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Anatomy-The Study of Biological Form Physiology - Study of Bio Functions

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Anatomy- the study of biological form planes through the

Physiology- study of bio functions longitudinal axis

Life is characterized by hierarchal levels of 3. Biradial
organization, each with emergent properties  Only to planes through
longitudinal axis
4. Bilateral
 Can be divided along
sagittal plane (right and left
5. Segmentation
 Metamerism (metamere-
 Serial repetition of body
Levels of organization in organismal Types of tissue
1. Protoplasmic 1. Sperm
 Unicellular organisms 2. Egg/oocyte
 All life functions are
confined within the SOMATIC TISSUE
boundaries of a single cell Epithelial
 Protoplasm is  Covers the outside of the body and
differentiated lines organs and cavities within the
 Ex paramecium body
2. Cellular  Compact; occurs in sheets of tightly
 Aggregation of cells that packed cells
are functionally  Little intercellular substance
differentiated  Polarized (apical, basal)
 A division of labor is o Apical- exposed to air or
evident fluid lumen, structures:
3. Cell tissue microvilli, cilia, flagella
 Aggregation of similar cells o Basal
into definite patterns of  Have 3 main types of intercellular
layers, thus becoming a links
tissue o Tight junctions- prevents
4. Tissue-organ leakage of ecf
 An aggregation of tissues o Desmosomes- anchoring
into organs junction, fasten cells into
5. Organ-system rivets, reinforced by keratin
 Organs work together to o Gap junctions-
perform some function communicating junction
 Systems are associated  Types according to layering
with basic body functions o Simple - single layer cells
Animal Body Plains o Stratified- many layers
Symmetry o Pseudostratified- appear as
- Refers to balanced proportions multi layered but made up
1. Spherical of a single layer only
 any plane
2. Radial
 body can be div into similar
halves by more than two
 Type according to shape o Endothelium- lining of
o Cuboidal blood and lymph vessels
o Squamous Connective
o Columnar  Mechanical support
 Types:  Exchange of metabolites between
o Simple squamous- form a blood and tissues
continuous delicate lining  Storage of energy reserve
of blood capillaries, lungs  Protection against infection; repair
etc; permits passive  Ecm is embedded in liquid or jelly
diffusion like substance
o Stratified squamous- 2 to Types of cells
many layers, adapted to Fixed
mech abrasion, basal Fibroblast/ fibrocyte
undergo continuous mitotic Mesenchymal
div Adipose
o Simple columnar- found on Fixed microphage
highly absorptive surfaces Wandering (from blood)
o Stratified columnar- at least White blood cells
two layers, in anorectal  Amorphous ground substance
region & salivary duct o Glycosaminoglycans- ex
o Simple cuboidal- lines small chondroitin sulphate
ducts and tubules, o Permit diffusion of gases,
secretory and absorptive water substances,
functions nutrients, wastes
o Pseudostratified- single o Important for places with
layer, in vertebrates: forms absence of small blood
a mucous membrane vessels
o Transitional- accommodate  Types of connective fibers
great stretching, found in o Collagenous fibers
urinary tract and bladder  Made up of
o Glandular- absorb or collagen
secrete chemical solutions,  Flexible, non-
can be exocrine, endocrine elastic, does not
or mixed tear easily when
pulled lengthwise
o Elastic
 Elastin
 Rubbery
o Reticular
 Very thin and
 Collagen
 Joins connective
tissue to adjacent
 Special terms
o Mesothelium- squamous  Major types of connective tissue
cells lining serous cavities Fibrous/dense
such as peritoneal and - Dense due to its large number of
pleural activities and lining collagenous fibers
visceral organs
- Fibers are organized into parallel - Plasma
bundles  Proteins: fibrinogen, albumin,
- Forms tendons and ligaments globulin
Loose  Supplies for cells: glucose, fats,
- Binds epithelia to underlying tissue amino acids, salts
- Functions as packing materials  Cell products: enzyme,
holding organs in place hormones, antibodies
- Has all three fiber types  Wastes: urea, uric acid
- Two cell types predominantly: - Formed elements- produced by
fibroblasts and macrophages bone marrow
Types of white blood cells
Adipose Granulocyte
- Specialized form of loose tissue that Neutrophil- phagocytic
stores fat in adipose cells Eosinophil
- Pads and insulates body and stores Basophil- inflammatory
fuel as fat molecules
Cartilage Agranulocyte
- Has abundance of collagenous fibers Lymphocyte- antibody prod
embedded in a rubbery matrix made monocyte
of chrondroitin sulphate
- Chondrocytes secrete collagen and Muscular
chondroitin sulphate  composed of muscle fibers that are
capable of contracting when
Types: stimulated by nerve impulses
Hyaline- sig proportion of collagenous fibers,  most abundant tissue in most
nose larynx trachea, support and animals
reinforcement  muscle contraction accounts for
most of the energy consuming
Elastic- contains fine collagenous fibers and cellular work in active animals
many elastic fibers, external ears epiglottis Types
Fibrocartilage- many large collagenous fibers, - Cylindrical and striated cells with
absorbs compression shock multiple nuclei (syncytial)
- Occurs in muscles attached to
Bone skeleton
- Mineralized connective tissue - Single innervation attached to
- Osteoblasts are cells that deposit a skeleton
matrix of collagen - Voluntary movement
- Calcium, magnesium and phosphate Smooth muscle
ions combine and harden within the - Spindle-shaped cells, single nucleus
matrix into the mineral - Have no striations
hydroxyapatite - Double innervation by para
- Hard mineral + collagen = harder sympathetic nervous system;
than cartilage involuntary
- Blood vessel and digestive tract
Blood walls
- Composition: - For movement of substances in
55% plasma (water, salts dissolved lumens of body
45% formed elements (erythrocytes,
leukocytes, platelets)
Cardiac muscle
- Cylindrical but branching striated
cells, with single nucleus
- Double innervation by para and
sympa ns; involuntary
- Occurs in wall of heart
- For pumping of blood
Nervous Tissue
 Irritability and conductivity
 Senses stimuli and transmits signals
 Neurons= functional unit; consists
of cell body, dendrites and axons
o Dendrite- transmits nerve
impulses from their tips
toward the rest of the
neuron; receive stimuli
o Axon- transmits impulses
toward another neuron or
effector (muscle cell)

 Types of neurons:
o Sensory (afferent)
o Motor (efferent)
o Interneuron

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