing milk powder. Positive list of constituents of styrene polymers in
04 page Gr-A JT contact with foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and
drinking water
BDS 1906:2016 This standard covers positive list of constituents of
Textiles – polyethylene lined jute bags for packing tea styrene polymers, namely, the polymers, residual
– specification monomers, catalysts, emulsifying agents, suspension
This standard prescribes the requirements of agents, miscellaneous polymerization additives like
polyethylene lined jute bags suitable for packing 30 kg process oxidants, and chain transfer agents,
tea. polymerization ingredients and auxiliary items for
working which may be regarded as safe for use, when
09 page Gr-B JT
properly processed, in contact with foodstuffs,
pharmaceuticals and drinking water and when present in
the prescribed limits of concentration.
08 page Gr-B CH
BDS 1907:2016
Methods for determination of bitumen content in BDS 1913: 2016
laminated jute bags Guide on suitability of plastics for food packaging
This standard prescribes two methods for determination
This standard covers primarily various thermoplastics
of bitumen content in laminated jute bags.
singly or in combination which are considered suitable
08 Page Gr-B JT
for food contact applications. This standard provides a
general guidance to the food packer in selecting the
BDS : 1908 2016 specific thermoplastic material, singly or in combination,
Transparent toilet soap to design an acceptable food packaging system.
This standard prescribes the requirements and the
11 page Gr-B CH
methods of sampling and test for transparent toilet soap.
04 page Gr-A CH
BDS 1914: 2016
Grading glass for alkalinity - hydrolytic resistance of
BDS1909:2016 glass containers
Jute geotextiles This Bangladesh standard specifies methods for
This standard provides requirements of jute geotextiles determining the hydrolytic resistance of the interior
(JGT) for „strengthening road subgrade’, `river bank surfaces of glass containers when subjected to attack by
protection work‟ and „top soil erosion control of the hill water at 121oC ± 1oC for 60 minutes ± 1 minute.
slopes’. In case of road construction, double warp plain 09 page Gr-B CH
weave woven JGT is used. Natural additive treated
woven JGT is recommended for controlling erosion of BDS 1915:2016
the river banks. Open mesh plain weave JGTs have been Fish feed
found suitable for hill slope top soil protection work. This Bangladesh Standard prescribes the requirements,
16 Page Gr-D JT methods of sampling and test for fish
BDS 1910:2016 14 page Gr-C AF
Polyethylene for its safe use in contact with
foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and drinking water BDS 1916:2016
This standard specifies the requirements and methods of Fish pickles
sampling and test for polyethylene plastic materials for This standard prescribes requirements and method of
the manufacture of plastic items used in contact with
sampling and test for fish pickles.
foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and drinking water.
06 page Gr-B AF
04 page Gr-A CH
BDS 1917:2016
BDS 1911:2016 Guidelines for hygienic manufacture of cosmetics
Positive list of constituents of polyethylene in contact
with foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and drinking water

This standard is divided into two sections. Section 1 of (31 December - 2016)
this standard covers code of hygiene in the manufacture
of cosmetics and section 2 includes guidelines and
indicators for proper and hygienic traceability of raw
materials to finished products including end process
quality control.
06 page Gr-B CH

BDS 1918:2016
Herbal cosmetics - general guidelines
This standard primarily deals with general guidelines for
herbal cosmetics.
03 page Gr-A CH

BDS 1919:2016
Handloom cotton handkerchiefs
This standard prescribes the constructional particulars
and other requirements of handloom cotton
handkerchiefs, bleached, dyed, striped, checked or
04 Page Gr- A JT

BDS 1920:2016
Jamdani sharee
This Bangladesh Standard prescribes the constructional
particulars, and other requirements of different varieties
of Jamdani Sharee
06 Page Gr- B JT

BDS 1921:2016
Preservative treatments of textiles
This standard specifies treatments (that is, agents, their
application and levels) of common preservatives used in
textile industry for protection against one or more
causes, namely, attack by fungi, bacteria and insects, and
degradation caused by the action of weathering and
19 Page Gr-D JT

BDS 1922:2016
Textiles - method for determination of flammability
of blankets
This standard specifies a method for determination of
flammability of blankets and blanket fabrics in terms of
their ease of ignition and propagation of flame across the
surface under specified test conditions.
09 Page Gr-B JT

BDS 1923: 2016

Skin lotions
This standard prescribes the requirements and the
methods of sampling and test for skin lotions.
08 page Gr-B CH

List of International Standards
adopted as Bangladesh Standards



BDS CAC RCP 1:2002 This Code of Hygienic Practice applies to groundnuts,
Code of practice general principles of food hygiene also known as peanuts, monkey nuts or earth nuts
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 822:2012) (Arachis hypogeal L). It contains the minimum
18 Page Gr-XB AF requirements of hygiene for farm handling,
transportation, storage, in-shell operations and
BDS CACRCP 8:2008 commercial shelling. It covers all types and forms of
Recommended International Code of Practice for the raw, dried groundnuts (peanuts) in-shell and shelled.
processing and handling of quick frozen foods 18 Page Gr-XB AF
This Code applies to the receiving, preparation,
processing, handling, storage, transport, distribution, and BDS CAC RCP 25:2008
retailing of all quick frozen foods such as cereals, fruits Recommended International Code of Practice for
and vegetables, fish, meat, poultry and their products, Smoked Fish
bakery and pastry products. The Code does not apply to This Code of Practice applies to smoked fish and fishery
edible ices, ice creams and milk. products as defined in Section subparagraph 2.11 of this
19 Page Gr-XB AF Code which are intended for human consumption.
It contains the technological guidelines and the essential
BDS CAC RCP 11:2000 requirements of hygiene for processing, handling,
Code of hygienic practice for fresh meat storage and distribution of smoked fish and smoked fish
This code, together with the code for Ante-mortem and products. It does not provide specific information on
post mortem inspection slaughter animals and for Ante- particular smoking procedures with regard to a specific
mortem and post mortem judgment- of slaughter animals species of fish. The variations in this field of food
and meat; describes requirements necessary to achieve technology are too numerous to justify such an attempt.
that goal. Traditional practices may permit departure 44 Page Gr-XE AF
from some of the requirements when fresh meat is
produced for local trade. BDS CAC RCP 28:2008
36 Page Gr-XD AF Recommended International Code of Practice for
BDS CAC RCP 19:2008 This Code of Practice applies generally to commercial
Recommended International Code of Practice for crabs of the Cancer species, king crab related species
Radiation Processing of Food (Litotes and Parasitoids), swimming crabs (Portunidae),
This Code is concerned with food products processed by Geryon species and snow crab species (Chionoectes). It
gamma rays, X-rays or accelerated electrons for the may also apply to other species which are similar in
purpose of, among other things, control of foodborne physical structure to the above mentioned. It contains the
pathogens, reduction of microbial load and insect technological guidelines and the essential requirements
infestation, inhibition of the germination of root crops, of hygiene for harvesting, processing and handling of
and extension of durable life for perishable foods. crabs at sea and on shore. No attempt has been made to
07 Page Gr-XA AF identify regional practices. The technology of canning
crab meat is not covered in this Code.
BDS CAC RCP 21:2008 43 Page Gr-XE AF
Recommended International Code of Hygienic
Practice For Foods For Infants And Children BDS CAC RCP 33:2008
This Code of Hygienic Practice applies to all Recommended International Code of Hygienic
prepackaged foods produced, represented or purported to Practice for the Collecting, Processing and Marketing
be for the special use of infants and/or children. It Of Natural Mineral Waters 1
contains the minimum hygienic requirements for the 15 Page Gr-XB AF
handling (including production, preparation processing,
packaging, storage, transport, distribution and sale) of BDS CAC RCP 39:2003
such food to ensure a safe, sound and wholesome Code of hygienic practice for precooked and cooked
product. food in mass catering
20 Page Gr-XB AF This code deals with the hygienic requirements for
cooking raw foods and handling cooked and precooked
BDS CAC RCP 22:2008 foods intended for feeding large groups of people, such
Recommended International Code of Hygienic as children in schools, the older either in old peoples
Practice For Groundnuts (Peanuts) homes or by means of "meals on wheels" patients in

nursing homes and hospital, persons in prisons, school BDS CAC RCP 57:2008
and similar institutions. Code Of Hygienic Practice for Milk and Milk
20 Page Gr-XB AF Products
This Code applies to the production, processing and
handling of milk and milk products as defined in the
General Standard for the Use of Dairy Terms1(CODEX
BDS CAC RCP 45:2008 STAN 206-1999). Where milk products are referred to in
Code of Practice for the reduction of Aflatoxin B1 In the code it is understood that this term also includes
Raw Materials and Supplemental Feeding stuffs for composite milk products. The scope of this Code does
Milk Producing Animals not extend to the production of raw drinking milk.
04 Page Gr-XA AF 57 Page Gr-XE AF
BDS CAC GL 1:2008
BDS CAC RCP 48:2008 Guidelines on Claims
Code of Hygienic Practice for Bottled/Packaged For the purpose of these guidelines, a claim is any
Drinking Waters (Other Than Natural Mineral representation which states, suggests or implies that a
Waters) food has particular characteristics relating to its origin,
This Code recommends general techniques for nutritional properties, nature, production, processing,
collecting, processing, packaging, storing, transporting, composition or any other quality.
distributing, and offering for sale a variety of drinking 03 Page Gr-XA AF
waters (other than natural mineral water) for direct
consumption. Recommendations concerning natural BDS CAC GL 8:2011
mineral water are provided in a separate Code Guidelines on Formulated Supplementary
(Recommended International Code of Hygienic Practice
Foods for Older Infants and Young Children
for the Collecting, Processing and Marketing of Natural
The provisions of these Guidelines apply to Formulated
Mineral Waters (CAC/RCP 33-1985).
Supplementary Foods for Older Infants and Young
09 Page Gr-XA AF
Children as defined in Section 3.1 below.
BDS CAC RCP 52:2008 10 page Gr-XA AF
Code of Practice for Fish And Fishery Products
This Code of practice applies to the growing, harvesting, BDS CAC GL 13:2003
handling, production, processing, storage transportation Guidelines for the preservation of raw milk by use of
and retail of fish, shellfish and aquatic invertebrates and lactoperoxidase system
products thereof from marine and freshwater sources, This code practice describes the use of the
which are intended for human consumption lactoperoxidase system for preventing bacterial spoilage
98 Page Gr-XE AF of raw milk (bovine and buffalo)during collection and'
transportation to a dairy processing plant.
BDS CAC RCP 53:2008 06 Page Gr-XA AF
Code of Hygienic Practice for Fresh Fruits and
Vegetables BDS CAC GL 18:1998
This code of practice covers general hygienic practices Guidelines for the application of the hazard analysis
for the primary production and packing of fresh fruits and critical control point (HACCP) system
and vegetables cultivated for human consumption in This guideline identifies specifies hazards and
order to produce a safe and wholesome product: preventive measures for their control to ensure the safety
particularly for those intended to be consumed raw. that focus or preventive measures rather than relying
Specifically, this code is applicable to fresh fruits and mainly on and product testing.
vegetables grown in the field (with or without cover) or 08 Page Gr-XA AF
in protected facilities (hydroponic systems,
greenhouses). It concentrates on microbial hazards and BDS CAC GL 21:2008
addresses physical and chemical hazards only in so far as Principles for the establishment and application of
these relate to GAPs and GMPs. microbiological criteria for foods
26 Page Gr-XC AF 04 Page Gr-XA AF

BDS CAC RCP 54:2008 BDS CAC GL 23:2008

Code Of Practice on Good Animal Feeding Guidelines for Use of Nutrition and Health Claims
The objective of this Code is to help ensure the safety of This guideline relate to the use of nutrition and health
food for human consumption through adherence to good claims in food labelling and, where required by the
animal feeding practice at the farm level and good authorities having jurisdiction, in advertising1. 1.2 These
manufacturing practices (GMPs) during the guidelines apply to all foods for which nutrition and
procurement, handling, storage, processing and health claims are made without prejudice to specific
distribution of animal feed and feed ingredients for food provisions under Codex standards or Guidelines relating
producing animals. to Foods for Special Dietary Uses and Foods for Special
12 Page Gr-XB AF Medical Purposes. 1.3 These guidelines are intended to

supplement the Codex General Guidelines on Claims Assessment and Accreditation of Food Import and
and do not supersede any prohibitions contained therein. Export Inspection and Certification Systems2.
1.4 Nutrition and health claims shall not be permitted for 13 Page Gr-XB AF
foods for infants and young children except where
specifically provided for in relevant Codex standards or BDS CAC GL 48:2008
national legislation. Model Certificate for Fish and Fishery Products
05 Page Gr-XA AF The model certificate apply to fish and fishery products
presented for international trade that meet food safety,
BDS CAC GL 24:2003 wholesomeness and conformity to food production
General Guidelines for use of the term "Halal" requirements of the importing country. Animal and plant
This guideline recommend measures to be taken on the health matters are not covered. Where administratively
use of halal claims in food labeling. and economically feasible, certificates may be issued in
07 Page Gr-XA AF an electronic format provided that the relevant
BDS CAC GL 26:2008 authorities of both the importing and exporting country
Guidelines for the Design, Operation, Assessment are satisfied with the security of the certification system.
and Accreditation of Food Import and Export 16 Page Gr-XB AF
Inspection and Certification Systems BDS CAC GL 50:2008
Audit is a systematic and functionally independent General Guidelines on Sampling
examination to determine whether activities and related This Guideline define at first in Section 2 general
results comply with planned objectives notions on food sampling, applicable in any situations,
13 Page Gr-XB AF and then in Sections 3 to 5 cover certain situations of
statistical food control, for whose certain sampling plans
BDS CAC GL 27:2008 have been selected.
Guidelines for the Assessment of the Competence of 69 Page Gr-XE AF
Testing Laboratories Involved in the import and
Export Control of Food BDS CAC GL 51:2008
This guideline provides a framework for the Guidelines for Packing Media for Canned Fruits
implementation of quality assurance measures to ensure This guideline describes the composition and labelling
the competence of testing laboratories involved in the requirements for packing media for use with canned
import and export control of foods. 2. These guidelines fruits.
are intended to assist countries in the application of 04 Page Gr-XA AF
requirements for trade in foodstuffs in order to protect
the consumers and to facilitate fair trade. BDS CAC GL 55:2011
03 Page Gr-XA AF Guidelines for Vitamin And Mineral Food
BDS CAC GL 34:2008 This guideline apply to vitamin and mineral food
Guidelines for the Development of Equivalence supplements intended for use in supplementing the daily
Agreements Regarding Food Import and Export diet with vitamins and/or minerals.
Inspection and Certification Systems 03 page Gr-XA AF
This document provides practical guidance for
governments desiring to enter into bilateral or BDS CAC A-1:2002
multilateral equivalence agreements concerning food Butter
import and export inspection and certification systems. This Standard applies to butter intended for direct
Such agreements may be binding instruments taking the consumption or for further processing in conformity with
form of “international agreements” under the Vienna the description in section 2 of this Standard.
Convention on the Law of Treaties, or they may be other 06 Page Gr-XA AF
less formal arrangements such as memoranda of
understanding. BDS CAC A-2:2008
09 Page Gr-XA AF Milk Fat Products
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 908:2012)
BDS CAC GL 47:2009 06 Page Gr-XA AF
Guidelines for Food Import Control Systems
This document provides a framework for the BDS CAC A-3:2008
development and operation of an import control system Evaporated Milks
to protect consumers and facilitate fair practices in food This Standard applies to evaporated milks, intended for
trade while ensuring unjustified technical barriers to direct consumption or further processing, in conformity
trade are not introduced. The Guideline is consistent with the description in Section 2 this Standard.
with the Codex Principles for Food Import and Export 03 Page Gr-XA AF
Inspection and Certification 1 and provides specific
information about imported food control that is an BDS CAC A-4:2002
adjunct to the Guidelines for the Design, Operation, Sweetened Condensed milk

This Standard applies to sweetened condensed milk, This Standard applies to cream and prepared creams for
intended for direct consumption or further processing in direct consumption or further processing as defined in
conformity with the description in section 2 of this Section 2 of this Standard.
Standard. 06 Page Gr-XA AF
03 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS CAC A-15:2008
BDS CAC A-6:2008 Whey Powder
Cheeses This Standard applies to Whey powder and Acid Whey
This Standard applies to all products intended for direct powder, intended for direct consumption or further
consumption or further processing, in conformity with processing, in conformity with the definition of whey
the definition of whey chesses in Section 2 of this chesses in Section 2 of this Standard.
Standard. Subject to the provisions of this Standard, 03 Page Gr-XA AF
Codex Standards for individual varieties of chesses may
contain provisions which are more specifies than those BDS CAC 11 (a):2002
in this standard. Yoghurt and sweetened yoghurt
05 Page Gr-XA AF This standard applies to yoghurt and sweetened yoghurt.
BDS CAC A-7:2008 (Cancels & replaces by BDS CAC 243:2015)
Whey Cheeses AF
This Standard applies to all products intended for direct
consumption or further processing, in conformity with BDS CAC 11 (b):2002
the definition of whey chesses in Section 2 of this Flavored yoghurt and products heat-treated after
Standard. Subject to the provisions of this Standard, fermentation
Codex Standards for individual varieties of whey chesses This standard applies to flavored yoghurt and the
may contain provisions which are more specifies than product heat treated after formation.
those in this standard. 05 Page Gr-XA AF
03 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS CAC 1:2002
BDS CAC A-8(a):2008 The labeling of prepackaged foods.
Named Variety Process (ed) Cheese And Spread able This standard applies to the labeling of all
Process (ed) Chasse prepackaged foods to be offered as such to the consumer
Named variety Process (ed) cheese and spread able or for catering purposes and to certain aspects relating to
process(ed)cheese are made by grinding, mixing, the presentation there of.
melting and emulsifying with the aid of heat and 10 Page Gr-XA AF
emulsifying agents one or more varieties of cheese, with
or without the addition of foodstuffs in accordance with BDS CAC-4:2006
paragraph 2 White sugar
04 Page Gr-XA AF This standard applies to white sugar except that
paragraph 3.1.4 (Loss on drying) does not apply to white
BDS CAC A-8(b):2008 sugar in lump of cube form or to crystal candy sugar
Process (ed) Cheese And Spread able Process (ed) (crystal norizato) or to rock sugar ( dorizato).
Cheese 04 Page Gr-XA AF
Process (ed) cheese and spread able process(ed)cheese
are made by grinding, mixing, melting and emulsifying BDS CAC-5:2007
with the aid of heat and emulsifying agents one or more Powdered Sugar (Icing Sugar)
varieties of cheese, with or without the addition of milk This standard prescribes the quality criteria for powdered
components and /or other foodstuffs in accordance with sugar (Icing Sugar)
paragraph 2 02 Page Gr-XA AF
03 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS CAC 8:2007
BDS CAC A-8(c):2008 Dextrose Monohydrate
Process (ed) Cheese Preparations) Process) (ed) This standard prescribes the requirements of Dextrose
Cheese Food And Process (ed) Cheese Spread) Monohydrate
Process(ed) cheese food or process(ed)cheese are made 03 Page Gr-XA AF
by grinding, mixing, melting and emulsifying with the
aid of heat and emulsifying agents one or move varieties BDS CAC 9:2006
of cheese, with any selection of ingredients or additives liquid Glucose (Glucose Syrup)
mentioned in paragraphs 2 and 3 below. This standard applies to Liquid Glucose is a purified
03 Page Gr-XA AF concentrated aqueous solution of nutritive archaizes
obtained from starch.
BDS CAC A 9:2008 03 Page Gr-XA AF
Cream and Prepared Creams
BDS CAC 12:2007

Honey subject to further processing in order to tender it suitable
This standard prescribes the requirements of honey for human consumption.
06 Page Gr-XA AF 09 Page Gr-XA AF

BDS CAC 13:2008 BDS CAC 26:2008

Preserved Tomatoes Edible Sesameseed Oil
This Standard applies the products, as defined in Section This standard applies to edible sesamesced oil but does
2 below, and offered for direct consumption, including not apply to sesameseed oil which must be subject to
for catering purposes or for repacking if required. This further processing in order to render it suitable for
Standard also applies to the product when indicated as human consumption.
being intended for further processing. The Standard does 10 Page Gr-XA AF
not include dried tomatoes and preserved tomatoes
containing other vegetables such as pepper and onions in BDS CAC 31:2008
quantities that materially alter the flavour, aroma and Edible Tallow
taste of the tomato component. This standard applies to edible tallow, but does not
06 Page Gr-XA AF apply to refumed edible tallowl so designated.
07 Page Gr-XA AF

BDS CAC 16:2009 BDS CAC 32:2008

Canned Green Yeans and Canned Wax beans Margarine
Canned beans is the product (a) prepared form succulent This standard will not apply to any product which
posts of the fresh green bean or was bean plant contains less than 80% fat and is not labelled in any
conforming to the characteristics of phase-out vulgarism manner which implies, either directly or indirectly, that
L. and Phaseolus cockiness L. form which strings, if any, the product in magarine.
and stems have been removed, (b) packed with water or 05 Page Gr-XA AF
other suitable liquid medium, nutritive sweeteners, BDS CAC 33:2008
seasoning, and other ingredients, appropriate to the Olive Oils and Olive Pomace Oils
product, and (c) processed by heat, in an appropriate This standard applies to olive oils and olive-pomace oils
manner, before or after being sealed in a container, so as described in Section 2 presented in a state for human
to prevent spoilage. consumption.
07 Page Gr-XA AF 09 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS CAC 17:2008 BDS CAC 36:2008
Canned Applesauce Quick Frozen Finfish, Undedicated and Eviscerated
This Standard applies to canned applesauce, as defined This standard shall apply to frozen finfish undedicated
in Section 2 below, and offered for direct consumption, and eviscerated1.
including for catering purposes or for repacking if 07 Page Gr-XA AF
required. It does not apply to the product when indicated
as being intended for further processing. BDS CAC 37:2008
03 Page Gr-XA AF Canned Shrimps or Prawns
BDS CAC 19:2008 This standard applies to canned shrimps or canned
Edible Fats and Oils Not Covered By Individual prawns.1It does not apply to specialty products where
Standards shrimp constitutes less than 50% m/m of the contents.
This Standard applies to oils and fats and mixtures 08 Page Gr-XA AF
thereof in a state for human consumption. It includes oils
and fats that have been subjected to processes of BDS CAC 38:2008
modification (such as trans-etherification or Edible Fungi and Fungus Products1
hydrogenation) or fractionation. This standard contains general requirements applicable
This Standard does not apply to any oil or fat which is to all edible fungi, whether fresh or processed, permitted
covered by one of the following: the Codex Standard for for sale by the competent authorities in the consuming
Named Animal Fats; the Codex Standard for Named countries, except canned cultivated mushrooms of the
Vegetable Oils; the Codex Standard for Olive Oils and genus Agaricus. Different requirements for the products
Olive-pomace Oils. covered by this standard may be laid down in group of
06 Page Gr-XA AF products standards or in individual standards.
13 Page Gr-XB AF
BDS CAC 23:2002
Edible sunflower seed oil BDS CAC 39:2008
This standard applies to edible sunflower seed oil but Dried Edible Fungi
dose not apply to sunflower seed oil which must be

This standard applies to dried fungi (including freeze- 07 Page Gr-XA AF
dried fungi), whole or sliced, of all edible species, after
preparation and packaging.1 BDS CAC 56:2008
04 Page Gr-XA AF Canned Asparagus
Canned asparagus is the product (a) prepared from the
BDS CAC 40:2008 edible portion of stalks of varieties of the asparagus plant
Fresh Fungus "Chanterelle" conforming to the characteristics of asparagus officinalis
This Standard applies to edible, wild growing fungi of L., and may be peeled or unpeeled; (b) packed with
the species Cantharellus cibarius, supplied fresh, after water or other suitable liquid medium and may contain
sorting and packing. other ingredients appropriate to the product; and (c)
03 Page Gr-XA AF processed by heat in an appropriate manner, before or
after being sealed in a container, so as to prevent
BDS CAC 42:2007 spoilage.
Canned Pinapple 09 Page Gr-XA AF
This stanadrd prescribes the requirements of Canned
Pinapple. BDS CAC 57:2008
09 Page Gr-XA AF Processed Tomato Concentrates
This Standard applies to the product as defined in
Section 2 below, and offered for direct consumption,
including for catering purposes or for repacking if
required. This Standard also applies to the product when
indicated as being intended for further processing. The
Standard does not include products that contain seeds
and skins such as “pizza toppings” and other
“homestyle” products as well as products commonly
BDS CAC 48:2008 known as tomato sauce, chilli sauce, and ketchup, or
Apple Juice Preerved Exclusively by Physical Means similar products which are highly seasoned products of
Unfermented but fermentable juice, intended for direct varying concentrations containing characterising
consumption, obtained by a mechanical process from ingredients such as pepper, onions, vinegar, etc., in
sound, ripe apples (pyrus malus L.) preserved quantity that materially alter the flavour, aroma and taste
exclusively by physical means. The juice may be turbid of the tomato component.
or clear. The juice may be clarified. The juice may have 06 Page Gr-XA AF
been concentrated and later reconstituted with water
suitable for the purpose of maintaining the essentaial BDS CAC 58:2009
compositiaon and quality factors of the juice. Canned Green Peas
07 Page Gr-XA AF This Standard Canned green peas is the product (a)
prepared form fresh or frozen clean, substantially sound,
whole shelled immature (green) seeds of garden pea
BDS CAC 49:2006 varieties (cultivars) don forming with the characteristics
Tomato Juice of the species possum stadium L, but excluding the
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 513:2013 subspecies macroscopic.
05 Page Gr-XA AF 06 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS CAC 61:2009
BDS CAC 54:2007 Canned Pears
Powdered Dextrose(Icing Dextrose) This Standard applies to canned pears, as defined in
This standard prescribes the quality criteria for powdered Section 2 below, and offered for direct consumption,
Dextrose (Icing Dextrose). including for catering purposes or for repacking if
02 Page Gr-XA AF required. It does not apply to the product when indicated
as being intended for further processing.
BDS CAC 55:2008 06 Page Gr-XA AF
Canned Mushrooms
Canned mushrooms is the product: BDS CAC 62:2008
(a) prepared from fresh mushrooms conforming with the Canned Strawberries
characteristics of cultivated varieties (cultivars) of the 06 Page Gr-XA AF
genus Agaricus (Psalliota), including A. bisporus, which
mushrooms shall be in good condition and after cleaning BDS CAC 66:2008
and trimming shall be sound; Table Olives
(b) packed with water and/or juice exuding from the This standard applies to the fruit of the cultivated olive-
mushrooms or other suitable liquid medium, seasonings, tree (Olea europaea sativa Hoffg, Link) which has been
and other ingredients, appropriate to the product; and suitably treated or processed and which is offered for
(c) processed by heat in an appropriate manner, before or direct consumption as table olives. It also covers olives
after being sealed in a container, so as to prevent packed in bulk containers which are intended for
spoilage. repacking into consumer size containers.

19 Page Gr-XB AF This standard applies to quick frozen, raw or partially or
fully cooked shrimps or prawns, petted and unspotted.
BDS CAC 72:2008 09 Page Gr-XA AF
Infant formula and formulas for special medical
purposes intended for infant BDS CAC 106:2008
This standards applying to infant formula in liquid or General Standard for Irradiated Foods
powdered from intended for use, where necessary, as a This standard applies to foods processed by ionizing
substitute for human milk in meeting the normal radiation that is used in conjunction with applicable
nutritional requirements of infants. It also provides a hygienic codes, food standards and transportation codes.
standard for formulate intended for infants with special It does not apply to foods exposed to doses imparted by
nutritional requirements, except for certain provisional measuring instruments used for inspection purposes.
which must be modified to meet those special 02 Page Gr-XA AF
12 Page Gr-XB AF BDS CAC 114:2008
Quick Frozen French Fried Potatoes
BDS CAC 74:2007 This standard shall apply to quick frozen French fried
Processed cereal based foods for Infants and Young potatoes which have been prepared from tubers of the
Children species Solanum tuberosum L. and offered for direct
This standard prescribes the essential composition of and consumption without further processing except for
quality criteria for processed cereal based foods for repacking if required.
Infants and Young Children. 08 Page Gr-XA AF
09 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS CAC 115:2008
BDS CAC 79:2008 Pickled Cucumbers (Cucumber Pickles)
Standard for Jams (Fruit Preserves) and Jellies This standard applies to Pickled Cucumbers (in some
(Cancels and replaces by BDS CAC 296:2014) countries Cucumber Pickles) intended for direct
09 Page Gr-XA AF consumption which are:
(a) prepared with cucumbers as the predominant
BDS CAC 80:2008 ingredient;
Citrus Marmalade (b) prepared from desalted cured cucumbers, fermented
(Cancels and replaces by BDS CAC 296:2014) naturally or by controlled fermentation, or from fresh
06 Page Gr-XA AF cucumbers which are acidulated;
(c) preserved through natural or control fermentation or
BDS CAC 85:2006 added acidulants and may be further preserved by
Pineapple Juice pasteurization with heat, by other physical means or by
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 513:2013 chemical preservatives.
04 Page Gr-XA AF 11 Page Gr-XB AF

BDS CAC 87:2008 BDS CAC 116:2008

Chocolate Canned Carrots
The standard applies to various types of the 10 Page Gr-XA AF
homogeneous product prepared form cocoa nib, cocoa
mass, cocoa press cake and/ or cocoa powder with BDS CAC 123:2007
additions such as sugars, cocoa butter, milk products and Edible Low Erueic Acid Rapeseed Oil
optional ingredients provided for in the standard This standard applies to edible low erueic acid rapeseed
according to the types of chocolate desired, and to the oil but does not apply to low erotic acid rapeseed oil
above product to which ingredients or flavouring which must be subjected to further processing in order to
substances have been added in order to modify in a render it suitable for human consumption.
characteristic manner the organoleptic properties of the 10 Page Gr-XA AF
final product.
09 Page Gr-XA AF BDS CAC 135:2006
BDS CAC 90:2008 This standard prescribes the requirements of Minarine.
Canned Crab Meat 08 Page Gr-XA AF
This standard applies to canned crab meat. It does not
apply to specialty products where crab meat constitutes BDS CAC 138:2006
less than 50% m/m of the contents. Concentrated Pineapple Juice.
05 Page Gr-XA AF This standard prescribes the requirements of
Concentrated Pineapple Juice.
BDS CAC 92:2002 06 Page Gr-XA AF
Quick-frozen Shrimps or prawns
BDS CAC 142:2008

Composite and Filled Chocolate This standard applies to whole maize (corn) meal for
This standard applies to products described in the direct human consumption prepared from kernels of
Standard for Chocolate ( CODEX STAND87-1981) to common maize, Zea mays L., as described in Section
which ingredients have been adden in order to modify in 2.1. 1.2 This standard does not apply to degermed maize
a characterisitic manner the organoleptic properties of (corn) meal, enriched maize (corn) meal, maize (corn)
the final product, and to products which have an flours, maize (corn) grits, quick grits, hominy grits, self-
externam chocolate portion and a clearly distinct centre. rising maize (corn) meals, bolted maize (corn) meals,
04 Page Gr-XA AF maize (corn) flakes and other maize (corn) based ready-
to-eat cereals, maize (corn) flaking grits, and alkaline
BDS CAC 143:2008 treated maize (corn) products. 1.3 This standard does not
Dates apply to maize meals for use as a brewing adjunct, to
This standard applies to commercially prepared whole maize meals used for manufacturing of starch and any
dates in pitted or un-pitted styles packed ready for direct industrial use, nor to maize meal for use as an animal
consumption. It does not apply to other forms such as feed.
pieces or mashed dates or dates intended for industrial 04 Page Gr-XA AF
06 Page Gr-XA AF BDS CAC 155:2008
Degermed Maize (Corn) Meal and Maize (Corn)
BDS CAC 144:2009 Grits
Canned Palmito This standard applies to degermed maize (corn) meal
This standard covers the product known as canned and to degermed maize (corn) grits for direct human
palmetto (in some countries canned hearts of palm), and consumption milled from kernels of common maize, Zea
is prepared with palmito as the predominant ingredient mays L. 1.2 This standard does not apply to whole maize
and which may include small quantities of vegetables as (corn) meal, maize (corn) flours, quick grits, hominy
a garnish or seasoning and also spices and aromatic grits, self-rising maize (corn) meals, enriched maize
document means “ canned palmetto” or “canned hearts (corn) meals, enriched maize (corn) grits, bolted maize
of palm”. (corn) meals, maize (corn) flakes, and alkaline treated
09 Page Gr-XA AF maize (corn) products. 1.3 This standard does not apply
to maize (corn) meals for use as a brewing adjunct, to
maize (corn) meals used for manufacturing of starch and
any industrial use, nor to maize (corn) meal for use as an
animal feed.
04 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS CAC 147:1998
Cocoa Butter Confectionery BDS CAC 156:2008
This standard applies to the homogenous product Follow up formula
prepared from cocoa butter, milk products, sugars This standard applies to the composition and labeling of
and additions provided for in the standard, follow-up formula it dose not apply to covered by the
8 Page Gr-XA AF codex standard for infant formula.
09 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS CAC 150:2002
Food grade salt BDS CAC 159:2008
Prescribes essential composition, food additives, arsenic, Canned Mangoes
copper, lead, Cadmium, mercury, packing and Canned mango is the product: (a) prepared from
labeling, methods of sampling and analysis. stemmed, peeled, fresh, sound, clean and mature fruit of
09 Page Gr-XA AF commercial varieties conforming to the characteristics of
the fruits of Mangifera indica L.; (b) which may or may
BDS CAC 153:2008 not be packed with a suitable liquid packing medium,
Maize (Corn) nutritive sweeteners and other seasoning or flavouring
This standard applies to maize (corn) for human ingredients appropriate to the product; and (c) processed
consumption, i.e., ready for its intended use as human by heat, in an appropriate manner, before or after being
food, presented in packaged form or sold loose from the sealed in a container, in order to preserve its essential
package directly to the consumer. This standard specifies composition and quality factors.
requirements for whole grain shelled dent maize, Zea 11 Page Gr-XB AF
mays indentata L., and/or shelled flint maize, Zea mays BDS CAC 160:2008
indurata L., or their hybrids. It does not apply to Mango Chutney
processed maize. Mango Chutney is the product prepared from washed,
06 Page Gr-XA AF clean, sound mango fruits (Mangifera indica L.) which
have been peeled and are sliced, chopped, shredded or
BDS CAC 154 :2008 comminuted, then heat processed with basic ingredients
Whole Maize (Corn) Meal before or after being sealed in containers so as to prevent

03 Page Gr-XA AF Pennisetum americanum L., Senegalese varieties
“souna” and “sanio”. This standard does not apply to
BDS CAC 162:2007 grits or coarse grain obtained from pearl millet.
Vinegar 04 Page Gr-XA AF
This stanadrd prescribes the requirements of vinegar.
AF BDS CAC 171:2008
BDS CAC 163:2008 Certain Pulses
Wheat Protein Products Including Wheat Gluten. This Standard applies to the whole, shelled or split
This standard applis to wheat protein products prepared pulses defined below which are intended for direct
from wheat by various processes. The products are human consumption. The Standard does not apply to
intended for use in foods requiring futher preparation pulses intended for factory grading and packaging,
and for use by the food processing industry.Wheat gluten industrial processing, or to those pulses intended for use
or wheat protein products should not be used for in the feeding of animals. It does not apply to
technological reasons e.g. coating or processing aids for fragmented pulses when sold as such, or to other
foods which are gluten-free by nature. legumes for which separate standards may be elaborated.
04 Page Gr-XA AF 06 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS CAC 165:2008 BDS CAC 173:2008
Quick Frozen Blocks of Fish Fillet, Minced Fish Flesh Sorghum Flour
and Mixtures of Fillets and Minced Fish Flesh This Standard applies to sorghum flour destined for
This standard applies to quick frozen blocks of cohering direct human consumption as defined in Section 2.1
fish flesh, prepared from fillets1 or minced fish flesh or a below.
mixture of fillets and minced fish flesh, which are This Standard does not apply to grits or meal obtained
intended for further processing. from Sorghum bicolor (L.) oench.
10 Page Gr-XA AF 05 Page Gr-XA AF

BDS CAC 166:2008 BDS CAC 174:2008

Quick Frozen Fish Sticks (Fish Fingers), Fish Vegetable Protein Products
Portions and Fish Fillets- Breaded or In Batter This standard applies to vegetable protein products
This standard applies to quick frozen fish sticks (fish intended for use in foods, which are prepared by various
fingers) and fish portions cut from quick frozen fish separation and extraction processes from proteins from
flesh blocks, or formed from fish flesh, and to natural vegetable sources other than single cell protein. The VPP
fish fillets, breaded or batter coatings, singly or in are intended for use in foods requiring further
combination, raw or partially cooked and offered for preparation and for use by the food processing industry.
direct human consumption without further industrial This standard does not apply to any vegetable protein
processing. product which is the subject of a specific Codex
10 Page Gr-XA AF Commodity Standard and is designated by a specific
name laid down in such standards.
04 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS CAC 175:2008
BDS CAC 167:2008 Saya protin products
Salted Fish and Dried Salted Fish of the Gadidae This standard applies to Vegetable Protein Products
Family of Fishes prepared from soybeans (seeds of Glycine max.L.) by
This standard applies to salted fish and dried salted fish various separation and extraction processes. These
of the Gadidae family which has been fully saturated products are intended for use in foods requiring further
with salt (heavy salted) or to salted fish which has been preparation and by the food processing industry.
preserved by partial saturation to a salt content not less 04 Page Gr-XA AF
than 12% by weight of the salted fish which may be
offered for consumption without further industrial BDS CAC 176:2008
processing. Edible Cassava Flour
11 Page Gr-XB AF This standard applies to cassava flour intended for direct
human consumption which is obtained from the
BDS CAC 169:2008 processing of edible cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz).
Whole and Decorticated Pearl Millet Grains 04 Page Gr-XA AF
This standard applies to whole and decorticated pearl
millet destined for human consumption which is BDS CAC 181:2008
obtained from Pennisetum americanum L., Senegalese Formula Foods For Use In Weight Control Diets
varieties “souna” and “sanio”. This standard applies to formula foods for use in weight
05 Page Gr-XA AF control diets, as defined in Section 2. It does not apply to
BDS CAC 170:2008 prepackaged meals controlled in energy and presented in
Pearl Millet Flour the form of conventional foods.
This standard applies to flour destined for direct human 09 Page Gr-XA AF
consumption which is obtained from pearl millet

BDS CAC 182:2008 apply to products indicated as intended for further
Pineapples processing or for other industrial purpose
This Standard applies to commercial varieties of 06 Page Gr-XA AF
pineapples grown from Ananas comosus (L.) Merr., of
the Bromeliaceae family, to be supplied fresh to the BDS CAC 192:2015
consumer, after preparation and packaging. Pineapples General Standard for Food Additives
for industrial processing are excluded. This standard pescribes only the food additives listed
05 Page Gr-XA AF herein are recognized as suitable for use in foods in con
formance with the prov isions of this Standard. Only
BDS CAC 183:2008 food additives that have been assigned an Acceptable
Papaya Daily Intake (ADI) or determined, on the hasis of other
This Standard applies to fruits of commercial varieties of criteria, to be safe2 by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert
papayas grown from Carica papaya L., of the Committee on Food Additives (JECFA)3 and an
Caricaceae family, to be supplied fresh to the consumer, International Numbering System (INS) designation by
after preparation and packaging. Papayas for industrial Codex will be considered for inclusion in this Standard.
processing are excluded. 332 Page Gr-XE AF
04 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS CAC 196:2008
BDS CAC 184:2008 Litchi
Mangoes This Standard applies to commercial varieties (cultivars)
This Standard applies to commercial varieties of of litchis grown from Litchi chinensis Son., of the
mangoes grown from Magnifier indicia L., of the Sapindaceae family, to be supplied fresh to the
Anacardiaceous family, to be supplied fresh to the consumer, after preparation and packaging. Litchis for
consumer, after preparation and packaging. Mangoes for industrial processing are excluded.
industrial processing are excluded. 04 Page Gr-XA AF
04 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS CAC 200:2008
BDS CAC 188:2008
This standard applies to peanuts as defined in Section 2
Baby Corn
intended for processing for direct human consumption.
This Standard applies to the cobs, without the silk and
05 Page Gr-XA AF
anthers, of commmercial varieties of babhy corn (corn
inflorescence) grown from Zea mays L, of the gramineae BDS CAC 205:2009
family,swparated from silk, husk and anthers, to be Bananas
supplied fresh to the consumer, after preparation and This Standard applies to commercial varieties of bananas
packaging. Baby corn for industrial processing is grown from Musa spp. (AAA), of the Musaceae family,
excluded. in the green state, to be supplied fresh to the consumer,
04 Page Gr-XA AF after preparation and packaging. Bananas intended for
cooking only (plantains) or for industrial processing are
excluded. Varieties covered by this Standard are
included in the Annex.
08 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS CAC 207:2008
BDS CAC 189:2008 Milk Powder and Cream Powder
Dried Shark Fins This Standard applies to milk powders and cream
This Standard applies to dried shark fins intended for powder, intended for direct consumption or further
further processing. processing, in conformity with the description in Section
05 Page Gr-XA AF 2 of this Standard.
04 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS CAC 190:2008
Quick Frozen Fish Fillets BDS CAC 208:2008
This standard applies to quick frozen fillets of fish as Group Standard for Cheeses in Brine
defined below and offered for direct consumption This Standard applies to Cheeses in Brine, intended for
without further processing. It does not apply to products direct consumption or further processing, in conformity
indicated as intended for further processing or for other with the description in Section 2 of this Standard.
industrial purposes Subject to the provisions of this Group Standard, Codex
06 Page Gr-XA AF standards for individual varieties of Cheeses in Brine
may contain provisions which are more specific than
BDS CAC 191:2008 those in this Standard
Quick Frozen Raw Squid 05 Page Gr-XA AF
This standard applies to quick frozen raw squid and parts
of raw squid, as defined below and offered for direct BDS CAC 212:2006
consumption without further processing. It does not White Sugar

This standard applies to white sugar expect that
paragraph 3.1.4 (loss on drying) does not apply to white BDS CAC 250:2008
sugar in lump or cube form or to crystal candy sugar A Blend of Evaporated Skimmed Milk and Vegetable
(crystal korimako)or to rock sugar (korimako). Fat
06 Page Gr-XA AF This standard applies to a blend of evaporated skimmed
BDS CAC 215:2009 milk and vegetable fat, also known as a blend of
Guavas unsweetened condensed skimmed milk and vegetable
This standard applies to commercial varieties of guavas fat, which is intended for direct consumption, or further
grown from pasidium guajava L. of the Myrtaceae processing in conformity with the description in Section
family, to be supplied fresh to the consumer, after 2 of this Standard.
preparation and packaging. 04 Page Gr-XA AF
04 Page Gr-XA AF BDS CAC 251:2008
BDS CAC 222:2008 A Blend of Skimmed Milk and Vegetable Fat In
Crackers from Marine and Freshwater Fish, Powdered Form
Crustacean and Molluscan Shellfish This standard applies to a blend of skimmed milk and
This standard shall apply to crackers prepared from vegetable fat in powdered form, intended for direct
marine and freshwater fish, crustacean and molluscan consumption, or further processing in conformity with
shellfish. It does not include ready-to-eat fried as well as the description in Section 2 of this Standard.
artificially flavored fish, crustacean and molluscan 04 Page Gr-XA AF
shellfish crackers. BDS CAC 252:2008
04 Page Gr-XA AF A Blend of Sweetened Condensed Skimmed Milk and
Vegetable Fat
BDS CAC 233:2003 This standard applies to a blend of sweetened condensed
Sampling plans for prepackaged foods. skimmed milk and vegetable fat, intended for direct
The sampling plans in Appendix 1 of the document consumption, or further processing in conformity with
apply to the acceptance defective units (defectives) in the description in Section 2 of this Standard.
lots of prepackaged foods, as defined in individual codex 04 Page Gr-XA AF
standards, in solar as the sampling plans have been
specifically included in much codex standards for the BDS CAC 253:2008
purpose of determining the acceptability or otherwise of Dairy Fat Spreads
the lot This standard applies to dairy fat spreads intended for
08 Page Gr-XA AF use as spreads for direct consumption, or for further
processing, in conformity with section 2 of this
BDS CAC 234:2008 Standard.
Codex recommended method of Analysis and 06 Page Gr-XA AF
75 Page Gr-XE AF BDS CAC 254:2009
Certain Canned Citrus Fruits
BDS CAC 243:2015 This standard applies to certain canned citrus fruits, as
Fermented Milks defined in Section 2 below, and offered for direct
This standard applies to fermented milks, that is Fermented consumption, including for catering purposes or for
Milk including, HeatTreated Fermented Milks, Concentrated repacking if required. It does not apply to the product
Fermented Milks and composite milk productsbased on these when indicated as being intended for further processing.
products, for direct consumption or further processing in
07 Page Gr-XA AF
with the definitions in Section 2 of this Standard. BDS CAC 260:2014
11 Page Gr-XB AF Pickled Fruits and Vegetables
This standard applies to products, as defined in Section 2
below, and offered for direct consumption, including for
BDS CAC 245:2008 catering purposes or for repacking if required. The
Oranges products covered by this Standard include, but are not
This Standard applies to commercial varieties of oranges limited to onions, garlic, mango, radish, ginger, beetroot,
grown from Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck, of the Rutaceae royal plum, peppers, hearts of palm, cabbage, lettuce,
family, to be supplied fresh to the consumer, after lemons, baby corn (young corn) and green mustard
preparation and packaging. Oranges for industrial (Brassica juncea ssp). It does not apply to the product
processing are excluded. when indicated as being intended for further processing.
06 Page Gr-XA AF 06 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS CAC 247:2008 BDS CAC 263:2008
Fruit Juices and Nectars Cheddar
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 513:2013)
17 Page Gr-XB AF

This standard applies to Cheddar intended for direct
consumption or for further processing in conformity with BDS ISO 660:2014
the description in Section 2 of this Standard. Animal and vegetables fats and oils– Determination
05 Page Gr-XA AF of acid value and acidity
This international standard specifies three methods
BDS CAC 275:2008 (two titrimetric and one potentiometric) for the
Cream Cheese determination of acidity in animal and vegetable fats and
This standard applies to Cream Cheese intended for oils, hereinafter referred to as fats. The acidity is
direct consumption or for further processing in expressed
conformity with the description in Section 2 of this preferably as acid value, or alternatively as
Standard. acidity calculated conventionally.
In some countries, the term “cream cheese” is used to 08 Page Gr-XA AF
designate cheeses, such as high fat ripened hard cheese,
that do not conform to the description I Section 2. This BDS ISO 662:2014
Standard does not apply to such cheeses. Animal and vegetables fats and oils– Determination
06 Page Gr-XA AF of moisture and volatile matter content
This international standard specifies two methods for the
BDS CAC 278:2008 determination, by drying, of the moisture and volatile
Extra hard grating cheese matter content of animal or vegetable fats and oils
02 Page Gr-XA AF 07 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS CAC 296:2014 BDS ISO 663:2014
Jams, Jellies and Marmalades Animal and vegetables fats and oils –
This standard applies to jams, jellies and marmalades, as Determination of insoluble impurities content
defined in Section 2 below, and offered for direct This international standard specifies a method for the
consumption, including for catering purposes or for determination of the insoluble impurities content of
repacking if required. animal and vegetable fats and oils.
10 page Gr-XA AF 06 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS ISO 188:1998 BDS ISO 664:2008
Baby corn Oilseeds- Reduction of laboratory Sample to test
This standard applies to the cobs, without silk corn Sample
(Corn inflorescence) grown from Zee mays L. of This international standard specifies the procedure for
gramineae family, separated from silk, husk and anthers obtaining a test Sample from a laboratory Sample of
to be supplied fresh to consumers, after preparation oilseeds.
and packaging baby corn for industrial processing is 02 Page Gr-XA AF
10 Page Tk. 150.00 AF BDS ISO 665:2008
Oilseeds- Determination of moisture and volatile
BDS ISO 542:2008 matter content
Oilseeds - Sampling This international standard specifies a method for the
This international standard specifies methods of determination of the’ moisture and volatile matter
sampling oilseeds. content of oilseeds
07 Page Gr-A AF 02 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS ISO 580:2007 BDS ISO 676:2008
Plastic piping and ducting systems —Injection- Spices and condiments- Botanical nomenclature
moulded thermoplastics fitting— Methods for This international standard gives a non-exhaustive list of
visually assessing the effects of heating the botanical names and common names in English and
This international standard specifies two methods for the French of plants or parts of plants used as spices or
effects of heating on Injection-moulded thermoplastics condiments.
fitting— Method A, using an air oven, and method B, 21 Page Gr-XC AF
using a liquid bath. In case of disagreement, method A is
thereference method.
06 Page Gr-XA AF BDS ISO 729:2008
BDS ISO 658:2008 Oilseeds - Determination of acidity of oils
Oilseeds- Determination of content of impurities This international standard specifies a method for the
This international standard specifies a method for the determination of the acidity of oils in oilseeds. The
determination of the impurities content in oilseeds used acidity is expressed, by preference, as an acid value or
as primary industrial materials. It also defines the alternatively as conventionally calculated acidity.
various categories of what are usually understood to be 03 Page Gr-XA AF
10 Page Gr-XA AF BDS ISO 734-1:2008

Oilseed residues- Determination of oil content Part 1: Recommendations relating to storage and transport
Extraction method with hexane (or light petroleum) conditions are given in annex A.
This part of ISO 734 specifies a method for the 04 Page Gr-XA AF
determination of the hexane extract (or light-petroleum
extract), called "oil content", of residues (excluding BDS ISO 927:2008
compounded products) obtained by the extraction of oil Spices and condimen-Determination of extraneous
from oilseeds by pressure or solvent. matter content
07 Page Gr-XA AF 01 Page Gr-XA AF

BDS ISO 734-2:2008 BDS ISO 928:2016

Oilseed residues- Determination of oil Spices and Condiments- Determination of total ash
content- Part 2: Rapid extraction method This international standard specifies a method for the
This part of ISO 734 specifies an extraction method determination of total ash from spices and condiments.
which may be used to assess the efficiency of a de-oiling 04 page Gr-XA AF
process by comparing the oil content of the oilseed with
the residual oil content of the corresponding extraction BDS ISO 930:2008
meals, pellets and expeller cakes. It is applicable to Spices and condiments-Determination of
oilseed residues obtained from oilseeds by expelling or Acid-insoluble ash
by extraction with a solvent, as well as to the pellets This international standard spicifies a method for the
made from the residues. determination of acid-insoluble ash spices and
08 Page Gr-XA AF condiments.
04 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS ISO 735:2008
Oilseed residues - Determination of ash insoluble in BDS ISO 939:2008
hydrochloric acid Spices and condiments-Determination of moisture
This international standard specifies a method for the content- entrainment method
determination of the ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid, This international standard spicifies an entrainment
from residues (excluding compounded products) method for the determination of the moisture content-
obtained by the extraction of oil from oilseeds by of spices and condiments.
pressure or solvent. 04 Page Gr-XA AF
02 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS ISO 941:2008
BDS ISO 749:2008 Spices and condiments-Determination of cold water
Oilseed residues- Determination of total as soluble extract.
This international standard specifies a method for the This international standard spicifies a method for the
determination of the total ash from residues (excluding determination of cold water- soluble extract in spices
compounded products) obtained by the extraction of oil and condiments.
from oilseeds by pressure or solvent 02 Page Gr-XA AF
02 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS ISO 948:2008
BDS ISO 771:2008 Spices and condiments-Sampling
Oilseed residues- Determination of moisture and This international standard spicifies a method of
volatile matter content sampling speces and condiments
This international standard specifies a method for the 02 Page Gr-XA AF
determination of the moisture and volatile matter content
of residues (excluding compounded products) obtained BDS ISO 972:2008
by the extraction of oil from oilseeds by pressure or Chillies and Capsicums, Whole or Ground
solvent (Powdered)- Speciification
02 Page Gr-XA AF This international standard specifies requirements for
chillies and capsicums in the whole or ground form.
BDS ISO 882-1:2008 07 Page Gr-XA AF
Cardamom maton var Part 1: Whole capsules
This part of ISO 882 specifies the requirements for BDS ISO 1003:2008
cardamom as whole capsules. Spices and Condiments- Ginger, Whole, In pieces, or
Recommendations relating to storage and transport Ground- Specification
conditions are given in annex A. This international standard specifies requirements for
09 Page Gr-XA AF gingr, Whole, in pieces, or ground
Recommendations relating to store and transport
BDS ISO 882-2:2008 conditions are giv en in annex B.
Cardamom maton var Part 2: Seeds 06 Page Gr-XA AF
This part of ISO 882 specifies the requirements for
cardamom as whole capsules. BDS ISO 1208:2016

Spices and Condiments- Determination of Filth This international standard specifies a vacuum oven
This international standard specifies a method for the method for the determination is the dry matter in glucose
quantitative determination of filth in spices and syrups, irrespective of their method of production.
condiments. As no limits have been prescribed for filth 02 Page Gr-XA AF
in International Standards on spices and condiments, this
method should be used for collecting more data and for BDS ISO1839:2008
settling international disputes. Tea- Sampling
05 Page Gr-XA AF This international standard specifies methods for the
sampling of tea. It applies to sampling from containers
BDS ISO 1237:2008 of all sizes.
Mustard Seed- Specification 03 Page Gr-XA AF
This international standard specifies requirements for
mustard seed. BDS ISO 2166:2006
11 Page Gr-XB AF Carrots Guide to Storage
This International Standard describes methods for
BDS ISO 1575:2015 obtaining condition for the successful conversion.
Tea- Determination of total ash 05 Page Gr-XA AF
This international standard specifies a method for the
determination of the total ash from tea. BDS ISO 2255:2008
02 Page Gr-XA AF Coriander (Coriandrum Sativum L.) whole or
BDS ISO 1576:2015 ground (Powdered)
Tea- Determination of water- soluble ash This international standard specifies requirments for
and water- insoluble ash coriander (Coriandrum sativum L) in the whole and
This International Standard specifies a method for the ground (powdered) froms.
determination of the water-soluble ash and the water- 04 Page Gr-XA AF
insoluble ash of tea. BDS ISO 2813:2006
02 Page Gr-XA AF Paints and varnishes- Determination of specular gloss
BDS ISO 1577:2015 of non-metallic paint films at 20o, 60o and 85o
Tea– Determination of acid-insoluble ash This International Standard is one of a series of
This international standard specifies a method for the standards dealing with the sampling and testing of
determination of the acid-insoluble ash from tea. paints, varnishes and related products.
02 Page Gr-XA AF 08 Page Gr-XA AF

BDS ISO 1578:2008 BDS ISO 2825:2008

Tea- Determination of alkalinity of water-soluble ash Spices and condiments– Preparation of a ground
This International Standard specifies a method for the sample for analysis
determination of the alkalinity of water-soluble ash of This international standard specifies a method of
tea. preparing a ground sample of spice or condiment for
02 Page Gr-XA AF analysis, from a laboratory sample obtained by the
method specified in ISO 948
BDS ISO 1666:2008 02 Page Gr-XA AF
Starch- Determination of moisture content- Oven-
drying method BDS ISO 3103:2008
This international standard specifies a method for the Tea- Preparation of liquor for use in sensory tests
determination of the moisture content of starch using This International Standard specifies a method for the
oven drying at 130oC under atmospheric pressure. preparation of a liquor of tea for use in sensory tests, by
The method is applicable to native or modified starch in means of infusing the leaf.
the dry form. 04 Page Gr-XA AF
04 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS ISO 3188:2008
BDS ISO 1741:2008 Starches and derived products- Determination of
Dextrose - Determination of loss in mass on drying -L nitrogen content by the Kjeldahl method- Titrimetric
Vacuum oven method method
This international standard specifies a vacuum oven This international standard specifies a titrimetric method
method for the determination of the loss in mass on for the determination, by the Kjeldahl method, of the
drying of dextrose. nitrogen content of starch and its derived products whose
02 Page Gr-XA AF presumed nitrogen content is greater than 0,Ol % (mlm)
03 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS ISO 1742:2008
Glucose syrups – Determination of dry matter -
Vacuum oven method BDS ISO 3509:1998
Coffee and its products vocabulary

This standard defines the most commonly used term
relating to coffee and its products.
12 Page Gr-XB AF

BDS ISO 3513:2008

Chillies-Determination of Scoville index BDS ISO 4831:2009
This international standard specifies a method for the Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs
determination of the Scoville index of chillies, whole or Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration
ground, unadulterated by other spices or products. of coliforms- Most probable number technique
07 Page Gr-XA AF This international standard gives general guidelines for
the detection and the enumeration of coliforms. It is
BDS ISO 3593:2008 applicable to products intended for human consumption
Starch- Determination of ash and for the feeding of animals, and environmental
This international standard specifies a method for the samples in the area of food production and food
determination of the ash yielded by starches. The method handling.
is applicable to native starches and to modified starches 11 Page Gr-XB AF
yielding not more than 2 % of ash. lt does not apply to
hydrolysis products nor to oxidized starches, nor to other BDS ISO 4832:2009
products containing more than 0,2 % of chloride Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs
expressed as sodium chloride. Horizontal method for the enumeration of coliforms-
02 Page Gr-XA AF Colony-count technique
This international standard gives general guidelines for
BDS ISO 3596:2014 the enumeration of coliforms. It is applicable to
Animal and vegetables fats and oils- Determination of products intended for human consumption and for the
unsaponifiable matter- Method using diethyl ether feeding of animals, and environmental samples in the
extraction area of food production and food handling, by means of
This international standard specifies a method using the technique of counting colonies after incubation on a
diethyl ether extraction for the determination of the solid medium at 30 °C or at 37 °C.
unsaponifiable matter content of animal and vegetable 06 Page Gr-XA AF
fats and oils.
BDS ISO 4833:2009
08 Page Gr-XA AF
Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs-
BDS ISO 3657:2014 Horizontal method for the enumeration of
Animal and vegetables fats and oils- Determination microorganisms- Colony- count technique at 30 °C
of saponification value This international standard specifies a horizontal method
This international standard specifies a method for the for the enumeration of microorganisms, by counting the
determination of the saponification value of animal and colonies growing in a solid medium after aerobic
vegetable fats and oils. The saponification value is a incubation at 30°C. Subject to the limitations discussed
measure of the free and esterified acids present in fats in the introduction, this International Standard is
and fatty acids. applicable to products intended for human consumption
06 Page Gr-XA AF or the feeding of animals.
09 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS ISO 3720:2008 BDS ISO 5377:2008
Black tea-Definition and basic requirements Starch hydrolysis products- Determination of
This international standard specifies the Parts of a named reducing power and dextrose equivalent- Lane and
plant that are suitable for making black tea for Eynon constant titre method
consumption as abeverage and the Chemical This international standard specifies a Lane and Eynon
requirements for black tea that are used to indicate that constant titre method for the determination of the
tea from that Source has been produced in accordance reducing power and dextrose equivalent of all starch
with good production practice. hydrolysis products.
07 Page Gr-XA AF 06 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS ISO 3960:2014 BDS ISO 5378:2008
Animal and vegetables fats and oils– Determination Starches and derived products- Determination of
of peroxide value- Iodometric (visual) endpoint nitrogen content by the Kjeldahl method-
determination Spectrophotometric method
This international standard specifies a method for the This international standard specifies a
iodometric determination of the peroxide value of animal spectrophotometric method for the determination, by the
and vegetable fats and oils with a visual endpoint Kjeldahl method, of the nitrogen content of starch and its
detection. The peroxide value is a measure of the amount derived products whose presumed nitrogen content is
of oxygen chemically bound to an oil or fat as peroxides, less than 0,025 % (m/m).l).
particularly hydroperoxides. 03 Page Gr-XA AF
09 Page Gr-XA AF

of tomatoes for maintaining quality and avoiding
BDS ISO 5500:2008 deterioration.
Oilseed residues- samples 03 page Gr-XA AF
This international standard specifies methods of
sampling oilseed residues. It is applicalble to all oilseed
residues, regardless of their presentation, i.e. wthether in
the form of meals, agglomerates or slab cakes.
08 Page Gr-XA AF BDS ISO 5538:2009
BDS ISO 5502:2008 Milk and milk products Sampling Inspection by
Oilseed residues- Preparation of test samples attributes
This international standard specifies methods for the This international standard specifies sampling plans for
preparation of test samples of oilseed residues by the the inspection by attributes of milk and milk products. It
reduction of Laboratory samples. is intended to be used to choose a sample size for any
For the purposes of this International Standard, the term situation where it is required to measure the conformity
oilseed residues includes meals, extractions, expeller to a specification of a lot of a dairy product by
cakes or slab cakesl) resulting from the production of examination of a representative sample.
crude vegetable oils from oilseeds by pressure or solvent 20 Page Gr-XB AF
extraction. it does not include compounded products.
04 Page Gr-XA AF BDS ISO 5559:2008
Dehydrated onion (Allium cepa linnaeus)
BDS ISO 5504 :2008 This international standard specifies requirments for
Oilseed residues- Sampling dehydrated onion (Allium cepa Linnaeus) in its variou
This international standard specifies methods of commercial forms.
sampling oilseed residues. lt is applicable to all oilseed 09 Page Gr-XA AF
residues, regardless of their presentation, i.e. whether in
the form of meals, agglomerates or slab cakes. BDS ISO 5560:2008
15 Page Gr-XB AF Dehydrated garlic (Allium sativum L.)
This international standard specifies requirements for
BDS ISO 5506:2010 dehydrated garli.
Syoabean products determination of urease activity 10Page Gr-A AF
This international standard specifies a method of
determining the urease activity of products derived from BDS ISO 5567:2016
soya beans. The method allows inadequate cooking of Dehydrated Garlic – Determination of Volatile
these products to be detected. Organic Sulphur Compound
02 page Gr-XA AF This international standard specifies a method for the
determination of volatile organic sulphur compounds in
BDS ISO 5507:2008 dehydrated garlic.
Oilseeds, vegetable oils and fats nomenclature 05 Page Gr-XA AF
This international standard provides the botanical names
of the main species of oleaginous plants, together with BDS ISO 5738:2009
the names of the corresponding raw materials and oils Milk and milk products- Determination of copper
(fats). An alphabetical index of the raw materials is also content Photometric method (Reference method)
given to assist in the use of this International Standard. This international standard specifies a reference method
08 Page Gr-XA AF for the determination of the copper content of milk and
milk products.
BDS ISO 5511:2010 11 Page Gr-XB AF
Oilseeds- Determination of oil content -Method using
continuous- wave low- resolution nuclear magnetic BDS ISO 5809:2008
resonance spectrometry (Rapid method) Starches and derived products- Determination of
This international standard specifies a rapid method for sulphated ash
the determination of the oil content of oilseeds using This international standard specifies a method for the
continuous-wave low-resolution nuclear magnetic determination of sulphated ash in starches and derived
resonance spectrometry. products.
04 page Gr-XA AF 03 Page Gr-XA AF

BDS ISO 5524:2015 BDS ISO 5810:2008

Tomatoes- Guide to cold storage and refrigerated Starches and derived products- Determination of
transport chloride content - Potentiometric method
This international standard proves guidance on the This international standard specifies a potentiometric
operations to be carried out before and the conditions to method for the determination of the chloride content of
be met during the cold storage and refrigerated transport starches and derived products, except cationic starches
and amyloids soluble when cold, the viscosity of these

being too high to allow for correct stirring when Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs
titrating. Preparation of test samples, initial suspension and
02 Page Gr-XA AF decimal dilutions for microbiological examination
Part 1: General rules for the preparation of the initial
BDS ISO 6078:2008 suspension and decimal dilutions
Black tea –Vocabulary This part of ISO 6887 defines general rules for the
This international standard provides a list of terms and aerobic preparation of the initial suspension and of
definitions, applicable to the techniques of processing decimal dilutions for microbiological examinations of
and assessing black tea for commerce. products intended for human or animal consumption.
19 Page Gr-XB AF 05 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS ISO 6079:2015
Instant tea in solid form- Specification
This international standard specifies requirements for
instant tea in solid form. BDS ISO 6887-3:2009
02 Page Gr-XA AF Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs-
Preparation of test samples, initial suspension and
BDS ISO 6465:2008 decimal dilutions for microbiological examination–
Whole cumin Part 3: Specific rules for the preparation of fish and
This international standard specifies requirements for fishery products
whole fruits of Cuminum cyminum Linnaeus for This part of ISO 6887 specifies rules for the preparation
wholesale purposes. of fish and fishery product samples and their suspension
02 Page Gr-XA AF for microbiological examination when the samples
require a different preparation from the method
BDS ISO 6579:2009 described in ISO 6887-1. ISO 6887-1 defines the general
Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs- rules for the preparation of the initial suspension and
Horizontal method for the detection of Salmonella decimal dilutions for microbiological examination.
spp 11 Page Gr-XB AF
This international standard specifies a horizontal method
for the detection of Salmonella, including Salmonella BDS ISO 6888-1:2009
Typhi and Salmonella Paratyphoid. Subject to the Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs-
limitations discussed in the Introduction, this Horizontal method for the enumeration of coagulase-
International Standard is applicable to- products positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and
intended for human consumption and the feeding of other species)- Part 1:Technique using Baird-Parker
animals; environmental samples in the area of food agar medium
production and food handling. This part of ISO 6888 specifies a horizontal method for
27 Page Gr-XC AF the enumeration of coagulase-positive staphylococci in
products intended for human consumption or feeding of
BDS ISO 6611:2009
animals, by counting of colonies obtained on a solid
Milk and milk products- Enumeration of colony-
medium (Baird-Parker medium) after aerobic incubation
forming units of yeasts and/or moulds- Colony- count
at 35 °C or 37 °C.
technique at 25 °C.
11 Page Gr-XB AF
This international standard specifies a method for the
detection and enumeration of colony-forming units
BDS ISO 6888-2:2009
(CFU) of viable yeasts and/or moulds in milk and milk
products by means of the colony-count technique at 25 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs-
°C. Horizontal method for the enumeration of coagulase-
08 Page Gr-XA AF positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and
other species)- Part 2: Technique using rabbit plasma
BDS ISO 6658:1998 fibrinogen agar medium
Sensory analysis- methodology- general guidance This part of ISO 6888 describes a horizontal method for
This standard provides general guidance on the the enumeration of coagulase-positive staphylococci in
methodology of sensory analysis. It describes test for the products intended for human consumption or feeding of
examination of food products by the sensory analysis animals by counting of colonies obtained on a solid
and includes some information on the techniques to be medium (rabbit plasma fibrinogen medium) after aerobic
used if statistical analysis of the results is required. The incubation at 35 °C or 37 °C.
principles embodies in them may apply to the 07 Page Gr-XA AF
examination of other products by means of the human
senses, generally the tests are intended only for sensory BDS ISO 6888-3:2009
analysis in laboratories and are not applicable to the Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs-
determination of the consumers preference. Horizontal method for the enumeration of coagulase-
19 Page Tk. 200.00 AF positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and
other species)- Part 3:Detection and MPN technique
BDS ISO 6887-1:2009 for low numbers

This part of ISO 6888 specifies a horizontal method for 02 Page Gr-XA AF
the enumeration and detection of coagulase-positive
staphylococci, using the most probable number (MPN) BDS ISO 7516:2015
technique. It is applicable to Instant tea in solid form- Sampling
-products intended for human consumption and the This international standard specifies methods of
feeding of animals, and sampling instant tea in solid form (hereinafter referred to
-environmental samples in the area of food production as “instant tea”). It applies to sampling from Containers
and food handling. of all sizes.
11 Page Gr-XB AF 04 Page Gr-XB AF

BDS ISO 7543-1:2008

Chillifs and chilli oleoresins-determination of total
capsaicinik content- part-1: Spectrometric method
BDS ISO 7218:2009 04 Page Gr-XA AF
Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs
General requirements and guidance for
microbiological examinations
This international standard provides general
requirements and guidance/options intended for three
main uses: BDS ISO 7543-2:2008
-implementation of ISO/TC 34/SC 9 or ISO/TC 34/SC 5 Chillifs and chilli oleoresins-determination of total
standards for detection or enumeration of capsaicinik content-part-2 Method using high-
microorganisms, named hereafter “specific standards”; performance liquid chromatography
-good laboratory practice for food microbiological 05 Page Gr-XA AF
laboratories (the purpose is not to detail them in this
International Standard, manuals are available for that BDS ISO 7558:1998
purpose);- guidance for accreditation of food Guide to the prepacking of fruits and
microbiological laboratories (this International Standard vegetable
describes the technical requirements according to Annex This standard specifies general guidance on the
B of ISO/IEC 17025:2005 for the accreditation of a conditions and the methods of prepackaging and packing
microbiological laboratory by national organizations). for transport of the main types of fruits and vegetable
66 Page Gr-XE AF sold fresh.
10 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS ISO 7251:2009
Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs-
BDS ISO 7560:2003
Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration
Cucumbers- Storage and Refregerated Transport
of presumptive Escherichia coli- Most probable
This international standard gives guidance on condition
number technique
for the successful storage and long-distance transport of
This international standard gives general guidelines for
cucumbers, intended either for direct consumption or for
the detection and enumeration of presumptive
industrial processing.
Escherichia coli by means of the liquid-medium culture
07 Page Gr-XA AF
technique and calculation of the most probable number
(MPN) after incubation at 37 °C, then at 44 °C. This
BDS ISO 8262-1:2009
International Standard is applicable to
Milk products and milk- based foods- Determination
-products intended for human consumption and the
of fat content by the Weibull-Berntrop gravimetric
feeding of animals, and
-environmental samples in the area of food production
(Reference method)- Part 1:Infant foods
and food handling.
This part of ISO 8262/IDF 124 specifies the reference
13 Page Gr-XB AF
method for the determination of the fat content of infant
foods to which the Röse-Gottlieb method is not
BDS ISO 7513:2015
applicable [i.e. those milk-based and other types of
Instant tea in solid form- Determination of moisture
infant food that contain more than 5 % (mass fraction)
content (loss in mass at 103 ºC).
(dry matter) of starch or dextrin, or vegetable, fruit,
This international standard specifies a method for the
meat, etc.
determination of the moisture content of instant tea in
08 Page Gr-XA AF
solid form as received (loss in mass at 103 “C).
03 Page Gr-XA AF BDS ISO 8262-2:2009
Milk products and milk- based foods- Determination
BDS ISO 7514:2015 of fat content by the Weibull- Berntrop gravimetric
Instant tea in solid form- Determination of total ash method (Reference method)- Part 2: Edible ices and
This international standard specifies a method for the ice-mixes
determination of the total ash of instant tea in solid form.

This part of ISO 8262/IDF 124 specifies the reference glucosinolates in rapeseeds (colza) using high-
method for the determination of the fat content of edible Performance liquid chromatography.
ices and ice-mixes to which the Röse-Gottlieb method is 04 page Gr-XA AF
not applicable (i.e. those products containing high levels
of stabilizer or thickening agent, or of egg yolk or of BDS ISO 9167-2:2010
fruit, or of combinations of these constituents). Rapeseed- Determination of glucosinolates content-
09 Page Gr-XA AF Part 2: Method using X-ray fluorescence
BDS ISO 8262-3:2009 This part of ISO 9167 specifies a rapid method for the
Milk products and milk-based foods- Determination determination of the total glucosinolate content of
of fat content by the Weibull-Berntrop gravimetric rapeseed using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF).
method (Reference method)- Part 3: Special cases lt is applicable to seeds with a normal Protein content
This part of ISO 8262/IDF 124 specifies the reference from 19 % to 23 %. For seeds with a Protein content
method for the determination of the fat content of outside this range, account should be taken of the total
milkbased and of liquid, concentrated or dried milk Protein content in the calculation of the total
products to which the Röse-Gottllieb method is not glucosinolate content.
applicable; i.e. those containing distinct quantities of free 10 Page Gr-XA AF
fatty acids or those which are not completely soluble in
ammonia owing to the presence of lumps or non-milk BDS ISO 9768:2015
ingredients, such as custards, porridges or certain milk Tea- Determination of water extract
based products for bakery purposes.
This international standard specifies a method for the
09 Page Gr-XA AF
determination of the water extract from tea.
BDS ISO 8587:1998 03 Page Gr-XA AF
Sensory analysis methodology ranking
This standard describes a method for sensory evaluation
of test samples with the aim of placing a series of test
samples in a ranking order.
14 Page Gr-XB AF
BDS ISO 10273 :2009
BDS ISO 8683:2003 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs-
Lettuce- Guide to precooling and Refrigerated Horizontal method for the detection of presumptive
Transport pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica
This international standard provides general guidance on This international standard specifies a horizontal method
the precooling and refrigeratedtransport of for the detection of Yersinia enterocolitica presumed to
lettuce(Lactuca sativa Linnaeus). be pathogenic to human subjects. This International
05 Page Gr-XA AF Standard is applicable to:
-products intended for human consumption and the
BDS ISO 8870:2009 feeding of animals, and
Milk and milk-based products- Detection of -environmental samples in the area of food production
thermonuclease produced by coagulase-positive and food handling.
staphylococci 31 Page Gr-XC AF
This international standard specifies a method for the
detection of heat-stable DNase (thermonuclease) BDS ISO 11212-1:2008
produced by coagulase-positive staphylococci in milk Starch and derived products- Heavy metals content-
and milk-based products. Part 1:Determination of arsenic content by atomic
07 Page Gr-XA AF absorption spectrometry
BDS ISO 8914:2009 This part of IS0 11212 specifies a method for the
Microbiology- General guidance for the detection of determination of the arsenic content of starch, including
Vibrio parahaemolyticus derivatives and by-products, by atomic absorption
This international standard species general guidance for spectrometry with hybride generation.
the detection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus present in 06 Page Gr-XA AF
products intended for human consumption or animal
feeding stuffs. BDS ISO 11212-2:2008
12 Page Gr-XB AF Starch and derived products - Heavy metals content -
Part 2: Determination of mercury content by atomic
BDS ISO 9167-1:2010 absorption spectrometry
Rapeseed-Determination of glucosinolates content - This part of IS0 11212 specifies a method for the
Part 1: Method using high-performance liquid determination of the mercury content of starch, including
chromatography derivatives and by-products, by atomic absorption
This part of ISO 9167 specifies a method for the spectrometry with cold-vapour generation.
determination of the content of the different 06 Page Gr-XA AF

BDS ISO 1212-3:2008 11290 is applicable to products intended for human
Starch and derived products - Heavy metals content - consumption or animal feeding.
Part 3: Determination of lead content by atomic 16 Page Gr-XB AF
absorption spectrometry with electrothermal
atomization BDS ISO 11290-2:2009
This part of IS0 11212 specifies a method for the Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs-
determination of the lead content of starch, including Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration
derivatives and by-products, by atomic absorption of Listeria monocytogenes- Part 2: Enumeration
spectrometry with electrothermal atomization. method
06 Page Gr-XA AF This part of ISO 11290 specifies a horizontal method for
the enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes.
BDS ISO 11212-4:2008 20 Page Gr-XB AF
Starch and derived products- Heavy metals content
Part 4: Determination of Cadmium content by atomic BDS ISO 11543:2008
absorption spectrometry with electrothermal Modified starch- Determination of hydroxypropyl
atomization content- Method using proton nuclear magnetic
This part of ISO 11212 specifies a method for the resonance (NMR) spectrometry
determination of the Cadmium content of starch, This international standard specifies a proton NMR
including derivatives and by-products, by atomic spectrometric method for the determination of the
absorption spectrometry with electrothermal hydroxypropyl content of granular modified starch.
atomization. 07 Page Gr-XA AF
06 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS ISO 11798:2006
BDS ISO 11213:2008 Information and socumentation- Permanence and
Modified starch- Determination of acetyl content- durability of writing, printing and copying on paper-
Enzymatic method Requirements and test methods
This international standard specifies an enzymatic This international standard specifies requirements and
method for the determination of the acetyl content of test methods for evaluation of the permanence and
modified starch, both granular and soluble in cold water. durability of writing, printing and copying on paper
Total and free acetyl contents are determined and the staved in libraries, archives and other protected
bound acetyl content is calculated. The method is environments for long periods of time.
suitable for determining acetyl contents up to 2 % 12 Page Gr-XB AF
08 Page Gr-XA AF

BDS ISO 11214:2008

Modified starch- Determination of carboxyl group BDS ISO 11866-1:2009
content of oxidized starch Milk and milk products- Enumeration of
This International Standard specifies a method for the presumptive Escherichia coli- Part 1: Most probable
determination of the carboxyl group content of oxidized number technique using 4-methylumbelliferyl-β-D-
starch. The method is suitable for determining carboxyl glucuronide
group contents up to 1 % (m/m). (MUG)
05 Page Gr-XA AF This part of ISO 11866-IDF 170 specifies a combined
method for the enumeration of presumptive Escherichia
BDS ISO 11287:2012 coli and of presumptive coliforms by means of a culture
Green tea- Definition and basic requirements technique involving a liquid medium with MUG, and
This international standard specifies the parts of a named calculation of the number of presumptive Escherichia
plant that are suitable for making green tea for coli and/or coliforms per gram or per millilitre by the
consumption as a beverage and the chemical most probable number (MPN) technique after incubation
requirements for green tea that are used to indicate that at
tea from that source has been produced in accordance 30 °C.
with good production practice. 11 Page Gr-XB AF
06 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS ISO 11866-2:2009
BDS ISO 11290-1:2009 Milk and milk products- Enumeration of
Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - presumptive Escherichia coli- Part 2:Colony- count
Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration technique at 44° C using membranes
of Listeria monocytogenes- Part 1: etection method This part of ISO 11866 -IDF 170 specifies a method for
This part of IS0 11290 specifies a horizontal method for the enumeration of presumptive Escherichia coli by
the detection of Listeria monocytogenes. Subject to the means of a colony-count technique at 44 °C.
limitations discussed in the introduction, this part of IS0 09 Page Gr-XA AF

BDS ISO 12078:2009 This international standard specifies requirements for
Anhydrous milk fat- Determination of sterol quality and competence particular to medical
composition by gas liquid Chromatography laboratories.
(Reference method) 35 Page Gr-XD AF
This international standard specifies a gas liquid
chromatographic reference method for the determination BDS ISO 15598:2015
of the sterol composition of anhydrous milk fat extracted Tea – Determination of crude fibre content
from dairy products. This International Standard specifies a method for the
16 Page Gr-XB AF determination of crude fibre content in tea.
07 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS ISO 14502-1:2015
Determination of substances characteristic of green BDS ISO 16654:2009
and Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs-
black tea- Part 1: Content of total polyphenols in tea Horizontal method for the detection of Escherichia
Colorimetric method using Folin- Ciocalteu reagent coli O157
This part of ISO 14502 specifies a method for the This international standard specifies a horizontal method
determination of the total polyphenol content of leaf tea for the detection of Escherichia coli serogroup O157.
and instant tea by a colorimetric assay using Folin- Subject to the limitations discussed in the introduction,
Ciocalteu phenol reagent [4]. It is applicable to both this International Standard is applicable to products
green and black tea products. intended for human consumption or for animal feeding
10 Page Gr-XA AF stuffs.
13 Page Gr-XB AF
BDS ISO 14673-1:2009
Milk and milk products- Determination of nitrate BDS ISO 17192:2009
and nitrite contents- Part 1:Method using cadmium Milk powder-Determination of soy and pea proteins
reduction and spectrometry using capillary electrophoresis in the presence of
This part of ISO 14673 IDF 189 specifies a method for soduum dodecyl sulfate (SDS-CE)- Screening method
the determination of the nitrate and nitrite contents of This international standard describes a method for the
milk and milk products by cadmium reduction and determination of the soy and pea protein isolates –in
spectrometry. The method is applicable to low-heat milk powder, using capillary electrophoresis in
-whole and partly skimmed and skimmed dried milk; the presence of sodium dodecy sulfate (SDS-CE)
-hard, semi-hard and soft cheeses; 13 Page Gr-XB AF
-processed cheese;
-whey cheese, caseins and caseinates, and dried whey.
13 Page Gr-XB AF

BDS ISO 14673-2:2009

Milk and milk products- Determination of nitrate
and nitrite contents- Part 2: Method using segmented
flow analysis (Routine method) BDS ISO 17792:2009
This part of ISO 14673-IDF 189 specifies a routine Milk, milk products and mesophilic starter cultures-
method for the determination of the nitrate and nitrite Enumeration of citratefermenting lactic acid
contents of milk and milk products by segmented flow bacteria-Colonycount technique at 25 °C.
analysis. The method is applicable to milk, cheese, and This international standard specifies methods for the
liquid and dried milk products and infant foods enumeration of citrate-fermenting lactic acid bacteria
14 Page Gr-XB AF using a colony-count technique at 25° C.
12 Page Gr-XB AF
BDS ISO 14673-3:2009 BDS ISO 18252:2009
Milk and milk products- Determination of nitrate Anhydrous milk fat- Determination of sterol
and nitrite contents- Part 3: Method using cadmium composition by gas liquid chromatography (Routine
reduction and flow injection analysis with in-line method)
dialysis (Routine method) This international standard specifies a routine gas liquid
This part of ISO 14673-IDF 189 specifies a routine chromatographic method for the determination of the
method for the determination of the nitrate and nitrite sterol composition in anhydrous milk fat extracted from
contents of milk and milk products by cadmium dairy products directly on the unsaponifiable matter,
reduction and flow injection analysis (FIA). without purification and derivatization.
10 Page Gr-XA AF 13 Page Gr-XB AF

BDS ISO 15189 :2012 BDS ISO 18329:2009

Medical laboratories- Particular requirements for Milk and milk products- Determination of furosine
quality and competence content- lon- pair reverse- phase high- performance
liquid chromatography method

This international standard specifies a method for the enteropathogenic Vibrio spp- Part 1: Detection of
quantiative determination of furosine content milk and Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio cholerae
milk products.The method is particularly applicable to This part of ISO TS 21872 specifles a horizon
raw or heat-treated milk and to cheese. International method for the two main pathogenic
11 Page Gr-XB AF Vibrio species, causing intestinal illness in humans: V.
parahaemolyticus and V. cholerae.
BDS ISO 18593:2009 19 Page Gr-XB AF
Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs-
Horizontal methods for sampling techniques from BDS ISO TS 21872-2:2009
surfaces using contact plates and swabs Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs-
This international standard specifies horizontal methods Horizontal method for the detection of potentially
for sampling techniques using contact plates or swabs on enteropathogenic Vibrio spp- Part 2:Detection of
surfaces in the food industry environment (and food species other than Vibrio parahaemolyticus and
processing plants), with a view of detecting or Vibrio cholerae
enumerating viable microorganisms. This part of ISO TS 21872 specifles a horizon
08 Page Gr-XA AF International method for detection of the
enteropathogenicVibrio species, causing illness in or via
BDS ISO 20837:2009 the intestinal tract, other than Vibrio parahaemolyticus
Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs- and Vibrio cholerae.
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of 24 Page Gr-XC AF
food-borne pathogens- Requirements for sample
preparation for qualitative detection BDS ISO 22000 :2008
This international standard provides criteria and Food safety management systems- Requirements for
examples for sample preparation in order to obtain any organization in the food chain
PCRcompatible samples or nucleic acids of suitable This international standard specifies requirements for a
quality and quantity for PCR. food safety management system where an organization
07 Page Gr-XA AF in the food chain needs to demonstrate its ability to
control food safety hazards in order to ensure that food is
BDS ISO 20838:2009 safe at the time of human consumption. It is applicable
Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs- to all organizations, regardless of size, which are
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of involved in any aspect of the food chain and want to
food-borne pathogens- Requirements for implement systems that consistently provide safe
amplification and detection for qualitative methods products. The means of meeting any requirements of this
This international standard provides the overall International Standard can be accomplished through the
framework for qualitative methods for the detection of use of internal and/or external resources.
food borne pathogens using the polymerase chain 32 Page Gr-XD AF
reaction (PCR).
07 Page Gr-XA AF BDS ISO 22174:2009
BDS ISO 21187:2009 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs-
Milk- Quantitative determination of bacteriological Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of
quality- Guidance for establishing and verifying a food-borne pathogens- General requirements and
conversion relationship between routine method definitions.
results and anchor method results This international standard specifies the general
This international standard specifies guidelines for the requirements for the in vitro amplification of nucleic
establishment of a conversion relationship between the acid sequences (DNA or RNA). It is applicable to the
results of a routine method and an anchor method, and testing of foodstuffs and isolates obtained from
its verification for the quantitative determination of the foodstuffs for food-borne pathogens using the
bacteriological quality of milk. polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
13 Page Gr-XB AF 11 Page Gr-XB AF
BDS ISO 21807:2009
Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs- BDS ISO 22662:2009
Determination of water activity Milk and milk products- Determination of lactose
This international standard specifies basic principles and content by high-performance liquid chromatography
requirements for physical methods of determining the (Reference method)
water activity of products intended for human This international standard specifies the reference
consumption and the feeding of animals. method for the determination of lactose content of raw
07 Page Gr-XA AF milk, heat-treated milks, dried milk and raw and
pasteurized cream. The method is not applicable to
BDS ISO TS 21872-1:2009 fermented milks and milks to which oligosaccharides
Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs- have been added.
Horizontal method for the detection of potentially 10 Page Gr-XA AF

BDS ISO TS 6090:2009 thermal cyclers. Although thermal cyclers are robust
Milk and dried milk, buttermilk and buttermilk technical equipment, they do require regular
powder, whey and whey powder- Detection of maintenance. Their cooling/heating elements, either
phosphatase activity Peltier or other technology, have a limited lifetime.
This technical specification specifies a screening method Proper functioning of the cooling/heating element
for the detection of the phosphatase activity in cow's depends both on the quality of the cooling/heating
milk and dried milk, buttermilk and buttermilk powder, devices and proper use and care.
and whey and whey powder. 13 Page Gr-XB AF
09 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS ISO TS 11133-1:2009 Trehalose
Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs- Speacifies the requirements of trehalose
Guidelines on preparation and production of culture
media —Part 1: General guidelines on quality BDS JECFAINS 951:2008
assurance for the preparation of culture media in the Aspartame
laboratory Speacifies the requirements of Aspartame
This European prestandard provides the general 03 Page Gr-XA AF
terminology related to quality assurance of the
preparation of culture media and specifies the minimum BDS JECFA INS 960:2014
requirements to be used for the microbiological analysis Steviol Glycosides
of products intended for human consumption or animal Specifies the requirements for steviol glycosides
feeding. 10 page Gr-XA AF
15 Page Gr-XB AF
BDS JECFA INS 961:2006
BDS ISO TS 11133-2:2009 Neotame
Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs- This standard prescribes the requirements of Neotame.
Guidelines on preparation and production of culture 07 Page Gr-XA AF
media- Part 2: Practical guidelines on performance
testing of culture media
This Technical Specification sets criteria and methods
for the performance testing of culture media. This ENGINEERING DIVISION:
Technical Specification applies to:
-commercial bodies producing and/or distributing ready- BDS EN 196-1:2013
to-use or semi-finished reconstituted or dehydrated Methods of testing Cement Part-1 Determination of
media to microbiological laboratories; strength (First Revision)
-non- commercial bodies supplying media to third This document describes the method for the
parties; determination of the compressive and, optionally, the
-microbiological laboratories preparing culture media for flexural strength of cement mortar. The method applies
their own use and evaluating the performance of these to common cements and to other cements and materials,
media. the standards for which call up this method It may not
23 Page Gr-XC AF apply to other cement types that have, for example, a
very short initial setting time.
BDS ISO TS 16649-3:2009 20 Page Gr-XB CE
Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs-
Horizontal method for the enumeration of β- BDS EN 196-2:2013
glucuronidase-positive Escherichia coli —Part 3: Methods of testing Cement Part-2 Chemical analysis
Most probable number technique using 5-bromo-4- of cement
chloro-3-indolyl-β-Dglucuronide This document specifies the methods for the chemical
This Technical Specification specifies a horizontal analysis of cement. This document describes the
method for the enumeration of β-glucuronidase-positive reference methods and, in certain cases, an alternative
Escherichia coli, by means of the liquid-medium culture method which can be considered to be equivalent. In the
technique and calculation of the most probable number case of a dispute, only the reference methods are used.
(MPN) after incubation at 37 °C, then at 44 °C. 30 Page Gr-XC CE
08 Page Gr-XA AF
BDS EN 196-3:2013
BDS ISO TS 20836:2009 Methods of testing Cement Part-3 Determination of
Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs- setting time and soundness (First Revision)
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of This document specifies the methods for determining
food-borne pathogens- Performance testing for standard consistence, setting times and soundness of
thermal cyclers cements. The method applies to common cements and to
This technical specification provides basic requirements other cements and materials, the standards for which call
for the installation, performance and maintenance of up this method. It may not apply to other cement types

that have, for example, a very short initial setting time.
The method is used for assessing whether the setting BDS EN 197-1:2003
time and soundness of a cement is in conformity with its Cement Part-1 Composition, specification and
specification. conformity criteria for common cements (Reaffirmed
08 Page Gr-XA CE 2010)
EN 197-1 defines and gives the specifications of 27
BDS EN 196-5:2013 distinct common cement products and their constituents.
Methods of testing Cement Part-5 Pozzolonacity test The definition of each cement includes the proportions
for pozzolanic cement (First Revision) in which the constituents are to be combined to produce
This European Standard specifies the method of these distinct products in a range of six strength classes.
measuring the pozzolanicity of pozzolanic cements The definition also includes requirements the
conforming to (1) EN 197-1 . This Standard does not constituents have to meet and the mechanical, physical
apply to Portiand pozzolana cements or to pozzolanas. and chemical requirements of the 27 products and
07 Page Gr-XA CE strength classes.
43 Page Gr-XE CE
BDS EN 196-6:2013
Methods of testing Cement Part-6: Determination of BDS EN 197-2:2003
fineness (First Revision) Cement Part-2: Conformity Cement evaluation
This European Standard describes three methods for EN 197-2 specifies the scheme for the evaluation of
determining the fineness of cement. The sieving method conformity of cements to their corresponding product
serves obly to demonstrate the presence of coarse specification standards, including certification of
cement particles. This method is primarily suited to conformity by a certification body.
checking and controlling the productin process. CE
10 Page Gr-XA CE BDS EN 200:2009
Sanitary tapware- Single taps and combination taps
BDS EN 196-7:2013 for water supply systems of type 1 and type 2 General
Methods of testing Cement technical specification
Part-7: Methods of taking and preparing samples of Specifies:
cement (First Revision) a) the field of application for pillar taps, bib taps, single
This European Standards describes the equipment to be and multi-hole combination taps for use in:
used, the method to be follwed and the provisions for 1) a supply system of Type 1 (see Figure 1);
taking samples of cement repressentative of given lots 2) a supply system of Type 2 (see Figure 2);
for testing to assess the quality of products prior to b) the dimensional, leaktightness, pressure resistance,
during or after delivery. hydraulic performance, mechanical strength, endurance
10 Page Gr-XA CE and acoustic characteristics of nominal size ½ and ¾
single taps and combination taps;
BDS EN 196-8:2013 c) Test methods to verify the characteristics. The tests
Methods of testing Cement-Part-8:Heat of hydration- described in this European Standard are type tests
Solution method (laboratory tests) and not quality control tests carried out
This European Standards describes a method of solutin during manufacture.
calorimetry, also known as the solutin method. The heat 45 Page Gr-XE CE
of hydration is expressed in joules per gram of cement.
10 Page Gr-XA CE BDS EN 246:2009
Sanitary tapware- General specifications for flow
BDS EN 196-9:2013 rate regulators
Methods of testing Cement- Part-9:Heat of Specifies:
hydration- Semi-adiabatic method ¾ the dimensional, mechanical, hydraulic and acoustic
This European Standards describes a method of characteristics with which flow rate regulators should
measuring the heat of hydration of Semi- comply; ¾ the procedures for testing these
adiabaticcalorimetry, also known as the Langavant characteristics. This European Standard is applicable to:
method. The aim of the test is the continuous ¾ flow rate regulators intended to be mounted on
measurement of the heat of hydration of cement during tapware used with sanitary appliances in toilets,
the first few days. The heat of hydratin is expressed in washrooms and kitchens (single taps, combination tap
joules per gram of cement. assemblies, mechanical mixing valves, thermostatic
17 Page Gr-XB CE mixing valves); ¾ flow rate regulators used under the
following pressure and temperature conditions:
BDS EN 196-21:2003 15 Page Gr-XA CE
Methods of testing Cement- Part-21: Determination BDS EN 248:2009
of the chloride aud alkali content of cement Sanitary tapware- General specification for
This Bangladesh Standard specifies methods of electrodeposited coatings of Ni-Cr
determining the chloride, carbon dioxide and alkali Specifies:
content of cement. ¾ the condition of the exposed surfaces of tapware ; ¾
15 Page Gr-XB CE the characteristics (resistance to corrosion, adherence) of

the surface coating; ¾ the tests for verifying these Concrete roofing tiles and fittings for roof covering
characteristics. It applies to all sanitary fittings (supply and wall cladding- Product specifications
or waste fittings) which have a metallic Ni-Cr coating, Specifies requirements for concrete roofing tilles and
whatever the nature of the substrate material. fittings for pitched foor coverings and wall cladding and
05 Page Gr-XA CE lining. Concrete roofing tilles and fittings may
incorporate surface coatings and glued concrete
BDS EN 316:2008 components.
Wood fibreboards- Definition, classification and 26 Page Gr-XC CE
Gives the definition, classification and symbols for wood BDS EN 491:2008
fibreboards. Concrete roofing tiles and fittings for roof covering
04 Page Gr-XA CE and wall cladding- Test methods
Specifies test methods for concrete footing tiles and
BDS EN 388:2016 fittings conforming to EN 490. for assembly into pitched
Protective gloves against mechanical risks foot covering or external wall cladding or internal wall
This European Standard specifies requirements, test lining cladding.
methods, marking and information to be supplied, for 28 Page Gr-XC CE
protective gloves against the mechanical risks of
abrasion, blade cut, tear and puncture. BDS EN 513:2008
19 Page Gr-XB CE Unplasticized polyvinylchloride (PVC-U) profiles for
the fabrication of windows and doors-Determination
BDS EN 451-1:2003 of the resistance to artificial weathering
Methods of testing fly ash Specifies a method for exposing test pieces form an
Part 1: Determination of free calcium oxide content unplasticized polyvinylchloride (PVC-U) profile for the
This Bangladesh Standard describes the procedure for fabrication of windows and doors to a Zenon arc
the determination of free calcium oxide content in fly laboratory light source, in order to assess changes in
ash. impact strength and colour.
05 Page Gr-XA CE 06 Page Gr-XA CE

BDS EN 477:2008 BDS EN 514:2008

Unplasticized polyvinychloride (PVC-U) profiles for Unplasticized polyvinylchloride (PVC-U) profiles for
the fabrication of windows and doors- Determination the fabrication of windows and doors- Determination
of the resistance to impact of main profiles by falling of the strength of welded corners and T-joints
mass Specifies two methods for the determination of the effect
Specifies a method for the determination of the of heat on unplasticized polyvinylchloride (PVC-U)
resistance to impact by a fallingmass at 210 8C of profiles for the fabrication of windows and doors. From
unplasticized polyvinylchloride (PVC-U) main profiles the failure load the fallure stress is calculated.
for the fabrication of windows and doors for the 09 Page Gr-XA CE
assessment of the extrusion.
04 Page Gr-XA CE BDS EN 515:2010
Aluminium and aluminium alloys- Wrought
BDS EN 478:2008 products-Temper designations
Unplasticized polyvinychloride (PVC-U) profiles for This European Standard establishes temper designations
the fabrication of windows and doors- Appearance for all forms of wrought aluminium and aluminium
after exposure at 150 oC. alloys and for continuously aluminium and aluminium
Specifies two methods for the determination of the effect alloy drawig stock and strip intended to be wrought
of heat on unplasticized polyvinylchloride (PVC-U) 17 Page Gr-XA CE
profiles for the fabrication of windows and doors. The
oven method is considered as the reference method. BDS EN 538:2008
03 Page Gr-XA CE Clay roofing tiles for discontinuous laying- Flexural
strength test
BDS EN 479:2008 Describes the test method used to evaluate the flexural
Unplasticized polyvinylchloride (PVC-U) profiles for strength of clay roofing tiles as defined in the standard
the fabrication of windows and doors- Determination EN 1304 Clay roofing tiles — Product definitions and
of heat reversion specifications. Other physical characteristics are dealt
Specifies a method for the determination of the heat with by the standard EN 539 Clay roofing tiles —
reversion of unplasticized polyvinylchloride (PVC-U) Determination of physical characteristics:
profiles for the fabrication of windows and doors by a Impermeability and frost resistance
test at 100 8C in an oven. 10 Page Gr-XA CE
04 Page Gr-XA CE BDS EN 539-1:2008
BDS EN 490:2008

Clay roofing tiles for discontinuous laying- 306:1987, i.e. using a force of (50 ± 1) N and a rate of
Determination of physical characteristics- Part 1: temperature increase of 50 °C/h.
Impermeability test 06 Page Gr-XA CE
Describes two test methodfor testing the BDS EN 743:2008
impermeabillity to water of clay foor tilles and fittings Plastics piping and ducting systems- Thermoplastics
which can be considered as equbalent. pipes- Determination of the longitudinal reversion
12 Page Gr-XB CE Specifies two methods for determining the longitudinal
reversion of cylindrical thermoplastics pipes with
BDS EN 580:2008 smooth surfaces.
Plastics piping systems- Unplasticized poly (vinyl 07 Page Gr-XA CE
chloride) (PVC-U) pipes- Test methods for the
resistance to dichloromethane at a specified BDS EN 744:2008
temperature (DCMT) Plastics piping and ducting systems- Thermoplastics
Specifies a method for determining the resistance of pipes- Test method for resistance to external blows
unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) pipes to by the round-the-clock method
dichloromethane at a specified temperature (DCMT). Specifies a method for determining the resistance to
This standard is applicable to PVC-U pipes, irrespective external blows of thermoplastics pipes with circular
of their use. cross sections by using the round-the-clock method.
04 Page Gr-XA CE 10 Page Gr-XA CE

BDS EN 681-1:2008 BDS EN 755-1:2010

Elastomeric seals- Material requirements for pipe Aluminium and aluminium alloys- Extruded rod/bar,
joint seals used in water and drainage applications- tube and profiles- Part 1: Technical conditions for
Part 1: Vulcanized rubber inspection and delivery
Specifies requirements for materials used in vulcanized This document specifies the technical conditions for
rubber seals for: inspection and delivery of wrought aluminium and
1) cold potable water supply (up to 50 C); aluminium alloy extruded rod/bar, tube and profile for
2) hot potable and non-potable water supply (up to 110 general engineering applications.
C); 15 Page Gr-XB CE
3) drainage, sewerage and rainwater systems (continuous
flow up to 45 ..C and intermittent flow up to 95 C); BDS EN 755-2:2010
17 Page Gr-XA CE Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Extruded rod/bar,
tube and profiles- Part 2: Mechanical properties
BDS EN 681-2:2008 This document specifies the mechanical the mechanical
Elastomeric seals- Materials requirements for pipe propery limits resulting form tensile testing aplicable to
joint seals used in water and drainage applications- aluminium and alloys extruded rod/bar, tube and profile.
Part 2: Thermoplastic elastomers Technical conditions for inspection and delivery,
Specifies requirements for materials used for moulded including product and testing requirements, are specified
seals only of thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) used in in EN 755-1.
joints of: 13 Page Gr-XB CE
1) thermoplastic piping systems for non pressure waste
water discharge (intermittent flow up to 95°C) inside BDS EN 755-3:2010
buildings; Aluminium and aluminium alloys- Extruded rod/bar,
2) thermoplastic piping systems for non-pressure tube and profiles- Part 3 : Round bars, tolerances on
underground drainage and sewerage (continuous flow up dimensions and form
to 45 °C and intermittent flow up to 95 °C); This document specifies the tolerances on dimensions
3) thermoplastic rainwater piping systems. General and form for aluminium and aluminium alloy extruded
requirements for finished joint seals are also given; any found bars having diameters in the range form 8 mm up
additional requirements called for by the particular to 320 mm.
application are specified in the relevant product 08 Page Gr-XA CE
standards taking into account that the performance of
pipe joints is a function of the seal material properties, BDS EN 755-4:2010
seal geometry and pipe joint design. Aluminium and aluminium alloys- Extruded rod/bar,
15 Page Gr-XA CE tube and profiles- Part 4: Square bars, tolerances on
dimensions and form
BDS EN 727:2008 This document (EN 755-4:2008) has been prepared by
Plastics piping and ducting systems- Thermoplastics Technical Committee CEN/TC 132 “aluminium and
pipes and fittings- Determination of Vicat softening aluminium alloys” the secretariat of which is held by
temperature (VST) AFNOR.
Specifies a method for determining the Vicat softening 08 Page Gr-XA CE
temperature (VST) of pipes and fittings (see note) of
thermoplastics materials, based on method B of ISO

This standard specifies methods for visually assessing
the effects of heating on injection-moulded
thermoplastics fittings, including cracking or splitting
induced by residual stress.
BDS EN 755-5:2008-06 07 Page Gr-XA CE
Aluminium and aluminium alloys- Extruded rod/bar, BDS EN 771-3:2009
tube and profiles- Part 5 : Rectangular bars: Specification for masonry units- Part 3:Aggregate
tolerances on dimensions and form concrete masonry units (dense and light-weight
This document specifies the tolerances on dimensions aggregates)
and form for aluminium and aluminium alloy extruded Specifies the characteristics and performance
Rectangular bars having thicknesses in the range from 2 requirements of aggregate concrete masonry units made
mm up to 240 mm and widths in the range form 10 mm from dense and lightweight aggregates or a combination
up to 600 mm. of both for which the main intended uses are common,
10 Page Gr-XA CE facing or exposed masonry in load bearing or non load
bearing building and civil engineering applications.
BDS EN 755-6:2010 22 Page Gr-XC CE
Aluminium and aluminium alloys- Extruded rod/bar,
tube and profiles- Part 6 : Hexagonal bars, BDS EN 772-1:2009
tolerances on dimensions and form Methods of test for masonry units- Part 1:
This document specifies the dimensions and form for Determination of compressive strength
aluminium and aluminium alloy extruded hexagonal bars This European Standard specifies:
having widths across flats in the range from 10 mm up to a method for determining the compressive strength of
220 mm. masonry units.
08 Page Gr-XA CE 08 Page Gr-XA CE

BDS EN 755-7:2010 BDS EN 772-2:2009

Aluminium and aluminium alloys- Extruded rod/bar, Methods of test for masonry units-Part 2:
tube and profiles- Part 7: Seamless tubes, tolerances Determination of percentage area of voids in
on dimensions and form masonry units (by paper indentation)
This document specifies the tolerances on dimensions Specifies a method of determining the percentage area of
and form for aluminium and aluminium alloy extruded voids in masonry units.
seamless tubes, with an outside diameter ( OD) form 8 03 Page Gr-XA CE
mm to 450 mm ( round tube see Figure 1) or with a BDS EN 772-3:2009
cross section contained within a circumscribing circle Masonry units- Part 3: Aggregate concrete masonry
(CD) form 10 mm to 350 mm (other than round tube see units
Figure 2), supplied in straight lengths. Specifies the characteristics and performance
16 Page Gr-XB CE requirements of aggregate concrete masonry units made
BDS EN 755-8:2010 from dense and lightweight aggregates or a combination
Aluminium and aluminium alloys- Extruded rod/bar, of both for which the main intended uses are common,
tube and profiles- Part 8: Porthole tubes, tolerances facing or exposed masonry in load bearing or non load
on dimensions and form bearing m building and civil engineering applications.
This document specifies the tolerances on dimensions 18 Page Gr-XA CE
and form for aluminium and aluminium alloy extruded BDS EN 772-6:2009
porthole tubes, with an outside diameter ( OD) form 8 Methods of test for masonry units- Part 6:
mm to 450 mm ( round tube see Figure 1) or with a Determination of bending tensile strength of
cross section contained within a circumscribing circle aggregate concrete masonry units
(CD) form 10 mm to 350 mm (other than round tube see Specifies a method of determining the bending tensile
Figure 2), supplied in straight lengths. strength of aggregate concrete masonry units having a
16 Page Gr-XB CE width less than 100 mm and a ratio of length to width
BDS EN 755-9:2010 greater than 10, in accordance with prEN 771-3.
Aluminium and aluminium alloys- Extruded rod/bar, 05 Page Gr-XA CE
tube and profiles- Part 9: Profiles, tolerances on BDS EN 772-11:2009
dimensions and form Methods of test for masonry units- Part 11:
(Cancels & replaces by BDS 1879:2014) Determination of water absorption of aggregate
18 Page Gr-XB CE concrete, autoclaved aerated concrete, manufactured
stone and natural stone masonry units due to
BDS EN 763:2008 capillary action and the initial rate of water
Plastics piping and ducting systems- Injection- bsorption of clay masonry units
moulded thermoplastics fittings- Test method for Specifies a method of determining the water absorption
visually assessing effects of heating coefficient due to capillary action for aggregate concrete,
!autoclaved aerated concrete, natural stone and

manufactured stone masonry units and the initial rate of Tests for general properties of aggregates- Part 1:
water absorption for clay masonry units. Methods for sampling
05 Page Gr-XA CE This European Standard specifies methods for obtaining
samples of aggregates from deliveries, preparation and
processing plants including stocks, The aim of sampling
is to obtain a bulk sample that is representative of the
average properties of the batch.
18 Page Gr-XB CE

BDS EN 932-2:2011
BDS EN 772-13:2009 Tests for general properties of aggregates- Part 2:
Methods of test for masonry units -Part 13: Methods for reducing laboratory samples
Determination of net and gross dry density of This European Standard specifies methods for reducing
masonry units (except for natural stone) laboratory samples of aggregates to test portions, when
Specifies a method of determining the net and gross dry the test portion mass is:
density of masonry units (except for natural stone - specified by a lower limit on the mass;
masonry units) - specified by a tolerance around a target mass;
06 Page Gr-XA CE - determined precisely by the requirements of a test
BDS EN 772-14:2009 08 Page Gr-XA CE
Methods of test for masonry units- Part 14:
Determination of moisture movement of aggregate BDS EN 932-3:2011
concrete and manufactured stone masonry units Tests for general properties of aggregates -Part 3:
Specifies a method of measuring the moisture movement Procedure and terminology for simplified
of aggregate concrete and manufactured stone masonry petrographic description
units between two specified extreme moisture This European Standard specifies a basic procedure for
conditions. the petrographic examination of aggregates for the
06 Page Gr-XA CE purposes of general classification. The procedure is not
suitable for the detailed petrographical study of
BDS EN 772-16:2009 aggregates for specific end uses.
Methods of test for masonry units- Part 16: 08 Page Gr-XA CE
Determination of dimensions
Specifies a method of determining the overall BDS EN 932-5 :2011
dimensions, thickness and combined thickness of shells Tests for general properties of aggregates- Part
and webs, depth of voids and plane parallelism of the 5:Common Equipment and calibration
bed faces of masonry units. This European Standard specifies general requirements
06 Page Gr-XA CE for common equipment, calibration procedures and
reagents for the testing of the properties of aggregates.
BDS EN 772-20:2009 10 Page Gr-XA CE
Methods of test for masonry units- Part 20:
Determination of flatness of faces of masonry units BDS EN 932-6:2011
Specifies a method for determining the flatness of Tests for general properties of aggregates- Part 6:
surfaces of masonry units. Definitions of repeatability and reproducibility
03 Page Gr-XA CE This European Standard gives definitions of
repeatability and reproducibility adapted from ISO 5725-
BDS EN 849:2008 1 to the specific situation of sampling and testing
Valve for transportable gas cylinders and type testing aggregates.
of BDS EN 849 10 Page Gr-XA CE
Specifies the requirements for gas cylinders valves and
the method of testing such valves, for type approval. BDS EN 933-1:2011
29 Page Gr-XC CE Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates - Part
BDS EN 921:2008 1: Determination of particle size distribution -
Plastics piping systems- Thermoplastics pipes- Sieving method
Determination of resistance to internal pressure at This Part of this European Standard specifies a method,
constant temperature using test sieves, for the determination of the particle
Specifies a method for determining the resistance of size distribution of aggregates. A1 It applies to
thermoplastics pipes to constant internal water pressure aggregates of natural or artificial origin, including filler.
at constant temperature. This standard is applicable to lightweight aggregates, up to 90 mm nominal size, but
thermoplastics pipes intended for the transport of fluids. excluding filler.
12 Page Gr-XB CE 06 Page Gr-XA CE

BDS EN 932-1:2011 BDS EN 933-2:2011

Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates- Part Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates- Part
2: Determination of particle size distribution –Test 7: Determination of shell content- Percentage of
Sieves, nominal size of apertures shells in coarse aggregates
This Part of this European Standard specifies nominal This European Standard specifies a method for the
aperture sizes and shape for woven wire cloth and determination of shell content of coarse aggregates. It
perforated plate in test sieves used for test methods for applies to gravel or mixed aggregate containing gravel.
aggregates. It applies to aggregates of natural or artificial The test method specified in this part of this European
origin including lightweight aggregates. Standard is applicable to particle size fractions di/Di
03 Page Gr-XA CE where Di  63 mm and di 4 mm.
06 Page Gr-XA CE

BDS EN 933-8:2011
Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates— Part
8: Assessment of fines—Sand equivalent test.
BDS EN 933-3:2011 This European Standard specifies a method for the
Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates- Part determination of the sand equivalent value of the 0/2mm
3: Determination of particle shape- Flakiness index fraction in fine aggregates and all-in aggregates. It
This part of this European Standard specifies the applies to natural aggregates.
procedure for the determination of the flakiness index of 06 Page Gr-XA CE
aggregate and applies to aggregates of natural 01'
artificial origin, including lightweight aggregates. The BDS EN 933-9:2011
test procedure specified in this part of this European Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates- Part
Standard is not applicable to particle sizes of less than 4 9: Assessment of fines- Methylene blue test
mm or greater than 80 mm. This standard describes the reference method used for
11 Page Gr-XB CE type testing and in cases of dispute for the determination
of the methylene blue value of the 0/2 mm fraction in
BDS EN 933-4:2011 fine aggregates or all-in aggregates (MB).
Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates- Part 13 Page Gr-XB CE
4: Determination of particle size distribution- shape
index BDS EN 933-10:2011
This standard describes the reference method used for Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates- Part
type testing and in cases of dispute for the determination 10: Assessment of fines- Grading of fillers (air jet
of the shape index of coarse aggregates. For other sieving)
purposes, in particular factory production control, other This European Standard describes the reference method
methods may be used provided that an appropriate used for type testing and in cases of dispute for
working relationship with the suitable reference method determining the particle size distribution up to 2 mm size
has been established. of natural or manufactured origin filler aggregate using
10 Page Gr-XA CE air jet sieving. For other purposes, in particular factory
production control, other methods may be used provided
BDS EN 933-5:2011 that an appropriate working relationship with the
Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates- Part reference method has been established.
5: Determination of percentage of crushed and 08 Page Gr-XA CE
broken surfaces in coarse aggregate particles
This European Standard specifies a method for the BDS EN 933-11:2011
determination of the percentage of particles with crushed Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates— Part
and broken surfaces in a sample of natural coarse 11: Classification test for the constituents of coarse
aggregate. It applies to gravel or mixed aggregate recycled aggregates
containing gravel. This European Standard describes the reference method
08 Page Gr-XA CE used for type testing and in cases of dispute for
determining the particle size distribution up to 2 mm size
BDS EN 933-6:2011 of natural or manufactured origin filler aggregate using
Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates- Part air jet sieving. For other purposes, in particular factory
6: Assessment of surface characteristics- Flow production control, other methods may be used provided
coefficient of aggregatesThis European Standard that an appropriate working relationship with the
specifies methods for the determination of the flow reference method has been established.
coefficient of coarse and fine aggregates. It applies to 13 Page Gr-XB CE
coarse aggregate of sizes between 4 mm and 20 mm and
to fine aggregate of size up to 4 mm. BDS EN 934-1:2009
16 Page Gr-XB CE Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout- Part 1:
Common requirements
BDS EN 933-7:2011 Specifies the common requirements for all admixtures
covered by EN 934-2, EN 934-3, EN 934-4 and EN 934-

5, which contain the specific requirements for each type Test method for resistance to elevated temperature
of admixture. The requirements for corrosion behavior cycling
are not applicable to chloride based admixtures. Specifies a method for testing the resistance of
08 Page Gr-XA CE thermoplastics piping systems for soil and waste
discharge inside buildings, marked `B', or buried in the
BDS EN 934-2:2009 ground within the building structure, marked`BD' or
Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout- Part 2: `UD', to 1500 cycles of elevated temperature cycling.
Concrete admixtures- Definitions, requirements, 05 Page Gr-XA CE
conformity, marking and labelling
Specifies definitions and requirements for admixtures for BDS EN 1097-1:2011
use in concrete. It covers admixtures for plain, Tests for mechanical and physical properties of
reinforced and prestressed concrete which are used in aggregates Part 1: Determination of the resistance to
site mixed, ready mixed concrete and precast concrete. wear (micro-Deval)
14 Page Gr-XB CE This European Standard describes the reference method
used for type testing and in case of dispute for
determining the resistance to wear of coarse aggregates
(main text) and aggregates for railway ballast (Annex
A). For other purposes, in particular factory production
control, other methods may be used provided that an
BDS EN 962:2008 appropriate working relationship with the reference
Valve protection caps and valve guards for use with method has been established. The sample is normally
industrial and medical gas cylinders Design, tested in a wet condition, but the test may also be carried
constraction and tests of BDS EN 962 out in a dry condition.
Specifies the requirements for valve protection caps and 13 Page Gr-XB CE
guards, intended for use with industrial and medical gas
cylinders. BDS EN 1097-2:2011
11 Page Gr-XB CE Tests for mechanical and physical properties of
aggregates Part 2: Method of the determination of
BDS EN 1024:2008 resistance to fragmentation.
Clay roofing tiles for discontinuous laying- This European Standard describes the reference method ,
Determination of geometric characteristics the Los Angeles test, used for type testing and in case of
Specifies the methods for determining the geometric dispute (and an alternative method, the impact test) for
characteristics of clay tileas as defined in prEN 1304. determining the resistance to fragmentation of coarse
17 Page Gr-XB CE aggregates and aggregates for railway ballast (Annex
BDS EN 1052-3:2009 33 Page Gr-XD CE
Methods of test for masonry- Part 3: Determination
of initial shear strength BDS EN 1097-3:2011
Specifies a method for determining the in plane initial Tests for mechanical and physical properties of
shear strength of horizontal bed joints in masonry using aggregates Part 3: Determination of loose bulk
a specimen tested in shear. Guidance is given on the density and voids
preparation of the specimens, the conditioning required This European Standard specifies the test procedure for
before testing, the testing machine, the method of test, the detennination of the loose bulk density of dry
the method of calculation and the contents of the test aggregate and the calculation of the voids. The test is
report. applicable to natural and artificial aggregates up to a
12 Page Gr-XB CE maximum size of 63 nun.
A method for the detennination of the apparent (bulk)
BDS EN 1053:2008 density of filler in kerosene is given in mmex A.
Plastics piping systems- Thermoplastics piping 06 Page Gr-XA CE
systems for non- pressure applications- Test method
for watertightness BDS EN 1097-4:2011
Specifies a test method for watertightness of: Tests for mechanical and physical properties of
a) joints of thermoplastics piping systems for non- aggregates Part 4: Determination of the voids of dry
pressure applications; compacted filler
b) thermoplastics fabricated products made from more This standard describes the reference method used for
than one piece for non-pressure applications. type testing and in cases of dispute, the determination of
07 Page Gr-XA CE the voids of dry compacted filler by means of a Rigden
apparatus. For other purposes, in particular factory
BDS EN 1055:2008 production control, other methods may be used provided
Plastics piping systems. Thermoplastics piping that an appropriate working relationship with the
systems for soil and waste discharge inside buildings. reference method has been established. The test is
applicable to natural and manufactured fillers. It is used,

for example to determine their bitumen carrying Tests for mechanical and physical properties of
capacity. aggregates Part 9: Determination of the resistance to
08 Page Gr-XA CE wear by abrasion form studded tyres- Nordic test.
This Standard specifies the test procedure for the
BDS EN 1097-5:2011 simulation of the abrasive action of studded tyres on
Tests for mechanical and physical properties of coarse aggregates used in a surface layer. The test is
aggregates Part 5: Determination of water content by applicable to crushed and uncrushed natural and artificial
drying in a ventilated oven aggregates with a size fraction of 11,2 rom to 16,0 rom.
This standard describes the reference method used for 05 Page Gr-XA CE
type testing and in cases of dispute for the determination
of the water content of aggregates by drying in a BDS EN 1097-10:2011
ventilated oven. For other purposes, in particular factory Tests for mechanical and physical properties of
production control, other methods may be used provided aggregates Part 10: Determination
that an appropriate working relationship with the This Standard specifies a procedure for determining the
reference method has been established. water suction height of an aggregate in direct contact
09 Page Gr-XA CE with a free water surface.
11 Page Gr-XB CE
BDS EN 1097-6:2011
Tests for mechanical and physical properties of BDS EN 1112:2009
aggregates Part 6: Determination of particle density Sanitary tapware- Shower outlets for sanitary
and water absorption tapware for water supply systems of type 1 and type
This European Standard specifies methods for the 2- General technical specification
determination of the particle density and water Specifies:
absorption of aggregates. The first five methods are -the dimensional, leaktightness, mechanical, hydraulic
applicable to normal aggregates with a sixth method for and acoustic characteristics with which shower outlets
lightweight aggregates. The principal methods specified shall comply;
are: - the procedures for testing these characteristics
a) a wire basket method for aggregates passing a 63 mm 22 Page Gr-XC CE
sieve but retained on a 31,5 mm sieve;
pyknometer methods for aggregates passing a 31,5 mm BDS EN 1113:2009
sieve but retained on a 0,063 mm sieve. Sanitary tapware- Shower hoses for sanitary tapware
28 Page Gr-XC CE for water supply systems of type 1 and type 2-
General technical Specification
BDS EN 1097-7:2011 Specifies:
Tests for mechanical and physical properties of - the dimensional, leaktightness, mechanical and
aggregates Part 7: Determination of the particle hydraulic characteristics with which shower hoses shall
density of filler- Pyknometer method comply;
This standard describes the reference method used for - the procedures for testing these characteristics.
type testing and in cases of dispute for the determination 22 Page Gr-XA CE
of the particle density of filler by means of a
pyknometer. For other purposes, in particular factory BDS EN 1254-2:2009
production control, other methods may be used provided Copper and copper alloys- Plumbing fittings- Part 2:
that an appropriate working relationship with the Fittings with compression ends for use with copper
reference method has been established. tubes
12 Page Gr-XB CE Specifies materials, assembly dimensions and tolerances
and test requirements for fittings of copper and copper
BDS EN 1097-8:2011 alloys with or without plating or coating. Maximum
Tests for mechanical and physical properties of permissible temperatures and pressures are also
aggregates Part 8: Determination of the polished established.
stone value 17 Page Gr-XB CE
This Standard describes the reference method used for
type testing and in cases of dispute for determining the BDS EN 1277:2008
polished stone value (PSV) of a coarse aggregate used in Plastics piping systems-Thermoplastics piping
road surfacings. For other purposes, in particular factory systedms for buried non-pressure application-Test
production control, other methods may be used provided methods for leak tightness of elastomeric sealing ring
that an appropriate working relationship with the type joints
reference method has been established. This European standard specifies three basic test
27 Page Gr-XC CE pressure piping systems. Unless otherwise specifiedin
the referring standard, the methods pressures used are
BDS EN 1097-9:2011 the following:
07 Page Gr-XA CE

BDS EN 1304:2008 19 Page Gr-XB CE
Clay roofing tiles and fittings. Product definitions
and specifications BDS EN 1340:2009
Specifies requirements for clay roofing tiles and fittings Concrete kerb units- Requirements and test methods
for pitched roof coverings and wall cladding and lining. Specifies materials, properties, requirements and test
It applies to all tiles and fittings as defined in Clause 3. methods for unreinforced, cement bound precast
Clay roofing tiles and clay fittings which conform to this concrete kerb units, channels and complementary
document are suitable for use as roof coverings, vertical fittings, that are for use in trafficked paved areas and
wall cladding and lining. roof coverings.
21 Page Gr-XC CE 14 Page Gr-XB CE

BDS EN 2004-1:2014 BDS EN 1367-1:2011

Aerospace series- Test methods for aluminium and Tests for thermal and weathering properties of
aluminium alloy products- Part 1: Determination of aggregates Part 1: Determination of resistance to
electrical conductivity of wrought aluminium alloys freezing and thawing
This Standard specifies a non destructive test method for This European Standard specifies a test method which
the determination of electrical conductivity of wrought provides information on how an aggregate behaves when
aluminium alloy. It is applicable when referenced. it is subjected to the cyclic action of freezing and
08 Page Gr-XA CE thawing.
BDS EN 13055-1:2011 10 Page Gr-XA CE
Lightweight aggregates- Part 1 lightweight BDS EN 1367-2:2011
aggregates for concrete, mortar and grout Tests for thermal and weathering properties of
This European Standard specifies the properties of aggregates Part 2: Magnesium sulfate test
Lightweight aggregates and lightweight aggregates This European Standard describes the reference method
obtained by processing natural, manufactured or used for type testing and in cases of dispute for assessinq
recycled materials and mixtures of these aggregates for how an aggregate behaves when subjected to the cyclic
use in concrete. action of immersion in magnesiun. sulfate, followed by
28 Page Gr-XC CE oven drying. For other purposes, in particular factory
production control, other methods may be used provided
BDS EN 1329-1:2008 that an appropriate working relationship with the
Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge reference method has been established.
(low and high temperature) within the building 14 Page Gr-XB CE
structure. nplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U)
Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
Specifies the requirements for pipes, fittings and the
system of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U)
piping systems in the field of soil and waste discharge BDS EN 1367-3:2011
(low and high temperature) inside buildings (marked Tests for thermal and weathering properties of
with “B”) and for soil and waste discharge systems for aggregates- Part 3: Boiling test for “Sonnenbrand”
both inside buildings and buried in ground within the basalt
building structure (marked with “BD”). This European Standard specifies methods for the
26 Page Gr-XC CE determination of the presence of signs of "Sonnenbrand"
in basalt and the disintegration of aggregate produced
BDS EN1338:2009 from basalt showing such signs.
Concrete paving blocks- Requirements and test 08 Page Gr-XA CE
Specifies materials, properties, requirements and test BDS EN 1367-4:2011
methods for unreinforced cement bound concrete paving Tests for thermal and weathering properties of
blocks and complementary fittings. It is applicable to aggregates- Part 4: Determination of drying
precast concrete paving blocks and complementary shrinkage
fittings for pedestrian use, vehicular use and roof This standard describes the reference method used for
coverings, e.g. footpaths, precincts, cycle tracks, car type testing and in cases of dispute, for determining the
parks, roads, highways, industrial areas (including docks effect of aggregates on the drying shrinkage of concrete.
and harbours), aircraft pavements, bus stations, petrol For other purposes, in particular factory production
filling stations. control, other methods may be used provided an
54 Page Gr-XE CE appropriate working relationship with the reference
method has been established.
BDS EN 1339:2009 This standard is based on the testing of concretes of
Concrete paving flags- Requirements and test fixed mix proportions and aggregates of 20 mm
methods maximum size.
Specifies materials, properties, requirements and test 13 Page Gr-XB CE
methods for cement bound unreinforced concrete paving
flags and complementary fittings.

BDS EN 1367-5:2011
Tests for thermal and weathering properties of BDS EN 1429:2009
aggregates- Part 5: Determination of resistance to Bitumen and bituminous binders- Determination of
thermal shock residue on sieving of bituminous emulsions, and
This European Standard specifies methods for the determination of storage stability by sieving
determination of resistance to thermal shock of Specifies methods utilizing sieving for the determination
aggregat8s sublect to heating and drying in the of the quantity of coarse Particles of binder present in
production of hot bituminous mixtures. This standard bitumen emulsions, and for the determination of storage
describes the reference method use for type testing and stability.
in case of dispute. For the purpose of type testing and in 06 Page Gr-XA CE
case of dispute only the reference method should be
used. BDS EN 1430:2009
06 Page Gr-XA CE Bitumen and bituminous binders — Determination of
particle polarity of bituminous emulsions
BDS EN 1367-6:2011 Specifies a method for the determination of the particle
Tests for thermal and weathering properties of polarity of bituminous emulsions.
aggregates- Part 6: Determination of resistance to 05 Page Gr-XA CE
freezing and thawing in the presence of salt
( NaCI) BDS EN 1431:2009
This European Standard specifies a method of assessing Bitumen and bituminous binders — Determination of
the frost resistance of an aggregate when it is subjected residual binder and oil distillate from bitumen
to the cyclic action of freezing and thawing in the emulsions by distillation
presence of 1 % solution of NaCI in de-ionized or Specifies a method for the quantitative determination of
distilled water. residual binder and oil distillate in bituminous emulsions
06 Page Gr-XA CE 08 Page Gr-XA CE

BDS EN 1717:2009
BDS EN 1411:2008 Protection against pollution of potable
Plastics piping and ducting systems- Thermoplastics water in water installations and general requirements
pipes- Determination of resistance to external blows of devices to prevent pollution by backflow
by the staircase method Deals with the means to be used to prevent the pollution
Specifies a method for determining the resistance to of potable water inside premises and the general
external blows of thermoplastics pipes by using the requirements of protection devices to avoid pollution by
staircase method. This method is not applicable to backflow.
perforated pipes. 14 Page Gr-XB CE
12 Page Gr-XB CE
BDS EN 1744-1:2011
BDS EN 1426:2009 Tests for chemical properties of aggregates- Part 1:
Bitumen and bituminous binders- Determination of Chemical analysis
needle penetration This Standard specifies procedures for the chemical
Specifies a method for determining the consistency of analysis of aggregates. It specifies the reference
bitumen and bituminous binders. Normal procedure is procedures and, in certain cases, an alternative method
described for penetrations up to 330 × 0,1 mm, but for which can be considered as giving equivalent results.
penetrations above this value, up to 500 × 0,1 mm, Unless otherwise stated, the test methods specified in
different operating parameters are necessary. this standard may be used for factory production control,
13 Page Gr-XB CE for audit tests or for type tests.
59 Page Gr-XE CE
BDS EN 1427:2009
Bitumen and bituminous binders- Determination of BDS EN 1744-3:2011
the softening point- Ring and Ball method Tests for chemical properties of aggregates- Part 1:
Specifies a method for the determination of the softening Preparation of eluates by leaching of aggregates.
point of bitumen and bituminous binders in the range of This European Standard specifies a method for the
28 °C to 150 °C. preparation of eluates, by leaching of aggregates, for
12 Page Gr-XB CE subsequent investigation of physical and chemical
properties by existing standard methods for the purpose
BDS EN 1428:2009 of compliance testing. It applies to unbound aggregates
Bitumen and bituminous binders- Determination of that have a particle size below 32 mm with or without
water content in bitumen emulsions- Azeotropic size reduction (see clause 8).
distillation method 08 Page Gr-XA CE
Specifies a method for determining of the water content
in bitumen emulsions by means of distillation. BDS EN 1744-4:2011
06 Page Gr-XA CE

Tests for chemical properties of aggregates- Part 4: Aluminium and aluminium alloys- Extruded
Determination of water susceptibility of fillers for precision profiles in alloys EN AW- 6060 and EN
bituminous mixtures. AW- 6063- Part 1: Technical conditions for
This European Standard specifies the procedure for the inspection and delivery
determination of the water susceptibility of fillers for This document specifies technical conditions for
bituminous mixtures, by separation of filler from a inspection and delivery of alloys EN AW-6060 and EN
bitumen filler mixture. AW- 6063 extruded precision profiles manufactured
A method for the determination of water susceptibility with and without a thermal barrier ( See Figures 1 and 2
by volume increase and loss of stability of a Marshall ) and without further surface treatment.
specimen is described in Annex A. 08 Page Gr-XA CE
14 Page Gr-XB CE
BDS EN 12020-2:2010
BDS EN 1744-5:2011 Aluminium and aluminium alloys- Extruded
Tests for chemical properties of aggregates- Part 5: precision profiles in alloys EN AW- 6060 and EN
Determination of acid soluble chloride salts. AW- 6063- Part 2: Tolerances on dimensions and
This European Standard specifies the procedure for the form
determination of acid soluble chloride salts which may This document specifies tolerances on dimensions and
be present in aggregates. This test is suitable for form of extruded precision profiles, in alloys EN AW-
aggregates where the chloride content does not derive 6060 and EN AW- 6063 manufactured with and without
directly from contact with, or immersion in, saline water. a thermal barrier (See Figures 1 and 2) It applies to
Examples of such aggregates are: recycled aggregates extruded products supplied without further surface
containing hydrated cement, where chloride may be treatment. Precision profiles covered in this standard are
bound as calcium chloroaluminates; and some distinguished form extruded profiles for general
aggregates from desert areas where chloride is occluded applicatons covered in EN 755-9 by the following
within the aggregate particles. characteristics.
07 Page Gr-XA CE 13 Page Gr-XB CE

BDS EN 1744-6:2011 BDS EN 12061:2008

Tests for chemical properties of aggregates- Part 6: Plastics piping systems- Thermoplastics fittings- Test
Determination of the influence of recycled aggregate method for impact resistance
extract on the initial setting time of cement. This standard specifies a method for testing the impact
This Standard specifies the procedure for the resistance of fittings by dropping them onto a rigid
determination of the influence of water-soluble surface. For a fitting with seal retaining components,
components from recycled aggregates on the initial such as seal retaining caps or rings, the method includes
setting time of cement. assessment of the watertightness of the fittings when the
05 Page Gr-XA CE fixing elements show disturbance as a result of the test.
02 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS EN 1745:2009 BDS EN 12256:2008
Masonry and masonry products- Methods for Plastics piping systems- Thermoplastics fittings- Test
determining design thermal values method for mechanical strength or flexibility of
fabricated fittings
Gives procedures for the determination of design thermal
This standard specifies a method for testing the
values (thermal resistance and/or thermal conductivity)
mechanical strength or flexibility of fabricated
of masonry and masonry products.
thermoplastics fitting intended to be used in nonpressure
14 Page Gr-XB CE
underground applications.
05 Page Gr-XA CE

BDS EN 12390-4:2008
Testing hardened concrete- Part 4:Compressive
rength- Specification for testing machines
BDS EN 1905:2008
Specifies the requirements for the pertomance of
Plastics piping systems-Unplasticized poly (vinyl
compression testing machines for the measuredment of
chloride) (PVC-U) pipes, fittings and material-
the compressive strength of concrete.
Method for assessment of the PVC content based on
05 Page Gr-XA CE
total chlorine content
This standard specifies a method for assessing the poly
BDS EN 12439:2011
(vinyl chloride)(PVC) content in reprocessable and
Mixing Water for Concrete
recyclable unplasticized (PVC-U) materials or materials
This International Standard specifies the requirements
derived from PVC-U products.
for water that is suitable for making concrete in
04 Page Gr-XA CE
accoordance with ISO 22965 (all parts) and describes
methods for assessing its suitablity.
BDS EN 12020-1:2010
13 Page Gr-XB CE

BDS EN 12591:2009 BDS EN 12608:2008
Bitumen and bituminous binders- Specifications for Unplasticized polyvinylchloride (PVC-U) profiles for
paving grade bitumens the fabrication of windows and doors- Classification,
Provides a framework for specifying a range of requirements and test methods
properties and relevant test methods for bitumens, which Specifies classifications, requirements and test methods
are suitable for use in the construction and maintenance for unplasticized polyvinylchloride (PVC-U) profiles for
of roads, airfields and other paved areas, together with the fabrication of windows and doors.
requirements for evaluation of conformity.. 20 Page Gr-XB CE
02 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS EN 12846:2009
BDS EN 12592:2009 Bitumen and bituminous binders — Determination of
Bitumen and bituminous binders- Determination of efflux time of bitumen emulsions by the efflux
solubility viscometer
Specifies a method for determining the degree of Specifies a method for the determination of the efflux
solubility of bituminous binders having little or no time of bitumen emulsions.
mineral matter other than recovered bituminous binders 08 Page Gr-XA CE
from asphalt mixes, in a specific solvent. Toluene is used
as the solvent for reference tests. BDS EN 12847:2009
06 Page Gr-XA CE Bitumen and bituminous binders— Determination of
settling tendency of bituminous emulsions
BDS EN 12593:2009 Specifies a method for the determination of the settling
Bitumen and bituminous binders- Determination of tendency of bituminous emulsions.
the Fraass breaking point. 08 Page Gr-XA CE
Specifies a method for determining the Fraass breaking
point which measures the brittleness of bitumen and BDS EN 12620 :2011
bituminous binders at low temperatures Aggregates for Concrete.
15 Page Tk.200.00 CE This European Standard specifies the properties of
aggregates and filler aggregates obtained by processing
BDS EN 12594:2009 natural, manufactured or recycled materials and mixtures
Bitumen and bituminous binders- Preparation of test of these aggregates for use in concrete. It covers
samples aggregates having an oven dried particle density greater
Specifies a method for preparing samples of bituminous than 2,00 Mg/m (2 000 kg/m3) for all concrete,
binders in order to test their properties. including concrete in conformity with EN 206-1 and
08 Page Gr-XA CE concrete used in roads and other pavements and for use
in precast concrete products. 15> It also covers recycled
aggregate with densities between 1,50 Mg/m3 (1 500
BDS EN 12595:2009 kg/m3) and 2,00 Mg/m3 (2000 kg/m3) with appropriate
Bitumen and bituminous binders- Determination of caveats and recycled fine aggregate (4 mm) with
kinematic viscosity appropriate caveats.
This European Standard specifies a method for the 40 Page Gr-XD CE
determination of the kinematic viscosity of bituminous
binders at 60 °C and 135 °C, in a range from 6 mm²/s to BDS EN 12848:2009
300 000 mm²/s. Bituminous Emulsions are not covered Bitumen and bituminous binders — Determination of
within the scope of this method. mixing stability with cement of bituminous emulsions
13 Page Gr-XB CE Specifies a method for the determination of mixing
stability of bituminous emulsions with cement. It applies
BDS EN 12596:2009 to overstabilized cationic bituminous emulsions and to
Bitumen and bituminous binders- Determination of slow-setting and overstabilized anionic bituminous
dynamic viscosity by vacuum capillary emulsions
Specifies a method for the determination of the dynamic 05 Page Gr-XA CE
viscosity of bituminous binders by means of a vacuum
capillary viscometer at 60 oC in a range between 0,003 6 BDS EN 12849:2009
Pa .s to over 580 000 Pa . s. Bituminous Emulsions are Bitumen and bituminous binders- Determination of
not within the scope of this method. penetration power of bituminous emulsions
13 Page Gr-XB CE Specifies a method for the determination of the
penetration power of bituminous emulsions, through
BDS EN 12597:2009 reference filler.
Bitumen and bituminous binders-Terminology This test method is applicable to low-viscosity
Standard defines terms for bitumen of various types and bituminous emulsions.
binders derived from bitumen. 04 Page Gr-XA CE
10 Page Gr-XA CE

BDS EN 13043 :2011 Specifies a method for the determination of the fines
Aggregates for bituminous mixtures and surface mixing time of cationic bitumen emulsions, under
treatments for roads, airfields and other trafficked standardized conditions
areas 05 Page Gr-XA CE
This European Standard specifies the properties of
aggregates and filler aggregates obtained by processing BDS EN 13139:2011
natural or manufactured or recycled materials for use in Aggregates for mortar
bituminous mixtures and surface treatments for roads, This European Standard specifies the properties of
airfields and other trafficked areas. This standard does aggregates and filler aggregates obtained by processing
not cover the use of reclaimed bituminous mixtures. natural, anufactured or recycled materials and mixtures
32 Page Gr-XD CE of these aggregates for use in mortar, e.g.,
23 Page Gr-XC CE
BDS EN 13055-1:2011
Lightweight aggregates- Part 1 lightweight aggregate BDS EN 13179-1:2011
for concrete, mortar and grout Tests for filler aggregates for bituminous mixtures-
This European Standard specifies the properties of Part 1: Delta ring and ball test
lightweight aggregates and lightweight filler aggregates This European Standard specifies the procedure used to
obtained by processing natural, manufactured or determine the stiffening effect of filler aggregate when
recycled materials and mixtures of these aggregates for mixed with bitumen.
use in concrete, mortar and grout in buildings, roads and 07 Page Gr-XA CE
civil engineering works.
25 Page Gr-XC CE BDS EN 13179-2:2011
Tests for filler aggregates for bituminous mixtures-
BDS EN 13055-2 :2011 Part 2: Bitumen number
Lightweight aggregates- Part 2 lightweight This European Standard specifies the procedure for
aggregates for bituminous mixtures and surface determining the apparent viscosity of a water-filler
treatments and for unbound and bound application aggregate mixture, expressed numerically.
This European Standard specifies the properties of 07 Page Gr-XA CE
lightweight aggregates and fillers derived thereof
obtained by processing natural, manufactured or BDS EN 13242 :2011
recycled materials and mixtures of these aggregates for Aggregates for unbound and hydraulically bound
bituminous mixtures and surface treatments and for materials for use in civil engineering work and road
unbound and hydraulically bound applications other than construction
concrete, mortar and grout. This European Standard specifies the properties of
28 Page Gr-XC CE aggregates obtained by processing natural or
manufactured or recycled materials for hydraulically
BDS EN 13074:2009 bound and unbound materials for civil engineering work
Bitumen and bituminous binders —Recovery of and road construction.
binder from bitumen emulsions by evaporation It provides for the evaluation of conformity of the
Specifies a method for the recovery of binder from products to this European Standard.
bitumen emulsions in a manner that will permit further 28 Page Gr-XC CE
testing with minimum changing the characteristics of the
binder. BDS EN 13304:2009
02 Page Gr-XA CE Bitumen and bituminous binders- Framework for
specification of oxidised bitumens
BDS EN 13075-1:2009 Provides a framework for the specification of oxidised
Bitumen and bituminous binders- Determination of bitumen used mainly in roofing, waterproofing and
breaking behaviour- Part1: Determination of adhesives.
breaking value of cationic bituminous emulsions, 02 Page Gr-XA CE
mineral filler method
Specifies a method for the determination of the breaking BDS EN 13305:2009
value of cationic bituminous emulsions Bitumen and bituminous binders- Framework of
10 Page Gr-XA CE specification of hard industrial bitumens.
Provides a framework for the specification of hard
industrial bitumen used mainly in flooring, varnishes,
mineral rubber, roofing and mastic.
02 Page Gr-XA CE

BDS EN 13075-2:2009
Bitumen and bituminous binders- Determination of BDS EN 13369:2009
breaking behaviour- Part 2: Determination of fines Common rules for precast concrete products
mixing time of cationic bitumen emulsions

Specifies the terminology, requirements, basic Provides a framework for specifying the properties and
performance criteria, test methods and evaluation of relevant test methods for hard paving grade bitumens
conformity that will be referred to by specific product which are suitable for use in the construction and
standards unless they are not appropriate. maintenance of roads, airfields and other paved areas..
44 Page Gr-XE CE 10 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS EN 13450 :2011 BDS EN 14023:2009
Aggregates for railway ballast Bitumen and bituminous binders- Framework
This European Standard specifies the properties of specification for polymer modified bitumens
aggregates obtained by processing natural or Bangladesh Provides a framework for specifying the
manufactured materials or recycled crushed unbound characteristics and relevant test methods for polymer
aggregates for use in construction of railway track. For modified bitumens which are suitable for use in the
the purposes of this standard, the aggregate is referred to construction and maintenance of roads, airfields and
as railway ballast. It provides for the evaluation of other paved areas.
conformity of the products to this European Standard. 15 Page Gr-XB CE
26 Page Gr-XC CE
BDS EN 14437:2008
BDS EN 13501-1:2009
Determination of the uplift resistance of clay or
Fire classification of construction products and
concrete tiles for roofing- Roof system test method
building elements Part 1: Classification using test
Specifies a test method to establish the uplit resistance
data from reaction to fire tests
of installed clay or concerete tiles for roofing complying
Provides the reaction to fire classification procedure for
with the relevant product standard, EN 490 or EN 1304,
all construction products, including products
which are unfixed or mechanically fized to the
incorporated within building elements.
Products are considered in relation to their end use
application. 17 Page Gr-XB CE
42 Page Gr-XE CE
BDS EN 14506 :2009
BDS EN 13748-1:2008 Devices to prevent pollution by backflow of potable
Terrazzo tiles- Terrazzo tiles for internal use water- Automatic diverter- Family H, type C
Specifies materials, properties and methods of testing for This document specifies:
unreinforced cement-bound terrazzo tiles which are a) field of application;
factory made and sold ready to be placed. b) requirements for automatic diverters;
30 Page Gr-XC CE c) dimensional and the physico-chemical properties and
the properties of general hydraulic, mechanical and
BDS EN 13748-2:2008 acoustic design of automatic diverters;
Terrazzo tiles- Terrazzo tiles for external use d) test method and requirements for verifying these
Specifies materials, properties and methods of testing for properties. For sanitary tapware (see Clause 2) with
unreinforced cement-bound terrazzo tiles which are integrated devices, the automatic diverter is only
factory made and sold ready to be placed. considered to be a backflow protection device if it has
The tiles are intended for external use (including roofing passed the requirements of this document and
applications) in pedestrian areas, e.g. walkways, terraces, additionally those of the applicable product standard for
commercial centres and swimming-pools, etc, where the the draw off tap or mixing valve;
decorative aspect of the covering is predominant. e) marking and presentation;
37 Page Gr-XD CE f) acoustics.
18 Page Gr-XB CE
BDS EN 13808:2009
Bitumen and bituminous binders- Framework for BDS EN 14891:2008
specifying cationic bituminous emulsions Liquid applied water impermeable products for use
Specifies the requirements for performance beneath ceramic tiling bonded with adhesives—
characteristics of cationic bituminous emulsion classes Requirements, test methods, evaluation of
which are suitable for use in the construction and conformity, classification and designation
maintenance of roads, airfields and other paved areas. Specifies the evaluation of conformity and the
This European standard applies to emulsions of pure classification and designation of liquidapplied water
bitumen, or of fluxed bitumen, or of cut back bitumen impermeable products beneath ceramic tiling.
and to emulsions of polymer modified bitumen, or of 25 Page Gr-XC CE
polymer modified fluxed bitumen, or of polymer
modified cut-back bitumen, which also includes latex BDS EN 15057:2016
modified bituminous emulsions. Fibre cement profiled sheets- Impact resistance test
16 Page Gr-XB CE method
This European Standard specifies a soft body impact test
BDS EN 13924:2009 method for fibre-cement profiled sheets for foofing.
Bitumen and bituminous binders- Specifications for 18 Page. Gr-XB CE
hard paving grade bitumens

BDS EN 15322:2009 This International Standard specifies the principal
Bitumen and bituminous binders- Framework for dimensions of flat transmission belts and of the
specifying cut-back and fluxed bituminous binders corresponding pulleys.
This document provides a framework for specifying cut- 03 Page Gr-XA ME
back and fluxed bituminous binders which are suitable
for the use in the construction and maintenance of roads, BDS ISO 32:2008
airfields and other paved areas. Gas cylinders for medical use- Marking for
23 Page Gr-XC CE identification of content
This International Standard estabilishes a system of
BDS EN 61386-21:2010 marking and a series of colours for the identificaiton of
Conduit systems for cable management- Part 21: the cont ent of gas cylinders internded for medical use
Particular requirements- Rigid conduit systems only.
This Bangladesh standard specifies requirements and 02 Page Gr-XA ME
tests for rigid conduit systems, including conduits and
conduit fittings, for the protection and management of BDS ISO 48-4:2008
insulated conductors and/or cables in electrical Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic- Determination
installations or in communication systems up to 1000 V of hardness (hardness between 10 IRHD and 100
a.c. and/or d.c. this standard applies to metallic, non- IRHD)
metallic and composite conduit systems, including This International Standard specifies four methods for
threaded and non-threaded entries which terminate the the determination of the hardness of vulcanized or
system. thermoplastic rubbers on flat surfaces.
12 Page Gr-XB CE 14 Page Gr-XB CE

BDS ISO 3:2008 BDS ISO 49:2008

Preferred numbers- Series of preferred numbers Malleable cast iron fittings threaded to ISO 7-I
Specifies series of preferred numbers. This International Standard specifies requirements for
04 Page Gr-XA CE the design and Performance of malleable cast iron
threaded pipe fittings.
BDS ISO 7-1:2008 48 Page Gr-XE CE
Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are made on
the threads- Part 1: Dimensions, tolerances and BDS ISO 68-1:2008
designation ISO general purpose screw threads- Basic profile -
Specifies the requirements for thread form, dimensions, Part 1: Metric screw threads.
tolerances and designation for jointing pipe threads, This part of ISO 68 specifies the basic profile for ISO
sizes 1/I6 to 6 inclusive, for joints made pressure-tight general purpose metric screw threads (M).
by the mating of the threads. These threads are taper 03 Page Gr-XA CE
external, parallel internal or taper internal and are
intended for use with pipes suitable for threading and for BDS ISO 68-2:2008
valves, fittings or other pipeline equipment ISO general purpose screw threads- Basic profile-
interconnected by threaded joints. Part 2:Inch screw threads
06 Page Gr-XA CE This part of ISO 68 specifies the basic profile for ISO
inch screw threads.
BDS ISO 7-1 Cor 1:2008 04 Page Gr-XA CE
Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are made on
the threads- Part 1: Dimensions, tolerances and BDS ISO 148-1:2008
designation (Technical Corrigendum- 1) Metallic materials- Charpy pendulum impact test -
02 Page Gr-XA CE Part 1: Test method
This part of ISO 148 specifies the Charpy pendulum
BDS ISO 7-2:2008 impact (V-notch and U-notch) test method for
Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are made on determining the energy absorbed in an impact test of
the threads- Part 2: Verification by means of limit metallic materials.
gauges 12 Page Gr-XB CE
Specifies a process using limit gauges, for the validation
of taper internal and external threads and parallel BDS ISO 148-2:2008
internal threads on piping systems components and other Metallic materials- Charpy pendulum impact test-
products, the dimensions and tolerances of which are Part 2: Verification of test machines
detailed in ISO 7-1. This part of ISO 148 covers the verification of the
30 Page Gr-XC CE constructional elements of pendulum-type impact testing
machines. It is applicable to machines with 2 mm or with
BDS ISO 22:2008 8 mm strikers used for pendulum impact tests carried
Belt drives- Flat transmission belts and out, for instance, in accordance with ISO 148-1.
corresponding pulleys- Dimensions and tolerances 20 Page Gr-XB CE

BDS ISO 148-3:2008 Specifies the requirements for thread form, dimensions,
Metallic materials- Charpy pendulum tolerances and designation for fastening pipe threads,
impact test- Part 3: Preparation and characterization thread sizes 1/16 to 6 inclusive. Both internal and
of Charpy V reference test pieces for verification of external threads are parallel threads, intended for the
test machines mechanical assembly of the component parts of fittings,
cocks and valves, accessories, etc.
This part of ISO 148 covers the requirements, 06 Page Gr-XA CE
preparation and methods of qualifying test pieces that
are used to indirectly verify pendulum impact testing
machines in accordance with ISO 148-2 and with the
certificate for reference test pieces. BDS ISO 228-2:2008
10 Page Gr-XA CE Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are not
made on the threads - Part 2: Verification by means
BDS ISO 155:2008 of limit gauges
Belt drives- Pulleys for V-belts (System based on Specifies the verification, by means of limit gauges, of
datum width) - Geometrical inspection of grooves cylindrical threads, the dimensions and tolerances of
Standard specifies the methods of checking the which are given in IS0 228-l.
regularity of the grooves and pulleys for V-belts 13 Page Gr-XB CE
specified in the System based on datum width. The
grooved pulleys may be designed for use with classical BDS ISO 254:2008
or narrow V-belts. Belt drives- Pulleys- Quality, finish and ba1ance
03 Page Gr-XA ME Specifies the characteristics of quality which are
common to all transmission pulleys; it states specific
BDS ISO 161-1:2008 quality levels for the finish and balance of transmission
Thermoplastics pipes for the conveyance of fluids- pulleys.
Nominal outside diameters and nominal pressures - 03 Page Gr-XA ME
Part 1: Metric series
Specifies the nominal outside diameters for metric BDS ISO 255:2008
thermoplastics pipes for the conveyance of fluids in Belt drives- Pulleys for V-belts (System based on
pressure and non-pressure applications. datum width)- Geometrical inspection of grooves
It also specifies nominal pressure ratings, minimum This International Standard specifies the methods of
required strengths and overall service (design) checking the regularity of the grooves and pulleys for V-
coefficients for thermoplastics pipes for pressure belts specified in the System based on datum width.
applications. 06 Page Gr-XA ME
04 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 261:2008
BDS ISO 161-2:2008 ISO general purpose metric screw threads- General
Thermoplastics pipes for the conveyance of fluids - plan
Nominal outside diameters and nominal pressures - Specifies ISO general purpose metric screw threads (M)
Part 2: Inch-based series having basic profile according to ISO 68-1. Basic
Specifies the nominal outside diameters for inch-based dimensions are given in ISO 724. For tolerances see ISO
thermoplastics pipes for the conveyance of fluids in 965-1.
pressure and non-pressure applications. lt also specifies 05 Page Gr-XA ME
nominal pressure ratings, minimum required strengths
and Overall Service (design) coefficients for BDS ISO 262:2008
thermoplastics pipes for pressure applications. ISO general purpose metric screw threads - Selected
04 Page Gr-XA CE sizes for screws, bolts and nuts
Specifies selected sizes for screws, bolts and nuts in the
BDS ISO 225:2008 diameter range from 1 mm to 64 mm of ISO general
Fasteners- Bolts, screws, studs and nuts- Symbols and purpose metric screw threads (M) having basic profile
designations of dimensions according to ISO 68-1.These selected sizes are
Lays down the method of dimensioning bolts, screws, recommended also for general engineering use.
studs and nuts, recommended for use unless otherwise These screw threads are selected from ISO 261.For
specified in the appropriate product Standards. thread designations see ISO 965-1.
lt includes common describes the feature. Symbols and 02 Page Gr-XA ME
describes the feature.
19 Page Gr-XB ME BDS ISO 264:2008
Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) fittings with
BDS ISO 228-1:2008 plain sockets for pipes under pressure - Laying
Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are not lengths - Metric series
made on the threads—Part 1: Dimensions, tolerances Specifies the series of diameters to be used and the
and designation dimensions which are common to all types of

unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) fittings with BDS ISO 390:2016
plain sockets for pipes under pressure, regardless of their Products in fibre-reinforced cement- Sampling and
method of manufacture (with the exception of fittings inspection
fabricated from pipes) and composition. This International Standard establishes rules for
05 Page Gr-XA CE batching, sampling and inspection of fibre-reinforced
cement products.
BDS ISO 264 Add 1:2008 These rules apply to all acceptance tests. In certain cases
Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) fittings with they may also apply to type tests but the sampling
plain sockets for pipes under pressure - Laying scheme for type tests will usually be specified in the
length- Metric series. Addendum 1: Diameters 200 product Standards.
mm and 225 mm 18 Page Gr-XB CE
02 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 265-1:2008
Pipes and fittings of plastics materials -Fittings for
BDS ISO 404:2015
domestic and industrial waste pipes -Basic
Steel and steel products- General technical delivery
dimensions: Metric series- Part 1: Unplasticized
poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U)
This section specifies the series of diameters and the This International Standard specifies the general
dimensions common to the main types of fittings with technical delivery requirements for all steel products
covered by ISO 6929, with the exception of steel
spigot ends.
castings and powder metallurgical products.
20 Page Gr-XB CE
14 Page Gr-XB CE
BDS ISO 301:2013
Zinc alloy ingots intended for castings BDS ISO 448:2008
This International Standard specifies the designations. Gas cylinders for industrial use- Marking for
Chemical compositions, markings and other identification of content.
requirements for zinc alloys in ingots (or liquid form) This International standard establishes a system of
produced for foundry purposes. marking for the identification of the content of gas
08 Page Gr-XA ME cylinders intended for industrial use.
02 Page Gr-XA ME
BDS ISO 377- 1:2006
Selection and preparation of samples and test pieces BDS ISO 463:2008
of wrought steels - Part 1 : Samples and test pieces Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) —
for mechanical test. Dimensional measuring equipment — Design and
Specifies all the operations by which samples and test metrological characteristics of mechanical dial
pieces intended for mechanical test are obtained from a gauges
given product. Specifies the most important design and metrological
06 Page Gr-XA CE characteristics of mechanical dial gauges.
03 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 377- 2:2006
Selection and preparation of samples and test pieces BDS ISO 463 Cor 1:2008
of wrought steels - Part 2 : Samples for the Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS)-
determination of chemical composition. Dimensional measuring equipment- Design and
Specifies all the operations by which samples intended metrological characteristics of mechanical dial
for the determination of the chemical composition are gauges
obtained from a given product. The determination of TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1
hydrogen is excluded. 02 Page Gr-XA CE
06 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 471:2008.
BDS ISO 377:2015 Rubber- Temperatures, humidifies and times for
Steel and steel products – Location and preparation conditioning and testing
of samples and test pieces for mechanical testing Specifies the temperature, humidity and time conditions
This International Standard specifies requirements for used for the conditioning and testing of all types of
the identification, location and preparation of samples rubber test piece.
and test pieces intended for mechanical tests on steel 03 Page Gr-XA CE
sections, bars, rod, flat products and tubular products as
defined in ISO 6929. If agreed in the order, this BDS ISO 487:2008
International Standard can also apply to other metallic Steel roller chains, types S and C, attachments and
products. chain wheels
22 Page Gr-XC CE Specifies the characteristics of a range of steel roller
chains dimensionally derived from the malleable iron
type, suitable for conditions of operation and

maintenance prevailing in such fields as agriculture, rolled (for SG grades only), normalized/normalized-
building, quarrying and related industry, mechanical rolled and them mechanical-rolled delivery conditions. It
handling, etc., together with associated chain wheels. applies to steels plates rolled on a reversing mill, wide
The dimensions are given in inches and in millimetres; flats, hot-rolled sections and bars, which are intended for
the latter are conversions from the basic inch use in heavily loaded parts of welded or bolted
dimensions. structures.
17 Page Gr-XB ME 17 Page Gr-XB CE

BDS ISO 554:2016 BDS ISO 630-4:2013

Standard atmospheres for conditioning and/or Structural steels- Part 4: Technical delivery conditions
testing- Specifications for high yield strength quenched and tempered
This International Standard lays down three standard structural steel plates
atmospheres for conditioning and/or testing which are This part of ISO 630 specifies qualities for high yield
not very different from ordinary ambient conditions. strength quenched and tempered structural steels This
part of ISO 630 reversing mill, which are used in the
01 Page Gr-XA CE
quenched and tempered condition and normally intended
BDS ISO 580:2008
for welded or bolted structures.
Plastics piping and ducting systems- Injection-
14 Page Gr-XB CE
moulded thermoplastics fittings- Methods for visually
assessing the effects of heating
Specifies two methods for assessing the effects of
heating on injection-moulded thermoplastics pipe BDS ISO 630-5:2016
fittings- method A, using an air oven, and method B, Structural steels- Part 5: Technical delivery
using a liquid bath. In case of disagreement, method A is conditions for structural steels with improved
the reference method. atmospheric corrosion resistance
06 Page Gr-XA CE This part of ISO 630 specifies qualities for steels with
BDS ISO 606:2008 improved atmospheric corrosion resistance for general
Short-pitch transmission precision roller chains and structural use. It applies to steel plates rolled on a
chain wheels reversing mill, wide flats, hot-rolled sections and bars,
This International Standard specifies requirements for which are used in the usual delivery conditions as given
short-pitch precision roller chains of simple and in 6.3, and normally intended for welded or bolted
multiplex construction suitable for the mechanical structures.
transmission of power and allied applications, together 18 page Gr-XB CE
with those for their associated chain wheels.
17 Page Gr-XB ME BDS ISO 630-6:2016
Structural steels- Part 6: Technical delivery
BDS ISO 630-1:2013
conditions for seismic improved structural steels for
Structural steels— Part 1: General technical delivery
conditions for hot-rolled products
This part of ISO 630 specifies qualities for seismic-proof
This part of ISO 630 specifies the general technical
improved structural steels. This part of ISO 630 applies
delivery conditions for steel flat and long products
(plate/ sections/wide flats and bars) used principally for to steel plates with thicknesses of 6 mm or over and up
general-purpose structural steels. The steels specified in to 125 mm, wide flats and hot-rolled sections up to 140
mm, which are used in the usual delivery conditions as
this part of ISO 630 are intended for use in welded or
given in 6.2 and normally intended for welded or bolted
bolted structures.
09 Page Gr-XA CE 16 page Gr-XB CE
BDS ISO 630-2:2013 BDS ISO 657-1:2008
Structural steels— Part 2: Technical delivery Hot-rolled steel sections- Part 1 : Equal- leg angles-
conditions for structural steels for general purposes. Dimensions
This part of ISO 630 specifies qualities for steels for Specifies dimensions of hot-rolled equalleg angles.
general structural use. This part of ISO 630 applies to 04 Page Gr-XA CE
steel plates rolled on a reversing mill, wide flats, hot-
rolled sections and bars, which are used in the as- BDS ISO 657-2:2008
delivered condition and normally intended for welded or Hot-rolled steel sections -Part 2: Unequal-leg angles -
bolted structures. Dimensions
10 Page Gr-XA CE Specifies dimensions of hot-rolled unequalleg angles.
BDS ISO 630-3:2013 05 Page Gr-XA CE
Structural steels- Part 3: Technical delivery conditions
for fine grain structural steelsThis part of ISO 630 BDS ISO 657-5:2008
specifies requirements for the flat and long products of
hot rolled wieldable fine-grain structural steels in the as-

Hot-rolled steel sections - Part V : Equal-leg angles Methods of testing cements - Determination of
and unequal-leg angles- Tolerances for metric and strength
inch series Specifies a method of determining the compressive and
Specifies metric and inch dimensional tolerances flexural strengths of cement mortar.
applicable to hot-rolled steel angles having either equal 06 Page Gr-XA CE
or unequal leg lengths in accordance with the metric
dimensions of lSO/R 657/l and ISO/R 657/H or the inch
dimensions of lSO/R 657/ill and lSO/R 657/lV.
03 Page Gr-XA CE BDS ISO 714:2013
Zinc-Determination of iron content- Photometric
BDS ISO 657-11:2008 method.
Hot-rolled steel sections -Part 11 : Sloping flange
This International Standard specifies a photometric
channel sections (Metric series)- Dimensions and
method. for the determination of the iron content zinc.
sectional properties
04 Page Gr-XA ME
Specifies dimensions and sectional properties of metric
series hot- rolled steel sloping flange channe sections.
BDS ISO 724:2008
02 Page Gr-XA CE
ISO metric screw threads- Basic dimensions
BDS ISO 657-15:2008 Specifies the basic dimensions, in millimetres, of I S 0
Hot-rolled ste el sections- Part 15 I Sloping flange metric screw threads according to IS0 261, IS0 .general
beam sections (Metric series)- Dimensions and purpose metric screw threads -General plan. The values
sectional properties refer to the basic profile according to ISO68, IS0 general
Standard specifies dimensions and sectional properties purpose screw threads - Basic profile.
of metric series hot-rolled steel sloping flange beam 05 Page Gr-XA ME
02 Page Gr-XA CE BDS ISO 727-1:2009
Fittings made from unplasticized poly (vinyl hloride)
BDS ISO 657-16:2008 (PVC-U), chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-C)
Hot-rolled steel sections -Part 16 I Sloping flange or acrylonitrile/ butadiene/ styrene (ABS) with plain
column sections (metric series)- Dimensions and sockets for pipes under pressure- Part 1: Metric
sectional properties series
Specifies dimensions and sectional properties of metric Specifies the dimensions of plain sockets (cylindrical
series hot-rolled sloping flange steel column sections. and conical) in fittings made from unplasticized
02 Page Gr-XA CE poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), chlorinated poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-C)or crylonitrile/butadiene/styrene
BDS ISO 657-18:2008 (ABS), intended for connecting by solvent cementing to
Hot-rolled steel sections- Part 18 I L sections for pipes of the corresponding material for use under
shipbuilding (metric series) - Dimensions, sectional pressure.The resulting joint does not require mechanical
properties and tolerances anchorage.
Specifies dimensions, sectional properties and 04 Page Gr-XA CE
dimensional tolerances for metric series hot-rolled steel
L sections for shipbuilding. BDS ISO 727-2:2009
04 Page Gr-XA CE Fittings made from unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride)
(PVC-U), chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-C)
BDS ISO 657-19:2008 or acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene (ABS) with plain
Hot-rolled steel sections - Part 19 I Bulb flats (metric sockets for pipes under pressure- Part 2:Inch-based
series)- Dimensions, sectional properties and series
tolerances Specifies the dimensions, in millimetres, of plain sockets
Specifies dimensions, sectional properties and (cylindrical and conical), for the inchbased pipe series,
dimensional tolerances for metric series hot-rolled steel in fittings made from unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride)
bulb flats. (PVC-U), chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride (PVC-C) or
03 Page Gr-XA CE acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene (ABS), intended for
connecting by solvent cementing to pipes of the
BDS ISO 657-21:2008 corresponding material for use under pressure. The
Hot-rolled steel sections -Part 21 I T-sections with resulting joint does not require mechanical anchorage.
equal depth and flange width -Dimensions 07 Page Gr-XA CE
Specifies dimensions of the hot-rolled tee sections with BDS ISO 752:2013
equal depth and flange width. Zinc ingots
02 Page Gr-XA CE Technical corrigendum 1
03 Page Gr-XA ME
BDS ISO 679:2008
BDS ISO 752:2013

Zinc ingots Specifies the mechanical properties of set screws and
This International Standard contains five grades of zinc similar fasteners not under tensile stresses in the range
recognized in worldwide commerce. It specifies the from 1,6 up to and including 39 mm thread diameter
classifications, chemical compositions, markings and which are made of carbon steel or alloy steel.
other requirements for primary zinc. It includes a table 06 Page Gr-XA ME
of related grades of zinc which are recognized in other
International Standards. This International Standard BDS ISO 898-7:2008
applicable to primary zinc only and does not include Mechanical properties of fasteners- Part 7: Torsianal
requirements for secondary zinc produced by re-melting. test and minimum torques for bolts and screws with
03 Page Gr-XA ME nominal diameters 1 mm to 10 mm
Specifies a torsional test for the determination of the
BDS ISO 834-1:2015 breaking torque of bolts and screws with nominal
Fire-resistance tests- Elements of building diameters 1 mm to 10 mm with property classes 8.8 to
construction- Part 1: General requirements 12.9 in accordance with ISO 898-1.
This part of ISO 834 specifies a test method for 04 Page Gr-XA ME
determining the fire resistance of various elements of
construction when subjected to standard fire exposure BDS ISO 965-1:2008
conditions. The test data thus obtained will permit ISO general purpose metric screw threads-
subsequent classification on the basis of the duration for Tolerances- Part 1:Principles and basic data
which the performance of the tested elements under Specifies the basic profile for ISO general purpose
these conditions satisfies specified criteria. metric screw threads (M) conforming to ISO 261.
18 Page Gr-XB CE
25 Page Gr-XC CE
BDS ISO 834-4:2015 BDS ISO 965-2:2008
Fire-resistance tests- Elements of building ISO general purpose metric screw threads-
construction- Part 4: Specific requirements for load Tolerances -Part 2:Limits of sizes for general purpose
bearing vertical separating elements external and internal screw threads- Medium quality
This part of ISO 834 specifies the procedures to be Specifies limits of sizes for pitch and crest diameters for
followed for determining the fire resistance of ISO general purpose metric screw threads (M)
loadbearing vertical separating elements when exposed conforming to ISO 262 having basic profile according to
to heating on one face ISO 68-1.
07Page Gr-XA CE 05 Page Gr-XA CE

BDS ISO 834-8:2015

Fire-resistance tests- Elements of building
construction- Part 8: Specific requirements for non- BDS ISO 965-3:2008
load bearing vertical separating elements IS0 general purpose metric screw threads-
This part of ISO 834 specifies the procedures to be Tolerances-Part 3:Deviations for constructional
followed for determining the fire resistance of non- screw threads
loadbearing vertical separating elements when exposed Specifies deviations for pitch and crest diameters for IS0
to heating on one face. general purpose metric screw threads (M)conforming to
08 Page Gr-XA CE IS0 261 having basic profile according to IS0 68-1.
16 Page Gr-XB CE
BDS ISO 885:2008
General purpose bolts and screws- Metric series- BDS ISO 965-4:2008
Radii under the head ISO general purpose metric screw threads-
Specifies the sizes of the radii under the head and the Tolerances Part 4: Limits of sizes for hot-dip
transition diameters of metric series general purpose galvanized external screw threads to mate with
bolts and screws. internal screw threads tapped with tolerance position
02 Page Gr-XA ME H or G after galvanizing
Specifies deviations and limits of sizes for pitch and
BDS ISO 898-1:2008 crest diameters for ISO general purpose metric external
Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon
screw threads conforming to ISO 262 having a basic
steel and alloy steel- Part 1:Bolts, screws and studs profile according to ISO 68-1.
Specifies the mechanical properties of bolts, screws and 04 Page Gr-XA ME
studs made of carbon steel and alloy steel when tested at
an ambient temperature range of 10 °C to 35 °C. BDS ISO 965-5:2008
25 Page Gr-XC ME ISO general purpose metric screw threads-
Tolerances Part 5:Limits of sizes for internal screw
BDS ISO 898-5:2008 threads to mate with hot-dip galvanized external
Mechanical properties of fasteners -Part 5 : Set screw threads with maximum size of tolerance
screws and similar threaded fasteners not under position h before galvanizing
tensile stresses Specifies deviations and limits of sizes for pitch and
crest diameters for ISO general purpose metric internal

screw threads conforming to ISO 262 having basic Contains basic information and gives requirements for
profile according to ISO 68-1. the geometrical tolerancing of workpieces.
05 Page Gr-XA ME 45 Page Gr-XE CE
BDS ISO 1006:2016 BDS ISO 1127:2006
Building Construction- Modular Coordination- Basic Stainless steel tubes - Dimensions, tolerances and
Modules conventional masses per unit length.
This International Standard establishes the value of the Specifies the diameters, thicknesses, tolerances and
basic module for use in modular Coordination of conventional masses per unit length of stainless steel
buildings. tubes.
02 Page Gr-XA CE 07 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 1035-1:2006 BDS ISO 1163-1:2008
Hot-rolled steel bars-Part 1 : Dimensions of round Plastics - Unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U)
bars. moulding and extrusion materials -Part 1:
Specifies dimensions of metric series hot-rolled steel Designation System and basis for specifications
round bars. This part of ISO 1163 establishes a System of
02 Page Gr-XA CE designation for unplasticized PVC thermoplastic
material which may be used as the basis for
BDS ISO 1035-2:2006
Hot-rolled steel bars-Part 2 : Dimensions of square
05 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 1163-2:2008
Specifies dimensions of metric series hot-rolled steel
Plastics-unplasticized poly (vinyl Chloride) (pvgu)
square bars.
moulding and extrusion Materials –
02 Page Gr-XA CE
Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and
BDS ISO 1035-3:2006
Determination of Properties
Hot-rolled steel bars-Part 3 : Dimensions of flat bars.
Specifies dimensions of metric series hot-rolled steel flat Specifies procedures and conditions for the preparation
of test specimens of PVC-U materials in a specified
state, and methods for measuring their properties. Any
02 Page Gr-XA CE
property listed in this part and referred to in combination
with part 1 shall be determined by the method referred to
in this part.
06 Page Gr-XA CE

BDS ISO 1035-4:2006

Hot-rolled steel bars-Part 4 : Tolerances.
Specifies metric dimensional tolerances applicable to
hot-rolled steel bars supplied in straight lengths in the
following products forms.
03 Page Gr-XA CE

BDS ISO 1043-1:2008 BDS ISO 1167-1:2008

Plastics- Symbols and abbreviated terms- Part 1: Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and assemblies for the
Basic polymers and their special characteristics conveyance of fluids- Determination of the resistance
Provides abbreviated terms for the basic polymers used to internal pressure- Part 1: General method
in plastics, symbols for components of these terms, and Specifies a general test method for determining the
symbols for special characteristics of plastics. resistance to internal hydrostatic pressure at a given
10 Page Gr-XA CE temperature of thermoplastics pipes, fittings and piping
systems for the transport of fluids. The method
BDS ISO 1081:2008 accommodates water-in-water,water-in-air tests.
Belt drives- V-belts and V- ribbed belts, and 04 Page Gr-XA CE
corresponding grooved pulleys- Vocabulary
BDS ISO 1167-2:2008
Defines terms relating to V-belt drives, V-belts and V-
Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and assemblies for the
grooved pulleys, V-ribbed belt drives, V-ribbed belts
conveyance of fluids- Determination of the resistance
and V-ribbed pulleys, as well as the corresponding
to internal pressure-Part 2: Preparation of pipe test
14 Page Gr-XB ME
Specifies the dimensions and method for preparation of
BDS ISO 1101:2008 extruded, or injection-moulded tubular, test pieces used
Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) to determine the resistance of thermoplastics pipes to
Geometrical tolerancing Tolerances of form, internal hydrostatic pressure according to ISO 1167-1.
orientation, location and run-out 03 Page Gr-XA CE

BDS ISO 1167-3:2008 Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics- Determination of
Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and assemblies for the resistance to penetration by water
conveyance of fluids- Determination of the resistance This International Standard specifies a pass/fail method
tointernal pressure- Part 3: Preparation of for the determination of the resistance of rubber- or
components plastics-coated fabrics to water penetration (hydrostatic
Specifies the procedure for the preparation of resistance) when subjected to a specific hydrostatic
components, i.e. fittings and valve bodies, for the pressure over a fixed period of time. Two test specimen
determination of their resistance to internal pressure shapes are given: one is circular, the other square
according to ISO 1167-1. 03 Page Gr-XA ME
09 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 1421:2016
BDS ISO 1167-4:2008 Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics- Determination of
Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and assemblies for the tensile strength and elongation at break
conveyance of fluids- Determination of the resistance This International Standard describes two methods for
tointernal pressure- Part 4: Preparation of the determination of the tensile strength of fabrics
assemblies coated with rubber or plastics:
Specifies the procedure for the preparation of both end- Method 1 — the strip test method, which is a method for
load-bearing and non-end-load-bearing assemblies, for the determination of tensile strength and elongation
the determination of their resistance to internal atbreak;
hydrostatic pressure according to ISO 1167-1. Method 2 — the grab test method, which is a method for
06 Page Gr-XA CE the determination of tensile strength only.
11 Page Gr-XB ME
BDS ISO 1169:2013
Zinc alloys- Determination of aluminium content- BDS ISO 1452-1:2014
Titrimetrie Method Plastics piping systems for water supply and for
This International Standard specifies a titrimetrie method buried and above-ground drainage and sewerage
for the determination of aluminium in zinc alloys . under pressure —Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride)
It is suitable for the determinatin of aluminium contents (PVC-U) —Part 1: General
(mass fractions) between 3% and 30%. This part of ISO 1452 specifies the general aspects of
06 Page Gr-XA ME unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) solid-wall
piping systems intended for water supply and for buried
BDS ISO 1204:2011 and above-ground drainage and sewerage under
Reciprocating internal combustion engines- pressure.
Designation of the direction of rotation and of 11 Page Gr-XB ME
cylinders and valves in cylinder heads, and definition
of right-hand and left-hand in-line engines and
locations on an engine
This International Standard specifies a method of
designating the direction of rotation and of cylinders of
reciprocating internal combustion engines and of
designating a specific valve in a cylinder head when the
cylinder head is mounted on the engine or dismantled.
13 Page Gr-XB ME
BDS ISO 1452-3:2014
BDS ISO 1207:2008 Plastics piping systems for water supply
Slotted cheese head screws- Product grade A and for buried and above-grounddrainage and
Specifies the characteristics of slotted cheese head sewerage under pressure —Unplasticized poly(vinyl
screws in product grade A and with thread sizes from M chloride) (PVC-U) —Part 3:Fittings
3,5 to M 10 inclusive. This part of ISO 1452 specifies the characteristics of
04 Page Gr-XA ME fittings made from unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride)
(PVC-U) for piping systems intended for water supply
BDS ISO 1275:2008 and for buried and above-ground drainage and sewerage
Double-pitch precision roller chains and sprockets under pressure.
for transmission and conveyors
37 Page Gr-XD ME
Specifies requirements for double-pitch precision roller
chains suitable for the mechanical transmission of power
BDS ISO 1452-4:2014
and for conveyors, together with those for their
Plastics piping systems for water supply and for
associated sprockets.
buried and above-ground drainage and sewerage
09 Page Gr-XA ME
under pressure — Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride)
(PVC-U) —Part 4: Valves
BDS ISO 1420:2016
This part of ISO 1452 specifies the characteristics of
valves made from unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride)

(PVC-U) for piping systems intended for water supply Belt drives- Endless wide V-belts for industrial
and for buried and above-ground drainage and sewerage Speed-changers and groove profiles for
under pressure. corresponding pulleys
11 Page Gr-XB ME This International Standard specifies the principal
dimensions of endless wide V-belts for industrial Speed-
BDS ISO 1452-5:2014 changers, and the groove profiles of corresponding fixed
Plastics piping systems for water supply and for or variable diameter pulleys.
buried and above-ground drainage and sewerage lt does not apply to Speed-changer belts used either as
under pressure — Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) Parts of farm-machines (in particular harvesters), which
(PVC-U) — Part 5: Fitness for purpose of the system are standardized in ISO 3410, or for the propulsion of
This part of ISO 1452 specifies the characteristics for the self-propelled vehicles (motor-cycles, scooters, cars).
fitness for purpose of unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) 10 Page Gr-XA ME
(PVC-U) piping systems intended for water supply and
for buried and above-ground drainage and sewerage BDS ISO 1628-2:2008
under pressure. Determination of the viscosity of polymers in dilute
13 Page Gr-XB ME solution using capillaryviscometers- Part 2: Poly
(vinyl chloride) resins
BDS ISO 1460:2011 This part of ISO 1628 specifies conditions for the
Metallic coatings- Hot dip galvanized coatings on determination of the reduced viscosity (also known as
ferrous materials -Gravimetric determination of the viscosity number) and K-value of PVC resins. It is
mass per unit area applicable to resins in powder form which consist of
This International Standard specifies a method of homopolymers of the monomer vinyl chloride and
determining the mass per unit area of hot dip galvanized copolymers, terpolymers, etc., of vinyl chloride with one
coatings on ferrous materials. or more other monomers, but where vinyl chloride is the
03 Page Gr-XA ME main constituent.
06 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 1461:2013 BDS ISO 1746:2008
Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and Rubber or plastics hoses and tubing- Bending tests
steel articles- Specifications and test methods This International Standard specifies two methods for
This International Standard specifies the general the determination of the behaviour of rubber or plastics
properties of coatings and test methods for coatings hoses or tubing when bent to a specified radius.
applied by dipping fabricated iron and steel articles 06 Page Gr-XA CE
(including certain castings) in a zinc melt (containing not
more than 2 % of other metals). It does not apply to the BDS ISO 1813:2008
following: Belt drives- V-ribbed belts, joined V-belts and V-
a) sheet, wire and woven or welded mesh products that belts including wide section belts and hexagonal
are continuously hot dip galvanized; belts-Electrical conductivity of antistatic belts:
b) tube and pipe that are hot dip galvanized in automatic Characteristics and methods of test
plants; This International Standard specifies the maximum
c) hot dip galvanized products (e.g. fasteners) for which electrical resistance of antistatic endless V-ribbed belts,
specific standards exist and which might include joined V-belts, and single V-belts including wide section
additional requirements or requirements which are belts and hexagonal belts, as well as corresponding
different from those of this I international Standard. production control and individual proof methods of
18 Page Gr-XB ME measurements.
12 Page Gr-XB ME
BDS ISO 1479:2008
Hexagon head tapping screws
Specifies the characteristics of hexagon head tapping
screws with thread sizes from ST 2,2 to ST.I 9,5 BDS ISO 1920-1:2008
inclusive. Testing of concrete- Part 1:Sampling of fresh
02 Page Gr-XA CE concrete
This part of ISO 1920 specifies procedures for the
BDS ISO 1502:2008 sampling of fresh concrete. The samples are used for the
IS0 general-purpose metric screw threads - Gauges testing of properties of fresh concrete, or for making test
and gauging specimens to determine the properties of hardened
This International Standard gives details for the concrete
manufacture and use of gauges for checking IS0 general- 06 Page Gr-XA CE
purpose metric screw threads with a basic profile in
accordance with IS0 68. BDS ISO 1920-2:2008
24 Page Gr-XC ME Testing of concrete- Part 2: Properties of fresh
BDS ISO 1604:2008

This part of ISO 1920 specifies procedures for testing 14 Page Gr-XB CE
fresh concrete. It specifies the following test methods:
determination of consistence (slump test, Vebe test, BDS ISO 1920-9:2010
degree of compactability, flow-table test and for high- Testing of concrete- Part 9: Determination of creep of
fluidity concrete, the slump-flow test), determination of concrete cylinders in compression
fresh density and determination of air content by the This part of ISO 1920 specifies a method for
pressure-gauge method and by the water-column determining the creep of standard concrete test cylinders
method. subjected to a sustained longitudinal compressive load.
43 Page Gr-XE CE 08 Page Gr-XA CE

BDS ISO 1920-10:2011

BDS ISO 1920-3:2008 Testing of Concrete- Part 10: Determination of static
Testing of concrete- Part 3: Making and curing test modulus of elasticity in compression
specimens This part of ISO 1920 specifies a test method for the
This part of ISO 1920 specifies the shape and determination of the static modulus of elasticity in
dimensions of concrete test specimens for strength tests compression of hardened concrete, on test specimens
and the methods of making and curing these test which are cast or taken form a structure.
specimens. 06 Page Gr-XA CE
20 Page Gr-XB CE
BDS ISO 1976:2013
BDS ISO 1920-4:2008 Zinc alloys- Determination of copper content-
Testing of concrete- Part 4:Strength of hardened Electrolytic Method.
concrete This International Standard specifies an electrolytic
This part of ISO 1920 specifies procedures for testing method. for the determination of the copper content to
the strength of hardened concrete. zinc alloys.It is suitable for the determination of the
27 Page Gr-XD CE copper contents between 0.5 and 3.5%.
03 Page Gr-XA ME
BDS ISO 1920-5:2008
Testing of concrete —Part 5: Properties of hardened BDS ISO 2045:2008
concrete other than strength Single sockets for unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride)
This part of ISO 1920 specifies procedures for testing (PVC-U) and chlorinated polybinyl chloride) (PVC-
properties of hardened concrete other than strength. C) press.ure pipes with elastic sealing ring type
13 Page Gr-XB CE joints- Minimum depths of engagement
This International Standard specifies the minimum
BDS ISO 1920-6:2008 depths of engagement for Single sockets for
Testing of concrete- Part 6: Sampling, preparing and unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) and
testing of concrete cores chlorinated poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-C) pressure pipes
This part of ISO 1920 specifies a method for taking with elastic sealing ring type joints.
cores from hardened concrete, their examination, 02 Page Gr-XA CE
preparation for testing and determination of compressive
BDS ISO 2048:2008
Double-socket fittings for unplasticized poly(vinyl
07 Page Gr-XA CE
chloride) (PVC-U) pressure pipes with elastic sealing
ring type joints - Minimum depths of engagement.
BDS ISO 1920-7:2008 This International Standard specifies the minimum
Testing of concrete- Part 7:Non- destructive tests on depths of engagement for double-socket fittings for
hardened concrete unplasticized PVC pressure pipes of up to 12 m in
This part of ISO 1920 specifies non-destructive test length, with elastic sealing ring type joints and intended
methods for use on hardened concrete. for the transport of fluids.
The methods included are: 02 Page Gr-XA CE
a) determination of rebound number,
b) determination of ultrasonic pulse velocity, and
c) determination of pull-out force.
24 Pag Gr-XC CE

BDS ISO 1920-8:2010 BDS ISO 2081:2016

Testing of concrete- Part 8: Determination of drying Metallic and other inorganic coatings- Electroplated
shrinkage of concrete for samples prepared in the coatings of zinc with supplementary treatments on
field or in the laboratory iron or steel
This part of ISO 1920 specifies a method for This International Standard specifies requirements for
determining the length changes of concrete specimens electroplated coatings of zinc with supplementary
due to drying in air, and the method of preparing and treatments on iron or steel. It includes information to be
curing the concrete specimens to be tested. supplied by the purchaser to the electroplater, and the

requirements for heat treatment before and after applicable to ductile iron pipes manufactured by any one
electroplating. of the following four processes:
It is not applicable to zinc coatings applied 46 Page Gr-XE CE
- to sheet, strip or wire in the non-fabricated form,
- to close-coiled springs, or BDS ISO 2536:2008
- for purposes other than protective or decorative. Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pressure
pipes and fittings, metric series - Dimensions of
15 Page Gr-XB ME
This International Standard specifies the principal
BDS ISO 2178:2011 dimensions of loose backing flanges for use with
Non-magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates- solvent-welded flange adaptors l) for polyvinyl chloride
Measurement of coating thickness- Magnetic method (PVC) metric series pressure pipes and fittings.
This International Standard specifies the method of using 02 Page Gr-XA CE
coating thickness instruments of the magnetic type for
nondestructive measurements of the thickness of non-
magnetic coatings (including vitreous and porcelain BDS ISO 2566-1:2008
enamel coatings) on magnetic basis metals. Steel- Conversion of elongation values - Part 1:
03 Page Gr-XA ME Carbon and low alloy steels
This part of IS0 2566 specifies a method of converting
BDS ISO 2261:2011 room temperature percentage elongations after fracture
Reciprocating internal combustion engines -Hand- obtained on various proportional and non-proportional
operated control devices - Standard direction of gauge lengths to other gauge lengths.
motion 06 Page Gr-XA CE
This International Standard specifies the direction of
motion of hand-operated devices for Speed regulation BDS ISO 2566-2:2008
and reversing of reciprocating internal combustion (RIC) Steel- Conversion of elongation values- Part 2:
engines, having particular regard to RIC engines for Austenetic steels
marine and rail propulsion- irrespective of whether the This part of IS0 2566 specifies a method of converting
operator’s Position is near the engine or remote from it. room temperature percentage elongations after fracture
05 Page Gr-XA ME obtained on various proportional and non-proportional
gauge lengths to other gauge lengths.
BDS ISO 2395:2008 06 Page Gr-XA CE
Test sieves and test sieving - Vocabulary
This International Standard defines terms to facilitate BDS ISO 2591:2008
understanding of the terminology relating to test sieves Test sieving -Part 1 : Methods using test sieves of
and test sieving . woven wire cloth and perforated metal plate
08 Page Gr-XA CE This part of ISO 2591 draws attention to and describes
the main factors affecting test sieving and the results
BDS ISO 2505:2008 obtained; it also specifies general principles to be
Thermoplastics pipes- Longitudinal reversion- followed concerning apparatus, procedure and
Test method and parameters presentation of results.
This International Standard specifies a method for lt applies to methods in which test sieves of woven wire
determining the longitudinal reversion of thermoplastics cloth or perforated metal plate are used. Test sieving
pipes, to be carried out in either a liquid or in air. In case methods using test sieves of electroformed sheet will
of dispute, heated liquid is used as the reference. form the subject of ISO 2591-2.
04 Page Gr-XA CE 13 Page Gr-XA CE

BDS ISO 2599-2:2008

BDS ISO 2507-1:2008
Steel - Conversion of elongation values -
Thermoplastics pipes and fittings- Vicat softening
Part 2: Austenitic steels
temperature -Part 1: General test method
Specifies a method of converting room temperature
This part of ISO 2507 specifies a general method for
percentage elongations after fracture obtained on various
determining the Vicat softening temperature of
proportional and non-proportional gauge lengths to other
thermoplastics pipes and fittings. lt includes the
gauge lengths.
adaptation of method B of ISO 306:1994, using a forte
06 Page Gr-XA CE
of 50 N.
04 Page Gr-XA CE

ISO 2531:2008
Ductile iron pipes, fittings and accessories for
BDS ISO 2602:2008
pressure pipelines
Statistical interpretation of test results- Estimation of
This International Standard comprises a general
the mean- Confidence interval
specification completed by specific requirements

Specifies the statistical treatment of test results needed to Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes-
calculate a confidence interval for the mean of a Part 10:Introduction to the ISO 2859 series of
population. standards for sampling for inspection by attributes
05 Page Gr-XA CE This part of ISO 2859 provides a general introduction to
acceptance sampling by attributes and provides a brief
BDS ISO 2710-1:2011 summary of the attribute sampling schemes and plans
Reciprocating internal combustion used in ISO 2859-1, ISO 2859-2, ISO 2859-3, ISO 2859-
engines- Vocabulary- Part 1: Terms for engine design 4 and ISO 2859-5, which describe specific types of
and operation attribute sampling systems. It also provides guidance on
This part of ISO 2710 defines the basic terms relating to the selection of the appropriate inspection system for use
the design and operation of Reciprocating Internal in a particular situation.
Combustion (RIC) engines. 11 Page Gr-XB CE
35 Page Gr-XD ME
BDS ISO 2901:2008
BDS ISO 2710-2:2011 ISO metric trapezoidal screw threads -Basic Profile
Reciprocating internal combustion engines- and maximum material profiles
Vocabulary- Part 2: Terms for engine maintenance This International Standard specifies the basic Profile
This part of ISO 2710 defines terms and maximum material profiles of ISO metric
relating to the characteristics of engines and their trapezoidal screw threads.
components relevant to maintenance activities. 04 Page Gr-XA ME
13 Page Gr-XB ME
BDS ISO 2941:2016
BDS ISO 2781:2008 Hydraulic fluid power- Filter elements- Verification
Rubber, vulcanized - Determination of density of collapse/burst pressure rating
Specifies two methods of test for Ordinary laboratory This International Standard specifies a method for
apparatus and the determination of the density of solid verifying the collapse/burst pressure rating of a hydraulic
vulcanized rubber. . fluid power filter element, i.e. the capability of a filter
06 Page Gr-XA CE element to withstand a designated differential pressure at
the normal (i.e., intended direction of) flow, by means of
BDS ISO 2781 Cor 1:2008 pumping contaminated fluid through the filter element
Rubber, vulcanized - Determination of density until either collapse/burst occurs or the maximum
TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1 expected differential pressure is reached without element
02 Page Gr-XA CE failure.
09 page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 2859-1:2016
Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes- BDS ISO 2943:2016
Part 1: Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance Hydraulic fluid power- Filter elements- Verification
quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection of material compatibility with fluids
(Amendment 1:2016) This International Standard specifies a method of
02 page Gr-XA CE verifying the compatibility of materials comprising a
hydraulic fluid power filter element with a designated
BDS ISO 2859-1:2016 fluid, by verifying the ability of the filter element to
Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes — maintain its collapse burst rating after being subjected to
Part 1: Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance the designated system fluid at a high and/or low
quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection temperature.
This part of ISO 2859 specifies an acceptance sampling The filter element mounting seal is not included as part
system for inspection by attributes. It is indexed in terms of the element.
of the acceptance quality limit (AQL) 05 page Gr-XA ME
86 Page Gr-XE CE
BDS ISO 3008:2015
BDS ISO 2859-3:2016 Fire-resistance test- Door and shutter assemblies
Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes — This International Standard, used in conjunction with
Part 3: Skip-lot sampling procedures ISO 834-1, specifies a method for determining the fire
This part of ISO 2859 specifies generic skip-lot resistance of door and shutter assemblies designed
sampling procedures for acceptance inspection by primarily for installation within openings incorporated in
attributes vertical separating elements.
The purpose of these procedures is to provide a way of 52 Page Gr-XE CE
reducing the inspection effort on products of high quality
submitted by a supplier who has a satisfactory quality
assurance system and effective quality controls.
29 Page Gr-XC CE

BDS ISO 2859-10:2016

18 Page Gr-XB ME
BDS ISO 3046-5:2004
BDS ISO 3008-2:2015 Reciprocating internal combustion engines-
Fire-resistance tests-Part 2: Lift landing door Performance- Part-5 :Torsional vibrations
assemblies This Part of ISO 3046 establishes general requirements
This part of ISO 3008 specifies the method of the test for and definitions for torsional vibrations in shaft systems
determining the fire resistance of the lift landing door of sets driven by reciprocating internal combustion
assemblies which can be exposed to fire from the (RIC) engines. Where necessary, individual
landing side. The procedure applies to all the types of lift requirements are given for particular engine applications.
landing door assemblies used as a means of access to the 12 Page Gr-XB ME
lifts in buildings and which are intended to provide a fire
barrier to the spread of fire via the lift well. BDS ISO 3046-6:2004
24 Page Gr-XC CE Reciprocating internal combustion engines-
Performance- Part-6 : Overspeed protection.
BDS ISO 3046-1:2004 This Part of ISO 3046 specifies general requirements
Reciprocating internal combustion engines - and gives definitions for overspeed limiting devices used
Performances -Part-1 : Standard reference for the protection of reciprocating internal combustion
conditions, declarations of power, fuel and engines and their driven machinery.
lubricating oil consumptions, and test methods 03 Page Gr-XA ME
This Part of ISO 3046 specifies the requirements for the
BDS ISO 3046-7:2004
declaration of power, fuel consumption, lubricating oil
Reciprocating internal combustion engines-
consumption and the test method in addition to the
Performance -Part-7: Codes for engine power.
basic requirements defined in “Core” standard ISO
This Part of ISO 3046 defines code for engine brake
power in accordance with ISO 3046-1, in order where
34 Page Gr-XD ME
necessary, to simplify the application of the statements
of power specified in ISO 3046-1 and to facilitate
BDS ISO 3046-2:2005 communication. This applies, for example, to statements
Reciprocating internal combustion engines- of power used on engine data plates.
Performances -Part-2 : test methods 04 Page Gr-XA ME
This Part of ISO 3046 specifies acceptance and type test
methods for reciprocating internal combustion enginess BDS ISO 3114:2008
in commercial production. Where necessary, individual Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes for
requirements are given for particular engine applications. potable water supply- Extractability of lead and tin-
16 Page Gr-XB ME Test method
This International Standard specifies a method of test for
BDS ISO 3046-3:2011 the determination of the extractability of certain
Reciprocating internal combustion engines- stabilizers of unplasticized PVC in Order to verify that
Performance- Part 3: Test measurements the extracted quantities do not exceed a certain
(First Revision) concentration.
This part of ISO 3046 specifies the common 02 Page Gr-XA CE
measurement techniques of the main performance
parameters of reciprocating internal combustion engines, BDS ISO 3126:2008
in addition to the basic requirements defined in ISO Plastics piping systems- Plastics components-
15550. This is to ensure that the required accuracy of Determination of dimensions
measurement is achieved for comparison of the This document specifies methods for measurement
measured values with those values specified by the and/or determination of the dimensions of plastics pipes
engine manufacturer. Where necessary, individual and fittings and the accuracy of the measurement.
requirements may be given for particular engine It specifies procedures for measuring angles, diameters,
applications. lengths, squareness and wall thicknesses for the purposes
07 Page Gr-XA ME of checking conformity to geometric limits.
BDS ISO 3046-4:2011 18 Page Gr-XB CE
Reciprocating internal combustion engines- BDS ISO 3127:2008
Performance- Part 4: Speed governing Thermoplastics pipes- Determination of resistance to
(First Revision)
external blows- Round-the-clock method
This part of ISO 3046 establishes a classification for the This International Standard specifies a method for the
requirements and parameters of speed-governing determination of the resistance to extemal blows of
systems and specifies terms and definitions of typical thermoplastics pipes of circular Cross-section; it is called
engine speeds for reciprocating internal combustion the round-the-clock method. This method is applicable
(RIC) engines. to isolated batches of pipe tested.
Where necessary, individual requirements are given for 07 Page Gr-XA CE
particular engine applications.

This part of ISO 3310 specifies the technical
requirements and corresponding test methods for test
sieves of perforated metal plate.
It applies to test sieves having ¾ round holes, with sizes
from 125 mm down to 1 mm, or ¾ square holes, with
BDS ISO 3130:2010 sizes from 125 mm down to 4 mm,in accordance with
Wood- Determination of moisture content for ISO 565.
physical and mechanical tests. 08 Page Gr-XA CE
This International Standard specifies a method for BDS ISO 3310-3:2008
determining the moisture content of wood for physical Test sieves - Technical requirements and testing- Part
and mechanical tests. 3: Test sieves of electroformed sheets
02 Page Gr-XA CE This part of ISO 3310 specifies the technical
requirements and corresponding test methods for test
BDS ISO 3213:2008 sieves in which the sieving medium is a metal sheet with
Polypropylene (PP) pipes- Effect of time and electrochemically formed apertures.
temperature on the expected strength. lt applies to test sieves having round (circular) or Square
This International Standard lays down the minimum apertures ranging in size from 500 Fm to 5 Pm, in
values for expected strength as a function of time and accordance with ISO 565.
temperature in the form of reference lines, for use in 06 Page Gr-XA CE
calculations on pipes made of BDS ISO 3419:2008
- polypropylene homopolymer (PP-H); Non-alloy and alloy steel butt-welding fittings
- polypropylene block copolymerl) (PP-B); This International Standard specifies the dimensions,
- polypropylene random copolymer (PP-R). tolerances and generally used grades of non-alloy, low-
10 Page Gr-XA CE alloy and alloy steels for butt-welding bends (type 2D
(90” and 180°) and 30 (45O, 90’ and 1800), concentric
BDS ISO 3213:2009 and eccentric reducers, tees, caps and stub ends with
Polypropylene (PP) pipes- Effect of time and quality requirements as used for piping work.
temperature on the expected strength. 17 Page Gr-XB CE
This International Standard lays down the minimum
BDS ISO 3458:2010
values for expected strength as a function of time and
Assembled joints between fittings and polyethylene
temperature in the form of reference lines, for use in
(PE) pressure pipes -Test of leakproofness under
calculations on pipes made of
internal pressure
- polypropylene homopolymer (PP-H);
This International Standard specifies the requirement
- polypropylene block copolymerl) (PP-B);
and method of test for checking the leakproofness of
- polypropylene random copolymer (PP-R).
assembled joints (excluding fusion-welded joints)
10 Page Gr-XA CE
between mechanical fittings and polyethylene (PE) pipes
when the internal pressure is greater than that for which
BDS ISO 3219:2009
the pipe is rated.
Non-alloy and alloy steel butt-welding fittings.
02 Page Gr-XA CE
This International Standard specifies the dimensions,
tolerances and generally used grades of non-alloy, low- BDS ISO 3459:2010
alloy and alloy steels for butt-welding bends (type 2D Polyethylene (PE) pressure pipes- Joints assembled
(90” and 180°) and 30 (45O, 90’ and 1800), concentric with mechanical fittings- lnternal under-pressure test
and eccentric reducers, tees, caps and stub ends with method and requirement
quality requirements as used for piping work. This International Standard specifies the requirement
17 Page Gr-XB CE and method of test for checking the leakproofness of
assembled joints (excluding fusion-welded joints)
BDS ISO 3310-1:2008 between mechanical fittings and polyethylene (PE)
Test sieves- Technical requirements and testing- Part pressure pipes when the external pressure is greater than
1:Test sieves of metal wire cloth the pressure within the Pipe.
This part of ISO 3310 specifies the technical 02 Page Gr-XA CE
requirements and corresponding test methods for test
sieves of metal wire cloth. BDS ISO 3474:2008
It applies to test sieves having aperture sizes from 125 Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (WC) pipes-
mm down to 20 m, in accordance with ISO 565. Specification and measurement of Opacity
14 Page Gr-XB CE This International Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the Opacity of unplasticized polyvinyl
BDS ISO 3310-2:2008 chloride (PVC) pipes, and lays down the acceptable limit
Test sieves — Technical requirements and testing- of light which may pass through the wall sf the Pipe.
Part 2:Test sieves of perforated metal plate 02 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 3497:2011

Metallic coatings- Measurement of coating thickness- micrometer callipers for external measurement.
X-ray spectrometric methods Information concerning values for the error of
This Intrnational Standard specifiles methods for measurement at any Point in the measuring range and
measuring the thickness of metalic coatings by the use of recommendations for using the instruments and testing
X-ray spectrometric methods their accuracy are given in annexes.
18 Page Gr-XB ME 06 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 3501:2010 BDS ISO 3633:2008
Assembled joints between fittings and polyethylene Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge
(PE) pressure pipes - Test of resistance to pull out (low and high temperature) inside buildings-
This International Standard specifies a method for Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U)
checking the ability of assembled joints (excluding This International Standard specifies the requirements
fusion-welded joints) between f ittings and polyethylene for unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) pipes
(PE) pressure pipes to withstand Iongitudinal tensile and fittings for soil and waste discharge (low and high
Stresses. temperature) inside buildings, as well as the system
04 Page Gr-XA CE itself. It does not include buried pipework.
BDS ISO 3503:2010 30 Page Gr-XC CE
Assembled joints between fittings and polyethylene
(PE) pressure pipes- Test of leakproofness under
BDS ISO 3750:2013
internal pressure when subjected to bending
Zinc alloys- Determinatin of magnesium content-
This International Standard specifies a method for
Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method.
checking the leakproofness under internal pressure of
This International Standard specifies a flame atomic
assembled Joints (excluding fusion-welded joints)
absorption spectrometric method for the determinatin of
between mechanical fittings and polyethylene (PE)
magnesium in zinc alloys . It is applicable to the
pressure pipes when subjected to bending. It defines the
products specified in ISO 301 and ISO 752.
calculation methods for the average bending radius and
08 Page Gr-XA ME
how to perform this bending.
02 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 3807-1:2008
Cylinders for acetylene- Basic
BDS ISO 3512 :2008
requirements- Part 1:Cylinders without fusible plugs
Heavy duty cranked link transmission chains
This part of ISO 3807 specifies the basic requirements
This International Standard specifies dimensions,
for acetylene cylinders without fusible plugs or other
tolerances, measuring loads and minimum breaking
safety devices with a maximum nominal water capacity
loads, together with the tooth gap forms and rim profiles
of 150 l. It includes the procedures for type testing,
of the associated chain wheels, for cranked link1) roller
production batch testing and the methods for
chains suitable for the mechanical transmission of power
determining the maximum permissible settled pressure
and allied applications under onerous conditions.
in acetylene cylinders and the porosity of the porous
07 Page Gr-XA ME
mass. It also contains requirements for filling conditions
of acetylene cylinders and bundles
BDS ISO 3545-3:2008
22 Page Gr-XC ME
Steel tubes and fittings - Symbols for use in
specifications -Part 3:Tubular fittings with circular
BDS ISO 3807-2:2008
Cylinders for acetylene- Basic requirements- Part
This part of ISO 3545 defines the most common
2:Cylinders with fusible plugs
Symbols with the aim of standardizing and facilitating
This part of ISO 3807 specifies the basic requirements
the use of terminology in Standards for tubular fittings
for acetylene cylinders with shells made from steel and
and associated products.
equipped with fusible plugs with a maximum nominal
04 Page Gr-XA CE
water capacity of 150 l. It includes the procedures for
BDS ISO 3599:2008 type testing, production batch testing and the methods
Vernier callipers reading to 0,l and 0,05 mm for determining the maximum permissible settled
This International Standard specifies the most important pressure in acetylene cylinders and the porosity of the
dimensional, functional and quality characteristics of porous mass.
vernier callipers reading to 0,l and 0,05 mm, with a 28 Page Gr-XC ME
aximum range of 1 000 mm. Methods for testing the
accuracy of the instruments are given in an annex, for BDS ISO 3815-1:2013
general information only Zinc and zinc alloys— Part 1: Analysis of soid
04 Page Gr-XA CE samples by optical emission spectrometry
This part of ISO 3815 specifies analytical methods for
BDS ISO 3611:2008 determining the chemical compositin of zinc and zinc
Micrometer callipers for external measurement alloys in accordance with ISO 301 and ISO 752 by
This International Standard specifies the most important optical emission spectrometry.
dimensional, functional and quality characteristics of 08 Page Gr-XA ME

Tyres, valves and tubes- List of equivalent terms-
BDS ISO 3815-2:2013 Part 2: Tyres.
Zinc and zinc alloys- Part 2: Analysis by This part of ISO 3877 presents a list of equivalent tyre
This part of ISO 3815 specifies analytical methods for terms commonly used in the tyre industry.
determining the chemical compositin of zinc and zinc The terms are arranged in three columns. The first
alloys in accordance with ISO 301 and ISO 752 by column gives the English terms in alphabetical order.
inductively coupled plasma optical emission The second column gives the equivlent Franch terms.
spectrometry. 14 Page Gr-XA ME
This part of ISO 3815 includes recommendations for BDS ISO 3877-3:2012
preparation of test solutions and calibration solutions for Tyres, valves and tubes- List of equivalent terms-
zinc and zinc alloys. Part 3: Tubes
03 Page Gr-XA ME This International Standard gives a list of equivalent
terms relating to tubes, in English, French and Russian,
as used in the tyre industry.
Terms relating to tyres and to tyre valves are given in
BDS ISO 3822-1:2009 ISO 3877/1 and ISO 3877/ll respectively.
Acoustics- Laboratory tests on noise emission from 14 Page Gr-XB ME
appliances and equipment used in water supply BDS ISO 3877-4:2012
installations- Part 1: Method of measurement Tyres, valves and tubes- List of equivalent terms-
Specifies a method of measurement, in the laboratory, of Part 4: Solid tyres
the noise emission resulting from the flow of water This part of ISO 3877 gives a list of equivalent terms in
through appliances and equipment used in water supply English, French and Russian, relating to solid tyres as
installations. used in the tyre industry. Terms relating to tyres, tyre
18 Page Gr-XB CE valves, and tubes are given in parts 1,2 and 3
BDS ISO 3822-2:2009 14 Page Gr-XB ME
Acoustics- Laboratory tests on noise emission from
appliances and equipment used in water supply BDS ISO 3893:2009
installations- Part 2: Mounting and operating Concrete-Classification by compressive strength
conditions for draw-off taps and mixing valves This International Standard establishes a System of
Specifies the mounting and operating conditions to be classification for concrete according to its characteristic
used for draw-off taps and mixing valves when compressive strength at 28 days..
measuring noise emission resulting from water flow. 02 Page Gr-XA CE
02 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 3911:2012
BDS ISO 3822-4:2009 Wheels and rims for pneumatic tyres- Vocabulary,
Acoustics- Laboratory tests on noise emission from designation and marking
appliances and equipment used in water supply This International Standard presents a vocabulary of
installations- Part 4: Mounting and operating terms related to, and systems for the designation and
conditions for special appliances marking of, wheels and rims intended for use with
Specifies the mounting and operating conditions to be pneumatic tyres. The intention is to define fundamental
used for a number of appliances which cannot be wheel and rim terms rather than provide a
regarded as draw-off or in-line valves, when measuring comprehensive tabulation of all wheel design features.
the noise emission resulting from water flow. Also specified are the content, location and minimum
24 Page Gr-XC CE size of the wheel and rim marking, with the purpose of
establishing, on a worldwide basis, a uniform
BDS ISO 3877-1:2012 identification system for wheels and rims.
Tyres, valves and tubes- List of equivalent term- Part 30 Page Gr-XC ME
1: Tyres
This part of ISO 3877 presents a list of equivalent tyre BDS ISO 3941 :2009
terms commonly used in the tyre industry. Classification of fires
The terms are arranged in three columns. The first This International Standard classifies, into five
column gives the English terms in alphabetical order. categories, the different kinds of fires defined in terms of
The second column gives the English terms used in the the nature of the fuel. Such a classification is particularly
USA and it should be noted that such terms are not useful in the context of fire-fighting by means of an
necessarily in alphabetical order. An alphabetical index extinguisher.
of the English (USA) terms is located at the end of this 04 Page Gr-XA CE
part of ISO 3877. The third column gives the equivalent
French terms. BDS ISO 3951-1:2016
18 Page Gr-XB ME Sampling procedures for inspection by variables-
Part1: Specification for single sampling plans
BDS ISO 3877-2:2012

indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by- This part of ISO 4000 specifies the designation, contour
lot inspection for a single quality characteristic and a and dimensions of 5° tapered (drop-centre) rims
single AQL primarily intended for passenger cars.
This part of ISO 3951 is primarily designed for use 09 Page Gr-XA ME
under the following conditions.
92 Page Gr-XE CE BDS ISO 4012:2008
Concrete-Determination of compressive strength of
BDS ISO 3951-2:2016 test specimens
Sampling procedures for inspection by variables- This International Standard specifies a method for the
Part 2: General specification for single sampling determination of the compressive strength of test
plans indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for specimens of hardened concrete.
lot-by-lot inspection of independent quality 04 Page Gr-XA CE
This part of ISO 3951 is primarily designed for use.
BDS ISO 4013:2008
86 Page Gr-XE CE
Conbrete- Determination of flexural strength of test
This International Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the flexural strength of test specimens
BDS ISO 3951-3:2016 of hardened concrete by means of a constant moment in
Sampling procedures for inspection by variables- the centre zone (two-Point loading).
Part 3: Double sampling schemes indexed by 04 Page Gr-XA CE
acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot
inspection BDS ISO 4065:2008
This part of ISO 3951 specifies an acceptance sampling Thermoplastics pipes - Universal wall thickness table
system of double sampling schemes for inspection by This International Standard specifies the relationship
variables for percent nonconforming between the nominal wall thickness en and the nominal
113 Page Gr-XE CE outside diameter d, of thermoplastics pipes.
It is applicable to smooth thermoplastics pipes of
BDS ISO 3951-4:2016 constant circular cross-section along the whole length of
Sampling procedures for inspection by variables- the pipe, whatever their method of manufacture, their
Part 4: Procedures for assessment of declared quality composition or their intended application.
levels 08 Page Gr-XA CE
This part of ISO 3951 establishes sampling plans and
procedures by variables that can be used to assess BDS ISO 4103:2008
whether the quality level of an entity (lot, process, etc.) Concrete - Classification of consistency
conforms to a declared value. This International Standard establ ishes a classif ication
25 Page Gr-XC CE of fresh concrete according to its consistency.
02 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 3951-5:2016
Sampling procedures for inspection by variables- BDS ISO 4132:2008
Part 5: Sequential sampling plans indexed by Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and metal
acceptance quality limit (AQL) for inspection by adaptor fittings for pipes under pressure- Laying
variables (known standard deviation) lengths and size of threads - Metric series
This International Standard specifies the series of
This part of ISO 3951 specifies a system of sequential
diameters to be used and the dimensions which are
sampling plans (schemes) for lot-by-lot inspection by
common to all types of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride
variables. The schemes are indexed in terms of a
(PVC) and metal adaptor fittings for pipes under
preferred series of acceptance quality limit (AQL)
pressure, to achieve the connection to existing metal
values, ranging from 0,01 to 10, which are defined in
pipes, fittings, valves and/or apparatus with pipe threads.
terms of percent nonconforming items.
05 Page Gr-XA CE
36 Page Gr-XD CE
BDS ISO 4144:2008
BDS ISO 4000-1:2012 Pipework- Stainless steel fittings threaded in
Passenger car tyres and rims- Part 1:Tyres accordance with ISO 7-1
(metric series) This International Standard specifies the types, pressure-
This part of ISO 4000 specifies the designation, temperature ratings, minimum dimensions and materials
dimensions and load ratings of metric-series tyres of stainless steel fittings for threaded connections in
primarily intended for passenger cars. accordance with ISO 7-1, used for ordinary piping for
50 Page Gr-XE ME steam, air, gas, water, oil, etc.
19 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 4000-2:2012
Passenger car tyres and rims- Part 2: Rims BDS ISO 4145:2008

Non-alloy steel fittings threaded to IS0 7/1 properties of the pipes and fittings, covered by this
This International Standard specifies requirements for Technical Report, are given in DIS 4422,
nonalloy steel fittings for threaded connections in 20 Page Gr-XB CE
accordance with IS0 711. used mainly for industrial
purposes. BDS ISO 4200:2006
12 Page Gr-XB CE Plain end steel tubes,welded and seamless - General
tables of dimensions and masses per unit length.
ISO 4179:2008 This International Standard given tables of dimensions in
Ductile iron pipes for pressure and non-pressure millimeters and masses per unit length,in kilograms per
pipelines- Centrifugal cement mortar lining- General metre of plain end steel tubes.
requirements 07 Page Gr-XA CE
This International Standard specifies the nature, the
method of application, the surface condition and the BDS ISO 4209-1:2012
minimum thickness of internal linings of centrifuged Truck and bus tyres and rims (metric series)- Part
cement mortar for ductile iron pipes for pressure and 1:Tyres
non-pressure pipelines as defined in ISO 2531 and ISO This part of ISO 4209 specifies the designation,
7186. dimensions and load ratings of the metric series of tyres
04 Page Gr-XA CE primarily intended for trucks and buses.
19 Page Gr-XB ME
BDS ISO 4183:2008
Belt drives - Classical and narrow V-belts- Grooved
pulleys (System based on datum width)
This International Standard specifies the principal BDS ISO 4209-2:2012
dimensions of grooved pulleys for classical V-belts Truck and bus tyres and rims (metric series)- Part 2:
(sections Y, Z, A, B, C, D and E) and narrow V-belts Rims
(sections SPZ, SPA, SPB and SPC) specified in the This part of ISO 4209 specifies the designations,
terminology System based on datum width. contours and dimensions of drop-centre (one-piece) rims
lt is important that narrow belts are not used with for use on trucks and buses. The rim dimensions are
pulleys uniquely designed for classical belts, and, on the those rim contour dimensions necessary for mounting
other hand, that multiple belt drives are not used with and fitment of the tyre to the rim.
joined V-belts. 18 Page Gr-XB ME
06 Page Gr-XA ME
BDS ISO 4184:2008 BDS ISO 4210:2003
Belt drives - Classical and narrow V-belts - Lengths Cycles–Safety requirements of bicycle
in datum System This International Standard specifies safety and
This International Standard specifies, for classical and performance requirements for the design, assembly and
narrow V-belts of sections Y(for groove Profile with testing of bicycles and su-assemblies and lays down
datum width53 m-n), Z(for groove Profile with datum guidelines for instruction on the use and care of bicycle.
width 83 mm), 32 Page Gr-XD ME
A(for groove Profile with datum width 11 mm),
B(for groove Profile with datum width 14 mm), BDS ISO 4223-1:2012
C(for groove Profile with datum width 19 mm), Definitions of some terms used in the tyre
D(for groove Profile with datum width 27 mm), industry- Part 1: Pneumatic tyres
E(for groove Profile with datum width 32 mm), This part of ISO 4223 defines a number of significant
SPZfor groove Profile with datum width 83 rm), terms related to pneumatic tyres used in the tyre
SPA(for groove Profile with datum width 11 mm), industry, together with corresponding codes, symbols
SPB(for groove Profile with datum width 14 mm), and values.
SPC(for groove Profile with datum width 19 mm):- the 12 Page Gr-XB ME
recommended datum lengths; BDS ISO 4223-2:2012
- the tolerantes for datum lengths; Definitions of some terms used in the tyre
- the centre distance variations; industry- Part 2: Solid tyres
- the conditions for measuring the datum length andthe This part of ISO 4223 defines a number of significant
centre distance Variation. terms relating to solid tyres as used in the tyre industry,.
05 Page Gr-XA ME 02 Page Gr-XA ME
BDS ISO TR 4191:2008 BDS ISO 4249-1:2012
Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pipes for Motorcycle tyres and rims (Code-designated series)-
water supply - Recommended practice for laying Part 1: Tyre
This Technical Report gives instructions for the correct This part of ISO 4249 sets out the designation in use and
use and installation of unplasticized PVC pipes for water the dimensions for an inch code-designated series of
supply. The geometrical, mechanical and physical tyres for motorcycles.

03 Page Gr-XA ME Pipes and fittings made of unplasticized poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-U) for water SUPPlY - pecifications -
BDS ISO 4249-2:2012 Part 3: Fittings and joints
Motorcycle tyres and rims (Code-designated series) - (Cancels and replaces by BDS 1878:2014)
Part 2: Tyre load ratings CE
This part of ISO 4249 specifies the load ratings for an BDS ISO 4422-4:2008
inch code-designated series of tyres for motorcycles. Pipes and fittings made of unplasticized poly(vinyl
03 Page Gr-XA ME chloride) (PVC-U) for water supply — pecifications
—Part 4:Valves and ancillary equipment
BDS ISO 4249-3:2012 (Cancels and replaces by BDS 1878:2015)
Motorcycle tyres and rims (code-designated series)—
Part 3: Rims CE
This part of ISO 4249 specifies the rim dimensions for a BDS ISO 4422-5:2008
selection of rims for motorcycle tyres. It stipulates only Pipes and fittings made of unplasticized poly(vinyl
those rim contour dimensions necessary for tyre unting, chloride) (PVC-U) for water supply — Specifications
and for fitting the tyre to the rim. —Part 5: Fitness for purpose of the system
10 Page Gr-XA ME
This part of ISO 4422 specifies the requirements for the
determination of the fitness for purpose of a piping
system composed of pipes, joints, fittings and auxiliaries
made of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), to
be used for buried water mains and services and for
water supplies above ground, both inside and outside
08 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 4287:2008 BDS ISO 4427-1:2010
Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Surface Plastics piping systems- Polyethylene (PE) pipes and
texture: Profile method-Terms, definitions and fittings for water supply- Part 1: General Technical
surface texture parameters Corrigendum 1:2010
This International Standard specifies terms, definitions This part of ISO 4427 specifies the general aspects of
and parameters for the determination of surface texture polyethylene (PE) piping systems (mains and service
(roughness, waviness and primary profile) by profiling pipes) intended for the conveyance of water for human
methods. consumption, including raw water prior to treatment and
18 Page Gr-XA CE water for general purposes
10 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 4287 Cor 1:2008
Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS)- Surface BDS ISO 4427-2:2010
texture: Profile method- Terms, definitions and Plastics piping systems- Polyethylene (PE) pipes and
surface texture parameters (Technical Corrigendum 1) fittings for water supply- Part 2: Pipes
02 Page Gr-XA CE This part of ISO 4427 specifies the pipes made from
BDS ISO 4287 Cor 2:2008 polyethylene (PE) intended for the conveyance of water
Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) — Surface for human consumption, including raw water prior to
texture: Profile method — Terms, definitions and treatment and water for general purposes.
surface texture parameters (Technical Corrigendum 2) 16 Page Gr-XB CE
02 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 4427-3:2010
BDS ISO 4422-1:2008 Plastics piping systems- Polyethylene (PE) pipes and
Pipes and fittings made of unplasticized poly (vinyl fittings for water supply- Part 3: Fittings
chloride) (PVC-U) for water supply- Specifications- This part of ISO 4427 specifies the general aspects of
Part 1:General fittings made from polyethylene (PE) for piping systems
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1878:2014) intended for the conveyance of water for human
CE consumption, including raw water prior to treatment and
BDS ISO 4422-2:2008 water for general purposes.
Pipes and fittings made of unplasticized 10 Page Gr-XA CE
poly(vinyl for water SUPPlY -Part 2:
Pipes (wit1 chloride) (PVC-U) Specifications -1 or BDS ISO 4427-5:2010
without integra I sockets) Plastics piping systems- Polyethylene (PE) pipes and
(Cancels and replaces by BDS 1878:2014) fittings for water supply- Part 5: Fitness for purpose
CE of the system
BDS ISO 4422-3:2008 This part of ISO 4427 specifies the characteristics of the
fitness for purpose of assembled piping systems made
from polyethylene (PE) intended for the conveyance of

water for human consumption, including raw water prior Standard specifies the metric series of diameters to be
to treatment and water for general purposes. used and the dimensions which are common to all types
06 Page Gr-XA CE of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) adaptor
fittings 1 ) for pipes under pressure, to secure the
BDS ISO 4433-1:2008 connection to existing metal pipes and/or fittings with
Thermoplastics pipes— Resistance to liquid pipe threads.
chemicals— Classification—Part 1: Immersion test 03 Page Gr-XA CE
This part of ISO 4433 specifies a method for carrying BDS ISO 4435:2008
out a preliminary evaluation of the behaviour of Plastics piping systems for non-pressure nderground
thermoplastics pipes in relation to the liquid chemicals drainage and sewerage- Unplasticized poly(vinyl
transported. chloride) (PVC-U)
12 Page Gr-XB CE Specifies the requirements for unplasticized poly(vinyl
chloride) (PVC-U) pipes, fittings and piping systems
BDS ISO 4433-2:2008 intended for use for non-pressure underground drainage
Thermoplastics pipes- Resistance to liquid chemicals- and sewerage for the conveyance of soil and waste
Classification- Part 2:Polyolefin pipes discharge of domestic and industrial origin, as well as
The method of classification given in this part of ISO surface water.
4433 serves to determine the chemical resistance of 22 Page Gr-XC CE
polyolefin pipes designed for the conveyance of liquids
in the absence of pressure and stress (e.g. due to earth BDS ISO 4439:2008
loads or traffic loads, dynamic or internal stresses). Unplasticized polyviny chloride (PVC) pipes and
12 Page Gr-XB CE fittings- Determination and specificaiton of density
Specifies a method for the determination of density of
pipes and fittings of unplasticized polyviny chloride
(PVC) and lays down the permissible limits for this
02 Page Gr-XA CE

BDS ISO 4433-3:2008

Thermoplastics pipes- Resistance to liquid chemicals- BDS ISO 4548-1:2016
Classification- Part 3: Unplasticized poly (vinyl Methods of test for full-flow lubricating oil filters for
chloride) (PVC-U), high-impact poly (vinyl chloride) internal combustion engines- Part 1: Differential
(PVC-HI) and chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC- pressure/flow characteristics
C) pipes This part of IS0 4548 specifies tests for determining the
The method of classification given in this part of ISO differential pressure/flow characteristics of full-flow
4433 serves to determine the chemical resistance of lubricating oil filters for internal combustion engines.
unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), high-impact Tests are specified with oils at two viscosities, one to
poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-HI) and chlorinated assess the performance of a filter with a cold oil and the
poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-C) pipes designed for the other to assess its performance with an oil at a typical
conveyance of liquids in the absence of pressure and operating temperature.
stress (e.g. due to earth loads or traffic loads, dynamic or 05 page Gr-XA ME
internal stresses).
08 Page Gr-XA CE BDS ISO 4548-2:2016
Methods of test for full-flow lubricating oil filters for
BDS ISO 4433-4:2008 internal combustion engines- Part 2: Element by-pass
Thermoplastics pipes- Resistance to liquid chemicals- valve characteristics
Classification- Part 4: Poly (vinylidene fluoride) This part of IS0 4548 specifies tests for determining the
(PVDF) pipes element by-pass valve characteristics of full-flow
The method of classification given in this part of ISO lubricating oil filters for internal combustion engines.
4433 serves to determine the chemical resistance of poly 10 page. Gr-XA ME
(vinylidene fluoride) PVDF pipes designed for the
BDS ISO 4548-3:2016
conveyance of liquids in the absence of pressure and
Methods of test for full-flow lubricating oil filters for
stress (e.g. due to earth loads or traffic loads, dynamic or internal combustion engines- Part 3: Resistance to
internal stresses). high pressure and to elevated temperature
08 Page Gr-XA CE
This part of IS0 4548 specifies tests for measuring the
BDS ISO 4434:2008 resistance to high differential pressure and the resistance
Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) adaptor to elevated temperatures of filter elements of full-flow
fittings for pipes under pressure - Laying length and lubricating oil filters for internal combustion engines.
size of threads - Metric series 10 page Gr-XA ME

BDS ISO 4548-4:2016 This part of ISO 4548 specifies a multi-pass filtration
Methods of test for full-flow lubricating oil filters for test with continuous contaminant injection and using the
internal combustion engines — Part 4: Initial particle online particle counting method for evaluating the
retention efficiency,life and cumulative efficiency performance of full-flow lubricating oil filters for
(gravimetric method) internal combustion engines.
This part of ISO 4548 specifies tests for determining the 26 page Gr-XB ME
performance of full-flow lubricating oil filters for
internal combustion. BDS ISO 4548-13:2016
30 page Gr-XC ME Methods of test for full-flow lubricating oil filters for
internal combustion engines — Part 13: Static burst
BDS ISO 4548-5:2016 pressure test for composite filter housings
Methods of test for full-flow lubricating oil filters for This part of ISO 4548 specifies a method of testing full-
internal combustion engines- Part 5: Cold start flow lubricating oil filters for internal combustion
simulation and hydraulic pulse durability test engines to determine their ability to withstand a static
This part of ISO 4548 specifies a method of testing the pressure objective at high and cold temperatures and to
ability of full-flow lubricating oil filters for internal determine their burst pressure and the failure mode.
combustion engines to withstand an internal pressure 03 page Gr-XA ME
surge such as occurs when an engine is started from
cold, and cyclic internal pressure variations experienced BDS ISO 4548-14:2016
during operation. Methods of test for full-flow lubricating oil filters for
08 page Gr-XA ME internal combustion engines- Part 14: Cold start
simulation and hydraulic pulse durability for
BDS ISO 4548-6:2016 composite filter housings
Methods of test for full-flow lubricating oil filters for This part of ISO 4548 specifies a method of testing the
internal combustion engines- Part 6: Static burst ability of full-flow lubricating oil filters manufactured
pressure test with composite pressure vessel materials for internal
This part of ISO 4548 specifies a method of testing full- combustion engines to withstand an internal pressure
flow lubricating oil filters for internal combustion surge and cyclic internal pressure variations experienced
engines to determine their ability to withstand a static in the application at specified operating temperatures.
pressure objective and to determine their burst pressure 06 page Gr-XA ME
and the failure mode concerned.
03 page Gr-XA ME

BDS ISO 4548-7:2016 BDS ISO 4548-15:2016

Methods of test for full-flow lubricating oil filters for Methods of test for full-flow lubricating oil filters for
internal combustion engines- Part 7:Vibration fatigue internal combustion engines — Part 15: Vibration
test fatigue test for composite filter housings
This part of ISO 4548 specifies a method of testing the This part of ISO 4548 specifies a method of testing the
constructional integrity of full-flow lubricating oil filters structural integrity of full-flow lubricating oil filters to
to withstand engine vibrations. This test is intended for withstand engine vibrations. This test is intended for
pplication to spin-on type filters and detachable filters application to spin-on type filters and detachable filters
with disposable elements with a maximum flow rate of with disposable elements with a maximum flow rate of
100 l/min. 100 L/min. Upon agreement between manufacturer and
06 page Gr-XA ME purchaser, this test method can be applied to filters with
higher flow rates.
BDS ISO 4548-9:2016 07 page Gr-XA ME
Methods of test for full-flow lubricating oil filters for
internal combustion engines- Part 9: Inlet and outlet BDS ISO 4633:2008
anti-drain valve test Rubber seals- Joint rings for water supply, drainage
This part of ISO 4548 specifies methods of measuring and sewerage pipelines- Specification for materials
the effectiveness of either inlet or outlet anti-drain valves Standard specifies requirements for materials used in
if fitted to a full-flow lubricating oil filter of the “spin- vulcanized rubber seals for
on” or “easy change” type, for internal combustion a) cold drinking-water supplies (up to 50 °C);
engines. b) drainage, sewerage and rainwater systems (continuous
06 page Gr-XA ME flow up to 45 °C and intermittent flow up to 95 °C).
12 Page Gr-XB CE
BDS ISO 4548-12:2016
Methods of test for full-flow lubricating oil filters for BDS ISO 4662:2008
internal combustion engines — Part 12: Filtration Rubber- Determination of rebound resilience of
efficiency using particle counting and contaminant vulcanizates
retention capacity

Specifies a method of determining the rebound resilience High yield strength steel bars and sections- Part
of rubber in one narrow range of impact strain and strain 1:General delivery requirements
rate, by means of any form of impacting and measuring This part of ISO 4951 specifies the requirements for the
apparatus conforming to the requirements described. general delivery conditions of hot-rolled bars and
05 Page Gr-XA CE sections, in high yield strength steels for use in bolted,
riveted or welded structures1.
BDS ISO 4671:2008
12 Page Gr-XB CE
Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies —
Methods of measurement of dimensions
BDS ISO 4951-2:2008
This International Standard specifies methods of
High yield strength steel bars and sections- Part 2:
measuring the inside diameter, outside diameter
Delivery conditions for normalized, normalized
(including diameter over reinforcement of hydraulic
rolled and as-rolled steels.
hoses), wall thickness, concentricity,and lining and cover
This part of ISO 4951 specifies the requirements for hot-
thickness of hoses, methods of measurement and
rolled bars and sections of diameter or thicknessu 150
identification of the length of hoses and hose assemblies,
mm in high yield strength steels in the normalized,
and a method of verifying the through-bore of hydraulic
normalized rolled or as-rolled delivery conditions in the
hose assemblies.
grades and qualities given in Table 1 and Table 2 for use
10 Page Gr-XA CE
in bolted, riveted or welded structures1).
05 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 4672:2010
Rubber and plastic hoses-Sub-ambient temperature
flexibility tests BDS ISO 4951- 3:2008
This International Standard Specifies two methods for High yield strength steel bars and sections —Part 3:
assessing whether a rubber or plastics hose retains Delivery conditions for thermomechanically-rolled
adequate flexibility at sub- ambient temperatures. steels
08 Page Gr-XA CE This part of ISO 4951 specifies the requirements for hot-
rolled bars and sections of diameter or thicknessu 150
BDS ISO 4675:2016 mm in high yield strength steels in the
Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics- Low- temperature thermomechanically-rolled condition in the grades and
bend test qualities given in Table 1 and Table 2 for use in bolted,
This international Standard specifies a method for riveted or welded structures1).
determining the ability of fabrics coated with rubber or 04 Page Gr-XA CE
plastics to resist the effect of low temperature when
subjected to bending at specified temperatures after
definite periods of exposure. BDS ISO 4965:2008
Axial load fatigue testing machines- Dynamic forte
05 Page Gr-XA ME
calibration - Strain gauge technique
This International Standard lays down guidelines for
dynamic forte calibration of fatigue testing machines
including special attachments, for example grips, which
may affect the calibration of the machine.
BDS ISO 4706:2008
07 Page Gr-XA CE
Refillable welded steel gas cylinders
This International Standard gives minimum requirements
BDS ISO 4995:2006
for certain aspects concerning material, design
Hot- rolled steel sheet of structural quality
construction and workmanship, procedure and test at
This standard applies to hot rolled steel sheet of
manufacture of refillable welded steel gas cylinders of a
structural quality usually without the use of micro
test pressure not greater than 75 bar" and of water
alloying elements. The product is intended for structural
capacities from 1 L up to and including 150 L for
purposes where particular mechanical properties are
compressed, liquefied or dissolved gases, exposed to
ambient temperatures.
12 Page Gr-XB CE
17 Page Gr-XB ME

BDS ISO 4892-2:2010 BDS ISO 5145:2008

Plastics- Methods of exposure to Cylinder valve outlets for gases and gas mixtures -
laboratory light sources- Part 2:Xenon-arc lamps Selection and dimensioning
This part of ISO 4892 specifies methods for exposing This International Standard establishes practical criteria
specimens to xenon-arc light in the presence of moisture for determining valve outlet connections for gas
to reproduce the weathering effects that occur when cylinders of a capacity not greater than 150 L.
materials are exposed in actual end-use environments to 24 Page Gr-XC ME
daylight or to daylight filtered through window glass.
08 Page Gr-XA CE BDS ISO 5149:2004
Mechanical refrigerating systems used for cooling
BDS ISO 4951-1:2008 and heatinng- Safety- Safety requirements

Standard specifies the requirements relating to the safety conditions for the application of such protective
of persons and propertyfor the design, construction, coatings.
installation and operation of refrigerating systems. 54 Page Gr-XE CE
41 Page Gr-XE ME
BDS ISO 5288:2008
BDS ISO 5151:2011 Synchronous belt drives- Vocabulary
Non-ducted air conditioners and heat pumps- Testing This International Standard specifies the terms and
and rating for performance definitions related to the use of endless synchronous belt
This International Standard specifies the standard drives for mechanical power transmission and where
conditions for capacity and efficiency ratings of non- positive indexing or synchronization is required.
ducted air-cooled air conditioners and non-ducted air to 14 Page Gr-XB ME
air heat pumps. This International Standard is applicable BDS ISO 5290:2008
to ducted units rated at less than 8 kW and intended to Belt drives- Grooved pulleys for narrow V- belts-
operate at an external static pressure of less than 25 Pa. roove sections 9N/J, 15N/J and 25N/J (effective
72 Page Gr-XA ME system)
Specifies the principal characteristics of grooved pulleys
BDS ISO 5167-1:2015 (for groove sections 9N/J, 15N/J and 25N/J) intended to
Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure take both single and joined narrow V-belts for industrial
differential devices inserted in circular cross-section power transmission drives.
conduits running full- Part 1: General principles and 10 Page Gr-XA ME
This part of ISO 5167 defines terms and symbols and BDS ISO 5291:2008
establishes the general principles for methods of Belt drives- Grooved pulleys for joined classical V-
measurement and computation of the flowrate of fluid belts- Groove sections AJ, BJ, CJ and DJ (effective
flowing in a conduit by means of pressure differential System)
devices (orifice plates, nozzles and Venturi tubes) when Specifies the principal characteristics of grooved pulleys
they are inserted into a circular cross-section conduit (for groove sections AJ, BJ, CJ and DJ), intended to take
running full. joined classical V-belts for industrial power transmission
33 Page Gr-XD CE drives.
05 Page Gr-XA ME
BDS ISO 5221:2015
Air distribution and air diffusion- Rules to methods BDS ISO 5292:2008
of measuring airflow rate in an air handling duct Belt drives -V-belts and V-ribbed belts - Calculation
This International Standard gives different methods of of power ratings
measuring air flow rate in an air handling duct which, This International Standard specifies generally
without the need of calibration, meet various specific acceptable formulae for power ratings, together
requirements in the field of air distribution and air withappropriate correction terms and factors used in the
diffusion. design of industrial V-belt and V-ribbed belt drives with
33 Page Gr-XD CE two pulleys.
02 Page Gr-XA ME

BDS ISO 5294:2008

Synchronous belt drives- Pulleys
BDS ISO 5251:2009 Specifies the principal characteristics of synchronous
Stainless steel butt-welding fittings. pulleys for use in synchronous endless belt drives for
Specifies the dimensions, tolerances and generally used mechanical power transmission and where positive
grades of stainless steel for butt welding bends [type 3D indexing or synchronization may be required.
(90o and 180o) with and without straight ends and type The principal characteristics include
5D 180o)], concentric and eccentric reducers, tees, taps a) tooth dimensions and tolerantes;
and stub ends with quality requirements as used for b) pulley dimensions and tolerantes;
piping work.. c) quality specification.
07Page Tk.150 .00 CE 10 Page Gr-XA ME

BDS ISO 5256:2008 BDS ISO 5295:2008

Steel pipes and fittings for buried or submerged Synchronous belts- Calculation of power rating and
pipelines -Extemal and internal coating by bitumen drive centre distance Synchronous belts- Calculation
or coal tar derived materials of power rating and drive centre distance
Specifies the bitumen and coal tar derived coatings This International Standard establishes formulae for the
suitable for protecting the external and internal surfaces calculation of power rating and centre distance of
of steel pipes and fittings, either individually or after Standard synchronous belts on two pulley drives.
assembly, and used in buried pipelines or conduits, The numerical values of certain Parameters used in the
orunderground galleries, or submerged, and also the calculations depend upon the pitch and the construction

of the belt and shall be specified by the belt This part of ISO 5751 specifies the approved rim
manufacturer. contours for motorcycle rims on which metric series
03 Page Gr-XA ME motorcycle tyres are mounted.
05 Page Gr-XA ME
BDS ISO 5296-1:2008
Synchronous belt drives - Belts -Part 1:Pitch Codes BDS ISO 5752:2008
MXL, XL, L, H, XH and XXH - Metric and inch Metal valves for use in flanged pipe Systems- Face-to-
dimensions face and centre- to- face dimensions
Specifies the principai characteristics of synchronous Specifies the basic series of face-to-face or centre-to-
endiess beits for use in synchronous beit drivesl) for face dimensions for two-way metal valves used in
mechanicai power transmission and where positive flanged pipe Systems. Esch basic series of faceto- face
indexing or synchronization may be required. or centre-to-face dimensions may be used as required
The principai characteristics inciude with flanges
a) nominal tooth dimensions; 10 Page Gr-XA CE
b) iength and width dimensions;
c) toierances on these dimensions; BDS ISO 5893:2008
d) iength-measurement specifications. Rubber and plastics test equipment- Tensile, flexural
08 Page Gr-XA ME and compression types (constant rate of traverse)-
BDS ISO 5296-2:2008 Specifies requirements for tensile-testing systems
Synchronous belt drives- Belts- Part 2: Pitch Codes operating at constant rate of traverse and suitable for
MXL and XXL- Metric dimensions testing rubbers, plastics and adhesives, although any one
This part of ISO 5296 specifies the principal system may only be applicable to a narrower range of
characteristics of synchronous endless belts for use in materials. It also covers such systems when used for
synchronous belt drivesl) for mechanical power flexural, shear and compression tests.
transmission and where positive indexing or 06 Page Gr-XA CE
synchronization may be required.
04 Page Gr-XA ME BDS ISO 5912:2016
Camping tents
BDS ISO 5455:2006 This International Standard specifies requirements for
Technical drawings- Scales safety, performance and fitness for use of camping tents
This International Standard specifies recommended 23 Page Gr-XC ME
scales and their designation for use on all technical
drawings in any field of engineering. BDS ISO 5925-1:2015
02 Page Gr-XA CE Fire tests- Smoke-control door and shutter
assemblies- Part 1: Ambient- and medium-
BDS ISO 5751-1:2012 temperature leakage tests
Motorcycle tyres and rims (metric series)- Part 1: The test described in this part of ISO 5925 determines
Design guides
the rate of leakage of ambient (cold) and medium
This part of ISO 5751 gives guidelines for the design of,
(warm) temperature smoke from one side of door and
and specifies the designation and calculation of the
shutter assemblies to the other under the specified test
dimensions for metric series motorcycle tyres. It is conditions. The test is applicable to door and shutter
applicable to motorcycle tyres with a reduced assemblies of different configurations intended for
height/width ratio (100 and lower) that can be fitted on purposes of controlling the passage of smoke in case of
cylindrical bead-seat or 5° tapered bead-seat rims. It is fire.
also applicable to other concepts of tyre and rim,
11 Page Gr-XB CE
provided the appropriate rim/section ratios and
coefficients are established for them.
BDS ISO/TR 5925-2:2015
14 Page Gr-XB ME
Fire tests- Smoke-control door and shutter
BDS ISO 5751-2:2012
Motorcycle tyres and rims (metric series)- Part 2: assemblies- Part 2: Commentary on test method and
Tyre dimensions and load- carrying capacities the applicability of test conditions and the use of test
data in a smoke containment strategy
This part of ISO 5751 specifies the tyre size designation,
This Technical Report provides a commentary that
dimensions and load-carrying capacities of metric series
explains the general philosophy and factors on which the
motorcycle tyres. It is applicable to such tyres with a
test specified in Part 1 of ISO 5925 has been designed, to
height-to-width ratio of 100 % and below.
describe the limitations of its application and to provide
33 Page Gr-XD ME
some general guidance for those who use the result of
BDS ISO 5751-3:2012 the test. Smoke control-door and shutter assemblies can
Motorcycle tyres and rims (metric series)- Part 2: be used as part of a smoke containment strategy for the
Tyre dimensions and load-carrying capacities purposes of life safety or property protection.
12 Page Gr-XB CE

BDS ISO 6054-1:2012 BDS ISO 6455:2008
Motorcycle tyres and rims (code-designated series) – Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) fittings with
Diameter Codes 4 to 12 - Part 1: Tyres elastic sealing ring type joints for pipes under
This part of ISO 6054 lays down the designation, pressure- Dimensions of laying lengths- Metric series
dimensions, and load ratings for an inch-code-designated Specifies the series of diameters to be used and the
series of tyres for motorcycles, fitted on rims with a dimensions which are common to those types of fittings
nominal diameter corresponding to the Codes 4, 5, 6, 7, made of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) with
8, 9, 10 and 12. elastic sealing ring type joints for pipes under pressure,
ISO 6054-2 deals with the requirements for rims. regardless of their method of manufacture and
06 Page Gr-XA ME composition.
07 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 6054-2:2012
Motorcycle tyres and rims (Code-designated series) – BDS ISO 6506-1:2008
Diameter Codes 4 to 12 -Part 2: Rims Metallic materials- Brinell hardness test- Part 1: Test
This part of ISO 6054 lays down rim dimensions for an method
inch-code-designated series of motorcycle tyres for Specifies the method for the Brinell hardness test for
diameter Codes 4 to 12. lt sets only those rim contour metallic materials and is applicable up to the limit of 650
dimensions necessary for the mounting and fitment of HBW.
the tyre to the rim. 15 Page Gr-XB CE
06 Page Gr-XA ME BDS ISO 6506-2:2008
BDS ISO 6259-1:2008 Metallic materials- Brinell hardness test- Part 2:
Thermoplastics pipes- Determination of tensile Verification and calibration of testing machines
properties- Part 1:General test method Specifies a method of verification and calibration of
Specifies a method of determining the tensile properties testing machines used for determining Brinell hardness
of thermoplastics pipes, including in particular the in accordance with ISO 6506-1.
following properties: 06 Page Gr-XA CE
- stress at yield point; - elongation at break.
06 Page Gr-XA CE BDS ISO 6506-3:2008
Metallic materials- Brinell hardness test- Part 3:
BDS ISO 6259-2:2008 Calibration of reference blocks
Thermoplastics pipes- Determination of tensile Specifies a method for the calibration of reference
properties- Part 2:Pipes made of unplasticized poly blocks to be used in the indirect verification of Brinell
(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), chlorinated poly (vinyl hardness testing machines as described in ISO 6506-2.
chloride) (PVC-C) and high-impact poly (vinyl 04 Page Gr-XA CE
chloride) (PVC-HI)
Specifies a method of determining the tensile properties BDS ISO 6507-1:2008
of pipes made of poly(vinyl chloride)(PVC-U), Thermoplastics pipes and fittings- Vicat softening
chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-C) and high- temperature -Part 1: General test method
impact poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-HI), and in particular This part of ISO 2507 specifies a general method for
the following properties:— the stress at yield;— the determining the Vicat softening temperature of
elongation at break. thermoplastics pipes and fittings.
04 Page Gr-XA CE 07 Page Gr-XA CE

BDS ISO 6259-3:2008 BDS ISO 6507-1:2008

Thermoplastics pipes- Determination of tensile Metallic materials- Vickers hardness test- Part 1:
properties- Part 3: Polyolefin pipes Test method
Specifies a method of determining the tensile properties Specifies the Vickers hardness test method, for the three
of polyolefin (polyethylene, crosslinked polyethylene, different ranges of test force for metallic materials.
polypropylene and polybutene) pipes, and in particular 07 Page Gr-XA CE
the following properties: BDS ISO 6507-2:2008
— the stress at yield; Metallic materials- Vickers hardness test- Part
— the elongation at break 2:Verification and calibration of testing machines
05 Page Gr-XA CE Specifies a method of verification of testing machines
for determining Vickers hardness in accordance with
ISO 6507-1.
08 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 6274:2008
Concrete- Sieve analysis of aggregates
Specifies a method, using test sieves, for the BDS ISO 6507-2:2008
determination of the particle size distribution of normal Thermoplastics pipes and fittings- Vicat softening
weight aggregates for concrete. temperature- Part 2:Test conditions for unplasticized
04 Page Tk 100.00 CE poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) or chlorinated poly
(vinyl chloride) (PVC-C) pipes and fittings and for

high impact resistance poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-H hubs and multispeed gear hubs to ensure assembly and
1) pipes interchangeability.
Specifies the particular test conditions for determining 04 Page Gr-XA CE
the Vicat softening temperature(VST) of unplasticized
poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) or chlorinated poly(vinyl BDS ISO 6698:2006
chloride) (PVC-C) pipes and fittings and of high impact Cycles- Screw threads used to assemble freewheels on
resistance poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-H) pipes. bicycle hubs
02 Page Gr-XA CE This standard specifies the thread profile and limits and
tolerances for the screw threads used to assemble
BDS ISO 6508-1:2008 freewheels of bicycle hubs.
Metallic materials- Rockwell hardnesstest- Part 06 Page Gr-XA CE
1:Test method (scales A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, N,)
Specifies the method for Rockwell and Rockwell BDS ISO 6699:2006
superficial hardness tests (scales and field of application Cycles- Stem and handlebar bend- Assembly
according to Table 1) for metallic materials. Attention is dimensions
drawn to the fact that, in this part of ISO 6508, the use of Specifies the dimensions and tolerances to ensure secure
hardmetal for ball indenters is considered to be the assembly between the stem and handlebar bend of a
standard type of Rockwell indenter ball. bicycle. It applies to bicycles intended for use on public
11 Page Gr-XB CE roads.
02 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 6508-2:2008
Metallic materials- Rockwell hardness test- Part 2: BDS ISO 6701:2006
Verification and calibration of testing machines Cycles- External dimensions of spoke nipples
(scales A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K,N, T) Specifies the external dimensions and tolerances for the
Specifies a method of verification of testing machines spoke nipples of bicycles and also designation. It applies
for determining Rockwell hardness (scales A, B, C, D, to round of flat head spoke nipples.
E, F, G, H, K, N, T) in accordance with ISO 6508-1. 02 Page Gr-XA CE
10 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 6708:2008
BDS ISO 6508-3:2008 Pipe components- Definition of nominal size
Metallic materials- Rockwell hardness test- Part 3: Gives the definition of the nominal size of pipe
Calibration of reference blocks (scales A, B, C, D, E, components.
F, G, H, K, N, T) 02 Page Gr-XA CE
Specifies a method for the calibration of reference
blocks to be used for the indirect verification of BDS ISO 6761:2009
Rockwell hardness testing machines (scales A, B, C, D, Steel tubes- Preparation of ends of tubes and fittings
E, F, G, H, K, N, T), as specified in ISO 6508-2. for welding
08 Page Gr-XA CE Specifies the most usual preparation of ends of tubes and
of ends of fittings for welding.
BDS ISO 6695:2006 02 Page Gr-XA CE
Cycles- Pedal axle and crank assembly with square
end fitting- Assembly dimensions BDS ISO 6782:2008
This standard specifies the dimension for assembly of Aggregates for concrete- Determination of bulk
cranks on bottom bracket pedal axles with square end density
fittings. Specifies a method for the determination of the buik
02 Page Gr-XA ME densityl) of dry or moist aggregates (normal or
lightweight) for concrete, in either loose or compacted
BDS ISO 6696:2006 condition.
Cycles- Screw threads used in bottom bracket 02 Page Gr-XA CE
This standard specifies the thread profile and limits and BDS ISO 6783:2008
tolerances for the screw threads used to assemble bottom Coarse aggregates for concrete- Determination of
bracket cups to bottom brackets on bicycles particle density and water absorption - Hydrostatic
06 Page Gr-XA CE balance method
Specifies a method for the determination of the particle
density and water absorption of coarse aggregates,
having a nominal size greater than 4 mm, for contrete
BDS ISO 6697:2006 02 Page Gr-XA CE
Cycles- Hubs and freewheels- Assembly dimensions BDS ISO 6784:2008
This standard specifies the main dimensions for hubs Concrete- Determination of static modulus of
and freewheels, including single speed coaster brake elasticity in compression

Specifies a method for the determination of the static exposed to a small source of ignition under controlled
modulus of elasticity in compression of hardened laboratory conditions.
concrete, on test specimens which may be cast or taken 03 Page Gr-XA ME
from a structure.
03 Page Gr-XA CE BDS ISO 6927:2008
Building construction- Jointing products- Seatants-
BDS ISO 6798:2011 Vocabulary
Reciprocating internal combustion engines- Defines technical terms for sealants for building
Measurement of emitted airborne noise- Engineering purposes and applies to joints filled with hardening,
method and survey method plastic or elastic materials which are not preformed.
This International Standard specifies methods for 03 Page Gr-XA CE
measuring the sound pressure levels on a measurement
surface enveloping a source, and for calculating the BDS ISO 6929:2016
sound power level produced by the source. It gives Steel products- Vocabulary
requirements for the test environment and This International Standard defines terms for steel
instrumentation, as well as techniques for obtaining the products according to their
surface sound pressure level from which the A-weighted a) stage of manufacture,
sound power level of the source and octave or one-third b) shape and dimensions, and
octave band sound power levels are calculated. This c) appearance.
method may be used to perform acceptance tests. 40 page Gr-XD CE
18 Page Gr-XB ME
BDS ISO 6934-1:2008
BDS ISO 6826:2011 Steel for the prestressing of concrete -Part I: General
Reciprocating internal combustion engines- Fire requirements
protection Specifies requirements for hightensile strength steel to
This International Standard establishes requirements for be used in prestressed concrete. It applies only to
reciprocating internal combustion engines to minimize material in the condition as supplied by the
the risk of fire caused by the engine, its components and manufacturer. It does not cover requirements for
the auxiliaries fitted to it. Where necessary, special materials and anchorage devices used in conjunction
requirements can be given for particular engine with’ the prestressing steel in structural components.
applications. 04 Page Gr-XA CE
08 Page Gr-XA ME
BDS ISO 6934-2:2008
BDS ISO 6892:2008 Steel for the prestressing of concrete- Part 2: Cold-
Matalic materials –Tensile testin at ambient drawn wire
temperature Specifies requirements forround, cold-drawn, high-
(Cancels and replaces byBDS ISO 6892-1:2012, BDS tensile steel wire, eitherplain, indented, ribbed or
ISO 6892-2:2012) crimped. The product is supplied as mill coil wire or
straightened and stress-elieved wire in coils or cut
BDS ISO 6892-1:2012 lengths, according to the general requirements specified
Metallic materials- Tensile testing- Part 1: Method of in
test at room temperature 04 Page Gr-XA CE
This part of ISO 6892 specifies the method for tensile
ISO 6934-3:2008
testing of metallic materials and defines the mechanical
Steel for the prestressing of concrete- Part
properties which can be determined at room temperature
3:Quenched and tempered wire
65 Page Gr-XE CE
Specifies requirements for round wire made of quenched
and tempered high tensile steel, with a surface which is
BDS ISO 6892-2:2012
either plain, ribbed, grooved or indented. The product is
Metallic materials- Tensile testing- Part 2 : Method
delivered in coils, according to the general requirements
of test at elevated temperature
specified in IS0 6934-l.
This part of ISO 6892 Specifies a method of tensile
06 Page Gr-XA CE
testing of metalic materials at temperatures higher than
room temperature. BDS ISO 6934-4:2008
20 Page Gr-XB CE Steel for the prestressing of concrete- Part 4: Strand
Specifies requirements for high tensile steel strand which
BDS ISO 6925:2016 has been given a stressrelieving heat treatment according
Textile floor coverings- Burning behaviour- Tablet to the general requirements specified in IS0 6934-l. The
test at ambient temperature strand may contain either 2, 3, 7 or 19 individual wires.
This International Standard specifies a method for the 04 Page Gr-XA CE
assessment of the burning behaviour, often superficial,
of textile floor coverings in a horizontal position when BDS ISO 6934-5:2008

Steel for the prestressing of concrete -Part 5: Hot- This International Standard specifies a test method for
rolled steel bars with or without subsequent the determination of the carbon black content of
processing polyolefin compositions used in particular for the
Specifies requirements for round high tensile steel bars. manufacture of pipes and fittings, and provides a basic
The bars may be supplied either hot-rolled or in a hot- specification for polyethylene pipes and fittings.
rolled and processed condition, according to the general 02 Page Gr-XA CE
requirements specified in IS0 6934-l. The surface may
be plain or ribbed. The bars are delivered in straight
04 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 6935-1:2012
BDS ISO 6971:2008
Steel for the reinforcement of concrete- Part 1: Plain
Cranked- link drag chains of welded construction,
bars (Second Revision)
attachments and sprockets
This part of ISO 6935 specifies technical requirements
Specifies the characteristics of cranked-link1 drag chains
for plain bars to be used as reinforcement in concrete.
of welded construction suitable for conveying bulk
10 Page Gr-XA CE
materials, together with associated attachments and
BDS ISO 6935-2:2016 chain sprockets. The chain dimensions specified in this
Steel for the reinforcement of concrete- Part 2: International Standard ensure interchangeability of both
Ribbed bars complete chains and individual links for repair purposes.
This part of ISO 6935 specifies technical requirements 14 Page Gr-XA CE
for ribbed bars to be used as reinforcement in concrete.
BDS ISO 6972:2008
20 Page Gr-XB CE
Cranked-link mill chains of welded construction,
BDS ISO 6935-3: 2006 attachments and sprockets
Steel for the re-inforcement of concrete-Part-1: Specifies the characteristics of cranked-link1) mill
Welded Fabric chains of welded construction suitable for conveying
Specifices tehchnical requirements for factory made bulk materials, together with associated attachments and
sheets or rolls welded fabric manufacture from steel chain sprockets. The chain dimensions specified in this
wires or bars with diemeters from 4 mm to 16 mm and International Standard ensure interchangeability of both
designed for re-inforcement in ordinary concrete complete chains and individual links for repair purposes.
structured and for non-prestressed reinforcement in 18 Page Gr-XB ME
prestreesd concrete structures.
08 Page Gr-XA CE BDS ISO 6992:2008
Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pipes for
BDS ISO 6940:2016 drinking water supply- Extractability of Cadmium
Textile fabrics- Burning behaviour- Determination of and mercury occurring as impurities
ease of ignition of vertically oriented specimens Specifies a test method for the determination of the
This International Standard specifies a method for the extractability of certain impurities from unplasticized
measurement of ease of ignition of vertically oriented polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pipe in Order to verify that
textile fabrics and industrial products in the form of the extraction quantities do not exceed a certain
single or multi- omponent fabrics (coated, quilted, concentration. Section one deals exclusively with the
multilayered, sandwich constructions, and similar extractionmethod and leaves the analytical method to the
combinations), when subjected to a small, defined flame choice of the Operator. Section two gives limits for these
14 Page Gr-XB ME impurities in the extract, which have been found by
experience to ensure that actual extraction in Service
BDS ISO 6941:2016 will be acceptable by many regulatory authorities,
Textile fabrics- Burning behaviour- Measurement of particularly the World Health Organization (WHO).
flame spread properties of vertically oriented 04 Page Gr-XA CE
This International Standard specifies a method for the BDS ISO 7005-1:2008
Metallic flanges -Part 1: Steel flanges
measurement of flame spread times of vertically oriented
Specifies requirements for circular steel flanges in the
textile fabrics and industrial products in the form of
following PN designations:
single or multi- omponent fabrics (coated, quilted,
multilayered, sandwich combinations, and similar 79 Page Gr-XE CE
combinations) when subjected to a small, defined flame. BDS ISO 7005-2:2008
13 Page Gr-XB ME Metallic flanges- Part 2: Cast iron flanges
Specifies requirements for circular grey, malleable and
BDS ISO 6964:2010 ductile cast iron flanges in the following nominal
Polyolefin pipes and fittings- Determination of pressure ratings:
carbon black content by calcination and pyrolysis- 33 Page Gr-XD CE
Test method and basic specification

BDS ISO 7005-3:2008 the information and data to be declared by the
Metallic flanges -Part 3: Copper alloy and composite manufacturer.
flanges 26 Page Gr-XC CE
Specifies requirements for circular topper alloy and
composite flanges in the following nominal pressure BDS ISO 7203-1:2014
ratings: Fire extinguishing media- Foam concentrates- Part
26 Page Gr-XC CE 1:Specification for low expansion foam
(First Revision)
This part of ISO 7203 specifies the essential properties
and Performance of liquid foam concentrates used to
BDS ISO 7033:2008 make low expansion foams for the control, extinction
Fine and coarse aggregates for concrete- and inhibition of reignition of fires of water-immiscible
Determination of the particle mass-per-volume and liquids. Minimum Performance on certain test fires is
water absorption - Pyknometer method specified.
Specifies a method for the determination of the particle 20 Page Gr-XB CE
mass-per-volume and the water absorption of fine and
coarse aggregates for concrete. The method is based on BDS ISO 7203-2:2014
the use of a pyknometer for the determination of the Fire extinguishing media– Foam concentrates- Part
volume of the aggregate particles. 2:Specification for low expansion foam concentrates
03 Page Gr-XA CE for medium and high application to water-immiscible
liquids (First Revision)
BDS ISO 7076-1:2014 This part of ISO 7203 specifies the essential properties
Fire protection- Foam fire extinguishing systems- and Performance of liquid foam concentrates used to
Part 1: Foam proportioning equipment make low expansion foams for the control, extinction
This International Standard specifies requirements and and inhibition of reignition of fires of water-immiscible
test methods for foam proportioning equipment of fixed liquids. Minimum Performance on certain test fires is
foam extinguishing systems for indoor or outdoor use or specified.
both. 22 Page Gr-XC CE
16 Page Gr-XB CE
BDS ISO 7203-3:2014
BDS ISO 7076-2:2014 Fire extinguishing media- Foam concentrates- Part 3:
Fire protection- Foam fire extinguishing systems- Specification for low expansion foam concentrates for
Part 2: Low expansion foam equipment top application to water miscible liquids (First
This International Standard specifies requirements and Revision)
test methods for low expansion foam equipment of This part of ISO 7203 is applicable to low expansion
fixed-foam extinguishing systems for indoor or outdoor foam concentrates which conform to ISO 7203-1. It
use or both. specifies additional requirements to assess their
16 Page Gr-XB CE suitability for use on water-miscible fuels.
BDS ISO 7152:2016 18 Page Gr-XB CE
Camping tents and caravan awnings - Vocabulary BDS ISO 7225:2008
and list of equivalent terms Gas cylinders- Precautionary labels
This International Standard gives a list of the most Specifies the design, content, i.e. hazard Symbols and
frequent terms relating to camping tents and caravan text, and application of warning labels for gas cylinders.
awnings together with some definitions. 09 Page Gr-XA ME
41 page Gr-XE ME
BDS ISO 7268:2008
BDS ISO 7165:2010 Pipe components- Definition of nominal pressure
Fire fighting- Portable fire extinguishers- Gives the definition of nominal pressure when applied to
Prformance and construction components of a metallic piping system, and states two
This International Standard specifies the principal series of PN ratings for use with these same components.
requirements intended to ensure the safety, reliability 02 Page Gr-XA CE
and performance of portable fire extinguishers.
57 Page Gr-XE CE BDS ISO 7279:2009
BDS ISO 7202:2014 Polypropylene (PP) fittings for pipes under pressure -
Fire protection- Fire extinguishing media- Powder Sockets for fusion using heated tools - Metric series -
(First Revision) Dimensions of sockets Steel tubes - Preparation of
This International Standard specifies requirements for ends of tubes and fittings for welding
the chemical and physical properties, and for minimum Specifies the dimensions of sockets for polypropylene
(PP) fittings intended for fusion with heated tools to
performance in defined test methods, of fire
extinguishing powders suitable for use against fires of polypropylene pipes under pressure.
classes A, B, C and D. Requirements are also given for 02 Page Gr-XA CE

bar, regardless of their method of manufacture and
BDS ISO 7349:2008 composition.
Thermoplastics valves- Connection references 05 Page Gr-XA CE
Specifies and identifies in a table of comparison the
possible types of connections of thermoplastic valves to BDS ISO 7591:2006
various pipe Systems. Road vehicles- Retro-reflective registration plates for
02 Page Gr-XA CE motor vehicles and trailers - Specification
This standard specifies the provisions applicable to retro
BDS ISO 7438:2008 reflective registration plates for motor vehicles and their
Metallic materials- Bend test trailers.
Specifies a method for determining the ability of 04 Page Gr-XA CE
metallic materials to undergo plastic deformation in BDS ISO 7778:2008
bending. Steel plate with specified through-thickness
08 Page Gr-XA CE characteristics
This International Standard specifies the criteria which
BDS ISO 7452:2016 shall be satisfied by the qualities of steel plate and wide
Hot-rolled steel plates- Tolerances on dimensions and flats for which through-thickness reduction of area
shape properties are specified in the direction of thickness
This International Standard specifies requirements for perpendicular to the surface and also the test conditions.
tolerances for hot-rolled steel plates made on a reversing 04 Page Gr-XA CE
mill with the following characteristics:
a) nominal thickness: 3 mm ≤ t ≤ 400 mm;
b) nominal width: w ≥ 600 mm.
14 page Gr-XA CE BDS ISO 7788:2008
Steel- Surface finish of hot-rolled plates and
BDS ISO 7483:2008 wideflats- Delivery requirements
Dimensions of gaskets for use with flanges to BDS This International Standard specifies delivery
ISO 7005 requirements which apply to the surface finish of hot-
Specifies the dimensions of the following gaskets for use rolled plates and wide flats rolled on reversing mills,
in conjunction with flanges to IS0 7005-1, IS0 7005-2 with nominal thicknesses equal to or less than 150 mm.
and IS0 7005-3 For plates with a ttiickness greater than 150 mm and for
33 Page Gr-XD CE special applications for which a different surface
condition is required, special agreements shall be made
BDS ISO 7500-1:2008 at the time of enquiry and order.
Metallic materials- Verification of static uniaxial 08 Page Gr-XA CE
testing machines- Part 1:Tension/compression testing
machines- Verification and calibration of the force- BDS ISO 7801:2008
measuring system Metallic materials- Wire- Reverse bend test
Specifies the verification of tension/compression testing This International Standard specifies the method for
machines. The verification consists of a general determining the ability of metallic wire of diameter or
inspection of the testing machine, including its thickness 0,3 to 10 mm inclusive to undergo plastic
accessories for the force application a calibration of the deformation during reverse bending. The range of
force-measuring system. diameters or thicknesses for which this International
15 Page Gr-XB CE Standard is applicable may be more exactly specified in
BDS ISO 7500-2:2008 the relevant product standard.
Metallic materials- Verification of static uniaxial 04 Page Gr-XA CE
testing machines- Part 2: Tension creep testing
BDS ISO 7866:2008
machines- Verification of the applied force
Gas cylinders- Refillable seamless aluminium alloy
This part of ISO 7500 specifies the verification of testing
gas cylinders- Design, construction and testing
machines used for uniaxial creep testing in tension in
This International Standard specifies minimum
accordance with ISO 204.
requirements for the material, design, construction and
17 Page Gr-XA CE
workmanship, manufacturing processes and tests at
BDS ISO 7508:2008 manufacture of refillable seamless aluminium alloy gas
Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) valves for cylinders of water capacities from 0,5 l up to and
pipes under pressure- Basic dimensions- Metric including 150 l for compressed, liquefied and dissolved
series gases for worldwide use (normally up to + 65 °C).
This International Standard specifies the series of 41 Page Gr-XE ME
diameters to be used and the basic dimensions which are
common to all types of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride BDS ISO 8098:2006
(PVC-U) valves for pipes under pressures of 10 and 16 Cycle- Safety requirements for bicycles for young

This standard specifies safety and performance
requirements and test methods for the design assembly BDS ISO 8491:2015
and testing of bicycles for young children of from about Metallic materials– Tube (in full section)– Bend test
four to eight years of age This International Standard specifies a method for
26 Page Gr-XC CE determining the ability of full-section metallic tubes of
circular cross-section to undergo plastic deformation in
BDS ISO 8179-2:2008 bending. It is intended for tubes with an outside diameter
Ductile iron pipes - External zinc coating -Part 2: no greater than 65 mm, although the range of the outside
Zinc rich paint with finishing layer diameter for which this International Standard is
Deals with a factory-applied protective external coating applicable may be more exactly specified in the relevant
system for centrifugally cast ductile iron pipes as product standard.
specified in IS0 2531 and IS0 7186. This coating system 03 Page Gr-XA CE
comprises a metallic zinc layer followed by a finishing
layer. BDS ISO 8492:2015
02 Page Gr-XA CE Metallic materials- Tube- Flattening test
This International Standard specifies a method for
BDS ISO 8233:2008 determining the ability of metallic tubes of circular
Thermoplastics valves- Torque- Test method crosssection to undergo plastic deformation by
Specifies a test method for the determination of the flattening. It may also be used to reveal the defects in the
opening and closing torque of thermoplastics valves. tubes.
09 Page Gr-XA CE 02 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 8493:2015
BDS ISO 8283:2008 Metallic materials- Tube- Drift- expanding test
Plastics pipes and fittings - Dimensions of sockets and This International Standard specifies a method for
spigots for discharge Systems insid_e , buildings- determining the ability of metallic tubes of circular
Part 1: Unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) cross-section to undergo plastic deformation in drift
and chlorinated poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-C) expansion.
Establishes a classification and designation System for 03 Page Gr-XA CE
sockets and specifies the design formulae and the
derived dimensions, togethr with tolerantes, of these BDS ISO 8494:2015
sockets and of spigots for joints of unplasticized Metallic materials– Tube– Flanging test
poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) and chlorinated poly(vinyl This International Standard specifies a method for
chloride) (PVC-C) fittings and for integral sockets of determining the ability of metallic tubes of circular
PVC-U and PVC-C pipes used in discharge Systems cross-section to undergo plastic deformation during
inside buildings. flange formation.
09 Page Gr-XA CE 03 Page Gr-XA CE

BDS ISO 8419:2008 BDS ISO 8495:2015

Belt drives- Narrow V-belts- Sections 9N/J, 15N/J Metallic materials– Tube– Ring-expanding test
and 25N/J (lengths in the effective system) This International Standard specifies a method for a
Specifies, for narrow V-belts of cross-sections 9N/J (for ring-expanding test on tubes, that is used to reveal
pulley grooves of effective width 8,9 mm), 15N/J (for defects both on the surfaces and within the tube wall by
pulley grooves of effective width 15,2 mm) and 25N/J expanding the test piece using a conical mandrel until
(for pulley grooves of effective width 25,4 mm),. the fracture occurs. It may be also used to assess the ability
standard effective lengths, . the tolerances on effective of tubes to undergo plastic deformation.
lengths,. the centre distance variations,. the conditions 03 Page Gr-XA CE
for measuring the effective length and the centre
distance variation, and. the designation and marking. BDS ISO 8496:2015
07 Page Gr-XA ME Metallic materials– Tub – Ring tensile test
This International Standard specifies a method for a ring
BDS ISO 8421:2009 tensile test of tubes to reveal surface and internal defects
Fire protection- Vocabulary- Part 4 : Fire extinction by subjecting the test piece to strain until fracture occurs.
equipment This test may also be used to assess the ductility of
Gives terms and definitions relating to tubes.
- extinguishing media; 02 Page Gr-XA CE
- mobile extinguishers;
- fixed extinguishing Systems. BDS ISO 8659:2008
General terms are covered by ISO 8421 / l.Terms are Thermoplastics valves - Fatigue strength -Test
given in English alphabetical Order; English and French method
alphabetical indexes are provided. This International Standard specifies the endurante test
10 Page Gr-XA CE necessary to tonfirm the ability of hand-operated plastics

valves to withstand prolonged use, with repeated specified in the relevant product/system standards and, if
opening and closure. lt does not specify the ability of so, are included in the test report.
valves to withstand adverse conditions, in particular 22 Page Gr-XA CE
those of chemically agressive fluid media and/or
environments, or excessive fluid velocities and BDS ISO 9112:2012
cavitation. Truck and bus tyres- Methods of measuring tyre
02 Page Gr-XA CE rolling circumference- Loaded new tyres
This International Standard specifies two methods for
BDS ISO 8936:2016 measuring the rolling circumference and the number of
Awnings for leisure accommodation vehicles- revolutions per unit distance (kilometre) of new
Requirements and test methods commercial vehicle tyres, under loaded conditions, for
This International Standard specifies requirements and use on trucks and buses. The first method is a drum
test methods for awnings for leisure accommodation method consisting of loading a test tyre mounted on a
vehicles. free axle against a t1riven road wheel (or drum) of
specified diameter. The second method involves a
13 Page Gr-XB ME
vehicle whose drive axle is equipped with the test tyres
driven on a straight, paved road.
BDS ISO 9000-1:1997
Quality Management and quality assurance 08 Page Gr-XA ME
Standards Part-1, guidelines for selection and use BDS ISO 9125:2016
[Withdrawn] Fibre-cement slates and fittings- Product
BDS ISO 9000-2:1997 specification and test methods
Quality management and quality assurance This International Standard specifies technical
standards Part-2: generic guidelines for the requirements and methods for the inspection and testing
application of ISO 9001, ISO 9002 and ISO 9003 of fibre-cement slates and shingles and their fibre-
[Withdrawn] cement fittings, designed to protect the weather-exposed
surfaces on roofs and claddings of buildings.
BDS ISO 9000-3:1997 40 Page Gr-XE CE
Quality management and quality assurance
standards Part-3 guidelines for the applicaiton of ISO BDS ISO 9176:2006
9001 to the development supply installation and Tubular technical pens- Adaptor for compasses
maintenance of computer software [Withdrawn] This International Standard specifies the preferred
BDS ISO 9000-4:1997 dimensions of adaptors for attaching tubular technical
Quality management and quality assurance pens to compasses with interchangeable points-1) and of
standards Part-4: guide to dependability program the screw threads for the connecting plates and tubular
management [Withdrawn] technical pens.
04 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 9000:2002
Quality management systems- Fundamentals and BDS ISO 9177-1:2006
vocabulary [Withdrawn] Mechanical pencils- Part 1: Classification,
dimensions, performance requirements and testing
BDS ISO 9001:2002 This part of ISO 9177 specifies a classification,
Quality management systems –requirements dimensions, performance requirements and testing for
[Withdrawn] hand held mechanical pencisused for draughting
BDS ISO 9004:2002 03 Page Gr-XA CE
Quality management systems- Guidelines for
performance improvements [Withdrawn] BDS ISO 9177-2:2006
Mechanical pencils- Part 2 : Black Leads-
BDS ISO 9034:2008 Classification and dimensions
Hot-rolled structural steel wide flats- Tolerances on This part of ISO 9177 specifies a classification,
dimensions and shape [Withdrawn] dimensions, for black leads used for mechanical
BDS ISO 9080:2008
02 Page Gr-XA CE
Plastics piping and ducting systems- Determination
of the long-term hydrostatic strength of
BDS ISO 9177-3:2006
thermoplastics materials in pipe form by
Mechanical pencils- Part 3 : Black Leads - Bending
strengths of HB leads
Describes a method for estimating the long-term
This part of ISO 9177 specifies bending strengths and a
hydrostatic strength of thermoplastics materials by
test method for black leads of HB hardness degree used
statistical extrapolation. The method is applicable to all
for mechanical pencils for technical drawings.
types of thermoplastics pipe at applicable temperatures.
04 Page Gr-XA ME
It was developed on the basis of test data from pipe
systems. The dimensions of the pipes to be tested may be

BDS ISO 9227:2010 BDS ISO 9328-1:2009
Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres- Salt spray Steel flat products for pressure purposes- Technical
tests delivery conditions- Part 1: General requirements
This International Standard specifies the apparatus, the Specifies the general technical delivery conditions for
reagents and the procedure to be used in conducting the steel flat products (plate/sheet and strip) used principally
neutral salt spray (NSS), acetic acid salt spray (AASS) for the construction of pressure equipment.
and copper-accelerated acetic acid salt spray (CASS) 13 Page Gr-XB CE
tests for assessment of the corrosion resistance of
metallic materials, with or without permanent or BDS ISO 9328-2:2009
temporary corrosion protection Steel flat products for pressure purposes- Technical
18 Page Gr-XB CE delivery conditions- Part 2:Non-alloy and alloy steels
with specified elevated temperature properties
BDS ISO 9276-1:2008 Specifies the technical delivery conditions for plates and
Representation of results of particle size analysis- strip for pressure equipment made of non-alloy and alloy
Part 1: Graphical representation steels as specified in Tables A.1 and B.1. The
This part of ISO 9276 specifies rules for the graphical requirements and definitions of ISO 9328-1 also apply to
representation of particle size analysis data in this part of
histograms, density distributions and cumulative ISO 9328.
distributions. It also establishes a standard nomenclature 08 Page Gr-XA CE
to be followed to obtain the distributions mentioned
above from the measured data. BDS ISO 9328-3:2009
09 Page Gr-XA CE Steel flat products for pressure purposes- Technical
delivery conditions- Part 3:Weldable fine grain steels,
BDS ISO 9276-2:2008 normalized
Representation of results of particle size analysis- Specifies the requirements for flat products for pressure
Part 2:Calculation of average particle sizes/ equipment made of weldable fine grain steels as
diameters and moments from particle size specified in Tables A.1 and B.1. The requirements and
distributions definitions of ISO 9328-1 also apply to this part of ISO
The object of this part of ISO 9276 is to provide the 11 Page Gr-XB CE
relevant equations for the calculation of average particle
sizes or average particle diameters and moments from a BDS ISO 9328-4:2009
given particle size distribution. It is assumed that the size Steel flat products for pressure purposes- Technical
distribution is available as a histogram. It is nevertheless delivery conditions- Part 4:Nickel-alloy steels with
also possible to apply the same mathematical treatment specified low temperature properties
if the particle size distribution is represented by an Specifies the technical delivery conditions for plates and
analytical function. strip for pressure equipment made of nickel-alloy steels
16 Page Gr-XB CE as specified in Tables A.1 and B.1.The requirements and
BDS ISO 9276-4:2008 definitions of ISO 9328-1 also apply to this part of
Representation of results of particle size analysis- ISO 9328.
Part 4:Characterization of a classification process 10 Page Gr-XA CE
The main object of this part of ISO 9276 is to provide
the mathematical background for the characterization of
a classification process. This part of ISO 9276 is not BDS ISO 9328-5:2009
limited to an application in particle size analysis, the Steel flat products for pressure purposes- Technical
same procedure may be used for the characterization of a delivery conditions- Part 5:Weldable fine grain steels,
technical classification process (e.g. air classification, thermomechanically rolled
centrifugal classification) or a separation process (e.g. Specifies the requirements for flat products for pressure
gas or hydrocyclones). equipment, made of thermomechanically rolled weldable
16 Page Gr-XB CE fine grain steels as specified in Tables A.1 and B.1. The
steels are not suitable for hot forming.
BDS ISO 9276-5:2008 13 Page Gr-XB CE
Representation of results of particle size analysis-
Part 5:Methods of calculation relating to particle size BDS ISO 9328-6:2009
analyses using logarithmic normal probability Steel flat products for pressure purposes- Technical
distribution delivery conditions- Part 6:Weldable fine grain steels,
Provides the background for the representation of a quenched and tempered
cumulative particle size distribution which follows a Specifies the requirements for flat products for pressure
logarithmic normal probability distribution, as a means equipment made of quenched and tempered fine
by which calculations performed using particle size weldable grain steels as listed in Tables A.1 and B.1.
distrib ution functions may be unequivocally checked. 12 Page Gr-XB CE
12 Page Gr-XB CE
BDS ISO 9328-7:2009

Steel flat products for pressure purposes- Technical
BDS ISO 9608:2008
delivery conditions- Part 7: Stainless steels
V-belts- Uniformity of belts- Test method for
This part of ISO 9328 specifies the technical delivery
determination of centre distance variation
conditions for flat products for pressure purposes made
This International Standard specifies a test method for
of stainless steels, including austenitic creep resisting
determining the centre distance variation of V-belt drives
steels, in thicknesses as indicated in Tables 7 to 10.
as a criterion for the uniformity of V-belts.
15 Page Gr-XB CE
02 Page Gr-XA ME
BDS ISO 9364:2011
BDS ISO 9624:2010
Continuous hot-dip aluminium/ zinc coated steel
Thermoplastics pipes for fluids under
sheet of commercial, drawing and structural qualities
pressure- Mating dimensions of flange adapters and
This International Standard applies to the characteristics
loose backing flanges
of steel sheet of commercial, drawing and structural
This International Standard specifies the mating
qualities coated by a continuous hot-dip aluminium/zinc
dimensions of flange adaptors of thermoplastic materials
alloy coating process. The aluminium/zinc alloy
and the corresponding dimensions of loose backing
composition by mass is nominally 55 % aluminium, 1,6
flanges to be used with thermoplastic pipes under
% silicon, and the balance zinc.
16 Page Gr-XB ME
06 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 9393-1:2008 BDS ISO 9633:2006
Thermoplastics valves for industrial applications- Cycles chain- Characteristics and test methods
Pressure test methods and requirements- Part 1: This standard specifics the dimensions and mechanical
General properties of cycle chain as well as test methods for
Specifies the test methods for the resistance to internal determining these mechanical properties (i.e. twist.
pressure and the leaktightness of thermoplastics valves lateral deviation, stiff link and side bow).
for use in industrial applications with cold water or with 13 Page Gr-XB CE
industrial fluids, but excluding gas applications covered
by thermoplastics-valve product standards. BDS ISO 9705:2015
07 Page Gr-XA CE Fire tests- Full-scale room test for surface products
BDS ISO 9393-2:2008 This International Standard specifies a test method that
Thermoplastics valves for industrial applications- simulates a fire that under well ventilated conditions
Pressure test methods and requirements- Part 2: Test starts in a corner of a small room with a single open
conditions and basic requirements doorway.
Specifies the test parameters and conditions for 31 Page Gr-XD CE
hydrostatic-pressure tests on valves made of the
following thermoplastic materials: BDS ISO TR 9769:2008
06 Page Gr-XA CE Steel and iron - Review of available methods of
BDS ISO 9513:2008 analysis
Metallic materials- Calibration of extensometers used This Technical Report aims to facilitate reference to the
in uniaxial testing available international Standard method(s) for the
Specifies a method for the static calibration of determination of required element(s) in steel and iron. In
extensometers used in uniaxial testing. The term this Technical Report, field of application, method of
"extensometer" is understood to mean the displacement determination (principle) and precision (see informative
measuring device and the system for indicating or annex A) of each Standard are stated.
recording this displacement. 42 Page Gr-XE CE
10 Page Gr-XA CE BDS ISO 9809-1:2008
Gas cylinders- Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders-
BDS ISO 9513 Cor 1:2008 Design, construction and testing- Part 1: Quenched
Metallic materials- Calibration of extensometers used and tempered steel cylinders with tensile strength less
in uniaxial testing (Technical Corrigendum 1) than 1 100 MPa
Specifies a method for the static calibration of This part of ISO 9809 specifies minimum requirements
extensometers used in uniaxial testing.
for material, design construction and workmanship,
03 Page Gr-XA CE
manufacturing processes and tests at manufacture of
BDS ISO 9563:2008 refillable quenched and tempered seamless steel gas
Belt drives- Electrical conductivity of antistatic cylinders of water capacities from 0.5 l up to and
endless synchronous belts- Characteristics and test including 150 l for compressed, liquefied and dissolved
method gases exposed to extreme world-wide ambient
This International Standard specifies the maximum temperatures (normally between 50 oC and + 65 oC).
electrical resistance of antistatic endless synchronous This part of ISO 9809 is applicable to cylinders with a
belts and a corresponding laboratory method of maximum tensile strength R m of less than 1 1 00 MPa.
measurement. 37 Page Gr-XD ME
04 Page Gr-XA ME
BDS ISO 9809-2:2008

Gas cylinders- Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders- BDS ISO 9854-2:2009
Design, construction and testing- Part 2: Quenched Thermoplastics pipes for the transport offluids-
and tempered steel cylinders with tensile strength Determination of pendulum impact strength by the
greater than or equal to 1 100 MPa Charpy method -Part 2:Test conditions for pipes of
This part of ISO 9809 specifies minimum requirements various materials
for material, design construction and workmanship, Specifies the values or options chosen for the test
manufacturing processes and tests at manufacture of parameters, i.e. the impact energy, test piece dimensions,
refillable quenched and tempered seamless steel gas shape and spacing of the test piece supports, and type of
cylinders of water capacities from 0.5 l up to and test piece, for testing the impact resistance (pendulum
including 150 l for compressed, liquefied and dissolved method) of thermoplastics pipes of the following
gases exposed to extreme world-wide ambient materials, when tested in accordance with IS0 9854-l.
temperatures (normally between -50 oC and + 65 oC). 04 Page Gr-XA CE
This part of ISO 9809 is applicable to cylinders with a
maximum tensile strength R m of greater than 1 1 00 BDS ISO 9962-3:2006
MPa.. Manually operated draughting Machines- Part-3
42 Page Gr-XE ME :Dimensions of scale rule chuck plates
Specifies the main dimensions of scale rule chuck plates
BDS ISO 9809-3:2008 and the combined heights (thickness) of scale rule and
Gas cylinders-Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders- scale rule and chuck plate for use on manually operated
Design, construction and testing- Part 3: Normalozed draughting machines(see ISO 9962-1 and 9962-2).
steel cylinders 05 Page Gr-XA ME
This part of ISO 9809 specifies minimum requirements
for material, design construction and workmanship, BDS ISO 9980:2008
manufacturing processes and tests at manufacture of Belt drives- Grooved pulleys for V-belts (system
refillable normalozed, or normalized and tempered based on effective width)- Geometrical inspection of
seamless steel gas cylinders with water capacities from grooves
0.5 l up to and including 150 l for compressed, liquefied Specifies the methods of checking the regularity of the
and dissolved gases. grooves and pulleys for V-belts specified in the system
37 Page Gr-XD ME based on effective width. The grooved pulleys may be
designed for use with classical or narrow V-belts. The
BDS ISO 9852:2008 V-belts may be either single or joined units.
Unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) pipes- 08 Page Gr-XA ME
Dichloromethane resistance at specified temperature
(DCMT)- Test method BDS ISO 9982:2008
This International Standard specifies a method for Belt drives- Pulleys and V-ribbed belts for industrial
determining the resistance of unplasticized poly(vinyl applications- Dimensions - PH, PJ, PK, PL and PM
chloride) (PVC-U) pipes to dichloromethane at a profiles
specified temperature (DCMT).It is applicable to all Specifies the principal dimensional characteristics of V-
PVC-U pipes, irrespective of their intended use. ribbed pulley groove profiles, together with the
06 Page Gr-XA CE corresponding endless V-ribbed belts, of PH, PJ, PK, PL
and PM profile which are used for general industrial
BDS ISO 9853:2008 applications.
Injection- moulded unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) 07 Page Gr-XA ME
(PVC-U) fittings for pressure pipe systems- Crushing
This International Standard specifies a crushing test to
determine the percentage deformation of injection-
moulded unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U)
fittings and recommends a basic specification(see annex
03 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 10065:2006
BDS ISO 9854-l:2009 Steel bars reinforcement of concrete- Bend and
Thermoplastics pipes for the transport of fluids- Rebend tests
Determination of pendulum impact strength by the Specifies procedures for bend and rebend testing of
Charpy method- Part 1:General test method reinforcing steel bars. The purpose of the rebend test is
Specifies the general test method to be used for the to determined the ageing properties of bars exposed to
determination of the impact strength of unnotched test plastic deformation.
pieces cut from thermosplastics pipes for the transport of 03 Page Gr-XA CE
04 Page Gr-XA CE BDS ISO 10144:2016

Certification scheme for steel bars and wires for the Specifies requirements for refillable gas cylinder valves
renforcement of concrete structures and the method of testing such valves for type approval.
Specifies rules for a certification scheme for continuous 24 Page Gr-XC ME
production of steel bars and wires forordinary
reinforcement of concrete structures in order to verify BDS ISO TR 10358:2009
the conformity with requirements specified in product Plastics pipes and fittings- Combined Chemical-
standards such as ISO 6935-1 and ISO 6935-2. resistance classification table
04 Page Gr-XA CE Establishes a classification of the Chemical resistance of
pipe materials to specified fluids over a range of
BDS ISO 10156:2008 temperatures.
Gases and gas mixtures- Determination of fire 44 Page Gr-XA CE
potential and oxidizing ability for the selection of BDS ISO 10454:2012
cylinder valve Truck and bus tyres- Verifying tyre capabilities
Specifies two test methods for determining whether or Laboratory test methods
not a gas is flammable in air and whether a gas is more This International Standard specifies test .methods for
or less oxidizing than air, respectively, with the aim of verifying the capabilities of truck and bus tyres. Of the
eliminating difficulties entailed in the application of test methods presented. only some may be required
IS0 5145 depending on the type of tyre to be tested.
10 Page Gr-XB ME The tests are carried out in a laboratory under controlled
BDS ISO 10191:2012 07 Page Gr-XA ME
Passenger car tyres- Verifying tyre capabilities-
Laboratory test methods BDS ISO 10460:2008
This International Standard specifies test methods for Welded carbon steel gas cylinders- Periodic
verifying the capabilities of tyres for passenger cars. Of inspection and testing
the test methods presented, it is possible that only some Specifies the minimum requirements for periodic
will be required depending on the type of tyre to be inspection and testing to verify the integrity of gas
tested. The tests are carried out in a laboratory under cylinders for further service. It does not exclude the
controlled conditions. This International Standard application of additional national requirements.
includes a strength test for assessing the capability of the 23 Page Gr-XC ME
tyre structure, with respect to braking energy, in the
tread area. A second test, the bead unseating test, BDS ISO 10461:2008
assesses the resistance of the tyre to bead unseating. It Seamless aluminium- alloy gas cylinders- Periodic
applies to tubeless tyres only. inspection and testing
13 Page Gr-XB ME Specifies the minimum requirements for periodic
BDS ISO 10231:2012 inspection and testing to verify the integrity of gas
Motorcycle tyres- Test methods for verifying tyre cylinders for further service. lt does not exclude the
capabilities application of additional national requirements.
This International Standard specifies test methods for 25 Page Gr-XC ME
verifying the capabilities of tyres for motorcycles. Of the BDS ISO 10462:2008
test methods presented, only some may be required Cylinders for dissolved acetylene- Periodic inspection
depending on the type of tyre to be tested. and maintenance
The tests are carried out in the laboratory under Specifies the minimum requirements for periodic
controlled conditions. inspection and maintenance to verify the integrity of
10 Page Gr-XA ME acetylene cylinders for further Service, regardless of the
method of manufacture of the Shell. lt does not exclude
the application of additional national requirements.
19 Page Gr-XB ME
BDS ISO 10463:2008
Cylinders for permanent gases- Inspection at time of
BDS ISO 10286:2008 filling
Gas cylinders- Terminology Specifies minimum requirements for filling inspections
Standard establishes the termin- La presente Norme of transportable gas cylinders. These requirements
internationale etablit la terminoology used in the field of reflect current practice and experience.
gas cylinders. 03 Page Gr-XA ME
19 Page Gr-XB ME BDS ISO 10474:2015
Steel and steel products – Inspection documents
BDS ISO 10297:2008 This International Standard defines the different types of
Gas cylinders- Refillable gas cylinder valves- inspection documents supplied to the purchaser, in
Specification and type testing accordance with the requirements of the order, for the
delivery of steel products.

04 Page Gr-XA CE Ceramic tiles- Determanation of resistance to surface
abrasion for glazed tiles
BDS ISO TR 10501:2008 Specifices a method for determining the resistance to
Thermoplastics pipes for the transport of liquids surface abrasion of all glazed ceramic tiles used for floor
under pressure- Calculation of head losses covering.
Gives a method sf calculating head loss in the transpoft 10 Page Gr-XA CE
of Iiquids under pressure in hydraulically smooth
thermoplastics pipes. BDS ISO 10545-8:2015
04 Page Gr-XA CE Ceramic tiles- Part 8: Determination of linear
thermal expansion
BDS ISO 10545-1:2015
This part of ISO 10545 defines a test method for
Ceramic tiles- Part 1: Sampling and basis for
determining the coefficient of linear thermal expansion
of ceramic tiles.
This part of ISO 10545 specifies rules for batching,
sampling, inspection, and ceptance/rejection of 02 Page Gr-XA CE
ceramic tiles.
BDS ISO 10545-9:2015
08 Page Gr-XA CE Ceramic tiles- Part 9: Determination of resistance to
thermal shock
BDS ISO 10545 -2:2006 This part of ISO 10545 specifies a test method for
Ceramic tiles Determanation of dimensions and determining the resistance to thermal shock of all
surface quality ceramic tiles under normal conditions of use.
Specifices methods for determining the dimensional
03 Page Gr-XA CE
characteristics (length,width,thicness, straightness of
sides, rectangularity, surface flatness) and the surface of BDS ISO 10545-10:2006
ceramic tiles. Ceramic tiles- Determanation of moisture expansion
10 Page Gr-XA CE Specifies a method for determining the moisture
expansion of all ceramic tiles.
BDS ISO 10545 -3:2006
06 Page Gr-XA CE
Ceramic tiles Determanation of water absorption,
apparent porosity, apparent relative density and bulk
BDS ISO 10545-11:2006
Ceramic tiles- Determanation of crazing resistance
Specifices methods for determining water absorption,
for glazed tiles
apparent porosity, apparent relative density and bulk
Defines a test methods for determining the crazing
density of ceramic tiles.
resistance of all glazed ceramic tiles except when the
05 Page Gr-XA CE
crazing is an inherent decorative feature of the product.
BDS ISO 10545-4:2015 06 Page Gr-XA CE
Ceramic tiles- Part 4: Determination of modulus of
rupture and breaking strength BDS ISO 10545-12:2006
This part of ISO 10545 specifies a test method for Ceramic tiles- Determination of frost resistance
determining the modulus of rupture and breaking Specifics a method for determining the frost resistance
strength of all ceramic tiles. of all ceramic tiles intended for use in freezing
05 Page Gr-XA CE conditions in the presence of water.
04 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 10545 -5:2005 BDS ISO 10545 -13:2006
Ceramic tiles Ceramic tiles- Determanation of chemical resistance
Determanation of impact resistance by measurement Specifices a test method for determining the chemical
of coefficient of restitution rsistance of all ceramic tiles at room temperature. The
Specifices methods for determining the impact resistance method is applicable to all types of ceramic tiles.
of ceramic tiles by measuring the coefficient of 10 Page Gr-XA CE
10 Page Gr-XA CE BDS ISO 10545-14:2006
Ceramic tiles- Determination of resistance to stains
BDS ISO 10545 -6:2013 Specifies a method for determining the resistance to
Ceramic tiles—Determanation of resistance to deep stains of the proper surface of ceramic tiles.
abrasion for unglazed tiles (First Revision) 10 Page Gr-XA CE
Specifices a test methods for determining the resistance BDS ISO 10545-15:2006
to deep abrasion of all unglazed ceramic tiles used for Ceramic tiles- Determination of lead and cadmium
floor coverings. given off by glazed tiles
08 Page Gr-XA CE Specifices a method for the determination of lead and
cadmium given off by the glaze of ceramic tiles.
BDS ISO 10545 -7:2006 07 Page Gr-XA CE

This part of IS0 10804 specifies design rules and type
BDS ISO 10545-16:2013 testing for restrained joint systems to be used on ductile
Ceramic tiles- Determination of small colour iron pipelines complying with IS0 2531 and IS0 7186, in
differences (First Revision) order to determine their mechanical properties and
Describes a method for utilizing colour measuring leaktightness.
instruments for quantifying the small colour differences 04 Page Gr-XA CE
between plain coloured glazed ceramic tiles, which are
designed to be uniform and consistent colour It permits BDS ISO 10904:2016
the specification of a maximum acceptable value which Fibre-cement corrugated sheets and fittings for
depends only on the closeness of match and not on the roofing and cladding
nature of the colour difference. (Cancels and replaces by BDS 1878:2015)
05 Page Gr-XA CE CE
BDS ISO 10920:2008
BDS ISO 10692-1:2008 Gas cylinders- 25E taper thread for connection of
Gas cylinders- Gas cylinder valve connections for use valves to gas cylinders- Specification
in the micro-electronics industry- Part 1: Outlet This International Standard specifies definitions,
connections dimensions and tolerances of a taper screw thread of
This part of ISO 10692 applies to the outlet connections nominal diameter 25,8 mm (designated 25E), for the
of gas cylinder valves for gases and gas mixtures and connection of valves to medical and industrial gas
concerns special requirements where the highest levels cylinders.
of cleanliness and freedom from particles are demanded 05 Page Gr-XA ME
for the manufacture of microelectronic components or
similar applications. BDS ISO 10928:2016
17 Page Gr-XB ME Plastics piping systems- Glass-reinforced
thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes and fittings-
BDS ISO 10692-2:2008 Methods for regression analysis and their use
Gas cylinders- Gas cylinder valve connections for use This International Standard specifies procedures suitable
in the micro-electronics industry- Part 2: for the analysis of data which, when converted into
Specification and type testing for valve to cylinder logarithms of the values, have either a normal or a
connections skewed distribution. It is intended for use with the test
This part of ISO 10692 specifies a test sequence and methods and referring standards for glass-reinforced
acceptability criteria for connections between gas thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes or fittings for the
cylinders and valves for gases and gas mixtures used analysis of properties as a function of time.
under special conditions of service where the highest
51 Page Gr-XE CE
levels of cleanliness and/or freedom from particles are
demanded for e.g. the manufacturing of microelectronic
BDS ISO 10966:2016
Sports and recreational equipment- Fabrics for
06 Page Gr-XA ME
awnings- Specification
BDS ISO 10799-1:2016 This International Standard specifies the most important
Cold-formed welded structural hollow sections of material characteristics for woven fabrics for awnings. It
non-alloy and fine grain steels- Part 1: Technical can also be applied to other types of fabrics.
delivery conditions 06 Page Gr-XA ME
This part of ISO 10799 specifies the technical delivery
requirements for cold-formed welded structural hollow
sections of circular, square or rectangular form. It is BDS ISO 11114-1:2008
applicable to structural hollow sections formed cold Transportable gas cylinders- Compatibility of
without subsequent heat treatment. cylinder and valve materials with gas contents- Part
26 page Gr-XB CE 1: Metallic materials
This standard gives guidance in the selection and
BDS ISO 10799-2:2016 evaluation of compatibility between metallic gas
Cold-formed welded structural hollow sections of cylinder and valve materials, and the gas content.
non-alloy and fine grain steels- Part 2: Dimensions 43 Page Gr-XA ME
and sectional properties
This part of ISO 10799 specifies the tolerances for cold- BDS ISO 11114-2:2008
formed welded circular, square and rectangular structural Transportable gas cylinders- Compatibility of
hollow sections, and gives the dimensions and sectional cylinder and valve materials with gas contents- Part
properties for a range of standard sizes. 2: Non-metallic materials Bouteilles à gaz
28 page Gr-XB CE transportables- Compatibilité
This Standard gives guidance in the selection and
BDS ISO 10804-1:2008 evaluation of compatibility between non-metallic
Restrained joint systems for ductile iron pipelines- materials for gas cylinders and valves and the cylinders'
Part 1: Design rules and type testing

gas contents. This standard also covers bundles, tubes Cylinders for dissolved acetylene -Inspection at time
and pressure drums. of filling
16 Page Gr-XB ME This International Standard specifies the minimum
requirements for filling inspections of transportable
cylinders for acetylene gas. These requirements reflect
current practice and experience.
09 Page Gr-XA ME
BDS ISO 11413:2010
BDS ISO 11114-3:2008 Plastics pipes and fittings- Preparation of test piece
Transportable gas cylinders- Compatibility of assemblies between a polyethylene (PE) pipe and an
cylinder and valve materials with gas contents- Part electrofusion fitting
3:Autogenous ignition test in oxygen atmosphere This International Standard specifies a method for the
This standard specifies a test method to determine the preparation of test pieces assembled from polyethylene
autogenous ignition temperature of non metallic (PE) pipes or spigot-ended fittings and electrofusion
materials in pressurized gaseous oxygen. fittings (e.g. socket fittings such as couplers, or saddles).
09 Page Gr-XA ME 10 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 11117:2008 BDS ISO 11414: 2010
Gas cylinders- Valve protection caps and valve Plastics pipes and fittings- Preparation of
guards for industrial and medical gas cylinders- polyethylene (PE) pipe/pipe or pipe/fitting test piece
Design, construction and tests assemblies by butt fusion
This International Standard specifies the requirements This International Standard specifies a method for
for valve protection caps and guards, intended for use preparing butt-fusion-jointed test piece assemblies
with industrial and medical gas cylinders. between polyethylene (PE) pipes and spigot-ended
It defines tests for checking the mechanical strength and fittings.
physical properties of the valve protection cap or valve 08 Page Gr-XA CE
09 Page Gr-XA ME BDS ISO 11427:2004
Determination of silver in silver jewellery alloys-
BDS ISO 11191:2008 Volumetric (potentiometric) method using potassium
Gas cylinders- 25 E taper thread for connection of bromide
valves to gas cylinders- Inspection gauges This International Standard specifies a volumetric
This International Standard specifies types, dimensions method for the determinatiion of silver in silver
and principles of use of gauges, to be used in jewellery alloys, preferably with in the range of fineness
conjunction with the taper thread specified in IS0 10920. stated in ISO 9202.
12 Page Gr-XB ME 04 Page Gr-XA ME

BDS ISO 11210:2004 BDS ISO 11489:2004

Determination of platinum in platinum jewellery Determination of platinium in platinum jewellery
alloys- Gravimetric method after precipitation of alloys- Gravimetric determination by reduction with
diammonium hexachloroplatinate mercury (I) chloride
This International Standard specifies a gravimetric This International Standard specifies a gravimetric
method for the determination of platinum in platinum method for the determination of platinum in platinum
jewellery alloys, preferably within the range of fineness jewellery alloys, preferably within the range of fineness
stated in ISO 9202. stated in
05 Page Gr-XA ME ISO 9202.
05 Page Gr-XA ME
BDS ISO 11357-6:2010
Plastics- Differential scanning BDS ISO 11490 : 2004
calorimetry (DSC)- Part 6: Determination of Determination of paltinium jewellery alloys-
oxidation induction time Gravimetric determination with dimethylglyoxime
This part of ISO 11357 specifies methods for the This International Standard specifies a gravimetric
determination of oxidation induction time (isothermal method for the determination of platinum in palatinum
OIT) and oxidation induction temperature (dynamic jewellery alloys, prepefably within the range of fineness
OIT) of polymeric materials by means of differential stated in
scanning calorimetry (DSC). It is applicable to ISO 9202.
polyolefin resins that are in a fully stabilized or 04 Page Gr-XA ME
compounded form, either as raw materials or finished
products. It may be applicable to other plastics BDS ISO 11602-1:2009
12 Page Gr-XA CE Fire protection- Portable and wheeled fire
extinguishers Part 1: Selection and installation
BDS ISO 11372:2008

This part of ISO 11602 gives requirements for the under pressure, irrespective of the type and design of the
selection and installation of portable and wheeled fire component or the method of assembly used.
extinguishers. It should be used in conjunction with ISO 12 Page Gr-XB CE
10 Page Gr-XA CE BDS ISO 12111:2016
Metallic materials– Fatigue testing- Strain-controlled
BDS ISO 11602-2:2009 thermo mechanical fatigue testing method
Fire protection- Portable and wheeled fire This International Standard is applicable to the TMF
extinguishers Part 2: Inspection and maintenance testing of uniaxially loaded metallic specimens under
Specifies the inspection, maintenance, and periodic strain control. Specifications allow for any constant
testing of portable and wheeled fire extinguishers. cyclic amplitude of mechanical strain and temperature
10 Page Gr-XA CE with any constant cyclic mechanical strain ratio and any
constant cyclic temperature-mechanical strain phasing.
25 page Gr-XC CE

BDS ISO 11673:2008 BDS ISO 12162:2008

Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pressure Thermoplastics materials for pipes and fittings for
pipes- Determination of the fracture toughness pressure applications- Classification and designation
properties Overall Service (design) coefficient
Specifies a method for determining the minimum Establishes the classification of thermoplastics materials
fracture toughness, after a specified loading time, of in pipe form and specifies the material designation. lt
unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pressure also gives a method for calculating the design stress.
pipes. It also makes provision for measuring alternative 03 Page Gr-XA CE
levels of fracture toughness.
14 Page Gr-XA CE BDS ISO 12176-1:2010
Plastics pipes and fittings- Equipment for fusion
BDS ISO 11922-1:2008 jointing polyethylene systems- Part 1: Butt fusion
Thermoplastics pipes for the conveyance of fluids- This part of ISO 12176 specifies the general
Dimensions and tolerances- Part 1: Metric series characteristics of, and performance requirements for,
Specifies tolerance grades for the outside diameter, out- equipment for butt fusion jointing of polyethylene (PE)
of-roundness and wall thickness of metric thermoplastics piping systems using electrically powered heater plates.
pipes for the conveyance of fluids and manufactured 06 Page Gr-XA CE
with nominal outside diameters and nominal pressures in
accordance with IS0 161-1 and nominal wall thicknesses BDS ISO 12176-2:2010
in accordance with IS0 4065 Plastics pipes and fittings- Equipment for fusion
12 Page Gr-XB CE jointing polyethylene systems- Part 2: Electro fusion
This part of ISO 12176 specifies performance
BDS ISO 11922-2:2008 requirements for electrofusion control units for use with
Thermoplastics pipes for the conveyance of fluids- polyethylene (PE) electrofusion fittings for the supply of
Dimensions and tolerances- Part 2: Inch-based series gaseous fuels or for the conveyance of water for human
Specifies tolerance grades for the outside diameter, out- consumption, including raw water prior to treatment, and
of-roundness and wall thickness of inch-based for the conveyance of water for general purpose or other
thermoplastics pipes for the conveyance of fluids and fluids.
manufactured with nominal outside diameters and 10 Page Gr-XB CE
nominal pressures in accordance with IS0 161-2111 (see BDS ISO 12176-3:2010
annex A). Plastics pipes and fittings- Equipment for fusion
12 Page Gr-XB CE jointing polyethylene systems- Part 3: Operator's
BDS ISO 12092:2008 This part of ISO 12176 describes the format and the
Fittings, valves and other piping system components contents of a fusion operator’s badge, which is used
made of unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), during the construction of polyethylene (PE) piping
chlorinated poly (PVC-C), acrylonitrilebutadiene- systems for the supply of gaseous fuels or water to
styrene (ABS) and acrylonitrilestyrene- acrylester identify the fusion operator and to activate or deactivate
(ASA) for pipes under pressure- Resistance to the fusion-jointing equipment.
internal pressure- Test method 08 Page Gr-XA CE
Specifies methods for testing the resistance to internal
pressure of piping components, such as fittings and BDS ISO 12176-4:2010
valves, made of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC- Plastics pipes and fittings- Equipment for fusion
U), chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (PVC-C), jointing polyethylene systems- Part 4: Traceability
acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) and acrylonitrile- coding
styrene-acrylester (ASA) and intended for use, This part of ISO 12176 specifies an encoding system for
respectively, with PVC-U, PVC-C, ABS and ASA pipes data on components, assembly methods and jointing

operations for polyethylene (PE) piping systems for gas to obtain equivalent metallurgical conditions to those
supply, for use in a traceability system. obtained in the hot-formed product. Fine grain steels are
04 Page Gr-XA CE generally delivered in the normalized condition.
24 page Gr-XC CE
BDS ISO 12439:2011
Mixing Water for Concrete BDS ISO 12633-2:2016
This International Standard specifies the requirements Hot-finished structural hollow sections of non-alloy
for water that is suitable for making concrete in and fine grain steels- Part 2: Dimensions and
accordance with ISO 22965 (all parts) and describes sectional properties
methods for assessing its suitability. This part of ISO 12633 specifies the tolerances for hot-
13 Page Gr-XA CE finished circular, square and rectangular structural
BDS ISO 12468-1:2016 hollow sections, and gives the dimensions and sectional
External exposure of roofs to fire- Part 1: Test properties for a range of standard sizes.
method 25 page Gr-XC CE
The attention of all persons concerned with managing
and carrying out this fire test is drawn to the fact that fire
testing may be hazardous and that there is a possibility
that toxic and/or harmful smoke and gases may be
BDS ISO TR 12662:2013
evolved during the test.
Certification scheme for prestressing steels
25 Page Gr-XC C This Technical Report gives rules which may be applied
for a certificaiton scheme for continuous productin of
BDS ISO 12468-2:2016 prestressig steels, in order to verify their conformity with
External exposure of roofs to fire- Part 2: requiredments specified in product standards such as
Classification of roofs ISO 6934
This part of ISO 12468 establishes the classification of 10 Page Gr-XA CE
roofs tested in accordance with ISO 12468-1.
Performance criteria are established with respect to the BDS ISO 12683:2013
following: Mechanically deposited coatings of zine- Specification
-fire penetration or openings; and test methods
-external fire spread; This document specifies the requirements for coating of
-alling of flaming droplets or debris. zinc that have been mechanically deposited on to
05 Page Gr-XA CE fabricated metal articles to protect them from corrosion.
It also describes the related test methods.
BDS ISO 12491:2009
13 Page Gr-XA ME
Statistical methods for quality control of building
materials and components
BDS ISO 13006:2015
Gives general principles for the application of statistical
Ceramic tiles- Definitions, classification,
methods in the quality control of building materials and
characteristics and marking
components in compliance with the safety and
This International Standard defines terms and establishes
serviceability requirements of IS0 2394.
classifications, characteristics and marking requirements
24 Page Gr-XC CE
for ceramic tiles of the best commercial quality (first
BDS ISO 12572:2016 quality). This International Standard is not applicable to
Hygrothermal performance of building materials tiles made by other than normal processes of extrusion or
and products- Determination of water vapour dry pressing.
transmission properties 52 Page Gr-XE CE
This standard specifies a method based on cup tests for
determining the water vapour permeance of building BDS ISO 13007-1:2013
products and the water vapour permeability of building Ceramic tiles- Grouts and adhesives- Part 1: Terms,
materials under isothermal conditions. Different sets of definitions and specificatin for adhesives
test conditions are specified. This part of ISO 13007 defines terms concerning the
27 Page Gr-XC CE products, working methods and application properties
for ceramic tile adhesives. It specifies values of
BDS ISO 12633-1:2016 performance requirements for all ceramic tile adhesives.
Hot-finished structural hollow sections of non-alloy 08 Page Gr-XA CE
and fine grain steels- Part 1: Technical delivery
BDS ISO 13007-2:2013
Ceramic tiles- Grouts and adhesives- Part 2: Test
This part of ISO 12633 specifies the technical delivery
method for adhesives
requirements for hot-finished hollow sections of circular,
This part of ISO 13007 describes methods for
square or rectangular form. It is applicable to hollow
determining characteristics for adhesives used in the
sections formed hot with or without subsequent heat
installatin of ceramic tiles.
treatment or formed cold with subsequent heat treatment
33 Page Gr-XD CE

International Standard is applicable to all motorcycle and
BDS ISO 13007-3:2013 moped tyres designed and intended for use on the road.
Ceramic tiles- Grouts and adhesives- Part 3: Terms, 03 Page Gr-XA ME
definitions and specificatin for grouts
This part of ISO 13007 defines terms concerning the BDS ISO 13479:2010
products, working methods and application properties Polyolefin pipes for the conveyance of fluids-
for ceramic tile grouts. It specifies values of performance Determination of resistance to crack propagation-
requirements for all ceramic tile adhesives. 08 Page Test method for slow crack growth on notched pipes
Gr-XA CE This International Standard specifies a test method for
determining the resistance to slow crack growth of
BDS ISO 13007-4:2013 polyolefin pipes, expressed in terms of time to failure in
Ceramic tiles- Grouts and adhesives- Part 4: Test a hydrostatic pressure test on a pipe with machined
method for grouts longitudinal notches in the outside surface. The test is
This part of ISO 13007 describes methods for applicable to pipes of wall thickness greater than 5 mm.
determining characteristics of grouts used in the 08 Page Gr-XA CE
installatin of ceramic tiles.
33 Page Gr-XD CE

BDS ISO 13761:2010

BDS ISO 13050:2008 Plastics pipes and fittings- Pressure reduction factors
Curvilinear toothed synchronous belt drive systems for polyethylene pipeline systems for use at
This International Standard specifies the principal temperatures above 20 oC
characteristics of synchronous endless belts and pulleys This international Standard specifies a method for the
for use in synchronous belt drives1) for mechanical derivation of reduction factors to apply to obtain the
power transmission and where positive indexing or maximum allowable operating pressure for elevated-
synchronization may be required temperature operation of polyethylene (PE) pipeline
37 Page Gr-XD ME systems.
03 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 13253:2011
Ducted air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps—
BDS ISO 13783:2008
testing and rating for performance.
Plastics piping systems- Unplasticized polyvinyl
This International Standard specifies the standard
chloride (PVC-U) end-load- bearing double- socket
conditions for capacity and efficiency ratings of ducted,
joints- Test method for leaktightness and strength
air- cooled, air conditioners and ducted, air-to-air heat
while subjected to bending and internal pressure
pumps. This International Standard is applicable to the
This standard specifies a method for testing, while
test methods for determining the capacity and efficiency
subjected to bending, the leaktightness and strength of
rating. Residential, commercial, and industrial single-
assembled end-load-bearing double socket joints of
package and split-system air-conditioners and heat
unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) which allow a
pumps and included.
maximum angle of deflection of 30.
88 Page Gr-XE ME
It is applicable to double socket couplers provided with
BDS ISO 13326:2012 elastomeric sealing rings and locking rings and intended
Test methods for measuring tyre uniformity for use with PVC-U pressure pipes.
This International Standard specifies test methods 06 Page Gr-XA CE
carried out under controlled conditins for verifying the
unformity of tyres for passenger cars, commercial BDS ISO 13787:2016
vehicles and motorcycles. Thermal insulation products for building equipment
14 Page Gr-XB ME and industrial installations- Determination of
declared thermal conductivity
This standard establishes the procedure for the
BDS ISO 13328:2012 determination and verification of the declared thermal
Motorcycle tyres- Measurement of tyre rolling conductivity as a function of temperature of thermal
circumference Loaded new tyres insulating materials and products used for the insulation
This International Standard specifies a method for of building equipment and industrial installations.
measuring the rolling circumference and revolutions per
19 Page Gr-XB CE
unit distance (kilometre) for new tyres, under loaded
conditions, made for use on motorcycles and mopeds. BDS ISO 13844:2008
The values obtained according to this method are not Plastics piping systems- lastomeric-sealing- ring- type
intended for use as levels of performance or quality. This socket joints of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride

(PVC-U) for use with PVC-U pipes- Test method for 03 Page Gr-XA CE
leaktightness under negative pressure
This standard specifies a method for testing the BDS ISO 13953:2010
leaktightness of: Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings- Determination
-single sockets of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride(PVC- of the tensile strength and failure mode of test pieces
U); from a butt-fused joint
- double sockets of PVC-U; This International Standard describes a test method for
- sockets of PVC-U fittings, with elastomeric sealing determination of the tensile strength and tensile failure
rings. mode of butt-fused polyethylene (PE) pipe assemblies.
04 Page Gr-XA CE 05 Page Gr-XA CE

BDS ISO 13845:2008 BDS ISO 13954:2010

Plastics piping systems- Elastomeric-sealing-ring- Plastics pipes and fittings- Peel decohesion test for
type socket joints for use with unplasticized polyvinyl polyethylene electrofusion assemblies of nominal
chloride (PVC-U) pipes- Test method for outside diameter greater than or equal to 90 mm
leaktightness under internal pressure and with This International Standard describes a peel test method
angular deflection for determining the decohesive resistance of
Specifies a method for testing the leaktightness of polyethylene electrofusion socket assemblies for use in
assemblies of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) the distribution of fluids. This method is applicable to
pipes with elastomeric sealing-ring-type socket joints assemblies with nominal outside diameters greater than
including: or equal to 90 mm.
- single sockets of pipes; 05 Page Gr-XA CE
- double sockets; BDS ISO 13955:2010
- sockets of fittings. Plastics pipes and fittings — Crushing decohesion
It is also applicable to elastomeric-sealing-ring-type test for polyethylene (PE) electrofusion assemblies
sockets made of ductile cast iron for use with PVC-U This International Standard describes a crushing test
pressure piping method for determining the decohesive resistance of
03 Page Gr-XA CE polyethylene (PE) pipe and electrofusion socket or
saddle assemblies for use in the distribution of fluids.
04 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 13846:2008
BDS ISO 13957:2010
Plastics piping systems- End- loadbearing and non-
Plastics pipes and fittings- Polyethylene (PE) tapping
end-load-bearing assemblies and joints for
tees- Test method for impact resistance
thermoplastics pressure piping- Test method for
This International Standard specifies a test method for
long-term leaktightness under internal water
the impact resistance of polyethylene (PE) tapping tees.
This International Standard is applicable to PE tapping
Specifies a test method for the long-term leaktightness of
tees intended for the conveyance of fluids.
end-load-bearing and nonend-load-bearing mechanically
03 Page Gr-XA CE
jointed assemblies and joints between fittings,
ancillaries, valves and thermoplastics pressure pipes, BDS ISO 14236:2010
including integral pipe joints. Plastics pipes and fittings- Mechanical-joint
06 Page Gr-XA CE compression fittings for use with polyethylene
pressure pipes in water supply systems
BDS ISO 13943:2015 This International Standard specifies the required
Fire safety- Vocabulary properties and test methods for mechanical fittings
This International Standard defines terminology relating intended to join polyethylene pressure pipes of nominal
to fire safety as used in International Standards and outside diameters not greater than 160 mm, used in
other documents of the International Standardization water supply systems conveying potable water and water
Organization and the International Electrotechnical for general purposes at temperatures up to and including
Committee. 40 °C.
51 Page Gr-XE CE 04 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 13951:2010 BDS ISO 14284:2008
Plastics piping systems- Test method for the Steel and iron- Sampling and preparation of samples
resistance of polyolefin pipe/pipe or pipe/fitting for the determination of Chemical composition
assemblies to tensile loading This International Standard specifies methods for
This International Standard specifies a method for sampling and Sample preparation for the determination
testing the resistance to tensile loading of polyolefin of the Chemical composition of pig iron, cast iron and
pipe/pipe or Pipe/fitting assemblies with electrofusion steel. Methods are specified for use with both liquid and
joints, butt-fusion joints or mechanical fittings. This solid metal.
method is applicable to assemblies with nominal pipe 30 Page Gr-XC CE
diameters less than or equal to 250 mm.
BDS ISO 14520-1:2010 Cor.12010

Gaseous fire-extinguishing systems- Physical 07 Page Gr-XA CE
properties and system design- Part 1: General
requirements (Technical Corrigendum 1) BDS ISO 14520-8:2010
Technical Corrigendum 1 to ISO 14520-1:2006 was Gaseous fire- extinguishing systems- Physical
prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 21, properties and system design- Part 8: HFC 125
Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting, extinguishant
Subcommittee SC 8, Gaseous media and firefighting This part of ISO 14520 gives specific requirements for
systems using gas. gaseous fire-extinguishing systems, with respect to the
02 Page Gr-XA CE HFC 125 extinguishant. It includes details of physical
properties, specification, usage and safety aspects and is
BDS ISO 14520-1:2010
applicable to systems operating at nominal pressures of
Gaseous fire-extinguishing systems- Physical
and, superpressurized with nitrogen.
properties and system design- Part 1: General
08 Page Gr-XA CE
This part of ISO 14520 specifies requirements and gives BDS ISO 14520-9:2010
recommendations for the design, installation, testing, Gaseous fire-extinguishing systems- Physical
maintenance and safety of gaseous fire fighting systems properties and system design- Part 9:HFC 227ea
in buildings, plant or other structures, and the extinguishant
characteristics of the various extinguishants and types of This part of ISO 14520 gives specific requirements for
fire for which they are a suitable extinguishing gaseous fire-extinguishing systems, with respect to the
medium. HFC 227ea extinguishant. It includes details of physical
72 Page Gr-XE CE properties, specification, usage and safety aspects and is
applicable to systems operating at nominal pressures of
BDS ISO 14520-2:2010
25 bar and 42 bar super pressurized with nitrogen.
Gaseous fire-extinguishing systems- Physical
08 Page Gr-XA CE
properties and system design- Part 2: CF3I
BDS ISO 14520-10:2010
This part of ISO 14520 gives specific requirements for
Gaseous fire-extinguishing systems- Physical
gaseous fire-extinguishing systems, with respect to the
properties and system design- Part 10:HFC 23
CF3I extinguishant. It includes details of physical
properties, specification, usage and safety aspects and is
This part of ISO 14520 gives specific requirements for
applicable to systems operating at a nominal pressure of
gaseous fire-extinguishing systems, with respect to the
25 bar.
HFC 23 extinguishant. It includes details of physical
06 Page Gr-XA CE
properties, specification, usage and safety aspects and is
applicable to systems operating at a nominal pressure of
41 bar without nitrogen superpressurization.
08 Page Gr-XA CE

BDS ISO 14520-5:2010 BDS ISO 14520-11:2010

Gaseous fire-extinguishing systems- Physical Gaseous fire-extinguishing systems- Physical
properties and system design- Part 5:FK-5-1-12 properties and system design- Part 11:HFC 236fa
extinguishant extinguishant
This part of ISO 14520 gives specific requirements for This part of ISO 14520 gives specific requirements for
gaseous fire-extinguishing systems, with respect to the gaseous fire-extinguishing systems, with respect to the
FK-5-1-12 extinguishant. It includes details of physical HFC 236fa extinguishant. It includes details of physical
properties, specification, usage and safety aspects and is properties, specification, usage and safety aspects and is
applicable to systems operating at nominal pressures of applicable to systems operating at nominal pressures of
25 bar and 42 bar with nitrogen propellant. This does not 25 bar and 42 bar superpressurized with nitrogen. This
preclude the use of other systems. does not preclude the use of other systems.
07 Page Gr-XA CE 08 Page Gr-XA CE

BDS ISO 14520-6:2010 BDS ISO 14520-12:2010

Gaseous fire-extinguishing systems — Gaseous fire-extinguishing systems- Physical
Physical properties and system design —Part 6: properties and system design- Part 12: IG-01
HCFC Blend A extinguishant extinguishant
This part of ISO 14520 gives specific requirements for This part of ISO 14520 gives specific requirements for
gaseous fire-extinguishing systems, with respect to the gaseous fire-extinguishing systems, with respect to the
HCFC Blend A extinguishant. It includes details of IG-01 extinguishant. It includes details of physical
physical properties, specification, usage and safety properties, specification, usage and safety aspects and is
aspects and is applicable to systems operating at nominal applicable to systems operating at nominal pressures of
pressures of 25 bar and 42 bar, superpressurized with 160 bar, 200 bar and 300 bar at 15 °C. This does not
nitrogen. preclude the use of other systems; however, design data

for other pressures were not available at time of Epoxy-coated steel for the reinforcement of concrete.
publication. The International Standard specifies requirements for
08 Page Gr-XA CE fusion-bonded epoxy-coated post-fabricated and
prefabricated steel bar, wire and welded fabric for the
BDS ISO 14520-13:2010 reinforcement of concrete.
Gaseous fire-extinguishing systems- Physical This International Standard permits the application of
properties and system design- Part 13:IG-100 either flexible (type A) or nonflexible (type B) coating
extinguishant shall not be fabricated after coating.
This part of ISO 14520 gives specific requirements for 28 Page Gr-XC CE
gaseous fire-extinguishing systems, with respect to the
IG-100 extinguishant. It includes details of physical BDS ISO 14655:2013
properties, specification, usage and safety aspects and is Epoxy-coated steel for the Prestressing of concrete
applicable to systems operating at nominal pressures of The International Standard specifies requirements for
200 bar and 300 bar, both at 15 °C. fusion-bonded epoxy-coated or epoxy-coated and filled
08 Page Gr-XA CE seven-wire prestressing steel for the prestressing of
BDS ISO 14520-14:2010 18 Page Gr-XB CE
Gaseous fire-extinguishing systems- Physical
properties and system design- Part 14:IG-55 BDS ISO 14656:2013
extinguishant Epoxy-powder and sealing material for the coating of
This part of ISO 14520 gives specific requirements for steel for the reinforcement of concrete
gaseous fire-extinguishing systems, with respect to the This International Standard specifies requirements for
IG-55 extinguishant. It includes details of physical epoxy powders for use in preparing fusion-bonded
properties, specification, usage and safety aspects and is epoxy-coated steel reinforcing bar, wire and welded
applicable to systems operating at nominal pressures of fabric. This International Standard also includes
150 bar, 200 bar and 300 bar, at 15 °C. This does not requirements for sealing material used to repair damaged
preclude the use of other systems; however, design data areas and cut ends on reinforcing steel.
for other pressures were not available at time of
publication. This International Standard defines a flexible (type A)
08 Page Gr-XA CE coating and a nonflexible (type B) coating. The
adhesion and moisture resistance of fusion-bonded
BDS ISO 14520-15:2010 epoxy powder coatings can be enhanced by certain
Gaseous fire-extinguishing systems- Physical formulation designs. These coating enhancements
properties and system design- Part 15:IG-541 typically result in a reduction of the coating's
extinguishant flexibility.
This part of ISO 14520 gives specific requirements for 08 Page Gr-XA CE
gaseous fire-extinguishing systems, with respect to the
IG-541 extinguishant. It includes details of physical BDS ISO 14657:2013
properties, specification, usage and safety aspects and is Zinc-coated steel for the reinforcement of concrete
applicable to systems operating at nominal pressures of This International Standard specifies requirements for
150 bar, 200 bar and 300 bar, at 15 °C. This does not hot-dip zinc (galvanized) coating on steel reinforcing
preclude the use of other systems; however, design data bars, wire and welded fabric used in the reinforcement of
for other pressures were not available at time of concrete.
Publication. It specifies three classes, class A, class B and class C
08 Page Gr-XA CE coatings, which differ in coating mass (see 6.2.3).
10 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 15494:2009 BDS ISO 14713-1:2013
Plastics piping systems for industrial applications- Zinc- coatings—Guidelines and recommendations for
Polybutene (PB), polyethylene (PE) and the protection against corrosion of iron and steel in
polypropylene (PP)- Specifications for components structures—Part 1: General prindiples of design and
and the system - Metric series corrosion resistance
Specifies the characteristics and requirements for This part of ISO 14713 provides guidelines and
components such as pipes, fittings and valves made from recommendations regarding the general principles of
one of the following materials: design which are appropriate for articles to be zinc
- polybutene (PB); coated for corrosion protection and the level of corrosion
- polyethylene (PE); resistance provided by zinc coatings applied to iron or
- polypropylene (PP); steel articles, exposed to a variety of environments.
Intended to be used for thermoplastics piping systems in Initial protection is covered in relation to
above-ground industrial applications. -available standard processes,
89 Page Gr-XE CE -design considerations, and
—environments for use.
BDS ISO 14654:2013

18 Page Gr-XB ME Road vehicles- Compressed natural gas (CNG) Fuel
system components- Part 4: Manual valve
BDS ISO 14713-2:2013 This part of ISO 15500 specifies tests and requirements
Zinc- coatings- Guidelines and recommendations for for the manual valve, a compressed natural gas fuel
the protection against corrosion of iron and steel in system component intended for use on the types of
structures- Part 2: Hot dip galvanizing motor vehicles defined in ISO 3833.
This part of ISO 14713 provides guidelines and 04 Page Gr-XA ME
recommendations regarding the general principles of
design which are appropriate for articles to be hot dip BDS ISO 15500-5:2008
galvanizing for corrosion protection . Road vehicles- Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel
18 Page Gr-XB ME system components- Part 5: Manual cylinder valve
This part of ISO 15500 specifies tests and requirements
BDS ISO 14713-3:2013 for the manual cylinder valve, a compressed natural gas
Zinc- coatings- Guidelines and recommendations for fuel system component intended for use on the types of
the protection against corrosion of iron and steel in motor vehicles defined in ISO 3833.
structures- Part 3: 04 Page Gr-XA ME
This part of ISO 14713 provides guidelines and BDS ISO 15500-6 :2008
recommendations regarding the general principles of Road vehicles- Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel
design which are appropriate for articles to be system components- Part 6: Automatic valve
sherardizing for corrosion protection . This part of ISO 15500 specifies tests and requirements
08 Page Gr-XA ME for the automatic valve, a compressed natural gas fuel
system component intended for use on the types of
BDS ISO 15201:2013 motor vehicles defined in ISO 3833.
Zinc and zinc alloys- Castings- Specifications 04 Page Gr-XA ME
The International Standard specifies the designation,
chemical composition, marking and other requirements BDS ISO 15500-7:2008
for zinc alloy castings, produced by pressure die, Road vehicles- Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel
permanent mould or sand casting, or another casting system components- Part 7: Gas injector
process. This part of ISO 15500 specifies tests and requirements
08 Page Gr-XA ME for the gas injector, a compressed natural gas fuel system
component intended for use on the types of motor
BDS ISO 15500-1:2008 vehicles defined in ISO 3833.
Road vehicles- Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel 05 Page Gr-XA ME
system components- Part 1: General requirements
and definitions BDS ISO 15500-8:2008
This part of ISO 15500 specifies general requirements Road vehicles- Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel
and definitions of compressed natural gas fuel system system components- Part 8: Pressure indicator
components, intended for use on the types of motor This part of ISO 15500 specifies tests and requirements
vehicles as defined in ISO 3833. It also provides general for the pressure indicator, a compressed natural gas fuel
design principles, and specifies requirements for system component intended for use on the types of
instrucitons and marking. motor vehicles defined in ISO 3833.
08 Page Gr-XA ME 04 Page Gr-XA ME
BDS ISO 15500-2:2008
Road vehicles-Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel BDS ISO 15500-9:2008
system components-- Part 2: Performance and Road vehicles- Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel
General test methods system components- Part 9: Pressure regulator
This part of ISO 15500 specifies general requirements This part of ISO 15500 specifies tests and requirements
and definitions of compressed natural gas fuel system for the pressure regulator, a compressed natural gas fuel
components, intended for use on the types of motor system component intended for use on the types of
vehicles as defined in ISO 3833. motor vehicles defined in ISO 3833.
08 Page Gr-XA ME 04 Page Gr-XA ME
BDS ISO 15500-10:2008
Road vehicles- Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel
BDS ISO 15500-3:2008 system components- Part 10: Gas-flow adjuster
Road vehicles-Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel This part of ISO 15500 specifies tests and requirements
system components-- Part 3: Chcek valve for the gas-flow adjuster, a compressed natural gas fuel
This part of ISO 15500 specifies tests and requirements system component intended for use on the types of
for the check valve, a compressed natural gas fuel motor vehicles defined in ISO 3833.
system component intended for use on the types of 04 Page Gr-XA ME
motor vehicles defined in ISO 3833.
04 Page Gr-XA ME BDS ISO 15500-11:2008
Road vehicles- Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel
BDS ISO 15500-4:2008
system components- Part 11: Gas-air mixer

This part of ISO 15500 specifies tests and requirements 8 hose) or JIS B 8362 intended for use on the types of
for the gas/air mixer, a compressed natural gas fuel motor vehicles defined in ISO 3833.
system component intended for use on the types of 06 Page Gr-XA ME
motor vehicles defined in ISO 3833.
03 Page Gr-XA ME BDS ISO 15500-18:2008
Road vehicles- Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel
BDS ISO 15500-12 :2008 system components- Part 18: Filter
Road vehicles- Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel This part of ISO 15500 specifies tests and requirements
system components- Part 12: Pressure relief valve for the filter (standalone compressed natural gas fuel
(PRV) system component) intended for use on the types of
This part of ISO 15500 specifies tests and requirements motor vehicles defined in ISO 3833.
for the pressure relief valve (PRV), a compressed natural 04 Page Gr-XA ME
gas fuel system component intended for use on the types
of motor vehicles defined in ISO 3833. BDS ISO 15500-19:2008
04 Page Gr-XA ME Road vehicles- Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel
system components- Part 19: Fittings
BDS ISO 15500-13:2008 This part of ISO 15500 specifies tests and requirements
Road vehicles- Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel for fittings, compressed natural gas fuel system
system components- Part 13: Pressure relief device components intended for use on the types of motor
(PRD) vehicles defined in ISO 3833.
This part of ISO 15500 specifies tests and requirements 04 Page Gr-XA ME
for the pressure relief device (PRD), a compressed
natural gas fuel system component intended for use on BDS ISO 15501-1:2006
the types of motor vehicles defined in ISO 3833. Road Vehicles- Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Fuel
11 Page Gr-XB ME systems- Part- 1: Safety requirements
Specifies the minimum safety requirements applicable
BDS ISO 15500-14:2008
for the functionality of CNG on-board fuel systems
Road vehicles- Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel
intended for use on the types of motor vehicles as
system components- Part 14: Excess flow valve
defined in ISO 3833.
This part of ISO 15500 specifies tests and requirements
09 Page Gr-XA CE
for the excess flow valve, a compressed natural gas fuel
system component intended for use on the types of BDS ISO 15501-2:2006
motor vehicles defined in ISO 3833. Road Vehicles- Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Fuel
04 Page Gr-XA ME systems- Part 2: Test methods
Specifies the test methods for checking the minimum
BDS ISO 15500-15:2008
safety requirements specified in ISO 1550 i - 1.It is
Road vehicles- Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel
applicable to the functionality of the fuel systems
system components- Part 15: Gas-tight housing and
designed to operate on compressed natural gas of motor
ventilation hose
vehicles as defined inn ISO 3833.
This part of ISO 15500 specifies tests and requirements
08 Page Gr-XA CE
for the gas-tight housing and ventilation hose,
compressed natural gas fuel system components BDS ISO 15550:2011
intended for use on the types of motor vehicles defined Internal combustion engines- Determination and
in ISO 3833. method for the measurement of engine power-
03 Page Gr-XA ME General requirements
BDS ISO 15500-16:2008 This International Standard specifies standard reference
Road vehicles- Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel conditions and methods of declaring the power, fuel
system components- Part 16: Rigid fuel line consumption, lubricating oil consumption and test
This part of ISO 15500 specifies tests and requirements methods for internal combustion engines in commercial
for the rigid fuel line, a compressed natural gas fuel production using liquid or gaseous fuels. It applies to:
system component in accordance with ISO 1127 45 Page Gr-XE ME
intended for use on the types of motor vehicles defined
BDS ISO 15630-1:2012
in ISO 3833.
Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of
04 Page Gr-XA ME
concrete- Test methods- Part 1:Reinforcing bars,
wire rod and wire (First Revision)
This part of ISO 15630 specifies test methods applicable
to reinforcing bars, wire rod and wire for concrete.
BDS ISO 15500-17:2008
20 Page Gr-XB CE
Road vehicles- Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel
system components- Part 17: Flexible fuel line BDS ISO 15630-2:2012
This part of ISO 15500 specifies tests and requirements Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of
for the flexible fuel line, a compressed natural gas fuel concrete- Test methods- Part 2: Welded fabric
system component in accordance with SAE J 517 (100R- (First Revision)

This part of ISO 15630 specifies test methods applicable 20 Page Gr-XB CE
to welded fabric for the reinforcement of concrete.
BDS ISO 16160:2011
16 Page Gr-XB CE
Continuously hot- rolled steel sheet products-
BDS ISO 15630-3:2012 Dimensional and shape tolerances
Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of This International Standard applies to dimensional and
concrete- Test methods- Part 3:Prestressing steel shape tolerances for all continuously hot-rolled steel
(First Revision) sheet products.
This part of ISO 15630 specifies test methods applicable 07 Page Gr-XA ME
to prestressing steels (bar, wire or strand) for concrete.
07 Page Gr-XA CE BDS ISO 16162:2011
Continuously cold-rolled steel sheet products-
BDS ISO 15698-1:2016 Dimensional and shape tolerances
Steel for the reinforcement of concrete- Headed bars This International Standard applies to dimensional and
Part 1: Requirements shape tolerances for all continuously cold-rolled steel
This part of ISO 15698 specifies requirements for sheet products.
headed steel bars to be used as reinforcement of 06 Page Gr-XA ME
concrete structures. This part of ISO 15698 is a product
standard and not an application standard. It is intended to BDS ISO 16163:2011
cover a large variety of products and also to support the Continuously hot-dipped coated steel sheet products-
development of new products. Dimensional and shape tolerances
17 page Gr-XB CE This International Standard applies to dimensional and
shape tolerances for all continuously hot-dipped coated
BDS ISO 15698-2:2016 steel sheet products.
Steel for the reinforcement of concrete- Headed bars- 07 Page Gr-XA ME
Part 2: Test methods
This part of ISO 15698 specifies test methods applicable BDS ISO 16871:2009
to headed steel bars to be used as reinforcement of Plastics piping and ducting systems- Plastics pipes
concrete structures. This part of ISO 15698 is intended and fittings- Method for exposure to direct (natural)
to be applicable in relation to the various reinforced weathering
concrete design standards, as well as in relation to the Specifies a method for exposing plastics pipes and
various standards for steel reinforcing bars. fittings, individually or assembled, or as pieces there
16 page Gr-XB CE from, to natural weathering in order to assess changes..
07 Page Gr-XA CE
BDS ISO 15835-1:2010
Steels for the reinforcement of concrete- BDS ISO TR 16913:2009
Reinforcement couplers for mechanical splices of Plastics pipes and fittings- Definitions of types of test
bars- Part 1: Requirements The purpose of this Technical Report is to supply a list
This part of ISO 15835 specifies requirements for of definitions, adopted at the CEN, for qualifying the
reinforcement couplers, hereafter called couplers, to be different test categories which make it possible to pass
used for splicing of steel reinforcing bars. judgment at different stages, from the production to the
12 Page Gr-XB CE delivery of the products, on the properties of plastic
pipes and fittings, as well as the corresponding
BDS ISO 15835-2:2010 abbreviations.
Steels for the reinforcement of concrete- 03 Page Gr-XA CE
Reinforcement couplers for mechanical splices of
bars- Part 2: Test methods BDS ISO 16992:2012
This part of ISO 15835 specifies test methods applicable Passenger car tyres- Spare unit substitutive
to couplers for mechanical splices of steel reinforcing equipment (SUSE)
bars. This part of ISO 15835 is intended to be applicable This International Standard describes spare unit
in relation to the various standards for steel reinforcing substitutive equipment (SUSE) for passenger car tyres,
bars as well as in relation to the various reinforced which is designed to enable users to continue their
concrete design standards. journey (with or without a stop) in a reasonably safe
10 Page Gr-XA CE manner.
09 Page Gr-XA ME

BDS ISO 17269:2012

BDS ISO 16020:2008 Passenger car tyres- Methods for measuring rolling
Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of circumference- loaded new tyres
concrete - Vocabulary This International Standard specifies two methods for
Defines terms and symbols to be used in the field of measuring, under loaded conditions, the rolling
reinforcing and prestressing steel for concrete.
circumference and revolutions per unit distance 06 Page Gr-XA ME
(kilometres) of new tyres for use on passenger cars. The
first is a drum method that consists of loading a test tyre BDS ISO 18164:2012
mounted on a free axle against a driven road wheel, or Passenger car, truck, bus and motorcycle tyres—
drum, of specified diameter. The second involves using a Methods of measuring rolling resistance.
vehicle whose drive axle is equipped with the test tyres This International Standard specifies methods for
driven on a straight, paved road. measuring rolling resistance, under controlled laboratory
08 Page Gr-XA ME conditions, for new pneumatic tyres designed primarily
for use on passenger cars, trucks, buses and motorcycles.
BDS ISO 17225-1:2016 The relationship between values obtained and the fuel
Solid biofuels — Fuel specifications and classes — economy of the vehicle is undetermined, and such values
Part 1: General requirements are not intended to be used to indicate levels of
This part of ISO 17225 determines the fuel quality performance or quality.
classes and specifications for solid biofuels of raw and 20 Page Gr-XB ME
processed materials originating from
a) forestry and arboriculture; BDS ISO 18265:2016
b) agriculture and horticulture; Metallic materials – Conversion of hardness values
c) aquaculture. This International Standard specifies the principles of the
56 Page Gr-XE ME conversion of hardness values to equivalent values in
other hardness scales and to estimates of tensile strength.
BDS ISO 17225-2:2016 It gives general information on the use of the conversion
Solid biofuels — Fuel specifications and classes — 85 page Gr-XI CE
Part 2: Graded wood pellets
This part of ISO 17225 determines the fuel quality BDS ISO 18553:2010
classes and specifications of graded wood pellets for Method for the assessment of the degree of pigment
non-industrial and industrial use.
or carbon black dispersion in polyolefin pipes,
09 Page Gr-XA ME fittings and compounds. (Amendment 1: 2010)
BDS ISO 17225-3:2016 This International Standard describes a method with two
Solid biofuels- Fuel specifications and classes- Part 3: procedures for the assessment of pigment or carbon
Graded wood briquettes black particle and agglomerate size and degree of
This part of ISO 17225 determines the fuel quality dispersion in polyolefin pipes, fittings and compounds.
classes and specifications of graded wood briquettes. 07 Page Gr-XA CE
06 Page Gr-XA ME
BDS ISO 18653:2008
Gears- Evaluation of instruments for the
BDS ISO 17225-4:2016
measurement of individual gears
Solid biofuels- Fuel specifications and classes- Part 4:
Specifies methods for the evaluation of measuring
Graded wood chips
instruments used for gear measurements of involute,
This part of ISO 17225 determines the fuel quality
helix, pitch and runout. It is applicable both to
classes and specifications of graded wood chips.
instruments that measure runout directly and to those
08 Page Gr-XA ME that compute it from index measurements. It also gives
recommendations for the evaluation of tooth thickness
BDS ISO 17225-5:2016 measuring instruments and, of necessity, includes the
Solid biofuels- Fuel specifications and classes- Part 5: estimation of measurement uncertainty with the use of
Graded firewood calibrated gear artifacts.
This part of ISO 17225 determines the fuel quality 18 Page Gr-XB ME
classes and specifications of graded firewood
08 Page Gr-XA ME BDS ISO 19011:2004
Guidelines for quality and/or environmental
BDS ISO 17225-6:2016 management systems auditing
Solid biofuels- Fuel specifications and classes- Part 6: Provides guidance on the principles of auditing,
Graded non-woody pellets managing audit programmes conducting quality
This part of ISO 17225 determines the fuel quality management system audits and environmental
classes and specifications of graded non-woody pellets. maqnagement system audits,as well as guidance on the
07 Page Gr-XA ME competence of quality and environmental management
system auditors.
BDS ISO 17225-7:2016 34 Page Gr-XD ME
Solid biofuels- Fuel specifications and classes- Part 7: BDS ISO 20081:2013
Graded non- woody briquettes Zinc and zinc alloys- Method of sampling -
This part of ISO 17225 determines the fuel quality Specifications
classes and specifications of graded non-woody

This International Standards specifies the requirements This International Standard specifies the method for
for sampling of zinc and zinc alloys, as specified in ISO measuring relative wet grip braking performance index
752 and ISO 301, for analysis. to a reference under loaded conditions for new tyres for
05 Page Gr-XA ME use on passenger cars on a wet-paved surface.
The methods developed are meant to reduce variability.
BDS ISO 20482:2016 The use of a reference tyre is necessary to limit the
Metallic materials– Sheet and strip- Erichsen variability of the testing procedures.
cupping test 16 Page Gr-XB ME
This International Standard specifies a standard test BDS ISO 23996:2009
method for determining the ability of metallic sheets and Resilient floor coverings- Determination of density
strips having a thickness from 0,1 mm up to 2 mm and a Describes two methods for determining the density of
width of 90 mm or greater to undergo plastic homogeneous resilient floor coverings and solid layers
deformation in stretch forming. of other resilient floor coverings.
07 page Gr-XA CE 10 Page Gr-XA CE

BDS ISO 20723:2008 BDS ISO 24314:2008

Structural steels- Surface condition of hot-rolled Structural steels- Structural steels for building with
sections- Delivery requirements improved seismic resistance- Technical delivery
Specifies delivery requirements that apply to the surface conditions
condition of hot-rolled sections with nominal thickness Specifies qualities for seismic-purpose structural steels.
between W 3 mm and u 160 mm. It applies to all This International Standard applies to steel plates with
surfaces excluding edges. thicknesses of 6 mm or over and up to 125 mm, wide
09 Page Gr-XA CE flats and hot-rolled sections, which are used in the as-
delivered condition and normally intended for bolted,
BDS ISO 22306:2016 riveted or welded structures 1).
Fibre-reinforced cement pipe, joints and fittings for 20 Page Gr-XB CE
gravity systems
This International Standard specifies the properties of BDS ISO 24342:2009
the piping system and its components made from Resilient and textile floor-coverings- Determination
fibrereinforced cement, based upon Portland cement, of side length, edge straightness and squareness of
intended to be used for drainage or sewerage systems. tiles
This International Standard is applicable to fibre- Describes methods for determining side lengths,
reinforced cement pipes and fittings suitable primarily straightness of edges and squareness of resilient or
for use in gravity systems at atmospheric pressure in textile floor tiles.
buried applications 10 Page Gr-XA CE
47 Page Gr-XE CE
BDS ISO 24346:2009
BDS ISO 22965-1:2009 Resilient floor coverings- Determination of overall
Concrete- Part 1:Methods of specifying and guidance thickness
for the specifier This International Standard specifies a method for
Applies to concrete for structures cast in situ, pre-cast determining the overall thickness of resilient floor
structures and structural pre-cast products for buildings coverings.
and civil engineering structures. The concrete can be 06 Page Gr-XA CE
mixed on site, ready-mixed concrete or produced in a
BDS ISO 26203-1:2016
plant for pre-cast concrete products. Metallic materials– Tensile testing at high strain
20 Page Gr-XB CE rates- Part 1:Elastic-bar-type systems
BDS ISO 22965-2:2009 This International Standard specifies methods for testing
Concrete- Part 2: Specification of constituent metallic sheet materials to determine the stress-strain
materials, production of concrete and compliance of characteristics at high strain rates. This part of ISO
concrete 26203 covers the use of elastic-bar-type
Applies to concrete for structures cast in situ, pre-cast systems.
structures and structural pre-cast products for buildings 32 page Gr-XD CE
and civil engineering structures. The concrete can be
mixed on site, ready-mixed concrete or produced in a BDS ISO 26203-2:2016
plant for pre-cast concrete products. Metallic materials– Tensile testing at high strain
39 Page Gr-XD CE rates- Part 2: Servo-hydraulic and other test systems
This part of ISO 26203 gives requirements for the testing
BDS ISO 23671:2012 of metallic materials. Only examples for testing flat
Passenger car tyres- Method for measuring relative geometries are given; however, other geometries can be
wet grip performance- Loaded new tyres tested. The area of application spans a range of strain
rates from 10−2 s−1 to 103 s−1. Tests are carried out

between 10 °C and 35 °C and, unless otherwise underlying principles of ISO 30000 and describes the
specified, using a servo-hydraulic-type test system. intent, typical inputs, processes and typical outputs, for
15 page Gr-XB CE each requirement of ISO 30000. This is to aid in the
understanding and implementation of ISO 30000.
BDS ISO 29802:2012 48 Page Gr-XE ME
All terrain (AT) tyres and rims- Symbol marked
pneumatic tyres on 5 degrees tapered rims-
Designation, dimension, marking and load ratings.
This International Standard specifies the designations,
dimensions, markings and load ratings of pneumatic BDS ISO 30005:2014
tyres primarily intended for all terrain vehicles (ATV). It Ships and marine technology- Ship recycling
also specifies the designation, marking and contours of management systems- Information control for
rims. hazardous materials in the manufacturing chain of
12 Page Gr-XB ME shipbuilding and ship operations
This International Standard provides guidance for the
BDS ISO TR 29846:2012 management, communication, and maintenance of
Tyres, valves and tubes- kPa/psi equivalencies for information in an effective, standardized, and compatible
inflation pressures manner in accordance with the requirements of the Hong
This Technical Report contains assigned kPa values for Kong International Convention for the Safe and
whole psi values in the range of 1 psi to 152 psi, for Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships.
inflation pressures for use in certain regions of the world 32 Page Gr-XD ME
that require the use of psi for inflation pressures.
These equivalencies are intended for future applications BDS ISO 30006:2014
and do not apply to past practices. Ship recycling management systems- Diagrams to
02 Page Gr-XA ME show the location of hazardous materials onboard
BDS ISO 30000:2014 This International Standard provides requirements for
Specification for managements systems for safe and diagrams to show the location of hazardous materials
environmentally sound ship recycling facilities onboard ships. Such diagrams help ship recyclers
This International Standard specifies requirements for a understand an inventory of hazardous materials, a
management system to enable a ship recycling facility to document that is required by the Hong Kong
develop and implement procedures, policies and International Convention for the Safe and
objectives in order to be able to undertake safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009. This
environmentally sound ship recycling operations in International Standard is also helpful to any person
accordance with national and international standards. required to prepare an inventory.
28 Page Gr-XC ME 14 Page Gr-XB ME

BDS ISO 30002:2014 BDS ISO 30007:2014

Ships and marine technology- Ship recycling Ships and marine technology- Measures to prevent
management systems- Guidelines for selection of ship asbestos emission and exposure during ship recycling
recyclers (and pro forma contract) This International Standard provides effective methods
This International Standard provides guidance to for minimizing the dangers of asbestos during ship
shipowners in the selection of a ship recycling facility. recycling, reducing both the release of asbestos into the
50 Page Gr-XE ME environment and worker exposure to asbestos. It helps
ship recyclers to fulfil the requirements of The Hong
BDS ISO 30003:2014 Kong International Convention for the Safe and
Ships and marine technology- Ship recycling Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships.
management systems- Requirements for bodies 16 Page Gr-XA ME
providing audit and certification of ship recycling
management BDS IWA 11:2016
This International Standard contains principles and Guidelines for evaluating cookstove
requirements for bodies providing the audit and perfomance
certification of ship recycling management systems This International Workshop Agreement provides a
according to management system standards and framework for rating cookstoves against tiers of
standards such as ISO 30000. performance for a series.
50 Page Gr-XE ME 06 Page Gr-XA ME

BDS ISO 30004:2014

Ships and marine technology- Ship recycling ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS DIVISION:
management systems- Guidelines for the
implementation of ISO 30000
This International Standard provides generic advice on BDS ISO/IEC Guide 3:1998
the application of ISO 30000:2009. It explains the

Identification of national standards that are assessment and surveillance of the involved quality
equivalent to international standards system, and surveillance by testing of product samples
Intended to give guidelines for two variants of the taken from the factory or the open market, or both.
recommended method of identification of national 26 Page Gr-XC ET
standards that are equivalent to international standards
and to set the conditions under which the use of this BDS ISO/IEC Guide 43-1:2009
method is permitted. Proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparisons
18 Page Gr-XB ET Part 1 Development and operation of proficiency
testing schemes [Withdrawn]
BDS ISO/IEC Guide 7:2000 (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO/IEC 17043:2012)
Guidelines for drafting of standards suitable for use ET
for conformity assessment
Sets out guidelines to assist technical committees in
drafting standards suitable for use for conformity
assessment of products. BDS ISO/IEC Guide 43-2:2009
13 Page Gr-XB ET Proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparisons –
Part 2 Selection and use of proficiency testing
BDS ISO/IEC Guide 21-1:2005 schemes by laboratory accreditation bodies
Regional or national adoption of international [Withdrawn]
standards and other international deliverables — (Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO/IEC 17043:2012)
Part 1: adoption of international standards ET
Provides methods for the following: BDS ISO/IEC Guide 51:2000
a) determination of the degree of correspondence Guidelines for the inclusion of safety aspects in
between regional or national standards and relevant standards
international standards ; Provides standard-writers with a concept of safety
b) adoption of international standards as regional or with the purpose of promoting safety through standards.
national standards; 10 Page Gr-XA ET
c) indication of technical deviations which would
facilitate immediate recognition of any deviation; BDS ISO/lEC Guide 53:2005
d) numbering of regional or national standards that are Conformity assessment – Guidance on the use of an
identical adoptions of international standards ; Organization's quality system in products
e) indication of the degree of correspondence between certification
the regional or national standard and the international Outlines a general approach by which certification
standard. bodies can develop and apply product certification
28 Page Gr-XC ET schemes utilizing requirements of an organization's
quality management system.
BDS ISO/IEC Guide 21-2:2005 26 Page Gr-XC ET
Regional or national adoption of international
standards and other international deliverables – Part BDS ISO/IEC Guide 58:1998
2: adoption of international deliverables other than Calibration and testing laboratory accreditation
international standards systems – general requirements for operation and
Provides methods for the following: recognition
a) the adoption of international deliverables other than Set out the general requirements for the operation of a
international standards as regional or national system for accreditation and for testing laboratories so
deliverables; that the accreditation granted and the services covered
b) numbering of regional or national deliverables that are by the accreditation may be recognized at a national or
adoptions of international deliverables other than an international level.
international standards. 10 Page Gr-XA ET
18 Page Gr-XB ET
BDS ISO/IEC Guide 60:2009
BDS ISO/IEC Guide 25:1998
Conformity assessmept – Code of good practice
General for the competence of calibration and testing
Recommends good practices for all elements of
laboratories [Withdrawn]
conformity assessment, including normative documents,
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO/EC 17025:2005)
bodies, systems, schemes and results.
10 Page Gr-XA ET
BDS ISO/IEC Guide 28:2004
Conformity assessment – Guidance on a third-party BDS ISO/IEC Guide 61:1999
certification system for products General requirements for assessment and
Gives general guidelines for a specific product accreditation of certification/registration bodies
certification system. It is applicable to a third-party Specifies general requirements for a body to follow if it
product certification system for determining the is to be recognized at a national or international level as
conformity of a product with specified requirements competent and reliable in assessing and subsequently
through initial testing of samples of the product, accrediting certification bodies. or registration bodies.

17 Page Gr-XB ET Intended to facilitate international communicaticn in
information technology. It presents, terms and defin-
BDS ISO/IEC Guide 62:1998 itions of selected concepts relevant to the field of infor-
General requirements for bodies operating mation technology and identifies relationships among
assessment and certification/Registration of quality the entries.
systems 33 Page Gr-XD ET
Specifics general requirements for a third patty body
operating quality system certification/registration to BDS ISO/IEC 2382-25:2011
meet it is to be recognized as competent and reliable in Information technology — Vocabulary — Part 25:
the operation quality system certification/registration Local area networks
28 Page Gr-XC ET Intended to facilitate international communication in
information processing. It presents, terms and defini-
tions of selected concepts relevant to the field of infor-
BDS ISO/IEC Guide 64:1999 mation processing and identifies relationships between
Guide for the inclusion of environmental aspects in the entries.
product standards 25 Page Gr-XC ET
It is intended for standard writers; its purpose is
a) to raise awareness that provisions in product standards
can affect the environment in both negative and positive
b) to outline the relationship between product standards BDS ISO/IEC 2382-27:2011
and the environment; Information technology – Vocabulary – Part 27:
c) to help avoid provisions in product standards that may Office automation
lead to adverse environmental impacts; Intended to facilitate international communication in
d) to emphasize that addressing environmental aspects office automation. It presents, terms and definitions of
during the development of product standards is a selected concepts relevant to the field of office
complex process and requires blanking competing automation and identifies relationships between the
priorities. entries.
13 Page Gr-XB ET 18 Page Gr-XB ET
BDS ISO/IEC Guide 65:2000
BDS ISO/IEC 2859-1:2012
General requirements for bodies operating product
Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes —
certification system [Withdrawn]
Part 1: Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO/IEC 17065:2014)
quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-Iot inspection
Specifies an acceptance sampling system for inspection
BDS ISO/IEC Guide 66:1999
by attributes. It is indexed in terms of the acceptance
General requirements for bodies operating
quality limit (AQL). It purpose is to induce a supplier
assessment certification/registration of environmental
through the economic and psychological pressure of lot
management system (EMS)
non-acceptance to maintain a process average at least as
Specifies general requirements for a third party body
good as the specified acceptance quality limit, while at
operating EMS certification/registration to meet if it is to
the same time providing an upper limit for the risk to the
be recognized as competent and reliable in the operation
consumer of accepting the occasional poor lot.
of EMS certification/registration.
84 Page Gr-XE ET
14 Page Gr-XB ET
BDS ISO 5826:2008
BDS ISO/IEC Guide 68:2009 Resistance welding equipment — Transformers —
Arrangements for the recognition and acceptance of General specifications applicable to all transformers
conformity assessment results Give specifications applicable to transformers for
Provides an introduction to the development, issuance resistance welding equipment without connected
and operation of arrangements for the recognition and rectifier.
acceptance of results produced by bodies undertaking 20 Page Gr-XB ET
similar conformity assessment and related activities.
While agreements among governments pertaining to BDS ISO/IEC 7816-l:2003
transactions of regulated goods and services can take Identification cards — Integrated circuits cards with
into account the agreements addressed the guidance contacts — Part 1 Physical characteristics
provided here is introductory and general in nature and Specifies the physical characteristics of integrated
does not specifically address any special requirements circuit(s) cards with contacts. It applies to identification
that governmental agreements might generate. cards of the ID-1 card type, which may include
14 Page Gr-XB ET embossing and/or magnetic stripe. It doesn't, however,
define the nature, number and position of the integrated
BDS ISO/IEC 2382-1:2011 circuits in the cards.
Information technology — Vocabular — Part 1: 05 Page Gr-XA ET
Fundamental terms

BDS ISO/IEC 8631:2005 Information technology — Security techniques —
Information Technology — Program constructs and Entity authentication — Part 3: Mechanisms using
conventions for their representation. digital signature techniques
Cconcerned with the expression of procedure oriented Specifies entity authentication mechanisms using digital
algorithms. signatures based on asymmetric techniques. Two
10 Page Gr-XA ET mechanisms are concerned with the authentication of a
BDS ISO 9000:2015 single entity, while the remaining are mechanisms for
Quality management systems — Fundamentals and mutual authentication of two entities. A digital signature
vocabulary is used to verify the identity of an entity. A trusted third
Describes the fundamental concepts and principles of party may be involved.
quality management systems. 05 Page Gr-XA ET
18 Page Gr-XB ET
BDS ISO 10001:2009
BDS ISO 9001:2015 Quality management — Customer satisfaction —
Quality management systems — Requirements Guidelines for codes of conduct for organizations
Specifies requirements for a quality management system. Provides guidance for planning,developing,
42 Page Gr-XE ET implementing, maintaining and improving customer
satisfaction codes of conduot. Applicable to
BDS ISO/IEC TR 9294:2006 producrelated codes containing promises made to
Information technology — Guidelines for the customers by and organizaiton concerning its behabiour.
manage- ment of software documentation Such promises and related provisins are aimed at
Offers guidance on the management of software enhanced customer satisfation.
documenta -tion to those managers responsible for the 19 Page Gr-XB ET
production of software or software based products.
10 Page Gr-XA ET
BDS ISO 9488:2011 BDS ISO 10002:2009
Solar energy — Vocabulary. Quality management — Customer satisfaction —
Defines basic terms relating to solar energy. Guidelines for complaints handling in organization
42 Page Gr-XE ET Provides guidance on the process of complaints handling
BDS ISO/IEC 9798-1:2011 related to products within an organization, including
Information technology — Security techniques — planning, design, operation, maintenance and improve-
Entity authentication Part 1: General ment. The complaintshandling process described is
Specifies an authentication model and general uitable for use as one of the processes of an overall
requirements and constraints for entity authentication quality management system
mechanisms which use security techniques. Used to 33 Page Gr-XC ET
corroborate that an entity is the one that is claimed. An
BDS ISO 10003:2009
entity to be authenticated proves its identity by showing
Quality management — Customer satisfaction —
its knowledge of a secret. The mechanisms are defined
Guidelines for dispute resolution external to
as exchanges of information between entities and, where
required, exchanges with a trusted third party organizations
09 Page Gr-XA ET Provides guidance for an organization to plan, design,
develop, operate, maintain and improve an effective and
efficient dispute-resolution process for complaints that
BDS ISO/IEC 9798-2:2009 have not been resolved by the organization. Complaints
Information technology — Security techniques- relating to the organization’s products intended for, or
Entity authentication — Part 2: Mechanisms using required by, customers, the complaintshandling process
symmetric encipherment algorithms or dispute-resolution process
Specifies entity authentication mechanisms using 43 Page Gr-XD ET
symmetric encipherment algorithms. Four of the
mechanisms provide entity authentication between two BDS ISO TR 10013:2014
entities where no trusted third party is involved; two of Guidelines for quality management system
these are mechanisms to unilaterally authenticate one documentation
entity to another, while the other two are mechanisms for Provides guidelines for the development and
mutual authentication of two entities. The remaining maintenance of the documentation necessary to ensure
mechanisms require a trusted third party for the an effective quality management system, tailored to the
establishment of a common secret key, and realize specific needs of the organization. The use of these
mutual or unilateral entity authentication. guidelines will aid in establishing a documented system
09 Page Gr-XA ET as required by the applicable quality management system
BDS ISO/IEC 9798-3:2009 22 Page Gr-XC ET

BDS ISO/IEC 10373-l:2003

Identification cards — Test methods — Part-1: Synchronization methods and technical requirements
General characteristic tests for private integrated service network
Defines the test methods for characteristics of
Timing with in a digital private network needs to be
identification cards, which are common one or more card
controlled carefully to ensure that the rate of occurrence
of slips between PINXs within the PISN, and the
22 Page Gr-XC ET
public switched networks is sufficiently low not to
BDS ISO/IEC 10373-5:2003 affect unduly performance of voice transmissions, or
Identification cards — test methods — Part-5: the accuracy or throughput of non voice services.
Optical memory card 37 Page Gr-XD ET
Deal with test methods, which are specifies to optical
memory card technology. BDS ISO/IEC 11574:2014
06 Page Gr-XA ET Information technology – Telecommunications and
information exchange between systems – Private
BDS ISO 10656:2008 integrated services network – Circuit-mode 64 kbit/s
Electric resistance welding — Integrated bearer services – Service description, functional
transformers for welding guns capabilities and information flows
Specifies transformers for electric resistance welding Specifies the service description and control aspects,
used in welding guns with integrated transformers (robot including functional capabilities and information flows,
guns). For these transformers it supplements the of standardised circuit-mode bearer services which may
requirements given in IS0 5826. be supported by a Private Integrated Services
06 Page Gr-XA ET Network (PISN).
87 Page Gr-XE ET

BDS ISO/IEC 11411:2007

Information technology — Representation for human
communication of state transition of software
The underlying concept is that diagrams and symbols BDS ISO/IEC 11579-1:2002
defined herein be helpful in representing software Information technology – Telecommunication and
functions and transitions and in improving human information exchange between systems – Private
communication. The areas covered are development, integrated service network – Part-1: Reference
communication and review of software requirement configuration for PISN exchange (PINX)
analysis and design. Reference configuration (RC) for private integrated
10 Page Gr-XA ET service network exchange (PINX) for their
interconnection to form private integrated service
BDS ISO/IEC 11571:2011 network (PISN).
Information technology — Telecommunications and 12 Page Gr-XB ET
information exchange between systems — Private BDS ISO/IEC 11579-2:2002
integrated services networks — Addressing Information technology – Telecommunication and
Defines the requirements for the handling of network information exchange between systems – Private
addresses for the identification of entities which use or integrated service network — Part 2: Reference
provide telecommunication services offered by Private configuration for HS-PISN exchange (HS-PINX)
Integrated Services Networks (PISNs).. Reference configuration (RC) for high-speed private
21 Page Gr-XB ET integrated service network exchange (HS-PINX) for
their interconnection to form high-speed private
BDS ISO/IEC 11572:2014 integrated service network (HS-PISN). The
Information technology – Telecommunications and configuration is intended to provide guidance for the
information exchange between systems – Private specification of PINX capabilities, but does not impose
integrated services network – Circuit mode bearer any specific implementation of a HS-PINX.
services – Inter-exchange signalling procedures and 08 Page Gr-XA ET
protocol BDS ISO/IEC 11579-3:2002
Defines the signalling procedures and protocol for the Information technology — Telecommunication and
purpose of circuit-switched Call Control at the Q- information exchange between systems — Private
reference point between Private Integrated Network integrated service network — Part 3 Reference
Exchanges (PINXs) connected together within a Private configuration for PISN extension lines
Integrated Services Network (PISN). Reference configuration (RC) for extension line of a
137 Page Gr-XE ET private integrated service network exchange (PINX)
including high level functions in addition to the physical
BDS ISO/IEC 11573:2002 termination system.
Information technology – Telecommunication and 10 Page Gr-XA ET
information exchange between systems –

BDS ISO/IEC 11582:2009 information exchange between systems — Private
Information technology — Telecommunications and Integrated Services Network — Inter-exchange
information exchange between systems — Private signalling protocol — Route Restriction Class
integrated services network — Generic functional additional network
protocol for the support of supplementary services — Specifies the signalling protocol for the support of the
Inter-exchange signaling procedures and protocol Route Restriction Class (RRC) additional network
Defines the signaling protocol for the control of feature (ANF-RRC) point between Private Integrated
supplementary services and Additional Network Services Network Exchanges (PINXs) connected
Features (ANFs). The protocol is part of Private together within a Private Integrated Services Network
Signaling System (PSS), Detailed procedures applicable (PISN).
to individual. 22 Page Gr-XC ET
106 Page Gr-XE ET
BDS ISO/IEC 13242:2008
BDS ISO/IEC 11584:2008 Information technology — Telecommunications and
Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Private
information exchange between systems – Private integrated services network — Specification,
integrated services network – Circuit-mode multi — functional model and information flows — Route
rate bearer services — Service description, Restriction Class additional network feature
functional capabilities and information flows Route Restriction Class additional network feature
Specifies service description and control aspects of the (ANF-RRC), which is applicable to various basic
multi-rate circuit-mode basic services which may be services supported by Private Integrated Services
supported by Private Integrated Services Network Networks (PISN). Basic services are specified in
(PISN). ISO/IEC 11574.
08 Page Gr-XA ET 14 Page Gr-XB ET

BDS lSO/lEC 13246:2008

BDS ISO/IEC 11693:2003 Information technology — Telecommunications and
Identification cards — Optical memory cards — information exchange between Systems –Broadband
General characteristics Private integrated services network – Inter exchange
Provides information necessary to store data on cards, to signaling protocol — Signalling ATM adaptation
read data from cards, and for the physical, optical and layer
data interchangeability of optical memory cards in Signalling ATM adaptation layer (SAAL) protocol used
information processing systems. at the interface between Broadband PINXs and between
07 Page Gr-XA ET Broadband PISNs within the framework of the B-QSIG
signalling System protocol family.
BDS ISO/IEC 12119:2006 14 Page Gr-XB ET
Information technology — Software packages —
Quality requirements and testing.
Applicable to software packages. BDS ISO 13351:2011
12 Page Gr-XB ET Fans — Dimensions
Specifies the dimensions of the circular and rectangular
BDS ISO 12166:2008 flanges of general-purpose fans, as well as the fan size
Resistance welding equipment — Particular designations. It provides for three different flange series:
specifications applicable to transformers with one one for light-duty casing thicknesses, another for
secondary winding for multispot welding, as used in medium-duty fans and the third for heavy-duty fans.
the automobile industry 13 Page Gr-XB ET
Give specific details or to complement ISO 5826, which
deals with general specifications applicable to all BDS ISO 13528:2013
transformers, relating to particular transformers within Statistical methods for use in proficiency testing by
its field of application. interlaboratory comparisons
04 Page Gr-XA ET Providing detailed descriptions of sound statistical
methods for organizers to use to analyse the data
BDS ISO/IEC TR 12182:2006 obtained from proficiency testing schemes, and by
Information Technology — Categorization of giving recommendations on their use in practice by
software participants in such schemes and by accreditation bodies.
Categories of software that are produced by software 74 Page Gr-XE ET
engineering processes. It describes a categorization
scheme for software that encompasses different points of BDS ISO/IEC 13800:2006
view and significant characteristics and attributes that Information Technology — Procedure for the
describe and define software and software categories registration of identifiers and attributes for volume
and files structure
BDS ISO/IEC 13241:2008 Procedure to be followed by a Registration Authority in
Information technology — Telecommunications and preparing, maintaining and publishing an International

Register of attributes and one or more International 35 Page Gr-XD ET
Registers of identifiers for volume and file structure.
12 Page Gr-XA ET BDS ISO/IEC 14598-5:2008
Information technology — Software product
BDS ISO 14001:2015 evaluation — Part 5: Process for evaluators
Environmental management systems — Provides requirements and recommendations for the
Requirements with guidance for use practical implementation of software product evaluation
Specifies the requirements for an environmental when several parties need to understand and trust
management system that an organization can use to evaluation results.
enhance its environmental performance. Intended for use 35 Page Gr-XC ET
by an organization seeking to manage its environmental BDS ISO/IEC 14598-6:2008
responsibilities in a systematic manner that contributes Information technology — Software engineering —
to the environmental pillar of sustainability. Product Evaluation — Part 6: Documentation of
43 Page Gr-XE ET evaluation modules
Defines the structure and content of the documentation
BDS ISO 14050:2015 to be used to describe an Evaluation Module.
Environmental management systems — Vocabulary 28Page Gr-XC ET
Defines terms of fundamental concepts related to
environmental management, published in the ISO 14000 BDS ISO/IEC 14764:2007
series of International Standards. Information technology — Software maintenance
Describes in greater detail management of the
88 Page Gr-XE ET
Maintenance process. It also establishes definitions for
BDS ISO/IEC TR 14471:2007 the various types of maintenance. This provides
Information technology — Software engineering — guidance that applies to planning, execution and control,
Guidelines for the adoption of CASE tools review and evaluation, and closure of the maintenance
Since CASE adoption is a subject of the broader process. The scope includes maintenance for multiple
technology transition problem, this Technical Report software products with the same maintenance resources.
addresses the adoption practices appropriate for a wide 42 Page Gr-XE ET
range of computing organisations.
20 Page Gr-XB ET

BDS ISO/IEC 14598-1:2008

Information Technology — Software product
evaluation — Part 1: General overview
Introduces the other parts. It provides an overview of the BDS ISO 15189:2015
other parts and explains the relationship between ISO Medical laboratories — Requirements for quality
IEC 14598 and the quality model in ISO IEC 9126. and competence
20 Page Gr-XB ET Specifies requirements for quality and competence in
medical laboratories. It can be used by medical
BDS ISO IEC 14598-2:2008 laboratories in developing their quality management
Information Technology — Software Product systems and assessing their own competence.
evaluation — Part 2: Planning and management 60 Page Gr-XE ET
Provides requirements, recommendations and guidelines
for a supporting function which is responsible for the BDS ISO/IEC 15428:2009
management of software product evaluation. Information technology — Telecommunications and
10 Page Gr-XA ET information exchange between systems — Private
integrated services network – Specification,
BDS ISO IEC 14598-3:2008 functional model and information flows – Wireless
Information Technology — Software product terminal location registration supplementary service
evaluation Part 3: Process for developers and Wireless terminal information exchange
Provides requirements and recommendations for the additional network feature
practical implementation of software product evaluation Specifies the Wireless Terminal Location Registration
when the evaluation is conducted in parallel with the supplementary service (SS-WTLR) and the Wireless
development and carried out by the developer. Terminal Information Exchange additional network
15 Page Gr-XA ET feature (ANF-WTINFO), which are applicable to various
BDS ISO/IEC 14598-4:2008 basic services supported by Private Integrated Services
Information technology — Software engineering — Networks (PISN).
Product Evaluation — Part 4: Process for acquirers 42 Page Gr-XE ET
Contains requirements, recommendations and guidelines BDS ISO/IEC 15429:2009
for the systematic measurement, assessment and Information technology — Telecommunications and
evaluation of software product quality during acquisition information Exchange between systems — Private
of “off-the-shelf” software products, custom software integrated services network — Interexchange
products, or modifications to existing software products. signalling protocol — Wireless terminal location

registration supplementary service and wireless BDS ISO PAS 17001:2008
terminal information exchange additional network Conformity assessment — Impartiality — Principles
feature and requirements
Specifies the signaling protocol for the support of the Contains principles and requirements for the elements of
Wireless Terminal Location Registration supplementary impartiality as it relates to standards for conformity
service (SS-WTLR) and the Wireless Terminal assessment.
Information exchange additional network feature 08 Page Gr-XA ET
(ANFWTINFO) at the Q reference point between Private
Integrated services Network exchanges (PINXs) BDS ISO PAS 17002:2008
connected together within a Private Integrated Services Conformity assessment — Confidentiality —
Network. principles and requirements
42 Page Gr-XE ET Contains principles and requirements for the element of
confidentiality as it relates to conformity assessment.
BDS ISO/IEC 15430:2009 05 Page Gr-XA ET
Information technology — Telecommunications and
BDS ISO PAS 17003:2008
information exchange between systems — Private
Conformity assessment — Complaints and appeals
integrated services network — Specification,
— Principles and requirements
functional model and information flows — Wireless
Contains principles and requirements for the elements of
terminal call handling additional network features
complaints and appeals as they relate to conformity
Specifies the Wireless terminal call handling additional assessment.
network features (ANF-WTMI, ANF-WTMO), which 08 Page Gr-XA ET
are applicable to various basic services supported by
Private Integrated Services Networks (PISN). BDS ISO PAS 17004:2008
32 Page Gr-XD ET Conformity — Assessment — Disclosure of
information — Principles and requirements
BDS ISO/IEC 15431:2014 Contains principles and requirements for the element of
Information technology — Telecommunications and disclosure of information as it relates to standards for
information exchange between systems — Private conformity assessment.
integrated services network — Interexchange 08 Page Gr-XA ET
signalling protocol — Wireless terminal call handling
additional network features BDS ISO/IEC TC 17010:1998
Specifies the signalling protocol for the support of the General requirements for bodies providing
Wireless terminal call handling additional network accreditation of inspection bodies
features (ANF-WTMI and ANF-WTMO) at the Q Gives general requirements for bodies providing
reference point between Private Integrated services accreditation of inspection bodies so that the
Network eXchanges (PINX) connected together within a accreditations granted and the services covered by the
Private Integrated Services Network (PISN). accreditations may be recognized at a national or an
47 Page Gr-XE ET international level and the body operating the
accreditation system may be recognized at national or
BDS ISO/IEC 15507:2002
international level as competent and reliable.
Information technology — Telecommunications and
16 Page Gr-XA ET
information exchange between systems — Private
integrated service network — Interexchange
BDS ISO/IEC 17011:2008
signaling protocol — PINX clock synchronization.
Conformity assessment – General requirements for
Specifies signaling protocol for the support of clock
accreditation bodies accrediting conformity
synchronization (SYNC-SIG) between private integrated
assessment bodies
service network exchanges (PINXs) connected together
Specifies general requirements for accreditation bodies
within a private integrated service network (PISN).
assessing and accrediting conformity assessment bodies
18 Page Gr-XB ET (CABs). It is also appropriate as a requirements
document for the peer evaluation process for mutual
BDS ISO/IEC 17000:2008 recognition arrangements between accreditation bodies.
Conformity assessment — Complaints and appeals 26 Page Gr-XA ET
— Principles and requirements assessment —
Vocabulary and general principles BDS ISO/IEC 17020:2014
Specifies general terms and definitions relating to General criteria for the operation of various types of
conformity assessment, including the accreditation of bodies performing inspection
conformity assessment bodies, and to the use of Specifies general criteria for the competence of impartial
conformity assessment to facilitate trade. A description bodies performing inspection irrespective of the sector
of the functional approach to conformity assessment is involved.
included. 16 Page Gr-XB ET
12 Page Gr-XB ET

BDS ISO/IEC 17021:2013 providing audit and certification of management systems
Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies and to those that develop and maintain certification
providing audit and certification of management schemes.
systems 14 Page Gr-XB ET
Contains principles and requirements for the
competence, consistency and impartiality of the audit BDS ISO/IEC 17024:2003
and certification of management systems of all types and Conformity assessment — General requirements for
for bodies providing these activities. bodies operating certification of persons
25 Page Gr-XC ET Specifies requirements for a body certifying persons
against specific requirements, including the development
BDS ISO/IEC TS 17021-2:2015 and maintenance of a certification scheme for persons.
Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies 08 Page Gr-XA ET
providing audit and certification of management
systems — Part 2: Competence requirements for BDS ISO/IEC 17025:2005
auditing and certification of environmental General requirements for the competence of testing
management systems and calibration laboratories
General requirements for the competence to carry out
Specifies additional competence requirements for tests and or calibrations, including sampling. It covers
personnel involved in the audit and certification process the testing and calibration methods applical to all
for Environmental Management Systems (EMS). laboratories. This standard does not cover the regulatory
18 Page Gr-XB ET and safety requirements on the operation of laboratories.
29 Page Gr-XC ET
BDS ISO/IEC TS 17021-3:2015
Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies BDS ISO/IEC TS 17027:2015
providing audit and certification of management Conformity assessment – Vocabulary related to
systems — Part 3: Competence requirements for competence of persons used for certification of
auditing and certification of quality management persons
systems Specifies terms and definitions related to the competence
It includes specific competence requirements for of persons used in the field of certification of persons, in
personnel involved in the certification process for quality order to establish a common vocabulary. These terms
management systems (QMS). and definitions can also be used as applicable in other
16 Page Gr-XB ET documents specifying competence of persons, such as
regulations, standards, certification schemes, research,
training, licensing and registration.
BDS ISO/IEC TS 17021-4:2015 11 Page Gr-XB ET
Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies
providing audit and certification of management
systems Part 4: Competence requirements for
auditing and ertification of event sustainability
management systems
It specifies additional competence requirements for
personnel involved in the audit and certification process
for event sustainability management systems (ESMS). BDS ISO/IEC 17030:2008
Conformity assessment – General requirements for
18 Page Gr-XB ET
third-party marks of conformity
Provides general requirements for third-party marks of
BDS ISO/IEC TS 17021-5:2015 conformity, including their issue and use.
Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies 04 Page Gr-XA ET
providing audit and certification of management
systems — Part 5: Competence requirements for
BDS ISO/IEC 17040:2008
auditing and certification of asset management
Conformity assessment – General requirements for
peer assessment of conformity assessment bodies and
It specifies additional competence requirements for
accreditation bodies
personnel involved in the certification process for asset
Specifies the general requirements for the peer
management systems.
assessment process to be carried out by agreement
12 Page Gr-XA ET groups of accreditation bodies or conformity assessment
BDS ISO/IEC TS 17023:2014 bodies. It addresses the structure and operation of the
Conformity assessment — Guidelines for agreement group only.
determining the duration of management system 15 Page Gr-XB ET
certification audits
BDS ISO/IEC 17043:2012
Provides guidelines for determining the duration of
Conformity assessment – General
management system certification audits, to the bodies
requirements for proficiency testing

Specifies general requirements for the competence of BDS ISO/IEC 17310:2003
providers of proficient testing schemes and for the Information technology — Telecommunications and
development and operation of proficiency testing information exchange between systems — Private
schemes. These requirement are intended to be general integrated services network — Mapping functions for
for all types of proficiency testing schemes, and they can the employment of 64 k bit/s circuit mode
be used as a basis for particular fields of application. connections with 16 k bit/s sub-multiplexing
38 Page Gr-XD ET Defines the mapping functions in exchanges of private
integrated services networks (PISNs) required for the
BDS ISO/IEC 17050-1:2008
utilization of scenarios in which 64 kbit/s circuit mode
Conformity assessment – Supplier's declaration of
connections are multiplexed into 4 x16 kbit/s channels
conformity – Part 1: General requirements
for carrying inter-PINX signalling and user information.
Specifies general requirements for a supplier’s
13 Page Gr-XB ET
declaration of conformity in cases where it is desirable,
or necessary, that conformity of an object to the
BDS ISO/IEC 17311:2003
specified requirements be attested, irrespective of the
Information technology — Telecommunications and
sector involved. The object of a declaration of
information exchange between systems — private
conformity can be a product, process, management
integrated services network — mapping functions for
system, person or body.
the employment of 64 k bit/s circuit mode
06 Page Gr-XA ET
connections with 8 k bit/s sub-multiplexing
Defines the mapping functions in exchanges of provate
BDS ISO/IEC 17050-2:1998
Integrated services networks (PISNs) required for the
Conformity assessment — Supplier's declaration of utilization of scenarios in which 64 kbit/s circuit mode
conformity — Part 2: Supporting documentation connections are sub-multiplexed into one 16 kbit channel
supplier’s declaration of conformity for carrying inter-PINX signalling and 6x8 kbit/s
The object of a declaration of conformity can be a channels for carrying inter-PINX user informatiom.
product, process, management system, person or body. 13 Page Gr-XB ET
Instead of “supplier's declaration of conformity”, the
term “declaration of conformity” can be used. BDS ISO/IEC 17799:2011
03 Page Gr-XA ET Information technology – Security techniques
BDS ISO/IEC 17065:2014 — Code of practice for information security
Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies management
certifying products, processes and services Establishes guidelines and general principles for
Contains requirements for the competence, consistent initiating, implementing, maintaining, alld improving
operation and impartiality of product, process and information security management in an organization.
service certification bodies. The objectives provide general guidance on the
28 Page Gr-XC ET commonly accepted goals of information security
30 Page Gr-XC ET

BDS ISO/IEC 17067:2014

Conformity assessment — Fundamentals of product
certification and guidelines for product certification
schemes BDS ISO 19011:2009
Describes the fundamentals of product certification and Guidelines for quality and/or environmental
provides guidelines for understanding, developing, management systems auditing
operating or maintaining certification schemes for Provides guidance on auditing management systems,
products, processes and services. including the principles of auditing, managing an audit
20 Page Gr-XB ET programme and conducting management system audits,
as well as guidance on the evaluation of competence of
BDS ISO/IEC 17309:2003 individuals involved in the audit process, including the
Information technology — Telecommunications and person managing the audit programme, auditors and
information exchange between systems — Private audit teams.
integrated services network — Mapping functions for 50 Page Gr-XE ET
the employment of a circuit mode basic service and BDS ISO TS 21748:2013
the supplementary service user to user signalling as a Guide to the use of repeatability, reproducibility and
pair of on-demand inter PINX connections trueness estimates in measurement uncertainty
Specifies the mapping functions for a pair of on demand estimation
inter-PINX connections using a circuit mode basic Gives guidance for-evaluation of measurement
service and the supplementary service User-in-User uncertainties using data obtained using formal principles
signalling of a public ISDN at the same time. of uncertainty propagation.
12 Page Gr-XB ET 44 Page Gr-XE ET

BDS ISO 22000:2009 and design from inception to the production of
Food safety management – Requirements for any implementation plans.
organization in the food chain 68 Page Gr-XE ET
Specifies requirements for a food safety management
system where an organization in the food chain needs to BDS ISO/IEC 27010:2015
demonstrate its ability to control food safety hazards in Information technology – Security techniques –
order to ensure that food is safe at the time of human Information security management for inter-sector
consumption. and inter-organizational communications
40 Page Gr-XD ET Provides guidelines in addition to guidance given in the
ISO/IEC 27000 family of standards for implementing
BDS ISO TS 22003:2010 information security management within information
Food safety management systems – Requirements for sharing communities.
bodies providing audit and certification of food safety
46 Page Gr-XE ET
management system
Defines the rules applicable for the audit and
BDS ISO 37001:2016
certification of a food safety management system
Anti-bribery management systems ̶ Requirements
provides the necessary information and confidence to
with guidance for use
customers about the way certification of their suppliers
Provides guidance for establishing, implementing,
has been granted.
maintaining, reviewing and improving an anti-bribery
22 Page Gr-XC ET
management system. The system can be standalone or
BDS ISO/IEC 24787:2013 can be integrated into an overall management system.
Information technology — Identification 47 Page Gr-XE ET
cards — On-card biometric comparison
Requirements for performing comparisons of biometric BDS ISO 50001:2012
samples and returning decisions on an integrated circuit Energy management systems – Requirements with
card, and security policies for on-card biometric guidance for use
comparison. Specifies requirements for establishing,
It also establishes commands and rules to permit pre implementing, maintaining and improving an energy
comparison computations to be done off-card. management system, whose purpose is to enable an
48 Page Gr-XE ET organization to follow a systematic approach in
achieving continual improvement of energy
BDS ISO/IEC 27001:2015 performance, including energy efficiency, energy use
Information technology — Security techniques — and consumption.
Information security management systems — 28 Page Gr-XC ET
Specifies the requirements for establishing, BDS ISO 50002:2015
implementing, maintaining and continually improving an Energy audits – Requirements with guidance for use
information security management system within the
Specifies the process requirements for carrying out an
context of the organization. It also includes requirements
energy audit in relation to energy performance. It is
for the assessment and treatment of information security
applicable to all types of establishments and
risks tailored to the needs of the organization. organizations, and all forms of energy and energy use.
23 Page Gr-XC ET 31Page Gr-XD ET
BDS ISO/IEC 27002:2015
Information technology — Security techniques —
Code of practice for inform ation security controls
Gives guidelines for organizational information security
standards and information security management BDS ISO 50003:2015
practices including the selection, implementation and Energy management systems – Requirements for
management of controls taking into consideration the bodies providing audit and certification of energy
organization’s information security risk environment(s). management systems
80 Page Gr-XE ET Specifies requirements for competence, consistency and
impartiality in the auditing and certification of energy
management systems (EnMS) for bodies providing these
services. In order to ensure the effectiveness of EnMS
BDS ISO/IEC 27003:2014 auditing, it enclosed auditing process, competence
Information technology — Security techniques — requirements for personnel involved in the certification
Information security management system process for energy management systems, the duration of
implementation guidance audits and multi-site sampling.
Focuses on the critical aspects needed for successful 27 Page Gr-XC ET
design and implementation of an Information Security BDS IEC 60034-1:2008
Management System The process of ISMS specification

Rotating Electrical machines Part 1: Rating and 10 Page Gr-XA ET
Applicable to all rotating electrical machines except
those covered by other IEC standards. BDS IEC 60050-411:2008
60 Page Gr-XE ET International electrotechnical vocabulary – Part-
411: Rotating machines
BDS IEC 60034-2-1:2009 Describe the electrotechnical vocabulary of rotating
Rotating electrical machines Part 2-1: Standard machines
methods for determining losses and efficiency 37 Page Gr-XD ET
Intended to establish methods of determining
efficiencies from tests, and also to specify methods of BDS IEC 60050-461:2013
obtaining specific losses. This standard applies to d.c. International electrotechnical vocabulary – Part 461:
machines and to a.c. synchronous and induction Electric cables
machines of all sizes. Defines the terms used in standards relating to electrical
63 Page Gr-XE ET wires, cables and conductors.
20 Page Gr-XB ET
BDS IEC 60034-6:2009
Rotating electrical machines Part 6: Methods of BDS IEC 60050-481:2008
cooling (IC Code) International electrotechnical vocabulary – Part 481
Identifies the circuit arrangements and the methods of Primary cells and batteries
movement of the coolant in rotating electrical machines, Describe the electrotechnical vocabulary of primary cells
classifies the methods of cooling and gives a designation and batteries
system for them. 13 Page Gr-XB ET
13 Page Gr-XB ET
BDS IEC 60050-486 :2005
BDS IEC 60034-9:2009 International electrotechnical vocabulary – Part 486:
Rotating electrical machines Part 9: Noise limits Secondary cells and batteries
This part of IEC 60024 Describe the electrotechnical vocabulary of Secondary
– Specifies test methods for the determination of sound cells and batteries.
power level of rotating electrical machines; 16 Page Gr-XB ET
– Specifies maximum A-weighted sound power levels
for factory acceptance testing of network-supplied, BDS IEC 60050-551:2008
rotating electrical machines in accordance with IEC International electrotechnical vocabulary Part 551
60034-1 having methods of cooling according to IEC Power electronics
60034-6 and degrees of protection according to IEC Describe the electrotechnical vocabulary of power
60034-5, and having the following caracteristics; electronics.
– Provides guidance for the determination of noise 20 Page Gr-XB ET
levels for a.c. cage induction motors supplied by
converters. BDS IEC 60050-901:2015
08 Page Gr-XA ET International electrotechnical vocabulary – Part 901:
BDS IEC 60034-29:2013 Gives the general terminology used in the field of
Rotating electrical machines – Part 29: Equivalent standardization, as well as general terms pertaining to
loading and superposition techniques–Indirect testing specific applications and associated technologies.
to determine temperature rise 54 Page Gr-XE ET
Applies to machines covered by IEC 60034-1 when they
cannot be loaded to a specific condition. It is applicable BDS IEC 60059:2010
to both motors and generators. IEC standard current ratings
08 Page Gr-XA ET Standard current ratings for electrical devices, apparatus,
instruments and equipment and should be applied to the
BDS IEC 60034-30:2011 designing of utilization systems or equipment as well as
Rotating electrical machines - Part 30: to operating characteristics.
Efficiency classes of single-speed, three-phase, cage- 07 Page Gr-XA ET
induction motors (IE-code)
Specifies efficiency classes for single-speed, three- BDS IEC 60065:2015
phase, 50 Hz and 60 Hz, cage-induction motors. Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus –
16 Page Gr-XB ET Safety requirements
Applies to electronic apparatus designed to be fed from
BDS IEC 60038:2010 the MAINS, from a SUPPLY APPARATUS, from
IEC standard voltages batteries or from REMOTE POWER FEEDING and
Standard voltage ratings for eclectic devices instruments intended for reception, generation, recording or
apparatus and requirement reproduction respectively of audio, video and associated

signals. It also applies to apparatus designed to be used Applicable to oil-immersed transformers. It describes the
exclusively in combination with the above-mentioned effect of operation under various ambient temperatures
apparatus. and load conditions on transformer life.
160 Page Gr-XE ET 51 Page Gr-XE ET
BDS IEC 60076-1:2016
Power transformers – Part 1: General BDS IEC 60076-8 : 2006
Power transformers – Part-8: Application guide
Applies to three-phase and single-phase power
transformers (including auto-transformers) with the Applies to power transformers complying with the series
exception of certain categories of small and special of publications IEC 60076.
transformers 83 Page Gr-XB ET
BDS IEC 60076-10:2006
71 Page Gr-XE ET
Power transformers – Part-10: Determination of
sound levels
BDS IEC 60076-2:201
Defines sound pressure and sound intensity
Power transformers – Part 2: Temperature rise for
measurement methods by which sound power levels of
liquid-immersed transformers
transformers, reactors and their associated cooling
Applies to liquid-immersed transformers, identifies
auxiliaries may be determined.
power transformers according to their cooling methods,
30 Page Gr-XC ET
defines temperature rise limits and gives the methods for
temperature rise tests. BDS IEC 60076-10-1:2008
41 Page Gr-XE ET Power Transformers – Part 10-1: Determination of
Sound Levels – Application Guide
BDS IEC 60076-3:2016 Provides supporting information to help both
Power transformers – Part 3: Insulation levels, manufacturers and purchasers apply the measurment
dielectric tests and external clearances in air techniques. The sources and characteristics of
Applies to power transformers as defined by and in the transformer and reactor sound are described. Practical
scope of IEC 60076-1. It gives details of the applicable guidance on making measurments is given, and factors
dielectric tests and minimum dielectric test levels. that may influence the accuracy of the methods are
Recommended minimum external clearances in air discussed.
between live parts and between live parts and earth are 42 Page Gr-XE ET
given for use when these clearances are not specified by BDS IEC 60076-11:2009
the purchaser. Power transformers – Part-11: Dry-type power
56 Page Gr-XE ET transformers
Dry-type power transformers (including auto-
BDS IEC 60076-4:2007 transformers) having values of highest voltage for
Power transformers – Part 4 Guide to the equipment up to and including 36 kV and at least one
lightning impulse and switching impulse testing - winding operating at greater than 1.1 kV.
power transformers and reactors 30 Page Gr-XC ET
Gives guidance and explanatory comments on the
existing procedures for lightning and switching impulse BDS IEC 60076-12:2015
testing of power transformers to supplement the Power transformers – Part 12: Loading guide for
requirements. It is also generally applicable to the testing dry-type power transformers
of reactors, modifications to power transformer Applicable to dry-type transformers It provides the
procedures being indicated where required. means to estimate ageing rate and consumption of
51 Page Gr-XE ET lifetime of the transformer insulation as a function of the
BDS IEC 60076-5:2006 operating temperature, time and the loading of the
Power transformers – Part-5: Ability to withstand transformer.
short circuit 39 Page Gr-XD ET
Identifies the requirements for power transformers to BDS IEC 60076-13:2009
sustain without damage the effects of overcurrent Power transformers – Part-13: Self-protected liquied-
soriginated by external short circuits. It describes the filled transformers
calculation procedures used to demonstrate the thermal Applies to high-voltage/low-voltage self-protected
ability of a power transformer to withstand such liquied-filled and naturally cooled transformers for rated
overcurrents and both the special test and the theoritical power 50 kVA to 1000 kVA for indoor or outdoor use
evaluation method used to demonstrate the ability to 13 Page Gr-XB ET
withstand the relevant dynamic effects.
34 Page Gr-XD ET BDS IEC 60076-14:2015
Power transformers – Part 14: Liquid-immersed
BDS IEC 60076-7:2007 power transformers using high-temperature
Power transformers – Part-7: Loading guide for opil- insulation materials
immersed power transformers Applies to liquid-immersed power transformers
employing either high-temperature insulation or

combinations of high-temperature and conventional Primary batteries – Part-4: Safety of lithium
insulation, operating at temperatures. batteries
60 Page Gr-XE ET Specifies tests and requirements for primary lithium
batteries to ensure their safe operation under intended
BDS IEC 60076-15:2015 use and resonably forseeable misuse.
Power transformers – Part 15: Gas-filled power 32 Page Gr-XD ET
Applies to gas-filled power transformers (including auto- BDS IEC 60086-5:2005
transformers). The standard applies to all construction Primary batteries – Part-5: Safety of batteries with
technologies. aqueous electrolyte
28 Page Gr-XC ET Specifies tests and requirements for promary batteries
BDS IEC 60076-16:2015 with aqueous electrolyte to ensure their safe operation
Power transformers – Part 16: Transformers for under normal use and resonably forseeable misuse.
wind turbine applications 34 Page Gr-XD ET
Applies to dry-type and liquid-immersed transformers
BDS IEC 60137:2005
for rated power 100 kVA up to 10 000 kVA for wind
Insulated bushings for alternating voltages above
turbine applications having a winding with highest
1000 V
voltage for equipment up to and including 36 kV and at
Specifies the characteristics and tests for insulated
least one winding operating at a voltage greater than 1,1
45 Page Gr-XE ET
40 Page Gr-XD ET
BDS IEC 60143-1:2009
BDS IEC 60081:2006 Series capacitors for power systems – Part-I: General
Double-capped fluorescent lamps – Performance Applies both to capacitor units and capacitor banks
Specification intended to be used connected in series with an a.c.
Describe the double-capped fluorescent lamps of transmission or distribution line or cicuit forming part of
performance specification. an a.c. power system having a frequency of 15 Hz to 60
98 Page Gr-XE ET Hz
58 Page Gr-XE ET
BDS IEC 60085:2010
Electrical insulation – Thermal evaluation and BDS IEC 60143-2:2009
designation Series capacitors for power systems – Part-2:
Distinguishes between thermal classes for electrical Protective equipment for series capacitor banks
insulation systems and electrical insulating materials. It Covers protective equipment for series capacitor banks,
establishes the criteria for evaluating the thermal with a size larger than 10 Mvar per phase. Protective
endurance of either electrical insulating materials (EIM) equipment is defined as the main circuit apparatus and
or electrical insulation systems (EIS). It also establishes ancillary equipment, which are part of a series capacitor
the procedure for assigning thermal classes. installation, but which are external to the capacitor part
03 Page Gr-XA ET itself.
50 Page Gr-XE ET
BDS IEC 60086-1:2005
BDS IEC 60143-3:2009
Primary batteries – Part-1: General
Series capacitors for power systems – Part 3: Internal
It standardize primary batteries with respect to their
electrotechnical system, dimensions, nomenclature,
Covers intrnal fuses designed to isolate faulty capacitor
terminal configurations, marketings, test methods,
elements, to allow peration of the remaining parts of that
typical performance, safety and environmental aspects.
capacitor unit and the bank in which the capacitor unit is
45 Page Gr-XE ET
connected. Such fuses are not a substitute for a switching
BDS IEC 60086-2:2005 device such as a circuitbreaker, or for external protection
Primary batteries – Part-2: Physical and electrical of the capacitor bank, or any part thereof.
specifications 10 Page Gr-XA ET
Applicable to primary batteries based on standardized BDS IEC 60155:2006
electrochemical systems. Glow – starters for fluorescent lamps
59 Page Gr-XE ET Specifies interchangeable glow-starters used with pre-
heat type fluorescent lamps, hereafter called Òstarters”
BDS IEC 60086-3:2005
specifies the general and safety regularements with
Primary batteries – Part-3: Watch batteries
which starters shall comply-specifies the pertormance
Specifies dimensions designation, methods of tests and
26 Page Gr-XC ET
requirements for primary batteries for watches. In
several cases a menu of test methods is given. BDS IEC 60173:2010
19 Page Gr-XB ET Colours of the cores of flexible cables and cords.
BDS IEC 60086-4:2005

Applies to flexible cables and cords with not more than between the results obtained on cables made to
fives cores. different specifications.
03 Page Gr-XA ET 05 Page Gr-XA ET
BDS IEC 60188:2006 BDS IEC 60238:2010
High-pressure mercury vapour lamps – Performance Edison screw lampholders
Specifications Applies to lampholders with Edison thread E14, E27 and
Specifies the performance requirements for high- E40, designed for connection to the supply of lamps and
pressure mercury vapour lamps for general lighting semi-uminaires only. It also applies to switched-
purposes, with or without a red correcting fluorescent lampholders for use in a.c. circuits only, where the
coating. For some of the requirements given in this working voltage does not exceed 250 V r.m.s.
standard, reference is made to "the relevant lamp data 73 Page Gr-XE ET
sheet". For some lamps these data sheets are contained in
this standard. For other lamps, falling under the scope of BDS IEC 60254-1:2003
this standard, the relevant data are supplied by the lamp Lead-acid traction batteries – Part 1: General
manufacturer or responsible vendor. requirements and methods of test
30 Page Gr-XC ET Applicable to lead-acid traction batteries used as power
BDS IEC 60192:2010 sources for electric propulsion.
Low-pressure sodium vapour lamp – Performance 13 Page Gr-XB ET
Specifies the performance requirements for low-pressure
BDS IEC 60254-2:2003
sodium vapour lamps for general lighting purposes. For
Lead-acid traction batteries – Part 2: Dimensions of
some of the requirements given in this standard,
cells and terminals and marking of polarity on cells
reference is made to “the relevant lamp data sheet”. For
Applicable to lead-acid traction batteries used as power
some lamps these data sheets are contained in this
sources for electric propulsion.
standard. For other lamps, falling under the scope of this
07 Page Gr-XA ET
standard, the relevant data are supplied by the lamp
manufacturer or responsible vendor.
BDS IEC 60270:2010
24 Page Gr-XC ET
High-voltage test techniques – Partial discharge
BDS IEC 60196:2010 measurements
IEC standard frequencies Applicable to the measurement of partial discharges
Frequencies to be adopted for single-phase and three- which occur in electrical apparatus, components or
phase a.c. systems, for installations in ships, for a.c. systems when tested with alternating voltages up to 400
traction systems, for tools and for aircraft. Hz or with direct voltage.
03 Page Gr-XA ET 48 Page Gr-XE ET
BDS IEC 60228:2009 BDS IEC 60287-1-1:2009
Conductors of insulated cables
Specifies the nominal cross-sectional areas, in the range Electric cables – Calculation of the current rating –
0,5 mm2 to 2 500 mm2, for conductors in electric power Part 1-1: Current rating equations and calculation of
cables and cords of a wide range of types. Requirements losses – General
for numbers and sizes of wires and resistance values are Applicable to the conditions of steady-state operation of
also included. These conductors include solid and cables at all alternating voltages, and direct voltages up
stranded copper, aluminium and aluminium alloy to 5 kV, buried directly in the ground, in ducts, troughs
conductors in cables. or in steel pipes, both with and without partial drying-out
10 Page Gr-XA ET of the soil, as well as cables in air.
29Page Gr-XC ET
BDS IEC 60229:2010
Electric cables – Tests on extruded oversheaths with BDS IEC 60296:2010
a special protective function Fluids for electrotechnical applicatons – Unused
Provides a range of tests which may be required for mineral insulating oils for transformers and
electric cables which have an extruded oversheath and switchgera
where that oversheath performs a special protective Covers specifications and test methods for unused
function. mineral insulating oils. It applies to oil delivered to the
10 Page Gr-XA ET agreed point and time of delivery,intended for use in
transformers, switchgear and similar electrical
BDS IEC 60230:2005 equipment in which oil is required as an insulant and for
Impulse tests on cables and their accessories heat transfer.
Lay down the conditions and procedure for carrying out 16Page Gr-XB ET
impulse tests on cables and their accessories, with a
view to rationalizing the practice in different BDS IEC 60311:2005
laboratories, and thus to facilitate valid comparisons Electric irons for household or similar use – Methods
for measuring performance

Applies to electric irons for household or similar use. BDS IEC 60359:2010
Electrical and electronic measurements equipment –
36 Page Gr-XD ET
Expression of performance
Applies to the specification of performance, with
BDS IEC 60312:2010 primary reference to industrial applications, of the
Vacuum cleaners for household use – Methods of following kinds of electrical and electronic equipment:
measuring the performance -indicating and recording instruments which measure
Applicable to vacuum cleaners for household use in or electrical quantities;
under conditions similar to those in households. -material measures which supply electrical quantities;
76 Page Gr-XE ET -instruments which measure non-electrical quantities
using electrical means.
BDS IEC 60335-1:2010 37 Page Gr-XD ET
Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety
– Part 1: General requirements BDS IEC 60376:2014
This International Standard deals with the safety of Technical grade sulfur hexafluoride for use in
electrical appliances for household and similar purposes, electrical equipment
their rated voltage being not more than 250 V for single- Defines the quality requirements and properties for
phase appliances and 480 V for other appliances technical grade sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) for use in
128 Page Gr-XE ET electrical equipment. It covers the properties and
methods of test applicable to SF6 when this substance is
supplied for use in connection with any electrical
BDS IEC 60335-2-7:2014
Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety equipment.
– Part 2-7: Particular requirements for washing 10 Page Gr-XA ET
Deals with the safety of electric washing machines for
BDS IEC 60383-1:2006
fousehold and similar use, that are intended for washing
Insulators for overhead lines with a nominal voltage
clothes and textiles, their rated voltage being not more
above 1000 V – Part 1 : Ceramic or glass insulator
than 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for
units for a.c systems – Definitions, test methods and
other appliances.
acceptance criteria
70 Page Gr-XE ET
Appliles to insulators of ceramic material or glass for use
on a.c overhead power lines and overhead traction lines
BDS IEC 60335-2-80:2010
with a nominal voltage greater than 1000 V and a
Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety
frequency not greater than 100 Hz.
– Part 2-80:Particular requirements for fans
52 Page Gr-XE ET
Deals with the safety of electric fans for household and
similar purposes, their rated voltage being not more than BDS IEC 60383-2:2006
250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for other Specification for insulators for overhead lines with a
appliances. nominal voltage above 1000 V – Part 2: Insulator
10 Page Gr-XA ET strings and insulator sets for a.c systems –
BDS IEC 60338:2010 Definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria
Telemetering for consumption and demand Appliles to insulator string and insulator sets comprising
Applies to new telemetering apparatus, intended to string insulator units of ceramic material or glass for use
operate in conjunction with electrical integrating meters on a.c overhead power lines with a nominal voltage
in particular for billing and statistical purposes. greater than 1000 V and a frequency not greater than 100
10 Page Gr-XA ET Hz.
10 Page Gr-XA ET
BDS IEC 60357:2014
BDS IEC 60387:2003
Tungsten halogen lamps (non-vehicle) –
Symbols for alternating-current electricity meters
Performance specifications
Applies to letter and graphical symbols for a.c electricity
Specifies the performance requirements for single-
meters and their auxiliary device, independent of
capped and double-capped tungsten halogen lamps,
induction or static measurement elements.
having rated voltages of up to 250 V, used for the
16 Page Gr-XB ET
following applications:
-Projection (including cinematograph and still BDS IEC 60394-1:2010
projection) Varnished fabrics for electrical purposes – Part 1:
-Photographic (including studio) Definitions and General Requirements
- Floodlighting Contains the definitions related to, and the general
- Special purpose requirements to be fulfilled by, varnished fabrics for
- General purpose electrical purposes.
- Stage lighting 05 Page Gr-XA ET
185 Page Gr-XE ET
BDS IEC 60394-2:2010

Varnished fabrics for electrical purposes – Part 2: Standard cells
Methods of test Applies to the following two types of standard cells used
Varnished fabrics comprising bases woven from cotton, as electromotive force (e.m.f.) references, viz.:
natural silk, or synthetic fibres (including glass) supplied – saturated standard cells;
in the form of full width rolls, sheets, or tapes slit to – unsaturated standard cells.
various widths. 09 Page Gr-XA ET
13 Page Gr-XB ET
BDS IEC 60442:2010
BDS IEC 60404-1:2016 Electric toasters for household and similar purposes
Magnetic materials – Part 1: Classification – Methods for measuring the performance
Classify commercially available magnetic materials. The Applies to electric toasters for household and similar
term "magnetic materials" denotes substances where the use.
application requires the existence of ferromagnetic or To state and define the main performance characteristics
ferrimagnetic properties. The classification of magnetic for toasters, which are of interest to the user, to describe
materials is based upon the generally recognized the standard methods for measuring these characteristics
existence of two main groups of products: and to give some guidelines for the evaluation of test
65 Page Gr-XE ET results.
13 Page Gr-XB ET
BDS IEC 60404-8-4:2016
Magnetic materials – Part 8-4: Specifications for BDS IEC 60456:2013
individual materials – Cold-rolled non-oriented Clothes washing machines for household use –
electrical steel strip and sheet delivered in the fully- Methods for measuring the performance
processed state Specifies methods for measuring the performance of
Defines the grades of cold-rolled non-oriented electrical clothes washing machines for household use, with or
steel strip and sheet in nominal thicknesses of 0,35 mm, without heating devices utilising cold and/or hot water
0,50 mm, 0,65 mm and 1,00 mm. It specifies general supply. It also deals with appliances for water extraction
requirements, the magnetic properties, geometric by centrifugal force (spin extractors) and is applicable to
characteristics and tolerances, and technological appliances for both washing and drying textiles.
characteristics, as well as the inspection procedure. The 12 Page Gr-XB ET
magnetic properties of cold-rolled non-oriented electrical
steel strip and sheet of nominal thickness 0,47 mm for BDS IEC 60480:2009
use at 60 Hz only. This standard applies to materials Guidelines for the checking and treatment of sulfur
supplied in the fully annealed condition intended for the hexafluoride taken from electrical equipment and
construction of magnetic circuits. specification for its re-use
23 Page Gr-XC ET Concerns the re-use of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) after
removal from electrical equipment. Recommends
BDS IEC 60404-8-7:2016 procedures for reclaiming used SF6 and for restoring its
Magnetic materials – Part 8-7: Specifications for quality to an acceptable level, which would allow the
individual materials – Cold-rolled grain-oriented filling of new or existing electrical equipment.
electrical steel strip and sheet delivered in the fully- 30 Page Gr-XC ET
processed state
Defines the grades of cold-rolled grain-oriented BDS IEC 60502-1:2005
electrical steel strip and sheet in nominal thicknesses of Power cables with extruded insulation and their
0,23 mm, 0,27 mm, 0,30 mm and 0,35 mm. It gives accessories for rated voltages from 1 kV up to 30 kV
general requirements, magnetic properties, geometric –Part 1: Cables for rated voltages of 1 kV and 3 kV
characteristics, tolerances and technological Specifies the construction, dimensions and test
characteristics, as well as inspection procedures. requirements of power cables with extruded solid
19 Page Gr-XB ET insulation of rated voltages 1 kV and 3 kV for fixed
insulations such as distribution networks or industrial
BDS IEC 60404-11:2016 installations.
Magnetic materials – Part 11: Method of test for the 46 Page Gr-XE ET
determination of surface insulation resistance of
agnetic sheet and strip BDS IEC 60502-2:2005
Intended to define a easurement method for the Power cables with extruded insulation and their
determination of the characteristics of surface insulation accessories for rated voltages from1kV up to 30 kV –
resistance of magnetic sheet and strip. This method is Part-2: Cables for rated voltages from 6 kVup to 30
applicable to magnetic sheet and strip insulated on one kV
or both su rfaces and is suitable for manufacturing Specifies the coonstruction, dimensions and test
control in the application of insulation coatings. requirements of power cables with extruded solid
04 Page Gr-XA ET insulation from 6 kV upto 30 kV for fixed insulations
such as distribution networks or industrial installations.
BDS IEC 60428:2010 46 Page Gr-XE ET

Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or
BDS IEC 60502-4:2005 other non-acid electrolytes vented nickel-cadmium
Power cables with extruded insulation and their prismatic rechargeable single cells
accessories for rated voltages from 1 kV up to 30 kV Specifies marking, designation, dimension, tests and
– Part-4: Test Requirements on accessories for cables requirements for vented nickel-cadmium prismatic
with reted voltages from 6 kV up to 30 kV secondary single cells.
Specifies the the test requirements for type testing of 10 Page Gr-XA ET
accessories of power cables.
25 Page Gr-XC ET BDS IEC 60649:2006
Calculation of maximum external diameter of cables
for indoor installations
This standard method of calculation.
BDS IEC 60507:2015 07 Page Gr-XA ET
Artificial pollution tests on high-voltage ceramic and
glass insulators to be used on a.c. systems
Applicable for the determination of the power frequency
withstand characteristics of ceramic and glass insulators BDS IEC 60661:2010
to be used outdoors and exposed to polluted Methods for measuring the performance of electric
atmospheres, on a.c. systems with the highest voltage of household coffee makers
the system greater than 1 000 V. Applies to electric coffee makers for household and
43 Page Gr-XE ET similar use. It does not apply to appliances designed
exclusively for commercial or industrial use.
18 Page Gr-XB ET
BDS IEC 60531:2010
Household electric thermal storage room heaters – BDS IEC 60664-1:2009
Methods for measuring performance Insulation coordination for equipment within low –
Applies to electric storage heaters having a daily voltage systems – Part 1: Principles, requirements
operating cycle and intended to heat the room in which and tests
they are located. Deals with insulation coordination for equipment within
33 Page Gr-XD ET low voltage systems. It applies to equipment for use up
BDS IEC 60535:2008 to 2000 m above sea level having a rated voltage up to
Jet Fans and Regulators a.c. 1000 V with rated frequencies up to 30 kHz or a
Requirements and methods of test of jet fans commonly rated voltage up to d.c. 1500 V.
known as air circulator and air blast cooting fans, 65 Page Gr-XE ET
oscillating and non-oscillating, and their associated
regulators intended for use on single-phase a.c. circuits BDS IEC 60664-2-1:2009
and d.c. circuits nor exceeding 250 V; air blast cooling Insulation coordination for equipment within low-
fans may be intended for use on three-phase a.c. systems voltage systems – Part 2-1: Application guide –
up to 440 V. Dimensioning procedure worksheets and
10 Page Gr-XA ET dimensioning examples
Intended as a guide for technical committees pacifying
BDS IEC 60616:2010 dimensioning requirements for products.
Terminal and tapping markings for power 04 Page Gr-XA ET
Guidance on markings for the terminals and tappings of BDS IEC 60665:2007
power transformers a uniform alphanumeric system of AC electric ventilating fans and regulators for
terminal markings. Only simple examples are illustrated, household and similar purposes
more complicated cases, e.g. two units in one tank, being Specifies the performance and the corresponding
subject to agreement between the manufacturer and the methods of test of ventilating fans for household and
purchaser. similar purposes intended for air forcing and exhaust, not
10 Page Gr-XA ET exceeding 0.5 m in size, having a power consumption
BDS IEC 60622:2010 not exceeding 500 W for use on single-phase a.c. circuits
Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or not exceeding 250 V
other non-acid electrolytes – Sealed nickel-cadmium 29 Page Gr-XC ET
prismatic rechargeable single cells
Specifies marking, tests and requirements for sealed BDS IEC 60669-1:2007
nickel-cadmium prismatic secondary single cells. Switches for household and similar fixed-electrical
13 Page Gr-XB ET installations – Part 1: General requirements
Applies to manually operated general purpose switches,
BDS IEC 60623:2008 for a.c. only with a rated voltage not exceeding 440 V
and a rated current not exceeding 63 A, intended for

household and similar fixed electrical installations, either sensitive to the combined effect of moisture and
indoors or outdoors. soldering heat
89 Page Gr-XE ET Applies to all non-hermetic SMD packages which are
subjected to reflow solder processes and which are
BDS IEC 60675:2010 exposed to the ambient air. The purpose of this
Household electric direct-acting room heaters – document is to provide SMD manufacturers and users
Methods for measuring performance with standardized methods for handling, packing,
Applies to electric direct-acting room heaters. They may shipping,
be portable, stationary, fixed, or built-in. 29 Page Gr-XC ET
20 Page Gr-XB ET
BDS IEC 60810:2010
BDS IEC 60705:2008 Lamps for road vehicles – Performance requirements
Household microwave ovens – Methods for Applicable to replaceable lamps (filament lamps and
measuring performance discharge lamps) to be used in headlamps, fog-lamps and
Applies to microwave ovens for household use. It also signalling lamps for road vehicles. The standard may
applies to combination microwave ovens. also be used for other lamps falling under the scope as
25 Page Gr-XC ET well as for future developments, e.g. such where the
light is produced by light emitting diodes (LED).
BDS IEC 60726:2005 30 Page Gr-XC ET
Dry-type power transformers [Withdrawn]
(Cancels and replaces by BDS IEC 60076-11)

BDS IEC 60832:2008

BDS IEC 60728-4:2014 Insulating poles (insulating sticks);and universal tool
Cable networks for television signals, sound signals attachments (fittings) for live working
and interactive services – Part 4: Passive wideband Applicable to insulating poles (insulating sticks) and tool
equipment for coaxial cable networks attachments (fittings) and is divided into three chapters.
Applies to system outlets, splitters and taps, passive 56 Page Gr-XE ET
single or multiple port equipment comprising filters,
attenuators, equalizers, galvanic isolators, power
BDS IEC 60836:2010
injectors, cable splices, terminating resistors and transfer
Specifications for unused silicone insulating liquids
points, but excluding coaxial cables and receiver leads
for electrotechnical purposes
34 Page Gr-XD ET
Covers specifications and test methods for unused
BDS IEC 60728-11:2012 silicone liquid intended for use in transformers and other
Cable networks for television signals, sound signals electrotechnical equipment.
and interactive services – Part 11: Safety 10 Page Gr-XA ET
Applies to fixed sited system and equipment. As far as
applicable, it is also valid for mobile and temporaily BDS IEC 60839-1-1:2010
installed systems, for example, caravans. Alarm systems Part 1: General requirements –
74 Page Gr-XE ET Section One - General
Specifies the general requirements for the design,
BDS IEC 60736:2010 installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance test
Testing Equipment for eletrical energy meters and records of manual and automatic alarm systems
Applicable to three-phase and/or single-phase equipment employed for the protection of persons, property and the
used for type and acceptance testing of electrical energy environment.
meters. 12 Page Gr-XB ET
33 Page Gr-XE ET BDS IEC 60839-1-2:2010
Alarm systems Part 1: General requirements –
BDS IEC 60740-1:2016 Section Two – Power units, test methods and
Laminations for transformers and inductors – performance criteria
Part 1: Mechanical and electrical characteristics Specifies the requirements, test methods and
Specifies the characteristics of laminations. Their performance criteria for power supply units for alarm
preferred use is cores for transformers and inductors. systems. The specific requirements for particular system
The laminations are made of sheets and strips of components are specified in separate standards, which
magnetic materials. shall be used in conjunction with this standard.
59 Page Gr-XE ET 10 Page Gr-XA ET
BDS IEC 60749-20-1:2013
Semiconductor Devices – Mechanical and climatic BDS IEC 60885-1:2005
test methods – Part 20-1: Handling, packing, Electrical test methods for electric cables – Part 1:
labelling and shipping of surface-mount devices Electrical tests for cables, cords and wires for
voltages upto and including 450/750 V

Described as a guide to be followed for testing wires, coefficients; internal series resistance and curve
cords and cables in case the relevent cable standard does correction factor.
not prescribe different electrical test methood. 08 Page Gr-XA ET
05 Page Gr-XA ET
BDS IEC 60896-11:2016
BDS IEC 60885-2:2005
Stationary lead-acid batteries – Part 11: Vented types
Electrical test methods for electric cables Part 2 :
– General requirements and methods of tests
Partial discharge tests
Applicable to lead-acid cells and batteries which are
The purpose of the test is to determine the partial
designed for service in fixed locations and which are
discharge magnitude at a specified voltage and with a
permanently connected to the load and to the d.c. power
given sensitivity.
supply. Batteries operating in such applications are
04 Page Gr-XA ET
called “stationary batteries”.
BDS IEC 60885-3:2010 39 page Gr-XD ET
Electrical test methods for electric cables – Part 3:
BDS IEC 60896-21:2015
Test methods for partial discharge measurements on
Stationary lead-acid batteries – Valve regulated types
lengths of extruded power cable
– Part 21: Methods of test
Specifies the essential requirements for partial discharge
Applies to all stationary lead-acid cells and monobloc
measurements on lengths of extruded power cable. Gives
batteries of the valve regulated type for float charge
the techniques and considerations applicable to partial
applications, in a static location and incorporated into
discharge measurements in general.
stationary equipment.
33 Page Gr-XD ET
43 Page Gr-XE ET
BDS IEC 60896-22:2015
Stationary lead-acid batteries – Valve regulated types
– Part 22: Requirements
Applies to all stationary lead-acid cells and monobloc
batteries of the valve regulated type for float charge
BDS IEC 60887:2005
applications, in a static location and incorporated into
Glass bulb designation system for lamps
stationary equipment or installed in battery rooms for
Provides designations of the glass bulbs used as
use in telecom, UPS, utility switching, emergency
envelopes for electric lamps. The application of such
designations is directed towards the descriptions of
finished lamps. 32 Page Gr-XD ET
10 Page Gr-XA ET BDS IEC 60898-1:2016
Electrical accessories – Circuit-breakers for
BDS IEC 60888:2010
overcurrent protection for household and similar
Zinc-coated steel wires for stranded conductors
installations – Part 1: Circuit-breakers for a.c
Applies to zinc-coated steel wires used in the
A pplies to a.c. air-break circuit-breakers for operation at
construction and/or reinforcement of conductors for
50 Hz, 60 Hz or 50/60 Hz, having a rated voltage not
overhead power transmission purposes. It is intended to
exceeding 440 V (between phases), a rated current not
cover all wires used in constructions where the
exceeding 125 A and a rated short-circuit capacity not
individual wire diameters, including coating, are in the
exceeding 25 000 A.
range of 1.25 mm to 5.50 mm.
10 Page Gr-XA ET 147 page Gr-XE ET
BDS IEC 60889:2005
Hard-drawn aluminium wire for overhead line BDS IEC 60901:2006
conductors Single-capped fluuorescent lamps – Performance
Applicable to hard-drawn aluminium wires for the specificaiton.
manufacture of standed conductors for overhead power Specifies the performance requirements for single-
transmission purposes. It specifies the mechnical and capped fluorescent lampsl for gene ral lighting service.
electrical properties of wires in the diameter range 1.25 90 page Gr-XE ET
mm to 5.00 mm. BDS IEC 60904-1:2013
05 Page Gr-XA ET Photovoltaic devices – Part 1: Measurement of
BDS IEC 60891:2010 photovoltaic current-voltage characteristics
Procedures for temperature and irradiance Describes procedures for the measurement of current-
corrections to measured I-V characteristics of voltage characteristics of photovoltaic devices in natural
crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic devices or simulated sunlight. These procedures are applicable to
Describes the procedure for temperature and irradiance a single photovoltaic solar cell, a sub-assembly of
corrections to the measured I-V characterstics of photovoltaic solar cells, or a PV module.
crystalline silicon photovoltaic devices. It includes 23 Page Gr-XC ET
procedures for the determination of temperature BDS IEC 60904-2:2013

Photovoltaic devices – Part 2: Requirements for lamps, having rated wattage, dimensions and
reference solar devices characteristics.
Gives requirements for the classification, selection, 24 Page Gr-XC ET
packaging, marking, calibration and care of reference
solar devices. This standard covers solar reference BDS IEC 60929:2005
devices used to determine the electrical performance of A.C supplied electronic ballasts for tubular
solar cells, modules and arrays under natural and fluorescent lamps – Performance requirements
simulated sunlight. Specifies performance requirements for electronic
28 Page Gr-XC ET ballasts for use on a.c supplies up to 1000 V at 50 Hz or
60 Hz with operating frequencies deviating from thhe
BDS IEC 60904-3:2013 supply frequency, associated with tubular fluorescent
Photovoltaic devices – Part 3: Measurement lamps.
principles for terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) solar 45 Page Gr-XE ET
devices with reference spectral irradiance data
Applies to the following photovoltaic devices for BDS IEC 60947-1:2015
terrestrial applications: Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 1:
- solar cells with or without a protective cover; General rules
- sub-assemblies of solar cells; Applies, to low-voltage switchgear and controlgear
- modules; hereinafter referred to as ‘equipment’ or ‘device’ and
- systems intended to be connected to circuits, the rated voltage of
33 Page Gr-XD ET which does not exceed 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c.
255 Page Gr-XE ET
BDS IEC 60904-9:2013 BDS IEC 60947-2:2015
Photovoltaic devices – Part 9: Solar Simulator Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 2:
performance requirements Circuit-breakers
Photovoltaic devices require the use of specific classes
Applies to circuit-breakers, the main contacts of which
of solar simulators deemed appropriate for specific tests.
are intended to be connected to circuits, the rated voltage
Solar simulators can be either used for performance
of which does not exceed 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c.; it
measurements of PV devices or endurance irradiation also contains additional requirements for integrally fused
tests. Provides the definitions of and means for circuit-breakers.
determining simulator classifications.
230 Page Gr-XE ET
18 Page Gr-XB ET

BDS IEC 60904-10:2014

Photovoltaic devices – Part 10: Methods of linearity BDS IEC 60972:2005
measurement Classification and interpretation of new lighting
Describes procedures used to determine the degree of products
linearity of any photovoltaic device parameter with Lighting devices and systems are becoming more
respect to a test parameter. complicated owing to the integration of the light source
15 Page Gr-XB ET with various parts of the circuit. This can lead to
BDS IEC 60921:2005 confusion about the interpretation of testing methods.
Ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps – Performance Many of these special lighting products employ
requirements discharge lamps requiring ballasting for proper
Specifies performance requirements for ballasts operation.
excluding resistance types for use on a.c supplies up to 09 Page Gr-XA ET
1000 V at 50 Hz or 60 Hz, associated with tubular BDS IEC 60983:2005
fluorescent lamps with pre-heated cathodes operated Miniature lamps
with or without a starter or starting device Specifies requirements for miniature halogen and not-
33 Page Gr-XD ET halogen lamps with a nominal voltage up to 30 V and a
BDS IEC 60923:2007 nominal wattage up to 25 W.
Auxiliaries for lamps – Ballasts for discharge lamps 38 Page Gr-XC ET
(excluding tubular fluorescent lamps) – Performance
requirements BDS IEC 61039:2010
Specifies performance requirements for ballasts for General Classification of insulating liquids.
discharge lamps such as high-pressure mercury vapour, Establishes the detailed classification of the N family
low-pressure sodium vapour, high-pressure sodium (insulating liquids) that belongs to class L (lubricants,
vapour and metal halide lamps. Specific requirements industrial oils and related products) affecting product
for a particular type of ballast in details. This standard categories that include products derived from petroleum
covers inductive type ballasts for use on a.c. supplies up processing, synthetic chemical products and synthetic
to 1 000 V at 50 Hz to 60 Hz associated with discharge and natural esters.

10 Page Gr-XA ET Applies to bare, hard-drawn, round, aluminium-clad
steel wires of different electrical and mechanical
BDS IEC 61079-1:2008 properties for electrical purposes, before stranding.
Methods of measurement on receivers for satellite 17 Page Gr-XB ET
broadcast transmission in the 12 GHz band - Part 1:
Radio-frequency measurements on outdoor units BDS IEC 61284:2009
Applies to the outdoor unit of a receiver for the direct Overhead lines – Requirements and tests for fittings
reception of satellite broadcast transmissions in the 12 This International Standard applies to fittings for
GHz band. The channels are those defined by WARC Overhead lines of nominal voltage above 45 kV. It may
BS-77 and RARC SAT-83 also be applied to fittings for overhead lines of lower
37 Page Gr-XD ET noninal voltage and to similar fittings for substations
63 Page Gr-XE ET
BDS IEC 61079-2:2008
Methods of measurement on receivers for satellite BDS IEC 61316:2010
broadcast transmission in the 12 GHz band: Part 2: Industrial cable reels
Electrical measurements on DBS outdoor units Applies to cable reels provided with a non-detachable
Applies to the tuner unit of a receiver for the direct flexible cable with a rated operating voltage not
reception of satellite broadcast transmissions in the 12 exceeding 690 V a.c/d.c. and 500 Hz with a rated current
GHz band. not exceeding 63 A, primarily intended for industrial
46 Page Gr-XE ET use, either indoors or outdoors.
28 Page Gr-XC ET
BDS IEC 61195:2010
Double-capped fluorescent lamps – Safety BDS IEC 61347-1:2005
specifications Lamp controlgear – Part 1: General and safety
Specifies the safety requirements for double-capped requirements
fluorescent lamps for general lighting purposes of all Specifies general and safety requirements for lamp
groups. controlgear for use on d.c supplies upto 250 V and/or a.c
22 Page Gr-XC ET supplies upto 1000 V at 50 Hz or 60 Hz.
60 Page Gr-XE ET
BDS IEC 61196-1:2016
Coaxial communication cables – Part 1: General BDS IEC 61347-2-3:2005
Specification – General, definitions and requirements Lamp controlgear– Part 2-3: Particular
Specifies the general requirements, the definitions and requirements for a.c supplied electronic ballasts for
the requirements for the design and test methods of fluorescent lamps
coaxial communication cables. Specifies particular safety requirements for electronic
29 page Gr-XC ET ballasts for use on a.c supplies upto 1000 V at 50 Hz or
60 Hz with operating frequencies deviating from thhe
BDS IEC 61196-1-100:2016 supply frequency, associated with fluorescent lamps.
Coaxial communication cables – Part 1-100: 28 Page Gr-XC ET
Electrical test methods – General requirements
Gives the general requirements and conditions for BDS IEC 61347-2-8:2005
electrical tests to be performed on coaxial Lamp controlgear – Part 2-8: Particular
communication cables, which specifies electrical test requirements for ballasts for fluorescent lamps
methods for coaxial communication cables. Specifies safety requirements for ballasts, excluding
08 page Gr-XA ET resistance types, for use on a.c supplies up to 1000 V at
50 Hz or 60 Hz, associated with fluorescent lamps with
BDS IEC 61199:2005 or without pre-heated cathodes operated with or without
Single-capped fluorescent lamps – Safety starter or starting device.
specifications 18 Page Gr-XB ET
Specifies the safety requirements for single-capped BDS IEC 61347-2-9:2013
fluorescent lamps for general lighting purposes of all Lamp controlgear – Part 2-8: Particular
groups . requirements for ballasts for fluorescent lamps
24 Page Gr-XC ET Specifies safety requirements for ballasts for discharge
lamps such as high-pressure mercury vapour, low-
BDS IEC 61215:2016
pressure sodium vapour, high-pressure sodium vapour
Crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic (PV)
and metal halide lamps. Covers inductive-type ballasts
modules Design qualification and type approval
for use on a.c supplies up to 1000 V at 50 Hz or 60 Hz,
Lays down IEC requirements for the design qualification
associated with discharge lamps, having rated wattages,
and type approval of terrestrial photovoltaic modules
dimensions and charcteristics.
suitable for long-term operation. It applies only to 23 Page Gr-XC ET
crystalline silicon modules types.
47 page Gr-XE ET BDS IEC 61427-1:2016
BDS IEC 61232:2010
Aluminium-clad steel wires for electrical purposes

Secondary cells and batteries for renewable energy Applies to UPS units intended to be installed:
storage – General requirements and methods of test – as a unit or in UPS systems comprising a number of
Part 1: Photovoltaic off-grid application interconnected UPS and associated control/switchgear
Gives general information relating to the requirements forming a single power system; and
for the secondary batteries used in photovoltaic energy – in any operator accessible area or in separated
systems (PVES) and to the typical methods of test used electrical locations, connected to lowvoltage supply
for the verification of battery performances. Deals with networks for either industrial or residential, commercial
cells and batteries used in photovoltaic off-grid and light industrial environments.
applications. 29 Page Gr-XC ET
18 page Gr-XB ET
BDS IEC 62040-3:2009
BDS IEC 61430:2010 Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS) – Part 3:
Secondary cells and batteries – Test methods for Method of specifying the performance and test
checking the performance of devices designed for requirements
This standard applies to electronic indirect a.c. converter
reducing explosion hazards – Lead-acid starter
systems with electrical energy storage means in the d.c.
link. The primary function of the uninterruptible power
Gives guidance on procedures for testing the
system (UPS) is to ensure continuity of an alternating
effectiveness of devices which are used to reduce the
hazards of an explosion, together with the protective power source. The uninterruptible power system may
measures to be taken. also serve to improve the quality of the power source by
keeping it within specified characteristics.
BDS IEC TS 61836:2013 89 Page Gr-XE ET
Solar photovoltaic energy systems – Terms,
definitions and symbols BDS IEC 62051:2003
Deals with the terms and symbols form national and Electricity metering – Glossary of terms
international solar photovoltaic standards and relevant Provides definitions of specific terms which may be used
documents used within the field of solar photovoltaic for drafting standards for electrical energy measurment,
(PV) energy systems. and load control and customer/utility information
77 Page Gr-XE ET exchange systems.
53 Page Gr-XE ET
BDS IEC 61951-1:2015
Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or BDS IEC 62052-11:2013
other non-acid electrolytes – Portable sealed Electricity metering equipment (ac) – General
rechargeable single cells – Part 1 Nickel-cadmium requirements, tests and test conditions – Part 11:
Specifies marking, designation, dimensions, tests and metering equipment
requirements for portable sealed nickel-cadmium small Covers type tests for electricity metering equipment for
prismatic, cylindrical and button rechargeable single indoor and outdoor application and applies to newly
cells, suitable for use in any orientation. manufactured designed to measure the electrical energy
37 Page Gr-XD ET on 50 Hz or 60 Hz networks with a voltage up to 600 V.
40 Page Gr-XD ET
BDS IEC 62019:2003
Electrical accessories – Circuit-breakers and similar BDS IEC 62053-11:2013
equipment for household use – Auxiliary contract Electricity metering equipment (ac) – Particular
units requirements – Part 11: Electromechanical meters
Applies to auxiliary contact units associated (or intended for active energy (classes 0.5 and 2)
to be associated) with circuitbreakers for overcurrent Applies only to newly manufacture electromechanical
protection, and with residual current operated circuit- watt-hour meters of accuracy classes 0.5 and 2 for the
breakers with or without integral overcurrent protection measurement of alternating current electrical active
for household and similar installations. energy in 50 Hz or 60 Hz networks and it applies to their
32 Page Gr-XD ET type tests only.
10 Page Gr-XA ET
BDS IEC 62040-1-1:2009
Uninterruptible Power System (UPS) – Part 1-1: BDS IEC 62053-21:2013
General and safety requirements for UPS used in Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) – Particular
operator access areas requirements – Part 21: Static meters for active
Applies to electronic uninterruptible power systems energy (classes 1 and 2)
(UPS) with an electrical energy storage device in the d.c. Applies only to newly manufactured static watt-hour
link. meters of accuracy classes 1 and 2, for the measurement
33 Page Gr-XD ET of alternating current electrical active energy in 50 Hz or
60 Hz networks and it applies to their type tests.
BDS IEC 62040-2:2009 82 Page Gr-XE ET
Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS) – Part 2: BDS IEC 62053-31:2010
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements

Electricity metering equipment ac) – Particular Covers the particular safety requirements relevant to d.c.
Requirements – Part 31: Pulse output devices for to a.c. inverter products as well as products that have or
electromechanical and electronic meters (two wires perform inverter functions in addition to other functions,
only) where the inverter is intended for use in photovoltaic
Applicable to passive, two-wire, externally powered power systems.
pulse output devices to be used in electricity meters 30 page Gr-XC ET
as defined by the relevant standards of technical
committee 13 as well as future standards for static BDS IEC 62114:2007
VA-hour meters. Electrical Insulation Systems (EIS) – Thermal
38 Page Gr-XD ET classification
Establishes the thermal classification of an electrical
BDS IEC 62058-11:2014 insulation system (EIS). It also identifies tecognized
Electricity metering equipment (ac) – acceptance procedures for the thermal evaluation of EIS.
inspection – Part 11: General acceptance inspection 20 Page Gr-XB ET
The general acceptance inspection methods apply to BDS IEC 62223:2015
newly manufactured electricity meters produced and Insulators – Glossary of terms and definitions
dupplied in lots of 50 and above. Specifies terms defined in standards insulators.
166 Page Gr-XE ET 22 Page Gr-XC ET
BDS IEC 62060:2010 BDS IEC 62271-1:2016
Secondary cells and batteries – Monitoring of lead High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 1:
acid stationary batteries Common specifications
Applicable to lead-acid vented and valve regulated Applies to a.c. switchgear and controlgear designed for
batteries, for use in stationary battery applications. The indoor and outdoor installation and for operation at
object of this technical report is: service frequencies up to and including 60 Hz on
– to assist users in the selection of methods to obtain systems having voltages above 1000 V.
sufficient information to indicate the state of health of an 122 Page Gr-XE ET
operating stationary lead-acid battery;
– to achieve this by describing characteristics that can be BDS IEC 62271-100:2015
electrically measured and remotely interrogated on a High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 100:
regular basis; Alternating-current circuit-breakers
– to indicate the sensitivity and reliability of the Applicable to a.c. circuit-breakers designed for
measured data and to provide the user with methods of indoor or outdoor installation and for operation
interpretation; at frequencies of 50 Hz and 60 Hz on systems
– to provide users with good operating characteristics having voltages above 1 000 V.
and general guidelines.
338 Page Gr-XE ET
36 Page Gr-XD ET
BDS IEC 62271-200:2016
BDS IEC 62081:2010 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 200:
Arc welding equipment – Installation and use AC metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear for
Applicable to the installation and professional use of rated voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 52
welding power sources, equipment and accessories for kV
arc welding and allied processes.
20 Page Gr-XB ET Specifies requirements for prefabricated metal-enclosed
switchgear and controlgear for alternating current of
BDS IEC 62109-1:2016 rated voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 52 kV
Safety of power converters for use in photovoltaic for indoor and outdoor installation, and for service
power systems – Part 1: General requirements frequencies up to and including 60 Hz. Enclosures may
Applies to the power conversion equipment (PCE) for include fixed and removable components and may be
use in Photovoltaic (PV) systems where a uniform filled with fluid (liquid or gas) to provide insulation.
technical level with respect to safety is necessary. This 87 Page Gr-XE ET
standard defines the minimum requirements for the
design and manufacture of PCE for protection against
electric shock, energy, fire, mechanical and other
150 page Gr-XE ET BDS IEC 62275:2009
Cable management systems – Cable ties for electrical
BDS IEC 62109-2:2016 installations
Safety of power converters for use in photovoltaic Specifies requirements for metallic, non-metallic and
power systems – Part 2: Particular requirements for composite cable ties and their associated fixing devices
inverters used for the management and support of wiring systems
in electrical installations.

17 Page Gr-XB ET
BDS ISO 35:2008
BDS IEC 62701:2015 Natural rubber latex concentrate- Determination of
Fluids for electrotechnical applications – Recycled mechanical stability
mineral insulating oils for transformers and This International Standard specifies a method for the
switchgear determination of the mechanical stability of natural
Specifies requirements for recycled mineral insulating rubber latex concentrate. It is also applicable to
oils intended for use in transformers, switchgear, and prevulcanized natural rubber latex concentrate.
similar electrical equipment in which oil is required for 04 Page Gr-XA CH
insulation and heat transfer. BDS ISO 123:2008
16 Page Gr-XB ET Rubber latex- Sampling
This International Standard specifies procedures for
BDS IEC TS 62504:2014 sampling natural rubber latex concentrate and for
General lighting – LEDs and LED sampling synthetic rubber latices and artificial latices. It
modules – Terms and definitions is also suitable for sampling rubber latex contained in
Presents terms and definitions relevant for lighting with drums, tank cars or tanks. The procedures may also be
LED light sources. It provides both descriptive terms used for sampling plastics dispersions.
(such as “built-in LED module”) and measurable terms 08 Page Gr-XA CH
17 Page Gr-XB ET
BDS ISO 126:2008
BDS IEC 62509:2016 Natural rubber latex concentrate - Determination of
Battery charge controllers for photovoltaic system – dry rubber content
Performance and functioning This International Standard specifies a method for the
Establishes minimum requirements for the functioning determination of the dry rubber content of natural rubber
and performance of battery charge controllers (BCC) latex concentrate.
used with lead acid batteries in terrestrial photovoltaic 04 Page Gr-XA CH
(PV) systems. The main aims are to ensure BCC
reliability and to maximise the life of the battery. BDS ISO 127:2008
27 Page Gr-XC ET Rubber, natura1 latex concentrate - Determination of
KOH number
BDS IEC 62560:2015 This International Standard specifies a method for the
Self-ballasted LED- lamps for general lighting determination of the KOH number of natura1 rubber
services by voltage > 50 V – Safety specifications latex concentrate which is preserved wholly or in part
Specifies the safety and interchangeability requirements, with ammonia. The method is applicable to latices
together with the test methods and conditions required to containing boric acid. The method is not applicable to
show compliance of LED-lamps with integrated means latices preserved with potassium hydroxide.
for stable operation (self-ballasted LED-lamps), intended 06 Page Gr-XA CH
for domestic and similar general lighting purposes.
29 Page Gr-XC ET BDS ISO 186:2012
Paper and board- Sampling to determine average
BDS IEC 62612:2015 quality
Self-ballasted LED lamps for general lighting This international Standard specifies a method of
services with supply voltages > 50 V – Performance obtaining a representative sample from a lot of paper or
requirements board, including solid and corrugated fibreboard (see
Specifies the performance requirements, together with ISO 4046), for testing to determine whether or not its
the test methods and conditions, required to show average quality complies with set specifications.
compliance of LED lamps with integral means for stable 10 Page Gr-XA CH
operation, intended for domestic and similar general
lighting purposes, BDS ISO TR 210:2005
Essential Oils - General rules for packing,
47 Page Gr-XE ET
conditioning and storage
BDS IEC 62701:2015 This Technical Report describes the specifications to be
Fluids for electrotechnical applications – Recycled met by the containers intended for containing essential
mineral insulating oils for transformers and oils,as well as recommendations relating to their
switchgear conditioning and storage.
Specifies requirements for recycled mineral insulating 09 Page Gr-XA CH
oils intended for use in transformers, switchgear, and BDS ISO TR 211:2005
similar electrical equipment in which oil is required for Essential Oils - General rules for labelling and
insulation and heat transfer. marking of containers
18 Page Gr-XB ET

This Technical Report specifies the general rules for describing how the test pieces are drawn from the lot, is
labelling and marking of containers for essential oils to performed at the time of sampling.
enable identification of the contents. 09 Page Gr-XA CH
03 Page Gr-XA CH
BDS ISO 212:2003
Specification for Essential Oils- Sampling
BDS ISO 356:2011
This international standards specifies procedure for
sampling consignments of essential oils for the purpose Essential oils -Preparation of test samples
of determining their organoleptic, physical and chemical This International Standard gives general guidance for
characteristics. the preparation of samples of essential oils submitted to
03 Page Gr-XA CH a laboratory for analysis. It is applicable, in particular, to
those essential oils that cannot be analysed directly; that
BDS ISO 216:2012 is those which are solid or partially solid at room
Writing paper and certain classes of printed matter- temperature or those which are cloudy due to the
Trimmed sizes- A and B series, and indication of presence of water or suspended particles.
machine direction 04 Page Gr-XA CH
This international Standard specifies the trimmed sizes
of writing paper and certain classes of printed matter. BDS ISO 456:2008
10 Page Gr-XA CH Surface active agents- Analysis of soaps-
Determination of free caustic alkali
BDS ISO 248:2008 This International Standard specifies two methods of
Rubber, raw - Determination of volatile matter determining free caustic alkali in commercial soaps,
content excluding compounded products:
This International Standard specifies two methods, a hot- -Method A, ethanol method;
mill method and an oven method, for the determination - Method B, barium chloride method.
of moisture and other volatile-matter content in raw 03 Page Gr-XA CH
rubbers. These methods are applicable to the BDS ISO 457:2008
determination of the volatile-matter content in the R- Soaps -Determination of chloride content -
group of rubberslisted in ISO 1629 which are rubbers Titrimetric method
having an unsaturated carbon chain, for example, natural This International Standard specifies a method for
rubber and synthetic rubbers derived at least partly from determining the chloride content of commercial soaps,
diolefins. excluding compounded products; this method is
09 Page Gr-XA CH applicable to soaps having chloride content, expressed as
sodium chloride, equal to or greater than 0, l % (m/m).
BDS ISO 249:2008 02 Page Gr-XA CH
Rubber, raw natural- Determination of dirt content
This International Standard specifies a method for the BDS ISO 473:2006
determination of the dirt content of raw natural rubber. It Lithopone Pigments for Paints Specifications and
is not applicable to dirt present as surface contamination. Methods of Test
06 Page Gr-XA CH This international standard specifies the requirements
and the corresponding test methods for to types of
BDS ISO 279:2011 lithopone pigments,suitable for used in paints and
Essential oils- Determination of relative density at related products.
20°C Reference method 04 Page Gr-XA CH
This International Standard specifies the reference
method for the determination of the relative density of BDS ISO 498:2008
essential oils at 20°C. Natural rubber latex concentrate– Preparation of dry
04 Page Gr-XA CH films
This International Standard specifies a method for
BDS ISO 280:2011 preparing dry, homogeneous films, substantially free of
Essential oils- Determination of refractive index air bubbles, from natural rubber latex concentrate.
This International Standard specifies a method for the 02 Page Gr-XA CH
determination of the refractive index of essential oils.
04 Page Gr-XA CH BDS ISO 506:2008
Rubber latex, natural, concentrate- Determination of
BDS ISO 287: 2016 volatile fatty acid number
Paper and board- Determination of moisture content This International Standard specifies a method for the
of a lot– Oven- drying method determination of the volatile fatty acid number of
This International Standard specifies an oven-drying natura1 rubber latex concentrate.
method for the determination of the moisture content of 04 Page Gr-XA CH
a lot of paper and board. The procedure in Clause 8,
BDS ISO 534:2012

Paper and board -Determination of BDS ISO 684:2015
thickness, density and specific volume Analysis of soaps - Determination of total alkali
This international Standard specifies two methods for This International Standard specifies a method for the
measuring the thickness of paper and board. determination of the total free alkali content of
10 Page Gr-XA CH commercial soaps, excluding compounded products.
05 Page Gr-XA CH
BDS ISO 535:2012
Paper and board- Determination of water BDS ISO 685:2015
absorptiveness- Cobb method Analysis of soaps-Determination of total alkali
This international Standard specifies a method of content and total fatty matter content
determining the water absorptiveness of sized paper and This International Standard specifies a method for the
board, including corrugated fibreboard, under standard simultaneous determination of the total alkalil) content
conditions. It may not be suitable for paper of grammage and the total fatty matter content of soaps, excluding
less than 50 g/m2 or embossed paper. It is not suitable compounded products.
for porous papers such as newsprint or unsized papers 08 Page Gr-XA CH
such as blotting paper or other papers having a relatively
BDS ISO 696:2008
high water absorptiveness for which ISO 8787 is more
Surface active agents- Measurement of foaming
power- Modified Ross- Miles method
10 Page Gr-XA CH
This International Standard specifies a method of
BDS ISO 536: 2016 measurement of the foaming power of a surface active
Paper and board- Determination of grammage agent.
This International Standard specifies a method for 05 Page Gr-XA CH
determining the grammage of paper and board. BDS ISO 697:2008
06 Page Gr-XA CH Surface active agents – Washing powders-
Determination of apparent density - Method by
BDS ISO 592:2011
measuring the mass of a given volume
Essential oils- Determination of optical
This International Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the apparent density of washing
This International Standard specifies a method for
powders by measuring the mass of a given volume.
determining the optical rotation of essential oils.
02 Page Gr-XA CH
When dealing with solid oils, partially solid oils, oils that
are highly viscous at room temperature, or highly
BDS ISO 705:2008
coloured oils, this determination is carried out on a
Rubber latex- Determination of density between 5 °C
solution of the oil.
and 40°C
10 Page Gr-XA CH
This International Standard specifies a method for the
BDS ISO 614:2012 determination of the density of natura1 rubber latex
Shipbuilding and marine structures-Toughened concentrate between the temperatures of 5 oC and 40 °C.
safety glass panes for rectangular windows and side 03 Page Gr-XA CH
scuttles- Punch method of non-destructive strength
testing BDS ISO 709:2011
This international Standard specifies a method for the Essential oils- Determination of ester value
non-destructive strength testing of toughened safety This International Standard specifies a method for the
glass panes for rectangular windows, complying with determination of the ester value of an essential oil. This
ISO 3254, and side scuttles, complying with ISO 1095. method is not applicable to essential oils containing
14 Page Gr-XB CH lactones or an appreciable proportion of aldehydes.
04 Page Gr-XA CH
BDS ISO 672:2015
Soaps- Determination of moisture and volatile matter BDS ISO 719: 2016
content- oven method Glass – Hydrolytic resistance of glass grains at 98 °C
This International Standard specifies an oven method for – Method of test and classification
the determination of the moisture and volatile matter This International Standard specifies
content of commercial soaps, excluding compounded a) a method for determining the hydrolytic resistance of
products. glass grains at 98 °C. The resistance is measured and
expressed by the volume of acid required for titration of
05 Page Gr-XA CH
the alkali extracted from the unit hass of glass, and may
BDS ISO 673:2007 also be expressed by the amount of sodium Oxide
Soaps- Determination of analysis of ethanol-insoluble equivalent to this volume of acid;
matter b) a classification of glass according to the hydrolytic
This International Standard specifies a method for the resistance determined by the method of this International
determination of the content of ethanol-insoluble matter Standard.
in commercial soaps, excluding compounded products. 06 page Gr-XA CH
02 Page Gr-XA CH
BDS ISO 720: 2016 04 Page Gr-XA CH
Glass – Hydrolytic resistance of glass grains at 121 BDS EN 878:2006
°C– Method of test and classification Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for
This International Standard specifies human consumption (Aluminium sulphate)
a) a method for determining the hydrolytic resistance of This European standard is applicable to aluminium
glass grains at 121 °C. The resistance is measured and sulphate used for treatment of water intended for human
expressed by the volume of acid required for titration of consumption. It describes the characteristics of
the alkali extracted from the unit mass of glass, and may alumininum sulphate and specifices the requirments for
also be expressed by the amount of sodium oxide aluminium sulphate and gives referance to the analytical
equivalent to this volume of acid; methods. It gives information on its use in water
b) a classification of glass according to the hydrolytic treatment. It also determines the rules relating to safe
resistance determined by the method of this International handling and use of aluminium sulphate
Standard. 17 Page Gr-XB CH
05 Page Gr-XA CH
BDS ISO 739:2008
Sodium carbonate for industrial use – Preparation BDS ISO 1041:2015
and storage of test samples Essential oils – Determination of freezing point
This International Standard specifies the procedure for This International Standard specifies a method of
the preparation and storage of test samples of sodium determining the freezing points of essential oils. It is not
carbonate for industrial use. applicable in the special case of essential oil of rose.
02 Page Gr-XA CH 05 Page Gr-XA CH
BDS ISO 1066:2015
BDS ISO 740:2008 Analysis of soaps - Determination of glycerol content
Sodium carbonate for industrial use – Determination - Titrimetric method
of total soluble alkalinity- Titrimetric method This International Standard specifies a titrimetric method
This International Standard specifies a titrimetric method for the determination of the glycerol content of
for the determination of the total soluble alkalinity of commercial soaps, excluding compounded products.
sodium carbonate for industrial use.
09 Page Gr-XA CH
02 Page Gr-XA CH
BDS ISO 1067:2008
BDS ISO 741:2008 Analysis of soaps- Determination of unsaponifiable,
Sodium carbonate for industrial use- Determination unsaponified and unsaponified saponifiable matter
of sodium hydrogen carbonate content- Titrimetric
This International Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the contents of unsaponifiable,
This International Standard specifies a titrimetric method
unsaponified and unsaponified. saponifiable matter in
for the determination of the sodium hydrogen carbonate
commercial soaps, excluding compound products.
content of sodium carbonate for industrial use. The
02 Page Gr-XA CH
method is applicable to products having a sodium
hydrogen carbonate content equal to or greater than 0, 2
BDS ISO 1095:2012
% (m/m).
Shipbuilding and marine structures-Toughened
02 Page Gr-XA CH
safety glass panes for side scuttles
BDS ISO 746:2009 This international Standard specifies materials and
Sodium carbonate for industrial use- Determination finish, dimensions for interchangeabillity, tolerances and
of matter insoluble in water at 50 ° C flatness, testing, marking and designation of toughened
This International Standard specifies a method for the safety glass panes for side scuttles complying with ISO
determination of the matter insoluble in water at 50 °C of 1751.
sodium carbonate for industrial use. 10 Page Gr-XA CH
05 Page Gr-XA CH
BDS ISO 1242:2011
BDS ISO 780:2003 Essential oils – Determination of acid value
Packaging-pictorial marking for handling of goods This International Standard specifies a method of
This international standard specifies a set of symbols determining the acid value of essential oils. This method
conventionally used for marking of transport packages is not applicable to essential oils containing appreciable
in their physical distribution chain to convey handling quantities of lactones.
instructions. 05 Page Gr-XA CH
07 Page Gr-XA CH
BDS ISO 1248:2003
BDS ISO 788:2011 Specification for Iron Oxide Pigments for Paints
Ultramarine pigments for paints This international standard specifies the requirements
This International Standard specifies the requirements and corresponding test methods for all manufactured and
and corresponding test methods for artificial ultramarine natural iron oxide pigments, including micaceous iron
pigments, suitable for use in paints

oxide pigments and rapid dispersion pigments, in dry BDS ISO 1517:2008
form suitable for use in paints. Paints and varnishes – Surface-drying test- Ballotini
06 Page Gr-XA CH method
This International Standard specifies a method for
determining the surface-drying characteristics of a
coating of a paint or varnish which dries by the action of
BDS ISO 1249:2005 air or by chemical reaction of its components. The
Zinc chromate pigments-Basic zinc potassium method is not intended to apply to stoving products.
chromate pigments and zinc tetrahydroxychromate 02 Page Gr-XA CH
This International Standard specifies the requirements BDS ISO 1518:2008
and corresponding test methods for zinc chromate Paints and varnishes – Scratch test
pigments suitable for use in and / or corrosion- This International Standard is one of a series of
inhabiting coatings. Standards dealing with the sampling and testing of
07 Page Gr-XA CH paints, varnishes and related products. lt specifies a test
method for determining under defined conditions the
BDS ISO 1271:2015 resistance of a single coating or a multi-coat system of
Essential oils- Determination of carbonyl value- Free paint, varnish or related product to penetration by
hydroxylamine method scratching with a hemispherically tipped needle.
This International Standard specifies a method for the 08 Page Gr-XA CH
determination of the carbonyl value of essential oils. lt is
applicable to essential oils which contain carbonyl BDS ISO 1519:2007
compounds (especially ketones, excluding Paints and varnishes - Bend test (cylindrical mandrel
methylketones) which are difficult to convert to oximes This International Standard specifies an empirical test
by the method specified in ISO 1279. procedure for assessing the resistance of a coating of
07 Page Gr-XA CH paint, varnish or related product to cracking and/or
detachment from a metal or plastic substrate when
BDS ISO 1272:2011
Essential oils- Determination of content of phenols subjected to bending round a cylindrical mandrel under
This International Standard specifies a method for the standard conditions.
determination of the percentage, by volume, of phenols 08 Page Gr-XA CH
in essential oils. BDS ISO 1520:2008
05 Page Gr-XA CH Paints and varnishes- cupping test
This International Standard specifies an empirical
BDS ISO 1279:2015 method for assessing the resistance of a coating of paint,
Essential oils – Determination of carbonyl value- varnish or related product to cracking and/or detachment
Potentiometric methods using hydroxylammonium from a metal substrate when subjected to gradual
chloride deformation by indentation under standard conditions.
This International Standard specifies two methods for 06 Page Gr-XA CH
the potentiometric determination of the carbonyl value of
essential oils which contain carbonyl compounds, either BDS ISO 1522:2008
aldehydes or ketones. Method I, is based on a cold Paints and varnishes- Pendulum damping test
oximation reaction with hydroxylammonium chloride. This International Standard specifies two methods of
13 Page Gr-XB CH carrying out a pendulum damping test on a coating of
paint, varnish or other, related, product. It is applicable
BDS ISO 1342:2009 to single coatings and to multicoat systems.
Oil of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) 06 Page Gr-XA CH
This International Standard specifies certain
characteristics of oil of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis BDS ISO 1523:2008
L.), in order to facilitate assessment of its quality. Determination of flash point- Closed cup equilibrium
12 Page Gr-XB CH method
This International Standard specifies a method to
BDS ISO 1432:2008 determine the flash point of paints, varnishes, paint
Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic – binders, solvents, petroleum or related products.
Determination of low temperature stiffening 10 Page Gr-XA CH
(Gehman test)
This International Standard specifies a static procedure, BDS ISO 1524:2008
known as the Gehman test, for determining the relative Paints, varnishes and printing inks- Determination of
stiffness characteristics of vulcanized or thermoplastic fineness of grind
rubbers over a temperature range from room temperature This International Standard is one of a series of
to approximately -150 °C. standards dealing with the sampling and testing of
10 Page Gr-XA CH paints, varnishes, printing inks and related products. It
specifies a method for determining the fineness of grind

of paints, inks and related products by use of a suitable This part of ISO 1924 specifies a method for measuring
gauge, graduated in micrometres. the tensile strength, strain at break and tensile energy
06 Page Gr-XA CH absorption of paper and board, using a testing machine
BDS ISO 1619:2009 operating at a constant rate of elongation (20 mm/min).
Cryolite, natural and artificial – Preparation and This part of ISO 1924 also specifies equations for
storage of test samples calculating the tensile index, the tensile energy
This International Standard specifies the procedure for absorption index and the modulus of elasticity.
the preparation and storage of test samples, i.e. crude 12 page Gr-XB CH
samples and dried samples, of natura1 and artificial
cryolite, and of natural) and synthetic materials having a BDS ISO 2068:2011
molar ratio (NaF/AI F3) between 3 and 1,7 Barium chromate pigments for paints
approximately. This International Standard lays down the requirements
05 Page Gr-XA CH and test methods for barium chromate pigments of ap-
proximate composition BaCr04, suitable for use in paints
BDS ISO 1620:2009 and/or corrosion-inhibiting coatings.
Cryolite, natura1 and artificial - Determination of 07 Page Gr-XA CH
silica content - Reduced molybdosilicate BDS ISO 2137:2009
spectrophotometric method Petroleum products and lubricants- Determination of
This International Standard specifies a reduced cone penetration of lubricating greases and
molybdosilicate spectrophotometric method for the petrolatum
determination of the silica content of natural/ and This International Standard specifies several methods for
artificial cryolite and of natura1 and synthetic materials the empirical estimation of the consistency of lubricating
having a molar ratio (NaF/AI\F3) between 3 and 1,7 greases and petrolatum by measuring the penetration of a
approximately. standardized cone.
07 Page Gr-XA CH
30 Page Gr-XC CH
BDS ISO 1686:2009
BDS ISO 2144:2016
Sodium and potassium silicates and methods of test– Paper, board and pulps – Determination of
General for industrial use – Samples residue (ash) on ignition at 900 oC
This International Standard provides general descriptions This International Standard describes the determination
relative to the treatment of samples and to the test of the residue on ignition of pulps, papers, and boards.
methods for potassium and sodium silicates for industrial
06 Page Gr-XA CH
05 Page Gr-XA CH
BDS ISO 2176:2009
BDS ISO 1689:2009 Petroleum products- Lubricating grease-
Sodium and potassium silicates for industrial use Determination of dropping Point
Calculation of the ratio - SiO2 or SiO2 This International Standard specifies a method for the
Na2O K2O determination of the dropping point of lubricating
This International Standard specifies the formula for the grease.
calculation of the ratio SiO2 or SiO2 for sodium silicates 13 Page Gr-XB CH
Na2O K2O BDS ISO 2227:2014
and potassium silicates for industrial use, respectively. In Formaldehyde solutions for industrial use-
this ratio, only the Na2O or the K2O combined in the Determination of formaldehyde content
form of silicates is considered. This International Standard specifies a volumetric
05 Page Gr-XA CH method for the determination of the formaldehyde
content of formaldehyde solutions for industrial use.
BDS ISO 1924-1: 2016 04 Page Gr-XA CH
Paper and board – Determination of tensile
properties- Part 1: Constant rate of loading method BDS ISO 2285:2008
This part of ISO 1924 specifies a method of measuring Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic – Determination
the tensile strength of Paper and board using an of tension set under constant elongation, and of
instrument operating at a constant rate of application of tension set, elongation and creep under constant
tensile forte (constant rate of loading) which Causes tensile load
failure of the test piece in a mean time of 20 s + 5 s. lt This International Standard specifies a number of
also specifies methods for calculating the breaking methods of determining the dimensional changes in test
length and tensile index. pieces of vulcanized or thermoplastic rubber during and
05 page Gr-XA CH after tensile loading for relatively short periods under
constant elongation or constant loading.
BDS ISO 1924-2: 2016
14 Page Gr-XB CH
Paper and board – Determination of tensile
properties Part 2: Constant rate of elongation
BDS ISO 2409:2008
method (20mm/min)
Paints and varnishes – Cross-cut test

This International Standard describes a test method for pulps, papers and boards. This, part of ISO 2470 is
assessing the resistance of paint coatings to separation limited in its scope to white and near-white pulps, papers
from substrates when a right-angle lattice pattern is cut and boards. The measurement can only be made in an
into the coating, penetrating through to the substrate. instrument in which the ultraviolet energy level of the
The property measured by this empirical test procedure illumination has been adjusted to correspond to the CIE
depends, among other factors, on the adhesion of the illuminant C using a fluorescent reference standard.
coating to either the preceding coat or the substrate. This 12 Page Gr-XB CH
procedure is not to be regarded, however, as a means of
measuring adhesion. Where a measurement of adhesion BDS ISO 2470-2:2011
is required, attention is drawn to the method described in Paper, board and pulps- Measurement of diffuse blue
ISO 4624. reflectance factor- Part 2: Outdoor daylight
11 Page Gr-XB CH conditions (D65 brightness)
This part of ISO 2470 specifies a method for measuring
BDS ISO 2417:2009 the D65 brightness of pulps, papers and boards. This part
Leather – Physical and mechanical tests- of ISO 2470 is limited in its scope to white and near-
Determination of the static absorption of water white pulps, papers and boards, particularly those
This International Standard specifies a method for exhibiting fluorescence which promotes the appearance
determining the water absorption of leather under static of whiteness. The measurement can only be made in
conditions. The method is applicable to all leather, instrument in which the ultraviolet energy level of the
particularly heavy leather. illumination has been adjusted to correspond to the CIE
08 Page Gr-XA CH standard illuminant D65 using a fluorescent reference
BDS ISO 2418:2009 standard.
Leather – Chemical, physical and mechanical and 09 Page Gr-XA CH
fastness test- Sampling location BDS ISO 2471:2011
This International Standard specifies the location of a Paper and board- Determination of opacity (paper
laboratory sample within a piece of leather and the backing)- Diffuse reflectance method
method of labelling and marking the laboratory samples This International Standard specifies a method for the
for future identification. It is applicable to all types of determination of the opacity (paper backing) of paper by
leather derived from mammals irrespective of the diffuse reflectance.
tanning used. It can be used to determine the opacity of papers or
10 Page Gr-XA CH boards which contain fluorescent whitening agents,
provided the UV content of the radiation incident on the
BDS ISO 2419:2009 test piece has been adjusted to conform to that in the CIE
Leather- Physical and mechanical tests- Sample illuminant C using a fluorescent reference standard
preparation and conditioning provided by an ISO/TC 6 authorized laboratory as
This International Standard specifies the preparation of described in ISO 2470-1.
leather test pieces for physical and mechanical testing 10 Page Gr-XA CH
together with two standard atmospheres for conditioning
and testing. It is applicable to all types of dry leather. BDS ISO 2588:2008
10 Page Gr-XA CH Leather- Sampling- Number of items for a gross
BDS ISO 2420:2008 sample
Leather- Physical and mechanical tests- This International Standard specifies a method for the
Determination of apparent density drawing, from a lot, of whole pieces of leather to form a
This International Standard specifies a method for gross Sample. The method is applicable to all kinds of
determining the apparent density of leather. It is leather of any type of tannage.
applicable to all heavy leather. 02 Page Gr-XA CH
03 Page Gr-XA CH
BDS ISO 2589:2008
BDS ISO 2431:2008 Leather- Physical and mechanical tests-
Paints and varnishes- Determination of flow time by Determination of thickness
use of flow cups This International Standard specifies a method for
This International Standard is one of a series of determining the thickness of leather. The method is
standards dealing with the sampling and testing of applicable to all types of leather of any tannage. The
paints, varnishes and related products. measurement is valid for both the whole leather and a
08 Page Gr-XA CH test sample.
02 Page Gr-XA CH
BDS ISO 2470-1:2011
Paper, board and pulps- Measurement of BDS ISO 2758:2011
diffuse blue reflectance factor- Part 1: Paper- Determination of bursting strength
indoor daylight conditions (ISO brightness) This International Standard specifies a method for
This part of ISO 2470 specifies a method for measuring measuring the bursting strength of paper submitted to
the diffuse blue reflectance factor (ISO brightness) of increasing hydraulic pressure. It is applicable to paper

having bursting strengths within the range 70 kPa to 1 13 Page Gr-XB CH
400 kPa. It is not intended to be used for the components
of a combined board, for which the method given in ISO BDS ISO 2811-4:2009
2759 is more suitable. Paints and varnishes- Determination of density- Part
12 Page Gr-XB CH 4:Pressure cup method
This part of ISO 2811 is one of a series of standards
BDS ISO 2759:2011 dealing with the sampling and testing of paints,
Board - Determination of bursting strength varnishes and related products. It specifies a method for
This International Standard specifies a method for determining the density of paints, varnishes and related
measuring the bursting strength of board submitted to products using a pressure cup.
increasing hydraulic pressure. It is applicable to all types 13 Page Gr-XB CH
of board having bursting strengths within the range 350 BDS ISO 2812-2:2008
kPa to 5 500 kPa. It is also applicable to papers or boards Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to
having bursting strengths as low as 250 kPa if the paper liquids - Part 2: Water immersion method
or board is to be used to prepare a material of higher This part of ISO 2812 specifies a method for
bursting strength, such as corrugated board. determining the resistance of an individual-layer or
12 Page Gr-XA CH multi-layer system of coating materials to the effects of
water by partial or full immersion. This method enables
BDS ISO 2808:2008 the determination of the effects of water on the coating
Paints and varnishes- Determination of film thickness and, if necessary, the assessment of the damage to the
This International Standard reviews and specifies a substrate.
number of methods that are applicable to the 04 Page Gr-XA CH
measurement of the thickness of organic coatings
applied to a substrate. It does not apply to metallic BDS ISO 2813:2006
coatings. Some of the techniques described can be Paints and Varnishes-Determination of Specular
adapted for the measurement of the thickness of Gloss of Non-Metalic Paint Films At 20 Degree, 60
detached coatings. The principles of the methods, their Degree and 85 Degrees
particular field of application. This international Standard is one of a series of standrds
39 Page Gr-XD CH dealing with the sampling and testing of paints,
varnishes and related products.
BDS ISO 2811-1:2009 10 Page Gr-XA CH
Paints and varnishes- Determination of density- Part BDS ISO 2814:2009
1: Pyknometer method Paints and varnishes – Comparison of contrast ratio
This part of ISO 2811 is one of a series of standards (hiding power) of paints of the same type and colour
dealing with the sampling and testing of paints, Specifies the standard method to be used in comparing
varnishes and related products. It specifies a method for the contrast ratios given by paint films of white or light
determining the density of paints, varnishes and related colours, of reflectance factor greater than 40 %, dried at
products using a pyknometer. The method is limited to normal air temperatures and applied at approximately
materials of low or medium viscosity at the temperature equal wet film thickness to black and white substrates.
of test. The Hubbard pyknometer can be used for highly 06 Page Gr-XA CH
viscous materials.
10 Page Gr-XA CH BDS ISO 2815:2009
Paints and varnishes- Buchholz indentation test
BDS ISO 2811-2:2009 This International Standard describes a method for
Paints and varnishes- Determination of density- Part carrying out an indentation test on a single coating or
2: Immersed body (plummet) method multicoat system of paint, varnish or related product,
This part of ISO 2811 is one of a series of standards using a Buchholz indentor. The length of the indentation
dealing with the sampling and testing of paints, produced is indicative of the residual deformation of the
varnishes and related products. It specifies a method for coating.
determining the density of paints, varnishes and related 04 Page Gr-XB CH
products using balls or other round bodies as immersion
bodies (plummets). The method is limited to materials of BDS ISO 2884-1:2009
low or medium viscosity, and is particularly suitable for Paints and varnishes- Determination of viscosity
production control using rotary viscometers- Part 1: Cone-and-plate
10 Page Gr-XA CH viscometer operated at a high rate of shear
This part of ISO 2884 is one of a series dealing with the
BDS ISO 2811-3:2009 sampling and testing of paints, varnishes and related
Paints and varnishes- Determination of density- Part products. It supplements ISO 2431:1993, Paints and
3: Oscillation method varnishes- Determination of flow time by use of flow
This part of ISO 2811 is one of a series of standards cups.
dealing with the sampling and testing of paints, 10 Page Gr-XA CH
varnishes and related products. BDS ISO 2884-2:2009

Paints and varnishes- Determination of viscosity This International Standard is one of a series of
using rotary viscometers- Part 2: Disc or ball standards dealing with the testing of paints, varnishes
viscometer operated at a specified speed and related products. This International Standard
This part of ISO 2884 specifies a general procedure for specifies a procedure for determining the resistance of a
determining the viscosity of paints, varnishes and related single-coat film or a multi-coat system of paints or
products with a viscosity of up to 34 Pa.s. It is applicable related products to humid atmospheres containing sulfur
mainly during production and thinning. dioxide.
10 Page Gr-XA CH 08 Page Gr-XA CH
BDS ISO 3033-1:2009
BDS ISO 3254:2012
Oil of spearmint-Part 1: Native type (Mentha spicata
Shipbuilding and marine structures-Toughened
safety glass panes for rectangular windows
This part of ISO 3033 specifies certain characteristics of
This international Standard specifies materials and
the oil of spearmint, native type (Mentha spicata L.), in
finish, dimensions for interchangeabillity, tolerances,
order to facilitate assessment of its quality.
parallelism and flatness, testing, marking and
10 Page Gr-XA CH
designation of toughened safety glass panes for
BDS ISO 3033-2:2009
rectangular windows complying with ISO 3903.
Oil of spearmint- Part 2: Chinese type (80 % and 60
10 Page Gr-XA CH
%) (Mentha viridis L. var. crispa Benth.), redistilled
BDS ISO 3376:2008
Leather - Physical and mechanical tests -
This part of ISO 3033 specifies certain characteristics of
Determination of tensile strength and percentage
the oil of spearmint, Chinese type (80 % and 60 %)
(Mentha viridis L. var. crispa Benth.), redistilled oil, in
This International Standard specifies a method for
order to facilitate assessment of its quality.
determining the tensile strength, elongation at a specified
18 Page Gr-XB CH
load and elongation at break of leather. It is applicable to
all types of leather.
BDS ISO 3033-3:2009
04 Page Gr-XA CH
Oil of spearmint - Part 3: Indian type (Mentha spicata
L.), redistilled oil
BDS ISO 3377-1:2008
This part of ISO 3033 specifies certain characteristics
Leather- Physical and mechanical tests-
of the oil of spearmint, Indian type (Mentha spicata L.),
Determination of tear load - Part 1: Single edge tear
redistilled oil, in order to facilitate assessment of its
This part of ISO 3377 specifies a method for
determining the tear strength of leather using a single
18 Page Gr-XB CH
edged tear. The method is sometimes described as a
trouser tear. It is applicable to all types of leather.
BDS ISO 3033-4: 2009
03 Page Gr-XA CH
Oil of spearmint- Part 4: Scotch variety (Mentha
gracilis Sole)
BDS ISO 3377-2:2008
This part of ISO 3033 specifies certain characteristics of
Leather- Physical and mechanical tests-
the oil of spearmint, Scotch variety (Mentha × gracilis
Determination of tear load- Part 2: Double edge tear
Sole), in order to facilitate assessment of its quality.
This part of ISO 3377 specifies a method for
03 Page Gr-XB CH
determining the tear strength of leather using a double
edged tear. The method is sometimes described as the
BDS ISO 3044:2009
Baumann tear. It is applicable to all types of leather.
Oil of Eucalyptus citriodora Hook 03 Page Gr-XA CH
This International Standard specifies certain
characteristics of the oil of Eucalyptus citriodora Hook., BDS ISO 3378:2008
in order to facilitate assessment of its quality. Leather- Physical and mechanical tests-
08 Page Gr-XA CH Determination of resistance to grain cracking and
grain crack index
BDS ISO 3217:2003 This International Standard specifies a method for
Specification for Oil of Lemongrass (Cympopogon determining the resistance of leather to grain cracking
citrates) and for determining the grain crack index.
This international Standard specifies certain 06 Page Gr-XA CH
characteristics of oil of lemongrass (Cymbopogon
citratus), with a view to facilitating the assessment of its BDS ISO 3380:2008
quality. Leather- Physical and mechanical tests-
02 Page Gr-XA CH Determination of shrinkage temperature up to 100 °C
BDS ISO 3231:2009 This International Standard specifies a method for
Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to determination of the shrinkage temperature of leather up
humid atmospheres containing sulfur dioxide to 100 oC. It is applicable to all leathers.
04 Page Gr-XA CH

glazing materials in a road vehicle, whatever the type of
BDS ISO 3434:2012 glass or other material of which they are composed.
Shipbuilding and marine structures-Heated glass 04 Page Gr-XA CH
panes for ships rectangular windows
This international Standard specifies construction BDS ISO 3538:2012
characteristics, optical qualities and heating circuit, Road vehicles-Safety glazing meterials– test methods
dimensions for interchangeability (outer dimensions and for optical properties
glass thickness), tests, marking and designation of heated This international Standard specifies optical test methods
glass panes for ships rectangular windows (H series : see relating to the safety requirements for all safety glazing
ISO 3903:-, subclause 4.1.3). materials in a road vehicle, whatever the type of glass or
10 Page Gr-XA CH other material of which they are composed.
10 Page Gr-XA CH
BDS ISO 3448:2009
Industrial liquid lubricants- ISO viscosity BDS ISO 3710:2011
classification Lead chrome green- Specifications and methods.
This International Standard establishes a system of This International Standard specifies the requirements
Viscosity classification for industrial liquid lubricants and the corresponding methods of test for lead chrome
and related fluids. This includes mineral oils used as green containing not more than 50 % (m/m) of an iron
lubricants, hydraulic fluids, and electrical oils and for blue pigment.
other applications. The usual method for 05 Page Gr-XA CH
kinematicviscosity determination is that specified in IS0
3104, but this may give anomalous results when used BDS ISO 3783:2011
with non-Newtonian fluids (i.e. those whose coefficient Paper and board- Determination of resistance to
of viscosity varies significantly with rate of shear). For picking accelerated speed method using the IGT-type
SUCII fluids, it is therefore important to state the tester (electric model)
particular method by which viscosity has been This International Standard specifies an accelerated
determined speed method for determining the surface strength in
13 Page Gr-XB CH arms of the pick velocity and pick resistance of coated
and uncoated paper and board, and in terms of the
BDS ISO 3475:2011 delaminating resistance of the liner on paperboard, by
Oil of aniseed simulating the behavior in the printing process. Because
This International Standard specifies certain charac- of the limited area tested and the general character of the
teristics of the oil of aniseed (Pimpinella anisum L), in test, it will not usually detect local imperfections such as
order to facilitate assessment of its quality. surface debris.
08 Page Gr-XA CH 14 Page Gr-XB CH
BDS ISO 3515:2011
Oil of lavender
This International Standard specifies certain
characteristics of the oils of spontaneous lavender
(population lavender, France) and of clonal lavender
(Lavandula angustifolia Mill), from various origins, with BDS ISO 3849:2011
a view to facilitate assessment of their quality. Oil of citronella, (Sri Lanka type)
23 Page Gr-XC CH This International Standard specifies certain
characteristics of the oil of citronella, Sri Lanka type W.
BDS ISO 3517:2011 Watson var. lenabatu Stapf., in order to facilitate
Oil of neroli assessment of its quality.
This International Standard specifies certain charac- 10Page Gr-XA CH
teristics of the oil of neroli .
08 Page Gr-XA CH BDS ISO 3856-1:2016
Paints and varnishes- Determination of ‘soluble’
BDS ISO 3536:2012 metal content- Part 1: Determination of lead content
Road vehicles-Safety glazing materials- Vocabulary. – Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method and
This international Standard defines terms relating to dithizone spectrophotometric method
safety glazing materials for road vehicles. This part of ISO 3856 describes two methods for the
04 Page Gr-XA CH determination of the lead content of the test solutions,
prepared according to ISO 6713 or other suitable
BDS ISO 3537:2012 International Standards.
Road vehicles- Safety glazing materials- Mechanical 06 page Gr-XA CH
This international Standard specifies mechanical test BDS ISO 3856-2: 2016
methods relating to the safety requirements for all safety

Paints and varnishes- Determination of ‘soluble’ Paints and varnishes- Determination of ‘soluble’
metal content- Part 2: Determination of antimony metal content- Part 7: Determination of mercury
content- Flame atomic absorption spectrometric content of the pigment portion of the paint and of the
method and Rhodamine B spectrophotometric liquid portion of water-dilutable paints- Flameless
method atomic absorption spectrometric method
This part of IS0 3856 describes two methods for the This part of ISO 3856 describes a flameless atomic
determination of the antimony content of the test absorption spectrometric method for the determination
solutions prepared according to ISO 6713 or other of the mercury content of the test solutions, prepared
suitable International Standards. according to ISO 6713 or other suitable International
06 page Gr-XA CH Standards.
08 page Gr-XA CH
BDS ISO 3856-3:2016
Paints and varnishes- Determination of ‘soluble’ BDS ISO 3871:2008
metal content- Part 3: Determination of barium Road vehicles- Labelling of containers for petroleum-
content- Flame atomic emission spectrometric based or non-petroleum-based brake fluid
method This International Standard specifies the minimum
This International Standard is a part of ISO 3856, Paints labelling required for commercial containers of
and varnishes - Determination of “soluble” metal petroleum- and non-petroleum-based fluids used in the
content.1 braking and hydraulic systems of road vehicles,
including mopeds and motorcycles.
04 page Gr-XA CH
03 Page Gr-XA CH
BDS ISO 3856-4:2016 BDS ISO 3987:2009
Paints and varnishes-Determination of “soluble” Petroleum products- Lubricating oils and additives -
metal content- Part 4: Determination of cadmium Determination of sulfated ash
content- Flame atomic absorption spectrometric This International Standard describes a procedure for the
method and polarographic method determination of the mass percentage of sulfated ash
This part of ISO 3856 describes two methods for the from unused lubricating oils containing additives and
determination of the cadmium content of the test from additive concentrates used in compounding.
solutions prepared according to IS0 6713 or other 08 Page Gr-XA CH
suitable International Standards.
04 page Gr-XA CH
BDS ISO 4044:2008
BDS ISO 3856-5: 2016 Leather- Preparation of Chemical test samples
Paints and varnishes- Determination of ‘soluble’ This International Standard specifies a method for
metal content – Part 5: Determination of – preparation of a test sample of leather for chemical
Hexavalent chromium content of the pigment portion analysis. The method is applicable to all leathers of all
of the liquid paint or the paint in powder form- types and tannage.
diphenylcarbazide spectrophotometric method 02 Page Gr-XA CH
This part of ISO 3856 describes a diphenylcarbazide
spectrophotometric method for the determination of the BDS ISO 4045:2009
“soluble” hexavalent chromium content of the Leather Chemical tests- Determination of pH
hydrochloric acid extract of the pigment portion of the This International Standard specifies a method for
liquid paint or of the paint in powder form, prepared in determining the pH value and the difference figure of an
accordance with sub-clause 8.2.3 of IS0 6713 or other aqueous leather extract. It is applicable to all types of
suitable International Standards. leather.
03 page Gr-XA CH 08 Page Gr-XA CH

BDS ISO 3856-6: 2016 BDS ISO 4046-1:2012

Paints and varnishes- Determination of ‘soluble’ Paper, board, pulps and related terms- Vocabulary,
metal content – Part 6: Determination of total part 1-Alphabetical index
chromium content of the liquid portion of the paint – This part of ISO 4046 is an alphabetical index of English
Flame atomic and French terms which are defined in the ISO 4046
absorption spectrometric method series of standards, which document the terminology of
This part of ISO 3856 describes a flame atomic paper, board, pulp and related terms.
absorption spectrometric (AAS) method for the 13 Page Gr-XB CH
determination of the total chromium content of the liquid
portion of the paint, prepared in accordance with sub- BDS ISO 4046-2:2012
clause 9.3 of ISO 6713 or other suitable International Paper, board, pulps and related terms-Vocabulary,
Standards. part 2-Pulping terminology
This part of ISO 4046 defines terms related to pulping.
03 page Gr-XA CH
11 Page Gr-XB CH
BDS ISO 3856-7:2016

BDS ISO 4046-3:2012 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic- Determination
Paper, board, pulps and related terms-Vocabulary, of dimensions of test pieces and products for test
part 3-paper making terminology. purposes
This part of ISO 4046 defines terms related to paper This International Standard specifies four methods for
making, in English. the measurement of the dimensions of solid vulcanized
25 Page Gr-XC CH or thermoplastic rubber test pieces or products for test
purposes, three contact methods, designated A, B and C,
BDS ISO 4046-4:2012 and one non-contact method, designated D.
Paper, board, pulps and related terms-Vocabulary, 06 Page Gr-XA CH
part 4-paper and board grades and converted
products BDS ISO 4649:2014
This part of ISO 4046 defines terms related to paper and Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic-determination
board grades and converted products, in English. of abrasion resistance using a rotating cylindrical
18 Page Gr-XB CH drum device
This International Standard specifies two methods for
BDS ISO 4046-5:2012 the determination of the resistance of rubber to abrasion
Paper, board, pulps and related terms-Vocabulary, by means of a rotating cylindrical drum device.
part-5, properties of pulp, paper and board 24 Page Gr-XC CH
This part of ISO 4046 defines terms related to properties
of pulp, paper and board. BDS ISO 4925:2008
28 Page Gr-XC CH Road vehicles- Specification of non- petroleum- base
BDS ISO 4047:2009 brake fluids for hydraulic systems
Leather- Determination of sulphated total ash and This International Standard gives the specifications-
sulphated water-insoluble ash requirements and test methods- for non- petroleum-base
This International Standard specifies a method for the fluids used in road-vehicle hydraulic brake and clutch
determination of the sulphated total ash and the systems that are designed for use with such fluids and
sulphated watet--insoluble ash of leather. The method is equipped with seals, cups or double-lipped type gland
applicable to all types of leather. seals made of styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) and
04 Page Gr-XA CH ethylene-propylene elastomer (EPDM).
27 Page Gr-XC CH
BDS ISO 4048:2009
Leather- Chemical tests- Determination of matter BDS ISO 4926:2008
soluble in dichloromethane and free fatty acid Road vehicles- Hydraulic braking systems- Non-
content petroleum- base reference fluids
This International Standard specifies a method for the This International Standard specifies the composition
determination of the substances in leather which are and characteristics of a reference fluid used for the
soluble in dichloromethane. This method is applicable to compatibility testing of hydraulic braking systems and
all types of leather. components mounted on road vehicles.
04 Page Gr-XA CH 02 Page Gr-XA CH

BDS ISO 4263-1:2009 BDS ISO 4995:2006

Petroleum and related products- Determination of Hot-rolled steel sheet of structural quality
the ageing behaviour of inhibited oils and fluids- This International Standard applies to hot-rolled steel
TOST test Part 1: Procedure for mineral oils sheet of structural quality in the grades and classes listed
This part of ISO 4263 specifies a method for the in Tables 1 and 2, usally without the use of
determination of the ageing behaviour of rust- and microalloying elements. The product is intended for
oxidationinhibited mineral oils having a density less than structural purposes where particular mechanical
that of water, used as turbine oils, hydraulic oils, and properties are rquired.
circulating oils Oils containing synthetic components 12 Page Gr-XB CH
can be tested by this procedure, but no precision
statement is available yet for such fluids.
17 Page Gr-XA CH
BDS ISO 5626:2011
BDS ISO 4406:2008 Paper- Determination of folding endurance
Hydraulic fluid power- Fluids- Method for coding the This International Standard specifies the methods for e
level of contamination by solid particles determination of folding endurance of paper using kohler
This International Standard specifies the code to be used Molin, Lhomargy, MIT and Schopper testers. t sets out
in defining the quantity of solid particles in the fluid the conditions to be observed when using each
used in a given hydraulic fluid power system. instruments, and gives the precautions to be taken in
07 Page Gr-XA CH using each instrument.
09 Page Gr-XA CH
BDS ISO 4648:2008 BDS ISO 5627:2012

Paper and board-Determination of smoothness Paper, board and pulps- Determination of pH of
(Bekk method) aqueous extracts- Part 1: Cold extraction
This international Standard specifies a method of This part of ISO 6588 specifies a method for the
measuring the smoothness of Paper and board, called the determination of the pH-value defined by the electrolytes
Bekk method. extractable by cold water from a sample of paper, board
13 Page Gr-XB CH or pulp. This part of ISO 6588 is applicable to all types
of paper, board and pulp.
BDS ISO 5923:2006 08 Page Gr-XA CH
Fire protection-fire extinguishing media-
carbondioxide BDS ISO 6588-2: 2016
This international Standard specifies requirements for Paper, board and pulps- Determination of pH of
carbondioxide for use as a fire extinguishing medium. aqueous extracts- Part 2: Hot extraction
12 Page Gr-XB CH This part of ISO 6588 specifies a method for the
determination of the pH-value defined by the electrolytes
BDS ISO 6072:2008 extractable by hot water from a sample of paper, board
Hydraulic fluid power- Compatibility between fluids or pulp. This part of ISO 6588 is applicable to all kinds
and standard elastomeric materials of paper, board and pulp.
This International Standard specifies test methods for the 08 Page Gr-XA CH
evaluation of fluids exposed to standard elastomeric
materials that have been manufactured in accordance BDS ISO 6617:2009
with the specified processes. Petroleum- based lubricating oils- Ageing
20 Page Gr-XB CH characteristics- Determination of change in
Conradson carbon residue after oxidation
This International Standard specifies a procedure for
BDS ISO 6295:2009
determination of the ageing characteristics of petroleum-
Petroleum products- Mineral oils- Determination of
based lubricating oils. It is applicable to those oils which
interfacial tension of oil against water- Ring method
have an evaporation loss of less than 15 % mass fraction,
This International Standard specifies a method for the as determined by the procedure specified in 9.3 of this
measurement, under non-equilibrium conditions, of the standard.
interfacial tension of mineral oils against water, which 06 Page Gr-XA CH
has been shown by practice to give a reliable indication
of the presence of hydrophilic compounds. BDS ISO 6745:2011
06 Page Gr-XA CH Zinc phosphate pigments for paints- Specifications
and methods of test
BDS ISO 6486-1:2016 This International Standard specifies the requirements
Ceramic ware, glass- ceramic ware and glass and the corresponding methods of test for zinc phosphate
dinnerware in contact with food- Release of lead and pigments suitable for use in corrosion-inhibiting paints.
cadmium- Part 1: Test Method 10 Page Gr-XA CH
This part of ISO 6486 specifies a test method for the BDS ISO 6860:2007
release of lead and cadmium from ceramic ware, Paints and varnishes- Bend test (conical mandrel)
glassceramic ware, and glass dinnerware intended to be This International Standard describes an empirical test
used in contact with food, but excluding porcelain procedure for assessing the resistance of a coating of
enamel articles. paint, varnish or related product to cracking and/or
11 Page Gr-XB CH detachment from a metal substrate when subjected to
BDS ISO 6486-2: 2016 bending around a conical mandrel under standard
Ceramic ware, glass-ceramic ware and glass conditions.
dinnerware in contact with food- Release of lead and 03 Page Gr-XA CH
cadmium- Part 2: Permissible limits
This part of ISO 6486 specifies permissible limits for the BDS ISO 7086-1:2006
release of lead and cadmium from ceramic ware, Glass Hollowware in Contact with Food-Relase of
glassceramic ware and glass dinnerware intended to be Lead and Cadmium Part 1 Test Method
used in contact with food, but excluding porcelain This part of ISO 7086 specifies a test method for the
enamel articles. release of lead and cadmium from glass hollowware that
06 Page Gr-XA CH is intended to be used in contact with food.
09 Page Gr-XA CH
BDS ISO 6503: 2016
Paints and varnishes- Determination of total lead-
Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method BDS ISO 7086-2:2006
This International Standard describes a flame atomic Glass Hollowware in Contact with Food-Relase of
absorption spectrometric method for the etermination of Lead and Cadmium Part 2 Permissible limits
total lead in paints and related products. This part of ISO 7086 specifies permissible limits for
06 page Gr-XA CH the release of lead and cadmium from glass hollowware
that is intended to be used in contact with food.
BDS ISO 6588-1: 2016
05 Page Gr-XA CH - the A scale for rubbers in the normal-hardness range;
- the D scale for rubbers in the high-hardness range;
BDS ISO 7202:2006 - the AO scale for rubbers in the low-hardness range and
Fire Protection- Fire Extingushing Media- powder for
This International Standard specifies requirements for cellular rubbers;
the chemical and physical properties,and for minimun - the AM scale for thin rubber test pieces in the normal-
performance in defined test methods. of fire hardness range.
extengushing powders suitable for use of extingushing 08 Page Gr-XA CH
powders. They do not, however, form part of the
specification. BDS ISO 7619-2:2014
12 Page Gr-XB CH Rubber, Vulcanized or thermoplastic of
determination hardness Part- 2: Irhd pocket meter
BDS ISO 7252: 2016 method
Paints and varnishes- Determination of total This part of ISO 7619 specifies a method for
mercury- Flameless atomic absorption spectrometric determining the indentation hardness of vulcanized or
method thermoplastic rubber by means of a pocket hardness
This International Standard describes a flameless atomic meter calibrated in IRHD. The use of such meters is
absorption spectrometric referee method for the primarily intended for control, not specification,
determination of the total mercury content in paints and purposes. It is possible to increase precision by fixing
related products. the pocket hardness meter on a support.
06 page Gr-XA CH 12 Page Gr-XB CH

BDS ISO IEC 7501-1:2003 BDS ISO IEC 7810:2003

Identification cards-Machine readable travel Identification cards- physical characteristics
documents Part-1: Machine readable passport This international standard specifies the physical
This international standards specifics the and provides characteristics of identification cards including card
guidance on the construction of machine readable materials, construction, and dimensions for three sizes of
passports, in particular in relation to the sections of the card.
document containing details of the holder in a form 05 Pag Gr-XA CH
which is both visible machine readable.
01 Pag Gr-XA CH BDS ISO 7991:2008
Glass- Determination of coefficient of mean linear
BDS ISO IEC 7501-2:2003 thermal expansion
Identification cards – Machine readable travel This International Standard specifies a method for
documents- Part- 2: Machine- readable visa determining the coefficient of mean linear thermal
This international standards specifies the form and expansion of glass in the elastic solid-like state, well
provides guidance on the construction of machine below the transformation temperature . This
readable visas, in particular in relation to the sections of International Standard applies to all glasses of normal
the document containing details of the holder in a form bulk-production compositions. It does not apply to fused
which is both visible machine readable. silica, glass ceramics or other glasses of similarly low
01 Pag Gr-XA CH linear thermal expansion coefficients.
06 Page Gr-XA CH
BDS ISO IEC 7501-3:2003
Identification cards-Machine readable travel BDS ISO 8086:2010
documents – Part-3: Machine-readable official Lubricants industrial oils and related products
travel documents (clam) Family- T- (Turbines) sepcification for
This international standards specifics generic formats lubricating oils for turbines
and minimum data elements for visual inspection and
machine reading of official travel documents in the ID-1 BDS ISO 8781-1:2006
and ID-2 card formats containing a single form of Pigments and Extenders – Methods of Assessment of
machine readable data (optical character recognition, dispersion characteristics, Part- 1:Assessment from
OCR), which may at the option of Governments. the change in tining strength of coloured pigments
01 Pag Gr-XA CH This part of ISO 8781 specifies a method for assessing,
on the basis of tining strength ,the dispersion
BDS ISO 7619-1:2014 characteristics of coloured pigments which have been
Rubber, Vulcanized or thermoplastic-determination dispersed by one of the methods described in ISO 8780
of indentation hardness Part- 1: durometer method It should be read in conjunction with ISO 8780-1.
(Shore hardness) 05 Page Gr-XA CH
This part of ISO 7619 specifies a method for
determining the indentation hardness of vulcanized or
thermoplastic rubber using durometers with the
following scales:

This part of ISO 8782 specifies requirements and test
BDS ISO 8781-2:2006 methods relating to properties of footwear for
Pigments and Extenders- Methods of Assessment of professional use additional to those specified in ISO
dispersion characteristics, Part- 2:Assessment from 8782-1 .It covers water resistance, protection against
the change in fineness of grind cutting by hand held chain saws , resistance to fire
This part of ISO 8781 specifies a method for assessing, fighting hazards (foot wear for fire fighters), metatarsal
on the basis of fineness of grind, ,the dispersion protection and cut resistance.
characteristics of pigments which have been dispersed 15 Page Gr-XB CH
by one of the methods of dispersion described in ISO
8780 It should be read in conjunction with ISO 8780-1. BDS ISO 8782-6:2006
03 Page Gr-XA CH Safety, Protective and occupational footwear for
professional use Part 6:Additional specifications for
BDS ISO 8781-3:2006 safety footwear
Pigments and Extenders- Methods of Assessment of This part of ISO 8782 specifies to ISO 8782-1 and ISO
dispersion Characteristics, Part- 3:Assessment from 8782-5, additional requirements for safety footwear,
the Change in Gloss relating to water resistance, protection against cutting
This part of ISO 8781 specifies a method for assessing, by hand held chain saws, resistance to fire fighting
on the basis of specular gloss,the dispersion hazards (footwear for fire fighters), metatarsal protection
characteristics of pigments which have been dispersed and cut resistance.
by one of the methods of dispersion described in ISO 06 Page Gr-XA CH
8780 It should be read in conjunction with ISO 8780-1.
04 Page Gr-XA CH BDS ISO 8782-7:2006
BDS ISO 8782-1:2005 Safety, Protective and Occupational Footwear for
Specification for Safety, Protective and Occupational professional use Part- 7:Additional Specifications for
Footwear for professional use Part- 1: Requirements Protective Footwear
and Test Methods This part of ISO 8782 specifies by reference to ISO
This part of ISO 8782 specifies requirements and, where 8782-1, and ISO 8782-5, additional requirements for
appropriate, test methods too establish conformity with protective footwear, relating to water
these requirements for footwear intend to protect the resistance,metatarsal protection and cut resistance.
wearer’s feet and legs against foreseeable hazards in a 03 Page Gr-XA CH
variety of working sectors.
63 Page Gr-XE CH BDS ISO 8782-8:2006
Safety, Protective and occupational footwear for
BDS ISO 8782-2:2005 professional use Part 8: Additional specifications for
Safety, Protective and Occupational Footwear for occupational footwear
professional use Part- 2: Specification for Safety This part of ISO 8782 specifies by reference to ISO
footwear 8782-1, and ISO 8782-5, additional requirements for
This part of ISO 8782 specifies by reference to ISO 8782 occupational footwear, relating to water resistance.
- 1,basis and additional (optional) requirements for 02 Page Gr-XA CH
safety footwear professional use.
06 Page Gr-XA CH BDS ISO 8784-1:2016
Pulp, paper and board – microbiological
BDS ISO 8782-3:2005 examination part 1: enumeration of bacteria and
Safety, Protective and Occupational Footwear for bacterial spores based on disintegration
professional use Part-3: Specification for Protective This part of ISO 8784 specifies a method for
footwear determining the total number of colony-forming units of
This part of ISO 8782 specifies by reference to ISO bacteria and bacterial spores in dry market pulp, paper,
8782-1,basis and additional requirements for protective and paperboard after disintegration. The enumeration
footwear professional use. relates to specific media.
06 Page Gr-XA CH 14 Page Gr-XB CH
BDS ISO 8782-4:2005
Safety, Protective and occupational footwear for BDS ISO 8791-1:2012
professional use Part- 4: specification for Paper and board-Determination of roughness/
occupational footwear smoothness (air leak methods)- Part 1: General
This part of ISO 8782 specifies by reference to ISO method
8782-1,basis and additional (optional) requirements for This part of ISO 8791 specifies basic requirements and
Occupational footwear professional use. operating procedures for determining the
06 Page Gr-XA CH roughness/smoothness of paper and board by air leak
BDS ISO 8782-5:2006 16 Page Gr-XB CH
Safety, Protective and Occupational Footwear for
professional use Part 5: Additional requirements and BDS ISO 8791-2:2012
test methods

Paper and board- Determination of roughness/ This part of ISO 9184 specifies the preparation, use and
smoothness (air leak methods) Part 2: Bendtsen colour reactions of Graff YY stain in fibre furnish
method analysis. It should be used in conjunction with ISO
This part of ISO 8791 specifies a method for the 9184-1 and, if necessary, with other staining tests
determination of the roughness of paper and board using defined in ISO 9184-2.
the Bendtsen apparatus. It should be read in conjunction 06 Page Gr-XA CH
with ISO 8791-1.
11 Page Gr-XB CH BDS ISO 9184-5:2014
Paper, board and pulps- Fibre furnish analysis - Part
BDS ISO 8791-3:2012 5: Lofton- Merritt staining test (modification of
Paper and board- Determination of roughness/ Wisbar)
smoothness (air leak methods) Part 3: Sheffield This part of ISO 9184 specifies the preparation, use and
This part of ISO 8791 specifies a method for the colour reactions of Lofton-Merritt stain in fibre furnish
determination of the roughness of paper and board using analysis. It should be used in conjunction with ISO
the Sheffield apparatus. 9184-1 and, if necessary, with other staining tests
13 Page Gr-XB CH defined in ISO 9184-2.
06 Page Gr-XA CH
BDS ISO 8791-4:2012
BDS ISO 9184-6:2014
Paper and board – Determination of roughness/
Paper, board and pulps- Fibre furnish analysis- Part
smoothness (air leak methods) Part 4: Print- Surf
6: Determination of fibre coarseness
This part of ISO 9184 specifies a method for the
This part of ISO 8791 specifies a method for
determination of fibre coarseness, which is a fibre
determination the roughness of paper and board using
property characterizing pulp.
the an apparatus which complies with the Print-surf
06 Page Gr-XA CH
method, as defined in this part of ISO 8791. It is
applicable to all printing papers and boards with which it BDS ISO 9184-7:2014
is possible to form a substantially airtight seal against the Paper, board and pulps- Fibre furnish analysis- Part
guard lands of the measuring head. 7: Determination of weight factor
11 Page Gr-XB CH This part of ISO 9184 specifies two methods for
BDS ISO 9184-1:2014 determining the weight factor of fibres used in the fibre
furnish analysis of paper, board and pulp. In this part of
Paper, board and pulps- Fibre furnish analysis- Part
IS0 9184, the weight factor is obtained either by a
1: General method
comparison method or by calculating from the fibre
This part of ISO 9184 specifies the general performance
of the test for fibre furnish analysis of paper, board and
05 Page Gr-XA CH
lt is applicable to all kinds of pulps and to most papers BDS ISO 9385:2008
and boards, including those containing more than one Glass and glass-ceramics -Knoop hardness test
kind of fibrc, taking into account different pulping This International Standard describes the method of test
processes. for determining the Knoop hardness number of glass and
09 Page Gr-XA CH glass-ceramics. The Knoop hardness number
characterizes the behaviour of glass and glass-ceramics
BDS ISO 9184-2:2014
concerning a permanent Change of the surface after
Paper, board and pulps- Fibre furnishes analysis-
indentation with a solid material.
Part 2: Staining guide
03 Page Gr-XA CH
This part of ISO 9184 is a guide for choosing the
appropriate staining tests for the Performance of fibre BDS ISO 9665:2008
furnish analysis of Paper, board and pulps. Adhesives - Animal glues – Methods of sampling and
04 Page Gr-XA CH testing
This International Standard specifies the methods to be
BDS ISO 9184-3:2014 used for sampling and testing bone and skin glues in the
Paper, board and pulps- Fibre furnish analysis- Part form of powder, granules, pearls or cubes.
3:Herzberg staining test 10 Page Gr-XA CH
This patt of ISO 9184 specifies the preparation, use and
colour reactions of Herzberg stain in fibre furnish BDS ISO 9706:2008
analysis. lt should be used in conjunction with ISO Information and documentation – Paper for
9184-1 and, if necessary, with other staining tests documents- Requirements for permanence
defined in ISO 9184-2. This International Standard specifies the requirements
05 Page Gr-XA CH for permanent paper intended for documents. It is
applicable to unprinted papers. It is not applicable to
BDS ISO 9184-4:2014 boards.
Paper, board and pulps- Fibre furnish analysis- Part 06 Page Gr-XA CH
4:Graff T” staining test BDS ISO 9842:2015

Oil of rose (Rosa × damascena Miller) This International Standard specifies a method
This International Standard specifies certain determining the thermal stability of non-reactive melt
characteristics of the oil of rose (Rosa × damascena adhesives at temperatures up to 260 oC.
Miller) cultivated in Turkey, Morocco and Bulgaria, 02 Page Gr-XA CH
of the Rosaceae family, in order to facilitate assessment BDS ISO 10364:2008
of its quality. Structural adhesives- Determination of the pot life
13 Page Gr-XB CH (working life) of multicomponent adhesives
This International Standard specifies methods for
BDS ISO 9843:2015 determining the pot life of multi-component adhesives in
Oil of cedarwood, Chinese type (Cupressus funebris order to be able to determine whether the pot life
Endlicher) conforms to the minimum specified working life
This International Standard specifies certain required of an adhesive.
characteristics of the oil of cedarwood, Chinese type 04 Page Gr-XA CH
(Cupressus funebris Endlicher), in order to facilitate
BDS ISO 12775:2008
assessment of its quality.
Guidelines on types of glass of normal Bulk-
13 Page Gr-XB CH
production composition and their test methods
BDS ISO 9895:2008
This International Standard establishes a survey of glass
Paper and board- Compressive strength- Short span types and of methods for testing their chemical and
test physical properties to give, for example, consumers and
This International Standard specifies a method for the
producers of glass of normal bulk-production
determination of the compressive strength in the
composition the possibility to compare the different
machine and cross directions of paper and board using a
types of glass and test methods and to decide which are
short span compression tester.This International
of interest for a special demand or use. For this purpose,
Standard is intended for papers or boards used for the
these comprehensive guidelines give a classification of
manufacture of containers and boxes.
the different glass types of normal bulk-production
04 Page Gr-XA CH composition according to the chemical composition and
BDS ISO 10123:2008 indicate the different test methods and, where they exist,
Adhesives-Determination of shear strength of the classifications according to chemical resistance.
anaerobic adhesives using pin- and- collar specimens 08 Page Gr-XA CH
This International Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the shear strength of anaerobic-curing BDS EN 13432:2004
liquid adhesives used for retaining cylindrical Requirements for packaging recoverable through
assemblies, pin- and- collar type, or for locking and composting and biodegradation
sealing threaded fasteners. This test method may also be This European Standard specifies requirements and
used for other adhesives. procedures to determine the compostability and
02 Page Gr-XA CH anaerobic treatability of packaging and packaging
materials by addressing four characteristics.
BDS ISO 10282:2003 21 Page Gr-XC CH
Specifications for Single- use Sterile Rubber Surgical
BDS ISO 14001:2006
Environmental Management systems- Requirements
This International Standard specifies requirements and
with Guidance for use
test methods for evaluation of the permance and
This International Standard specifies requirements for
durability of writing, printing and copying on paper
an environmental management system to enable an
stored in libraries, archives and other protected organization to develop and implement a policy and
environments for long period of time. objective which take into account legal requirements and
10 Page Gr-XA CH
others requirements to which the organization
subscribes, and information about significant
BDS ISO 10354:2008
environmental aspects. It applies to those environmental
Adhesives- Characterization of durability of
aspects that the organization identifies as those which it
structural-adhesive- bonded assemblies- Wedge
can control and those which it can influence.
rupture test
23 Page Gr-XC CH
This International Standard simulates in a qualitative
manner the forces and effects on an adhesivebonded BDS ISO 14004:2006
joint at a metal-adhesive primer interface. It can also be
Environmental Management systems- General
used as a method of checking the surface preparation of
Guidelines on principles systems and support
Techniques for use
04 Page Gr-XA CH
This International Standard guidence on the
BDS ISO 10363:2008 establishment, implementation, maintenance and
Hot-melt adhesives- Determination of thermal improvement of an environmental management system
stability. and its coordination with other management systems.
39 Page Gr-XD CH

BDS ISO 14010:1998 BDS ISO 14040:1999
Specification for environmental management \/ Environmental management life cycle assessment-
systems guidelines for environmental auditing principles and framework
general principles This international standard specifies the general from
This international standard provides the general work, principles and requirements for conduction and
principles of environmental audits any activity define as reporting life cycle assessment studies. This international
an environmental audit in accordance with this standard does not describe the life cycle assessment
international standard should satisfy the technique in detail.
recommendations given in it. 16 Page Gr-XB CH
10 Page Gr-XA CH
BDS ISO 14050:2003
BDS ISO 14011:1998 Environmental management- vocabulary
Environmental management systems/ guidelines for This international standard contains definitions of
environmental auditing of environmental fundamental concepts related to environmental
management systems management, published in the ISO 14000 series of
This international standard establishes procedures that international standards.
provide for the planning and conduct of an EMS to 29 Page Gr-XC CH
determine conformance with EMS audit criteria.
12 Page Gr-XB CH
BDS ISO 15528:2008
Paints, varnishes and raw materials for paints and
varnishes- sampling
BDS ISO 14012:1998
This International Standard describes manual methods of
Environmental management systems/guidelines for
sampling paints, varnishes and raw materials for paints
environmental auditing qualification criteria for
and varnishes. Such products include liquids and
environmental auditors
materials which, without undergoing chemical
This international standard provide guidance on
modification, are capable of being liquefied when heated
qualification criteria for environmental to both internal
up, and also powdered, granulated and pasty materials.
and external auditors criteria for the selection and
Samples may be taken from containers, e.g. cans, drums,
composition of audit terms are included, reference is
tanks, containers, tank wagons or ships' tanks, as well as
made to ISO 14011 for information on these subjects.
from barrels, sacks, bigbags, silos or silo wagons, or
08 Page Gr-XA CH
from conveyor belts.
BDS ISO 14015:2001 04 Page Gr-XA CH
Environmental management- Environmental
assessment of sites and organizations (EASO) BDS ISO 17382:2015
This International Standard provides guidance on how Oil of magnolia flower, china type (Michelia × alba
to conduct an EASO through a systematic process of DC)
identifying environmental issues and determining, This International Standard specifies certain
28 Page Gr-XC CH characteristics of the oil of Magnolia flower, China
type (Michelia × alba DC), in order to facilitate
BDS ISO 14020:2000 assessment of its quality.
Environmental labels and declarations General 13 Page Gr-XB CH
This International standard establishes guiding principles BDS ISO 20344:2011
for the development and use of environmental labels and Personal protective equipment- test methods for
declarations. It is intended that other applicable footwear
standards in the ISO 14020 series be used in conjunction This International Standard specifies methods for testing
with this International standard. footwear designed as personal protective equipment.
24 Page Gr-XC CH 86 Page Gr-XE CH

BDS ISO. 14024:1999 BDS ISO 22716: 2016

Environmental labels and declaration- type 1 Cosmetics – Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)-
environmental labeling-principles and procedures Guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practices
This international standard establishes the principles and This International Standard gives guidelines for the
procedures for developing type-1 environmental labeling production, control, storage and shipment of cosmetic
programs, including the selection of product categories, products
product environmental criteria and product function 21 page Gr-XC CH
characteristic: and for assessing and demonstrating
compliance.This international standard also establishes BDS ASTM D 5727: 2016
the certification procedures for awarding the level. Emulsified Refined Coal Tar (Mineral Colloid Type)
17 Page Gr-XB CH

This specification covers mineral-colloid-stabilozed, methods are pointed out, several terms are defined, an
concentrated, emulsified, refined coal tar suitable for use outline of the form of the methods is given and the
as weather-protective and aliphatic-solvent resistant contents of the clauses constituting the methods are
coatings over bituminous pavements, such as those discussed.
found at airports parking areas, and driveways. 15 Page Gr-XB JT
02 page Gr-XA CH
BDS ISO 105 - A02:2005
JUTE & TEXTILES DIVISION: Textiles-tests for colour fastness -Part A02:grey scal
for assessing change in colour
This part of ISO 105 describes the grey scale for
BSTI Guide 1:2012
determining changes in colour of textiles in colour
Guide to Garments Quality fastness tests, and its use small precise colorimetric
This BSTI Guide provides a list of factors which specification of the scale is given as a permanent record
guide the various stages of garment against which newly prepared working standards and
manufacturing from design to packaging, to standards that may have changed can be compared.
ensure final garment quality. 05 Page Gr-XA JT
16 Page Gr-XB JT
BDS ISO 105 - A03:2005
BDS ISO 2:2009 Textiles-tests for colour fastness- Part A03 :Grey
Textiles Designation of the direction of twist in yarns Scal for assessing staining
and related products This part of ISO 105 describes the grey scale for
This International Standard specifies the method of determining staining of adjacent fabrics in colour
designating the direction of twist in textile yarns. It is fastness tests, and its use. A precise colorimetric
applicable to yarn intermediates such as slivers, specification of the scale is given as a permananet record
slubbings, or rovings; to single yarns, plied yarns, cabled against which newly prepared working standards and
yarns; and to threads, twine, cordage and rope. standards that may have changed can be compared.
06 Page Gr-XA JT 05 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 92:2007 BDS ISO 105-A04:2005
Textile machinery and accessories - Spinning Textiles-Tests for Colour Fastness- Part A04 :Method
machinery -Definition of side (left or right) for the Instrumental Assessment of the degree of
This International Standard gives a definition of side staining of Adjacent Fabrics
(left or right) of spinning machinery. This part of ISO 105 specifies an instrumentalmethod for
03 Page Gr-XA JT assessing the degree of staining of adjacent fabrics in
BDS ISO 93-1:2006 any fastness test,as an alternative to the visual method.
Textile-machinery and accessories- Cylindrical silver 05 Page Gr-XA JT
cans-Part 1: Main dimensions.
06 Page Gr-XA JT BDS ISO 105-A06:2005
Textiles-Tests for Colour Fastness- Part A06
BDS ISO 93-2:2006 :Instrumental determinatiion of 1/1 standard depth
Textile- machinery and accessories- Cylindrical silver of colour
cans-Part 2: Spring bottoms. This method is intended for determining 1/1 standard
06 Page Gr-XA JT depth of a dyeing on any textiles material by a
colourimetric method as a permitted alternative to the
visual method described in clause 12 of ISO 105-
BDS ISO 94:2006 A01:1994.
Textile – machinery and accessories- Spindle gauges for 05 Page Gr-XA JT
ring- spinning and ring- doubling frames BDS ISO 105 - A08:2006
04 Page Gr-XA JT Textiles-Tests for Colour Fastness- Part A 08:
Vocabulary used in Colour Measurement
BDS ISO 98:2006 This part of ISO 105 specifies the terms and definitios
Textile- machinery and accessories- Spining preparatory on colour measurements that are used throughout ISO
and spinning machinery- covering characteristics of top 105.These definitions are intended to be used only
rollers. within the context and scope of ISO 105.
07 Page Gr-XA JT 09 Page Gr-XA JT

BDS ISO 105-B01:2015

BDS ISO 105– A01:2011 Textiles- Test for colour fastness- Part B01: Colour
Textiles – Tests for colour fastness - Part fastness to light: Daylight
A01: General principles of testing This part of ISO 105 specifies a method intended for
This part of ISO 105 provides general information about determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all
the methods for testing colour fastness of textiles test the kinds and in all forms to the action of daylight.
guidance of users. The uses and limitations of the 13 Page Gr-XB JT

investigate the fastness to washing of coloured textiles
BDS ISO 105-B02:2015 and which betweenn them cover the range of washing
Textiles- Test for colour fastness- Part B02: Colour procedures from mild to severe.
fastness to artificial light: Xenon arc fading lamp test 08 Page Gr-XA JT
This part of ISO 105 specifies a method intended for
determining the effect on the colour of textiles of all BDS ISO 105-C02:2005
kinds and in all forms to the action of an artificial light Textiles- Tests for Colour Fastness- Part C02:Colour
source representative of natural daylight (D65). The fastness to Washing: Test 2
method is also applicable to white (bleached or optically This part of ISO 105 specifies Test No.2 of a series of
brightened) textiles. five washing tests that have been established to
36 Page Gr-XD JT investigate the fastness to washing of coloured textiles
and which betweenn them cover the range of washing
BDS ISO 105 – B03:2006 procedures from mild to severe.
Textiles- Tests for Colour Fastness- Part B03: Colour 08 Page Gr-XA JT
fastness to Weathering :Outdoor Exposure
This part of ISO 105 specifies a method intended for BDS ISO 105– C03:2005
determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all Textiles- Tests for Colour Fastness- Part C03:Colour
kinds except lose fibres to the action of weather as fastness to Washing : Test 3
determined by outdoor exposure. This part of ISO 105 specifies Test No.3 of a series of
09 Page Gr-XA JT five washing tests that have been established to
investigate the fastness to washing of coloured textiles
BDS ISO 105 B04:2006 and which between them cover the range of washings
Textiles- Tests for Colour Fastness- Part B04:Colour procedures from mild to severe.
fastness to Artificial Weathering: Xenon Arc Fading 08 Page Gr-XA JT
lamp Test.
BDS ISO 105 C04:2005
This part of ISO 105 specifies a method intended for
Textiles- Tests for Colour Fastness- Part C04: Colour
determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all
fastness to Washing: Test 4
kinds except loose fibres, to the action of weather as
This part of ISO 105 specifies Test No.4 of a series of
determined by exposure to simulated weathering
five washing tests that have been established to
conditions in a cabinet equipped with a xenon arc lamp.
investigate the fastness to washing of coloured textiles
13 Page Gr-XB JT
and which between them cover the range of washings
BDS ISO 105–B08:2014
procedures from mild to severe.
Textiles- tests for colour fastness- Part B08: Quality
08 Page Gr-XA JT
control of blue wool reference materials 1 to 7
This part of ISO 105 describes a method for carrying out BDS ISO 105 – C05:2009
quality control of production batches of the blue wool Textiles- Tests for colour fastness- Part C05: Colour
reference materials 1 to 7 which are to be used in the fastness to washing: Test 5
appropriate Parts of ISO 105-B series of test methods for This part of ISO 105 specifies Test No. 5 of a series of
colour fastness to light. five washing tests that have been established to
08 Page Gr-XA JT investigate the fastness to washing of coloured textiles
and which between them cover the range of washing
BDS ISO 105– B10:2014 procedures from mild to severe.
Textiles- tests for colour fastness- Part B10: artificial 07 Page Gr-XA JT
weathering- exposure to filtered xenon- arc radiation
This part of ISO 105 specifies a procedure for exposing BDS ISO 105 – C06:2009
textiles to artificial weathering in xenon-arc apparatus, Textiles – Tests for colour fastness- Part C06: Colour
including the action of liquid water and water vapour, in fastness to domestic and commercial laundering-
order to determine the weather resistance of the colour of Technical corrigendum 1 & 2: 2002 to ISO 105-
textiles. The exposure is carried out in a test chamber C06:1999
with a filtered xenon-arc light source simulating solar This part of ISO 105 Specifies methods in tended for
spectral irradiance according to CIE 85:1989, Table 4. determining the resistance of the of textiles of all kinds
The method can be used either for determining the and in all forms to domestic or commercial laundering
colour fastness or the ageing behaviour of the textile procedures used for normal household articles. Industrial
under test. The method is also applicable to white and hospital articles may be subjected to special
textiles. laundering procedures which may be more severe in
12 Page Gr-XB JT some respects.
10 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 105-C01:2005
Textiles- Tests for Colour Fastness- Part C01:Colour BDS ISO 105-C08:2016
fastness to Washing : Test 1 Textiles- Tests for colour fastness–Part C08: Colour
This part of ISO 105 specifies Test No.1 of a series of fastness to domestic and commercial laundering
five washing tests that have been established to

using a non-phosphate reference detergent BDS ISO 105-E03:2011
incorporating a low- temperature bleach activator Textiles- Tests for colour fastness- Part E03: Colour
This part of ISO 105 specifies methods for determining fastness to chlorinated water (swimming-pool water)
the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining
all forms to domestic or commercial laundering the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in
procedures used for normal household articles using a all forms to the action of active chlorine in
nonphosphate reference detergent incorporating a low- concentrations such as are used to disinfect swimming-
temperature bleach activator. pool water (break-point chlorination).
08 page Gr-XA JT 08 Page Gr-XA JT

BDS ISO 105–C09:2009

Textiles- Tests for colour fastness- Part C09: Colour BDS ISO 105-E04:2016
fastness to domestic and commercial laundering- Textiles- Tests for colour fastness- Part E04:Colour
Oxidative bleach response using a non-phosphate fastness to perspiration
reference detergent incorporating a low temperature This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining
bleach activator (including Amendment-1:2003) the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in
This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining all forms to the action of human perspiration.
the consumer relevant shade change of textiles, of all 05 page Gr-XA JT
kinds, and in all forms, to domestic/commercial
laundering procedures in which a bleach activator is BDS ISO 105-E05:2011
used. Textiles - Tests for colour fastness –
13 Page Gr-XB JT Part E05:Colour fastness to spotting: Acid
This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining
BDS ISO 105 –C10:2010 the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds, and in
Textiles- Tests for colour fastness- Part C10: Colour all forms, to the action of dilute solutions of organic and
fastness to washing with soap or soap and soda mineral acids. Four tests differing in severity are
This part of ISO 105 specifies five methods intended for provided. Any or all can be used, depending upon the
determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all nature of the fibre.
kinds and in all forms to washing procedures, from mild 06 Page Gr-XA JT
to severe, used for normal household articles. This part
of ISO 105 is designed to determine the effect of BDS ISO 105 E06:2011
washing only on the colour fastness of the textile. Textiles- Tests for colour fastness- Part E06: Colour
10 Page Gr-XA JT fastness to spotting: Alkali
This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining
the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds, and in
all forms, to the action of dilute alkaline solutions. Three
tests differing in severity are provided. Any or all may
be used, depending on the nature of the fibre.
BDS ISO 105– D01:2011 06 Page Gr-XA JT
Textiles- Tests for colour fastness- Part D01: Colour
fastness to drycleaning using perchloroethylene BDS ISO 105–E07:2011
solvent Textiles- Tests for colour fastness- Part E07: Colour
This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining fastness to spotting: Water
the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining
all forms to drycleaning using perchloroethylene solvent. the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in
06 Page Gr-XA JT all forms to spotting by water.
06 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 105-E01:2016 BDS ISO 105– E08:2003
Textiles- Tests for colour fastness- Part E 01: Colour Textile – Tests for Colour Fastness- Part E08: Colour
fastness to water fastness to Hot water
This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for
the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all
all forms to immersion in water. kinds and in all froms to the action of hot water .The
08 page Gr-XA JT method in mainly applicable to wool and textiles
BDS ISO 105-E02:2016 containing wool.
Textiles- Tests for colour fastness- Part E 02: Colour 08 Page Gr-XA JT
fastness to sea water
This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining BDS ISO 105– E09:2011
the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in Textiles- Tests for colour fastness- Part E09: Colour
all forms to immersion in sea water. fastness to potting
05 page Gr-XA JT This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining
the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in

all forms to the action of boiling water. It is mainly This part of ISO 105 specifies an undyed polyamide
applicable to wool and textiles containing wool. adjacent fabric which may be used for the assessment of
08 Page Gr-XA JT staining in colour fastness tests. The staining properties
of the polyamide adjacent fabric under test are assessed
BDS ISO 105–E10:2003 against a polyamide reference adjacent fabric, using a
Textiles-Tests for Colour Fastness- Part E10: Colour polyamide dyed reference fabric, both of which are
fastness to Decatizing available from a specified source.
This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for 08 Page Gr-XA JT
determining the resistance of the colour of textiles to the BDS ISO 105– F04:2004
action of steam, as employed in the decatizing of wool Textiles- Tests for Colour fastness- Part F04:
fabrics. Two tests, mild and severe, are given. Specification for polyester adjacent Fabric
08 Page Gr-XA JT This part of ISO 105 specifies an undyed polyester
BDS ISO 105– E11:2004 adjacent fabric which may be used for the assessment of
Textiles- Tests for Colour Fastness- Part E11:Colour staining in colour fastness tests. The staining properties
fastness to Steaming of the polyester adjacent fabric under test are assessed
This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for against a polyester reference adjacent fabric, using a
determining the resistance of the colour of textiles to all polyester dyed reference fabric, both of which are
kinds and in all forms to the action of steam under available from a specified source.
atmospehric. 08 Page Gr-XA JT
05 Page Gr-XA JT BDS ISO 105–F05:2004
Textiles- Tests for Colour fastness- Part F05:
BDS ISO 105– E12:2011 Specification for Acrylic adjacent Fabric
Textiles- Tests for colour fastness- Part E12:Colour This part of ISO 105 specifies an undyed acrylic
fastness to milling: Alkaline milling adjacent fabric which may be used for the assessment of
10 Page Gr-XA JT staining in colour fastness tests. The staining properties
of the acrylic adjacent fabric under test are assessed
BDS ISO 105 E13:2004 against an acrylic reference adjacent fabric, using an
Textiles- Tests for Colour Fastness- Part E13 :Colour acrylic dy~d reference fabric, both of which are
fastness to Acid- Felting:severe available from a specified source.
This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for 08 Page Gr-XA JT
determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all
forms to the action of acids, as used under severe BDS ISO 105-G01:2007
coonditions in the acids felting process. Textiles - Tests for colour fastness -
05 Page Gr-XA JT Part G0I: Colour fastness to nitrogen oxides
This part of ISO 105 specifies two methods for
determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all
kinds and in all forms to the action of nitrogen oxides
produced during combustion of gas, coal, Oil, etc., and
when air is passed over heated filaments.
BDS ISO 105 –E14: 2004 08 Page Gr-XA JT
Textiles- Tests for Colour Fastness- Part E14: Colour BDS ISO 105-G02:2007
fastness to Acid- felting: Mild Textiles - Tests for colour fastness -
This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for Part G02: Colour fastness to brunt-gas fumes
determining the resistance of the colour of textiles to This part of ISO 105 specifies two methods for
the action of dilute , and hot mineral acids, as used determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all
kinds and in all forms,except loose fibres, to exposure to
under mild felting conditions in the hat-making and felt
atmospheric oxides of nitrogent as derived formthe
industries. compustion of chemically pure butane gas.
05 Page Gr-XA JT 05 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 105 –F01:2004
Textiles- Tests for Colour fastness- Part F01: BDS ISO 105-G03:2007
Specification for wool adjacent Fabric Textiles - Tests for colour fastness -
This part of ISO 105 specifies an undyed wool adjacent Part G03:Colour fastness to ozone in the atmosphere
fabric which may be used for the assessment of staining This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining
the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in
in colour fastness tests. The staining properties of the all forms to the action of ozone in the atmosphere, both
wool adjacent fabric under test are assessed against a at ambient room temperatures with relative humidities
wool reference adjacent fabric, using two wool dyed not exceeding 65 % and at elevated temperatures with
reference fabrics and one cotton dyed reference fabric, relative humidities above
all of which are available from a specified source. 80 %.
10 Page Gr-XA JT 05 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 105-G04:2007
BDS ISO 105– F03:2004 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness -
Textiles- Tests for Colour fastness- Part F03: Part G04 :Colour fastness to oxides of nitrogen in the
Specification for polyamade adjacent Fabric atmosphere at high humidities

This patt of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining normally used in commercial bleaching. lt is applicable
the resistance of the colour of textiles to the action of mainly to natura1 and regenerated cellulose materials.
oxides of nitrogen in the atmosphere at elevated 02 Page Gr-XA JT
temperatures and high relative humidities.
03 Page Gr-XA JT BDS ISO 105-N02:2007
Textiles - Tests for colour fastness -
BDS ISO 105-J01:2009 Part N02:Colour fastness to bleaching: Peroxide
Textiles- Tests for colour fastness- Part J01: General This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining
principles for measurement of surface colour the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds, and in
This part of ISO 105 is designed as a reference all forms, to the action of bleaching baths containing
document to support the proper measurement of the peroxide in concentrations commonly used in textile
colour of specimens by instrumental means as required processing.
in many parts of ISO 105. The document describes 03 Page Gr-XA JT
general concepts and problems associated with
reflectance colour measurement. BDS ISO 105-N03:2007
16 Page Gr-XB JT Textiles - Tests for colour fastness -
Part N03: Colour fastness to bleaching: Sodium
chlorite (mild)
BDS ISO 105– J02:2009 This patt of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining
Textiles- Tests for colour fastness- Part J02: the resistance of the colour of textiles composed of
Instrumental assessment of relative whiteness natura1 and regenerated cellulose, and synthetic fibres,
(Technical corrigendum 1:1998) to the action of mild bleaching with sodium chlorite as
This part of ISO 105 specifies a method intended for employed in textile processing.
quantifying the whiteness and tint of textiles, including 02 Page Gr-XA JT
fluorescent materials.
15 Page Gr-XB JT BDS ISO 105-N04:2007
Textiles - Tests for colour fastness -
BDS ISO 105– J03:2007 Part N04: Colour fastness to bleaching: Sodium
Textiles - Tests for colour fastness -Part J03: chlorite (severe)
Calculation of colour differences This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining
This part of IS0 105 provides a method of calculating the the resistance of the colour of natura1 cellulose textiles
colour difference between two specimens of the same to the action of severe bleaching with sodium chlorite as
material, measured under the same conditions, such that ordinarily employed in textile processing.
the numerical value AECmC (Z:c) for the total colour 02 Page Gr-XA JT
difference quantifies the extent to which the two
specimens do not match. It permits the specification of a BDS ISO 105-N05:2007
maximum value which depends only on the closeness of Textiles - Tests for colour fastness -
match required for a given end-use and not on the colour Part N05: Colour fastness to stoving
involved, nor on the nature of the colour difference. This patt of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining
08 Page Gr-XA JT the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in
all forms to the action of Sulfur dioxide as used for
bleaching animal fibres.
03 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 105– J05:2009
Textiles- Tests for colour fastness- Part J05: Method
BDS ISO 105-P01:2007
for the instrumental assessment of the colour
Textiles - Tests for colour fastness -
inconstancy of a specimen with change in illuminant
Part P01: Colour fastness to dry heat (excluding
This part of ISO 105 provides a colorimetric method for
calculating an estimate of the magnitude (and optionally
This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining
the direction) of the change in the perceived colour of a
the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in
textile specimen when the chromaticity of the
all forms to the action of dry heat, excluding pressing, as
illumination by which it is viewed is changed. It
it is used to stabilize the size and form of textiles.
therefore provides an estimate of the colour inconstancy
03 Page Gr-XA JT
of the specimen.
12 Page Gr-XB JT BDS ISO 105-P02:2007
BDS ISO 105-N01:2007 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness -
Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part P02:Colour fastness to pleating: Steam pleating
Part N0I: Colour fastness to bleaching: Hypochlorite This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining
This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in
the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to the action of steam-pleating processes. The
all forms to the action of bleaching baths containing materials are not pleated during the test, and it is
sodium or lithium hypochlorite in concentrations emphasized that the test is not intended for assessing the
quality of the pleating process.

05 Page Gr-XA JT 08 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 105-S01:2007 BDS ISO 105-X05:2007
Textiles - Tests for colour fastness -Part S01: Textiles - Tests for colour fastness – Part X05:
Colour fastness to vulcanization: Hot air Colour fastness to organic solvents
This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining
the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in
all forms to the action of a typical rubber compound, all forms to organic solvents. If dry cleaning is involved,
such as may be used in the proofing industry, and to its use the method specified in ISO 105-D01:1993, Textiles
decomposition products, during vulcanization in hot air. - Tests for colour fastness- Part D01: Colour fastness to
02 Page Gr-XA JT dry cleaning.
08 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 105-S02:2007
Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - BDS ISO 105-X06:2007
Part S02: Colour fastness to vulcanization: Sulfur Textiles- Tests for colour fastness - Part X06: Colour
monochloride fastness to soda boiling
This patt of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining
the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in
all forms to the action of Sulfur monochloride under the all forms to the action of boiling dilute sodium carbonate
conditions usually occurring during the cold vulcanizing solution. The method is mainly applicable to natura1 and
of rubber. regenerated cellulose materials.
02 Page Gr-XA JT 08 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 105-S03:2007 BDS ISO 105-X07:2007
Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Textiles- Tests for colour fastness - Part X07: Colour
Part S03:Calculation of Colour differences fastness to Cross- dyeing: Wool
This patt of ISO 105 specifies a method of calculating This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining
the colour difference between two sopecimens of the the resistance of the colour of textiles to the action of
same material, measured under the same conditions, processes used for dyeing wool.
such that the numerical value . 08 Page Gr-XA JT
05 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 105-X08:2007
BDS ISO 105– X01:2007 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part X08: Colour
Textiles- Tests for colour fastness- Part X01: Colour fastness to degumming
fastness to carbonizing: Aluminium chloride This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for
This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining determiningthe resistance of the colour of textiles of all
the resistance of the colour of textiles in all forms to the kinds, except loose fibre, to the action of soap solutions
manufacturing operation designed to remove vegetable such as those used in degumming raw silk.
impurities by a treatment with aluminium chloride at 08 Page Gr-XA JT
high temperatures. The method is mainly applicable to BDS ISO 105-X09:2007
wool and textiles containing wool, particularly those Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part X09: Colour
containing also acetate or polyamide fibres. fastness to formaldehyde
08 Page Gr-XA JT This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining
the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in
BDS ISO 105– X02:2007 all forms to the action of formaldehyde vapour, as may
Textiles – Tests for colour fastness – Part X02: be encountered in storehouses where fabrics are stored
Colour fastness to carbonizing: Sulfuric acid with materials which have under- gone a crease resistant
This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining tretment.
the resistance of the colour of textiles in all forms to the 08 Page Gr-XA JT
manufacturing operation designed to remove vegetable
impurities by treatment with sulfuric acid at high BDS ISO 105-X10:2007
temperatures. The method is mainly applicable to wool Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part X10:
and textiles containing wool. Assessment of migration of textile colours into
08 Page Gr-XA JT polyvinyl chloride coatings
This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining
BDS ISO 105-X04:2007 the resistance of the colour in textile fabrics to migration
Textiles – Tests for colour fastness – Part X04: into polyvinyl chloride (PVC) which contains plasticizer.
Colour fastness to mercerizing 08 Page Gr-XA JT
This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining
the resistance of the colour of textiles to the action of BDS ISO 105-X11:2005
concentrated solutions of sodium hydroxide used in Textiles -Tests for Colour Fastness - Part X11:
mercerizing. The method is mainly applicable to cotton Colour fastness to Hot pressing
and to mixtures containing cotton.

This part of specifies a method for determining the presence of hexavalent chromium salts. lt is applicable to
resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in all wool.
forms to ironing and to processing on hot cylinders. 07 Page Gr-XA JT
09 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 105-Z02:2008
BDS ISO 105-X12:2006 Textiles –Tests for colour fastness – Part Z02: Colour
Textiles -Tests for Colour Fastness - Part X12: fastness to metals in the dye- bath: Iron and copper
Colour fastness to Rubbing This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining
This part of ISO105 specifies a method for determining the effect, on the colour of a dye, of dyeing in the
the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds , presence of metals either used in the construction of
including textile floor coverings and other pile fabrics, dyeing machinery or resulting from water and steam
to rubbing off and staining other materials. used in dyeing.
09 Page Gr-XA JT 07 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 105– Z03:2008
BDS ISO 105-Xl3:2007
Textiles-Tests for colour fastness – Part Z03:
Textiles- Tests for colour fastness- Part X13: Colour
Intercompatibility of basic dyes for acrylic fibres
fastness of wool dyes to processes using chemical
This International Standard specifies a method for
means for creasing, pleating and setting
determining the behaviour of a basic dye in relation to its
This part of IS0 105 specifies a method for determining
compatibility with other basic dyes when applied to
the resistance of the colour of wool textiles of all kinds
acrylic fibres in the presence of those basic dyes.
to processes using chemical means in conjunction with
08 Page Gr-XA JT
steam for creasing, pleating and setting purposes.
08 Page Gr-XA JT BDS ISO 105-Z04:2008
BDS ISO 105-X14:2007 Textiles- Tests for colour fastness- Part Z04:
Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part X14: Dispersibility of disperse dyes
Colour fastness to acid chlorination of wool: Sodium This part of ISO 105 describes a method for determining
dichloroisocyanurate the dispersibility, as evaluated by filtering time and filter
This patt of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining residue, of disperse dyes.
the resistance of the colour of wool in all forms to acid 10 Page Gr-XA JT
chlorination using sodium dichloroisocyanurate ‘1. This
simulates the manufacturing operation in which a liquid BDS ISO 105-Z05:2008
containing or liberating active chlorine under mildly acid Textiles - Tests for colour fastness – Part Z05:
conditions is used for imparting shrink-resistant Determination of the dusting behaviour of dyes
properties to wool in textiles. This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for
08 Page Gr-XA JT determination of the dusting behaviour of dyes.
18 Page Gr-XB JT
BDS ISO 105-X16:2006 BDS ISO 105-Z06:2008
Textile -Test for colour Fastness - Part X16: Colour Textiles- Tests for colour fastness- Part Z06:
Fastness to rubbing small areas Evaluation of dye and pigment migration
This part of ISO 10S specifies a method for determining This part of ISO 105 describes a method for assessing
the resistance of the colour of textiles to rubbing off and the migration propensity of a pad liquor system
staining other materials where the singling out of areas containing dyes or pigments, subsequently referred to as
smaller than possible to test with the apparatus described colorants, and which may also contain different types
in ISO 10S-X12 is required. and amounts of migration inhibitors. The degree of
10 Page Gr-XA JT migration is obtained by visual examination or by
BDS ISO 105-X18:2012 reflectance measurements.
Textile -Test for colour Fastness - Part X18: 13 Page Gr-XB JT
Assessment of the potential to phenolic yellowing of BDS ISO 105-Z07:2008
materials Textiles –Tests for colour fastness – Part Z07:
This part of ISO 105 specifies a method intended for Determination of application solubility and solution
assessment of the potential to phenolic yellowing of stability of water-soluble dyes
textile materials. The method is specific to phenolic This part of ISO 105 describes a method for the
yellowing and does not cover the many other possible determination of the application solubility of
causes of yellow discolouration found on textile watersoluble dyes in the range 40 oC to 90 oC and of
materials. their Solution stability.
07 Page Gr-XA JT 10 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 105-Z08:2008
BDS ISO 105-Z01:2008 Textiles – Tests for colour fastness – Part Z08:
Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part Z01: Colour Determination of solubility and Solution stability of
fastness to metals in the dye- bath: Chromium salts reactive dyes in the presence of electrolytes
This part of ISO 105 specifies a method for determining
the effect, on the colour of a dye, of dyeing in the

This part of ISO 105 describes a method for the the physical and mechanical properties of textiles and a
determination of the solubility and the Solution stability standard alternative atmosphere that may be used if
of reactive dyes for use in batchwise and continuous agreed between parties.
dyeing processes in the presence of electrolytes. 14 Page Gr-XB JT
10 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 142:2006
BDS ISO 105-Z09:2008 Textile machinery and accessories - Weaving
Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part Z09: preparatory machines- Definitation of left and right
Textiles - Tests for colour fastness- Part Z09: sides
Determination of cold water solubility of water- This International Standard gives the definition of the
soluble dyes left and gight sides of weaving preparatory machines.
This part of ISO 105 describes a method for the 07 Page Gr-XA JT
determination of solubility of water- soluble dyes at 25o
C in aqueous Solution without previous heating. The BDS ISO 143:2009
method is not intended to measure absolute solubility Textile machinery and accessories - Weft pirns for
10 Page Gr-XA JT automatic looms
This International Standard specifies the dimensions of
BDS ISO 105-Z10:2008 weft pirns for automatic looms.
Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part Z10: 07 Page Gr-XA JT
Determination of reactive colour strength of dyes in
solution BDS ISO 342:2007
This method is intended for the determination of the Textile machinery and accessories - Worsted and
colour strength of a dye in relation to that of a reference woollen cards- Width of cylinder and width on the
dye by means of spectrophotometric absorption wire
measurements on solutions of dyes. This Standard defines the width of cylinder and width
15 Page Gr-XB JT on the wire of worsted and woollen cards.
07 Page Gr-XA JT

BDS ISO 105–Z11:2008 BDS ISO 344:2007

Textiles- Tests for colour fastness- Part Z11: Textile machinery and accessories - Spinning
Evaluation of speckiness of colorant dispersions machines- Flyer bobbins
This International Standard describes a test method to This International Standard specifies the main
determine speckiness primarily of disperse dye, vat dye dimensions and the corresponding tolerances of bobbins
and pigment dispersions. Agglomerates in colorant from plastics material,for open-leg type flyers.
dispersions may become apparent as specks on a 05 Page Gr-XA JT
continuously dyed (padded), or on a printed fabric,
especially when pale and light shades are produced. BDS ISO 363-1:2009
11 Page Gr-XB JT Textile machinery and accessories - Flat steel healds
with closed end loops - Part 1: Dimensions of healds
BDS ISO 108:2006 manufactured of rolled steel wire
Textile machinery and accessories - Weaving looms- This part of ISO 363 specifies the main dimensions of
Definitation of left and right sides flat steel healds with closed end loops, manufactured of
This standard gives the definition of the left and right rolled steel wire for use in the textile industry.
sides of weaving looms 10 Page Gr-XA JT
07 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 363-2:2009
Textile machinery and accessories- Flat Steel healds
with closed end loops - Part 2: Dimensions of healds
manufactured of hardened strip steel
BDS ISO 109:2009 This part of ISO 363 specifies the main dimensions and
Textile machinery- Working widths of weaving tolerances of flat steel healds with closed end loops
machines (O-shaped end loops), manufactured of hardened strip
This Standard defines the working width as well as steel for use in the textile industry.
other terms which relate to the main dimensions of the 10 Page Gr-XA JT
working widths of weaving machines.
08 Page Gr-XA JT BDS ISO 364:2009
Textile machinery and accessories - Twin wire healds
BDS ISO 139:2006 for weaving machines with heald frames
Textile- Standard atomospheres for conditioning and This International Standard specifies the types and lays
testing (including Amendment 1:2012) down the dimensions of twin wire healds for weaving
This Standard defines the chaaracteristics and use of a machines with heald frames.
standard atmosphere for conditioning, for determining 10 Page Gr-XA JT

BDS ISO 368:2007
BDS ISO 365:2009 Spinning preparatory, spinning and doubling
Textile machinery and accessories - Twin wire healds (twisting) machinery- Tubes for ring-spinning,
with inset mail for Jacquard weaving doubling and twisting spindles, taper 1:38 and 1:64
This International Standard lays down the main This International Standard specifies the dimensions
dimensions of twin wire healds with inset mail for (length and inner diameter) and permissible total run-out
Jacquard weaving. of tubes with taper 1:38 and 1:64 for ringspinning,
10 Page Gr-XA JT doubling and twisting spindles. It also specifies the
dimensions and tolerantes of the gauges for checking the
BDS ISO 366-1:2007 tubes.
Textile machinery and accessories - Reeds -Part 11 Page Gr-XA JT
1:Pitch bound reeds - Dimensions. Main Dimensions
for section wires for metallic code clothing Part 1: BDS ISO 441:2009
Foot without interlocking or interchanging Textile machinery and accessories- Drop wires for
This part of IS0 366 specifies the dimensions of pitch warp stop motions for weaving machines without
bound reeds for use in the textile machinery industry. automatic drawing- in
05 Page Gr-XA JT This International Standard specifies the principal
dimensions, tolerances and designation of drop wires for
mechanical, electromechanical and electrical warp stop
BDS ISO 366-2:2009
motions for wearing machines..
Textile machinery and accessories-Reeds-Part 2:
09 Page Gr-XA JT
Dimensions and designation of metal reeds, with
plate baulk
BDS ISO 476:2007
This part of ISO 366 specifies the main dimensions and
Textile machinery and accessories- Pirn winding
designation of metal reeds with plate bulk for weaving
machines- Vocabulary
This International Standard establishes a list of basic
10 Page Gr-XA JT
terms used in the designation of pirn winding machines
and of their accessories as well as certain corresponding
BDS ISO 366-3:2010 definitions, in the field of terminology for weaving
Textile machinery and accessories – Reeds-Part 3: preparatory machinery.
Dimensions and designation of metal reeds with 09 Page Gr-XA JT
double- spring baulk
This part of ISO 366 specifies the dimensions and BDS ISO 477:2007
designation of metal reeds with double-spring baulk for Textile machinery and accessories- Cone and cheese
weaving machines. winding machines- Vocabulary
12Page Gr-XB JT This International Standard establishes a list of basic
terms used for the designation of cone and cheese
BDS ISO 366-4:2009 winding and their components, as well as the
Textile machinery and accessories- Reeds- Part 4: corresponding definitions, in the field of terminology for
Dimensions and designation of plasticbound metal textile machinery for cross winding.
reeds 10 Page Gr-XA JT
This part of ISO 366 specifies the dimensions and
designation of plastic-bound metal reeds for weaving BDS ISO 570:2009
machines. For the strip steel used in the manufacture of Textile machinery and accessories- Heald carrying
dents of reeds, see ISO 9473-1 and 9473-2. rods for healds with closed “0”shaped end loops
10 Page Gr-XA JT This International Standard specifies the main
dimensions and the co-ordination of heaid carrying rods
for heaids with closed “0” shaped end loops.
07 Page Gr-XA JT

BDS ISO 572:2009

Textile machinery and accessories- Shuttles for pirn
changing automatic looms- Dimensions
BDS ISO 366-5:2009 This International Standard specifies the dimensions of
Textile machinery and accessories- Reeds- Part 5: 90” shuttles for pirn changing automatic looms used in
Dimensions and designation of profile capsules the textile industry.
This part of ISO 366 specifies the dimensions and 07 Page Gr-XA JT
designation of profile capsules for weaving machine
reeds. These capsules are used to manufacture plastic- BDS ISO 575:2007
bound metal reeds according to ISO 366-4. Textile machinery and accessories- Transfer cones-
08 Page Gr-XA JT Half angle of the cone 4° 20

This International Standard specifies the dimensions and number of filaments in filament yarns, direction and
the tolerances of transfer cones, having a half angle of amount of twist, and number of folds.
the cone of 4° 20, which, after the cones for dyeing 07 Page Gr-XA JT
purposes have been removed from the dyed or bleached
wound packages, are put in the packages for the purpose BDS ISO 1140:2015
of re-processing. These transfer cones shall not be used Fibre ropes- Polyamide - 3, 4, 8- and 12-strand ropes
for winding purposes. This International Standard also This International Standard specifies requirements for 3-
specifies the dimensions and tolerances of the gauges for strand hawser-laid and 4-strand shroud-laid ropes, 8-
checking the cones. strand braided ropes and 12-strand braided ropes for
05 Page Gr-XA JT general service made of polyamide, and gives rules for
their designation.
BDS ISO 576:2009 07 Page Gr-XA JT
Textile machinery and accessories- Paper Patterns
for dobbies - Dimensions BDS ISO 1141:2015
This International Standard specifies the dimensions of Fibre ropes- Polyester- 3, 4, 8- and 12- strand ropes
paper patterns for dobbies for use in the textile industry. This International Standard specifies requirements for 3-
07 Page Gr-XA JT strand hawser-laid and 4- strand shroud-laid ropes, 8-
strand braided ropes and 12-strand braided ropes for
BDS ISO 675:2010 general service made of polyester, and gives rules for
Textiles-Woven fabrics- Determination of their designation.
dimensional change on commercial laundering near 07 Page Gr-XA JT
the boiling point
This International Standard specifies a method for the BDS ISO 1144:2009
determination of the dimensional change (shrinkage or Textiles-Universal system for designating linear
stretch) of all types of woven fabrics after commercial density (Tex System)
laundering near the boiling point. This International Standard gives the principles and
11 Page Gr-XB JT recommended units of the Tex System for the expression
of linear density and includes conversion tables for
BDS ISO 811:2006 calculating the tex values of numbers or counts in other
Textiles Fabricks- Determination of Resistance to systems together with a statement of the procedure for
water penetration- Hydrostatic Pressure Test the implementation of the Tex System in trade and
This international standard specifies a Hydrostatic industry.
Pressure method for determininig the resistance of 12 Page Gr-XB JT
fabrics to penetration by water. The method is primary
intended for dense fabrics, e.g. ducks, tarpaulins and BDS ISO 1150:2009
tentings. Textile machinery and accessories- Drop wires for
09 Page Gr-XA JT warp stop motions for weaving machines with
automatic drawing- in
This International Standard specifies the principal
BDS ISO 1107:2009 dimensions, tolerances and designation of drop wires for
Fishing nets- Netting- Basic terms and definitions mechanical, electromechanical and electrical warp stop
This International Standard gives the principal terms motions for weaving machines.
relating to netting for fishing nets, together with their 10 Page Gr-XA JT
definitions or, in some cases, the method of expressing
dimensions. BDS ISO 1181:2004
09 Page Gr-XA JT Ropes- Manila and sisal- Specification
This International Standard specifies the main
BDS ISO 1130:2009 characteristics of 3- strand laid ropes made of Manila
Textile fibres- Some methods of sampling for testing and sisal and gives rules for their designation.
This International Standard specifies several methods for 08 Page Gr-XA JT
preparing laboratory samples of fibres, and presents a
limited treatment of the problem of drawing specimens BDS ISO 1346:2015
for testing. Fibre ropes- Polypropylene split film, monofilament
13 Page Gr-XB JT and multifilament (PP2) and olypropylene high-
tenacity multifilament (PP3)- 3, 4, 8 and 12- strand
BDS ISO 1139:2008 ropes
Textiles- Designation of yarns This International Standard specifies requirements for 3-
This International Standard specifies two methods of strand hawser-laid and 4-strand shroud-laid ropes,
indicating the composition of yarns, whether single, 8-strand braided ropes and 12-strand braided ropes for
folded, cabled or multiple wound. The notation general service made of polypropylene, and gives rules
comprises linear density indicated in the Tex System, for their designation.
07 Page Gr-XA JT

hemp, jute, abaca, alfa, coir, broom, ramie, cupro,
BDS ISO 1586:2009 viscose, modal, polyamide, polyester, acrylic and glass
Textile machinery and accessories- Shuttles-Terms fibres.
and designation in relation to the Position of the 10 Page Gr-XA JT
shuttle eye
This International Standard gives an illustrated BDS ISO 1833-4:2012
nomenclature of equivalent terms for shuttles in English, Textiles- Quantitative chemical analysis-
French and Russian, and a method of designation used in Part 4: Mixtures of certain protein and
conventional weaving looms according to the Position certain other fibres (method in using
(left, right or centre) of the shuttle eye. hypochlorite)
10 Page Gr-XA JT This part of ISO 1833 specifies a method, using
hypochlorite, to determine the percentage of protein
BDS ISO 1763:2009
fibre, Igafter removal of non-fibrous matter, in textiles
Carpets- Determination of number of tufts and/or
made of binary mixtures of certain non-protein fibres
loops per unit length and per unit area
and one protein fibre.
This International Standard specifies a method for the
05 Page Gr-XA JT
determination of the number of tufts and/or loops per
unit length and per unit area of a carpet, and is BDS ISO 1833-5:2012
applicable to carpets the pile of which consists of Textiles- Quantitative chemical analysis- Part 5:
uniformly spaced tufts and/or loops. Mixtures of viscose, cupro or modal and cotton
06 Page Gr-XA JT fibres (method using sodium zincate)
This part of ISO 1833 specifies a method, using sodium
BDS ISO 1809:2007 zincate, to determine the percentage of viscose. cupro or
Textile machinery and accessories – types of formers modal fibre. after removal of non- fibrous matter, in
for yarn packages – nomenclature textiles made of binary mixtures of- viscose or most of
This International Standard gives an illustrated nomen- the current cupr ormodal fibres and- raw, scoured, kiered
clature in English, French and Russian of different types orbleached cotton.
of formers for yarn package 07 Page Gr-XA JT
05 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 1833-7:2012
BDS ISO 1833-1:2012 Textiles – Quantitative chemical analysis- Part 7:
Textiles- Quantitative chemical analysis- Mixtures of polyamide and certain other fibres
Part 1: General principles of testing (method using formic acid)
This part of ISO 1833 specifies a common method for This part of ISO 1833 specifies a method, using formic
the quantitative chemical analysis of various binary acid, to determine the percentage of polyamide fibre.
mixtures of fibres. This method and the methods After removal of non- fibrous matter, in textiles made of
described in the other parts of ISO 1833 are applicable, binary mixtures
in general, to fibres in any textile form. Where certain 07 Page Gr-XA JT
textile forms are excepted, these are listed in the scope of
the appropriate part. BDS ISO 1833-8:2012
20 Page Gr-XA JT Textiles – Quantitative chemical analysis- Part 8:
Mixtures of acetate and triacetate fibres (method
using acetone)
BDS ISO 1833-2:2012 This part of ISO 1833 specifies a method, using acetone,
Textiles- Quantitative chemical analysis- to determine the percentage of acetate, after removal of
Part 2: Ternary fibre mixtures non-fibrous matter, in textiles made of binary mixtures.
This part of ISO 1833 specifies methods of quantitative 07 Page Gr-XA JT
chemical analysis of various ternary mixtures of fibres.
The field of application of each method for analysing BDS ISO 1833-11:2012
binary mixtures, specified in the parts of ISO 1833, Textiles – Quantitative chemical analysis- Part 11:
indicates the fibres to which the method is applicable. Mixtures of cellulose and polyester fibres (method
08 Page Gr-XA JT using Sulfuric acid)
This part of ISO 1833 specifies a method, using sulfuric
BDS ISO 1833-3:2012 acid, to determine the proportion of cellulose fibre, er
Textiles- Quantitative chemical analysis- removal of non-fibrous matter, in textiles made of
Part 3: Mixtures of acetate and certain mixtures.
other fibres (method using acetone) 07 Page Gr-XA JT
This part of ISO 1833 specifies a method, using acetone,
to determine the percentage of acetate, after removal of BDS ISO 1833-12:2012
non-fibrous matter, in textiles made of binary mixtures Textiles – Quantitative chemical analysis-Part 12:
of - cetate. and - wool, animal hair, silk, regenerated mixtures of acrylic, certain modacrylics, certain
protein, cotton (scoured, kiered, or bleached), flax,

chlorofibres, certain elastanes and certain other of non- fibrous matter, in textiles made of binary
fibres (method using dimethyl for mamide) mixtures of- Silk and wool or animal hair
This part of ISO 1833 specifies a method, using 02 Page Gr-XA JT
dimethylformamide. to determine the percentage of
acrylic. modacrylic. chlorofibre or elastane, after
removal of non-fibrous matter, in textiles made of binary
07 Page Gr-XA JT

BDS ISO 1833-13:2013

Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis- Part 13: BDS ISO 1865:2009
mixtures of certain choro fibres and certain (other Textile machinery and accessories- Serrated bars for
fibres (method using carbon disulfide/ acrtone) mechanical Warp stop motions-Designations of
This part of ISO 1833 specifies a method, using carbon dimensions, and dimensions of Cross-section
disulfide/acetone, to determine the percentage of This International Standard gives the designations of
chlorofibre, after removal of non-fibrous matter, in dimensions of serrated bars for mechanical warp stop
textiles made of mixtures of- certain chlorofibres, motions. values of the dimensions of the Cross-section
whether after-chlorinated or not,and- wool, animal hair, of assembled serrated bars are also given.
silk, cotton, viscose, cupro, modal, polyamide, polyester, 10 Page Gr-XA JT
acrylic and glass fibres.
04 Page Gr-XA JT BDS ISO 1957:2011
Machine-Made textile floor coverings- Selection and
BDS ISO 1833-14:2016 cutting of specimens for Physical tests
Textiles- Quantitative chemical analysis- Part 14: This International Standard specifies a procedure to be
Mixtures of acetate and certain chlorofibres(method followed when specimens are cut from samples if such
using acetic acid) specimens are to be used for physical tests. The
This part of ISO 1833 specifies a method, using acetic reference method for selection of the sample from the
acid, to determine the percentage of acetate, after bulk material is given in informative annex A.
removal of non- fibrous matter, in textiles made of 08 Page Gr-XA JT
mixtures of- acetate and- certain chlorofibres or after-
BDS ISO 1968:2008
chlorinated chlorofibres.
Fibre ropes and cordage- Vocabulary
02 page Gr-XA JT This International Standard specifies vocabulary relating
to fibre ropes and cordage
BDS ISO 1833-15:2013 65 Page Gr-XE JT
Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis- Part 15:
Mixtures of jute and certain animal fibres (method BDS ISO 1969:2008
by determining nitrogen content) Fibre ropes- Polyethylene - 3- and 4- strand ropes
This part of ISO 1833 specifies a method, by This International Standard specifies requirements for 3-
determining the nitrogen content, to calculate the strand hawser-laid and 4-strand shroud-laid ropes for
proportion of each component, after the removal of non- general service made of polyethylene and gives rules for
fibrous matter, in textiles made of binary mixtures of their designation.
jute and animal fibres. The animal-fibre component may 10 Page Gr-XA JT
consist solely of hair or wool, or of any mixtures of the
two. BDS ISO 2012:2009
04 Page Gr-XA JT Textile machinery and accessories- Cone sectional
BDS ISO 1833-16:2014 warping machines- Maximum usable width
Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis – part 16: This International Standard specifies, for a specific
mixtures of polypropylene fibres and certain other cylinder of a sectional warping machine, the maximum
fibres (method using xylene) usable width of the warp on the cylinder and,
This part of ISO 1833 specifies a method, using xylene, consequently, on the warping machine itself.
to determine the percentage of polypropylene, after 05 Page Gr-XA JT
removal of non-fibrous matter, in textiles made of binary
mixtures of- polypropylene fibres and wool, animal hair, BDS ISO 2060:1998
silk, cotton, viscose, cupro, modal, acetate, triacetate, Textiles- yarn from packages- Determination of liner
polyamide, polyester, acrylic and glass fibres. density (mass per unit) by the skein methods
02 Page Gr-XA JT This international standards specifics a method for the
determination of the linear density of all types of yarn
BDS ISO 1833-18:2014 in packages form, with the exception of any yarn
Mixtures of silk and wool or hair (method that may be the subject of a separate international
using sulfuric acid) standard.
This part of ISO 1833 specifies a method, using sulfuric 19 Page Gr-XB JT
acid, to determine the percentage of silk, after removal

BDS ISO 2061:2011 Textile fabrics- Determination of the recovery from
Textiles- Determination of twist in yarns- Direct creasing of a horizontally folded specimen by
counting method measuring the angle of recovery. Thermal resistance-
This International Standard specifies a method for the Part 1: Lou thermal resistance
determination of the direction of twist in yarns, the This International Standard specifies a method for
amount of twist, in terms of turns per unit length, and the determining the angle of recovery of fabrics from
change in length on untwisting, by the direct counting creasing. The results obtained by this method for textile
method. fabrics of very different kinds cannot be compared
17 Page Gr-XB JT directly.
06 Page Gr-XA JT

BDS ISO 2403:2015

BDS ISO 2062:2014 Textiles- Cotton fibres- Determination of micronaire
Textiles- Yarn From Packages- Determination of value
single-end breaking force and elongation at break This International Standard specifies a method of
using constant rate of extension(Cre) tester determining the micronaire value of loose disorientated
This standard specifies methods for the determination of cotton fibres taken from bales, laps and slivers, or other
the breaking force and elongation at break of textile sources of lint cotton.
yarns taken from packages. 07 Page Gr-XA JT
10 Page Gr-XA JT BDS ISO 2424:2007
Textile floor coverings- Vocabulary
BDS ISO 2076:2003 This International Standard gives definitions of terms
Textiles- Man Made Fibres- Generic names relating to textile floor coverings, and defines categories
This international standard lists the generic names used of these products.
to designate the different categories of man-made fibres 60 Page Gr-XE JT
currently manufectured on an industrial scale for textile
and other purpose, together with the distnguishing BDS ISO 2544:2009
attributes that characterize them. The term man-made Textile machinery and accessories- Warping
fibres has been adopted for those fibres obtained by a Machinery- Preparation of warp for weaving-
manufecturing process, as distinct from materials which Vocabulary
occur naturally in fibrous form. The International Standard establishes a vocabulary for
13 Page Gr-XB JT use in the field of preparation of warp for weaving.
26 Page Gr-XC JT
BDS ISO 2187:2007
BDS ISO 2549:2009
Spinning preparatory machinery, spinning and
Hand- knotted carpets- Determination of tuft leg
doubling (twisting) machinery- List of equivalent
length above the woven ground
This International Standard specifies a method for the
This International Standard gives equivalent terms in
determination of tuft leg length above the woven ground
English, French, Russian, German and Italian relating to
and is applicable to ail kinds of hand-knotted carpets.
spinning preparatory machinery, spinning and doubling
03 Page Gr-XA JT
machinery for the following :1 Cotton System 2
Worsted System. BDS ISO 2572:2007
16 Page Gr-XB JT Textile machinery and accessories- Card gauges
This International Standard lays down the numbering
BDS ISO 2205:2007 and the dimensions for the two types of card gauges
Textile machinery and accessories- Drafting currently used to set the distance between the working
arrangements for spinning machines- Terminology elements of cards.
This International Standard gives the terms and 03 Page Gr-XA JT
definitions of the main Parts of a drafting arrangement of
a spinning machine. The text is completed by the
corresponding illustrations. BDS ISO 2748:2009
12 Page Gr-XB JT Textile machinery and accessories- Lingoes for
Jacquard weaving
BDS ISO 2307:2015 This International Standard specifies the dimensions and
Fibre ropes- Determination of certain physical and mass of lingoes for Jacquard weaving.
mechanical properties 05 Page Gr-XA JT
This International Standard specifies, for ropes
BDS ISO 2913:2009
of different kinds, a method of determining .
16 Page Gr-XB JT Woo1- Colorimetric determination of cystine plus
cysteine in hydrolysates
This International Standard specifies a method for the
BDS ISO 2313:2008
colorimetric determination of cystine plus cysteine in
wool hydrolysates. The method is applicable to all-wool

textiles in any form, namely loose fibre, sliver, roving, the nature of the treatment of the Sample under test is
yarn or cloth. known, i.e. as a method of control.
08 Page Gr-XA JT 03 Page Gr-XA JT

BDS ISO 2947:2012 BDS ISO 3073:2008

Textiles- Integrated conversion table for replacing Wool-Determination of acid content
traditional yarn numbers by rounded values in the This International Standard specifies a method for
Tex System determining the acid content of a wool Sample,
This International Standard is intended to facilitate the expressed as a percentage by mass. This method is
changeover by industry and commerce from traditional applicable to undyed wool in any form, for example
yarn numbering systems to the Tex System (see ISOIR Ioose fibre, sliver, yarn or fabric. It is also applicable to
1144). dyed wool when the amount of dye extracted during the
13 Page Gr-XB JT test does not interfere with the determination of the end-
point of the titration.
BDS ISO 2959:1998 03 Page Gr-XA JT
Textiles- woven fabric descriptions
This international standard gives number of
characteristic parameters for woven fabric and their
constituents at various stage of manufacture
and processing for the purpose of fabrics designation in
is net intended that the list of parameters should be
exclusive and additional information can be given as
05 Page Gr-XA JT BDS ISO 3074:2008
woo1-Determination of dichloromethane- soluble
BDS ISO 3005:2010 matter in combed sliver
Textiles- Determination of Dimensional Change of This International Standard specifies a method for
Fabrics Induced By Free-steam determining the dichloromethane -soluble matter in
This International standard specifies a method for combed wool sliver. Its use may be extended to wool in
determination of the dimensional change of fabrics when other forms. lt should be recognized that extraction with
subjected to the action of free-steam. It does not deal dichloromethane under the prescribed conditions does
with the consolidation and felting shrinkage of fabrics in not completely remove all the fatty material present in a
wet treatments, or the mechanical effects of pressing. Sample of wool. A further amount, possibly material of
08 Page Gr-XA JT similar character, will usually be extracted by the use of
BDS ISO 3060:2009 solvents that cause greater swelling of the wool fibres.
Cotton fibres- Determination of breaking tenacity of 06 Page Gr-XA JT
flat bundles BDS ISO 3175-1:2008
This International Standard specifies a method of test for Textiles-Dry cleaning and finishing- Part1: Method
the determination of the breaking tenacity of cotton for assessing the cleanability of textiles and garments
fibres arranged in a parallel manner in a flat bundle. The This part of ISO 3175 specifies a method for assessing
method applies to fibres from raw cotton, or to fibres textile articles which have been tested according to ISO
from various stages in the manufacturing process, or to 3175-2. Fabric and garment properties which may
fibres separated or extracted from manufactured cotton change on dry cleaning and finishing are identified and
products. methods for assessing change using existing
08 Page Gr-XA JT International Standards are given as appropriate. Other
properties which are also important, but for which there
BDS ISO 3071:2006 are no International Standards which provide methods of
Textile- Determination of PH of the aqueous extract assessment, are indicated in annex A, together with
This International Standard specifies a method of advice on how to proceed on their assessment, and it is
determining the PH of the aqueous extract of textiles. The recommended that comments on these should be
method is applicable to textiles in any form. included in the test report
07 Page Gr-XA JT 10 Page Gr-XA JT

BDS ISO 3175-2:2008

Textiles-Dry cleaning and finishing-Part 2:
BDS ISO 3072:2008 Procedures for tetrachloroethene
WOOl- Determination of solubility in alkali This part of ISO 3175 specifies dry-cleaning procedures
This International Standard specifies a method for for tetrachloroethene (perchloroethy- lene), using
determining the solubility of wool in alkali. The method commercial dry-cleaning machines, for fabrics and
is applicable to wool textiles in any form,namely loose garments. It comprises a procedure for normal materials
fibre, sliver, roving, yarn or cloth. The test is most useful and procedures for sensitive and very sensitive materials
when an untreated control sample is available and when (see definitions 3.4 and 3.5).

10 Page Gr-XA JT This International Standard establishes a System of
esignating the sizes of women’s and girl’s outwear
BDS ISO 3175-3:2008 garments (including knitwear and swimwear) that are
Textiles- Professional care, drycleaning and classified as:
wetcleaning of fabrics and garments - Part 3: a) covering the upper or the whole body, or
Procedure for testing performance when cleaning b) covering the lower body only and applies to civilian
and finishing using hydrocarbon solvents and uniform garments. 50th the control dimensions on
This part of ISO 3175 specifies drycleaning procedures which the size designation System is based and the
for hydrocarbon solvents, using commercial drycleaning method of indicating the size designation on a garment
machines, for fabrics and garments. It comprises label are laid down.
procedures for normal and sensitive materials.When 06 Page Gr-XA JT
using commercial drycleaning equipment, national
regulations and normal safety precautions should be BDS ISO 3638:2007
observed. Size designation of clothes- Infants’ garments
10 Page Gr-XA JT This International Standard establishes a system of
BDS ISO 3175-4:2008 designating the sizes of infants’ garments? Both the
Textiles- Professional care, drycleaning control dimension on which the size designation system
and wetcleaning of fabrics and garments-Part 4: is based, and the method of indicating the size
Procedure for testing performance when cleaning designation on a garment label, are laid down.
and finishing using simulated wetcleaning 06 Page Gr-XA JT
This part of ISO 3175 specifies simulating professional
wetcleaning procedures, using a reference machine for
fabrics and garments. It comprises a normal process for
normal materials, a mild process for sensitive materials
and a very mild process for very sensitive materials
14 Page Gr-XB JT
BDS ISO 3505-1:2007
Ropes and Cordages- Equivalence between Natural
Fibre Ropes and Man- made Fibre Ropes for use in BDS ISO 3758:2013
the mooring of vessels Textiles- Care labelling code using symbols
This International Standard provides a table of This International Standard establishes a system of
equivalence between certain natural fibre and man-made graphic symbols, intended for use in the marking of
fibre ropes for use in the mooring of ships. textile articles, and for providing information on the
05 Page Gr-XA JT most severe treatment that does not cause irreversible
damage to the article during the textile care process, and
BDS ISO 3635:2006 - specifies the use of these symbols in care labelling.
Size Designation of Clothes- Definitions and Body 22 Page Gr-XC JT
Measurement Procedure BDS ISO 3759:2006
This international standard defines body dimenssions Textiles-Preparation, marking and measuring of
and specifices a standard procedure for measuring the fabric specimens and garments in tests for
body. determination of dimensional Change
08 Page Gr-XA JT This International Standard specifies a method for the
preparation, marking and measuring of textile fabrics,
BDS ISO 3636:2007 garments and fabric assemblies for use in tests for
Size designation of clothes- Men’s and boy’s assessing dimensional Change after specified treatment,
outerwear garments e.g. washing, dry cleaning, soaking in water and
This International Standard establishes a System of steaming.
designating the sizes of men’s and boy’s outerwear 07 Page Gr-XA JT
garments (including knitwear and swimwear) that are
classified as: BDS 3801:2010
a) covering the upper or the whole body, or Textiles- Woven fabrics- Determination of mass per
b) covering the Iower body only and applies to civilian unit length and mass per unit area
and uniform garments. Both the control dimensions on This International Standard specifies methods for the
which the size designation System is based and the determination of:
method of indicating the size designation on a garment a) the mass per unit length, and
label are laid down. b) the mass per unit area of woven fabrics that have
06 Page Gr-XA JT been conditioned in the Standard atmosphere for testing.
09 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 3637:2007
Size designation of clothes- Women’s and girls BDS ISO 3914-1:2008
outerwear garments Textile machinery and accessories- Cylindrical tubes-
Part 1: Recommended main dimensions

This part of ISO 3914 gives the recommended main 06 Page Gr-XA JT
dimensions of cylindrical tubes (inner diameters and
lengths) used in the field of textile machinery.
06 Page Gr-XA JT BDS ISO 3914-7:2008
BDS ISO 3914-2:2008 Textile machinery and accessories- Cylindrical tubes-
Textile machinery and accessories - Cylindrical tubes Part7: Dimensions, tolerances and designation of
- Part 2: Dimensions, tolerances and designation of perforated tubes for cheese dyeing
tubes for open-end spinning machines This part of ISO 3914 specifies the main dimensions,
This part of ISO 3914 specifies the main dimensions, tolerances and designation of cylindrical tubes of
tolerances and designation of cylindrical tubes for open- perforated tubes for cheese dyeing. Furthermore,
end spinning (for example, rotor spinning). Furthermore, directives are given for the characteristics of tubes and
directives are given for the characteristics of tubes and for the control of the inner diameter and length of the
for the control of the inner diameter and length of the tube.
tube. 06 Page Gr-XA JT
06 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 3998:2008
BDS ISO 3914-3:2008 Textiles-Determination of resistance to certain insect
Textile machinery and accessories- Cylindrical tubes- pests
Part 3: Dimensions, tolerances and designation of This International Standard specifies a method for the
tubes for tape yarns determination of the resistance of textiles to the larvae of
This part of ISO 3914 specifies the main dimensions, certain insects. lt is applicable to all textiles containing
tolerances and designation of cylindrical tubes for tape animal fibre in any proportion. Information relating to
yarns. Furthermore, directives are given for the the breeding of the larvae is given in the annex.
characteristics of tubes and for the control of the inner 06 Page Gr-XA JT
diameter and length of the tube.
06 Page Gr-XA JT BDS ISO 4105:2008
Textile machinery and accessories - Wires for flexible
BDS ISO 3914-4:2008 card clothings
Textile machinery and accessories- Cylindrical tubes- This International Standard specifies the dimensions, the
Part 4: Dimensions, tolerances and designation of shapes and sections of wires for flexible card clothings.
tubes for textured yarns 05 Page Gr-XA JT
This part of ISO 3914 specifies the main dimensions,
tolerances and designation of cylindrical tubes for
textured yarns. Furthermore, directives are given for the
characteristics of tubes and for the control of the inner BDS ISO 4167:2007
diameter and length of the tube. Polyolefin agricultural twines
06 Page Gr-XA JT This International Standard specifies the principal
properties of polyolefin agricultural twines, the test
BDS ISO 3914-5:2008
methods which permit their verification, and the form of
Textile machinery and accessories Cylindrical tubes
delivery for the twines.
Part 5: Dimensions, tolerances and designation tubes
11 Page Gr-XB JT
for continuous spin-drawn synthetic filament yarns
This part of ISO 3914 specifies the main dimensions,
tolerancesand designation of cylindrical tubes for BDS ISO 4415:2007
continuous spin-drawn synthetic filament yarns. This Size designation of clothes- Men’s and boys’
would include the spin-draw-texturizing process underwear, nightwear and shirts
additionnally. Furthermore, directives are given for the This International Standard establishes a System of
characteristics of tubes and for the control of the inner designating the sizes of men’s and boys’ underwear,
diameter and length of the tube. nightwear and shirts that are classified as
16 Page Gr-XB JT a) covering the upper body only, or
b) covering the whole body, or
BDS ISO 3914-6:2008 c) covering the lower body only.
Textile machinery and accessories- Cylindrical tubes- 06 Page Gr-XA JT
Part 6: Dimensions, tolerances and designation of
BDS ISO 4416:2006
tubes for cross-wound packages in winding and
Size designation of clothes-women’s and girls
underwear, nightwear, foundation garments and
This part of ISO 3914 specifies the main dimensions,
tolerances and designation of cylindrical tubes for gross-
This international standard establishes a system of
wound packages in winding and twisting. Furthermore,
designating the sizes of women’s and girls underwear
directives are given for the characteristics of tubes and
garments, nightwear, foundation garments and shirts that
for the control of the inner diameter and length of the
are classified.
08 Page Gr-XA JT

This International Standard specifies a spray test method
BDS ISO 4417 :2007 for termining the resistance of any fabric - which may or
Size designation of clothes- Headwear may not have been given a water-resistant or water-
This International Standard establishes a System of repellent finish-to surface wetting by water.
designating the sizes of headwear. 04 Page Gr-XA JT
04 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 5077:2008
BDS ISO 4418:2006 Textiles - Determination of dimensional change in
Size Designation of Clothes- Gloves washing and drying
This international standard establishes a system of This International Standard specifies a method for
designating the sizes of gloves. determination of the dimensional change of fabrics,
05 Page Gr-XA JT garments or other textile articles when subjected to an
appropriate combination of specified washing and drying
BDS ISO 4880:2008 procedures.
Burning behaviour of textiles and textile products- 04 Page Gr-XA JT
This International Standard defines terms used in testing BDS ISO 5080:2007
the burning behaviour of textiles and textile products. Sisal Agricultural Twines
Although some of the terms have wide general usageand This International Standard establishes the principal
may be applicable to many materials and products, the properties of sisal agricultural twines, prescribes
definitions herein are in accordance with the use of the methods of test permitting their verification and specifies
terms in the textile field. the form of commercial presentation for the twines.
18 Page Gr-XB JT 08 Page Gr-XA JT

BDS ISO 4911:2009 BDS ISO 5084:2009

Textiles- Cotton fibres- Equipment and artificial Textiles - Determination of thickness of textiles and
lighting for cotton classing rooms textile products
This International Standard specifies requirements for This International Standard specifies a method for the
artificial illumination used for judging accurately and determination of the thickness of textiles and textile
uniformly the colour of cotton. It also describes a products when under a specified pressure. It is not
method of test for appraising the colour quality of lamps applicable to textile floor coverings, nonwovens,
procured for this purpose. geotextiles and coated fabrics for which specific
08 Page Gr-XA JT International Standards exist.
07 Page Gr-XA JT

BDS ISO 4912:2009

Textiles- Cotton fibres- Evaluation of maturity-
Microscopic method
This International Standard specifies a method for the
evaluation of the maturity of raw cotton fibres, or fibres
taken from cotton articles which have not been
chemically processed. BDS ISO 5085-1:2008
It is applicable to test specimens taken at random. Annex Textiles- Determination of thermal resistance- Part 1:
B describes other methods of sampling, based on fibre Low thermal resistance
Sorter diagrams, or arranged fibres, which permit This part of ISO 5085 specifies a method for the
slightly more accurate appraisals of fibre maturity. determination of the resistance of fabrics, fabric
08 Page Gr-XA JT assemblies or fibre aggregates in sheet form to the
transmission of heat through them in the “steady state”
condition. lt applies to materials whose thermal
BDS ISO 4913:2009
resistance is up to approximately 0.2 m2. K/W(see
Textiles-cotton fibres-determination of length (span
however “lntroduction”,last Paragraph).
length) and uniformity index
10 Page Gr-XA JT
This International Standard specifies a method of test for
the determination of the length and uniformity index of
BDS 5088:2009
cotton fibres by scanning a test beard in an optical
Textiles- Ternary fibre mixtures- Quantitative
08 Page Gr-XA JT
(Cancels and replaces by BDS ISO 1832-2)
BDS ISO 4920:2012
Textile fabrics- Determination of esistance BDS ISO 5089:2008
to surface wetting (Spray test) Textiles- Preparation of laboratory test samples and
test specimens for chemical testing

This International Standard specifies methods of This International Standard defines basic terms used in
obtaining laboratory test samples of textile materials the winding of yarns, onto formers or other suitable
from Iaboratory bulk samples taken from a bulk Source, devices, by means of winding machines. This does not
and gives general directions for the preparation of test exclude the use of the terms in question for other extile
specimens of convenient size for chemical tests. Ie processes, for example, spinning, twisting. This
No Provision for sampling from the bulk Source is International Standard applies also to yarn-Iike textile
described since it is assumed that the laboratory bulk materials such as filaments and man-made tapes.
Sample has been selected by a suitable procedure and is 18 Page Gr-XB JT
representative of the bulk Source.
06 Page Gr-XA JT BDS ISO 5240:2008
Textile machinery and accessories- Warp creels-
BDS ISO 5232:2007 Main dimensions
Graphical Symbols for Textile Machinery This International Standard establishes terminology for
This International Standard lays down the graphical warp creels and specifies their main dimensions. The
symbols and the corresponding referents in the English, pitches P should be applied for simple warp creels and
French, Russian, Spanish and Italian languages in the only for packages unwound overend.
field of textile machinery. 06 Page Gr-XA JT
29 Page Gr-XC JT
BDS ISO 5243:2009
BDS ISO 5233:2007 Textile machinery and accessories- Numbering of
Textile machinery and accessories- Bottom fluted heald frames and drop wire bars in a loom
rollers for drafting Systems This International Standard gives the principle for the
This International Standard specifies the diameters and numbering of the heald frames and drop wire bars of the
the widths of fluted bosses on bottom rollers for spinning warp stop motions in a loom.
preparatory and spinning machinery. 04 Page Gr-XA JT
03 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 5247-1:2010
Textile machinery and accessories- Weaving
BDS ISO 5234:2007
machines- Part 1: Vocabulary and classification
Textile machinery and accessories- Metallic card
This part of ISO 5247 establishes a vocabulary and
clothing- Definitions of dimensions, types and
system of classification for weaving machines used in
the textile industry for the production of woven fabrics
This International Standard defines dimensions, types
by the weaving technique, i.e. by interlacing two (or
and mounting of saw-tooth wire for metallic card
more) systems of parallel threads, and by machines using
clothing with various cross-sections and tooth forms
hybrid forming methods.
24 Page Gr-XC JT
18 Page Gr-XB JT
BDS ISO 5238-1:2008 BDS ISO 5247-2:2010
Textile machinery and accessories- Packages of yarns Textile machinery and accessories- Weaving
and intermediate products- Part 1: Terminology machines- Part 2: Accessories- Vocabulary
This part of ISO 5238 defines the terms used for This part of ISO 5247 defines the basic terms for
packages of yarns and intermediate products. accessories of weaving machines. These terms are
14 Page Gr-XB JT subdivided into five categories.
17 Page Gr-XB JT
BDS ISO 5238-2:2008
Textile machinery and accessories- Packages of yarns
and intermediate products- Part 2 : Forms of
winding BDS ISO 5247-3:2010
This part of ISO 5238 specifies forms of winding Textile machinery and accessories- Weaving
suitable for winding yarns and similar products (for machines- Part 3: Parts of the machine- Vocabulary
example, tape yarns, roving, sliver) onto tubes or other This part of IS0 5247 defines the basic terms of parts of
formers. lt may be applied to spinning, twisting and weaving machines. These terms are subdivided into the
winding machinery as well as to other machines fitted following eight categories:
with winding devices. All forms of winding are a 28 Page Gr-XC JT
combination of the rotation of the package and the lateral
movement of the yarn relative to the package BDS ISO 5971:2006
14 Page Gr-XB JT Size designation of clothes- Pantyhose
This International Standard estabishes a system of
BDS ISO 5239:2008 designating the sizes of pantyhose (including tights).
Textile machinery and accessories- Winding -Basic Both the control dimensions on which the size
terms designation system is based, and the method of
indicating the size designation on a garment labael are
laid down.

05 Page Gr-XA JT consignment textile material, in the determination of
linear, area and volume densities of textile materials and
BDS ISO 6170:2007 in the determination of the composition by mass of the
Spinning machinery- Condenser rubbers for cards different components of a mixture of textile fibres.
This International Standard specifies the main 04 Page Gr-XA JT
dimensions of condenser rubbers for cards
04 Page Gr-XA JT BDS ISO 6741-1:2000
Textiles-fibres and yarns- Determination of
BDS ISO 6173:2008 commercial mass of consignment Part 1: Mass
Open- end spinning machines- Vocabulary determination and calculation.
The terms and definitions given in this International 15 Page Gr-XB JT
Standard have been confined to those Parts of the
spinning machine which are specific to open-end yarn BDS ISO 6741-2:2000
production technology. Terms and definitions which Textiles- fibres and yarns- Determination of
relate to machine Parts for which definitions appear commercial mass of consignments Part-2 : methods
elsewhere, for example in ISO 477 and ISO 2205, are for obtaining laboratory samples
not included. This part of ISO 6741 specifies a method for obtaining
13 Page Gr-XB JT laboratory samples for mass determination by one of the
methods given in ISO 6741-1. The method appropriate
BDS ISO 6176:2009 for particular fibres is indicated in ISO 6741-4.
Textile machinery- Warp sizing machines- Maximum 09 Page Gr-XA JT
usable width BDS ISO 6741-3:2000
This International Standard specifies the various Textiles - fibres and yarns - Determination of
maximum usable widths for the entry and delivery commercial mass of comsignments Part-3: Specimen
sections of a warp sizing machine. cleaning procedures
03 Page Gr-XA JT This part of ISO 6741 specifies specimen cleaning
procedures to be used when the commercial mass is to
BDS ISO 6177:2010 be determined in accordance with ISO 6741-1 on a clean
Textile machinery- Cloth rollers- Terminology and and ery basis. Theprocedure appropriate for a particular
main dimensions fibres is geven in ISO 6741-4.
This International Standard defines the basic terms, lays 09 Page Gr-XA JT
down the main dimensions and gives specifications of
cloth rollers used for winding fabrics and feeding BDS ISO 6939:1998
subsequent machines. Textiles- Yarns from packages- Methods of test for
06 Page Gr-XA JT breaking strength of yarn by the skein method
This international standard specifies a method for the
BDS ISO 6330:2006 determination of the breaking strength by the skein
Textile- Domestic washing and drying procedures for method.
textile testing 09 Page Gr-XA JT
This International Standard specifies domestic washing
and drying procedures for textile testing. The procedures BDS ISO 7211-l:2008
are applicable to textile fabrics, garments or other textile Textiles-Woven fabrics-Construction-Methods of
articles which are subjected to appropriate combinations analysis- Part 1: methods for the presentation of a
of domestic washing and drying procedures. weave diagram and plans for drafting, denting and
18 Page Gr-XA JT lifting
This part of ISO 7211 deals with recording of fabric
BDS ISO 6347:2004 weaves and makes provision for showing in relation to
Textile floor coverings- Consumer information the weave repeat the sequence in which yarns of
This International Standard specifies the technical different character are used. A method is also provided
subjects that form the basis for the provision of for the presentation of the warp and weft yarn
information at the point of sale, for the guidance of the arrangement.
consumer prior to and after the purchase of a textile floor 06 Page Gr-XA JT
covering. It is applicable to textile floor coverings of all
types. BDS ISO 7211-2:2008
08 Page Gr-XA JT Textiles-woven fabrics – Construction - Methods of
BDS ISO 6348:2008 analysis - Part 2: determination of number of threads
Textiles- Determination of mass- Vocabulary per unit length
This International Standard defines the principal terms This part of ISO 7211 specifies three methods for the
relating to the quantification of the mass of water and determination of the number of threads per centimetre in
extractable matter contained in a textile material. The woven fabrics. Any of the three methods may be used,
terms defined in this International Standard may be used the choice depending on the character of the fabric.
in the determination of the commercial mass of a However, in case of dispute method A is recommended.

06 Page Gr-XA JT Textile-Determination of dimensional changes of
fabrics induced by cold- Water immersion
BDS ISO 7211-3:2008 This International Standard specifies a method for
Textiles-Woven fabrics – Construction - Methods of determination of the dimensional changes that occur
analysis - Part 3: Determination of crimp of yarn in when a fabric is subjected to immersion in cold water
fabric without agitation, and dried. It is applicable to fabrics
This part of ISO 7211 specifies a method for the which, in use, are subjected to cold water without
determination of crimp of yarn in fabric. The method is agitation.
applicable to most woven fabrics but is unsuitable for 07 Page Gr-XA JT
fabrics manufactured in such a way as to render removal
of the crimp from the yarns impossible or impractical BDS ISO 8114:2007
under the specified straightening tension Textile – Machinery and accessories–Spindles for
06 Page Gr-XA JT ring-spinning and doubling machinery-list of
equivalent terms
This International Standard gives equivalent tems in
BDS ISO 7211-4:2008 English, French, Russian, German and Italian relating to
Textiles -woven fabrics-Construction-methods of spindles for ring-spinning and doubling machines.
analysis- part 4: determination of twist in yarn 06 Page Gr-XA JT
removed from fabric
This part of ISO 7211 specifies a method for the BDS ISO 8115:2003
determination of twist in yarns removed from woven Cotton Bales- Dimensions and Density
fabrics. The method is only applicable to yarns spun on This International Standard lays down the nominal
conventional systems, and is not applicable to OE (open- overall dimensions and the bale density of banded cotton
end spun) or interlaced yarns, for example. bales. It applies to the shaping and forming, the transport
04 Page Gr-XA JT and the opening of the bales. It does not apply to
wrapping, to banding and to the marking of bales.
BDS ISO 7211-5:2008 06 Page Gr-XA JT
Textiles-woven fabrics-Construction-methods of BDS ISO 8115-2:2003
analysis-part 5: determination of linear density of Bales- Part 2, bales of man-made staple fibres-
yarn removed from fabric Dimensions
This part of ISO 7211 specifies methods for the This part of ISO 8115 specifies the overal dimensions of
determination of linear density of yarn removed from banded bales of man-made staple fibres. The specified
fabric. It relates to yarns of nominally uniform linear dimensions allow for an optimum utillsation of the
density; it describes the method of removing threads loading spece of freight containers and trucks.
from fabric, and specifies the number of threads whose 07 Page Gr-XA JT
straightened length is to be determined and the methods
of determining the mass of all the threads. BDS ISO 8115-3:2003
06 Page Gr-XA JT Bales- Part- 3: Bales of cotton- Packaging and
BDS ISO 7211-6:2008 This part of ISO 8115 specifies details for packaging and
Textiles-Woven fabrics-Construction-Methods of labelling of cotton bales.
analysis–Part 6: Determination of the mass of warp 06 Page Gr-XA JT
and weft per unit area of fabric
this part of iso 7211 specifies methods for determining BDS ISO 8116-1:2008
the mass of the warp and weft threads per unit area of Textile machinery and accessories- Beams for
fabric after the removal of any non-fibrous matter. winding- Part 1:General vocabulary
03 Page Gr-XA JT This part of ISO 8116 is considered the basic Standard
for beams and lays down the general vocabulary as well
BDS ISO 7768:2012 as the structure for the various types of beams for
Textiles-Test method for assessing the smoothness winding.
appearance of fabrics after cleansing For particular applications subsequent Parts of ISO 8116
Specifies a method for assessing the retention of the should be consulted. Such subsequent Parts give full
original smooth appearance, after one or several information on dimensions of specific beams for
cleansing treatments, of the fabrics tested. This method winding as well as information on beam flanges and the
has been developed for use primarily with type B method of measuring variations of form and Position.
domestic washing machines, as defined in ISO 6330, in 10 Page Gr-XA JT
the cleansing process. However, it may be possible to
use it with type A machines, as defined in the same
International Standard.
10 Page Gr-XA JT BDS ISO 8116-2:2008
Textile machinery and accessories-Beams for
BDS ISO 7771:2006 winding- Part 2: Warper’s beams

This part of ISO 8116 defines the basic terms and lays This part of ISO 8116 defines variations of form and
down the main dimensions, the variations of form and Position, i.e. axial circular run-out tolerante of barrel
Position, the driving devices and the designation for run-out tolerance of langes with and without shafts, and
warpers beams with and without shafts. gives the methods of measuring of form and Position. I
10 Page Gr-XA JT anges and total such variations.The maximum tolerances
together with the recommended limit for residual
BDS ISO 8116-3:2008 unbalance are specified in the Parts of ISO 8116 for each
Textile machinery and accessories-Beams for type of beam.
winding-Part 3: Weaver’s beams 10 Page Gr-XA JT
This part of ISO 8116 defines the basic terms and lays
down the main dimensions and the variations in form BDS ISO 8116-9:2008
and Position for weaver’s beams that are used for Textile machinery and accessories- Beams for
weaving preparation as weil as for weaving. Furthermore winding -Part 9:Dyeing beams for textile fabrics
the main dimensions of the Profile threads for weaver’s This part of lS0 8116 specifies the terminology, principal
beams are given. dimensions and designation of dyeing beams for textile
10 Page Gr-XA JT fabrics.
05 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 8116-4:2008
Textile machinery and accessories-Beams for BDS ISO 8159:2008
winding-Part 4: Quality classification of flanges for Textiles- Morphology of fibres and yarns-Vocabulary
weaver’s beams, warper’s beams and sectional beams This International Standard defines the principal terms
This part of ISO 8116 explains the theoretical used to describe the various forms into which textile
relationships and gives directives for practical use, fibres can be assembled, up to and including cabled
allowing classification of beam flanges. yarns.
10 Page Gr-XA JT 08 Page Gr-XA JT

BDS ISO 8116-5:2008 BDS ISO 8160:2007

Textile machinery and accessories- Beams for Textured- Filament Yarns- Vocabulary
winding Part 5: Sectional beams for warp knitting This International Standard names the various types of
machines textured filament yarn and defines them in terms of the
This part of ISO 116 specifies the main dimensions, processes by which they are produced.
mechanical strength, designation and permissible values 05 Page Gr-XA JT
of tolerances of form and position for the main elements
of sectional beams for warp knitting machines. For cases BDS ISO 8489-1:2009
where a limit must be fixed for the residual imbalance,a Textile machinery and accessories - Cones for Cross
recommendation is made for the choice of quality grade. winding -Part 1:Recommended main dimensions
10 Page Gr-XA JT This part of ISO 8489 specifies the recommended types
of cones (values of half angles, lengths and large inner
BDS ISO 8116-6:2008 diameters) used in the field of textile industry..
Textile machinery and accessories - Beams for 08 Page Gr-XA JT
winding-Part 6: Beams for ribbon weaving and BDS ISO 8489-2:2009
ribbon knitting Textile machinery and accessories - Cones for Cross
This part of ISO 8116 defines the basic terms and winding- Part 2: Dimensions, tolerances and
designation and lays down the main dimensions as well designation of cones with half angle 3o 30'
as the Variation of form and Position for beams for This part of ISO 8489 specifies the main dimensions,
ribbon weaving and ribbon knitting. tolerances and designation of cones for Cross winding
12 Page Gr-XB JT with a half angle of cone 3o 30’. Furthermore, directives
are given for the characteristics of cones and for the
BDS ISO 8116-7:2008 control of the diameters and lengths of the cone.
Textile machinery and accessories - 08 Page Gr-XA JT
Beams for winding- Part 7: Beams for dyeing slivers,
rovings and yarns BDS ISO 8489-3:2009
This part of ISO 8116 defines the basic terms and Textile machinery and accessories- Cones for Cross
designation, and lays down the main dimensions as the winding-Part 3: Dimensions, tolerances and
driving devices for perforated beams used for dyeing designation of cones with half angle 4o 20'
slivers, rovings or yarns. This part of ISO 8489 specifies the main dimensions,
10 Page Gr-XA JT tolerances and designation of cones for Cross winding
with a half angle of cone 4o 20’. Furthermore, directives
BDS ISO 8116-8:2008 are given for the characteristics of cones and for the
Textile machinery and accessories- Beams for control of the diameters and lengths of the cone.
winding- Part 8:Definitions of run-out tolerances and 08 Page Gr-XA JT
methods of measurement

BDS ISO 8489-4:2009 Textiles-Weaves- Coding system and examples
Textile machinery and accessories - Cones for Cross This international standard establishes a code for the
winding- Part 4: Dimensions, tolerances and systematic numerical for basic weaves and their simple
designation of cones with half angle 4 20' for winding derivatives.
for dyeing purposes 10 Page Gr-XA JT
This part of ISO 8489 specifies the main dimensions,
tolerances and designation of cones for cross winding for BDS ISO 9554:2007
dyeing purposes with a half angle of cone 4 20'. Fibre Ropes - General Specifications
Furthermore, directives are given for the characteristics This International Standard specifies the general
of cones. characteristics of fibre ropes and their constituent
08 Page Gr-XA JT materials. It is intended to be used in conjunction with
the standards for the individual types of fibre rope,
BDS ISO 8489-5:2009 which cover the physical properties and specific
Textile machinery and accessories- Cones for cross requirements for that particular product type.
winding- Part 5: Dimensions, tolerances and 22 Page Gr-XC JT
designation of cones with half angle 5 57
This part of IS0 8489 specifies the main dimensions, BDS ISO 9862:2008
tolerances and designation of cones for cross winding Geotextiles- Sampling and preparation of test
with a half angle of cone 5 57. Furthermore, directives specimens
are given for the characteristics of cones and for the This International Standard establishes general principles
control of the diameters and lengths of the cone. for the sampling of geotextiles and preparation of test
08 Page Gr-XA JT specimens from the samples.
06 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 8498:1998
Woven fabrics-description of defects vocabulary BDS ISO 9863-1:2008
This international standard describes defects, which Geosynthetics - Determination of thickness at
commonly appear during the inspection of knitted piece specified pressures- Part 1:Single layers
goods. This part of EN ISO 9863 specifies a method for the
13 Page Gr-XB JT determination of the thickness of geosynthetics at
specified pressures and defines the pressure at which the
BDS ISO 8499:1998 nominal thickness is determined. The test results are
Kinitted fabrics- description of defects vocabulary intended for identification purposes and for use in
This international standards describes defects, which technical data sheets and/or as part of other test methods,
commonly appear during the inspection of knitted piece e.g. tests of hydraulic properties. The method is
goods. applicable to all geosynthetics.
10 Page Gr-XA JT 10 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 8559:2007
Garment Construction and Anthropometric Surveys BDS ISO 9863-2:2008
Body Dimensions Geotextiles and geotextile- Related products-
This International Standard defines the location of body Determination of thickness at specified pressures -
dimensions taken on anthropometric surveys and for the Part 2: Procedure for determination of thickness of
preparation of garment patterns and garment stands, and single layers of multilayer products
specifies a standard procedure for measuring the body. This part of EN ISO 9863 specifies a method for
10 Page Gr-XA JT determination of the thickness of single layers of
BDS ISO 9240:2007 multilayer products at specified pressures.
Textiles- Design of apparel for reduced fire hazard 10 Page Gr-XA JT
This report sets out the design characteristics to be
considered in designing apparel with a reduced fire risk. BDS ISO 9864:2008
It also indicates the need to consider the garment as a Geosynthetics- Test method for the determination of
whole rather than just the flammability of the fabric, in mass per unit area of geotextiles and geotextile-
order to economically minimize the risk of flame burns. Related products
The risk of burn injury due to garments made from This document specifies a method for the determination
inherently flammable fabrics can be substantially of mass per unit area of geotextiles and geotextile-
reduced using the criteria herein. related products for identification purposes and for use
04 Page Gr-XA JT in technical data sheets. The method is applicable to all
geotextiles and geotextile- related products
08 Page Gr-XA JT

BDS ISO 9865:2000

Textiles- Determination of water Repellency of fibres
by the Bundesmann rain shower test
BDS ISO 9354:2005

This International Standard describes a method for the Textile machinery- Noise test code- Part 5: Weaving
determination of the water repellency of textile fabrics and knitting preparatory machinery
by a rain-shower test known as the Bundesmann method. This part of ISO 9902, taken together with ISO 9902-1,
09 Page Gr-XA JT specifies the mounting, operating and measuring
conditions required for the measurement, declaration and
BDS ISO 9866-1:2004 verification of noise emitted by weaving and knitting
Textiles-Effect of dry heat on fabrics under low preparatory machinery.
pressure Part 1: Procedure for dry- heat treatment of 14 Page Gr-XB JT
This part of ISO 9866 specifies a method for the dry- BDS ISO 9902-6:2009
heat treatment of fabrics for use in assessing the Textile machinery - Noise test code- Part 6: Fabric
dimenssional stability and other heat-related properties manufacturing machinery
of fabrics (see e.g. ISO 9866-2:1991). This part of ISO 9902, taken together with ISO 9902-1,
05 Page Gr-XA JT specifies the mounting, operating and measuring
conditions required for the measurement, declaration and
BDS ISO 9866-2:2004 verification of noise emitted by fabric manufacturing
Textiles-Effect of dry heat on fabrics under low machinery. It is applicable to engineering (grade 2) and
pressure-Part 2: Determinitation of dimenssional survey (grade 3) methods, in accordance with the
change in fabrics exposed to dry heat International Standards to which it makes normative
This part of ISO 9866 specifies a method for the mining reference.
the dimenssional change of fabrics on exposure to dry 17 Page Gr-XB JT
heat. It is intended to predict the behaviour of fabrics in
garment-making processes such as fusing and transfer
printing. BDS ISO 9903-1:2007
06 Page Gr-XA JT Textile machinery and accessories- Main dimensions
for section wires for metallic card clothing-Part 1:
BDS ISO 9902-1:2007 Foot without interlocking or interchanging
Textile Machinery- Noise test code- Part 1: General This part of ISO 9903 specifies the main dimensions for
Requirements section wires for metallic card clothing with foot without
This part of ISO 9902 gives requirements for carrying interlocking or interchanging
out, efficiently and under standardized conditions, the 06 Page Gr-XA JT
determination, declaration and verification of basic noise
emission quantities common to the types of textile BDS ISO 9903-2:2007
machinery dealt with in ISO 9902-2 to ISO 9902-7. It Textile machinery and accessories- Main dimensions
specifies noise measurement methods, as well as the for section wires for metallic card clothing- Part 2:
mounting and operating conditions, to be used for this Foot with interchanging
noise test code. This part of ISO 9903 specifies the main dimensions for
17 Page Gr-XB JT section wires for metallic card clothing with
BDS ISO 9902-2:2007 foot.
Textile machinery- Noise test code- Part 2: Spinning 04 Page Gr-XA JT
preparatory and spinning machinery
This part of ISO 9902, taken together with ISO 9902-1, BDS ISO 9904:2007
specifies the mounting, operating and measuring Textile machinery and accessories-Steel pins for
conditions required for the measurement, declaration and spinning preparatory and spinning machinery
verification of noise emitted by spinning preparatory and This International Standard specifies the dimensions,
spinning machinery. characteristics and designations of steel pins
17 Page Gr-XB JT recommended for spinning preparatory and spinning
BDS ISO 9902-4:2007 14 Page Gr-XB JT
Textile machinery- Noise test code- Part 4: Yarn
processing, cordage and rope manufacturing BDS ISO 9947:2007
machinery Textile machinery and accessories- Two-for-one
This part of ISO 9902, taken together with ISO 9902-1, twisters- Vocabulary
specifies the mounting, operating and measuring This International Standard establishes a vocabulary of
conditions required for the measurement, declaration and terms used in the textile industry in respect of textile
verification of noise emitted by yarn processing, cordage industry two-forone twisters.
and rope manufacturing machinery. 17 Page Gr-XB JT
13 Page Gr-XB JT
BDS ISO 10132:2007
BDS ISO 9902-5:2009 Textured- Filament Yarns-Definition

This International Standard establishes terms and using a wide-width strip. The method is applicable to
definition for characteristics of textured filament yarns. most geotextiles and geotextile-related products. It is
05 Page Gr-XA JT also applicable to geogrids, but the specimen dimensions
may need to be altered.
BDS ISO 10290:2008 10 Page Gr-XA JT
Textiles- Cotton yarns- Specifications
This International Standard specifies criteria, with BDS ISO 10458:2009
relevant test methods, to be applied in describing single Textile machinery- Square bars for winding devices
spun grey cotton yarns, which are widely used in relating to dyeing and finishing machines-
international trade. Dimensions.
09 Page Gr-XA JT This International Standard specifies the dimensions of
the square section of bars of types A and B for winding
BDS ISO 10306:2015 devices relating to dyeing and finishing machines.
Textiles- Cotton fibres- Evaluation of maturity by the 08 Page Gr-XA JT
air flow method
This International Standard specifies a method for the BDS ISO 10652:2007
evaluation of the maturity of loose randomized cotton Standard sizing Systems for clothes
fibres by measuring the resistance to air flow of a plug of This Technical Report establishes a body sizing System
cotton fibres under two prescribed conditions. The to be used for compiling Standard garment sizes for
method is applicable to cotton taken at random from infants (Section men and boys (Section 3) and women
bales. Laps and slivers or other sources of lint cotton and girls (Section 4). Garment dimensions are not
may be tested, however results may differ if fibres are contained in this Technical Report
taken from bales. 26 Page Gr-XA JT
06 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 10722:2008
BDS ISO 10318:2008 Geosynthetics- Index test procedure for the
Geosynthetics- Terms and definitions evaluation of mechanical damage under repeated
This International Standard defines terms related to loading- Damage caused by granular material
functions, products, properties and other terms, as well This International Standard describes an index test
as symbols applying to geosynthetics. Definitions of procedure for simulating mechanical damage to
terms not included in this standard may be found in the geosynthetics, caused by granular material, under
standards describing appropriate test methods repeated loading. The damage is assessed visually and
40 Page Gr-XD JT by the loss of tensile strength.
10 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 10319:2008
Geotextiles- Wide-width tensile test BDS ISO 11058:2008
This International Standard describes an index test Geotextiles and geotextile-related products-
method for determination of the tensile properties of Determination of water permeability characteristics
geotextiles and related products, using a wide-width normal to the plane, without load
Strip. The method is applicable to most geotextiles, This International Standard specifies two test methods
including woven fabrics, nonwovens, geocomposites, for determining the water permeability characteristics of
knitted fabrics and felts. The method is also applicable to a single layer of geotextile or geotextile-related product
geogrids, but specimen dimensions may need to be normal to the plane: the constant head method and the
altered. falling head method.
10 Page Gr-XA JT 20 Page Gr-XB JT

BDS ISO 10320:2008 BDS ISO 11111-1:2005

Geotextiles- Identification on site Textile machinery-Safety requirements-
This International Standard specifies the information Part 1: Common requirements
accompanying geotextiles to enable the worker on site to This part of ISO 11111 specifies safety requirements for
identify the goods as being identical to the goods frequently occurring hazards common to the types of
ordered. The information specified cannot be used to textile machinery and the hazards of certain machine
assess the compliance of the product with technical elements covered by ISO 11111-2 to ISO 11111-7.
requirements. 77 Page Gr-XE JT
06 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 11111-2:2005
BDS ISO 10321:2008 Textile machinery- Safety requirements- Part 2:
Geotextiles- Tensile test for joints/seams by wide- Spinning preparatory and spinning machines
width method This part of ISO 11111 is intended to be used in
This International Standard specifies an index test conjunction with ISO 11111-1. It specifies significant
method for determination of the tensile properties of hazards and corresponding safety requirements and/or
joints and seams in geotextiles and related products, measures for spinning preparatory and spinning

machinery. By taking into account the scope of ISO Textile machinery and accessories- Machine parts in
11111-1 as far as is relevant, this part of ISO 11111 is contact with textile processing oils- Part 3:
applicable to all machinery, plant and related equipment Determination of the impact on lacquers
intended to be used for opening, cleaning, blending, This part of ISO 11659 specifies tests for determining
wool scouring, baling, carding, tow cutting and stretch the impact of processing oils on textile machine parts
breaking spinning, preparation subsequent to carding and made with lacquers. In view of the multitude of
spinning, as specified in Clause 5. processing oils and lacquer systems, it addresses a
34 Page Gr-XD JT selection of those substances and materials. However,
testing of products not mentioned is also possible.
BDS ISO 11111-4:2005 13 Page Gr-XB JT
Textile machinery- Safety requirements- Part 4:
Yarn processing, cordage and rope manufacturing BDS ISO 11676:2015
machines Textile machinery and accessories- Patterns disks
This part of ISO 11111 is intended to be used in and pattern chains for warp knitting machines-
conjunction with ISO 11111-1. It specifies significant Vocabulary and symbols
hazards and corresponding safety requirements and/or This International Standard defines terms and marking of
measures for yarn processing, cordage and rope pattern disks and patterns chains for warp
manufacturing machinery. By taking into account the knitting machines.
scope of ISO 11111-1 as far as is relevant, this part of 07 Page Gr-XA JT
ISO 11111 is applicable to all machinery, plant and
related equipment intended to be used for doubling, BDS ISO 11859:2008
twisting, texturing, reeling, winding, ball winding, Textile floor coverings- Pure wool, hand- knotted pile
cordage, rope manufacturing and braiding, as specified carpets- Specification
in Clause 5. This International Standard specifies requirements for
23 Page Gr-XC JT hand-knotted carpets produced from pure wool, of
dimensions agreed between the purchaser and the
BDS ISO 11224:1998 supplier.
Textiles-Nonwovens-Web formation 08 Page Gr-XA JT
and bonding–Vocabulary
This International Standard defines terms for the BDS ISO 11860:2005
processing of nonwovens, and terms applied to the Textiles floor coverings - Jute carpet backing fabric-
resulting product. specification
02 Page Gr-XA JT This international standard specifies requirements for
primary and secondary jute carpet backing fabrics.
BDS ISO 11659-1:2007 08 Page Gr-XA JT
Textile Machinery and Accessories-Machine part in
contact with Textile Processing oils- Part 1:
Determination of anticorrosive effect upon steel BDS ISO 11861:2008
This part of ISO 11659 specifies a method for the Textile floor coverings - Coir mats-Types and
determination of the anticorrosive effect of textile specification
processing oils upon steel. This International Standard specifies the requirements
06 Page Gr-XA JT for mats produced from coir fibre, with or without pile.
06 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 11659-2:2009
Textile machinery and accessories- Machine parts in BDS ISO 12027:2015
contact with textile processing oils Part Textiles - Cotton-fibre stickiness - Detection of sugar
2:Determination of the impact on polymeric by colour reaction
materials This International Standard describes a method for
This part of ISO 11659 specifies tests for determining evaluating the degree of cotton-fibre stickiness arising
the impact of processing oils on textile machine parts from honeydew contamination through detection of
made of polymeric materials. In view of the multitude of sugar by the colour reaction of a specific treated paper.
processing oils and polymeric materials, it addresses a 07 Page Gr-XA JT
selection of those substances and materials. However,
testing of products not mentioned is also possible. It is BDS ISO 12236:2008
applicable to textile processing oils used on fibres, yarns Geosynthetics – Static puncture test (CBR) test
and the filaments prepared for their processing, and to This International standard specifies a method for the
polymeric materials in the thermoplastics, duroplastics, determination of the puncture resistance by measuring
elastomers and thermoplastic elastomers groups. the force required to push a flat ended plunger through
19 Page Gr-XB JT geosynthetics. The test is normally carried out on dry
specimens conditioned in the specified atmosphere.
BDS ISO 11659-3:2004 Alternatively, on request, the test can be carried out on
wet specimens.

14 Page Gr-XB JT Textiles- Determination of the abrasion resistance of
fabrics by the Martindale method- Part 4:
BDS ISO 12945-1:2009 Assessment of appearance change
Textiles- Determination of fabric propensity to This part of ISO 12947 is applicable to the assessment of
surface fuzzing and to pilling- Part 1: Pilling box the appearance change of specimens covering all textile
method fabrics including nonwovens and fabrics where the
This part of ISO 12945 describes a method for the specifier indicates the end performance as having a low
determination of the resistance to pilling and surface abrasion wear life.
change of textile fabrics. 14 Page Gr-XB JT
08 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 12956:2008
BDS ISO 12945-2:2009 Geotextiles and geotextile- Related products-
Textiles- Determination of fabric propensity to Determination of the characteristic opening size
surface fuzzing and to pilling- Part 2: Modified This European standard specifies a method for the
Martindale method determination of the characteristic size of the openings
This part of ISO 12945 specifies a method for of a single layer of a geotextile or geotextile-related
determination of the resistance to pilling and surface product using the wet-sieving principle
change of textile fabrics using a modified Martindale 16 Page Gr-XB JT
18 Page Gr-XB JT
BDS ISO 12957-1:2008
BDS ISO 12947-1:2009 Geosynthetics - Determination of friction
Textiles- Determination of the abrasion resistance of characteristics- Part 1: Direct shear test
fabrics by the Martindale method- Part 1: This document describes an index test method to
Martindale abrasion testing apparatus determine the friction characteristics of geotextiles and
This part of ISO 12947 specifies requirements for the geotextile-related products in contact with a standard
Martindale testing apparatus and auxiliary materials for sand, i.e. with a specified density and moisture content,
use in the test methods specified in parts 2 to 4 of ISO under a normal stress and at a constant rate of
12947 for determination of the abrasion resistance of displacement, using a direct shear apparatus
fabrics. This part of ISO 12947 is applicable to apparatus 14 Page Gr-XB JT
for the testing of:
BDS ISO 12957-2:2008
a) woven and knitted fabrics; Geosynthetics- Determination of friction
b) pile textiles having a pile height of up to 2 mm; characteristics- Part 2: Inclined plane test
c) nonwovens This document describes a method to determine the
18 Page Gr-XB JT friction characteristics of geosynthetics (geotextiles and
geotextile-related products, geosynthetic barriers), in
BDS ISO 12947-2:2009 contact with soils, at low normal stress, using an
Textiles- Determination of the abrasion resistance of inclining plane apparatus
fabrics by the Martindale method- 16 Page Gr-XB JT
Part 2: Determination of specimen breakdown
This part of IS0 12947 is applicable to the determination BDS ISO 12958:2008
of the inspection interval to breakdown of specimens Geotextiles and geotextile-related products-
covering all textile fabrics including nonwovens apart Determination of water flow capacity in their plane
from fabrics where the specified indicates the end This International standard specifies a method for
performance as having a low abrasion wear life. determining the constanthead water flow capacity within
14 Page Gr-XB JT the plane of a geotextile or geotextile-related product.
18 Page Gr-XB JT
BDS ISO 12947-3:2009
Textiles- Determination of the abrasion resistance of BDS ISO/TR 12960:2009
fabrics by the Martindale method- Part Geotextiles and geotextile- related products-
3:Determination of mass loss Screening test method for determining the resistance
This part of ISO 12947 is applicable to the determination to liquids
of the mass loss of specimens covering all textile fabrics This standard specifies methods for screening the
including nonwovens apart from fabrics where the resistance of geotextile products to liquids while not
specifier indicates the end performance as having a low subjecting them to external mechanical stress.
abrasion wear life. 13 Page Gr-XB JT
14 Page Gr-XB JT
BDS ISO 13426-1:2009
BDS ISO 12947-4:2009 Geosynthetics – Guidelines for the assessment of

This Technical Specification provides guidelines for the by a steel cone dropped from a fixed height. The degree
assessment of the durability of geosynthetics, the object of penetration is an indication of the behaviour of the
of which is to provide the design ngineer with the geosynthetic when sharp stones are dropped on its
necessary information, generally defined as changes in surface.
material properties or as partial safety factors, to ensure 13 Page Gr-XB JT
that the expected design life of a geosynthetic can be
achieved with confidence. BDS ISO 13437:2009
42Page Gr-XE JT Geotextiles and geotextile-related products- Method
for installing and extracting samples in soil, and
BDS ISO 13426-2:2009 testing specimens in laboratory
Geotextiles and geotextile-related products- Strength This standard specifies a method for the on-site
of internal structural junctions- Part 2: installation, retrieval and testing of geotextile samples,
Geocomposites irrespective of the particular degradation mechanisms to
This part of ISO 13426 describes index tests for which they are exposed.
determining the strength of the internal structural 13 Page Gr-XB JT
junctions of all geocomposites and of clay geosynthetic
barriers. BDS ISO 13438:2009
14 Page Gr-XB JT Geotextiles and geotextile-related products-
Screening test method for determining the resistance
BDS ISO 13427:2009 to oxidation
Geotextiles and geotextile-related products - This International Standard specifies a screening test
Abrasion damage simulation (sliding block test) method for determining the resistance of geotextiles and
This standard specifies a test method for the geotextile-related products to oxidation. The test is
determination of the resistance of geotextiles to abrasion applicable to polypropylene- and polyethylene-based
using a sliding block. After abrasion the loss in tensile products.
properties is determined. The method is applicable to 13 Page Gr-XB JT
woven and nonwoven geotextiles and geotextile-related
products. BDS ISO 13553 :2009
10 Page Gr-XA JT Textile machinery and accessories- Weaver’s beams-
Specification for connections for automation of beam
BDS ISO 13428:2009 changing
Geosynthetics-Determination of the protection This International Standard provides specifications for
efficiency of a geosynthetic against impact damage the connections of weaver’s beams for the purposes of
This International Standard describes an index test for automation of beam changing. This permits the beams
the determination of the protection efficiency of a on different weaving machines to be changed in a
geosynthetic on a hard surface, exposed to the impact uniform manner.
load of a hemispherical object. The index test measures 06 Page Gr-XA JT
the change in thickness of a thin lead plate lying between BDS ISO 13754:2007
the geosynthetic and a rigid support. Textile machinery and accessories- Hexagon nuts and
13 Page Gr-XB JT slotted nuts for spinning and twisting spindles
This International Standard specifies the dimensions for
BDS ISO 13431:2009 hexagon nuts and slotted nuts for spindles used in
Geotextiles and geotextile-related products- spinning and twisting machines for textile yarns.
Determination of tensile creep and creep rupture 08 Page Gr-XA JT
This Standard specifies a method for determining the BDS ISO 13934-1:2006
tensile creep and creep rupture behaviour of geotextiles Textiles-Tensile properties of fabrics-Part 1:
and geotextile-related products in an unconfined Determinition of maximum force and elongation at
situation. maximum force using the strip method
13 Page Gr-XB JT This part of EN ISO 13934 specifies procedure to
determine the maximum force and elongation at
BDS ISO 13433:2009 maximum force of textile fabrics using method.
Geotextiles-Dynamic perforation test (cone drop test) 10 Page Gr-XA JT
This International Standard specifies a method to
determine the resistance of geosynthetics to penetration BDS ISO 13934-2:2006
by a steel cone dropped from a fixed height. Textiles- Tensile properties of fabrics- Part 2:
13 Page Gr-XB JT Determinition of maximum force using the grab
BDS ISO TR 13434:2009
This part of EN ISO 13934 specifies a procedure to
Geotextiles and geotextile-related geotextiles and
determinition the maximum force of textile fabrics
known as the grab test.
This International Standard specifies a method to
17 Page Gr-XB JT
determine the resistance of geosynthetics to penetration

Textiles-Tear properties of fabrics- Part 1:
BDS ISO 13935-1:2015 Determinition of tear force using ballistic pendulum
Textile- Seam tensile properties of fabrics and made- method (Elmendorf)
up testile articles-Part 1: Determination of maximum This part of EN ISO 13937 describes a method known as
force to seam rupture using the strip method the ballistic pendulum (Elmendorf method of the
This part of EN ISO 13935 specifies a procedure to determination of tear force of textile fabrics. The method
determine the seam maximum force of sewn seams when describes the measurment of the tear force required to
the force is applied perpendicularly to the seam. This propagete a single-rip tear of defined length from a cut
part EN ISO 13935 specifies the method known as the in a fabric when a sundden force is applied.
strip test. 20 Page Gr-XB JT
07 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 13937-2:2005
BDS ISO 13935-2:2015 Textiles-Tear properties of fabrics- Part 2:
Textile- Seam tensile properties of fabrics and made- Determinition of tear force of trouser-shaped test
up textile articles- Part 2: Determination of specimens (single tear method)
maximum force to seam rupture using the grab This part of EN ISO 13937 describes a single- tear
method method to determine fabric tear force, known as the
This part of EN ISO 13935 specifies methods for the trouser test, using a test specimen cut to form trouser-
determination of seam maximum force of sewn seams shaped legs.The tear force measured is the force required
when the force is applied perpendicularly to the seam. to propagale a previously started single tear when the
This part of EN ISO 13935 describes the method known force is applied parallel to the cut and the fabric tears in
as the grab test. the direction of applied force.
13 Page Gr-XB JT 22 Page Gr-XC JT

BDS ISO 13937-3:2005

BDS ISO 13936-1:2013 Textiles- Tear properties of fabrics- Part 3:
Textiles- Determination of the slippage resistance of Determinition of tear force of wing -shaped test
yarns at a seam in woven fabrics- Part 1: Fixed seam specimens (single tear method)
opening method This part of EN ISO 13937 describes a single- tear
This part of ISO 13936 is intended for the determination method to determine fabric tear force, known as the
of the resistance offered by thread systems of woven wing test, using a test specimen cut to form wing for
fabric, to slippage at a sewn seam. This method is not clamping inclined at a defined angle to the thread
suitable for stretch fabrics or for industrial fabrics, e.g. direction.The tear force measured is the force required to
beltings. propagale a previously started tear.
10 Page Gr-XA JT 19 Page Gr-XB JT
BDS ISO 13936-2:2013 BDS ISO 13937-4:2005
Textiles- Determination of the slippage resistance of Textiles - Tear properties of fabrics - Part 4:
yarns at a seam in woven fabrics- Part 2: Fixed Load Determinition of tear force of tongue-shaped test
method specimens (double tear method)
This part of ISO 13936 is intended for the determination This part of EN ISO 13937 describes a duble- tear
of the resistance offered by thread systems of woven method known as the tongue test, using a test specimen
fabric, to slippage at a sewn seam. This method is with cuts shaped from a tongue.The tear force measured
suitable for all apparel and uphosltery wover fabrics, is the force required to propagale a previously started
stretch fabrics (including those containing elastomeric double tears when the force is applied parallel to the cuts
yarn) It is not suitable for industrial fabrics, e.g. beltings. and the fabric tears in the direction of applied force.
09 Page Gr-XA JT 24 Page Gr-XC JT
BDS ISO 13936-3:2013 BDS ISO 13938-1:2009
Textiles- Determination of the slippage resistance of Textiles-Bursting properties of fabrics-Part 1:
yarns at a seam in woven fabrics- Part 3: Needle Hydraulic method for determination of bursting
clamp method strength and bursting distension
This part of ISO 13936 describes a method for the This standard describes a hydraulic method for the
determination of the resistance offered by the yarns of a determination of bursting strength and bursting
woven fabric to slippage while being held in a needle distension of textile fabrics. In this part a hydraulic
clamp under conditions of stress. This method provides a pressure is applied using a constant rate of pumping
means to negate variations introduced by seam device.
preparation or sewing thread variation that can have a
marked influence on test results. 13 Page Gr-XB JT
12 Page Gr-XB JT
BDS ISO 13938-2:2009
BDS ISO 13937-1:2005

Textiles-Bursting properties of fabrics-Part be industrially laundered. They serve as a basis for
2:Pneumatic method for determination of bursting testing relevant properties such as e.g. dimensional
strength and bursting distension stability, colour fastness, creasing and seam puckering.
his standard describes a pneumatic pressure method for 18 Page Gr-XB JT
the determination of bursting strength and bursting
distension of textile fabrics. BDS ISO 15831:2009
10 Page Gr-XA JT Clothing- Physiological effects - Measurement of
thermal insulation by means of a thermal manikin
This International Standard describes the requirements
BDS ISO 14184-1:2015 of the thermal manikin and the test procedure used to
Textiles-Determination of formaldehyde- measure the thermal insulation of a clothing ensemble,
Part 1: Free and hydrolized formaldehyde (water as it becomes effective for the wearer in practical use in
extraction method) a relatively calm environment, with the wearer either
This Part of ISO 14184 specifies a method for standing or moving.
determining the amount of free formaldehydeand 13 Page Gr-XB JT
formaldehyde extracted partly through hydrolysis by BDS ISO 16322-1:2011
means of a water extraction method. The method can be Textiles-Determination of spirality after laundering-
applied to the testing of textile samples in any form. Part 1: Percentage of wale spirality change in knitted
08 Page Gr-XA JT garments
This part of ISO 16322 specifies a method of measuring
BDS ISO 14184-2:2015 the percentage of wale spirality change in weft-knitted
Textiles-Determination of formaldehyde- Part 2: jersey garments produced on knitting machines,
Released formaldehyde (vapour absorption method) following laundering. The results obtained from different
This standard specifies a method for determining the procedures may not be comparable.
amount of formaldehyde released under the conditions of 07 Page Gr-XA JT
accelerated storage from textiles in any form by means
of a vapour absorption method. BDS ISO 16322-2 :2011
12 Page Gr-XB JT Textiles-Determination of spirality after laundering-
Part 2: Woven and knitted fabrics
BDS ISO 14419:2012 This part of ISO 16322 specifies three procedures
Textiles - Oil repellency - Hydrocarbon (diagonal marking, inverted-T marking and mock-
resistance test garment marking) to measure the spirality or torque of
This International Standard is applicable to the woven and knitted fabrics after laundering. The results
evaluation of a substrate's resistance to obtained from different procedures may not be
absorption of a selected series of liquid comparable.
16 Page Gr-XB JT
hydrocarbons of different surface tensions.
10 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 16322-3:2011
Textiles- Determination of spirality after laundering-
BDS ISO 14500:2015
Part 3: Woven and knitted garments
Textile machinery and accessories - Harness for
This part of ISO 16322 specifies procedures to measure
Jacquard weaving machines-Vocabulary
the spirality or torque of woven and knitted garments
This International Standard defines terms related to
after laundering. The results obtained from different
harnesses for Jacquard weaving machines used in the
procedures may not be comparable. This part of ISO
textile industry, with the aim of presenting a
16322 is not intended to measure the spirality of
standardized, prescribed phraseology. It identifies the
garments as manufactured, but rather the spirality after
parts of, and positions on, the harness and establishes a
nomenclature for those parts.
12 Page Gr-XB JT
05 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 15228:2015
BDS ISO 16549:2007
Textile machinery and accessories - Profile reeds for
Unevenness of textile strands-Capacitance method.
air jet weaving machines-Dimensions
This International Standard describes a method, using
This International Standard specifies the dimensions and
capacitance measuring equipment, for determining the
designation for reeds used for air jet weaving machines.
unevenness of linear density along the length of textile
04 Page Gr-XA JT
13 Page Gr-XB JT
BDS ISO 15797:2011
Textiles-Industrial washing and finishing procedures
BDS ISO 16853:2007
for testing of workwear
Textile machinery- Sliver cans, rectangular- Main
This International Standard specifies test procedures and
dimensions and tolerances
equipment which can be used in the evaluation of cotton,
This International Standard specifies the main
polyester/cotton and reverse blend workwear intended to
dimensions, with tolerances, of rectangular sliver cans

used in the textile industry. It also gives information BDS ISO 18696:2010
about the right-angle position of cans. Textiles-Determination of resistance to water
06 Page Gr-XA JT absorption- Tumble-jar absorption test
This International Standard is applicable to any textile
BDS ISO 16854 :2004 fabric, which may or may not have been given a water-
Textile machinery-Ring twisting machines - resistant or water-repellent finish. It measures the
Vocabulary resistance of fabrics to wetting by water by the tumble-
This International Standard establishes a vocabulary of jar absorption test. It is particularly suitable for
terms for ring twisting textile machinery measuring the water-repellent efficacy of finishes
25 Page Gr-XC JT applied to fabrics, because it subjects the treated fabrics
BDS ISO 16875:2004 to dynamic conditions similar to those often encountered
Textile machinery-Ring spinning machines for cotton during actual use.
spinning - Vocabulary 09 Page Gr-XA JT
This International Standard establishes a vocabulary
BDS ISO 20645:2010
of terms for ring spinning textile machines used in cotton
Textile fabrics-Determination of antibacterial
spinning. It also gives an example of the design of such
activity- Agar diffusion plate test
This document specifies a method for the determination
18 Page Gr-XB JT
of the effect of antibacterial treatments applied to woven,
knitted and other flat textiles.
BDS ISO 17202:2007
12 Page Gr-XB JT
Textiles-Determination of Twist in Single Spun
Yarns- Untwist/ Retwist Method
BDS ISO 20725:2004
This International Standard specifies a method for the
Textile machinery-Condensers for cotton spinning
determination of the direction of twist in single yarns
Vocabulary and principles of construction
and the amount of twist, in terms of turns per unit length,
This International Standard establishes a vocabulary of
by the indirect untwist/retwist method.
terms and principles of construction for condensers used
15 Page Gr-XB JT
in cotton spinning.
09 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 18068:2015
Cotton fibres-Test method for sugar content-
BDS ISO 20726:2008
Textile machinery-Hopper feeders for cotton
This International Standard specifies a test method to
spinning- Vocabulary and principles of construction
determine the total sugar content in cotton fibres.
This International Standard establishes a vocabulary of
Spectrophotometry is used as a quantitative
terms and principles of construction for hopper feeders
etermination method, and 3,5-dihydroxytoluene-sulfuric
used in cotton spinning.
acid solution is used as a colour developer. This
16 Page Gr-XB JT
International Standard is applicable to cotton fibres.
05 Page Gr-XA JT
BDS ISO 20727:2008
Textile machinery-Mixing bale openers for cotton
BDS ISO 18692:2008
spinning- Vocabulary and principles of construction
Fibre ropes for offshore stationkeeping-Polyester
This International Standard establishes a vocabulary of
This International Standard specifies the main
terms and principles of construction for bale openers
characteristics and test methods of new polyester fibre
used in cotton spinning
ropes used for offshore stationkeeping.
14 Page Gr-XB JT
48 Page Gr-XE JT
BDS ISO 20743:2010
Textiles-Determination of antibacterial activity of
antibacterial finished products
This International Standard specifies quantitative test
methods to determine the antibacterial activity of
antibacterial finished textile products including
BDS ISO 18695:2010 nonwovens.
Textiles-Determination of resistance to water 29 Page Gr-XC JT
penetration - Impact penetration test
This International Standard is applicable to any textile BDS ISO 21748:2012
fabric, which may or may not have been given a Guidance for the use of repeatability, reproducibility
waterresistant or water-repellent finish. It measures the and trueness estimates in measurement uncertainty
resistance of fabrics to the penetration of water by low estimation
impact, and thus can be used to predict the probable rain The International Standard gives guidance for evaluation
penetration resistance of apparel fabrics. of measurement uncertainties using data obtained from
09 Page Gr-XA JT studies conducted in accordance with ISO 5725-2:1994;
comparison of collaborative study results with

measurement uncertainty (MU) obtained using formal chemical structure of the colorant used) or without a
principles of uncertainty propagation special procedure.
38 Page Gr-XD JT 25 page Gr-XB JT
BDS ISO 22198:2009
(31 December- 2016)
Textiles-Fabrics-Determination of width and length
This International Standard specifies a method for the
determination of length and width of textile fabrics that
are in a tension-free relaxed state. The test is applicable
to textile fabrics of full width, folded lengthwise down
the middle, or in tubular form, but no longer than 100 m.
08 Page Gr-XA JT

BDS ISO 22958:2010

Textiles-Water resistance-Rain tests:exposure to a
horizontal water spray
This International Standard is applicable to any textile
fabric, which may or may not have been given a water-
resistant or water-repellent finish. It measures the
resistance of fabrics to the penetration of water by
impact, and thus can be used to predict the probable rain
penetration resistance of textile fabrics. It is especially
suitable for measuring apparel fabrics. With the
instrument, tests may be made at different intensities of
water impact to give a complete picture of the
penetration resistance of a single fabric or combination
of fabrics.
14 Page Gr-XB JT

BDS ISO 24362-1:2016

Textiles-Methods for determination of certain
aromatic amines derived from azo colorants– Part 1:
Detection of the use of certain azo colorants
accessible with and without extracting the fibres
This part of ISO 24362 describes a procedure to detect
the use of certain azo colorants that may not be used in
the manufacture or treatment of certain commodities
made of textile fibres and that are accessible to a
reducing agent with and without extraction.
25 page Gr-XC JT

BDS ISO 24362-3:2016

Textiles–Methods for determination of certain
aromatic amines derived from azo colorants–Part 3:
Detection of the use of certain azo colorants, which
may release 4- aminoazobenzene
Azo colorants that are able to form 4-aminoazobenzene,
generate under the conditions of ISO 24362-1 the amines
aniline and 1,4-phenylenediamine. The presence of these
4-aminoazobenzene colorants cannot be reliably
ascertained without additional information (e.g. the



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