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MATH Problem Sets CE Review 2014

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ENGINEERING simple interest of 6 % per days.

Find the rate of referred to as the

ECONOMICS annum? interest. “Bankers discount”.
SET 1 Ans. P30,000.00 Ans. 37.11 % Ans. 15.92 % ;
10.It is the practice of 13.73 %
SIMPLE INTEREST almost all bank in the 12.A man borrowed from a
1. Find the interest on 5. How long must a P40,000 Philippines that when bank under a promissory
P6800.00 for 3 years at note bearing 4 % simple they grant a loan, the note that he signed in
11 % simple interest. interest run to amount to interest for one year is the amount pf
Ans. P2,244.00 P41,350.00? automatically deducted P25,000.00 for a period
2. A man borrowed Ans. 304 days from the principal of one year. He received
P10,000.00 from his 6. If P16,000 earns P480 in amount upon release on only the amount of
friend and agrees to 9 months, what is the money to a borrower. Let P21,915.00 after the
pay at the end of 90 annual rate of interest? us therefore assume bank collected the
days under 8 % simple Ans. 4% that you applied for a advance interest and an
interest rate. What is 7. A time deposit of loan with a bank and the additional amount of
the required amount? P110,000 for 31 days P80000 was approved at P85.00 for notarial and
Ans. P10,200.00 earns P890.39 on an interest rate of 14 % inspection fees. What
3. Annie buys a television maturity date after of which P11200 was was the rate of interest
set from a merchant deducting the 20 % deducted and you were that the bank collected
who offers P25,000.00 withholding tax on given a check of in advance?
at the end of 60 days. interest income. Find the P68800. Since you have Ans. 13.64 %
Annie wishes to pay rate of interest per to pay the amount of 13.Agnes Abanilla was
immediately and the annum. P80000 one year after, granted a loan of
merchant offers to Ans. 11.75 % what then will be the P20,000 by her
compute the required 8. A bank charges 12 % effective interest rate? employer CPM Industrial
amount on the simple interest on a Ans. 16.28 % Fabricator and
assumption that money P300.00 loan. How much 11.Mr. J. de la Cruz Construction Corporation
is worth 14 % simple will be repaid if the load borrowed money from a with an interest at 6 %
interest. What is the is paid back in one lump bank. He received from for 180 days on the
required amount? sum after three years. the bank P1,340.00 and principal collected in
Ans. P24,429.97 Ans. P408.00 promised to pay advance. The
4. What is the principal 9. A price tag of P1200 is P1,500.00 at the end of corporation would
amount if the amount specified if paid within 60 9 months. Determine accept a promissory
of interest at the end of days but offers a 3 % the simple interest rate note for P20,000 non –
2 ½ year is P4500 for a discount for cash in 30 and the corresponding interest for 180 days. If
discount rate or often discounted at once, find

the proceeds on the buyer can afford to On May 15, 1996, Mr. was the rate of discount
note. borrow money in order to Abella discounts the and the rate of interest
Ans. P18,800 take advantage of the note at the bank whose that the bank collected
14.P4000 is borrowed for discount? discount rate is 6 %. in advance.
75 days at 16 % per Ans. 21.4 % What does he received? Ans. 4 % ; 4.17 %
annum simple interest. 17.In buying a computer Ans. P1513.56 COMPOUND INTEREST
How much will be due disk, the buyer was 21.A deposit of P110,000 25.Accumulate P5,000.00
at the end of 75 days? offered the options of was made for 31 days. for 10 years at 8 %
Ans. P4133.33 paying P250 cash at the The net interest after compounded quarterly.
15.Mr. Almagro made a end of 30 days or P270 at deducting 20 % Ans. P11,040.20
money market the end of 120 days. At withholding tax is 26.Accumulate P5,000.00
placement of what rate is the buyer P890.36. Find the rate of for 10 years at 8 %
P1,000,000 for 30 days paying simple interest if return annually. compounded semi –
at 7.5 % per year. If the he agree to pay at the Ans. 11.75 % annually.
withholding tax is 20 %, end of 120 days. 22.If you borrowed money Ans. P10,955.61
what is the net interest Ans. 32 % from your friend with 27.Accumulate P5,000.00
that Mr. Almagro will 18.Find the discount if P2000 simple interest of 12 %, for 10 years at 8 %
receive at the end of is discounted for 6 find the present worth of compounded monthly.
the month? months at 8 % simple P50,000 which is due at Ans. P11,098.20
Ans. P5000 discounts. the end of 7 months. 28.Accumulates P5,000.00
Ans. P80.00 Ans. P46,728.97 for 10 years at 8 %
19.Compute the discount if 23.If the compound interest compounded annually.
P2000 is discounted for 6 on P3,000.00 in 2 years Ans. P10,794.62
months at 8 % simple is P500.00, then the 29.How long will it take
ENGINEERING interest. compound interest on P1,000 to amount to
ECONOMICS Ans. P76.92 P3,000.00 in 4 years is: P1,346 if invested at 6 %
SET 2 Ans. P1,083.00 compounded quarterly?
20.On March 1, 1996 Mr. Ans. 5 years
16.A bill for motorboat Almagro obtains a loan of 24.A man borrowed P2000
specifies the cost as P1500 from Mr. Abella from a bank and promise 30.How long will it take for
P1200 due at the end and signs a note to pay the amount for an investment to double
of 100 days but offers a promising to pay the one year. He received its amount if invested at
4 % discount for cash in principal and only the amount of an interest rate of 6 %
30 days. What is the accumulated simple P1,920 after the bank compounded bi –
highest rate, simple interest at the rate of 5 % collected an advance monthly?
interest at which the at the end of 120 days. interest of P80. What Ans. 12 years

31.If you borrowed annual interest rate is 8 Ans. 10 years
P10,000 from a bank %. 44.The nominal interest
with 18 % interest per Ans. P152.87 rate is 4 %. How much is
annum, what is the my P10,000.00 worth in
total amount to be ENGINEERING 40.A firm borrows P2000.00 10 years in a
repaid at the end of ECONOMICS for 6 years at 8 %. At continuously
one year? SET 3 the end of 6 years, it compounded account?
Ans. P11,800.00 renews the loan for the Ans. P14,918.25
32.What is the effective 36.A man has a will of amount due plus P2000 45.How much must be
rate for an interest rate P650,000.00 from his more for 2 years at 8 %. invested on January 1,
of 12 % compounded father. If his father What is the lump sum year 1 in order to
continuously? deposited an amount of due. accumulate P2,000.00
Ans. 12.75 % P450,000.00 in a trust Ans. P6,034.66 on January 1, year 6 at 6
33.How long will it take for fund earning 8 % 41.At an annual rate of %.
an investment to compounded annually, return of 8 %, what is Ans. P1,495.00
fivefold its amount if after how many years will the future worth of 46.If P5000.00 shall
money is worth 14 % the man receive his will? P1000 at the end of 4 accumulate for 10 years
compounded semi – Ans. 4.78 years years? at 8 % compounded
annually? 37.Mr. Adam deposited Ans. P1360.50 quarterly. Find the
Ans. 12 P120,000.00 in a bank 42.A student has money compounded interest at
34.An interest rate of 8 % who offers 8 % interest given by his grandfather the end of 10 years.
compounded semi – compounded quarterly. If in the amount of Ans. P6,040.20
annually is how many the interest is subject to a P20,000.00. How much 47.The amount of
percent if compounded 14 % tax, how much will money in the form of P1,500.00 was deposited
quarterly? he receive after 5 years? interest will he get if the in a bank account, 20
Ans. 7.92 % Ans. P170,149.77 money is put in a bank years ago. Today is
35.A man is expecting to 38.What interest that offers 8 % rate worth P3,000.00.
receive P450,000.00 at compounded monthly is compounded annually, Interest is paid semi –
the end of 7 years. If equivalent to an interest at the end of 7 years? annually. Determine the
money is worth 14 % rate of 14 % compounded Ans. P34,276.48 interest rate paid on this
compounded quarterly, quarterly? 43.If the interest rate on an account?
how much is it worth at Ans. 13.84 % account is 11.5 % Ans. 3.5 %
present? 39.What is the present worth compounded yearly, 48.If the nominal interest
Ans. P171,744.45 of two P100.00 payments approximately how rate is 3 %, how much is
at the end of the third many years will it take P5, 000.00 worth in 10
and the fourth year? The to triple the amount?

years in a continuously 52.A company invests 56.Convert 12 % considering interest at 6
compounded account? P10,000.00 today to be compounded semi – % compounded
Ans. P6,750.00 repaid in five years in one annually to x % quarterly?
49.A merchant puts in his lump sum at 12 % compounded monthly. Ans. P11,025.25
P2,000.00 to a small compounded annually. If Ans. 11.71 % 61.What amount will be
business for a period of the rate of inflation is 3 % 57.A bank is advertising 9.5 accumulated by a
six years. With a given compounded annually, % accounts that yield present investment of
interest rate on the how much profit in 9.84 % annually. How P17,200 in 6 years at 2
investment of 15 % per present day pesos is often is the interest % compounded
year, compounded realized over five years? compounded? quarterly?
annually, how much will Ans. P5,202.00 a) Daily Ans. P19,387.15
he collect at the end of 53.Compute the effective b) Monthly 62.What rate of interest
the sixth year? rate for an interest rate of c) Bi – monthly compounded annually
Ans. P4,626.00 16 % compounded d) Quarterly must be received if an
50.A person invests annually. Ans. quarterly investment of
P4,500.00 to be Ans. 16 % 58.By the conditions of a P54,000.00 made now
collected in 8 years. 54.Compute the effective will, the sum of will result in a receipt of
Given that the interest rate for an interest rate of P25,000.00 is left to a P72,000.00 5 years
rate on the investment 16 % compounded girl to be held in a trust hence?
is 14.5 % per year quarterly. fund by her guardian Ans. 5.92 %
compounded annually, Ans. 16.98 % until it amount to P45, 63.With interest at 6 %
what sum will be 000.00. When will the compounded annually,
collected in 8 years? girl receive the money if how much is required 7
Ans. P13,294.02 the fund is invested at 8 years hence to repay an
51.In year zero, you invest % compounded P8 M loan made today?
P10,000.00 in a 15 % quarterly? Ans. P12,029,042
security for 5 years. ENGINEERING Ans. 7.42 years 64.If money is worth 6 %
During that time, the ECONOMICS 59.What is the effective compounded annually,
average annual SET 4 rate corresponding to 16 what payment 12 years
inflation is 6 %. How % compounded daily? from now is equivalent
much, in terms of year 55.Convert 12 % Take 1 year = 360 days. to a payment of
zero pesos, will be in compounded semi – Ans. 17.35 % P7,000.00 9 years from
the account at the annually to x % 60.A man expects to now?
maturity? compounded quarterly. receive P20,000.00 in 10 Ans. P8,337.10
Ans. P15,030.00 Ans. 11.83 % years. How much is that
money worth now

65.If money is worth 6 % instead for 15 % Ans. P4,214.40 years of P6,500.00
compounded annually, compounded semi – 74.The amount of P12,800 invested at the rate of
how much can be annually? in 4 years at 5 % 12 % per year
loaned now if P6,000.00 Ans. 14.73 % compounded quarterly is compounded semi –
will be repaid at the : annually?
end of 8 years. 70.Which of the following Ans. P1,5614.59 Ans. P9,221.00
Ans. P3,764.50 has the least effective 80.What interest rate,
66.A person invest P4,500 annual interest rate? ENGINEERING compounded monthly is
to be collected in 8 a) 12 % compounded ECONOMICS equivalent to 10 %
years. Given that the quarterly SET 5 effective rate?
interest rate on the b) 11.5 % compounded Ans. 9.57 %
investment is 14.5 % monthly 75.What rate (%) 81.A man wishes his son to
per year, compounded c) 11.7 % compounded compounded quarterly is receive P500,000.00 ten
annually, what sum, in semi – annually equivalent to 6 % years from now. What
pesos, will be collected d) 12.2 % compounded compounded semi – amount should he invest
eight years hence? annually annually? now if it will earn
Ans. P13,294.00 Ans. 11.7 % Ans. 5.96 % interest of 12 %
67.If P500,000 is deposited compounded semi - 76.Fifteen percent (15 %) compounded annually
at a rate of 11.25 % annually when compounded semi during the first 5 years
compounded monthly, 71.One hundred thousand – annually will have and 15 % compounded
determine the pesos was placed in a effective rate of : quarterly during the
compounded interest time deposit that earns 9 Ans. 15.56 % next 5 years?
after 7 years and 9 % compounded quarterly, 77.What rate of interest Ans. P129,853.48
months. tax free. After how many compounded annually is 82.A savings association
Ans. 690,849 years would it be able to the same as the rate of pays 4 % interest
68.P200,000 was earn a total interest of interest of 8 % quarterly. What is the
deposited on January 1, fifty thousand pesos? compounded quarterly? effective annual interest
1988 at an interest rate Ans. 4.56 Ans. 8.24 % rate?
of 24 % compounded 72.The amount of P2,825.00 78.How long will it take the Ans. 16.985 %
semi – annually. How in 8 years at 5 % money to triple itself if 83.A bank offers 1.2 %
much would the sum on compounded quarterly is: invested at 10 % effective monthly
January 1, 1993? Ans. P4,203.97 compounded semi – interest. What is the
Ans. P621,170.00 73.The amount of P2,825.00 annually? effective annual rate
69.Find the nominal rate in 8 years at 5 % Ans. 11.3 years with monthly
that if converted compounded 79.What is the accumulated compounding?
quarterly could be used continuously is: amount after three (3) Ans. 15.4 %

84.What is the present held in trust fund by her Ans. 8% which is equivalent to 5
worth of P27,000.00 guardian until it amounts 93.How many years will % nominal annual
due in 6 years if money to P50,000.00. When will P100,00 earned a interest compounded
is worth 13 % and is the girl receive the compound interest rate continuously.
compounded semi – money if the fund is is 9 % compounded Ans. 5.13 %
annually? invested at 8 % quarterly? 98.Compute the nominal
Ans. P12,681.00 compounded quarterly? Ans. 4.55 years interest rate of a
85.The amount of P12, 800 Ans. 11.57 years 94.A certain amount was continuously
in 4 years at 5 % 89.A man expects to receive deposited 5 years and 9 compounded loan if the
compounded quarterly P25,000 in 8 years. How months ago at an effective interest rate is
is : much is that worth now interest of 8 % 25 %?
Ans. P15,614.59 considering interest at 8 compounded quarterly. If Ans. loge 1.25
86.A man borrows money % compounded the sum mow is 99.A man wishes to have
from a bank which uses quarterly? P315,379.85, how much P40,000 in a certain
a simple discount rate Ans. P13,265.83 was the amount fund at the end of 8
of 14 %. He signs a deposited? years. How much should
promissory note 90.P500,000 was deposited Ans. P200,000 be invest in a fund that
promising to pay at an interest of 6 % will pay 6 %
P500.00 per month at compounded quarterly. ENGINEERING compounded
the end of 4th, 6th and Compute the compound ECONOMICS continuously?
7th months respectively. interest after 4 years and SET 6 Ans. P24.751.34
Determine the amount 9 months.
of money that he Ans. P163,475.37 95.If the rate of interest is 100. If the effective
received from the bank. 91.If the nominal interest 12 % compounded annual interest rate in 4
Ans. P1,403.68 rate is 3 %, how much is annually , find the %, compute the
87.A nominal interest of 3 P5,000 in 10 years in a equivalent rate of equivalent nominal
% compounded continuously interest if it is annual interest
continuously is given compounded account? compounded quarterly. compounded
on the account. What is Ans. P6,750 Ans. 11.49 % continuously.
the accumulated 92.P200,000 was deposited 96.How long will it take Ans. 3.92 %
amount of P10,000 for a period of 4 years money to double itself if 101. What is the nominal
after 10 years? and 6 months and bears invested at 5 % rate of interest
Ans. P13,498.60 on interest of P85,649.25. compounded annually? compounded
88.By the condition of a what is the rate of Ans. 14 years continuously for 10
will, the sum of P2,000 interest if it is 97.Compute the effective years if the compound
is left to a girl to be compounded quarterly? annual interest rate

amount factor is equal continuously Ans. 6% 115. How much should
to 1.34986? compounded loan? you put into a 10 %
Ans. 3% Ans. 21.51 % 111. If the single payment savings account in order
102. American Express 106. What is the nominal present worth factor for to have P10,000.00 in
Corp. charges 1 ½ % rate of interest a period of 8 years is five years?
interest per month, compounded equal to 0.58201, Ans. P6,210.00
compounded continuously for 8 years if compute the nearest
continuously on the the present worth factor value of the rate of
unpaid balance is equal to 0.6187835? interest for that period.
purchases made on this Ans. 6% Ans. 7%
credit card. Compute 107. What is the difference 112. If money is worth 8 %
the effective rate of of the amount 3 years compounded quarterly,
interest. from now for a 10 % compute the single FLUID MECHANICS and
Ans. 19.72 % simple interest and 10 % payment amount factor HYDRAULICS
103. If the nominal compound interest per for a period of 6 years. SET 1
interest is 12 % year? Ans. 1.60844
compounded Ans. P155 113. A sum of P1,000.00 is PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS
continuously, compute 108. Find the discount if invested now and left for 1. A reservoir of glycerin
the effective annual P2,000 is discounted for 6 8 years, at which time has a mass of 120 kg
rate of interest. months at 8 % compound the principal is and a volume of 0.952
Ans. 12.75 % quarterly. withdrawn. The interest m3. Find its weight, mass
104. Compute the Ans. P77.66 has a accrued is left for density, specific weight
difference in the future 109. If a sum of money another 8 years. If the and specific gravity.
amount of P500 triples in a certain period effective annual interest Ans. 11.77 kN, 1261
compounded annually of time at a given rate of rate is 5 %, what will be kg/m3, 12.36 kN/m3, 1.26
at nominal rate of 5 % interest, compute the the withdrawn amount 2. The specific gravity of
and if it is compounded value of the single at the end of the 16th oil is 0.82. Calculate its
continuously for 5 years payment present worth year? specific weight in lb/ft3
at the same rate. factor. Ans. P705.42 and kN/m3 and mass
Ans. P3.87 Ans. 0.333 114. P500,000 was density in slugs/ft3 and
110. If the single payment deposited 20.15 years kg/m3.
105. If the effective amount factor for a ago at an interest rate of Ans. 51.17 lb/ft3,
interest rate is 24 %, period of 5 years is 7 % compounded semi – 8.04 kN/m3, 1.59
what nominal rate of 1.33822. What is the annually. How much is slugs/ft3 and 820 kg/m3.
interest is charged for a nearest value of the the sum now? 3. A body requires a force
interest rate? Ans. P2,000,000 of 100 N to accelerate it

at a rate of 0.20 m/s2. weight at a point where 14.An object at a certain water is poured into a
Determine the mass of the acceleration due to location has a mass of conical tank 20 in high
the body in kg and in gravity g = 9.75 m/s2? b) 2.0 kg and weighs 19.0 with a base radius of 10
slugs. What will be its mass at N on a spring balance. in. How much additional
Ans. 500 kg, 34.3 that point? What is the acceleration water is required to fill
slugs Ans. 214.5 N, 22 kg due to gravity at this the tank?
4. The weight of a 9. One cubic foot of location? Ans. 713 in3
body is 100 lb. glycerine has a mass of Ans. 9.50 m/s2 20. A conical tank 20 in
Determine its weight in 2.44 slugs. Find its 15. If an object has a high and a base radius
Newtons, and its specific weight in lb/ft3 mass of 2.0 slugs at sea 10 in., holds 30.5 kg of
acceleration if a net and kN/m3. level, what would be its salad oil, what is the
force of 50 lb is applied Ans. 78.6 lb/ft3, 12.35 mass be at a location density of the oil?
to the body. kN/m where the acceleration Ans. 889 kg/m3
10. The volume of a rock is due to gravity is 30.00
Ans. 444.8 N, 16.09
found to be 0.00015 m3. ft/s2? UNIT WEIGHT OF AIR
ft/s2, 4.90 m/s2
If the rocks sp. gr. is 2.6, Ans. 2.0 slugs AND GASES
5. A liter of water weighs
what is the weight in 16. What would be the
about 9.75 N. Compute 21. What is the specific
Newtons? weight of a 3 kg mass on
its mass in kilograms. weight of air at
Ans. 3.82 N a planet where the
Ans. 0.994 kg 480 kPa absolute
11. A certain gasoline weighs acceleration due to
6. The specific gravity of and 21oC?
46.5 lb/ft3. What are its gravity is 10.00 m/s2?
ethyl alcohol is 0.79.
mass density, specific Ans. 30.00 N Ans. 55.81 N/m3
Calculate its specific
volume and specific 17. Determine the weight 22. A gas at 20oC and 0.21
weight in kN/m3 and
gravity? of a 5-slug boulder at a Mpa abs has a volume of
mass density in kg/m3.
Ans. 1.44 slugs/ft3, place where the 41 L and a gas constant
Ans. 7.73 kN/m3, 3
0.694 ft /slugs, 0.742 acceleration due to R of 210 Nm/kgK.
790 kg/m3
12. If the specific volume of gravity is 31.7 ft/s2. Determine the density
7. A quart of water
a certain gas is 0.7848 Ans. 158 lb and mass of the gas.
weighs 2.08 lb.
m3/kg, what is its specific 18. If 200 ft3 of oil weighs Ans. 3.41 kg/m3,
Compute its mass in
weight? 10520 lb, calculate its 0.140 kg
slugs and kilograms.
Ans. 12.5 N specific weight, density 23. Find the mass density of
Ans. 0.00646 13. If the specific weight of and specific gravity. helium at a temperature
slugs, 0.943 kg the substance is 8.2 Ans. 52.6 lb/ft3, 1.63 of 4oC and a pressure of
8. If an object has a kN/m3, what is its mass slugs/ft3, 0.843 184 kPa gage, if
mass of 22 kg at sea density? 19. Find the height of the atmospheric pressure is
level. a) What will be its Ans. 836 kg/m3 free surface if 0.8 ft3 of

101.92 kPa. R = 2079 abs has a unit weight of 32. Two large plane liquid causes a volume
J/kg K. 362 N/m3. What is the surfaces are 25 mm reduction of 0.02 ft3.
Ans. 0.4965 kg/m3 value of R for this gas? apart and the space Ans. 75000 psi
24. Calculate the Ans. 19.3 m/K between them is filled 36. Find the change in
density of water vapor ABSOLUTE AND with a liquid of viscosity volume of 1 ft3 of water
at 350 kPa abs and KINEMATIC VISCOSITY of 0.958 Pa-s. Assuming at 80oF when subjected
20oC if its gas constant 29. If the viscosity of water the velocity gradient to to a pressure increase of
R is 0.462 kPa m3/ kg K. at 68oF is 0.01008 poise, be a straight line, what 300 psi. Water’s bulk
Ans. 2.59 kg/m3 compute its absolute force is required to pull a modulus of elasticity at
25. At 32oC and 205 kPa viscosity in pound-second very thin plate of 0.37 this temperature is 325
gage, the specific per square foot. If the m2 area at a constant 000 psi?
weight of a certain gas specific gravity at 68oF is speed of 0.3 m/s if the Ans. -0.00092 ft3
was 13.7 N/m3. 0.998, compute its plate is 8.4 mm from 37. Water in a hydraulic
Determine the gas kinematic viscosity in one of the surfaces? press, initially at 137 kPa
constant of this gas. square feet per second. Ans. 19.06 N abs, is subjected to a
Ans. 718.87 J/kg K Note: 1 lb.s/ft2 = 478.8 BULK MODULUS OF pressure of 116,280 kPa
poises. ELASTICITY abs. Using E = 2.5 GPa,
FLUID MECHANICS and Ans. 2.11x10-5 lb.s/ft2, 33. A liquid compressed in a determine the
HYDRAULICS 1.09x10-5 ft2/s. cylinder has a volume of percentage decrease in
SET 2 30.If the viscosity of water at 1000 cm3 at 1 MN/m2 the volume of water.
70oC is 0.00402 poise and and a volume of 995 cm3 Ans. 4.65% decrease
26. What is the specific its specific gravity is at 2 MN/m2. What is its COMPRESSION OF
weight if air at a 0.978, determine its bulk modulus of GASSES
temperature of 30oC absolute viscosity in Pa-s elasticity, K? 38. If a vessel that
and a pressure of 470 and its kinematic Ans. 200 MPa contains 3,500 ft3 of
kPa abs. viscosity in m2/s and in 34. What pressure is water at 50oF (62.4 pcf)
Ans. 0.0529 kN/m3 stokes. required to reduce the atmospheric pressure is
27. Air is kept at a Ans. 0.000402 Pa-s, volume of water by heated to 160oF (61 pcf),
pressure of 200 kPa abs 4.11x10-7 m2/s, 4.11x10-3 0.6%? Bulk modulus of what will be the
and a temperature of stoke elasticity of water, E = percentage change in its
30oC in a 500 liter 31.Convert 15.14 poises to 2.2 GPa. volume? What weight of
container. What is the kinematic viscosity in ft2/s Ans. 13.2 MPa water must be removed
mass of air? if the liquid has a specific 35. Find the bulk modulus to maintain the original
Ans. 1.15 kg gravity of 0.964. of elasticity of a liquid if volume?
28.A gas at 40oC under a Ans. 0.0169 ft2/s a pressure of 150 psi Ans. 2.7% increase,
pressure of 21.868 bar applied to 10 ft3 of the 4.90 lb

39. A vertical, cylindrical permitted to expand 45. An atomizer forms in a glass tube 2 mm
tank with a diameter of isothermally to 30 m3, water droplets 45 m in diameter. Use  = 0.514
12.00 m and a depth of what is the resulting diameter. Determine the N/m and  = 140o.
4.00 m is filled to the pressure? What would excess pressure within Ans. 5.9 mm
top with water at 20oC have been if the process these droplets using  = depression
(9.79 kN/m3). If the had been isentropic? k = 0.0712 N/m. 50. Estimate the
water is heated 50oC 1.40 Ans. 6329 Pa depression h for mercury
(9.69 kN/m3), how Ans. 50 kPaa, 34.7 46.Two clean, parallel glass in the glass capillary
much water will spill kPaa plates, separated by a tube. Angle  = 40o, unit
out? distance d = 1.5 mm, weight of water is 9790
Ans. 4.7 m3 SURFACE TENSION AND are dipped in a bath of N/m3.
40. If 9 m3 of an ideal CAPILLARITY water. How far does the Ans. 5.91 mm
gas at 24oC and 150 43. What is the value of the water rise due to 51. Find the capillary rise in
kPaa is compressed to surface tension of a small capillary action, if the tube for a mercury-
2 m3, (a) what is the drop of water 0.5 mm in surface tension  = air-glass interface with 
resulting pressure diameter which is in 0.0730 N/m? = 130o if the tube radius
assuming isothermal contact with air if the Ans. 9.94 mm is 1 mm and the
conditions, (b) what pressure within the 47. Estimate the height to temperature is 20oC.
would have been the droplet is 561 Pa? which water will rise in a Surface tension is 0.514
pressure and Ans. 0.042 N/m capillary tube of N/m.
temperature if the
diameter 3 mm. Use  = Ans. –5.0 mm
process is isentropic. FLUID MECHANICS and
0.0728 N/m. 52. Find the capillary rise
Use k = 1.3. HYDRAULICS
Ans. 9.9 mm in the tube for a water-
Ans. 675 kPaa, 1060 SET 3
48. A glass of tube is air-glass interface  = 0o
kPaa, 466.4 K or
inserted in mercury, the if the tube is 1 mm and
193.4oC 44. A small drop of water
common temperature is the temperature is 20oC.
41.Helium at 149 kPa abs at 80oF is in contact with
20oC. What is the Surface tension is
and 10oC is the air and has a
upward force on the 0.0728 N/m.
isentropically diameter of 0.02 in. If the
glass as a result of Ans. 14.8 mm
compressed to one- pressure within the
surface effects? Surface 53. If a bubble is
forth of its original droplet is 0.082 psi
tension = 0.514 N/m, di equivalent to an air-
volume. What is its final greater than the
= 25 mm and do = 35 water interface with
volume? k = 1.66 atmosphere, what is the
mm. surface tension 0.005
Ans. 1488 kPa abs value of the surface
Ans. 0.0623 N lb/ft, what is the
42. If 12 m3 of nitrogen at tension?
49.Estimate the capillary pressure difference
30oC and 125 kPa abs is Ans. 0.00492 lb/ft
depression for mercury

between the inside and 58.Find the angle the surface Ans. 332.82 kPa pressure at the interface
outside of a bubble of tension film leaves the 64.If the pressure in the air and the bottom of the
diameter 0.003 in? glass for a vertical tube space above an oil (s = tank.
Ans. 80.0 lb/ft2 immersed in water if the 0.75) surrface in a Ans. 25.6 kPa, 82.498
54.At 30 C, what diameter diameter is 0.25 in and closed tank is 115 kPa kPa
glass tube is necessary the capillary rise is 0.08 absolute, what is the 68.If atmospheric pressure
to keep the capillary in. Use  = 0.005 lb/ft pressure 2 m below the is 95.7 kPa and the gage
height change of water 59.Distilled water at 10oC surface? attached to the tank
less than 2 mm? stands in a glass tube of Ans. 28.415 kPa reads 188 mmHg
Surface tension is 9.0 mm diameter at a 65.Find the absolute vacuum, find the
0.0712 N/m. height of 24.0 mm. What pressure in kPa at a absolute pressure within
Ans. 14.6 mm is the true static height? depth of 10 m below the the tank.
55.What force is required Use  = 0.0742 N/m. free surface of oil of sp. Ans. 70.62 kPa
to lift a thin wire ring 6 FLUID STATICS gr. = 0.75 of the 69. A weather report
cm in diameter from a 60.A depth of liquid of 1 barometric reading is indicates the barometric
water surface at 20oC? m causes a pressure of 7 752 mmHg. pressure is 29.75 in of
Surface tension is kPa, what is the specific Ans. 173.9 kPa mercury. What is the
0.0728 N/m. gravity of liquid? atmospheric pressure in
Ans. 0.0274 N FLUID MECHANICS and psi?
56.What is the pressure Ans. 0.714 HYDRAULICS Ans. 14.61 psi
difference between the 61.What is the pressure 12.5 70.A pressure gage 7.0 m
inside and outside of a m below the ocean? Use SET 4 above the bottom of a
cylindrical water jet sp. gr. = 1.03 for salt tank containing a liquid
when the diameter is water. reads 64.94 kPa, another
66.A pressure gage 6 m
2.2 mm and the Ans. 126.3 kPa gage at height 4.0 m
above the bottom of the
temperature is 10oC? 62. If the pressure 23 m reads 87.53 kPa.
tank containing a liquid
Surface tension is below a liquid is 338.445 Compute the specific
reads 90 kPa.; another
0.0742 N/m. kPa, determine its unit weight and mass density
gage height 4 m reads
Ans. 67.5 Pa weight, mass density, of the fluid.
103 kPa. Determine the
57.Distilled water stands in and specific gravity. Ans. 7560 N/m3, 786
specific weight of the
a glass tube of 9 mm Ans. 14.715 kN/m3, kg/m 3
diameter at a height of 1500 kg/m3, 1.5 71.An open tank contains
Ans. 6.5 kN/m3
24 mm. What is the 63.If the pressure at a point 5.7 m of water covered
67.An open tank contains
true static height? Use in the ocean is 60 kPa, with 2.8 m of kerosene (
5.8 m water covered
 = 0.0742 N/m. what is the pressure 27 m = 8.0 kN/m3). Find the
with 3.2 m of kerosene (
Ans. 20.64 mm below this point? pressure at the interface
= 8 kN/m3). Find the

and at the bottom of the absolute pressure absolute pressure in the weight, b) void ratio, c)
the tank. Unit weight of within the tank? Unit tank in kPa? porosity, d) degree of
water = 9.79 kN/m3. weight of water is 9.79 Ans. 168.1 kPa saturation.
Ans. 22.4 kPa, 78.2 kN/m3. 80.Express an absolute Ans. a) 17.49; b) 0.508;
kPa Ans. 38.1 kPa pressure of 5 atm in c) 0.337; d) 51.79 %
72.If air had a constant 76.If air had a constant meters of water gage 2. For a given soil, the
specific weight of 0.076 specific weight of 12.2 when the barometer following are known. Gs
lb/ft3 and were N/m3 and were reads 760 mmHg. Unit = 2.74, moist unit
incompressible, what incompressible, what weight of water is 9.79 weight = 20.6 kN/m3,
would be the height of would be the height of kN/m3. and moisture content is
the atmosphere if sea- the atmospheric pressure Ans. 41.4 m of water 16.6 %. Determine the
level pressure were (sea level) is 102 kPa? 81.Assuming sea water to following: a) dry unit
14.92 psia? Ans. 8360.66 m have a constant specific weight, b) void ratio,
Ans. 28270 ft 77.Assuming specific weight weight of 10.05 kN/m3, c) porosity, d) degree of
73.The weight density of a of air to be constant at 12 what is the absolute saturation, e) weight of
mud is given by  = 10 N/m3, what is the pressure at a depth of water in kN to be added
+ 0.5h, where  is in approximate height of Mt. 10 km? per cubic meter of soil
kN/m3 and h in m. Banahaw if a mercury Ans. 993 atm for a 100 % degree of
Determine the barometer at the base of 82.A hydraulic press is used saturation.
pressure, in kPa, at a the mountain reads 654 to raise an 80-kN cargo Ans. a) 17.67 ; b) 0.52 ;
depth of 5 m. mm and at the same time truck. If oil of sp. gr. 0.82 c) 0.34; d) 87. 5 %; e)
Ans. 56.25 kPa another barometer at the acts on the piston under 0.44
74.If the absolute pressure top of the mountain reads a pressure of 10 MPa, 3. The unit weight of soil is
in a gas is 40 psia and 480 mm. what diameter of piston 15. 10 kN/m3. The
the atmospheric Ans. 1934.53 m is required? moisture content of this
pressure is 846 mbar 78.Convert 760 mm of soil is 17 % when the
abs, find the gage mercury to a) oil of sp. gr. GEOTECHNICAL degree of saturation is
pressure in psi, kPa and 0.82 and b) water. ENGINEERING 60 %. Determine the
bar. Ans. 12.605 m, 10.34 SET 1 following: a) void ratio,
Ans. 27.7 psi, 191 m b) sp. gr. of soil, c)
kPa, 1.913 bar 79.A barometer reads 760 SOIL COMPOSITION saturated unit weight.
75.If the atmospheric mmHg and a pressure 1. The moist unit weight of Ans. a) 0.59; b) 2.10;
pressure is 0.90 bar abs gage attached to a tank a soil is 19.2 kN/m3. c) 16.58
and a gage attached to reads 850 cm of oil (sp. Given that Gs = 2.69 and 4. The moist weight of
a tank reads 390 gr. = 0.80). What is the water content is 9.8 %. 0.0057 m3 of a soil is
mmHg vacuum, what is Determine: a) dry unit 102.6 N. The moisture

content and the specific saturated unit weight of Final volume of soil in a d) porosity, e) degree of
gravity of soil solids are soil in kN/m3. dry state = 15.9 cm3 saturation, f) vol.
determined in the Ans. a) 0.631; b) 2.61; Initial mass in a occupied by water.
laboratory to be 11 % c) 19.49 saturated state = 44 g Ans. a) 19.2 ; b) 17.68 ;
and 2.7 respectively. 7. The moist unit weight of a Final mass in a dry state c) 0.504 ; d) 0.335 ; e)
Calculate the following: soil is 16.5 kN/m3. If the = 30.1 g 46.2 % ; f) 0.186
a) moist unit weight, b) water content is 15 % Determine the following:
dry unit weight, c) void and sp. gr. of soil is 2.7, a) shrinkage limit of soil, GEOTECHNICAL
ratio, d) porosity, e) determine the following: b) void ratio if Gs = 2.70, ENGINEERING
degree of saturation. a) dry unit weight, b) c) dry unit weight SET 2
Ans. a) 18; b) 16.22; porosity, c) degree of Ans. a) 17.28 %; b)
c) 0.63 ; d) 0.39 ; e) saturation; d) mass of 0.467; c) 18.06 12.For a saturated soil, the
46.92 % water in kg/m3 to be 10.The moist unit weight of following are given:
5. In its natural state, a added to reach full 0.00283 m3 of soil is water content = 23 %,
moist soil has a volume saturation. 54.4 N. If the moisture Gs = 2.67. Determine
of 0.00935 m3 and Ans. a) 14.35; b) 0.458; c) content is 12 % and the following: a)
weighs 178 N. The oven 47.9 %; d) 238.5 the specific gravity of saturated unit weight,
dried weight of the soil 8. For a given sandy soil, soil solids is 2.72, b) dry unit weight, c)
is 154 N. If Gs = 2.67, emax = 0.75, emin = 0.46 determine the following: moist unit weight when
determine the and Gs = 2.68. If the a) moist unit weight, b) the degree of saturation
following: a) relative density of the soil dry unit weight, c) void becomes 70 %.
moisture content, b) Dr = 78 % and its water ratio, d) porosity, e) Ans. a) 19.96; b) 16.23;
moist unit weight, c) content is 9 %, determine degree of saturation, f) c) 18.84 kN/m3
dry unit weight, d) void the following: a) in situ volume occupied by 13.The dry density of a soil
ratio, e) porosity, void ratio, b) moist unit water. is 1750 kg/m3. Specific
f) degree of saturation. weight of compaction in Ans. a) 19.22; b) 17.16; gravity of soil is 2.66.
Ans. a) 15.6 % ; b) kN/m3, c) dry unit weight c) 0.55; d) 0.35; e) 59.3 Determine the following:
19.04 ; c) 16.47 ; d) in kN/m3. %; f) 0.00059 m3 a) moisture content
0.59 ; e) 0.37 ; f) 70.6 Ans. a) 0.524; b) 18.8; c) 11.For a moist soil, the when it is saturated b)
% 17.25 following are given: Vol. saturated unit weight,
6. The dry density of sand 9. Following are the results 1.2 m3, weight = 23.4 c) effective unit weight
with a porosity of 0.387 of a shrinkage limit test: kN, water content = 8.6 of soil in kN/m3.
is 1600 kg/m3 ratio. Initial volume of soil in a % and Gs = 2.71. Ans. a) 19.55 % ; b)
Determine the saturated state = 24.6 Determine the following: 20.52 ; c) 10.71
following: a) void ratio, cm3 a) unit weight, b) dry 14.The porosity of a soil is
b) sp. gr. of soil, c) unit weight, c) void ratio, 0.35 and Gs = 2.69.

Determine the b) What is the moist unit Determine the following: c) Compute the
following: a) sat. unit weight of soil when a) sp. gr. of soil, b) unit effective unit weight of
weight, b) moisture water content is 7 %. weight of soil, c) the silty sand.
content when the moist Ans. 17.24 kN/m3 shrinkage limit. Ans. 10.11 kN/m3
unit weight is 17.5, c) c) What is the degree of Ans. a) 2.65; b) 10.65; c) 22.A saturated soil sample
shrinkage limit. saturation? 17.62 % has the following data:
Ans. a) 20.58; b) 2.1 %; Ans. 30 % 20.The volume of the soil Water content = 34 %
c) 20.07 % 17.A soil sample has the sample measured before Voids ratio = 0.92
15.The moist unit weight following properties: drying is 110 cm3. The Determine the following:
and degrees of Porosity = 0.389 wet unit weight of soil is a) sp. gr. of soil, b)
saturated of a soil are Specific gravity = 2.75 207 g and the dried wet effective unit weight, c)
given in the following a) Compute the void of the soil sample is 163 moist unit weight.
table. ratio of the soil sample. g. If the sp. gr. of the soil Ans. a) 2.71; b) 8.74; c)
 (KN/m3) Ans. 0.66 is 2.68, determine the 18.55
S( %) b) Compute the following: a) void ratio, 23.The net weight of a soil
16.64 kN/m3 saturated unit weight of b) degree of saturation, specimen before drying
50 soil sample. c) shrinkage limit. is 207 g and its dried
17.73 kN/m3 Ans. 20.15 Ans. a) 0.81; b) 89.3 %; weight after drying in an
75 c) Compute the effective c) 30.22 % oven is 163 g. The
Determine the unit weight of the soil 21.A sample of silty sand volume of the specimen
following: a) void ratio, sample. has the following before drying is 120 cm3.
b) sp. gr. of soil, c) Ans. 18.34 properties : Sp. gr. of soil sample is
saturated unit wt., d) 18.A soil sample taken from Sp. gr. = 2.67 2.62.
weight of water in kN the ground has a Shrinkage limit = 23.22 a) Compute the
that is in 0.128 m3 of moisture content of 12 % % moisture content of the
the soil when it is and degree of saturation a) Compute the porosity water.
saturated. of 52 %. If its specific of the silty sand. Ans. 27 %
Ans. a) 0.78; b) 2.65; c) gravity is 2.7. Determine Ans. 0.383 b) Compute the void
18.82; d) 2.40 the following: a) void b) Compute the relative ratio.
16.For sandy soil, emax = ratio, b) saturated unit density of the sand if it Ans. 0.93
0.86, emin = 0.43 and Gs weight, c) unit weight. has a void ratio in the c) Compute the degree
= 2.66. Ans. a) 0.62; b) 20.10; loosest condition of 0.90 of saturation.
a) What is the void c) 10.29 and a void ratio of 0.30 Ans. 76.1 %
ratio at Dr = 56 %. 19.A soil sample has a dry in the densest condition.
Ans. 0.62 unit weight of 17.1 kN/m3 Ans. 46.67 % GEOTECHNICAL
and a void ratio of 0.52. ENGINEERING

SET 3 a) Compute the water b) Compute the Ans. 18.81 kN/m3
content of the clay. shrinkage limit of soil. 31.A sample of soft
24.The porosity of the soil Ans. 31 % Ans. 19.26 % saturated clay has a
is 0.35 and its moist b) Compute the degree c) Compute the volume of 100 cu. m.
unit weight is 17.5 of saturation if the sp. gr. effective unit weight of and weighs 175 g. If the
kN/m3. The sp. gr. of of the clay is 2.70 and a soil. oven dry weight is 120
the soil is 2.69. void ratio of 0.92 Ans. 10.77 kN/m3 g.
a) What is the moisture Ans. 90.98 % 29.A soil has a moisture a) Compute the water
content of the soil? c) Compute the moist content of 18.2 % and a content of clay.
Ans. 2.13 % unit weight of the clay if degree of saturation of Ans. 45.8 %
b) Compute the degree the void ratio is 0.92, Gs 80 %. If the void ratio of b) Compute the void
of saturation. = 2.70 soil is 0.607. Determine ratio of the clay.
Ans. 10.61 % Ans. 18.07 kN/m3 the following: a) sp. gr. Ans. 1.22
c) Compute the 27.The shrinkage limit of a of the soil, b) moist unit c) Compute the sp. gr.
shrinkage limit of soil. soil sample is 14.3 %. If weight of the soil, c) of the clay.
Ans. 20.07 % the void ratio is equal to saturated unit weight of Ans. 2.66
25.The effective unit 0.38 and water content is soil. 32.The shrinkage limit of a
weight of soil is 10.29 12.6 %. Determine the Ans. a) 2.67; b) 19.27 soil sample is 16.5 %
kN/m3. Void ratio of the following: a) sp. gr. of kN/m3; c) 20 kN/m3 and the sp. gr. of the soil
soil is 0.62. soil, b) degree of 30.For a given sandy soil sample is 2.65. A sample
a) Compute the sp. gr. saturation of the soil, with max. and min. void of this soil weighs 45.36
of the soil. c) moist unit weight of ratios of 0.75 and 0.46 when wet and 40.5 g
Ans. 2.70 the soil. respectively has a sp. gr. when dry.
b) If the water content Ans. a) 2.66; b) 88.2 %; c) of 2.68. If the density a) Compute the void
of the soil is 14 %, 21.21 kN/m3 index is 78 % and ratio of the soil sample.
compute for the degree 28.A granular soil was tested moisture content of 9 %. Ans. 0.44
of saturation. in the laboratory and a) What would be the in b) Compute the degree
Ans. 60.97 % found to have a max. and situ void ratio? of saturation of the soil.
c) Compute the min. void ratios of 0.84 Ans. 0.5238 Ans. 72 %
shrinkage limit. and 0.38 respectively. If b) Determine the c) Compute the wet unit
Ans. 22.96 % the relative density of the degree of saturation of weight of the water.
26.A silty clay has a plastic soil is 69.6 %, sp. gr. of the soil. Ans. 20.22 kN/m3
limit of 25 and a soil is 2.70. Ans. 46.05 % 33.A shrinkage limit of a
plasticity index of 30. If a) Compute the in situ c) What will be the soil sample is equal to
the clay has a liquidity void ratio of the soil. moist unit wt. of 24.81 %. It is found to
index of 0.20. Ans. 0.52 compaction in the field? have a moisture content

of 18 % and a sp. gr. of following: a) density the soil is 150 N. If the content, b) void ratio, c)
2.70. Determine the index, b) degree of soil has a sp. gr. of 2.70, degree of saturation.
following: a) void saturation, c) air void compute the following: Ans. a) 25 %; b) 0.95; c)
ratio, b) degree of ratio. a) moisture content, b) 68.4 %
saturation, c) air void Ans. a) 20 %; b) 42.97 %; void ratio, c) 42.A soil sample has a
ratio. c) 0.245 degree of saturation. weight of 120 g before it
Ans. a) 0.67; b) 72.54 36.The critical hydraulic Ans. a) 20 %; b) 0.59; c) was placed on the oven.
%; c) 0.11 gradient for a soil sample 91.53 % After drying for 20 min.
is equal to 1.02. if the 39.The moist unit weight of it weighs only 100 g.
GEOTECHNICAL specific gravity of the soil soil is 17 kN/m3 with a Specific gravity of soil
ENGINEERING sample is 2.67 and the moisture content of 14 sample is 2.6. Volume of
SET 4 water content is 14 %. %. If its sp. gr. = soil specimen before
a) Compute the void ratio 2.7, compute the drying is 66 cm3.
34.The air ratio of a soil of the soil sample. following: a) void ratio, Compute for the
sample is equal to 0.12 Ans. 0.64 b) porosity, c) degree of following: a) water
and a porosity of 0.40. b) Compute the degree saturation. content, b) void ratio,
If the sp. gr. of the soil of saturation. Ans. a) 0.78; b) 0.438; c) c) degree of saturation.
sample is 2.70. Ans. 58.40 % 48.46 % Ans. a) 20 %; b) 0.72; c)
Determine the c) Compute the dry unit 40.The clay density of the 72.7 %
following: a) degree of weight at zero air voids. soil is 1800 kg/m3 with a 43.Silty sand has a void
saturation, b) water Ans. 19.07 kN/m3 sp. gr. of 2.7. Compute ratio in loosest condition
content, c) shrinkage 37.The dry unit weight of soil for the following: a) void equal to 0.86 and a void
limit. at zero air voids is equal ratio, b) porosity, c) ratio of 0.30 in the
Ans. a) 70 %; b) 17.37 to 19 kN/m3. The soil has moisture content of the densest condition. If the
%; c) 24.81 % a water content of 12 % soil when fully relative density of sand
35.A sample of uniform and a degree of saturated. is 54 %, compute the
sand has a porosity of saturation of 58 %. Ans. a) 0.50; b) 0.333; c) following: a) in situ void
43 %. From the lab test, Compute the following: a) 18.52 % ratio, b) porosity, c) if
the radius of the void specific gravity, b) void 41.The weight of the soil the dry unit wt. of the
ratio in the loosest ratio, c) air void ratio. before drying is 200 g silty sand is 16.85
condition is 0.85 and Ans. a) 2.52; b) 0.52 ; c) and its dried weight kN/m3, compute the
the void ratio of 0.35 in 0.144 after drying is 160 g. Sp. specific gravity of sand.
the densest condition. 38.In its natural state a gr. of soil = 2.6. Vol. of Ans. a) 0.56; b) 0.36; c)
If the water content is moist soil has a volume of soil before drying is 2.68
12 %. Gs = 2.68. 0.009 m3 and weighs 180 120 cm3. Compute the 44.The clay unit weight of
Determine the N. The oven dry weight of following: a) water silty sand is 16.43

kN/m3. It has a specific 46.A loose, uncompacted bulk sp. gr., b) dry porosity, c) water
gravity of 2.65. The sand fill 1.8 m depth has density, c) void content, d) sp. gr. of the
silty sand has a void a relative density of 40 ratio, d) porosity, e) soil particle, e) saturated
ratio in the loosest %. Laboratory test degree of saturation. unit weight of the soil, f)
condition equal to 0.88, indicated that the Ans. a) 2.63; b) 25.8; c) effective unit weight of
a void ratio of 0.36 in minimum and maximum 1.0 ; d) 0.50 ; e) 0.74 the soil, g) dry unit
the densest condition void ratios of the sand 48.The weight of a chunk of weight of soil.
and the in-situ void are 0.46 and 0.90 moist soil is 208 g and Ans. a) 0.62 ; b) 0.38 ; c)
ratio is 0.58. Compute respectively. Specific the volume of the soil 24.3 % ; d) 2.55 ; e)
the following: a) gravity of the solids of chunk measured before 19.20 kN/m3 ; f) 9.39
relative density of the the sand is 2.65. drying is 120 cm2. After kN/m3 ; g) 15.44 kN/m3
sand, b) a) Determine the void being dried out in an 50.An undisturbed soil
porosity of the silty ratio of the sand having a oven, the weight of the sample in saturated
sand, c) degree of relative density of 40 %. dry soil is 170 g. Specific condition has 6 void
saturation if the water Ans. 0.724 gravity of soil is 2.65. ratio of 0.81 and sp. gr.
content is 16 %. b) What is the dry unit Compute the following: of 2.69. Find the
Ans. a) 57.6 %; b) weight of the sand? a) water content of the following: a) water
0.367; c) 73.1 % Ans. 15.08 kN/m3 soil, b) void ratio, c) content, b) saturated
45.The volume of soil c) If the sand is degree of saturation. unit weight, c) dry unit
sample before drying is compacted to a relative Ans. a) 22.35 %; b) 0.87; weight.
108 cm3 and the density of 75 %, what is c) 68.04 % Ans. a) 30.1 %; b) 18.97;
volume of the dried soil the decrease in the 49.Dry sand is placed in a c) 14.58
is 61 cm3. Sp. gr. of soil thickness of the 1.8 m container having a 51.Dry sand is placed in a
is 2.7. Compute the fill? volume of 0.0089 cm3. container having a
following: a) void ratio, Ans. 160.79 mm The dry weight of the volume of 0.30 ft3. The
b) porosity, c) degree 47.The mass of a dried soil sample is 0.014 g. Water dry weight of the sample
of saturation if it has a sample is determined to is carefully added to the is 31 lb. A volume of
moisture content of be 250 g. When container so as not to 0.051 ft3 of water is
21.6 %. immersed in water the disturbed the condition carefully added to the
Ans. a) 0.77; b) 0.435; soil particles displaces 95 of the sand. When the container so as not to
c) 75.74 % cm3 and this is then the container is filled, the disturb the condition of
volume of the soil solids. combined weight of soil the sand. If the sp. gr. of
GEOTECHNICAL Using this data, plus water is 0.0174 g. sand is 2.72, determine
ENGINEERING determine the following if Find the following: a) the following: a)
SET 5 the soil sample has water void ratio of the soil in porosity, b) degree of
content of 28 %. a) dry the container, b)

saturation, c) bulk sp. weight, c) degree of a) Determine the = 1.15 N
gr.. saturation. specific gravity of soil. Wt. of jar + cone + sand
Ans. a) 0.64 ; b) 0.436 ; Ans. a) 17.91 kN/m3; Ans. 2.64 (before use) = 58.9 N
c) 1.66 b) 16.12 kN/m3; c) 74.18 b) Determine the Wt. of jar + cone + sand
52.Laboratory test data on % moisture content of soil. (after use)
a sample of saturated 55.For a sandy soil, emax = Ans. 11.86 % = 27.65 N
soil show that the void 0.72, emin = 0.46 and Gs = c) Determine void ratio Wt. of moist soil from
ratio is 0.45 and the 2.68. of the 17.89 kN/m3 soil. hole
specific gravity of solids a) What is the moist unit Ans. 0.447 = 32.55 N
is 2.65. For these weight of compaction in 57.A soil sample has a Moisture content of
conditions, determine the field if Dr = 78 % and natural water content of moist soil
the following: a) water water content of 9 %. 22.5 % and it is known = 11.6 %
content, b) saturated Ans. 18.89 kN/m3 to have a sp. gr. of 2.6. Determine the dry unit
unit weight, c) dry b) Compute the In order to determine weight of compaction in
unit weight. saturated unit weight. the moist density of the the field.
Ans. a) 17 %; b) 20.97; Ans. 20.67 kN/m3 soil, a portion of soil Ans. 15.854 kN/m3
c) 17.93 c) Compute the degree weighing 224 g is put in 59.A clay sample was place
53.A soil sample has a bulk of saturation. a 500 cm3 container. It is in a glass dish. The total
unit weight of 19.6 Ans. 46.64 % filled with 382 cm3 of weight of the wet
kN/m3 at a water water to fill the sample plus the dish
content of 10 %. GEOTECHNICAL container. Determine the was found to be 72.49
Determine the following ENGINEERING following: a) moist unit grams before drying and
if it has a sp. gr. Gs = SET 6 weight of soil, b) dry unit 61.28 grams after drying
2.7: a) void ratio, b) weight of soil, c) void in an electric oven for 5
percentage air in voids 56.A soil at a constant ratio. hours. The laboratory list
(air voids), c) moisture content shows Ans. a) 18.62 kN/m3; gives the weight of the
degree of saturation. the following when b) 15.2 kN/m3; c) 0.678 dish to be 32.54 grams.
Ans. a) 0.486; b) 14.5 compacted A separate test shows
%; c) 55.6 % Degree of Dry 58.Following are the results that the absolute sp. gr.
54.For a compacted soil, unit of a field unit weight of the solid substance
specific gravity Gs = Saturation determination test using was 2.69. assume that
2.72, water content = Weight the sand cone method. the sample was fully
18 %, d = 0.90 zav. 40 % 14. 50 Dry unit weight of sand saturated with water,
Compute the following: kN/m = 16.36 kN/m3 compute the moisture
a) zero air void unit 70 % 17.89 Wt. of sand to fill the content.
weight, b) dry unit kN/m3 cone Ans. 39 %

60.The relative compaction mould having mm and a length of 125 d) Porosity (n)
compaction of sand in mass of 5325 g and a mm was rammed into an e) Percent compaction
the field is 94 %. The volume of 948 cm3. in – situ soil mass. After of the field sample
maximum and Mass of mould filled with removing it and Ans. 123.6 lb/cu. ft.;
minimum dry unit soil poured in loosely = trimming the ends flat, 130.9 pcf; 77.95 %; 25.4
weights of the sand are 6964 g its mass was found to be %; 98.88 %
16.2 kN/m3 and 14.9kN/ Mass of mould filled with 3482 g. The moisture 66.A sample of moist quartz
m3 respectively. For soil dynamically content of the soil was sand was obtained by
field conditions compacted = 7368 g later found to be 16.4 %. carefully pressing a
compute the relative If the dry density of the If the sp. gr. of the soil is sharpened hollow
density of compaction. soil in – situ is 1.65 g/cm3 2.70, determine the bulk cylinder with a volume
Ans. 27 % and sp. gr. of the soil is density and dry density. of 150 cu. m. into the
61.In a specific gravity test 2.70, calculate the Ans. 1.97 g/cm3; 1.69 bottom of an excavation.
the following data were relative density of the in – g/cm3 The sample was
recorded. situ soil. trimmed flush with the
Mass of pycnometer jar Ans. 80.9 % GEOTECHNICAL ends of the cylinder and
= 530 g 63.When sand – pouring ENGINEERING the total weight was
Mass of pycnometer jar cylinder was used in a SET 7 found to be 325 g. In the
when full of clean water field density test, the laboratory the dry
= 1560 g mass of sand run into the 65.A field compacted weight of the sand alone
Mass of pycnometer hole was found to be sample of sandy loam was found to be 240 g
containing soil g. The mass of soil was found to have a wet and the weight of the
980 g initially removed from the density of 136 lb/cu. ft. empty cylinder 75 g.
Mass of pycnometer jar hole was 1924 g and its at a water content of 10 Laboratory tests on the
containing soil and moisture content found to %. The maximum dry dry sand indicated emax
topped with water = be 15.7 %. If the density density of the soil = 0.80 and emin = 0.48.
1840 g of the pouring sand was obtained in a Standard (Gs) = 2.66. Compute
Compute the specific 1.65 g/cm3, calculate the Proctor test was 125 the following:
gravity of the soil bulk density and dry lb/cu. ft. Assume specific a) Water content (w)
particles. density. gravity (Gs) to be 2.65. b) Voids ratio (e)
Ans. 2.65 Ans.2.025 g/cm3; 1.75 Compute the following: c) Degree of saturation
62.In order to determine g/cm3 a) Dry unit weight (d) (Sr)
the relative density of a 64.In a core – cutter test a b) Dry unit weight at d) Density index of the
soil sample the steel cylinder having zero air voids (z) sand in the field (Id)
following data were mass of 1472 g, an c) Degree of saturation Ans. 4.17 %; 0.663;
obtained using a internal diameter of 102 (S) 16.76 %; 0.428

67.The following data were weight to which this soil No. of Blows Moisture 20 33.1
obtained from a field – can be compacted content 28 27.0
density test on a without change in its (N) (%) Plastic limit = 12.2 %
compacted fill of sandy moisture content? 15 42 In situ moisture content
clay. Laboratory LIQUID LIMIT TEST, PLASTIC 20 40.8 = 31 %.
moisture density test LIMIT TEST 28 39.1 a) Compute the
on the fill material 69.A soil sample was The plastic limit is 18.7 liquid limit.
indicated a maximum determined in the % Ans. 28.5 %
dry density of 120 laboratory to have a b) Compute the
lb/cu. ft. at an optimum liquid limit of 41 % and a a) Compute the plasticity index.
water content of 11 %. plastic limit of 21.1 %. If liquid limit using table. Ans. 16.3 %
Weight of the moist soil the water content is 30 Ans. 39.1 % c) Compute the
removed from test hole %, determine the b) What is the liquidity index if the in
= 1038 g following: a) plasticity plasticity index of the situ moisture content is
Weight of soil after index, b) soil? 26.5 %.
oven – drying = 914 g liquidity index, c) what is Ans. 20.4 % Ans. 0.877
Volume of test hole the characteristic of soil. c) What is the d) Compute the
from rubber – balloon Ans. a) 19.9 %; b) 0.447; liquidity index if the consistency index.
apparatus c) plastic water content is 24 %. Ans. 0.164
= 0.0169 cu. ft. 70.For a sandy soil, emax = Ans. 0.260 73.In a liquid limit, using a
What was the percent 0.75, emin = 0.52 and Gs = cone penetrometer, the
compaction of the fill? 2.70. Determine the GEOTECHNICAL following readings were
Ans. 99.1 % following : a) void ratio of ENGINEERING recorded and tabulated
the soil at Dr = 65 %, b) SET 8 as shown.
68.The moisture content of dry unit weight of soil, c) Plastic Limit Test
a soil sample is 18.4 % bulk unit weight if the d) What is the Trial wet (kN/m3) dry
and its dry unit weight moisture content is 28 %, consistency index? (kN/m3)
is 15.74 kN/m3. d) zero air void unit Ans. 0.81 1 128.6
Assuming that the weight. 72.Following are the results 105.4
specific gravity of solids Ans. a) 0.60; b) 16.55 from the liquid and 2 141.4
is 2.65. kN/m3 ; c) 21.18 kN/m3 ; plastic limit test for a 116.8
a) Calculate the degree d) 15.08 kN/m3 soil. 3 132.6
of saturation. 71.The following are results No. of Blows Moisture 109.6
Ans. 74.79 % from the liquid and content 4 134.5
b) What is the plastic limit test for a soil. (N) (%) 111.2
maximum dry unit 16 36.5

5 136.0 Weight of wet soil + 76. A clay has the following 3/u – 2/v + 1/w = 11
113.4 container Atterberg limits: liquid 1/u + 5/v – 2/w = -9
= 22.12 g limit = 60%, plastic limit 2/u + 1/v – 3/w = -6
a) Determine the Weight of dry soil + = 40%, shrinkage limit Ans. 1/2, -1, 1/3
liquid limit of the soil. container = 25%. The clay shrinks 2. Find the values of a,
Ans. 52% = 20.42 g from 15 cm3 to 9.57 cm3
b) Determine the Weight of container = 13.07 when the moisture b, and c; the sum of a, b
plasticity index of the g content is decreased
soil. Natural Water Content Test from the liquid limit to and c; the product of a,
Ans. 31% Weight of wet soil + the shrinkage limit.
c) If the natural water container a) What is the specific b, and c:
content of the soil is = 17.53 g gravity?
38%, determine the Weight of dry soil + Ans. 2.73
4a + 3b + 4c = 9
liquidity index. container b) What is the
2a + b – 3c = -3
Ans. 0.55 = 14.84 g plasticity index?
3a + 2b + c = 4
74.In a liquid limit test, Weight of container = 7.84 g Ans. 20
Ans. 4, -5, 2; 1 ; -40
using a cone Compute the following: a) c) What is the liquidity
3. Find the value of x,
penetrometer, the liquid limit, b) plastic limit, c) index if the moisture
following readings were natural water content, d) content is 52%
y, and z in the following
recorded. plasticity index, e) liquidity Ans. 0.60
Moisture Content Cone index, f) consistency index.
Penetration Ans. a) 63 %; b) 23.13 %;
(%) c) 38.43 %; d) 39.87 % ;
(mm) e) 0.384 xz = 21
30.9 75.Given the following data yz = 35
14.4 of soils A, B, and C. xy = 15
42.0 Soil Liquid Limit Plastic MATHEMATICS Ans. 3, 5 ,7
16.4 Limit
18.2 B 28 18 SET 1 4. A rope 25-m long is cut
68.2 C 30 22 into two pieces where
21.1 Compute the plasticity one is 5m longer than
77.6 index of soil A, B, and C. SYSTEMS OF LINEAR the other. Find their
22.3 Ans. 6, 10, 8 EQUATIONS lengths.
Plastic Limit Test ATTERBERG LIMITS Ans. 10 and 15m
1. Solve for u, v, and w in
the following equations:

5. Find two consecutive the reciprocal of the other 14. Two natural numbers the quotient is 3 and
positive odd integers number. Find the are such that the difference the remainder is 14.
whose square differ by numbers. of their squares is 481 and What are these parts?
24. Ans. 1/5 and 1/6 the sum of their squares is Ans. 32 and 110
Ans. 5 and 7 11.The sum of two numbers 769. Find the numbers. 19.The square of a number
6. Ten less than four times is 21 and one number is Ans. 25 and 12 increased by 16 is the
a certain number is 14. twice the other. Find the 15. Two boxes contain same as 10 times the
Determine the number. numbers. several balls each. Find the number. Find the
Ans. 6 Ans. 7 and 14 number of balls each box numbers.
7. Find two consecutive 12.Three times the first of contains if the sum of their Ans. 2 and 8
even integers such that the first three squares is 125 and the 20.The sum of two numbers
the square of the larger consecutive odd integers difference of their squares is 30. If the smaller
is 44 greater than the is three more than twice is 75. number divides the
square of the smaller. the third. Find the third Ans. 10 and 5 larger number the
Ans. 10 and 12 integer. 16.When four times a quotient is equal to the
8. The length of a Ans. 15 certain number is added smaller number. Find the
rectangular lot is three 13.The denominator of a to six times its numbers.
times its width. If the certain fraction is three reciprocal, the sum is – Ans. 5 and 25
length is increased by 5 more than twice the 14. Find the number. 21.Twice the sum of two
ft and the width is numerator. If 7 are added Ans. -3 and –1/2 numbers is 28. The sum
decreased by 2 ft, the to both terms of the 17.A piece of wire of length of the squares of the two
area of the lot fraction, the resulting 52 cm is cut into two numbers is 100. Find
decreases by 21 sq. ft. fraction is 3/5. Find the unequal parts. Each part the product of the two
Find the dimensions. original fraction. is then bent to form a numbers.
Ans. 33 ft x 11 ft Ans. 5/13 square. It is found Ans. 48
9. One number is five less that the total area of the 22.The product of two
than the other number. two squares is 97 cm2. numbers is 1400. If 3 is
If the sum is 135, what Find the difference subtracted from each
are the numbers? between the sides of number, their product
Ans. 65 and 70 each square. becomes 1175. Find the
10.The sum of the Ans. 5 cm bigger number.
reciprocals of two Ans. 50
numbers is 11. Three 18.Number 142 is divided 23.The product of three
times the reciprocal of into two parts such that consecutive integers is
one of the numbers is when the greater part is 9240. Find the third
three more than twice divided by the smaller, integer.

A. 20 C. 22 Ans. 842 Ans. 27.27 min minutes the minute
B. 21 D. 23 27.The difference of the 31.How many minutes after hand will be as much as
squares of the digits of a 3:00 PM will the minute the hour hand as it is
MATHEMATICS two digit positive number hand of the clock now behind it. What is
SET 2 is 27. If the digits are overtakes the hour the time now?
reversed in order and the hand? Ans. 3:06.36 PM
DIGIT PROBLEMS resulting number is Ans. 16.36 min 37.A man left his home at
24.In a two-digit number, subtracted from the 32.How many minutes after past 3:00 PM as
the unit’s digit is 3 original number, the 10:00 o’clock will the indicated in his wall
greater than the ten’s difference is also 27. hands of the clock are clock. Between two to
digit. Find the number if What is the original directly opposite each three hours after, he
it is 4 times as large as number? other for the first time? returned home and he
the sum of its digits. Ans. 63 Ans. 21.82 min noticed that the hands
Ans. 36 28.The sum of two digit 33.What time between the of the clock
25.Twice the middle digit numbers is 16. If the hours of 12:00 noon and interchanged. At what
of a three-digit number numbers are reversed the 1:00 pm would the hour time did he left his
is the sum of the other difference between the hand and the minute home?
two. If the number is original number and the hand of a continuously Ans. 3:31.47 PM
divided by the sum of reversed number is 18. driven clock is in 38.The hour hand of a huge
its digit, the answer is Find the original number. straight line? clock is 100 cm long.
56 and the remainder is Ans. 97 Ans. 12:33 PM What is the
12. If the digits are 29.The sum of the digits of a 34.How many minutes after circumferential speed of
reversed, the number two-digit number is 11. If 12:00 noon will the hour the tip of this hand in
becomes smaller by the digits are reversed, hand and the minute cm/hr?
594. Find the number. the resulting number is hand of a clock first form Ans. 52.36
Ans. 852 seven more than twice an angle of 120o? 39.The second hand of a
26.The sum of the digits of the original number. What Ans. 21.82 min huge clock is 70 cm
a three-digit number is is the original number? 35.From the time 6:15 PM long. Find the
14. The hundred’s digit Ans. 38 to the time 7:45 PM of circumferential speed of
being 4 times the units the same day, the this hand in mm/s.
digit. If 594 is CLOCK PROBLEMS minute hand of a Ans. 73.30
subtracted from the 30.How many minutes after standard clock describe 40.The minute hand of a
number, the order of 2 o’clock will the hands of an arc of how much? clock is 120 cm long.
the digits will be the clock are Ans. 540o Determine the
reversed. Find the perpendicular for the first 36.It is now between 3 and circumferential speed of
number. time? 4 o’clock and in 20 this hand in cm/min.

Ans. 12.57 be three times as old as 49.B is as old as A was four 53.Mr. Brown can wash his
her daughter? years ago. Two years car in 15 minutes, while
AGE PROBLEMS Ans. 15 yrs from now B’s age will be his son John takes twice
41.Two times the father’s eleven more than half of as long to do the job. If
age is 8 more than six MATHEMATICS A’s age. How old is they work together, how
times his son’s age. Ten SET 3 A now? many minutes can they
years ago, the sum of Ans. 28 yrs old do the washing?
their ages was 44. 46.The sum of the parent’s 50. Four years ago, the sum Ans. 10 min
What is the age of the ages is twice the sum of of the ages of A and B 54.One pipe can fill a tank
son? their children’s ages. Five was 45. Six years from in 5 hours and another
Ans. 15 yrs old years ago, the sum of the now, twice B’s age will pipe can fill the same
42.Peter’s age 13 years parent’s ages is four be 28 more than A’s age tank in 4 hours. A
ago was 1/3 of his age times the sum of their then. How old is A now? drainpipe can empty the
7 years hence. How old children’s ages. In fifteen full content of the tank
Ans. 28 yrs old
is Peter? years, the sum of the in 20 hours. With all the
51.Eight years from now,
Ans. 23 yrs old parent’s ages will be three pipes open, how
the sum of the ages of A
43.A man is 41 years old equal to the sum of their long will it take to fill the
and B is equal to 52. Six
and in seven years he children’s ages. How tank?
years ago, twice A’s age
will be four times as old many children were in the Ans. 2.50 hrs
is equal to B plus 18.
as his son is at that family?
How old is A and B?
time. How old is his son Ans. 5 55.A swimming pool is filled
Ans. 20 and
now? 47.A man is 4 times as old through its inlet pipe
16yrs old
Ans. 5 yrs old as his son now. Six years and then emptied
44.A father is three times ago, he was 7 times as WORK through its outlet pipe in
as old as his son. Four old as his son during that PROBLEMS 8 hours. If water enters
years ago, he was four time. Find their present through its inlet and
ages. 52.A pump can pump out a simultaneously allowed
times as old as his son
Ans. 48 and 12 yrs tank in 11 hours. to leave through its
was at that time. How
old Another pump can pump outlet, the pool is filled
old is his son?
48.A is as old as B was four out the same tank in 20 in 7.5 hours. Find how
Ans. 12 yrs old
years ago. In two years, hours. How long will it long will it take to fill the
45.The ages of the mother
A’s age will be eleven take both pumps pool with the outlet
and her daughter are
more than half of B’s age. together to pump out closed.
45 and 5 years,
How old is A now? the tank? Ans. 3 hrs
respectively. How many
Ans. 24 yrs old Ans. 7.10 hrs 56.Three persons can do a
years will the mother
piece of work alone in 3

hrs, 4 hrs, and 6 hrs, 60.Eleven men can finish the 63.A and B can do a piece days. A working alone
respectively. What job in 15 days. Five men of work in 42 days, B can finish it in five less
fraction of the job can were working at the start and C in 31days, and A than B. How long will it
they finish in one hour and after 6 days four men and C in 20 days. take each of them to
working together? were added. How many Working together, how finish the work alone?
Ans. 3/4 days will it take to finish many days can all of Ans. 10 and 15
57.A father and his son the job? them finish the work? days
can dig a well if the Ans. 21 days Ans. 18.86 days 67.It takes Butch twice as
father works 6 hrs and 61.Twenty men can finish 64.A tank is filled with two long as it takes Dan to
his son works 12 hrs or the job in 30 days. pipes. The first pipe can do a certain piece of
they can do it if the Twenty-five men were fill the tank in 10 hrs. work. Working together
father works 9 hrs and hired at the start and 10 But after it has been they can do the work in
the son works 8 hrs. quit after 20 days. How opened for 3 1/3 hrs, the 6 days. How long would
How long will it take for many days will it take to second pipe is opened it take Dan to do it
the son to dig the well finish the job? and the tank is filled up alone?
alone? Ans. 27 days in 4 hrs more. How long Ans. 9 days
Ans. 20 hrs 62.There are three would it take the second 68.A and B working
58.Peter and Paul can do a installation teams pipe alone to fill the together can finish a
certain job in 3 hrs. On identified as team A, B, tank? The two pipes piece of work in 20 days.
a given day, they work and C. Team A alone can have different After working together
together in 1 hr then completely install mobile diameters. for 4 days, A quits and B
Paul left and Peter telephone equipment in a Ans. 15 hrs finishes the work in 24
finishes the rest of the certain number of 65.A laborer can finish the days more. Find the
work in 8 hrs. How long vehicles in 10 days. Team job in 4 days. Another number of days that B
will it take Peter to do B alone can complete the laborer can finish the could finish the work
the job alone? same work in 15 days. same job in 6 days. If alone.
Ans. 12 hrs The three teams working both laborers plus the Ans. 30 days
59.Delia can finish a job in together can do the work third laborer can finish 69.72 men can do a certain
8 hrs. Daisy can do it in in 5 days. How long will it the job in 2 days, how job in 100 days. There
5 hrs. If Delia worked take C to finish the job long will it take the third were 80 men at the start
for 3 hrs and then Daisy alone? laborer to finish the job of the project but after
was asked to help her Ans. 30 days alone? 40 days, 30 of them had
finish it, how long will Ans. 12 days to be transferred to
Daisy have to work with MATHEMATICS 66.A and B working another project. How
Delia to finish the job? SET 4 together can finish a long will it take the
Ans. 1.92 hrs painting a house in six

remaining workforce to completion of the project 76.It takes Michael 60 MATHEMATICS
complete the job? be delayed? seconds to run around a SET 5
Ans. 80 days Ans. 2.3 days 440-yard track. How
70.Thirty men could do a 73.An engineer estimated long does it take Jordan 79.A boat travels
project in a target time that 40 workers can finish to run around the track downstream in 2/3 the
of 120 days. Thirty men a project in 120 days. If if they meet in 32 time as it does going
started the work but he hired 20 workers at seconds after they start upstream. If the velocity
ten resigned after 30 the start, 20 more on the together in a race of the river current is 8
days and were replaced 21st day and 20 more on around the track in kph, determine the
at the beginning of the the 41st day, how many opposite directions? velocity of the boat in
46th day. How long was days earlier could the Ans. 68.57 sec still water.
the project completion project be done? 77.A man travels in a Ans. 40 kph
delayed? Ans. 20 days motorized banca at the 80.A man rows downstream
Ans. 5 days 74.A contractor got a project rate of 12 kph from his at the rate of 5 mph and
that had to be completed barrio to the poblacion upstream at the rate of
71.30 men can do a job in in 120 days. He was sure and come back to his 2 mph. How far
100 days. Twenty men 40 workers could finish barrio at the rate of 10 downstream should he
started the job. After 30 the project on time. He kph. If his total time of go if he return in 7/4
days, five men were started the work with 50 travel back in forth in 3 hours after leaving?
added. On the 61st day workers but reduced hours and 10 minutes, Ans. 2.5 miles
ten more men were them to 30 after 60 days. what is the distance 81.A jogger starts a course
hired. Find the total How many days would it from the barrio to the at a steady rate of 8
number of days to take him to finish the job? poblacion? kph. Five minutes later,
finish the job. Ans. 120 days Ans. 17.27 km a second jogger with the
Ans. 107.14 days 75.Peter can do the whole 78.Kim and Ken traveled at same course at 10 kph.
72.A team of 28 workers job in half the time it the same time at the How long will it take for
were working on the takes Henry to do it. rate of 20 m/min from the second jogger to
project that they could Together they can finish the same point on a catch the first?
had to finish in 60 days. the job in 10 days. How circular track of radius Ans. 20 min
At the start of the 16th many days will it take 600-m. If Kim walks 82.An airplane could travel
day five workers Henry to do the job along the circumference a distance of 1000 miles
resigned. After 45th alone? and Ken towards the with the wind in the
days ten more workers Ans. 30 days center, find their same time it could travel
were hired. By how distance after 10 min. a distance of 800 miles
many days would the RATE / MOTION Ans. 257.72 m is 40 mph, what is the
PROBLEMS speed of the plane?

Ans. 360 mph 40 kph, what is the speed If he starts from point A At what time was he
83.An airplane flying with of the current? at 8:00 AM and walks at supposed to be at B?
the wind took 2 hrs to Ans. 20 mph 2 kph, he will be at C 3 Ans. 9:13 AM
travel 1000 km and 2.5 87.Two turtles A and B start minutes earlier. If he 92.A boat going across a
hrs in flying back. What at the same time towards starts at 8:30 AM and lake 8 km wide proceed
was the wind velocity in each other at a distance walks at 3 kph, he will 2 km at a certain speed
kph? of 150 m. The rate of A is arrive at C 6 minutes and then completes the
Ans. 50 kph 10 m/s, while that of B is late. At what time is he trip at a speed ½ kph
84.Two cars Honda and 20 m/s. A fly flies from supposed to be at C and faster. By doing this, the
Pajero run a 10 km one turtle to another at what is the distance boat arrives 10 minutes
straight stretched. It the same time that the from A to C in km? earlier than if the
took Honda 40 min to turtle starts to move Ans. 9:06 AM; 2.1 original speed had been
reach the finish line towards each other. The 90.An engineer is required maintained. Find the
with Pajero 2 km behind speed of the fly is 100 to report at Sta. B every original speed of the
Honda. How long would m/s. Find the total morning at a fixed time. boat?
it take the Pajero to distance traveled by the When he left at Sta. A at Ans. 12 kph
reach the finish line? fly until the turtles meet. 8:00 AM and walked at
Ans. 50 min Ans. 500 m 1.8 kph, he arrived at B MIXTURE PROBLEMS
85.The velocity of an 88.At 2:00 PM an airplane 5 minutes earlier. When 93.How many grams of gold
airplane in still air is takes off at a speed of he left at 8:30 AM and must be added with 500
125 kph. The velocity of 340 mph on an aircraft walked at 2.7 kph, he grams of an alloy
the wind due east is 25 carrier. The aircraft arrived at B 5 minutes containing 30% gold and
kph. If the plane travels carrier moves due south late. How far in km is 70% silver in order to
east and returns back at a speed of 25 mph in Sta. B from Sta. A.? produce another alloy
to its base again after 4 the same direction as the Ans. 1.8 km analyzing 40% gold and
hours. At what distance plane. At 4:05 PM, the 60% silver?
does the plane travel communication range 91.A salesman started Ans. 83.33 grams
due east? between the plane and walking from office A at 94.2000 kg of steel
Ans. 240 km the aircraft carrier was 8:30 AM at the rate of containing 8 % nickel is
86.It takes the boat 3 cut off. Compute the 2.5 kph. He arrived at to be made by mixing
times to travel communication range office B 12 seconds late. steel containing 14 %
upstream against a between the plane and Had he started at A at nickel with another steel
river current than it the aircraft carrier. 8:00 AM and walked at containing 6% nickel.
takes the same boat to Ans. 656.25 miles 1.5 kph, he would have How much of the steel
travel downstream. If 89.A man has to be at arrived at B one minute containing 14% nickel is
the speed of the boat is station C at a fixed time. the appointment time. needed?

Ans. 500 kg volume of 100 liters is produce a mixture of 50 22.5% alcohol, what is
mixed by 7.5% alcohol millimeters that contains the value of x?
MATHEMATICS and 25% gasoline. It was 42% of the chemical Ans. 30%
SET 6 found out that a 50-50 solutions? 106. A container holds 3
percent mixture is Ans. 20 mm liters of a 25% alcohol
95.A 40-gram alloy appropriate in the 102. A chemical engineer solution. One-half liter of
containing 35% gold to solution. How much mixed 40 mm of 35% the solution is withdrawn
be melted with a 20- gasoline should be added hydrochloric acid and replaced with one-
gram alloy containing to the high concentrated solution with 20 mm of half liter of pure alcohol.
50% gold. How much solution in order to have 50% hydrochloric acid What is the percentage
percentage of gold is a 50-50% mixture? solution. What is the of the alcohol in the new
the resulting alloy? Ans. 50 L gasoline percentage of the mixture?
Ans. 40% 99.How many pounds of hydrochloric acid of the Ans. 37.5%
96.The gasoline tank of cream containing 12% new solution?
the car contains 50 butterfat must be added Ans. 40% PROPORTION AND
liters of the gasoline to 1800 lb of milk
and alcohol. The containing 2% butterfat 103. One liter of a 25% VARIATION PROBLEMS
alcohol comprising to obtain milk having 3% sugar solution is mixed
25%. How much of the butterfat? with 3 liters of a 40%
107. Find the mean
mixture must be drawn- Ans. 200 lb sugar solution. What is
proportion of 4 and 36.
off and replaced by 100. Two gallons of 20% the percentage of sugar
Ans. 12
alcohol so that the tank salt solution is mixed with in the new mixture?
contain a mixture of 4 gallons of 50% salt Ans. 36.25%
which 50% is alcohol? solution. Determine the 104. Two liters of a 20% 108. The mean proportion
Ans. 16.67 liters percentage of salt alcohol solution is mixed between 12 and x is
97.A 100-kg salt-solution solution in the new with x liters of a 50% equal to 6. Find the
originally 4% by weight. mixture. alcohol solution. If the value of x.
Salt in water is boiled Ans. 40% new mixture contains Ans. 3
to reduce water content 101. A chemical engineer 30% alcohol, what is
until the concentration mixed two chemicals new value of x? 109. Find x if 7 is the
is 5% by weight salt. solutions of different Ans. 3 liters fourth proportional to
How much water is strengths 30% and 50% 105. Three liters of a 20% 36, and 28, and x.
evaporated? of the chemical solutions alcohol solution is mixed Ans. 9
Ans. 20 kg respectively. How many with one liter of an x%
98.A high concentrated millimeters of the 30% alcohol solution. If the
solution having a strength must be used to new mixture contains

110. Find the third MATHEMATICS x and y and inversely as 119. The value of C varies
proportional to the SET 7 the square of z and that directly with x and the
square of 2 and the 113. The construction cost w = 4 when x = 2, y = square of y and
cube root of 8? C, is directly proportional 6, and z = 3. Find w conversely with z. When
Ans. 1 to the material input M, when x = 1, y = 4, and z x = 2, y = 1, and z = 4,
and the square of the = 2. C = 100. Find the value
investment I, and Ans. 3 of C when x = 3, y = 2
111. The radius of
conversely proportional and z = 5.
curvature of a given
to the labor input L. Ans. 480
curve varies directly 117. The time required for
Supposing C = 18 when
with x and inversely an elevator to lift a
M = 2, I = 6 and L = 4, all
with the square of y. weight varies directly 120. The value of W varies
in million peso units,
When x = 2, y = 3, the with the weight and the as the square root of x
what will be the
radius of curvature is distance through which and inversely as z. When
construction cost in
100. Find the radius of it is to be lifted and x = 4, and z = 2, W =
million pesos when L = 6,
curvature when x = 4 inversely as the power 100. Find W if x = 36,
I = 4 and M = 3.
and y = 6. of the motor. If it takes and z = 5.
Ans. 8
Ans. 50 20 sec for a 5-hp motor Ans. 120
to lift 50 lbs through 40
114. y varies inversely as ft, what weight can an
112. The electrical 121. The vibration
the square of x and 80-hp motor lift through
resistance of a wire frequency of a string
directly as t. When t = 4 the distance of 40 ft
varies directly as its varies as the square root
and x = 6, y = 1/3. Find y within 30 sec?
length and inversely as of the tension and
when t = 6 and x = 2. Ans. 1200 lbs
the square of its inversely as the product
Ans. 4.5
diameter. If a wire 300 of the length and
cm long and 0.05 cm in 118. The volume of a diameter of the string. If
diameter has a 115. w varies directly as hemisphere varies the string is 3 ft long
resistance of 30 ohms, the square root of x and directly as the cube of and 0.03 inch diameter
find the length of a wire inversely as y. When x = its radius. The volume of vibrates at 720 times
with a resistance of 20 9 and y = 3, w = 5. Find the hemisphere with per sec under 90 lb
ohms and a diameter of the value of w when y = 2.54 cm radius is 20.75 tension. At what
0.03 cm. 4 and x = 12. cm3. What is the volume frequencies will a 2 ft,
Ans. 72 cm Ans. 4.33 of the sphere with 3.25 0.025 inches string
cm radius of the same vibrate under 50 lb
kind of material? tensions?
116. Given that w varies
Ans. 86.94 cm3 Ans. 965.98
directly as the product of

VENN DIAGRAM exams about Projectile Geometry and Calculus, 128. On one hundred
and Economics. How 35; Algebra, 70; participants in a
many were able to solve Calculus, 60. How many seminar: 80 are CE, 30
122. An engineering
both problems if only enrolled in Geometry? are ME, 20 are EE, 19
professor conducted a
55% of the examinees Ans. 50 are both CE and ME, 2
survey regarding the
solved the projectile are both ME and EE, 10
favorite subjects of the
problem and 70% solved are both EE and CE, and
students. The following MATHEMATICS
the economics problems. 1 is a CE, ME, and EE.
data were gathered: 60
The total number of a) How many
students like Algebra,
examinees is 100. SET 8 participants are CE
50 like Calculus, and 45
Ans. 25% only?
like Physics. Thirty
127. The survey of Ans. 52
students like both
Algebra and Calculus, 125. In a certain party each seventy one students
25 students like both one of the group drinks reveals that: 50 take the b) How many
Calculus and Physics, coke or beer or whisky or jeepney, 36 take the participants are ME
and 20 students like all. Also 400-drink coke, bus, 33 take the train, only?
both Algebra and 500-drink beer, and 300 20 take the jeepney and Ans. 10
Physics. Only 15 drink whisky. 100 drinks the bus, 18 take the bus
students like all the both coke and beer, and and the train, 22 take
c) How many
three subjects. How 200 drink both beer and the train and the
participants are EE
many students were whisky. One who drinks jeepney, and 12 take the
surveyed? whisky does not drink jeepney, bus and train.
Ans. 9
Ans. 95 coke. How many are in a) How many students
the group? take the jeepney
Ans. 900 only? 129. In a survey
123. In a class of 40
Ans. 20 containing the smoking
students, 27 likes
habits of consumer, it
Calculus and 25 like 126. A survey of 100
was found that 55%
Chemistry. How many students reported that b) How many students
smoke cigarette A, 50%
like both Calculus and the number of those who take the bus only?
smoke cigarette B, 40%
Chemistry? enrolled in various Ans. 10
smoke cigarette C, 30%
Ans. 12 Mathematics subjects
smoke cigarette A and B,
were Algebra, Geometry, c) How many students 20% smoke cigarette A
and Calculus, 20; Algebra take the train only?
124. Two problems in and C, 12% smoke
and Geometry, 30; Ans. 5
Mathematics came out cigarette B and C, only
Algebra and Calculus, 35;
in the latest licensure 10% smoke all three

cigarettes. What football and hockey made out of the letters Ans. 576 ways
percentage of the games, 50 watch hockey of the word 143. The captain of a
population did not and basketball games, ENGINEERING? baseball team assigns
smoke? and 50 do not watch any Ans. 277,200 ways himself to the 4th place
Ans. 7% of the three games. How 137. How many ways can in the batting order. In
many watch hockey 3 men and 4 women be how many ways can he
games only? seated on a bench if the assign the remaining
130. The President just
Ans. 95 women are to be places to his eight
recently appointed 25
together? teammates if just three
Generals of the Phil.
Ans. 576 ways men are eligible for the
Army. Of these 14 have
PERMUTATION 138. In how many ways first position?
already served in the
132. How many can 5 people line up to Ans. 15,120 ways
war of Korea, 12 in the
permutations can be pay their electric bills?
war of Vietnam, 10 in
made out of the letters in Ans. 120 ways
the war of Japan. There
the word DIEGO taken 3 139. In how many ways MATHEMATICS
are 4 who have served
at a time? can 5 people line up to
both in Korea and
Ans. 60 ways pay their electric bills if SET 9
Japan, 6 have served
133. How many two particular persons
both in Vietnam and
permutations can be refuse to follow each 144. How many two – digit
Korea, and 3 served
made out of the letters in other? numbers can be formed
both in Japan and
the word GILLESANIA? Ans. 72 ways by the use of digits 1, 2,
Vietnam. How many
Ans. 453,600 ways 140. How many ways can 3, 4 and 6 if one digit is
have served in Japan,
134. How many 7 people be seated at a used only once in one
Korea, and Vietnam?
permutations can be round table? number?
Ans. 2
made out of the letters in Ans. 720 ways Ans. 20
the word ISLAND taking 141. In how many relative 145. How many three –
131. A survey of 500 four letters at a time? orders can we seat 7 digit numbers can be
television viewers Ans. 360 ways people at a round table formed by the use of
produced the following 135. How many 4 digit with a certain 3 people digits 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 if
results: 285 watch numbers can be formed side by side. one digit is used only
football games, 195 without repeating any Ans. 144 once in one number?
watch hockey games, digit, from the following 142. In how many ways Ans. 60
115 watch basketball digits 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. can we seat 7 people in 146. In how many ways
games, 45 watch Ans. 120 a round table with a can 11 women be
football and basketball 136. How many certain 3 people not in seated in a round table
games, 70 watch permutations can be consecutive order? with 11 seats?

Ans. 3,628,800 be formed by Ans. 336 157.Four different colored
147. In how many ways the use of flags can be
can 4 persons be digits 1, 2, 3, 155.The permutation for hung in a row
seated in a round table 4, 6 and 7 if two letters to make a
with 4 seats? one digit is taken two at coded signal.
Ans. 6 used only a time say P How many
148. A large horizontal once in one and Q are PQ signals can
circular ring has 8 number? and QP. Four be made if a
hooks around its letters MNOP signal
circumference. In how Ans. 360 taken four at consists of
many ways can 8 a time gives the display of
different lanterns be 152.How many 3 digit four one or more
hung with one lantern numbers can permutations flags?
on each hook? be formed say MNOP,
Ans. 5,040 from the digits NOPM, OPMN Ans. 64
149. There are 5 pocket 2, 4, 6, 8 and and PMNO.
holes at the periphery 9 if repetitions How many 158.A permutation is an
of a round horizontal are allowed? permutations ordered
platform. In how many are there for arrangement
ways can 5 balls of Ans. 125 ways 9 letters of any
different colors be taken 9 at a number of
placed with one ball in 153.In how many ways can 4 time? things. There
each pocket? persons be are two
Ans. 24 seated in a Ans. 9 permutations
room where of the letters
150. There are seven there are 9 156.How many m and n
horses arranged in one seats? permutations taken two at
circle of a merry – go – are their if a time, mn
round. In how many Ans. 3,024 ways the letters and nm, six
ways can seven PNRCSE are permutations
children ride with one 154.Determine the number taken six at a of the letters
child on each horse? of time? o, p, q taken
Ans. 720 permutations three at a
of a 8 distinct Ans. 720 time, opq,
151.How many four – digit object taken 3 oqp, poq,
numbers can at a time. pqo, qop and

qpo, 24 the letters in vertical line be arranged
permutation the word can be on a shelf if
s of the COMPUTER formed from Design books
letters r, s, t, taken 4 at a 4 identical are not to be
v taken four time. red flags and separated?
at a time. 2 identical
How many Ans. 1,680 blue flags? Ans. 30,240 ways
s are there What is the number of Ans. 15 167.In how many ways can
of the six permutations 6 people be
letters r, s, t, of the letters 165.Three copies of seated in a
u, v, w taken in the word Mathematics round table
six at a BANANA? books, 4 with 6 seats?
time? copies of
Ans. 60 Surveying Ans. 120
Ans. 720 books and 5
Find the number of copies of MATHEMATICS
159.A factory building has permutations Hydraulics
8 entrance that can be books are SET 10
doors. In formed from covered with
how many the letter covers of 168.Eight children join
ways could a PHILIPPINES. different hands. In how
person enter colors of each many ways
and leave. Ans. 1,108,800 kind of book. can they form
In how many a circle?
by any door How many permutations can ways can
be made out they be Ans. 5,040 ways
Ans. 64 ways of the letters placed on a
in the word shelf? 169.Four couples are to eat
by different door BESAVILLA. at a round
Ans. 27,720 ways table with the
Ans. 56 ways Ans. 90,720 men and
166.In how many ways can women
160.How many How many different signals 9 books, 6 alternating. If
permutation each Mathematics the hostess
s can be consisting of 6 and 3 Design reserves a
made out of flags in a place for

herself, in from a deck of women if she 180.How many four – digit
how many 52 cards? is to avoid combinations can be formed
ways can having a using digits 0 to 9?
she assign Ans. 24 ways particular two Ans. 210
seats to the of them
other? 173.How many ways can you together at
invite any one the
Ans. 144 ways or more of luncheon?
your five 181.How many five – digit
170.How many different friends to your Ans. 140 ways combinations can be
ways can 5 birthday formed out of digits 0 to 9?
people line party? A semiconductor company Ans. 252
up to pay will hire 7 182.How many six – digit
their Ans. 31 ways men and 4 combinations can be
telephone women. In formed out of digits 0 to 9?
bills at the How many ways can a how many Ans. 210
Meralco committee of ways can the 183.How many three –
office in any five be company letter combination can be
order? selected from choose from formed using all the letters
an 9 men and 6 in the alphabet?
Ans. 120 ways organization women who Ans. 2,600
with 35 qualified for 184.How many four – letter
171.Six boys join hands. In members? the position? combinations can be
how many formed using all the letters
ways can Ans. 324,632 ways Ans. 540 ways in the alphabet?
they form Ans. 14,950
178.How many two – digit 185.How many eight –
straight line? How many line segments
can be formed combinations can be formed letter combination can be
Ans. 720 ways by 13 distinct using digits 0 to 9? formed using all the letters
point? Ans. 45 in the alphabet?
COMBINATION 179.How many three – digit Ans. 1,562,275
Ans. 78 combinations can be formed out 186.How many ten – letter
172.How many ways can of digits 0 to 9? combinations can be
you draw 3 In how many ways can a Ans. 120 formed using all the letters
QUEENs and hostess select in the alphabet?
2 KINGs six luncheon Ans. 5,311,735
guests from 10

187.How many twelve – 193.How many committees If two chips are drawn at Ans. 1 / 18
letter combinations can be can be formed by choosing 4 random, what is the 201.Two cubical dice, each
formed using all the letters men from an organization of probability that one is blue with faces numbered 1, 2,
in the alphabet? a membership of 15men? and the other is red? 3, 4, 5 and 6, are tossed.
Ans. 9,657,700 Ans. 1,365 Ans. 5 / 9 What is the probability of
188.How many 194.There are 13 teams in a 197.There are ten questions getting 6 and 4?
combinations can be made tournament. Each team is to in an examination. The Ans. 1 / 36
out of the letters ABCD play with each other only probability that an 202.A face of a coin is
and E taken two at a time. once. What is the minimum examinee will get the either head or tail. If three
Ans. 10 number of days can they all correct answer is 0.25. coins are tossed, what is
189.How many triangles play without any team What is the probability that the probability of getting
are determined by 8 playing more than one game he will get three heads?
points, no three of which in any day? exactly 7 Ans. 1 / 8
are collinear? Ans. 12 days Ans 0.00309 203.A face of a coin is
Ans. 56 at least 7 correct answer? either head or tail. If three
190.There are four balls of MATHEMATICS Ans. 0.00351 coins are tossed, what is
different colors. Two balls SET 11 198.The probability of the probability of getting
at a time are taken and getting a credit in each of three tails?
arranged in any way. How 195.The lotto uses numbers three examinations is 0.65. Ans. 1 / 8
many such combinations 1 –42. A winning number What is the probability of 204.A single deck of playing
are possible? consists six (6) different getting at least one credit? cards is shuffled well. One
Ans. 6 numbers in any order. What Ans. 0.957125 card is drawn, followed by
191.From the given digits are your chances of winning 199.In a shooting game, the another. What is the
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, it? probability that Kim, Ken, probability of getting an Ace
find the number of 4-digit Ans. 1 / 5,245,786 and Kendrew can hit the then a King?
combination. PROBABILITY target is 1/3, 1/4, and 1/6, Ans. 4 / 663
Ans. 126 196.A box contains 4 blue respectively. What is the 205.A single deck of playing
192.How many 6 – number chips and 5 red chips. probability that the target cards is shuffled well. One
combinations can be If one chip is drawn at will be hit if they all shoot card is drawn, followed by
generated from the random what is the at it once? another. What is the
numbers from 1 to 42 probability that it is blue? Ans. 7 / 12 probability of getting Queen
inclusive, without Ans. 4 / 9 200.Two cubical dice, each then another Queen?
repetition and with no If two chips are drawn at with its faces numbered 1, Ans. 1 / 221
regards to the order of the random, what is the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are tossed. 206.A single deck of playing
numbers? probability that both are red? What is the probability of cards is shuffled well. One
Ans. 5,245,786 Ans. 5 / 18 getting 2 and 5 or 5 and 2 card is drawn, followed by

another. What is the succession without a sum of 4, what is the the probability of drawing a
probability of getting two replacement, what is the probability that George will white ball.
Aces? probability that two balls are get less? Ans. ½
Ans. 1 / 221 different colors? Ans. 1 / 12 219.If seven coins are
207.A bag contains 3 white Ans. 15 / 28 215.Two fair dice are tossed simultaneously, find
and 5 red balls. If two balls 211.In lotto there are ping- thrown. What is the the probability that they will
are drawn in succession pong balls numbered from 1 probability that the sum just have three heads.
without replacement, what to 45. six balls are drawn, shown on the dice is Ans. 35 / 128
is the probability that both one at a time, to determine divisible by 5? 220.If seven coins are
balls are white? the winning combination in Ans. 7 / 36 tossed simultaneously, find
Ans. 3 / 28 any order. Determine the 216.An urn contains 4 black the probability that there
208.A bag contains 3 white probability of winning this balls and 6 white balls. will be at least six tails.
and 5 black balls. If two lotto. What is the probability of Ans. 1 / 6
balls are drawn in Ans. 1 / 8,145,786 getting one – black ball and 221.A face of a coin is
succession without 212.A bag contains 4 red one white ball in two either head or tail. If three
replacement, what is the balls, 3 green balls, and 5 consecutive draws from the coins are tossed, what is
probability that both balls blue balls. What is the urn? the probability of getting
are black? probability of not getting the Ans. 0.53 three tails?
Ans. 5 / 14 red ball in first draw? 217.If three balls are drawn Ans. 1 / 8
Ans. 2 / 3 in succession from 5 white 222.The face of a coin is
213.The probability that both and 6 black balls in a bag, either head or tail. If three
stages of a two – stage find the probability that all coins are tossed, what is
rocket to function correctly is are of one color, if the first the probability of getting
0.92. The probability of the ball is replaced immediately three tails or three heads?
209.A bag contains 3 white first stage is 0.97. What is while the second is not Ans. ¼
and 5 black balls. If two the probability of the second replaced before the third 223.Five fair coins were
balls are drawn in stage? draw. tossed simultaneously.
succession without Ans. 0.948 Ans. 28 / 121 What is the probability of
replacement, what is the 218.A first bag contains 5 getting three heads and two
probability that the two white balls and 10 black tails?
balls are of the same balls and a second bag Ans. 1 / 32
color? MATHEMATICS contains 20 white and 10 224.There are three short
Ans. 13 / 28 SET 12 black balls. The experiment questions in mathematics
210.A bag contains 3 white consists of selecting a bag test. For each question, one
and 5 black balls. If two 214.Ricky and George each and then drawing a ball (1) mark will be awarded for
balls are drawn in throw two dice. If Ricky gets from the selected bag. Find a correct answer and no

mark for a wrong answer. If random. What is the 235.The UN forces for Ans. P50
the probability that Mary probability of getting the Bosnia uses a type of 239.The probability of
correctly answers a same letter? missile that hits the target getting a credit in an
question in a test is 2/3, Ans. 1 / 5 with a probability of 0.3. examination is 1/3. If three
determine the probability 230.In a shooting game, the How many missiles should students are selected at
that Mary gets two marks. probability that Botoy and be fired so that there is at random, what is the
Ans. 4 / 9 Toto will hit target is 2/3 and least an 80% probability of probability that at least one
225.A marksman hits 75% ¾ respectively. What is the hitting the target? of them got a credit?
of all his targets. What is probability that the target is Ans. 5 Ans. 19 / 27
the probability that he will hit when both shoot at it 236.In a dice game, one fair 240.Roll a pair of dice one
hit exactly 4 of his next 10 once? dice is used. The player time. What is the
shots? Ans. 11 / 12 wins P20.00 if he rolls either probability that the sum of
Ans. 0.01622 231.A card is chosen from a 1 or 6. He losses P10.00 if two numbers is 9?
226.A two – digit number pack of playing cards. What he turns up any other face. Ans. 1 / 9
is chosen randomly. What is the probability that it is What is expected winning 241.Find the probability of
is the probability that is either red or a picture card? for one roll of the dice? obtaining an even number
divisible by 7? Ans. 8 / 13 Ans. P0.00 in one roll of a dice.
Ans. 13 / 90 232.In a poker game MATHEMATICS Ans. 0.5
227.One box contains four consisting of 5 cards, what is SET 13 242.A coin is tossed 3
cards numbered 1, 3, 5, the probability of holding 2 times. What is the
and 6. Another box aces and 2 Queens? 237.There are 50 tickets in probability of getting 1
contains three cards Ans. 33 / 54145 a lottery in which there is a head and 2 tails?
numbered 2, 4, and 7. One 233.Dennis Rodman sinks first and second prize. What Ans. 3 / 8
card is drawn from each 50% of all his attempts. is the probability of a man 243.If a coin is tossed 5
bag. Find the probability What is the probability that drawing a prize if he owns 5 times, find the probability of
that the sum is even. he will make exactly 3 of his tickets? getting 3 heads.
Ans. 7 / 12 next 10 attempts? Ans. 1 / 5 Ans. 5 / 16
228.Two people are chosen Ans. 15 / 128 238.A provincial chapter of 244.The probability of
randomly from 4 married 234.There are 10 defectives PSME held a lottery to raise getting at least 2 heads
couples. What is the per 1000 items of a product funds for their organization, when a coin is tossed four
probability that they are in a long run. What is the with P10,000 top prize and times.
husband and wife? probability that there is one with 2,000 tickets printed Ans. 3 / 8
Ans. 1 / 7 and only one defective in a and sold. What is the 245.A bag contains 3 white
229.One letter is taken random lot of 100? mathematical expectation and 5 black balls. If two
from each of the words Ans. 0.3697 of a member if he bought balls are drawn in
PARALLEL and LEVEL at 10 tickets? succession without

replacement, what is the examinee will pass at least 2 257.The fifth term of an A.P. 264.There are seven
probability that both balls subjects? is 15 and the first is 3. What arithmetic means between
are black? Ans. 0.64 is the sum of the first 10 7 and 39. Find the sum of
Ans. 5 / 14 ARITHMETIC PROGRESSION terms? all the terms.
246.A bag contains 3 250.What is the 50th term of Ans. 165 Ans. 207
yellow and 5 black balls. If the progression 3, 5, 7, 9 258.Determine the 6th term
2 balls are drawn in …… of an A.P. if the 8th term is – MATHEMATICS
succession without Ans. 101 16 and the fourth term is – SET 14
replacement, find the 251.What is the sum of the 8.
probability that the to balls first 50 terms of the Ans. -12 265.There are 9 arithmetic
drawn are both yellow. progression 3, 5, 7, 9 ……… 259.Determine the sum of means 11 and 51. What is
Ans. 3 / 28 Ans. 2,600 the first 12 terms of an A.P. the sum of all the terms?
247.A bag contains 3 252.What is the 30th term of if the first term is –2 and Ans. 341
yellow and 5 black balls. If the progression –15, -13, -11, the 8th term is 19. 266.The sum of the
2 balls are drawn in -9 …. Ans. 174 progression 5, 8, 11, 14 …..
succession without Ans. 43 260.The 12th term of an A.P. is 1025. How many terms
replacement, find the 253.The sum of an A.P. is is – 16 and the 6th term is – are those?
probability that the balls 220 and the first term is 10. 4. Determine the 8th term. Ans. 25
drawn are one yellow and If the last term is 30, find the Ans. -8 267.P36, 000 is to be
one black ball. number of terms. 261.What is the difference divided among Arthur,
Ans. 15 / 28 Ans. 11 between the 5th term and Bernard and Carlos such
248.From a bag containing 254.An arithmetic the 8th term of an A.P. if the that their shares in same
4 black balls and 5 white progression starts 1 and has first term is –1 and the 4th order form an arithmetic
balls, two balls are drawn 9 terms. The middle term is term is 5. progression. Bernard’s
one at a time. Find the 21.Find the sum of the nine Ans. 6 share is 3 times that of
probability that both balls terms. 262.The 10th term of an A.P. Arthur. How much is Carlo’s
are black. Assume that the Ans. 189 is 28 and the first term is 1. share?
first ball is returned before 255.The 5th term of an A.P. is Determine the product of Ans. P20, 000
the second ball is drawn. 17 and the third term is 10. the 5th and 7th terms. 268.P 36,000 is to be
Ans. 16 / 81 Find the 8th term. Ans. 247 divided among Arthur,
249.In the ECE Board Ans. 55 / 2 263.There are seven Bernard and Carlos such
Examinations, the 256.The first term of an A.P. arithmetic means between that their shares in same
probability that an is 2 and the 6th term is 12. 3 and 35. Find the sum of order, form an arithmetic
examinee will pass in each Find the sum of the first 12 all the terms. progression. Bernard’s
subject is 0.80. What is the terms. Ans. 171 share is 3 times that of
probability that an Ans. 156

Arthur. How much is Ans. 60 Ans. 58 centavos distance traveled by the
Arthur’s Share? 273.In a pile of logs, each 277.A new Civil engineer line truck back and forth,
Ans. P4, 000 layer contains one more log failing to complete his first after returning from
269.P36, 000 is to be than layer above and the top building contract worth P70, delivering the 30th pole?
divided among Arthur, contains just one log. If there 000 in an specified time is Ans. 52.5 km
Bernard and Carlos such are 105 logs in the pile, how compelled to pay a penalty 280.Find the sum of all the
that their shares in same many layers are there? of ½ of 1% per day for the odd integers between 100
order form an arithmetic Ans. 14 layers first 6 days of extra time and 1000.
progression. Bernard’s 274.Find the 30th term of the required and for each Ans. 247500
share is 3 times that of A.P. 4, 7, 10 ….. additional day thereafter, 281.Find a positive value of
Arthur. How much is Ans. 91 the stipulated penalty is x so that 4x, 5x + 4 and 3x2
Bernard’s share? 275.In a racing contest, increased by 10% or P35 – 1 will be in A.P.
Ans. P12, 000 there are 240 cars that will each day. If he pays a total Ans. 3
have provisions that will last penalty of P6, 160.00, how 282.Find the sum of the first
for 15 hours. Assuming many days did he overrun 40 even numbers.
270.How many terms of constant hourly consumption his contract time? Ans. 1640
the progression 3, 5, 7 … for each car, how long will Ans. 14 days 283.If the sum is 220 and
must be in order that their the fuel provisions last if 8 278.An arithmetic the first term is 10, find the
sum will be 2600? cars withdraw from the race progression starts with 1, common difference if the
Ans. 50 every hour after the first? has 9 terms and the middle last term is 30.
271.What is the sum of the Ans. 25 term is 21. Determine the Ans. 2
progression 4, 9, 14, 19 … 276.To conserve energy due sum of the first 9 terms. 284.The arithmetic mean of
up to the 20th term? to the present energy crises, Ans. 189 6 numbers is 17. If two
Ans. 1030 the Meralco tried to readjust numbers are added to the
272.A Geodetic their charges to electrical progression, the new set of
Engineering student got a energy users who consume number will have an
score of 30% on Test I of more than 2000 kw – hrs. For 279.A small line truck hauls arithmetic mean of 19.
the five number test in the first 100 kw – hr, they poles from a substation What are the two numbers
Surveying. On the last charged 40 centavos and stockyard to pole sites if their difference is 4.
number he got 90% in increasing at a constant rate along a proposed Ans. 23, 27
which a constant more than the preceding one distribution line. The truck
difference more on each until the fifth 100 kw – hr. can handle only one pole at MATHEMATICS
number than he had on the charge is 76 centavos. a time. The first pole is 150 SET 15
the immediately preceding How much is the average m. from the substation and
one. What was his average charge for the electrical the poles are to be 50 m. 285.The arithmetic mean of
score in Surveying? energy per 100 kw – hr? apart. Determine the total 80 numbers is 55. If the two

numbers namely 850 and Ans. n (n + 1) 300.How many terms of the Ans. 5
250 are removed, what is 293.Find the sum of the first sequence –9, -6, -3 …. Must 307.Find the fourth term of
the arithmetic mean of he n positive integral multiplies be taken so that the sum is the progression ½, 0.2,
remaining numbers? of 4. 66? 0.125 ….
Ans. 42.31 Ans. 2n (n + 1) Ans. 11 Ans. 1 / 11
286.Find the sum of the 294.Find the sum of the 308.Find the 12th term of
sequence 25, 30, 35 …. numbers divisible by 6 that HARMONIC PROGRESSION the progression ½, 1/6, 1/10
Ans. 5 / 2 (n2 + 9n) lie between 75 and 190. 301.Find the value of x if it …
287.What is the sum of the Ans. 2508 forms a harmonic Ans. 1 / 46
following finite sequence 295.A stack of bricks has 61 progression. 1, 1/3, 1/x, 1/7. 309.Determine the
of terms? 18, 25, 32….67 bricks at the bottom layer, Ans. 5 harmonic mean between
Ans. 340 58 bricks in the 2nd layer, 55 302.Find the value of x if “a” and “b”.
288.Find the quotient of bricks in the 3rd layer and so the following forms a Ans. 2ab / (a + b)
the sum of all odd integers on, until the last layer which harmonic progression. –1/2,
between 100 and 1000 has 10 bricks. Determine the 1/x, 1/16
when it is divided by 9. total number of bricks used Ans. 7
Ans. 27500 up. 328. GEOMETRIC
289.Find the quotient of Ans. 639 303. Find the positive value PROGRESSION
the sum of all even 296.Which of the following of x so that x, x2 – 5, 2x will
integers between 999 and fraction is wrong to form an be in harmonic progression.
9999 when it is divided by A.P. 27.5/14, 33/28, 45/28, Ans. 3
310.Find the value of x if
9. and 17.5/14. 304.The 6th term of a ¼, 1/6, 1/x and 2/27 are
Ans. 2749500 Ans. 33 / 28 harmonic progression is 12, consecutive terms of a
290.Determine the sum of 297.If 1/x, 1/y, 1/z are in A.P. the 10th term is 6, find the geometric progression.
the odd numbers from 1 to then y is equal to? 18th term. Ans. 9
61 of the following Ans. 2xz / (x + z) Ans. 3 311.Find the value of x if
integers. 298.The geometric mean of 305.The first and second ½, 1/x, 1/25 and 2/125
Ans. 961 two numbers is 8 and the terms of a progression “a” are consecutive terms of
291.Determine the sum S arithmetic mean is 17. and “b” respectively. What a geometric progression.
of the following series S = Find one of the numbers. is the third term if the Ans. 5
2 + 5 + 8 + 11 ….. with Ans. 32 progression is harmonic?
312.1/x,1/5, 3/25 and
100 terms. 299.There are 9 arithmetic Ans. ab / (2a – b)
Ans. 15050 mean between 11 and 51. 306.The 3rd term of a 9/125 are consecutive
292.Find the sum of the Compute the sum of the harmonic progression is 15 terms of a geometric
first n even positive progression. and the 9th term is 6. Find progression. What is the
integers. Ans. 341 the 11th term. value of x.

Ans. 3 MATHEMATICS 729. Find the fourth term Ans. 20
313.1/5, 1/8, 5/x and SET 16 of the geometric 327.The first and the last
25/512 form a geometric progression. term of a G.P. is equal to
progression. What is the 319.The arithmetic mean Ans. 81 6 and 486 respectively. If
value of x? between x and y is 30 325.A country has a the sum of all terms is
Ans. 64 while their geometric billion dollars in paper 726, find the number of
314.2/7, 3/14, 9/56 and mean is 18. find the value currency. The bank terms.
27/x form a geometric of x and y. clearing consisting of old Ans. 5
progression. What is the Ans. x = 6, y = 54 and new currency, 328.The number x, 2x +
value of x? 320.What is the sum of amounts to 5 million 7, 10x – 7 form a G.P.
Ans. 224 the geometric mean of 3 dollars per day. The What is the value of x?
315.What is the value of and 27 and the arithmetic government decides to Ans. 7
x in the geometric mean of 4 and 12? introduce a new 329.The number 28, x +
progression 1/3, 4/x, and Ans. 17 currency, all old paper 2, 112 form a G.P. What is
16/27? 321.What is the difference currency coming into the the 1oth term?
Ans. 9 between the arithmetic banks are being Ans. 14336
316.There are 4 mean of 18 and 30 and exchanged for new. How 330.Find the sum of the
geometric means the geometric mean of 4 long will it take for the first 10 terms of the
between 3 and 729. and 64? currency in circulation to geometric progressions 2,
What is the sum of all Ans. 8 become 90% new? 4, 8, 16 …
six terms? 322.Find the product of Ans. 460 days Ans. 2046
Ans. 1092 the arithmetic mean of 7 326.In a benefit show, a
317.There are 4 and 11 and the geometric number of wealthy men
geometric means mean of 2 and 32. agreed that the first one 331.The sum of the terms
between 3 and 729. Ans. 72 to arrive would pay 10 in G.P. is 1820. How many
What is the second 323.The geometric mean centavos to enter and terms are there if the first
term? between the two numbers each later arrival would term is 5, the second
Ans. 9 is 8 and the arithmetic pay twice as much as the term is 15 and the third
318.There are 4 mean 17. What are the preceding man. The total term is 45?
geometric means numbers? amount collected from all Ans. 6
between 3 and 729. Ans. 2 and 32 of them was P104, 332.A body dropped from
What is the fifth term? 324.There are 4 geometric 875.50. How many a height falls 16 m during
Ans. 243 means between 3 and wealthy men paid? the first second, 48 m in

the next second: 144 m Ans. 32 346.The population of a city
on the third second and 337.Two numbers differs 342.If the 3rd term of a is 30,000. Figuring that
so on. Find how far the by 40 and their arithmetic G.P. is 20, and the 6th each 5 years the population
body falls during the 7th mean exceeds their term is 160, what is the will increase by 50% of
what it was at the
second. geometric mean by 2. first term?
beginning of the 5 years,
Ans. 11664 What are these numbers? Ans. 5 find what population will be
333.Find the value of x Ans. 81 and 121 in 20 years.
from the given 338.The arithmetic mean Ans. 151,875
Geometric Progression of 6 numbers is 17. If two MATHEMATICS 347.If a stroke of a vacuum
1/5, 2/x, 4/45…. numbers are added to the SET 17 pump removes 10% of the
Ans. 15 progression, the new set air from container, how
334.The fourth term of a of number will have an 343.The number of much of the original air
G.P. is 216, and the 6th arithmetic mean of 19. bacteria in a certain remains after 10 strokes?
term is 1944, find the 8th What are the two numbers culture doubles every 3 Ans. 34.876%
term. is their difference is 4? hrs. If there are N
Ans. 17496 Ans. 23 and 27 bacteria to start with,
335.The first term of a 339.The geometric mean find the number in 24 348.If a stroke of a vacuum
G.P. is equal to 16 and and the arithmetic mean hrs. pump removes 15% of the
the last term is equal to of two numbers are 8 and Ans. 256 N air from the container, how
11664. If the sum of the 17 respectively. Find one 344.If each bacterium in many strokes are required
geometric progression is of the numbers? a culture divides into 2 to remove 95% of the air?
equal to 17488, Ans. 32 bacteria every hour, how Ans. 19 strokes
determine the number 340.If one third of the air many bacteria will be 349.A certain ball dropped
of the geometric means in a tank is removed by present at the end of 6 from a height rebounds
between 16 and 11664. each stroke of an air hours if there are 4 bacteria 2/3 of the distance from
Ans. 5 pump, what fractional part at the start? which it last fell. Find the
Ans. 256 total distance traveled
336.The arithmetic of the total air is removed
345.If the population of an by the ball from the time
mean and geometric in 6 strokes? urban city is 2 Million and if it is dropped from a
mean of two numbers Ans. 0.9122 the rate of increase is 10% height of 60 meters until
are 10 and 8, 341.Find the seventh term each year, what will be the it strikes the ground the
respectively. Find their of a geometric progression population at the end of 6 5th time.
harmonic mean. whose fourth term is 4 and years? Ans. 252.59 m
Ans. 6.4 common ratio is 2. Ans. 3.22 M

350.A ball is thrown 353.A 10-quart container is Find the sum of all the 363.Find the sum of the
vertically upward to a filled with water. One quart terms. infinite geometric
height of 100 m. Each of water is drained out and Ans. 131320 progression 6, -2, 2/3….
time the ball strikes the replaced with alcohol. After 358.Find the sum of the first Ans. 9 / 2
ground the rebound is mixing, a quart of the 10 terms of the Geometric
½ of the previous solution is drained out and Progression 2, 4, 8, 16 …
height. How far has the replaced with alcohol. This Ans. 2046
ball traveled up and process is continued until 5 359.Determine x so that x, MATHEMATICS
down when it strikes quartz of alcohol have been 2x + 7, 10x –7 will form a SET 18
the ground to the 5th put into the container. The geometric progression.
time? solution in the container is Ans. 7 364.Find the ratio of an
Ans. 387.5 m then what percent alcohol? 360.The fourth term of a infinite geometric series if
351.The sum of a Ans. 40.95% geometric progression is the sum is 2 and the first
geometric series is as 354.x and y are positive 189 and the sixth term is term is ½.
follows: S = 1.00 + 1.1 numbers. If x, -3, y forms a 1701, what is the 8th term? Ans. 3 / 4
+ 1.21 + 1.331 + …. G.P. and –3, y, x forms an Ans. 15309 365.Find the sum of 1, -1/5,
Up to the 50th term. A.P. Find the value of x. 361.The sum of the 1/25….
Ans. 1163.91 Ans. 6, -3 numbers in arithmetical Ans. 5 / 6
352.According to a story, 355.Which of the following progression is 45. if 2 is 366.Determine the sum of
the owner of a horse fractions is wrong to form a added to the first number, 3 the infinite series S = ½ +
made the following G.P. 2/13, 5/39, 8/117, to the second, and 7 to the ¼ + 1/8 + …..(1/2)n
agreement. For shoeing 16/351 third, the new numbers will Ans. 1
the horse, which Ans. 5 / 39 be in geometrical 367.Determine the sum of
requires 32 nails, he 356.A lady started a chain progression. Find the the geometric series with
agreed to pay 1 letter by writing to three common difference in A.P. an infinite numbers of
centavo for the first friends are requesting each Ans. 5 terms: 3 + 3/2 + ¾ + 3/8 +
nail, 2 centavos for the to copy the letter and sent it 362.If x, 4x + 8, 30x +24 …..
second nail, 4 centavos to the three friends. Assume are in geometric Ans. 6
for the 3rd nail, 8 that the chain was unbroken progression, find the 368.A geometric
centavos for the fourth when the sixth set of letters common ratio. progression is 1 + z + z2 +
nail and so on. Under was mailed; find how much Ans. 6 z3 + …. zn where z < 1.
this plan, what would was spent for postage at Determine the sum of the
be the cost for shoeing P2.00 per letter? INFINITE GEOMETRIC series as n approaches
the horse? Ans. P2184 PROGRESSION infinity.
Ans. P42, 357.There are 6 geometric Ans. 1 / (1 – z)
949,627.95 means between 4 and 8748.

369.A rubber ball is made infinite number of inscribed 379.Suppose that each Determine the harmonic
to fall from a height of 50 squares thus formed. swing of a pendulum bob is mean.
ft. and is observed to Ans. 72 80% as long as the Ans. 9
rebound 2/3 of the 373.A hamster receives a preceding swings. If the
distance it falls. How far dose of 3 mg of a compound first swing is 20 inches long, 386.Two numbers have
will the ball travel before and then 2/3 as much as the how far does the bob travel harmonic mean of 16 and
coming to rest if the ball previous dose at the end of before coming to rest? an arithmetic mean of 4.
continues to fall in this every 3 hr. What is the Ans. 100 inches Determine the geometric
manner? maximum amount of the 380.Determine the sum of mean.
Ans. 250 compound it will receive? the infinite geometric series Ans. 8
370.The motion of a Ans. 9 mg. of 1, -1/5, +1/25, …….? 387.Two numbers have a
particle through a certain 374.A man who is on diet Ans. 5 / 6 harmonic mean of 9 and a
medium is such that it losses 24 lb. In 3 months, 16 ARITHMETIC, HARMONIC & geometric mean of 6.
moves thirds as far each lb. in the next 3 months and GEOMETRIC MEANS Determine the arithmetic
second as in the preceding so on for a long time. What is 381.What is the sum of all mean.
second. If it moves 6 m. of the maximum total weight numbers between 0 and Ans. 4
the first second, how far loss? 10,000, which is exactly 388.Find the sum of the
will it move before coming Ans. 72 divisible by 77? arithmetic mean and the
to rest? 375.Find the sum of the Ans. 645,645 geometric mean of two
Ans. 18 geometric series 1/3 + 2/9 + 382.What is the sum of the numbers if the arithmetic
371.Find the total distance 4/27 + 8/81 + …. following finite sequence of mean is 4 and the harmonic
traveled by the tip of a Ans. 1 terms? 18, 25, 32, 39, …., mean is 16.
pendulum if the distance 376.Express 3.2181818 as a 67. Ans. 12
of the first swing is 6 cm. fraction. Ans. 340 389.Find the difference
And the distance of each Ans. 177 / 55 383.What is the geometric between the harmonic
succeeding swing is 0.98 377.Express 0.444 as a mean of 4 and 64? mean and the geometric
of the distance of the rational number in lowest Ans. 16 mean of the two numbers if
previous swing. terms. 384.The geometric mean the geometric mean is 6
Ans. 300 Ans. 4 / 9 and the harmonic mean of and the arithmetic mean is
372.The sides of a square 378.Suppose a ball rebounds two numbers are 12 and 4.
are 6 cm long. A second one half the distance if falls. 36/5 respectively. What are Ans. 3
square is inscribed by If it is dropped from a height the numbers?
joining the midpoints of of 40 feet, how far does it Ans. 36 and 4
the sides of the second travel before coming to 385.Two numbers have an
square and so on. Find the stop? arithmetic mean of 4 and a MATHEMATICS
sum of the areas of the Ans. 120 feet geometric mean of 6. SET 19

mean is 4 and the harmonic QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 406.Find the value of C from
390.The geometric mean mean is 16. 400.In the equation Ax2 + the given quadratic
of two numbers is 6 while Ans. 12 14x + 12 = 0, one root equation x2 – 4x + C = 0
the arithmetic mean is 4. is 6 times the other. if the product of the
Find the product of the What is the value of A? roots is –5.
geometric and harmonic Ans. 2 Ans. -5
mean. 395.Two numbers have a 401.In the equation x2 + 407.Find the value of k from
Ans. 54 geometric mean of 6 and a 11x + 28 = 0, one root the given quadratic
391.Two numbers have an harmonic mean of 9. Find the is 3 more than the other. equation 2x2 – kx + 6 =
arithmetic mean of 4 and a square of the arithmetic What are the roots of 0 if the sum of the roots
geometric mean of 8. mean. the equation? is equal to 4.
Determine the difference Ans. 16 Ans. -4, -7 Ans. 8
between the harmonic 396.The geometric mean of 402.Determine the value of 408.Find the sum of the
mean and the geometric two numbers is 8 while the k so that the sum and roots of 5x2 – 10x + 2 =
mean. arithmetic mean is 4. product of the roots are 0.
Ans. 8 Determine the cube of the equal from the given Ans. 2
392.Two numbers have a harmonic mean. equation. 7x2 + (2k – 1) 409.Find the value of h in
harmonic mean of 16 and Ans. 4096 x – 3x + 2 = 0. the equation 2x2 – hx2 +
arithmetic mean of 4. If 397.The geometric mean Ans. 1 4x + 5h = 0 so that the
the geometric mean is and the arithmetic mean if 403.The equation of whose sum of the roots is 2.
divided by the arithmetic two numbers are 8 and 4, roots are the reciprocal Ans. 4
mean, what is the result? respectively. What is the of the roots of 2x2 – 3x –
Ans. 2 harmonic mean? 5 = 0.
393.Two numbers have a Ans. 16 Ans. 5x2 + 3x –2 = 410.Find h in the quadratic
harmonic mean of 4 and a 398.The harmonic mean of 0 equation 2hx2 + 3x2 =
geometric mean of 8. Find two numbers is 16 while the 404.Determine k so that the 4x – 5h = 0 so that the
the square root of the geometric mean is 8. What is equation 4x2 + kx + 1 = product of the roots is –
product of the arithmetic the arithmetic mean? 0 will have just one real 4.
mean and the harmonic Ans. 4 number. Ans. -4
mean. 399.Determine the Ans. +4, -4 411.If ¼ and –7/2 are the
Ans. 8 geometric mean of two 405.Find the value of k in roots of the quadratic
394.Find the sum of the numbers if the arithmetic the quadratic equation equation, what is the
geometric and the mean and the harmonic 3x2 – kx + x – 7k = 0 if 3 value of B?
arithmetic means of two mean are 4 and 9, is one of the roots. Ans. 26
numbers if the arithmetic respectively. Ans. 3 412.In the equation 3x2 +
Ans. 6 4x + (2h – 5) = 0, find h

if the product of the 419.Two engineering 424.Find the value of x if 431.Find the coefficient of
roots is 4 students are the 8th term of the the expansion of (2x +
Ans. 17/2 solving a problem expansion of y)12 containing the term
413.If the roots in the leading to a (x3 + 1)12 is equal to x3y9.
quadratic equation ax2 quadratic 25952256. Ans. 1760
+ bx + c = 0 are 3 and equation. One Ans. 2 432.What is the 5th term of
2, find a + b + c. student made a 425.The 5th term of the the expansion of (ex + e-
Ans. 2 mistake in the expansion of (x2 + 1/x)n x 8
414.The roots of the coefficient of the is 210x2. Find the value Ans. 70
quadratic equation are first-degree term, of “n”. 433.Find the middle term of
1/3 and ¼. What is the got roots of 2 and Ans. 10 the expansion of (x2 –
equation? –3. The other 5)8.
Ans. 12x2 – 7x + 1 student made a Ans. 43750 x8
=0 mistake in the 426.Find the 6th term of the 434.Find the term involving
415.Find k so that the coefficient of the expansion of (1/2a – 3)16. x8 in the expansion of (x
expression kx2 – 3kx + constant term, got Ans. - 66339/128a11 – 2y)10.
9 = 0 is a perfect roots of –1 and 4. 427.Find the term (not only Ans. 180 x8y2
square. What is the correct the number but the 435.Find the middle term of
Ans. 4 equation? numerical and literal the expansion of (x1/2 +
416.The only root of the Ans. x2 – 3x – 6 = 0 coefficient of the term y1/2)12.
equation x2 – 6x + k = 0 involving x8 in the Ans. 924 x3y3
is? BINOMIAL THEOREM expansion of (x2 + 1/x)16. 436.Find the 6th term of the
Ans. 3 420.Find the 3rd term in the Ans. 12870 x8 expansion of (2 – x)14.
417.What is the sum of the expansion of (x2 + y)5. 428.Find the coefficient of Ans. - 1025024 x5
roots of the equation Ans. 10x6y2 the binomial (x + 1)10 437.Find the 5th term of the
7x2 + 3x – 4 = 0? 421.Expand (x – y)8. containing the term x7. expansion of (1/2 + x)12.
Ans. -3/7 422.Compute the numerical Ans. 120 Ans. (495/256) x4
418.Find the product of the coefficient of the 5th term 429.Find the coefficient of 438.Find the coefficient of
roots of 5x2 – 7x – 4 = of the expansion (x + (x + y)10 containing the the 8th term of the
0. 4y)12 term x7y3. expansion of
Ans. -4/5 Ans. 126720 Ans. 120 (4 + x)14.
423.Find the constant term 430.Find the coefficient of Ans. 56229888
free of x in the expansion the expansion of (x – y)15 439.Find the coefficient of
MATHEMATICS containing the term the 4th term of the
of (x + 1/x3/2)15.
SET 20 Ans. 5005 x4y11. expansion of
Ans. - 1365 (1/2 – x)10.

Ans. - 15/16 448.Find the sum of the 455.Find the remainder (3x5 – 4x3 + 2x2 + 36x +
440.In the expansion of coefficients in the when (x12 + 2) is divided 48) divided by (x3 – 2x2
(x + 4y)12, what is the expansion of (x + 2y – by + 6).
numerical coefficient of z)8. (x – 31/2). Ans. 3x2 + 6x + 8
the 5th term? Ans. 256 Ans. 731 461.If (x – 2x3 – 3x2 – 4x –

Ans. 126,720 449.The sum of the 456.If (3x3 – 4x2y + 5xy2 + 8) is divided by (x –2),
441.What is the middle coefficients in the 6 y3) is divided by what is the remainder?
term in the expansion expansion of (x2 – 2xy + 3y2), what is Ans. - 28
of (x2 – 3)8? (x + 2y + z)4 (x + 3y)5. the remainder? 462.Using synthetic
Ans. 5670 x8 Ans. 262,144 Ans. 0 division, compute the
442.The term involving x9 450.The sum of the remainder if we divide
in the expansion of (x2 coefficients in the (2x3 + x2 – 18x + 7) by
+ 2/x)12. expansion of MATHEMATICS (x – 2).
Ans. 25344 x9 (x + y – z)8. SET 21 Ans. -9
443.Find the 5th term of the Ans. 1 463.If (x2 + 3x – 40) is
expansion of (2 – x)6. 451.What is the sum of the 457.If (4y3 + 18y2 + 8y – 4) divided by (x – 5), what
Ans. 60 x4 coefficients of the is divided by (2y + 3), is the remainder?
444.Find the 6th term of the expansion of (2x – 1)20? what is the remainder? Ans. 0
expansion of (4 – x)6. Ans. 1 Ans. 11 464.If (4x – 8x2 – 9x + 7) is

Ans. - 24 x5 458.Given: f(x) = (x + 3) divided by (2x – 3), what

445.What is the numerical THEORY OF EQUATIONS is the remainder?
coefficient of the 3rd 452.Find the remainder when (x – 4) + 4 when divided Ans. - 11
term of the expansion (x4 – 10x2 – 9x – 20) is
of (6 + 2y)5? divided by (x – 4). by (x – k), the 465.If (8 + 11a + 8a3 +
Ans. 4320 Ans. 40 18a2) is divided by (4a2
446.What is the numerical 453.Find k such that (x – remainder is k. Find k. + 1 + 3a), what is the
coefficient of the 4th remainder?
term of the expansion 3) is a factor of Ans. 5
of (3 + y)7? Ans. 4 466.When (ax3 + 2x2 – 18x
Ans. 2835 459.The polynomial + 7) is divided by (x +
447.What is the numerical (kx3 – 6x2 + 2kx –12). (x3 + 4x2 – 3x + 8) is 1) the remainder is – 15.
coefficient of the 7th Ans. 2 divided by (x – 5). What Find the value of a.
term of the expansion 454.Divide (x4 – 10x2 – 9x – is the remainder? Ans. 42
(1 + 2y)7? 20) by (x – 4). Ans. 218 467.If (8y – 18y2 – 6 + 11y)

Ans. 896 Ans. 460.Find the quotient of is divided by (4y2 – 3y +

2), what is the Ans. x2 + 6y2 (x4 + x2 + 1) (3x3 + 2x2 + x – 2) (x +
remainder? 480.What are the roots of 4)
Ans. - 2y the equation (x – 4)2 (x Ans.3x4 + 14x3 + 10x2
468.If (5x – 14x + 3) is SPECIAL PRODUCTS & + 2) = + 2x – 8
divided by (x – 2), what (x + 2)2 (x – 4)? 488.Factor the expression
is the remainder? FACTORING Ans. 4 and –2 only (x2 – 2x – 8)?
Ans. 15 481.Reduce to lowest terms Ans. (x –4) (x + 2)
469.The expression (x4 + [(b2 – 4b + 16) (b2 – 16)] 489.Factor the expression
473. (4xy – 4x2 – y2) is equal
ax3 + 5x2 + bx + 6) divided by (b3 + 64) (15x2 + 2x – 8)?
when divided by (x – 2) Ans. b–4 Ans. (3x –2)(5x+4)
Ans. - (2x – y)2
leaves the remainder 482. (a – b)3 = ? 490.Factor the expression
474.Factor (x4 – y2 + y – x2)
16 and when divided by Ans. a3 – 3a2b + 3ab2 (4a3 –12a2 – a + 3)?
as completely as 3
(x + 1) leaves the –b Ans. (a –3) (2a+1)
remainder 10. Find the 483.Give the factors of (a2 – (2a-1)
Ans. (x2 – y) (x2 + y –
values of a and b. x2) 491.Factor the expression
Ans. - 5, 7 Ans. (a – x) ( a + x) (9x4 – 16x2y2 + 4y4)?
475.Factor the expression
470.The constant Ans. (3x2 – 2y2 + 2xy)
(x2 + 6x +8) as
remainder when (x3 – 484.Factor the expression (3x2 – 2y2 – 2xy)
completely as possible.
2x + 5) divided by (x + (x3 – 27)
Ans. (x + 4) (x +2)
1). Ans. (x –3) (x2 + 3x PRIME NUMBERS
476.Factor the expression
Ans. 8 + 9) 492.Which of the
(x4 – y4) as completely as
471.What are the 485.Factor the expression
(x4 + 9x2 + 81) following is not a prime
Ans. (x2 + y2) (x + y) (x –
rational roots of the Ans. (x2 – 3x + 9)
( x2 + 3x + 9) number?
477.Factor the expression
equation? 486.Find the product of
(3x3 + 3x2 – 18x) as
completely as possible. a) 27 c) 17
the following algebraic
(x4 + x3 + 4x2 + 6x – 12 Ans. 3x (x + 2) (x – b) 13 d) 7
) = 0. 3)
expression (2x + 4)
Ans. 1 and 2 478.Factor the expression
472.Which of the (16 – 10x + x2). MATHEMATICS
Ans. (x – 8) (x – 2) (3x2 – 2x + 4)
following is a factor of 479.Factor the expression Ans. 6x3 + 8x2 + 16 SET 22
(x6 – 1) as completely as 487.Find the product of the
possible. following algebraic
(2x4 + 11x2y2 – 6y4).
Ans.(x + 1) (x – 1) expression

493.Which of the b) 0.003 d) 0.002786 501.The number of Ans. 4
497.Round off 102.48886 509.Solve for x if ln (x2 + x
following number is not significant figures in –2) = ln 2x + ln (x-1)
to four significant figures. Ans. 2,1
a prime number? 36.140 is: 510.Solve for x if log 3 81x =
a) 102.489 c)
Ans. 4
a) 33 c) 7 102.48886 a) 3 c) 5
511.If log xy = 6 and log x/y
b) 13 d) 19 b) 102.5 d) 102.489 b) 4 d) 6
494.Which of the 498.The number of 502.The number of
= 2. Solve for x and y.
following number is not significant figures in significant figures in
Ans. x = 10000, y = 100
a prime number? 0.02548 is: 0.006423 is: 512.The log of the M/N and

the log of the product MN is

a) 31 c) 5 a) 3 c) 4 a) 3 c) 6
b) 19 d) 77 b) 5 d) 6 b) 4 d) 7
equal to 1.55630251 and
0.352182518 respectively.
495.Round off 12.04879 significant figures in
503.What is the value of x
in log x 625 = 4 Find the value of M.
to four significant 16.433 is:
Ans. 5
504.Simplify the expression
figures. Ans. 9
a) 2 c) 3 log 8 412 = x
512.The log of the product
b) 4 d) 5 Ans. 2.90
a) 12.05 c) 12.0488 500.The number of 505.Evaluate the log 6 845
MN is equal to 1.62324929
b) 12.049d) 12.04879 =x
496.Round off 0.002786 significant figures in Ans. 3.76
and the log of the quotient
506.If a-6/8 = 0.001, solve for
to three significant 0.00018 is: a.
M/N is equal to –
Ans. 10000
figures. 507.Find the value of y if
a) 2 c) 4 0.066946789. Find the
y = ln ( ex/ex-2)
b) 5 d) 6
Ans. 2
a) 0.00279 c) value of N.
508.Solve for y if y = 4 ln
0.0028 (e2x/e2x-1)

Ans. 7 (log 2 + 1) 528.What is the value of log Ans. ½ ln 3
513.What is the value of 518.Find the value of x: log 6 to the base 10 of 10003.3 535.If ln x2 = (ln x)2 solve
+ Ans. 9.9 for x.
(log 5 to the base 2) + (log x log 4 = log 4 + 529.If log x to the base 3 Ans. e2
log (32 + 4x) 536.If ln (log x) = 1
5 to the base 3) Ans. 3 minus log of 5 to the
519.The log 10 (8)(6) is equal solve for x.
to: base 3 is equal to 2, find
Ans. 3.79
Ans. log 10 8 + log
514.If log of 2 to the base Ans. 10e
10 6 the value of x.
537.If log x 2 + log 2 x =2
520.What is the value of e-5?
2 plus log of x to the base solve for x.
Ans. 0.0067379
Ans. 40 Ans. 2
521.Solve for x: log 10 8 = 3 –
2 is equal to 2, find the 530.In 7.18xy is equal to: 538.An earthquake is
3 log 10 x.
Ans. 1.97 xy
Ans. 5
value of x. 531.If log (9!) = 5.5598, usually measured by the

what is the log of 10! magnitude M on the

Ans. 2 522.If log a 10 = 0.25, what
515. If (2 log x to the base is the value of log 10 a = ?
Richter scale. The
Ans. 4 Ans. 6.5598
4) – (log 9 to the base 4) = 523.If log a 4 = 2, find the 532.Solve for x: log (2x
intensity I of an
value of log a 8.
2, find x. Ans. 3 + 7) – log (x – 1) = log 5
earthquake and the
524.Find the value of x if x =
Ans. 12 log c a . log a b . log bc Ans. 4 magnitude M are related
516.Solve for the Ans. 1 533.Express tan h-1(-4/5) in
simplified value of y = 525.Solve for x if log x2 = terms of natural by the formula:
log 20 e. (log x)2. logarithm.
Ans. y = log e / (log Ans. 1,100 Ans. - ln (1/3)
526.Evaluate “b” in the M = log I / I0
2 + 1)
following equation: log b Where I0 is the intensity of
517.Solve for the
1024 = 5/2 an arbitrary chosen
simplified value of y = MATHEMATICS
Ans. 16 earthquake. The
log 20 e3. SET 23
527.The logarithm of 1 to earthquake that hit
Ans. y = (3 log e)
any base is: Kobe, Japan, measured
534.Find the value of x if
Ans. zero 5.7 on the Richter scale.
(ex + e-x) / (ex – e-x) = 2

The earthquake that hit Ans. (y log x) / (x log a. –2 log 7 = 1/49 product of two numbers
Baguio, Philippines y) b. log 7 (-2) =
measured 7.8. How 545.If 10ax – b = P, what is the 1/49 are 0.352182518 and
many times stronger is value of x? c. log 7 (1/49) =
the earthquake that hit Ans. (1/a) (log P – -2 1.556302501,
Baguio? b) d. log 7 (1/49) = 2
Ans. 126 times 546.Find the value of log(aa)a Ans. log 7 (1/49) respectively. Find the
539. log10 x Ans. a2 log a = -2
If = 547.Solve for x: (log b a) (log 556.Log of the nth root first number?
2,What c d) (log d c)
1 – log10 2 Ans. log b a of x equals log of x to
Ans. 9
is the value of x? 548.Find the positive value
561.The sum of the
Ans. 25 of x if log x 36 = 2 the 1/n power and also
540.Which of the following Ans. 6
logarithms of two
549.Find x if log x 27 + log x 3 equal to:
cannot be used as a base = 2.
numbers is 1.748188
Ans. 9
Ans. log (x) / n
of a system of logarithm? 550.Find a if log 2 (a +2) +
557.What is the natural and the difference of
log 2 (a – 2) = 5.
Ans. 6
Ans. 1 logarithm of e to the xy their logarithms is –
551.Solve for x if log 5 x = 3
541.If log 5.2 1000 = x,
Ans. 125
what is the value of x? power? 0.0579919. one of the
552.Find log P if In P = 8.
Ans. 4.19
542.Find the value of a in numbers is:
Ans. xy
the equation log a 2187 Ans. 3.47
558.What expression is
= 7/2. 553.If log 8 x = - n, then x is
Ans. 8
Ans. 9 equal to:
equivalent to log x –
543.If log 2 = x and log Ans. 1 / 8n EXPONENTS & RADICALS
554.If 3 log 10 x – log 10 y = 0,
3 = y, find log 1.2. find y in terms of x. log (y + z)? 562. Evaluate
Ans. y = x3 Ans. log[ x / (y + z)]
555.Which of the 559.log 6 845 = ? 4(52n+1) – 10(52n-1)
Ans. 2x + y – 1
Ans. 3.761
544. log xy
following is correct? 560.The logarithms of
is equal to: y = -----------------------
log yx 2(52n)
the quotient and the

Ans. 9 573.If 8x = 3, what is the Ans. 22 Ans. 0
value of 83x + 1? 579.Solve for x: 589.Find the value of x that
563.Solve for x if Ans. 216 will satisfy the following
4n + 2 – 24(4n – 1) 574.Solve for x: x = - (1/-27)- expression:
x= 2/3 x – 1 – x = 1 - x x – 2 = - x + 2
10(4n + 1) Ans. -9 Ans. 16/25 & 0 Ans. x=9/4
Ans. ¼ 575.Solve for a in the 580.Simplify -3
590.e is equal to:
564.Solve for x if 8x = 2y + 2
2x4 - 316x4 + 2 354x4 Ans. 0.049787
and 163x – y = 4y equation: Ans. 5 32x4 591.b to the m/nth power is
Ans. 2 581.Solve for x: 3x 5x + 1 = 6x equal to:
565.If 8x = 3, find the Ans. nth root of b to
a = 64x4y.
value of 26x. Ans. 2.1544 the m power
Ans. 43x + y
Ans. 9 582. (a-2b3)2 592.Find x from the
566.Solve for x: 16 –x + 1 = 8 Simplify -------------
Ans. ¼ a2 b-1 following equations:
567.If 9x = 5, what is the Ans. a b7

x x
value of 34x? 583. (3 ) is equal to:
SET 24 27x = 9y
Ans. 25 Ans. 3x^2
568.Solve for y if y = (ex + 584.Solve for x: 37x + 1 = 81y3-x = 243
e-x)2 – (ex – e-x)2 576.Simplify 3x – 3x – 1 – 3 x –2
. 6561 Ans. 1
Ans. 4 Ans. 5 (3x –2) Ans. 1 593.Solve for a if (am)(an) =
569.If x to the ¾ power 577.Which of the 585.If 3a = 7b, then 3a2 / 100,000, an/am = 10 and
7b2 = ? amn = 100,000.
equals 8, find the value following is true? Ans. 7/3 Ans. 31.06
586.Solve for U if 594. (x2y3z-2)-3(x-
of x. a.
 -2 x  -2 = 2 U = 1 – 1 –1 - ….
24 = 4  6 Ans. 0.618
Ans. 16 c.
 10 =  5 +  2 (xyz-3)-5/2
570.If 42x + 1 = 1024, find d.
55 + 5 5 + 5 5 + 5 5 + 5 5 1
the value of 4x = 6
5 587.If x to the ¾ power
Ans. ---------
Ans. 16 Ans. letter d. x2y7z3
571.If 3x + 1 = 81, find 32x – 1 equals 8, then x equals:
578.Solve for x: x =  18 - 595.Simplify the
Ans. 243
572.What is the value of  72 +  50. Ans. 16 following:
102x+1 if 10x = 5 y
588.If 33 = 1, what is the
Ans. 250 value of y/33?

7a + 2 – 8 (7a + 1) + 5 (7a) Ans. (1 + b) / (1 – Ans. 18 – i 616.In the complex number
+ 49 (7a – 2). b) 606.Simplify (3 + i)2 8 – 2i, what is the
Ans. -7a 602.Transform the Ans. 8 + 6i amplitude?
596. Simplify: 607.Simplify (2 + 3i) (2 – 3i) Ans. 345.960
xy-1)4 (x2y-2)3 fraction by rationalizing Ans. 13 617.(6 cis 1200) (4 cis 300)
---------  -------- 608.Simplify 3 + 4i is equal to:
(x-2y3)4 (x-3y3)3 the denominator 2–i Ans. 24 cis 1500
1 Ans. 2 + 11 i 618. 30 cis 800 is equal to:
Ans. ------- 5 5 10 cis 500
4x 609.Solve for x & y if 3x – Ans. 3 cis 300
x3y ----------------
597.Simplify the following: 2yi = 6 + 8i 619. What is the value of x
x -  x2 – 4 Ans. 2 & -4 + y in the complex
5 - 3
Ans. x ( x +  x2 – 610.Simplify 5300 x 6450 equation 3 + xi = y + 2i.
4) Ans. 30750 Ans. 5
5 + 3
611.Simplify 45670 620. Multiply (3 – 2i) (4 +
Ans. 4 - 15
598.Which of the following 15170
Ans. 18 + i
is equivalent to m na Ans. 3500
621. Divide 4 + 3i
Ans. mn
a 612.Simplify (5150)3 2–i
599.Solve for x from the 603.Transform the Ans. 125450 Ans. 1 + 2i
given equation: 613.Find the roots of 5 + 622.Find the value of i9.
fraction by rationalizing 12i Ans. i
8 32 8x = 2
Ans. 3 + 2i & -3 – 2i 623.Simplify i1997 + i1999,
Ans. 2 the denominator 614.Find ln (3 + 4i) where i is an imaginary
600.Solve for x if Ans. 1.609 + number.
a - a + 1 0.9273i Ans. 0
8 34 4x = 4 ----------------
615.In the complex number 624.Expand (2 +  -9)3
Ans. 16 3 + 4i, what is the Ans. -46 + 9i
a + a + 1
601.Rationalize the absolute value? 625.Write –4 + 3i in polar
Ans. 2aa + 1 – 2a Ans. 5
denominator and form.
determine the Ans. 5143.130
transformed fraction 626.Evaluate the value
------------------ 604.Simplify i30 – 2i25 + 3i17 SET 25
Ans. -1 + i of  -10 x  -7
a1/2 - a1/2 b1/2
605.Simplify (3 + 2i) (4 – 3i)

Ans. -  70 Ans. x = 5, y = 1 641.Express 4 cis 600 in 650.Express the
627.Perform the indicated 635.What is the value of x algebraic form a exponential form of the
operation:  -9 x 3 -343 and y in the equation: (3x complex number. complex number 6 + 8i.
Ans. -21i + 2y) – (3x + 3y)i = 5 – 9i Ans. 2 + 2 3i Ans. 10 e i 53.13
Ans. x = -1, y = 4 642.The product of (3 cis 651.Expressed (2 + 3i)4 in
636.What is the value of 410) (2 cis 1970) is equal the polar form.
628.What is the quotient to: Ans. 169 e 3.9312i
when 4 + 8i is divided x and y in the equation: x Ans. 6 cis 2380 652.Expressed 5 e 0.92730i to
by i3? 643.Expand (3 cis 108)2. rectangular form.
Ans. -8 + 4i + 2y + (3x – 2y)i = (2 + Ans. 9 cis 2160 Ans. 3 + 4i
629.What is the 644.Find the amount 8 653.Find the value of sin  if
exponential form of the 3i) – (1 + 2i) cis 41 0
e 0.92730i.
complex number 4 + 2 cis Ans. 0.80
3i? Ans. x = 0.5, y = -2 1470 654.Using Eulers equation,
Ans. 5 e i 36.87 637.Find the value of x and y Ans. 4 cis (-1060) find the value of cos 300
630.What is the algebraic in the equation: x – 4yi + 645. [ 3 cis (-1600) ] –1 is + i sin 300.
form of the complex 5 – 8i = 0 equal to: Ans. e 0.5236i
number 13 e i Ans. x = -5, y = -2 Ans. 1/3 cis 1600 PARTIAL FRACTIONS
? 638.Find the value of x and y 646.Perform the operation 4 655.Find the value of A, B,
Ans. 5 + 12i in the equation: (x + yi) (cos 600 + i sin 600) C, D, and E in the
631.Solve for x that satisfy (1 – 2i) = 7 – 4i divided by 2 (cos 300 + i equation:
the equation x2 + 36 = Ans. x = 3, y = 2 sin 300) in rectangular 2x4 + 3x3 + 7x2 + 20
9 – 2x2. 639.Express 3 + 4i in coordinates. (x –1) (x2 + 3)2
Ans.  3i trigonometric form. Ans. 3+i A Bx+C
632.Evaluate ln (5 + 12i) Ans. 647.Solve for the value of x Dx+E
Ans. 2.565 + and y from the given x –1 x2 + 3 (x2
1.176i equation (2x + y) + ( x – + 3)
5 (cos 53.130 + i sin y)i = 4 – 10i Ans. 2, 0, 3, -2, -11
633.Find the value of x and
y in the equation: (3x + Ans. x = -2, y = 8 656.Find the value of A in
53.130) 648.If (x + yi) (2 –4i) = 14 – the equation
y) + (x – y)i = (18 – 2i)
Ans. x = 4, y = 6 8i, find x. (x2 + 4x + 10) A
634.What is the value of x 640.Express 2 (cos 300 + I Ans. 3 (x3 + 2x2 + 5x) x
and y in the equation: sin 300) in algebraic form. 649.Write in the form of a + B (2x + 2) C
2x + 5y + 3yi – 15 –3i Ans. 3+i bi the expression i3219 – (x2 + 2x + 5) (x2 +
=0 i427 + i18. 2x + 5)
Ans. -1 Ans. 2

657.Resolve into partial fractions and solve for A, 663.Using repeated 6 ( B – 3ET) T
fractions: quadratic factors, -3 ( E + 5BT ) T
x+2 B and C. resolve its fractions into (aT–d)B
2 d)
x – 7x + 12 partial fractions and aTBBTdT
Ans. 6 5 solve fro A, B, C, D and dBBTa
4x2 – 27x + 20 A f)
x– 4 x– E. BTCT
(x – 3) (x – 4) (x + 2) x–
3 x4 – 6x3 + 9x2 – 10x + 5 A g)
(x – 3) (x2 – 2x + 2)2 x h)
B C i)
–3 6 ( 4aT – 3d ) T
x–4 x+2 j)
Ans. A = 5, B = -4, C
SET 26 x2 – 2x + 2 (x2 – 2x + k)
2 ( 5d – 3aT ) T
=3 2 l)
2) -2 ( ECB )
661.Using repeated linear
658.Resolve into partial Ans. A = -1, B = 2, 665.Find the elements of
factors, resolve its
fractions: C = 0, D = 1, E = the product of the two
fractions into partial
3x2 – 8x + 9 -3 matrices, matrix BC:
fractions and solve for A,
(x – 2)3 1 2 3 6
B and C.
Ans. 3 4 MATRICES B= 0 -5 ; C = 4
6x2 – 11x – 32 A
5 664.Given the ff. matrices & -1
(x + 6) (x + 1)2 x
x – 2 ( x – 2)2 (x vectors:
3 +6
– 2) 1 2 -3 Ans. 11 8
659.Resolve the following a= 4 , B= 0 2 -20 -5
x + 1 (x + 1)2
into partial fractions 3 0 1 666.Find A + B
Ans. A = 10, B = -4, C =
and compute the sum if A = 4 -2 5
of A, B, C, D and E. 4 6 2 3 0 -3
662.Using distinct quadratic
x3 + 4x2 + 5x + 3 A C= 6 0 3 , d= 4
factors, resolve its
(x + 1) (x2 + x + 1)2 3 0 B= 2 4 -1
fractions into partial
x+1 2 3 -1 2 8 6
fractions and solve for A,
Bx + C Dx + E
2 B and C.
x +x+1 (x2 + x + E= 6 0 3 Ans. 6 2 4
1) 2 1 0 -5 5 8 3
1 – 13x – 10x A
Ans. 3 2 667.Find A - B
(x – 2) (2x + 1) x–
660.Using distinct Calculate the ff. 7 3 4 -1
expressions or give A= 3 1B= 2 -3
Bx + C
linear factors, resolve reasons why they are -6 0 4
2x2 + 2x + 1
undefined. 2
Ans. A = -5, B = 0, C =
its fractions into partial

Ans. 3 4 672.Solve for x and y from 2 –1 1 0 -2
1 4 the given matrix -1 6 0
-10 -2 expansion: Ans. -4 12 2 1 3
668.Find CB 16 -13 0 2 -4
if C = 2 0 -3 x 1 1 1 2 -22 -4
-2 1 4 y 2 2 -2 6 676.Find the matrix “x” that Ans. 5 -25 2
satisfies the equation: 8 -1 13
B= 2 -3 Ans. 5, -5 5 -1 -2 6 679.Find CD:
1 -1 673.Solve for x, y, z, and w -2 6 0 - 4x = 2
4 2 from the given matrix 4 4 if A= 1
equation. -2 -5 -1
Ans. -8 0 2x+1 y 5 -3 0 2
13 13 z+2 w-1 4 -2 D= [ 1 2 -3
669.If [ a b c ] = [ 2 -1 Ans. -2 -1 ]
3 ], Ans. 2, -3, 2, -1 -4 -1
find the value of a, b 674.Solve for x, y and z from 1 2 Ans. -2 4 -6
and c. the given matrix 677.Find A + B: 1 2 -3
Ans. 2, -1, 3 equation. 2 6 -2 -1 -2 3
670.Given the matrix if A = 1 -1 3 680.Find AB:
equation, solve for x & y: [ (x-2) y (2z-3) ] = -5 -7 2 1 -1 0
[ (y+z) 2 (x-1) ] 3
1 1 x 2 -7 -6 5 If A = 2 0 -3
3 2 y 0 Ans. 10, 2, 6 and B = 4 -8 -3 -2
0 2 -3 0 -4 5
Ans. x = -4, y = 6 MATHEMATICS 2
671.From the given matrix SET 27 Ans. -5 0 3
equation, solve for x, y 5 -9 0 -2 6
and z. 675.Find the value of A(BC): -5 -5 -1 0 1
2 0 -1 3
1 -1 1 x 2 A= -3 1 2 -3
2 1 -1 y =1 1 –2 678.Find AB:
1 -2 1 z 0 If 1 -4 0 Ans. 4 -4
B= 1 -3 -1 -5 9
Ans. 1, 2, 3 2 1 2 0 3 -1 5
C= 4 3

684.The elements of a Considering the 6 3 7
determinant are:
1 2 4 elements of the first
4 8 1
-1 3 2
681.Find the values of a, b, 4 1 3 column, determine the
c and d from the given Considering the elements Ans. -4
equation. of the first row, determine minor of 3.
the minor of 4. MATHEMATICS
a - 1 4 c 9 8 Ans. -13 SET 28
Ans. -10
b 3 -1 d 1 -3

Ans. 2, 1, 3, -2 687.Considering the

DETERMINANTS 685.The elements of a 689.The elements of a
682.The elements of determinant are as follows: elements of the first
1 4 2 determinant are as
determinant are: 2 2 3 row, find the minor of 8.
3 -1 0 follows:
Considering the elements 1 4 8
1 4 2
of the first column, 1 2 4
2 2 3
compute the minor of 1.
3 1 0 2 3 4
Ans. 3
Considering the 2 1 -1
elements of the first
row, compute the minor 686.The elements of a 5 2 1
of 1. -4 3 2
Ans. -3 determinant are as Ans. -13
683.The elements of a Considering the
determinant are: follows:
2 3 4 688.Considering the
elements of the first
3 2 1
2 -3 4 elements of the second
4 -1 2 column, find the minor
Considering the
elements of the first 3 2 -1 row, find the minor of 3.
of 4.
row, evaluate the minor
of 3. -1 1 2 4 1 2
Ans. 2 Ans. -6

690.Determine the determinant whose 4 -1 8 694.What is the value of

value of the elements are as follows: 2 the determinant whose

determinant whose elements are shown

3 0 0 0 Ans. 16
elements are: below?
5 2 0 0 693.Determine the value
2 1 5 1 5 -2
of the determinant
2 1 6 0
whose elements are as 2 1 -3
1 4 7 8
0 -3 3 follows:
3 -2 1
Ans. 288
8 3 1
Ans. -46
692.Determine the value
0 0 1 4
695.What is the value of
of the determinant whose
1 -2 3
the determinant whose
elements are:
0 0 0 0
elements are shown
0 0 0
-6 5 0 below?
Ans. -18 0
-9 5 -2
0 0 1
691.Determine the 2 0 0
-6 1 -3
value of the 0
11 -2 1
0 2 3
Ans. 120
5 Ans. -92

696.What is the value 2 -1 2 Ans. -35

of the determinant 2
698.What is the value of 701.Find the value of the
whose elements are
the determinant whose 8 -1 -5 determinant whose
shown below?
elements are shown 3 elements are:

1 2 3 below?
Ans. -70 2 3 0

4 1 -2 6 1 1 3
700.Find the value of the

2 -1 1 2 1 -1 determinant whose 3 -5 3

elements are: 3
Ans. -35 10 -2 2

2 3 0 1 -1 6
697.What is the value Ans. -28
3 2
of the determinant
699.Find the value of the
whose elements are 3 -5 1 4 -1 -15
determinant whose
shown below? 3 3
elements are:

9 2 3 1 -1 2 Ans. -105
4 3 0
1 1 -2 3 702.Find the value of the

4 -1 -5 determinant whose
8 -1 1 6 -5 1
3 elements are:
Ans. -70

2 -6 0 -2 -5 -1 Ans. e5x
710.Find the determinants
3 -1 of x:
706.Evaluate the
1 0 4
x= 2 2 6
3 10 1 0 1 2 following determinant
3 1 -12
Ans. -46
3 -5
cos x sin x 711.Find the determinant of
1 2 2 -3 3 2 4 -1 2 3
- sin x cos x
2 0 2 1
2 3 10 3 0 1
Ans. 1 14 2 4 5
707.Evaluate the following Ans. -28
4 2 -5 Ans. 35
determinants ADJOINT OF A MATRIX
sec x 712.Find the adjoint of
704.Evaluate the tan x
sec x tan x sec2 x the matrix, when it exist,
Ans. 70 determinant: Ans. sec x
708.Evaluate the following find the inverse
x ln x
x ln x
1 1 + ln x
703.Find the value of 1 1/x Ans. x + ln x (x – 1)
709.If the determinant of 1 2 4
the determinant whose the matrix C = -1, solve A= -1 0 3
Ans. 1 – ln x
for the value of x: 3 1 -2
elements are: 1 x
705.Evaluate the 2 5 Ans. -3 8 6
-2 3 1 Ans. 3
following determinant
A-1 = 1/7 7 -14
4 -7
-1 5 2
713.Find the adjoint matrix
2e2x 3e3x SET 29 of

1 -4 SPHERICAL 6. If tan 4A = cot 6A, find Ans. 20.900, 69.10
0 2 TRIGONOMETRY the value of A.
Ans. Ans. 9
12. If sec2 A is 5/2, the
2 4 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY 7 If sin 3A = cos 6B then
0 1 TRIGONOMETRIC (A + 2B) is:
quantity 1 – sin2 A is
714.Find the inverse IDENTITIES Ans. A + 2B = 300
matrix of 1. If tan a = 4/5, determine 8. Solve for  in the equivalent to ______.
4 sin a – cos a following equation:
2 3 3 cos a + sin a sin 2 = cos 
1 1 Ans. 11/19 Ans. 300 Ans. 0.40
Ans. 2. Three times the sine of 9. Simplify the
-1 3 13. cos4 A – sin 4
A is
1 -2 a certain angle is twice of equation
715.Determine the inverse equal to _______.
matrix of the square of the cosine
cos  - sin  sin  (1 + cot )
2 2

sin  cos  of the same angle. Find Ans. cos 2A

Ans. 1
Ans. the angle. 14. sin (B – A) is equal to
cos  sin 
10. Find the value of A
- sin  cos  Ans. 300 ______, when B = 2700
between 2700 and 3600
716.Find the adjoint of the 3. What value of F satisfy and A is an acute angle.
matrix the equation tan (8F + 1) if
= cot 170 where all Ans. - cos A
1 0 -2 angles are in degrees?
-1 2 0 Ans. 9 2 sin2 A – sin A = 1
1 2 1 4. If tan (2D – 3) = 1 15. Solve the equation
tan (5D –9) Ans. 3300
Ans. 2 -4 4 determine D in degrees. cos2 A = 1 – cos 2
1 3 2 Ans. 14.570
-4 -2 2 5. If cos (9C) = 1 11. If sin x cos x + sin 2x
Ans. 450, 3150
csc (3C + 6)
PLANE find C in degrees. = 1, what are the values
and Ans. 7
of x?

16. If sin A = 4/5, A in Ans. 200 sin (arc cos 15/17) Ans. 1

2nd quadrant, sin B =

20. Evaluate cos (arc tan Ans. 8/17 28. If tan A = ½ and tan
7/25, B in 1st quadrant.
15/8 – arc sin 7/25) B = 1/3, find the angle
Find sin (A + B). SET 30
(A + B).
Ans. 297/425
25. Evaluate
Ans. 3/5
Ans. 450
21. Arc tan [2cos (arc sin
tan arc sin [ -3/2
17. How many different
31/2/2)] is equal to: 29. If A + B + C = 180
values of x lie between ( tan arc cot 3 )]
and tan A + tan B + tan
Ans. /4
00 and 1800 for the Ans. -1 C = 5.67, find the value
equation (2 sin x –1) 22. Evaluate
26. Evaluate arc sin cos of tan A tan B tan C.
(cos x + 1) = 0? arc cot [2 cos (arc sin
arc tan 3. Ans. 5.67
Ans. 3 0.5)]
Ans. 300 30. Solve for x in the
18. If (sin x + 1/sin x) = Ans. 300
27. In the given equation:

 2, then sin2 x + 1/sin2 23. Find the value in

equation below solve for arc tan (2x) + arc
x, is equal to: degrees of arc cos (tan
x. tan (x) =/4
24 )
Ans. 0
x = (tan  + cot )2 Ans. 0.281
Ans. 63.560
19. If 770 + 0.40x = arc
sin2  - tan2 
tan (cot 0.25x), find x: 24. Find the value of

31. If arc tan x + arc Ans. 0.862 Ans. 0.4698 42. Solve for  if coth2 x

tan 1/3 = /4, find the 35. If sin  = 3/5, cos  = 39. Solve for the value – csch2 x = exsecant 

value of x. of x if:
5/13, find ( + ) Ans. 600

Ans. ½ Arc sin (3x – 4y) =

Ans. 0.969 43. Find the value of  in
32. Solve for x if arc tan /2 the equation
36. Solve for the value of
x/2 + arc tan x/3 = 450.
“A” when sin A = 3.5x and Arc cos (x – y) = /3 cosh2 x – sinh2 x = 2
Ans. 1
cos A = 5.5x. Ans. 1 sin .

33.Solve for x from the

Ans. 32.470 40. If coversed sin  = Ans. 300
given trigonometric
37. If sin A = 2.511x, cos 0.134, find the value of 44. Simplify the expression
A = 3.06x and sin 2A = ?
sec  - (sec ) sin2 
Arc tan (1 – x) + arc
3.939x, find the value of
Ans. 600
tan (1 + x) = arc tan Ans. cos 
1/8 41. Find  if versed sin 
Ans. 0.256
= 0.423
Ans. 4
38. If sin (x + y) = 0.766
Ans. 54.760
34. If arc tan 4/3 + arc
and sin (x – y) = 0.1736, 45. Simplify
tan 12/5 = arc sin (x +
find sin x cos y. 4 cos y sin y (1- 2 sin2 y)
y), find (x + y)

Ans. sin 4y 48. Given three angles A, 52. Solve for cos 720 if 56. How many different

B, and C whose sum is the given relationship is value of x from 00 to

46. Solve for : sin  -
1800. If the tan A + tan B 1800 for the equation
sec  + csc  - tan 2 = cos 2A = 2 cos2 A – 1
+ tan C = x, find the
-0.0866 (2 sin x – 1) (cos x + 1)
Ans. 0.309
value of tan A x tan B x
= 0?
Ans. 43 53. Find the value of
tan C.
Ans. 3
47. What are the exact sin ( arc cos 15/17 )
Ans. x
values of the cosine 57. Find the value of x in
Ans. 17/9
49. What is the sine of
and tangent the equation csc x + cot
8200? 54. Find the value of cos
trigonometric functions x = 3.
[ arc sin (1/3) + arc tan
of acute angle A, given Ans. 0.984
Ans. /5
that 50. csc 2700 =?
58. Find sin x if
Ans. (2/9) (10 – 1)
sin A = 3/7? Ans. -1
2 sin x + 3 cos x – 2 = 0.

Ans. cos A = 2  55. If sin 400 + sin , find

51. In coversine  is
Ans. 1 & -5/13
10/7 ; the value of .
0.134, find the value of .
59. If cos  =  3/2, then
tan A = 3  Ans. 600
Ans. 80 0

find the value of x if x =

1 – tan2 .

Ans. 2/3 63. If cos  = x/2 then 1 – MATHEMATICS Ans. sinh 2x
SET 31
60. If sin  - cos  = tan2  is equal to: 71. Find the value of

-1/3, what is the value Ans. (2x2 – 4) / x2 67. Simplify cos4  - sin4 sin (900 + A)

if sin 2? .
64. Solve for x in the Ans. cos A

Ans. 8/9 equation: arc tan (2x) + Ans. 2 cos2  -1

72. If tan  = x2, which

61. If x cos  + y sin  arc tan (x) = /4 of the following is

68. Solve for x :

= 1 and x sin  - y cos  Ans. 0.281 incorrect?

x 1 – tan2 a
= 3, what is the a) sin  = 1 /  1 + x4
65. Solve for y if 1 + tan2 a
relationship between x
y = (1/sin x – 1/tan x) (1 Ans. cos 2a b) sec  =  1 + x4
and y?
+ cos x)
69. Find the value of y: c) cos  = 1 /  1 + x4
2 2
Ans. x + y = 10
Ans. sin x
y = (1 + cos 2) tan d) csc  =  1 + x4 / x2
62. If x + y = 900, then
66. Solve for x:
sin x tan y is Ans. sin  = 1 /  1 + x4
x = 1 – (sin  - cos )2
equal to: Ans. sin 2
73. In an isosceles right
Ans. sin 2
sin y tan x 70. The equation 2 sinh triangle, the hypotenuse

x cosh x is equal to:

Ans. cot x

is how much longer arc tan (1 –x ) = arc tan Ans. 53.130 = 0.422618, find the

than its sides? 1/18, what is the value of value of sin x cos y.
80. If versed sin  =
Ans.  2 times 0.38, what is ? Ans. 0.62

Ans. 6
74. If tan B = x /  1 – 84. If arc tan 5/3 + arc
Ans. 51.680

x2, find cos B = ? 77. If arc sin (3x – 4y) = tan ¾ = arc sin (x + y),
81. If 2 cot x =1, what is
/2 and arc cos (x – y) find (x + y).
Ans.  1 – x2 the value of 5 sin x –
=/3, what is the value of Ans. 0.995
3 cos x
75. If cos A = 2ab / (a2
x and y?
85. If sin A cos A + sin 2A =
+ b ), find csc A = ? 2 sin
1, what is the value of A
Ans. 1.0 , 0.5 in degrees?
x + cos x
Ans. 2
(a + b )2
Ans. 20.9
78. Solve for  if Ans. 1.4
2 2
(a – b )

cos (6) = 1 82. If sin A = 4/5 and sin

86. If sin 2A = 2.6718x,
(A + B) = L, find cos B. sin A = 1.405x and
csc (3 + 9) cos A = 4.323x, what is
the value of x and A?
Ans. 0.8 Ans. 0.22, 18
Ans. 90 87. If arc cos (sin 0.8x) = 60
83. If sin (x + y) = + 0.45x, what is the
76. If arc tan (1 + x) + 79. Coversed sin  = 0.2, value of x in degrees?
0.819152 and sin (x – y) Ans. 24
find the value of ? 88. If arc cos (sin 0.8x) = 60
+ 0.45x, what is the
value of tan x?

Ans. 0.445 93. A, B and C are angles of the opposite edge of the distance of 120 m from
89. If sin A = 1.747x, a triangle. If tan A + tan it. Compute the height
cos A = 2.839x and B + tan C = 12, find the path walk the pedestal of the tower.
sin 2A = 2.975x, what ratio Ans. 69.28 m
is the value of A in tan A + tan B + tan C and flagstaff subtends 101.A vertical pole consists
degrees? tan A x tan B x tan C of two parts, each one
Ans. 31.6 Ans. 1 an equal angles. half of the whole pole. At
90.The interior angles 94. If sin 2A = cos 4B, find a point is the horizontal
the value if (A + 2B) in Compute the width of plane which passes
of a triangle are A, B degrees. through the foot of the
Ans. 45 the path walk. pole and 36 m from it,
and C. If tan A x tan B x 95. If arc cos (sin 0.15A) = the upper half of the
40 + 0.20A, what is the pole subtend an angle
Ans. 4.47 m
tan C = 12, find the value of sin A? whose tangent is 1/3.
99. The angle of elevation
Ans. 0.603 How high is the pole?
of a top of a tree from a
value of tan A + tan B 96. A = 4 sin  + 6 cos  and Ans. 72 m or 36 m
point 10 m horizontally
B = 4 cos  - 6 sin . Find 102.A flagpole 20 m high
away from the tree is
+ tan C. the value of A2 + B2. stands on top of a tower
twice the angle of
Ans. 52 that is 96 m high. At
elevation at a point 50
97. The cosine of a certain what distance from the
Ans. 12 m from it. Find the
angle is equal to the sine base of the tower will
91. Find the value of (A + height of the tree.
of twice the angle in the flagpole subtend an
2B) in degrees if sin 3A Ans. 38.73 m
degrees. angle of 40.
= cos 6B.
Ans. 30 Ans. 46.48 m
Ans. 30
92.The interior angles TRIANGLES 103.If angle  represents
98. On one side of a the angle subtended by
of a triangle are A, B a picture 5 ft high when
paved path walk is a MATHEMATICS viewed from a point A
and C. If tan A x tan B x SET 32 that is 7 ft below the
pedestal with a flagstaff picture and 14 ft away
tan C = 15 and tan B + 100.The angle of elevation from the wall on which
on top of it. The pedestal of the top of the tower the picture hangs, solve
tan C = 10, find tan A. at a distance 40 m from for .
is 2 m in height while the it is the compliment of Ans. 14.030
the angle of elevation of
Ans. 5 flagstaff is 3 m high. At the same tower at a

104.An observer 9 m from the top of tower A is 109.A and B are summits of min, then eastward for
horizontally away from 280 and the angle of two mountains rise from one hour, then shifted N
the tower observes it elevation of the top of a horizontal plain. B 300 W. If the constant
angle of elevation to be tower A from the base of being 1200 m above speed is 40 kph, how far
only one half as much tower B is 460. The two plain. Find the height of directly from M in km,
as the angle of towers lie in the same A, it being given that its will it be after 2 hours?
elevation of the same horizontal plane. If the angle of elevation as Ans. 47.88
tower when he moves 5 height of tower B is 120 seen from a point C in 112.A car travels northward
m nearer towards the m, find the height of the plain (in the same from a point B for one
tower. How high is the tower A. vertical plane with A and hour, then eastward for
tower? Ans. 79.3 m B) is 500, while the angle 30 min then shifted N
Ans. 3m 107.A radio aerial is to be of depression of C 300 E. After exactly 2
105.A man finds the angle put up at the top of 2 viewed from B is 28058’ hours, the car will be
of elevation of the top buildings, one higher and the angle subtended 64.7 km directly away
of a tower to be 30 than the other by 25 m. at B by AC is 500. from B. What is the
degrees. He walks 85 m The aerial at this point of Ans. 3002.33 m speed of the car in kph?
nearer the tower and anchorage at the taller Ans. 40 kph
finds its angle of bldg. will make a 750 113.A motorcycle travels
elevation to be 60 angle with the vertical. northward from point L
degrees. What is the Allowing 4 m for tying at 110.A 40 m high tower for half an hour, then
height of the tower? the ends, how long an stands vertically on a eastward for one hour,
Ans. 73.61 aerial wire must be hillside (sloping ground), then shifted N 300 W.
106.Points A and B are 100 provided? which makes an angle of After exactly 2 hours,
m apart and are of the Ans. 100.6 180 with the horizontal. the motorcycle will be
same elevation as the 108.A PLDT tower and a A tree also stands 47.88 km away from L.
foot of the bldg. The monument stand on a vertically up the hill from What is the speed of the
angles of elevation of level plane. The angles of the tower. An observer motorcycle in kph?
the top of the bldg. depression of the top and on top of the tower finds Ans. 40 kph
From points A and B are bottom of the monument the angle of depression MATHEMATICS
21 degrees and 32 viewed from the top of of the top of tree to be SET 33
degrees respectively. the PLDT tower are 130 260 and the bottom of
How far is A from the and 350 respectively. The the tree to be 380. Find 114.A bus travels northward
bldg. in meters? height of the tower is 50 the height of the tree. from point D for one
Ans. 259.28 m. Find the height of the Ans. 10.62 m hour, then eastward for
107.The angle of elevation monument. 111.A truck travels from 30 min, and then shifted
of the top of tower B Ans. 33.51 point M northward for 30 N 300 E. The bus

constant speed is 40 a = 15, b = 20. Find c: angular bisector from 129.From a point outside
kph. When the bus is Ans. 27 the vertex C.
64.7 km directly away 120.Given angle A = 320, Ans. 14.3 of an equilateral
from D, how long in angle B = 700, and side c 125.In triangle ABC, angle C
hours has it traveled? =27 units. Solve for side = 700, angle A = 450, AB triangle, the distance to
Ans. 2 a of the triangle. = 40 m. What is the
115.In a triangle ABC, AB Ans. 14.63 units length of the median the vertices are 10 m,
= 20 m and BC = 8 m. 121.In triangle ABC, A = 45 drawn from vertex A to
One possible dimension degrees and angle C = 70 side BC? 10 m, and 18 m. Find
of CA is: degrees. The side Ans. 36.3 m
Ans. 27 > x > 12 opposite angle C is 40 m 126.The area of the triangle the dimension of the
116.In triangle BCD, BC = long. What is the side whose angles are 610 9’
10 m and CD = 25 m. opposite angle A? 32”, 340 14’ 46”, and 840 triangle.
The perimeter of the Ans. 30.10 m 35’ 42” is 680.60. What
triangle may be: 122.Two sides of a triangle is the length of the
Ans. 19.94
Ans. 51 are 50 m and 60 m long. longest side?
130.Points A and B 1000 m
117.In triangle DEF, DE = The angle included Ans. 52.43
apart are plotted on a
6 m and EF = 18 m. between these sides is 30 127.Given triangle ABC
straight highway running
One possible perimeter degrees. What is the whose angles are A =
east and west. From A,
of the triangle is: interior angle (in degrees) 400, B 950 and side b =
the bearing of a tower C
Ans. 37 opposite the longest 30 cm. Find the length of
is 320 N of W and from B
118.The hypotenuse of a side? the bisector of angle C.
the bearing of C is 260 N
right triangle is 34 cm. Ans. 86.26 Ans. 21.74 cm
of E. Approximate the
Find the length of the 123.The sides of a triangle 128.The sides of a
shortest distance of
shortest leg if it is 14 ABC are AB = 15 cm, BC triangular lot are 130 m,
tower C to the highway.
cm shorter than the = 18 cm, and CA = 24 180 m, and 190 m. The
Ans. 274 m
other leg. cm. Determine the lot is to be divided by a
Ans. 16 cm distance from the point of line bisecting the
119Two sides of a triangle intersection of the longest side and drawn
131.An airplane leaves an
measure 6 cm and 8 angular bisectors to side from the opposite
aircraft carrier and flies
cm and their included AB. vertex. What is the
south at 350 mph. The
angle is 400. Find the Ans. 4.73 cm length of the dividing
carrier travels S 300 E at
third side. 124.If AB = 15 m, BC = 18 m line?
25 mph. If the wireless
Ans. 5.144 cm and CA = 24 m, find the Ans. 125 m
communication range of
857.Given a triangle: C = point intersection of the
the airplane is 700
miles, when will it lose

contact with the Ans. 8.09 m 138.A pole cast a shadow of 120 m, how high is
carrier? 15 m long when the tower A in m?
Ans. after 2.13 hrs angle of elevation of the Ans. 40.7 m
132.A statue 2 meters high sun is 610. If the pole 141.Points A and B are 100
stands on a column MATHEMATICS has leaned 150 from the m apart and are on the
that is 3 m high. An SET 34 vertical directly toward same elevation as the
observer in level with the sun, what is the foot of a building. The
the top of the statue 135.From a point A at the length of the pole? angles of elevation of
observed that the foot of the mountain, the Ans. 54.23 m the top of the building
column and the statue angle of elevation of the from points A and B are
subtend the same top B is 600. After 210 and 320,
angle. How far is the ascending the mountain respectively. How far is A
observer from the one (1) mile at an from the building in m?
statue? inclination of 300 to the 139.An observer wishes to Ans. 259.2
Ans. 25m horizon, and reaching a determine the height of 142.A man finds the angle
133.From the top of a point C, an observer finds a tower. He takes sights of elevation of the top of
building 100 m high, that the angle ACB is at the top of the tower a tower to be 300. He
the angle of depression 1350. What is the height from A and B, which are walks 85 m nearer the
of a point A due East of of the mountain in ft? 50 ft apart, at the same tower and finds its angle
it is 300. From a point B Ans. 12493 elevation on a direct line of elevation to be 600.
due South of the 136.A 50 – m vertical tower with the tower. The What is the height of the
building, the angle of casts a 62.3 – m shadow vertical angle at point A tower?
elevation of the top is when the angle of is 300 and at point B is Ans. 73.61 m
600. Find the distance elevation of the sun is 400. What is the height 143.The angle of elevation
AB. 41.60. What is the of the tower? of a point C from a point
Ans. 100  30/3 inclination of the ground? Ans. 92.54 ft B is 290 42’ ; the angle
134.An observer found the Ans. 4.720 140.From the top tower A, of elevation of C from
angle of elevation of 137.A vertical pole is 10 m the angle of elevation of another point A 31.2 m
the top of the tree to be from a building. When the the top of the tower B is directly below B is 590
270. After moving 10 m angle of elevation of the 460. From the foot of the 23’. How high is C from
closer (on the same sun is 450, the pole cast a tower B the angle of the horizontal line
vertical and horizontal shadow on the building 1 elevation of the top of through A?
plane as the tree), the m high. Find the height of tower is 280. Both towers Ans. 47.1 m
angle of elevation the pole. are on a level ground. If 144.A rectangular piece of
becomes 540. Find the Ans. 11 m the height of tower B is land 40 m x 30 m is to
height of the tree. be crossed diagonally by

a 10 m wide road as the direction of S 450 W a) What is the height of the opposite edge
shown. If the land cost at a speed of 16 nautical the tower in meter? across the path walk,
P1, 500.00 per square miles per hour. At 1:00 Ans. 32.9 m the pedestal and the
meter, what is the cost PM another ship left the b) How far is point A flagstaff subtend equal
of the roadway? same port in the direction from the foot of the angles. Determine the
N 500 W at a speed of 20 tower? width of the path walk in
40 m nautical miles per hour. Ans. 57 m m.
At what time will the Ans. 2.44 m
second ship be exactly 151.A statue stands on top
30 m North of the first ship? of a pedestal 3 m high
Ans. 2:49.4 P.M. MATHEMATICS resting on a level
147.A ship sailed in the SET 35 ground. At a point on the
direction of S 420 W at a ground, 4 m away from
Ans. P601, 350.00 speed of 15 nautical 148.The perimeter of a the pedestal, the status
145.A man improvises a miles per hour. Two hours triangular lot is 279.15 and the pedestal
temporary shield from later, another ship left m. The interior angles subtend equal angles.
the sun using a the same port in the are 500, 600 and 700. What is the height of the
triangular piece of direction of N 600 W at a Find the length of the statue in m?
wood with dimensions speed of 18 nautical side opposite the Ans. 10.7 m
of 1.4 m, 1.5 m, and miles per hour. After how biggest angle.
1.3 m. With the longer many hours will the Ans. 102 m
side lying horizontally second ship be directly 149.The perimeter of a
on the ground, he props North of the first ship? triangular lot is 279.15
up the other corner of Ans. 3.6 m. The interior angles 152.Towers A and B stand
the triangle with a 148.From point A on the are 700, 600 and 500. on a level ground from
vertical pole 0.9 m same horizontal plane Find the length of the the top of tower A which
long. What would be where the tower stands, side opposite the is 30 m high. The angle
the area of the shadow the angle of elevation of smallest angle. of elevation of the top of
on the ground when the the top of the tower is Ans. 83.15 m tower B is 480. From the
sun is vertically 300. At point B, 25 m 150.On the side edge of a same point the angle of
overhead? closer to the tower, the paved path walk is a depression of the foot of
Ans. 0.5 m2 angle of elevation is 40. flagstaff resting tower B is 260. What is
At point C, 20 m further vertically on top of a the height of tower B in
closer, the angle of pedestal. The pedestal is m?
elevation is 700. 2 m high and the Ans. 98.3 m
146.At 12:00 noon ship
sailed from the port in flagstaff is 3 m long. At

153.From the top of tower one hour, then eastward what is the height of the A = 58010’, B = 81055’
A the angle of elevation for half hour, and then building? and c = 900. Compute
of the top of tower B is shifted N 300 E. If the Ans. 26.7 m for the side “a”.
460. From the foot of constant speed of the car Ans. 58o25’
tower B the angle of is 40 kph, how far directly 163.From the given
elevation of the top of from point C will it be isosceles spherical
tower A is 280. Both after exactly 2 hours? triangle, compute the
towers are on level Ans. 64.7 km 159.The angles of elevation value of angle C. A =
ground. If the height of 156.A bus travel northward of the top of a tower 640, B = 640, b= 810
tower B is 120 m. from point D for one hour, were observed from Ans. 144026’
a) How high is tower A then eastward for 30 min, points A and B which lie 164.Find the perimeter of a
in m? then shifted N 300 E. The on a horizontal line spherical triangle in
Ans. 40.7 m bus constant speed is 40 passing through the foot which a = 77036’, b =
b) How far apart are the kph. When the bus is 64.7 of the tower. B is 5 m 63017’ and c = 107023’ if
towers in m? km directly away from D, away from the tower. A it has a special radius
Ans. 76.57 m how long in hours has it and B are 8 m apart. The equal to 5 m.
154.From the top of a traveled? angle at B is twice as Ans. 21.66 m
building the angles of Ans. 2.0 much as that at A. How
depression of points A 157.A truck travels from high is the tower? MATHEMATICS
and B are 21 degrees point in northward for 30 Ans. 6.24 m SET 36
and 32 degrees, min, and then eastward SPHERICAL
respectively. Points A for one hour, then shifted TRIGONOMETRY 165.From the given parts of
and B are 100 m apart N 300 W. If the constant 160.A spherical triangle a spherical triangle ABC,
and are on the same speed is 40 kph, how far ABC has an angle C = compute for angle A. a =
elevation as the foot of directly from M, in km will 900 and sides a = 500 1200, b = 73015’ and c =
the building. it be after 2 hours? and c = 800. Find the 62045’.
a) How high is the Ans. 47.8 value of “b” in degrees? Ans. 137056’
building in m? 158.A building and a tower Ans. 74.330 166.From the given parts of
Ans. 99.5 m stand 80 m apart on the 161.In a spherical triangle s spherical triangle,
b) How far is A from the horizontal ground. At a ABC, find (A + B) if C = compute the value of
building in m? point midway between 900, b = 45030’, c = side “a”.
Ans. 259.2 m them the angles of 1300. A = 52030’, B = 70015’
elevation of the tops of Ans. 217014’ and
the building and the 162.From the given C = 120015’
155.A car travels from tower are complimentary. quadrantal spherical Ans. 57022’
point C northwards for If the tower is 60 m high, triangle whose parts are

167.In the spherical will be its course at the nautical miles per hour, 178.Find the distance in
triangle shown, the point where it crosses the determine the number nautical miles between
following parts are equator? of hours it will take to Manila and San
given: Ans. S 28056’ W travel Sydney. Francisco. Manila is
A = 40018’ c= 171.A ship sailed from a Ans. 9.07 hours located at 14036’ N
100010’ point A (Lat. 200 N and latitude and 121005’ E
C = 75000’ b= longitude 1200 E). After longitude. San Francisco
65025’ sailing for 64 hours at a 174.Calculate the area of a is situated at 37048’ N
Find side a and angle B. uniform speed along a spherical triangle whose latitude and 122024’ W
Ans. 41013’51’ great circle route it radius is 5 m and whose longitude.
63010’27’ reaches point B at angles are 400, 650 and Ans. 6046.2
168.Given the parts of the latitude 100 S and 1100. 179.Find the area of the
spherical triangle: longitude 1500 E. Find its Ans. 15.27 sq. m. spherical triangle ABC, if
A = 60030’ b = 38015’ speed in nautical miles 175.A right spherical A = 1250, B = 730, C =
a = 40030’ per hour. triangle has an angle C 840 and r = 30 m.
Find the value of side c. Ans. 39.5 = 900, a = 500, and c = Ans. 1602.2 m2
Ans. 46043’ 172.Find the distance in 800. Find the side b.
169.An airplane flew from nautical miles between Ans. 74.330
Davao whose latitude is Manila and Tokyo whose 176.If the time is 8:00 a.m.
140 N and longitude of geographical coordinates GMT, what is the time in 180.Find the area of the
121030’ E on a course S are known: the Philippines, which is spherical triangle ABC, if
300 W and maintaining Place Latitude located at 1200 East a = 390, b = 490, c = 620
a uniform altitude. At Longitude longitude? and r = 50 m.
what longitude will the Manila 14035’ N Ans. 4 p.m. Ans. 808.04 m2
plane cross the 120 59’ E 177.An airplane flew from 181.Find the area of the
equator? Tokyo 35039’ N Manila (14036’ N, spherical triangle ABC, if
Ans. 113033’ E 0
139 45’ E 121005’ E) at a course of A = 63.30, B = 72.230, C
Ans. 1612 S 300 E maintaining a = 85.270 and r = 10 m.
173.A Philippine Airlines certain altitude and Ans. 71.2 m2
170.Northwest Airlines plane on one of its trip is following a great circle 182.Determine the area of
flew from Tokyo whose to fly from Manila (lat. path. If its groundspeed the spherical triangle
latitude is 14036’ N and 14035’ and longitude is 350 knots, after how ABC, if a = 23.270, b =
longitude of 121005’ E 120059’ E) to Sydney, many hours will it cross 45.3170, c = 50.480 and
on a course S 300 W Australia, (lat. 330 52’S; the equator? r = 220.
and maintaining a 151012’ E) if it flies at an Ans. 2.87 hours Ans. 8,312 m2
uniform altitude. What average speed of 221

183.Determine the area of = 74.70 and c = 77.20. 4. Find the median 13, what is the value of
the spherical triangle Find the value of “a” in y?
ABC if A = 1400, B = degrees. through (-2,-5) of the Ans. 19 or -5
750, C = 860 and r = 40 Ans. 70.150 10. The distance between
m. 191.In right spherical triangle whose vertices the points (sin x, cos x)
Ans. 3,379 m2 triangle ABC, C = 900, A and (cos x, -sin x ) is:
184.In the spherical = 74.70 and c = 77.20. are (-6,2), (2,-2), and (- Ans. 2
triangle ABC, A = Find the value of “b” in 11. Find the distance from
116019’, B = 55030’ and degrees. 2,-5). the point (2,3) to the
C = 80037’. Find the Ans. 49.260 line 3x + 4y + 9 = 0.
value of side “b”. ANALYTIC GEOMETRY Ans. 5.4
Ans. 5
Ans. 56.0320 STRAIGHT LINES 12. Find the distance from
5. Find the centroid of a
185.In the spherical 1. The segment from (-1, the point (5,-3) to the
triangle whose vertices
triangle ABC, a = 610, b line 7x – 4y – 28 = 0.
are (2,3), (-4,6) and (2,-
= 430 and c = 680. Find 4) to (2, -2) is extended Ans. 2.36
the value of A. 13. How far is the line 3x –
Ans. (0,1)
Ans. 70.5230 three times its own 4y + 15 = 0 from the
6. Find the area of
186.In right spherical origin?
triangle ABC, C = 900, B length. The terminal Ans. 3
triangle whose vertices
= 370 and b = 310. Find 14. Determine the distance
the value of “a” in points is: from (5,10) to the line x
are A (-3,-1), B (5,3) and
degrees. – y = 0.
Ans. 52.880 Ans. 3.54
Ans. (11, -20) (2,-8).
189.A right spherical 15. The two points on the
triangle ABC, C = 900, B lines 2x + 3y + 4 = 0
= 370 and b = 310. Find 2. The midpoint of the line Ans. 38 which are at distance 2
the value of “A” in segment between P1(x,y) 7. Find the distance from the line 3x + 4y – 6
degrees. and P2(-2, 4) is Pm(2, -1). between the points (4,- = 0 are:
Ans. 68.70 Find the coordinate of P1. 2) and (-5,1). Ans. (64,-44) and
Ans. (6,-6) Ans. 9.487 (4,-4)
3. Find the coordinates of 8. Find the distance 16. The intercept form for
MATHEMATICS the point P(2,4) with between A (4,-3) and B algebraic straight – line
SET 37 respect to the translated (-2,5). equation.
axis with origin at (1,3). Ans. 10 Ans. x/a + y/b
190.In right spherical Ans. (1,1) 9. If the distance between =1
triangle ABC, C = 900, A points (8,7) and (3,y) is

17. Find the slope of the Ans. 3x – 2y + 1 = 0 32. What is the x – intercept 38. Find the equation of the
line by y – x = 5. 25. One line passes through of the line 3x – 4y + 12 line whose slope is 2/3
Ans. 1 the points (1,9) and (2,6), = 0. and passes thru the
18. The slope of the line another line passes Ans. -4 intersection of the lines
3x + 2y + 5 = 0. through (3,3) and (-1,5). 33. Find the angle, in x – 2y + 4 = 0 and 4x –
Ans. 3/2 The acute angle between degrees, that the line 2x 2y + 11 = 0.
19. Find the slope of the the two lines is: + 5y + 10 = 0 makes Ans.
line whose parametric Ans. 450 with the x – axis. 39. Find the slope of the
equation is y = 5 – 3t 26. A line which passes Ans. 158.2 line which passes thru
and x = 2 + t. through (5,6) and (-3,-4) 34. A line passes through (- (4,2) and the
Ans. -3 has an equation of: 2,4) and has a slope of intersection of the lines
20. Find the slope of the Ans. 5x – 4y – 1 = 0 2. Find the y – intercept. x – 2y + 4 = 0 and 4x –
curve whose 27. Find the equation of the Ans. 8 2y + 1 = 0.
parametric equations line with slope of 2 and y 35. A line has a y – Ans. -1/6
arex = -1 + t and y = – intercept of –3. intercept of 12 and a 40. Determine the angle
2t. Ans. y = 2x - 3 slope of 2. What is the between the x – axis and
Ans. 2 28. What is the equation of abscissa of a point on the line passing thru
21. Find the angle that the the line that passes the line whose ordinate (0,0) and the
line 2y – 9x – 18 = 0 through (4,0) and is are 6? intersection of the lines
makes the x – axis. parallel to the line x – y – Ans. -3 3x + 4y – 7 = 0 and 5x –
Ans. 77.470 2 = 0? 2y – 3 = 0.
22. Which of the following Ans. y–x+4=0 MATHEMATICS Ans. 450
is perpendicular to the 29. Determine B such that 3x SET 38 41. Point C is ¾ of the way
line x/3 + y/4 = 1 ? + 2y – 7 = 0 is from A (1,-4) to B (-3,8).
Ans. 3x – 4y – 5 = perpendicular to 2x – By 36. A line has a slope of 3 Determine the abscissa
0 + 2 = 0. and a y – intercept of 8. and ordinate of C.
23. Find the equation of Ans. 3 It passes through point Ans. -2,5
the bisector of the 30. The equation of a line (-2,y). Find the value of 42. What is the distance
outside angle between that intercepts the x – y. from the origin to the
the lines 2x + y = 4 axis at x = 4 and the y – Ans. 2 line x – 2y + 8 = 0 ?
and 4x – 2y = 7. axis at y = -6. 37. Find the area bounded Ans. 3.58
Ans. 4y = 1 Ans. 3x – 2y = 12 by the line 2x – y + 10 = 43. Determine the distance
24. The equation of the 31. What is the y – intercept 0 and the coordinate from the point (1,1) to
line through (1,2) and of the line 3x – 2y – 4 = axes. the line x – 2y + 8 = 0.
parallel to the line 3x – 0. Ans. 25 Ans. 3.13
2y + 4 = 0. Ans. -2

44. Find the distance from 51. A line passing thru (-8,-2) equal to 4, find the straight line, then the
the point (0,0) to the has a slope of ¾. Where value of x. equation of the line is:
line 3x – y – 12 = 0. does it intersect the y – Ans. 2 Ans. 2x + y = 1 = 0
Ans. 3.79 axis? 59. If (x,4) is equidistant 66. Find the distance of the
45. Find the distance from Ans. (0,4) from (5,-2) and (3,4) find line 3x + 3y + 5 = 0
the point (-4,-5) to the 52. Where does the line x? from the origin.
line 3x + 2y + 6 = 0. passing through (5,6) Ans. 13 Ans. 1
Ans. -4.4 having a slope of 3/2 60. The linear distance 67. Find the distance from a
46. Find the angle between intersect the x – axis? between – 4 and 17 on point (5,-3) to the line 7x
the lines y + x – 12 = 0 Ans. (1,0) the number line is: – 4y = 28.
and 4y – x – 2 = 0. 53. A triangle with and area Ans. 21 Ans. 2.36
Ans. 59.040 of 2 sq. units has two of 68. Determine the distance
47. Find the angle between its vertices at (2,4) and (- from (5,10) to the line x
the lines y – 2x + 6 = 0 2,3). Find the locus of the 61. The distance between – y = 0.
and 2y + 3x + 7 = 0. third vertex. the points AB defined by Ans. 3.54
Ans. 119.70 Ans. x – 4y + 10 = 0 A ( cos A , - sin A) 69. Compute the distance
48. Find the length of the 54. The vertices of a triangle and B (sin A, cos A) is from the origin to the
line from point (5,3) to are at A (3,4,-5), B (3,4,7) equal to: line 8x – 5y – 121 = 0.
the y – axis if its slope and C(0,0,0). Determine Ans. 2 Ans. 12.83
is 3/2. the length of the median 62. Find the slope of the
Ans. 9.01 from A to side BC. line y – x = 5.
49. What is the equation of Ans. 6.96 Ans. 1
the line bisecting the 55. Find the slope of the line 63. Find the inclination of MATHEMATICS
bigger angle formed by whose parametric the line passing through SET 39
the intersection of the equations are x = 4 + 2t (-5,3) and (10,7).
lines 2x – y + 2 = 0 and and y = 5 – 3t. Ans. 14.930 70. The distance from the
2x + y – 4 = 0. Ans. -3/2 64.Through the point (3,3) point (2,1) to the line 4x
Ans. y–3=0 56. Given two points (3,7) determine the equation – 3y + 5 = 0.
50. The coordinates of the and (-4,-7). Solve for the of the line making an Ans. 2
triangle are A (-3,-2), distance between them. angle of 300 with the y – 71. The two points on the
B (-1,5) and C (4,2). Ans. 16.65 axis. lines 2x + 3y = 0 which
Find the length of the 57. Find the distance from Ans. y – 3 = 1.732(x – is at a distance 2 from
median from C to side point A (4,2) to B (-5,1) 30) the line 3x + 4y – 6 = 0
AB. Ans. 9.06 65. If the points (-2,3), (x,y) are:
Ans. 6.02 58. If the distance between and (-3,5) lie on a Ans. (64,-44) and
point (x,-1) and (2,3) is (4,-4)

72. Find the distance equal to –4/3, find the Ans. (16,-2) 90. How far from the y –
between the given lines value of h. 85. A line segment has its axis is the center of the
4x – 3y = 12 and 4x – Ans. 2 ends on the coordinate curve 2x2 + 2y2 + 10x –
3y = - 8. 79. Find the y 0 intercept of axes and forms with 6y – 55 = 0 ?
Ans. 4 a line having a slope of 3 them a triangle of area Ans. 2.5
73. Find the distance and passes through (- 36. If the segment 91. Find the area of the
between the lines, 3x + 1,6). passes through the point circle whose center is at
y – 12 = 0 and 3x + y – Ans. 9 (5,2), what is its slope? (2,-5) and tangent to the
4 = 0. 80. Find the abscissa of a Ans. -2 line 4x + 3y – 8 = 0.
Ans. 8/ 10 point having an ordinate 86. Find the area bounded Ans. 6
74. What is the length of of 4 of a line that has a y by the line x – 2y + 10 = 92. Determine the area
the line with slope 4/3 – intercept of 8 and a 0 the x – axis, the y – enclosed by the curve x2
from a point (6,4) to the slope of 2. axis and x = 10. – 10x + 4y + y2 = 196.
y – axis? Ans. -2 Ans. 75 Ans. 225
Ans. 10 81. The equation of a line 87. In a Cartesian 93. Find the shortest
75. Find the value of y if a that intercepts the x – coordinates, the vertices distance from the point
line having a slope of axis at x = 4 and the y – of a triangle are defined (1,2) to a point on the
2/3 and passing axis at y = -6 is: by the following points : circumference of the
through the point (-6,- Ans. 3x – 2y = 12 (-2,0), (4,0) and (3,3). circle defined by the
2) intersects the y – 82. A line segment passes What is the area? equation x2 + y2 + 10x
axis. through the point (5,2) Ans. 9 + 6y + 30 = 0.
Ans. 2 and has a slope 0f –2. If a 88. The vertices of the base Ans. 5.81
76. Find the value of x if a point on the line has an of an isosceles triangle 94. Determine the length of
line having a slope of ordinate of –4, find its are (-1,-2) and (1.4). If the chord common to
5/2 and passing abscissa. the third vertex lies on the circles x2 + y2 = 64
through point (4,5) Ans. 8 the line 4x + 3y = 12. and x2 + y2 – 16x = 0.
intersects the x – axis. 83. Find the equation of the Find the area of the Ans. 13.86
Ans. 2 line through point (3,1) triangle 95. If (3,-2) lies on a circle
77. A line of slope 3 passes that is perpendicular to Ans. 10 with center (-1,1), then
through the point the line x + 5y + 5 = 0. 89. Two vertices of a the area of the circle is:
(7,10). If point on the Ans. 5x – y – 14 = 0 triangle are (2,4) and (- Ans. 25
line has an abscissa 2, 84. The sum of the 2,3) and the area is 2 sq. 96. The radius of the circle
find its ordinate. coefficient of x and y in units, the locus of the 2x2 + 2y2 – 3x + 4y – 1
Ans. -5 Ax + By – 16 = 0 is 14. If third vertex is: = 0 is:
78. If the slope of the line the slope of the line is 8, Ans. x – 4y = -10
Ans.  33/4
4hx + 6y + 8 = 0 is find A and B. CIRCLE

97. What is the radius of a 102.A circle has a diameter 108.What is the area of the Ans. circle
circle with the following whose ends are at (-3,2) circle x2 + y2 – 6y = 0? 116.A chord of the circle x2
equation? x2 – 6x + y2 and (12,-6). Its equation Ans. 28.27 + y2 – 81 = 0 is tangent
– 4y – 12 = 0. is: 109.What is the equation of to the circle x2 + y2 – 16
Ans. 5 Ans. 4x2 + 4y2 – the circle whose center = 0. What is the length
98. The diameter of a 36x is at (5,5) with a radius of this chord?
circle described by 9x2 + 16y – 192 = of 5? Ans. 16.1
+ 9y2 = 16 is: 0 Ans. x 2 + y2 – 117.Find the equation of the
Ans. 8/3 103.Find the equation of the 10x circle with center at (-
99. Find the center of the circle with center on x + – 10y + 25 = 0 3,8) and tangent to the
circle x2 + y2 – 6x + 4y y = 4 and 5x + 2y + 1 = 110.Find the nearest line x – y + 5 = 0.
– 23 = 0. 0 and having a radius of distance from the point Ans. x2 + y2 + 6x –
Ans. (3,-2) 3. (8,10) to the circle x2 = 16y
100.Determine the Ans. x2 + y2 + 6x – y2 = 16y. – 55 = 0
equation of the circle 14y Ans. 0.25 118.Determine the length
whose center is at (4,5) + 49 = 0 111.Determine the distance of the tangent to the
and tangent to the 104.If (3,-2) lies on the circle from the point (8,10) to circle x2 + y2 – 4x – 5 =
circle whose equation is with center (-1,1) then the farthest point on the 0 from the point (8,-2).
x2 + y2 + 4x + 6y – 23 the equation of the circle circle x2 + y2 = 16y. Ans. 5.57
= 0. is: Ans. 16.25 119.Find the length of the
Ans. x2 + y2 – 8x – Ans. x2 + y2 + 2x – 112.The distance from the chord of the circle x2 +
10y 2y point (6,5) to the y2 + 4x + 6y – 32 = 0 if
+ 25 = 0 – 23 = 0 farthest point on the its distance from the
101.The equation of the 105.Find the equation of k circle x2 + y2 – 20x + 64 center of the circle is
circle with center at (- for which the equation x2 = 0. 5m.
2,3) and which is + y2 + 4x – 2y – k = 0 Ans. 46.8 Ans. 17.32 m
tangent to the line 20x represents a point circle. 113.What is the perimeter 120.Find the equation of the
– 21y – 42 = 0 is: Ans. -5 of the triangle inscribed radical axis of the circle
Ans. x2 + y2 + 4x 106.What is the area in the circle x2 + y2 – 64 x2 + y2 – 4 = 0 and x2 +
– 6y bounded by the curve x2 = 0? y2 – 18x – 14y + 121 =
– 12 = 0 + y2 + 8x + 4y – 61 = 0 ? Ans. 72 0.
Ans. 254.5 114.Identify the conic x2 + Ans. 18x + 14y – 125
MATHEMATICS 107.Find the perimeter of the y2 – 2x + 10y – 23 = 0. =0
SET 40 curve x2 + y2 + 8x + 4y – Ans. circle 121.Find the length of the
61 = 0? 115.Identify the conic x2 + chord common to the
Ans. 56.5 20x + y2 – 6y + 84 = 0.

circles x2 + y2 = 36 and 126.How long is the chord of Ans. (x – 3)2 + (y + 5)2 the first and the second
x2 + y2 – 20x = 0. the circle x2 + y2 = 64 if = 16 circle.
Ans. 11.45 this chord is tangent to x2 134.What is the center of Ans. 5
122.Find the length of the + y2 + 9 = 0. the curve x2 + y2 – 2x – 140.Find the equation of a
chord common to the Ans. 14.8 4y – 31 = 0? circle that is concentric
circles x2 + y2 = 25 and 127.Determine the area Ans. (1,2) with the circle x2 + y2 –
x2 + y2 – 10y = 0. bounded by the curve x2 4x – 6y + 4 = 0 and a
Ans. 8.66 + y2 – 6y = 0. MATHEMATICS radius of 4.
123.Determine the length Ans. 28.27 sq. units SET 41 Ans. x2 + y2 – 4x
of the chord common to 128.What is the radius of the – 6y – 3 = 0
the circle x2 + y2 = 64 circle x2 + y2 – 6y = 0? 135.How far the y – axis is 141.Find the equation of the
and x2 + y2 – 16x = 0 Ans. 3 the center of the curve circle that is concentric
Ans. 13.86 129.What is the radius of the 2x2 + 2y2 + 10x – 6y – with the circle x2 + y2 –
124.Find the locus of the circle x2 + y2 – 10x + 4y – 55 = 0? 6x + 4y – 23 = 0 and
center of the circle that 196 = 0? Ans. -2.5 tangent to the line 3x +
moves such that it is Ans. 15 136.Find the distance of the 4y – 26 = 0.
always tangent to the y 130.The diameter of a circle center of the circle 2x2 – Ans. (x –3)2 + (y + 2)2
– axis and another described by 9x2 + 9y2 = 8x + 2y2 + 12y = 1 from = 25
circle whose center is 16 is: the x and y axes. 142.Find the distance
fixed at (4,2) with Ans. 8/3 Ans. (2,-3) between the centers of
radius of 3. 131.What is the radius of a 137.How far is the centroid the two circles x2 + y2 –
Ans. y2 – 4y –14x + circle with the following of the circle x2 + y2 – 4x – 4y + 4 = 0 and x2 +
11 = 0 equation? x2 – 6x + y2 – 10x – 24y + 25 = 0 from y2 – 4x + 8y + 4 = 0.
125.There is a fixed circle 4y – 12 = 0 the line y + 2 = 0. Ans. 6
having a radius of 6 Ans. 5 Ans. 14 143.Find the equation of the
with the center at 132.What is the equation of 138.Compute the ratio of circle tangent to the y –
(10,12). Find the the circle whose center is the area of the circle x2 axis and the center is at
equation of the curve at (5,-2) with a radius of + y2 – 10x – 24y + 25 (5,3).
connecting the center 15? and the circle x2 + y2 – Ans. (x –5)2 + (y – 3)2 =
of all circles that are Ans. x2 + y2 – 10x 10x + 4y – 7 = 0. 25
tangent to this fixed + 4y – 196 = 0 Ans. 4 144.Find the equation of the
circle and the x – axis. 133.Find the equation of a 139.Two circles has an circle whose center is at
Ans. x2 – 20x – circle whose center is at equation of x2 + y2 – 10x (1,-3) and the circle
36y (3,-5) and whose radius is + 4y – 196 = 0 and x2 + passes through (-3,5).
+ 208 = 0 4. y2 – 6y = 0. Determine Ans. (x –1)2 + (y + 3)2 =
the ratio of perimeter of 100

145.Find the equation of to x + 2y – 5 = 0, 2x – y – 154.The area of a circle is 160.The shortest distance
the circle tangent to 10 = 0 and 2x + y + 2 = 89.42 sq. in. What is the from A (3,8) to the circle
the line 3x + 4y = 15 0. Find the equation of circumference? x2 + y2 + 4x – 6y = 12 is
and the center is at (- the circle inscribe in the Ans. 33.52 in. equal to:
3,-4). triangle. 155.The center of a circle is Ans. 2.07
Ans. (x + 3)2 + (y + 4)2 Ans. (x – 2)2 + (y + 1)2 at (1,1) and one point on 161.Find the area of a
= 64 =5 its circumference is (-1,- square inscribed in the
146.Find the area of a 151.A circle has its center 3). Find the other end of circle whose equation is
circle with center at (- the diameter through (- x2 + y2 + 8x – 10 y + 5
4,5) and tangent to the at (0,0) and its radius is 1,-3). = 0.
line y = x – 4. Ans. (3,5) Ans. 72 sq. units
Ans. 84.5 10 units. Determine the 156.Find the equation of a 162.Find the area of an
147.Find the equation of a circle having (10,2) and equilateral triangle
circle having its center equations of the lines (6,-4) as ends of a inscribe in the circle x2 –
on the line 3x – 2y – 22 diameter. 24 x + y2 + 44 = 0.
= 0 and tangent to the through (15,15) and Ans. 130
y – axis at (0,1). Ans. x2 + y2 – 16x 163.Find the perimeter of
Ans. x2 + y2 – 16x tangent to the circle. + 2y + 52 = 0 an equilateral triangle
– 2y + 1 = 0. 157.A circle has its center which could be inscribe
148.Find the equation of on the line 2y = 3x and in a circle having an
Ans. x – 0,303y =
the circle tangent to the x –axis at equation of x2 + y2 = 25.
circumscribing a (4,0). Find its radius. Ans. 25.98 m
x – 3.3y = -
triangle whose vertices Ans. 6
are (0,0), (0,5) and 158.Find the equation of a
152.Determine the length of
(3,3). circle passing through MATHEMATICS
the line joining the
Ans. x2 + y2 – x – the intersection of the SET 42
intersection of the
5y = 0 lines 4x + y – 4 = 0 and
equation x2 + y2 = 48 and
149.Find the equation of a x – y – 6 = 0 with center 164.Find the length of the
x2 + 8y = 0.
circle circumscribing at (-1,-3). common chord of the
Ans. 11.31
the triangle formed by Ans. x2 + 2y + y2 + 6y circles x2 + y2 = 64 and
153.Find the distance
the lines y = 0, y = x =0 x2 – 24x + y2 + 44 = 0.
between the point of
and 2x + 3y = 10. 159.The line segment Ans. 13.22
intersection of the line x –
Ans. x2 + y2 – 5x + joining (5,-1) and (-7,-5) 165.Find the length of the
2y + 2 = 0 and the circle
y=0 is a diameter of a circle. common chord of the
x2 + y2 + 6x + 6y + 8 =
150.A triangle has its sides Find the area of a circle. curves x2 + y2 = 64 and
having equations equal Ans. 40 x2 + y2 – 16x = 0.
Ans. 4.47 units

Ans. 13.86 170.Find the equation of the 176.What is the equation of origin. Determine the
166.The equation of two line passing through the the directrix of the length of its latus
concentric circles are x2 points of intersection of parabola x2 = 4(y – 2)? rectum.
+ y2 = 72 and x2 + y2 = the circles x2 + y2 + 4x = Ans. y–1=0 Ans. 12
18 respectively. 0 and x2 + y2 – 4x + 2y – 177.Where is the focus of 184.The directrix of a
Compute the length of 4 = 0. the curve x2 = -12y? parabola is y = 7 and its
chord of the outer circle Ans. 4x – y + 2 Ans. 0, -3 vertex is at (2,6).
that is tangent to the =0 178.How far is the directrix Determine the length of
inner circle. 171.Find the radical centers of the parabola (x –4)2 = its latus rectum.
Ans. 14.70 of the radical axis of the - 8(y – 2) from the x – Ans. 4
167.A circle has an three given circles. x2 + axis. 185.A parabola passes thru
equation x2 + y2 – 20x – y2 – 12x + 11 = 0, x2 + y2 Ans. 6 (3,4). The vertex is at
44 = 0. If the length of – 4x – 21 = 0, and x2 + y2 179.Find the distance from the origin and the focus
chord is 22.62 units, – 4x + 16y + 43 = 0. the center of the is on the x – axis. Find
compute the distance Ans. (-2,-4) parabola (x – 3)2 = the length of the latus
of the chord from the PARABOLA 12y to the line 2x – 3y – rectum.
center of the circle. 172.What is the length of the 12 = 0. Ans. 16/3
Ans. 4.01 latus rectum of the Ans. 1.7 186.Find the latus rectum of
168.Compute the length of parabola x2 – 8x – 20y + 180.How far is the directrix a parabola whose vertex
chord of a circle having 56 = 0. of the parabola (x – 4)2 is at (-3,2) and its focus
an equation x2 + y2 – Ans. 20 = 8(y – 3). is at (0,2).
16x = 0 if the distance 173.What is the length of the Ans. -1 Ans. 12
from the chord to the latus rectum of the 181.Find the distance of the 187.What is the length of
center of the circle is 4 parabola x2 + 8x – 16y + vertex of the curve (x – the latus rectum of the
units. 32 = 0 ? 2)2 = 4y to the line 2x – parabola x2 + 2x + 12y
Ans. 13.86 Ans. 16 3y – 8 = 0. + 37 = 0?
169.Find the equation of 174.What is the length of the Ans. 1.1 Ans. 12
the radical axis of the latus rectum of the 182.A parabola has its 188.A parabolic arch is 20
two circles having parabola x2 = 4(y – 2) vertex at (-2,3) and its m across the bottom and
equations of x2 + y2 + Ans. 4 directrix is y = 7. Find 5 m high. Find the length
4x + 6y – 3 = 0 and x2 175.Where is the focus of the length of its latus of a beam that can be
+ y2 + 12x + 14y + 60 the parabola x2 = 4 (y – rectum. installed horizontally
= 0. 2)? Ans. 16 across the arch 34 m
Ans. 8x + 8y + Ans. 0,3 183.A parabola with axis on above the bottom.
63 = 0 the axis passes thru (- Ans. 8.94 m
3,6) and its vertex is at

189.A parabolic arch has bulb’s center as focus. function y = 2x2 – 7x = 208.Find the equations of th
width of 18 m across Find the depth of the 5. directrix of the parabola
the bottom. At a headlight, in cm, if the Ans. 4x – 7 = 0 x2 = 16 y.
vertical distance of 3 m bulb’s center is 2 cm from 202.Find the equation of the Ans. y = -4
above the bottom, the the vertex and the radius locus of the center of
width across the arc is of the headlight is 10 cm. the circle which moves
12 m. What is the Ans. 12.5 so that it is tangent to 209.Find the equation of the
height of the arc in m? 194.The vertex of the the y – axis and to the directrix of the parabola
Ans. 5.4 parabola y2 – 2x + 6y + 3 circle of radius one (1) y2 = 16x.
190.The following = 0 is at: with center at (2,0). Ans. x = -4
measurements were Ans. (-3,-3) Ans. y2 – 6x + 3 = 0 210.The focus of the
made on a parabolic 195.The length of the latus 203.Find the equation of the parabola y2 = 4x is at:
arch : Height = 6 m, rectum of the parabola y2 parabola with vertex at Ans. (4,0)
Width across the arch = = 4px i: (4,3) and focus at (4,-1). 211.A parabola having its
4 m, Above the bottom Ans. 4p Ans. x2 – 8x + 16y – 32 axis along the x – axis
= 14 m. What is the 196.Given the equation of =0 passes through (-3,6).
width across the the parabola: y2 – 8x – 4y 204.Find the area bounded Compute the length of
bottom in m? – 20 = 0. The length of its by the curves x2 + 8y + the latus rectum if the
Ans. 24.25 latus rectum is: 16 = 0, x – 4 = 0, the x – vertex is at the origin.
191.Determine the length Ans. 8 axis, and the y – axis. Ans. 12
of the latus rectum of 197.What is the length of the Ans. 10.67 sq. units 212.Find the equation of the
the curve r = 4 / (1 – latus rectum of the curve 205.Find the area in sq. parabola with its vertex
sin ). x2 = -12y? units bounded by the at the origin, and the
Ans. 8 Ans. 12 parabolas x2 – 2y = 0 focus is on the x – axis
192.Determine the length 198.Find the equation of the and x + 2y – 8 = 0. and the parabola passes
of the latus rectum of directrix of the parabola Ans. 10.7 through the points (3,4).
the curve r = 3 / (1 – y2 = 16x. 206.What is the length of Ans. y2 = (16/3) x
sin ). Ans. x = -4 the latus rectum of the 213.A cable suspended
Ans. 6 199.The curve y = -x2 + x + parabola x2 = 20y. from supports that are
1 opens: Ans. 20 the same height and
MATHEMATICS Ans. Downward 207.The parabolic antenna 600 ft apart has a sag of
SET 43 200.The parabola y = -x2 + x has an equation of y2 + 100 ft. If the cable hangs
+ 1 opens: 8x = 0. Determine the in the form of parabola,
193.The axial cross section Ans. Downward length of the latus find its equation taking
of a headlight reflector 201.Find the equation of the rectum. the origin at the lowest
is a parabola with the axis of symmetry of the Ans. 8 point.

Ans. x2 = 900y 217.A Quonset hut has a 221.Where is the vertex of 228.Find the directrix of the
214.If an automobile parabolic cross – section the parabola x2 = 4 (y – parabola x2 + 2x + 12y
headlight reflector is whose height is 30 m and 2). + 37 = 0.
cut by a plane through whose base is 60 m wide. Ans. 0,2 Ans. y=0
its axis, the section is a If a ceiling 40 m wide is 222.Where is the focus of 229.Find the distance of the
parabola having the to be placed inside the the parabola x2 = 4 (y – directrix of the parabola
light center as a focus. hut, how high will it be 2) (x + 2)2 = -16 (y – 3)
If the light is 18 mm above the base? Ans. (0,3) from the x – axis.
from the vertex and the Ans. 16.67 m 223.Find the focus of the Ans. 7
diameter of the light is 218.An arch in the form of a parabola (x + 2)2 = 230.Compute the distance
250 mm, find the depth parabolic curve with -16 (y – 3). of directrix from the
of the headlight. vertical axis is 40 m Ans. (-2,-1) latus rectum of the
Ans. 217 mm across the bottom. A flat 224.Find the location of the parabola (x – 5)2 =
215.An arch is 18 m high horizontal beam 25.298 vertex of the parabola -8 (y + 2)
has the form of a m long is placed 12 m (x + 2)2 = -16 (y – 3). Ans. 4
parabola with vertex above the base. Compute Ans. (-2,3) 231.Find the equation of the
axis. The length of a the height of he arch at 225.Find the equation of the directrix for a parabola
horizontal beam placed the center. parabola with vertex at having its vertex at (6,0)
across the arch 8 m Ans. 20 m (5,-2) and focus at (5,- and passing through
from the top is 64 m. 4). (2,1) whose axis is
Find the width of the Ans. x2 – 10x + 8y + 41 parallel to the y – axis.
arch at the bottom. =0 Ans. y+4=0
Ans. 96 m 226.Compute the length of 232.The location of the
216.An arch in the form of MATHEMATICS the latus rectum of focus of the parabola x2
a parabolic curve with a SET 44 parabola y2 + 8x – 6y + – 6x – 12y – 51 = 0 is
vertical axis is 60 m 25 = 0. at:
across the bottom. The 219.Find the equation of a Ans. 8 Ans. (3,-2)
highest point is 16 m parabola with axes 227.A parabola has its axis 233.Find the vertex of a
above the horizontal vertical and passing parallel to the y – axis, parabola having its
base. What is the through (0,0), (1,0) and one end of its latus focus at (7,-4) and its
length of beam placed (5,-20). rectum is at (9,6) and directrix y = 2.
horizontally across the Ans. x2 – x + y = 0 the vertex is at (5,4). Ans. (7,-1)
arch 3 m below the 220.Find the location of the Find the length of the 234.Find the equation of a
top? focus of the parabola y2 + latus rectum. parabola having a
Ans. 25.98 m 4y – 4x – 8 = 0. Ans. 8 directrix y = -4 with its
Ans. (-2,-2) axis along the y – axis

along y – axis and 240.What is the height of the 245.Locate the center of the curve 25x2 + 9y2 –
vertex at the origin. parabolic arch, which has the curve x2 + 16y2 – 300x – 144y + 1251 = 0.
Ans. x2 = 16y a span of 48 ft and 16x + 96y + 144 = 0. Ans. 3.6
235.Find the equation of a having a height of 20 ft at Ans. (8,-3) 252.Find the eccentricity of
parabola with vertex at a distance of 16 ft from 246.What is the length of the curve 25x2 + 9y2 –
(-3,2) and the focus at the center of the span? the major axis of the 300x – 144y + 1251 = 0.
(0,2). Ans. 36 ft curve x2 + 16y2 – 16x + Ans. 0.8
Ans. y2 – 4y – 12x – 32 241.Find the distance from 96y + 144 = 0. 253.Find the length of the
=0 the vertex of a parabola Ans. 4 latus rectum of the
236.Find the equation of a x2 = 4 (y –2) to the line 247.Locate the vertex, curve 9x2 + 25y2 –225 =
parabola having its 3x + 4y + 2 = 0. closest to the origin, of 0.
directrix of y = 7 and Ans. 2 the ellipse x2 + 16y – Ans. 3.6
its vertex at (2,6). 242.Find the shortest 16x + 96y + 144 = 0. 254.The length of the latus
Ans. x2 - 4x + 4y – distance from the vertex Ans. (2,-3) rectum of the curve 25x2
20 = 0 of the parabola (x – 4)2 = 248.Find the distance + 16y2 – 150x + 128y +
237.Find the equation of 16y to the line 3x – 4y – between the foci of the 81 = 0 is:
the axis of symmetry of 17 = 0. curve 25x2 + 9y2 – 300 x Ans. 6.4
the function y = 2x2 – Ans. ½ – 144y + 1251 = 0. 255.What is the length of
7x + 5. 243.A point moves so that its Ans. 8 the latus rectum of the
Ans. 4x – 7 = 0 distance from the point 249.What is the length of curve x2 + 2y2 + 4x + 4y
238.A parabola has an (2,-1) is equal to its the line connecting the + 4 = 0?
equation of x2 = By + C distance from the x – vertices of the curve Ans. 1.4
whose vertex is at (0,- axis. The equation of the 25x2 + 9y2 – 300x – 144y 256.What is the length of
2) and passes thru locus is: + 1251 = 0? the latus rectum of the
(8,6). Determine the Ans. x2 – 4x – 2y + 5 Ans. 10 curve 25(x – 2)2 + 4(y +
value of B and C and =0 250.How far apart are the 2)2 – 100 = 0?
the latus rectum. 244.Find the distance directresses of the curve Ans. -1.6
Ans. 16, -32, 16 between the points of 25x2 + 9y2 – 300x – 144y 257.A closed curve is
239.A curve has an intersection of the line x +1251 = 0? formed by the lotus of a
equation of x2 = Cy + + y – 6 = 0 and the Ans. 12.5 point which moves such
d. The length of the parabola x2 – 2x – 4y – 11 MATHEMATICS that the sum of its
latus rectum is 4 and = 0. SET 45 distances from (4,0) and
the vertex is at (0,2). Ans. 16.97 (-4,0) is always. Find the
Compute the values of ELLIPSE 251.Determine the length distances of one vertex
C and d. of the latus rectum of to the center of the
Ans. 4, -8 youth.

Ans. 5 Ans. 2590.6 m whose diameters are 10 is the distance between
262.An elliptical lot has a m and 8 m long.
semi – major axis of 8 m. Ans. 0.6 the directrices?
258.A point moves such The latus rectum is one 268.The eccentricity of an
that the sum of its m. What is the perimeter ellipse is 0.60 and the
Ans. 20
distance from (4,0) and of the lot in m? longer diameter is 10 m.
273.The distance between
(-4,0) is always 10. Find Ans. 36.6 Find the length of its
the vertices of an ellipse
the length of the minor 263.The area of an ellipse is latus rectum in m.
is 10. The distance
axis of the curve 62.83 m and the latus Ans. 6.4
between the foci is 0.6.
formula. rectum is 6.4. Determine 269.What is the eccentricity
What is the distance
Ans. 6 its longer diameter. of the curve 9x2 + 25y2 –
between the directrices.
259.A closed curve is Ans. 10 m 144x + 200y + 751 = 0.
Ans. 16.7
formed by the locus of Ans. 1.17
274. The major axis of an
a point which moves 264.The latus rectum of an 270.What is the distance
ellipse is on the x – axis
such that the sum of its ellipse is 6.4 m long. If between the directrices
and its center is at the
distances from (4,0) the semi – minor axis is 4 of the curve 9x2 + 25y2 –
origin. The distance
and (-4,0) is always 10. m, what is the area of the 144x + 200y + 751 = 0.
between the vertices is
Find the distance from ellipse in m2? Ans. 8.57
10 and its eccentricity is
one directrix to the Ans. 62.8
0.6. What is the longest
center of the curve. 265.Fencing an elliptical
focal radius from point
Ans. 6.25 garden costs P200/lineal
260.A point moves such meter. If the semi – minor 271.The equation of the
Ans. 6.8
that the sum of its axis is 40 m and the foci curve is 64x2 + 25y2 +
275.A focus of an ellipse is
distances from (8,0) are 60 m apart, 768x – 150y + 929.
4 cm from one vertex
and (-8,0) is always 20. determine the total cost Determine its
and 16 cm from the
Find the distance from of the fence in pesos. eccentricity.
other vertex. Determine
one vertex to the Ans. 56,896 Ans. 1.18
the second eccentricity
center of the curve 266.The perimeter of an 272.The distance
of the ellipse.
formed. ellipse is 21.3 m. The
Ans. 0.75
Ans. 10 semi – major axis is 4 m. between foci of an
276.The perimeter of the
261.The semi – major axis What is the length of the
ellipse 16x2 + 64y2 =
of an ellipse is 500 m latus rectum? ellipse is 5. If its
1024 is:
and the semi – minor Ans. 3.5
Ans. 38.7
axis is 300 m. What is 267.Determine the eccentricity is 0.5, what
the perimeter of the eccentricity of an ellipse
SET 46

282.The equation of the Ans. 1.5 equation of 4x2 + 9y2 –
277.The perimeter of an curve takes the form of 289.The area of the ellipse 64x + 54y + 301 = 0.
ellipse is 28.448 cm. Ax2 + By2 + F = 0. If it 9x2 + 25y2 – 36x – 189 = Ans. 8/3
The major axis is 10 cm passes thru (0,3) and 0 is equal to: 295.Compute the distance
long and lies on the x – (4,0), identify the curve. Ans. 62.8 sq. units between the directress
axis with its center at Ans. Ellipse 290.The semi – major axis of the curve 9x2 + 25y2 –
the origin. Determine of an ellipse is 4 and its 54x – 250y + 481 = 0.
the equation of the semi – minor axis is 3. Ans. 12.5
ellipse. The distance from the 296.Determine the distance
Ans. 16x2 + 25y2 – 283.The curve Ax2 + By2 + F center to the directrix is: between the foci of the
400 = 0 = 0 passes thru (0,3) and Ans. 6.047 curve 9x2 + 18x + 25y2 –
278.The major axis of an (4,0). Find the value of 291.Given an ellipse x2 / 36 100y = 116
ellipse is on the x – the coefficient A. + y2 / 32 = 1. Ans. 8
axis, 12 cm long with Ans. 9 Determine the distance 297.Given the equation of
its center at (0,0). Find 284.The length of the latus between foci. the ellipse 9x2 + 4y2 –
the equation of the rectum of the curve (x – Ans. 4 24y – 72x + 144 = 0.
ellipse if its perimeter is 2)2 / 4 + (y + 4)2 / 25 = 1 Compute the location of
32.038 cm. is: 292.The major axis of the the vertices.
Ans. 16x2 + 36y2 – Ans. 10.7 elliptical path in which Ans. 4,6 and
596 = 0 285.The eccentricity of the the earth moves around 4,0
279.The curve Ax2 + By2 + ellipse x2 / 4 + y2 / 16 = 1 the sun is approximately 298.The length of the latus
F passes thru (4,0) and is: 186,000,000 miles and rectum for the ellipse
(0,3). What is the value Ans. 0.866 the eccentricity of the x2 / 64 + y2 / 16 = 1 is
of the coefficient B? 286.An ellipse has the ellipse is 1/60. equal to:
Ans. 16 equation 16x2 + 9y2 + Determine the apogee of Ans. 4
280.What is the value of 32x – 128 = 0. Its the earth.
the constant F of the eccentricity is : Ans. 94,550,000
curve Ax2 + By2 + F = 0 Ans. 0.66 miles
if it passes thru (4,0) 287.The center of the ellipse 293.Locate the center of 299.An ellipse has an
and (0,3)? 4x2 + y2 – 16x – 43 = 0 is the curve 9x2 – 144x + eccentricity of 1/3. Find
Ans. -144 at: 16y2 + 96y + 495 = 0 the distance between
281.Find the area enclosed Ans. (2,3) Ans. 8,-3 the two directrix if the
by the curve Ax2 + By2 288.Find the ratio of the 294.Determine the length distance between the
+ F = 0 if it passes thru major axis of the ellipse: of the latus rectum of foci is 4.
(0,3) and (4,0). 9x2 + 4y2 – 24y – 72x – the ellipse having an Ans. 36
Ans. 37.7 144 = 0

300.The distance between maximum altitude of the 315.Find the equation of the
the foci of an ellipse is MATHEMATICS satellite. upward asymptote of
equal to 4 and the SET 47 Ans. 24,000 the hyperbola whose
distance between the 311.The earth’s orbit in an equation is (x – 2)2 / 9 –
vertices is equal to 12. 306.Find the area in the ellipse with the sum as (y + 4)2 /16
Find the distance second quadrant one foci. If the farthest Ans. 4x – 3y – 20
between the directrix. bounded the curve x2 / 4 distance of the sun from =0
Ans. 36 + y2 / 9 = 1 and the the earth is 105.50 316.The semi – conjugate
301.A point moves so that coordinate axes. million kilometers and axis of the hyperbola x2 /
the sum of the Ans. 3/2 the nearest distance of 9– y2 / 4 = 1 is:
distances from the 307.Find the area bounded the sun from the earth is Ans. 2
point (-2,2) and (4,2) is by the ellipse x2 + 16y2 – 78.25 million kilometers, 317.what is the equation of
8. Find the eccentricity 16x + 96y + 144 = 0. find the eccentricity of the asymptote of the
of its locus. Use area =  ab. the ellipse. hyperbola x2 / 9 – y2 / 4
Ans. 0.75 Ans. 16 Ans. 0.148 =1?
302.Find the major axis of 308.Find the area enclosed 312.Point P (x,y) moves Ans. 3x – 2y = 0
the ellipse x2 + 4y2 – 2x by the curve 9x2 + 18x + with a distance from 318.What is the angle, in
– 8y + 1 = 0. 25y2 – 100y = 116 point (0,1) one half of its degrees, between an
Ans. 4 distance from line y = 4, asymptote of the
Ans. 15 sq. units
303.An ellipse has a length the equation of the locus hyperbola x2 – 4y2 – 2x –
309.A semi – ellipse and a
of semi – major axis of is. 63 = 0 and the x – axis?
parabola rest on the
500 m and a semi – Ans. 4x2 + 3y2 = 12 Ans. 26.6
same 60 meters wide and
minor axis of 300 m. 313.An ellipse has an 319.The coordinate axes
20 meters high. Using the
Compute the second equation of 16x2 + 25y2 are asymptotes of the
common base as x – axis,
eccentricity of ellipse. = 400. Compute the equilateral hyperbola
compute the difference of
Ans. 1.333 shortest length of the whose vertex in the first
ordinates at points 25
304.What is the focal radius from point quadrant is 3 2 units
meters from the center of
circumference of an (2,3.37). from the origin. What is
the base.
ellipse whose Ans. 3.8 the equation of the
Ans. 4.95 m
diameters are fourteen 314.Find the area formed hyperbola?
310.A satellite orbits the
and ten meters? by the points of Ans. xy = 9
earth in an elliptical path
Ans. 38.22 intersection of the 320.The coordinate axes
of eccentricity 0.6 and
305.What is the area curves x2 + 3y2 – 24x + are asymptotes of the
semi – minor axis of
enclosed by the curve 36 = 0 and y2 = 3x quadrilateral hyperbola
length 12,000 miles. If
9x2 + 25y2 – 225 = 0. Ans. 81 whose vertex in the first
the center of the earth is
Ans. 15 HYPERBOLA quadrant is 4 2 units
at one of the foci, find the

from the origin. What is 325.What is the vertical 128x – 90y – 113 = 0 hyperbola 9x2 – 4y2 +
the equation of the asymptote of the curve y locate the center of the 90x + 189 = 0.
hyperbola? = x3 / (x3 – 3x2 + x – 3) curve (h,k). Ans. 9
Ans. xy = 16 Ans. x–3=0 Ans. (4,-5) 338.Find the equation of the
321.The coordinate axes 326.Find the location of the asymptotes for a
are asymptotes of the vertex of the hyperbola hyperbola (y – 5)2 – (x +
equilateral hyperbola 16y2 – 9x2 + 36x + 96y – MATHEMATICS 5)2 = 36.
whose vertex in the 36 = 0. SET 48 Ans. y – 5 =  (x + 5)
first quadrant is 6 2 Ans. (2,0) and (2,- 339.Find the equation of
units from the origin. 6) 332.Find the eccentricity of
What is the equation of 327.Find the focus of the the curve 16x2 – 9y2 – the numbers of the
the hyperbola? hyperbola 16y2 – 9x2 + 128x – 90y – 113 = 0.
Ans. xy = 36 36x + 96y – 36 = 0. Ans. 1.67 family of hyperbola that
322.The equilateral Ans. (2,2) and (2,- 333.If the eccentricity of a
hyperbola xy = 16 has 8) hyperbola is equal to 2, passes through (2,0) and
the coordinate axes as 328.From the given equation compute the conjugate.
asymptotes. Find the of the hyperbola 16y2 – Ans. 1.155 whose foci are (-4,0) and
distance from its vertex 9x2 + 36 = 0. Find the 334.Find the equation of a
to the origin. area of the rectangle on hyperbola having a (4,0).
Ans. 5.66 the axes of the length of latus rectum of
323.The x – axis and the y hyperbola. 18 and the distance
Ans. 48 between foci is 12. Ans. 3x2 – y2 = 12
– axis are the
329.Find the equation of a Ans. 3x2 – y2 = 27 340.Find the equation of the
asymptotes of the
hyperbola with a latus 335.Find the equation of a path of a point that
equilateral hyperbola
rectum of 1 and slope of hyperbola with moves so that is
xy = - 49. Determine
distance from (4,0) is
the distance from the asymptotes of  1/2 . eccentricity 3 and latus
rectum of 8/3. twice its distance from
origin to its vertex. Ans. x2 – 4y2 = 4
Ans. 72x2 – 9y2 = 2 the line x = 1.
Ans. 9.9 330.Find the eccentricity of a
336.Fow far from the x – Ans. 3x2 – y2 = 12
hyperbola having
axis is the focus F of the 341.Compute the
324.Find the horizontal distance between foci
hyperbola x2 – 2y2 + 4x eccentricity of a
asymptote of the curve equal to 18 and the
+ 4y + 4 = 0? hyperbola having one
y = 2x4 / (x4 – 3x2 – 1) distance between
Ans. 2.73 vertex at (6,5),
Ans. y–2=0 directrices equal to 2.
337.Compute the length of conjugate axis along the
Ans. 3
the latus rectum of the x –a xis and asymptotes
331.From the given equation
of the curve 16x2 – 9y2 –

of 5x – 6y – 30 = 0 and 2x and which passes thru passes through points Ans. 4x – 3y = 16
5x + 6y – 30 = 0. (2,2). Compute the 359.Find the slope of the
Ans. 1.562 (5/2,3). equation of the curve x2 + y2 = 25 at
342.A point moves so that hyperbola. (4,3).
the difference between Ans. xy = 4 Ans. - 4/3
Ans. 4x2 – y2 = 16
its distances from (0,5) 353.The equations of the 360.Find the slope of the
347.What is the equation of
and (0,-5) is 8. Find asymptotes of a curve x2 = 6y + 10 at
the asymptote of the
the equation of the hyperbola are x = 0 and point (4,1).
hyperbola x2 / y – y2 / 4 =
locus. y = 0. Compute the Ans. 4/3
Ans. 9y – 16x2 = equation of the 361.A curve, in rectangular
Ans. 2x – 3y = 0
144 hyperbola that passes coordinates is to have
348. Compute the acute
343.Find the equation of thru (-4,4). slope equal to the ratio
angle formed by the
the hyperbola having Ans. xy = - 16 x/y at any of its point. If
asymptote of the
center at origin with TANGENTS AND NORMAL this curve must pass
hyperbola x2 – 3y2 – 8x –
transverse axis on the x 354.what is the equation of through (1,0), determine
14 = 0.
– axis a = 4 and latus the tangent to the curve the equation of the
Ans. 600
rectum = 32. 9x2 + 25y2 – 225 = 0 at curve.
349.Compute the location of
Ans. 4x2 – y2 = 64 (0,3)? Ans. x2 – y2 = x
the foci of an equilateral
344.Find the eccentricity of Ans. y–3=0 362.Determine the equation
hyperbola x2 – y2 = 9.
a hyperbola whose 355.Find the equation of a of the line tangent to the
Ans. (-32,0)
transverse and line normal to the curve graph y = 2x2 + 1 at the
conjugate axes are and(32,0) x2 = 16y at (4,1). point (1,3).
equal in length. 350.Compute the location of Ans. 2x + y – 9 = 0 Ans. y = 4x – 1
Ans. 2 the vertices of the 356.What is the equation of 363.Find the equation of the
345.For what value of k equilateral hyperbola y2 – the normal to the curve tangent to the parabola
will the line y = x + k x2 = 16. x2 + y2 = 25 at (4,3) y2 = 8x at (2,4).
be tangent to the Ans. (0,4) and (0,- Ans. 3x – 4y = 0 Ans. x–y+2=0
hyperbola x2 – 4y2 = 4) 357.Find the slope of the
48? 351.Locate the vertices of curve x2 + y2 – 6x + 10y MATHEMATICS
the equilateral hyperbola + 5 at point (1,0). SET 49
Ans. 6
xy = - 18. Ans. 2/5
346.Find the equation
Ans. x = -32 ; y = 358.Find the equation of the 364.Find the equation of the
of the hyperbola whose 32 line normal to the tangent to the parabola
352.The x and y axes are the tangent at (4,0) on the x2 = 6y + 10 through
asymptote of an curve x2 + 16y = 32 – 4x point (7,5).
asymptotes are y = 
equilateral hyperbola that – y2

Ans. 10x – 3y = 55 371.Find the length of length y2 = 64x which bisects 382.Find the equation of the
and of the sub – tangent of chords parallel to the diameter conjugate to
4x – 3y = 13 the curve y2 = 8x at (2,4). line 2x – 3y = 6. the diameter of
365.Find the equation of Ans. 4 Ans. y – 48 = 0 hyperbola x – 5y = 0 if
the tangents to the 372.Find the length of the 378.Find the equation of the the hyperbola has an
circle x2 + y2 = 25 tangent from point (7,8) diameter of the equation of 2x2 – 5y2 =
passing thru (25/3,0). to the circle x2 + y2 – 9 = hyperbola xy = 9 which 10.
Ans. 3x + 4y = 0. bisect chords whose Ans. 0
25 ; Ans. 226 slope is –3. 383.Find the equation of the
3x – 4y = 25 373.Find the value of k for Ans. y = 3x diameter conjugate to
366.Find the equation of which the length of the 379.Find the slope of the the diameter 3x + y = 0
the normal to the tangent from point (5,4) chords which are of the hyperbola xy = 0.
tangent of the parabola to the circle x2 + y2 + 2ky bisected by the Ans. y = 3x
x2 = 16y at (8,4). = 0 is one. diameter of ellipse 384.Find the equation of the
Ans. x + y = 12 Ans. -5 whose equation is 2x – polar of the point P (1,5)
367.Find the slope of the 374.Find the longest 3y = 0 if the ellipse has with respect to the
curve x2 = 6y + 10 at distance from (10,7) to an equation of 4x2 + 9y2 hyperbola 4x2 – 9y2 =
point (4,1). the circle x2 + y2 – 4x – 2y = 36. 36.
Ans. 4/3 – 20 = 0. Ans. - 2/3 Ans. 4x – 45y – 36
368.Find the equation of Ans. 15 380.Find the slope of the =0
the tangent to a circle DIAMETER OF CONICS chords which are 385.Find the equation of the
x2 + y2 = 25 having a 375.Given the equation of bisected by the polar of the point A (-
slope of 1. ellipse 64x2 + 25y2 = diameter of hyperbola 5,5) with respect to the
Ans. y = x  52 1600 and the slope of the whose equation is 3x – ellipse 16x2 + 25y2 =
369.Find the equation of chord is 1/5. Find the 2y = 0 if the equation of 400.
the tangents to the equation of the diameter the hyperbola is 9y2 – Ans. 16x – 25y + 80
curve 9x2 + 25y2 = 225 of ellipse. 4x2 = 36. =0
having a slope of 2. Ans. 64x + 5y = 0 Ans. 8/27
Ans. y = 2x  109 376.Find the equation of the 381.Find the slope of the
370.Find the length of the diameter of the ellipse chords which are
sub – tangent and sub – x2 / 25 + y2 / 9 = 1 which bisected by the POLAR COORDINATES
normal of the curve x2 bisects all chords of slope diameter of a parabola x 386.Using rectangular
+ y2 = 25 at point (- m = 2. = 3 if the equation of coordinates, a point is
3,4). Ans. 9x + 50y = 0. the parabola is x2 = - 6y. located at (3,4). Find its
Ans. (3,16/3) 377.Find the equation of the Ans. -1 polar coordinates.
diameter of a parabola Ans. 5, 53.130

387.In rectangular 394.What is the radius of the Ans. r (3 cos  + 4 sin opposite side y and
coordinates, the sphere x2 + y2 + z2 = 6y – ) hypotenuse r).
location of a point is 8z = 20 Ans. (1/4, 0)
(8,6). Find its polar Ans. 5 400.Change the equation 404.ransform r2 sin 2 = 6
coordinates. (x2 + y2)3 = 4x2 y2 to into rectangular
Ans. 10, 36.90 MATHEMATICS polar coordinates. coordinates.
388.Using rectangular SET 50 Ans. r = sin 2 Ans. xy = 3
coordinates, the 401.Using polar 405.Find the area
location of a point is 395.The distance between coordinates, find the
(5,6). Find its polar points A(2,10,4) and polar equation of the enclosed by the curve
coordinates. B(8,3,z) is 9.434 m. path of a point which is
Ans. 7.81, 50.190 Determine the value of z? equidistant from 2
389.An point is at (5,480) Ans. 6m r2 (4 sin2  + 9 cos2 ) =
points whose polar 36.
using polar coordinates. 396.Points C(x,7,2) and coordinates are (2a, 0)
Find its rectangular D(4,1,6) are 7.28 cm Ans. 6
and (a,/2). 406.One of the focus of the
coordinates. apart. Determine the
Ans. 3a = 2r (2 cos  curve r2 (16 cos2  - 9
Ans. 3.35,3.72 value of x?
390.Using polar Ans. 5 cm sin ) sin2 ) = 144
coordinates, a point is 397.Points C(5,7,z) and Ans. (5,0)
at (7, 380). Find its D(4,1,6) are 7.28 m 407.Find the length of the
rectangular apart. Find the value of z. latus rectum of the
coordinates. Ans. 2 cm 402.Find the area of the curve r cos2  - 4 cos  =
Ans. 5.5, 4.3 398.Compute the triangle whose vertices
16 sin .
391.Find the center and rectangular coordinates have polar coordinates
of (0,00), (6,200) and (8, Ans. 16
radius of the sphere x2 of a point having a polar 408.The polar equation of a
+ y2 +z2 – 4x – 6y – 2z – coordinates of (7, 500).
Ans. 12 curve is expressed as
11 = 0 380). r = 2 / (1 – sin ).
Ans. (2,3,1) , 5 Ans. x = 5,52, y = 403.Wha are the x and y
coordinates of the focus Compute the length of
392.Locate the center of 4.31
of the conic section the latus rectum.
the sphere x2 + y2 + z2 399.Write the equivalent
describe by the following Ans. 4
+ 8x – 2y + 1 = 0
equation? r sin2  = cos 409.Given the polar
Ans. 4 polar equation of the line
 (Angle  corresponds equation r = 5 sin .
393.Where is the center of
to a right triangle with Determine the
the sphere x2 + y2 + z2 3x + 4y = 20.
adjacent side x and rectangular coordinates
= 6y – 8z?
Ans. (0,3,-4)

(x,y) of a point in the CENTROIDS OR Ans. 2 B95,8) and C(10,1).
curve when  = 300. INTERSECTION OF
Ans. (2.17,1.25) MEDIANS OF A TRIANGLE What is the abscissa and
417.Two vertices of a
DIAMETER OF ELLIPSE 414.The vertices of a
410.Determine the ordinate of the centroid
triangle are (-4,5) and
equation of the triangle are at A(-3,0),
diameter of the ellipse of the triangle?
(3,2). The centroid of
9x2 + 25y2 = 225 which B(3,7) and (6,-4). Its
bisects all chords this triangle is at (-2,- Ans. 5,4
having equal slopes of centroid is at:
3/5. 1/3). Find the abscissa of
Ans. 9x + 15y = 0 420.The corners of a
Ans. (2,1)
411.The distance between the third vertex.
the vertices from one triangle are at (4,4),
vertex to the nearest 415.In triangle ABC, A is
focus is 2. How far is Ans. -5 (10,8) and (12,4). The
the directrix from the at (-4,4), B(8,6) and its
center of the ellipse? diameter of a semi –
418.Two vertices of a
Ans. 8.3 centroid is at (1,3).
412.The chords of the circle ends at (4,4) and
triangle are (-4,5) and
ellipse 4x2 + 9y2 = 144 Determine the
having equation slopes (12,4) and the semi –
(3,2). The centroid of
of ¾ are bisected by its coordinates of C.
diameter. Find the circle touches the x –
this triangle are at (-2,-
equation of this Ans. (-1,-1
diameter. axis. Find the distance of
1/3). Find the ordinate of
Ans. 16x + 27y =
0 416.The vertices of a he centroid of the
the third vertex.
413.Determine the
equation of the triangle are at (2,6), (-3,- composite from the y –
diameter of the ellipse Ans. -8
16x2 + 9y2 = 144 which 2) and (4,2). What is the axis.
bisects all chords 419.The vertices of a
having the same slope ordinate of the centroid of
Ans. 8.27
of 1/3. triangle are at A(3,3),
Ans. 16x + 3y = 0. the triangle?

421.The corners of a

quadrilateral are at

(4,0), (12,4), (10,8) and

(4,4). How far is its

centroid from the y–


Ans. 7.68


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