FD 001
FD 001
FD 001
(2) Non Current Liabilities
(a) Financial Liabilities
(i) Borrowings -
(b) Provisions -
Place : Hyderabad
Date :
Ramky Srisairam Properties Private Limited
9th Floor, Ramky Grandiose Ramky Towers Complex
Gachibowli, Hyderabad -500032
Statement of Profit & Loss for the period ended March 31,2019
(Rs in Millions)
Note Period ended
No. 31 March 2019
IV. Expenses
(a) Cost of construction -
(b) Finance costs 11 0.20
(c) Depreciation expense -
(d) Other expenses 12 0.61
Total expenses (IV) : 0.81
Place : Hyderabad
Date :
Ramky Srisairam Properties Private Limited
9th Floor, Ramky Grandiose Ramky Towers Complex
Gachibowli, Hyderabad -500032
Statement of Cash Flow for the Period ended 31st March, 2019
(Rs in Millions)
Period ended
31 March 2019
A. Cash flows from operating activities
Profit before tax (0.81)
Adjustment for:
i) Depreciation expense -
ii) Finance costs 0.18
Place : Hyderabad
Date :
Ramky Srisairam Properties Private Limited
Statement of changes in equity
For the period ended 31 March 2019
b. Other equity
Items of Other
Reserves and
Particulars surplus
Retained earnings Others
Balance as at 31 March 2018 - -
Profit or loss for the period (0.60) -
Other comprehensive income (net of tax) -
Total comprehensive income (0.60) -
Place : Hyderabad
Date :
(Rs in Millions)
of the Board
es Private Limited
a) Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each 5.00 50.00
5.00 50.00
Issued and Subscribed
(a) Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each fully paid up 2.95 29.50
2.95 29.50
Paid up
(a) Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each fully paid up 2.95 29.50
2.95 29.50
(a) Reconciliation of the number of Equity shares outstanding as at March 31, 2019 :
As at March 31,2019
Number Rs in Millions
Equity Shares outstanding at the beginning of the year - -
Equity Shares Issued during the year 2.95 29.50
Equity Shares bought back during the year - -
Equity Shares outstanding at the end of the year 2.95 29.50
Ramky Srisairam Properties Private Limited
Notes to the financial statements
G/L acct Short Text Balance Carryforward Debit Rept.Period
Borrowings - 39,835,073.00
135002015 Inter Corp Deposits - 39,835,073.00
- 21,800,000.00 - 21,800,000.00
- 21,800,000.00 21,800,000.00
- 773,811.90 - 773,811.90
- 42,217.20 42,217.20
- 42,217.20 42,217.20
- 673,987.50 673,987.50
- 7,695.00 7,695.00
- 7,695.00 7,695.00
- 3,980.00 - 3,980.00
- 3,980.00 3,980.00 GST Returns Late Filling
- 22,597.00 - 22,597.00
- 22,597.00 22,597.00
- 584,695.00 - 584,695.00
- 584,695.00 584,695.00
- 25,000.00 - 25,000.00
- 25,000.00 25,000.00
24.07.2019 Dynamic List Display 1
Vendor 5000055 1.77 crores
Company Code 9105
Name Ramky Estate and Farms Limited
City 06.07.2018 Hyderabad
Pstng Date DocumentNo Type SG Local Crcy Amt Cumm.Balance
06.07.2018 3000000020 SA -9,520,500.00 -9,520,500.00
31.07.2018 3000000021 SA -211,860.00 -9,732,360.00
21.08.2018 3000000006 SA -10,000,000.00 -19,732,360.00
28.08.2018 3000000004 SA -200,000.00 -19,932,360.00
22.11.2018 3000000022 SA -3,600.00 -19,935,960.00
23.11.2018 3000000023 SA -80 -19,936,040.00
28.11.2018 3000000005 SA -100,000.00 -20,036,040.00
29.11.2018 3000000025 SA -1,297.00 -20,037,337.00
20.12.2018 3000000024 SA -100 -20,037,437.00
18.01.2019 3000000026 SA -2,564.00 -20,040,001.00
19.01.2019 3000000027 SA -2,003.00 -20,042,004.00
25.01.2019 2300000004 KZ -33,060.00 -20,075,064.00
15.02.2019 1100000001 AB 10,000,000.00 -10,075,064.00
15.02.2019 3000000003 SA -10,000,000.00 -20,075,064.00
14.03.2019 3000000028 SA -200 -20,075,264.00
19.03.2019 3000000018 SA -100,000.00 -20,175,264.00
27.03.2019 3000000029 SA -2,470.00 -20,177,734.00
31.03.2019 3000000030 SA -7,195.00 -20,184,929.00
* -20,184,929.00
as per R E F L Books
as per Ramky Srisairam Properties Pvt. Ltd.
Text Days
Stamp Fee for JDA paid by REFL,the same credited
Stamp Fee for JDA paid by REFL,the same credited
REFL share of capital 17,700,000.00 (2,032,360.00)
REFL share of capital (2,232,360.00)
CGST & SGST Late filing GSTR3B Jul18-Oct18,by REFl (2,235,960.00)
CGST & SGST Late filing GSTR3B Jul18-Oct18,by REFl (2,236,040.00)
REFL share of capital (2,336,040.00)
Electricity charges Oct'18 RSSPPL by REFL (2,337,337.00)
CGST & SGST Late filing GSTR3B Nov'18,by REFl (2,337,437.00)
Electricity charges Nov'18 & Dec'18 RSSPPL by REFL (2,340,001.00)
Electricity charges Sep'18 RSSPPL by REFL (2,342,004.00)
Payment made by REFL,the same credited to REFL (2,375,064.00)
REFL share of capital
REFL share of capital
CGST & SGST Late filing GSTR3B Feb'19,by REFl (2,375,264.00)
REFL share of capital 18/3/19 REFL (2,475,264.00)
Electricity charges Sep'18 RSSPPL by REFL (2,477,734.00)
Preoperative exp RSSPPL by REFL,the same credited (2,484,929.00)
21-Aug-18 7 (4,872.10)
28-Aug-18 86 (65,747.59)
22-Nov-18 1 (765.74)
23-Nov-18 5 (3,828.84)
28-Nov-18 1 (800.01)
29-Nov-18 21 (16,809.62)
20-Dec-18 29 (23,214.27)
18-Jan-19 1 (801.37)
19-Jan-19 6 (4,812.34)
25-Jan-19 48 (39,042.15)
14-Mar-19 4 (3,253.79)
18-Mar-19 9 (7,629.24)
27-Mar-19 4 (3,394.16)
31-Mar-19 1 (851.00)
TDS @ 10% (17,582)
1 Rates and Taxes a/c Dr 577500
To Provision for expenses 577500
( ROC Filing fees for increase of
authorised share capital )