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Understanding The Self Quiz 2

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Philosophy of life will be different between each person. A persons philosophy will vary
depending on ones life experience. I believe that no two people will have seen life in the same
way. There would be many people that have similar philosophy on life but none of them would
be exactly the same. I will share my ideas and thoughts on what is my philosophy of life. The
way have experience life has made me change my way thinking more then once, am sure it will
change again. What is my purpose in life? What is anybody's purpose in life? That's a question
that we all deal with, why are we here, what is the point of life? There is the thought that are
purpose of life only known by God. There was a time that I wanna die because I'm tired . I've
also experienced of having depression and anxiety and I don't know what to do the only thing
that I insert into my mind is to commit suicide because of family problems, Friend's issues,
because of my sexuality, my boybestfriend died and I always blame myself because I was the
last one to talk to him before he committed suicide, lastly my boyfriend cheat on me. Those
problems, pain and heartaches I experienced before is so very traumatic but the only thing that I
did is to pray, talk to God. I open my problems to him and He is my strengths that's why no
matter what problem is , I will always fight. Despite of many problems and failures in life but
still I'm alive because of my family, friends , to all people who believes in me and also to our
God. I am fighting for my dreams and my goals for my family and also for myself. Don't give up
and always fight because life is so unfair so we have to be strong and stand. No one can defeat
me, even if I have a lot problems I will fight as long as I can and as long as my family, friends
and God are always there for me. we have to take care of ourselves and stay healthy and happy
individuals. We as humans are able to make conscious, individual choice and take responsibility
for our actions, beliefs, feelings and attitudes. If you put your hand over a flame you figure out
that it is hot and you never try to touch it again. I am taking challenges with believing in final
success. Optimism is very important in man's life and we cannot forget about it, because it helps
in bearing up with difficulties. My philosophy of life tells that I always have to be myself and
listen to my heart as much as I listen to my mind and play along with the voice of my conscience
I am convinced that the best way to achieve happiness is to be loyal to your family and friends
man who has optimistic view on future, as my philosophy of life says.
I can say that my Social Self is fantastic because I can socialize with others. I always making a
conversation with my family and my friends. The self interacts with the social world. No one
could live by himself or herself alone. A man will always look for someone to commune with .
The self is a product of modern society versus other constructs or archetypes. We have different
stages on how can we socialize and how our social self have been grow. I cannot live without my
family and friends. I always wanted to be with them, as always. Because family is the one who
help me to grow up and also my friends. As a child we socialize to our playmates, in school we
socialize to out classmates and teachers and friends. After that in the reality world, you have to
socialize with other people so we can get information to them. We have inner self and outer self ,
we always do this like In front of them we're happy, we want to show that we're okay but in deep
inside we're totally not okay. We have different self in front of other people and if we're alone,
there's so big difference. We have private self or individual self , the second one is public self
and lastly the collective self. We have different roles that we have to do. We have to be true to
ourself. Sometimes we compare ourself to other people, don't do this because we're different to
each other. Sometimes we categorize ourselves for example I'm a good singer so I will categorize
or go to the group that have a singing talent. The third one is identification for example we can
identify that person is a Christian if he is worshipping or always attending to the Christian church
or other ways that he will recognize that he is a Christian. Sometimes we're stress in our social
life don't do that , you have to be calm and just relax because everything will be okay. Don't
stress yourself. The way we define who we are is a direct result of what we know. The Social
Self is a multifaceted analysis of the self concept based on the social nature of the self. The
emphasis is on self-esteem along with self-centrality, self-complexity, social interest,
identification, power, marginality, openness, and majority identification. That’s why we have to
improve out social self so we can able to communicate with other people and also it is needed
because if we start to enter in the reality of how life is, we will use this as an asset s in
workplace, having a transaction with your customer, business meeting etc. We should know how
the communication is important. How our social life affect our daily life. The one thing that I
realized is no man is an island, you cannot live alone because you need somebody to lean on.
What is beauty? The beauty for me is very simple. Because there’s a 2 types of beauty for me,
the beauty in inside and the beauty in outside. The beauty in inside is the beauty that can seen
by other people while the beauty in outside is the beauty that having a lot of good
characteristics or good manners. Here in the Philippines, the definition of beauty is having a
clear skin, glass skin, sexy, red lips, pointed nose, whiter skin, long hair etc. It has a big
difference between the two. But for me the most important we shouldn’t judge people because
of their flaws. We’re created by God, so we don’t have a right to judge a person because we’re
different with each other, we have different beauty, we’re unique one. Self-care is important
for your physical health as well as your mind, soul and, let's face it, your overall health. Without
self-care, your relationships with others can suffer tremendously. We know self-care actually
makes you more effective and energetic. When you avoid things that make you feel physically
and mentally well, you deplete your confidence and self-esteem. Self-care is important to
maintain a healthy relationship with yourself, sometimes called self-love. It produces positive
feelings, which improves confidence and self-esteem too. They say that our face is our first
asset because that's what people look at first. In our generation there's so many judgmental
because of our physical appearance. So we have to work on it like basic needed for us to make
ourselves comfortable to the eyes of the people like always clean cut of your hair, presentable
look, toothbrush, taking a bath etc. Don't mind other people if they judging as because of how
we looks, just be confident and be proud because we have uniqueness , we're different to each
other we're all beautiful because God created us. It' up to us if we're putting make up into our
face so we can achieve the look that we want. We should apply discipline because id we don't
have discipline , we will never achieve our goals that we want to achieve. For example achieving
physical well-being. Like eat healthy foods, maintain a healthy lifestyle, Follow proper hygiene,
Engage in daily exercise, Take vitamins and drink fruit juices , avoid stress and lastly spend less
time in front of computers and gadgets. That's the important, don't forget yourself and love
yourself like what Whitney Houstons said in her song "Learning to love yourself , it is the
greatest love of all".
Do material possessions bring happiness? Yes, material possessions can bring happiness says
study. But, we have to be practical because nowadays the price of foods or other things are so
very expensive. We need to be practical , the life today is so very hard. No instant money here
in our world so you have to work on it, so we can able to buy what ever we want. Just think the
needs and wants. Basically, Wants are desires for goods and services we would like to have but
do not need. Many wants may seem like needs. Needs are a special kind of want, and refer to
things we must have to survive, such as food, water, and shelter. I know that we're all
materialists, to one extent or another. We all use and enjoy material goods in our daily lives,
and most of us simply couldn't get by without them. And there's nothing wrong with that, as
long as the desire for material goods doesn't control us and our actions. It is human nature for
people to desire material possessions. Our material yearnings are an attempt to satisfy are
need to special and wanted. In a world where most of society defines "socially acceptable" as
the material possessions one owns such as, the latest clothing, the biggest house, or the fastest
car one comes to believe that you need all of these things to be viewed as a part of society.
Some of the possessions I have show me for what I want to be, but not for who I really am. My
cell phone, for instance, describes me in many ways. It shows that I am very talkative, can't
afford expensive phones and accessories, and that I like to stay in touch with family and
friends. Don't waste our money for the sake of what we want. Save money for the future. After
we finish our study we can get whatever we want to buy. We should make this as a motivation
and always think the things that we need in everyday than the pleasure things.
We connect ourselves to our God. Having a strong relationship with our God is the most
important of being a person. We have a lot of religions but we have to respect them as a
human. All religions taught us to become a good person not a bad person. They taught us what
is right and what is wrong. I always pray to God not just because I had a lot of problems but
because whenever I pray I always felt that I am his son, I am special , I am a fighter, I'm not a
trash I always felt that. We have a different beliefs but we need to respect and consider them,
they also a human has a purest heart because God create us to become one do something good
to other people not do a bad thing such us rape, stealing etc. I believe that there’s a God and
there’s a Demon but I don’t believe in heaven and hell. I don’t know why but I believed in God. I
always practice myself that do something good to your family, friends or the other people
because I believe in Karma, it will return to you if you do something good nor bad. I believe in
ghost is existing and also witches, mambabarang or other term for the person who using the
black magic or what we called the devil or demon actions/tasks. They want to see us suffering ,
they want to see us in pain. But the only thing the wee need to do is the prayer. But many
people today define themselves as ‘spiritual but not religious’, but is it really that easy, or
healthy, to separate spirituality and religion from one another?. Spiritual self is the authentic
self, the unconditioned part, the you without patterns. This is personal for each of us, so no
need to get caught up on the language. Some may identify with Higher Self, The Universe, God,
Higher Power, your inner Buddha, your true being… It’s the part of you that is connected to
everything, the part that is loveFirst of all, spirituality helps me govern what is right and what is
wrong in my life. Many of the decisions that I make everyday, I believe are a direct result of my
spirituality. For as long as I can remember I have been raised to believe that I should live my life
the way God would want me to live it. Therefore, whenever I have a decision to make, I have to
consider, what is right? And what is wrong?. The feeling you experience when you access your
Spiritual Self is important. Make it a habit to strengthen this aspect of your Quadrinity, so that
it adopts a leading function in your life.
Politics is the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the
debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power. Politics is
something that always seem to come up, especially during election years. The further we are
along in the election process, the more the chatter begins to grow. Some of us don't
understand politics, and a lot of us have no idea why people are talking about it so much.
Everyone seems to have an opinion about it, but are their opinions valid? Are we fully aware of
what's going on? Politics is very important to our country if we don't have politics what will
happened to our country? I think war will occur. Because politics is the one who can control our
country. They are making rules for us, rules for the safety of everyone, approval for that rules
and the one who judged that's why politics is very important. Politics affect everything that
goes on in our country, in our state, in our counties, in our towns, and even in our schools.
People think that because we don't see it happening right away, it's not doing anything, but it
is! Thinking that politics don't matter is one of the biggest misconceptions we face as a nation.
When you start thinking your opinion doesn't matter, is when it will come back and bite you. As
a human we have to make an action or opinion about the politics. Sometimes the politicians are
corrupt so don't tolerate him , make an action for that. "Stop being '' buwaya'' , stop corrupting
of money it is not good , it is for your own sake, don't be selfish". But nowadays politics isn't
good because there's so many corrupt politicians, they are selfish, there's so many buwaya etc.
As a politician you have to responsible. Stop vote buying and for those people who can vote,
just vote wisely don't ever vote politician if they're deserving for that position. Just vote wisely
and think twice. My political self is when we’re voting a candidate running for the president or
any politics positions, we should identify if that persons is effective enough to that position. We
should do an action, we cannot blame other people if the winner in elections is the person who
are corrupting money, the one and only that we can blame is us.
Digital technology, its presence and influence have come to encompass almost all aspects of
our lives hence why today’s world is called the digital age. Our digital possessions such as
photos, videos, statuses, texts, and emails are now seen to be significantly important to shaping
our digital self. So why do we have digital self? We want to boost our self-esteem: people
upload photos and statuses online that they feel will receive ‘likes’ and positive feedback in
which ultimately helps their egos. But sometimes think before you post and think before you
click because nowadays they always posting what ever they want even they don't think yet
sometimes just because to gain popularity you have to avoid that don't post anything private
about you or others that will harm you. Second one is to feel a sense of belonging. Some of us
want to fit in with the crowd and upload things that are ‘down with the trend’ - for instance,
who notices the amount of people posting pictures of their food increasing? It didn’t come from
nowhere. Don't post anything pictures that you're revealing all your body or we can say nudes,
don't post it because it will harm you. The third one is bigger sense of freedom. Unlike real life,
digital platforms allow us to express ourselves in any way we want to without anyone there to
physically judge us. Like me, I always ranting in twitter just to release the pain or problems. And
lastly, Striving to be our ideal selves: Digital Apps, such as BeautyCam, that allow us to improve
our appearances on photos (through teeth whitening, skin smoothing and body shape editing)
helps consumers to express as their ‘ideal’ self online and inevitably feel better about
themselves. We have to be smart by using social media because nowadays by using of social
media can harm you if you don't think twice or properly.
Future is something that will exist or happen in time to come. The future is rooted in the past. a
condition, especially of success or failure, to come. In our life, We don't know what will happen
in the future. Nobody knows what will be our future, But I can say that No matter who I will be
in the future, it's still me . I'm the person who never give up fighting for my dreams for my
family and to all people who still believed in me. A person that not easily giving up to all
problems that I encounter. Despite of any problems, depression and anxiety but still I'm alive
fighting for my dreams and goals that I want to achieve. So I see myself as a successful CPA
Lawyer. I see myself helping people who needs help. I see myself helping my parents as a return
of their all sacrifices for me just to finish my studies. Having a big house, cars, mansion, land, a
lot of money so I can able to buy what ever I want to buy, and also having a business etc. I see
myself as a successful person like I can go to the place what ever I want, I can eat what ever I
want because I have my own money. Because someday I want to make my mama and papa
proud because all of my success is for them. It doesn’t matter who I will be in the future
because we don't what will happen next, the important is the present. Do all things in the
present that will help to make our dreams come true. By thinking a future is so very stressful,
because we have the expectation that we need to meet but if we expect too much we should
do an action for that, don’t expect if your actions is not appropriate to your goals that you want
to achieve. I will be the person who handle a big company in the future industry, so I will work
hard for my family because this goals and my dreams is not for only for myself , it is for my
family also, they are the one who give me strengths to continue my studies and pursue my
dreams that I want.
Stress is the body's reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response. The body
reacts to these changes with physical, mental, and emotional responses. Stress is a normal part
of life. You can experience stress from your environment, your body, and your thoughts. So
How do I handle stress? First be positive. Being positive is the most effective way of handling
stress. Have a positive outwork towards and belief in life. Always believe that you are living in a
friendly universe and whatever is happening in your life is happening for your own good.
Second one is learn to relax yourself. There are various relaxation techniques you can either
listen to a soft music, or visit a spa or best go for a vacation either all by yourself or with your
family. The third one is to laugh. Laughter is the best medicine. Laughs as much as you can, you
can watch comedy movies and serials. The fourth one is listen to the music. Soft and calm
Music is a great distress agent. Music makes a person light and happy. You can listen to your
favorite song or even sing along with the song, this will lift your spirits up and you will again feel
wonderful and happy. The fifth one is meditation. By meditating every day you can develop a
great balance in your life. You will see a remarkable difference in the amount of your stress, if
you can take time out and meditate for at least ten minutes. There are different ways to
practice meditation, choose the one which fits you and your lifestyle. The sixth one is to be with
friends. Friends are a great stress buster. Take some time out to hang out with your friends and
enjoy your life. You are born to enjoy your life, so worry less and be happy!. The seventh one is
talk to your parents or any family members so you can easily relieve your stress and they will
listen to your rants about your stress and problems. And lastly is to pray, just pray and talk to
God so you can relieve your stress. Prayer is the best medicine that we have . We should do an
action to eliminate our stress . We have to relieve our stress because stress cannot help to our
Learning is a lifelong process in which using the right way to learn is the pre-requisite.
Therefore, to recognize the best learning preference of myself. How can we learn best? How
can we learn in the most effective way ? I believe it is a question that every learner doubt
about. In the fast-changing world, if you can’t learn, unlearn and relearn, you’re lost. I am
passionate to learn new things in an interesting way. I am a quick learner of theories and
concepts if it is delivered through visuals and demonstrations. I would prefer to learn in a
practical way rather than reading books, articles and journals. However, I am a good survivor in
nature. So, if in case I would have to learn through books and articles I could do that effectively.
I believe in learning through a mix of theory and practice. I am interested in learning complex
things, simple things may make me bored. I believe in learning through group discussion, as I
could share the knowledge easily. I have many different style of how to learn. Learning style can
allow learners to choose the right skills on learning. In order to learn more easily and efficiently,
people should understand their learning style. For example writing in a paper or making a
reviewer and I will write the important word that will represent to the subject of the word. The
second one is using the highlighter , I will highlight the important words or phrases. The third
one is the way how we review, in night time, day time or afternoon time it' up to you etc. The
important is We know ourselves like what are the techniques that will fit to us so we can able to
learn many things . We should do an action to be an effective learner. For example by making a
reviewer. I will write the important words or sentence that describe to the subject. Or I will go
to the library and I will search for the answer. We have many ways to be an effective learner.
It’s up to us if what kind of strategies or tactics that we will apply to be an effective learner.


Kobe Garcia Alforte


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