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Austria vs. Reyes

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The tenor of the language used (in the will), the petitioners argue, gives rise to the

Austria v. Reyes inference that the late Basilia was deceived into believing that she was legally
G.R. No. L-23079 February 27, 1970 bound to bequeath one-half of her entire estate to the respondents Perfecto
By: Maranan, Roland Cruz, et al. as the latter's legitime. The petitioners further contend that had the
deceased known the adoption to be spurious, she would not have instituted the
DOCTRINE: Before the institution of heirs may be annulled under article 850 of the respondents at all — the basis of the institution being solely her belief that they
Civil Code, the following requisites must concur: First, the cause for the institution were compulsory heirs. Proof therefore of the falsity of the adoption would cause
of heirs must be stated in the will; second, the cause must be shown to be false; a nullity of the institution of heirs and the opening of the estate wide to intestacy.
and third, it must appear from the face of the will that the testator would not have Did the lower court then abuse its discretion or act in violation of the rights of the
made such institution if he had known the falsity of the cause. parties in barring the petitioners nephews and niece from registering their claim
even to properties adjudicated by the decedent in her will?
Respondent: HON. ANDRES REYES, Judge, Court of First Instance of Rizal, PER- Before the institution of heirs may be annulled under article 850 of the Civil Code,
FECTO CRUZ, BENITA CRUZ-MENEZ ISAGANI CRUZ, ALBERTO CRUZ and LUZ CRUZ- the following requisites must concur: First, the cause for the institution of heirs must
SALONGA be stated in the will; second, the cause must be shown to be false; and third, it
must appear from the face of the will that the testator would not have made
FACTS: such institution if he had known the falsity of the cause.
 In 1956, Basilia Austria vda. de Cruz filed with the Court of First Instance of
Rizal a petition for probate her last will and testament. The probate was The petitioners would have us imply, from the use of the terms, "sapilitang ta-
opposed by the present petitioners and still others who, like the petitioner, gapagmana" (compulsory heirs) and "sapilitang mana" (legitime), that the impel-
are nephews and nieces of Basilia. This opposition was, however, dis- ling reason or cause for the institution of the respondents was the testatrix's belief
missed and the probate of the will allowed after due hearing. that under the law she could not do otherwise. If this were indeed what prompted
 The bulk of the estate of Basilia, admittedly, was destined under the will the testatrix in instituting the respondents, she did not make it known in her will.
to pass on to the private respondents, all of whom had been assumed Surely if she was aware that succession to the legitime takes place by operation
and declared by Basilia as her own legally adopted children. of law, independent of her own wishes, she would not have found it convenient
 More than two years after her will was allowed to probate, Basilia died. to name her supposed compulsory heirs to their legitimes. Her express adoption
The respondent Perfecto Cruz was appointed executor without bond by of the rules on legitimes should very well indicate her complete agreement with
the same court in accordance with the provisions of the decedent's will, that statutory scheme. But even this, like the petitioners' own proposition, is highly
notwithstanding the blocking attempt pursued by the petitioner Ruben speculative of what was in the mind of the testatrix when she executed her will.
Austria. One fact prevails, however, and it is that the decedent's will does not state in a
 Finally the petitioners filed a petition in intervention for partition alleging specific or unequivocal manner the cause for such institution of heirs. We cannot
in substance that they are the nearest of kin of Basilia, and that the five annul the same on the basis of guesswork or uncertain implications.
respondents Perfecto Cruz, et al., had not in fact been adopted by the
decedent in accordance with law, in effect rendering these respondents And even if we should accept the petitioners' theory that the decedent instituted
mere strangers to the decedent and without any right to succeed as the respondents Perfecto Cruz, et al. solely because she believed that the law
heirs. commanded her to do so, on the false assumption that her adoption of these
respondents was valid, still such institution must stand.
ISSUE: Whether such institution of heirs would retain efficacy in the event there
exists proof that the adoption of the same heirs by the decedent is false? - YES Article 850 of the Civil Code, quoted above, is a positive injunction to ignore
whatever false cause the testator may have written in his will for the institution of
RULING+RATIO: heirs. Such institution may be annulled only when one is satisfied, after an exami-
The petitioners cite, as the controlling rule, article 850 of the Civil Code which nation of the will, that the testator clearly would not have made the institution if
reads: he had known the cause for it to be false. Now, would the late Basilia have
caused the revocation of the institution of heirs if she had known that she was
The statement of a false cause for the institution of an heir shall be considered as mistaken in treating these heirs as her legally adopted children? Or would she
not written, unless it appears from the will that the testator would not have made have instituted them nonetheless?
such institution if he had known the falsity of such cause.
The decedent's will, which alone should provide the answer, is mute on this point
or at best is vague and uncertain. The phrases, "mga sapilitang tagapag-
mana" and "sapilitang mana," were borrowed from the language of the law on
succession and were used, respectively, to describe the class of heirs instituted
and the abstract object of the inheritance. They offer no absolute indication that
the decedent would have willed her estate other than the way she did if she had
known that she was not bound by law to make allowance for legitimes. Her dis-
position of the free portion of her estate (libre disposicion) which largely favored
the respondent Perfecto Cruz, the latter's children, and the children of the re-
spondent Benita Cruz, shows a perceptible inclination on her part to give to the
respondents more than what she thought the law enjoined her to give to them.
Compare this with the relatively small devise of land which the decedent had left
for her blood relatives, including the petitioners Consuelo Austria-Benta and Lauro
Mozo and the children of the petitioner Ruben Austria. Were we to exclude the
respondents Perfecto Cruz, et al. from the inheritance, then the petitioners and
the other nephews and nieces would succeed to the bulk of the testate by intes-
tacy — a result which would subvert the clear wishes of the decedent.

Whatever doubts one entertains in his mind should be swept away by these ex-
plicit injunctions in the Civil Code: "The words of a will are to receive an interpre-
tation which will give to every expression some effect, rather than one which will
render any of the expressions inoperative; and of two modes of interpreting a will,
that is to be preferred which will prevent intestacy."

Testacy is favored and doubts are resolved on its side, especially where the will
evinces an intention on the part of the testator to dispose of practically his whole
estate, as was done in this case. Moreover, so compelling is the principle that
intestacy should be avoided and the wishes of the testator allowed to prevail,
that we could even vary the language of the will for the purpose of giving it ef-
fect. A probate court has found, by final judgment, that the late Basilia Austria
Vda. de Cruz was possessed of testamentary capacity and her last will executed
free from falsification, fraud, trickery or undue influence. In this situation, it be-
comes our duty to give full expression to her will.
At all events, the legality of the adoption of the respondents by the testatrix can
be assailed only in a separate action brought for that purpose, and cannot be
the subject of a collateral attack.

DISPOSITIVE PORTION: ACCORDINGLY, the present petition is denied, at petition-

ers cost.

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