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Great Cross of Hendaye

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Great Cross of Hendaye

Space is a dangerous place. Witness the number of crater

hits on the many hard-surfaced planets in our solar
system. Through telescopes, NASA cameras, or even with
our own eyes, it is easy to see that every hard surfaced
planet in our solar system is pock marked with crater
hits. Mars, Mercury, the Moon, Venus, the moons of
Jupiter and Saturn, all bear the traces of a long history of
celestial bombardment.Of course there are many other
catastrophes and disasters that can occur that have their
origins in outer space. Galactic explosions, gamma ray
bursts, coronal mass ejections and various other
scenarios, that could spell disaster for our fragile planet.
However the greatest threat - again using our own eyes
as witnesses - is the threat of a big rock slamming into
the earth and upsetting life and possibly causing the
mass extinction of many species. The fact that there is an
asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter with literally
millions of rocks bouncing around like billiard balls also
gives one pause as to how really dangerous it is in outer
space. But there is one place in our solar system that
seems to have been spared, to a very large degree, the
number of hits that appear to have struck other worlds.
There is a place where visible evidence suggests that it
has been incredibly lucky in not getting struck by these
massive rocks with greater frequency. The fact that this
place is relatively close to the asteroid belt and that its
nearest neighbor, that lies less than 200,000 miles away
from it, is severely pock-marked would suggest that this
place is an anomaly in solar system physics. The place
that I am referring to is our own little blue planet - the
Earth. There are craters on Earth, and yes it is true that
the forces of wind, rain and erosion would quickly soften
the edges of any impact. It is also true that three-fourths
of the world is covered by water. This would hide many
impacts. These facts are all true and beyond dispute. But
even if one takes into account all of these facts, there is
still very few traces of craters on the land masses of the
Earth. Our neighbor, Mars, with its hundred mile-an-hour
winds and sandstorms also suffers from the erosive
effects of weather. Yet a quick glance at close up
pictures of the red planet reveals that it has been hit
many, many times in its past. Yet no trace of that kind of
bombardment can be found on the hard surface areas of
planet Earth. In fact, the craters here on Earth are such a
rarity that they are usually tourist attractions as
witnessed by the famous crater in Arizona. Some of the
round lakes in northern Canada may qualify as ancient
craters and we know that the Puerto Rican trench was
made by a huge hit that occurred some 60 million years
ago. But again the question must be asked - where are
the large number of old crater hits on our planet? That
was the question I asked myself some years ago as my
investigation into alchemy, Fulcanelli and all things
celestial began. I realized that there were a number of
strange coincidences that seems to surround our little
planet. The fact that we have a Van Allen belt that stops
dangerous radiation from penetrating our atmosphere is
certainly a lucky break for us and for life. The fact that
from our point of view here on Earth, the diameter of the
moon covers the same degree of the sky is another one
of these weird coincidences that has always bothered
me. Why are the sun and moon the same size from our
point of view? Just another coincidence, science tells us.
Then, there is the strange orbit of the moon, which keeps
over 40% of its surface hidden from our view forever.
And finally, there is the fact that moon and the earth are
nearly the same size. There is no other planet moon
combination in the solar system where the two bodies
are so close in size in relation to each other. Our ancient
ancestors had a much more sophisticated view of the
stars and planets than our modern scientists and
historians acknowledge. Based upon my years of
research into the myth, history and sacred science of
ancient civilizations, it is evident to me that our
ancestors knew the location of the center of the galaxy
and they had successfully mapped our planet's place in
the surrounding universe. It is also very likely that they
knew that Sirius was a binary star and that there is a
periodic explosion from the galaxy's center.Mysteries of
the Great Cross of Hendaye investigates a mysterious
cross in a churchyard in Hendaye, France which is located
in the southwest corner of France, right on the border
with Spain. On one level, this book is a commentary upon
The Mysteries of the Cathedrals written by the elusive,
enigmatic and anonymous alchemist named Fulcanelli.
However, it takes his alchemical thesis concerning the
Earth’s periodic catastrophes and places it in the context
of our present day experience. Mysteries of the Great
Cross of Hendaye points out that there is every reason to
believe that a spiritual/evolutionary leap in the human
experience is about to occur. It discusses how the
teachings and prophesies of the western and many
eastern spiritual traditions are deeply concerned with our
present time period. Even Nostredamus spoke about this
time as the most important time period of all.
Investigation into the Cyclic Cross at Hendaye revealed
that the crucial period of time from 1992 to 2012 marks
the end of time itself. Alchemy, as revealed in the book,
is nothing less than a science watching the countdown to
the final moments when the next species of humanity will
emerge.As the investigation continued other marvels
were also discovered. The ancients knew about the
hidden chemistry that resides in the endocrine system of
every human. As the diverse threads of the research
began to be woven together it became apparent that
there were certain secretions that come directly from the
human brain. These secretions apparently have the
power to transform matter, grant a near immortal status
to the seeker, and possibly assist in us becoming the
seeds for stars. They are, in a sense, an evolutionary
dynamic that has remained dormant for thousands of
years.But there was another aspect of this investigation
that kept haunting me. It seemed that underneath the
surface of history there were two forces at war with each
other. And these two forces had their origins in ancient
mythic Egypt. The first of these forces was centered on
the Egyptian god Osiris and the other was centered on
the Egyptian god Set. Set was the god of materialism and
earthly desires. Portrayed as a reptile, Set killed his
brother Osiris one day in a fit of jealousy. For this crime
he was doomed to spend his days as a disembodied
spirit. Although he was immortal, he could never actually
occupy a body. But, according to legend, Set could enter
into men's minds and control them through the forces of
greed, lust and power. As time went on, this power, this
Setian force, eventually grew into a powerful secret
society called the Illuminati. The fact that they were
anything but illumined didn't seem to matter to this
group. They sought total and complete dominion over the
people and powers of this planet. Realizing that humans
had a deep inner power (the inner secretions of the
brain) that eventually could overthrow them, the Setians,
or the Illuminati, began putting controls and laws into
effect that would eventually turn our race into a slavish,
greedy and selfish lot. Any human that attempted to
understand and realize what was really going on was
quickly arrested, tortured and murdered. Afraid that they
will perish in a celestial catastrophe, the Setians have
created wars, terrorism, underground safety shelters,
civil strife and corruption. All of this was done to keep
the secret of our real human heritage away from us and
to protect them from the future. A mere glance at the
television or newspapers makes it abundantly clear that
these forces are now in control of our planet. They have
been in total control since 1948.However all is not lost.
The other group, the one that follows the principles of
Osiris was and is still in existence. This group is
dedicated to something completely different than the
Illuminati. This group knows that there is a historical
destiny for the human race. They believe that Set, and
his minions, are trying to spiritually corrupt us so that we
can never discover our own true power. This group
cannot operate in such an open manner as the Illuminati,
for they are the Illuminati's sworn enemies. They know
that their own discretion and secrecy is the only thing
that can stop the Illuminati from finding them and
murdering them - if that is indeed possible. They are
called 'The Keepers of the Light'. This group of 'light
masters' built the mysterious Cyclic Cross at Hendaye.
Fulcanelli was, most likely, a member of this group. No
matter what stories have been made up, or told, about
the true identity of the man called Fulcanelli, there is one
thing that stands out above all other facts. Whoever
wrote Mystery of the Cathedrals had knowledge so
profound and advanced that it would have been
impossible for a charlatan, or anyone else, to write the
book. The Keepers of the Light wrote the book Mysteries
of the Cathedrals to reveal their presence in history.
Through this book they demonstrate that history itself is
an initiation into another epoch of existence. And that it
is necessary, at this time in human history, to choose
between the Illuminati and the Keepers of the Light.
Therefore, they have chosen this time to reveal their
presence and to assure us that they are the guiding
hands on the rudder of our story.The forces of Set were
nearly successful the last time a catastrophe hit our
planet some 13,000 years ago. For some reason,
according to legend, our ancestors became greedy and
materialistic. The legends tell us that this greed
somehow let the disaster happen. But there seemed no
possible link between man's greed and asteroid hits or
galactic explosions.Our book Mysteries of the Great Cross
of Hendaye reveals that a group of scientists/magicians
survived that disaster 13,000 years ago. They did this by
hiding in caves that are located high in the Andes
Mountains. Legends from the Inca tell of a man named
Viracoca who survived in a cave and eventually began
rebuilding the lost civilization. The book speculates that
this 'Viracoca cult' spread out across the Earth. They
seemed intent on accomplishing many tasks on this great
mission. One of these tasks was to re-educate the
refugees that they found scattered here and there across
the globe. According to myths gathered from all across
our world (see Graham Hancock’s Fingerprints of the
Gods), this group came and re-educated the peoples of
the Earth. Among the many things they taught were the
arts of agriculture, writing, mythology and the warning of
another possible celestial catastrophe that would happen
if we ever became greedy and materialistic again. After
completing the huge task of helping humanity and re-
invigorating sacred sites the Viracoca cult eventually
settled in Egypt. From there they encoded all of their
knowledge in the temples, monuments, legends and
hieroglyphs of that great civilization. One of the most
important monuments they built at this time was the
Great Sphinx. The monumental statue acted as a warning
about a catastrophe to come. 'When the sun is in Leo -
we are in danger', the great Sphinx appears to be saying.
As Fulcanelli says at the front of his book: 'The Sphinx
protects and controls science'. The other thing that the
Viracoca cult seemed intent on accomplishing was the
reestablishment of sacred sites around the globe. In his
book, Hancock speculates that many of the monuments,
pyramids, calendars and other ancient works were
initiated by the Viracoca cult. Why would they spend so
much time trying to reinvigorate the many sacred sites
around the world? It was one thing to attempt to re-
educate the refugees and to teach them how to care for
themselves and each other. But why spend your time and
effort on re-invigorating ancient beliefs that certain parts
of the planet held a spiritual power? It didn't make any
sense. It was true that geomancy seemed to be prevalent
among all ancient peoples of the Earth. Whether it was
the Inca in Peru, the Druids in England, the Tibetans, or
the Aborigines in Australia. They all contended that there
was this spiritual power of place. But was there more to
this?Geomancy, alchemy, knowledge of the movements
of the stars, agriculture, writing, respect for women,
mythology, refinement and a sense of sophistication
became the primary group of knowledge that the
Viracoca cult was attempting to convey. But the forces of
Set were always present. They were in an eternal
struggle, or war, with the Viracoca cult. As discussed by
my wife Sharron Rose and I in our article, Tolkien at the
End of Time, around 6,500 years ago, the final age of the
great tantric and alchemical cycle of human experience
known as the Kali Yuga or Age of Iron began. Like the
Elves and wizards of The Lord of the Rings, it was at this
time that the Viracoca cult began to withdraw from
history.As the Iron Age progressed so did the power of
the Setian forces. As they so much represent the ethos of
the Iron Age, the Setians were assured of a victory -
albeit temporary. But the forces of the Osiris, or the
Viracoca cult, were not completely dormant. With their
hand still firmly on the rudder of history they have been
quietly directing the Setians towards a grand finale to
this age. As the Iron Age progressed, and the veils of
darkness and corruption descended, there arose a
religion that attempted to identify all of the above and
encode it into their myths. This religion was the closest
of all the modern religions to that of ancient Egypt. And
the followers of this religion constantly wrote,
prophesied and lived as if the end of the world were at
hand. This religion was, and is, Christianity. Only the
Christians spoke of the end of the world as a real event.
They spoke of a Day of Judgment when God would return
and defeat Satan (Set). It was the only major western
religion to nod its head towards the divine feminine and
give it a place on its altar of worship. It's savior, Jesus
Christ, died on a cross and then was buried in a tomb. In
the darkness of this tomb, through a great alchemical
transfiguration, he became a man of light, or a light
body. From then on he was an immortal being freed from
the pain and suffering of mortality. Jesus told his
followers that he was the ‘son of man’. What are we to
make of this curious phrase? If the point of Jesus’ religion
was to say that he was the ‘son of God’ then why does he
choose to repeat this odd sentence? Jesus also tells us
that he represents the humanity of the future. He tells
his followers that they will one day be resurrected into a
new world. Perhaps when he tells us that he is the ‘son
of man’ he is saying exactly what he means. Perhaps he
is saying that he is the first of an emerging new species
and that this new human is emerging out of man. To the
people of his time his phrase would have meant
something akin to this.Perhaps as a species begins to go
extinct it also starts searching for the reasons that
caused its extinction. In this way, a coming catastrophe
would act as an opening of consciousness in that species.
Take for example the long evolutionary history of the
horse. When the short-legged horse of a million years
ago began to face extinction from fast moving
carnivores, it began to realize that it needed longer legs
to survive. But how does a short-legged horse transform
itself into a long-legged horse? Evolutionary biologists
tell us that that through the process of ‘genetic
mutation’ the horse develops the longer legs needed for
its survival. According to this theory one day a horse, a
mutation if you will, is born with longer legs. This
‘mutation’ would then be passed on to future horses.
Eventually, if all went well, a horse with longer legs
would develop. This would happen in parallel time as the
short legged horses faced certain extinction.Perhaps
Jesus Christ was a horse with longer legs. Perhaps Jesus
was a ‘mutation’ to use the gross scientific language for
this mysterious process. But science is profane while
alchemy is holy. To an alchemist Jesus Christ would not
be a ‘mutation’ at all. To the alchemists he was the new
emerging human. It is for this reason that the alchemists
refer to Jesus as a ‘savior’ or a ‘messiah’, a ‘future man’.
The alchemists have always known that he was a gift
from the vertical dimensions.Perhaps he was the first of
a new species of man, born from man, indeed a ‘son of
man’. This new species, according to this point of view,
would have tremendous powers of healing, a high degree
of love, compassion and forgiveness and would be able to
transform his flesh into light. For these would be the
necessary qualities to assist the evolutionary process
and insure the species viability.This new species,
according to the Shamans of Peru is about to emerge out
of man. In my recent film, Healing the Luminous Body
with Dr. Alberto Villoldo, he tells of his many discussions
with these Peruvian shamans. They say that the new
species will be called ‘Homo Luminous’.This then is the
true meaning behind the guarding of bloodlines and the
myths of the Holy Grail. The new species, or the genetic
trait that would eventually emerge as a new species, had
to be protected and guarded from the odious
machinations of the Setians who fear this New Man and
know that his emergence will be their end. The forces of
darkness have been actively seeking out the ones with
these particular genetic predilections and attempting to
eliminate them as quickly as possible.The Keepers of the
Light had created a religion that could actually thwart
the efforts of the Setians. And so that religion became
the number one enemy of the Setian State of ancient
Rome almost 2000 years ago. Three hundred years later
when Constantine took over the reigns of the Holy Roman
Church the real Christians knew what had happened.
They knew that the Setian forces had taken over their
end time religion. This group of original Christians, now
called Gnostic Christians, moved underground. They still
spoke of the 'end times' and Satan as the ruler of the
world. This was eventually interpreted by the Roman
Church to mean that the Church itself was the creation of
the evil one. And they were right. So the Church began
the first of it's four great genocides. For 1000 years
across Europe the Church murdered, destroyed and
burned millions of these Gnostic Christians. They did
everything they could to drive away the ones who
believed that Satan had taken over their Holy Church.
They also sought the heirs of the holders of the genetic
bloodline of Jesus. The Church knew that Jesus’ wife Mary
Magdalene had emigrated from Israel to the South of
France. They knew that she was pregnant with Jesus’
child. Many times the Romans tried to destroy the
genetic heirs of Jesus but they always failed. Twelve
hundred years later Pope Innocent III took up the banner
and began murdering thousands of Gnostic Christians in
the south of France. It can be assumed that the heirs of
Jesus were high on their list for elimination. Eventually
the Church's stranglehold on Europe would lead to the
great Protestant apostasy and the final destruction of
the Church's hegemony. But before that would happen
the Church had much work still do to do. Never in history
has their been such a bloodbath. The Church, and its
henchmen, seemed intent on destroying every edifice,
book or memory of all the cultures that had been saved,
so long ago, by the Viracoca cult. The apocalyptic
message of Christianity had been replaced now by a rote
system of ritual and supplication towards Rome and the
Holy Father. Occasionally a 'Keeper of the Light'
sympathizer would work his way up the ladder of Roman
Church (like Pope Sylvester II) but they were all found
out and murdered by the Setians.The Christians had a
book in their New Testament that revealed all of the
above and much more. This is of course the Book of
Revelation by John. John not only names Rome as the
home of the antichrist but also describes the final days in
a blow-by-blow fashion. This book managed somehow to
survive the rewriting of the New Testament, most likely
through the power of its images and language. The Book
of Revelation remains one of the most riveting of the
writings from the Christian era. This book was written by
the Keepers of Light to act as a warning to those in our
age who will still listen.The Cross at Hendaye is
predicting that the end of the world began in 1992 and
will end on the winter solstice 2012, a little over 20 years
later. Whoever the unknown builder of this 300-year-old
cross was - he was in possession, just like Fulcanelli says
‘ of profound knowledge of the universe’. Christianity,
alchemy, the Book of Revelation, the Cross-at Hendaye
and even Fulcanelli himself are proof that there is a
group, operating far in the background that has its hands
firmly on the rudder of society. It also tells us that the
fact that Set is allowed to go on with his nefarious games
is somehow important to this final initiation that we are
all about to experience. It is also apparent to us that the
Keepers of the Light wish to make a great deal of the
inner secrets known to all of humanity. These secrets
have to do with the real goal of alchemy, which is to take
the 'lead' of the human body and turn it into the 'gold' of
a light being. These will be the only beings that can get
through the squeeze hole that will exist as the Iron Age
dies and the Golden Age begins. These are the ideas
being conveyed by Fulcanelli and the Keepers of the
Light. With the Illuminati on one side, trying to keep us in
ignorance, and using technology and mind control to
accomplish this task, and the Keepers of the Light on the
other side, releasing information that enlightens us to
the cosmic truth, one realizes that both extremes are
helping each other in an odd fashion. It seems that the
human race is being steered towards something
incredible. But what? Mysteries of the Great Cross-of
Hendaye delves deeply into the work of Dr. Paul
LaViolette. In his book Earth Under Fire he shows that a
periodic catastrophe from outer space occurred about
13,000 years ago. LaViolette contends that this disaster
was nothing less than an explosion from the center of our
own Milky Way galaxy. He reveals in Earth Under Fire
that all galaxies undergo a periodic release of materials
from their cores. This material explodes outwards and
lasts for several thousand years. The light from the
explosion in the core is as bright as the light from the
entire Galaxy itself. It overwhelms the galaxy and, from
our perspective, it appears to be a giant blue light like a
million stars exploding at once.These exploding galaxies
used to be called quasars but are now referred to as
Seyfert galaxies. It is now believed by science that ALL
galaxies are Seyfert galaxies. Scientists now think,
although only 10 percent of the visible galaxies are
currently in a Seyfert like condition, that this is only
because most galaxies are in their quiescent period,
including our own Milky Way.LaViolette goes on to prove
that the signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius seem to be an
ancient system pointing towards the galactic core, which
lies exactly between the two signs. The arrow of
Sagittarius and the tail of the Scorpion are both pointing
at the center of the galaxy. Perhaps more importantly
they are pointing at the position of the center of the
galaxy, as it was 13,000 years ago.LaViolette then did his
homework and studied ice core samples taken from
Greenland. By looking backwards in time through the
ancient ice bed he came to realize that there were layers
of the cosmic space dust iridium in various layers of the
ice core sample. In fact the layers were in 26,000-year
intervals, exactly the same time periods that is marked
off by the precession of the equinoxes and the Cross-at
Hendaye. LaViolette wonders in his book what would
happen on Earth if the core of the center of our galaxy
should explode? He contends that at first we would see a
bright blue star appearing between Sagittarius and
Scorpio. This could possibly be the same star as the Hopi
suggest will appear before the end of time. The wave of
energy would very likely push a slagheap of rocks
towards the outer expanding edge of the explosion. This
would mean a periodic meteor shower of unbelievable
proportions. Following this would be various belts of
synchrotron radiation pouring through the solar system.
After this would be the arrival of great quantities of
cosmic dust. This dust would overwhelm the moon, the
sun and the stars and cause dramatic climate shifts here
on earth. There would be mass extinctions and only those
who hid in caves with plenty of food would be able to
survive. Of all the upheavals that befall us during this
great catastrophe none are worse than the slagheap of
meteors and rocks that would be coming our way like a
wave of death. Indeed as stated before the various hard
surfaced planets in our solar system prove that there is
this kind of celestial bombardment. Except for one tiny
planet - our own - the solar system is replete with the
remnants of mass bombings of asteroids and bolides. So
all of this gets back to the question that started this
essay. Why doesn't planet Earth have more traces of this
aerial bombardment? Why are there not literally
thousands of round lakes and round mountain ranges
that would prove that we have been hit as many time as
the moon, Mars and the other planets? This is the million-
dollar question. How can it be that we have survived at
all? This is indeed some kind of miracle. I am not alone in
this puzzlement. Many scientists and astronomers have
scratched their heads and wondered how this could be
possible. Space is just too dangerous a place for life to
have much of a chance at all. To have millions of years of
life without a huge rock wiping out all of biology is
certainly like winning a lottery game where the odds are
a trillion to one against you. Yet it appears to be so. We
sit, supposedly at the pinnacle of evolution and we do
not even wonder at our own extremely good luck. What if
it isn't just dumb luck? At what point does luck become
separated from a miracle? In alchemy there is a saying
that goes 'as above, so below'. While this phrase has
many meanings it could also mean that we, as humans,
who are down below, have some kind of affect on that
which is above. What I mean by this is the curious
problem of the Viracoca cult . Why did they insist on keep
certain sites 'sacred'? Why did they build and rebuild
absolutely astonishing buildings that were way beyond
the needs of the people? Why build the giant walls
perched high up on the sides of the Andes Mountains?
Why build the pyramids when they are not really good for
anything practical? If there were practical uses for these
buildings then there had to be a cheaper and easier way
to build them than the way that they chose. All over the
world where we find these monuments, we also find a
'star worshipping' religious group, that is, or was, once,
associated with these monuments. Somehow the
monuments, from Stonehenge to Angor Wat, to Peru and
Mexico have this combination of stonework and star
knowledge associated with them. Indeed as we, and
several other researchers, have pointed out, especially
Graham Hancock's book, Mirror of Heaven, the entire
layout of the monuments seems to mimic the stars
above. Indeed, as above, so below. What is at the root of
these world wide ancient pagan belief systems? To
answer that question I must go very far out on a limb. I
do not do this without a great deal of forethought. But
with time running out I would be remiss to remain quiet
at this important juncture in human history. Let me
suggest something that would explain the Viracoca's
insistence on the stone monuments and the star religion.
It will also explain how our planet stays relatively safe in
a dangerous environment. Let me suggest that the star
religion - while having deep cosmic implications on many
levels - is in actuality a science that watches the sky for
changes. This acts as a warning system to tell the people
when the catastrophe is coming. They used certain star
patterns, eclipses and the precession of the equinoxes to
create calendars that appear to be watching for the
periodic explosion from the center of the galaxy. The
stone monuments, on the other hand, are used for
something different. And here is where I step out to the
far edges of the limb that I am already making bend
under my weight. What if the sacred monuments that
have been built all around our planet are serving some
kind of real purpose? And that this is why the Viracoca
cult insisted on their creation and veneration. Maybe this
is why the Hopi elders say that on the day they stop their
rituals the sky will fall. Maybe we humans have
something to do with the safety net that seems to
pervade our planet? Maybe there is some kind of energy
field that is generated by humans and stone monuments
working in unison? This field creates a web of 'something'
that stops much of the danger from getting to the
surface of our fragile and beautiful planet.That - like
Atlantis - when a society falls into greed and avarice –
this in turns means that they have turned away from this
spiritual power. Therefore destruction then becomes
possible. What if human beings, by praying, meditating
and living a life that is devoted to selflessness, grace,
love and compassion, rather than egotism, greed and
power - could reverse the situation? What if is possible
for us to reinvigorate the power spots? And what if we
could do this by simply going to these spots and work
together to imbue them with our spiritual power? What if
there really is a grid pattern of sacred sites and spots
that need human spiritual power in order to keep the
protective later around our planet in a coherent state?
What if we are in a great deal of danger right now
because of our own greed? What if we - like Atlantis
before us - will perish because we have forgotten the
lessons of our ancestors? These are the questions that
now come before us all. In the decoding of the Cross of
Hendaye, we prove that there is a place of refuge
somewhere on this planet for those that know.
Apparently the spiritually-wise will all come to this place
and create a layer of protection that will save them from
certain disaster. Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye
proves that the Cross of Hendaye is telling us that this
area is Cusco, Peru. A trip to Cusco proved one thing
beyond a shadow of a doubt. There are more stone
monuments and ancient spiritual sites there, than any
other place on Earth. What if there is still a residual of
power left in the hundreds of sites that still exist in the
Andes? What if they were left by the Viracoca cult
thousands of years ago to be rediscovered at this time by
those that can understand? What if the inscription on the
Cross at Hendaye is telling people to move to Peru in
order to reinvigorate the spiritual power of these still
extant places? What choice do we have now but to serve
the Keepers of the Light? The Illuminati, the Setians,
Satan, whatever you wish to call them, are in total
control. With that control comes the ignorance of the end
of time and what that really means. Today, we live at
that point in the Book of Revelation where John tells us
we, as human beings, have to choose. It is that place in
time, according to John, when most will perish and be
judged. Bu, according to these same teachings, a few
shall survive and live a thousand years of peace. This is
the fulfillment of the great promise of alchemy and the
major great spiritual traditions that have their underlying
basis in the western tradition. But this belief system is
also well in place in ancient Tibet, Mayan Mexico and
especially Peru. There is power in number and it is time
for us all to act. The emergence of Homo Luminous is
already beginning. It is up to us to decide whether we
wish to stay here and become the shepherds for this
newly emerging human species. When Jesus said that he
would return, he wasn’t kidding. The emergence of Homo
Luminous fulfills this promise. The son of man is the
species that emerges out of man. It is time for all of us to
choose. There is no way out now.

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