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Rizalito Y. David, Petitioner, V. Senate Electoral Tribunal and Mary Grace Poe-LLAMANZARES, Respondents. Decision Leonen, J.

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RIZALITO Y. DAVID, Petitioner, v.


LLAMANZARES, Respondents.



The words of our most fundamental law cannot be read so as to callously exclude all foundlings from
public service.

When the names of the parents of a foundling cannot be discovered despite a diligent search, but
sufficient evidence is presented to sustain a reasonable inference that satisfies the quantum of proof
required to conclude that at least one or both of his or her parents is Filipino, then this should be
sufficient to establish that he or she is a natural-born citizen. When these inferences are made by the
Senate Electoral Tribunal in the exercise of its sole and exclusive prerogative to decide the qualifications
of the members of the Senate, then there is no grave abuse of discretion remediable by either Rule 65
of the Rules of Court or Article VIII, Section I of the Constitution.

This case certainly does not decide with finality the citizenship of every single foundling as natural-born.
The circumstances of each case are unique, and substantial proof may exist to show that a foundling is
not natural-born. The nature of the Senate Electoral Tribunal and its place in the scheme of political
powers, as devised by the Constitution, are likewise different from the other ways to raise questions of

Before this Court is a Petition for Certiorari1 filed by petitioner Rizalito Y. David (David). He prays for the
nullification of the assailed November 17, 2015 Decision and December 3, 2015 Resolution of public
respondent Senate Electoral Tribunal in SET Case No. 001-15.2 The assailed November 17, 2015
Decision3 dismissed the Petition for Quo Warranto filed by David, which sought to unseat private
respondent Mary Grace Poe-Llamanzares as a Senator for allegedly not being a natural-born citizen of
the Philippines and, therefore, not being qualified to hold such office under Article VI, Section 34 of the
1987 Constitution. The assailed December 3, 2015 Resolution5 denied David's Motion for

Senator Mary Grace Poe-Llamanzares (Senator Poe) is a foundling whose biological parents are
unknown. As an infant, she was abandoned at the Parish Church of Jaro, Iloilo.6 Edgardo Militar found
her outside the church on September 3, 1968 at about 9:30 a.m.7 He later turned her over to Mr. and
Mrs. Emiliano Militar.8 Emiliano Militar reported to the Office of the Local Civil Registrar that the infant
was found on September 6, 1968.9 She was given the name Mary Grace Natividad Contreras
Militar.10 Local Civil Registrar issued a Certificate of Live Birth/Foundling Certificate


On May 13, 1974, the Municipal Court of San Juan, Rizal promulgated the Decision granting the Petition
for Adoption of Senator Poe by Spouses Ronald Allan Poe (more popularly known as Fernando Poe, Jr.)
and Jesusa Sonora Poe (more popularly known as Susan Roces).12 The Decision also ordered the change
in Senator Poe's name from Mary Grace Natividad Contreras Militar to Mary Grace Natividad Sonora
Poe.13 October 27, 2005, Clerk of Court III Eleanor A. Sorio certified that the Decision had become final in
a Certificate of Finality.14chanrobleslaw

On April 11, 1980, the Office of Civil Registrar-Iloilo received the Decision of the San Juan Court
Municipal Court and noted on Senator Poe's foundling certificate that she was adopted by Spouses
Ronald Allan and Jesusa Poe.15 This hand-written notation appears on Senator Poe's foundling

NOTE: Adopted child by the Spouses Ronald Allan Poe and Jesusa Sonora Poe as per Court Order, Mun.
Court, San Juan, Rizal, by Hon. Judge Alfredo M. Gorgonio dated May 13, 1974, under Sp. Proc. No.

Senator Poe became a registered voter in Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila when she turned 18 years
old.17 The Commission on Elections issued her a Voter's Identification Card for Precinct No. 196,
Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila on December 13, 1986.18chanrobleslaw

On April 4, 1988, the Department of Foreign Affairs issued her a Philippine passport.19 Her passport was
renewed on April 5, 1993, May 19, 1998, October 13, 2009, December 19, 2013, and March 18,
2014.20 Having become Senator, she was also issued a Philippine diplomatic passport on December 19,

Senator Poe took Development Studies at the University of the Philippines, Manila, but eventually went
to the United States in 1988 to obtain her college degree.22 In 1991, she earned a bachelor's degree in
Political Science from Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts.23chanrobleslaw

On July 27, 1991, Senator Poe married Teodoro Misael Daniel V. Llamanzares, both an American and
Filipino national since birth.24 The marriage took place in Sanctuario de San Jose Parish, San Juan,
Manila.25cralawred On July 29, 1991, Senator Poe returned to the United States with her husband.26 For
some time, she lived with her husband and children in the United States.27chanrobleslaw

Senator Poe and her husband had three (3) children: Brian Daniel (Brian), Hanna MacKenzie (Hanna),
and Jesusa Anika (Anika).28 Brian was born in the United States on April 16, 1992. Hanna was born on
July 10, 1998, and Anika on June 5, 2004. Both Hanna and Anika were born in the

Senator Poe was naturalized and granted American citizenship on October 18, 2001.30 She was
subsequently given a United States passport.31chanrobleslaw

Senator Poe's adoptive father, Fernando Poe, Jr., ran for President of the Republic of the Philippines in
the 2004 National Elections.32 To support her father's candidacy, Senator Poe and her daughter Hanna
returned to the Philippines on April 8, 2004.33 After the Elections, she returned to the United States on
July 8, 2004.34 It was during her stay in the Philippines that she gave birth to her youngest daughter,

Fernando Poe, Jr. was hospitalized on December 11, 2004 and eventually "slipped into a
coma."36 Senator Poe returned to the Philippines on December 13, 2004.37 On December 14, 2004, her
father died.38 She stayed in the country until February 3, 2005 to attend her father's funeral and to
attend to the settling of his estate.39chanrobleslaw

In 2004, Senator Poe resigned from work in the United States. She never looked for work again in the
United States.40chanrobleslaw

Senator Poe decided to return home in 2005.41 After consulting her children, they all agreed to return to
the Philippines to support the grieving Susan Roces.42 In early 2005, they notified Brian and Hanna's
schools Virginia, United States that they would be transferring to the Philippines the following
semester.43 She came back on May 24, 2005.44 Her children also arrived in the first half of
2005.45 However, her husband stayed in the United States to "finish pending projects, and to arrange for
the sale of the family home there."46chanrobleslaw

Following her return, Senator Poe was issued by the Bureau of Internal Revenue a Tax Identification
Number (TIN) on July 22, 2005.47chanrobleslaw

On July 7, 2006, Senator Poe took the Oath of Allegiance to Republic of the Philippines:48

I, Mary Grace Poe Llamanzares, solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the
Republic of the Philippines and obey the laws and legal orders promulgated by the duly constituted
authorities of the Philippines; and I hereby declare that I recognize and accept the supreme authority of
the Philippines and will maintain true faith and allegiance thereto; and that I impose this obligation upon
myself voluntarily without mental reservation or purpose of evasion.49chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary

On July 10, 2006, Senator Poe filed a Petition for Retention and or Re-acquisition of Philippine
Citizenship through Republic Act No. 9225.50 She also "filed applications for derivative citizenship on
behalf of her three children who were all below eighteen (18) years of age at that time."51chanrobleslaw

The Petition was granted by the Bureau of Immigration and Deportation on July 18, 2006 through an
Order signed by Associate Commissioner Roy M. Almoro for Commissioner Alipio F. Fernandez, Jr:52

A careful review of the documents submitted in support of the instant petition indicate that David was a
former citizen of the Republic of the Philippines being born to Filipino parents and is presumed to be a
natural born Philippine citizen; thereafter, became an American citizen and is now a holder of an
American passport; was issued an ACT and ICR and has taken her oath of allegiance to the Republic of
the Philippines on July 7, 2006 and so is thereby deemed to have re-acquired her Philippine
Citizenship.53 (Emphasis in the original)

In the same Order, Senator Poe's children were "deemed Citizens of the Philippines in accordance with
Section 4 of R[epublic] A[ct] No. 9225."54 Until now, the Order "has not been set aside by the
Department of Justice or any other agency of Government."55chanrobleslaw

On July 31, 2006, the Bureau of Immigration issued Identification Certificates in the name of Senator Poe
and her children.56 It stated that Senator Poe is a "citizen of the Philippines pursuant to the Citizenship
Retention and Re-acquisition Act of 2003 . . . in relation to Administrative Order No. 91, Series of 2004
and Memorandum Circular No. AFF-2-005 per Office Order No. AFF-06-9133 signed Associate
Commissioner Roy M. Almoro dated July 18, 2006."57chanrobleslaw

Senator Poe became a registered voter of Barangay Santa Lucia, San Juan City on August 31,

Senator Poe made several trips to the United States of America between 2006 and 2009 using her
United States Passport No. 170377935.59 She used her passport "after having taken her Oath of
Allegiance to the Republic on 07 July 2006, but not after she has formally renounced her American
citizenship on 20 October 2010."60 The following are the flight records given by the Bureau of

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