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[A.C. No. 9532. October 8, 2013.]


RUSTICO B. GAGATE , respondent.



For the Court's resolution is an administrative complaint 1 led by Maria Cristina

Zabaljauregui Pitcher (complainant) against Atty. Rustico B. Gagate (respondent), charging
him for gross ignorance of the law and unethical practice of law.
The Facts
Complainant claimed to be the legal wife of David B. Pitcher (David), 2 a British
national who passed away on June 18, 2004. 3 Prior to his death, David was engaged in
business in the Philippines and owned, among others, 40% of the shareholdings in
Consulting Edge, Inc. 4 (Consulting Edge), a domestic corporation. In order to settle the
affairs of her deceased husband, complainant engaged the services of respondent. 5
On June 22, 2004, complainant and respondent met with Katherine Moscoso
Bantegui (Bantegui), 6 a major stockholder of Consulting Edge, 7 in order to discuss the
settlement of David's interest in the company. 8 They agreed to another meeting which
was, however, postponed by Bantegui. Suspecting that the latter was merely stalling for
time in order to hide something, respondent insisted that the appointment proceed as
scheduled. 9
Eventually, the parties agreed to meet at the company premises on June 28, 2004.
However, prior to the scheduled meeting, complainant was prevailed upon by respondent
to put a paper seal on the door of the said premises, assuring her that the same was legal.
10 acCTSE

On the scheduled meeting, Bantegui expressed disappointment over the actions of

complainant and respondent, which impelled her to just leave the matter for the court to
settle. She then asked them to leave, locked the o ce and refused to give them a
duplicate key. 1 1
Subsequently, however, respondent, without the consent of Bantegui, caused the
change in the lock of the Consulting Edge o ce door, 1 2 which prevented the employees
thereof from entering and carrying on the operations of the company. This prompted
Bantegui to le before the O ce of the City Prosecutor of Makati (Prosecutor's O ce) a
complaint for grave coercion against complainant and respondent. 1 3 In turn, respondent
advised complainant that criminal and civil cases should be initiated against Bantegui for
the recovery of David's personal records business interests in Consulting Edge. 1 4 Thus, on
January 17, 2005, the two entered into a Memorandum of Agreement, 1 5 whereby
respondent undertook the ling of the cases against Bantegui, for which complainant paid
the amount of P150,000.00 as acceptance fee and committed herself to pay respondent
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P1,000.00 for every court hearing. 1 6
On November 18, 2004, the Prosecutor's O ce issued a Resolution 1 7 dated
October 13, 2004, nding probable cause to charge complainant and respondent for grave
coercion. The corresponding Information was led before the Metropolitan Trial Court of
Makati City, Branch 63, docketed as Criminal Case No. 337985 (grave coercion case), and,
as a matter of course, warrants of arrest were issued against them. 1 8 Due to the
foregoing, respondent advised complainant to go into hiding until he had led the
necessary motions in court. Eventually, however, respondent abandoned the grave
coercion case and stopped communicating with complainant. 1 9 Failing to reach
respondent despite diligent efforts, 2 0 complainant led the instant administrative case
before the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP)-Commission on Bar Discipline (CBD),
docketed as CBD Case No. 06-1689.
Despite a directive 2 1 from the IBP-CBD, respondent failed to le his answer to the
complaint. The case was set for mandatory conference on November 24, 2006, 2 2 which
was reset twice, 2 3 on January 12, 2007 and February 2, 2007, due to the absence of
respondent. The last notice sent to respondent, however, was returned unserved for the
reason "moved out." 2 4 In view thereof, Investigating Commissioner Tranquil S. Salvador III
declared the mandatory conference terminated and required the parties to submit their
position papers, supporting documents and affidavits. 2 5 ACETIa

The IBP's Report and Recommendation

On March 18, 2009, Investigating Commissioner Pedro A. Magpayo, Jr.
(Commissioner Magpayo) issued a Report and Recommendation, 2 6 observing that
respondent failed to safeguard complainant's legitimate interest and abandoned her in the
grave coercion case. Commissioner Magpayo pointed out that Bantegui is not legally
obliged to honor complainant as subrogee of David because complainant has yet to
establish her kinship with David and, consequently, her interest in Consulting Edge. 2 7
Hence, the actions taken by respondent, such as the placing of paper seal on the door of
the company premises and the changing of its lock, were all uncalled for. Worse, when
faced with the counter legal measures to his actions, he abandoned his client's cause. 2 8
Commissioner Magpayo found that respondent's acts evinced a lack of adequate
preparation and mastery of the applicable laws on his part, in violation of Canon 5 2 9 of the
Code of Professional Responsibility (Code), warranting his suspension from the practice
of law for a period of six months. 3 0
The IBP Board of Governors adopted and approved the aforementioned Report and
Recommendation in Resolution No. XX-2011-261 dated November 19, 2011 (November
19, 2011 Resolution), nding the same to be fully supported by the evidence on record and
the applicable laws and rules. 3 1
In a Resolution 3 2 dated October 8, 2012, the Court noted the Notice of the IBP's
November 19, 2011 Resolution, and referred the case to the O ce of the Bar Con dant
(OBC) for evaluation, report and recommendation. 3 3 ATESCc

The OBC's Report and Recommendation

On February 11, 2013, the OBC submitted a Report and Recommendation 3 4 dated
February 6, 2013, concluding that respondent grossly neglected his duties to his client and
failed to safeguard the latter's rights and interests in wanton disregard of his duties as a
lawyer. 3 5 It deemed that the six-month suspension from the practice of law as suggested
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by the IBP was an insu cient penalty and, in lieu thereof, recommended that respondent
be suspended for three years. 3 6 Likewise, it ordered respondent to return the
P150,000.00 he received from complainant as acceptance fee. 3 7
The Court's Ruling
After a careful perusal of the records, the Court concurs with and adopts the
findings and conclusions of the OBC, save for the recommended return of the P150,000.00
acceptance fee.
The Court has repeatedly emphasized that the relationship between a lawyer and his
client is one imbued with utmost trust and con dence. In this regard, clients are led to
expect that lawyers would be ever-mindful of their cause and accordingly exercise the
required degree of diligence in handling their affairs. For his part, the lawyer is expected to
maintain at all times a high standard of legal pro ciency, and to devote his full attention,
skill, and competence to the case, regardless of its importance and whether he accepts it
for a fee or for free. 3 8 To this end, he is enjoined to employ only fair and honest means to
attain lawful objectives. 3 9 These principles are embodied in Canon 17, Rule 18.03 of
Canon 18, and Rule 19.01 of Canon 19 of the Code which respectively state: HAIDcE

CANON 17 — A lawyer owes delity to the cause of his client and he shall be
mindful of the trust and confidence reposed in him.

CANON 18 — A lawyer shall serve his client with competence and diligence.

xxx xxx xxx

Rule 18.03 — A lawyer shall not neglect a legal matter entrusted to him, and his
negligence in connection therewith shall render him liable.
xxx xxx xxx

CANON 19 — A lawyer shall represent his client with zeal within the bounds of
the law.
Rule 19.01 — A lawyer shall employ only fair and honest means to attain the
lawful objectives of his client and shall not present, participate in presenting or
threaten to present unfounded criminal charges to obtain an improper
advantage in any case or proceeding.
xxx xxx xxx

Keeping with the foregoing rules, the Court nds that respondent failed to exercise
the required diligence in handling complainant's cause since he: first, failed to represent
her competently and diligently by acting and proffering professional advice beyond the
proper bounds of law; and, second, abandoned his client's cause while the grave coercion
case against them was pending. acEHSI

Anent the rst infraction, it bears emphasis that complainant's right over the
properties of her deceased husband, David, has yet to be su ciently established. As such,
the high-handed action taken by respondent to enforce complainant's claim of ownership
over the latter's interest in Consulting Edge — i.e., causing the change of the o ce door
lock which thereby prevented the free ingress and egress of the employees of the said
company — was highly improper. Verily, a person cannot take the law into his own hands,
regardless of the merits of his theory. In the same light, respondent's act of advising
complainant to go into hiding in order to evade arrest in the criminal case can hardly be
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maintained as proper legal advice since the same constitutes transgression of the
ordinary processes of law. By virtue of the foregoing, respondent clearly violated his duty
to his client to use peaceful and lawful methods in seeking justice, 4 0 in violation of Rule
19.01, Canon 19 of the Code as above-quoted. To note further, since such courses of
action were not only improper but also erroneous, respondent equally failed to serve his
client with competence and diligence in violation of Canon 18 of the Code. In the same
regard, he also remained unmindful of his client's trust in him — in particular, her trust that
respondent would only provide her with the proper legal advice in pursuing her interests —
thereby violating Canon 17 of the Code.
With respect to the second infraction, records de nitively bear out that respondent
completely abandoned complainant during the pendency of the grave coercion case
against them; this notwithstanding petitioner's efforts to reach him as well as his
purported receipt of the P150,000.00 acceptance fee. It is hornbook principle that a
lawyer's duty of competence and diligence includes not merely reviewing the cases
entrusted to his care or giving sound legal advice, but also consists of properly
representing the client before any court or tribunal, attending scheduled hearings or
conferences, preparing and ling the required pleadings, prosecuting the handled cases
with reasonable dispatch, and urging their termination even without prodding from the
client or the court. 4 1 Hence, considering respondent's gross and inexcusable neglect by
leaving his client totally unrepresented in a criminal case, it cannot be doubted that he
violated Canon 17, Rule 18.03 of Canon 18, and Rule 19.01 of Canon 19 of the Code. cESDCa

In addition, it must be pointed out that respondent failed to le his answer to the
complaint despite due notice. This demonstrates not only his lack of responsibility but
also his lack of interest in clearing his name, which, as case law directs, is constitutive of
an implied admission of the charges leveled against him. 4 2 In ne, respondent should be
held administratively liable for his infractions as herein discussed. That said, the Court now
proceeds to determine the appropriate penalty to be imposed against respondent.
Several cases show that lawyers who have been held liable for gross negligence for
infractions similar to those committed of respondent were suspended from the practice
of law for a period of two years. In Jinon v. Jiz , 4 3 a lawyer who neglected his client's case,
misappropriated the client's funds and disobeyed the IBP's directives to submit his
pleadings and attend the hearings was suspended from the practice of law for two years.
In Small v. Banares , 4 4 the Court meted a similar penalty against a lawyer who failed to
render any legal service even after receiving money from the complainant; to return the
money and documents he received despite demand; to update his client on the status of
her case and respond to her requests for information; and to le an answer and attend the
mandatory conference before the IBP. Also, in Villanueva v. Gonzales , 4 5 a lawyer who
neglected complainant's cause; refused to immediately account for his client's money and
to return the documents received; failed to update his client on the status of her case and
to respond to her requests for information; and failed to submit his answer and to attend
the mandatory conference before the IBP was suspended from the practice of law for two
years. However, the Court observes that, in the present case, complainant was subjected
to a graver injury as she was prosecuted for the crime of grave coercion largely due to the
improper and erroneous advice of respondent. Were it not for respondent's imprudent
counseling, not to mention his act of abandoning his client during the proceedings,
complainant would not have unduly suffered the harbors of a criminal prosecution. Thus,
considering the superior degree of the prejudice caused to complainant, the Court nds it
apt to impose against respondent a higher penalty of suspension from the practice of law
for a period of three years as recommended by the OBC. aICHEc

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In the same light, the Court sustains the OBC's recommendation for the return of the
P150,000.00 acceptance fee received by respondent from complainant since the same is
intrinsically linked to his professional engagement. While the Court has previously held that
disciplinary proceedings should only revolve around the determination of the respondent-
lawyer's administrative and not his civil liability, 4 6 it must be clari ed that this rule remains
applicable only to claimed liabilities which are purely civil in nature -- for instance, when the
claim involves moneys received by the lawyer from his client in a transaction separate and
distinct and not intrinsically linked to his professional engagement (such as the
acceptance fee in this case). Hence, considering further that the fact of respondent's
receipt of the P150,000.00 acceptance fee from complainant remains undisputed, 4 7 the
Court finds the return of the said fee, as recommended by the OBC, to be in order.
WHEREFORE , respondent Atty. Rustico B. Gagate is found guilty of violating Canon
17, Rule 18.03 of Canon 18, and Rule 19.01 of Canon 19 of the Code of Professional
Responsibility. Accordingly, he is hereby SUSPENDED from the practice of law for a
period of three (3) years, effective upon the nality of this Decision, with a stern warning
that a repetition of the same or similar acts will be dealt with more severely.
Further, respondent is ORDERED to return to complainant Maria Cristina
Zabaljauregui Pitcher the P150,000.00 acceptance fee he received from the latter within
ninety (90) days from the nality of this Decision. Failure to comply with the foregoing
directive will warrant the imposition of a more severe penalty.
Let a copy of this Decision be furnished the O ce of the Bar Con dant, the
Integrated Bar of the Philippines, and the O ce of the Court Administrator for circulation
to all the courts.
Sereno, C.J., Carpio, Velasco, Jr., Leonardo-de Castro, Brion, Peralta, Bersamin, Del
Castillo, Abad, Perez, Mendoza and Leonen, JJ., concur.
Villarama, Jr., J., is on official leave.
Reyes, J., took no part — had been my associate.

1. Rollo, pp. 1-5.

2. Id. at 117. As shown in the Marriage Contract.

3. Id. at 1.

4. Id. at 1, 56, and 140.

5. Id. at 1, 52, 72, and 140.

6. Id. at 1. "Katrina Bantigue or Bantique" in some parts of the record.

7. Id. at 68-69.
8. Id. at 1.

9. Id. at 2.

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10. Id. at 2, 110, and 141.

11. Id. at 2-3, 110-111, and 141.

12. Id. at 3, 111, and 141. See also TSN, February 2, 2007 (attached to the rollo), id. at 80-85.
13. Id. at 3, 111, and 142.

14. Id. at 3 and 111.

15. Id. at 118-122.

16. Id. at 3 and 111.

17. Id. at 124-128. Docketed as I.S. No. 2004-G-10680. Issued by 4th Assistant City Prosecutor
William C. T. Uy.
18. Id. at 4.
19. Id.
20. Ibid.

21. Id. at 18-19. The Order dated March 15, 2006 issued by Director for Bar Discipline Rogelio A.
Vinluan was delivered to respondent on March 27, 2006 as shown in the Quezon City
Central Post O ce's Certi cation dated February 19, 2009 issued by Chief of the
Records Unit Llewelyn Fallarme.
22. Id. at 25. Notice of Mandatory Conference dated September 29, 2006 issued by
Commissioner Tranquil S. Salvador III.
23. Id. at 29 and 31.
24. Id. at 32. Per the Postmaster's Letter dated February 18, 2009.
25. Id. at 98. Order dated February 2, 2007.

26. Id. at 138-146.

27. Id. at 145.
28. Id.
29. CANON 5 — A lawyer shall keep abreast of legal developments, participate in continuing
legal education programs, support efforts to achieve high standards in law schools as
well as in the practical training of law students and assist in disseminating information
regarding the law and jurisprudence.

30. Rollo, pp. 145-146.

31. Id. at 137.
32. Id. at 147.
33. Id. at 148.
34. Id. at 149-153.

35. Id. at 151-152.

36. Id. at 152-153.
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37. Id. at 153.

38. Vda. de Saldivar v. Cabanes, Jr., A.C. No. 7749, July 8, 2013.
39. Trinidad v. Villarin, A.C. No. 9310, February 27, 2013, 692 SCRA 1, 7.
40. Rural Bank of Calape, Inc. (RBCI) Bohol v. Florido , A.C. No. 5736, June 18, 2010, 621 SCRA
182, 187.
41. Vda. de Saldivar v. Cabanes, Jr., supra note 38.
42. See Re: Criminal Case No. MC-02-5637 Against Arturo V. Peralta and Larry C. De Guzman ,
498 Phil. 318, 325 (2005).
43. See A.C. No. 9615, March 5, 2013, 692 SCRA 348.
44. See 545 Phil. 226 (2007).

45. See 568 Phil. 379 (2008).

46. See Roa v. Moreno, A.C. No. 8382, April 21, 2010, 618 SCRA 693.
47. The assertion that the P150,000.00 acceptance fee was received by respondent – as
evidenced by a receipt signed by respondent (attached as Annex “C” to the complaint;
rollo, p. 12) – remains undisputed in view of respondent’s default during the
administrative proceedings a quo (see Order dated February 2, 2007; id. at 98) as well as
his failure to le any other pleading in his defense despite due notice (see id. at 151). To
further note, the said receipt was duly submitted to the IBP during the February 2, 2007
mandatory conference (id. at 61-64). However, records do not show that complainant’s
allegation with respect to her payment of appearance fees to respondent at the rate of
P1,000.00 per hearing (see complainant, id. at 3) was duly substantiated; perforce, the
return of the same cannot be made by the Court.

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