Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Executive Summary
Our group name is “APK HOLLIC” and focuses on food industry. Our group main product for
APK is “Hot Pot” and “Popia Thai” which is traditionally foods originally from China. In addition,
we also selling Potato Chips if have a demand on market. Our main objectives in this business
is becoming the entrepreneur who leading a group in the market for food industry, in addition
to being a profitable group in the this industry which produces high- quality products.Our main
products that we sell are “Hot Pot”, “Popia Thai” and Potato Chips which are in food industry.
The main reason on why we choose to involve in food industry is because, in present day,
human life style improve day by day together with the economic condition, this is also include
on how they improve their food style, where they want the best quality of food with convenient
price and that is why we come with our product to utilise and fulfil their desire with better
Our group main product for APK is “Hot Pot” and “Popia Thai” which is traditional foods from
China. For the Hot Pot we have two types of sauce which are spicy and non-spicy, and contain
variety types of choices, like fish ball, meat ball, hot dog, and etc. These foods only can be
found in main land China and hardly to find it in Malaysian that is also the reason we prefer to
sell these foods for our group product. In addition, these foods also have difference in term of
taste and the colour. We also sell “Potato Chips” if it has a high demand on market. During
this carnival, our target customers are students, lecturers and staffs who are just within the
university. Since our outlet is located within the campus, our target market is mainly focus on
those customers who always comes into the university.
In our management team, we have seven post mainly president, planning manager, product
manager, operational manager, marketing manager, human resource manager and financial
manager. Each one in our group possesses this post to make sure our business will working
smoothly and efficiently.
The Business Proposal
As for our operation, our self will be doing the “Hot Pot” and “Popia Thai”. For “Hot Pot”, one
of our team members, that is international studentsfrom China will assist and guide us on how
to cook and prepare the “Hot Pot”. And for the “Popia Thai” will be assist and guide by one of
our team member that know very well on how to make the best “Popia Thai”. In conclusion,
everyone in our team will working together in order to make sure our business plan is a
successful plan.
Market Distribution: To introduceour group product to the public, we use a very simple
approach by using the Internet, for example using Facebook to advertise our product. As we
all know, the internet is very broad field of communications and be able to connect the whole
world. Action Plan (Marketing Mix 4P): To get maximum profit from the selling of the “Hot
Pot”, “Popia Thai” and other investment product, we had several strategies to catch customer
value toward our product. The marketing strategy are divided into four, that is the product,
price, promotion, and place.
The company’s capital is invested by each of the group members. Each of us member
contribute RM25 as capital of product deposits, expense, and cost advertising. This summary
of financial plan is included our investment on antivirus and cake that we will launch on market.
For the APK event (two days), we estimate the total cost will be RM 699.10, the total sales RM
986.00 and the total of profit RM 316.90 where the total profit margin is 45.99%. Moreover
for the three years forecasting of cost and profit, we estimate the total cost are RM 366,666.80,
the total of sales are RM 540,328 and the total of profit are RM 173,661.20.
The Business Proposal
Background Analysis
APK HOLLIC Background
Our group name is “APK HOLLIC” and focuses on food industry. Our group main product for
APK is “Hot Pot” and “Popia Thai” which is traditionally foods from China’s. In addition, we
also selling Potato Chips if have a demand on market. Our cost to produce “Hot Pot” is RM
116.70, which is can produce 100 unit(stick) of hot dog and 50 unit(stick) fish ball and we sell
1 unit(1 stick) for only RM 1. Besides that, the cost to produce “Popia Thai” is about RM 56.80
which is can produce 100 unit (roll) of “Popia Thai” and we sell RM 2 for 3 unit (roll). In
addition, if people or customer demands more on “Hot Pot” and “Popia Thai”, we will increase
our production to meet the demand. Our group also have a difference marketing strategy on
how to promote and sell these foods to test the market if there have a demand for our product,
for example we advertise our product on Facebook and make an advertisement in UMSKAL to
take a pre-order before the APK event start. Our main target customer is UMSKAL students
which is most of them is Muslim, so the process to make this product will be conducting in
Islamic way and by Muslim members and helping by non- Muslim members. Moreover, we also
selling Potato Chips if have demand on market and the ingredient to make this food we can
use the same ingredient for Hot Pot and Popia Thai, so that we can save budget and avoid the
waste. For the Potato Chips, our main target customer is international students from China
because this type of food is very popular in China beside local student.
Our group vision is to become the leading group in the market for these types of business in
addition to being a profitable group in the industry which produces high-quality of products.
Our group's mission is to selling a high quality product in term of to transfer the value to our
customers and give better services.
The Business Proposal
Our main products that we sell are Hot Pot, Popia Thai and Potato Chips where this business
is under the food industry. The one reason why we choose to involve in food industry is
because in present day, human life style improve day by day together with economic condition,
this is include improve their food style where they want quality food with convenient price and
that is why we come with our product to utilise and fulfil their desire with better services. In
addition, every human have are different perception and opinion (their thinking), they want
something new and different because this is what we call human characteristic, so we want to
serve them with our new product which is hard to find on local market because this product
ideas is from main land china’s.
The Business Proposal
Management Plan
Organisational Chart for APK HOLLIC
President / CEO
(MohdRedwan Bin Jumat)
Management Profile
Planning Manager
Ms. Eng holds a degree of International Banking from University Malaysia Sabah. She
has over 3 years’ experience in the banking sector at Maybank.
Planning Manager
Ms. Fan also holds a degree of International Banking from University Malaysia Sabah.
She has over 2 years of working in the financial offshore department at LOFSA.
Product Manager
Ms. Rahayu holds a degree of International Banking from University Malaysia Sabah. She
has over 4 years marketing experience in financial industries.
Product Manager
Ms.Rohayu holds a degree of Islamic Finance from University Malaysia Sabah. She has
over 2 years’ experience in the banking sector, Islamic Bank.
Marketing Manager
Mr. Adzrin holds a degree of Islamic Finance from University Malaysia Sabah. He has
over 4 years marketing experience in IT Industries.
The Business Proposal
Marketing Manager
Mr. Effendi holds a degree of Islamic Finance from University Malaysia Sabah. He has
over 4 years marketing experience in financial industries.
Operational Manager
Mr. Pirdaus holds a degree of International Finance from University Malaysia Sabah. He
has over 2 years marketing experience in banking industry, RHB Bank.
Ms.SittiAminahUsmanBBA. (Hons)
Operational Manager
Ms. Aminah holds a degree of Islamic Finance from University Malaysia Sabah. Shee has
over 3 yearsofexperience in financial and operational industry.
Financial Manager
Ms. Lau holds a degree of International Finance from University Malaysia Sabah. She has
over 2 years accounting experience in banking industry, Maybank.
Financial Manager
Ms. Kuan also holds a degree of International Finance from University Malaysia Sabah.
She has over 3 years accounting experience in Prudential Assurance Malaysia berhad.
Human Resource Responsible for mentoring, guiding and developing the whole
Manager team as a unit.
Forecasting the labour recruitments.
Well-trained workers All of the workers need to be trained before all of them
are put to work because with these method it can ensure
a smoother and more systematize work
organization within the group.
Workers with better All of the workers need to have a good communication
communication skill skill that makes it easy for them to communicate not only
within the organization but also with the customers. With
this kind of trait, it’s easier to attract
and persuade the customer to try the products.
Workers with cooking Some of the product needs to be cook, so a worker with
experience cooking experiences is needed to complete the product
in order for the rest of the group to present it
to the customers.
The location for our business will be in car parking near the Main Hall (Dewan Utama) which
is start on 28 April 2012 until 29 April 2012.
The Uniqueness of Product/Service/Process
Our group main product for APK is “Hot Pot” And “Popia Thai” which is traditional foods from
China. These foods only can be found in main land China and hard to find it in Malaysian, that
is why we prefer to sell these foods for our group product. In addition, these foods also have
difference in term of taste and the colour. For the Hot Pot, we have two types of sauce which
The Business Proposal
are spicy and non-spicy, and contain variety types of choice like fish ball, meat ball, hot dog,
and etc. Our group also has a difference marketing strategy on how to promote and sell these
foods to test the market if there have a demand for our product, for example, we advertise
our product on Facebook and make an advertisement in UMSKAL to take a pre- order before
the APK event start. Our main target customer is UMSKAL students which is most of them is
Muslim, so the process to make our product will be conduct in Islamic ways to watch over its
“halal” quality. Besides that, our product is one of the halal food that we bring especially from
China. In China, mostly its food is non-halal food and this will attract customer to try our main
product. The types to cooking process it also very healthy because we fried it with higher
quality of cooking oil. This will make the taste of our product is healthier and this will control
the originality the taste of the product. Our packaging is also unique from other group. This is
because the way we serve with the sauce that we bring from China will attract more customers.
In addition, we also selling “Potato Chips” if there is demand on market, so we will try to test
the market, especially our target customers students from China.
The Business Proposal
The fluctuating political environment in the country can be dangerous. The factor of political
that we must care of is:
Government Policies:
Although our group/company is new, but we have to obey the policies of the Government
where we run our business activities. We have to handle this situation very tactfully and obey
the policies of the Government as prescribe by the government in order to run this kind of
Price Policies:
The Business Proposal
Price policies are also an important factor. We maintain & design its price policies keeping in
view the income & income distribution of the people living in the country. That is why all the
classes are the target by us.
The product that is being launched is a simple to the economic conditions will determine
whether the people would be willing on the product that is not part of their basic needs.
Economical factor that our group should focus on are about:
Income is an important economical factor of our company. This factor decides which class is
going to be target by us. In the early time we are focusing on the studentsbudgeting.
Consumption Behaviour:
Our group estimated the consumption behaviours of the people, their liking and disliking and
make decision accordingly.
As for social part we also need to consider in several factor that is:
It is easy for us to adapt to the culture because we are doing our business in own country so
we know how to blend in the society.
We are accepted by Malaysian Religion as well. This product concept is origin from China and
it is hard to find in Malaysia and the process to make this product also will be conduct on
Islamic way (halal). Thus, this will makes our company to easily blend in.
Research & Development is also an important factor in the Technological factor. Our company
always support the work of research & development in order to introduce the new technology
for a better quality product.
Capital Formation:
Capital formation means stock of machinery. We have a stock of machinery in order to run its
business activities. In other words, our company has a good amount of Capital Formation.
Market Analysis
Market Strategy
Target Market
A target market or target audience is a group of people that will basically need or want your
products and services. Target market is defined in terms of age, sexual orientation, gender,
economic class, religion, ethnicity, or location.
However, our target customers are students, lecturers and staffs who are just within the
university. Since our outlet is located within the campus, our target market is mainly focus on
those customers who always comes into the university. Through the segmenting our target
market, we can easily identify our target customers, implement marketing strategies, guides
our decision making and more importantly, provide the needs and wants of our target
customers in a certain product. So, we have offered “Hot Pot” And “Potato Chips” as one of
our new product for our target customers of different age and income. Students and staffs
within the university will likely buy our product because of its good taste and lots of varieties
to choose. However, our outlet is also accessible due to its location which is within the campus.
The Business Proposal
Our customers won’t have to go outside just to buy for food products but instead they can just
buy it fast and easy. Thus, our target customers are students, lecturers and staffs within the
university with different age, sex and income.
Competitors analysis
APK HOLLIC of establishment is very effective. However, since we are a new on this industry,
we need to do more on the competition with another group (companies) on the same industry.
That is one of the ways our group makes some investment to diversify the risk and to get
more profit in long term range.
Product Overview
Our product for the APK for this semester is the Hot Pot and Popia Thai, the Hot Pot is the
unique dish that origin from the Chinese people, the other name for the Hot Pot that we always
heard is steamboat. The Hot Pot is a unique dish because of its method of making and the
taste of the dish. Not many people had a chance to taste the Hot Pot before in their life
especially the Malay and Indian people, because the dish is not parallel for their culture. So,
that is why we choose the Hot Pot as our product for the APK, so many people especially
students of UMSKAL can experience a unique taste of the Hot Pot. As we all known, many
people will want to taste a new dish to experience it by themselves of the unique and special
taste of Hot Pot, so the product can be sell smoothly and make its maximum profits. We also
attach sample for our product on Appendix 1.
The Business Proposal
For the price of this Hot Pot product, it depends on how many stick that someone had eaten.
Our company suggest that one stick for RM 1.00, because it is the most affordable and relevant
price for our targeted customer that is, students. In attract more customers to purchase our
product, we will make a promotion for this product, such as, buy 5 sticks and get free 1 stick.
By doing this, many people will purchase 5 sticks to get 1 free stick.
Advertising is any paid form of non-personal mass communication through various media to
present and promote product, services and ideas. So far, our products have advertised through
many different ways and media.
We will promote our product by using an attracted poster, so the customer will attract to know
more about our product. Also our company will market our product in Facebook. As we all
know, many people especially studentshave a Facebook account, the product marketing in
Facebook is the effective way to introduce our product to the targeted customer because by
using Facebook to marketing our product the cost will be cheap and many people especially
students will notice our product in no time. Then, by marketing our product on Facebook, it
will reduce the marketing cost, and the product marketing will be more efficiently. Here
example of our promotion on Facebook, you can see the really picture on appendix 2.
Decisions with respect to place focus on making the product available in adequate quantities
at places where customers are normally expected to go for them to satisfy their needs. For
The Business Proposal
place, our company will find the most strategic place to attract customer to purchase our
product, so we can maximize our product selling. The strategic places that we mention is
places that will make our customer feel convenience to purchase our product. Then, it will
make them easily to purchase our product.
Financial Plan
The company’s capital is invested by each of the group members. Each of our members will
contribute RM25 as capital of product deposits, expense, and cost advertising.
Product Price per unit First day Second day Total Sales
(RM) ( 28/4/2012) (29/4/2012) (RM)
Hot Pot stick 0.99 100 100 200.00
Popia Thai 1.99 30 30 120.00
Cake 2.50 20 20 100.00
Antivirus - - - 566.00
Total Sales (RM) 986.00
Popia Thai
Total 56.80
Hot pot
Total 116.70
The Business Proposal
Others material
Total 35.60
Risk Management
SWOT Analysis (Strenght + Weakness + Opportunity + Threats)
Pricing- Our Company offers a lower price than other product such as steamboat or stew- none
of which offer the same bundle of features which gives us an edge with price-conscious
customers. Even though our product is quite similar with steamboat or stew but our product
is more cost effective.
Traditional food- Hot Pot is a traditional food from mainland China. So, it’s the opportunity for
Malaysian people to taste the uniqueness of other country foods. The ingredients of the Hot
Pot contain variety type of choice such as fish ball, fish cake, hot dog, and some vegetables.
It is also can mix with seafood such as, prawn, squid, chicken slice, and sliced meat. We eat
all of this with soup while hot.
Taste- had unique taste. Beside we had two types of soup which are spicy and non-spicy so
customer had choice to choose weather spicy or not.
New product- major weaknesses we faced are Hot Pot is a new product in food market
industry. Not many people knew about the existence of the product. Besides, Hot Pot is not a
Malaysian local food and was origin from mainland China, so people still hesitate to try this
Lack of brand awareness- Hot Pot has no established brand or image, whereas steamboat or
The Business Proposal
stew has strong brand recognition.
The Business Proposal
Customer trust- because this food is origin from mainland China so, customer is curious
about the halal status of the food.
Customers allergic- not all of our customer can eat seafood. Maybe some of them are allergic
to seafood and cannot eat it.
Save time- Hot Pot is a save time food. Customers do not have to wait for a long time to eat
Easy made food- Hot Pot is a simple dish. Just boil all the ingredients and dip it into the
soup. Besides, it can be eaten together with rice and suitable to eat at dinner-time.
Cost efficient product- Hot Pot is a cost efficient product. The ingredients of Hot Pot easy to
get beside, it can get with many in quantities.
Increased competition- Many market had a similar food with Hot Pot such as steamboat and
stew. Customer had variety of choice whether to eat Hot Pot or steamboat and stew. Besides,
it was a new product in the market, so customer still had lack of confident in this food.
Downward pressure on pricing- increases competition and market-share strategies are pushing
Hot Pot prices down. Steamboat and stew are relatively expensive.
Vegetarian- not suitable for vegetarian because these foods is based on protein and
carbohydrates such as sliced meat, seafood, fish ball, hot dog, fish cake and etc.
As a new product food market industry, Hot Pot must deal with a number of risks and
contingency that will happen in the future.
Risk we faced in the Hot Pot business is the confident customer level. This is because Hot Pot
is a new product in a food market industry and still had no brand name or image, unlike
steamboat or stew that had its own brand name or image. Beside, Hot Pot is a traditional food
from mainland China so customers are curious about the status of halal of Hot Pot. However,
we are trying to solve this problem. Mostly all the ingredients we get from local supplier and
was halal to eat. Besides, we do it in the Islamic ways means we are very specific in the
tremendous and importance of hygiene and cleanliness of our product.
Lack of marketing strategy- Our main media to promote our product is through media or
internet such as social networking Facebook. We use Facebook because Facebook is the major
community’s network in Malaysia and news can spread easily. Facebook is the fastest ways to
promote product with low cost and very effective ways.
Pricing- our company offers a priced lowers than other spring rolls which offer the same bundle
of features which gives us an edge with price-conscious customers. Even though our product
is quite similar with other spring rolls but it’s more cost effective.
Traditional food- it was one of the traditional food and became Malaysian choice to eat it while
had their breakfast, tea time or as supper.
Taste and figured- had unique taste. It was a type of food with vegetables, some meats as
filling wrapped in a thin sheet of pastry and eaten with home-made sauce
The Business Proposal
Same product- Popia Thai is quite similar to local spring rolls. Besides that, customer cannot
distinguish between local spring rolls and Thai spring rolls at a glance. This is because, it still
look the same, even though Popia Thai are bigger than local spring rolls in size.
Lack of brand awareness- As we know food industry has grown rapidly within time and there
are many instant foods in market that has its own brand or image. So, our product still new
and had no brand or images.
Customer Trust- of course halal status is the main aspect that our customer worried. Thai
spring rolls are halal to eat.
Vegetarian food- Popia Thai are suitable for those who in diet. This is because 100 percent of
the ingredients are based on vegetables. For those who are not vegetarian also can eat this
food because it still contains vitamin, which is good for the body.
Cost efficient product- Popia Thai was a cost efficient product. We can get the ingredients of
Popia Thai easily with lost cost and higher quantity.
Increased competition- many markets offer a variety of food beside Popia Thai such as fried
banana. Customer had variety of choice to eat this food during tea time. Our close competitor
is those who sell the same product because they already had their own customer loyalty.
Downward pressure on pricing- increases competition and market-share strategies are pushing
Hot Pot prices down. Because there is same product in the market the prices tend to decreases
but with difference features and taste.
The Business Proposal
Health- for those who concern about their health, Popia Thai was not their choice to eat
because it is quite cholesterol and was fried with deep-frying method and make it more oily
and oil not good for health. Business strategies can overcome obstacles and risk in business
in long term.
As a new product food market industry, Hot Pot must deal with a number of risks and
contingency that will happen.
Risk we faced in the Popia Thai business is the confident loyalty. This is because there is a
same product in the market with the slightly difference that are. Besides that customer are
hesitates to try new food as they comfortable with their regular food. Besides we do it in the
Islamic ways means we very specific in the tremendous and importance of hygiene and
cleanliness of our product.
Lack of marketing strategy.our main media to promote our product is through media or internet
such as social networking Facebook. We use Facebook because Facebook is the major
communities’ network in Malaysia and news can spread easily. Facebook is the fastest ways to
promote product with low cost and very effective ways.
In conclusion, our group/company selling product with convenient price that very affordable
for customer to buy our product and the most important is our main target customer is students
that they can buy our product with affordable price with high quality foods. This is one way of
our contribution to our customers. Together with the investment that we conduct, it will reduce
the risk of loss, beside can diversify our profit. Our product is a breakthrough to a new kind of
product that ever exists and hard to find in local market which mean our main objective is to
leading the market is very serious. In this innovated product and service that we provide we
can create utilize their want besides their needs.
The Business Proposal
Appendix 1
Appendix 3
Raw material such as potatoes, secret ingredients, paper plates, skewers, plastic spoons and
As for human resources needed, our group will be called all of our members to work
together in order to make our product getting buy and selling it until it finish.
Hot pot
Ingredients A Ingredients B
Hot dog Chilli powder
Fish ball Garlic
Grab stick Onions
Seafood tofu Cooking oil
Fish sandwich Soya sauce
Fish cake Ajinamoto
Green onion
Popia Thai