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Analytical Paper: Answer The Following Questions

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Analytical Paper


1. What does it take to be a perfect leader? You may use online resources to enrich your answer.

Being a leader isn’t that something to be achieve easily it’s like having a profession that’s need careful
understanding on what you will stand for, leaders expect the best from themselves and help others
be their best as well, it is also the first on the field and last ones off, they’re also stay motivated and
had firmly grasp on what they what to achieve for. People also really dislike it when others take credit
for their hard work. Good leaders understand that, and apply it to how they interact with their teams.

2. Using a diagram, chart, or table describe Dr. Jose P. Rizal, Gat. Andres Bonifacio, and Gen. Emilio
Aguinaldo in terms of the following:
a. character
b. personality
c. family background
d. contributions to Philippine history and Philippine Nationalism

Dr. Jose P. Rizal Gat. Andres Bonifacio Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo

Character As a character some say Andres Bonifacio is a person Emilio Aguinaldo himself appears to
Rizal is open-minded, that is Optimistic and have a be strong and powerful. He has an
intelligent, and strong sense of responsibility. impressive personality and can
hardworking. Rizal just He also values work and don’t influence and even intimidate
wants Philippines to be want to waste time. Of course through sheer force. People defer to
freed from the Spaniards he is also a patriotic person him because they sense his sureness
making him caring about some people say he is an and effectiveness. Emilio Aguinaldo
the country. He did not arrogant person but some say also exudes a kind of controlled
care about himself. he had a humility on himself. benevolence.
Personality He was far too perfect to Andrés Bonifacio is a true Aguinaldo some says he is a traitor
be human: a pioneering source of inspiration. Besides and a cowardice some says he just
doctor, inspired poet, leading the Philippines to did what he can did on his own way.
powerful novelist, lively independence, he also lived He schemed plan on himself. Fought
sculptor good farmer, too. an exceptional life that for the Philippines and handle things
A dutiful son and brother, remains important even on “what is the best only for him”. He
inspiration to those who today. He dreamed big that strived for the greatness on his own.
didn’t know him, and his dedication is a constant Some says he only thinks for himself.
instant, lifelong friend of reminder that anything is
those who did and so possible. Bonifacio is often
charming a lover that, of portrayed as a hard worker
the nine women who and revolutionary. Although
became close to him in his this is true, he was much more
short life, all retained the than that. Although having
deepest affection for him. struggled through many
hardships in his youth and
experiencing betrayal during
his early activism, he strongly
believed in the values of
Family The Rizals is considered Bonifacio's mother, Catalina Emilio Famy Aguinaldo Sr. was born
Background one of the biggest families de Castro, is a Spanish on March 22, 1869 in Cavite el Viejo
during their time. Mestiza. His father, Santiago (present-day Kawit),
Domingo Lam-co, the Bonifacio, was a Teniente in Cavite province, to Carlos Jamir
family's paternal Mayor of Tondo. Aguinaldo and Trinidad Famy-
ascendant was a full- Bonifacio's tragic family Aguinaldo,[d] a Tagalog Chinese
blooded Chinese who history during his youth seems mestizo couple who had eight
came to the Philippines to have followed him into children, the seventh of whom was
from Amoy, China in the adulthood. He married twice Emilio Sr. The Aguinaldo family was
closing years of the 17th but had no surviving children quite well-to-do, as his father, Carlos
century and married a at the time of his death. J. Aguinaldo was the community's
Chinese half-breed by the His first wife, Monica, came appointed gobernadorcillo(municipal
name of Ines de la Rosa. from the Palomar governor) in the Spanish colonial
Jose Rizal came from a 13- neighborhood of Bacoor. She administration and his grandparents
member family consisting died young of leprosy Eugenio K. Aguinaldo and Maria
of his parents, Francisco (Hansen's disease). Bonifacio's Jamir-Aguinaldo.
Mercado II and Teodora second wife, Gregoria de
Alonso Realonda, and nine Jesus, came from the
sisters and one brother. Calookan area of Metro
Nine sisters compose of Manila. They married when he
Saturnina, Narcisa, was 29 and she was just 18;
Olympia, Lucia, Maria, their only child, a son, died in
Concepcion, Josefa, infancy. Had a brothers
Trinidad, Soledad and the named Procopio, Troadio,
only brother is Paciano. Ciriaco and sisters named
Espridiona and Maxima.

Contributions In a competition held by Was a Filipino revolutionary Revolutionary leader, achieved

the "Liceo Artistico leader and one of the main independence of the Philippines
Litarario" with the poem leaders of the from Spain and was elected the first
"Al Juventud Filipina" (To Philippine Revolution against president of the new republic under
the Filipino Youth) he won Spanish colonial rule in the the Malolos Congress. He also led
the special prize late 19th century. He is the Philippine-American War against
for "indians" and regarded as the "Father of the U.S. resistance to Philippine
mestizos. In the same Philippine Revolution" and independence. Aguinaldo was
contest, the first prize for one of the most arrested. He and others accused of
prose was also awarded to influential national heroes of collaboration with the Japanese
José Rizal's "Consejo de los his country. A Freemason, were imprisoned for some months
dioses (Council of the Bonifacio was the leading before they were released by
Gods)" and the judges founder of the Katipunan presidential amnesty. In 1950
gave it another special organization which aimed to Aguinaldo was appointed by
prize as the best critical start an independence Pres. Elpidio Quirino as a member of
appreciation of the author movement. the Council of State. In his later
of "Don Quixote. Wrote 2 years he devoted much attention to
novels (Noli Me Tangere veterans’ affairs, the promotion
and El Filibusterismo) that of nationalism and democracy in the
depicts the tyranny and Philippines, and the improvement of
abuses of the Spanish relations between the Philippines
regime in the Philippines. and the United States.
Wrote some good articles
in La Solidaridad which 2
became famous such as
the indolence of the
filipinos and the
philippines within a
century. One of the
heroes that led the
Philippines into its own

3. Using the leadership criterion you described in the first question, in 100-500 words justify who
among the three Filipino heroes deserves to be called the “true” Philippine national hero.

Among the three Filipino heroes that was suggested I think Jose Rizal is the one that can only be called as
the “true” Philippine national hero because of the many factors that can be seen. The Philippine revolution
led by Andres Bonifacio was fueled by the writings of Jose Rizal which means that Jose Rizal became their
motivation or I think more meaningful than the motivation word that which leads to the Philippine
Revolution. Rizal was truly an inspiring person to the Filipinos during the Spanish Period. Jose Rizal also
founded the La Liga Filipina a civic organization that led to the creation of the Katipunan which is headed
by Andres Bonifacio meaning that if the La Liga Filipina didn’t ever create the Katipunan also will be non-
existent. Everything started with Rizal. Philippine Revolution against Spain started what was known as the
First Republic led by Emilio Aguinaldo. Andres Bonifacio and Emilio Aguinaldo had their own ways they
can satisfy the word a hero but not the “true” national hero. Since Andres Bonifacio comes from a poor
family and we can see Jose Rizal is born to a good family who can afford to send him to prestigious schools.
Rizal is the Idealist where he used his intellect in making known his feelings through his writings where he
saw what was the problem while Andres Bonifacio resorted in physical warfare as the means of making
his beliefs known to be public. We in ourselves we want a person that should be the one with the greatest
influence for this we see that Rizal is capable of acquiring it since he himself influenced Andres Bonifacio
to stand up and fight for his stand. We can also see that between Andres and Emilio these two was both
a candidate for being the president of the Philippines but sadden Andres died and Emilio is the president.
Both of these two had a fight and a rumor that Emilio ordered the killing of Andres and that’s why we
can’t considered Emilio as a “true” national hero. Unlike Jose Rizal whom we Filipinos have venerated as
the ideal Filipino hero, Emilio Aguinaldo’s legacy can be described as mixed at best. Only Jose Rizal and
himself can be called a true national hero since he is the if there is a fire Jose Rizal is the cause Jose Rizal
is the start of the Philippine Revolution.


Brown (2019). What does it take to be a leader. Online.


Locsin (2015) The reason why Jose Rizal considered as National Hero not Andres Bonifacio. Online.

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