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Al-Ithawi2017 Article CharacterizationOfAtmosphericO PDF

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J Opt

DOI 10.1007/s12596-017-0431-0


Characterization of atmospheric optical turbulence by (GDIMM)

Sabah Al-ithawi1

Received: 27 June 2017 / Accepted: 18 October 2017

 The Optical Society of India 2017

Abstract In this paper, we present the measurements that Introduction

have been made to determine some of the parameters
governing the transmission of a light wave through the The atmospheric turbulence is affected by light distortion
atmosphere. Three parameters are studied: the parameter of due to the degradation of astronomical image quality of
Fried r0, the angle of isoplanatic h0 and the external scale ground-based telescopes are a long known problem to
l0. The data for this purpose have acquired by a generalized astronomers [1–3]. In classical astronomical observations,
differential image motion monitor. These data are used to the characteristics of atmospheric optical turbulence (OT)
measure the position and scintillation of a star on two are basically estimated by DIMM instruments [4–9]. For
windows. The device is composed of 3 sub-apertures several years, the Lagrange laboratory has developed
instead of 2 two pupils of a diameter d = 6 cm, detached essential methods and apparatus to evaluate the optical
by a distance x0 = 20 cm horizontally. The difference turbulence of the atmosphere [10]. It proposes a new
between the variations of the position of the star in each design, as the generalized differential image motion mon-
window makes it possible to determine r0 and l0, while the itor a compact instrument. GDIMM is very identical to a
variation in the window (3) makes it possible to obtain the DIMM, GDIMM has the features of being built-in and
scintillation used to calculate h0. The data used dated from simple to install, it’s also controlled by a devote software.
the night of October 24, 2016. A series of measures were The work continues to make GDIMM completely auto-
performed at the Calern plateau in Nice–France. The series mized [11].
between 5:55 and 9:01 pm, with two focal lengths The Earth’s atmosphere is an inhomogeneous medium
F = 6.11 m, the star have been observed is Vega. The with temperature and pressure gradients, variations in
measured wavelength was taken at 0.5 lm. chemical composition, wind speed and direction. All these
factors cause the refractive index of the atmosphere to vary
Keywords GDIMM  Seeing  Adaptive optics  Site according to position and time [12]. These index changes
testing modify the trajectory and the velocity of the rays which
pass through the atmosphere. This leads to a deformation of
the incident wavefront initially plane to a source point to
infinity (variation of the phase of the wave). The image of
an object observed from the Earth is thus degraded and
variable in time (the stars appear scintillating, the sun
deformed on the horizon). It is then necessary to introduce
a certain number of parameters characterizing the turbu-
lence of the atmosphere as The Cn2 (refractive index
& Sabah Al-ithawi structure parameter), the seeing e, the Fried parameter r0,
the isoplanatic angle h0 or the coherence time s0 and l0:
Department of Laser and Optoelectronic Engineering, external scale.
University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq

J Opt

Theory pupil, and when the apparent angle of the observed object
is large (r [ 10), the beams will be perturbed by com-
Fried parameter r0 pletely different atmospheric degradations, it results a
decorrelation of the wavefronts arriving on the pupil then is
In 1965 Fried proposed a so-called parameter of Fried, which spoken of anisoplanatism.
represents the spatial wavelength width of the perturbed The parameter h0 (isoplanatic angle) depends on the
wavefront. This parameter is defined as the meter that should altitude H, characteristic of the turbulent layers and the
have a telescope out of the atmosphere so that its resolution is parameter of Fried r0 by h0 = 0.314 r0/H, where H given by
equivalent to that imposed by the turbulence. R0 is expressed " #5=3
as a function of the optical energy of the turbulence char- r þ1
0 Cn2 ðhÞdh
H¼ ð3Þ
acterized by the constant of structure C2n (h) of the index r þa 2
0 Cn ðhÞdh
fluctuations Of air refraction given by Roddier [1].
Fried in 1982 showed that the isoplanatic angle corre-
2 33=5
Zþa sponds to the phase variance and which is expressed as a
r0 ¼ 416:7k 2
Cn ðhÞdh5
: ð1Þ function of the turbulence profile, and also the critical
0 angle from which the atmospheric degradation will change,
it is defined by the following relation:
A parameter expresses the quality of the image at the  3=5
Z þ1
focal point of a telescope corresponds to the width at half
h0 ¼ 2:905k2 Cn2 ðhÞdh ð4Þ
maximum of the diffraction spot was calculated by Dier- 0
ickx [17] as a function of the Fried parameter. It is the
seeing S defined by: S ¼ r0k r0 is a chromatic parameter and
The coherence time
varies in k5=6 (r0k5/6) while S is almost-achromatic and
varies in k1=6 (S ak-1/6). The coherence time s0 characterizes the time of evolution
of the deformations of the wavefront. The evolution of this
The external scale l0 parameter, depends on the distribution of the wind (direc-
tion, velocity) [13]
It defines the maximum size of wavefront disturbances that
s0 ¼ 0:314 r0 /v ð5Þ
remain consistent. The external scale l0 of the wavefront
coherence linked to the external scale characterizing the where V is the wind velocity for the observation of imaging
turbulent dynamics and the function of the turbulence with high angular resolution, the exposure time must be
optical energy characterized by the constant destructure less than the time of evolution of the turbulence.
$?? 2
0 Cn(h)dh
It is computed by the equation:
r þ1 L0Cn2 ðhÞdh The effects of turbulence
1=3 0
l0 ¼ ð2Þ
r þa 2
0 Cn ðhÞdh Scintillation

The domain of isoplanatic angle The most obvious manifestation of turbulence is the scin-
tillation of stars, which is observed by the human eye as the
The isoplanic field is defined as the field defined by the brightness of stars, also the change of the color of a single
isoplanatic angle h0 (the critical angle from which the star corresponds to fluctuations in amplitude of the wave
atmospheric degradation will change in the order of one to reaching the ground. In case of small telescopes, the
a few s from arc), where the angle of isoplanatic corre- scintillation is a random modulation of the overall inten-
sponds to the angle between two light beams coming from sity, but for large telescopes it contributed to the total
the same object. Since the beams do not pass the exact degradation of an image. Relatively the scintillation
same volume of turbulence, decorrelation of the phase as a depends on the profile of the refractive index C2n and to
function of the angular distance h, an important parameter quantify it we use the expression of the spectral density of
is the spatial separation of the beams at the altitude written the amplitude fluctuation. It is given by the model of
in the form: r = h h that is to say, if the angle is small Kolmogorov equation below:
Z þ1
(r \ 10), the turbulence layer is located near the pupil and
the beams pass through regions of identical turbulence for WA;0 ðf Þ ¼ 0:3870k 2
Cn2 ðhÞdhf 11=2 sin2 pkhf 2 ð6Þ
which the deformations of the wave fronts arriving at the

J Opt

The scintillation variance is the moment of order 2 of

the amplitude fluctuations is written as:
r2I ¼ 19:11k Cn2 h5=6 dh ð7Þ


Among the effects of the degradations of the wavefront on

the images, one has the agitation at the focus of a telescope.
The agitation of the image in the focal plane of the tele-
scope corresponds to fluctuation of the phase, therefore a
fluctuation of the angle of arrival [14, 15]. From the
spectral density of fluctuation of AA which is directly
related by the spectral density of the phase we find the
functions of the variance and the covariance AA, which are
dependent on the characteristic parameters of the turbu- Fig. 2 The parameters of atmospheric turbulence
lence according to the model (Figs. 1, 2):
Kolmogorov model:
r2AA ¼ 0:1698k2 ro5=3 D1=3 ð8Þ
and on the Fried parameter as a function of variance, if the
variance in (rd2) is the following equation:
r0 ¼ 0:3451k6=5 D1=5 r2AA ð9Þ

and if the variance in (arc second) is the equation:

r0 ¼ 8:25105 D1=5 r2AA ð10Þ



The instrument that has been used is a Schmidt–Cassegrain

Fig. 3 Pupil mask of GDIMM
Celestron. This telescope is of a 280 mm diameter, consists

of an input mask with triple pupils as shown in Fig. 3. This

telescope is prolongation of the classic 2-DIMM mask
openings, the third pupil is to estimate the isoplanatic
angle. The shape of the two pupils are circular with a 6 cm
of diameter, a glass prism have been put in equippe in order
to give a bend of incident light at deflection angle of 30 arc
s, to make the separation of beam light parallel to the
declination axis.
Isoplanatic angle has been estimated from the third sub-
opening. This pupil is of a 10 cm diameter, a circular shape
and linked with a (4) cm obstruction, which is positional in
the center. The image was formed from this aperture cor-
responding to the optical axis. The control of this telescope
Fig. 1 isoplanatic angle h0 is computarised and allowing to acquire the information

J Opt

more easily and accurately, equally it can be placed at a 5

meters high from the ground (Figs. 4, 5, 6, 7).

The camera

The high-speed CCD camera type Prosilica EC650, has a

sensor resolution of 659 9 493 pixels. The range which
formed of 12 bit. The EC650 is featured by small size, high
frame rate, high sensitivity and an excellent image quality.
The spectral of detectors offering over the entire visible
range with a peak at k equal 500 nm. The size dimension
of the pixels is 7.4 lm 9 7.4 lm. It benefits 90 frames per
second at full resolution. Equally, exposure control is 10 ls
to 10 s in 1 ls increment. A slight sampling of Airy discs
due to a Barlow lens raise the focal length by 7.8 m (5
pixels at k equal 500 nm in Airy’s disc, 10 cm of the sub-
pupil of diameter). The computer recognizes the camera
Fig. 5 Seeing (exp. time = 4 ms)
via a connected interface cable.

Experimental part

Measurements and statistics results

The Fried parameter r0 can be determined from the struc-

ture function D (x0; y0), which is calculated by making the
variance of the differential of the positions of the star
between each window. We start with pixel positions
(multiplied by 7.4 lm to convert to units in arc s) of the
star in each window. The differences in position are then
divided by the focal length F (application of the definition
of the angles of arrival) before calculating the variance.
Two structural functions emerge:
• a longitudinal function (for values along x); Fig. 6 The variation of the angle of isoplanatic in this configuration
varies between 9.8 and 13.8 ‘‘and The zenithal angle one took of the
file by examination 22 9 52: 51 we divide 52/60 and 51/3600 ? 220

• a transversal function (for the values following y);

We derive two expressions of the parameter of Fried,
thanks to the following relations:
5=3 1
Dðx0 ; 0Þ ¼ 0:36k2 r0l d3  0:54x0 3 ð11Þ
5=3 1
Dð0; y0 Þ ¼ 0:36k2 r0t d3  8:1x0 3 ð12Þ

where r01 corresponds to the longitudinal parameter, and r0t

corresponds to the transversal parameter.
These structure functions are weighted by the cosine of
the Zenithal angle of the star which evolves in time,
because as a function of this angle, the wave coming from
the star and reaching the apparatus can cross a Larger layer
of atmosphere, and thus undergo the effects of turbulence.
Fig. 4 The evolution of the Fried parameter for pupils

J Opt

Comparing the obtained measurements, we take the total

flux for the window (3) that has a diameter of 10 cm and in
order to obtain a variation of the angle of Isoplanatic in
External Scale when we speak of turbulent flow, one
designates the displacement of turbulences whose size is
within a certain domain, which can be assumed to be
homogeneous and isotropic. The external scale corresponds
to the maximum size of these turbulences. It is computed
here from the covariance at the origin C (0; 0), which
amounts to calculating the variance r2 of the positions of
the star. The latter is associated with r0 and l0 by the fol-
lowing relation:
5=3 1
r2D ¼ 0:17k2 r0 D3  1:525L0 3 ð16Þ
Fig. 7 The external scale l0 as a function of times
For isotropic turbulence, the variance in x that is asso-
ciated with r0l and the variance in y is associated with the
Focal length of 6.11 m. The longitudinal parameter
transverse r, then by taking the ratio between the three
varies between 4 and 13 cm, and the mean (8.2) cm is the
pupils, one can easily calculate the external scale
transverse parameter between 3 and 5 cm. And the mean
(4) cm sees the concordance between the two evolutions is r2D1 r2D1  1:525L01=3
l0 ¼ ¼ ð17Þ
quite good and the difference between the two curves is r2D1r2D3 r2D1r2D3
due to the atmospheric conditions of the evening, in this
case the wind moving along the axis longitudinal. There We obtain the following distributions of Eq. (17):
are three aberrations for the longitudinal curve, probably The variations of the external scale are located between
due to vibrations of the machine horizontally (mechanical 0 and 7 m and the mean is 15 m. The transverse external
error). scale is smaller than the longitudinal scale, which again
Then, from the Fride parameter, we can measure the reflects the presence of a more intense turbulent flow along
second most important parameter which is the seeing, the transverse axis.
where this parameter allows to express the sharpness of the And the coherence time estimate by this relation:
images formed through the atmospheric turbulence. It r0
T 0 ¼ 0:3 ð18Þ
represents the angular diameter of a point object located at V
infinity and corresponds to the mid-height width of the r0 estimate of the temporal structure function which is:
diffraction spot, the seeing given by the relation:
Dx; y ðtÞ ¼ hx jy ðtÞ  x jy ðt þ sÞi ð19Þ
e ¼ 0:98k=r0 ð13Þ
where s represents light velocity entering the
Then again we see the concordance between the two
pupil = 6.6 ls, then the average of r0 following x direction
evolutions is very good and the values et1 are identical, it is
is 8.2 m, m represents the average wind speed at this eve-
clear that the greater r0 is, better the visibility of the objects
ning is [1.5–2.9] m/s and then the coherence time (9 ms) is
to be observed. The angle of isoplanatic makes it possible
longer than the exposure time (5 ms). The value of the
to define the region in which one can consider that the
coherence time is not correct because the exposure time of
atmosphere is the same for all the radii passing through it.
the camera must be greater than the coherence time.
We can thus consider that the impulse responses of the
telescope and the atmosphere are constant. The value of the
isoplanatic angle h0 can be obtained in function of the
scintillation index r2I by the relation of Ziad et al. [16]:
ð  5Þ 8
In this work, we have shown how the combination of
h0 3 ¼ Aðcos zÞ3 s ð14Þ
GDIMM is a powerful tool that can provide a substantial
where A = 0.198 and information about what to expect from the future instru-
 2 ments at Calern observatory. The measurements of total
2 I  hI i2
s ¼ rI ¼ ð15Þ turbulence parameters allows us to evaluate the dominating
hI i2 input of the ground turbulence (up to 500 m above

J Opt

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Acknowledgements This work has been supported by the University A&A 491, 917 (2008)
of Nice Sophia Antipolis in the laboratory (Lagrange) and Calern 12. C.U. Keller, R. Navarro, B.R. Brandl, Field Guide to Astro-
observatory Nice, France. Special thanks to the authors Aziz Ziad for nomical Instrumentation (2015)
his help to achieve this work. 13. V. Kornilov, A&A 530, A56 (2011)
14. A. Berdja, Thèse de doctorat (2007)
15. V.I. Tatarskii, Isr. Program Sci. Transl. 4, 72 (1971)
References 16. A. Ziad, R. Conan, A. Tokovinin, F. Martin, J. Borgnino, Appl.
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2. V.I. Tatarski, Wave Propagation in a Turbulent Medium (Dover
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