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Chicago | aateliareL ig Screw Compressors 110kW to 355kW People. Passion. Performance. Fixed & Variable Speed Drive For Chicago Pneumatic, itisntjust about products. We value our end-user’. Performance and do cur uitimate bast to make ta pleasant experience to ‘work with us while providing reliable products with a passion. Broad product portfolio of robust compressors & tools Decades of experience & innovation 100% committed to customer satisfaction ‘This is how we keep your business productive at all times, meeting the needs of professionals in every industry around the alobe. People. Passion. Performance, Cal ilCet-To (eam ator The reliability of the CPE, CPF and CPVS compressors will guarantee a continuous supply ‘of compressed air thanks to a strict selection ‘and qualification process of each component we Use. As a result, trouble-free operation and long lifetime are quaranteed, ‘The CPE,CPF and CPVS help our customers achieve Higher pay-back & low lfe cycle cost. State of the art screw element, inteligent controler, frequency drive technology are some features that will ‘Assure your return on Investment. Furthermore, we have developed a wide range cof features and options to meet the needs of the most demanding industries. Your efficiency and productivity, cur bottom line. warm Ber 1E2 Motor (PS5) {IE 3 Motor (P55) “4000 Hour Oi '8000 Hour Ou [ES 4000 Convoller \WSD-* Auto Drain ICONS Connectviy ‘StarDeta Starer Fined Speed) HHoavy Duty Nano Init Fitors 10] 0:0} o|e0] 210 ofc lolo|ala|e| alo Z\zZ\o lo|0|a o|e2| 210] a] |< \Winess Test Certiicate © -COption, §- Standard, NA Not Appicabla HY. kV TOKV (1P23454). Machines are availabe as Special order Comprossor Staton Layout Silent in its class : 77-80 dB(A) 18,50 60.5 m/min 653 ~ 2136 cfm 1150 - 480hp 110 ~ 355KW 8-10 bar 118 — 145 psi User benefits New design for highest reliability High performance models ensure lowest LCC ‘Group screw element to ensure maximum uptime Unmatched efficiency Air Cooled & Water Cooled variants ‘Many options to meet demanding Industrial Requirements Silent in its class : 77 ~ 20 dB(A) 18.5 -38.3 m/min 653 — 1389 cfm 150 -340hp 110 250KW 8 bar (15-502) 10 bar (15 ~ S0H2) User benefits Reduce Energy use by 20% 25-20% Maximum Turn Down More savings in every application Fast ROI with maximum pay back Lowest LCC (Life Cycle Cost) Reliable ABE Inverter vith good aftermarket 8 10 150 3040078 —(2255X1280x 1600 1870 1 10 15085582 gHOMOD—-78_—=—285.X 1230% 1800 1870 8 sa 74783 MOD -—78-2255X 1280x1600 1820 Pe 180 0 602508 sHOD «TS 228 x 1280.x 1800 1920 * Vaans - SOLIML , ASMEsMOMYAUA'SGP), AnWater Cooled i, ASI210, MOM, Ar & Water Coced ‘The CPE range is a unique design by our engineers atter careful | consideration of voice of customer & result of continuous improvement to ensure reliable compressed air in the demanding applications of modem industries. High eficiency total package Maximize productivity Keep your running costs low. Carefully selected components Optimum reliability ee ee 8 110 150-8853 BROOD 78 22565x 1290x1000 2400 Ensure trouble free operation isco es cre 150 Simple installation and maintenance 0 1101505 2801400 2255 x 1230.X 16002400 8 132180 787838000 792055 x 1290 x 1600 2550 CPE 180 0 180-5 3800079 —2055% 1290 x 1600 Noes: Variants - SQUML , ASME+MORKAUASGP), Alrwater Cooled Standard: ES4000 Controller / WSD*Axto Drain Flowing Options Avalaibe IES Mator (P55) FS Only HV - kv (P23), SRW. 355K High ai dlivery and ‘Suretex counting: Advenoo er fiery se Quick andeasy access to Protect internal ceftent operation relebl,offcent, conten kage oe sree all components somponents fom compact and auet “Terni ct relearn contamination, dsbiemericing hea coxrgressos poe Chicago aria eT 335710390400 77 DMOXITEOX G0. 9500 or 10 110 630 380400 7T = 2845 X1750X1930 3580 8 iD 40 Sao | 17 aS XHTEOK1=00 3500 i PFI i 742 390400772845 X 1750x1600 3500 8 i 450904 39040078 2845X 18 030 CPF 220 10 160, 419° 888380400 7B (2845 X 1750 3630 8 0 Ses 1150 3apaoo fo S600 TED IES 4100 (CPF 270 10 200 503 1068 300400 79 «= «3500 1750X 1985 4160 @ 200 ei 200 sanaoo rr _4e00x 218 505 oe 10 200 555 1177 3a0400 77 5325 820 es 1370300400 4300 CPF S40 10 250 610 1293380400 a0 4300 8 ms aos sayaoo 77 sa05 CPF Sat 10 656 1391 300400 77-4800 X 2150 5895 3 rt ta? 300400 78 St00x 48 e0 CPF AsO 10 804 1704 38040078 S100 X 2150 6350 8 foor 2135 meen 79 sao x18 5300 CPF 480 10 890 1887 300400 79-5100 X 2150 6380 + Vanats = SOLA, ASMEsMOMAUA'SGP), Arar Coled + Standard: £34000 Contoler/ WSD-Auto Drain ‘brand new design architecture of CPF range serew air compressor brings customer en excellent application feeling, ensuring to improve your production efficiency and reduce the Ife cycle operating cost. Design for maximum 48 degrees ambient temperature Industry leading efciency class Best in class performance models High Efcioney Air an oil flow systems Sint selection and verifeation of high qualty components Utimate reliability and stabis operation assurance putes lcs oro 8 as NO sue) rr ZeSX EDN TON oMO Feeetererted Seo ES 10 40150 or 630 5000077 aaas x TTSOK 1800 Sta y 4 Water separator dran a 132 180-396 BAD 30040077 3200 Eany access to components & minimum service cost a gon Outstanding scope of options to match industry requirements 9 tm 230450854 San00 78 5250 CPF 220 10 160 220 419-888 380/400 18 3250, 32m 270 «SHG 1150 saan 79 BOOX SDK 18S SO40 CPF270 ia 30727003 t08B 30D 79 ~—«DODDXTTEDX IONS 3640 7 8 202702 tT 38040077 AS [=] XID KZ 4000 = cru: 8 250M 705405 3onmo0 77 102027 5H tT 300077 X2150x2250 4800 corso & 2 MO BS 137D 380400 B.D X ITSO 1085 SHAD 10250 408101288 sunoo 80. ROX ITEOX 1965 3840 X20 X23 5460 fo 250 Osean 380400 77 sono xateD X70 54s0 corso 8 SIS ASOT TBAT 300007 SOX ZIEDKIISD 5730 10315450. B04 r7O4 300400 75 3600x2150x7250 5730 cera 8 388072138 1900x7180 x280 8700 Suotho-artseew amor, | Reto ‘denen nae so Thecustrercaremindstof | Thougtuty designed easy wo 3558) ae 187 7a 2800x2150 x 280 east pera ot trioadngtoaing Cormcurntagocasrsccon | werseperorensuethe | oss er maintonange Notes: Varans ~SQLIML, ASME+MOMAUNSGP), Ai asymm rp teguuten sme ona | Treen ston 1 cates a stp io Sundar £24000 Contotor/WSD+Auo Drain fete despre and eeinzedor over dare rertcngtoar ane Folowing Options Ave Breseten metoss bing you | prossuedtopteng | teresxsprtmren ran ate ain IES Moor (P55) FS Only tmacnum compressor package | high energy Saving. Boauad aie Hy kV10KY (1P23), mine S1EKW-25SRW Chicago ator BBDRRENT P=axs wea eT 308 78 B5SX 290% 1002070 Seve 160 10 110 265 2255 1230X 1600 2070 a i0 aos 780 1303880 cexeiet 10 110 2845.X 1750X 1930 3880 ee @ 12 160 2255 1290% 1002390 , + > cee 10 132 180325 79 2255X1230X 1600 2330 secede a 12 160 77 perex i750 1950 3800 ~_ 10 132180 TT 28451750. 1930 3880 Increasing feb with gradual motor ramp-up 316020 76 2aesxe1790 X90 aD10 to avoid electricity surges. CPVE 220 10 160, 20419 78 -2845X1750X 1930 4010 a 20270 1170 3804007 s00x 78010854660 cPvs 270 10 200 270 1071 380140079 3500 X 1750 X 1985 4660 8 25030 ‘399 380400) aspox 7H X1569 4860 CPVS 540 10 250 340 625-1325 38040080 3500X1750X 1985 4800 * Variants. SQLIVL, ASMESMOMAS1210, AWator Cooled + Standard £54000 Conor /WSO+ Auto Din ‘The CPVS variable speed compressor series allows you to find the perfect ‘match betveen air demand! and air supp. Thanks ote inverie ven = technology the energy cos could be reduced by 30%. This the bes in class compressor for your energy efciancy& minimum fo eel cas (LCC) Reliable Inverter with bes aftersales service Robust & usersrendly Maximum tur dovm to eater wise renge of ar usage Eliminating the inefcien ransiton pered from fl to no loed power Avoiding excessive oftiosd power consumption Maintaining the net pressure band to within 0.10 bar, 1.5 psi {fimo ae coe eee ee eee Reducing overall average working pressure Pitperyemte 8 td ten 1 [oat aee| se | senna | 98 Minimizing system leakage due toa lower system pressure covets: ®t 3540 naan 77 0 m0 180207630 aon 77 or eee cvs 180 , 10 132 120 25 689 3a0400 19 | 1 covsier 12 Me ain | covszm | 91 ee Ls ce a cevsao feast soouan 8 CPVSS40 ip a50 M0025 13053800 gg Nos: Vaianls - SQUMIL , ASME*MOMAUA'SGP), Ai/Wator Coolod Standard: E4000 Conroe WSD+Auto Drain Fallowing Optons Avaialbio TES Motor (P55) FS Only Cur technology redu Ania e mvertereontrolunt, | High ar deivery and High efientvessel bang 3-toge| Aduncoanvitendy uso the operating cost for | specially programmes to ceticient operation. Separator, provide owresual | carubrnkxgo coer sean 55) FS your compressed ai ‘optimize energy saving or leantentin ne compressed ar | Teng cat rable an Hv kvitoRy (Pa feustomers afferent power “

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