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Auguste Comte (1798-1857) - The Father of Sociology

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Auguste Comte (1798–1857)—The Father of Sociology

Auguste Comte is considered by many to be the father of sociology.

The term sociology was first coined in 1780 by the French essayist Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyès
(1748–1836) in an unpublished manuscript (Fauré et al. 1999). In 1838, the term was reinvented
by Auguste Comte (1798–1857). Comte originally studied to be an engineer, but later became a
pupil of social philosopher Claude Henri de Rouvroy Comte de Saint-Simon (1760–1825). They
both thought that social scientists could study society using the same scientific methods utilized
in natural sciences. Comte also believed in the potential of social scientists to work toward the
betterment of society. He held that once scholars identified the laws that governed society,
sociologists could address problems such as poor education and poverty (Abercrombie et al.

Comte named the scientific study of social patterns positivism. He described his philosophy in a
series of books called The Course in Positive Philosophy (1830–1842) and A General View of
Positivism (1848). He believed that using scientific methods to reveal the laws by which
societies and individuals interact would usher in a new “positivist” age of history. While the field
and its terminology have grown, sociologists still believe in the positive impact of their work.

Harriet Martineau (1802–1876)—the First Woman Sociologist

Harriet Martineau was a writer who addressed a wide range of social science issues. She was an
early observer of social practices, including economics, social class, religion, suicide,
government, and women’s rights. Her writing career began in 1931 with a series of stories
titled Illustrations of Political Economy, in which she tried to educate ordinary people about the
principles of economics (Johnson 2003).

Martineau was the first to translate Comte’s writing from French to English and thereby
introduced sociology to English-speaking scholars (Hill 1991). She is also credited with the first
systematic methodological international comparisons of social institutions in two of her most
famous sociological works: Society in America (1837) and Retrospect of Western Travel (1838).
Martineau found the workings of capitalism at odds with the professed moral principles of
people in the United States; she pointed out the faults with the free enterprise system in which
workers were exploited and impoverished while business owners became wealthy. She further
noted that the belief in all being created equal was inconsistent with the lack of women’s rights.
Much like Mary Wollstonecraft, Martineau was often discounted in her own time by the male
domination of academic sociology.

Karl Marx (1818–1883)

Karl Marx was one of the founders of sociology. His ideas about social conflict are still relevant
today. (Photo courtesy of John Mayall/Wikimedia Commons)
Karl Marx (1818–1883) was a German philosopher and economist. In 1848 he and Friedrich
Engels (1820–1895) coauthored the Communist Manifesto. This book is one of the most
influential political manuscripts in history. It also presents Marx’s theory of society, which
differed from what Comte proposed.

Marx rejected Comte’s positivism. He believed that societies grew and changed as a result of the
struggles of different social classes over the means of production. At the time he was developing
his theories, the Industrial Revolution and the rise of capitalism led to great disparities in wealth
between the owners of the factories and workers. Capitalism, an economic system characterized
by private or corporate ownership of goods and the means to produce them, grew in many

Marx predicted that inequalities of capitalism would become so extreme that workers would
eventually revolt. This would lead to the collapse of capitalism, which would be replaced by
communism. Communism is an economic system under which there is no private or corporate
ownership: everything is owned communally and distributed as needed. Marx believed that
communism was a more equitable system than capitalism.

While his economic predictions may not have come true in the time frame he predicted, Marx’s
idea that social conflict leads to change in society is still one of the major theories used in
modern sociology.

Herbert Spencer (1820–1903)

In 1873, the English philosopher Herbert Spencer published The Study of Sociology, the first
book with the term “sociology” in the title. Spencer rejected much of Comte’s philosophy as well
as Marx’s theory of class struggle and his support of communism. Instead, he favored a form of
government that allowed market forces to control capitalism. His work influenced many early
sociologists including Émile Durkheim (1858–1917).

Georg Simmel (1858–1918)

Georg Simmel was a German art critic who wrote widely on social and political issues as well.
Simmel took an anti-positivism stance and addressed topics such as social conflict, the function
of money, individual identity in city life, and the European fear of outsiders (Stapley 2010).
Much of his work focused on the micro-level theories, and it analyzed the dynamics of two-
person and three-person groups. His work also emphasized individual culture as the creative
capacities of individuals. Simmel’s contributions to sociology are not often included in academic
histories of the discipline, perhaps overshadowed by his contemporaries Durkheim, Mead, and
Weber (Ritzer and Goodman 2004).

Émile Durkheim (1858–1917)

Durkheim helped establish sociology as a formal academic discipline by establishing the first
European department of sociology at the University of Bordeaux in 1895 and by publishing
his Rules of the Sociological Method in 1895. In another important work, Division of Labour in
Society (1893), Durkheim laid out his theory on how societies transformed from a primitive state
into a capitalist, industrial society. According to Durkheim, people rise to their proper levels in
society based on merit.

Durkheim believed that sociologists could study objective “social facts” (Poggi 2000). He also
believed that through such studies it would be possible to determine if a society was “healthy” or
“pathological.” He saw healthy societies as stable, while pathological societies experienced a
breakdown in social norms between individuals and society.

In 1897, Durkheim attempted to demonstrate the effectiveness of his rules of social research
when he published a work titled Suicide. Durkheim examined suicide statistics in different police
districts to research differences between Catholic and Protestant communities. He attributed the
differences to socioreligious forces rather than to individual or psychological causes.

George Herbert Mead (1863–1931)

George Herbert Mead was a philosopher and sociologist whose work focused on the ways in
which the mind and the self were developed as a result of social processes (Cronk n.d.). He
argued that how an individual comes to view himself or herself is based to a very large extent on
interactions with others. Mead called specific individuals that impacted a person’s life significant
others, and he also conceptualized “generalized others” as the organized and generalized attitude
of a social group. Mead’s work is closely associated with the symbolic interactionist approach
and emphasizes the micro-level of analysis.

Max Weber (1864–1920)

Prominent sociologist Max Weber established a sociology department in Germany at the Ludwig
Maximilians University of Munich in 1919. Weber wrote on many topics related to sociology
including political change in Russia and social forces that affect factory workers. He is known
best for his 1904 book, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. The theory that Weber
sets forth in this book is still controversial. Some believe that Weber argued that the beliefs of
many Protestants, especially Calvinists, led to the creation of capitalism. Others interpret it as
simply claiming that the ideologies of capitalism and Protestantism are complementary.

Weber believed that it was difficult, if not impossible, to use standard scientific methods to
accurately predict the behavior of groups as people hoped to do. They argued that the influence
of culture on human behavior had to be taken into account. This even applied to the researchers
themselves, who, they believed, should be aware of how their own cultural biases could
influence their research. To deal with this problem, Weber and Dilthey introduced the concept
of verstehen, a German word that means to understand in a deep way. In seeking verstehen,
outside observers of a social world—an entire culture or a small setting—attempt to understand it
from an insider’s point of view.

In his book The Nature of Social Action (1922), Weber described sociology as striving to
“interpret the meaning of social action and thereby give a causal explanation of the way in which
action proceeds and the effects it produces.” He and other like-minded sociologists proposed a
philosophy of antipositivism whereby social researchers would strive for subjectivity as they
worked to represent social processes, cultural norms, and societal values. This approach led to
some research methods whose aim was not to generalize or predict (traditional in science), but to
systematically gain an in-depth understanding of social worlds.

The different approaches to research based on positivism or antipositivism are often considered
the foundation for the differences found today between quantitative sociology and qualitative
sociology. Quantitative sociology uses statistical methods such as surveys with large numbers of
participants. Researchers analyze data using statistical techniques to see if they can uncover
patterns of human behavior. Qualitative sociology seeks to understand human behavior by
learning about it through in-depth interviews, focus groups, and analysis of content sources (like
books, magazines, journals, and popular media).


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