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Expounding Upon

Liber Trigrammaton
sub Figura XXVII
Frater Centaurus
Greatly Honored Frater
Zoel Dana Kaim/Caim

Reading Frater Centaurus‟ commentaries caught me a bit by surprise as I remembered my own

contemplations when I first read Trigrammaton. Crowley didn‟t write much on this holy book and I agree
with Paul‟s commentaries as they are what I am inclined to say myself. The diligent student should be able
to create an interpretation based upon defining different sephirothic correspondences for the starting points.
These commentaries are a new „classic,‟ raising the bar to a new and rare development in Qabalistic

As a project, Trigrammaton is made to stir minds in the time to come, and seeing it again, I wonder what
did Crowley really did with the trigrams? Trigrammaton is a sequel, which is a prelude to the classic eight
trigrams of I Ching. In the first nineteen trigrams of this work, there appears a void symbolized by an
asterisk. What is this? The asterisk is bound to be called something like: the source, the unknown factor,
zero, or the harmonized but alien fundament. The use of this symbol changes the interpretation of the
components of the trigram, the Yin and Yang. The trigrams are composed of what we can see as a binary
code ; zero & one, and Crowley changes this by recreating this scheme into the classic Egyptian triadic
way, of which we find again in Hegel‟s dialecticism. As the asterisk is a balanced nihil, the broken line
now truly becomes a negative zero, a real minus.

As the Ogdoad and the processes within Ain Soph Aur become more known, it would seem reasonable to
ascribe more of Trigrammaton to that which is beyond Kether. The transition between Trigram Nineteen
and Trigram Twenty could be used herein, as this is where the use of the unknown factor is omitted. To
describe the processes beyond, the school of Hermiopolis used the same as in the Ennead. The Ogdoad
counted one less, as its final outcome, the ninth was the first of the Ennead, and the first was quite
unknown, thus it had the structure of the Ennead implicit.
Liber Trigrammaton
sub Figura XXVII
Although the main body of this Liber is Class A, the attribution of letters to the
English Alphabet is not of that level. These letters were added at a later date by
Crowley, and with the later revisions of Liber DCCLXXVII, form one approach
toward an English Qabalah. Commentary by Crowley is in brackets;
commentary by Centaurus in italics, just below it. The appendices are from
other sources.

Being the Book of the Trigrams of the Mutations of the Tao with the Yin and the Yang

This is certainly a unique concept; a mutating Dao, and it extends the idea of a trinity.
We see the Dao interacting with its two manifestations, the Yin and the Yang. There is
also a certain corollary that can be drawn with Madame Helena Blavatsky‟s Book of
Dzyan and as well, this work can be seen as a strong appendage to the Chinese wisdom
of the Yi Jeng and the Dao De Jing.

0/1 (Number Zero/First Trigram)


Here is Nothing under its three forms. It is not, yet informeth all things.

[„I‟ Narrowed breath. Represents concentration, including aspiration.]

The three asterisks represent the Ain Soph Aur. But a hint of Kether is
here in that all things are informed therefrom.



Now cometh the glory of the Single One, as an imperfection and stain.

[„L‟ Passive undulation, without effort, unchecked.]

The top two asterisks represent Harmony and Purity. The dash below
them represents disruption by way of the quest for selfhood. As per the
myth of Qabalistic generation, the Ain Soph Aur formulates a center. This
center is the first hint of manifestation and represents a disturbance in the
Dao. The momentum is downwards as any disturbance carries
weightiness, much the same as the emotional baggage that humans carry.
The quest for selfhood is an emotion in the form of desire; the bud-will.
And as the Supernal Sephiroth are really one and the same, the allusion to
Chokmah is here suggested. Also, regarding the “Single One,” there is
recursive detail in that Liber Cordis Cincte Serpente provides more on the
nature of this “imperfection and stain.” Cf. Liber LXV:II.5-61



But by the Weak One the Mother was it equilibrated.

[„C‟ Vide „S‟ and „K‟]

Equilibrium is the action here; as if the Mother is generated from the

disturbing quest for self-awareness. The reflection cast becomes the
awareness of selflessness. This is the nature of not only Kether but in the
arrival into the City of the Pyramids. The now broken line shows the
feminine or passive nature. The Mother is Nuit (All/Yin), equilibrating the
single Yang. Cf. the Dao De Jing, Cap. 52, vs. 2.2 And we may also
juxtapose the “Weak One” with the “Strength” in the verse connected
with the next Trigram. But the interesting thing here is that we have
moved from the present tense in the first two verses to the past tense. The
first two verses then, seem to present the idea of consciousness and being;

LXV:II.5 “I suffered the deadly embrace of the Snake and of the Goat; I paid the infernal homage to the shame of Khem.”
Crowley‟s commentary:
It accepts the formulae of:
(a) Duality,i.e., life as vibration.
(1) Death.
(2) The illusion of Knowledge.
(b) Exile.
(1) The Hunger of Lust.
(2) Labour.
It acquiesces in the shame of being a God concealed in animal form.

LXV:II.6 “Therein was this virtue, that the One became the all.”
Crowley‟s commentary:
The object of this act is to realize the possibilities of one's unity by representing its wholeness as an infinite nu mber of particular
cases, just as one might try to get an idea of the meaning of ``poetry'' by studying all available poems. None of these can be more than
one imperfect illustration of the abstract idea; yet only through these concrete images can one get any understanding of what it
Knowing the Mother, we may know her offspring. He that knoweth his Mother, and abideth in her nature, remaineth in
surety all his days.
Motta‟s commtary
This verse has nothing to do with genetics on one side, and Momism on the other. Cf. LXV:II.1-6
the „here and now.‟ An inference may then be drawn that due to a
previous equilibration, consciousness becomes possible; as if to show the
Ain Soph Aur formulating its center so that it might know itself.




Also the purity was divided by Strength, the force of the Demiurge.

[„H‟ Forcible addition of pure breath to other sounds. Represents effort.]

The Demiurge is the false God of Genesis that separates the Waters. This is the assertion
of selfhood into Da‟ath. The asterisks now represent the waters, separated (above and
below) by the dash, as the dash becomes Choronzon.3 The net result is the assertion of
the identity of the Universal Mind.

Considering the juxtaposition, mentioned above, “purity” is a reference to the female

“Mother” of the previous verse, whom is also confused by the Christists into the image of
a Virgin with the resulting horrors that accompany such a false morality. This morality
is a blind in much the same way as the demonization of Choronzon (the Demiurge) is a
blind…as much as the “shame of Khem.”

Graphically, this trigram identical with the division sign used in mathematics.


And the Cross was formulated in the Universe that as yet was not.

Crowley writes in Qabalistic Dogma: “It is important to explain the Position of Daath or Knowledge
upon the Tree. It is called the Child of Chokmah and Binah, but it hath no Place. But it is really the Apex of
a Pyramid of which the three first Numbers for the Base.
Now the Tree, or Minutum Mundum, is a Figure in a Plane of a solid Universe. Daath, being above the
Plane, is therefore a Figure of a Force in four Dimensions, and thus it is the Object of the Magnum Opus.
The three Paths which connect it with the First Trinity are the three lost Letters or Fathers of the Hebrew
In Daath is said to be the Head of the great Serpent Nechesh or Leviathan, called Evil to conceal its
Holiness. (scn = 358 = cysm, the Messiah or Redeemer, and ] t y v l= 496 = t v q l m, the Bride.) It is
identical with he Kundalini of the Hindu Philosophy, the Kwan-se-on of the Mongolian Peoples, and means
the magical Force in Man, which is the sexual Force applied to the Brain, Heart, and other Organs, and
redeemeth him.”
[„X‟ Combines „K‟ and „S‟]

The broken dash is again, the female symbol considering selflessness in

relation t the „waters.‟ The broken dash with the top asterisk then
represents the Supernal Triad with the bottom asterisk representing
Da‟ath, which is then, a reflection of Kether. The broken dash as
Chokmah and Binah are negatively charged in relation to Kether, as the
generating force.

We may also draw from this, a certain reference to the formula of Liber
XXXVI; therein, the appearance of Set in the Circle annihilates the
operators (2=0). Set becomes the imperfection, the “shame of Khem” and
the stain in the tomb. Cf. AL:III.34.4

That the cross is formulated in the Universe as a result of the force of the
Demiurge associates the cross with the Demiurge.



But now the Imperfection became manifest, presiding over the fading of

[„T‟ the sexual onslaught. A less responsible form of D.]

The Demiurge asserts its dominance over both waters, whose preeminence
it denies and covers up. This is the One becoming the All and suffers the
“shame of Khem” as per Liber LXV:I.5-6. Set is then the Prince. We see
here also, the Ain Soph or even the Soph Aur brought down into the Ruach
& Assiah as the manifestation of Fermions in the electromagnetic Aethyr.
The transition back, from the past to the present, shows the “shame of
Khem.” This is the “imperfection” of the One becoming the All. Notice in

AL III.34: "But your holy place shall be untouched throughout the centuries: though with fire and sword it be burnt down &
shattered, yet an invisible house there standeth, and shall stand until the fall of the Great Equinox; when Hrumachis shall
arise and the double-wanded one assume my throne and place. Another prophet shall arise, and bring fresh fever from the
skies; another woman shall awake the lust & worship of the Snake; another soul of God and beast shall mingle in the globed
priest; another sacrifice shall stain the tomb; another king shall reign; and blessing no longer be poured To the Hawk-headed
mystical Lord!"
From Crowley‟s commentary:
Another sacrifice Love is the Magical Crucifixion, &c., as
shall stain Formula: Sex as the Key to the Magical
the tomb Life. "The tomb" -- the Formula. Death as
temple of Love the Key to Life.
"The tomb" -- the
coffin or grave.
the next verse, the woman (the All) connected to this by use of the word

Graphically, the solid line indicates a cloud hanging over perfection;

hiding perfection in its shadow.



Also the Woman arose, and veiled the Upper Heaven with her body of

[„Y‟ when distinct from „I,‟ dignifies the vowel to which it is prefixed.]

Nuit becomes the Daughter, awakening the Eld of the King (Cf. the Signs
of N.O.X. in Liber V vel Reguli). Nuit as consort of the Demiurge
(Pan/Choronzon=Demiurge?)5 dwells in his same place as she lay with
him and is one with him. Considering Crowley‟s teaching in the footnote
below, it should be obvious that a study of the Starry Gnosis and the role
of both the Redeemer and the Leviathon will provide greater insight into
the importance of this. Also note Liber CCXXXI and Kenneth Grant‟s
work on this.



Now then a giant arose, of terrible strength; and asserted the Spirit in a
secret rite.

Crowley writes in Qabalistic Dogma: It is important to explain the Position of Daath or Knowledge upon
the Tree. It is called the Child of Chokmah and Binah, but it hath no Place. But it is really the Apex of a
Pyramid of which the three first Numbers for the Base.
Now the Tree, or Minutum Mundum, is a Figure in a Plane of a solid Universe. Daath, being above the
Plane, is therefore a Figure of a Force in four Dimensions, and thus it is the Object of the Magnum Opus.
The three Paths which connect it with the First Trinity are the three lost Letters or Fathers of the Hebrew
In Daath is said to be the Head of the great Serpent Nechesh or Leviathan, called Evil to conceal its
Holiness. (scn = 358 = cysm, the Messiah or Redeemer, and ] t y v l= 496 = t v q l m, the Bride.) It is
identical with he Kundalini of the Hindu Philosophy, the Kwan-se-on of the Mongolian Peoples, and means
the magical Force in Man, which is the sexual Force applied to the Brain, Heart, and other Organs, and
redeemeth him.
[„P‟ As to „B‟ as „K‟ is to (hard) „G.‟ Bursting of a bud as against that of a fruit.]

The two dashes are the Annunaki and the Nephilim6 having fallen from the heavens, with
the asterisk representing the star, Lucifer, the Guardian Angel of humanity as per the
ancient Hebrew legend. The “secret rite” is the Sons of God mating with the Daughters
of Men. The spirit asserted is the dot on top as the bottom line is the imperfection and
stain per the second trigram.
Two states of time, “Now” and “then” are given with the first two words of the
corresponding verse to this Trigram. But it may be seen as a story telling convention,
making it obvious that this is an historical account of creation; not unlike Blavatsky‟s
Secret Doctrine, but with greater succinctness.




And the Master of the Temple balancing all things arose; his stature was
above the Heaven and below Earth and Hell.

[„A‟ Open unmodulated breath. (ah.)]

The dash becomes the firmament (per the second trigram) as the Abyss, between the
Ruach and Supernals, with the star(s) above that the Magister Templi casts as he or she
successfully traverses the Abyss and simultaneously reflects down into the Ruach. The
broken dash is then the Ruach (Earth), being dual-natured; with Hell being it‟s nightside.
Notice also that this symbol is the exact reverse of that of the Black Brothers, symbol 18
(numbered 17) and that the Master is referred to in the singular as the Black Brothers
are referred to in the plural.



The dash is the Black Brother; he seeks to rule the world; to generate order in Assiah.

By putting the astral body of the dual-natured Ruach, into the Abyss (indicated by the
broken dash taking the place of the line of the firmament in the previous trigram) as in
the Christian mystery with the bodily assumption to Heaven, the key to the working of the
Tree-of-Life is confused. Therefore, they present the perversion of the MT formula; they

The Nephilim would also be the Titans in Greek mythology. Cf. Reign of the Demiurge.
are Qliphotic and blind forces that would bring the ego into the Abyss and find the false

Against him the Brothers of the Left-hand Path, confusing the symbols.
They concealed their horror [in this symbol]; for in truth they were

[„J‟ Like soft G.]

- -7


This is an inversion that hides the light of the stars, as if trapped in matter; this being
also an illusion. And we can deduce from this an allegory of the Night of Pan. The
“Brothers” (plural) being the “Master” (which we can deduce from the stature of the
Master), must be One. This is perhaps, why it is said that there is no Black Lodge, from
which we can infer that they ultimately are destroyed and absorbed into the body of the



The master flamed forth as a star and set a guard of Water in every Abyss.

[„W‟ When distince from „U‟ represents the operation of choice. „U‟ does this to some
extent. (Will, word, way.)]

“every Abyss” would seem to refer directly to Da‟ath, and Qesheth. They enclose the
Ethical and Astral Triads, being the ones that have the apex of their triangles pointing
downwards, as is drawn the Alchemical symbol for water.

We might also state that as the “master” sets a “guard,” that this “water” or emotion is
that of fear; a blind cast forth by the Guardian of the Threshhold who is also the “giant”
that “arose” in a preceding verse.

The traversal of the Abyss of Da‟ath is shown by the solid line of the last trigram being
broken; as if broken through or busted through. These two abysses are also the two
entrances to the nightside of the Tree-of-Life.

This is the 18th Trigram, numbered 17.
11O(20)/12 [EQ value in parentheses]


Also certain secret ones concealed the Light of Purity in themselves,

protecting it from the Persecutions.

[„O‟ The breath concentrated and directed. Is to I as magic is to mysticism.]

The secret ones are the Secret Chiefs on the one hand, but it‟s interesting to note that
Moses persecuted the Nephilim. The light hidden in these Sons of Light is the light
hidden in the Ruach with it‟s 5 th Dimensional8 nature being as if passive or negative to
the waters; normally shown as broken dashes, indicative of their feminine nature.

The light of purity (the 1 st Trigram, numbered Zero; the AIN, which is also NOT and
Silence) is that ineffable secret that can‟t be communicated. It is represented by the dot,
and is concealed between two walls, indicated by the dashes. These also serve as
counter-charged poles with the dot transcending this polarity. The dot is also the spark
of the Pleroma, the light of consciousness and being.



Likewise also did certain sons and daughters of Hermes and of Aphrodite,
more openly

[„G‟ (hard) Opening as if to devour. (Soft?)

The Starry Gnosis showing itself more plainly in Greek mythology. And so the revelation
of the sky is Yang or male, as indicated by the unbroken dash. Note also, that the Greeks
worshipped the male form. But the Nephilim were men and women, being the sons and
daughters of the mating of the Sons of God with the Daughters of Men. The lower pole of
the last trigram is the world of duality, the microcosm; indicated by the broken dash.

Cf. Testing the Night of Pan.


But the Enemy confused them. They pretended to conceal that Light that
they might betray it, and profane it.

[„Z‟ An irritated or excited form of „S,‟ emphasizing elements of anger and alarm.]

The top dash of the previous trigram is now broken, as if representing the light perspiring
upwards. This gives one the impression of being “white and glistening 9.” The buster
upper pole represents the macrocosm, which is the starry fabric of the body of Nuit; per
seventh trigram. The lower line is that imperfection and stain; per the second trigram.

This should not be interpreted as representing a Manichaean analogy; the Black

Brothers serve despite their will. Yet, shown here is a basic deception of the Black
Brotherhood. The cloud formed of this deceptive confusion is represented by the
unbroken (male) dash. Being opaque, it refracts the light. If we see Jehovah as the
Demiurge, Joseph‟s coat of many colors comes to mind. In history, the Orthodox
priesthood shunned the esoteric side of the revelation; hence a reference to the Templars.


Yet certain holy nuns10 concealed the secret in songs upon the lyre.

[„B‟ Bursting forth. Phallus and Vulva. Kissing.]

Nuns=none/not/zero; Priestesses of Nuit; Babalon. The Bards sang these songs of love
that to this day and as always, have been equated with the stars; represented by the
asterisk. It is these “nuns” that have drawn the song from them. These “nuns” may also
be the Bacchantes; the priestesses of Eleusis.

LXV.I:18 - So also the light that is absorbed. One absorbs little, and is called white and glistening; one absorbs
all and is called black.
Nun=Death Atu=50 or 5(Man)x10(whole ToL or complete creation); hence the complete, manifested being. By complete here, it is
meant, fully attained. These are the Secret Chiefs and the bardic songs that hold their secrets.
The true nature of the light that they draw is the inscrutable secret that cannot be
communicated, but is revealed to the wise. It is the key to incredible power. Graphically,
the trigram represents the feminine mystery. The broken dash above represents Nuit (the
music of the spheres) as the one below, Babalon (the lyre). The star in-between is the



Now did the Horror of Time pervert all things, hiding the Purity with a
loathsome thing, a thing unnameable.

[„F‟ Compound of „P‟ and „H‟]

That which is “unnameable” would be Hadit. Cf. AL:II.4. 12 In its loathsomeness, it may
then be as the “caress of Hell‟s own worm” as found in AL:II.62 or the „blind creature of
slime.‟ With the transition back to the present tense, time may be seen as the source of
“Now;” deriding „Because,‟ which more directly involves consideration of the past and
the future.


The two numbers assigned to this Trigram are equal to 31. It‟s interesting that the value of G is 60 in the EQ, which is the Art Atu
(that which leads to Tiphareth). Not (31) being the Key to AL, is expressed here also as 5 th 8 th and 12 th Trigrams, which together equal
25, the number of Man; note the comment about Hadit; the loathsomeness being Hell‟s own worm. Hadit most closely represents
then, the Giant of terrible strength discussed in the 8 th Trigram. But also the Cross of Light at the intersection of which is the heart and
the 5 th Trigram (again, 5 being the number of Man); and also the secret one that hides the light of purity (secretion of the light) and
that which is not known as per his chapter in Liber AL. Of the lesser numbers of the Trigrams (the ones on the left that start with Zero
for the first Trigram, we get the letters EIU. The Manifestation of Imperfection, presiding over the fading of Perfection; t he Master of
the Temple balancing all things and the Sons and Daughters of Hermes and Aphrodite openly hiding the light of purity in themselves.
The Perfection of course is NOT and the MT is NOT with the light of Purity being that NOT that is the Ain Soph Aur or limitle ss
AL II.4: "Yet she shall be known & I never."
Crowley‟s commentaries:
She is known, as He goeth on His Way, and doth His Will; each Event adds to His Knowledge of Her Nature.
He cannot be known, for He hath no parts whereby to define Him.
The circumference of Nuit touches Ra-Hoor-Khuit, Kether; but her centre Hadit is forever concealed above Kether. Is not Nu the
Hiding of Hadit, and Had the Manifestation of Nuit? (I later, Sun in Libra, An. VII, dislike this note; and refer the student to Liber XI
and Liber DLV.
See later, verse 13, "Thou (i.e. the Beast, who is here the Mask, or "per-sona," of Hadit) wast the knower." Hadit possesses the power
to know, Nuit that of being known. Nuit is not unconnected with the idea of Nibbana, the "Shoreless Sea," in which Kno wledge is
Hadit is hidden in Nuit, and knows Her, She being an object of knowledge; but He is not knowable, for He is merely that part of Her
which She formulates in order that She may be known.
Yea, and there arose sensualists upon the firmament, as a foul stain of
storm upon the sky.

[„S‟ Defiance, 13 warning, etc.]

The sensualists are dualists, indicated by the unbroken dash. It is the center line that was
the firmament in the ninth trigram. The storm here refers back to the cloud, discussed in
my comment, above. But here, on a lower level, it is not the Black Brotherhood, but its
dupes. Returning to the past tense, and for the remainder of this holy book, a “storm
upon the sky” seems an indication of the lightening flash that created life. It‟s as if life is
a simultaneous creation of past, and present. Prophecy added into this, includes then, all
three tenses brought into the manifested moment called „Now.‟


- -14


And the Black Brothers raised their heads; yea, they unveiled themselves
without shame or fear.

[„M‟ The Will to Die.]

The Black Brothers stand between the star (asterisk) and the sky (broken dash). These
dupes; false prophets, comprise a false lodge that really doesn‟t exist. They pose as
intermediaries between the above and below in a denigration of human dignity.



Also there rose up a soul of filth and of weakness, and it corrupted all the
rule of the Tao.

[„N‟ The vibration which includes Life and Death as complementary Curves.]

The broken dash at the top of the trigram represents the false universe or the Earth out of
its proper place; it should be below. The broken dash in the middle represents the false
soul, shown by the Black Brotherhood. And the asterisk stands alone to represent the

Variant reading, “defense.”
This Trigram is also appended to the verse connected with the 10 th Trigram, numbered 9. It is the Trigram of the false prophets and
gurus, cult leaders and antichrists.

Then only was Heaven established to bear sway; for only in the lowest
corruption is form manifest.

[„E‟ Softened, but otherwise unmodulated breath. (Phallus.)]

The truth now, is only found in matter, as all three veils are a sealing off of human
awareness. The three lines represent the completed ToL and the three triads thereof.
The involution is complete and then emanates Malkuthy “the lowest corruption” wherein
form is manifest.



Also did Heaven manifest in violent light,

[„R‟ Continuous vibration, like „L‟ but active. (Air of the Aethyr.)]

Into this depth (matter), the violet light; the light beyond eyesight is discovered by the
materialists—modern physicists—the ultra-violet that can destroy eyesight. It is as if the
male, solar-phallic light of the previous trigram hides it.



And in soft light.

[„Q‟ Combines „K‟ and „U.‟ (The Sun.)

The soft light is the light of individual consciousness, which of necessity asserts itself as a
response to blindness. Interpreting the extremely yang nature of the twentieth trigram by
its gender, the anima or subconscious is equilibrated.


Then were the waters gathered together from the heaven,

[„V‟ Conscious male will. Manhood, strength, truth, righteousness, immortality,

integrity. (Water.)]

And through the violet light and the assertion of consciousness, heaven is rediscovered
and the code of the Starry Gnosis is again revealed through those prophets; now
emerging from amongst us. The broken line is the Water of Heaven.



And a crust of earth concealed the core of flame.

[„K‟ Opening as if startled. (Earth.)]

The heavens are brought down to the Earth and found hidden in matter. This is the
redemption of matter; the resurrection of the body. The “crust of earth” and the
firmament is indicated by the dash. The Water becomes the Fire of Earth as shown in the
two sets of broken dashes.
The fire shown by the broken dashes, emanates downwards in direct correlation with the
26th Trigram, numbered 25.




Around the globe gathered the wide air,

[„D‟ The paternal vibration. (The Moon.)15

Humanity discovers itself as equal to the Demiurge and takes its rightful place between
the above and the below; becoming the crowned Prince. Here again, the firmament is
represented by a male dash, surrounded by air as the female or broken dashes. This is
Earth in its receptive form receiving the Fire from above16.



And men began to light fires upon the earth.

[„U‟ Like „O‟ with added refinement and a tinge of melancholy. „O‟ is completely self-
confident. (Fire.)]

The fiery passion of the human soul, then celebrates the joy of existence. The Fire lifts
itself to the sky and the Heavens; both the vaulted one revealed in the seventh trigram
and the one beyond it. The two broken dashes over the solid dash graphically depicts fire
as if emanating or radiating from a log of wood.



Therefore was the end of it sorrow; yet in that sorrow a sixfold star of
glory whereby they might see to return unto the stainless Abode; yea, unto
the Stainless Abode.


The above and below are then united in the Adept, who has mastered the mystery of the
Temple, which is life itself. The three broken lines bring us full circle, back to the three
dots of the first trigram. Both have a feminine or passive quality. The broken dashes
represent the passive spiritual energy and the three dots represent the active spiritual
The three triads of Trigram 20; numbered 19, here express the ToL in the world of
duality. Assigning the letter Q to this is significant as the letter depicts a completed
Universe (the circle) with the attached line as the emanation that points to Malkuth and
The moon is not considered to be a light, but as a cohesion of the planet‟s atmosphere.
Cf. The Golden Chain of Homer.
Introduction to 2nd edition of Book Chameleon
by C.F. Russell

This six-fold figure, called KI TZI, is one of 64

Hexagrams, no two alike, which comprise Text of YI KING, Classic of
Changes, initiated system of Chinese Magick. It is esoteric & occult, i.e.,
hidden from Hoi Polloi, but only as differential Calculus may mystify
Hottentots, not otherwise than most college graduates may puzzle over
language of Hot Plates. Our Text was brought from sunken continent of
Atlantis to a geographical point later ruled by Manchus before Akkadian
era. Sealed in this book are secrets never published except by oral
communication before end of last century when trend was to reveal to
properly prepared what explains weightiest problems of mankind.

Methods of Initiation aim to control contact between cerebrum, main

organ of personal consciousness & memory, the cerebellum & other brains
in head, along spinal column & all way down to feet. (Don't forget feet!)
Types of Divination, Astrology, Tarot, Geomancy, Numerology, etc.
promote Initiatory growth by their catalytic action on nervous system.
Spirits with whom you converse are connected with specific parts of your
brain. (See Goetia.) Cerebrum operates only in sphere of memory &
sensation, otherwise it is blind & stupid, cannot perceive supersensible
data & is used chiefly to deal with Troglodytes. Initiates have secret script
to keep nature of life in higher worlds from becoming common property.
Under paraphernalia of robes, rituals & old tortoise-shell games lies what
can be explained scientifically by following procedure.

A single line, ---------, whole called YANG, is male, manifestly but occultly
female; a double or divided line, --- ---, called a YIN is outwardly female
but secretly male, These grams, YAO, stand for the primary sexual
elements in macrocosm, universe & microcosm, human being. In YI KING
a Yang is often spoken of as a "nine", a Yin , a "six", former odd, latter
even. Creation comes from their combination & permutation. Visible
arrangement, however, is less important than invisible -what dwells
between lines must never be lost sight of. Two at a time they generate four
different HSIANG digrams, to illustrate TETRAGRAMMATON formula

See comment under Hex #31. Next step combines Yangs with Yins three at
a time, to get Eight Trigrams, KWA, tabulated with names & attributes in
the Logical Order. Four & five-fold figures are studied in our
six-fold figure, LOOK YAO, is produced by joining Ye Kwa & interpreted
by shape & inner configuration & relationships. Besides meaning of two
obvious trigrams we get in each case two "nuclear" hexes, first made by
counting (up) 2nd, 3rd, 4th grams to combine with 3rd, 4th & 5th. Thus in
#43, first nuclear hex combines kwa from grams 5,6,1 with 6,1,2; in #43
this will repeat 3X6; but e.g. in #44, first nuclear hex is #43 & second is
8X8, =#64. In KI TZI, ruler of Hex is 2nd place "six", although weak it
succeeds by corresponding to strong "nine" in 5th place. We begin with
strong nine in 1st place but 2nd place six yields to it -& so on with the
analysis & interpretation which goes on behind the scenes to get the
oracles. Correct technic makes Magical the erection & evokes Spirit
assigned to Hex.

Prepare two dice with their pips arranged as pictured.

Consecrate female die with your own feminine potency which proceeds
from right hand of man or left hand of woman; for NARM ZHAI use
masculine power by holding it always in left hand of man or right of
woman. Be careful not to spoil these talismans by contact with wrong
hand. Throw them simultaneously upon specially made SQUARE . There
the hexes are put in Logical Order -from 1 to 64, figures or tzu wen -#1,
Lingam of Lingam, in Magical East whole Square is oriented by this
corner pointing usually toward immediate source of fresh water, TSAO.
Files, TSUNG each have one & the same upper, Major KWA, respectively;
ranks, WANG, same lower or SIAO KWA throughout. From top to
bottom & left to right in each case margins or parameters read 1 2 3 4 5 6
FU-HSI by GENESTHAI. p.0. wha shik tzu Alchemical symbols. #43 is in
third wang of dai look tsung nai siao fong.

Cast the two dice, pairing them thrice, upon the logical Square to erect
Look Yao. Gram is either Yin or Yang as sum of pips uppermost after
throw is even or odd. Three throws set up male, or Minor; the three
simultaneous YIN ZHAI throws erect Major, TA KWA. Suppose after
first throw male shows 3 & female 4; next gives 2&5; finally 1&6; then tzu
Hex is LI of KHAN, KHI TZI, always pertinent to circumstances &
problems of the moment -it takes the scene & applies to each & every
participant in ceremony. Kon p. 43 of Text for verses of the Thwan & Yao
-here meaning is Perfected Work, Complete Success. Our friend WAW has
composed an Essay on #43 -see Appendix. Since all things necessarily are
restricted, we do not rest on our laurels but are aware of being close to
frontier of new disorders -as Confucius says, "Superior Man, KIUNG
TSZ, thinks of Evil that may come & guards against it beforehand." In #43
yangs &yins all correspond in nature with places they occupy, alternating
light & dark, strong & weak, hard & soft. When YAO thus agree with
place auspice is best, else vai hiung!

YI KING shows dual cosmic forces perpetuating themselves by unending

chain of permutations & combinations. (See our book,
one unique modus operandi of sexual intercourse -union on man &
woman, or intermingling of Heaven & Earth -name of this generative
game is "CHANGE." #43 especially symbolizes orgasm expressing perfect
harmony of mutual completion, graphically depicted by alternation of
yang & yin properly placed & related. Such concord is clue to happy &
healthy sex life itself reflected in all environment. CHHING LOI JU YUN.
Man's experience in sex is compared to Fire which flares-up but can be
extinguished by Water that takes long time to heat over Fire, but cools
down slowly. This Hex is virtual image of difference both in pre- & post-
orgasmic conduct of man & woman. In the scheme of Otz ChIIM, of holy
Qabalah, it exhibits Averse Relation of Tiphareth (Sun) & Yesod (Moon);
Sephiroth linked by path of Samekh (see Tarot), referred to Sagittary -see
Table of Alphabet of LO, page 000.

No system of Divination merits attention if objective mind be allowed to

interfere either in finding or reading the oracle. Furthermore, one must
heed divine revelations - then Spirits will reciprocate your confidence &
trust by disclosing symbols clearer & clearer in exact ratio to your fidelity
& loyalty. Keep records of your Workings. You will find the given Hex is
always right, the answers always true, appropriate & suitable to all
individuals involved & situation & conditions in increasing proportion as
habit is acquired of heeding counsel of the gods & conforming your
conduct to offered advice, with firm correctness. Slipshod, careless
procedure insults Spirits; operators shall be punished to fit the crime. Use
of this Grammar from dishonest motives is likely to lead to serious trouble!

Organ of personality, cerebrum, mammalian brain, sees by reflected light

(moon-light). Man is not instinctively intelligent, for little stream of
experience flowing into his physical consciousness is not enough to guide
him. From the center of Earth to utmost reaches of Space (&beyond) is the
Kingdom of Man, the Fourth Hierarchy, (cf. expansion & contraction,
Course of Light -NU & HADIT of old Egypt), hence to act intelligently, in
accord with totality of all experience, all his bodies (seven) must be
coordinated & information from all his senses (twelve). Old Alchemical
charts display this beautifully. Cerebrum only shows vanishing point of
cosmic understanding -lowest mind that can possibly act on universal
scale. Insight, wit, rationality, co-ordination, creative thinking, perception
of nature & identities of Things as they Are, of meaning of Life, i.e. Genius
or Godhead belongs not to cerebrum but is function of cerebellum whose
activity is mostly sub-conscious. Epoch is here to evolve the brains for
truly practical thinking -about which pseudo-scientists know very little.

DIVINATION is excellent exercise to this end if done faithfully with right

ritual or technic. No guesswork, superstition or psychic speculation is
involved. Necromancers, Witches, Fortune-tellers, anyone who deals with
Spirits, can make mistakes, but worst error is wrong concept or attitude,
failure to understand & obey borderland laws, or possess a clear, level
head, self-control, equilibrium & absolute moral integrity. Warnings are
heard against spiritism, mediumship, black magic -but aside from obvious
validity of caution, yet entities higher in scale of evolution than ourselves
must not be imagined more stupid -that is scarcely possible! Malice &
falsehood are inseparable -no understanding can receive TRUTH unless it
belong to a WILL, receptacle of GOOD. Cosmos contains no really
intelligent Evil Spirit. In fact, Evil is merely an event at wrong time &/or
place! There is proper time & place for everything. E.g., one mighty Devil
named LUCIFER did incarnate in ancient China; other great one called
Satan or AHRIMAN is found incarnate during twentieth century -watch
out for Him lest He lead you astray! Misunderstanding shall be cleared-up
in due time -in meantime regard as absolutely impossible for anyone -
human or not- to hate Humanity & at same time develop any adequate
faculty of prevision or clairvoyance. Suspect those who gaze in crystals to
prate of malevolent monsters -what they see is only themselves! Genuine
awareness of nature & powers of their own beings would enable them to
pass The Dweller on the Threshold (HUEN). If they remain slaves to Time
& Space, Maya & illusions of their shadow personalities it is because in
vestibule of Spiritual World, the "Sphere of Three Iron Necessities", there
is no pass-key but LOVE! Synonymous with Initiation at some Grade,
Genius is to think consciously & voluntarily with Cerebellum. First we
must get habit of Faith which is not at all blind belief in unknown, for
"Faith is of Truth & Truth is of Faith & Truth before it can become object
of Faith must be in its own Light & be seen; otherwise the False may be

FAITH is confidence in promptings, instincts & correlations apprehended

by that brain whose processes are foreign & exterior to organ of
personality. You need not believe paradoxes, antinomies or absurdities -
philosophers, theologians & politicians to the contrary, notwithstanding!
Current, established theories in Physics, Biology, Geology, Astronomy &
even Mathematics are subject to continual revision, hence if accepted
without moral or mental discernment no better than blind leaders of the
blind. No class has monopoly of whimsical, puerile & superstitious ideas -
such are only natural to Troglodytes, cave-dwellers, dazzled by that Light
which can form no image in cerebrum. Divination, POOK, especially YI
KING, is safe & sure road leading out of cave. "By eight & by eight shall I
learn to count Thy favors, O Thou elevenfold God, Four hundred &
Eighteen"! In life there is no higher purpose than to do Good; no guide to
gain Divine Favor more reliable than Voice of your own Conscience,
pontificating from its throne in cerebellum, by media of trustworthy
Messengers -Mercury is Oracle of SOL -Who will resolve correctly your
problems if you approach * Them humbly with authentic & authoritative
Modus Operandi, Working by the "eight & ninety rules of Art". This
Path, TAO, directly & quickly reaches source & center of TRUTH, Itself;
of BEAUTY, Itself; of GOOD, Itself; & beyond to the Shrine of
HOLINESS! May you find this Sanctity in the Heart of the LORD Who
dwells in your own Heart!

* Matthew XXI, 9
John XIV, 13-14
Circular Key to the Hexagrams from 2nd edition of Book Chameleon
Circular Key to the Digrams &Trigrams from 2nd edition of Book
The Table of FU-HSI
from "Book Chameleon"
by Fr. Genesthai

Meaning: Creative Power
Attributes: Lingam. Creative Impulse, Heaven, The Sky
Sphere: Daath
Force: Saturn, Zodiac & higher
Color: Black, brown, gray

KHIEN is Heaven; the Dragon's Our Friend, The Sage!

Originating, keen, strong to the end, presage!

Deathly still, Dragon, hide in the deep.

In the field, preside; Virtue's harvest reap!
Vigilant as gnomes, be active, even asleep.
In the depth yet, stage the upward leap.
Now fly the sky -crimson comets sweep!
Exceed not -weep not; the Golden Mean keep!
Meaning: Flexibility, Penetration
Attributes: Air. Wind, Wood, Mind
Sphere: Hod
Force: Mercury
Color: Orange

SUN warns the Wise -beware the whip!

"Thy will be done"; thou shalt not slip!

Three times I say it, this is my refrain.

Beneath the couch, waiting wizard, stay.
God's Spell & Scourge! take the hint today.
Reiterated, say again & again!
Thy heart is full -maintain the right of way.
Thy heart o'erflows -relax the axe and pray.

Meaning: Brightness, Elegance
Attributes: The Sun. Spirit-Self, Manas, Realization, Lightning
Sphere: Tiphareth
Force: Sol
Color: Yellow

LI's double brilliance brightens the bright;

Docile like a cow -yet firm and upright!

Thy feet are clean, step on the golden stair.

Firm in place, held by a yellow strap.
Sober Muse, play on my earthenware.
Shun sudden shocks -top-side up with care.
Righteousness pours fortune in thy lap!
Vigorous victor, let every quarter share!

Meaning: Solidifying, resting, act of arresting.
Attributes: Earth. Hills, Mountains
Sphere: Netzach
Force: Venus
Color: Green

KAN's twin peaks mark the stops & goes.

Watchful, notice nothing beyond thy nose.

Firm correctness keeps the toes at rest.

Righteous regulations thighs arrest.
Glowing heart pounds ribs -lull the loins.
Quiescent torso augurs auspice best.
Thy jaw is set -quiet, the noisest.
Acquire peaceful devotion's golden coins!
Meaning: Pleasure, complacent satisfaction. Easy movement
Attributes: Water, collected as in a marsh, lake or pond
Sphere: Chesed
Force: Jupiter
Color: Blue

TUI joins true hearts in Christian Love:

Joy below responds to Joy above!

Be strong in seat of strength, wholly in tune!

Procure ye fresh, Our Wine; pour & commune.
Pleasure's doubled, perfected -hand in hand.
Combine the Two in One -companion's boon.
Let him be "ever a Sun & she a Moon"!
O, Golden Quest! o, Holy Ampersand!

Meaning: Restriction, fixation, peril, difficulty
Attributes: The Moon. Darkness, Defiles, Caves, Rain, Clouds, Springs, Rivers
Sphere: Yesod
Force: Luna
Color: Violet

KHAN's overflowing heart & piercing mind.

Dare pit after pit, constant, firm & kind!

In the double defile, Our Friend enters the cave.

Environed with peril, make not yet the escape.
Whether He comes or goes He shall behave!
Wine-bottle & rice-basket -sage & suave.
The Moon's not yet quite full -retain thy shape.
No rest for the wicked -in thorny thicket, thrice-brave!

Meaning: Moving, Exciting Power
Attributes: Fire. The Will, Thunder
Sphere: Geburah
Force: Mars
Color: Red

CHAN encourages; thunders twain entwine.

Ladle tight handle, high hand thy wine!

Meet coming motion soberly with cheer.

Exalted humility sees thy bread return.
Excitement works Righteousness to earn.
Hard pressed between, be firm & preserve.
Moving safely, centered in thy concern.
Proper precautions polish the golden urn.
Meaning: Expansion to Infinity, Capaciousness, Submission
Attributes: Yoni, Cup or Chalice
Sphere: Malkuth
Force: The Earth
Color: Pink & flesh

KHWAN doubles the Cube -Big Yin brings

Initiatory Virtue to men & things!

Dancing on dew -later come big rains.

Brilliant results the Way of Earth obtains!
The Servant of the Lord excellence restrains.
The careful sack apples red contains.
Yellow shod the honored spot retains.
Dragons fight; azure and amber stains!

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