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English For Young Learners Group 5

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In the teaching and learning process, the teacher will certainly deliver the material to his
students. So that the material delivered can be well received by students and students can understand
what is meant by the teacher, then it is very necessary media that can support the effectiveness in the
teaching and learning process. Learning a language is certainly very difficult for young learners,
because of this background the media that can be used in teaching English for beginners are as

1. Flash Cards

Flash cards are cards that can be made in various sizes depending on the needs. Flash cards show
pictures or words. Flash cards usually consist of cards that are grouped according to type and class,
for example groups of fruits, vegetables, animals, transportation, household equipment, and clothing.
Flash cards can help students in adding and remembering vocabulary in English, because the pictures
made are usually in accordance with the original picture. If flash cards are used in class, the size of the
flash card must be made in a larger size than usual. This will make it easier for students to describe
images from the flash cards themselves. For convenience, now in many bookstores flash cards have
been sold according to our needs.

2. Puppets

Puppets or better known as wayang is a very effective medium used in the learning process of English
for beginners. Children will be interested in learning activities because through puppets performances
will be more exciting, interesting, and also make students more happy. if students feel fun, then
teaching and learning activities or the delivery of material can be more easily done. Teachers can use
puppets for various activities, such as storytelling, listening, and other aspects of language. By
moving it the teacher can make puppets talk, and move. There are several types of puppets that can be
used in teaching EYL classes, including Finger puppets, glove or hand puppets, and stick puppets.

3. Audio Media and Technology

Today the development of technology has been very rapid, and the influence of this technology also
influenced the development of teaching media for students. In a simple example, the most commonly
used audio media is a tape recorder with tape recordings. With this media students are expected to
improve their listening skills. But in big cities that have also been affected by technological
developments, teachers have used LCDs, projectors, and laptops as their media in delivering teaching
material to their students. This will greatly help students in remembering, adding vocabulary,
improving their listening, speaking, writing and reading skills because with audio visual they are
easier to develop what they think and express it in teaching and learning and also this course makes
them happy, interested and challenged in learning a language.


Ø Explain the scope of teaching materials
Ø Identifying the function and benefits of teaching materials for teachers and students
Ø Identifying the principles of developing teaching materials and selecting materials
Ø Mention the role of developing teaching materials
Ø Explain the characteristics of teaching materials
Ø Explain the types of teaching materials

1. Coverage of Teaching Materials

A good teaching material, at least includes among others:

a. Study Instructions
b. Competencies to be achieved
c. Content / content of learning material
d. Supporting Information
e. practice
f. Work instructions
g. Evaluation
h. Response / evaluation results

2. Function and Benefits of Teaching Materials

a. The function of teaching materials
The function of teaching materials is as motivation in the process of teaching and learning
activities carried out by teachers with contextual learning material so that students can carry out
learning tasks optimally. According to Furqon (2009), teaching materials function as follows:
1) Guidelines for Teachers who will direct all their activities in the process
learning, as well as the substance of competence that should be
taught / trained to students.
2) Guidelines for Students who will direct all their activities in the process
learning, as well as the substance of competence that should be
learned / mastered.
3) Achievement evaluation tools / mastery of learning outcomes
4) Assist the teacher in teaching and learning activities
5) Assist students in the learning process
6) As learning equipment to achieve the learning objectives.
7) To create a conducive learning environment / atmosphere
b. Benefits of Teaching Materials
The principles of developing teaching materials that can be done by a teacher are as follows:
1) Starting from the easy to understand the difficult, from the concrete to understanding the abstract.
2) Repetition will strengthen understanding.
3) Positive feedback will provide reinforcement to students' pemahan.
4) High learning motivation is one of the determining factors for learning success.
5) Reaching the goal is like going up the stairs, step by step, eventually it will reach a certain height.
6) Knowing the results achieved will encourage students to continue to achieve goals.
b. The principle of selecting teaching material
The principles in the selection of learning materials include:
1) The principle of relevance
The principle of relevance means that learning material should be relevant
related to the achievement of competency and competency standards
2) The principle of consistency
The principle of consistency means that there is a difference between teaching material with
basic competencies that students must master. For example, basic competencies are
four types of students must be mastered, then teaching materials that must be taught must also include
four types.
3) Adequacy
The principle of adequacy means that the material taught should be sufficient
in helping students master the basic competencies taught. Theory
not too little, not too much. If too
little will help to achieve competency and competency standards
basic. Conversely, if too much will waste time and effort unnecessarily to learn it.
4. Important Role of Teaching Materials
Education plays an important role in preparing qualified human resources. Therefore education should
be managed, both in terms of quality and quantity. This can be achieved if the learner can finish his
education on time with good results. A person's learning is determined by various factors that
influence it, one of the factors that exist outside the individual is the availability of teaching material
that makes it easy for individuals to learn it so that it produces better learning besides learning styles.
Learning styles are a characteristic of cognitive, effective and psychomotor behavior as an indicator
that acts relatively stable for students to feel interconnected and react to the learning environment
(NASSP in Ardhana and Willis, 1989: 4)
The process of writing learning materials must pay attention to the following:
a. Clarity of learning objectives (realistic and measurable).
Teaching material that is written must have a clear purpose and can be known clearly the expected
learning achievement.
b. The relevance of learning objectives to the curriculum / SK / KD.
The purpose of the teaching material that is written must also be adjusted with the curriculum and
standards of achievement, so that it can be well directed.
c. Accuracy in the use of media in accordance with the objectives and learning material.
The use of instructional media must be adapted to the intended goals of each material, lest a misuse of
media will occur. For example, in the introduction of space building material, madia is simply
provided in the form of a miniature building.
d. The suitability of the material, media selection and evaluation (exercises, tests, answer keys) with
the learning objectives.
e. Systematic that is coherent, logical and clear.
In the preparation of teaching materials must continue in accordance with the objectives and the
existing curriculum so that in its use it will make it easier for students to understand it.
f. Interactivity
In teaching material that is written must be interactive, meaning that it uses the language of
communicating the material in accordance with the psychological state of students. For example
teaching materials for elementary school, the language is lighter and there is a depiction in the real
g. Growth of learning motivation.
From the teaching material written should be able to foster student learning motivation, for example
by member illustrations or interesting animations.
h. Contextuality
Teaching materials that are prepared should present real examples or real-life problems in each
material, so as to increase the level of student understanding.
i. Completeness and quality of study aids.
j. Clarity of material description, discussion, examples, simulations, exercises.
k. Consistency of evaluation with learning objectives.
Evaluations compiled in teaching materials should continue to lead to achieving the expected goals in
the learning process by referring to indicators and competency standards.
l. The relevance and consistency of evaluation tools.
m. Providing feedback on the exercises and the results of the evaluation evaluation is the process of
determining the accuracy of learning. Each chapter presents a summary or conclusion and or practice
questions to measure students' learning success while evaluating the accuracy of the learning strategy.

5. Characteristics - Characteristics of Good Teaching Materials

Teaching materials used in the learning process must be able to achieve the expected goals, so that
good teaching materials are needed.
The characteristics of good teaching materials are as follows:
a. Generate interest in reading.
Usually by inserting images, tables, and using colors. So students will be interested in reading the
teaching material.
b. Written and designed for students.
The teaching material used should be adapted to the conditions and psychological conditions of
students in order to achieve the expected learning goals. For example, for elementary students
teaching materials contain elements of play and interesting illustrations so that students can
understand the material well.
c. Explain instructional objectives.
d. Arranged based on flexible learning patterns.
The point is that the instructional materials compiled can be applied or used in accordance with the
conditions of the school or class.
e. Structure based on student needs and final competency to be achieved.
f. Give students opportunities to practice.
g. Accommodate student difficulties.
In these teaching materials should be able to cover all the material in full, so students can find answers
to questions and difficulties encountered.
h. Give a summary
Summary is a summary of the main points of discussion or material in order to facilitate students in
reviewing existing material.
i. Communicative and semi-formal writing style.
This makes students interested in reading and not confused in understanding the material.
j. Density based on student needs.
k. Packed for instructional processes.
l. Have a mechanism for gathering feedback from students.
m. Explain how to learn teaching materials.
According to Furqon (2009), good teaching materials must meet the following criteria:
a. The substance discussed must include the body figure of the competency or sub
competencies relevant to the ability profile of graduates.
b. The substance to be discussed must be true, complete and actual, including the concept of facts,
procedures, terms and notations and arranged according to the hierarchy / mastery step
c. The level of readability, both in terms of language and substance difficulties must be
according to the level of learning ability.
d. Systematic preparation of teaching materials must be clear, coherent, complete and easy
6. Types - Types of Teaching Materials
Based on the technology used teaching materials can be grouped into four categories, namely printed
materials such as handouts, books, modules, student worksheets, brochures, leaflets, wallcharts,
photos / drawings, models / markets. Instructional materials (audio) such as cassettes, radios, vinyl
records, and audio disk compac. Teaching and listening materials (audio visual) such as compact disk
videos, films. Interactive multimedia teaching materials (interactive teaching material) such as CAI
(Computer Assisted Instruction), interactive learning multimedia compact disk (CD), and web-based
teaching materials (web-based learning materials).
Printed materials can be displayed in various forms, if the teaching materials are arranged well then
the teaching materials will bring several advantages (Steffen Peter Ballstaedt: 1994), namely:
a. Written material usually displays a table of contents, making it easier for a teacher to show students
which part is being studied
b. The costs for procurement are relatively small
c. Written material is quickly used and can be moved easily.
d. Its arrangement offers broad convenience and creativity for individuals.
e. The written material is relatively light and can be read anywhere
f. Written material is enjoyed as a document of great value
g. The reader can adjust the tempo independently
We are familiar with various types of printed teaching materials, including handouts, books, modules,
brochures, leaflets, wallcharts, photos / drawings, worksheets, jobsheets, operation sheets and
information sheets.
1. Handout
Handouts are written materials prepared by a teacher to enrich the knowledge of student participants.
According to the oxford dictionary p. 389, the hand oit is prepared statement given. Handout is a
statement prepared by the speaker. Handouts are usually taken from some literature that has relevance
to the material being taught / basic competency and the main material that must be mastered by
students. Currently handouts can be obtained in various ways, including by downloading from the
internet, or by copying from a book.
2. Books
The book is a written material that presents the knowledge of the ideas of the author. By the author,
the contents of the book are obtained from various ways, for example: research results, observations,
actualization of observations, autobiographies, or imagination results of a person called fiction.
interpreted as: Book is number of sheet of paper, either printed or blank, fastened together in a cover.
The book is a number of printed and blank sheets of paper which are bound and given leather. Books
as teaching materials are books that contain a knowledge of the results of the analysis of the
curriculum in written form.
A good book is a book that is written using good material and is easy to understand, presented
interestingly accompanied by pictures and explanations, the contents of the book also illustrate
something that is in accordance with the idea of writing. Textbooks contain science that can be used
by students to study, fiction books will contain the fictional thoughts of the author and so on.
3. Modules
Modules are media or learning tools that contain material, methods, limitations, and ways of
evaluating that are designed systematically and attractively to achieve the expected competency
standards according to their level of complexity.
Modules are written with the aim that students can learn independently without or with the guidance
of the teacher, so the module contains at least about:
a. Study instructions (student / teacher instructions)
b. Competencies to be achieved
c. Content or content material
d. Supporting Information
e. Exercises
f. Work instructions, can be in the form of worksheets (LK)
g. Evaluation
h. Feedback to evaluation results
A module will be meaningful if students can easily use it. Learning with modules allows a student
who has a high speed in learning to more quickly complete one or more KD compared to other
students. Thus the module must describe the basic competencies to be achieved by students, presented
using good language, interesting, and equipped with illustrations.
4. Brochure
Brochure is written information about a problem that is arranged systematically or printed which
consists of only a few pages and is folded without binding or printed leaflets containing brief but
complete information about the company or organization (large Indonesian dictionary, Second
Edition, Balai Pustaka, 1996 ). Thus the brochure can be used as teaching material, as long as the
brochure presentation is derived from the basic competency that must be mastered by students. Maybe
brochures can be interesting teaching materials, because of their attractive and practical form. So that
there aren't too many brochure sheets, the brochure is designed to only contain one KD. Illustrations
in a brochure will attract students to use it.
5. Leaflets
A separate sheet of printed matter, often folded but not stitched (Webster's New World, 1996).
Leaflets are printed printed material in the form of sheets that are folded but not turned off / sewn. To
make it look attractive, leaflets are usually designed carefully with illustrations and use simple,
concise and easy to understand language. Leaflets as teaching materials must also contain material
that can lead students to master one or more basic competencies.
6. Wallchart
Wallcharts are printed materials, usually in the form of cycle / process parts or meaningful graphics
that indicate a certain position. In order to make the wallchart look more attractive to students and
teachers, the wallchart is designed using good color arrangement and proportion settings (Andy sapta:
2007). Wallcharts are usually included in the category of tools to carry out learning, but in this case
wallcharts are designed as teaching material. Because it is designed as teaching material, Walchart
must meet the criteria as teaching material, among others, that has clarity about basic competency and
basic material that must be mastered by students, taught for how long, and how to use it. For example,
a wallchart about the life cycle of animals including snakes, rats and their environment.
7. Photos / Pictures
Photos / pictures have a better meaning than writing. Photos / drawings as teaching materials certainly
require a good design so that after finishing seeing one or a series of photos / drawings students can
do something that ultimately masters one or more basic competencies.
According to Weidenmann in the book Lehren mit Bildmedien illustrates that seeing a photograph or
picture is higher in meaning than reading or listening. Through reading that can be remembered only
10% of hearing that is remembered 20% and from seeing that is remembered 30%. A well-designed
photo image can provide better understanding. This teaching material in using it must be assisted with
written material. Written material can be in the form of instructions on how to use it and or test
A picture that is meaningful has at least the following criteria:
a. Images must contain something that can be seen and is full of information / data. So the picture is
not just a picture that does not contain meaning or nothing is learned.
b. Images are meaningful and understandable, so that the image reader really understands, not
c. Complete, rational to be used in the learning process, even taken from the correct source. So do not
let the poor picture of information that results in users not learning anything
8. Student Activity Sheet (LKS)
Student activity sheets (LKS) are sheets containing assignments that must be done by students.
Student activity sheets can usually be in the form of instructions, steps - steps to complete an
assignment. An assignment that is ordered in the activity sheet must be clear the Basic Competencies
that will be achieved. Activity sheets can be used for any subject. The tasks of an activity sheet will
not be able to be done properly by students if it is not equipped with other books or other references
related to the task material. Tasks given to students can be in the form of theoretical and / or practical
tasks. Theoretical tasks such as the task of reading a particular article, then make a resume to be
presented. While practical tasks can be in the form of laboratory work or field work, for example a
survey of the price of chillies in a certain period of time somewhere.
Various types of LKS based on the type, among others:
a. Worksheet
Worksheets are considered to be closely related to the understanding of worksheets. Worksheets are
also called spreadsheets. This term is often termed for software that processes data in tabular form.
Some software is available to process this worksheet, including Microsoft Exel, which is produced by
b. Jobsheet
Worksheets that contain questions - questions that must be done by students during practice. The title
of the jobsheet varies depending on what is being practiced. For example the manual transmission
jobsheet, clipping, steering system, suspension system, brake system.
c. Operation sheet
The operation sheet that accompanies the student activity sheet is used to work on problems,
assignments and problems that must be solved and fill in the problem data at the practicum time.
9. Information sheet
Is everything that can provide information to everyone in the world through a website, newspapers,
magazines and books.


Understanding Teaching Materials
Teaching materials are all forms of material used to help the teacher / instructor in carrying
out teaching and learning activities in class. The material in question can be either written
material or unwritten material.
(National Center for Vocational Education Research Ltd. / National Center for Competency
Based Training).

Why do teachers need to develop Teaching Materials?

The teacher must have or use teaching materials that are appropriate to:
target characteristics,
learning problem solving demands.

The Purpose and Benefits of Preparing Teaching Materials

Teaching materials are arranged with the aim of:
Provide teaching materials that are in accordance with the demands of the curriculum by
considering the needs of students, namely teaching materials that are in accordance with the
characteristics and settings or social environment of students.
Helping students to obtain alternative teaching materials in addition to textbooks that are
sometimes difficult to obtain
Make it easier for teachers to carry out learning.
Benefits for teachers

Obtained teaching materials that match the demands of the curriculum and in accordance
with the learning needs of students,
No longer depends on textbooks that are sometimes difficult to obtain,
Enriching because it was developed using various references,
Add to the teacher's knowledge and experience in writing teaching material,
Building effective learning communication between teachers and students because students
will feel more trust in their teacher.
Add credit numbers if collected into books and published.

Benefits for Students

Learning activities become more interesting.

Opportunities to learn independently and reduce dependence on teacher attendance.
Getting easy in learning every competency that must be mastered
Development Principles

Starting from the easy to understand the difficult, from the concrete to understanding the
Repetition will strengthen understanding
Positive feedback will strengthen the understanding of students
High learning motivation is one of the determining factors for learning success
Reaching the goal is like climbing stairs, step by step, eventually reaching a certain height.
Knowing the results achieved will encourage students to continue to achieve goals
Types of teaching materials.
Visual teaching materials consist of printed materials such as handouts, books, modules,
student worksheets, brochures, leaflets, wallcharts, photos / drawings, and non-printed (non-
printed), such as models / mockups.
Learning materials (audio) such as cassettes, radios, vinyl records, and audio compact disks.
Teaching and listening materials (audio visual) such as compact disk videos, films.
Interactive multimedia teaching materials (interactive teaching material) such as CAI
(Computer Assisted Instruction), interactive learning multimedia compact disk (CD), and
web-based teaching materials (web-based learning materials).
Techniques for Preparing Teaching Materials

Analysis of Teaching Material Requirements

1. SK-KD-Indicator Analysis
2. Analysis of Learning Resources
3. Selection and Determination of Teaching Materials

Preparation of Print Teaching Materials pay attention

1. Display layout,
2. Easy language,
3. Test understanding,
4. Stimulants,
5. Ease of reading,
6. Instructional material,

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