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Final HDFC Training Report

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of degree


“Master of Business Administration”

(Session 2019-20)

Submitted To:- Submitted By:-

Dr. Ranjeet Verma Komal Rani

(Head of Dept of Management Studies) MBA-2nd Sem
Roll No:



This is to certify that ……………………………, University Roll No……………………….,

student of …………………………, final year has worked under my supervision and
guidance on the training report title as CUSTOMER SERVICES OF HDFC BANK.
The training report is completed in partial fulfillment for the requirement of the degree
Bachelor of Business Administration.
This work done is authentic and original as per my best knowledge.
During the report preparation he/she has shown his/her keen interest in understanding the
various aspects.
I wish him/her success in all his/her future endeavors.

Dr. Ranjeet Verma

(Head of Dept of Management Studies)

At the very outset, I would like to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to my Respected Sir
Dr. Ranjeet Verma for his kind suggestion, Advice and inspiration in the making of this project
I would like to thank all the Faculty members of Management department of our college, who
helped me a lot in completing this training report successfully.
My hearty thanks to HDFC Bank for giving me opportunity to work as an intern & understood
process of Training and Development.
Again sincere thanks to my faculty guide Dr. Ranjeet Verma who was patient and supportive
while the project took its shape and was always there to attend my calls whenever I was facing
any difficulty in drafting this Project Report. I would also like to thank for their constant inputs
and patience guidance which not only helped the quality of my study, but also the learning from
Lastly, I would like to express my whole hearted thanks to all my classmates and well wishers
for their Encouragement, Advices that have made this project a possible venture in my life.

Komal Rani

I hereby declare that the work which contained in this Project entitled, “CUSTOMER
SERVICES OF HDFC BANK ” is a record of independent work carried out by me
towards partial fulfillment of requirements of the MBA course At Technology education
Research Integrated Institute Kurukshetra. The report has not been submitted in part or
full towards any other degree.

Komal Rani

Theoretical knowledge without practical knowledge is of little value. In order to achieve

positive and concrete result along with theoretical concept the exposure of real life
situation existing in corporate is very much needed to fulfill this need the management
course has a provision for the practical training program. I thank my institute to provided
us such opportunity having training period in our course so that student can have real
feeling of industrial life. During this I got lots of practical knowledge. I got ample opportunity
to views the overall service of HDFC BANK. The introduction and application of the
concept of consumer service entered in a welcoming way in India after independence,
yesterday, the perception of service was confined to work and advice only with service
motto. Today, the service has been commercialized.

S.NO. CONENT: Page No.














Banking in India in the modern sense originated in the last decades of the 18th century. The
first banks were Bank of Hindustan (1770-1829) and The General Bank of India, established
1786 and since defunct.
The largest bank, and the oldest still in existence, is the State Bank of India, which originated in
the Bank of Calcutta in June 1806, which almost immediately became the Bank of Bengal. This
was one of the three presidency banks, the other two being the Bombay and the Bank of Madras,
all three of which were established under charters from the British East India Company. The
three banks merged in 1921 to form the Imperial Bank of India, which, upon India's
independence, became the State Bank of India in 1955. For many years the presidency banks
acted as quasi-central banks, as did their successors, until the Reserve Bank of India was
established in 1935.
In 1969 the Indian government nationalized all the major banks that it did not already own and
these have remained under government ownership. They are run under a structure know as
'profit-making public sector undertaking' (PSU) and are allowed to compete and operate
as commercial banks. The Indian banking sector is made up of four types of banks, as well as the
PSUs and the state banks; they have been joined since 1990s by new private commercial banks
and a number of foreign banks.
Banking in India was generally fairly mature in terms of supply, product range and reach-even
though reach in rural India and to the poor still remains a challenge. The government has
developed initiatives to address this through the State bank of India expanding its branch
network and through the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development with things
like microfinance. As per the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), India’s banking sector is sufficiently
capitalized and well-regulated. The financial and economic conditions in the country are far
superior to any other country in the world. Credit, market and liquidity risk studies suggest that
Indian banks are generally resilient and have withstood the global downturn well.
Indian banking industry has recently witnessed the roll out of innovative banking models like
payments and small finance banks. RBI’s new measures may go a long way in helping the
restructuring of the domestic banking industry.
The digital payments system in India has evolved the most among 25 countries with India’s
Immediate Payment Service (IMPS) being the only system at level 5 in the Faster Payments
Innovation Index (FPII).

Market size:

 The Indian banking system consists of 27 public sector banks, 22 private sector banks,
44 foreign banks, 56 regional rural banks, 1,589 urban cooperative banks and 93,550
rural cooperative banks, in addition to cooperative credit institutions. Bank credit grew
at 12.64 per cent year-on-year to Rs 85.511 lakh crore (US$ 1,326.78 billion) on May
11, 2018 from Rs 75.91 lakh crore (US$ 1,131.47) on May 12, 2017.

 The bank recapitalization plan by Government of India is expected to push credit growth
in the country to 15 per cent and as a result help the GDP grow by 7 per cent in FY19.
 Public sector banks are lining up to raise funds via qualified institutional placements
(QIP), backed by better investor sentiment after the Government of India's bank
recapitalization plan and an upgrade in India's sovereign rating by Moody's Investor
 The total value of mergers and acquisition during FY17 in NBFC diversified financial
services and banking was US$ 2,564 billion, US$ 103 million and US $ 79 million
 The biggest merger deal of FY17 was in the microfinance segment of Industry Bank
Limited and Bharat Financial Inclusion Limited of US$ 2.4 billion.
 In May 2018, total equity fun ding’s of microfinance sector grew at the rate of 39.88 to
Rs 96.31 billion (Rs 4.49 billion) in 2017-18 from Rs 68.85 billion (US$ 1.03 billion).

Governments Initiatives:

 A new portal named 'Udyami Mitra' has been launched by the Small Industries
Development Bank of India (SIDBI) with the aim of improving credit availability to
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises' (MSMEs) in the country.
 Mr. Arun Jaitley, Minister of Finance, Government of India, introduced 'The Banking
Regulation (Amendment) Bill,2017', which will replace the Banking Regulation
(Amendment) Ordinance, 2017, to allow the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to guide banks
for resolving the problems of stressed assets.
 Under the Union Budget 2018-19, the government has allocated Rs 3 trillion (US$ 46.34
billion) towards the Mudra Scheme and Rs 3,794 crore (US$ 586.04 million) towards
credit support, capital and interest subsidy to MSMEs.
 In March 2018, the Government of India launched Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojna
(PMVVY) to provide elderly people Rs 10,000 (US$ 155.16) pension per month. This
scheme has an investment limit of Rs 15 lakh (US$ 23,273.86).
 In May 2018, the Government of India provided Rs 6 trillion (US$ 93.1 billion) loans to
120 million beneficiaries under Mudra scheme.
 As on January 4, 2018, the Lok Sabha has approved recapitalization bonds worth Rs
80,000 crore (US$ 12.62 billion) for public sector banks, which will be accompanied by a
series of reforms.

The government and the regulator have undertaken several measures to strengthen the
Indian banking sector.

 A two-year plan to strengthen the public sector banks through reforms and capital
infusion of Rs 2.11 lakh crore (US$ 32.5 billion), has been unveiled by the Government
of India that will enable these banks to play a much larger role in the financial system and
give a boost to the MSME sector. In this regard, the Lok Sabha has approved
recapitalization bonds worth Rs 80,000 crore (US$ 12.62 billion) for public sector banks,
which will be accompanied by a series of reforms, according to Mr. Arun Jaitley,
Minister of Finance, Government of India.
 The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Ordinance, 2017 Bill has been
passed by Rajya Shaba and is expected to strengthen the banking sector.


The RBI is the Central Bank of our country. It is the open Institution of India Financial and
monetary system. RBI came into existence on 1st April, 1935 as per the RBI act 1935. But the
bank was nationalized by the government after Independence. It became the public sector bank
from 1st January, 1949. Thus, RBI was established as per the Act 1935 and empowerment took
place in banking regulation Act 1949. RBI has 4 local boards basically in North, South, East and
West – Delhi, Chennai, Calcutta, and Mumbai.


1. Traditional functions

 Issue of Currency Notes

 Banker to other Banks
 Banker to the Government
 Exchange Rate Management
 Credit Control Function

2. Promotional Functions:

 Development of the Financial System

 Development of Agriculture
 Provision of Industrial Finance
 Provisions of Training.

3. Supervisory Functions:

 Granting license to banks

 Bank Inspection
 Control over NBFIs
 Implementation of the Deposit Insurance Scheme.
Recent Developments

 India's leading infrastructure development and finance company Infrastructure Leasing &
Financial Services Limited (IL&FS), has inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
with Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Limited (ICBC (Asia)), for mutual
cooperation in infrastructure project development services and financial services related

The agreement envisages a scope of cooperation between the two financial entities for
providing infrastructure project development services, including financial services
relating thereto, trade, corporate banking, investment banking and treasury related
services, debt raising, advisory and other form of permissible economic cooperation for
such projects across Northern and Eastern Asia and is expected to facilitate more
business opportunities for both the institutions in these geographies.

 Marking another milestone in achieving financial inclusion, Vodafone India and ICICI
Bank have partnered to launch a mobile money transfer and payment service, M-PESA.
The service will allow customers to transfer money to any mobile phone in India, remit
funds to bank accounts, deposit and withdraw cash from designated outlets, pay utility
bills, and shop at select merchant establishments.
The new service will initially be offered in West Bengal, Bihar and Jharkhand through
8,300 authorized agents. It will be made available across India by 2014-15.
 Public sector lender SBI intends to make a strong position in refinance market in 2013.
The bank offers lowest lending rates for buying homes. The fast growing market of
‘home loans transferred from other banks’ consists 25 per cent of the total home loans
disbursed by the bank in FY13. SBI made Rs 30,000 crore (US$ 5.08 billion) of home
loans in 2012-13.
The Indian banking sector is broadly classified into scheduled and non-scheduled banks. The
scheduled banks are those included under the 2nd Schedule of the Reserve Bank of India Act,
1934. The scheduled banks are further classified into: nationalized banks; State Bank of
India and its associates; Regional Rural Banks (RRBs); foreign banks; and other Indian private
sector banks. The term commercial banks refers to both scheduled and non-scheduled
commercial banks regulated under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 Generally the supply,
product range and reach of banking in India is fairly mature-even though reach in rural India and
to the poor still remains a challenge. The government has developed initiatives to address this
through the State Bank of India expanding its branch network and through the National Bank for
Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) with facilities like microfinance.


Commercial banks are profit making organizations that accept deposits and use these funds to
make loans. They are playing the most important role in modern economic organization. It
performs an important economic organization. They perform an important economic function by
mobilizing the savings of the community and channelize the savings to productive purposes.
"The tiny streams of capital flowing into the bank vaults become rive and these in turn fall into
ocean of National Finance to drive the wheels of industry and to float the vessels of commerce."

There are mainly two types of commercial banking institutions in India such as public sector
banks and private sector banks. The commercial banking group consists of 27 Public sector
banks, 29 private sector banks, 36 Foreign Banks operating in India, 196 Regional Rural Banks
and 4 Local Area Banks.


1. Primary Functions
 Accepting deposits
 Lending Money
 Investment of funds
 Credit Creation

2. Secondary Functions
 Agency Services
 General Utility Services
 Modern Functions of a Commercial Bank

A proper financial sector is of special importance for the economic growth of developing and
underdeveloped countries. The commercial banking sector which forms one of the backbones of
the financial sector should be well organized and efficient for the growth dynamics of a growing
economy. No underdeveloped country can progress without first setting up a sound system of
commercial banking. The importance of a sound system of banking for a developing country
may be depicted as follows

1. Capital Formation:

The rate of saving is generally low in an underdeveloped economy due to the existence of deep-
rooted poverty among the people. Even the potential savings of the country cannot be realized
due to lack of adequate banking facilities in the country. To mobilize dormant savings and to
make them available to the entrepreneurs for productive purposes, the development of a sound
system of commercial banking is essential for a developing economy.

2. Monetization:

An underdeveloped economy is characterized by the existence of a large non monetized sector,

particularly, in the backward and inaccessible areas of the country. The existence of this non
monetized sector is a hindrance in the economic development of the country. The banks, by
opening branches in rural and backward areas, can promote the process of monetization in the

3. Innovations:

Innovations are an essential prerequisite for economic progress. These innovations are mostly
financed by bank credit in the developed countries. But the entrepreneurs in underdeveloped
countries cannot bring about these innovations for lack of bank credit in an adequate measure.
The banks should, therefore, pay special attention to the financing of business innovations by
providing adequate and cheap credit to entrepreneurs.

4. Finance for Priority Sectors:

The commercial banks in underdeveloped countries generally hesitate in extending financial

accommodation to such sectors as agriculture and small scale industries, on account of the risks
involved there in. They mostly extend credit to trade and commerce where the risk involved is
far less. But for the development of these countries it is essential that the banks take risk in
extending credit facilities to the priority sectors, such as agriculture and small scale industries.

5. Provision for Medium and Long term Finance

The commercial banks in under developed countries invariably give loans and advances for a
short period of time. They generally hesitate to extend medium and long term loans to
businessmen. As is well known, the new business need medium and long term loans for their
proper establishment. The commercial banks should, therefore, change their policies in favor of
granting medium and long term accommodation to business and industry.

Banking Regulation:

Currently commercial banks are regulated in most jurisdictions by government entities and
require a special bank license to operate.
Usually the definition of the business of banking for the purposes of regulation is extended to
include acceptance of deposits, even if they are not repayable to the customer's order—although
money lending, by itself, is generally not included in the definition.
Unlike most other regulated industries, the regulator is typically also a participant in the market,
being either a publicly or privately governed central bank. Central banks also typically have a
monopoly on the business of issuing banknotes.
Banking law is based on a contractual analysis of the relationship between the bank (defined
above) and the customer—defined as any entity for which the bank agrees to conduct an account.
The law implies rights and obligations into this relationship as follows:

1. The bank account balance is the financial position between the bank and the customer:
when the account is in credit, the bank owes the balance to the customer; when the
account is overdrawn, the customer owes the balance to the bank.
2. The bank agrees to pay the customer's checks up to the amount standing to the credit of
the customer's account, plus any agreed overdraft limit.
3. The bank may not pay from the customer's account without a mandate from the
customer, e.g. a check drawn by the customer.
4. The bank agrees to promptly collect the checks deposited to the customer's account as
the customer's agent, and to credit the proceeds to the customer's account.
5. The bank has a right to combine the customer's accounts, since each account is just an
aspect of the same credit relationship.
6. The bank has a lien on checks deposited to the customer's account, to the extent that the
customer is indebted to the bank.
7. The bank must not disclose details of transactions through the customer's account—
unless the customer consents, there is a public duty to disclose, the bank's interests
require it, or the law demands it.
8. The bank must not close a customer's account without reasonable notice, since checks
are outstanding in the ordinary course of business for several days.
These implied contractual terms may be modified by express agreement between the customer
and the bank. The statutes and regulations in force within a particular jurisdiction may also
modify the above terms and/or create new rights, obligations or limitations relevant to the bank-
customer relationship.
Some types of financial institution, such as building societies and credit unions, may be partly or
wholly exempt from bank license requirements, and therefore regulated under separate rules.
The requirements for the issue of a bank license vary between jurisdictions but typically include:

1. Minimum capital
2. Minimum capital ratio
3. 'Fit and Proper' requirements for the bank's controllers, owners, directors, or senior
4. Approval of the bank's business plan as being sufficiently prudent and plausible.
The Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (HDFC) was amongst the first to
receive an 'in principle' approval from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to set up a bank in the
private sector, as part of the RBI's liberalization of the Indian Banking Industry in 1994. The
bank was incorporated in August 1994 in the name of 'HDFC Bank Limited', with its
registered office in Mumbai, India. HDFC Bank commenced operations as a Scheduled
Commercial Bank in January 1995.

HDFC Bank began operations in 1995 with a simple mission: to be a "World-class Indian
Bank". They realized that only a single-minded focus on product quality and service excellence
would help them get there.


1) HDFC Bank Limited (HDFC Bank) –HDFC and HDFC Bank continue to maintain an
arm’s length relationship in accordance with the regulatory framework. Both organizations,
however, have capitalized on the strong synergies through a system of referrals, special
arrangement and cross-selling in order to effectively provide a wide range of products and
services under the HDFC brand name. HDFC together with its wholly owned subsidiaries,
HDFC Investment limited and HDFC holdings limited holds 22% of the equity share capital
of HDFC Bank.

2) HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company limited (HDFC-SL) –the company has a
portfolio of 13 retail products and 7 group products covering saving, investment, protection
and retirement needs of the customers, along with five optional rider benefits. HDFC-SL has
169 offices in the country with 33000 financial consultants appointed by the company
.HDFC-SL also 192 corporate agents including banks for distribution of insurance products.

3) HDFC Asset Management Company Limited (HDFC-AMC)-As at march 31, 2006,

HDFC-AMC managed 25 debts and equity oriented schemes of HDFC mutual funds. The
asset under company at March, 31, 2006 stood RS 21550 crores as compared to RS
15,010crores in previous year. HDFC continue to distribute products for mutual fund.
4) Intel net Global Services Private Limited (Intel net) - Intel net is a business process
outsourcing venture between HDFC and Barclays bank plc.., each holding a 50% equity
stake. The company has four centers of operation –two in Mumbai and one each in Nave
Mumbai and Chennai.
5) HDFC Chubb General Insurance Company Limited (HDFC-CHUBB)-HDFC –
CHUBB offers motor insurance, commercial insurance, home insurance group and retail
accident and travel insurance and specialty insurance products. HDFC- CHUBB has
presence in 27 locations in India and an agency force of over 337 people to distribute the
company’s product.

6) HDFC Venture Capital Limited (HVCL) - during the year, HVCL commenced operations
as the investment manager to HDFC property fund, a registered venture capital fund with the
securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). HDFC holds 80.5% of the equity share
capital of HVCL.

HDFC Bank offers the following core products:

NRI banking:

Under NRI Banking, HDFC offers:

 Accounts & Deposits

 Money Transfer
 Investments & Insurance
 Research Reports
 Payment Services

SME banking

Under SME Banking, HDFC offers.

 Accounts & Deposits

 Business Financing
 Trade Services
 Payments & Collections
 Cards


HDFC is India’s premier housing finance company and enjoys an impeccable track record
in India as well as in international markets. Since its inception in 1977, the Corporation
has maintained a consistent and healthy growth in its operations to remain the market
leader in mortgages. Its outstanding loan portfolio covers well over a million dwelling
units. HDFC has developed significant expertise in retail mortgage loans to different
market segments and also has a large corporate client base for its housing related credit
facilities. With its experience in the financial markets, strong market reputation, large
shareholder base and unique consumer franchise, HDFC was ideally positioned to
promote a bank in the Indian environment.

Capital Structure:

As on 31st March, 2015 the authorized share capital of the Bank is Rs. 550 crore. The
paid-up share capital of the Bank as on the said date is Rs501, 29, 90,634/- (2506495317)
equity shares of Rs. 2/- each). The HDFC Group holds 21.67 % of the Bank's equity and
about 18.87 % of the equity is held by the ADS / GDR Depositories (in respect of the
bank's American Depository Shares (ADS) and Global Depository Receipts (GDR)
Issues). 32.57 % of the equity is held by Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs).

The shares are listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange Limited and The National Stock
Exchange of India Limited. The Bank's American Depository Shares (ADS) are listed on
the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the symbol 'HDB' and the Bank's Global
Depository Receipts (GDRs) are listed on Luxembourg Stock Exchange under ISIN No

Wholesale Banking

HDFC offers Wholesale Banking for Corporate and Financial Institutions & Trusts. The Bank
also provides services such as Investment Banking and other services in the Government sector.


Wholesale banking services:

HDFC Bank provides a range of commercial and transactional banking services, including
working capital finance, trade services, transactional services, cash management, etc. to large,
small and mid-sized corporate and agriculture-based businesses in India. The bank is also a
leading provider of these services to its corporate customers, mutual funds, stock exchange
members and banks.

Retail banking services:

HDFC Bank was the first bank in India to launch an International Debit Card in association with
VISA (Visa Electron). The bank also issues the MasterCard Maestro debit card. The Bank
launched its credit card business in late 2001. By the end of June 2013, it had a credit card base
of 5.94 million. By March 2012, the bank had a total card base (debit and credit cards) of over
19.7 million. The Bank is also one of the leading players in the "merchant acquiring" business
with over 240,000 point-of-sale (POS) terminals for debit / credit cards acceptance at merchant
establishments. The Bank is positioned in various net based B2C opportunities including a wide
range of Internet banking services for Fixed Deposits, Loans, Bill Payments, etc.

The bank has three main product areas - Foreign Exchange and Derivatives, Local Currency
Money Market & Debt Securities, and Equities. These services are provided through the bank's
Treasury team. To comply with statutory reserve requirements, the bank is required to hold 25%
of its deposits in government securities. The Treasury business is responsible for managing the
returns and market risk on this investment portfolio.


As of 30 September 2013, HDFC Bank has 3,251 branches and 11,177 ATMs, in 2,022 cities in
India, and all branches of the bank are linked on an online real-time basis. The Bank has
overseas branch operations in Bahrain and Hong Kong.


1. It_has_an_extensive_distribution_network_comprising_of_1412_branches_in_166_cities
2. The_bank_has_a_strong_retail_depository_base_&_has_more_than_million_customers.
Bank boasts_of_a_strong_brand_equity.___
3. 4. ISO_9001_certification_for_its_depository_&_custody_operations_&_for_its_
4. The_bank_has_a_near_competitive_edge_in_area_of_operations
5. The_bank_has_a_market_leader_in_cash_settlement_service_for_the_major
6. HDFC_bank_is_one_of_the_largest_private_sector_bank_working_in_India.
7. It_has_a_highly_automated_environment_in_terms_of_informations._ technology &
common system.
8. Infrastructure is best.
9. It_has_many_innovative_products_like_kids_Advantage_scheme_Demat

NRI services_


• Account_opening_and_delivery_of_cheque_books_take_comparatively_moretime.
• Phone banking.
• Bill pay
• Opportunity_
• Branch expansion
• Door step services
•Greater_liberalization_if_foreign_owner_ship_via_FD_in_India_private_sector_ Banks.

The precursor for the modern home online banking services were the distance banking services
over electronic media from the early 1980s. The term 'Online' became popular in the late '80s and
referred to the use of a terminal, keyboard and TV (or monitor) to access the banking system
using a phone line. 'Home banking' can also refer to the use of a numeric keypad to send tones
down a phone line with instructions to the bank. Online services started in New York in 1981
when four of the city's major banks (Citibank, Chase Manhattan, Chemical and Manufacturers
Hanover) offered home banking services. Using the video text system. Because of the
commercial failure of videotext these banking services never became popular except in France
where the use of videotext (Minitel) was subsidized by the telecom provider and the UK, where
the Pestle system was used. For more information about the latter see Online banking in the

 When the clicks-and-bricks euphoria hit in the late 1990s, many banks began to view Web-based
banking as a strategic imperative. The attraction of banks to online banking are fairly obvious
diminished transaction costs, easier integration of services, interactive marketing capabilities,
and other benefits that boost customer lists and profit margins. Additionally, Web banking
services allow institutions to bundle more services into single packages, thereby luring customers
and minimizing overhead.

 A mergers-and-acquisitions wave swept the financial industries in the mid-and late 1998s,
greatly expanding banks' customer bases. Following this, banks looked to the Web as a way of
maintaining their customers and building loyalty. A number of different factors are causing
bankers to shift more of their business to the virtual realm.

Customer :- A person to be known as a customer of the bank there must be either a current
account or any sort of deposit account like saving, term deposit, recurring deposit, a loan account
or some similar relation.
The relationship of banker and customer begins as soon as money or cheque is paid in and the
bank accepts it and is prepared to open account.
The word customer signifies a relationship in which duration is not of essence. A person whose
money has been accepted by the banker on the footing that he undertakes to honour cheques unto
the amount standing to his credit is a customer of the bank irrespective of whether his connection
is short or long duration

Importance of Customer Services: How excellent service to bank’s customers affect their
satisfaction and their choice of banking. For banks to thrive, both product and service delivery
must be adequately aligned with customer expectations: achieving customer satisfaction and
loyalty is essential for long-term survival (Reichheld, 2003). It’s critical to form a close working
relationship with client that is why customer service is of vital importance. Clients should feel
valued, wanted and loved. This is not just about how you handled a transaction. It’s also about a
relationship with people who are an essential part of everything you do (Woods, 1999). In
addition, culture is also likely to be a key variable affecting perceptions and expectations of
service quality (Malhotra et al., 2005).
The study will present the immediate experience of the clients with the bank and at the same
time provide all the different strategies/techniques formulated by banks to improve their service,
make them more outstanding or competitive with the others and how they will show to their
clients the best service being offered by them.
Horovitz (1990), says ‘Services exist in human experience. For service industries service consists
of two dimensions: basic features sought by the customer and the service experience at the time
of consumption’ (Horovits, 1990:6).
Sisk (2010), said that customers expect to read other consumers’ reviews of products and
services, and it can be great from a viral marketing perspective.

Customer service:- in banking is one of the most important ways to keep customers coming
back. It includes responding to customers; questions and complaints in a thorough and timely
manner and interacting with customers through face-to-face meetings, telephone, mail, fax and
email. Most if not all bank employees are involved in some aspect of customer service.

The Facts

There are many other staff members who offer customer service in banking. Branch managers
may be able to soothe an irate or dissatisfied customer. Customer service representatives are able
to perform more complex transactions such as opening accounts. Loan officers offer customer
service to customers, both consumer and commercial, who wish to borrow money


Good customer service is the heart of banking. Today banks have a wide variety of competitors
for business. For example, many department stores and grocery stores offer financial services
such as cashing checks and selling money orders. Because of the amount of competition, unique
products in the banking industry aren’t as important as outstanding customer service.
Banks continually strive for improvements in this area. Examples of such techniques include
taking customer surveys and monitoring calls that come in through the call center. Incentives,
such as customer service awards, may be offered to encourage staff members to improve the
customer support they offer.

The Duties of Administrative Assistants for Banks

Administrative assistants in banks provide important services to executives and other officers.
Specific duties of administrative assistants can vary depending on what area of the bank they
work in, but certain duties are common to most if not all administrative assistants. These duties
include planning and scheduling meetings, conducting research, organizing and maintaining both
paper and electronic files, and handling travel arrangements.

Customer service in banking is one of the most important ways to keep customers coming back.
It includes responding to customers; questions and complaints in a thorough and timely manner
and interacting with customers through face-to-face meetings, telephone, mail, fax and email.
Most if not all bank employees are involved in some aspect of customer service.
The Facts

There are many other staff members who offer customer service in banking. Branch managers
may be able to soothe an irate or dissatisfied customer. Customer service representatives are able
to perform more complex transactions such as opening accounts. Loan officers offer customer
service to customers, both consumer and commercial, who wish to borrow money


Good customer service is the heart of banking. Today banks have a wide variety of competitors
for business. For example, many department stores and grocery stores offer financial services
such as cashing checks and selling money orders. Because of the amount of competition, unique
products in the banking industry aren’t as important as outstanding customer service.
Banks continually strive for improvements in this area. Examples of such techniques include
taking customer surveys and monitoring calls that come in through the call center. Incentives,
such as customer service awards, may be offered to encourage staff members to improve the
customer support they offer.

The Duties of Administrative Assistants for Banks

Administrative assistants in banks provide important services to executives and other officers.
Specific duties of administrative assistants can vary depending on what area of the bank they
work in, but certain duties are common to most if not all administrative assistants. These duties
include planning and scheduling meetings, conducting research, organizing and maintaining both
paper and electronic files, and handling travel arrangements.

Lending Administrative Assistant

A lending administrative assistant, sometimes called a lending assistant, is an administrative

assistant who works for a loan officer. Job duties of lending administrative assistants may
include preparing loan documents, scheduling loan closings, and interacting with clients. They
work closely with clients to provide information on available loan products or to answer
questions clients may have regarding opening a new loan or researching an existing loan. They
may answer phone calls or emails for the loan officer.
Human Resources Administrative Assistant

Administrative assistants may be employed by a human resources officer in a bank. In this

capacity, the administrative assistant may be responsible for posting jobs and recruiting staff, as
well as coordinating ongoing training for current employees and setting up orientation programs
for new employees. A human resources administrative assistant is typically responsible for
maintaining employee files and she may track payroll, performance reviews and administration
of benefits. She is often responsible for communicating with employees on behalf of the human
resources officer.

Executive Administrative Assistant

An executive administrative assistant provides vital assistance to a bank’s top executive officer
such as a president or chief executive officer. In this role, the administrative assistant has contact
with board members and has to handle confidential information in a professional way. When the
executive is unavailable, the administrative assistant is the point of contact for other officers
within the bank as well as auditors, other staff members, and members of the public. Other duties
of an executive administrative assistant include coordinating calendars for the bank’s top
executives, preparing statistical reports, and possibly screening phone calls and emails for the

Other Job Duties

Administrative assistants throughout banks are key players who help banks continue to run
smoothly. They are trained to use many different types of office equipment, such as scanners,
telephone systems, photocopiers and fax machines. Many of these office professionals maintain
databases, prepare spreadsheets, prepare presentations, and compose correspondence. They may
purchase supplies, negotiate with vendors, and distribute information. They may be responsible
for training new staff or supervising clerical staff.

Job Description for a Bank Customer Service Representative

Since bank customer service representatives are often the first people that customers interact
with, they’re considered the “face” of the bank. For people who are cheerful, detail-oriented and
good with numbers, a position as a bank customer service representative may be the perfect
career choice.

Bank customer service representatives handle transactions and answer customer questions. When
dealing with a customer, these representatives must be able to quickly decipher the customer’s
needs, come up with the best solution, then clearly communicate that solution to the customer.
They must have the knowledge to answer most client questions or be able to refer them to the
people that do have the answers. Most banks also have their customer service representatives sell
existing customers new banking services and products.


One of the most important skills for a career in banking customer service is communication.
Customer service representatives with solid communication skills can calm angry customers by
listening to them, then leading them to the solution that best works for them. Another crucial
skill is the ability to handle money and details under pressure, since they must remember the
tiniest details about the services their institution offers, complete complex transactions and
manage large amounts of money all while dealing with long lines and impatient customers.


Usually, only a high school diploma is required for a position as a bank customer service
representative. Most customer service training is provided on-the-job. Bank customer service
representatives may have to complete more ongoing training than their peers in other industries,
however, because they must stay current with banking regulations and products that are
constantly changing.


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2008, customer service representatives made an
average of $14.36 per hour. This was slightly higher than the average 2008 wages for bank
tellers, which was $11.35 per hour, but much lower than the average for bank and financial
managers, which was $47.76 per hour.
Job Outlook

According to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data from 2008, customer service jobs are expected
to grow by 18 percent through 2018. For the next several years, it is expected that there will be
more job openings than applicants. Banking customer service is not as susceptible to economic
downturn as other jobs are, since people will always need to put their money somewhere. While
technology has hurt some jobs--like phone banking representatives--it has created others--like
customer service for Internet banks.


In the event of any queries / complaints, banking customers can directly approach the Branch
Manager or can call/write to the Bank using the following contact details :
Call at: Our customer care (Phone Banking) numbers.
Location wise list of customer care numbers are available at:

Write to :
HDFC Bank Ltd., New Building, “A” Wing, 2nd Floor,
26-A Narayan Property, Chandivali Farm Road, Off Saki Vihar Road, Chandivali, Andheri
(East), Mumbai - 400 072.

Contact us online:
Fill up the “Complaint Form” available at the following website link :

For grievances other than Shareholder grievances please send your communication to the
following email addresses :
Depository Services :
Retail Banking / ATM / Debit Cards / Mutual Fund
Loans; Advances / Advance against shares:

Credit Cards :





Future Activities

Banking means accepting the deposits from the customers for lending to the needy and
extending the other services as to issue of dd etc.nowadays after introduction of private
sector banks the banks have become a profit centre and the functions become changed and
now banks are doing the insurance and mutual funds also. but nationalised banks activities.

A Bank is an organization which lends money to the borrowers for a purposeful task, and
provides a facility to deposit and withdraw money when needed and charge


Banking should be effortless. With HDFC Bank, the efforts are rewarding. No matter what a
customer's need and occupational status, we have a range of solutions that are second to none.
Whether you're employed in a company and need a simple Savings account or run your own
business and require a robust banking partner, HDFC Bank not only has the perfect solution for
you, but also can recommend products that can augment your planning for the future.
It includes these services: -
Saving accounts.
Current accounts.
Fix deposits.
Demate account.
Safe deposits lockers.
Savings Accounts

These accounts are primarily meant to inculcate a sense of saving for the future, accumulating
funds over a period of time. Whatever person’s occupation, bank have confident that person will
find the perfect banking solution. There some saving accounts like: -
Regular Saving Account:
An easy-to-operate savings account that allows you to issue cheques, draw Demand Drafts and
withdraw cash. Check up on your balances from the comfort of your home or office through Net
Banking, Phone Banking and Mobile Banking. If you need money urgently then you can take
money from the ATM machine. There are 1977 ATM centers across the country.

Saving plus Account

Introducing the best banking option for you with HDFC Bank Savings plus Account. Now you
can get access to some of the finest banking facilities with HDFC Bank's Savings plus Account.
All you have to do is maintain an Average Quarterly Balance of Rs. 10,000/-.

Saving Max Account

Welcome to a world of convenience. Presenting Savings Max account, loaded with maximum
benefits to make your banking experience a pleasure. By maintaining an average quarterly
balance of just Rs. 25,000/- you get a host of premium services from HDFC Bank absolutely

Senior Citizen Account

HDFC Bank appreciates your needs and endeavors, which is why, they present an account
especially dedicated to customer, which like a dutiful child will help you fulfill your needs in the
best manner possible.

No frills Account

In an effort to make banking simpler and more accessible for customers, bank has introduced the
'No Frills' Savings Account, which offers customer all the basic banking facilities. Customer can
even avail of services like Net Banking, Mobile banking free of cost. In this customer can put
Zero Initial Pay-in and a Zero Balance account

Institutional saving accounts

A specially designed account that offers twin benefits of a savings as well as a current account.
Customer’s funds continue to earn you interest while he enjoys hassle-free banking & a host of
other features. All this and more in a Zero Balance account.

Salary Accounts
In this account customer can get salary from where he/she doing such job and organization or
company at where the customer of the bank in doing job deposit their salary in to the salary
account a person can get salary.
There are various kinds of saving accounts in the HDFC Bank like: -
Pay roll account.
Classic salary account.
Regular salary account.
Premium salary account.
Defense salary account.
No frills salary account.
Reimbursement salary account.
Kid’s advantage account

Start saving for your child today and secure his/her future a sentence tells by the Hdfc bank.
Open a Savings Account and transfer money every month into customer’s Kids Advantage
Account and watch the savings grow as customer’s child grows. The accumulated savings in the
Kids Advantage Account can over the years help in meeting customer child's needs.
Main features and benefits of this account are as follow:-

Current accounts

HDFC Bank Current Account gives the power of inter-city banking with a single account and
access to more than cities. From special cheques that get treated at par with local ones in any city
where branch, faster collection of outstation cheques (payable at branch locations), free account
to account funds transfer between HDFC Bank accounts to Free inter-city clearing of up to 100
lakhs per month, bank’s priority services have become the benchmark for banking efficiency.
Now, with an HDFC Bank Current Account, experience the freedom of multi-city banking.
Person can have the power of multi-location access to his account from any of our 761 branches
in 327 cities. Not only that, he can do most of his banking transactions from the comfort of his
office or home without stepping out.
There are various kinds of current account in this bank like: -
Plus current account

HDFC Bank plus Current Account gives the power of inter-city banking with a single account
and access to more than cities. Plus Current Account requires maintaining an average quarterly
balance of Rs. 100,000.
Trade current account

In today's changing business requirements, you need to transfer funds across cities, and time is
of the essence. HDFC Bank Trade Current Account gives power of inter-city banking with a
single account.
From special cheques that get treated at par with local ones in any city where bank have a
branch, to free account to account funds transfer between HDFC Bank accounts, to free inter-city
clearing of up to 50 lakhs per month, bank’s priority services have become the benchmark for
banking efficiency. Trade Current Account requires maintaining an average quarterly balance of
Rs. 40,000.

Premium current account

Business needs a partner who can manage finances while concentrate on growing business.
Form this account customer can avail benefits of inter-city banking account that requires an
average quarterly balance of only Rs. 25,000, offers Payable-At-Par cheque book facility &
FREE inter-city clearing transactions across our network up to Rs.25 Lacs per month.
A Current Account with the benefits of accessing account from a large network of branches, and
through direct access channels - the phone, mobile, Internet and through the ATM.

Regular current account

A Current account is ideal for carrying out day-to-day business transactions. With the HDFC
Bank Regular Current Account, customer can access account anytime, anywhere, pay using
payable at par cheques or deposit cheque at any HDFC bank branch. It also facilitates FREE
NEFT transactions & FREE RTGS collections for faster collections in account. Regular Current
Account requires to maintain an average quarterly balance of only Rs. 10,000.
With a vast network of branches in cities all over the country, and access to a multitude of
ATM's, customer can keep track of all transactions anytime.
Reimbursement Current Account

No more paperwork, no more receipts to keep track of - a hassle-free account that allows deposit
the reimbursements receive from company/organization on a monthly basis.
To open this account a person has to follow these processes:
Procure an Account Opening Document (AOD) from HDFC Bank. (If person has just joined,
first request to company to open up a Salary Account for particular person).
Mention Salary Account number and Debit Card number on the AOD so that Debit card can be
linked to both, Salary Account as well as new Reimbursement Account.
Request company to directly credit cash payments to the Reimbursement Account.

RFC – Domestic Account

Full name of this account is Resident foreign currency account.

Have you accumulated foreign currency from travelling abroad frequently? Received gifts from
relatives in foreign currency? Or earned it by any other means as approved by the Reserve Bank
of India?
If so, open Resident Foreign Currency Domestic Account and manage foreign currency
efficiently. Person can choose to set up your account either in US Dollar, Great Britain Pound or
To open this accounts a person as to follow this process: -
Choose the currency in which person wish to operate. Open account with an initial amount as per
the following-US Dollar = 250 Great Britain Pound = 200 Euro = 250 and maintain an Average
Quarterly Balance of the same amount.

Flexi current account

Tired of static transaction limits during peak seasons? HDFC Bank Flexi Current Account is the
answer to changing banking needs during peak seasons.
With HDFC Bank Flexi Current Account Cash Deposit and Anywhere Transaction limits are a
multiple of the balance you maintain in Current Account. So, during peak seasons, customer get
the benefit of higher transaction limits due to the higher average balances maintained in account.
What’s more, during lean seasons, person need not worry about maintaining huge balances to
enjoy high transaction limits, which person anyway may not need. Flexi Current Account
requires to maintain a minimum Average Monthly Balance (AMB) of just Rs. 75,000.

Apex current account

The top position is always the desirable position. With the Apex current account, take business
to a new high. On maintaining an average quarterly balance of Rs. 10 lakhs, this account makes
sure person make the most of every business opportunities coming his way. Unlimited, free,
anywhere Banking experience at the APEX is reserved for person who joints this.

Max current account

Maximum benefits and minimum hassles for customer with Max Current Account with a Rs. 5
lakhs average quarterly balance requirement, bank present to world of privileges that helps
business expand and grow. Features like maximum free transaction limits including other
beneficial features on this current account truly enhances business potential to the Maximum.

Fix deposits service

Long-term investments form the chunk of everybody's future plans. An alternative to simply
applying for loans, fixed deposits allow to borrow from own funds for a limited period, thus
fulfilling needs as well as keeping savings secure.
People can invest his/her money into either in security market or gold or mutual fund or into a fix
deposits. People always go to that way where he/she can get more benefits and minimum risks.
So, for this purpose he has a better chance to deposits money in to the fix deposit.
If people believe in long-term investments and wish to earn higher interests on his/her savings,
now is the time to invest money in HDFC bank Fixed Deposit. Get up to 9.75% on HDFC Bank
Fixed Deposit with an additional 0.50% for Senior Citizens. What's more NO PENALTY if
withdraw part of the FD in times of need. Flexibility, Security and High Returns all bundled into
one offering.
Regular fix deposit
As per the rules and regulation of the bank a person can deposit their money in to a fix deposit in
the bank and can get the benefits of these facilities.

Five year tax saving fix deposit

In 2006, it was announced for the first time that Bank fixed deposits booked by an
Individual/HUF for 5 years & up to Rs. 1,00,000/- will be allowed exemption under Sec 80C of
the Income Tax Act,1961 subject to necessary declarations taken from the Customer.

Supper saver facility

Customer can enjoy a high rate of interest along with the liquidity of a Savings Account by
opting for a Super Saver Facility on his or her savings account. Avail of an overdraft facility of
up to 75% of the value of his or her Fixed Deposit.

Sweep-in facility

Do you wish to avoid taking overdrafts, and still take advantage of your Fixed Deposits? Then
what you need is a Sweep-In Facility on savings account. Link Fixed Deposit to Savings or
Current Account and use it to fall back on in case of emergencies. A deficit in Savings or Current
Account is taken care of by using up an exact value from Fixed Deposit. Since deposits are
broken down in units of Re 1/-, customer will lose interest only for the actual amount that has
been withdrawn.

Demat account service

Nowadays share market is becoming is the main occupation of the person. So to avoid faulty
processes demat account is really most important for the share market and for the safety of shares
it is most important.
HDFC BANK is one of the leading Depository Participant (DP) in the country with over 8 Lac
demat accounts.
HDFC Bank Demat services offers a secure and convenient way to keep track of securities and
investments, over a period of time, without the hassle of handling physical documents that get
mutilated or lost in transit.
HDFC BANK is Depository participant both with -National Securities Depositories Limited
(NSDL) and Central Depository Services Limited (CDSL).

Safe deposit locker

A Safe Deposit Locker with HDFC Bank is the solution to person’s fear. Located at select
branches in cities all over the country, bank’s lockers ensure the safe keeping of valuables.
An individual (not minor), firms, limited company, associations, clubs, trusts, societies, etc may
hire a locker.
Advantages of safe deposit locker in HDFC bank
Wide Availability.
Lockers available in various sizes. i.e. Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large with varying rents.
Lockers are rented out for a minimum period of one year. Rent is payable in advance.
No deposits are required to avail a locker. Just open an account and get the locker facility.
There is a nominal annual charge, which depends on the size of the locker and the centre in
which the branch is located.
Nomination for Safe Deposit Locker
The Lockers and their contents can be nominated to people near and dear to you.
Nomination facility is available to individual hirer of Safe Deposit Locker.
In the case of a sole hirer of a safe deposit locker, nomination can be made in favor of only one
Where the safe deposit locker is hired in the name of a minor, the nomination shall be made by a
person lawfully entitled to act on behalf of the minor.
Terms & Conditions
For obtaining a Locker at HDFC Bank you must be an account holder with Bank.
Lockers can be allotted individually as well as jointly.
The Locker holder is permitted to add or delete names from the list of persons who can operate
the Locker and can have access to it.
Loss of Key is to be immediately informed to the concerned Branch.


In today’s competitive world every thing happens only with the help of money or through the
money every person need money. But some time a person has not cash on hand at that time he
needs lone either from any friend or from any financial institute. Lone dose not mean that only
lower class person needs it but also upper class person it is needed.
As per the requirement of the every person there are much type of loans are there in the HDFC

Personal loan

A person has so many dreams but some time due to scarcity of money a dream can’t be satisfy.
So, here one solution for that person this is personal loan. From this he/she can fulfill their needs
or requirement. It can be any thing either a dream of vacation or son/daughter’s admission to
college or any wedding, so personal loan can be helpful in this entire requirement.
As person ordered in the hotel for tea or coffee and it is immediately came fast, same over here
any person want to get a personal loan with the nominal documents he can get the loan.

Home loan

HDFC Bank brings, HDFC home loans to doorstep. With over 30 years of experience, a
dedicated team of experts and a complete package to meet all housing finance needs, HDFC
Home Loans, help people realize dream.
Vehicles loan

Nowadays the life is being so fast, time value is becoming more important so to reach at the
destination of any business related occasion or for a boy to reach college or any where at the fix
time there are so many requirement of vehicles. But every people have no capacity to purchase
vehicles with cash so for that here in the HDFC bank vehicles loan is available. There are many
types of vehicles loan.
Types of vehicles loan:
Two wheeler loans.
New car loan.
Used car loan.
Tractor loan (for agree culture business).
Commercial vehicle loan.
So, as per the requirement of the person there are these types of loans are available this are at the
chip rate and hassel free from more documentation and other procedure. And commercial
businessman can get the benefits of the commercial vehicles loans. Thus as per the need of
different people there are vehicle loans available. And also terms and condition are different as
per the requirement.

Express loan plus

Bank offer Express Loans Plus at person Doorstep to help fulfill all his/her needs. The
procedure is simple, documentation is minimal and approval is quick. It is helpful to person in
repairing of house, School admission or also in the family holiday.

Gold loan

With HDFC Bank's Gold Loan, person can get an instant loan against gold jewellery and
ornaments. The procedure is simple, documentation is minimal and approval is quick. A person
can get 70% loan on the value of the gold jewellery and ornaments.There is also availability of
the overdraft on the gold jewellery. With this a customer can get free additional services like free
personalized cheque book, free international debit card, and free net banking phone banking

Educational loan

Nowadays important of education becoming very high. ASs it important becoming high it is
becoming costly. So in the higher education some time people can not effort a high price at a
same time. So, there is education loan is also available for the student.
A person can get loan up to 10 lakhs to study in India and 20 lakhs if he wants to study in
abroad. Loan available up to tenure of 7 years including moratorium period.
Loans disbursed directly to the educational institution. It is released as per fee schedules of
institutes. Exclusive Telegraphic Transfer facility available for courses abroad. Loans available
for short duration/ job oriented courses also.

Loan against security

With HDFC Bank's Loan against Securities, person can get an overdraft against securities like
Equity Shares, Mutual Fund Units(Equity, Debt, FMPs), Gold Exchange Traded
Fund(ETF),NABARD's Bhavishya Nirman Bonds, Policies issued by LIC & Select Private
Insurance Companies, NSC, KVP, UTI Bonds (ARS & US64 Bonds) and Gold Deposit
Certificates, while still retaining ownership. And the best part is that he can continue to enjoy all
his shareholder benefits such as rights, dividends and bonuses Loan available to NRIs against
Shares, Mutual Funds (equity, Debt, FMPs), US64 Bonds, Insurance Policies, NSC, and KVP.

Loan against property

HDFC Bank brings Loan Against Property (LAP). Person can now take a loan against
residential or commercial property, to expand his business, plan a dream wedding, and fund his
child's education and much more. He can depend on bank to meet all his business requirements
even to purchase a new shop or office for business. Loan to purchase Commercial Property
(LCP) is a specially designed product to help person expand his business without reducing the
capital from his business.
These are loans services providing by HDFC bank which are very hassle free and really benefits
for most of customer and most of customer are satisfied by the loan services providing by the


In today’s competitive and fast time card services providing by the banks are really very
important to every person and every business needs or to take meal in to the hotel or to purchase
jewellery from the jewellery shops cards are playing good role in the banking sectors.
Bank ranges of Cards help to meet financial objectives. So whether persons are looking to
add to his buying power, conducting cashless shopping, or budgeting his expenditure, he will
find a card that suits him.

Credit cards

A person wants many things like, a trip to Bali, a diamond ring for wife's dreams. Some dreams
can't wait. If there's something person has always wanted. If a person wanted fulfill his wants he
can get benefits from the HDFC bank’s credit cards facilities. different types of credit
Classic cards
Silver Credit Card.
Value plus Credit Card.
Health Plus Credit Card.
Premium Cards:
Gold Credit Card
Titanium Credit Card
Woman's Gold Card
Platinum Plus Credit Card
Visa Signature Credit Card
World MasterCard
Commercial Cards
Corporate Credit Card
Debit card

HDFC Bank Debit Cards give person complete and instant access to the money in his accounts
without the risk or hassle of carrying cash.
Types of debit card: -
Classic card
Easy shop international Debit card.
Premium card
Easy shop gold Debit card.
Specialized card
Easy Shop International Business Debit Card.
Easy Shop Woman's Advantage Debit Card.
Easy Shop NRO Debit Card.
Kisan Card.

Prepaid card

Besides offering convenience, Prepaid Cards have been tailored to answer travel and gifting
ForexPlus Cards
Prepaid Travel Card.
Gift Plus Cards
Prepaid Gift Card.
Food Plus Cards
Prepaid Food Plus card.
Money Plus Card
The Corporate Payment card

Nowadays a ward investment is becoming more popular. Person invest their money in to various
schemes or in to the gold or share market etc. but some time he is in to the difficult situation, for
that bank help person invest wisely through financial and investment services.
Types of investment: -

Mutual Funds
Invest through the Mutual Fund route to meet varied investment objectives.


Traditional Plans Unit Linked Plans

HDFC children's PLAN. HDFC Unit Linked Young Star Plus II.
HDFC Money Back Plan. HDFC Unit Linked Young Star Suvidha.
HDFC Savings Assurance Plan. HDFC Unit Linked Young Star Suvidha Plu
HDFC Assurance Plan. HDFC Unit Linked Pension.
HDFC Term Assurance Plan. HDFC Unit Linked Pension Plus.
HDFC Loan Cover Term Assurance Plan. HDFC Unit Linked Endowment Plus II.
HDFC Endowment Assurance Plan. HDFC Unit Linked Endowment Suvidha.
HDFC Single Premium Whole of Life Insurance HDFC Unit Linked Endowment Suvidha

HDFC Unit Linked Enhanced Life Protection


Complete protection for business, health, travel & more.

A secure investment avenue giving stable returns with tax benefits.
Financial Planning
Start Now Plan investments to meet financial goals
Knowledge Centre
Profit from research and make informed investment decisions.
Equities & Derivatives
Leverage bank’s vast information repository and transact online.
Mudra Gold Bar
Buy 24 Karat gold bars made in Switzerland and certified by Assay.


Nowadays businesses becoming worldwide e.g. India to America but main problems are about
monitory transaction because at every country the currency become changed so for that banks are
playing a very important for the businesses.
If people need to deal in foreign currency and keep tabs on exchange rates every now and then,
transfer monies to India, make payments etc., HDFC Bank has a range of products and services
that people can choose from to transact smoothly, efficiently and in a timely manner.
Bank offering following Foreign Exchange Products and Services.
Foreign Exchange and Trade Services
The following are different methods of transacting in Foreign Exchange and remitting money.
Travelers Cheques.
Foreign Currency Cash.
Foreign Currency Drafts.
Cheque Deposits.
Cash to Master.
Trade Services.
Forex Services Branch Locator.
Important guidelines and schedules All Foreign Exchange transactions are conducted by strictly
adhering to RBI guidelines. Depending on the nature of transaction or point of travel, people will
need to understand his Foreign Exchange limits.
RBI Guidelines.
Forex Limits.
Non HDFC Bank Account Holders.

Nowadays life of a person become very stressful and he/she becoming busy with their own
business, but they have to payment for something so for that reason bank’s payment services
become started.With HDFC Bank's payment services, person can bid goodbye to queues and
paper work. Bank’s range of payment options make it easy for pay for a variety of utilities and

Verified By Visa

Do you want to be worry free for your online purchases. Now you can shop securely online with
your existing Visa Debit/Credit card.

Net Safe

Now shop online without revealing your HDFC Bank Credit Card number. What more, you can
now use your HDFC Bank Debit Card also for online purchases.

Merchant Services

Accept all Visa, MasterCard, credit and Debit cards at your outlets through state of the art POS
Machines or through your website and experience hassle free payment acceptance.
Prepaid Mobile Refill
If you are an HDFC Bank Account holder, you can now recharge your Prepaid Mobile Phone
with this service.

Loan Product Deposit Product Investment & Insurance

 Auto Loan  Saving a/c  Mutual Fund

 Loan Against  Current a/c  Bonds

 Fixed deposit  Knowledge Centre
 Loan Against
 Demat a/c  Insurance
 Safe Deposit  General and Health
 Personal loan
Lockers Insurance
 Credit card
 Equity and Derivatives
 2-wheeler loan
 Mudra Gold Bar
 Commercial
vehicles finance

 Home loans

 Retail business

 Tractor loan

 Working Capital

 Construction
Equipment Finance

 Health Care

 Education Loan

 Gold Loan

Cards Payment Services Access To Bank

 Credit Card  NetSafe  NetBanking

 Debit Card  Merchant  OneView

 Prepaid Card  Prepaid Refill  InstaAlert

 Billpay MobileBanking

 Visa Billpay  ATM

 InstaPay  Phone Banking

--------------------------------  DirectPay  Email Statements

Forex Services  VisaMoney  Branch Network

-------------------------------- Transfer

 Product & Services  e–Monies

Electronic Funds
 Trade Services
 Forex service
 Online Payment of
Branch Locater
Direct Tax
 RBI Guidelines

Commercial Banks

Commercial banks are the banks that accept money in the form of deposits from the public and
give loans and advances to its customers by charging interest. They mobilize small savings and
promote the growth of trade and commerce. Generally, commercial banks lend money for a short
period only. They only provide working capital to the organizations. But in recent times
commercial banks are providing long-term capital also to the organizations.

There are several types of deposits which are accepted by the commercial banks like

⦿ Savings Deposits
⦿ Current Deposits
⦿ Fixed Deposits
⦿ Seasonal Deposits
⦿ Recurring Deposits, etc

The Commercial banks give different types of loans and advances to the businessmen like

⦿ Cash Credits
⦿ Overdrafts
⦿ Loans
⦿ Discounting Bills

Co-operative Banks

Co-operative Banks are the banks that usually provide short term, medium term, long term credit
to agricultural purposes. Co-operative Banks also provides loans to small-scale artisans. Co-
operative Banks usually provide credit facilities to farmers, small-scale industries, etc at a
cheaper rate of interest. Co-operative Banks are mainly situated in rural areas and can also be
seen in urban areas.
Central Bank

Every country has its own Central Bank. The Central bank aims at non-profit functioning. It
regulates the monetary and credit system of the country. Central Bank acts as controller,
supervisor, and regulator of the activities of commercial banks and other financial institutions in
the country. The Central bank is considered as the apex institution of the country’s money

Industrial Banks

Industrial banks are also called as Investment Banks. Industrial banks provide long-term loans to
the industries. Industries require long-term capital for buying machinery, construction of
buildings, expansion of operations, etc. These capital required by industries is provided by
industrial banks for industrialists to grow their businesses. Industrial banks accept long-term
deposits from the public. They secure capital by issuing shares and debentures.

Agricultural Banks

Agricultural Banks are the banks which provide agricultural credit to the farmers. The
Agricultural Development Banks provide medium term and long term credit. Some examples of
Agricultural Banks in India are Agricultural Finance Corporation, Agricultural Refinance and
Development Corporation, National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development
(NABARD).Agricultural Banks are established by the government to promote agricultural credit
in the country.

Savings Bank

Savings Banks mainly concentrates on the mobilization of savings of the people. In India Post
offices run by Postal department act as savings banks. Since Commercial banks are providing
these facilities of savings banks to the public, the need for separate savings bank is fading.
Foreign Exchange Banks

Foreign Exchange Banks are the banks which provide finance for foreign trade.These banks
accept deposits from the public. Foreign Exchange Banks are specialized banks in providing
credit for the foreign trade. These banks usually have their branches in foreign countries for
uninterrupted functioning of their services.But in recent times commercial banks are also
financing foreign trade.

Exchange Banks

Exchange Banks are the banks which operate by financing the imports and exports of the
country. These banks are mainly concerned with providing foreign exchange to their customers
and help to promote international trade. They also offer to discount of foreign bills of exchange
to their customers.

Private Bankers

Private Bankers are the individuals who do banking business individually or as a partnership. It
is purely an unorganized sector.Most of the private bankers do not receive or accept any deposits
from the public, they do banking business with their own capital. They lend money to the people
for high-interest rates.

Chit Funds

There are chit funds in India. They provide finance to trade and commerce. However, they
cannot be called as banks in the regular sense. The Chit fund business is very large in a country
like India. it is also an unorganized sector in India.
The Indian banking market is growing at an astonishing rate, with Assets expected to
reach US$1 trillion by 2010. An expanding Economy, middle class, and technological
innovations are all Contributing to this growth.

The country’s middle class accounts for over 320 million people .In correlation with the growth
of the economy, rising income levels ,increased standard of living, and affordability of banking
products are promising factors for continued expansion.

The Indian banking Industry is in the middle of an IT revolution,focusing on the expansion

ofretail and rural banking. Players are becoming increasingly customer - centric in their
approach, which has resulted in innovative methods of offering new banking products and
services. Banks are now realizing the importance of being a big player and are beginning to
focus their attention on mergersand acquisitions to take advantage ofeconomies of scale and/or
comply with Basel II regulation.“Indian banking industry assets are expected to reach US$1
trillion by 2010 and are poised to receive a greater infusion of foreign capital,” says Prathima
Rajan, analyst in Celent's banking group and author of the report.“The banking industry should
focus on having a small number of large players that can compete globally rather than havinga
large number of fragmented players.



Executive Chairman

Aditya Puri

Managing Director, Director, Member of Investors Grievance (Share) Committee, Member of

Fraud Monitoring Committee, Member of Premises Committee, Member of Credit Approval
Committee and Member of Risk Monitoring Committee


Chief Operating Officer& Chief Financial Officer of HDFC Securities Limited.


Chairman Of of HDFC Securities Limited.

Harish Engineer

Head of Wholesale Banking, Executive Director and Member of Customer Service Committee.

Paresh Sukthankar
Head of Credit, Market Risk & Investor Relations, Executive Director and Member of Risk
Monitoring Committee.

Debajeet Das

VP, Treasury

In the era of globalization each and every sector faced the stiff competition from their rivals
and world also converted into the flat from the globe. After the policy of liberalization and RBI
initiatives to take the step for the private sector banks, more and more changes are taking the part
into it. That are create competition between the private sector banks and public sector
bank.Private sector banks aretoday used the latest technology for thedifferent transaction of day
to day banking life. As we knowthatInformation Technology plays the vital role in the each and
everyindustry and gives the optimum return from the limited resources.

Banks areservice industry and today it gives the innovative Technology application to Banking
industries. HDFC BANK is the leader inthe industries and today ITand HDFCBANK together
combined they reached the sky. New technology changed the mind of the customers and changed
the queue concept from the historybanking transaction. Today there are different channels are
availablefor the banking transactions. There are drastically changes seen in the use of Internet
banking, in a year 2008 (25%) and in the year 20014(45%). This type of technology gives the
freedom to retail customers.

Centralized Processing Units Derived Economies of Scale

Electronic Straight Through Reduced Transaction Cost


Data Warehousing , CRM Improve cost efficiency, Cross


Innovative Technology Application Provide new or superior

HDFC BANK is the very consistent player in the new private sector banks.New private sector
banks to withstand the competition from public sector banks came up with innovative products
and superior service.


 HDFC Bank is a consistent player in the private sector Bankand have a well
balanced product and business mix in the Indian as well as overseas markets.

 Customer segments (retail & wholesale) account for 90% of Netrevenues (FY

 Higher retail revenues partly offset by higher operating and credit costs.

 Equally well positioned to grow both segments.


Accounts & Deposits Remittances

 Rupee Saving a/c  North America

 Rupee Current a/c  UK

 Rupee Fixed Deposits  Europe

 Foreign Currency Deposits  South East Asia

 Accounts for Returning Indians  Middle East

 Africa

 Others

Quick remit

India Link

Cheque Lockbox

Telegraphic/ Wire Transfer

Funds Transfer Cheques/DDs/TCs

Investment & Insurances Loans

 Mutual Funds  Home Loans

 Insurance  Loans Against Securities

 Private Banking  Loans Against Deposits

 Portfolio Investment Scheme  Gold Credit Card

Payment Services Access To Bank

 Net Safe  Net Banking

 Bill Pay  One View

 InstaPay  InstaAlert

 Direct Pay  ATM

 Visa Money  Phone Banking

 Online Donation  Email Statements

 Branch Network

Scope of digitization in banking

Banks are not just a part of our lives but have a significant role in our daily lives. For many, a
day will not end without at least a single financial transaction. Thus banks always try to adopt
latest technologies to enhance customer experience. Digitization is not an option for the banking
industry, rather it is inevitable because every industry is being digitized and banking sector is no
exception. Mobile banking is increasing at a fast pace more than online banking.

Advantages of digitization in banking

1. Improved customer experience.

2. Reduction of costs for banks and customers as well by using ATMs, cashless

transactions etc.

3. With more digital data available with banks, they can take data-driven dynamic decisions

by using digital analytics. This benefits both customers and banks.

4. Technology is non-discriminatory. Everyone will be treated same at banks.

5. Number of customers will be increased for banks because of the increased convenience

of banking.

6. Digitalization reduces human error.

7. Need of handling large amounts of cash will be reduced.

8. Opening and maintaining bank accounts are never been this easier.

9. Repetitive tasks will be eliminated by automation.

10. Rural and an urban gap will be eliminated.

11. With the increasing cashless transactions, fake currency threat will be reduced.

12. Productivity will be increased.

Disadvantages of digitization in banking

1. Digitalization reduces the effort of employees and hence results in loss of jobs.

2. Some bank branches may cease to exist with the increasing use of online banking.

3. Banks will be more vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

4. Privacy may have to be compromised. No one can hide crores of rupees in banks and just

act middle class.

5. It is not that banks are going to have less work, but it’s just that the role of retail

banking sector changes.

6. Rising Unemployment rates.

Nagasimha Kanagal Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore Competitive Marketing
Strategy (CMS) has relationship marketing (RM) as one of the key functionality in enhancing
business performance. RM is defined as the identification, establishment, maintenance,
enhancement, modification and termination of relationships with customers to create value for
customers and profit for organization by a series of relational exchanges that have both a history
and a future. Relational exchanges can be viewed under transaction cost analysis and social
exchange theories depending on the context. The role of RM in CMS includes: guide moments of
truth, improve profitability, build partnering, address ‘Customer Better’, buy in of customer
attention, protect emotional well being, understand consumer psyche, build trust with customer.
All these roles are observed empirically in the hotel industry, with some hotels placing emphasis
on their extraordinary operations and services to engage with the customer.

Jagdish N.Seth And Actual Parvatlyar From Emory University Understanding the
motivations of consumers to engage in relationships with marketers are important for both
practitioners and marketing scholars. To develop an effective theory of relationship marketing, it
is necessary to understand what motivates consumers to reduce their available market choices
and engage in a relational market behavior by patronizing the same marketer in subsequent
choice situations. This article draws on established consumer behavior literature to suggest that
consumers engage in relational market behavior due to personal influences, social influences,
and institutional influences. Consumers reduce their available choice and engage in relational
market behavior because they want to simplify their buying and consuming tasks, simplify
information processing, reduce perceived risks, and maintain cognitive consistency and a state of
psychological comfort. They also engage in relational market behavior because of family and
social norms, peer group pressures, government mandates, religious tenets, employer influences,
and marketer policies. The willingness and ability of both consumers and marketers to engage in
relational marketing will lead to greater marketing productivity, unless either consumers or
marketers abuse the mutual interdependence and cooperation.

Thorsten Henning-Thurau, Kevin P.Gwinner And Dwayne D.Gremler- The importance of

developing and maintaining enduring relationships with customers of service businesses is
generally accepted in the marketing literature. A key challenge for researchers is to identify and
understand how managerially controlled antecedent variables influence important relationship
marketing outcomes (e.g., customer loyalty and word-of-mouth communication). Relational
benefits, which have a focus on the benefits consumers receive apart from the core service, and
relationship quality, which focuses on the overall nature of the relationship, represent two
approaches to understanding customer loyalty and word of mouth. This article integrates these
two concepts by positioning customer satisfaction and commitment as relationship quality
dimensions that partially mediate the relationship between three relational benefits (confidence
benefits, social benefits, and special treatment benefits) and the two outcome variables. The
results provide support for the model and indicate that the concepts of customer satisfaction,
commitment, confidence benefits, and social benefits serve to significantly contribute to
relationship marketing outcomes in services.


W.Palmatier (,Universityof Washington Joshua T. Beck

(, University of Washington- In this chapter, the authors
investigate the role of relationship marketing in business markets. Relationship marketing is first
defined, followed by an overview of its evolution and growing importance in the field. The
authors provide a comprehensive review of past empirical findings across three stages:
relationship enhancing programs and investments, measures of relationship strength, and
relational outcomes. In addition, moderating factors are indentified which serve as program and
relationship amplifiers by increasing the effectiveness of relationship marketing. The authors go
on to provide an integrated theoretical framework of relationship marketing and directions for
future research.

Primary Data:
The primary data was collected by means of a survey. Questionnaires were
prepared and customers of the banks at two branches were approached to
fill up the questionnaires. The questionnaire contains 20 questions which
reflect on the type and quality of services provided by the banks to the
customers. The response of the customer and the is recorded on a grade scale
of strongly disagree, disagree, uncertain, agree and strongly agree for each
question. The filled up information was later analyzed to obtain the required
interpretation and the findings.

Secondary Data:

In order to have a proper understanding of the service quality of bank a depth

study was done from the various sources such as books, a lot of data is also
collected from the official websites of the banks and the articles from various
search engines like Google, yahoo search and


The research design is exploratory till identification of service

quality parameters. Later it becomes descriptive when it comes to
evaluating customer perception of service quality of the banks.

Descriptive research, also known as statistical research, describes data

and characteristics about the population or phenomenon being studied.
Descriptive research answers the questions who, what, where, when and how.

Although the data description is factual, accurate and systematic, the research
cannot describe what caused a situation. Thus, descriptive research cannot be

used to create a causal relationship, where one variable affects another. In
other words, descriptive research can be said to have a low requirement
for internal validity.

The description is used for frequencies, averages and other statistical

calculations. Often the best approach, prior to writing descriptive research, is to
conduct a survey investigation. Qualitative research often has the aim of
description and researchers may follow-up with examinations of why the
observations exist and what the implications of the findings are



Since it is not possible to study whole universe, it becomes necessary to

take sample from the universe to know about its characteristics.

Sampling Units: Customers of HDFC bank

Sample Technique: Random Sampling.

Research Instrument: Structured Questionnaire.

Contact Method: Personal Interview.


The work is a case of HDFC Bank, one of the largest bank of Indian banking
industry together representing over 25 per cent of the market share of Indian
banking space. The survey was conducted in the city of Delhi with two branches
of HDFC Bank, with 50 customers as respondent.


1. Strongly disagree

2. Disagree

3. Neither agree nor disagree

4. Agree

5. Strongly agree

Likert scaling is a bipolar scaling method, measuring either positive or

negative response to a statement. The questionnaire consists of two parts.
The first part consists of three questions concerning the demographic
information of the respondent such as the name, age, educational
qualifications and income. The second part consisting of 18 questions

exploring the respondent‟ s perception about the service quality of HDFC. For

evaluation of service quality of HDFC bank service quality dimension of

reliability, assurance, tangibility, empathy and responsiveness is used in order
to evaluate the actual service quality of HDFC bank.

The study is only for the HDFC Bank confined to a particular location and a
very small sample of respondents. Hence the findings cannot be treated as
representative of the entire banking industry.

The study can also not be generalized for public and private sector banks of
the country.

Respondents may give biased answers for the required data. Some of the
respondents did not like to respond.

Respondents tried to escape some statements by simply answering “neither

agree nor disagree” to most of the statements. This was one of the most
important limitation faced, as it was difficult to analyse and come at a
right conclusion.

In our study we have included 50 customers of bank because of time limit.

1. Are you satisfy the services of HDFC bank
a. Highly satisfy
b. Satisfy
c. Dissatisfy
d. Highly dissatisfy


Options Percentage

Highly Satisfy 20

Satisfy 40

Dissatisfy 10

Highly Dissatisfy 10

Are you satisfy the services of HDFC bank


10 Highly Satisfy
Highly Dissatisfy

2. Is the bank fulfill the promises on part of you
a. Strongly disagree
b. Disagree
c. Neither disagree nor agree
d. Agree
e. Strongly Agree

Options Percentage

Strongly disagree 5

Disagree 10

Neither disagree nor agree 20

Agree 45

Strongly Agree 20

Is the bank fulfill the promises on part of you

20 5 10
Strongly disagree
Neither disagree nor agree
Strongly Agree
3. Material associated with the services (such as pamphlets and statements ) are
visually appearing at the bank
a. Strongly disagree
b. Disagree
c. Neither disagree nor agree
d. Agree
e. Strongly Agree

Options Percentage

Strongly disagree 10

Disagree 15

Neither disagree nor agree 15

Agree 50

Strongly Agree 10

1. Material associated with the services

(such as pamphlets and statements ) are
visually appearing at the bank

10% 10%
15% Strongly disagree
15% Neither disagree nor agree
Strongly Agree
4. The bank reception desk employee are neat appearing
a. Strongly disagree
b. Disagree
c. Neither disagree nor agree
d. Agree
e. Strongly Agree

Options Percentage

Strongly disagree 5

Disagree 10

Neither disagree nor agree 20

Agree 45

Strongly Agree 20

1. The bank reception desk employee are

neat appearing

20% 5%
Strongly disagree
Neither disagree nor agree

45% Agree
Strongly Agree
5. When you have a problem the employee shows sincere interest in solving it
a. Strongly disagree
b. Disagree
c. Neither disagree nor agree
d. Agree
e. Strongly Agree

Options Percentage

Strongly disagree 5

Disagree 5

Neither disagree nor agree 15

Agree 50

Strongly Agree 25

1. When you have a problem the

employee shows sincere interest in solving it

5% 5%
15% Strongly disagree
Neither disagree nor agree
Strongly Agree
6. Has HDFC Bank modern looking equipments
a. Strongly disagree
b. Disagree
c. Neither disagree nor agree
d. Agree
e. Strongly Agree

Options Percentage

Strongly disagree 5

Disagree 5

Neither disagree nor agree 10

Agree 60

Strongly Agree 20

1. Has HDFC Bank modern looking


20% 5% 5%
Strongly disagree
Neither disagree nor agree
Strongly Agree
7. The employee of the bank has trustworthy
a. Strongly disagree
b. Disagree
c. Neither disagree nor agree
d. Agree
e. Strongly Agree

Options Percentage

Strongly disagree 0

Disagree 5

Neither disagree nor agree 5

Agree 75

Strongly Agree 15

1. The employee of the bank has


15% 5% 5%
Strongly disagree
Neither disagree nor agree
Strongly Agree
8. Has the employee of the bank mere competent
a. Strongly disagree
b. Disagree
c. Neither disagree nor agree
d. Agree
e. Strongly Agree

Options Percentage

Strongly disagree 0

Disagree 5

Neither disagree nor agree 5

Agree 75

Strongly Agree 15

Has the employee of the bank mere


15% 5% 5%
Strongly disagree
Neither disagree nor agree
Strongly Agree
9. The operating hours of the bank is convenient
a. Strongly disagree
b. Disagree
c. Neither disagree nor agree
d. Agree
e. Strongly Agree

Options Percentage

Strongly disagree 5

Disagree 10

Neither disagree nor agree 10

Agree 60

Strongly Agree 15

The operating hours of the bank is


15% 5%
10% Strongly disagree
Neither disagree nor agree
Strongly Agree
10. Does the employee put a lots of effort to retain the customer
a. Strongly disagree
b. Disagree
c. Neither disagree nor agree
d. Agree
e. Strongly Agree

Options Percentage

Strongly disagree 5

Disagree 10

Neither disagree nor agree 5

Agree 50

Strongly Agree 30

1. Does the employee put a lots of effort

to retain the customer

10% 5%
Strongly disagree
Neither disagree nor agree
Strongly Agree
The Reliability dimension of service quality is better as compared to empathy and tangibility.
Still the score is low. For most services, customer‟ s perceptions of whether the service has been
performed correctly, and not provider-established criteria, are the major determinants of
reliability. Customers of the bank hesitate to rely on the bank. Whenever they have a problem,
the bank shows sincere interest in solving it but the services are not performed by a certain time
as promised. The employees should take this problem seriously and take steps to remove this.

As score for Assurance is at second place after responsiveness, so the customers of HDFC
bank are very confident and feel safe while transacting with the bank. Moreover the
employees of the bank have proved to be trustworthy. Employees are also educated enough to
answer all the questions.

The score of Tangibility dimension of service quality of HDFC bank is the lowest. The
service quality factor tangible is defined by whether the physical facilities and materials
associated with the service are visually appealing at the bank. These are all factors that
customers notice before or upon entering the bank. Customer expectations regarding visual
appealing of HDFC is very high. From my study I found that Physical facilities and modern
looking equipment are not sufficient in HDFC bank. Respondents were uncertain about the neat
appearance of the reception desk employees. So they should work on that and try to fulfill the

According to my findings, the score of Empathy is not satisfactory but not unsatisfactory
also. HDFC bank is unable to give individual attention to its customers and is unable to
understand specific needs of its customers. But still bank has taken steps to satisfy its customers
by keeping operating hours convenient to its customers and keeping their interest best at heart.

In HDFC bank, the score of Responsiveness is highest so they are focusing on prompt
service, employees are willing to help the customers and say the exact time when the services
will be performed. Employees at bank give their customers first preference and are always ready
to help them. Overall HDFC bank‟ s responsiveness dimension of service quality is the highest.

According to the customer perception, HDFC bank is highly responsive. Customers are
assured while transacting with the bank. The reliability dimension is lower than the first to
dimension. They feel that the bank is unable to give them individual attention and its
equipments are not modern and sufficient for the bank.

There is not much gap between all the dimensions, this shows that HDFC BANK is a
better service provider in all the dimensions i.e. reliability, assurance, tangibility,
responsiveness and empathy. As a result of which, the customers are satisfied with the
service offered by HDFC bank.


Based on the study conducted it can be concluded that responsiveness, assurance and
reliability are the critical dimensions of service quality of HDFC bank and they are
directly related to overall service quality. The factors that may delight customers tend
to be concerned more with the intangible nature of the service, commitment,
attentiveness, friendliness, care, and courtesy.
The employees give prompt services, always are ready to answer the
questions and are trustworthy. The main sources of dissatisfaction appear to be
cleanliness, up to date technology modern equipments, and neatly dressed up
employees. The Tangibility dimension of service quality of HDFC bank is highly
disappointing and serious steps are needed to be taken to enhance this dimension.
Customers of the bank are dissatisfied with the empathy dimension. To satisfy these
customers, the management can take some attempts, noted earlier as
The study brings about the areas which require urgent attention of the
employees, the management, and the policy makers of the industry. These are areas
in which customers are hugely dissatisfied with the services of the banks against their
expectation. This high degree of dissatisfaction resulting from the services received
clearly questions the design of services or subsequent response of the bank
employees. These limitations are too serious to be avoided as these question the
front-line people dealing with the customers and the approach of the management in
taking customers seriously.
The management should understand the benefits of service quality. It include
increased customer satisfaction, improved customer retention, positive word of
mouth, reduced staff turnover, decreased operating costs, enlarged market share,
increased profitability, and improved financial

performance. In the days of intense competition, superior service is the only

differentiator left before the banks to attract, retain and partner with the
customers. Superior service quality enables a firm to differentiate itself from its
competition, gain a sustainable competitive advantage, and enhance efficiency.

Thus, improving service quality leads to the customer satisfaction and, ultimately,
to customer loyalty.



Kotler Philip, marketing management, (Pearson education, 12th edition)

Malhotra K. Naresh, marketing research (An applied orientation), Research design,

(Prentice hall of India pvt. 5th edition)

Zeithmal V. A., Grembler D.D., Bitner M.j., and Pandit A.: Service Marketing
Integrated customer Focus across the Firm” (4th Edition)

M.K. Rampal : Service Marketing


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