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Test I. Multiple Choice Directions: Carefully Give The Following Sentences and Give What Is Asked. Write The Letter Your Choice

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Test I. Multiple Choice

Directions: Carefully give the following sentences and give what is asked. Write the letter your choice.

1. Refers to the process of giving and receiving information between a human source and a human
receiver using words, symbols or actions.
a. Communication b. message c. function d. functions of communication
2. An element of communication that refers to the one who sends/ conveys the messages by converting
their thoughts into symbols or observable signals such as words.
a. Sender b. message c. receiver d. feedback
3. This refers to the message transmitted by the receiver in response to the message of the speaker.
a. Sender b. message c. receiver d. feedback
4. These are the thoughts/ ideas that are transmitted from sender to receiver.
a. sender b. message c. receiver d. channel
5. Refers to the medium through which the message is sent. It connects both the sender and the
a. sender b. message c. receiver d. channel
6. They are the ones who hear the signals and convert the symbols into their thoughts.
a. sender b. message c. receiver d. channel
7. A type of communication that involves talking to yourself especially during decision making.
a. Interpersonal b. Intrapersonal c. Public d. Mass
8. A type of communication that involves communicating with a person or group of people who may not
share the same assumptions, it could either be for friendship, etc.
a. Interpersonal b. Intrapersonal c. Public d. Mass
9. A type of interpersonal communication that happens between two people.
a. Mass b. Public c. Dyad d. Small Group
10. A type of interpersonal communication that involves communicating to a wide group of people. It is
composed of 10 or more people in a conversation.
a. Mass b. Public c. Dyad d. Small Group
11. A type of communication that involves talking to two but not more than 10 members.
a. Mass b. Public c. Dyad d. Small Group
12. This refers to how humans use language for different purposes.
a. communication b. functions of communication c. information d. motivation
13. A communication intended to control or regulate the nature and amount of activities human being
engaged in.
a. Regulation b. motivation c. information d. emotional expression
14. These are acts done by saying it.
a. speech act b. speech style c. communicative strategy d. speech
15. This is simply the speaking part of the speech act.
a. Illocutionary act b. locutionary act c. Perlocutionary act d. none
of these
16. He is the one who categorizes the Illocutionary acts.
a. Noam Chomsky b. Bronislaw Malinowski c. John Searle d. Jhon Searle
17. This communication is used for getting and giving information.
a. Motivation b. information c. emotional expression d. regulation
18. A communication referring to a person who uses language to express his/her wants, desires, likes,
dislikes and needs.
a. Motivation b. information c. emotional Expression d. regulation
19. This is a communication intended to express emotional problems of feelings.
a. Motivation b. information c. emotional Expression d. regulation
20. Considered as the second level of speech act and is also known as the acting part.
a. Illocutionary act b. Locutionary act c. Perlocutionary act d. none of these
Test II. Read the sentences carefully and give what is asked. Write only the letter of your choice.

21. Commit the speaker to the truthfulness of a condition/ situation such as when he/she asserts or
a. Commissives b. Directives c. Expressives d. Assertives
22. This is known as the response to an illocutionary act.
a. Illocutionary b. locutionary c. perlocutionary d. none of these
23. Refers to the intent of a speaker when he/she says something to a listener.
a. Illocutionary force b. Locutionary force c. Perlocutionary force d. none of these
24. Commit the speaker to a future action such as when he/she guarantees, pledges, swears or
promises to do something.
a. Commissives b. Directives c. Expressives d. Assertives
25. Refers to the effect of the speaker’s utterance on the listener.
a. Commissives b. directives c. expressives d. assertives
26. Show speaker’s attitude toward a situation. It concludes apologizing, thanking and comforting.
a. Commissives b. directives c. expressives d. assertives
27. Are patterns of speaking characterized by distinctive pronunciation, vocabulary, intent, participants
and grammatical structure.
a. Speech act b. speech styles c. communicative strategy d. all of the above
28. He claimed the existence of the five kinds of speech styles.
a. Roman Jakobson b. John Searle c. Martin Joos d. Michael Halliday
29. A style used between people who have very close relationship such as family, best friends and
couples. Its brings two close people closer.
a. Casual b. consultative c. intimate d. formal
30. It is a style that is called upon when speaking in formal settings no matter how the participants are
related to each other. It requires careful attention to produce well- formed sentences.
a. Casual b. consultative c. intimate d. formal
31. This refers to a sentence structures that are very similar to latin but not considered as natural
a. Latinism b. idiom c. slang d. Spanish
32. A conversational style in which the speaker constantly observes the listener’s verbal and non verbal
cues for feedback.
a. Intimate b. casual c. consultative d. formal
33. A conversational style used among friends. A speaker uses a lot of trendy words and phrases and
speaks in incomplete or elided sentences.
a. Intimate b. casual c. consultative d. frozen
34. A very formal style not really intended to give a particular message but to allow a reader to find
many meanings for oneself. It exists as literature on a given society.
a. Intimate b. casual c. consultative d. frozen
35. These are attempts by participants in a communication activity, but mainly by the speaker to
express his/her ideas to minimize communication breakdown.
a. Communication strategies b. turn taking c. restriction d. topic control
36. A strategy where the speaker knows when to take his/her turn or allow others to speak. It also
refers to the changing of one topic to another without disrupting the communication process.
a. Restriction b. nomination c. turn taking d. topic control
37. It allows the listeners or audience to tune in to the topic, recall background information and prepare
them to listen to what is to be said.
a. Restriction b. nomination c. turn taking d. topic control
38. This is determined and limited by the amount of time given to a speaker. Speakers make sure that
the topic of discussion is specific enough to be managed.
a. Restriction b. termination c. topic shifting d. repair
39. This is a strategy wherein the speaker clarifies what he/she is saying whenever misunderstanding
a. Topic control b. repair c. topic shifting d. termination
40. It is the time when speaker changes one topic to another.
a. Topic control b. repair c. topic shifting d. termination
Test III. Carefully read the sentences and choice the letter that corresponds to your answer.

41. This is also known as the summarization/ generalization of the topic wherein the speaker makes
sure that his/her listeners are not left wondering.
a. Topic control b. repair c. topic shifting d. termination
42. It means that the speaker should focus on the topic without straying into another discussion.
a. Topic control b. repair c. topic shifting d. termination
43. These are the words commonly used in street.
a. Idiom b. phrase c. slang d. twang
44. An illocutionary act that make something true by saying it.
a. Constantive b. performative c. constant d. perform
45. A type of declaratives that make the speaker do something by saying it.
a. Constantive b. performative c. constant d. perform
46. Referring to a one way process of communication where the sender sends a message to the
a. Linear model b. Berlo’s model d. Shannon and Weaver d. Interactive
47. It is an expanded model based from the model of Shannon and Weaver.
a. Linear model b. Shannon and Weaver c. Interactive d. Berlo’s model
48. This refers to a model that is designed to mirror the communication done through telephone and
a. Linear model b. Shannon and Weaver c. Interactive d. Berlo’s Model
49. A model that enables the sender to become a receiver or vice versa.
a. Linear model b. Shannon and Weaver c. Interactive d. Berlo’s Model
50. A type of communication done by talking to people who have different cultures and traditions.
a. Interpersonal b. intrapersonal c. intracultural d. intercultural

“Always remember to be true to yourself, co’z if you can’t, nobody will”

Ma’am Nhez

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