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Discussion - Inventories

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under this, the freight charge is actually paid by the

Inventories buyer
- PAS 2 defines Inventories are assets which are
held for sale in the ordinary course of business, in
the process of production for such sale or in the form
of materials or supplies to be consumed in the Freight prepaid – This means that the freight charge
production in the rendering of services. on the goods shipped is already paid by the seller.

Classes of inventories Note:

1. Trading concern is one that buys and sells goods The terms “FOB Destination” and “FOB Shipping
in the same form purchased. The “term point” determine ownership of the goods in transit
merchandising” is generally applied to goods held by and the party who is supposed to pay the freight
a trading concern. charge and other expenses from the point of
shipment to the point of destination.
2. Manufacturing concern is one that buys goods
which are altered or converted into another form The terms “freight collect” and “freight prepaid”
before they are made available for sale. The term determine the party who actually paid the freight
“finished goods”, “goods in process”, “raw charge but not the party who is supposed to legally
materials”, and “factory or manufacturing supplies” pay the freight charge.
refer to inventories of a manufacturing concern.
Consigned Goods
Goods includible in the inventory
A consignment is a method of marketing goods in
As a rule, all goods to which the entity has title shall which the owner called the consignor transfers
be included in the inventory, regardless of location. physical possession of certain goods to an agent
Where title has already passed from the seller to the called the consignee who sells them on the owner’s
buyer, the goods form part of the inventory of the behalf.
Freight and other handling charges on goods out on
The phrase “passing of title” is a language which consignment are part of the cost of goods consigned.
means “the point of time at which ownership
changes” When the consigned goods are sold by the
consignee, a report is made to the consignor
** Goods owned and on hand, goods in transit and together with a cash remittance for the amount of
sold FOB destination, goods in transit and purchased sales minus commission and other expenses
FOB shipping point, goods out on consignment, chargeable to the consignor.
goods in the hands of salesmen or agents, goods
held by customers on approval or on trial, are all Illustration A:
includible in inventory” A consignee sells consigned goods for 100,000.
This amount is remitted to the consignor less
Who is the owner of goods in transit? commission of 15,000 and advertising of 2,000.

This will depend on the terms, whether FOB Prepare entry to record the remittance of consignee.
destination or FOB shipping point. FOB means Free
on Board.

Under FOB destination, ownership of goods

purchased is transferred only upon receipt of the
goods by the buyer at the point of destination. Thus, Accounting for inventories
under this, the goods in transit are still the property
of the seller. Accordingly, the seller shall legally be Two systems are offered in accounting for
responsible for freight charges and other expenses inventories, namely periodic system and perpetual
up to the point of destination. system

On the other hand, if the term is FOB shipping point, The periodic system calls for the physical counting of
ownership is transferred upon shipment of the goods goods on hand at the end of the accounting period to
and therefore, the goods in transit is the property of determine the quantities. The quantities are then
the buyer. Accordingly, the buyer shall legally be multiplied by the corresponding unit cost to get the
responsible for freight charges and other expenses inventory value for balance sheet purposes.
up to the point of destination.
The periodic inventory procedures is generally used
Freight terms: when the individual inventory items turn over rapidly
and have small peso investment such that it may
Freight collect – This means that the freight charge prove impractical or inconvenient to record inventory
on the goods shipped is not yet paid. The common inflow and outflow, such as groceries, hard wares
carrier shall collect the same from the buyer. Thus, and auto parts.

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On the other hand, the perpetual system required There are two methods of recording purchases,
the maintenance of records called stock cards that namely:
usually offer running summary of the inventory
inflow and outflow. The perpetual inventory 1. Gross Method – Purchases and accounts payable
procedure is commonly used where the inventory are recorded at gross.
items treated individually represent a relatively large
pesos investment such as jewelry and cars. This 2. Net Method - Purchases and accounts payable are
procedure is designed for control purposes. recorded at net.

Illustration B: Illustration D

1. Purchase of merchandise on account, under FOB 1. Purchased of merchandise on account, 200,000,

shipping point, 300,000. 2/10, n/30.

2. Payment of freight charge on the purchase, 2. Assume payment is made within the discount
20,000. period.

3. Return of merchandise purchased to supplier, 3. Assume payment is made beyond the discount
30,000. period.

4. Sale of merchandise on account, 400,000, at 40% Required: Prepare journal entries, assuming the
gross profit. company uses: a. Gross Method and b, Net Method
in recording purchases.

5. Return of merchandise sold from customer, Measurement of inventory

PAS2 provides the following clear cut principles
concerning measurement of inventory:

6. At the end of the accounting period, the physical a. Inventories shall be measured at the lower of
counts for inventories was made amounting to cost or net realizable value.
b. The cost of inventories shall be determined by
using either the FIFO method or weighted average
Required: Prepare entries to record the above
transactions, assume the company uses: c. The cost of inventories that are not ordinarily
a. Periodic system interchangeable and inventories that are segregated
b. Perpetual system for specific projects shall be determined by using
specific identification method.
Trade Discounts and Cash Discounts
Cost of inventories
Trade discount are deductions from the list or
catalog price in order to arrive at the invoice price The cost of inventories shall comprise:
which is the amount actually charge to the buyer.
Thus, Trade discounts are not recorded. a. Cost of purchase – comprises the purchase price,
import duties and irrecoverable taxes, freight,
The purpose of trade discounts is to encourage handling and other costs directly attributable to the
trading or increase sales. Trade discounts also acquisition of finished goods, materials and services
suggest to the buyer the price at which the goods
may be sold. b. Cost of conversion – includes cost directly related
to the units of production such as direct labor. It also
Cash discounts are deduction from the invoice price includes a systematic allocation of fixed and variable
when payment is made within the discount period. production overhead that is incurred in converting
The purpose of cash discounts is to encourage materials into finished goods.
prompt payment.
c. Other cost incurred in bringing the inventories to
Cash discount is recorded as purchase discount by their present location and condition – Other cost is
the buyer and sales discount by the seller. Purchase included in the cost of inventories only to the extent
discount is deducted from purchases to arrive at net that is incurred in bringing the inventories to their
purchases and sales discount is deducted from sales present location and condition. For example, it may
to arrive at net sales revenue. be appropriate to include the cost of designing
product for specific customers in the cost of
Illustration C inventories

The list price of merchandise purchased is 500,000 However, the following costs are excluded from the
less 20% and 10%, with credit terms of 5/10, n30. cost of inventories and recognized as expenses in the
period in which they are incurred:
Required: The entry to record purchases is?
a. Abnormal amounts of wasted materials, labor and
other production costs
b. Storage costs, unless these costs are necessary in
Methods of recording purchases the production process prior to a further production

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c. Administrative overheads that do not contribute to
bringing inventories to their present location and
d. Ditribution or selling costs

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