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AVK MY Pricelist

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AVK is a global leader within valves, hydrants, fittings and accessories for
water supply, gas supply, wastewater treatment and fire protection.
AVK benefits from modern production faciliites and a large distribution
center which enable us to deliver within a short period of time.
A complete product range, fast delivery, superior quality products,
competive prices and top service are some of the benefits to expect when
dealing with AVK.

Inhouse R&D handled through a global network of sales By obtaining and maintaining the most widely
In our Development Department in Denmark, companies and dealers. This network services accepted certification, we show our
ideas and suggestions for new products are the enduser, allowing AVK to monitor market customers that AVK valves always meet the
gathered, and existing products are updated changes and keep abreast of customer highest quality and safety standards.
continuously. requirements.  
    AVK focuses on the environment
We use FEA (Finite Element Analysis) to Quality certifications AVK products are part of vital infrastructures,
optimise the strength and geometry of our AVK’s quality management system is certified which play an important role for the local
components and CFD Computational Fluid according to ISO 9001, and in 2018, we also environment all over the world. AVK also
Dynamics) analyses to validate different obtained the ISO/TS 9001 certification. focuses on the environment in all its internal
product designs prior to creating physical   processes. The AVK Group has outlined a
prototypes, enabling us to predict ISO/TS 29001 is an industry-specific number of strict objectives for its
consequences in cases where it is impossible standard for the oil and gas industry based on manufacturing companies regarding energy
to create full scale tests on physical products. ISO 9001, but with stricter requirements for and water consumption. Our suppliers also
  control measures and risk management, in need to comply with a number of standards in
We make our own test and production that key issues such as staff training, order to be a certified supplier of the AVK
equipment, and in our flow lab, we conduct traceability of materials and obtained test Group, as it is vital for AVK to achieve
thorough prototype and life cycle tests prior to results must be documented. sustainability throughout the supply chain.
release for production. New product types are  
generally field tested in co-operation with end Moreover, we are certified to ISO 14001, the
users before final launch. international standard for environmental
  management, and OHSAS 8001, the
Production international Occupational Health and Safety
Production takes place in several countries in Standard.
Europe and Asia as well as in the US and  
Saudi Arabia. AVK manufactures valves and Third party certification
accessories for water, gas and wastewater Authorities such as DVGW (Germany), KIWA
applications as well as valves and hydrants (Netherlands) and UL & FM (the US) offer
for fire protection - all according to the DIN certification of finished valves, and these are
standard. also recognized and accepted by other
  countries that do not have their own
Stock control and distribution to end users are certification schemes. 
AVK’s four main segments:
Water supply Gas supply
Gate valves and accessories, butterfly valves, swing Gate valves and accessories, ball valves, couplings and
check valves, air valves, control valves, hydrants, repair clamps.
couplings, fittings, etc.

Wastewater treatment Fire protection

Gate valves, knife gate valves, ball and swing check Fire hydrants, monitors, gate valves, post indicators,
valves, butterfly valves, air valves, penstocks etc. butterfly valves etc.
§1 Offers and orders: transport: defects which could have been established at
Offers from AVK Valves Manufacturing All times of delivery shall as far as possible be such an examination unless the purchaser
Malaysia Sdn Bhd (AVK) shall be subject to in accordance with the customer's desires. proves that AVK has received a written
confirmation unless a written acceptance has The times of delivery have been fixed to the complaint no later than 8 days after delivery
been given to the contrary. Orders shall only best of our judgement, but AVK undertakes was effected.
be binding on us if at the receipt of a final, no obligations as regards a punctual The purchaser cannot adduce defects which
specified order we have the product at our observance of the time of delivery confirmed could not have been established at an
disposal or can provide this at the prices and or desired. examination as the one mentioned above
on the conditions with which we have Delivery will be effected ex works (EXW) unless AVK has received a written complaint
calculated and on which we have based the unless otherwise agreed in writing. within 1 year after delivery was effected.
offer - even though the purchaser may not be AVK can at the customer's request arrange The purchaser shall have no other rights in
cognizant of such conditions. Moreover, the the transportation at the customer's expense connection with defects than a claim for a
order shall be confirmed in writing by AVK. and risk to any destination which can be rectification of the defects as soon as possible
reached by rail, sea, road or air. in the form of repair, replacement delivery or
§2 Terms of payment:   subsequent delivery. A replacement delivery
Unless otherwise agreed in writing AVK Valves §5 Cancellation and return: by AVK shall be conditional upon the
Manufacturing Malaysia Sdn Bhd terms of An order can only be cancelled by written purchaser returning the defective parts.
payment shall be as follows: Invoice date + agreement between AVK and the customer. AVK shall in no case be liable for any trading
30 days net. Interest at a rate of 1,25% per Moreover, AVK reserves the right to debit the loss, loss of time, loss of profit or any similar
commenced month will be charged on all customer with all costs which AVK may incur consequential losses owing to the defects.
overdue invoices. Interest will be added owing to the customer's wish to cancel the  
monthly. AVK Valves Manufacturing Malaysia order. §8 Product liability:
Sdn Bhd will charge a fee of MYR 100 per Returns cannot be allowed later than 3 AVK shall not be liable for any pollution of or
payment reminder in case of overdue months after delivery. through air, ground or water and for any
invoices. The customer cannot expect to be credited damage caused to things being used for
for more than 70 % of the value debited. All purposes of trade.
§3 Prices: returns shall show the original invoice number AVK shall not be liable for damage to any real
The price of the products shall be AVK qouted and date of delivery. or personal property occuring while the
price or, where no price has been qouted (or No return shall ever be allowed of special product sold is in the purchaser's possession.
the qouted price is no longer valid) the price products, products which have been specially Nor shall AVK be liable for any damage to
listed in AVK's published pricelist current at manufactured for the customer in question or products produced by the purchaser or to
the date of acceptance of the order. products in which any specifications have products in which the product sold forms
AVK reserves the right by giving notice to the been changed. The return of products to AVK part, including real property, or to products
buyer at any time before dispatch to increase shall be at the customer's expense and risk. for the production, treatment or processing of
the price of the products to reflect any   which the product is used.
increase in the cost to AVK which is due to §6 Packaging: AVK shall not be liable for any damage to
factor beyond the control of AVK (such as, The packaging is not returnable if it was things in cases where the product sold is
without limitations, any foreign exchange included in the price, specially produced for used for, built into or forms part of another
fluctuation, currency regulation, alteration of the product supplied, or if it is disposable. finished product which is used for the
duties, significant increase in cost of Packaging which was debited separately may operation of an aircraft or in off-shore
labour, materials or other cost of only be returned upon previous agreement installations.
manufacture) any change in delivery data, and no later than 3 months after the time of Moreover, AVK' liability for any damage to
quantities or specifications for the products delivery. real or personal property cannot exceed MYR
which is requested by the buyer, or any delay   500,000.- for each cause of damage for
caused by any instruction of the buyer or §7 Liability for defects: which AVK can be held liable.
failure of the buyer to give AVK adequate Only documented defects in the design,
information or instructions. workmanship or material of the product
The prices are exclusive of any import duties, supplied or faulty performance of work shall
VAT, levies, taxes and other charges which be considered defects.
may be imposed on the goods. The purchaser shall immediately after delivery
carry out a reasonable examination of the
§4 Delivery and product. The purchaser cannot adduce
AVK shall not be liable for any trading loss, We assume no responsibility for any
loss of time, loss of profit, lost earnings or printing errors.
any other consequential losses.
To the extent that any product liability may be The prices are vaild until 2019.12.31 or
imposed on AVK towards any third party, the until a new price list is available.
purchaser shall be liable to indemnify AVK to  
the same extent as AVK' liability is limited All prices are based on full pallet
according to the above. However, these deliveries.
limitations in AVK' liability shall not apply if  
the damage can be ascribed as a gross If a product is shown with no price it is
negligence to a person for which AVK is Price on Request.
If a third party should advance claims against Delivery codes: A = max. 2 weeks
AVK or the purchaser for damages pursuant B = max. 8 weeks
to this clause 8 or if one of the parties should C = > 8 weeks
have reason to believe that a claim may be
advanced, this party shall immediately inform
the other party to this effect.

§9 Escape clause (Force majeure):

The following circumstances shall mean an
exemption from liability if they prevent AVK
from performing a contract or make the
performance unreasonably burdensome: fire,
explosion, Act of God, epidemic, war, riot or
civil commotion, unrest, martial law,
mobilisation or similar military measures,
seizures, currency restrictions, import and
export prohibition, strike, lockout or other
circumstances of a similar nature beyond the
control of AVK, be it with AVK or with AVK'

§10 Venue and law:

Any dispute which may arise between AVK
and the customer shall be settled finally and
binding on both parties by the Maritime and
Commercial Court in Malaysia pursuant to
Malaysia law - unless a written acceptance
has been given to the contrary . Rules for
Arbitration of the Regional Centre for
Arbitration Kuala Lumpur.
When one or several of the above conditions
are reversed totally or partly by a legal
decision or by an amendment in legislation,
this does not mean that the Terms and
Conditions of Sale and Delivery shall be
cancelled as a whole, but that they are
amended according to the legal decision
and/or to the amendment of law.

9 25 29

Resilient Seated Gate Valves Support Bush Gate Valves

12 26 32

Metal Seated Gate Valves Accessories Check valves

14 33

Butterfly Valves Penstock

16 34

Air Valves Knife Gate Valves

17 34

Check Valves Plug Valves

20 35

Control Valves Couplings

21 35

Strainers Adaptors

21 36

Plug Valves Dismantling Joints

22 37

Couplings Repair Clamps

22 38

Adaptors Support Bush

23 39

Dismantling Joints Accessories


Repair Clamps


02/20-021 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Flanged gate valve mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension
according to EN 558 Table 2 02-050-20-014649 50 PN10/16 10 25 C 854.50
Basic Series 3 02-080-20-014649 80 PN10/16 15 22 C 854.50
Ductile iron 02-100-20-014649 100 PN10/16 17 18 C 1,283.50
EPDM rubber, WRAS, W270 02-150-20-014649 150 PN10/16 32 12 C 2,261.20
appr. 02-200-20-004649 200 PN10 51 6 C 3,474.60
Fusion bonded epoxy coating 02-200-20-014649 200 PN16 51 6 C 3,474.60
to DIN 3476-1 and EN
02-250-20-004649 250 PN10 85 6 C 5,571.40
14901, GSK approved
02-250-20-014649 250 PN16 82 6 C 5,571.40
Clockwise to Close
02-300-20-004647 300 PN10 128 3 C 7,254.60
02-300-20-014647 300 PN16 128 3 C 7,254.60
02-350-20-004647 350 PN10 182
02-350-20-014647 350 PN16 214 1 C 16,247.70
02-400-20-004647 400 PN10 192 2 C 15,647.90
02-400-20-014647 400 PN16 221 1 C 16,720.40

21/36-002 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Resilient seat gate valve, mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
stem cap
Face-to-face dimension 21-050-36-2142064 50 PN10/16 14 30 A 836.70
according to EN 558 Table 2 21-065-36-2142064 65 PN10/16 16 30 C 925.80
Basic Series 3 21-080-36-2142064 80 PN10/16 17 22 A 883.00
Ductile iron 21-100-36-2142064 100 PN10/16 19 18 A 961.40
EPDM rubber, WRAS, W270 21-150-36-2142064 150 PN10/16 34 12 A 1,644.50
appr. 21-200-36-2042064 200 PN10 52 6 C 2,412.80
Fusion bonded epoxy coating 21-200-36-2142064 200 PN16 52 6 A 2,412.80
to DIN 3476-1 and EN 21-250-36-2042064 250 PN10 85 6 B 4,090.00
14901, GSK approved
21-250-36-2142064 250 PN16 84 6 A 4,090.00
Clockwise to Close 21-300-36-2042064 300 PN10 117 4 B 5,382.60
21-300-36-2142064 300 PN16 116 4 A 5,382.60
21-350-36-2042064 350 PN10 179 2 C 10,789.40
21-350-36-2142064 350 PN16 212 2 A 10,789.40
21-400-36-2042064 400 PN10 189 2 C 11,208.90
21-400-36-2142064 400 PN16 217 2 A 11,208.90

21/38-001 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Resilient seated gate valve mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension
according to EN 558 Table 2 21-050-38-0140064 50 PN10/16 14 25 C 1,135.80
Basic Series 3 21-065-38-0140064 65 PN10/16 16 22 C 1,301.40
Ductile iron 21-080-38-0140064 80 PN10/16 17 22 C 1,290.30
EPDM rubber 21-100-38-0140064 100 PN10/16 19 18 C 1,389.30
Fusion bonded epoxy coating 21-150-38-0140064 150 PN10/16 35 12 C 2,313.90
to DIN 3476-1 and EN 21-200-38-0040064 200 PN10 53 6 C 3,435.70
14901, GSK approved 21-200-38-0140064 200 PN16 53 6 C 3,438.10
Clockwise to Close 21-350-38-0040064 350 PN10 178 2 C 15,910.60
21-350-38-0140064 350 PN16 211 2 C 17,340.60
21-400-38-0040064 400 PN10 188 2 C 16,735.40
21-400-38-0140064 400 PN16 217 2 C 17,996.90

Products for Water Supply 9

21/46-001 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Flanged gate valve with rising mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension 21-050-46-014 50 PN10/16 19 24 C 1,624.40
according to EN 558 Table 2 21-065-46-014 65 PN10/16 23 24 C 1,743.20
Basic Series 3 21-080-46-014 80 PN10/16 25 18 C 1,742.00
Ductile iron 21-100-46-014 100 PN10/16 39 12 C 2,365.00
EPDM rubber, WRAS, W270 21-125-46-014 125 PN10/16 45 8 C 3,599.30
appr. 21-150-46-014 150 PN10/16 63 8 C 3,783.00
AVK coating standard 21-200-46-004 200 PN10 97 5 C 5,541.10
Clockwise to Close 21-200-46-014 200 PN16 97 5 C 5,539.40
21-250-46-004 250 PN10 157 3 C 8,492.20
21-250-46-014 250 PN16 157 3 C 8,492.20
21-300-46-004 300 PN10 238 3 C 11,615.90
21-300-46-014 300 PN16 238 3 C 11,615.90
21-350-46-004 350 PN10 320 2 C 25,875.60
21-350-46-014 350 PN16 320 2 C 25,877.30
21-400-46-014 400 PN16 360 2 C 27,174.60

21/60-004 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Resilient seat PN25 gate mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
valve to BS standard with
replaceable stem seal and 21-050-60-074 50 PN25 17 25 C 1,350.90
stainless steel stem. For 21-065-60-074 65 PN25 18 22 C 1,403.20
drinking water and other 21-080-60-074 80 PN25 18 22 C 1,483.30
neutral liquids to max. 70°C 21-100-60-074 100 PN25 29 15 C 2,817.50
Face-to-face dimension 21-150-60-074 150 PN25 51 10 C 3,408.70
according to EN 558 Table 2
Basic Series 3 21-200-60-074 200 PN25 81 6 C 5,214.40
21-250-60-074 250 PN25 140 6 C 8,155.70
Ductile iron
21-300-60-074 300 PN25 188 4 C 11,265.80
EPDM rubber wedge, WRAS
appr. 21-350-60-074 350 PN25 296 2 C 24,833.70
Fusion bonded epoxy to DIN 21-400-60-074 400 PN25 320 2 C 27,524.10
3476-1 and EN 14901
Clockwise to Close

55/30-021 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Flanged gate valve mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension
according to EN 558 Table 2 55-800-30-01464 800 PN16 2460 1 C 187,361.70
Basic Series 15
Ductile iron
EPDM rubber, WRAS, W270
Fusion bonded epoxy coating
to DIN 3476-1 and EN
14901, GSK approved
Clockwise to Close

55/66-001 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Flanged gate valve mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension
according to EN 558 Table 2 55-450-66-00464 450 PN10 450 1 C 29,799.90
Basic Series 3 55-450-66-01464 450 PN16 496 1 A 30,152.10
Ductile iron 55-500-66-00464 500 PN10 467 1 C 29,195.10
EPDM rubber, WRAS, W270 55-500-66-01464 500 PN16 531 1 A 31,058.40
appr. 55-600-66-00464 600 PN10 658 1 C 36,663.50
AVK coating standard 55-600-66-01464 600 PN16 757 1 A 41,080.00
Clockwise to Close

10 Products for Water Supply

55/66-002 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Flanged gate valve with by- mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension 55-450-66-00464H 450 PN10 464 1 C 30,890.00
according to EN 558 Table 2 55-450-66-01464H 450 PN16 512 1 C 31,250.90
Basic Series 3 55-500-66-00464H 500 PN10 481 1 C 30,285.30
Ductile iron 55-500-66-01464H 500 PN16 545 1 C 32,157.10
EPDM rubber, WRAS, W270 55-600-66-00464H 600 PN10 672 1 C 37,753.60
appr. 55-600-66-01464H 600 PN16 771 1 C 42,178.80
AVK coating standard
Clockwise to Close

55/66-003 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Flanged gate valve with stem mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension 55-450-66-0046401 450 PN10 450 1 C 30,028.10
according to EN 558 Table 2 55-450-66-0146401 450 PN16 450 1 B 30,383.60
Basic Series 3 55-500-66-0046401 500 PN10 467 1 C 29,423.40
Ductile iron 55-500-66-0146401 500 PN16 531 1 B 31,289.80
EPDM rubber, WRAS, W270 55-600-66-0046401 600 PN10 658 1 C 36,748.30
appr. 55-600-66-0146401 600 PN16 757 1 B 41,169.20
Fusion bonded epoxy coating
to DIN 3476-1 and EN
14901, GSK approved
Clockwise to Close

55/66-004 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Flanged gate valve with stem mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
cap and hand wheel
Face-to-face dimension 55-450-66-004640C 450 PN10 459 1 C 30,411.00
according to EN 558 Table 2 55-450-66-014640C 450 PN16 505 1 C 30,765.00
Basic Series 3 55-500-66-004640C 500 PN10 476 1 C 29,806.30
Ductile iron 55-500-66-014640C 500 PN16 540 1 C 31,671.30
EPDM rubber, WRAS, W270 55-600-66-004640C 600 PN10 674 1 C 37,354.40
appr. 55-600-66-014640C 600 PN16 773 1 C 41,767.80
Fusion bonded epoxy coating
to DIN 3476-1 and EN
14901, GSK approved
Clockwise to Close

55/66-005 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Flanged gate valve with stem mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
cap an by-pass
Face-to-face dimension 55-450-66-00464H1 450 PN10 464 1 C 31,118.20
according to EN 558 Table 2 55-450-66-01464H1 450 PN16 512 1 C 31,482.40
Basic Series 3 55-500-66-00464H1 500 PN10 481 1 C 30,513.50
Ductile iron 55-500-66-01464H1 500 PN16 545 1 C 32,388.60
EPDM rubber, WRAS, W270 55-600-66-00464H1 600 PN10 672 1 C 37,838.40
appr. 55-600-66-01464H1 600 PN16 771 1 C 42,268.00
Fusion bonded epoxy coating
to DIN 3476-1 and EN
14901, GSK approved
Clockwise to Close

55/66-006 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Flanged gate valve with stem mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
cap, hand wheel and by-pass
Face-to-face dimension 55-450-66-00464HC 450 PN10 473 1 C 31,501.10
according to EN 558 Table 2 55-450-66-01464HC 450 PN16 521 1 C 31,863.80
Basic Series 3 55-500-66-00464HC 500 PN10 489 1 C 30,896.40
Ductile iron 55-500-66-01464HC 500 PN16 554 1 C 32,770.10
EPDM rubber, WRAS, W270 55-600-66-00464HC 600 PN10 688 1 C 38,444.50
appr. 55-600-66-01464HC 600 PN16 787 1 C 42,866.50
Fusion bonded epoxy coating
to DIN 3476-1 and EN
14901, GSK approved
Clockwise to Close

Products for Water Supply 11

55/67-004 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Flanged gate valve mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension
according to EN 558 Table 2 55-1000-67-014464 1000 PN16 3412 1 C 259,397.40
Basic Series 3 55-900-67-0146400001 900 PN16 3342 1 C 248,412.90
Ductile iron
EPDM rubber, WRAS, W270
Fusion bonded epoxy coating
to DIN 3476-1 and EN
14901, GSK approved
Clockwise to Close

37/50-001 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Closing Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Metal seat gate valve mm drilling Direction weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension
according to EN 558 Table 2 37-050-50-210001 50 PN16 CTC 11 25 C 1,773.80
Basic Series 3 37-080-50-210001 80 PN16 CTC 21 22 C 2,029.30
Ductile iron 37-100-50-210001 100 PN16 CTC 27 18 C 2,388.20
EPDM rubber, WRAS 37-150-50-210001 150 PN16 CTC 43 12 C 3,872.60
approved 37-200-50-210001 200 PN16 CTC 76 6 C 6,403.10
Blue epoxy RAL 5017 250 37-250-50-210001 250 PN16 CTC 105 6 C 9,367.20
µm 37-300-50-210001 300 PN16 CTC 159 2 C 12,609.00
Clockwise to Close

54/3132/B-110 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Metal faced gate valve mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Ductile iron
Epoxy coated to WRAS 54-1100-31-0302100 1100 PN10 4000
54-1100-31-0303100 1100 PN10 4032
Clockwise to Close or
Clockwise to Open 54-1100-31-1302100 1100 PN16 4000
54-1100-31-1303100 1100 PN16 4032 1 C 336,301.20
54-1100-32-0302100 1100 PN10 4000
54-1100-32-0303100 1100 PN10 4032
54-1100-32-1302100 1100 PN16 4000
54-1100-32-1303100 1100 PN16 4032
54-1400-31-0303100 1400 PN10 7500
54-1400-31-1303100 1400 PN16 7500
54-1400-32-0303100 1400 PN10 7500
54-1400-32-1303100 1400 PN16 7500
54-1600-31-0303100 1600 PN10 10600
54-1600-31-1303100 1600 PN16 10600
54-1600-32-0303100 1600 PN10 10600
54-1600-32-1303100 1600 PN16 10600
54-1800-31-0304100 1800 PN10 14800 1 C 1,291,168.50
54-1800-31-1304100 1800 PN16 14800
54-1800-32-0304100 1800 PN10 14800
54-1800-32-1304100 1800 PN16 14800

12 Products for Water Supply

54/3334/A-009 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Metal faced gate valve with mm drilling weight / kg pallet code
by-pass MYR
Ductile iron 54-1100-33-0302100 1100 PN10 4046
Epoxy coated to WRAS 54-1100-33-0303100 1100 PN10 4078 1 C 345,717.70
Clockwise to Close or 54-1100-33-1302100 1100 PN16 4046
Clockwise to Open 54-1100-33-1303100 1100 PN16 4078 1 C 345,717.70
54-1100-34-0302100 1100 PN10 4046
54-1100-34-0303100 1100 PN10 4078
54-1100-34-1302100 1100 PN16 4046
54-1100-34-1303100 1100 PN16 4078
54-1400-33-0303100 1400 PN10 7600
54-1400-33-1303100 1400 PN16 7600
54-1400-34-0303100 1400 PN10 7600
54-1400-34-1303100 1400 PN16 7600
54-1600-33-0303100 1600 PN10 10800
54-1600-33-1303100 1600 PN16 10800
54-1600-34-0303100 1600 PN10 10800
54-1600-34-1303100 1600 PN16 10800
54-1800-33-0304100 1800 PN10 14900 1 C 1,304,489.40
54-1800-33-1304100 1800 PN16 14900 1 C 1,304,489.40
54-1800-34-1304100 1800 PN16 14900

54/3334-003 AVK ref. no. DN Product Closing Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Metal seat gate valves mm PN Class Direction weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension
according to EN 558 Table 2 54-0350-33-0101100 350 PN16 CTC 304 1 C 24,119.80
Basic Series 3 54-0350-33-1101100 350 PN16 CTC 304 1 C 24,119.80
Ductile iron 54-0350-34-0101100 350 PN16 CTO 304
Epoxy coated to WRAS 54-0350-34-1101100 350 PN16 CTO 304
Clockwise to Close or 54-0400-33-0101100 400 PN16 CTC 372 1 C 27,337.90
Clockwise to Open 54-0400-33-1101100 400 PN16 CTC 372 1 C 27,337.90
54-0400-34-0101100 400 PN16 CTO 372
54-0400-34-1101100 400 PN16 CTO 372
54-0450-33-0101100 450 PN16 CTC 452 1 C 31,108.60
54-0450-33-1101100 450 PN16 CTC 452 1 C 31,108.60
54-0450-34-0101100 450 PN16 CTO 452
54-0450-34-1101100 450 PN16 CTO 452
54-0500-33-1101100 500 PN16 CTC 553 1 C 36,759.10
54-0500-34-0101100 500 PN16 CTO 553
54-0500-34-1101100 500 PN16 CTO 553
54-0600-33-1101100 600 PN16 CTC 723 1 C 46,356.60
54-0600-34-0101100 600 PN16 CTO 723
54-0600-34-1101100 600 PN16 CTO 723

54/3334-007 AVK ref. no. DN Product Closing Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Metal faced gate valve mm PN Class Direction weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension
according to EN 558 Table 2 54-0700-33-0102100 700 PN 10/16 CTC 1440 1 C 109,658.20
Basic Series 3 54-0700-33-1102100 700 PN16 CTC 1440 1 C 109,658.20
Ductile iron 54-0800-33-1102100 800 PN16 CTC 1789
Epoxy coated to WRAS 54-0900-33-0102100 900 PN16 CTC 2341 1 C 167,918.40
Clockwise to Close or 54-0900-33-1102100 900 PN16 CTC 2341
Clockwise to Open 54-1000-33-0102100 1000 PN16 CTC 3084
54-1000-33-1102100 1000 PN16 CTC 3096 1 C 214,150.60

Products for Water Supply 13

756/218-001 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Double eccentric butterfly mm drilling weight / kg pallet code
valve to EN 593 w. integral MYR
seat and IP67 gearbox w. 756-0700-2-14018014 700 PN16 477 1 C 47,611.70
handwheel 756-1400-2-04018018 1400 PN10 2016 1 C 180,333.80
Face-to-face dimension 756-1400-2-14018018 1400 PN16 2323 1 C 192,705.40
according to EN 558 Table 2
756-1500-2-04018018 1500 PN10 2489 1 C 208,715.80
Basic Series 13
756-1500-2-14018018 1500 PN16 2863 1 C 222,017.60
Ductile iron
756-1600-2-04018018 1600 PN10 3028 1 C 251,803.10
EPDM rubber, WRAS
approved 756-1600-2-14018018 1600 PN16 3273 1 C 254,684.40
Fusion bonded epoxy to DIN 756-1800-2-04018018 1800 PN10 3493 1 C 305,137.40
3476-1 and EN 14901 756-1800-2-14018018 1800 PN16 3969 1 C 350,762.40
Clockwise to Close 756-2000-2-04018018 2000 PN10 5120 1 C 445,248.50
756-2000-2-14018018 2000 PN16 5573 1 C 469,639.60
756-2200-2-04018018 2200 PN10 6078
756-2400-2-04018018 2400 PN10 -

756/218-002 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Double eccentric butterfly mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
valve to EN 593 w. integral
seat and IP67 gearbox w. 756-0200-2-04018 200 PN10 47 1 C 6,597.70
handwheel 756-0200-2-14018 200 PN16 47 1 A 6,597.70
Face-to-face dimension 756-0250-2-04018 250 PN10 64 1 C 7,930.50
according to EN 558 Table 2 756-0250-2-14018 250 PN16 64 1 A 7,930.50
Basic Series 13 756-0300-2-04018 300 PN10 91 1 C 10,151.50
Ductile iron 756-0300-2-14018 300 PN16 97 1 A 10,671.50
EPDM rubber, WRAS 756-0350-2-04018 350 PN10 115 1 C 11,852.50
756-0350-2-14018 350 PN16 121 1 A 13,362.80
Fusion bonded epoxy to DIN
756-0400-2-04018 400 PN10 153 1 C 14,691.00
3476-1 and EN 14901
756-0400-2-14018 400 PN16 153 1 A 14,928.90
Clockwise to Close
756-0450-2-04018 450 PN10 193 1 C 18,751.70
756-0450-2-14018 450 PN16 201 1 A 18,649.50
756-0500-2-04018 500 PN10 180 1 C 20,218.60
756-0500-2-14018 500 PN16 256 1 A 22,098.00
756-0600-2-04018 600 PN10 262 1 C 26,256.70
756-0600-2-14018 600 PN16 394 1 A 31,014.90

756/218-004 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Double eccentric butterfly mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
valve to EN 593 w. integral
seat and IP67 gearbox w. 756-0700-2-04018 700 PN10 410 1 C 47,176.60
handwheel 756-0700-2-14018 700 PN16 477 1 C 51,286.30
Face-to-face dimension 756-0800-2-04018 800 PN10 545 1 C 57,330.90
according to EN 558 Table 2 756-0800-2-14018 800 PN16 659 1 C 61,053.80
Basic Series 13 756-0900-2-04018 900 PN10 679 1 C 69,284.40
Ductile iron 756-0900-2-14018 900 PN16 797 1 C 75,937.00
EPDM seals, NF approved 756-1000-2-04018 1000 PN10 911 1 C 88,972.70
Fusion bonded epoxy to DIN 756-1000-2-14018 1000 PN16 1095 1 C 93,586.20
3476-1 and EN 14901
756-1200-2-04018 1200 PN10 1345 1 C 122,664.80
Clockwise to Close 756-1200-2-14018 1200 PN16 1642 1 C 149,236.10

14 Products for Water Supply

756/218-005 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Double eccentric butterfly mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
valve to EN 593 w. integral
seat and IP67 gearbox w. 756-0200-2-04018014 200 PN10 47 1 C 6,338.50
handwheel 756-0200-2-14018014 200 PN16 47 1 C 6,338.50
Face-to-face dimension 756-0250-2-04018014 250 PN10 64 1 C 7,624.00
according to EN 558 Table 2 756-0250-2-14018014 250 PN16 64 1 C 7,624.00
Basic Series 13 756-0300-2-04018014 300 PN10 91 1 C 9,726.00
Ductile iron 756-0300-2-14018014 300 PN16 97 1 C 10,246.00
EPDM rubber, WRAS 756-0350-2-04018014 350 PN10 115 1 C 11,345.80
756-0350-2-14018014 350 PN16 121 1 C 11,876.20
Fusion bonded epoxy to DIN
756-0400-2-04018014 400 PN10 153 1 C 14,062.90
3476-1 and EN 14901
756-0400-2-14018014 400 PN16 153 1 C 14,301.50
Clockwise to Close
756-0450-2-04018014 450 PN10 193 1 C 17,397.90
756-0450-2-14018014 450 PN16 201 1 C 17,295.70
756-0500-2-04018014 500 PN10 180 1 C 18,664.00
756-0500-2-14018014 500 PN16 256 1 C 20,571.40
756-0600-2-04018014 600 PN10 262 1 C 24,221.00
756-0600-2-14018014 600 PN16 394 1 C 29,071.70

76/70-004 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Concentric butterfly valve with mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
loose liner
Face-to-face dimension 76-0350-70-817902690213 350 PN16 55 4 C 6,162.30
according to EN 558 Table 2 76-0400-70-817902690213 400 PN16 83 3 C 8,077.10
Basic Series 20
Ductile iron
EPDM rubber
Blue epoxy RAL 5017 100
Clockwise to Close

76/70-007 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Concentric butterfly valve with mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
loose liner for drinking water
and neutral liquids to max. 76-0050-70-817502690205 50 WAFER 2.7 150 A 400.80
70°C 76-0065-70-817502690205 65 WAFER 3.4 100 C 447.00
Face-to-face dimension 76-0080-70-817502690205 80 WAFER 4.0 100 A 510.70
according to EN 558 Table 2 76-0100-70-817502690205 100 WAFER 6.0 84 A 648.90
Basic Series 20 76-0125-70-817502690205 125 WAFER 7.7 40 C 833.10
Ductile iron 76-0150-70-817502690205 150 WAFER 9.0 24 A 966.00
EPDM rubber 76-0200-70-817502690205 200 WAFER 14 24 A 1,307.70
EP - 80 µm (tbs) 76-0250-70-817502690203 (1) 250 WAFER 25 18 A 2,338.20
Clockwise to Close 76-0300-70-817502690203 (1) 300 WAFER 35 10 C 2,936.00
(1) With gearbox

76/71-006 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Concentric butterfly valve with mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
loose liner
Face-to-face dimension 76-0350-71-837902690213 350 PN16 63 4 C 6,566.60
according to EN 558 Table 2 76-0400-71-837902690213 400 PN16 99 3 C 8,874.60
Basic Series 20
Ductile iron
EPDM rubber wedge, WRAS
Blue epoxy RAL 5017 350
Clockwise to Close

Products for Water Supply 15

76/71-009 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Concentric butterfly valve with mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
loose liner for drinking water
and neutral liquids to max. 76-0050-71-837502690205 50 PN16 3.3 150 C 448.70
70°C 76-0065-71-837502690205 65 PN16 4.1 100 C 490.50
Face-to-face dimension 76-0080-71-837502690205 80 PN16 5.4 100 C 587.90
according to EN 558 Table 2 76-0100-71-837502690205 100 PN16 8.0 84 C 742.00
Basic Series 20 76-0125-71-837502690205 125 PN16 11 40 C 993.10
Ductile iron 76-0150-71-837502690205 150 PN16 12 24 C 1,141.20
EPDM rubber wedge, WRAS 76-0200-71-837502690205 200 PN16 19 24 C 1,547.00
76-0250-71-837502690203 (1) 250 PN16 32 18 C 2,779.40
Blue epoxy RAL 5017 350
76-0300-71-837502690203 (1) 300 PN16 45 10 C 3,490.80
Clockwise to Close (1) With gearbox

813/83-001 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Centric butterfly valve to EN mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension 813-0050-83-410006 50 PN10/16 - 21 A 1,936.20
according to EN 558 Table 2
Basic Series 13
Ductile iron
EPDM rubber wedge, WRAS
AVK coating standard
Clockwise to Close

851/41-003 AVK ref. no. DN L Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price

Air venting valve mm mm weight / kg pallet code MYR
Ductile iron
851-025-41-961000 25 138 4.3 50 C 376.70
EPDM rubber, WRAS
Blue epoxy RAL 5017 250

851/41-004 AVK ref. no. Flange DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Air relief valve drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Ductile iron
851-050-41-161000 DN50 PN10/16 16 12 A 1,165.80
EPDM rubber, WRAS
approved 851-080-41-161000 DN80 PN10/16 17 10 A 1,190.30
Blue epoxy RAL 5017 250 851-100-41-161000 DN100 PN10/16 23 6 A 1,559.80
µm 851-150-41-161000 DN150 PN10/16 36 6 A 2,280.80
851-200-41-161000 DN200 PN16 40 4 A 2,393.00

851/42-002 AVK ref. no. DN L Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price

Air venting valve mm mm weight / kg pallet code MYR
Ductile iron
851-025-42-961000 25 138 4.3 50 C 447.00
EPDM rubber, WRAS
Blue epoxy RAL 5017 250

851/42-003 AVK ref. no. Flange DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Air relief valve drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Ductile iron
851-050-42-161000 DN50 PN10/16 16 12 C 1,273.90
EPDM rubber, WRAS
approved 851-080-42-161000 DN80 PN10/16 17 10 C 1,289.70
Blue epoxy RAL 5017 250 851-100-42-161000 DN100 PN10/16 23 6 C 1,738.90
µm 851-150-42-161000 DN150 PN10/16 36 6 C 2,400.90
851-200-42-161000 DN200 PN16 40 4 C 2,513.10

16 Products for Water Supply

851/45-005 AVK ref. no. Flange DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Air relief valve drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Ductile iron
851-050-45-161000 DN50 PN10/16 16 12 C 1,605.20
EPDM rubber, WRAS
approved 851-080-45-161000 DN80 PN10/16 17 10 C 1,653.40
Blue epoxy RAL 5017 250 851-100-45-161000 DN100 PN10/16 23 6 C 2,054.40
µm 851-150-45-161000 DN150 PN10/16 36 6 C 2,868.50
851-200-45-161000 DN200 PN16 40 4 C 2,989.20

41/20-001 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Swing check valve with free mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
shaft end
Face-to-face dimension 41-050-20-018 50 PN10/16 13 20 A 2,378.10
according to EN 558 Table 2 41-080-20-018 80 PN10/16 20 15 A 1,894.20
Basic Series 10 41-100-20-018 100 PN10/16 26 30 A 2,323.00
Ductile iron 41-150-20-018 150 PN10/16 51 16 A 4,256.90
EPDM rubber wedge, WRAS 41-200-20-008 200 PN10 83 6 C 5,945.00
appr. 41-200-20-018 200 PN16 83 6 A 5,940.90
Blue epoxy RAL 5017 250 41-250-20-008 250 PN10 183 2 C 13,745.40
µm 41-250-20-018 250 PN16 183 2 A 14,016.60
41-300-20-008 300 PN10 231 2 C 16,012.00
41-300-20-018 300 PN16 231 2 A 16,091.80

41/22-001 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Swing check valve lever and mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
weight kit
Face-to-face dimension 41-050-22-0180106 50 PN10/16 16 20 C 2,690.60
according to EN 558 Table 2 41-080-22-0180106 80 PN10/16 23 15 C 2,058.40
Basic Series 10 41-100-22-0180106 100 PN10/16 29 30 C 2,581.60
Ductile iron 41-150-22-0180106 150 PN10/16 57 16 C 4,870.10
EPDM rubber wedge, WRAS 41-200-22-0080106 200 PN10 89 6 C 6,823.10
appr. 41-200-22-0180106 200 PN16 89 6 C 6,825.00
Blue epoxy RAL 5017 300 41-250-22-0080106 250 PN10 195 2 C 15,397.40
µm 41-250-22-0180106 250 PN16 195 2 C 15,396.50
41-300-22-0080106 300 PN10 243 2 C 17,351.90
41-300-22-0180106 300 PN16 243 2 C 17,352.10

41/36-001 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Metal seated swing check mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
valve with lever and weight
Face-to-face dimension 41-350-36-00800 350 PN10 337 1 C 28,679.40
according to EN 558 Table 2 41-350-36-01800 350 PN16 339 1 C 30,088.40
Basic Series 48 41-400-36-00800 400 PN10 447 1 C 35,016.30
Ductile iron 41-400-36-01800 400 PN16 447 1 C 36,878.90
EPDM rubber 41-450-36-00800 450 PN10 575 1 C 45,893.40
Fusion bonded epoxy to DIN 41-450-36-01800 450 PN16 583 1 C 48,193.20
3476-1 and EN 14901 41-500-36-00800 500 PN10 802 1 C 55,697.30
41-500-36-01800 500 PN16 812 1 C 58,493.30
41-600-36-00800 600 PN10 992 1 C 68,163.70
41-600-36-01800 600 PN16 1018 1 C 71,912.20

53/30-005 AVK ref. no. DN BSP thread Product Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Ball check valve with BSP mm Inch PN Class weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension 53-040-30-9007 40 1½ PN10 2.0 50 C 608.00
according to DIN 3202 - F6 53-050-30-9007 50 2 PN10 3.0 40 C 650.10
Ductile iron
NBR rubber
AVK coating standard

Products for Water Supply 17

53/35-003 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Ball check valve with flanges mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension
according to EN 558 Table 2 53-050-35-1007 50 PN10/16 7.5 30 C 843.90
Basic Series 48 53-065-35-1007 65 PN10/16 10 30 C 1,029.50
Ductile iron 53-080-35-1007 80 PN10/16 12 30 C 1,293.40
NBR rubber 53-100-35-1007 100 PN10/16 16 15 C 1,623.40
AVK coating standard 53-125-35-1007 125 PN10/16 35 15 C 3,875.10
53-150-35-1007 150 PN10/16 32 10 C 3,713.80
53-200-35-0007 200 PN10 68 10 C 8,874.40
53-200-35-1007 200 PN16 68 10 C 8,874.40
53-250-35-0007 250 PN10 112 2 C 14,407.90
53-250-35-1007 250 PN16 112 2 C 14,409.90
53-300-35-0007 300 PN10 163 2 C 21,320.80
53-300-35-1007 300 PN16 163 2 C 21,325.00
53-350-35-0007 350 PN10 289 2 C 27,849.60
53-350-35-1007 350 PN16 289 2 C 27,850.30
53-400-35-0007 400 PN10 416 1 C 39,072.20
53-400-35-1007 400 PN16 416 1 C 39,074.20

641/01-004 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Single door swing check valve mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Ductile iron
641-0700-01-100000 700 PN16 1571 1 C 137,493.90
EPDM rubber, WRAS
approved 641-0800-01-100000 800 PN16 2178 1 C 185,191.70
Blue epoxy RAL 5017 250 641-0900-01-100000 900 PN16 2227 1 C 199,804.30
µm 641-1000-01-100000 1000 PN16 3800 1 C 299,441.40

641/21-002 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Multi door recoil check valve mm drilling weight / kg pallet code
without bypass MYR
Ductile iron 641-0600-21-100000 600 PN16 1632 1 C 168,048.30
EPDM rubber, WRAS 641-0700-21-100000 700 PN16 1957 1 C 188,754.20
approved 641-0800-21-100000 800 PN16 2012 1 C 219,246.40
AVK coating standard 641-0900-21-100000 900 PN16 3773 1 C 395,648.50
641-1000-21-100000 1000 PN16 4399 1 C 464,227.50
641-1200-21-100000 1200 PN16 6444 1 C 621,864.90
641-1600-21-100000 1600 PN16 10700

641/21-003 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Multi door recoil check valve mm drilling weight / kg pallet code
with bypass MYR
Ductile iron 641-0600-21-100003 600 PN16 1677 1 C 155,873.80
EPDM rubber, WRAS 641-0700-21-100003 700 PN16 2008 1 C 174,777.30
approved 641-0800-21-100003 800 PN16 2056 1 C 201,659.20
AVK coating standard 641-0900-21-100003 900 PN16 3832 1 C 360,430.90
641-1000-21-100003 1000 PN16 4448 1 C 420,890.30
641-1200-21-100003 1200 PN16 6589 1 C 559,863.60
641-1600-21-100003 1600 PN16 11000

641/23-002 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Multi door recoil check valve mm drilling weight / kg pallet code
with bypass MYR
Ductile iron 641-0600-23-700003 600 PN25 1913 1 C 177,021.20
EPDM rubber, WRAS 641-0700-23-700003 700 PN25 2298 1 C 214,780.60
approved 641-0800-23-700003 800 PN25 2410 1 C 232,422.80
Electrostatically applied epoxy 641-1000-23-700003 1000 PN25 5356 1 C 471,013.20
coating 641-1200-23-700003 1200 PN25 7580
641-1400-23-700003 1400 PN25 7750

18 Products for Water Supply

641/23-003 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Multidoor recoil check valve mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Ductile iron
EPDM rubber, WRAS 641-0600-23-700000 600 PN25 1870 1 C 200,060.80
approved 641-0700-23-700000 700 PN25 2255 1 C 233,865.20
Electrostatically applied epoxy 641-0800-23-700000 800 PN25 2378 1 C 253,466.30
coating 641-1000-23-700000 1000 PN25 5323 1 C 520,670.50
641-1200-23-700000 1200 PN25 7430
641-1400-23-700000 1400 PN25 7600

903/20-002 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Flanged silent check valve mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension
according to MSS SP-125 903-065-20-71000 65 PN25 8.0 C 1,521.70
short globe 903-080-20-71000 80 PN25 9.0 C 1,759.30
Ductile iron 903-100-20-71000 100 PN25 15 C 2,156.70
Blue epoxy RAL 5017 250 903-125-20-71000 125 PN25 21 C 2,941.80
µm 903-150-20-71000 150 PN25 32 C 3,930.00
903-200-20-71000 200 PN25 52 C 6,287.00
903-250-20-71000 250 PN25 85 C 10,807.80
903-300-20-71000 300 PN25 111 C 14,551.30
903-350-20-71000 350 PN25 158 C 20,432.90
903-400-20-71000 400 PN25 208 C 24,983.90

903/20-001 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Flanged silent check valve mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension
according to MSS SP-125 903-065-20-11000 65 PN10/16 8.0 C 1,400.90
short globe 903-080-20-11000 80 PN10/16 9.0 C 1,502.80
Ductile iron 903-100-20-11000 100 PN10/16 15 C 1,985.50
Blue epoxy RAL 5017 250 903-125-20-11000 125 PN10/16 21 C 2,708.30
µm 903-150-20-11000 150 PN10/16 32 C 3,618.30
903-200-20-01000 200 PN10 52 C 5,788.10
903-200-20-11000 200 PN16 52 C 5,788.10
903-250-20-01000 250 PN10 85 C 9,950.00
903-250-20-11000 250 PN16 85 C 9,950.00
903-300-20-01000 300 PN10 111 C 13,396.40
903-300-20-11000 300 PN16 111 C 13,396.40
903-350-20-01000 350 PN10 158 C 18,811.20
903-350-20-11000 350 PN16 158 C 18,811.20
903-400-20-01000 400 PN10 208 C 23,001.10
903-400-20-11000 400 PN16 208 C 23,001.10

Products for Water Supply 19

879/000X-001 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Pilot range Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Control valve, pressure mm drilling bar weight / kg pallet code MYR
reducing downstream,
reduced bore, AISI 304 879-0065-00-1340000 65 PN10/16 0.1-2 17 1 C 12,976.90
fittings, for drinking water and 879-0065-00-1340001 65 PN10/16 0.5-3.5 17 1 C 12,976.90
other neutral liquids up to 879-0065-00-1340002 65 PN10/16 1-5 17 1 C 12,976.90
80°C 879-0065-00-1340003 65 PN10/16 1.5-3.5 17 1 C 12,976.90
Face-to-face dimension 879-0065-00-1340004 65 PN10/16 1.5-10 17 1 C 12,976.90
according to EN 558 Table 2
Basic Series 1 879-0065-00-1340005 65 PN10/16 2-15 17 1 C 12,976.90
879-0080-00-1340000 80 PN10/16 0.1-2 21 1 C 14,265.80
Ductile iron
879-0080-00-1340001 80 PN10/16 0.5-3.5 21 1 C 14,265.80
EPDM rubber
879-0080-00-1340002 80 PN10/16 1-5 21 1 C 14,265.80
Epoxy Coating
879-0080-00-1340003 80 PN10/16 1.5-3.5 21 1 C 14,265.80
879-0080-00-1340004 80 PN10/16 1.5-10 21 1 C 14,265.80
879-0080-00-1340005 80 PN10/16 2-15 21 1 C 14,265.80
879-0100-00-1340000 100 PN10/16 0.1-2 26 1 C 15,632.30
879-0100-00-1340001 100 PN10/16 0.5-3.5 26 1 C 15,632.30
879-0100-00-1340002 100 PN10/16 1-5 26 1 C 15,632.30
879-0100-00-1340003 100 PN10/16 1.5-3.5 26 1 C 15,632.30
879-0100-00-1340004 100 PN10/16 1.5-10 26 1 C 15,632.30
879-0100-00-1340005 100 PN10/16 2-15 26 1 C 15,632.30
879-0125-00-1340000 125 PN10/16 0.1-2 31 1 C 22,377.60
879-0125-00-1340001 125 PN10/16 0.5-3.5 31 1 C 22,377.60
879-0125-00-1340002 125 PN10/16 1-5 31 1 C 22,377.60
879-0125-00-1340003 125 PN10/16 1.5-3.5 31 1 C 22,377.60
879-0125-00-1340004 125 PN10/16 1.5-10 31 1 C 22,377.60
879-0125-00-1340005 125 PN10/16 2-15 31 1 C 22,377.60
879-0150-00-1340000 150 PN10/16 0.1-2 73 1 C 24,577.60
879-0150-00-1340001 150 PN10/16 0.5-3.5 73 1 C 24,577.60
879-0150-00-1340002 150 PN10/16 1-5 73 1 C 24,577.60
879-0150-00-1340003 150 PN10/16 1.5-3.5 73 1 C 24,577.60
879-0150-00-1340004 150 PN10/16 1.5-10 73 1 C 24,577.60
879-0150-00-1340005 150 PN10/16 2-15 73 1 C 24,577.60
879-0200-00-0340000 200 PN10 0.1-2 87 1 C 35,674.30
879-0200-00-0340001 200 PN10 0.5-3.5 87 1 C 35,674.30
879-0200-00-0340002 200 PN10 1-5 87 1 C 35,674.30
879-0200-00-0340003 200 PN10 1.5-3.5 87 1 C 35,674.30
879-0200-00-0340004 200 PN10 1.5-10 87 1 C 35,674.30
879-0200-00-1340000 200 PN16 0.1-2 87 1 C 35,674.30
879-0200-00-1340001 200 PN16 0.5-3.5 87 1 C 35,674.30
879-0200-00-1340002 200 PN16 1-5 87 1 C 35,674.30
879-0200-00-1340003 200 PN16 1.5-3.5 87 1 C 35,674.30
879-0200-00-1340004 200 PN16 1.5-10 87 1 C 35,674.30
879-0200-00-1340005 200 PN16 2-15 87 1 C 35,674.30
879-0250-00-0340000 250 PN10 0.1-2 144 1 C 53,526.00
879-0250-00-0340001 250 PN10 0.5-3.5 144 1 C 53,526.00
879-0250-00-0340002 250 PN10 1-5 144 1 C 53,526.00
879-0250-00-0340003 250 PN10 1.5-3.5 144 1 C 53,526.00
879-0250-00-0340004 250 PN10 1.5-10 144 1 C 53,526.00
879-0250-00-1340000 250 PN16 0.1-2 144 1 C 53,526.00
879-0250-00-1340001 250 PN16 0.5-3.5 144 1 C 53,526.00
879-0250-00-1340002 250 PN16 1-5 144 1 C 53,526.00
879-0250-00-1340003 250 PN16 1.5-3.5 144 1 C 53,526.00
879-0250-00-1340004 250 PN16 1.5-10 144 1 C 53,526.00
879-0250-00-1340005 250 PN16 2-15 144 1 C 53,526.00
879-0300-00-0340000 300 PN10 0.1-2 203 1 C 72,666.60
879-0300-00-0340001 300 PN10 0.5-3.5 203 1 C 72,666.60
879-0300-00-0340002 300 PN10 1-5 203 1 C 72,666.60
879-0300-00-0340003 300 PN10 1.5-3.5 203 1 C 72,666.60
879-0300-00-0340004 300 PN10 1.5-10 203 1 C 72,666.60
879-0300-00-1340000 300 PN16 0.1-2 203 1 C 72,666.60
879-0300-00-1340001 300 PN16 0.5-3.5 203 1 C 72,666.60
879-0300-00-1340002 300 PN16 1-5 203 1 C 72,666.60
879-0300-00-1340003 300 PN16 1.5-3.5 203 1 C 72,666.60
879-0300-00-1340004 300 PN16 1.5-10 203 1 C 72,666.60
879-0300-00-1340005 300 PN16 2-15 203 1 C 72,666.60

20 Products for Water Supply

879/001X-001 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Pilot range Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Control valve, pressure mm drilling bar weight / kg pallet code MYR
sustaining upstream, reduced
bore, AISI 304 fittings, for 879-0065-00-1340010 65 PN10/16 1-5 17 1 C 13,829.70
drinking water and other 879-0065-00-1340011 65 PN10/16 2-15 17 1 C 13,829.70
neutral liquids up to 80°C 879-0080-00-1340010 80 PN10/16 1-5 21 1 C 15,118.70
Face-to-face dimension 879-0080-00-1340011 80 PN10/16 2-15 21 1 C 15,118.70
according to EN 558 Table 2 879-0100-00-1340010 100 PN10/16 1-5 26 1 C 16,485.20
Basic Series 1
879-0100-00-1340011 100 PN10/16 2-15 26 1 C 16,485.20
Ductile iron
879-0125-00-1340010 125 PN10/16 1-5 31 1 C 23,230.40
EPDM rubber
879-0125-00-1340011 125 PN10/16 2-15 31 1 C 23,230.40
Epoxy Coating
879-0150-00-1340010 150 PN10/16 1-5 73 1 C 25,430.40
879-0150-00-1340011 150 PN10/16 2-15 73 1 C 25,430.40
879-0200-00-0340010 200 PN10 1-5 87 1 C 36,536.80
879-0200-00-1340010 200 PN16 1-5 87 1 C 36,536.80
879-0200-00-1340011 200 PN16 2-15 87 1 C 36,536.80
879-0250-00-0340010 250 PN10 1-5 144 1 C 54,388.50
879-0250-00-1340010 250 PN16 1-5 144 1 C 54,388.50
879-0250-00-1340011 250 PN16 2-15 144 1 C 54,388.50
879-0300-00-0340010 300 PN10 1-5 203 1 C 73,519.50
879-0300-00-1340010 300 PN16 1-5 203 1 C 73,519.50
879-0300-00-1340011 300 PN16 2-15 203 1 C 73,519.50

879/002X-001 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Control valve for constant mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
flow, reduced bore, AISI 304
fittings, for drinking water and 879-0065-00-1340020 65 PN10/16 17 1 C 18,278.10
other neutral liquids up to 879-0080-00-1340020 80 PN10/16 21 1 C 19,702.80
80°C 879-0100-00-1340020 100 PN10/16 26 1 C 21,398.80
Face-to-face dimension 879-0125-00-1340020 125 PN10/16 31 1 C 28,434.80
according to EN 558 Table 2 879-0150-00-1340020 150 PN10/16 73 1 C 31,070.80
Basic Series 1
879-0200-00-0340020 200 PN10 87 1 C 43,117.30
Ductile iron
879-0200-00-1340020 200 PN16 87 1 C 43,117.30
EPDM rubber
879-0250-00-0340020 250 PN10 144 1 C 62,161.10
Epoxy Coating
879-0250-00-1340020 250 PN16 144 1 C 62,161.10
879-0300-00-0340020 300 PN10 203 1 C 82,716.70
879-0300-00-1340020 300 PN16 203 1 C 82,716.70

910/21-001 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Y-strainer with SS screen mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension
according to EN 558 Table 2 910-0050-21-011020004 50 PN10/16 8.4 20 C 669.00
Ductile iron 910-0065-21-011020004 65 PN10/16 11 20 C 774.00
EPDM rubber 910-0080-21-011020004 80 PN10/16 14 12 C 874.90
Fusion bonded epoxy coating 910-0100-21-011020004 100 PN10/16 18 9 C 1,131.30
to DIN 3476-1 and EN 910-0125-21-011020004 125 PN10/16 26 6 C 1,569.20
14901, GSK approved 910-0150-21-011020004 150 PN10/16 35 4 C 2,064.50
910-0200-21-011020004 200 PN16 60 2 C 3,764.40
910-0200-21-311020004 200 PN10 60 2 C 3,728.80
910-0250-21-011020004 250 PN16 97 2 C 5,899.90
910-0250-21-311020004 250 PN10 97 2 C 5,836.00
910-0300-21-011020004 300 PN16 142 1 C 8,459.20
910-0300-21-311020004 300 PN10 142 1 C 8,376.80

764/01-002 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
FL x FL mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension
according to EN 558 Table 2 764-065-01-1406400000 65 PN16 15 C 4,886.30
Basic Series 3 764-080-01-1406400000 80 PN16 21 C 5,103.10
Ductile iron 764-100-01-1406400000 100 PN16 29 C 6,055.20
EPDM rubber 764-150-01-1406400000 150 PN16 45 C 8,370.90
Fusion bonded epoxy coating 764-200-01-1406400000 200 PN16 76 C 12,102.70
to DIN 3476-1 and EN 764-250-01-1406400000 250 PN16 115 C 15,781.20
14901, GSK approved 764-300-01-1406400000 300 PN16 167 C 20,384.60
Clockwise to Close

Products for Water Supply 21

764/01-006 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension
according to EN 558 Table 2 764-065-01-1406400020 65 PN16 25 C 6,169.30
Basic Series 3 764-080-01-1406400020 80 PN16 31 C 6,402.30
Ductile iron 764-100-01-1406400020 100 PN16 39 C 7,342.60
EPDM rubber 764-150-01-1406400020 150 PN16 61 C 10,645.70
Clockwise to Close 764-200-01-1406400020 200 PN16 101 C 15,281.10
764-250-01-1406400020 250 PN16 172 C 21,032.90
764-300-01-1406400020 300 PN16 224 C 27,695.00

258/30-006 AVK ref. no. DN DP Nom. O.D. Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Dedicated Fabricated mm mm weight / kg pallet code
Coupling for Ductile Iron MYR
pipes 258-30-0378-10 350 378 29
Mild steel zinc plated & 258-30-0429-10 400 429 32 C 2,094.10
passivated fasteners
258-30-0480-10 450 480 35 C 2,258.30
WRAS approved materials
EPDM seals 258-30-0532-10 500 532 39 C 2,484.50
Epoxy coated according to 258-30-0635-10 600 635 44 C 2,601.20
WIS 4-52-01 class b 258-30-0738-10 700 738 50 C 2,810.30
Reg 31 compliant 258-30-0842-10 800 842 58 C 2,953.50
Steel 258-30-0945-10 900 945 62 C 3,166.90
EPDM rubber 258-30-1048-10 1000 1048 68 C 3,434.70
Epoxy coated according to 258-30-1152-10 1100 1152 74 C 3,434.70
WIS 4-52-01 class B
258-30-1255-10 1200 1255 81 C 3,707.00
258-30-1462-10 1400 1462 132
258-30-1668-10 1600 1668 172

258/30-007 AVK ref. no. DN DP Nom. O.D. Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Dedicated coupling for Cast mm mm weight / kg pallet code MYR
Iron AB pipes - ZP fasteners
Steel 258-30-0387-10 350 387 30 C 1,936.50
EPDM rubber 258-30-0439-10 400 439 33 C 2,094.10
Epoxy coated according to 258-30-0492-10 450 492 37 C 2,258.30
WIS 4-52-01 class B 258-30-0545-10 500 545 39 C 2,484.50
258-30-0650-10 600 650 46 C 2,601.20
258-30-0729-10 700 729 51 1 C 2,810.30
258-30-0807-10 800 807 56 C 2,953.50
258-30-0964-10 900 964 70 C 3,166.90
258-30-1121-10 1000 1121 80 C 3,434.70
258-30-1277-10 1200 1277 91 C 3,707.00

258/30-008 AVK ref. no. DN DP Nom. O.D. Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Dedicated coupling for Cast mm mm weight / kg pallet code MYR
Iron CD pipes - ZP fasteners
Steel 258-30-0399-10 350 399 30 C 1,936.50
EPDM rubber 258-30-0453-10 400 453 34 C 2,094.10
Epoxy coated according to 258-30-0507-10 500 507 37 C 2,258.30
WIS 4-52-01 class B 258-30-0560-10 500 560 40 C 2,484.50
258-30-0667-10 600 667 47 C 2,601.20
258-30-0747-10 700 747 52 C 2,810.30
258-30-0826-10 750 826 57 C 2,953.50
258-30-0985-10 900 985 64 C 3,166.90
258-30-1143-10 1000 1143 82 C 3,434.70
258-30-1300-10 1200 1300 92 C 3,707.00

260/30-001 AVK ref. no. DN Product Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Flange adaptor for DI pipes mm PN Class weight / kg pallet code
Steel 260-30-0532-1004 500 PN16 53
EPDM rubber 260-30-0635-1005 600 PN16 67
Epoxy coated according to 260-30-1048-1009 1000 PN16 105
WIS 4-52-01 class B 260-30-1255-1011 1200 PN16 173

22 Products for Water Supply

260/30-006 AVK ref. no. DN Product Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Flange adaptor for CI/AB mm PN Class weight / kg pallet code MYR
pipes PN16
Steel 260-30-0387-100008 350 PN16 40 C 2,579.30
EPDM rubber 260-30-0439-100208 400 PN16 51 C 2,924.80
Epoxy coated according to 260-30-0492-100310 450 PN16 59 C 3,370.20
WIS 4-52-01 class B

265/50-001 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Dismantling joint with tie rods mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
& centre flange
Ductile iron 265-50-0050-11 50 PN10/16 13 C 1,793.60
EPDM rubber 265-50-0065-11 65 PN10/16 16 C 1,887.90
Epoxy coated according to 265-50-0080-11 80 PN10/16 20 C 1,998.50
WIS 4-52-01 class B 265-50-0100-11 100 PN10/16 25 C 2,096.10
265-50-0125-11 125 PN10/16 29 C 2,217.50
265-50-0150-11 150 PN10/16 36 C 2,499.30
265-50-0200-01 200 PN10 52 C 3,036.40
265-50-0200-11 200 PN16 56 C 3,036.40
265-50-0250-01 250 PN10 73 C 3,184.30
265-50-0250-11 250 PN16 78 C 3,184.30

265/50-002 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Dismantling joint with tie rods mm drilling weight / kg pallet code
& centre flange MYR
Steel 265-50-0300-01 300 PN10 72 C 3,454.60
EPDM rubber 265-50-0300-11 300 PN16 85 C 3,454.60
Epoxy coated according to 265-50-0350-01 350 PN10 93 C 3,900.60
WIS 4-52-01 class B 265-50-0350-11 350 PN16 115 C 3,900.60
265-50-0400-01 400 PN10 127 C 4,855.30
265-50-0400-11 400 PN16 156 C 4,855.30
265-50-0450-01 450 PN10 172 C 5,798.50
265-50-0450-11 450 PN16 213 C 5,798.50
265-50-0500-01 500 PN10 181 C 6,609.40
265-50-0500-11 500 PN16 273 C 6,609.40
265-50-0600-01 600 PN10 210 C 8,160.30
265-50-0600-11 600 PN16 342 C 8,160.30
265-50-0700-01 700 PN10 268 C 10,876.60
265-50-0700-11 700 PN16 342 C 10,876.60
265-50-0800-01 800 PN10 405 C 13,600.10
265-50-0800-11 800 PN16 499 C 13,600.10
265-50-1000-01 1000 PN10 688 C 21,902.30
265-50-1000-11 1000 PN16 900 C 21,902.30
265-50-1200-01 1200 PN10 880 C 31,010.40
265-50-1200-11 1200 PN16 1032 C 31,010.40
265-50-1400-01 1400 PN10 1230 C 38,434.00
265-50-1400-11 1400 PN16 1518 C 38,434.00
265-50-1600-01 1600 PN10 1497 C 51,244.50
265-50-1600-11 1600 PN16 1823 C 51,244.50
265-50-1800-11 1800 PN16 2100

Products for Water Supply 23

729/A1-001 AVK ref. no. Pipe diam. L Product Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Single band repair clamp, mm mm PN Class weight / kg pallet code
EPDM, ribs, stainless steel MYR
304 729-A1-0052-010206002G 48-52 150 PN16 1.5 1 A 220.90
729-A1-0052-020206002G 48-52 200 PN16 1.8 1 A 210.80
729-A1-0058-010206002G 54-58 150 PN16 1.5 1 A 227.60
729-A1-0067-010206002G 60-67 150 PN16 1.2 1 A 228.40
729-A1-0067-020206002G 60-67 200 PN16 1.8 1 A 220.80
729-A1-0067-030206002G 60-67 250 PN16 2.5 1 A 286.80
729-A1-0067-040206002G 60-67 300 PN16 2.8 1 A 362.20
729-A1-0089-010206002G 82-89 150 PN16 2.3 1 A 241.50
729-A1-0094-010206002G 87-94 150 PN16 1.6 1 A 247.10
729-A1-0094-030206002G 87-94 250 PN16 2.0 1 A 367.30
729-A1-0094-040206002G 87-94 300 PN16 2.5 1 A 410.00
729-A1-0102-040206002G 92-102 300 PN16 2.0 1 A 422.20
729-A1-0105-040206002G 95-105 300 PN16 2.1 1 A 422.70
729-A1-0116-010206002G 106-116 150 PN16 2.1 1 A 269.70
729-A1-0116-030206002G 106-116 250 PN16 2.2 1 A 387.40
729-A1-0116-040206002G 106-116 300 PN16 2.3 1 A 435.60
729-A1-0118-040206002G 108-118 300 PN16 2.1 1 A 436.10
729-A1-0122-010206002G 112-122 150 PN16 2.2
729-A1-0123-010206002G 113-123 150 PN16 2.0 1 A 270.70
729-A1-0125-020206002G 115-125 200 PN16 2.1 1 A 313.40
729-A1-0131-020206002G 121-131 200 PN16 2.1 1 A 321.10
729-A1-0131-040206002G 121-131 300 PN16 2.2 1 A 449.30
729-A1-0135-040206002G 125-135 300 PN16 2.1 1 A 463.80
729-A1-0161-020206002G 151-161 200 PN16 2.2 1 A 347.70
729-A1-0170-030206002G 160-170 250 PN16 2.5 1 A 442.70
729-A1-0170-040206002G 160-170 300 PN16 2.1 1 A 500.50
729-A1-0170-050206002G 160-170 400 PN16 2.3 1 A 642.70
729-A1-0175-020206002G 165-175 200 PN16 2.4 1 A 363.70
729-A1-0175-040206002G 165-175 300 PN16 2.5 1 A 522.20
729-A1-0175-050206002G 165-175 400 PN16 2.1 1 A 658.10
729-A1-0180-010206002G 170-180 150 PN16 2.5 1 A 308.80
729-A1-0180-020206002G 170-180 200 PN16 2.0 1 A 373.90
729-A1-0180-050206002G 170-180 400 PN16 2.0 1 A 660.10
729-A1-0184-040206002G 174-184 300 PN16 2.1 1 A 525.30
729-A1-0186-020206002G 176-186 200 PN16 2.1 1 A 372.40
729-A1-0196-020206002G 186-196 200 PN16 2.4 1 A 383.70
729-A1-0225-040206002G 215-225 300 PN16 2.4 1 A 581.40
729-A1-0229-040206002G 219-229 300 PN16 2.6 1 A 597.90
729-A1-0233-020206002G 223-233 200 PN16 2.3 1 A 417.90
729-A1-0263-040206002G 253-263 300 PN16 2.5 1 A 640.90
729-A1-0267-040208002G 257-267 300 PN16 2.5 1 A 646.90
729-A1-0280-040208002G 270-280 300 PN16 2.6 1 A 663.40
729-A1-0280-050208002G 270-280 400 PN16 2.8 1 A 856.40
729-A1-0283-030208002G 273-283 250 PN16 2.6 1 A 560.90
729-A1-0288-020208002G 278-288 200 PN16 2.6 1 A 472.80
729-A1-0288-050208002G 278-288 400 PN16 2.9 1 A 872.20
729-A1-0291-020208002G 280-291 200 PN16 2.5 1 A 485.70
729-A1-0291-040208002G 280-291 300 PN16 2.9 1 A 682.60
729-A1-0325-030208002G 315-325 250 PN16 2.5 1 A 641.30
729-A1-0330-040208002G 320-330 300 PN16 2.8 1 A 739.20
729-A1-0344-030208002G 334-344 250 PN16 2.8 1 A 661.80
729-A1-0344-040208002G 334-344 300 PN16 3.0 1 A 945.40
729-A1-0350-030208002G 340-350 250 PN16 2.9 1 A 663.30
729-A1-0350-040208002G 340-350 300 PN16 3.1 1 A 763.80

24 Products for Water Supply

729/D2-001 AVK ref. no. Pipe diam. Product L Flange DN Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Double band repair clamp, mm PN Class mm weight / kg pallet code
EPDM, ribs, stainless steel MYR
304 with flanged outlet 729-D2-0128-0402067F2G 108-128 PN16 300 100 10 1 A 1,620.00
729-D2-0185-0402067F2G 165-185 PN16 300 100 11 1 A 1,685.00
729-D2-0185-0502067H2G 165-185 PN16 400 150 15 1 A 2,425.50
729-D2-0196-0602067H2G 176-196 PN16 500 150 16 1 A 2,652.50
729-D2-0238-0502067F2G 218-238 PN16 400 100 13 1 A 1,991.40
729-D2-0238-0502067H2G 218-238 PN16 400 150 15 1 A 2,480.80
729-D2-0238-0602066K2G 218-238 PN16 500 200 17 1 A 3,326.40
729-D2-0270-0502087F2G 250-270 PN16 400 100 16 1 A 2,107.50
729-D2-0270-0602087H2G 250-270 PN16 500 150 18 1 A 2,854.10
729-D2-0270-0702086K2G 250-270 PN16 600 200 19 1 A 3,787.10
729-D2-0293-0602087F2G 273-293 PN16 500 100 19 1 A 2,468.00
729-D2-0293-0702087F2G 273-293 PN16 600 100 21 1 A 2,836.40
729-D2-0335-0502087B1G 315-335 PN10 400 50 20 1 A 1,900.00
729-D2-0344-0602086K2G 324-344 PN16 500 200 26 1 A 3,732.80
729-D2-0344-0602087F2G 324-344 PN16 500 100 19 1 A 2,631.80
729-D2-0344-0602087H2G 324-344 PN16 500 150 22 1 A 3,121.10
729-D2-0344-0602087K2G 324-344 PN16 500 200 - 1 A 4,075.70
729-D2-0344-0702086P2G 324-344 PN10 600 300 26 1 A 6,143.50
729-D2-0358-0602086K2G 338-358 PN16 500 200 39 1 A 3,728.00
729-D2-0358-0602087H2G 338-358 PN16 500 150 37 1 A 3,147.40
729-D2-0385-0602087B2G 365-385 PN16 500 50 36
729-D2-0385-0602087H2G 365-385 PN16 500 150 38 1 A 3,233.80
729-D2-0430-0702086K1G 410-430 PN10 600 200 40 1 A 4,454.90
729-D2-0488-0602086K1G 468-488 PN10 500 200 45 1 A 4,101.50
729-D2-0488-0602087F2G 468-488 PN16 500 100 47 1 A 3,004.30
729-D2-0488-0602087H1G 468-488 PN10 500 150 48 1 A 3,489.80
729-D2-0536-0602087F1G 516-536 PN10 500 100 49 1 A 3,167.10
729-D2-0536-0602087F2G 516-536 PN16 500 100 50 1 A 3,167.10
729-D2-0536-0602087H1G 516-536 PN10 500 150 50 1 A 3,656.40
729-D2-0536-0602087H2G 516-536 PN10 500 150 50 1 A 3,654.30
729-D2-0536-0702086P1G 516-536 PN10 600 300 53 1 A 6,601.00

729/E1-001 AVK ref. no. Pipe diam. W L Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Element for use with mm mm mm weight / kg pallet code
constructing repair clamps,
stainless steel AISI 304 and 729-E1-0300-040208001G 81-91 300 300 2.3
EPDM 729-E1-0320-040208001G 92-102 300 320 2.3
729-E1-0350-040208001G 101-111 300 350 2.4
729-E1-0380-040208001G 111-121 300 380 2.4
729-E1-0410-040208001G 121-131 300 410 2.5
729-E1-0440-040208001G 130-140 300 440 2.6
729-E1-0470-040208001G 140-150 300 470 2.7
729-E1-0500-040208001G 149-161 300 500 2.9
729-E1-0540-040208001G 162-172 300 540 2.8
729-E1-0640-040208001G 194-204 300 640 3.1

05/E-010 AVK ref. no. DN Pipe diam. Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Support bush for PE pipes. mm mm pallet code MYR
Stainless steel
05-063-5-30001 50 63 A 129.60
05-075-5-30001 65 75 A 131.30
05-090-5-30001 80 90 A 163.50
05-110-7-30001 100 110 A 143.40
05-125-7-30001 125 125 A 143.60
05-160-7-30001 150 160 A 164.50
05-180-7-30001 150 180 A 171.30
05-200-7-30001 200 200 A 178.30
05-225-7-30001 200 225 A 188.90
05-250-7-30001 250 250 A 197.10
05-280-7-30001 250 280 A 206.70
05-315-7-30001 300 315 A 217.50

Products for Water Supply 25

05/E-011 AVK ref. no. DN Pipe diam. Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Support bush for PE pipes. mm mm pallet code MYR
Stainless steel
05-063-5-40001 50 63 A 129.00
05-075-5-40001 65 75 A 130.60
05-090-5-40001 80 90 A 161.50
05-110-7-40001 100 110 A 142.20
05-125-7-40001 125 125 A 142.20
05-140-7-40001 125 140 A 147.20
05-160-7-40001 150 160 A 161.70
05-180-7-40001 150 180 A 168.50
05-200-7-40001 200 200 A 174.80
05-225-7-40001 200 225 A 184.80
05-250-7-40001 250 250 A 192.50
05-280-7-40001 250 280 A 201.50
05-315-7-40001 300 315 A 211.70

05/E-013 AVK ref. no. DN Pipe diam. Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
mm mm pallet code MYR
Stainless steel
05-063-5-40011 50 63 A 135.10
05-075-5-40011 65 75 A 137.30
05-090-5-40011 80 90 A 172.50
05-110-7-40011 100 110 A 152.60
05-125-7-40011 125 125 A 153.40
05-140-7-40011 125 140 A 159.30
05-160-7-40011 150 160 A 181.10
05-180-7-40011 150 180 A 190.00
05-200-7-40011 200 200 A 80.80
05-225-7-40011 200 225 A 212.30
05-250-7-40011 250 250 A 222.70
05-280-7-40011 250 280 A 235.00
05-315-7-40011 300 315 A 248.80

04/15-002 AVK ref. no. Valve Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
T-key for gate valves DN mm weight / kg pallet code MYR
04-300-49-94100 50 - 300 7.0 1 C 788.50
04-300-49-94150 50 - 300 8.9 1 C 860.20
04-300-49-94200 50 - 300 11 1 C 931.90
04-300-49-94250 50 - 300 13 1 C 1,003.60
04-300-49-94300 50 - 300 15 1 C 1,075.30
04-400-50-94100 350 - 400 7.4 1 C 824.40
04-400-50-94150 350 - 400 9.3 1 C 896.10
04-400-50-94200 350 - 400 11 1 C 967.70
04-400-50-94250 350 - 400 13 1 C 1,039.40
04-400-50-94300 350 - 400 15 1 C 1,111.10

04/Z-001 AVK ref. no. A D Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price

mm mm weight / kg pallet code MYR
04-89-01-01-000004 25.4 90 32 1 C 3,046.60
04-89-01-02-000004 25.4 165 22 1 C 3,046.60
04-89-01-03-000004 25.4 165 22 1 C 3,046.60
04-89-01-04-000004 25.4 175 23 1 C 3,046.60
04-89-01-05-000004 25.4 210 25 1 C 3,046.60
04-89-01-06-000004 25.4 300 34 1 C 3,046.60
04-89-01-07-000004 38.1 90 43 1 C 3,046.60
04-89-01-08-000004 38.1 165 27 1 C 3,046.60
04-89-01-09-000004 38.1 165 27 1 C 3,046.60
04-89-01-10-000004 38.1 175 28 1 C 3,046.60
04-89-01-11-000004 38.1 210 30 1 C 3,046.60
04-89-01-12-000004 38.1 300 39 1 C 3,046.60

26 Products for Water Supply

04/Z-002 AVK ref. no. Valve Connection Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
DN mm weight / kg pallet code MYR
04-89-03-01-000001 - 1 4.2 1 C 820.80
04-89-03-01-000002 50 - 300 2 4.9 1 C 910.40
04-89-03-01-000003 350 - 400 2 5.1 1 C 1,089.60
04-89-03-02-000001 - 1 5.0 1 C 832.60
04-89-03-02-000002 50 - 300 2 5.7 1 C 922.20
04-89-03-02-000003 350 - 400 2 5.9 1 C 1,101.40
04-89-03-03-000001 - 1 6.2 1 C 850.50
04-89-03-03-000002 50 - 300 2 6.8 1 C 940.10
04-89-03-03-000003 350 - 400 2 7.1 1 C 1,119.40
04-89-03-04-000001 - 1 8.1 1 C 879.90
04-89-03-04-000002 50 - 300 2 8.8 1 C 969.50
04-89-03-04-000003 350 - 400 2 9.0 1 C 1,148.70
04-89-03-05-000001 - 1 10 1 C 909.70
04-89-03-05-000002 50 - 300 2 11 1 C 999.30
04-89-03-05-000003 350 - 400 2 11 1 C 1,178.50
04-89-03-06-000001 - 1 12 1 C 939.10
04-89-03-06-000002 50 - 300 2 13 1 C 1,028.70
04-89-03-06-000003 350 - 400 2 13 1 C 1,207.90
04-89-03-07-000001 - 1 9.3 1 C 911.10
04-89-03-07-000002 50 - 300 2 9.9 1 C 1,000.70
04-89-03-07-000003 350 - 400 2 10 1 C 1,179.90
04-89-03-08-000001 - 1 11 1 C 940.90
04-89-03-08-000002 50 - 300 2 12 1 C 1,030.50
04-89-03-08-000003 350 - 400 2 12 1 C 1,209.70
04-89-03-09-000001 - 1 14 1 C 985.70
04-89-03-09-000002 50 - 300 2 14 1 C 1,075.30
04-89-03-09-000003 350 - 400 2 15 1 C 1,254.50
04-89-03-10-000001 - 1 19 1 C 1,060.60
04-89-03-10-000002 50 - 300 2 19 1 C 1,150.20
04-89-03-10-000003 350 - 400 2 19 1 C 1,329.40
04-89-03-11-000001 - 1 23 1 C 1,135.10
04-89-03-11-000002 50 - 300 2 23 1 C 1,224.70
04-89-03-11-000003 350 - 400 2 24 1 C 1,403.90
04-89-03-12-000001 - 1 27 1 C 1,210.00
04-89-03-12-000002 50 - 300 2 28 1 C 1,299.60
04-89-03-12-000003 350 - 400 2 28 1 C 1,478.90

08/A-004 AVK ref. no. DN/DN D F Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Handwheel assembled with mm mm weight / kg pallet code MYR
bolt and washer
Cast Iron 08-050-01-000 40 - 50 180 14 1.5 A 62.00
AVK coating standard 08-080-02-000 65 - 80 225 17 1.5 A 95.80
08-100-01-000 100 - 100 280 19 2.8 A 133.80
Clockwise to Close
08-150-02-000 125 - 150 320 19 3.6 A 177.20
08-200-01-000 200 - 200 360 24 5.3 A 257.80
08-250-02-000 250 - 300 500 27 8.6 A 387.80
08-400-01-000 (1) 350 - 500 640 32 15 A 611.30
(1) Square stem

Products for Water Supply 27

02/20-021 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Flanged gate valve mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension
according to EN 558 Table 2 02-050-20-014649 50 PN10/16 10 25 C 854.50
Basic Series 3 02-080-20-014649 80 PN10/16 15 22 C 854.50
Ductile iron 02-100-20-014649 100 PN10/16 17 18 C 1,283.50
EPDM rubber, WRAS, W270 02-150-20-014649 150 PN10/16 32 12 C 2,261.20
appr. 02-200-20-004649 200 PN10 51 6 C 3,474.60
Fusion bonded epoxy coating 02-200-20-014649 200 PN16 51 6 C 3,474.60
to DIN 3476-1 and EN
02-250-20-004649 250 PN10 85 6 C 5,571.40
14901, GSK approved
02-250-20-014649 250 PN16 82 6 C 5,571.40
Clockwise to Close
02-300-20-004647 300 PN10 128 3 C 7,254.60
02-300-20-014647 300 PN16 128 3 C 7,254.60
02-350-20-004647 350 PN10 182
02-350-20-014647 350 PN16 214 1 C 16,247.70
02-400-20-004647 400 PN10 192 2 C 15,647.90
02-400-20-014647 400 PN16 221 1 C 16,720.40

21/36-002 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Resilient seat gate valve, mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
stem cap
Face-to-face dimension 21-050-36-2142064 50 PN10/16 14 30 A 836.70
according to EN 558 Table 2 21-065-36-2142064 65 PN10/16 16 30 C 925.80
Basic Series 3 21-080-36-2142064 80 PN10/16 17 22 A 883.00
Ductile iron 21-100-36-2142064 100 PN10/16 19 18 A 961.40
EPDM rubber, WRAS, W270 21-150-36-2142064 150 PN10/16 34 12 A 1,644.50
appr. 21-200-36-2042064 200 PN10 52 6 C 2,412.80
Fusion bonded epoxy coating 21-200-36-2142064 200 PN16 52 6 A 2,412.80
to DIN 3476-1 and EN 21-250-36-2042064 250 PN10 85 6 B 4,090.00
14901, GSK approved
21-250-36-2142064 250 PN16 84 6 A 4,090.00
Clockwise to Close 21-300-36-2042064 300 PN10 117 4 B 5,382.60
21-300-36-2142064 300 PN16 116 4 A 5,382.60
21-350-36-2042064 350 PN10 179 2 C 10,789.40
21-350-36-2142064 350 PN16 212 2 A 10,789.40
21-400-36-2042064 400 PN10 189 2 C 11,208.90
21-400-36-2142064 400 PN16 217 2 A 11,208.90

21/38-001 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Resilient seated gate valve mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension
according to EN 558 Table 2 21-050-38-0140064 50 PN10/16 14 25 C 1,135.80
Basic Series 3 21-065-38-0140064 65 PN10/16 16 22 C 1,301.40
Ductile iron 21-080-38-0140064 80 PN10/16 17 22 C 1,290.30
EPDM rubber 21-100-38-0140064 100 PN10/16 19 18 C 1,389.30
Fusion bonded epoxy coating 21-150-38-0140064 150 PN10/16 35 12 C 2,313.90
to DIN 3476-1 and EN 21-200-38-0040064 200 PN10 53 6 C 3,435.70
14901, GSK approved 21-200-38-0140064 200 PN16 53 6 C 3,438.10
Clockwise to Close 21-350-38-0040064 350 PN10 178 2 C 15,910.60
21-350-38-0140064 350 PN16 211 2 C 17,340.60
21-400-38-0040064 400 PN10 188 2 C 16,735.40
21-400-38-0140064 400 PN16 217 2 C 17,996.90

Products for Waste Water 29

21/46-001 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Flanged gate valve with rising mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension 21-050-46-014 50 PN10/16 19 24 C 1,624.40
according to EN 558 Table 2 21-065-46-014 65 PN10/16 23 24 C 1,743.20
Basic Series 3 21-080-46-014 80 PN10/16 25 18 C 1,742.00
Ductile iron 21-100-46-014 100 PN10/16 39 12 C 2,365.00
EPDM rubber, WRAS, W270 21-125-46-014 125 PN10/16 45 8 C 3,599.30
appr. 21-150-46-014 150 PN10/16 63 8 C 3,783.00
AVK coating standard 21-200-46-004 200 PN10 97 5 C 5,541.10
Clockwise to Close 21-200-46-014 200 PN16 97 5 C 5,539.40
21-250-46-004 250 PN10 157 3 C 8,492.20
21-250-46-014 250 PN16 157 3 C 8,492.20
21-300-46-004 300 PN10 238 3 C 11,615.90
21-300-46-014 300 PN16 238 3 C 11,615.90
21-350-46-004 350 PN10 320 2 C 25,875.60
21-350-46-014 350 PN16 320 2 C 25,877.30
21-400-46-014 400 PN16 360 2 C 27,174.60

21/60-004 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Resilient seat PN25 gate mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
valve to BS standard with
replaceable stem seal and 21-050-60-074 50 PN25 17 25 C 1,350.90
stainless steel stem. For 21-065-60-074 65 PN25 18 22 C 1,403.20
drinking water and other 21-080-60-074 80 PN25 18 22 C 1,483.30
neutral liquids to max. 70°C 21-100-60-074 100 PN25 29 15 C 2,817.50
Face-to-face dimension 21-150-60-074 150 PN25 51 10 C 3,408.70
according to EN 558 Table 2
Basic Series 3 21-200-60-074 200 PN25 81 6 C 5,214.40
21-250-60-074 250 PN25 140 6 C 8,155.70
Ductile iron
21-300-60-074 300 PN25 188 4 C 11,265.80
EPDM rubber wedge, WRAS
appr. 21-350-60-074 350 PN25 296 2 C 24,833.70
Fusion bonded epoxy to DIN 21-400-60-074 400 PN25 320 2 C 27,524.10
3476-1 and EN 14901
Clockwise to Close

55/30-021 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Flanged gate valve mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension
according to EN 558 Table 2 55-800-30-01464 800 PN16 2460 1 C 187,361.70
Basic Series 15
Ductile iron
EPDM rubber, WRAS, W270
Fusion bonded epoxy coating
to DIN 3476-1 and EN
14901, GSK approved
Clockwise to Close

55/66-001 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Flanged gate valve mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension
according to EN 558 Table 2 55-450-66-00464 450 PN10 450 1 C 29,799.90
Basic Series 3 55-450-66-01464 450 PN16 496 1 A 30,152.10
Ductile iron 55-500-66-00464 500 PN10 467 1 C 29,195.10
EPDM rubber, WRAS, W270 55-500-66-01464 500 PN16 531 1 A 31,058.40
appr. 55-600-66-00464 600 PN10 658 1 C 36,663.50
AVK coating standard 55-600-66-01464 600 PN16 757 1 A 41,080.00
Clockwise to Close

30 Products for Waste Water

55/66-002 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Flanged gate valve with by- mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension 55-450-66-00464H 450 PN10 464 1 C 30,890.00
according to EN 558 Table 2 55-450-66-01464H 450 PN16 512 1 C 31,250.90
Basic Series 3 55-500-66-00464H 500 PN10 481 1 C 30,285.30
Ductile iron 55-500-66-01464H 500 PN16 545 1 C 32,157.10
EPDM rubber, WRAS, W270 55-600-66-00464H 600 PN10 672 1 C 37,753.60
appr. 55-600-66-01464H 600 PN16 771 1 C 42,178.80
AVK coating standard
Clockwise to Close

55/66-003 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Flanged gate valve with stem mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension 55-450-66-0046401 450 PN10 450 1 C 30,028.10
according to EN 558 Table 2 55-450-66-0146401 450 PN16 450 1 B 30,383.60
Basic Series 3 55-500-66-0046401 500 PN10 467 1 C 29,423.40
Ductile iron 55-500-66-0146401 500 PN16 531 1 B 31,289.80
EPDM rubber, WRAS, W270 55-600-66-0046401 600 PN10 658 1 C 36,748.30
appr. 55-600-66-0146401 600 PN16 757 1 B 41,169.20
Fusion bonded epoxy coating
to DIN 3476-1 and EN
14901, GSK approved
Clockwise to Close

55/66-004 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Flanged gate valve with stem mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
cap and hand wheel
Face-to-face dimension 55-450-66-004640C 450 PN10 459 1 C 30,411.00
according to EN 558 Table 2 55-450-66-014640C 450 PN16 505 1 C 30,765.00
Basic Series 3 55-500-66-004640C 500 PN10 476 1 C 29,806.30
Ductile iron 55-500-66-014640C 500 PN16 540 1 C 31,671.30
EPDM rubber, WRAS, W270 55-600-66-004640C 600 PN10 674 1 C 37,354.40
appr. 55-600-66-014640C 600 PN16 773 1 C 41,767.80
Fusion bonded epoxy coating
to DIN 3476-1 and EN
14901, GSK approved
Clockwise to Close

55/66-005 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Flanged gate valve with stem mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
cap an by-pass
Face-to-face dimension 55-450-66-00464H1 450 PN10 464 1 C 31,118.20
according to EN 558 Table 2 55-450-66-01464H1 450 PN16 512 1 C 31,482.40
Basic Series 3 55-500-66-00464H1 500 PN10 481 1 C 30,513.50
Ductile iron 55-500-66-01464H1 500 PN16 545 1 C 32,388.60
EPDM rubber, WRAS, W270 55-600-66-00464H1 600 PN10 672 1 C 37,838.40
appr. 55-600-66-01464H1 600 PN16 771 1 C 42,268.00
Fusion bonded epoxy coating
to DIN 3476-1 and EN
14901, GSK approved
Clockwise to Close

55/66-006 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Flanged gate valve with stem mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
cap, hand wheel and by-pass
Face-to-face dimension 55-450-66-00464HC 450 PN10 473 1 C 31,501.10
according to EN 558 Table 2 55-450-66-01464HC 450 PN16 521 1 C 31,863.80
Basic Series 3 55-500-66-00464HC 500 PN10 489 1 C 30,896.40
Ductile iron 55-500-66-01464HC 500 PN16 554 1 C 32,770.10
EPDM rubber, WRAS, W270 55-600-66-00464HC 600 PN10 688 1 C 38,444.50
appr. 55-600-66-01464HC 600 PN16 787 1 C 42,866.50
Fusion bonded epoxy coating
to DIN 3476-1 and EN
14901, GSK approved
Clockwise to Close

Products for Waste Water 31

55/67-004 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Flanged gate valve mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension
according to EN 558 Table 2 55-1000-67-014464 1000 PN16 3412 1 C 259,397.40
Basic Series 3 55-900-67-0146400001 900 PN16 3342 1 C 248,412.90
Ductile iron
EPDM rubber, WRAS, W270
Fusion bonded epoxy coating
to DIN 3476-1 and EN
14901, GSK approved
Clockwise to Close

41/20-001 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Swing check valve with free mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
shaft end
Face-to-face dimension 41-050-20-018 50 PN10/16 13 20 A 2,378.10
according to EN 558 Table 2 41-080-20-018 80 PN10/16 20 15 A 1,894.20
Basic Series 10 41-100-20-018 100 PN10/16 26 30 A 2,323.00
Ductile iron 41-150-20-018 150 PN10/16 51 16 A 4,256.90
EPDM rubber wedge, WRAS 41-200-20-008 200 PN10 83 6 C 5,945.00
appr. 41-200-20-018 200 PN16 83 6 A 5,940.90
Blue epoxy RAL 5017 250 41-250-20-008 250 PN10 183 2 C 13,745.40
µm 41-250-20-018 250 PN16 183 2 A 14,016.60
41-300-20-008 300 PN10 231 2 C 16,012.00
41-300-20-018 300 PN16 231 2 A 16,091.80

41/22-001 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Swing check valve lever and mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
weight kit
Face-to-face dimension 41-050-22-0180106 50 PN10/16 16 20 C 2,690.60
according to EN 558 Table 2 41-080-22-0180106 80 PN10/16 23 15 C 2,058.40
Basic Series 10 41-100-22-0180106 100 PN10/16 29 30 C 2,581.60
Ductile iron 41-150-22-0180106 150 PN10/16 57 16 C 4,870.10
EPDM rubber wedge, WRAS 41-200-22-0080106 200 PN10 89 6 C 6,823.10
appr. 41-200-22-0180106 200 PN16 89 6 C 6,825.00
Blue epoxy RAL 5017 300 41-250-22-0080106 250 PN10 195 2 C 15,397.40
µm 41-250-22-0180106 250 PN16 195 2 C 15,396.50
41-300-22-0080106 300 PN10 243 2 C 17,351.90
41-300-22-0180106 300 PN16 243 2 C 17,352.10

41/36-001 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Metal seated swing check mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
valve with lever and weight
Face-to-face dimension 41-350-36-00800 350 PN10 337 1 C 28,679.40
according to EN 558 Table 2 41-350-36-01800 350 PN16 339 1 C 30,088.40
Basic Series 48 41-400-36-00800 400 PN10 447 1 C 35,016.30
Ductile iron 41-400-36-01800 400 PN16 447 1 C 36,878.90
EPDM rubber 41-450-36-00800 450 PN10 575 1 C 45,893.40
Fusion bonded epoxy to DIN 41-450-36-01800 450 PN16 583 1 C 48,193.20
3476-1 and EN 14901 41-500-36-00800 500 PN10 802 1 C 55,697.30
41-500-36-01800 500 PN16 812 1 C 58,493.30
41-600-36-00800 600 PN10 992 1 C 68,163.70
41-600-36-01800 600 PN16 1018 1 C 71,912.20

53/30-005 AVK ref. no. DN BSP thread Product Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Ball check valve with BSP mm Inch PN Class weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension 53-040-30-9007 40 1½ PN10 2.0 50 C 608.00
according to DIN 3202 - F6 53-050-30-9007 50 2 PN10 3.0 40 C 650.10
Ductile iron
NBR rubber
AVK coating standard

32 Products for Waste Water

53/35-003 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Ball check valve with flanges mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension
according to EN 558 Table 2 53-050-35-1007 50 PN10/16 7.5 30 C 843.90
Basic Series 48 53-065-35-1007 65 PN10/16 10 30 C 1,029.50
Ductile iron 53-080-35-1007 80 PN10/16 12 30 C 1,293.40
NBR rubber 53-100-35-1007 100 PN10/16 16 15 C 1,623.40
AVK coating standard 53-125-35-1007 125 PN10/16 35 15 C 3,875.10
53-150-35-1007 150 PN10/16 32 10 C 3,713.80
53-200-35-0007 200 PN10 68 10 C 8,874.40
53-200-35-1007 200 PN16 68 10 C 8,874.40
53-250-35-0007 250 PN10 112 2 C 14,407.90
53-250-35-1007 250 PN16 112 2 C 14,409.90
53-300-35-0007 300 PN10 163 2 C 21,320.80
53-300-35-1007 300 PN16 163 2 C 21,325.00
53-350-35-0007 350 PN10 289 2 C 27,849.60
53-350-35-1007 350 PN16 289 2 C 27,850.30
53-400-35-0007 400 PN10 416 1 C 39,072.20
53-400-35-1007 400 PN16 416 1 C 39,074.20

772/61-004 AVK ref. no. Units/ Deliv. Gross Price

pallet code MYR
772-02000200-61-5210001 1 C 2,037.00
772-03000300-61-5210001 1 C 3,148.10
772-04000400-61-5210001 1 C 4,814.80
772-05000500-61-5210001 1 C 6,592.60
772-06000600-61-5210001 1 C 7,222.20
772-07000700-61-5210001 1 C 7,777.80
772-08000800-61-5210001 1 C 9,074.10
772-09000900-61-5210001 1 C 13,703.70
772-10001000-61-5210001 1 C 15,740.70
772-11001100-61-5210001 1 C 17,777.80
772-12001200-61-5210001 1 C 19,629.60

772/64-001 AVK ref. no. Units/ Deliv. Gross Price

pallet code MYR
772-02000200-64-5210001 1 C 1,666.70
772-03000300-64-5210001 1 C 2,633.30
772-04000400-64-5210001 1 C 4,444.40
772-05000500-64-5210001 1 C 5,963.00
772-06000600-64-5210001 1 C 6,481.50
772-07000700-64-5210001 1 C 6,925.90
772-08000800-64-5210001 1 C 8,111.10
772-09000900-64-5210001 1 C 9,259.30
772-10001000-64-5210001 1 C 10,185.20
772-11001100-64-5210001 1 C 14,074.10
772-12001200-64-5210001 1 C 17,777.80

Products for Waste Water 33

772/71-001 AVK ref. no. Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
pallet code MYR
772-02000200-71-6510001 1 C 2,037.00
772-03000300-71-6510001 1 C 3,148.10
772-04000400-71-6510001 1 C 4,814.80
772-05000500-71-6510001 1 C 6,592.60
772-06000600-71-6510001 1 C 7,222.20
772-07000700-71-6510001 1 C 7,777.80
772-08000800-71-6510001 1 C 9,074.10
772-09000900-71-6510001 1 C 13,703.70
772-10001000-71-6510001 1 C 15,740.70
772-11001100-71-7510001 1 C 17,777.80
772-12001200-71-7510001 1 C 19,629.60

772/73-001 AVK ref. no. Units/ Deliv. Gross Price

pallet code MYR
772-02000200-73-6510001 1 C 1,666.70
772-03000300-73-6510001 1 C 2,633.30
772-04000400-73-6510001 1 C 4,444.40
772-05000500-73-6510001 1 C 5,963.00
772-06000600-73-6510001 1 C 6,481.50
772-07000700-73-6510001 1 C 6,925.90
772-08000800-73-6510001 1 C 8,111.10
772-09000900-73-6510001 1 C 9,259.30
772-10001000-73-6510001 1 C 10,185.20
772-11001100-73-7510001 1 C 14,074.10
772-12001200-73-7510001 1 C 17,777.80

702/20-103 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Working Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Knife gate valve with rising mm drilling Pressure / bar weight / kg pallet code
stem and handwheel MYR
Face-to-face dimension 702-050-20-134 50 PN10/16 10 9.7
according to DIN/EN 558-1, 702-065-20-134 65 PN10/16 10 10
series 20 (K1), up to and incl. 702-080-20-134 80 PN10/16 10 11 1 C 3,699.60
DN 350
702-100-20-134 100 PN10/16 10 15 1 C 4,010.10
Ductile iron
702-150-20-134 150 PN10/16 10 32 1 C 5,704.80
NBR rubber
702-350-20-034 350 PN10 6 128 1 C 17,269.20
UV-resistant polyester/epoxy
702-400-20-034 400 PN10 6 161 1 C 21,343.80
702-500-20-034 500 PN10 4 282 1 C 31,632.70
702-600-20-034 600 PN10 4 398 1 C 42,468.80

764/01-001 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
FL x FL mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
Face-to-face dimension
according to EN 558 Table 2 764-065-01-1306400000 65 PN16 15 C 3,993.10
Basic Series 3 764-080-01-1306400000 80 PN16 21 C 4,788.20
Ductile iron 764-100-01-1306400000 100 PN16 29 C 5,731.20
NBR rubber 764-150-01-1306400000 150 PN16 45 C 8,013.00
Fusion bonded epoxy coating 764-200-01-1306400000 200 PN16 76 C 11,449.70
to DIN 3476-1 and EN 764-250-01-1306400000 250 PN16 115 C 15,026.00
14901, GSK approved 764-300-01-1306400000 300 PN16 167 C 19,009.30
Clockwise to Close

34 Products for Waste Water

764/01-005 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Resilient seated, quarter turn, mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
eccentric plug valve with
welded nickel seat 764-065-01-1306400020 65 PN16 25 C 5,258.30
Face-to-face dimension 764-080-01-1306400020 80 PN16 31 C 6,087.40
according to EN 558 Table 2 764-100-01-1306400020 100 PN16 39 C 7,020.00
Basic Series 3 764-150-01-1306400020 150 PN16 61 C 10,287.80
Ductile iron 764-200-01-1306400020 200 PN16 101 C 14,628.00
NBR rubber 764-250-01-1306400020 250 PN16 172 C 20,279.10
Clockwise to Close 764-300-01-1306400020 300 PN16 224 C 26,330.20

258/30-006 AVK ref. no. DN DP Nom. O.D. Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Dedicated Fabricated mm mm weight / kg pallet code
Coupling for Ductile Iron MYR
pipes 258-30-0378-10 350 378 29
Mild steel zinc plated & 258-30-0429-10 400 429 32 C 2,094.10
passivated fasteners
258-30-0480-10 450 480 35 C 2,258.30
WRAS approved materials
EPDM seals 258-30-0532-10 500 532 39 C 2,484.50
Epoxy coated according to 258-30-0635-10 600 635 44 C 2,601.20
WIS 4-52-01 class b 258-30-0738-10 700 738 50 C 2,810.30
Reg 31 compliant 258-30-0842-10 800 842 58 C 2,953.50
Steel 258-30-0945-10 900 945 62 C 3,166.90
EPDM rubber 258-30-1048-10 1000 1048 68 C 3,434.70
Epoxy coated according to 258-30-1152-10 1100 1152 74 C 3,434.70
WIS 4-52-01 class B
258-30-1255-10 1200 1255 81 C 3,707.00
258-30-1462-10 1400 1462 132
258-30-1668-10 1600 1668 172

258/30-007 AVK ref. no. DN DP Nom. O.D. Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Dedicated coupling for Cast mm mm weight / kg pallet code MYR
Iron AB pipes - ZP fasteners
Steel 258-30-0387-10 350 387 30 C 1,936.50
EPDM rubber 258-30-0439-10 400 439 33 C 2,094.10
Epoxy coated according to 258-30-0492-10 450 492 37 C 2,258.30
WIS 4-52-01 class B 258-30-0545-10 500 545 39 C 2,484.50
258-30-0650-10 600 650 46 C 2,601.20
258-30-0729-10 700 729 51 1 C 2,810.30
258-30-0807-10 800 807 56 C 2,953.50
258-30-0964-10 900 964 70 C 3,166.90
258-30-1121-10 1000 1121 80 C 3,434.70
258-30-1277-10 1200 1277 91 C 3,707.00

258/30-008 AVK ref. no. DN DP Nom. O.D. Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Dedicated coupling for Cast mm mm weight / kg pallet code MYR
Iron CD pipes - ZP fasteners
Steel 258-30-0399-10 350 399 30 C 1,936.50
EPDM rubber 258-30-0453-10 400 453 34 C 2,094.10
Epoxy coated according to 258-30-0507-10 500 507 37 C 2,258.30
WIS 4-52-01 class B 258-30-0560-10 500 560 40 C 2,484.50
258-30-0667-10 600 667 47 C 2,601.20
258-30-0747-10 700 747 52 C 2,810.30
258-30-0826-10 750 826 57 C 2,953.50
258-30-0985-10 900 985 64 C 3,166.90
258-30-1143-10 1000 1143 82 C 3,434.70
258-30-1300-10 1200 1300 92 C 3,707.00

260/30-001 AVK ref. no. DN Product Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Flange adaptor for DI pipes mm PN Class weight / kg pallet code
Steel 260-30-0532-1004 500 PN16 53
EPDM rubber 260-30-0635-1005 600 PN16 67
Epoxy coated according to 260-30-1048-1009 1000 PN16 105
WIS 4-52-01 class B 260-30-1255-1011 1200 PN16 173

Products for Waste Water 35

260/30-006 AVK ref. no. DN Product Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Flange adaptor for CI/AB mm PN Class weight / kg pallet code MYR
pipes PN16
Steel 260-30-0387-100008 350 PN16 40 C 2,579.30
EPDM rubber 260-30-0439-100208 400 PN16 51 C 2,924.80
Epoxy coated according to 260-30-0492-100310 450 PN16 59 C 3,370.20
WIS 4-52-01 class B

265/50-001 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Dismantling joint with tie rods mm drilling weight / kg pallet code MYR
& centre flange
Ductile iron 265-50-0050-11 50 PN10/16 13 C 1,793.60
EPDM rubber 265-50-0065-11 65 PN10/16 16 C 1,887.90
Epoxy coated according to 265-50-0080-11 80 PN10/16 20 C 1,998.50
WIS 4-52-01 class B 265-50-0100-11 100 PN10/16 25 C 2,096.10
265-50-0125-11 125 PN10/16 29 C 2,217.50
265-50-0150-11 150 PN10/16 36 C 2,499.30
265-50-0200-01 200 PN10 52 C 3,036.40
265-50-0200-11 200 PN16 56 C 3,036.40
265-50-0250-01 250 PN10 73 C 3,184.30
265-50-0250-11 250 PN16 78 C 3,184.30

265/50-002 AVK ref. no. DN Flange Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Dismantling joint with tie rods mm drilling weight / kg pallet code
& centre flange MYR
Steel 265-50-0300-01 300 PN10 72 C 3,454.60
EPDM rubber 265-50-0300-11 300 PN16 85 C 3,454.60
Epoxy coated according to 265-50-0350-01 350 PN10 93 C 3,900.60
WIS 4-52-01 class B 265-50-0350-11 350 PN16 115 C 3,900.60
265-50-0400-01 400 PN10 127 C 4,855.30
265-50-0400-11 400 PN16 156 C 4,855.30
265-50-0450-01 450 PN10 172 C 5,798.50
265-50-0450-11 450 PN16 213 C 5,798.50
265-50-0500-01 500 PN10 181 C 6,609.40
265-50-0500-11 500 PN16 273 C 6,609.40
265-50-0600-01 600 PN10 210 C 8,160.30
265-50-0600-11 600 PN16 342 C 8,160.30
265-50-0700-01 700 PN10 268 C 10,876.60
265-50-0700-11 700 PN16 342 C 10,876.60
265-50-0800-01 800 PN10 405 C 13,600.10
265-50-0800-11 800 PN16 499 C 13,600.10
265-50-1000-01 1000 PN10 688 C 21,902.30
265-50-1000-11 1000 PN16 900 C 21,902.30
265-50-1200-01 1200 PN10 880 C 31,010.40
265-50-1200-11 1200 PN16 1032 C 31,010.40
265-50-1400-01 1400 PN10 1230 C 38,434.00
265-50-1400-11 1400 PN16 1518 C 38,434.00
265-50-1600-01 1600 PN10 1497 C 51,244.50
265-50-1600-11 1600 PN16 1823 C 51,244.50
265-50-1800-11 1800 PN16 2100

36 Products for Waste Water

729/A1-001 AVK ref. no. Pipe diam. L Product Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Single band repair clamp, mm mm PN Class weight / kg pallet code
EPDM, ribs, stainless steel MYR
304 729-A1-0052-010206002G 48-52 150 PN16 1.5 1 A 220.90
729-A1-0052-020206002G 48-52 200 PN16 1.8 1 A 210.80
729-A1-0058-010206002G 54-58 150 PN16 1.5 1 A 227.60
729-A1-0067-010206002G 60-67 150 PN16 1.2 1 A 228.40
729-A1-0067-020206002G 60-67 200 PN16 1.8 1 A 220.80
729-A1-0067-030206002G 60-67 250 PN16 2.5 1 A 286.80
729-A1-0067-040206002G 60-67 300 PN16 2.8 1 A 362.20
729-A1-0089-010206002G 82-89 150 PN16 2.3 1 A 241.50
729-A1-0094-010206002G 87-94 150 PN16 1.6 1 A 247.10
729-A1-0094-030206002G 87-94 250 PN16 2.0 1 A 367.30
729-A1-0094-040206002G 87-94 300 PN16 2.5 1 A 410.00
729-A1-0102-040206002G 92-102 300 PN16 2.0 1 A 422.20
729-A1-0105-040206002G 95-105 300 PN16 2.1 1 A 422.70
729-A1-0116-010206002G 106-116 150 PN16 2.1 1 A 269.70
729-A1-0116-030206002G 106-116 250 PN16 2.2 1 A 387.40
729-A1-0116-040206002G 106-116 300 PN16 2.3 1 A 435.60
729-A1-0118-040206002G 108-118 300 PN16 2.1 1 A 436.10
729-A1-0122-010206002G 112-122 150 PN16 2.2
729-A1-0123-010206002G 113-123 150 PN16 2.0 1 A 270.70
729-A1-0125-020206002G 115-125 200 PN16 2.1 1 A 313.40
729-A1-0131-020206002G 121-131 200 PN16 2.1 1 A 321.10
729-A1-0131-040206002G 121-131 300 PN16 2.2 1 A 449.30
729-A1-0135-040206002G 125-135 300 PN16 2.1 1 A 463.80
729-A1-0161-020206002G 151-161 200 PN16 2.2 1 A 347.70
729-A1-0170-030206002G 160-170 250 PN16 2.5 1 A 442.70
729-A1-0170-040206002G 160-170 300 PN16 2.1 1 A 500.50
729-A1-0170-050206002G 160-170 400 PN16 2.3 1 A 642.70
729-A1-0175-020206002G 165-175 200 PN16 2.4 1 A 363.70
729-A1-0175-040206002G 165-175 300 PN16 2.5 1 A 522.20
729-A1-0175-050206002G 165-175 400 PN16 2.1 1 A 658.10
729-A1-0180-010206002G 170-180 150 PN16 2.5 1 A 308.80
729-A1-0180-020206002G 170-180 200 PN16 2.0 1 A 373.90
729-A1-0180-050206002G 170-180 400 PN16 2.0 1 A 660.10
729-A1-0184-040206002G 174-184 300 PN16 2.1 1 A 525.30
729-A1-0186-020206002G 176-186 200 PN16 2.1 1 A 372.40
729-A1-0196-020206002G 186-196 200 PN16 2.4 1 A 383.70
729-A1-0225-040206002G 215-225 300 PN16 2.4 1 A 581.40
729-A1-0229-040206002G 219-229 300 PN16 2.6 1 A 597.90
729-A1-0233-020206002G 223-233 200 PN16 2.3 1 A 417.90
729-A1-0263-040206002G 253-263 300 PN16 2.5 1 A 640.90
729-A1-0267-040208002G 257-267 300 PN16 2.5 1 A 646.90
729-A1-0280-040208002G 270-280 300 PN16 2.6 1 A 663.40
729-A1-0280-050208002G 270-280 400 PN16 2.8 1 A 856.40
729-A1-0283-030208002G 273-283 250 PN16 2.6 1 A 560.90
729-A1-0288-020208002G 278-288 200 PN16 2.6 1 A 472.80
729-A1-0288-050208002G 278-288 400 PN16 2.9 1 A 872.20
729-A1-0291-020208002G 280-291 200 PN16 2.5 1 A 485.70
729-A1-0291-040208002G 280-291 300 PN16 2.9 1 A 682.60
729-A1-0325-030208002G 315-325 250 PN16 2.5 1 A 641.30
729-A1-0330-040208002G 320-330 300 PN16 2.8 1 A 739.20
729-A1-0344-030208002G 334-344 250 PN16 2.8 1 A 661.80
729-A1-0344-040208002G 334-344 300 PN16 3.0 1 A 945.40
729-A1-0350-030208002G 340-350 250 PN16 2.9 1 A 663.30
729-A1-0350-040208002G 340-350 300 PN16 3.1 1 A 763.80

Products for Waste Water 37

729/D2-001 AVK ref. no. Pipe diam. Product L Flange DN Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Double band repair clamp, mm PN Class mm weight / kg pallet code
EPDM, ribs, stainless steel MYR
304 with flanged outlet 729-D2-0128-0402067F2G 108-128 PN16 300 100 10 1 A 1,620.00
729-D2-0185-0402067F2G 165-185 PN16 300 100 11 1 A 1,685.00
729-D2-0185-0502067H2G 165-185 PN16 400 150 15 1 A 2,425.50
729-D2-0196-0602067H2G 176-196 PN16 500 150 16 1 A 2,652.50
729-D2-0238-0502067F2G 218-238 PN16 400 100 13 1 A 1,991.40
729-D2-0238-0502067H2G 218-238 PN16 400 150 15 1 A 2,480.80
729-D2-0238-0602066K2G 218-238 PN16 500 200 17 1 A 3,326.40
729-D2-0270-0502087F2G 250-270 PN16 400 100 16 1 A 2,107.50
729-D2-0270-0602087H2G 250-270 PN16 500 150 18 1 A 2,854.10
729-D2-0270-0702086K2G 250-270 PN16 600 200 19 1 A 3,787.10
729-D2-0293-0602087F2G 273-293 PN16 500 100 19 1 A 2,468.00
729-D2-0293-0702087F2G 273-293 PN16 600 100 21 1 A 2,836.40
729-D2-0335-0502087B1G 315-335 PN10 400 50 20 1 A 1,900.00
729-D2-0344-0602086K2G 324-344 PN16 500 200 26 1 A 3,732.80
729-D2-0344-0602087F2G 324-344 PN16 500 100 19 1 A 2,631.80
729-D2-0344-0602087H2G 324-344 PN16 500 150 22 1 A 3,121.10
729-D2-0344-0602087K2G 324-344 PN16 500 200 - 1 A 4,075.70
729-D2-0344-0702086P2G 324-344 PN10 600 300 26 1 A 6,143.50
729-D2-0358-0602086K2G 338-358 PN16 500 200 39 1 A 3,728.00
729-D2-0358-0602087H2G 338-358 PN16 500 150 37 1 A 3,147.40
729-D2-0385-0602087B2G 365-385 PN16 500 50 36
729-D2-0385-0602087H2G 365-385 PN16 500 150 38 1 A 3,233.80
729-D2-0430-0702086K1G 410-430 PN10 600 200 40 1 A 4,454.90
729-D2-0488-0602086K1G 468-488 PN10 500 200 45 1 A 4,101.50
729-D2-0488-0602087F2G 468-488 PN16 500 100 47 1 A 3,004.30
729-D2-0488-0602087H1G 468-488 PN10 500 150 48 1 A 3,489.80
729-D2-0536-0602087F1G 516-536 PN10 500 100 49 1 A 3,167.10
729-D2-0536-0602087F2G 516-536 PN16 500 100 50 1 A 3,167.10
729-D2-0536-0602087H1G 516-536 PN10 500 150 50 1 A 3,656.40
729-D2-0536-0602087H2G 516-536 PN10 500 150 50 1 A 3,654.30
729-D2-0536-0702086P1G 516-536 PN10 600 300 53 1 A 6,601.00

729/E1-001 AVK ref. no. Pipe diam. W L Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Element for use with mm mm mm weight / kg pallet code
constructing repair clamps,
stainless steel AISI 304 and 729-E1-0300-040208001G 81-91 300 300 2.3
EPDM 729-E1-0320-040208001G 92-102 300 320 2.3
729-E1-0350-040208001G 101-111 300 350 2.4
729-E1-0380-040208001G 111-121 300 380 2.4
729-E1-0410-040208001G 121-131 300 410 2.5
729-E1-0440-040208001G 130-140 300 440 2.6
729-E1-0470-040208001G 140-150 300 470 2.7
729-E1-0500-040208001G 149-161 300 500 2.9
729-E1-0540-040208001G 162-172 300 540 2.8
729-E1-0640-040208001G 194-204 300 640 3.1

05/E-010 AVK ref. no. DN Pipe diam. Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Support bush for PE pipes. mm mm pallet code MYR
Stainless steel
05-063-5-30001 50 63 A 129.60
05-075-5-30001 65 75 A 131.30
05-090-5-30001 80 90 A 163.50
05-110-7-30001 100 110 A 143.40
05-125-7-30001 125 125 A 143.60
05-160-7-30001 150 160 A 164.50
05-180-7-30001 150 180 A 171.30
05-200-7-30001 200 200 A 178.30
05-225-7-30001 200 225 A 188.90
05-250-7-30001 250 250 A 197.10
05-280-7-30001 250 280 A 206.70
05-315-7-30001 300 315 A 217.50

38 Products for Waste Water

05/E-011 AVK ref. no. DN Pipe diam. Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Support bush for PE pipes. mm mm pallet code MYR
Stainless steel
05-063-5-40001 50 63 A 129.00
05-075-5-40001 65 75 A 130.60
05-090-5-40001 80 90 A 161.50
05-110-7-40001 100 110 A 142.20
05-125-7-40001 125 125 A 142.20
05-140-7-40001 125 140 A 147.20
05-160-7-40001 150 160 A 161.70
05-180-7-40001 150 180 A 168.50
05-200-7-40001 200 200 A 174.80
05-225-7-40001 200 225 A 184.80
05-250-7-40001 250 250 A 192.50
05-280-7-40001 250 280 A 201.50
05-315-7-40001 300 315 A 211.70

05/E-013 AVK ref. no. DN Pipe diam. Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
mm mm pallet code MYR
Stainless steel
05-063-5-40011 50 63 A 135.10
05-075-5-40011 65 75 A 137.30
05-090-5-40011 80 90 A 172.50
05-110-7-40011 100 110 A 152.60
05-125-7-40011 125 125 A 153.40
05-140-7-40011 125 140 A 159.30
05-160-7-40011 150 160 A 181.10
05-180-7-40011 150 180 A 190.00
05-200-7-40011 200 200 A 80.80
05-225-7-40011 200 225 A 212.30
05-250-7-40011 250 250 A 222.70
05-280-7-40011 250 280 A 235.00
05-315-7-40011 300 315 A 248.80

04/15-002 AVK ref. no. Valve Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
T-key for gate valves DN mm weight / kg pallet code MYR
04-300-49-94100 50 - 300 7.0 1 C 788.50
04-300-49-94150 50 - 300 8.9 1 C 860.20
04-300-49-94200 50 - 300 11 1 C 931.90
04-300-49-94250 50 - 300 13 1 C 1,003.60
04-300-49-94300 50 - 300 15 1 C 1,075.30
04-400-50-94100 350 - 400 7.4 1 C 824.40
04-400-50-94150 350 - 400 9.3 1 C 896.10
04-400-50-94200 350 - 400 11 1 C 967.70
04-400-50-94250 350 - 400 13 1 C 1,039.40
04-400-50-94300 350 - 400 15 1 C 1,111.10

04/Z-001 AVK ref. no. A D Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price

mm mm weight / kg pallet code MYR
04-89-01-01-000004 25.4 90 32 1 C 3,046.60
04-89-01-02-000004 25.4 165 22 1 C 3,046.60
04-89-01-03-000004 25.4 165 22 1 C 3,046.60
04-89-01-04-000004 25.4 175 23 1 C 3,046.60
04-89-01-05-000004 25.4 210 25 1 C 3,046.60
04-89-01-06-000004 25.4 300 34 1 C 3,046.60
04-89-01-07-000004 38.1 90 43 1 C 3,046.60
04-89-01-08-000004 38.1 165 27 1 C 3,046.60
04-89-01-09-000004 38.1 165 27 1 C 3,046.60
04-89-01-10-000004 38.1 175 28 1 C 3,046.60
04-89-01-11-000004 38.1 210 30 1 C 3,046.60
04-89-01-12-000004 38.1 300 39 1 C 3,046.60

Products for Waste Water 39

04/Z-002 AVK ref. no. Valve Connection Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
DN mm weight / kg pallet code MYR
04-89-03-01-000001 - 1 4.2 1 C 820.80
04-89-03-01-000002 50 - 300 2 4.9 1 C 910.40
04-89-03-01-000003 350 - 400 2 5.1 1 C 1,089.60
04-89-03-02-000001 - 1 5.0 1 C 832.60
04-89-03-02-000002 50 - 300 2 5.7 1 C 922.20
04-89-03-02-000003 350 - 400 2 5.9 1 C 1,101.40
04-89-03-03-000001 - 1 6.2 1 C 850.50
04-89-03-03-000002 50 - 300 2 6.8 1 C 940.10
04-89-03-03-000003 350 - 400 2 7.1 1 C 1,119.40
04-89-03-04-000001 - 1 8.1 1 C 879.90
04-89-03-04-000002 50 - 300 2 8.8 1 C 969.50
04-89-03-04-000003 350 - 400 2 9.0 1 C 1,148.70
04-89-03-05-000001 - 1 10 1 C 909.70
04-89-03-05-000002 50 - 300 2 11 1 C 999.30
04-89-03-05-000003 350 - 400 2 11 1 C 1,178.50
04-89-03-06-000001 - 1 12 1 C 939.10
04-89-03-06-000002 50 - 300 2 13 1 C 1,028.70
04-89-03-06-000003 350 - 400 2 13 1 C 1,207.90
04-89-03-07-000001 - 1 9.3 1 C 911.10
04-89-03-07-000002 50 - 300 2 9.9 1 C 1,000.70
04-89-03-07-000003 350 - 400 2 10 1 C 1,179.90
04-89-03-08-000001 - 1 11 1 C 940.90
04-89-03-08-000002 50 - 300 2 12 1 C 1,030.50
04-89-03-08-000003 350 - 400 2 12 1 C 1,209.70
04-89-03-09-000001 - 1 14 1 C 985.70
04-89-03-09-000002 50 - 300 2 14 1 C 1,075.30
04-89-03-09-000003 350 - 400 2 15 1 C 1,254.50
04-89-03-10-000001 - 1 19 1 C 1,060.60
04-89-03-10-000002 50 - 300 2 19 1 C 1,150.20
04-89-03-10-000003 350 - 400 2 19 1 C 1,329.40
04-89-03-11-000001 - 1 23 1 C 1,135.10
04-89-03-11-000002 50 - 300 2 23 1 C 1,224.70
04-89-03-11-000003 350 - 400 2 24 1 C 1,403.90
04-89-03-12-000001 - 1 27 1 C 1,210.00
04-89-03-12-000002 50 - 300 2 28 1 C 1,299.60
04-89-03-12-000003 350 - 400 2 28 1 C 1,478.90

08/A-004 AVK ref. no. DN/DN D F Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Handwheel assembled with mm mm weight / kg pallet code MYR
bolt and washer
Cast Iron 08-050-01-000 40 - 50 180 14 1.5 A 62.00
AVK coating standard 08-080-02-000 65 - 80 225 17 1.5 A 95.80
08-100-01-000 100 - 100 280 19 2.8 A 133.80
Clockwise to Close
08-150-02-000 125 - 150 320 19 3.6 A 177.20
08-200-01-000 200 - 200 360 24 5.3 A 257.80
08-250-02-000 250 - 300 500 27 8.6 A 387.80
08-400-01-000 (1) 350 - 500 640 32 15 A 611.30
(1) Square stem

40 Products for Waste Water

120/11-001 AVK ref. no. DN H3 Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Dry barrel aboveground mm mm weight / kg pallet code MYR
hydrant for fire protection
application 120-100-11-110000000 100 1384 58 C 6,596.80
EPDM rubber
Clockwise to Close

120/11-002 AVK ref. no. DN Closing H3 Theoretical Units/ Deliv. Gross Price
Barrel aboveground hydrant mm Direction mm weight / kg pallet code MYR
for fire protection application
120-100-11-210000001 100 CTC 1384 53 C 6,162.50

Products for Fire Protection 41

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