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Personnel Administration in The Philippines

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• Can be defined as obtaining, using and maintaining a satisfied workforce. It is a significant part
of management concerned with employees at work and with their relationship within the

• Commonly known as Human Resources.

• It is an art of managing people who work for the organization.

• Is concerned with people at work and their relationships within an organization.

• It refers to the entire spectrum of an organization's interaction with its human resources from
recruitment activity to retirement process.

• It involves personnel training and forecasting, appraising human performance, selection and
staffing, training and development and maintenance and improvement of performance and
productivity. It is closely related to an organization's overall effectiveness.

• Is systematized, specialized knowledge and technique, which can help the organizations in
administering their personnel for achieving their optimum performance.

• According to Dimock and Dimock, “Personnel administration is the staff function which advises
and facilitates the work of the programmed manager in matters relating to the recruitment,
deployment, motivation and training of employees, so as to improve the morale and the
effectiveness of the service”.

• According to Felix Negro, “Personnel administration is the art of selecting new employees and
making use of old ones in such a manner that the maximum quality and quantity of output and
service are obtained from the working force”.

• According to Thomas G.Spates, “Personnel administration is a code of the ways of organizing

and treating individual at work so that they will each get the greatest possible realization of
their intrinsic abilities, thus attaining maximum efficiency for themselves and their group and
thereby giving to the enterprise of which they are a part, its determining competitive advantage
and optimum results”.


Personnel Administration in the Philippines began first with the establishment of government system; its
formal and legitimate growth came with the establishment of the Philippine civil service system on
January 20, 1899 on instruction of American President William Mckinley. As soon as the American came
to the Philippines, they transplanted their administrative practice. Adapting this practice to local
conditions, the Philippines was made to a testing ground to a newly develop concept on personnel
administration. To meet the Personnel administration need in the government, the civil service
commission was made a constitutional office by the framers of the 1973 Constitution of the Philippines.
As such, it holds the main responsibility for public personnel administration in the country.



Before the process of Recruitment begins, Manpower Planning precedes it. It is the process of
assessment of an organization’s requirements in terms of number of personnel needed for a job, job
definition/description, skills and specialization it incorporates, duration for which the personnel is
required, nature of work, objectives of the job in line with the objectives and goals of the
organization,etc. It is a sound manpower planning that gives adequate time for recruitment, selection
and training of such personnel, in short it lays down a full blueprint/chart of processes to follow and the
time period it should follow.


It is the process of searching and attracting the right candidates for hiring them for vacant jobs in an
organization. Recruitment refers to the process of searching for potential employees and influencing them to
work for their organization. The purpose of the recruitment process is to find talented and qualified individuals
for the growth and development of their organization. The recruitment process leads to a collection of
candidates for any vacancies an organization might have.

Sources of Recruitment

1) Internal Sources

-It consists of employees who are already on the payroll of a firm. It also includes former employees who
have returned to work for the organization. Recruitment from internal sources is done to fill up vacancies
through promotion, re-hiring and transferring employees within the company.

2) External Sources

-External sources of recruitment refer to the sources that lie outside or exist external to the organization.


Training is the continuous process of imparting and upgrading/developing professional knowledge,

broader vision, and correct, ethical and novel patterns of behavior, habits and aptitudes, awareness of
organizational as well as societal objectives, increasing morale and motivation and the employee's
potential contribution to the same. It is an ongoing process of response to a need.


a) Informal Training

Trial and error method is used and lessons are learnt from the mistakes by employees. The
success of this technique of training lies on the experience and seniority of the senior officer and his/her
interest in the new entrant.

b) Formal Training

It is the inculcation of administrative skills in the personnel through well-defined courses.

Examples are - Pre entry training, orientationtraining, in-service training, vocational training,etc.

***Informal training helps in improving the quality of administration whereas formal training helps in the
broadening the faculty of the personnel.


Career advancement as a function of personnel administration is concerned with the activities that
promote job growth or expansion of job roles/responsibilities. It is how an individual /employee manages
his/her career within the organization (promotion, internal job postings, etc) and between different
organizations (shifting jobs, changing organizations for career growth and development/advancement) as
well as providing refinement of skills opportunities and knowledge to the employees together with
identifying options of growth for them. It is an ongoing and dynamic process.

In Personnel administration position classification means grouping of various positions on the basis of the
commonality of responsibilities and duties. It started with the movement of equal pay for equal work. It
brings orderliness into the system and makes treatment uniform to people irrespective of their
background, status, birth, age, gender, etc. It also is handy as a functional tool since it makes clear even
to the incumbent about his responsibilities and duties as well as hierarchical systems formally associated
with his/her position.

Advantages of position classification;

a) Facilitates Division of work.

b) Removes arbitrary standards.
c) Promotes employee equality and motivation.
d) Ensures effective Manpower planning and utilization.
e) Lays down uniform work standards.
f) Speeds up recruitment process and indicates training needs.
g) Helps in maintaining updated personnel records.

Disadvantages of position classification;

a) Introduces element of rigidity in personnel system.

b) Under it, it is difficult to shift an employee from one position to another in the interest of the
c) Tends to get stale rather soon and a lot of effort is needed to keep it up to date.
d) Constant pressure from employees to upgrade their positions.


Discipline in simple terms can be stated as the force that prompts individuals, organizations, nations, etc
to observe rules and regulations and policies stipulated by the above mentioned which are deemed
necessary for the effective running of the same.

How disciple is instilled in an organization;

a) Clearly stated rules, regulations, objectives and code of conduct of the organization which are
constantly updated and reviewed.
b) No discrimination in enforcing the above.
c) Proper communication among all levels.
d) Strong disciplinary action so that indiscipline is not committed the second time.
e) Practices that breed indiscipline should be discouraged and prevented like favoritism, lack of
communication, lack of leadership, low morale and motivation among staff, irregularity and non-

Disciplinary actions to be taken and sequence of actions followed from trivial offences to serious

a) Oral warning
b) Loss of entitlement/incentive
c) Suspension
d) Demotion
e) Appointment termination
f) Dismissal


A performance appraisal (PA) or performance evaluation is a systematic and periodic process conducted
by the human resource/personnel administration that assesses an individual employee’s job performance
and productivity in relation to certain pre-established criteria and organizational objectives. It happens
annually in most organizations. It also considers other factors as well like behavior, potential for future
improvement, strengths and weaknesses, etc.
It uses a number of techniques to do so like forms to fill in and rate the criteria mentioned on it, one is
done by the employee of himself and what he thinks of his management and the other is filled in by the
manager or superior officer of the concerned employee which then is followed by an interview with the
human resource/personnel administration and the higher management.

It can lead to promotions, higher pay and job responsibilities, etc.

It helps in establishing clear communication and also informs and updates both parties of factors that can
be improved upon, goal setting, performance improvement and determination of training needs of the

The personnel administration should ensure a fair, transparent and just performance appraisal system to
get out the positive effects of it and promote morale and motivation by excluding arbitrary actions of
higher management.


Promotion is derived from the Latin word meaning 'to move forward'. It can be a horizontal (same level)
promotion or vertical (higher position) promotion along with higher emoluments and responsibilities.
It is necessary for rewarding an employee for accomplishments and boosting morale and motivation and
retain his/her services.

It should be just, fair and equal for the true spirit and benefits of the same to be yielded for the
The standard specifications should be made clear to all employees of the organization setting forth the
duties, qualifications, merit factors and ways of determining the same should be clearly outlined and
specified beforehand so that there is no ambiguity regarding the same in any body's mind.

Promotion as a process is required because from time to time there are vacancies that need to be filled
up in an organization and the best are to be selected for the same from within. There are few posts and
many contenders therefore the personnel administration has to be very careful and alert while carrying
out the same as a bad promotion policy has major negative ramifications for the whole organization.

Principles of promotion are;

a) Seniority principle - The employee having the maximum length of service should be promoted once
the senior officer retires/leaves. The merits are that it is easy to follow, promotes equity, filters out
nepotism and favoritism, and reduces unhealthy rivalry. Its drawbacks are that it does not necessarily
select the best and most deserving, it leads to demoralization of employees in matters of work and
initiatives because all they will be concerned about is maximizing their tenure and nothing else, etc.

It has been agreed by many that for promotion to higher posts the principle of merit should be followed,
in promotion to secondary posts there should be merit first and secondary should be seniority. And in
promotion in lower level positions the principle of seniority works well because higher positions need
qualities more than age to be carried out.

b) Merit Principle -It is the opposite or counter view to the seniority principle and advocates the
technique of tests like aptitude and personality, etc and specific criteria to determine the best candidate
for promotion amongst the respective class/grade/service/rank, etc.

There are various methods used to determine merit which are Written exams, Direction of the head of
department, efficiency ratings like production/work records and personality potential, etc. And the last is
the interview method that brings out the personal as well as professional characteristics of the person
spontaneously in front of distinguished panelists.


PAY is one of the mainsprings of motivation in a society and together with appropriate working conditions
it is the base of a sound organizational system and it's functioning. A salary scale should be determined
on the basis of the current and expected cost of living of an individual and his family. There should be
equal pay for equal work with no discrimination at all in the same. The minimum wages benchmark
should be religiously followed. Public and private jobs should have less salary disparity as possible
between each other as well as within their respective same sectors. A sound and attractive incentive
scheme to boost efficiency and production.

SERVICE CONDITIONS Proper leave structure, holidays list and hours of work, rest periods, staff welfare
and office accommodation conditions, health care policy and housing policy should be clearly defined and
communicated to the employee. The hygiene factors that affect the productivity of the employee like
proper ventilation, lighting and noise reduction premises as well as proper sanitation should be taken
good care of. Drawbacks like unnecessary documentation, complex policies and delay due to the same
should be checked and avoided for it to function properly and keep the employees charged.

There should also be a neutral and just board/system set up for grievance redressal regarding the same
in the organization for the above process and function so that it is kept up to date and relevant with the
current needs and changing times and does not become redundant leading to employee dissatisfaction
and attrition at times.


Employer employee relations can be amplified and made better through the following mechanisms that
are already being followed:

A) Employee Unions: From private organizations right to civil servants there have always been
associations of all co-workers who come together for collective bargaining and negotiations on their
behalf where an individual voice could be drowned out. This is encouraged by the govt. as well a
employers in other organizations as it helps maintain that they have a concern for the employees with a
view for transparency and open communication and that team work and relations are bettered leading to
better quality of work and efficiency.

B) Joint consultative machinery: It consists of representatives from both sides of parties, that is, from
the employer side as well as from the employees' side who sit across to get a means of clear
communication between the two and work towards a solution united and in the benefit of both. Staff
councils at various ministries of government, departmental councils in various departments, etc are
examples of the same. It is voluntary machinery where on a particular subject of disagreement the both
parties sign a joint intent agreement and enter into a joint discussion machinery mode.


It is a formal, legal or non-legal (or ‘judicial/non-judicial’) complaint process that can be used by
individuals, workers, communities and/or civil society organizations that are being negatively affected by
certain business activities and operations. Grievance mechanisms are sometimes also called
‘complaints’, ‘redress’, or ‘accountability’ mechanisms.


A right code of conduct should be prescribed by organizations to put the employees/personnel on the
right track and get the goals of the organization realized because if left to the employees to do the same
each one will have their own way of doing so and that will lead only to disharmony and chaos.

Code of conduct of civil servants:

a) Restrictions on political activities.

b) Political neutrality.
c) Restrictions on relation with mass media, outsiders and indulging in criticism of government as well as
public demonstrations and accepting gifts/presents.
d) Restrictions on matter of private business/employment, property apart from government sanctioned
ones, and investments speculation that he is privy to that could cause him or any private organization
undue benefit(like stock market trading, etc).
e) No disclosure of Official documents/information to anyone not authorized to receive the same.

-Any deviation from the above will invite strict disciplinary action.


Retirement as a function of Personnel Administration as well as from an organizational point of view is

extremely necessary as it helps increase efficiency of public services and organizations by eliminating
employees from services due to old age, infirmity, inability to perform duties anymore. It is essential to
maintain the system of promotion as the employees have to retire at a certain age and also this policy
helps bring in new and fresh blood and ideas.

• A personnel administrator will usually be charged with the task of keeping employee files up-to-
• They also may be in charge or involved with the hiring process; these duties include interviewing
potential candidates and developing training protocol.
• Workers in personnel administration also perform employee evaluations, counsel employees on
their benefits such as health care, and ensure employees are content and comfortable in their
place of work by addressing grievances and resolving conflicts between employees.


• To utilize human resources effectively.
• To establish and maintain a productive and self-respecting relationship among all the members of
the organization.
• To enable each person to make his maximum personal contribution to the effective working of the
• To ensure maximum individual development of the personnel.
• To achieve an effective utilization of human resources (besides material resources) for the
attainment of organizational goals.
• To establish and maintain an adequate organizational structure and a desirable working
relationship among all the members of the organization by dividing organizational tasks into
functions, positions job, authority and responsibility.
• To generate maximum group and individual development within the organization by offering
opportunities for advancement to employees or by training and job education; by effecting
transfers or by offering retraining facilities.
• To reduce friction amongst the employees by securing the integration of individuals and groups in
such a manner that the employees feel a sense of involvement, commitment and loyalty to the
organization. In the absence of such an integration, friction may develop which will produce
inefficiency and lead to failure.
• To reorganize and satisfy individual needs and group goals by offering adequate and equitable
remuneration ,economic and social security so that the employees feel secure and work willingly
and co-operate to achieve the organization’s goals.
• To maintain high morale and better human relations inside the organization by sustaining and
improving the conditions which have been established so that the employees may stick to their
jobs for a longer period.

Personnel administration and the civil service system

• Civil service

-Core of public administration.

-It is the professional body of people who have made of the government service a lifetime career.
It is also that portion of the public service that is governed by the merit principle in the selection of
its officer and employees.

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