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CD - People V Bulan

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G.R. No.

143404 June 08, 2005


JOSE BULAN and ALLAN BULAN, appellants.



This case was certified by the Court of Appeals (CA) to this Court for review, in view of its finding in its
Decision1that appellants Jose Bulan and his son, Allan Bulan, are guilty of murder as principals by
indispensable cooperation punishable by reclusion perpetua to death, and not merely as accomplices as found
by the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Virac, Catanduanes, Branch 42.

The Antecedents

Jose Bulan and his sons, Allan and Estemson, were charged with murder in an Information filed on
October 11, 1994. The accusatory portion of the Information reads:

That on or about the 6th day of June 1994 at Barangay Datag, Municipality of Caramoran, Province of
Catanduanes, Philippines, within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused,
conspiring, confederating and helping one another for a common purpose, that is, to kill with treachery
and evident premeditation, did then and there, wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously, Jose Bulan and Allan
Bulan held both hands of Alberto Mariano to deprive him of any defense, while Estemson Bulan stabbed
him from behind with a deadly weapon, hitting him twice at the back which resulted to his instantaneous
death, to the damage and prejudice of the victim’s heirs. That the offense is aggravated by flight and use of
superior strength.


Jose and Allan were duly arraigned on March 6, 1995, and pleaded not guilty.3 Estemson, on the other
hand, remained at large.

The Case for the Prosecution:

The Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) based its summary of the facts of the case on the documentary
and object evidence, on the testimony of prosecution witnesses

 Dr. Rico Lareza,

 SPO2 Pedro Roslin,
 Mariano Lopez,
 Perlita Mariano and sister of the deceased Alberto Mariano
 Pura Mariano, mother of the deceased Alberto Mariano,

Its version of the case is as follows:

1. On the night of June 6, 1994, a dance was taking place at the barangay plaza of Barangay Datag,
Municipality of Caramoran, Catanduanes. Alberto Mariano, a barangay tanod in said barangay was
assigned the task that anybody who entered the gate to the dance hall must have a ribbon.

2. Allan Bulan came to the dance and entered the gate without the required ribbon. Alberto
followed Allan Bulan into the dance hall and asked him why he entered the gate without a ribbon.
Instead of answering Alberto’s question,….

 Allan boxed him on the head.

 Accused Estemson Bulan, Allan’s brother, who had entered the dance hall, boxed Alberto too.
 Estemson then held Alberto, while Allan boxed the Alberto on the chest.
 Perlita Mariano, Alberto’s sister, who was present at the dance, embraced her brother as Allan
and Estemson unceasingly pummeled him
 The other barangay tanods present at the dance, Ceferino Ceballo and Juan Boribor, and a
barangay kagawad, Dante Ereso, stopped Allan and Estemson from further beating Alberto
 After being pacified by the barangay officials, Allan and Estemson left the dance hall.
 Alberto went back to where he originally stood to resume his duty. His sister Perlita stood
beside him
 Edwin Solo, a policeman, suddenly came into the dance hall and dragged Alberto into the street
just outside the entrance.
 Perlita embraced Alberto as he was dragged outside the barangay plaza.
 Appellants Jose Bulan and Allan Bulan were waiting for Alberto and immediately held the latter
by his shoulders. Jose held Alberto’s right shoulder while Allan held his left shoulder.
 Perlita was still embracing her brother but she was pulled away from him

5. Accused Estemson Bulan suddenly appeared behind Alberto and stabbed him twice in the back
with a small bolo. Perlita screamed for help. However, nobody came to help Alberto and Perlita. After
stabbing Alberto, Estemson immediately escaped, while Jose and Allan dragged the fatally
wounded Alberto away from the barangay plaza to the store of Valentin Talion, which was forty
meters away from the scene of the stabbing. They dropped Alberto face down on the ground in front
of Valentin’s store and then left, running towards the direction of [the] barangay plaza

6. Perlita, who followed Jose and Allan as they dragged her brother, kept on shouting for help but
nobody came to help them. After Jose and Allan left, Perlita returned to the barangay plaza and
sought help from her relatives who were at the dance. She sought the help of the barangay officials
present and informed them that Alberto was already dead 7. Minutes later, Nelson Rubio, a policeman,
went to the place where Alberto lay. When the policeman tried to lift Alberto, the small bolo which
was used in stabbing Alberto and which remained embedded in his back, fell to the ground. The
Municipal Mayor of Caramoran and Dr. Rico Lareza, a doctor and the Chief of the Caramoran
Municipal Hospital, also went to the site where Alberto lay. The doctor then requested the mayor to
bring Alberto’s body to the hospital for a post-mortem examination

8. On the same night, at around 11:30, Dr. Lareza examined Alberto and found that his body bore
the following wounds and injuries:

 2 stab wounds
 Linear hematoma
 Multiple abrasions

9. According to Dr. Lareza, "(t)he most fatal wound is wound No. 1 and that Alberto Mariano
died of Cardio-Respiratory Arrest due to a stab wound penetrating towards the heart

The Case for the Appellants

 denied the charge  denied the charge
 on the night of June 6, 1994, he was with  admitted that he and Alberto had an altercation
Mayor Idanan of Caramoran and the latter’s inside the dance hall
son-in-law Ely Ty.  Alberto had boxed him on the upper lip, and he
 He was with them from 10:00 p.m. onwards retaliated by punching Alberto on the stomach.
and never left their company  He claimed that he went home after the
 no idea that Alberto had been stabbed near the incident
gate of the dance hall  As he was in front of Valentin Talion’s store,
 He further alleged that he and his companions Alberto and five to six companions accosted
were drinking around a table and left the plaza him, and gave him fist blows on the forehead
only when a commotion ensued and neck. He was also kicked on different parts
 June 17, 1994- He found out that he had been of the body. Alberto even bit the upper part of
charged with murder only on, when policemen his wrist.
informed him that the MTC of Caramoran had  June 7, 1994.- his injuries were evidenced by
issued a warrant for his arrest the medical certificate issued by Dr. Rico
 He had no knowledge that Alberto had been Lareza
manhandled by his sons, and that Estemson  he fled to the house of his uncle Rudy
was the one who stabbed the victim Frondero. He told his father of the incident, but
 he was told that he would be allowed to get out did not inform the police or barangay
of jail if he could produce his son Estemson.8 authorities.
 June 10, 1994- He left for Legaspi City and
attended school
 June 27, 1994 – mother’s request: Allan
accompanied her to Manila on to locate his
brother Estemson. It was only then that he
learned that his father was in jail for the death
of Alberto.
 August 7, 1994- confirmed that he was arrested
by NBI.agents

The appellants presented:

 Mariano Ereso, a barangay kagawad, to corroborate the testimony of Jose Bulan.

 Magin Isuela, Barangay Captain, testified that he did not notice any commotion before Irma Cabrera’s
announcement at the dance floor that somebody had been stabbed. He was so shocked that he went
 Dr. Lareza The doctor also explained that the road from the plaza gate to the store was stony; if the
victim had been dropped on the road, face and chest down, it was possible that he would have a
blackeyed face or sustained abrasions.
 Considering that there was a pool of blood where the body was found, the victim could have been
stabbed in front of the store.
 Rudy Tuqueño testified that he was drinking beer near the gate but did not witness any stabbing
incident. Apropriano Selsona, Jr. corroborated Tuqueño’s testimony.

After trial, the trial court rendered judgment convicting the accused of murder as accomplices. The fallo of the decision reads:

WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, Jose and Allan Bulan, considering the Indeterminate Sentence Law in their favor, are hereby
sentenced to suffer the penalty of imprisonment ranging from ten (10) years and one (1) day of prision mayor as minimum to
seventeen (17) years and four (4) months of prision temporal as maximum and to indemnify the heirs of the accused in the amount of
₱50,000.00. The period of their detention is credited in full in their favor in the service of their sentence. The case as against Estemson
Bulan who remains at large up to present is hereby placed in the archive till after his arrest.



The trial court declared that there was no conspiracy between the appellants and Estemson.

On appeal to the CA, the appellate court rendered judgment on June 13, 2000 affirming the decision of the RTC, with the modification
that the appellants and Estemson were guilty of murder as principals by indispensable cooperation. The appellate court declared that as
gleaned from the evidence on record, the three of them conspired to kill the deceased.


On March 22, 2001, the Court resolved to accept the case. The appellants opted not to file a supplemental brief.

The appellants aver that the trial court committed errors:

 The lower court erred in giving credence to the testimony of prosecution witness Mariano Lopez &
Perlita Mariano that within two meters from the gate of the datag plaza where a dance was being held,
the deceased Alberto Mariano was stabbed by Estemson Bulan while being held by accused-appellants
jose and allan bulan who then allegedly dragged him from the gate towards the store of valentin talion
forty meters away. (1 & 2 error)

 The lower court erred in not giving credence to the testimony of accused allan bulan alleging that he
was mauled by alberto mariano and companions in front of valentin’s store and denying the
alleged holding and stabbing at and dragging from the gate of the datag plaza.
 The lower court erred in not giving credence to the testimony of accused-appellant jose bulan
denying the alleged holding and stabbing at and dragging from the datag plaza.
 The lower court erred in not acquitting accused-appellants.

*errors are explained in the full text, it’s not relevant to Art 8, please read full text*
ISSUE: whether or not the appellants are guilty of the crime charged as principals by direct participation as
ruled by the CA, or, as ruled by the RTC, mere accomplices to the crime of murder.

HELD: Yes, the appellants were waiting outside the dance hall near the gate when Edwin Solo brought the
victim towards them, onto the street. Jose held the victim by the right shoulder, while Allan held him by the left.
Estemson suddenly appeared from behind the victim and stabbed the latter at the back with a small bolo. The
appellants continued holding the victim as Estemson stabbed him yet again. Even as Estemson fled, the
appellants dragged the victim from the gate, towards the store, where they dropped the victim’s body and fled
from the scene. Allan then left Catanduanes and hid in Pasay City where he was arrested by the NBI on August
7, 1994

Article 8 of the Revised Penal Code provides that there is conspiracy when two or more persons agree to
commit a crime and decide to commit it. Direct proof is not essential to prove conspiracy; it may be
established by acts of the accused before, during and after the commission of the crime charged, from which it
may be logically inferred the existence of a common purpose to commit the same. The prosecution must prove
conspiracy by the same quantum of evidence as the felony charged itself. Indeed, proof of previous agreement
among the malefactors to commit the crime is not essential to prove conspiracy. It is not necessary to show that
all the conspirators actually hit and killed the victim; what is primordial is that all the participants performed
specific acts with such closeness and coordination as to indicate a common purpose or design to bring out the
victim’s death. Once conspiracy is established, it is unnecessary to prove who among the conspirators inflicted
the fatal injury. If conspiracy is proved, all the conspirators are criminally liable for the crime charged and
proved. The act of one is the act of all.

Considering the foregoing, the Court affirms the finding of the CA that the appellants are guilty as principals by
direct participation in the killing of Alberto Mariano.

Indeed, the only defenses proffered by the appellants are denial and alibi, which are, however, the weakest of
defenses in criminal cases. The well-established rule is that denial and alibi are self-serving negative evidence;
they cannot prevail over the spontaneous, positive and credible testimony of Perlita Mariano who pointed to and
identified the appellants as the two of the malefactors. Indeed, alibi is easy to concoct and difficult to disprove.
The Court notes that the appellants even admitted that they were in the dance hall before the stabbing, and that
Jose left only after the incident. Moreover, Jose did not present any other witness to corroborate his alibi.

IN LIGHT OF ALL THE FOREGOING, the Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR No. 22904 is
AFFIRMED WITH MODIFICATION. Appellants Jose Bulan and Allan Bulan are found GUILTY beyond
reasonable doubt of murder as defined in Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended by Republic Act
No. 7659, qualified by treachery. There being no aggravating or mitigating circumstances in the commission of
the crime, they are hereby sentenced to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua. The appellants are ORDERED
to pay, jointly and severally, the heirs of Alberto Mariano the amount of ₱50,000.00 by way of civil indemnity,
and ₱50,000.00 by way of moral damages. Costs against the appellants.


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