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Kokin A 2019

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ISSN 1070-3632, Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2019, Vol. 89, No. 1, pp. 87–95. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.

, 2019.
Russian Text © T.E. Kokina, Yu.P. Ustimenko, M.I. Rakhmanova, L.A. Sheludyakova, A.M. Agafontsev, P.E. Plyusnin, A.V. Tkachev, S.V. Larionov, 2019,
published in Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii, 2019, Vol. 89, No. 1, pp. 100–109.

Luminescent Complexes of Zn(II) and Cd(II)

with Chiral Ligands Containing 1,10-Phenanthroline
and Natural Monoterpenoids (+)-3-Carene
or (+)-Limonene Fragments
T. E. Kokinaa,b*, Yu. P. Ustimenkoc, M. I. Rakhmanovaa, L. A. Sheludyakovaa,b,
A. M. Agafontsevc, P. E. Plyusnina,b, A. V. Tkachevb,c, and S. V. Larionova,b†
A.V. Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Novosibirsk National Research State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
N.N. Vorozhtsov Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry, Siberian Branch,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia

Received May 31, 2018; revised May 31, 2018; accepted August 16, 2018

Abstract—New chiral 1,10-phenanthroline-derived ligands containing fragments of (+)-3-carene (L1) and

(+)-limonene (L2) natural monoterpenoids and their complexes Zn(L1,2)Cl2·1.5H2O, Cd(L1,2)Cl2·nH2O,
Zn(L1)Br2·2H2O, and Cd(L1)Br2·2H2O were synthesized. According to NMR and IR spectroscopy data, a
conclusion was made about the polynuclear structure of the compounds obtained. Luminescent properties of
the compounds obtained were investigated. Lifetimes of the excited states and luminescence quantum yields
(φf) were determined. For free ligands, blue fluorescence was observed. In the case of Zn(II) and Cd(II)
complexes, luminescence appeared in the green region of the spectrum.
Keywords: terpenes, complexes, zinc, cadmium, luminescence
DOI: 10.1134/S107036321901016X

Synthesis and structure of metal complexes with which serve as source compounds for the synthesis of
сhiral ligands is among topical directions of coordina- such chiral ligands, are widespread in the plant world
tion chemistry. With a view to the creation of new and have high enantiomeric purity. The largest number
functional materials, a variety of physical properties of of complexes were obtained with ligands based on
synthesized compounds are investigated. Much available α-pinene, β-pinene, (+)-3-carene, and limo-
attention is given to the synthesis and study of chiral nene [10–14]. A number of synthesized complexes
metal complexes, including those having a circularly exhibit promising physical properties. So, Eu(III) and
polarized luminescence [1–4]. Researchs on finding Dy(III) chiral complexes with 2,2'-bipyridine involv-
chiral molecular magnets [5, 6] are in progress. ing two fragments of (+)-pinene or (–)-pinene have
Possibilities of applying biologically active chiral com- ferroelectric properties [15, 16]. Luminescent chiral
plexes are promising [7]. complexes of lanthanides with N-heterocyclic ligands
containing pinene [1, 17] and camphor [4, 18] frag-
When synthesizing chiral coordination compounds,
ments were obtained.
particular attention is paid to use of natural optically
active compounds as ligands. Metal complexes with Complexes of Zn(II) with levo- and dextrorotatory
chiral natural amino acids [8] and [9] saccharides are ligands based on 2,2'-bipyridine with (+)-and (–)-
studied. Chiral metal complexes with derivatives of pinene fragments were synthesized [19]. The com-
natural terpenes are of considerable interest. Terpenes, pound with the levorotatory ligand has a blue-and-
white photoluminescence (λmax = 470 nm), which the

Deceased. authors attributed to phosphorescence. Spectra of

88 KOKINA et al.

circularly polarized luminescence for Zn(II) com- complexes of Zn(II) with 2,2'-bipyridyl containing a
plexes were obtained for the first time with the (+)-pinene or (–)-pinene fragment were synthesized
example of these compounds. Further the both mono- [25]. The Zn(II) complex with the levorotatory ligand
nuclear Zn(II) complex and binuclear Cd(II) complex in the solid phase luminesces in the blue area (λmax
with pyrazolinequinoline, which is a derivative of (+)- ~455 nm).
3-carene terpenoid, were synthesized. In the solid
The synthesis of new luminescent Zn(II) and Cd(II)
phase Zn(II) and Cd(II) compounds exhibit white and
complexes with hybrid N-heterocyclic ligands of the
blue photoluminescence (λmax = 418 and 490 nm),
new structural type, containing fragments of 1,10-
respectively [20, 21]. Mononuclear Zn(II) complex and
phenanthroline and α-aminooxime terpene bound by a
binuclear Cd(II) complex with chiral dihydrophenan-
linker – piperazine is promising. The presence of
throline, a derivative of natural (–)-α-pinene, were
voluminous terpene fragments in the composition of
obtained [22]. The compounds have blue photolumine-
these organic compounds will make it possible to
scence (λmax = 405 and 415 nm, respectively).
study the effect of these fragments on the complex-
Quantum yield of photoluminescence for the Cd(II)
forming properties of the 1,10-phenanthroline core.
complex is 24%. Complexes of Zn(II) and Cd(II) with
bipyridine containing (−)-α-pinene fragments were The purpose of this work was the synthesis and
synthesized [23]. The central cycle of this ligand is study of the structure and luminescent properties of
five-membered, but not six-membered as in chiral Zn(II) and Cd(II) complexes with representatives of
dihydrophenanthroline. It was shown by the X-ray ligands of the new structural type – chiral oximes
analysis that the Zn(II) complex is mononuclear and (1R,4S,6S,E)-4-[4-(1.10-phenanthroline-2-yl)pipera-
the Cd(II) complex is a 1D-coordination polymer. For zine-1-yl] 4,7,7-trimethylbicyclo[4.1.0]heptane-3-on
these Zn(II) and Cd(II) complexes photoluminescence (L1) and (2S,5R,E)-2-[4-(1,10-phenanthroline-2-yl)pi-
(λmax = 505 and 460 nm, respectively) is also typical. perazine-1-yl]-2-methyl-5-(prop-1-en-2-yl)cyclohexa-
The increase in the photoluminescence intensity due to none (L2) containing fragments of (+)-3-carene and
chelating (CHEF) was found [24]. Mononuclear (+)-limonene, respectively.
17 18
17 18
15 16 19 20
15 16 19 20

23 14 21
14 21 12 24 23
12 24 N N
N N 13 22
13 22 11 N
11 N
N 10
10 3
N 1
2 N
2 OH 6 OH
1 5 3
6 4
8 7
7 8
9 9
L1 L2

To develop procedures for the synthesis of such we synthesized the first representatives of the series of
compounds, the reaction of piperazine with 2-chloro- hybrid chiral ligands L1 and L2 containing two possible
phenanthroline was studied, and conditions for its coordination sites, a fragment of 1,10-phenanthroline
monoarylation and also for isolation and purification and a fragment of α-aminooxime.
of reaction products were selected (Scheme 1).
As a result of the reaction of Zn(II) and Cd(II)
Further the reaction of the piperazine derivative chlorides with L1 and L2 in the MeOH medium, the
with nitrozochlorides of monoterpenes [(+)-limonene compounds with the ratio metal : ligand = 1 : 1,
and (+)-3-carene] was studied (Scheme 2). Conditions ZnL1,2Cl2·1.5H2O (1, 3) and Cd(L1,2)Cl2·nH2O (2, 4)
of its realization and for isolation and purification of were isolated. The yields are 20–40%. Apparently,
the target reaction products were selected. As a result, rather low yields are connected with the presence of



Scheme 1.
7 6
8 5

HN NH 11
N 14
N N 3
toluene, t 1
N 15

Scheme 2.

N Cl N N
N + R R


other more soluble in the solution complex species. In the IR spectra of ligands L1, L2 and complexes
For the synthesis of complexes a small excess of MCl2 1–4, the bands corresponding to the vibrations of main
was taken. The complexes contain water molecules. functional groups were identified (Table 1). The band
The number of water molecules varies from one corresponding to ν(OH) of oxime group is observed at
experiment to another in the range n = 1–2 for 3133 and 3168 cm–1 in the spectra of ligands L1 and
complexes of Zn(II) and n = 4–6 for complexes of L2. In the spectra of complexes 1–4 in the range of
Cd(II). Average elemental analysis data for two of the 3408–3351 cm–1 characteristic of water stretching
experiments are presented in the experimental part. vibration a wide band is seen, which overlaps with the
The study of thermal properties of compounds L1, L2, ν(OH) band of the oxime group shifted in the high-
and 1–4 in an inert atmosphere in the temperature
range of 25–300°C showed that the TG curves contain
no steps clearly corresponding to the loss of only water
molecules (see figure). When heating the free ligands,
a step of weight loss is observed in the temperature
range of 100–175°C, i.e. the decomposition of ligands
L1 and L2 occurs, which is confirmed by the data of
m, %

mass-spectrometric analysis of gaseous products.

When complexes 1–4 are heated, a smooth mass loss
starts from room temperature. Removing water in the
temperature range of 100–175°С is accompanied by
partial decomposition of the complex compounds. In
this connection, it is difficult to detect the exact
content of water in the complexes, because processes T, °C
of dehydration and decomposition of complexes 1–4 Curves of thermal analysis of (1) compound L1 and
proceed simultaneously on heating. complexes (2) 1 and (3) 2.


90 KOKINA et al.

Table 1. Main parameters (ν, cm–1) of IR spectra of ligands L1, L2 and complexes 1–4

L1 1 2 L2 3 4 Assignment
3133 3396 3380 3168 3408, 3258 sh 3351, 3259 sh OH, H2O
1617, 1608 1627 1623 1615 1627 1622 С=N (NOH)
1589, 1551, 1594, 1569, 1594, 1569, 1590, 1553, 1594, 1568, 1593, 1561, С=С (ring)
1511, 1489 1522, 1493 1522, 1493 1513, 1490 1525, 493 1521, 1492 С=N (ring)
969, 948, 922 972, 940, 973, 922 968, 939 970, 929 971, 939 N–O
– 330, 310 278 sh, 262, – 328, 306 301 sh, 278, 210 M–Cl
– 259 242, 229 256 245, 227 M–N

energy region relative to its position in the spectra of contains N atoms of the phenanthroline fragment and
free ligands. Bands ν(N-O) in the spectra of the Cl atoms, which can perform the functions of both
complexes almost do not change their position in bridging and terminal ligands participating in H-bonds.
relation to the spectra of ligands L1 and L2, which
implies the absence of the oxime group N atom from Complexes 1–4 are poorly soluble in water and
the coordination sphere of the metal ions, and the some organic solvents (EtOH, i-PrOH, CHCl3, and
change in the band ν(OH) position is connected with a CH2Cl2), but we were able to dissolve these com-
change in the system of H-bonds upon the complex pounds in a CDCl3–DMSO mixture and to undertake
formation. In comparison with the spectra of free their NMR study. Comparison of the NMR parameters
ligands, the group of stretching vibration bands of C=C of solutions of free ligand L1 and complexes 1, 2
and C=N bonds of the phenanthroline fragment in the (Table 2) indicates that on transition from the ligand to
spectra of the complexes is shifted in the high- the complexes signals of the terpene fragment change
frequency region of the spectrum, which points to the only slightly. It suggests that the ligand is coordinated
coordination the phenanthroline fragment N atom by to the phenanthroline fragment. This conclusion is
Zn2+ and Cd2+ ions. In the region of metal–ligand consistent with the IR spectroscopy data. It can be
bonds vibrations in IR spectra of complexes 1–4, assumed that the complexes 1–4 have a polynuclear
intense split ν(M–Cl) bands were detected (Table 1). structure similar to that of the Cd(II) tetranuclear
One of the reasons for the band splitting may be complex with a pirazinephenanthroline derivative [27].
different natures of M–Cl bonds. Apparently, in Luminescence excitation spectra of L1 and L2 solid
complexes 1–4 Cl atoms are both bridging and samples at 300 K contain a band in the visible (λmax =
terminal, or their participation in intermolecular inter- 410 nm) and UV (λmax = 360 nm) regions, respectively.
actions is possible. With the aim to demonstrate In the excitation spectrum of complex 1 a split band
correctness of assignment of ν(M–Cl) bands, we (λmax = 410 nm) is observed, and in the spectrum of
recorded the IR spectra of complexes 5 and 6 in the complex 3 – a broad band with λmax ~ 400 nm. In the
range of 600-80 cm–1 and found the ν(M–Br) bands excitation spectra of complexes 2 and 4 there are wide
with maxima at 251, 232 and 198, 169 cm–1, bands with λmax ~ 400 and 450 nm, respectively. It is
respectively. For complexes 1, 2 and 5, 6 the ratios of interesting that the positions of bands in the excitation
frequencies ν(Zn–Br)/ν(Zn–Cl) = 0.75, 0.76 and spectra of Zn(II) and Cd(II) complexes with the ligand
ν(Cd–Br)/ν(Cd–Cl) = 0.79, 0.76 were found, which fall L2 are noticeably shifted in the longwave region com-
within the interval 0.74-0.77 and thus confirm the pared with the L2 spectrum. To obtain photolumine-
assignment [26] of the ν(M–Cl) bands. In the spectra scence spectra, we used the wavelength of excitation
of complexes 1–4 new bands were detected, which are light corresponding to the maximum of the most
absent from the spectra of ligands L1 and L2 and relate intense bands in the excitation spectra of the compounds.
to ν(M–N) (Table 2), the ν(Cd–N) band being split.
According to the IR-spectroscopy data for complexes Photoluminescence spectra of free ligands L1 and
1–4, the coordination sphere of Zn2+ and Cd2+ ions L have bands with λmax = 440 and 450 nm (λexc =



Table 2. Parameters of 1Н and 13C NMR spectra of ligand L1 and complexes 1 and 2

Atom L1 (CDCl3) 1 (CDCl3 + DMSO-d6) 2 (CDCl3 + DMSO-d6)

no. δCi, ppm δHi, ppm (JHH, Hz) δHi, ppm (JHH, Hz) δHi, ppm (JHH, Hz)
1 17.16 0.67 d. d. d (JHH = 9.3, 9.3, 6.0) 0.61 d. d. d (JHH = 9.4, 9.4, 5.9) 0.61 m (W1/2 = 21 Hz)
2 32.10 2.37 d. d (JHH = 15.9, 9.3, pro-S) 2.28 d. d (JHH = 15.9, 9.4, pro-S) 2.29 d. d (JHH = 15.8, 9.6, pro-S)
1.23 d. d (JHH = 15.9, 6.0, pro-R) 1.13 d. d (JHH = 15.9, 5.9, pro-R) 1.09 d. d (JHH = 15.8, 5.9, pro-R)
3 59.02
4 158.23
5 18.41 2.30 d. d (JHH = 17.9, 8.8, pro-R) 2.16 d. d (JHH = 17.8, 8.9, pro-R) 2.19 m (W1/2 = 45 Hz)
3.05 d. d (JHH = 17.8, 1.2, pro-S) 2.91 d. d (JHH = 17.8, 1.1, pro-S) 2.54 m (W1/2 = 33 Hz)
6 20.91 0.97 d. d. d (JHH = 9.3, 8.8, 1.2) 0.88 d. d. d (JHH = 9.4, 8.9, 1.1) 0.89 d. d (JHH = 9.6, 9.6)
7 18.39
8 14.74 0.82 s 0.74 s 0.74 s
9 28.05 1.00 s 0.96 s 0.95 s
10 14.38 1.04 s 0.95 br. s (W1/2 = 3 Hz) 0.93 br. s (W1/2 = 7 Hz)
11 46.19 2.58 d. t (JHH = 11.3, 5.0) 2.61 m (W1/2 = 23 Hz) 2.75 m (W1/2 = 36 Hz)
2.82 d. t (JHH = 11.3, 5.0) 2.83 m (W1/2 = 23 Hz) 2.87 m (W1/2 = 40 Hz)
12 46.61 3.87 t (JHH = 5.0) 3.98 m (W1/2 = 20 Hz) 3.87 m (W1/2= 46 Hz)
13 163.80
14 109.85 7.10 d (JHH = 9.1) 7.37 d (JHH = 9.1) 7.24 d (JHH = 9.1)
15 137.28 7.94 d (JHH = 9.1) 8.17 d (JHH = 9.1) 8.02 d (JHH = 9.1)
16 121.91
17 126.28 7.60 d (JHH = 8.6) 7.81 d (JHH = 8.7) 7.69 d (JHH = 8.6)
18 122.03 7.45 d (JHH = 8.6) 7.72 d (JHH = 8.7) 7.57 d (JHH = 8.6)
19 129.19
20 135.97 8.15 d. d (JHH = 8.1, 1.7) 8.55 d. d (JHH = 8.2, 1.1) 8.38 d. d (JHH = 8.1, 1.1)
21 121.20 7.51 d. d (JHH = 8.1, 4.3) 7.86 d. d (JHH = 8.2, 4.8) 7.70 d. d (JHH = 8.1, 4.7)
22 149.29 9.10 d. d (JHH = 4.3, 1.7) 8.95 d. d (JHH = 4.8, 1.1) 9.11 m (W1/2 = 11 Hz)
23 145.01
24 145.31
OH 10.0 br. s (W1/2 = 25 Hz) 10.02 s 9.93 s

410 and 360 nm), respectively. The lifetime of the in positions 2,9 and 4,7 of the Phen molecule is used
excited states is ~ 10–9 s (Table 3). It is known that at [29]. It is noted that the introduction of the substituents
room temperature 1,10-phenanthroline (Phen) dis- may lead to a bathochromic shift of the band in the
solved in CH2Cl2 has a weak fluorescence, λmax = photoluminescence spectrum. Apparently, the batho-
358 nm [28, 29]. In the luminescence spectrum of a chromic shift of the photoluminescence bands for L1
solid sample Phen.H2O at 77 K there is a band with and L2, compared to the bands in the spectrum of solid
λmax = 420 nm (λexc = 266 nm). To increase the fluore- Phen.H2O, results from the introduction of the
scence quantum yield, the introduction of substituents substituent with a terpenoid fragment in position 2 of


92 KOKINA et al.

Table 3. Maxima of bands, quantum yields, and luminescence lifetimes of solid samples of compounds L1, L2 and 1–4

Compound λex, nm λmax, nm φf, % τ1, ns A1τ1, % τ2, ns A2τ2, % τ3, ns A3τ3, %
L 410 450 – 9.2 46 43.0 32.0 3.10 22.0
1 400 550 0.15 2.5 26 25.0 14.0 0.42 61.0
2 400 510 0.40 6.5 84 326.0 4.8 7.20 11.0
L2 360 440 0.60 0.3 83 1.8 14.0 8.10 3.2
3 400 530 0.70 6.6 12 1.3 75.0 93.00 12.0
4 450 550 4.40 7.6 62 26.0 15.0 1.30 23.0

the Phen molecule. Complexes of organic ligands with Luminescence decay kinetics of solid samples of
Zn2+ and Cd2+ ions with the electronic configuration compounds L1, L2, and 1–4 was studied. To process
d10 exhibit a ligand-centered luminescence [30]. the kinetic curves, we used the three-exponent approxi-
Photoluminescence spectra of complexes 1 and 3 mation, which best describes the experimental curves:
contain a broad band with λmax = 550 and 530 nm, and −(t/τ1) −(t/τ3)
I(t) = A1e + A1e −(t/τ2) + A3e .
spectra of 2 and 4 – bands with λmax = 510 and 550 nm,
respectively. These spectra are related to the ligand- The percentage of emitted quanta in each exponent
centered fluorescence, because lifetimes of the excited is determined by the product Aiτi. Table 3 presents the
state of the complexes are in the range of 10–6–10–9 s results of processing kinetic curves (lifetimes and
(Table 3). percentage of emitted quanta). Lifetimes of excited
states of free ligands L1 and L2 lie in the range 0.3–
We fail to detect luminescence quantum yield (φf) 43.5 ns, those for Zn(II) complexes, 0.42–92.8 ns, and
for ligand L1. It is likely that the low intensity of the for Cd(II) complexes, 6.52–326 ns (Table 3). Most
free ligand L1 luminescence is caused by its structure likely, a wide range of times is caused by the
providing effective photo-induced transfer of unshared heterogeneity of emitting centers. Some of them may
electron pairs of N atoms in the π-system of the L1 be located on the surface of polycrystals, others are in
phenanthroline fragment. For ligand L2 the value of φf the depths of a lattice or near various defects.
is 0.6%. Hence, the example of the (+)-3-carene As a result of the work we have synthesized and
fragment replacement by the (+)-limonene fragment in studied a new group of Zn(II) and Cd(II) complexes
the terpenoid ligand composition has shown that the with chiral ligands L1 and L2 containing fragments of
fragment nature affects substantially the luminescent 1,10-phenanthroline and terpene α-aminooxime bound
properties. When moving from free ligands L1 and L2 by a linker group – piperazine. It was shown that the
to their Zn(II) and Cd(II) complexes, φf values increase new compounds show luminescence in the visible
(Table 3). Thus, in the case of these complexes the region of spectrum. Luminescence quantum yields and
CHEF effect is observed [24, 31]. Values of quantum lifetimes of excited states were determined. In all
yields for Cd(II) complexes are higher than for Zn(II) cases, the luminescence kinetics of the solid
complexes. The φf values found for polynuclear com- compounds is complicated and well described by a set
plexes 1–4 are lower, respectively, than the φf values of three exponents.
for previously studied mononuclear and binuclear Zn(II)
and Cd(II) complexes with 2,2-bipiridine derivatives EXPERIMENTAL
obtained on the basis of terpenes [19, 22]. A feature of
the compounds synthesized is the significant batho- For the syntheses we used analytical grade ZnCl2,
hromic shift (~100 nm) of bands in the photolumine- CdCl2·2.5H2O, ZnBr2·2H2O, and CdBr2·4H2O
scence spectra of the complexes compared to the bands chemically-pure grade, EtOH rectificate, methylene
in the spectra of the free ligands. The free ligands are chloride, chloroform, toluene, ethyl acetate, piperazine,
characterized by blue fluorescence, whereas 1,10-phenanthroline monohydrate, potassium carbonate,
fluorescence in the green region of the spectrum is anhydrous sodium sulfate, and methanol, special-
observed for the Zn(II) and Cd(II) complexes. purity grade i-PrOH, (+)-3 carene obtained in the



laboratory of terpene compounds (isolated from 1,10-phenanthroline and 1.03 g (120 mmol) piperazine
turpentine of Scots pine, ee ≥ 99.5%), and R-(+)- were boiled up to the disappearance of original 2-
limonene (Sigma-Aldrich, ee = 98%). Nitrosochlorides chloro-1,10-phenanthroline. Control over the reaction
of (+)-3-carene and R-(+)-limonene were obtained by course was carried out by means of TLC (chloroform :
standard technique, passing nitrosyl chloride gas over a ethyl acetate = 1 : 1). Toluene was distilled off and the
terpene solution [12]. 2-Chloro-1,10-phenanthroline residue was dissolved in chloroform and
was obtained by the procedure [32]. For thin-layer chromatographed on silica gel, eluents—chloroform–
chromatography ready-made Sorbfil plates were used. ethyl acetate (1 : 1) and chloroform–ethanol (10 : 1).
Yield 3.33 g (63%). 1Н NMR spectrum (CDCl3), δ,
The microanalysis for C, H, N was carried out on
ppm: 9.04 d.d (1Н, H9, J = 4.3, 1.6 Hz), 8.08 d.d (1Н,
an EuroEA 3000 analyzer. The IR spectra were recorded
H7, J = 8.1, 1.6 Hz), 7.90 d (1Н, H4, J = 9.1 Hz), 7.55
in the range of 4000–200 cm–1 on ScimitarFTS 2000
d (1Н, H5, J = 8.5 Hz), 7.45 d.d (1Н, H8, J = 8.1,
and Vertex 80 IR Fourier spectrometers. Samples were
4.3 Hz), 7.41 d (1Н, H6, J = 8.6 Hz), 7.02 d (1Н, H3,
prepared by pressing with KBr and polyethylene.
J = 9.1 Hz), 3.90 t (4Н, H15, J =5.0 Hz), 2.98 t (4Н,
Melting points were determined by the differential
H16, J = 5.0 Hz). 13C NMR spectrum (CDCl3), δC,
scanning calorimetry method using NETZSCH STA
ppm: 156.60 (C2), 148.52 (C9), 144.33 (C13), 144.26
409 thermoanalyzer. The NMR spectra were recorded
(C14), 137.25 (C4), 135.25 (C7), 128.57 (C12), 125.52
on a Bruker DRX-500 spectrometer [500.13 (1H),
(C5), 121.64 (C11), 121.53 (C6), 121.36 (C8), 108.76
125.77 MHz (13C)] at 30°C for solutions of compounds
(C3), 43.59 (C15), 43.05 (C16).
L1, 1, and 2 in CDCl3 or in CDCl3-DMSO-d6 mixtures
(Isotope, St. Petersburg) with deuterium atomic Synthesis of ligands L1 and L2. A mixture of
fraction of no less than 99.8%. The NMR parameters 70 mL of methanol, 2.64 g (10 mmol) of 2-(piperazine-
are given in Table 2. Analysis of tightly coupled 1-yl)-1,10-phenanthroline, 2.01 g (10 mmol) of a
systems was fulfilled using the SpinWorks 4.2.0 corresponding terpene nitrozochloride, and 1.38 g
software package (© 2015, KirkMarat, University of (10 mmol) of potassium carbonate was stirred at room
Manitoba, Canada). Thermal analysis in helium temperature up to complete nitrozochloride dissolution
atmosphere was carried out using a TG 209 F1 Iris (about 48 h). On completion of the reaction, methanol
NETZSCH microbalance. The experiments were was distilled off, and 100 mL of water and 100 mL of
performed in the temperature range 20–300°C at the chloroform were added to the residue. The aqueous
heating rate 10 deg/min, using crucibles of Al2O3, at and organic phases were separated and the aqueous
the gas flow rate of 60 mL/min. Experimental data phase was extracted with chloroform (2×50 mL). The
were processed using the standard Proteus analysis combined organic extract was dried with anhydrous
software packages. The luminescence excitation and sodium sulfate, then the solvent was distilled off. The
luminescence spectra were recorded using a Horiba residue was chromatographed on silica gel, eluents—
Jobin Yvon Fluorolog 3 photoluminescent spectrometer chloroform-ethyl acetate (1 : 1) and chloroform-
equipped with a Xenon lamp, 450 W, integrating ethanol (10 : 1).
sphere, double-grating resonant and emission Czerny- (1R,4S,6S,E)-4-[4-(1,10-phenanthroline-2-yl)pipe-
Turner (Groove/1200 mm) monochromators, and an razine-1-yl]-4,7,7-trimеthylbicyclo[4.1.0]-heptane-3-
FL-1073 PMT detector. The excitation spectra were on oxime (L1). Yield 1.93 g (45%), mp 167–168°C
recorded in the range of 300–600 nm and corrected for (decomp.), [α]25489 115 (c = 0.33, CHCl3). Mаss spec-
the spectral distribution of the lamps intensity, using a trum, m/z: 429.2523 [M]+ (calculated for C26H31ON5:
photodiode reference detector. The emission spectra 429.2519). Mаss spectrum, m/z (Irel, %): 371 (10), 264
were recorded in the range of 400–750 nm and (16), 263 (75), 222 (20), 208 (100), 179 (26).
corrected for spherical response of the monochromators
and detector, using typical correcting spectra, provided
by the manufacturer. Quantum yields were measured
oxime (L2). Yield 2.39 g (56%), mp 204°C (decomp.),
using a Quanta-φ integrating sphere. Luminescence
[α]25489 28 (c = 0.56, CHCl3). Mаss spectrum, m/z:
decay kinetics was recorded on a TCSPC using Nano-
429.2523 [M]+ (calculated for C26H31ON5: 429.2524).
LED pulsed light sources and a NanoLED-C2 controller.
Mаss spectrum, m/z (Irel, %): 412 (12), 264 (16), 263
2-(Piperazine-1-yl)-1,10-phenanthroline. A mixture (56), 222 (9), 208 (100), 179 (14). 1Н NMR spectrum
of 150 mL of toluene, 4.28 g (20 mmol) of 2-chloro- (CDCl3), δ, ppm: 10.20 br.s (1Н, ОН), 9.15 d.d (1Н,


94 KOKINA et al.

H22, J = 4.3, 1.7 Hz), 8.15 d.d (1Н, H20, J = 8.1, (0.050 mmol) of CdBr2.4H2O. Yield 0.020 g (54%).
1.5 Hz), 7.94 d (1Н, H15, J = 9.1 Hz), 7.60 d (1Н, H17, Found, %: C 42.8; Н 4.4; N 9.6. C26H37Br2N5O3Cd.
J = 8.6 Hz, 7.52 d (1Н, H21, J = 7.8, 4.2 Hz), 7.45 d Calculated, %: C42.2; H 5.0; N 9.5.
(1Н, H18, J = 8.4 Hz), 7.10 d (1Н, H14, J = 9.1 Hz, 4.72
m (2Н, H8), 3.86 m (4Н, H12), 3.28 d (1Н, H3pro-S, J = FUNDING
10.1 Hz), 2.75 m и 2.56 m (4Н, H11), 2.17 m (1Н, H6pro-S,
H5pro-S, H3pro-R), 1.91 d.d.d (1Н, H4, J = 13.2, 12.1, 3.0, This work was financially supported by the Federal
3.0 Hz), 1.73 s (3Н, 3H9), 1.47 d.d.d (1Н, H5pro-S, J = Agency for science and education of Russia, Russian
13.4, 3.4, 3.0 Hz), 1.38 d.d.d (1Н, H6pro-S, J = 13.5, 13.5, Foundation for basic research (project no. 18-33-
3.6 Hz), 1.11 c (3Н, H10). 13S NMR spectrum (CDCl3), 00243), Russian Foundation for basic research, and the
δS, ppm: 162.80 (C13), 158.20 (C4), 149.30 (C22), Government of the Novosibirsk region (project no. 17-
148.86 (C7), 145.27 (C24), 144.93 (C23), 137.29 (C15), 43-540857p_a).
136.12 (C20), 129.24 (C19), 126.34 (C17), 122.11 (C18), CONFLICT OF INTEREST
122.03 (C16), 121.24 (C21), 109.96 (C14), 109.22 (C8),
60.63 (C1), 46.23 (C12), 45.52 (C4), 44.99 (C11), 37.15 No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.
(C6), 25.33 (C5), 25.04 (C3), 20.12 (C9), 14.29 (C10).
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