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Renal Transplant

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Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2007; 51: 1354–1367 # 2007 The Authors

Printed in Singapore. All rights reserved Journal compilation # 2007 Acta Anaesthesiol Scand


doi: 10.1111/j.1399-6576.2007.01447.x

Anaesthesia for renal transplant surgery


Departments of 1Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care and 2Nephrology, Fortis Hospital, Amritsar, India

Renal transplantation is the preferred therapeutic option for patients Accepted for publication 25 June 2007
with end-stage renal disease. Survival rates are much higher in
patients who receive a transplant. Patients with renal failure have
significant concomitant medical conditions, such as cardiovascular Key words: Anaesthesia; kidney transplant; renal transplant.
disease. This article provides an overview of the important issues to
be considered in patients undergoing renal transplant, and discusses # 2007 The Authors
the anaesthetic management of these patients. Journal compilation # 2007 Acta Anaesthesiol Scand

I N recent years, tremendous strides have been

made in the general care of patients with end-
stage renal disease (ESRD). By definition, ESRD
marginal quality (7–9). Ojo et al. (10) found that, on
average, recipients of marginal kidney transplants
lived 5 years longer than transplant candidates who
begins when renal replacement therapy is initiated. remained on dialysis, whereas ideal cadaveric trans-
Once the kidneys fail, the patient has three manage- plant recipients had a 13-year survival benefit.
ment options: haemodialysis (HD), peritoneal dialy- Rabbat et al. (11) have also shown a long-term
sis (PD) or transplantation. Over the past decade, survival advantage associated with cadaveric renal
improvements in immunosuppressive medication, transplantation over dialysis. This difference was
organ procurement, patient preparation and surgical found to be more striking in patients in whom end-
techniques have resulted in a significant increase in stage renal failure was caused by diabetes and
survival rates after renal transplantation (1, 2). Fur- glomerulonephritis.
thermore, renal transplantation has been shown to Dialysis is considered to be one of the costliest
confer a greater survival benefit than maintenance treatment modalities in medicine. In a study by Joyce
dialysis. The estimated number of additional life- et al. (12), the annual per-patient cost was found to
years gained from renal transplantation have been increase by 150% in diabetics and 140% in those
found to vary from 8 years in a 60-year-old diabetic without diabetes following the onset of ESRD. In the
recipient to 31 years in a non-diabetic recipient aged same study, it was shown that 5% of Medicare
between 20 and 44 years (3, 4). Moreover, in dialysis programme expenditure in the USA was for ESRD
patients, the left ventricular function tends to deteri- patients, although they constituted only 0.5% of the
orate with time (5). Valvular disease, in particular beneficiaries. In another study in Greece, the average
aortic stenosis, has also been shown to progress cost of a single dialysis session was estimated to be
markedly over the years in dialysis patients (6). 240 euros, and the aggregate economic impact was
Therefore, earlier transplantation is advantageous to calculated to exceed 250 million euros per annum
ESRD patients on dialysis. (13). Furthermore, in this study, it was reported that
The kidney donor pool has been expanded to dialysis was more expensive than renal transplant,
include those who might have been deemed unsuit- the cost of which was calculated to be 22,500 euros
able in earlier times. The presence of certain pre- according to the estimate of the Hellenic National
transplant correlates of diminished graft survival, Transplant Organization in 2003. Thus, it is more
such as advanced donor age, long-standing donor economically feasible to perform a renal transplant in
hypertension or diabetes mellitus, non-heart-beating patients with ESRD.
cadaver donor and prolonged cold preservation time, The aims of this review are to provide an overview
has been used to characterize an organ as being of of the pre-operative considerations involved in

Anaesthesia for renal transplant surgery

patients undergoing renal transplant, and to discuss Table 1

the anaesthetic management of these patients. Important pre-operative considerations prior to renal transplant.

Cardiovascular disease
Pre-operative assessment Ischaemic heart disease
Congestive cardiac failure
Patients with end-stage renal failure suffer from Hypertension
various concomitant medical diseases. Their medical Diabetes mellitus
history is complex and many systems are likely to be Anaemia
Hyperparathyroidism and elevated calcium and phosphate
affected. Diabetes is the most common cause of Dyslipidaemias
ESRD, followed by hypertension (Fig. 1). Hence, it Infections
is important to take a full pre-operative history and Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
also to evaluate the medications taken by the pa- Newer cardiovascular risk factors
tients. The important medical and other issues to be C-reactive protein
considered in patients with ESRD, prior to trans- Homocysteine
Duration of end-stage renal disease
plant, are summarized in Table 1 and explained in Centre effect
detail below.

Cardiovascular disease risk of cardiovascular disease is 10–30 times higher in

Cardiovascular disease is the major cause of dialysis patients than in the normal population.
increased morbidity and mortality in dialysis pa- Following renal transplantation, the risk is decreased
tients, and accounts for over 50% of deaths (14). The to twice that in normal subjects (15, 16). Several
factors contribute to the development and progres-
sion of cardiovascular disease in patients on renal
9 10 replacement therapy. These include both the tradi-
8 tional cardiovascular risk factors recognized in the
7 general population and additional risk factors
6 particular to chronic renal failure, such as volume
overload with consequent hypertension (17, 18),
anaemia (19) and disturbance of calcium phosphate
metabolism (20).
All patients should be investigated for cardiovas-
1 cular disease when they are accepted onto the trans-
plant waiting list. Various angiographic studies have
demonstrated a high prevalence of clinically silent
ischaemic heart disease in these patients, especially in
those with concomitant diabetes mellitus (21–23). As
the resting electrocardiogram (ECG) is often abnor-
mal in these patients, standard treadmill tests are
difficult to interpret (24). Hence, dobutamine stress
echocardiography or thallium dipyridamole stress
tests should be considered (23, 25). Coronary angi-
4 ography should be carried out in patients showing
3 2 reversible ischaemia.
Congestive cardiac failure is also more prevalent in
Fig. 1. Incidence of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) by primary
dialysis patients. When ESRD patients with conges-
diagnosis [data from US Renal Data System (USRDS) 2006
Annual Data Report: Atlas of End-Stage Renal Disease in United tive heart failure as a result of reduced left ventricular
States. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, National ejection fraction (LVEF) present for kidney trans-
Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases, 2006]. 1, plantation evaluation, they are generally considered
Diabetes mellitus (44.9%); 2, glomerulonephritis (8.2%); 3, secondary to be at high risk for surgery. However, Wali et al. (26)
glomerulonephritis/vasculitis (2.1%); 4, interstitial nephritis/ demonstrated that kidney transplantation could be
pyelonephritis (4.1%); 5, hypertension/large vessel disease (26.6%);
6, cystic/congenital/hereditary disease (3.4%); 7, neoplasms/tumours performed safely in ESRD patients with decreased
(2.1%); 8, miscellaneous (4.6%); 9, aetiology uncertain (4.1%); LVEF, advanced heart failure and without inducible
10, missing (1.1%). ischaemia. In their study, renal transplantation

H. SarinKapoor et al.

resulted in an increase in LVEF in more than 86% of heart failure. Calcium antagonists can be given in
patients, and was associated with an improvement in the elderly, but short-release preparations should
New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional sta- be avoided.
tus in more than two-thirds of patients. Furthermore,
they reported that the duration of dialysis therapy
before kidney transplantation was the only significant
Diabetic nephropathy is the most common cause of
factor that predicted the normalization of LVEF.
ESRD in Europe, Japan and the USA. Patients with
However, subjects in this study were relatively young.
diabetic nephropathy and ESRD are known to have
Hence, all dialysis patients with reduced LVEF
higher mortality rates than those with other causes
must be initially evaluated for underlying ischaemia,
of ESRD. Diabetic patients with renal failure have
and their medications for heart failure [b-blocker,
an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Hence,
angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor or
screening and treatment of coronary artery disease
angiotensin receptor blocker] should be optimized.
are essential in diabetic patients undergoing trans-
These patients can then be assessed for kidney trans-
plantation. Good glycaemic control is also important
plantation, especially those in the younger age
before and during transplant, and is associated with
a lower mortality.
Norio et al. (32) studied the peri-operative ECGs
and invasive haemodynamic and oxygenation pa-
rameters in patients undergoing renal transplanta-
Hypertension is a common clinical problem in renal
tion. They reported an increased incidence of QT
transplant recipients, and plays an important role in
dispersion in the pre-operative ECG and a higher
causing cardiac damage by producing left ventricular
pre-operative heart rate and mean arterial pressure
hypertrophy, which predisposes the patient to ischae-
in diabetics than in non-diabetics. Following pre-
mia (27). The impairment of coronary perfusion in
anaesthetic volume loading, hyperdynamic circula-
a hypertrophic heart results in regional impairment
tion was noted in all patients, which subsided during
of left ventricular contraction and left ventricular
anaesthesia. Although intra-operative cardiac dys-
dilatation, leading to systolic dysfunction (28). The
rhythmias were not noted in any of the diabetics in
risk of cardiovascular death in patients on dialysis
this study, it is suggested that ECG monitoring
has been reported to be 2.2 times greater in those
should be performed intra-operatively in all diabetics
with a pre-dialysis blood pressure of 130/80 mmHg
for arrhythmias.
or greater than in those with a blood pressure of less
Diabetic patients undergoing renal transplant are
than 130/80 mmHg (18). Foley et al. (17) have
susceptible to accelerated peripheral vascular dis-
reported that, after adjusting for age, diabetes,
ease (33). Diabetic foot disease can be troublesome
ischaemic heart disease, haemoglobin and serum
post-transplant. Post-transplant diabetes mellitus is
albumin, each 10-mmHg rise in mean arterial blood
also known to develop as a complication of immu-
pressure is associated with concentric left ventricular
nosuppression, specifically steroids and calcineurin
hypertrophy and the development of ischaemic heart
disease and cardiac failure. An inverse relationship
has been shown to exist between the severity of
hypertension and graft survival (29). Anaemia
A blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg has been Anaemia is a known complication of ESRD and is
shown to minimize the occurrence of left ventricular also linked to cardiovascular morbidity and mortal-
hypertrophy and death in dialysis patients (17). ity. In chronic renal failure, decreased left ventricular
Hence, a value of 140/90 mmHg or less should be capillary supply increases the critical oxygen diffu-
set as the target blood pressure (30). Ambulatory sion distance in the myocardium (which is hypertro-
blood pressure monitoring is not strictly necessary phic in renal failure), predisposing it to ischaemia
for routine monitoring in HD patients. and, consequently, failure. In a study by Harnett et al.
For the control of high blood pressure, ACE (19), the independent relative risk of mortality in
inhibitors should be used, as these agents have been dialysis patients was calculated to be 1.18 per 1.0-g/dl
found to confer a better prognosis in patients with decrease in haemoglobin level. Mix et al. (34) reported
a high risk of cardiovascular events (31). Angioten- that the prevalence of anaemia (haematocrit <36%)
sin-II receptor antagonists should be used when an was 76% at transplantation and fell to 21% 1 year post-
ACE inhibitor-induced cough is present, and also in transplant.

Anaesthesia for renal transplant surgery

The correction of anaemia with erythropoietin mortality in both the general and ESRD population.
increases oxygen transport and decreases cardiac CRP has been found to be chronically elevated in
output, pulse rate and cardiac workload, which leads one-third to two-thirds of dialysis patients (46, 47).
to a decrease in left ventricular hypertrophy, thereby Oh et al. (48) have demonstrated that CRP strongly
improving cardiac status (35). Furthermore, it also correlates with coronary calcifications in young
improves exercise capacity, cognitive and brain func- ESRD patients, not only undergoing dialysis but also
tion and quality of life, and also reduces mortality after renal transplantation. In chronic renal failure
(36, 37). However, erythropoietin therapy has been patients, CRP levels have been found to be associated
found to increase blood pressure in up to 30% of with malnutrition and increased cardiovascular risk
dialysis patients (38). The correction of anaemia has and mortality (49). Furthermore, increased levels of
also been found to improve uraemic coagulopathy, pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-1
increase blood viscosity and decrease erythrocyte (IL-1), tumour necrosis factor-a, IL-6 and IL-13, have
deformability, thus predisposing to thrombus forma- also been found to be associated with higher rates of
tion (39). Hence, a gradual correction of anaemia mortality in HD patients (50).
with a target haemoglobin level of around 12 g/dl Homocysteine is another cardiovascular risk factor
should be considered for all patients. that is elevated in chronic renal failure and remains
so even after kidney transplantation. Homocysteine
Parathyroid hormone, calcium and phosphate has been found to predict cardiovascular mortality
Elevated serum calcium and phosphate, secondary in ESRD patients and morbidity after transplanta-
hyperparathyroidism and the administration of phos- tion (51, 52). Oh et al. (48) have reported that
phate-chelating agents may play a role in the patho- hyperhomocysteinaemia contributes significantly to
genesis of cardiovascular disease in chronic renal coronary artery calcification, independent of CRP,
failure. A high degree of fibrosis and myocardial parathyroid hormone and calcium phosphate load.
calcium content can lead to the development of Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) is an
myocardial hypertrophy and diastolic dysfunction of endogenous competitive inhibitor of nitric oxide
the left ventricle (40). Secondary hyperparathyroidism (NO) synthase. It has been hypothesized that ADMA
and increased calcium  phosphate product have accumulation in renal failure inhibits NO-induced
been found to be associated with calcification of the vasodilatation, and thus could contribute to hyper-
cardiac valves and coronary arteries (41, 42). It has tension and cardiovascular disease (53).
been suggested that hyperphosphataemia is mainly
responsible for cardiac valve calcification, and hence
should be efficiently controlled (43). Calcium-based Hepatitis C
chelators are widely used for phosphate control; Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is linked to chronic
however, high doses are required, which can lead to renal disease. Chronic infection with HCV is associ-
frequent episodes of hypercalcaemia, thus contribut- ated with membranous nephropathy and membra-
ing further to metastatic calcification. noproliferative glomerulonephritis with or without
cryoglobulinaemia (54). Patients on chronic HD are at
an increased risk of acquiring HCV infection as
Dyslipidaemia a result of frequent blood transfusions and HCV-
The prevalence of dyslipidaemia in chronic renal contaminated dialysis equipment. Various studies
failure is higher than that in the general population. have reported that the relative risk for death in
Higher levels of serum lipoprotein-A seen in chronic anti-HCV-antibody-positive patients is significantly
renal failure have been found to contribute to ath- higher than that in anti-HCV-antibody-negative pa-
erosclerosis, leading to an increased incidence of tients after adjusting for age, transplantation, dura-
cardiac events (44). Hence, serum lipid levels should tion of dialysis and race (55, 56). Hepatocellular
be decreased using a strategy combining dietary carcinoma and liver cirrhosis are serious complica-
modifications and lipid-lowering agents. tions of HCV infection and could contribute to the
high mortality in the HCV-positive group (57, 58).
Other cardiovascular risk factors Sepsis has been shown to be another significant cause
In the last decade, evidence has been increasing that of death in HCV-positive patients with renal trans-
atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disorder (45). plantation (59).
C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of micro-inflam- There is considerable debate about the effect of
matory state, is a potent predictor of cardiovascular recipient HCV infection on renal allograft loss and

H. SarinKapoor et al.

acute rejection in kidney transplantation. Numerous include ophthalmological examination to rule out
studies have reported a deleterious effect, with higher CMV retinitis, and cervical and anal smears for
rates of acute rejection and allograft loss (60, 61). By human papillomavirus-associated cervical and anal
contrast, an equal number of studies have reported intraepithelial neoplasia.
outcomes that are comparable with those seen in
recipients who are not infected with HCV (62, 63).
The differences may possibly be the result of the Duration of ESRD and renal transplant outcome
influence of confounding factors, other than HCV Increased duration of pre-transplant ESRD is associ-
infection, on renal allograft outcomes. ated with poor graft and recipient outcome (67, 68).
Goldfarb-Rumyantzev et al. (69) found that a longer
duration of ESRD was associated with a worsening
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection graft outcome; however, the association only became
The number of HIV-positive patients having ESRD significant after 6 months of dialysis therapy, and,
has increased over the last couple of years. The after 3 years, no significant change in risk was
various factors contributing to this increase are evident. In the same study, a longer duration of
HIV-associated nephropathy, increased duration of ESRD was reported to be associated with a worsening
survival of HIV-positive patients and increased sur- recipient survival when calculated from the time of
vival of HIV-positive patients on dialysis. transplant, becoming significant after 1 year of ESRD
The presence of HIV type 1 has traditionally been duration.
considered a contraindication for transplantation Kidney transplantation is associated with a sig-
because of concerns that immunosuppression could nificant improvement in azotaemia. By contrast,
increase viral load, and a stable patient could decom- prolonged exposure to uraemic toxins has been
pensate. However, the introduction of highly active demonstrated to affect myocardial contractility.
antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has markedly Although the exact nature of such toxins has yet to
improved the survival of HIV-infected patients be ascertained, various studies have demonstrated
because of excellent control of the viral load and numerous potentially negative inotropic and chro-
fewer infections (64). Furthermore, because of the notropic factors in the uraemic plasma (70, 71).
extremely low HIV viral load (<50 copies/ml), fresh Amann et al. (72) have reported that a prolonged
T cells can be generated prior to transplantation (65). exposure to these uraemic toxins can result in my-
Bhagani et al. (66) have compiled guidelines for ocyte fibrosis and death. A longer duration of dialysis
renal transplantation in HIV-infected patients. A life therapy results in a prolonged exposure of myocytes
expectancy of at least 5 years is considered to be to these uraemic toxins, and hence may decrease the
appropriate before planning transplantation. Fur- likelihood of improvement in LVEF in the post-
thermore, the patients should have been on a stable transplant period. Similarly, Eknoyan et al. (73) have
HAART regimen for at least 6 months (CD4 count demonstrated that a longer duration of dialysis and
>200 cells/ml; HIV viral load <50 copies/ml). There decreased clearance of middle molecules (a compon-
should be no current acquired immunodeficiency ent of the uraemic toxin) are associated with an
syndrome (AIDS)-defining illness. Infections with increased risk of death from cardiac causes. Further-
resistant fungi and bacteria and untreated active more, increased atherogenesis during chronic renal
chronic infections with cytomegalovirus (CMV) and failure and dialysis treatment may cause deteriora-
Mycobacterium are considered as contraindications to tion in the cardiovascular status of all potential
transplantation. Advanced cardiopulmonary disease, transplant recipients, and of diabetic patients in
a history of neoplasms, except adequately treated particular (74).
solid tumours with a disease-free period of more than
5 years, pregnancy and human T-cell lymphotropic The centre effect
virus type-1 positivity are also considered as contra- Various studies have shown that centres performing
indications to transplantation. lower numbers of transplants over a designated
Before transplant, all patients should be vaccinated period of time show lower graft and patient survival
with pneumococcal, meningococcal and Haemophilus rates. The centre effect in renal transplantation has
influenzae B vaccines. Patients should also be vacci- been defined as the variation in centre-specific renal
nated with varicella, hepatitis A and B vaccines if allograft outcomes beyond that which can be ex-
they do not possess antibodies to these infections. plained by random variation and adjustments for
Furthermore, routine pre-transplant assessment should factors known to impact on these outcomes (75, 76).

Anaesthesia for renal transplant surgery

Although some studies have shown that the centre Neuromuscular blocking agents
effect is most significant only within the first year Succinylcholine is frequently used in general anaes-
after transplantation (77), others have reported the thesia to facilitate tracheal intubation because of its
persistence of the centre effect at 1 year post-trans- rapid onset and brief duration of action. However, it
plantation and beyond (75, 76, 78). The centre effect may increase serum potassium concentration, which
has been reported to be lower in living donor trans- can result in cardiac arrhythmias and even cardiac
plants and negligible in human leucocyte antigen arrest (85). Patients with renal failure may have
(HLA)-identical transplants. The degree of HLA associated uraemic polyneuropathy, and repeated
matching has been reported to account for some of doses of succinylcholine can trigger hyperkalaemia
the variation seen between centres (79, 80). Physician
in such patients (86). Therefore, succinylcholine
and surgeon experience and careful and well-
should be used cautiously in patients with end-stage
organized clinical management have been found to
renal failure. Its use is not recommended in patients
be important factors in determining a centre’s success
with end-stage renal failure who have concomitant
in renal transplantation (77, 81).
Long-acting non-depolarizing neuromuscular
Anaesthetic management blocking agents are largely eliminated by renal
Anaesthetic drugs excretion. Hunter (87) found that, in patients with
The most important risk factor for post-operative end-stage renal failure, the effects of long-acting non-
renal failure is poor pre-operative renal function (82). depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents were
As subjects with ESRD have impaired renal function, significantly prolonged, with a high rate of residual
it is important to avoid potentially nephrotoxic blockade at the end of surgery and a notable cumu-
substances when anaesthetizing these high-risk pa- lative effect with repetitive administration. Therefore,
tients (Table 2). Hepatic drug metabolism is also in patients with ESRD, muscle relaxants whose
influenced by renal failure, either through induction excretion is not primarily dependent on renal func-
or inhibition of hepatic enzymes or by alteration of tion should be used for general anaesthesia.
protein binding and protein denaturation. Changes The onset time of various muscle relaxants in
in body fluid distribution and circulatory volume patients with end-stage renal failure has been re-
also affect drug disposition. This causes changes in ported by different studies to be similar or prolonged
hepatic blood flow, which alter the production and when compared with controls (88, 89). A slower
elimination of metabolites (83, 84). onset time may be seen in patients with water
intoxication as a result of the increased volume of
distribution, whereas a more rapid onset time may be
observed in patients with dehydration caused by
Table 2
dialysis therapy as a result of a smaller volume of
Safety profile of drugs for anaesthesia. distribution.
The duration of action of muscle relaxants is
Neuromuscular Inhalational
blockers agents dependent on the excretory route of the agents.
Succinylcholine þ (K <5.5 mEq/l) Isoflurane þ Excretion of atracurium is via Hofmann elimination
Atracurium þ Sevoflurane þ
Cisatracurium þ Desflurane þ
and hydrolysis by esterase, and hence renal failure
Mivacurium þ/– Enflurane – does not alter its elimination. The duration of action
Vecuronium þ/– Induction agents and recovery time of initial and incremental doses of
Rocuronium þ/– Propofol þ
Pancuronium þ/– Pentothal þ atracurium in patients with end-stage renal failure
Intra-operative Post-operative are similar to those in controls (90, 91). However, the
opioids analgesics metabolite of atracurium, laudanosine, is partially
Fentanyl þ Morphine þ
Alfentanil þ Fentanyl þ eliminated through the kidney, resulting in a pro-
Sufentanil þ Paracetamol – longed elimination half-life of this metabolite in
Remifentanil þ NSAIDs –
Morphine – COX-2 inhibitors –
patients with renal failure (92). The concentration of
Meperidine – laudanosine required to produce convulsions in dogs
is more than 20 mg/ml; the concentrations found
COX-2, cyclo-oxygenase-2; NSAIDs, non-steroidal anti-inflamma-
tory drugs. after the clinical use of atracurium are between 2 and
þ, can be used; –, cannot be used; þ/– could be used. 14 mg/ml.

H. SarinKapoor et al.

Cisatracurium is approximately four times as that neither the duration of action nor the recovery
potent as atracurium. Its principal mode of break- after an initial dose, or even three subsequent incre-
down is also Hofmann elimination, and laudanosine mental doses, was prolonged in patients with chronic
is one of its breakdown products. There is no direct renal failure who were given rocuronium. Neuro-
metabolism by esterases. As it is more potent, smaller muscular function can recover spontaneously with-
amounts of cisatracurium are required, and therefore out an antagonist after the use of rocuronium in
less laudanosine is formed. Even in patients with patients with renal failure (97, 101).
renal failure or those receiving prolonged infusions,
the highest plasma levels of laudanosine are well Inhalational agents
below the toxic threshold, about one-fifth of the level All potent inhalational agents cause a decrease in the
found with atracurium. The duration of action is, renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate in
however, slightly prolonged in renal disease, sug- proportion to the dose. The association between the
gesting that it may normally undergo slightly more metabolic production of inorganic fluoride ions and
renal excretion than atracurium. high-output renal failure has been known for years.
Mivacurium is eliminated by hydrolysis by plasma Serum fluoride levels of 50 mmol/l are needed to
cholinesterase at a hydrolytic rate of 70–80% of that produce nephrotoxicity, but significant decreases in
of succinylcholine. The proportion of elimination of the maximum urine-concentrating ability can occur
mivacurium by the kidney is minimal. Cook et al. when serum fluoride levels are on the order of
(93) found no significant difference in the pharma- 20 mmol/l.
cokinetics or pharmacodynamics of mivacurium Enflurane is metabolized to a small extent, and
between patients with renal failure and controls, occasional cases of renal failure have been reported
but others (94, 95) found that the no-response period following its use. With enflurane, maximal serum
of mivacurium was significantly prolonged in pa- fluoride levels are on the order of 25 mmol/l. It
tients with end-stage renal failure, probably because should not be used in patients with renal impair-
of the decreased plasma cholinesterase activity in ment. Although fluoride is also the major metabolite
patients on long-term dialysis therapy. of isoflurane, the extent of its metabolism is so small
The elimination of vecuronium and rocuronium is (0.2%) that the amount of fluoride produced is
relatively independent of kidney function. Both unlikely to cause renal damage.
drugs are mainly metabolized by the liver, but their Sevoflurane is degraded to fluoromethyl-2,2-
metabolites and partial prototypes are excreted by difluoro-1-trifluoromethyl vinyl ether (compound-A)
the kidney. The duration of action of vecuronium and by carbon dioxide absorbers of standard anaesthesia
rocuronium in patients with renal failure has been re-breathing systems. A decrease in fresh gas flow is
reported to be prolonged (96–98), and a cumulative known to increase compound-A production within
effect has been noted with repetitive administration the circuit, thereby increasing compound-A levels
(99, 100). This is caused by the accumulation of an (102). Compound-A has been shown to be nephro-
active metabolite that is produced in the liver by the toxic in rats (103, 104). However, studies performed to
removal of the acetyl group. In a case report, a patient assess the safety of sevoflurane in patients with pre-
with chronic renal insufficiency had complete neuro- existing renal disease have reported that renal dys-
muscular blockade for more than 3 h after an initial function is not enhanced by compound-A (105, 106).
dose of 0.09 mg/kg vecuronium (100). Sevoflurane is metabolized by hepatic cytochrome
Ma and Zhuang (94) reported that, in patients P450 to hexafluoroisopropanol and inorganic fluo-
undergoing dialysis 1 day before transplantation, ride. Peak serum inorganic fluoride levels greater
no difference in the no-response period or the time than 30 mmol have been reported after sevoflurane
to 25% recovery after an initial dose of vecuronium or anaesthesia (107, 108). Although such high levels of
rocuronium twice the ED95 (dose required to pro- inorganic fluoride are known to produce transient
duce 95% suppression of twitch responce to nerve renal damage after enflurane anaesthesia, a similar
stimulation) value was noted when compared with deterioration has not been found after sevoflurane
controls. However, after repetitive incremental doses, anaesthesia, even in patients with pre-existing renal
the no-response period and the time to 25% recovery disease (105–108). Conzen et al. (109) did not find any
were prolonged. Renal failure leads to decreased correlation between serum inorganic fluoride and
plasma clearance and a prolonged elimination half- compound-A levels and the markers of renal function
life of vecuronium and rocuronium, as discussed after low-flow sevoflurane anaesthesia in patients
earlier. However, Khuenl-Brady et al. (101) found with co-existing renal disease.

Anaesthesia for renal transplant surgery

Bito et al. (110) have demonstrated that low-flow Thiopental is another inducing agent that is almost
sevoflurane anaesthesia does not cause renal injury entirely metabolized in the liver. Its breakdown
when compared with high-flow sevoflurane or low- products are excreted by the kidneys and the alimen-
flow isoflurane anaesthesia. In their study, blood urea tary tract. Traces are excreted unchanged in the urine.
nitrogen and creatinine concentrations did not No permanent effects of this agent on kidney func-
increase, and creatinine clearance did not decrease, tion have been recorded.
when compared with values before anaesthesia, The use of glycopyrronium is contraindicated in
although there was an insignificant increase in the uraemic patients. Kirvela et al. (120) reported severe
urinary excretion of the kidney-specific enzymes impairment of glycopyrronium elimination in uraemic
N-acetyl-b-D-glucosaminidase and alanine amino- patients undergoing renal transplantation. In their
peptidase. Similarly, Conzen et al. (109) reported that study, the 24-h renal excretion of glycopyrronium was
low-flow sevoflurane anaesthesia was safe and did 7% (0–25%) in uraemic patients and 65% (30–99%) in
not alter kidney function in patients with pre-existing ASA I control patients undergoing general surgery.
renal disease. Hence, low-flow sevoflurane anaesthe-
sia can be safely used in renal transplant recipients. Opioids
Furthermore, sevoflurane has been shown to have The effect of morphine is prolonged in patients with
an anti-inflammatory effect that protects against chronic renal failure as a result of the accumulation of
ischaemia–reperfusion injury (111). Lee et al. (112) its active metabolite morphine-6-glucuronide (121).
demonstrated anti-inflammatory and anti-necrotic Similarly, the administration of high or repeated
effects of sevoflurane in cultured kidney proximal doses of meperidine in these patients is known to
tubule cells. produce seizures as a result of the accumulation of
Similarly, desflurane is not contraindicated in pa- normeperidine (122). The elimination of oxycodone is
tients with renal dysfunction (113, 114). Litz et al. also impaired in uraemic patients undergoing renal
(114) found no deterioration in renal function in transplant. Kirvela et al. (123) reported a prolonged
patients with pre-existing renal disease who were mean elimination half-life of oxycodone in patients
given 2.2  1.8 minimum alveolar concentration with end-stage renal failure. They found higher
(MAC) hours of desflurane. In another study, Obal concentrations of its metabolite noroxycodone in
et al. (115) examined the effects of post-conditioning plasma. Furthermore, uraemic patients were found
by desflurane on renal function and morphology in to excrete significantly smaller quantities of oxy-
rats. Post-conditioning involves the administration of codone and its metabolites, noroxycodone and oxy-
anaesthetics during early reperfusion, and has been morphone. However, the pharmacokinetics of
found to have a protective effect on several organs. fentanyl, alfentanil and sufentanil are not altered in
They administered 1 MAC of desflurane during post- chronic renal failure, because the metabolites are
conditioning and found that it protected renal func- inactive and are unlikely to contribute to the opioid
tion and tissue. effect even if they accumulate.
Remifentanil is metabolized in the peripheral tis-
Induction agents and other drugs sues by an esterase enzyme. Its principal metabolite,
Propofol is extensively used as an intravenous agent GR90291, possesses about 1/4600th the potency of
for the induction and maintenance of general anaes- remifentanil, and is eliminated primarily by the
thesia. Propofol is mainly metabolized in the liver kidneys (124). Hoke et al. (125) studied the pharma-
and its metabolites do not possess pharmacological cokinetics and pharmacodynamics of remifentanil in
activity (116). Studies have shown that propofol can patients with chronic renal failure. In their study,
be safely used for the induction and maintenance of blood pressure elevations were noted before and after
anaesthesia in patients with renal failure (117, 118). the termination of remifentanil infusion in patients
Uraemia requiring HD has not been shown to affect who had dialysis fistulae or grafts. Dialysis fistulae
significantly the pharmacokinetics of propofol. Infu- are known to produce hyperdynamic circulation.
sion dose requirements have been found to be similar They also found that the adverse effects were mild
in ESRD patients and patients with normal renal and were the result of typical micro-opioid effects,
function (118). Shorter emergence times have been including dyspnoea, somnolence, nausea, vomiting
noted in ESRD patients when compared with pa- and chills. However, the maximum concentration and
tients with normal renal function (118, 119). No plasma half-life of GR90291 were markedly increased.
adverse effects have been reported following inter- In another study, Bower and Sear (126) found no
mittent injections of propofol. correlation between alfentanil binding and plasma

H. SarinKapoor et al.

albumin, total plasma proteins, plasma urea or (135). Furthermore, they do not have adverse effects
plasma creatinine clearance in patients with chronic on the reticuloendothelial system or renal function,
renal failure. However, in these patients, total drug nor do they have bleeding complications. In one
clearance and the volume of distribution were sig- study, immediate renal function was found to be
nificantly increased. impaired in renal transplant recipients whose donors
were infused with HES (136). However, another
Intravenous fluid therapy retrospective study concluded that HES given at
Normal saline is routinely used for intra-operative a maximum dosage of 15 ml/kg/day to the donor
intravenous fluid therapy in renal transplant recip- had no detrimental effect on renal function in the
ients. Electrolyte imbalance, especially hyperkalae- recipient (137). Sufficient amounts of crystalloids
mia, is frequently seen in patients with renal failure. should, however, be infused together with HES.
Potassium-containing fluids, such as lactated Ring-
er’s solution, are thus avoided in such patients
Central venous pressure (CVP)
in order to minimize the risk of development of
In the immediate post-transplant period, CVP invari-
ably declines despite positive fluid balance and
Metabolic acidosis has been reported to develop
vigorous fluid resuscitation. Various explanations
following the administration of large volumes of
have been offered for this phenomenon: hypovolae-
normal saline (127, 128). Various possible explana-
mia in chronic dialysis patients; vasodilatation from
tions for this metabolic derangement have been
anaesthetic drugs; altered vascular permeability or
suggested. The rapid administration of fluids con-
response to factors liberated from the perfused
taining near-physiological concentrations of sodium
kidney. Reperfusion is known to produce oxygen-
and anions (other than bicarbonate) dilutes the
derived free radicals (138). These produce tissue
extracellular bicarbonate, resulting in dilutional aci-
damage, resulting in increased vascular permeability
dosis (129). Furthermore, normal saline could cause
and alterations in vascular tone. The redistribution of
metabolic acidosis as a result of its chloride content,
fluids in different compartments as a result of pre-
according to Kellum (130). He suggested that,
existing vascular permeability may lead to a decrease
although the proportion of sodium and chloride is
in CVP. The excretion of NO synthase inhibitor by the
similar in normal saline, it is not so in the plasma.
transplanted kidneys, leading to increased NO levels,
Hence, the administration of large volumes of normal
has also been implicated in the decrease in CVP (139).
saline has a greater effect on total body chloride than
However, concomitant vasodilatation as a result of
on total body sodium, leading to the development of
NO has not been noted in recipients.
metabolic acidosis (130). Hyperchloraemic metabolic
Acute tubular necrosis has been reported to be
acidosis further leads to an extracellular potassium
lower in patients who are profoundly hydrated (140,
shift, producing hyperkalaemia (131).
141). Hyperhydration is known to dilate the atria,
Although normal saline may have a potential det-
leading to the release of atrial natriuretic peptide
rimental effect on renal function, as described, it is still
(142). It also leads to increased renal perfusion.
commonly used in patients undergoing transplanta-
Ferris et al. (143) have shown a lack of correlation
tion. O’Malley et al. (132) have shown that normal
between the decrease in CVP and fluid balance. In their
saline does not adversely affect renal function.
study, although the fluid balance of recipients corre-
Colloids should only be considered in recipients
lated strongly with immediate post-operative function,
with severe intravascular volume deficits who
no correlation was detected between the absolute value
require high-volume restoration (133). Artificial col-
of CVP intra-operatively or the post-operative decrease
loids, such as gelatin and dextran, are known to
in CVP and the incidence of acute tubular necrosis.
adversely affect the kidney (134). Albumin is a nor-
Furthermore, they found that the maximum decrease
mal endogenous colloid with a wide safety margin,
in CVP occurred between the operating theatre and
and hence should be used. Furthermore, albumin
intensive care unit. This could be the result of the
also protects the kidney by scavenging reactive
prompt redistribution of fluids, or the fact that patients
oxygen species and inhibiting apoptosis (134).
with ESRD have a different post-anaesthetic response.
Hydroxyethyl starch (HES) solutions are being
used instead of albumin. Medium molecular weight
HES solutions have been found to have the lowest Anaesthesia procedure
in vivo molecular weight above the threshold for Adequate monitoring is a prerequisite for renal
renal elimination and are also easily degradable transplantation. A central venous line is essential

Anaesthesia for renal transplant surgery

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