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1. Dress
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Penny Walton

When Viking raiders first arrived in England, the Clothes might be edged with coloured
men wore sleeved tunics and trousers. Beneath braids, sometimes trimmed with gold thread for
the tunic might be a linen shirt; over the tunic a the wealthy,
cloak of fur or heavy cloth, with a long shaggy Anglo-Saxon men had the same style of
pile, was worn in cold weather. leather was clothes as the Vikings, but not so the women,
used for shoes, pointed caps, and the belts from who had stopped wearing such dresses over a
which their swords and knives hung. hundred years before, and would see them as
later, when the Vikings began to settle very old-fashioned. Instead they wore loose
down in England, their women joined them, tunics over long-sleeved dresses with cuffs, and
They wore long, pleated linen dresses with short 7 ,} '\ covered their hair with a head-<Jress.
sleeves, over which a length of cloth held up by to"; ::oJ~ After some years it seems that the
shoulder straps was wrapped round the body "" Viking women learned to wear the
under the arms. A shawl would help to keep long tunic too.
them warm. They tied their hair in a knot and
sometimes wore a headband, with ribbons An Anglo-Saxonwoman
hanging down at the back. ~~~ with head-dress.
Beads of glass and amber
were worn, as well as pairs
of brooches which fastened
the shoulder straps and
also had keys and other
odd items hanging
from them. Both
men and women
I iked bright
colours -red,
yellow, purple,
blue and green.

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A Viking man. A Viking woman

Anglo-Saxonmen with pairedbrooches '
woresimilarclothes. andknottedhair.

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The silk cap found at Coppergate, We know about dress in those days from
as It would have beenworn. cemetery excavations In ScandinaVia and from

drawings that decorated Anglo-Saxon

manuscripts. Now our knowledge has been
further increased by finds of clothing from
One such item was a cap made from a
rectangle of silk, folded in half and stitched up
the back. Other traces of stitching show that
ribbons had once been attached to the front on
either side. Finds of silk caps) from other sites
suggest that they were a popular fashion
among Viking women in later times,
perhaps because as Christians they were
expected to cover their heads.

Another Coppergate item was a wool sock,

probably white when made, with a narrow band
of red above the ankle. Stitches around a repair
patch show that the sock had been worn a good
There were several complete boots and
shoes, and fragments of many others. The
boots, which reached just above the ankle, had
a flap which passed over the front of the foot
and fastened at the side with a toggle. Some
were low-cut, like slippers.

The Viking Age woollen sock found at Coppergate

One of the many leather boots found

during the dig. Thisone is. tied with
a leatherthong.

Buckres and strap-ends for belts, and

brooches for fastening tunics and cloaks have
also been found, as well as a small pouch of
costly silk which hung from the neck and may
A silk pouch, decorated with a cross. .once have held a saint's relics.


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