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Metals and Non Metals Questionnaire

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I. Multiple choice questions (Tick the correct option).

1. The property due to which a metal can be beaten into sheets is called
(a) ductility (b) tenacity
(c) malleability (d) density
2. A non-metal which is a good conductor of heat and electricity, is
(a) phosphorus (b) silicon
(c) graphite (d) sulphur
3. The oxide of sodium is of
(a) acidic nature (b) neutral nature
(c) amphoteric nature (d) basic nature
4. Sulphur dioxide gas formed by burning sulphur in oxygen is a/an
(a) amphoteric oxide (b) acidic oxide
(c) basic oxide (d) neutral oxide
5. The most common ore of iron is
(a) bauxite (b) galena
(c) cryolite (d) haematite
6. In the process of smelting, a metal oxide is reduced
to metal. The reducing agent used is
(a) carbon in the form of coke (b) sodium metal
(c) hydrogen (d) none of the above
7. A homogeneous mixture of a metal with other metals
or non-metals is called
(a) a metalloid (b) a compound
(c) an alloy (d) none of the above
8. Which one of these is an alloy of copper and zinc?
(a) Brass (b) Bronze
(c) German silver (d) Gun metal
9. All metals are solids at room temperature except .......... .
(a) mercury (b) sodium
(c) potassium (d) none of these
10. Which of these metals cannot displace hydrogen from a dilute acid?
(a) Iron (b) Zinc (c) Silver (d) Calcium
11. Metals more active than hydrogen, react with dilute
mineral acid and displace
(a) hydrogen gas (b) nitrogen gas
(c) carbon monoxide gas (d) oxygen gas
12. An ore of iron is
(a) bauxite (b) malachite
(c) cuprite (d) haematite
13. The electrolyte used in the electrorefining of copper is
(a) copper nitrate (b) copper chloride
(c) copper sulphate (d) copper acetate
14. The ores which are generally2subjected to roasting are
(a) carbonate ores (b) oxide ores
(c) sulphide ores (d) chloride ores
15. Which one of these is the process of removal of
impurities from the ore?
(a) Concentration (b) Roasting
(c) Calcination (d) Smelting
16. The process of heating an ore in the absence of air is called
(a) concentration (b) roasting
(c) calcination (d) smelting
17. The impurity that settles down in the froth
flotation process for concentration of an ore is
(a) slag (b) galena (c) gangue (d) alloy
18. The name of the furnace used in the process of iron extraction is
(a) blast furnace (b) Bessemer converter
(c) oxygen furnace (d) none of these
19. Aluminium is extracted from its ore called
(a) bauxite (b) cryolite (c) haematite (d) none of these
20. Magnetite is an ore of
(a) copper (b) zinc (c) iron (d) aluminium
21. Sulphur ores are concentrated by
(a) roasting (b) froth flotation
(c) calcination (d) smelting
22. The method used to convert the carbonate ore of
copper into its oxide in the absence of air is
(a) roasting (b) calcination
(c) concentration (d) reduction
II. A. Fill in the blanks with
appropriate words. 1.
.................. is an ore of barium.
2. The molecular formula of sand is .................. .
3. The metal present in the ore cinnabar is .................. .
4. Carbogen is used for .................. .
5. .................. is the chemical formula of cryolite.
6. .................. used to make tips of bullets.
7. .................. reduces iron oxide to iron in the blast furnace.
8. .................. is used in making surgical instruments.
9. .................. is used in making the bodies of aeroplanes.
10. Silver, gold and platinum are called .................. metals.
11. Mercury is a liquid .................. .
12. The oxides of non-metals are .................. or .................. in nature.
13. Two alloys of copper are .................. and .................. .
14. Galvanised iron will have a coating of .................. on its surface.
15. Bauxite is chemically .................. .
16. Aluminium alloys are used in the aircraft industry because they are
.................. and .................. .
17. Ores are obtained from .................. .
18. A liquid metal is .................. .
19. The best electrical conductor is .................. .
20. Sodium is always preserved under .................. .
21. Gold and silver are found in .................. state.
22. The formula of haematite is .................. .
23. The more reactive metals are extracted by .................. .
24. .................. is a homogeneous mixture of metals.
25. Bronze is an alloy of .................. and .................. .
26. Metals are generally .................. and ductile.
27. Metals form .................. ions by losing electrons from
their valence shells.
26. Non-metals have .................. electrons in their valence shells

B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the

given list. [List: acidic, mineral, zinc sulphide, non-
metal, losing, copper, flourine, mercury.]
1. Amalgam is an alloy in which one of the component metals is
.................. .
2. Graphite is a .................. , yet it conducts electricity.
3. Metals form cations by .................. electrons from
their valence shells.
4. Non-metals do not react with dilute .................. acids.
5. The oxides of non-metals are .................. or neutral in nature.
6. Teflon is prepared from the non-metal .................. .
7. Zinc blende is chemically .................. .
Brass is an alloy of .................. and zinc

C. Choose the correct words from the brackets.

1. (Malleability/ductility) is the ability of a metal to be
drawn into wires and (zinc/silver) does not show this
ability under normal conditions.
2. Metals have (1, 2 or 3/4, 5, 6 or 7) electrons in the
outer or valence shell and (lose/gain) valence
electrons and form (anions/cations).
3. Non-metals are good (reducing/oxidising) agents
since they (gain/ lose) electrons during chemical
4. Magnesium is (above/below) aluminium in the
activity series of metals and (zinc/silver) can displace
copper from copper sulphate solution.
Phosphorus pentoxide is an (acidic/basic) oxide which dissolves in
water to give an (acid/alkali).
III. Name the following.
1. Impure form of iron used for making manhole covers.
2. A pale yellow powder used for spraying on fruit trees.
3. A combustible non-metal used for cutting and welding.
A non-metal used for making microchi
4. An alloy of zinc and copper.
5. A process of converting sulphide ore into an oxide ore.
6. A charged particle formed when non-metals gain electrons.
7. The process by which iron ore is concentrated.
8. An alloy of iron used for making surgical instruments.
9. Two alloys of copper used for making statues.
10. A liquid metal and a non-metal.
11. Two neutral oxides.
12. Two reducing agents.
13. The gas evolved when a reactive metal combines
chemically with dilute sulphuric acid.
14. The products formed when an acidic oxide reacts with a base.
15. Two most reactive metals in the metal reactivity series.
16. The common name of the ore of zinc whose
chemical name is zinc carbonate.
17. Two non-metals which are lustrous.
18. A metal which has a low melting point.
19. A non-metallic oxide which dissolves in water to give a weak acid.
20. A metal used for making bullets.
21. A metal which reacts with boiling water to liberate hydrogen gas.
22. A metal in red hot condition reacts with steam to
liberate hydrogen gas.
23. A metal which reacts with dilute hydrochloric
acid to liberate hydrogen gas.
24. A metal which reacts with dilute nitric acid to liberate hydrogen gas.
25. The process of converting a carbonate ore into an oxide ore.
The process of refining metals with an electric curren

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