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DRRR Handout Volcanic Hazard

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The Seed Montessori School

Senior High School SY: 2019-2020

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction
Handout: Volcano Hazard


1. Signs of Impending Volcanic Eruptions

2. Potential Volcano-related Hazards

a. Lahar
b. Ash fall and Ballistic projectile
c. Pyroclastic flow
d. Volcanic gasses
e. Lava flow

3. Safety Measures Before, During and After Volcanic Eruption

The Philippines is said to be of volcanic origin creating an archipelago of more than 7,100 islands.
There are hundreds of volcanoes in the Philippines. The list of active and inactive volcanoes in
the Philippines is prepared by The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology and the
Department of Science and Technology.

Here under are the names of active volcanoes in the Philippines:

Name of Volcano and Location

1. Babuyan Claro Cagayan

2. Banahaw ' Laguna, Quezon 3. Biliran Biliran Island
4. Buddajo Sulu Cabalinn Camiguin de Babuyanes Didicas
5. Hibok-hibok Iraya, Iriga

All the other volcanoes not included in the list are classified as potentially active or inactive
volcanoes. Eruption of these volcanoes is improbable as stated by scientists.
To conclude whether or not a volcano has a tendency to erupt, it is important to determine the
different classifications of volcanoes. PHIVOLCS classified volcanoes as follows:

1) Active volcanoes within historical times (within the last 600 years). Records of these eruptions
were known by man; Based on analyses of datable materials these are
volcanoes which erupted within the last 10, 000 years
2) Potentially active volcanoes
3) Inactive volcanoes No record' of eruptions. Physical form is being changed by movement of
sediments and rocks.

Signs of an Impending Volcanic Eruption

A volcano which is about to erupt has several warning signs. These warning signs may be
used to monitor as to the possibility of its eruption. Close monitoring is important to determine
when a volcano may erupt. Monitoring may be conducted through some scientific process or the
used of traditional methods employed by our ascendants. Here are some of the methods used in
determining impending volcanic eruptions. '

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1. By seismicity
Seismicity is the tremor felt near areas of active volcanoes. Frequent and prolonged
seismicity maybe signs of impending volcanic eruption. Seismicity is measured with the
use of seismometer. The movement of magma and volcanic gas upward while
passing through a narrow passage produces the seismicity.
Investigating the result of seismic data for a certain period concludes whether the tremor
is unusual due to the movement of magma towards the surface.

2. The study of ground deformation. This is one of the traditional methods used by people
living near volcanoes. People considered that changes, in the surface of volcano are
brought by some changes that happen underneath it. In ground deformation, some parts
of the ground tilt or the slope changes.

3. Monitor gases that come out of fumaroles. The most noticeable sign of ‘impending
volcanic eruption is the emission of gases from its fumaroles. The intensity of heat of
gasses coming from the fumaroles is closely monitored to determine the sign whether
magma has moved closer to the surface. Monitoring the composition of the gases and its
changes in the composition are conducted by experts.

4. Observing the 'visible changes to fumarole areas

According to volcanologists, a volcano which has the potential to erupt is observed to have
changes in the size of _smoke or. magma volatiles in the atmosphere.

5. The plants nearby also die suddenly. Change in the color of any lakes or ponds near
the volcano for example, the Kelimutu volcano in Central Flores Indonesia produce visible
changes on the color of the lake from blue and dark green to intense red depending on
the behavior of the volcano.

6. Satellite based monitoring. This is done through obtaining thermal images of volcano In
the Philippines, satellite based monitoring is the

Other warning signs of an impending volcanic eruption are also given by the Philippine Institute
of Volcanology and Seismology. These are the following:

1. Volcanic quakes suddenly increased in frequency Increase in volcanic tremors

2. Increase steaming activity
3. Change in color of steam emission
4. Crater glows
5. Localized landslides and rockfalls due to volcanic tremors Vegetation around the volcano’s
upper slopes dries.
6. Temperature of hot springs and wells near the volcano suddenly increase
7. Changes in the chemical content of springs located on the crater or near the volcano
8. Drying up of springs and wells around the volcano
9. Appearance of solfataras. Solfatara is a volcanic area or vent that yields only hot Vapors
and sulfurous gases. .

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Volcano Related Hazards

Volcanoes are interesting geophysical formations on earth, some are even tourist attractions, like
the Mt. Mayon in Albay and the Mt. Pinatubo in the boundary of Pampanga, Tarlac and Zambales.
Though very captivating as they may seem, volcanoes may also pose threat to life and properties
especially the active and the potentially active ones which has the tendency to erupt. When
Volcanoes erupt, they produce several hazards which is dangerous to anything and anyone
affected by it. Some of the hazards brought by an erupting volcano include lahar, ash fall,
pyroclastic density currents, toxic volcanic gasses and lava flows. '

The hazards posed by volcanic eruption are listed by the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and
Seismology as follows:

Lahar is a name from Indonesia. It is sometimes called mudflows or volcanic debris flows
characterized by the flowing mixtures of volcanic debris and water. Lahars are mudflows which
compose of volcanic remains like rocks, lava and ashes. '

Classifications of Lahar

1. Primary lahar- this is also known as hot lahar This kind of lahar is related directly with
volcanic eruption

2. Secondary, this is also called cold lahar. This kind of lahar is caused by heavy rainfall. Lahar
is a kind of volcanic hazard. It is responsible in distributing volcanic ashes and debris.
Those volcanic ashes and debris which had reached a particular destination may be
redistributed again by lahar.

Safety Measures Before, During and After Volcanic Eruption

Volcanic eruptions, unlike earthquake, landslides and thunderstorms have early warning signs.
Some of which as previously discussed may be traditional or through scientific methods. These
warning signs may help the people who may be affected' by the impending eruptions to execute
precautionary measures.

When government authorities already issue warning signs; people must immediately take
precautionary measures.

Here are precautionary measures before volcanic eruptions:

1. The first thing that people should do is to accept the fact that volcanic eruptions pose
hazard to lives and properties. Thus, people must be prepared to face the surrounding
effects of that the eruption may bring.
2. Always be prepared with the emergency kit, foods, water clothing and others 111 case of
3. Always obey safety rules or orders from the government.
4. Prepare masks in case of tephra falls. In the absence of gas mask. use anything to
cover nose and mouths to reduce the risk of sniffing poisonous volcanic gasses.
5. Ensure safety of kids, pregnant women, differently-abled persons and elderly as they are
less capable in saving themselves.
6. Drive your vehicle to evacuate faster. Keep windows and doors closed to prevent ash
falls and other poisonous gasses from entering the vehicle.

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Here are precautionary measures during volcanic eruptions:

1. Go to high grounds to avoid lava flows and mudflows. When outside, seek cover in case
of ash falls rock falls.
2. Use masks or cloth to cover your mouth and nose to avoid breathing in ashes.
3. All doors and windows in the house or evacuation site must be close to avoid ashes
from getting inside.
4. When your residence is not at risk to mudflows, lava flows or lahar, the family may be
advised to stay indoors.
5. Proceed to identified safe zones or evacuation center until further instructions is issued
by competent authorities. Do not attempt to leave the place unless told to do.
6. Be more watchful to kids as their curiosity may push them to go outside the home or
evacuation site to see the erupting volcano or its effects.
7. When inside the house, turn off air-condition equipment and do not use electric fans as
it may dispense noxious gasses in the home.

Here are precautionary measures after volcanic eruptions:

1. Family heads may go back to their respective houses to check properties behind. But
leave the kids with someone who could take care of them. There may be unseen events
which may pose threat to children.
2. Check all damages incurred by your properties and report it to authorities concerned.
3. Always be alert to announcement from the local and national government.
4. Ensure the safety of the house and all structure there’ll before returning.
5. Persons knowledgeable in first aid may also assist ill providing immediate medical care
and attendance when needed.

Ways in Preparing for a Volcano Emergency

1. Be aware with the available emergency plans in your barangay.

2. Always be prepared for the hazards that can accompany
3. Volcanoes like tephra falls, mudflows, landslides, earthquakes or acid rains.
4. Prepare for a family evacuation plan. Considering identifying safe zones, safe routes and
backup routes.
5. Consider an emergency communication plan include cases when cellular phone network
systems are down or when telephone lines are not functioning.
6. List names of relatives and friends who may assist in case of emergency.
7. Establish contact with the local emergency units or public safety officers.

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