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Verbos Irregulares

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Arise arose arisen Elevarse, surgir, originarse.

Awake awoke awoken Despertar, mover, excitar.

Bear bore born Soportar, sostener, tolerar.

Beat beat beaten Batir, revolver, golpear, vencer.

Become became become Hacerse, tornarse,convertirse en.

Begin began begun Empezar, iniciar.

Bend bent bent Doblar, inclinar, torcer.

Bet bet bet Apostar

Bind bound bound Atar, unir, enlazar.

Bite bit bitten Morder.

Blow blew blown Soplar

Break broke broken Quebrar, partir, romper.

Bring brought brought Traer, llevar, conducir.

Build built built Construir, edificar.

Burn burnt burnt Quemar, incendiar.

Burst burst burst Romper, reventar.

Buy bought bought Comprar

Catch caught caught Coger, asir, atrapar.

Choose chose chosen Escoger, elegir.

Cling clung clung Asirse, adherirse, pegarse.

Come came come Venir

Cost cost cost Costar

Creep crept crept Arrastrarse, deslizarse, pegarse.

Cut cut cut Cortar, dividir.

Deal dealt dealt Tratar, tener que referirse.

Dig dug dug Cavar, ahondar.

Do did done Hacer, ejecutar.

Draw drew drawn Tirar, arrastrarse, atraer, dibujar.

Drink drank drunk Beber

Drive drove driven Impulsar, conducir, llevar,

Fall fell fallen Caer, disminuir.

Feed fed fed Alimentar, nutrir.

Feel felt felt Sentir, percibir, tocar.

Fight fought fought Pelear, combatir.

Find found found Encontrar, descubrir.

Find out found out found out Averiguar, investigar.

Flee fled fled Escapar, huír, evitar.

Fly flew flown Volar

Forbid forbade forbidden Prohibir.

Foresee foresaw foreseen Prever, prevenir

Forget forgot forgotten Olvidar (se)

Forgive forgave forgiven Perdonar

Freeze froze frozen Congelar

Get got got (ten) Lograr, obtener, conseguir.

Give gave given Dar, conceder.

Go went gone Ir (se), funcionar, resultar.

Grind ground ground Moler, triturar.

Grow grew grown Crecer, cultivar.

Hang hung hung Colgar, Suspender.

Have had had Tener, haber.

Hear heard Heard Oír, escuchar.

Hide hid hid (den) Ocultar, encubrir.

Hit hit hit Pegar, golpear, acertar.

Hold held held Sostener, mantener, contener.

Hurt hurt hurt Herir, dañar, lastimar.

Keep kept kept Mantener, guardar, conservar.

Know knew known Conocer, saber.

Lay laid laid Poner, colocar.

Lead led led Guiar, llevar, conducir.

Lean leant leant Inclinar(se), apoyarse.

Learn learnt learnt Aprender, saber.

Leave left left Partir, irse, abandonar.

Lend lent lent Prestar

Let let let Permitir, conceder.

Lie lay lain Tenderse, descansar, situado.

Light lit lit Alumbrar, iluminar, encender.

Lose lost lost Perder, malgastar.

Make made made Hacer, confeccionar, producir.

Mean meant meant Significar, decir pretender.

Meet met met Encontrarse, satisfacer.

Melt melted molten (old) Derretir(se), fundir(se).

Mistake mistook mistaken Equivocarse, comprender mal.

Misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood Entender mal.

Overcome overcame overcome Vencer, superar.

Pay paid paid Pagar, recompensar.

Put put put Poner, colocar, exponer.

Read read read Leer, descifrar, marcar.

Rebuild rebuilt rebuilt Reconstruir

Rid rid rid Librarse, zafarse.

Ride rode ridden Rodar, tener juego, funcionar.

Ring rang rung Tocar, sonar.

Rise rose risen Ascender, elevarse, levantarse..

Run ran run Correr, funcionar.

Saw sawed sawn Cortar con sierra, aserrar.

Say said said Decir, afirmar.

See saw seen Ver, observar.

Seek sought sought Buscar, solicitar.

Sell sold sold Vender

Send sent sent Enviar

Set set set Instalar, establecer, colocar.

Shake shook shaken Sacudir, lanzar, agitar.

Shed shed shed Derramar, esparcir, dejar caer.

Shine shone shone Brillar, relumbrar, sobresalir.

Shoot shot shot Disparar, emitir, lanzar.

Show showed shown Mostrar, exhibir, probar.

Shrink shrank shrunk Encogerse, disminuir.

Shut shut shut Cerrar, impedir, excluir.

Sing sang sung Cantar

Sink sank sunk Hundir, sumergir

Sit sat sat Sentarse, reunirse.

Sleep slept slept Dormir

Slide slid slid(den) Resbalar, deslizarse.

Smell smelt smelt Oler, percibir.

Speak spoke spoken Hablar, decir.

Speed sped sped Acelerar, apresurarse.

Spend spent spent Gastar, consumir, (tiempo).

Spill spilt spilt Derramar, verter, divulgar.

Spin spun spun Tornear, hilar, hacer girar.

Split Split Split Partir, dividir, separar, reventar.

Spoil spoilt spoilt Deteriorar, dañar, inutilizar.

Spread spread spread Extender, esparcir, propagar.

Spring sprang sprung Saltar, soltar, brotar, surgir.

Stand stood stood Pararse, tolerar, estar (de pié).

Steal stole stolen Robar, escabullirse.

Stick stuck stuck Pegar, adherirse, prender, fijar.

Stink stank stunk Oler mal, apestar.

Strike struck struck Golpear, pegar, estallar.

Swell swelled swollen Hinchar, inflamar, engrosar.

Swim swam swum Nadar, flotar.

Swing swung swung Balancera(se), hacer girar.

Take took taken Tomar, llevar.

Teach taught taught Enseñar

Tear tore torn Romper, despedazar, rasgar.

Tell told told Decir, contar, narrar.

Think thought thought Pensar, creer.

Throw threw thrown Lanzar, tirar, impeler, arrojar.

Thrust thrust thrust Introducir con violencia.

Undergo underwent undergone Sufrir, experimentar, pasar por.

Understand understood understood Comprender.

Undertake undertook undertaken Emprender, comenzar algo.

Undo undid undone Desarmar, deshacer.

Wake woke woke (n) Despertar, excitar.

Wear wore worn Gastar(se), consumirse, usar.

Win won won Ganar, conquistar.

Wind wound wound Enroscar(se), serpentear, girar.

Withdraw withdrew withdrawn Retirar, retractarse, quitar.

Withstand withstood withstood Resistir, oponerse, soportar.

Write Wrote written Escribir.


Add = sumar

Administrate = administrar

Agree = estar de acuerdo

Answer = responder

Appreciate = apreciar

Arrive = llegar

Ask = pedir o preguntar

Attend = asistir

Attract = atraer

Beg = rogar

Believe = creer

Belong = pertenecer

Board = abordar

Boil = hervir

Broil = asar

Call = llamar

Carry = llevar

Change = cambiar

Chat = charlar

Claim = reclamar o afirmar

Clean = limpiar

Climb = subir o escalar

Close = cerrar

Collect = coleccionar

Compete = competir


1 He did the homework = Hice la tarea

2. He was playing soccer = Estaba jugando al fútbol

3. She went to Italy = Ella fue a Italia

4. I played in classes = Jugué en clases

5. She played with her cousin = Ella jugó con su primo

6 They participated in an activity = Han participado en una actividad

7. He ate too = Comió también

8. She lost the race = Ella perdió la carrera

9. The beating his teammate = El golpear a su compañero de equipo

10. He had a new game = Él tenía un nuevo juego


1. You didn’t work very hard last week. = Tú no trabajaste muy duro la semana pasada.

2. She didn’t live in Japan last year. = Ella no vivió en Japón el año pasado.

3. They didn’t learn how to swim two years ago = Ellos no aprendieron a nadar hace dos


4. She didn’t like to sit in the sun. = A ella no le gustó sentarse en el sol.

5. He didn’t walk to school. = Él no caminó para ir a la escuela.

6. I didn’t paint my house last weekend. = Yo no pinté mi casa el fin de semana pasado.

7. Mr. Green didn’t work with my uncle. = El Sr. Green no trabajó con mi tío.

8. I didn’t marry Kelly last year. = Me no casé con Kelly el año pasado.

9. He didn’t work in his garden yesterday. = Él no trabajó en su jardín ayer.

10. He didn’t study for his English class. = Él no estudió para su clase de inglés.


1. Did you work very hard last week? Yes, I did.

2. Did she live in Japan last year? Yes, she did.

3. Did they learn how to swim two years ago? Yes, they did.

4. Did she like to sit in the sun? Yes, she did.

5. Did he walk to school? Yes, he did

6. Did Mr. Green work with my uncle? No, he didn’t.

7. Did he work in his garden yesterday? No, he didn’t.

8. Did he study for his English class? No, he didn’t.

9. Did you watch television every night? No, I didn’t

10. Did they talk on the phone last week? No, they didn’t.

11. Did she want to learn French? Yes, she wanted to learn French.

12. Did they work together for many years? Yes, they worked together for many years

13. Did she wish to learn Italian? Yes, she wished to learn Italian.

14. Did he live in Boston? Yes, he lived in Boston.

15. Did you study in my class last semester? Yes, I studied in your class last semester

16. Did we listen music until ten o’clock last night? No, we didn’t listen music until ten

o’clock last night.

17. Did she want to visit London? No, she didn’t want to visit London.

18. Did he watch television until twelve o’clock last night? No, he didn’t watch television

until twelve o’clock last night.

19. Did she smoke a lot? No, she didn’t smoke a lot.

20. Did he answer all the questions? No, he didn’t answer all the questions

21. Did you work very hard last week? No, I didn’t work very hard last week.

22. Did you go to the beach last week? Yes, I did go to beach last week.

23. Did you finish your homework? Yes, I did finish it.

24. Dis you understand today’s math subject? No, I dindn’t.

25. Have you planned your vacation trip yet? No, I haven’t.

26. Dis you eat pizza yesterday with your family? Yes, I ate yesterday.

27. Did the take the car to the garage? Yes, he did not.

28. Did she dance tonight? Yes, she danced tonight.

29. Did they play soccer yesterday by the afternoon? Yes, they played soccer yesterday.

30. Did you sleep in your house the weekend? Yes, I did.

31. Did he write a letter to his girlfriend? No, his dind’t.

32. Did the enjoy the party? Yes, they enjoyed the party.

33. Did your mother wash the clothes? Yes, she washed the clothes-.

34. Did he run this morning? Yes, he ran this morning.

35. Did the boss hire a new employee? Yes, she did.

36. Did the train leave the station late? No, it didn’t.

37. Did the priest open the church very early? Yes, he did.

38. Did your family go to the meeting? No, I dind`t.

39. Did you find a work last month? Yes, I did.

40. Did they get married the last Saturday? Yes, we marry.

41. Did your friend give up smoking? No, he dind’t.

42. Did she have a party to celebrate her birthday? Yes, she bid.
43. Did he pets eat the biscuits? No, he dind`t

44. Did he travelled to London with his family? Yes, he did.

45. Did you work very hard last week? Yes, I worked very hard last week.

46. Did she leave the door open? No, she dind`t.

47. Did your calling me yesterday from to me house? Yes, I did.

48. Did you do the language`s homework? Yes, I did.

49. Did you whatch tv last night? No, I dind`t.

50. Did she give his a present? Yes, she bid.


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