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Embedded Systems in

Industrial Applications
Trends and Challenges

IEEE Industrial Electronics Society

SIES 2007

Richard Zurawski
ISA Group, USA

Applications Areas of Embedded Systems
reported at conferences and technical events

Frequently reported

Start being reported Seldom reported

Automotive embedded systems Factory/Industrial Automation

Applications Areas of Embedded Systems

Reasons for demand:

•Personal communication
•Personal entertainment
•Personal comfort

Market characteristics:
•Large volumes
•Small profit margin (competition)
•Need for constant innovation
•Short time-to-market
•High development cost

Applications Areas of Embedded Systems

Reasons for using ES:

•Power train – performance/efficiency
•Body – safety (anti-locking break system,
active suspension)
•Telematics – navigation, personal
entertainment (video, audio equipment), etc

Market characteristics:
•Relatively large volume
•Small profit margin
•Need for constant innovation
•Short time-to-market
•High development cost

Factory/Industrial Automation

Integrated Networked Smart Transducer

Direct Torque Control
(Printed Circuit Board Assembly / SoC?)
Factory/Industrial Automation

Robot Arm:

Distributed Control System

Industrial Requirements

Industrial requirements depend on applications; special

requirements typically include:

•Availability and reliability

•Real-time, deterministic response
•Power consumption
•Lifetime issues

Industrial Requirements

•Availability and reliability

Availability (from Wikipedia): The degree to which a

system, subsystem, or equipment is operable and in a
committable state at the start of a mission, when the
mission is called for at an unknown, i.e., a random,
time. Simply put, availability is the proportion of time a
system is in a functioning condition.
Reliability: The IEEE defines it as ". . . the ability of a
system or component to perform its required functions
under stated conditions for a specified period of time."

In general, in automation, availability and reliability are

required to be very high, to minimize the cost of operation
(for instance to minimize scheduled and unplanned

Industrial Requirements

Safety & Survivability

Safety: Absence of catastrophic consequences of a system

failure for property, humans, and environment

Survivability: Need for restricted modes of operation that

preserve essential services in adverse operational environments

The (embedded) automation systems and plants have to be

safe operational over extended periods of time, even if they
continue operation in a degraded mode in the presence of a

Industrial Requirements


Operational IT security requirements:

Protecting data from unauthorized entities
Protecting against unauthorized data manipulation
Data available when needed

Operational security requirements for discrete manufacturing

and process control systems:



Dependability of an automation system and plant is its ability to deliver a

service as expected; integrates such quality attributes as:


Embedded systems used in safety critical applications such as nuclear

and chemical plants, and power systems require a high level of

The dependability issue is critical for technology deployment in safety-

critical systems.

One of the main bottlenecks in the development of safety-critical systems

is the software development process.

Industrial Requirements

Real-time operation

Typically, (networked) embedded systems are required to operate in a reactive

way (for instance, systems used for control purposes) requiring to respond within a
predefined period of time, mandated by the dynamics of the process under control.

A response, in general, may be:

•Periodic - to control a specific physical quantity by regulating dedicated end-
effector(s), or
•Aperiodic - arising from unscheduled events such as out-of-bounds state of a
physical parameter or any other kind of abnormal conditions.

Industrial Requirements

Real-time operation & Deterministic response

Broadly speaking:

Soft real-time systems - systems which can tolerate a delay in response

Hard real-time systems - systems which require deterministic response to

avoid changes in the system dynamics which potentially may have
negative impact on the process under control, and as a result may lead to
economic losses or cause injury to human operators.

The need to guarantee a deterministic response mandates using

appropriate scheduling schemes, which are frequently implemented in
application domain specific real-time operating systems or frequently
custom designed “bare-bone” real-time executives.

Industrial Requirements

Power Consumption

Low-power design: extending life time of electronic

components (lifecycle).

Wireless sensor networks – need for self-sustained energy

Sources of wireless power:
•Batteries, fuel cells, etc.
•From local environment: light, heat, vibration,
•Transmitted by optical and radio frequencies, sound

Industrial Requirements

Lifecycle issues

Typical lifetime of a device in an industrial environment is around

10 - 20 (plus) years

Need for:
•Increased reliability

Industrial Requirements

•reduced cabling
Field Area Network •increased flexibility
•improved system performance
•ease of system installation, upgrade,
and maintenance.

(in general) networks connecting field

devices such as sensors and actuators Traffic characteristics:
with field controllers, programmable logic
controllers (PLCs) in industrial automation, •low data rates (data rates above 10
for instance, as well as man-machine Mbit/s, typical of LANs, have become
interfaces, SCADA, for instance. a commonplace in field area
(a fieldbus is, in general, a digital, two way, •small size of data packets
multidrop communication link) •typically require real-time capabilities
which mandate determinism of data

Client/Server Level:
core protocols (i.e.
UDP/TCP/IP), and other
service and management
protocols (i.e. SNMP, DHCP,

Traffic characteristics:
- High data rates
- Large data packets
Ethernet – TCP/IP
protocol suite
Controller Networks:
used to exchange real-time data Ethernet – TCP/IP
among controllers and operator protocol suite
workstations used for process
control and supervision

Traffic Characteristics:
- small and infrequent data
packets from the field level
- (potentially) high data rates
and large data packets from the
business or enterprise level

MESA (Manufacturing Execution System Association) – Plant
Information Model

Supply Chain Enterprise Resource Sales & Service

Management Planning (ERP) Management

MES: Product &

Integrated Production data Process
Working with Operations Engineering
Management Systems, People, and
Practice Fieldbus,
Industrial Ethernet

Drives, Motors,
PLC/ Data Manual Process DCS/
SoftLogic Collection Control OCS

Automation, Instruments, Equipment

Connectivity: Integration

Islands of automation
The use of propriety field devices (sensors/actuators),
machining tool controllers, and manufacturing/process
machinery typically leads to the deployment of dedicated field
area and control networks developed to link specific devices
and systems. This creates “islands of automation” integrated
locally around specific and frequently incompatible with others
network technologies and data representations.
The integration solutions involve both communication
infrastructure, and applications interfaces and data


ProfiNET EtherNet/IP

Between different levels of the

automation (or organization) HORIZONTAL
hierarchy: from field devices via
manufacturing executions systems In the communication context, involves different
to business level and processes plant automation units, or even separate automation
sections within a unit.

Industrial Ethernet

Emerging trend in the horizontal and vertical integration: the

use of the “industrial Ethernet”, or Real-Time Ethernet (RTE),
that supports real-time communication at the factory floor.

In the RTE, the random and native CSMA/CD arbitration

mechanism is being replaced by other solutions allowing
•deterministic behavior required in real-time
communication to support soft and hard real-time
•time synchronization of activities required to control
drives, for instance, and
•for exchange of small data records characteristic of
monitoring and control actions.

Real Time Ethernet
Real-Time Ethernet (RTE): the RTE, under standardization
by IEC/SC65C committee, is a fieldbus technology which
incorporates Ethernet for the lower two layers in the OSI
model (physical layer, and data link layer including implicitly
the medium access control layer).

The three different approaches to meet real-time

• retaining the TCP/UDP/IP protocols suite unchanged
(subject to non deterministic delays), all real-time
modifications are enforced in the top layer.
• the TCP/UDP/IP protocols suite is bypassed, the
Ethernet functionality is accessed directly – in this case,
RTE protocols use their own protocol stack in addition to
the standard IP protocol stack.
• the Ethernet mechanism and infrastructure are modified.

Real Time Ethernet benefits

The direct support for the Internet technologies allows for:

• vertical integration of various levels of industrial enterprise
hierarchy to include seamless integration between automation
and business logistic levels to exchange jobs and production
(process) data;
• transparent data interfaces for all stages of the plant life cycle;
• the Internet- and web-enabled remote diagnostics and
maintenance, as well as electronic orders and transactions;
• mitigating the ownership and maintenance cost by the use of
standard components such as protocol stacks, Ethernet
controllers, bridges, etc.

Real Time Ethernet

Non-Real-Time Top of TCP/IP Top of Ethernet Modified Ethernet

Non Real – Time Real – Time

protocol protocol

Real – Time Real – Time

protocol protocol


Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet Modified Ethernet

Universal cabling

Possible structures of RTE

Real Time Ethernet

First approach is based on retaining the TCP/UDP/IP Modbus/TPC:

defined by
protocols suite unchanged (subject to non Schneider Electric
deterministic delays), all real-time modifications are and supported by
enforced in the top layer. Modbus-IDA

defined by Rockwell
Non-Real-Time Top of TCP/IP Top of Ethernet Modified Ethernet and supported by the
Open DeviceNet
Vendor Association
Non Real – Time Real – Time
protocol protocol
(ODVA) and
Real – Time Real – Time International
protocol protocol


P-Net (on IP):
proposed by the
Danish P-Net
national committee,
Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet Modified Ethernet
developed by
Universal cabling Yokogawa, Japan.

Real Time Ethernet
• Ethernet Powerlink
In the second approach, the TCP/UDP/IP protocols (EPL):
suite is bypassed, the Ethernet functionality is defined by Bernecker +
accessed directly – in this case, RTE protocols use Rainer (B&R), and
supported by the Ethernet
their own protocol stack in addition to the standard IP Powerlink Standardisation
protocol stack. Group

• TCnet (a Time-critical
Non-Real-Time Top of TCP/IP Top of Ethernet Modified Ethernet
Control Network):
a proposal from Toshiba)
Non Real – Time Real – Time
protocol protocol • EPA (Ethernet for Plant
Real – Time Real – Time Automation):
protocol protocol a Chinese proposal


(Component Based
Automation): defined by
several manufacturers
Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet Modified Ethernet
including Siemens, and
supported by PROFIBUS
Universal cabling International

Real Time Ethernet

In the third approach, the Ethernet mechanism and

infrastructure are modified.

Non-Real-Time Top of TCP/IP Top of Ethernet Modified Ethernet

under development by
Non Real – Time Real – Time SERCOS
protocol protocol

Real – Time Real – Time • EtherCAT:

protocol protocol defined by Beckhoff and
supported by the EtherCat
Technology Group

• PROFINET IO: defined

by several manufacturers
Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet Modified Ethernet
including Siemens, and
supported by PROFIBUS
Universal cabling International.

Security in Industrial Networked Embedded Systems

Corporate Network
Ethernet – TCP/IP protocol suite

Control Network
Ethernet – TCP/IP protocol suite

Field Area Network

Real Time Ethernet

Field devices

Security in Industrial Networked Embedded Systems

Operational security requirements for automation and process

control systems:

• Safety
• System/plant availability

electronic security attacks, which may compromise the integrity

of these systems and endanger plant safety

Security in Industrial Networked Embedded Systems
Field Level

Fieldbuses, in general, do not have any security features. As they are

frequently located at the premises requiring access permit, eavesdropping
or message tampering would require a physical access to the medium. A
potential solution to provide a certain level of security is the access point
(PLC, for instance) control.

Field Area Network - Real Time Ethernet

The emerging Ethernet based fieldbuses are more vulnerable to attack on

account of using the Ethernet and the TCP/IP protocols and services. Here,
the general communication security tools for TCP/IP apply.

Security in Industrial Networked Embedded Systems
Device and Embedded Level

Real Time Requirements:

In case of a denial of service attack (DoS), the processor

handles a high-level of communication interrupts potentially
compromising the real-time requirements – a need for clever
interrupt priority allocation and/or selection


A controller has to withstand autonomously a security attack such as buffer

overflow to crash the system – a need for proper error and exception handling

Power Restrictions:

Battery powered embedded controllers can fail by being exposed to unnecessary

processing cause by DoS attack conditions, for instance – causing battery draining

Security in Industrial Networked Embedded Systems
Device and Embedded Level

Memory and Processing Limitations:

The limited computing, memory, and communication

bandwidth resources of controllers embedded in the field
devices pose considerable challenge for the
implementation of effective security policies which, in
general, are resource demanding.

This limits the applicability of the mainstream cryptographic protocols, even

vendor tailored versions. The operating systems running on small footprint
controllers tend to implement essential services only, and do not provide
authentication or access control to protect mission and safety critical field devices.
In applications restricted to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), such as
embedded web servers, Digest Access Authentication (DAA), a security extension
to HTTP, may offer an alternative and viable solution.

Wireless Sensor Networks

Wireless sensor network: (in general) a collection of spatially

distributed devices with embedded sensors to measure
environmental conditions.

Major characteristics:
•No pre-arranged network topology: organized by nodes
on ah-hoc basis.
•Ability to self-heal; network operation not affected if a
node goes down

Wireless Sensor Networks in Industrial Applications

Pre-arranged network topology: determined by the discrete

manufacturing or continuous process equipment
arrangement or system architecture
No ability to self-heal; network and system operation is
affected if a node goes down
Long life-time
Expensive (node involved in a great deal of computing)

Wireless Sensor Networks in Industrial Applications

Real-time restrictions; hard bounds on the maximum delay

•discrete manufacturing – tens of mSec.
•process control – Sec.
•assets management – minutes or hours.

Hybrid wireless-wireline architecture: wireline based data distribution

from the collection point

Wireless Sensor Networks in Industrial Applications

G – gateway
R- router

Common topologies used in industrial applications

Wireless Sensor Networks in Industrial Applications

Reliability; mostly through transmission redundancy:

•Space diversity – transmission through different paths

•Frequency diversity – on different frequencies
•Time diversity – several times on the same frequency
•Modulation scheme diversity – different modulation schemes

Wireless Sensor Networks in Industrial Applications

Low power consumption

Factors in minimizing power consumption:
•low power elements; CPU, for instance, runs on reduced
clock rate with less on-chip functionality
•Operational regime: sleep/wakeup mode – transmission only
if the value of a measured physical quantity is larger then the
predetermined bound
•Communication protocol – dictates a lower bound on the
power consumption

Wireless Sensor Networks in Industrial Applications

Communication Protocols:
Wireless Interface to Sensors and Actuators
(WISA); a low power protocol, high
•Single-hop - avoids delays in intermediate
•Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) – no
collision; a node is alone on the channel.
Applications: discrete manufacturing if the
single hop condition is met.

Wireless Sensor Networks in Industrial Applications

Communication Protocols:
ZigBee specification (IEEE 802.15.4
Multi-hop – intermediate nodes (router
nodes) to be mains powered
No timeslots allocation to messages –
contention for channel access, increasing
latency and power consumption
Applications: process control, asset
monitoring applications, etc.

Wireless Sensor/Actuator Networks in Industrial Applications

•flexible installation and maintenance,
•mobile operation required in case of mobile robots,
•alleviates problems with cabling.

Wireless Sensor/Actuator Networks in Industrial Applications

ABB Wireless Robotic Cell *

WISA (wireless sensor/actuator)

system to network proximity
(position) sensors

The sensors communicate with a

wireless base station via antennas
mounted in the cell.

The base station can handle up to 120

wireless sensor/actuators and is
connected to the control system via a
(wireline) field bus.
To increase capacity, a number of base
stations can operate in the same area.
WISA provides wireless power supply to
the sensors, based on magnetic coupling.

Base station Proximity sensor * Figures used with permission

Wireless Sensor/Actuator Networks in Industrial Applications
Standard Bluetooth 2.4 GHz radio transceiver and low power electronics
handle the wireless communication link.
To meet the requirements for high reliability, low and predictable delay of
data transfer, and support for high number of sensor/actuators, a
specialized RF front end was developed for the base station to provide
collision free air access by allocating a fixed Time Division Multiple Access
(TDMA) time slot to each sensor/actuator. (the commercially available
solutions such as IEEE 802.15.1/ Bluetooth, IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee, and
IEEE 802.11 variants cannot not fulfill all the requirements.)
Frequency hopping (FH) was employed to counter both frequency-selective
fading and interference effects, and operates in combination with automatic
retransmission requests (ARQ).
The parameters of this TDMA/FH scheme were chosen to satisfy the
requirements of up to 120 sensor/actuators per base station.
Each wireless node has a response or cycle time of 2 ms, to make full use
of the available radio band of 80 MHz width.
The frequency hopping sequences are cell-specific and were chosen to
have low cross-correlations to permit parallel operation of many cells on the
same factory floor with low self-interference.

Opportunities and Challenges - Industrial Embedded Systems

•efficient and error-free design of SoC, and in particular Multi-Processor System-on-

Chip (MPSoC), which combines the advantages of parallel processing with the high
integration capability of SoC.
•evolving specific application area configurable platforms
•testing of embedded cores in SoC,
•power-aware computing,
•security in embedded systems,
•safety in networked embedded systems:
•CIP Safety – CIP family of protocols

Useful Sources:

Embedded Systems

Embedded Systems Handbook, ed. R. Zurawski, CRC

Press/Taylor & Francis, 2005.

Networks & Networked Embedded Systems

The Industrial Communication Technology Handbook, ed. R.

Zurawski, CRC Press, Florida, 2005.

Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on Industrial

Communication Systems, guest editor R. Zurawski, vol. 93,
no.6, June 2005.

Embedded Systems in
Industrial Applications
Trends and Challenges

Thank You!

Richard Zurawski
ISA Group, USA


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