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01 MMSP Syllabus

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Modern Midlevel Service Provider Certificate Course

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Subjects and Examination Pattern Subject Theory Examination Practical Examination
(3 hours duration)
01 Maternal , child and adolescent health 1 paper 2 Clinical Cases :
care including family welfare (50 marks) Paediatrics & Obstetrics
(25 X 2 = 50 marks)
02 Medical , surgical and clinical services 1 paper 2 Clinical cases :
( 50 marks) Medicine & Surgery/Allied
( 25 X 2 =50 marks)
03 Public Health 1 paper a. Log book
( 50 marks) assessment
(20 marks)
b. Viva ( 10 marks)
c. Public health
exercises 10
(20 marks)
Total 150 marks 150 marks
Minimum Passing Criteria will be 50% marks in each head separately. For failure trainees , a repeat
examination will be carried out after 6 months with the next admitted batch .
Theory paper Pattern
Section A . Multiple choice questions 20 ( 1 mark each) = 20 marks
Section B. Short answer questions 10 ( 2 marks each)= 20 marks
Sample questions:
1. Enlist any four indications for transfer of a new born baby to neonatal care unit.
2. Enumerate any four functions of a primary health centre.
3. Enumerate any two advantages of kangaroo mother care.
Section C . Case study exercises/Application Questions 2 ( 5 marks each) = 10 marks
Sample questions:
1. A 7 day old infant is brought to emergency room with decreased activity and poor feeding for 1
day. On examination the infant is lethargic, temperature 35.5ºC, cold extremities, weak pulses,
heart rate 170/min and bulging fontanelle.
a. List three emergency signs in this baby on triaging(3 marks)
c. List any two investigations you would perform (2 marks)

2. Mrs. Rekha, 24 years old primigravida comes to OPD with 6 months amenorrhea. This is
her first visit to you.
a. What history will you elicit?( 2 marks)
b. What general physical & systemic examination will you perform?(3 marks)
3. An outbreak of diarrhoeal diseases has occurred in a village.
a. Enlist any two environmental factors you will monitor.( 2 marks)
b. Write any three health educational messages you will like to be passed to the community.( 3

pg. 1
Format / skeleton of Theory Paper

Paper Subjects No.of questions

Section Section Section
I Maternal , child and adolescent health care including family welfare
a Maternal health and family welfare 10 05 01
b Child and adolescent health 10 05 01
II Medical , surgical and clinical services
a Medicine, Psychiatry, T.B. , Skin VD 10 05 01
b Surgery, Ortho, ENT, Eye , Dental 10 05 01
III Public Health 20 10 02

Method of Clinical Case evaluation Head Marks

01 Identifying and socio demographic information 05
(with house landmark, facilities for health care )
02 Present and past illness history 05
(with risk factors , exposures )
03 Demonstration of relevant clinical signs/skills 05
04 Environmental , behavioural and family information 05
05 Management plan and relevant control measures at individual, family 05
and community level
Total 25

Method of Log book assessment (20 marks)

(Assessment on the basis of timely completion of assignments and certification by Incharge)
1. Maternal and child health – 5 marks
2. Medicine and allied clinical postings- 5 marks
3. Surgery and allied clinical postings- 5 marks
4. Orientation Workshop and Public Health postings- 5 marks

Public Health Exercises ( 10 exercises X 2 marks= 20 marks)


1. Immunization, cold chain , immunologicals

2. Nutrition , growth monitoring, foods we eat , balanced diet, nutritional requirements
3. Contraceptives- advantages , disadvantages , counselling
4. Disinfection and sterilization
5. Biomedical waste management

pg. 2
6. Environmental health
7. National Health Programs
8. Epidemic investigation
9. Management of public health emergencies
10. Instruments / procedures used in clinical and public health practice .

Modern Midlevel Service Provider Certificate Course

Programme of postings in various departments

Sr. no Department / Activity Duration

01 Orientation Program 01 week
02 Obstetrics & Gynecology 04 weeks
03 Family welfare 01 week
04 Paediatrics including immunization program 04 weeks
05 Medicine 04 weeks
06 Psychiatry 01 week
07 TB and chest 01 week
08 Surgery including dentistry 03 weeks
09 Orthopedics 01 week
10 ENT 01 week
11 Opthalmology 01 week
12 Health care delivery (2 days postings/field visits each) 02 weeks
a. National Vector borne diseases Control Program
b. National Leprosy Control Program
c. National Blindness Control Program
d. ICDS- Anganwadi
e. Primary Health Centre
f. Health Sub Centre
Total 24 weeks

pg. 3
Orientation Workshop ( one week )

Modern Midlevel Service Provider Certificate Course

Day Duration Topic Trainer/Facilitator

01 9.00-10.30 Registration and introduction of trainees and trainers
10.30-11.30 Functions of Health and Wellness Centre
11.30-11.45 Tea break
11.45 -12.45 Job Responsibilities of Modern Midlevel Service Provider
12.45-1.45 Objectives of Certificate Course
1.45-2.30 Lunch break
2.30- 3.30 Introduction to academic discipline, Log book, clinical postings
3.30- 3.45 Tea break
3.45- 5 PM Examination pattern at the end of certificate course
5-5.30 M Introduction to NHM Health and Wellness Centres Induction
Training Module for MO HWC, Govt. of MS

02 9.00- 12 O’ Supervised Hospital Round

clock Registration OPD, Specialist OPDs, Casualty ward, drug
dispensary, Laboratories and Radiology
12-12.15 Tea break
12.15-1.30 District Health Administration
1.30-2.30 Lunch break
2.30-3.30 Infection Control – Universal Precautions
3.30-3.45 Tea break
3.45-4.30 Hand washing – Demonstration of correct technique
4.30-5.30PM Disinfection and sterilization of equipments- Autoclaving and
chemical methods
5.30-6.00 Module reading: NHM Health and Wellness Centres
PM Induction Training Module for MO HWC, Govt. of MS

pg. 4
Day Duration Topic Trainer/Facilitator

03 9.00- 12 O’ Supervised Hospital Round

clock Maternity and Paediatric OPDs, wards, NRC, NICU, labour
12-12.15 Tea break

12.15-1.30 PM RMNCH+A Health Interventions

1.30-2.30 PM Lunch break

2.30-3.30 PM Objectives of Obstetrics and Family Welfare Posting

3.30-3.45 PM Tea break

3.45-4.30 PM Objectives of Paediatrics Posting

4.30-5.30 PM Introduction to F-IMNCI, IYCF, Kangaroo Mother Care

5.30-6 PM Question Answer Session

04 9.00- 12 O’ Supervised Hospital Round

clock Medicine, TB, Psychiatry, Skin VD, AIDS OPDs & wards,
12-12.15 Tea break

12.15-1.30 PM Prevention of Non Communicable Diseases Program

National Program for Health Care of Elderly
1.30-2.30 PM Lunch break

2.30-3.30 PM Objectives of Medicine and

Psychiatry, TB Posting
3.30-3.45 PM Tea break

3.45-4.30 PM National AIDS Control Program

4.30-5.30 PM RNTCP

5.30-6.00 PM National Mental Health Program

pg. 5
Day Duration Topic Trainer/Facilitator

05 9.00- 12 O’ Supervised Hospital Round

clock Surgery, Ortho, ENT, Eye, Dental OPDs, wards,OTs, SICU

12-12.15 Tea break

12.15-1.30 Objectives of Surgery, Ortho, ENT, Eye, Dental Postings

1.30-2.30 Lunch break
2.30-3.30 Disaster preparedness planning , triage and public health
PM emergency response

3.30-3.45 Tea break

3.45-5 PM Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
PM Demonstration on mannequins

5.00-5.30 National Blindness Control Programme

5.30-6 PM Question Answer Session

06 9.00- 12 O’ Supervised Hospital Round

clock Blood bank, record section, mortuary, hospital kitchen, waste
management facility, sterilization unit, drug store
12-12.15 Tea break

12.15-1.30 Biomedical waste management and segregation

PM Demonstration of segregation procedures

1.30-2.30 Lunch break

2.30-3.30 Investigation of epidemic
3.30-3.45 Tea break
3.45-4.30 Health Survey: Planning and Implementation
4.30-5.30 Disease Control Measures: Notification, Monitoring ,
PM Surveillance
5.30-6.00 Foods we eat( energy giving , body building and protective
PM foods)

pg. 6
Orientation Programme Assignment

(To be completed during the workshop and certified by Course Coordinator on last day)

1. Enlist any four functions of Health and Wellness Centre.

2. What is the casualty staffing pattern of the hospital where you are posted?
3. How are the samples collected for various investigations carried out in the hospital where you
are posted?
4. List any four universal precautions for health care facilities.
5. Enumerate the steps in ideal hand washing technique.
6. What is the method of preparing chlorine solution for disinfection?
7. Which chemicals and in what concentration are used for chemical disinfection of instruments
and equipments?
8. Which instruments are required in Obstetric OPD?
9. What are the objectives of Nutritional Rehabilitation Centre?
10. Enlist any two interventions under F- IMNCI.
11. What are the indications for KMC?
12. Enlist any two activities under NPHCE at health sub centre level.
13. What is the significance of triage?
14. Which biomedical waste is generated in the labour room and how it should be segregated?
15. What is the significance of surveillance as a disease control measure?
16. Enlist any four hospital diets prescribed to admitted patients.
17. Which ecological factors are to be investigated in an epidemic of diarrheal diseases?

pg. 7
Modern Midlevel Service Provider Certificate Course

Paper I: Maternal , child and adolescent health care including family welfare
A. Maternal health and family welfare:
Learning Objectives
After training in Obstetrics and Family Welfare the trainee should be able to:
1. Provide quality antenatal care, intra-partum care, including monitoring of labour with
partograph, active management of third stage of labour and postpartum care.
2. Do ANC examination
3. Detect high risk factors during ANC
4. Identify abnormality of labour
5. Manage (primary management before referral) in case of obstetric complication
6. Make referral of complicated cases after initial management and stablization.
7. Provide quality care and counseling to the woman during antenatal, labour and postpartum
8. Identify danger signs during pregnancy, labour, delivery and postpartum period along with
the danger signs in newborn; provide supportive care prior to referral.
9. Assess eligible couple and advice appropriate family planning methods.

1 Introduction to problems of Maternal Health –Maternal Morbidity and mortality

2 Care during pregnancy – Antenatal care , Warning signs
3 Active Management of Third Stage of Labour (AMTSL)
4 Intrapartum Care and Partograph
5 Instrumental delivery
6 Postpartum Hemorrhage and shock
7 Hypertension in pregnancy
8 Eclampsia
9 Postpartum care
10 Puerperal sepsis
11 Anemia
12 Other problems during pregnancy : Urinary tract infection , Hyperemesis gravidarum , Retention
of urine , Premature or prelabour rupture of membrane
13 Abortion
14 Antepartum hemorrhage
15 Other problems during labour and delivery : Prolonged and obstructed labour , Preterm labour ,
Foetal distress , Prolapsed cord , Twins
16 Other problems during postpartum period : Inversion of uterus , Problems with breast feeding
17 Screening for common malignancies
18 Delivery of MCH services through hospitals and health centres

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19 MCH related records and reports
20 Contraceptive methods and family welfare programme

Teaching Methodology

Trainees should be posted at Ante natal OPD/ Labour Room/ Post natal Ward or any other Relevant
facility in the hospital / health centre in rotation for actual hands on training , clinical and administrative
experience. Trainees should be posted in labour rooms and obstetric wards for emergency posting for
24 hours in rotation. Maximum efforts should be taken to give hands on training rather than didactic
lectures. The sessions should be interactive. Field visits of the trainees should be organized at various
health facilities involved in the delivery of relevant services

B. Child and adolescent health

Learning Objectives

After training in Child and adolescent health the trainee should be able to:
1. Assess immunization status of under five children.
2. Plan and conduct vaccination session.
3. Describe uses of cold chain equipment.
4. Perform anthropometric, clinical and dietary assessment of under five child.
5. Assess newborn child.
6. Identify danger signs in newborn; provide supportive care prior to referral.
7. Provide essential newborn care to all new born and new born resuscitation, if required
8. Identify the epidemiological factors related to PEM, diarrhea and ARI, as important
community health Problem.
9. Assess adolescent health and provide adolescent health care.
10. Plan, implement and evaluate health education programme.

1) Care at birth
2) Examination of new born
3) Neonatal resuscitation – Flow diagram for basic neonatal resuscitation
4) Management of hypothermia
5) Identification of high risk new born and neonatal transport
6) Management of illness in infants aged 0-2 months
7) Management of illness in children aged 2 months to 5 years
a) Pneumonia
b) Dehydration
c) Prevention / identification and management of anaemia
d) Deworming for all age groups
8) Childhood nutrition –

pg. 9
a) Exclusive breast feeding
b) weaning
9) Malnutrition –
a) Types e.g. SAM / MAM
b) Identification
c) Anthropometry
d) Growth chart
10) National immunization schedule
a) Adverse events following immunization
b) Vitamin A schedule
c) Schedule/Doses for Deworming
11) Adolescent health care
a) Information and counselling on sexual reproductive health concerns
b) Promotion of menstrual hygiene amongst adolescent girls

Teaching Methodology

Trainees should be posted at Paediatric / Post-natal Ward / OPDs or any other relevant facility in the
hospital / health centre in rotation for actual hands on training, clinical and administrative experience.
Trainees should be posted in wards for emergency posting for 24 hours in rotation. Maximum efforts
should be taken to give hands on training rather than didactic lectures. The sessions should be
interactive. Field visits of the trainees should be organized at various health facilities involved in the
delivery of relevant services

Learning Resource Material( e learning material)

1 NHM Health and Wellness Centres Induction Training Module for MO HWC, Govt. of MS
1. Trainers’ Guide for Training of Medical Officers, in Pregnancy Care and Management of Common
Obstetric Complications ,Maternal Health Division, Department of Family Welfare, Ministry of
Health & Family Welfare ,Government of India ,August, 2009
2. Facility Based IMNCI (F-IMNCI) Facilitators Guide, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
,Government of India ,August, 2009
3. Daksh Skills Lab for RMNCH+A Services Training Manual for Facilitators, Ministry of Health &
Family Welfare ,Government of India

pg. 10
Paper II : Medical , surgical and clinical services

A. Medicine, Psychiatry , TB, Skin VD

Learning objectives

After training in Medicine, TB, Skin VD the trainee should be able to:

Cognitive Skills

1. Knowledge of communicable / non communicable disease

2. Emergency / urgency
3. Primary treatment and referral to higher centre
4. Communication and counselling of patient relatives
5. Recording.
6. Communication with higher centre
7. Diagnosis of system involved, disease
8. Ability of health centres and limitations
9. Prevention of disease
10. Screening

Psychomotor Skills

1. General exam
2. Pallor, Icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, edema,
3. Pulse, BP, respiration rate, JVP,
4. Inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation,
5. Monitoring, airway breathing
6. Circulation
7. State of consciousness
8. Pleural Aspiration
9. Ascitic Tapping
10. Peripheral IV lines
11. Airway application
12. Intubation

Affective/Communication Skills

1. To make patient and relatives understand about disease

2. Guide them for treatment
3. Counselling with sympathetic and empathetic approach
4. Involvement as one of family member and guide
5. Knowledge about tertiary centre with contact to concerned doctors

pg. 11

Course Content: Theory/Practical

(Teaching Learning Method:-Case studies in OPDs/ wards)

1) General examination
2) Hypertension
3) Diabetes mellitus
4) Chest pain
5) ECG
6) Stroke
7) Fever of unknown origin
8) Malaria
9) Typhoid
10) Tuberculosis
11) HIV
12) Pain in abdomen
13) Diarrhea/Dysentry
14) Anemia
16) Pneumonia
17) Pulm. Asthma
18) COPD
19) Shock
20) Headache
21) Migraine
22) Fatiguability
23) Faintness
24) Snake bite
25) Scorpion bite
26) Dog bite
27) Leprosy
28) Arthritis
29) Unexplained lumps
30) Cancer
31) Oral health
32) Leuko / erythro plakia
33) Nutritional assessment
34) Seizures
35) Acute gastroenteritis
36) Swine flu
37) Viral fever

pg. 12
38) Knowledge of endemic and
39) Epidemic disease / outcome
40) Nephrotic / Nephritic syndrome
41) ARF
42) Bleeding disorders
43) Clinical assessment
44) Anthropometric assessment
45) Sexually transmitted disease
46) Adult immunization

Learning Objectives:

At the end of learning in Psychiatry the trainee should be able to

1. Perform screening, identification and referral of common mental health problems

2. Perform screening, early intervention and prevention of substance use disorders
3. Describe bio-psycho-social model of mental illness
4. Aware of destigmatization activities for mental health
5. Promotion of positive mental health

Psychomotor Skill:-

1. Understand the symptomatology of mental illness

2. History taking in psychiatry
3. Mental status examination (MSE)
4. Should understand the gravity of mental illness and its impact on physical health, family and
5. Should work toward destigmatization, suicide prevention and awareness activities.
Affective/Communication skills:-

1. Empathetic communication
2. Involvement in family counselling of relatives
3. Able to communicate about etiology and treatment need to patient and relative
4. Compliance to treatment and follow up need explanation
Topic and subtopic:-

1. Definition and importance of mental health

2. History taking in psychiatry
3. Symptomatology
4. Mental status examination (MSE)
5. Schizophrenia
6. Major depressive Disorder

pg. 13
7. Anxiety disorder
8. OCD
9. Bipolar mood disorder
10. Child psychiatry –
b) Intellectual disability
c) Child behavioural issues
11. Substance use disorder
a) Alcohol
b) Tobacco
c) Cannabis
d) Opioid
e) Prescription drugs
12. Dementia and Geriatric psychiatry
13. Basic knowledge about psychopharmacology
14. Basic knowledge about mental health care act (MHCA 2017)
15. Basic knowledge about DMHP
16. Suicide prevention and emergency in psychiatry

Teaching Methodology

Trainees should be posted at Medicine/ TB/ Psychiatry/ Skin VD Wards / OPDs or any other relevant
facility in the hospital / health centre in rotation for actual hands on training, clinical and administrative
experience. Trainees should be posted in wards for emergency posting for 24 hours in rotation.
Maximum efforts should be taken to give hands on training rather than didactic lectures. The sessions
should be interactive. Field visits of the trainees should be organized at various health facilities involved
in the delivery of relevant services

1) Hutchison’s clinical Methods

2) Davidsons Principles & Practical Medicine
3) Textbook of Under Graduate Psychiatry – Niraj Ahuja
4) NHM Health and Wellness Centres Induction Training Module for MO HWC, Govt. of MS

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B. Surgery , Orthopedics, Ophthalmology , ENT


Learning Objective : At the end of posting in Surgery the trainee should be able to

1) Evaluate patient by history and examination

2) Perform basic wound management – dressing , wound closure suturing
3) Identify surgical emergencies
a) Acute abdomen – acute condition, trauma
b) Traumatic head injuries – severity before referring to higher centres
c) Shock – 1) hypovolemic 2) septic
4) Perform basic minor surgical procedure
5) Diagnose , provide primary treatment and refer common dental problems.

Practical training includes:

1) History / Examination
2) Basic procedure – RT, catheterization, central lines, I & D, venesection, suturing & suture
3) Basics of dressing materials and their use
4) First aid before referring to higher centre
Surgery –Learning Material
1. Clinical Das
2. Pyes’ Surgical handicraft


Learning Objective :
At the end of posting in Orthopedics the trainee should be able to

1. Perform evaluation of road traffic accident

2. Provide first aid and perfom common injury assessment and transportation
3. Assess and manage domestic injury
4. Assess fracture and perform basic plastering
5. Fracture – assessment, complication, treatment

pg. 15

Learning Objective :
At the end of posting in Ophthalmology the trainee should be able to
Cognitive/Knowledge skills :-

1) Identify common ophthalmic infective condition – viral and bacterial conjunctivitis, styes and chr
/ ac. Dacryocystitis, corneal ulcers.
2) Differentiate between conjunctival infection and allergy
3) Able to assess visual activity and identify refractive errors
4) Diagnose and stage cataracts
5) Identify serious ocular trauma, sub conjunctival Hemorrhage, perforating ocular injury.
6) Have basic idea about structure and coats of eyeball
7) Known in brief about diabetic, hypertensive retinopathies, retinopathy of prematurity
Psychomotor Skills:-

1) Assessment of visual activity distant and near

2) Removal of conjunctival and corneal F. B.
3) Give saline / distilled water eyewash in conjunctival F.B.’s, chemical injuries
4) Treat basic infective conjunctivitis and trivial ocular trauma
5) Identify Vit. A deficiency and administer
6) Oral / IM vitamin A for cases of vitamin A deficiency
Affective/Communication Skills:-
1) Communicate with patients of relative about preventable blindness esp. senile cataract
2) Provide health education with reference to Vit. A deficiency and inclusion of Vit. A rich foods in
3) Need for consult ophthalmologist in paediatric squints, retinopathy of prematurity, amblyopia
4) Drive to promote eye donation.

Theory topics to be covered (No of hours 4-5)

1. Structure of eye and vision assessment

2. History taking and case examination
3. Basic of infective eye condition – conjunctivitis, corneal ulcer, dacryocystitis
4. Basic of cataract, hypertensive and diabetic retinopathy
5. Pediatric ophthalmology – Vit. A. deficiency, squint and amblyopia
6. Awareness of retinopathy of prematurity


A) Practical Case presentation –

1. Ability to check visual acuity

pg. 16
2. Diagnose senile cataract (grossly, distinguish between immature and mature stage)
3. Identify conjunctivitis/corneal ulcer/corneal opacity
4. Prescribe basic antibiotic drops for conjunctivitis / styes / dacryocystitis
Learning Material/Resources
1. Parson’s text book of ophthalmology
2. Textbook of ophthalmology- A K Khurana
3. NHM Health and Wellness Centres Induction Training Module for MO HWC, Govt. of MS


At the end of posting in ENT the trainee should be able to

Cognitive/Knowledge Skills :-

1) Basic examination of Ear, Nose and throat

2) Acute suppurative otitis media

3) Chronic suppurative otitis media < safe / unsafe

4) Malignancies of oral cavity, pharynx and larynx

5) Tracheostomy care

6) Acute and chronic tonsillitis

Psychomotor skills:-

1) Use of otoscope

2) Hearing ascertainment (tuning fork test, weber’s test, Rinnic test, absolute barre conduction

3) Examinations of oral cavity , indirect laryngoscopy

4) Removal of ear wax

5) Tracheostomy care

6) Biopsy of oral cavity leison

7) Treat ASOM & CSOM, tonsillitis

pg. 17
Affective/Communication skills

Prevention of oral, neck, malignancy (stop use of tobacco, ghutka , alcohol)

Course content : Theory/Practical

1) Examination of Ear, Nose, throat – clinical posting

2) Assessment of hearing (tuning fork test) – clinical posting

3) Acute suppurative otitis media (ASOM) – clinical posting

4) Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) safe / unsafe – 1 lecture

5) Malignancy of oral cavity, pharynx and larynx – Clinical posting & lecture

6) Tracheostomy and tracheostomy care – Clinical posting & lecture

7) Acute and chronic tonsillitis – Clinical posting & lecture

8) Foreign bodies (ENT, Ear, Nose & Throat)

Objective (ENT)

1) M. O. should be able to diagnose ASOM / CSOM, acute, chronic, tonsillitis, treat it and identify
its complications.
2) M.O. should be able to examine case of hearing loses / ear wax, give medication (wax dissolvent
/ remove wax)
3) M.O. should be able to examine oral cavity, identify lesion, perform biopsy of lesion and refer

Learning resource material

1) Dr. P.L. Dhingra – Diseases of ear, nose and throat and head and neck surgery (7th edition) –
Publisher (Elsevier)
2) Dr. Mohan Bansod - Diseases of ear, nose and throat and head and neck surgery (2nd
edition) – Publisher (J. P. Brothers)
3) Practical ENT by Dr Vikas Sinha (3rd Edition)
4) NHM Health and Wellness Centres Induction Training Module for MO HWC, Govt. of MS

pg. 18
Paper III Public Health

Learning objectives

The trainee should be able to

1. Monitor and implement National Health Programs at the Health and Wellness Centre.
2. Supervise the work of health staff at Health and Wellness Centre.
3. Plan and conduct surveys on small scale in the villages
4. Conduct epidemic investigation and disease control during outbreak situations.
5. Plan and organize health educational activities in the villages.


1. Functions of Health and Wellness Centre

2. Job Responsibilities of Midlevel Service Provider
3. District Health Administration
4. National Health Programs
5. Infection control: Universal Precautions
6. Disinfection and sterilization
7. Biomedical waste management
8. Disaster preparedness planning
9. Epidemic investigation and disease control measures in public health emergencies
10. Health Survey: Planning and Implementation
11. Disease Control Measures: Notification, Monitoring , Surveillance
12. Foods we eat( energy giving , body building and protective foods)

Teaching Methodology

Trainees should be posted at various public health facilities or any other relevant facility in the hospital
/ health centre in rotation for actual hands on training , clinical and administrative experience..
Maximum efforts should be taken to give hands on training rather than didactic lectures. The sessions
should be interactive. Field visits of the trainees should be organized at various health facilities involved
in the delivery of relevant services

Learning Resource Material

1. NHM Health and Wellness Centres Induction Training Module for MO HWC, Govt. of MS
2. Text Book of Community Medicine by J.E.Park
3. National Health Programmes at the website of National Urban Mission.

pg. 19

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