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Field Tests

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1.1 Introduction:

The standard Penetration Test is an empirical dynamic test developed in USA in

1920s and was usually carried out in 50 to 100mm wash borings. In UK, it is always
performed in shell boring of diameter 150mm to 200mm. This type of procedure
increases the risk of disturbance of the soil immediately below the borehole due to
suction of the shell, when it is withdrawn. To minimize this effect it is considered
good practice to require that the outside shell diameter shall not be more than 90%
of internal diameter of the casing and that it should be withdrawn slowly from the

1.2 Equipment:
(Advanced Foundation Engg. by VNS Murthy & Foundation Engg. by B.M. Das)

i. Drilling Equipment:

The equipment used shall provide a clean borehole, 100 to 150 mm in diameter, for
insertion of the sampler to ensure that the penetration test is performed on
undisturbed soil and shall permit driving of the split spoon sampler to obtain
penetration record and the sample. In case of sand, soft clay or other type of soils
in which the sides of the bore hole are likely to cave, casing or drilling mud is used.

ii. Split Spoon Sampler:

Split-spoon sampler can be used in the field to obtain soil samples that are
generally disturbed, but still representative. A section of standard split-spoon
sampler is shown in figure. The tool consists of a steel driving shoe, a steel tube
that is split longitudinally on half, and a coupling at the top. The coupling connects
the sampler to the drill rod. The standard split tube has an inside diameter of 34.93
mm and outer diameter of 50.8 mm; however, samplers having inside and outside
diameters up to 63.5 mm and 76.2 mm respectively, are also available. The split
spoon sampler shall conform to IS : 9640-1980.

(From IS: 9640-1980)


(From Shallow foundation by B.M.Das, Pg. 81)


iii. Driving weight assembly:

The drive weight assembly shall consist of a driving head and a 63.5 kg weight
with 75 cm free fall.

iv. Lifting bail, tongs, rope, screw jack, auger and Shelby tube.


(Foundation Design and Construction, Tomlinson M.J. and Boorman R. (4th edition))

1.3 Procedure:
(Advanced Foundation Engg.,VNS Murthy, Pg. 43)

o The split spoon sampler is connected to a string of drill rods and is lowered into
the bottom of the bore hole which was drilled and cleaned in advance.
o The sampler is driven into the soil strata to a maximum depth of 450 mm by
making use of a 63.5 kg weight falling freely from a height of 750 mm on to an
anvil fixed on the top of drill rod. The weight is guided to fall along a guide rod.
The weight is raised and allowed to fall by means of a manila rope, one end tied
to the weight and the other end passing over a pulley on to a hand operated
winch or a motor driven cathead.
o The number of blows required to penetrate each of the successive 150 mm
depths is counted to produce a total penetration of 450 mm.
o To avoid seating errors, the blows required for the first 150 mm of penetration
are not taken into account; those required to increase the penetration from 150
mm to 450 mm constitute the N-value.

The boring log shows refusal and the test is halted if

o 50 blows are required for any 150-mm increment.
o 100 blows are obtained (to drive the required 300 mm).
o 10 successive blows produce no advance.

1.4 Correction for N Value in Cohesionless Soil:
(Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engg. by Arora, Pg. 427 & Advanced
Foundation Engg by VNS Murthy, Pg. 46)

1. Correction due to Overburden:

In granular soil the overburden pressure affects the penetration resistance. If
the two soils having same relative density but different confining pressure are
tested, the one with the higher confining pressure gives the higher penetration
number. As the confining pressure in cohesionless soil increases with the depth,
the penetration number for soil at shallow depths is underestimated and that at
grater depths is overestimated. For uniformity the N value obtained from field
test under different effective overburden pressure is corrected to a standard
effective overburden pressure.

Peck, Hension & Thornburn gave a chart for overburden correction.

According to them,
N = 0.77 N’ log10
N= CN N’

Where P0 is Existing Overburden Pressure in kPa

N → ∞ as P0 → 0.
N = N’ at P0 = 100 kPa.
N<N’ for P0 > 100kPa.
Above Equation is valid for P0 greater than or equal to 25 kPa.

Chart for correction of N-values in sand for influence of overburden pressure
(After Peck et al)
(Advanced Foundation Engg. by VNS Murthy,Pg, 49)

2. Correction due to Dilatancy:

In Saturated fine or silty dense sand deposit the N value observed may be
greater than the actual value because of tendency to such material to dilate
during shear under undrained condition. Terzhaghi & Peck recommended that if
the observed N value is greater than 15, it should be correct for dilatancy effect

N’ = 15 + ½ (N0 – 15)
Where N0= Observed SPT Value
N’= Corrected value for dilatation effect

1.5 Standardization of SPT:
(Geotechnical Engineering by VNS Murthy, Pg. 327)

The validity of SPT has been subject of study and research by many authors for last
many years. The basic conclusion is that the best results are difficult to reproduce.
Some of the important factors are affecting reproducibility are,

i. Variation in the height of fall of the drop weight (hammer) during the test.
ii. The no. of turns of rope around the cathead and condition of manila rope.
iii. Length and diameter of drill rod.
iv. Diameter of borehole.
v. Overburden pressure.

There are any more factors which hampering reproducibility of results. Normally
correction used to be applied for the quick condition in the hole bottom due to rapid
withdrawal of auger. ASTM 1586 has stipulated standards to avoid such a quick
condition. Discrepancies in the input driving energy and its dissipation around
sampler into the surrounding soil are the principle factors for the wide range in N
values. The theoretical input energy may be expressed as
Ein = Wh

W= Weight or mass of hammer

h= Height of fall

Investigation has revealed (kovacs and Soloman, 1982) that the actual energy
transferred to the driving head and then to the sampler ranged from about 30 to 80
percent. It has been suggested that SPT be standardize to some energy ratio Re
keeping in the mind the data collected so far from the existing SPT. Bowles (1996)
suggests that the observed SPT value N to reduce to a standard blow count
corresponding to 70 percent of standard energy. Terzaghi suggest 60 percent. The
standard energy ratio may be expressed as

3. Correction for Standardize SPT value:
(Geotechnical Engineering by VNS Murthy, Pg. 328)

CN = Correction due to overburden pressure

N = SPT Value
Eh = Hammer Efficiency Correction
Cd = Drill rod length correction factor
Cs = Sampler correction factor
Cb = Borehole diameter correction factor

i. Standard values for correction of hammer efficiency, Eh:

(Foundation Engg. by B. M. Das, Pg. 84)

Hammer Eh
Country Hammer Type
release (%)
Donut Free Fall 78
Donut Rope and Pulley 67

Safety Rope and pulley 60

United States
Donut Rope and Pulley 45

Argentina Donut Rope and pulley 45

Donut Free Fall 60

Donut Rope and pulley 50

ii. Drill rod length correction factor, Cd:

Rod Length, m Cd

>10 1.0

6-10 0.95

4-6 0.85

0-4 0.75

iv. Borehole diameter correction factor,
iii. Sampler Correction factor, Cs:
Sampler Type Cs Cb
Standard Sampler 1.0 60 – 120 1.0

With liner for dense sand and clay 0.8 150 1.05

With liner for loose sand 0.9 200 1.15

It’s designer’s choice to decide standard energy ratio as N60 or N70. To convert the
N60 to other standard energy sat N70, Following equation is followed.

N70= N60 x

1.6 Limitations:
(Advanced F.E. By VNS Murthy, Pg. 43 & Site investigation Practice by M.D.

There are many factors which can lead to the errors in the determination of the N
value in the standard penetration test since this test was introduced by Terzaghi in
1927. These are listed below and care should be taken to eliminate them.

i. Inadequate cleaning of bottom of bore hole.

ii. Sampling spoon not seated on undisturbed material.
iii. Failure to prevent sufficient head of water to prevent piping.
iv. Part of test not carried out below the casing.
v. Not using standard weight or standard drop.
vi. Weight not striking drive cap squarely.
vii. Guide rod not used.
viii. Use of non-standard drill rods.
ix. Extreme length of drill rods.
x. Use of large diameter boreholes
xi. Inaccurate count of blows given.

1.6 Correlation and Interpretation of Test Result:

1. SPT N value to Angle of Friction (Ф), Cohesion & Relative Density, Dr:

N Denseness Ф

0-4 Very Loose 25° - 32°

4 – 10 Loose 27° - 35°

10 – 30 Medium 30° - 40°

30 – 50 Dense 35° - 45°

>50 Very Dense >45°

(Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engg. by K.R. Arora, Pg. 429)

Compactness Density, Dr Ф
0–4 Very Loose 0 – 15 <28

4 – 10 Loose 15 – 35 28 – 30

10 – 30 Medium 35 – 65 30 – 36

30 – 50 Dense 65 – 85 36 – 41

>50 Very Dense >85 >41

(Advanced Foundation Engg. by VNS Murthy, Pg. 51)

Meyerhof suggested the following approximate equations for computing the

angle of friction Ф from the known value of Dr.
For granular soil with fine sand and more than 5% silt,
Ф° = 25 + 0.15 Dr
For granular soil with fine sand and less than 5% silt,
Ф° = 30 + 0.15 Dr
(Advanced Foundation Engg. By VNS Murthy, Pg 51)

PAGE |10
Very Very
Description Loose Medium Dense
Loose Dense
Relative Density
0 0.15 0.35 0.65 0.85
Fine 1–2 3–6 7 – 15 15 – 30 -

SPT N70 Medium 2–3 4–7 8 – 20 21 – 40 >40

Coarse 3-6 5-9 10 - 25 26 - 45 >45

Fine 26 – 28 28 – 30 30 – 34 33 – 38

Ф Medium 27 – 28 30 – 32 32 – 36 36 – 42 <50

Coarse 28 - 30 30 - 34 33 - 40 40 - 50

γsat, kN/m3 11 - 16 14 - 18 17 - 20 17 - 22 20 - 23
Empirical values for Ф, Dr and Unit weight of granular sois based on the SPT at about
6.0 m depth normally consolidated [Approximately, Ф = 28° + 15° Dr (+ 2°)]
(Foundation analysis and design by Bowels J.E. Pg. 163)

Relative Angle of internal

Density friction. (ø)
Type of Soil Resistance
Dr Peck Meyerhoff
(percent) (1974) (1956)
Very loose sand <4 <20 <29 <30
Loose sand 4-10 20-40 29-30 30-35
Medium sand 10-30 40-60 30-36 35-40
Dense sand 30-50 60-80 36-41 40-45
Very dense sand >50 >80 >41 >45
(Foundation engineering handbook by Winterkorn and Fang)

PAGE |11
Static Cone
Sand Relative
SPT Φ Resistance
density density
Very Loose <0.2 <4 <28 2
Loose 0.2 – 04 4 – 10 28 – 30 2–4
Medium 0.4 – 0.6 10 – 30 30 – 37 4 – 12
Dense 0.6 – 0.8 30 – 50 37 – 42 12 – 20
Very Dense >0.8 >50 >42 >20
(Correlations Given by G.P. Raymond)

(SPT Value, Angle Of Internal Friction & Soil Density State by IS: 6403 – 1981 ,Pg. 11)

PAGE |12
N Consistency qu (kN/m2)

0–2 Very Soft <25

2–4 Soft 25 – 50

4–8 Medium 50 – 100

8 – 15 Stiff 100 – 200

15 – 30 Very Stiff 200 – 400

>30 Hard >400

(Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engg. by K.R. Arora, Pg. 429)

Consistency N (Corrected) qu (kN/m2)

Very Soft 0–2 <25

Soft 2–4 25 – 50

Medium 4–8 50 – 100

Stiff 8 – 15 100 - 200

Very Stiff 15 – 30 200 - 400

Hard >30 >400

(Advanced Foundation Engg. by VNS Murthy, Pg. 52)

Consistency N70 qu, kPa Remarks

Squishes between fingers
Very Soft 0–2 <25
Young Clay

when squeezed
Very easily deformed by

Soft 3–5 25 – 50
Medium 6-9 50 - 100 -
Hard to deform by hand
Stiff 10 – 16 100 - 200
Increasing OCR

Aged /

Very hard to deform by hand

Very stiff 17 – 30 200 - 400
Nearly impossible to deform
Hard >30 >400
by hand
(Foundation analysis and design by Bowels J.E. Pg. 165)

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2. SPT N Value to Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil:

Sr. Relative Method of
SPT N- Void Ratio Condition
No. Density Analysis
1 >=70 % >= 30 <= 0.55 Dense General Shear
20 % to 70 0.55 to Medium
2 10 to 30 Mixed Shear
% 0.75 Dense
3 < 20% =<10 >0.75 Loose Local Shear
(Method of Analysis For Cohesionless Soils (IS: 6403-1981) Pg. 9)

Chart for estimating allowable bearing pressure for foundations in sand on the
basis of results of standard penetration test (Terzaghi and Peck). N Values are
shown in blows per 300mm
(Foundation Design and Construction by Tomlinson M.J. and Boorman R.
(4th edition) Pg. 99)

PAGE |14
Allowable bearing capacity for Surface loaded footings with settlement limited to
approximately 25mm. Equation used is shown on figure.
(Foundation Analysis and Design by Bowles J.E., Pg. 265)

Example for using Chart:

Footing Depth D = 1 m
Footing Width B = 3 m
N55 = 24 x 70/55 = 30 > 24

qa= ( ) = 450 kPa

At D=1m
Kd= 1+(0.33) x (1/3) = 1.11
qa= 450 x Kd = 500 kPa.

PAGE |15
Presumptive Bearing Capacities for Foundations in Granular Soils Based on SPT
Data (at a Minimum Depth of 0.75m Below Ground Level)
N- Presumptive Bearing Capacity Value (kPa)
Description of soil Value for foundation of Width
in SPT 1.0 m 2.0 m 4.0 m
Very Dense sand and
>50 800 600 500
Dense Sand and
30 – 50 500 – 800 400 – 600 300 – 500
Medium Dense sand
10 – 30 150 – 500 100 – 400 100 – 300
and gravels
Loose Sands and
5 - 10 50 - 150 50 - 100 30 - 100
(Foundation Design and Construction by Tomlinson M.J. and Boorman R. (4th
edition) Pg. 97)

Presumptive Bearing Capacities for Foundations in Clayey Soils Based on Undrained

Shear Strength (at a Minimum Depth of 1.0 m below Ground Level)
Undrained Presumptive Bearing Capacity Value
Description of soil Shear (kPa) for foundation of Width
Strength 1.0 m 2.0 m 4.0 m
Hard boulder clays,
>300 800 600 400
hard fissured clays
Very stiff boulder
clay, very stiff ‘Blue’ 150 – 300 400 – 800 300 – 500 150 – 250
London clay
Stiff Fissured clay 75 – 150 200 - 400 150 – 250 75 – 125
Firm Normally
40 – 75 100 - 200 75 – 100 50 - 75
Consolidated clays
Soft normally
consolidated alluvial 20 - 40 50 - 100 25 - 50 Negligible
(Foundation Design and Construction, Tomlinson M.J. and Boorman R. (4th edition)
Pg. 97)

PAGE |16
3. SPT N Value to Modulus of Elasticity Es of soil:

Modulus of Elasticity of
Soil Type
Soil (kPa)
Soft Clay 2 – 25
Medium Clay 15 – 50
Stiff Clay 50 – 100
Loose Sand 10 – 20
Medium dense Sand 20 – 50
Dense Sand 50 – 80
Loose Gravel (Sandy) 50 – 150
Dense Gravel (Sandy) 100 – 200
Silt 2 – 20
(The foundation engg hand book by Manjriker Gunaratne, Pg. 19)


ES = 500 (N +15)
Sand (Normally ES = 2 to 4 qc
ES = (15000 to 22000)ln N
ES = (35000 to 50000) log N
ES = 250 ( N+15)
Sand (Saturated)
ES = 18000 + 750 N ES = 6 to 30 qc

ES = 1200 (N + 6) -

ES = 600 (N + 6) N ≤ 15 -
Gravelly Sand & Gravel
ES = 600 (N + 6) + 2000 -
Clayey Sand ES = 320 (N + 15) ES = 3 to 6 qc

Silty Sand ES = 300 (N + 6) ES = 1 to 2 qc

Soft Clay - ES = 3 to 8 qc

(The Foundation Engg hand book by Manjriker Gunaratne, Pg. 20)

PAGE |17
The following Empirical correlations may be used to estimate Es for Cohesive Soils:

Normally Consolidated Sensitive Clay:

Es = (200 to 500) x Cu

Normally Consolidated insensitive and lightly over consolidated Clay:

Es = (750 to 1200) x Cu

Heavily over consolidated Clay:

Es = (1500 to 2000) x Cu

Cu= Undrained Shear Strength

(Foundation analysis and design by Bowels J.E., Pg 127)

Type of Soil Es (kPa)

Coarse and medium coarse Sand
Loose 25000 - 35000
Medium Dense 30000 – 40000
Dense 40000 - 45000
Fine Sand
Loose 20000 – 25000
Medium Dense 25000 – 35000
Dense 35000 – 40000
Sandy Silt
Loose 8000 – 12000
Medium Dense 10000 – 12000
Dense 12000 - 15000
(Shallow foundation design by B.M.Das)

PAGE |18
4. SPT N value to Settlement of Soil:

Settlement Per Unit Pressure From Standard Penetration Resistance

(IS: 8009(Part-1) 1976, Pg 17)

PAGE |19
5. SPT N value to Compressibility of Soil:

Penetration resistance versus (1+e0)/Cc (After Hough)

(a) Sandy clay
(b) Well graded fine to medium silty sand
(c) Clean well graded fine to coarse sand
(d) Well graded silty sand and gravel
(e) Clean and uniform medium sand
(Subsurface Exploration by M.D. Desai)

PAGE |20
Project Page No.
Commencement Date
Location Completion Date
BH No.
Casing used HX NX NOT USED Depth of Bore hole, m
Method of boring GWT, m Diameter of borehole, mm
Any Other
SPT N Value

Type of sample

Graphic log
Depth, m

N = N2 + N3

Sample description N Value Graph


PAGE | 21

2.1 Introduction
(Advanced Foundation Engg. By VNS Murthy – Pg. 53)

The Static Cone Penetration Test is also called Dutch Cone Penetration Test. The
CPT has proved valuable for soil profiling as the soil type can be identified from the
combined measurement of end resistance of cone and side friction on a jacket. The
test lends itself to the derivation of normal soil properties such as density, friction
angle and cohesion.
One of the greatest values of the CPT consists of its function as a scale model pile
test. Empirical correlation permits the calculation of pile bearing capacity directly
from the CPT results without the use of conventional soil parameters.

2.2 Equipment
(IS 4968-Part 3: 1976 and C.Venkatramaiah - Pg. 761)

i. Steel Cone:

The cone shall be of suitable steel with its tip hardened. It shall have an apex
angle of 60° and overall base diameter of 35.7mm giving a cross-sectional area of
10 cm2. The cone shall be so designed as to prevent the intrusion of soil particles
into the moving parts of the cone assembly. The cone shall be so designed as to
prevent the intrusion of soil particles into the moving parts of the cone assembly.


PAGE |22
ii. Friction Jacket:

The friction jacket shall be of high carbon steel and of dimensions shown in Figure


iii. Sounding Rod:

Steel rod of 15mm diameter which can be extended with additional rods of 1m each
in length. The sounding rod should be such that the base of the cone could be
attached to it.

PAGE |23
iv. Mantel Tube:

The mantle tube shall be of steel and is meant for guiding the sounding rod which
goes through the mantle tube. The mantle tube should be in length of one meter
with flush coupling. The diameter of the mantle tube may be non-uniform or
uniform. In the manually operated equipment, for ease of operations, the non-
uniform mantle tube is generally used.

v. Driving Mechanism:

The driving mechanism should have a capacity of 2 to 3 tonnes for the manually
operated equipment and 10 tonnes for the mechanically operated equipment. The
driving mechanism essentially consists of a rack and pinion arrangement operated
by a winch. The reaction for the thrust may be obtained by suitable devices capable
of taking loads greater than the capacity of the equipment.

vi. Measuring Equipment:

The sounding apparatus should be provided with hydraulically operated measuring

device by which the pressure developed is indicated on the gauges. The cross-
sectional area of the plunger of the measuring head may be either 10 cm2 (same as
the cross-sectional area of the cone) or 20 cm2. Two pressure gauges should be
connected to the driving head, one for high pressure and the other for low
pressure, as follows for the plunger area of 20 cm2.

a) For the 2 to 3 t equipment:

o 0 to 1000 kN/m2 (0 to 10kgf/cm2) with 25 kN/m2 (0.25 kgf/cm2) or 0 to
5000 kN/m2 (0 to 50kgf/cm2) with 50 kN/m2 (0.50 kgf/cm2) markings.
o 0 to 15000 kN/m2 (0 to 150kgf/cm2) with 150 kN/m2 (1.5 kgf/cm2)
As an alternative, a proving ring may also be used to record the penetration
resistance of the cone fitted to a hand operated machine.

PAGE |24
b) For the 10 t equipment:
o 0 to 10,000 kN/m2 (0 to 100kgf/cm2) with 100 kN/m2 (1kgf/cm2)
o 0 to 60,000 kN/m2 (0 to 600 kgf/cm2) with 500 kN/m2 (5 kgf/cm2)

In both the 2 to 3t and 10t equipment, the pressure gauges shall be so connected
that the pressure gauge with the smaller capacity can be cut off both manually and
automatically when the applied pressure exceeds its capacity.

PAGE |25
2.3 Procedure:
(IS 4968-Part 3: 1976 - Pg. 101)

o For determining the static cone and frictional resistances consists of pushing
the cone alone through the soil strata to be tested, then the cone and the
friction jacket and finally the entire assembly in sequence and noting the
respective resistance in the first two cases. The cone is pushed through a
distance in accordance with the design of the equipment and the need for the
substrata and the cone resistance noted.

o Thereafter, the cone and the friction jacket are pushed together for a distance
depending upon the design of the cone and friction jacket assembly and the
combined value of cone and friction resistance noted. This procedure is
repeated at predetermined intervals.


PAGE |26
o The rack of the driving mechanism shall be brought to the top most position.
The cone-friction jacket assembly shall be connected to the first sounding rod
and the mantle tube. This assembly shall be positioned over the test point
through the mantle tube guide and held vertically. The plunger of the driving
mechanism shall be brought down so as to rest against the protruding
sounding rod.

o For obtaining the cone resistance, the sounding rod only shall be pushed.
Switching the gear clutch to the slow position, the drive handle shall be
operated at a steady rate of 1 cm/s approximately. so as to advance the cone
only to a depth which is possible with the cone assembly available. During this
pushing, the mean value of the resistance as indicated by the Bourdon gauges
shall be noted ignoring erratic changes.

o The procedure given in should be repeated after pushing the combined cone-
friction jacket and mantle tube assembly to the next depth at which the cone
and friction resistance values are required. Extension sounding rods and
mantle tubes should be added after every one meter of pushing as the test
proceeds. Alternatively, the resistances may be determined continuously, if so

o After reaching the deepest point of investigation the entire assembly should be
extracted out of the soil by the special operations provided for in the

PAGE |27

PAGE | 28
2.4 Calculation Steps:
(IS 4968-Part 3: 1976 - Pg. 103)

1. Mass of cone, m =
2. Mass of each sounding rod, m1 =
3. Cone area at base, b =
4. Plunger area =
5. Correction factor, [(m+nm1)*10]kN/m2 =
Where, n= the number of rods in use.

Corrected Value of Cone

Depth Below G.L (m) Gauge Reading (kN/m ) Penetration

PAGE |29

1. Mass of friction jacket, mf (kg) =

2. Area of surface of friction jacket a, πdh (cm2) =
Where, d= outer dia. Of friction jacket
h= length of friction jacket
3. Cone area at base, b =
4. Correction factor , [(100*mf)/a] kN/m2 =

Total Corrected
Depth Cone Resistance Frictional Frictional
Below Resistance minus Resistance, Resistance
Resistance 2
G.L (Uncorrected) Cone z (kN/m ) (kN/m2)
(m) (kN/m2) Resistance = (x-y)b/a =
(kN/m ) z+[100mf/a]

PAGE |30
2.5 Interpretation Of Results:

o Classification of soil from qc and fc:

(Foundation Design Manual, Narayan V. Nayak – Pg. 38)

Full Scheme Working Version

(after Douglas and Olson, 1981) (after Robertson and Campanella, 1983)

o Following relation hold approximately good between the point resistence of the
cone (qc in kN/m2) and the standard penetration number (N):

Gravels, qc = 800N to 1000N

Sands, qc = 500N to 600N
Silty Sands, qc = 300N to 400N
Silts and clayey silts, qc = 200N
(Soil Mechanics And Foundation Engineering by K.R.Arora – Pg. 642)

PAGE |31
o Co-relation Between N and qc for Different Types of Soil:

Sr. No. Types of soil qc/N

1 Clay 150-200
Silts, sandy silts and slightly cohesive silt-
2 200-250
sand mixture.
Clean fine to medium sand and slightly silty
3 300-400
4 Coarse sand and sands with little gravel 500-600
5 Sandy gravel and gravel 800-1000
(IS 2911- Part 1/Section 3 , Pg. 15)

o Emperical Values of ø and Dr of Sands and Coarse Silts based on Cone

Resistance of Static Cone Penetration Test:

Cone Resistance Angle of Internal Friction

Relative Density Dr(%)
(kg/cm ) ø, Degree
< 20 <20 25-30
20-40 20-40 30-55
40-120 40-60 35-40
120-200 60-80 40-45
>200 >80 >45
(Foundation Design Manual by Narayan V. Nayak – Pg. 39)

o Cohesion c shall be determined from the Static Cone Penetration Resistance q c

using the empirical relationship shown below:

Point Resistance Values Range of Undrained

Soil Type 2
(qc) kgf/cm Cohesion (kgf/cm2)
Normally Consolidated
qc<20 qc/18 to qc/15
Over Consolidated Clays qc>20 qc/26 to qc/22
(IS 6403: 1981 – Pg. 12)

PAGE |32
o Equation of Stress-Strain Modulus ES from sounding test :


SAND (Normally
ES=(15000 to 22000)ln N ES=2 to 4 qc
ES=(35000 to 50000)log N

ES=250(N+15) ES=2 to 4 qc
Sand (Saturated)
ES=18000+750N -

ES=1200(N+6) -
Gravelly Sand and ES=600(N+6) N<=15 -
Clayey Sand ES=320(N+15) ES=3 to 6 qc

Silty Sand ES=300(N+6) ES=1 to 2 qc

Soft Clay - ES=3 to 8 qc

(The Foundation Engg. Hand book by Manjriker Gunaratne – Pg. 20)

o Bearing Capacity Using Cone Penetration Test Data :

(Foundation Analysis And Design by Joseph E. Bowels, Third Edition – Pg. 159)

The Bearing Capacity factors for use in the Terzaghi bearing capacity equation can
be estimated as:
08Nq = 0.8Ny = qc

Where qc is averaged over the depth interval from about B/2 above to 1.1B below
the footing base. This approximation should be applicable for D/B<=1.5.

For cohesionless soils one may use:

Strip qult = 28 – 0.0052(300 - qc)1.5 (kg/cm2)

Square qult = 48 – 0.009(300 - qc)1.5 (kg/cm2)

PAGE |33
For clay one may use:

Strip qult = 2 + 0.28 qc (kg/cm2)

Square qult =5 + 0.34 qc (kg/cm2)

According to the Meyerhof, the allowable bearing capacity of sand can be computed
using equations (1) and (2), making a substitution for qc as

N55 = qc /4 …………………….(a)

Qa = ( N/F1)*Kd B<=F4 …………………….(1)

Qa = (N/F2)*(B+F3/B) * Kd B> F4 …………………….(2)

Where Qa = allowable bearing pressure for ΔH0 = 25mm or 1-in. settlement, kPa
Kd = 1 + 0.33D/B <= 1.33
F factors as follows:

N55 (SI) N70 (SI)

F1 0.05 0.04
F2 0.08 0.06
F3 0.3 0.3
F4 1.2 1.2

And with qc in units of kg/cm2. If qc is in units other than kg/cm2 you must convert
to this units prior to using equation (a). Note also that making the foregoing
conversion of qc to N55 to use equation (1) and (2) adjust the original Meyerhof
recommendations to 50% increase of the allowable bearing capacity as similar done
for directly obtain SPT N values.

PAGE |34
2.6 Limitations:
(IS 4968-Part 3: 1976 - Pg. 103)

1. The test is unsuitable for the gravelly soils.

2. It is also not suitable for soils with standard penetration value N greater than
3. Also in dense sands the anchorage becomes too cumbersome and expensive
and for such cases dynamic cone penetration tests may be carried out.
4. The test is also unsuitable for made-up or filled-up earth since erroneous
values may be obtained due to the presence of loose stones, bricks bats etc.
In such places either the made-up soil shall be completely removed to
expose the virgin soil layer or reading in the filled-up depth shall be ignored.

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3.1 Introduction:
(IS: 4968 PART -2:1976 - Pg. 3)
Dynamic cone penetration test is a simple device for probing the soil strata and it
has an advantage over Standard Penetration Test is that making of bore hole is

3.2 Equipments:
(IS: 4968 PART -2:197 - Pg. 5)

i. Cone:

The cone with threads (recoverable) shall be of suitable steel with the tip hardened
may be of mild steel. The cone without threads (expendable), the dimensions and
shape of the cone shall be as given in fig (a), for the cone without threads, a cone
adopter as shown in fig (b) shall be provided.


(Geotechnical engineering by C. Venkatramaiah - Pg. 741)

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ii. Driving Rods:

The rods used for the test should be of suitable lengths with threads for joining a
rod coupling at either end. The rods should be marked at every 100mm.

iii. Driving Head:

The driving head shall be of mild steel with threads at either end for a rod coupling.
It shall have a diameter of 100mm and length of 100 to 150mm.

iv. Hoisting Equipment:

Any suitable hoisting equipment, such as a tripod may be used. The equipment
shall be designed to be stable under conditions of impact of the hammer over the
driving head when the cone is driven during the test. Provision shall be made to
enable the operator to climb up the equipment for fixing the pulley, ropes, etc. A
typical set-up using a tripod is shown in fig. Suitable guides shall be provided to
keep the driving rod vertical.


(Geotechnical engineering by C. Venkatramaiah - Pg. 742)

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v. Hammer:

The hammer used for driving the cone shall be of mild steel or cast iron with a base
of mild steel. It shall be 250mm high and of suitable diameter. The weight of the
hammer together with the chain & shall be 65kg. It shall have a hole at the center
running throughout its length and of suitable diameter for a rod and/or guide to
pass freely through it. The clearance between the rod and/or guide and the hole in
the hammer shall be about 5mm.

vi. Pumping Unit for Bentonite Slurry:

It consists of slurry pump of capacity 35 to 45 L/ a pressure of 700 to

850kN/m2 (7 to 8.5kgf/cm2) with a suction hose assembly and a swivel assembly.
For better circulation of slurry at greater depths a vane borer consisting of four
vanes and a number of drill holes for the escape of slurry may be provided in
between the driving rod and the cone.


(Sub Surface Exploration by M.D.Desai - Pg. 112)

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3.3 Theory:


(IS: 4968 PART -1:1976 - Pg. 3)

The resistance (Ncd) to penetration of the cone in terms of number of blows

per 300mm of penetration may be correlated with the bearing capacity of cohesion
less soil and also possibly with the load carrying capacity of piles. The correlations
are qualitative rather than quantitative in nature and influenced by the character of
soils, such as grain-size distribution, surcharge pressure, permeability, and degree
of saturation.


(Geotechnical engineering by C.Venkatramaiah - Pg. 743)

When the depth of investigation is more than 6m, Bentonite slurry may be
used for eliminating the friction on the driving rods. The cone used in this case is of
62.5mm size. The resistance (Ncbr) to penetration in terms of blows per 30cm of
penetration of the cone is noted.

3.4 Procedure:


(IS: 4968 PART -1:1976 - Pg. 6)

o The 50mm diameter of 60˚ cone shall be fitted loosely to the driving rod. A
rod through a cone adopter or the threaded cone shall be screwed to the
driving rod.
o The hammer head shall be joined to the other end of a rod with a rod coupling.
A guide rod of 150cm long shall be connected to the hammer head. This
assembly shall be kept vertical, with cone resting on the ground to be tested.
o The cone shall then be driven into the soil by allowing the 65kg hammer to fall
freely through a height of 750mm each time.
o The number of blows for every 100mm penetration of the cone shall be
recorded. The process shall be repeated till the cone is driven to the required

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(IS: 4968 PART -2:1976 - Pg. 6)

o The vane shall be connected to the driving rod, with the vane borer/gravel trap
in position. For the circulation of the slurry, the guide rod shall be connected to
a water swivel preferably through a flexible tube connection and then through
another flexible tube to the pumping unit for Bentonite slurry.
o The slurry tank filled with Bentonite of suitable consistency. The slurry should
generally be prepared separately and stored in drum.
o The tank end of the inlet tube to the pump shall be provided with suitable
protection against entry of debris and it shall be kept immersed in the slurry
o The diameter of the cone has been changed to 62.5mm and the provision
permitting the use of cones of other diameter has been withdrawn.
o The cone shall be driven by allowing the 65kg hammer to drop freely through a
height of 750mm on the driving head.
o The driving of the cone and the pumping in the slurry shall be started
simultaneously. Driving shall not be done for more than 30cm at a time after
which it shall be stopped for a minute.
o This helps in keeping the hole lined and also avoid the chocking of the holes
provided in the cone.
o Efficient circulation of slurry is necessary for eliminating friction on the rod.
The numbers of blows for every 100mm penetration of the cone shall be
o The process shall be repeated till the cone is driven to the required depth.

Note : In order to avoid damage in the equipment, driving may be stopped when
the number of blows exceeds 35 for 100mm penetration when the cone is driven
drive and 20 for 100mm penetration when the cone is penetrated by circulating

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3.5 Correction:
(Foundation Design Manual by Narayan V. Nayak - Pg. 34)

o Correction of N-value due to over burden pressure in cohesion less soil:

Borehole Dia.(mm) 65 115 150 200

Correction Factor, C 1.00 1.00 1.05 1.15


(Foundation Design Manual by Narayan V. Nayak - Pg. 34)

3.6 Interpretations Of Results:

(IS: 4968 PART -2:1976 - Pg. 4)
(Soil Mechanics And Foundation Engineering by A.R. Arora - Pg. 643)
(Sub Surface Exploration by M.D.Desai - Pg. 120)

i. Co-relation between cone penetration values obtained using 62.5mm cone (Ncbr)
and penetration value obtained by other methods may be developed for a given
site by conducting the letter tests adjacent (about 3m to 5m) to the location of
the cone test. For medium and fine sands the following relationship has been
developed by Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee. These relationships
when utilized shall be used with caution.

PAGE |42
a) When the 62.5mm cone is driven dry up to the 9m(without Bentonite slurry):
Ncbr = 1.5 N ….up to a depth of 4m
Ncbr = 1.75 N ….up to a depth of 4m to 9m

b) When the 62.5mm cone is penetrated by circulating slurry:

Ncbr = N

The dynamic cone resistance (Ncbr) is correlated with SPT number N. The
following approximate relations may be used when a 50mm diameter cone is

a) Ncbr = 1.5 N for depths up to 3m

b) Ncbr = 1.75 N for depths 3m to 6m

c) Ncbr = 2.0 N for depths greater than 6m

ii. The Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee, has developed the following
correlation between the dynamic cone resistance of 65mm diameter cone
without using Bentonite slurry and SPT number N.

d) Ncbr = 1.5 N for depths up to 4m

e) Ncbr = 1.75 N for depths 4m to 9m

f) Ncbr = 2 N for depths greater than 9m

iii. This test is basically a modification of Standard Penetration Test to obtain better
and quicker test results therefore there will be no difference in the N-value and
its interpretation if size of the cone is correctly chosen.

PAGE |43
(Sub Surface Exploration by M.D.Desai - Pg. 120)

3.7 Advantages Of The Test:

(Foundation Design Manual by Narayan V. Nayak - Pg. 34)

i. In DCPT, making of bore hole is avoided.

ii. When the distance between bore holes is large, DCPT is convenient method for
iii. Dynamic cone penetration test is faster and more economical than Boring.
iv. During detailed investigation some geotechnical engineers may prefer to
substitute a single bore hole by number of dynamic cone tests and still maintain
the cost and obtain more relevant information between the boring.
v. It gives continuous penetration of strata generated.

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3.8 Limitations Of The Test:
(IS: 4968 PART -1:1976 - Pg. 8)
(Foundation Design Manual by Narayan V. Nayak - Pg. 35)

i. The major limitation of the DCPT is either no sample or only wash samples are
obtained from it therefore strata cannot be definitely been identified.
ii. Presence of gravels/boulders within the soil strata can give misleading result.
iii. The maximum depth to which the cone should be driven will depend upon type
of soil, the position of water table and the purpose of the test.
iv. If correlation of cone penetration values obtained by other methods is desired in
interpretation, in cohesion less soils the depth may be limited to 5m, for mixed
soil with some binding material the depth may be 10m.

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