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Applied Animal Nutrition 300/500

Topic 23

Mike Freer

23. Factors Influencing the Voluntary Intake

of Food

23.1 The regulation of voluntary intake

23.2 Potential intake of feed by the animal

23.3 Relative intake offered by the feed


23.4 Supplementary feeding

23.5 Putting it all together

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©2009 The Australian Wool Education Trust licensee for educational activities University of New England
23. Factors Influencing the Voluntary Intake
of Food

Learning Objectives

On completion of this topic you should be able to:

• Appreciate the importance of knowing the voluntary intake

of food by ruminants in the particular circumstances of
grazing, as compared with penned or feed-lot animals

• Understand the difference between the factors that are

animal attributes and those that are feed attributes

• Understand the importance of distinguishing between the

mature size, stage of maturity and body condition of the
animal in assessing its potential intake of food

• Understand the effects of feed quality and feed availability

and their interaction with selective grazing

• Understand the principles of substitution when supplements

are fed to grazing animals

Key Terms and Concepts

Voluntary intake, potential intake, relative intake, mature size,

feed availability, substitution rate.

Introduction to the Topic

The productivity of animals is determined mainly by the amount of

food they eat and, although there are times when intake is
deliberately restricted so as to merely maintain animals or to eke
out sparse resources, the usual aim of management is to allow the
animal to achieve the maximum intake for the particular feeding
situation. This level is known as the animal’s voluntary intake of
the feed and is measured in kg of dry matter per day (kg DM/d)
because of the wide variation in feed DM%, e.g. from <15% to

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©2009 The Australian Wool Education Trust licensee for educational activities University of New England
>60% in herbage. For hand-fed animals in feedlots or dairies, the
main reason for wanting to know their voluntary intake is to
ensure that a weighed ration of a formulated diet is within the
animal’s capacity. Most other ruminants in Australia subsist
almost entirely on grazed pasture and here the situation is quite

Pastures are in a continual state of change in the amount and quality of

the diet they offer the grazing animal, from one that will allow a
voluntary intake sufficient to support rapid weight gains to one that will
barely maintain the animal; optimal management may then require
supplementary feeding or movement to alternative grazing. Although a
rational management decision depends on knowing their voluntary
intake from the pasture they are on, it is virtually impossible to measure
this directly and laborious and time-consuming to estimate it indirectly.
This has led to the development of systems for predicting voluntary
intake, based on an analysis of the factors that are thought to control it.
These systems aim to integrate the results of many decades of
experimental work on the effects of these factors. One system, designed
specifically for grazing animals, is implemented in the GrazFeed
decision support tool, which is described by Freer et al. (2005). Recent
reviews by Weston (1996; 2002) provides further references to much of
the work summarized in this lecture.

23.1 The regulation of voluntary intake

At the level of the central nervous system, intake regulation is a

balance between hunger signals to the brain that indicate an
energy deficit in relation to the animal’s capacity to use energy
and satiety signals that indicate that the digestive tract has
reached a limiting load. With the diets usually fed to non-
ruminants it is common for intake to be limited mainly by the
energy content of the diet. But in ruminants, which have evolved
to subsist largely on low-energy roughage diets that are bulky and
very slow to break down in the rumen, voluntary intake is limited
more by the rate at which this gut load can be cleared, through
particle breakdown by rumination and microbial action.

In attempting to integrate the factors that control voluntary intake

in a particular situation, it is convenient to regard voluntary intake
as the product of two components,: the potential intake (kg DM/d)
by the animal and the relative intake offered by the feed supply, as
a proportion of potential intake.

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©2009 The Australian Wool Education Trust licensee for educational activities University of New England
23.2 Potential intake of feed by the animal

Potential intake is defined as the amount eaten when the animal is

offered abundant feed and is able to select a diet with a dry matter
digestibility (DMD%) of at least 80%. This upper limit to voluntary
intake is set by some combination of the animal’s potential
demand for energy and its physical capacity for feed, both of
which are clearly proportional, in a general way, to the size of the
animal. However, current weight is not a useful predictor of body
size as it confounds differences in mature size with stage of
development and body condition. The system to be described here
for predicting potential intake includes these three components as
separate factors and then considers the modifying effects of the
physiological state of the animal, climatic extremes and animal

Fig. 23-1. Predicted potential intake of sheep with SRW = 50 kg

(solid line) or 40 kg (dotted line) and cattle with SRW = 500 kg
(solid line) or 400 kg (dotted line) in relation to relative size,
for animals with relative condition ≤1.0. (from data in Freer et
al. 2005)

Potential intake (kg DM/d)

1.2 Sh
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Relative size

Potential intake (kg DM/d)

8 C
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Relative size

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©2009 The Australian Wool Education Trust licensee for educational activities University of New England
Animal size and condition

Mature size (commonly referred to as the Standard Reference

Weight or SRW) is defined as the weight of the animal when it has
reached mature skeletal size and has a body condition score in the
middle of the range. A medium Merino ewe for example might
have an SRW of 50 kg and a Hereford cow an SRW of 500kg, but
these values will vary depending on the breeding policy in the
flock or herd. The relative size of an immature animal is estimated
as the ratio of its weight (in average condition) to its SRW (with an
upper limit of 1.0). The relative condition of an animal is
estimated as the ratio of its current weight to its weight in average
condition, e.g. an animal that is 10% heavier than when in average
condition has a relative condition of 1.1.

Results from a wide range of experiments suggest that equation 1

provides a reasonable way of integrating the effects of mature
size, M, relative size, Z, and relative condition, C to predict
voluntary intake, I (kg DM/d).

I = b M Z(1-Z) F

where: b has suggested values of 0.04 for sheep and 0.025 for

F = C(1.7 – C)/0.7 if C>1.0, otherwise F = 1.0

Examples of predictions for sheep and cattle in average condition

are shown in Fig. 23-1., from which it is clear that potential intake
reaches a peak at 85% maturity, when the animal’s energy demand
is at its highest. Values at a range of weights in growing animals
are shown in Table 23-1. Potential intake does not increase once
the animal is mature and will fall with increasing body condition if
feed consumption continues at this level. The effects of a much
wider range of conditions can be tested by going to the ‘Potential
intake’ worksheet of either SheepExplorer or CattleExplorer on the

Physiological state
The development of the conceptus requires an exponential
increase in the additional energy demand of the animal but the

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©2009 The Australian Wool Education Trust licensee for educational activities University of New England
potential intake of food does not increase. This is thought to be
because the increasing space occupied in the body cavity restricts
the capacity of the reticulo-rumen. Indeed, feed intake is
maintained at the earlier level only by a faster rate of clearance of
digesta from this organ. The decline in intake that is usually
observed during the last few days of gestation is probably related
to endocrinological changes.

Potential intake increases in proportion to energy demand during
lactation but lags behind it in time as the capacity of the reticulo-
rumen slowly increases after parturition. A peak or plateau in
intake is not reached until about 4 months after calving or about 6
weeks after lambing, a situation that obviously has important
consequences for the maintenance of the energy balance of the
lactating animal. In high yielding dairy cows, the peak value may
be more than double that of the dry cow, in beef cows or ewes
with one lamb there may be a 50% increase and in ewes with twins
an 80% increase. As the lactation progresses, the increase in
intake follows a similar pattern to the lactation curve and will be
depressed if milk production is restricted by poor feed supply or
low body condition, particularly at parturition. An example of this
pattern for lactating ewes is shown in Fig. 23-2; the intake factor
predicted here is used as a multiplier for potential intake in
equation 1. Again, a wide range of conditions for ewes and cows
may be tested in the Explorer programs for their effects on this

Unweaned young
The potential intake of solid food by unweaned lambs and calves
in the first few weeks of life depends on rumen development
rather than body weight. The appropriate proportion, s, of the
potential intake that would be calculated from equation 1 is
predicted from equation 2 and again the value is used as a
multiplier in the earlier equation.

s = (1.0 – Pmilk)/(1.0 +exp(-a(T – R)))


where Pmilk = proportion of the diet from milk

T = age (days)

R = 25 d for lambs or 60 d for calves

a = 0.5 for lambs or 0.22 for calves

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Climatic factors
Climatic factors leading to thermal stress in the animal will also
affect voluntary food intake, but the response will depend on the
extent of insulation and level of metabolic activity of the animal
and on the quality of the diet. Indoor studies show a consistent
increase or decrease in food intake as the ambient temperature
falls or rises, respectively, beyond the thermal neutral zone of the
particular animal. However, few measurements have been made
under grazing conditions, where the flexibility of grazing
behaviour allows animals to mitigate the effects of climatic
extremes and it is difficult to make predictions for grazing
animals. The adjustment for high temperatures that is used in the
GrazFeed program operates when the average daily temperature
exceeds 25°C and the night temperature exceeds 22°C. The
potential intake of herbage by cattle, other than Brahman types, is
then reduced by 2% for each rise of 1°C in average daily
temperature (Fox 1987); for other stock the reduction is 1% per °C.
If the ambient temperature falls below the animals lower critical
temperature, potential intake is increased by 1% per °C (Fox 1987);
an effect that is reduced with rainfall, to disappear at 20 mm per

Fig. 23.2. The multiplier factor for potential intake of feed by

lactating ewes with twin lambs (solid line) or single lambs
(dotted line) (from data in Freer et al. 2005).


Intake factor




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Day of lactation

Diseases reduce the potential intake of the animal and parasitic
infestations are of particular relevance to grazing animals. Tests
with different intestinal parasites indicate a complex pattern of
responses depending on the level of infection and the
development of resistance (Coop and Sykes, 2002) and, as a
result, it is not possible at present to make quantitative

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Table 23-1. Predicted mean potential intake (kg DM/d) by
growing sheep and cattle of different Standard Reference
Weight (SRW) (from data in Freer et al. 2005)

SRW Weight of animal (kg)


20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Sheep 40 1.00 1.19 1.17

50 1.08 1.38 1.50 1.46

60 1.14 1.50 1.72 1.81 1.75

70 1.18 1.59 1.88 2.06 2.11 2.04

80 1.21 1.66 2.00 2.24 2.38 2.41 2.34

90 1.23 1.71 2.09 2.39 2.59 2.69 2.71 2.63

Cattle 400 6.3 7.4 7.3

500 6.8 8.6 9.4 9.1

600 7.1 9.4 10.8 11.3 11.0

700 7.4 10.0 11.8 12.9 13.2 12.8

800 7.6 10.4 12.5 14.0 14.9 15.1 14.6

900 7.7 10.7 13.1 14.9 16.2 16.8 16.9 16.4

23.3 Relative intake offered by the feed supply

For a stall-fed animal, relative intake or the proportion of the potential
intake that can be achieved depends almost solely on features of the
chemical composition of the diet that restrict its intake (relative
ingestibility). For grazing animals, the same restriction to potential
intake with, in addition, restrictions set by the physical features of the
sward that limit the animal's ability to harvest herbage in the time it has
available for grazing (relative availability). If a pasture were a
homogeneous mass of plant material with single values for these
chemical and physical characteristics, relative intake would be simply
the product of relative ingestibility and relative availability. But it’s not
as simple as this; the calculation must take into account the selective
grazing that will occur in a heterogeneous sward and the effect of this
on nutrient intake.

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Table 23-2. Effect of maturation on the attributes that affect relative
ingestibility and voluntary intake of phalaris and subclover by sheep

Phalarisa Sub cloverb

Stage of maturity Early Mid Late Early Late

Cell wall constituents, CWC (% OM) 44 63 75 39 39

Digestibility of CWC (%) 82 76 52 80 66

Time spent chewing (min/kg) 530 840 1090 378 918

Voluntary intake of OM (g/d) 1067 933 804 1226 827

Hogan et al. (1969)
Weston and Hogan (1971)

Relative ingestibility

Within an upper limit set by the energy demand of the animal, the main
characteristics of plant material that determine its intake by ruminants
are those that limit the rate at which it can pass through the gut. About
70% of the digesta are in the reticulo-rumen, from which they disappear
by microbial digestion and by onward passage through the reticulo-
omasal orifice when the feed particles are sufficiently small (ca. 1 mm)
and dense to flow out in the fluid phase. The rate of breakdown of the
feed, through chewing (during eating and rumination) and microbial
action, depends very largely on chemical and physical features of the
structural carbohydrates in the plant tissue that change as the plant
matures. Progressive crystallization and lignification of the cell wall
material make the feed more and more resistant to breakdown, increase
the time spent chewing per kg of food and reduce relative ingestibility
(see Table 23-2).

These chemical changes that affect the clearance rate of digesta from
the rumen are crudely reflected in the overall apparent digestibility of
the diet (Table 23-2), a characteristic that is much more readily
estimated than the cell wall structure and has been used widely as a
predictor of relative ingestibility. A review (Freer, 1981) of several
experiments with different pasture species fed to sheep and cattle in
pens, showed a linear relationship between apparent digestibility and
voluntary intake over the full range of maturity to be found in herbage
(digestibility from 30% to >80%). For a 50 kg SRW sheep, voluntary
intake increases at about 20-25 g DM per unit increase in digestibility
and the relationship appears to be proportionately the same for cattle
(Hodgson, 1977). Variation in this relationship occurs between different

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pasture species and also if the diet is deficient in specific nutrients
essential for microbial activity in the rumen.

Fig. 23-3. Mean estimates of the relative ingestibility of tropical

and temperate grasses and legumes in relation to dry matter
digestibility (from data in Freer et al. 2005)



Relative ingestibility




0.3 Legume

30 40 50 60 70 80

Dry matter digestibility (%)

Species differences
When different pasture species have been compared, the slope of the
regression of relative ingestibility on digestibility has been similar but
there are significant differences in the intercept values (see Fig. 23-3).
One of the main examples is the greater intercept for most pasture
legumes (ca. 0.17 on the relative ingestibility scale) compared with
temperate grasses. There is no suggestion here of a dietary preference
for legumes (the evidence for that is quite equivocal), merely that
digesta from legumes are broken down more rapidly in the rumen and
therefore have a higher clearance rate. This enables a greater intake of
feed, depending on the proportion of legume in the available herbage.
The effect will diminish with herbage weight as declining availability
becomes more important than gut clearance rate in constraining intake.

There is rather less information available for tropical herbage species

but measurements made with a range of tropical grasses, which have
evolved a C4 pathway in photosynthesis, rather than the C3 pathway in
temperate grasses, show some distinct differences. Although the
digestibility of C4 grasses is, on average, about 15 percentage units
lower than that of temperate grasses at the same level of maturity,
relative ingestibility is correspondingly higher at the same digestibility
(Minson, 1982; D. B. Coates, pers. comm..; Fig. 23-3). However, it is
more difficult to generalize about the ingestibility of tropical grasses
because of the wider range of morphological features (e.g. buffel grass
vs. paspalum) compared with temperate grasses.

Nutrient deficiencies
Relative ingestibility may be depressed if the diet is deficient in certain
chemical constituents, particularly those that are essential nutrients for
the rumen microbial population, on which the optimum clearance rate of
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©2009 The Australian Wool Education Trust licensee for educational activities University of New England
the digesta depends. The most common deficiency is in rumen-
degraded protein (RDP), made up of nitrogenous compounds that can
supply the ammonia essential for microbial synthesis. The requirement
for RDP ranges between 7 and 11 g/MJ of the metabolizable energy (ME)
intake that is fermentable in the rumen, i.e. after deducting the ME in
fat, undegraded protein and silage acids. If the RDP intake is less than
the requirement, feed intake will fall and the microbial population will
be maintained at a lower level of activity by the recycling of circulating
urea back into the rumen.

In practice, deficiencies in protein may be expected with diets

containing less than about 6% crude protein, depending on the level of
degradability. Intake levels may be restored by feeding supplements
containing adequate RDP or by feeding urea if this is supplied in such a
way that its intake can be spread over a long period. Responses to N
will not occur if there is inadequate sulphur in the diet and it is
suggested that 0.07g S (for cattle) or 0.08 g S (for sheep) is required per
g N (i.e. per 6.25 g RDP) in the diet.

In some cases, intake has also responded to the correction of

deficiencies in sodium, cobalt or selenium.

Relative Availability

Herbage weight and height

For a housed animal or for a sheep grazing a pasture containing at least
2 tonnes of herbage DM/ha (about 3 t DM/ha for cattle), the intake of
feed is determined solely by the factors so far considered: potential
intake and relative ingestibility. However, to the extent that the weight
of herbage falls below these levels, it becomes progressively more
difficult for the grazing animal to satisfy its potential intake in the time
that it can afford to spend on this activity in each day. We can quantify
this change as a decline in the relative availability of the feed, so that
relative intake then becomes the product of relative ingestibility and
relative availability. Intake is the product of the rate of eating (R, g
DM/min) and the time spent eating (T, min/day) and we can consider
the impact of declining herbage weight on the relative values of R and T.

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Fig. 23-4. Relative availability and its component attributes, for
sheep, (for the first herbage class, where the unsatisfied
appetite of the animal has a relative value of 1), in relation to
the weight of herbage dry matter; upper line is relative time
spent grazing, lower line is relative rate of eating and middle
line is the product, relative availability (from Freer et al. 2005)

Relative value of attribute

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Weight of herbage (kg DM/ha)

When abundant pasture is available, both R and T have a relative value

of 1.0. Measurements made by Allden and Whittaker (1970) and others
show that, as the weight of herbage falls R decreases and T increases,
allowing complete compensation for a while. But although R may
decrease without limit, T will usually increase by no more than 60%, with
the result that the product, relative availability, is progressively reduced,
as shown in Fig. 23-4. These values will vary with animal and pasture
conditions; R will vary with mouth size, T will vary with energy demand,
lactating ewes for example may graze for up to 14 h/d compared with
perhaps 7 h for dry ewes.

A more fundamental variation results from differences in sward

structure. Availability to a grazing animal is obviously as much a
function of herbage height as weight. Most of the results incorporated
in Fig. 23-4 were derived from temperate pastures with a mean height of
about 3 cm per tonne DM/ha. A pasture of isolated lucerne plants or a
grass pasture in a low rainfall area may have a height of 10 cm/tonne or
more, increasing its relative availability at a given weight, and the
reverse will be the case for a dense short pasture. An examination of the
Relative Intake worksheet in either of the Explorer programs allows you
to test the effect of modifying herbage height on relative availability.

A point of considerable practical importance for those using prediction

functions of this type is the need to comply with standard measurement
techniques. Taking the GrazFeed program as an example, if techniques
for estimating weight and mean height are other than those that are
described in the help file, appropriate predictions cannot be expected.

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Selective grazing

In using estimates of relative ingestibility and availability for the

prediction of relative intake, the pasture cannot be treated as if it were a
mass of material of uniform quality. Grazing animals select living rather
than dead material, younger rather than older, leaf rather than stem and
will almost always achieve a diet of higher quality than the mean of that
available. For an adequate prediction of relative intake, the herbage in a
sward must be classified in a way that corresponds to that in which it is
perceived and eaten by the animal. This process is, of course, beyond
what can be reasonably solved by simple hand calculations and its
complexity is the main reason why models such as that in the GrazFeed
decision support tool have been developed.

In this model, the herbage is, conceptually, distributed between six

pools, each of fixed mean digestibility (80% to 30%) and it is assumed
that the animals will attempt to satisfy their potential intake from each
of these pools in succession, starting with the highest digestibility. The
extent to which this can be done depends on the relative ingestibility
and relative availability of the herbage in each pool. A worked example
in Table 23-3 shows how the relative availability is calculated for each
pool after adjusting for the proportion of potential intake satisfied by
more digestible pools. From the relative intake for each pool, a
cumulative relative intake is calculated and multiplied by the animal’s
potential intake. In this example, the predicted intake was 77% of the
potential intake and the mean digestibility of the diet was 3 percentage
units higher than the mean herbage on offer. The size of this difference
will increase as the weight of herbage increases and gives greater scope
for diet selection.

In semi-arid grazing areas, where the vegetation is very variable and the
animals graze only some of the plants, this method for predicting diet
digestibility would be inappropriate. The most promising alternative is
through the analysis by near infrared spectroscopy of faecal samples
from the grazing animals, calibrated against known standards (Coates
1999). However, some meaningful estimate of the relative availability of
the feed base is still required for the prediction of relative intake.

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Table 23-3 Predicted intake of feed by a lactating Merino ewe
with a potential intake of 2.13 kg DM/d and the digestibility
of its selected diet from a pasture with 0.8 t DM/ha of green
herbage, mean digestibility 70%, and 0.4 t DM/ha dead
herbage, mean digestibility 45% (from data in Freer et al. 2005)

Herbage pool
1 2 3 4 5 6
Dry matter digestibility (%) 80 70 60 50 40 30
Relative ingestibility 1.0 0.83 0.66 0.49 0.32 0.15
Weight of herbage (t DM/ha) 0.24 0.36 0.23 0.16 0.15 0.06
Relative availabilitya 0.39 0.34 0.11 0.05 0.03 0.01
Relative intake 0.39 0.28 0.07 0.02 0.01 0.00
Cumulative relative intake 0.77
Pasture intake (kg DM) 1.63
Mean digestibility of dietb (%) 73

After adjusting for the proportion of appetite satisfied by more
digestible pools
Weighted mean for the herbage eaten from all pools

Dietary preferences

Animals typically exhibit preferences when given ample choice of feed

but it is important to distinguish between preferences and intake. Where
the preferences are based on structural features of plants that affect the
clearance rate of digesta in the gut, then they can be expected to affect
relative ingestibility. On the other hand, there are many cases where
differences in smell, taste or tactile stimuli affect the palatability of the
feed if animals have free choice, but these preferences are often
inconsistent in the field and tend to disappear as the sward becomes
more sparse. They are usually regarded as having little or no
independent effect on the total intake of feed.

Availability of water

Lynch et al. (1972) found that the feed intake by sheep grazing
improved temperate pastures was not reduced in the absence of
drinking water unless they were lactating or the environmental
temperature was high. In semi-arid areas, however, the distance that the
animals have to walk to water may place a severe constraint on the area
that the animals can reach in a grazing day and this problem is
exacerbated where the vegetation has a high salt content or when the
land close to the water supply has already been denuded (O’Reagain and
McMeniman 2002).

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23.4 Supplementary Feeding
When supplements of grain or processed meals are offered to hand-fed animals
eating a basal diet of roughage, the intake of roughage is usually depressed.
The depression in the dry matter intake of the roughage divided by the dry
weight of supplement eaten is called the substitution rate. This depends on the
relative quantities and qualities of the supplement and roughage (Dove 2002).
For grazing animals, the prediction of the substitution rate is complicated by its
interaction with the availability of the pasture. With high quality supplements on
high quality abundant pasture, substitution rates are close to 1.0, but on
abundant pastures of only 50 per cent digestibility it may be as low as 0.65
(Allden 1981). As the weight of pasture falls, and with it the intake of
unsupplemented pasture, so does the substitution rate (Stockdale 2000).

Fig. 23-5. Predicted substitution rate for a sheep offered 200 g

of a supplement of 80% digestibility while grazing a pasture of
mean digestibility 70% (solid line) or 50% (dotted line) (from
data in Freer et al. 2005).

Substitution rate

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

Herbage weight (kg DM/ha)

Because of the obvious complexity in the relationship between supplement and

herbage, a set value for substitution rate is unlikely to be satisfactory. The
procedure that is used in the GrazFeed program is an integral part of the
method for predicting the relative intake of pasture and rests on the simple
assumption that the grazing animal will select the supplement before it selects
herbage of the same or lower quality (unless the user overrides this
assumption). Examples of predicted substitution rates for different pastures over
a range of herbage weights are shown in Fig. 23-5.

If the supplement can rectify nutrient deficiencies in the herbage, such as

nitrogen or sulphur, which are restricting the activity of the microbial population
of the rumen, then the intake of herbage may increase and the substitution rate
will be negative (Freer et al. 1988).

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©2009 The Australian Wool Education Trust licensee for educational activities University of New England
23.5 Putting it all together

Reference has been made throughout this lecture to the difficulty of predicting
the feed intake by grazing animals through simple hand calculations, because
of the many interactions between the attributes of the animals, the pasture and
possible supplements in any particular situation. Yet this information may be of
significant economic importance to a grazier who is uncertain about the need for
expensive supplements if a target weight gain or milk yield is to be achieved.
The GrazFeed program is an attempt to integrate the factors discussed above
and provide sensible predictions for the user. It is also a useful tool for the
student to explore how changes to the specifications of pastures and animals
affect the predicted intake of feed. These effects may examined more fully using
the plotting routines that allow the interactions between different variables to be

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©2009 The Australian Wool Education Trust licensee for educational activities University of New England
The following readings are available on CD.
• Weston, R.H. 1996, ‘Some aspects of
constraints to forage consumption by
ruminants’. Australian Journal of Agricultural
Research, 47, 175-197.

• Weston, R.H. 2002, ‘Constraints on feed intake

by grazing sheep’. In Sheep Nutrition (Eds M.
Freer and H. Dove), CABI Publishing,
Wallingford, UK, pp.27-50.

• Freer, M., Moore, A.D. and Donnelly, J.R. 2005,

‘The GRAZPLAN animal biology model for sheep
and cattle and the GrazFeed decision support
tool’. CSIRO Plant Industry Technical Paper,

Allden, W.G. 1981, ‘Energy and protein supplements for
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©2009 The Australian Wool Education Trust licensee for educational activities University of New England

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