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Brand Analysis: By: Tarandeep Singh

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Throughout my presentation I am going to give a description of how
certain techniques in marketing are used to list their products on the
market in two organisations. I have chosen to investigate Tesco PLC and
Coca Cola Ltd. Such marketing techniques I will be describing are the use
of branding; brand awareness, brand influences, brand building and brand
extension, and the use of relationship marketing.

The process of identifying, satisfying and revisiting of consumer

needs for example: through providing customer with specific
products and accomplishing the businesses or customer needs.
Also it’s the process of getting the right product or service in the
right quantity, to the right place, at the right time and making a
profit in the process
The two organisations I have chosen are Tesco and Coca Cola. I have chosen these Two
organisations because of the way that these businesses carry out advertising
campaigns and how they apply them to give them an advantage in growth and survival.
I chose these organisations because of the techniques that they have used to achieve
their purpose and the aims and objectives that are set by businesses to guide them
through the market and the marketing techniques they use to interact with customers
and businesses .
Coca Cola
On May 8, 1886, Dr. John Pemberton made the first Coca Cola drink which were sold at 5 cents a glass. In
1916 a specialised bottle was made for Coca Cola to combat copycats. In 1985 Coca Cola became the first
soft-drink ever in space. Coca Cola is now enjoyed in over 200 worldwide countries. Coca Cola is a public
limited company because it is owned by shareholders who help fund the company. Shares are sold on the
stock exchange.

Jack Cohen founded Tesco in 1919; he began selling groceries in London. Tesco stores became a private
limited company in 1932. Tesco value was launched in 1993 and as off February 2010 there are 5380 stores
across the world. Tesco is now a PLC (public limited company) the company is owned by shareholders.
Coca Cola
I selected this advertisement for Coca Cola because
it encourages people to drink their brand during
seasonal events. I think this advertisement was
actually aimed at everyone and not just younger
people; instead it encourages people to be jolly
during Christmas while also advertising their brand.
This advert was created in 1931. as you can see the
Santa image was closed attention when advertising
this campaign in the market .
Tesco have made this advert to show that their
apples are the same quality as other stores; this
advert explains that they are not any more expensive
than other stores; neither do they lack any quality. I
chose this advert because the use of green is eye
catching, this is essential for the advertising
campaign because it needs to get the attention of
people that are potential customers and it creates
opportunities to generate much faster profit. This
advert was considered the best national newspaper
advertisement for 12 months in past year
Tesco’s objectives are; offering customers the best money value and the cheapest prices,
meeting the customer’s needs by surveying and acting upon customers opinions, to provide
shareholders with progressive investment returns, develop the peoples talents through
training and management, to work with suppliers closely to build business relationships and to
support the community wellbeing and protect the environment.
Coca Cola
The aim and objective of Coca Cola is to have a high profit margin and high rating for
customer service, they try to meet their shareholders expectations. They aim to have high
valued service delivered to their customers so that they gain substantial profit and feedback.
They want to gradually become more successful and more known to the world.
Ø The strategy Tesco applies for the apple product to developing apples
within the market is market penetration. This is because they are at a
steady growth in sales and revenue and do not need to continue to
develop the product as it will be an unnecessary cost to their budget
although they are being promoted as they are important to the core
Ø Coca Cola’s plastic bottles are also using the technique of market
penetration, this is because they are a well-known brand and are trying
to maintain their position in the market.
There are similarities between the techniques the markets have
chosen to use; they are both trying to maintain an existing products
position with the current customers. Both organisations are using
products to maintain their position and are trying to get more
customers within the current target market, and current customers
to buy more.
Both of the organisations would have different levels of competitiveness, one
organisation may be willing to set harder and larger objectives to ensure that
they maintain a profit and a lead in awareness over their competitors. The
current markets are both different; products are in different categories with
different levels of popularity.
Coca Cola
It isn’t necessary for Coca Cola to try survival strategies; they have a strong position
in the market with positive revenues and not need to take any actions. Although
taking some survival strategies could mean that sales will increase such as making a
discount on their prices or introducing a new offer such as buy one get one free, but
taking survival strategies can also remove job positions. Coca Cola do not need to
take any survival strategies because of their current position in the market.
Tesco don’t seem that they need to take any survival strategies but it could possibly be
more profitable for them because if they specified on a smaller range of products I
think that people might be able to have more knowledge about them, for example
going into one of Tesco’s big stores means it’s easy to get lost but having a smaller
store it is possible to remember where the products you usually buy are. Reducing
costs and introducing new offers will increase the amount of sales and can possibly
create a faster means of profit, but it may anger people if they do not have a good
enough range of products to bring satisfactory and job positions could be lost. Tesco do
not need to take any survival strategies because of their current position in the market.
Tesco may use growth strategies to increase revenue and recognisability, the first thing they will want to do is sell
their products to a specific market group of people, the ideal group of consumers will need to be able to recognise
the products and have a good reason to buy them.
Next they may start reintroducing an old product or service that used to be of interest to the customers; a new
advertising campaign would promote this and may promote some of the potential new uses for the product. Tesco
may decide that their old products are not getting enough recognisability and may start introducing a new product
into the market; an example of this is when Tesco started selling fresh fruit and vegetables, starting the brand
name “Tesco value”.
When Tesco are not getting recognised enough within a certain market group they may start selling their products
in another country or another area, the products that they choose to start selling may be unrelated to the previous
products and have a different variety of uses.

The product life cycle diagram is what shows the position that a business’s product brand is at within the
product market.
This is the product life cycle diagram on which I will be analysing the position of the products I have chosen
for my selected organisations.
Coca Cola
Coca cola sell plastic bottled soft drinks and are most likely in the stage of maturity
because they are well known and selling in a higher variety of places. It is the market
leader for soft drinks and has been for a long time.
Tesco’s applies are at the stage of maturity because their product is at a stable level
of sales within the range of products in the market.
The Specific elements that the has Tesco’s “every little helps” slogan can be trademarked
and therefore competing companies are not able to recreate a similar slogan, one group
of brands may decide to trademark their logo dependant on variations of colours.
Coca Cola
Coca Cola use to sell their products. Some brands may allow part of their logo, motto or
brand name to be more flexible. The brand is what helps achieve the objectives in
marketing because of the powerful effect it has on sales, this refers to brand awareness;
where the brand is well known to people and they associate the brand name with that
product group, this can also help to gain leadership within the business market and to
raise the awareness of the brand to their customers.
Coca Cola
Coca Cola have used brand building to increase their growth as a business by being
consistent with their brand messages, Coca Cola have used the image of “Santa” on their
advertisements because of the recognition that “Santa” gets as a public figure, doing this
they have created many classic advertisements which have sufficiently caught the eyes of
potential customers and created higher levels of positive revenue for Coca Cola. Coca Cola
have also sponsored many events such as those of a sporting standard, many football
championships have been sponsored by Coca Cola and they even have their own
championship league, other sporting events that have been sponsored by Coca Cola are
the Olympic games, because of the worlds recognition for the Olympic games, Coca Cola
has successfully promoted their brand by supporting causes and sponsoring events, this is
how they have enhanced the brands recognition indirectly.
Tesco have built the recognition of the brand directly by advertising using their brand, colour
and slogan. Their advertisement includes why they are more preferred to other competing
brands and tries to explain that they are cheaper. An example of Tesco doing this is their
advertisement including the apples. In the corner of the advertisement it includes their logo
and their slogan which both have their own fonts; this is how they have directly made
customers aware of their brand. Tesco have sponsored many events such as football and the
Olympics and they have also supported many campaigns and causes, one of the most recent
events they have sponsored is the “Race for Life 2011” by CANCER RESEARCH UK, they have
been sponsoring this event for over 10 years, they have indirectly promoted their brand
name this way by helping to raise funds for this event
• Buyer behaviour; which is how when making a purchase people react in terms of behaviour,
is strongly influenced by branding. Having a strong brand benefits a business because it is
well known by the customer and will stick in their mind. This way they refer to the product
type as a brand, an example of this is calling beans “Heinz”, and the slogan “beanz
meanz Heinz” has been known for achieving one of the most successful advertising
campaign. Brands can take advantage of this to charge higher, premium prices such as
with designer clothes; they are alike any other clothes supplier but because they are
“designer” they are bought because of the businesses name. People pay more just for the
brand name and this is because they are desired. A business can try to enter new market
groups when their brand has gained strength and growth or they can take the less risky
option and continue to sell in the existing markets. They have a good recognition and
experience of the brand it is likely they will look for another product within the brand.
• Tesco
• Tesco have extended their brand greatly, Tesco first started selling groceries but
now they have their own selection of electronic devices, food, insurance
products. Because they first started selling food they still specialise in food but
are aiming to broaden their market.
• Coca Cola
• Coca Cola has extended their brand with their well-known image by using the same brand name in a
different category of products, there are now Coca Cola brands for a whole variety of products
such as; pencil cases, stationary, and storage containers. Coca Cola have expanded their Brand
into many types of products.

• Relationship marketing is the building of a relationship in the long-term between the business and the
customer. This means choosing the potential customers and initiating a relationship with them, then
attempting to maintain this, enhancing their relationship and if they really have to, eventually
terminating the relationship to change to a group of customers with more potential to generate more
profit. Relationship marketing is often used by banks to attract the attention of potential customers
that could be able to create a good profit for the business.
• An example of this is that Tesco started using Tesco Club card which was introduced to give the
customers an opportunity to save a small amount of money, this also encourages them to spend more
money therefore Tesco make a better profit. The alternative to relationship marketing is transactional
marketing, this is where the focus of the effort will be on selling one specified service or product, and
they will also have a low expectation of developing a relationship with their customers. Businesses
that focus on this type of marketing only expect to make a profit out of this but will need to still put
effort into their advertising campaigns to keep attracting attention of customers that will buy their
products or services, although the business simply does not take note of whether the customer has
• Coca Cola uses relationship marketing because although they are interested in gaining positive revenue,
to achieve this they build a good relationship with the customers.

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