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MCA KTU Syallabus

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MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6


CET Campus, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala-695016




Semester 5 and 6

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6


Regular Master of Computer Applications IA ESE

Total Credits Exam
(Regular) Hours / week Marks Marks
Course No Course L T P
RLMCA301 Web Data Mining 3 1 - 40 60 100 4
RLMCA303 E-Commerce 3 - - 40 60 100 3
RLMCA305 Cryptography and Cyber Security 3 1 - 40 60 100 4
RLMCA3-- Elective II 3 1 - 40 60 100 4
RLMCA3-- Elective III 3 1 - 40 60 100 4
RLMCA341 Seminar - 2 50 - 50 2
RLMCA351 Mini Project - 8 150 - 150 2
15 4 10 400 300 700 23

RLMCA361 Compiler Construction RLMCA381 Cloud Computing
RLMCA363 IPR and Cyber Law RLMCA383 Human Computer Interaction
RLMCA365 Cyber Forensics RLMCA385 Bioinformatics
RLMCA367 Internet of Things RLMCA387 Computer Graphics
RLMCA369 Python Programming RLMCA389 Parallel and Distributed Computing
RLMCA371 Social Network Analysis RLMCA391 Artificial Intelligence


Sessio ESE
Total Credits Exam
Regular Master of Computer Applications Hours / week nal Marks
Course No Course L T P
RLMCA352 Project and Viva Voce 30 70 30 100 12
Cumulative Total 3600 123

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Year of
Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits
RLIMCA301 Web Data Mining 3-1-0-4 2016
Course Objectives

● Provide data mining concepts, principles and methods

● To develop understanding of problems and potentials of current Information Retrieval (IR)
● Understand how effective information source and retrieval are inter- related

Web Data Mining - Basic Concepts of Association Rules - Supervised Learning - Unsupervised Learning -
Information Retrieval and Web Search - Web Usage Mining.
Expected Outcome

At the end of the course, students will be able to

● Understand theoretical and practical aspects of information and data mining

● Understand the quantitative evaluation methods for the IR systems and data mining techniques


1. Bing Liu, “Web Data Mining - Exploring Hyperlinks, Contents and Usage Data”, Second edition,
Springer 2011.
2. Matthew A Russell, “Mining the social web: Data Mining Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+,
GitHub and more”, Second Edition, O’Reilly October 2013.
3. Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber, “Data Mining Concepts & Techniques”, Second Edition,
4. Alex Berson and Stephen J Smith, “Data Warehousing, Data Mining & OLAP”, Tata McGraw –Hill
Edition, Tenth Reprint 2007.
5. Pang Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach and Vipin Kumar, “ Introduction To Data Mining”, Pearson
Education, 2007.

Suggested MOOC


Course Plan
A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University
MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

% of marks in



Introduction - World Wide Web - Web Data Mining - Data Mining - Web
Mining - Data Mining Foundations - Basic Concepts of Association Rules -
Apriori Algorithm - Data Formats for Association Rule Mining - Basic
I Concepts of Sequential Patterns - Mining Sequential Patterns based on 8 15
Generalised Sequential Pattern (GSP) Algorithm
Text : 1

Supervised Learning - Basic Concepts - Decision Tree Induction - Classifier

Evaluation - Rule Induction - Classification based on Associations - Support
Vector Machines - Linear SVM - Separable Case -Non Separable Case -
II Unsupervised Learning - Basic Concepts - K-Means Clustering - 12 25
Representation of Clusters - Hierarchical Clustering
Text : 1


Information Retrieval and Web Search - Basic Concepts of IR - IR Models -
Boolean Model, Vector model, Statistical Language Model - Evaluation
III 8 15
Measures Text : 1

Text and Web Page Pre-Processing - Stopword Removal, Stemming, Other

Pre-Processing Tasks for Text, Web Page Pre-Processing, Duplicate
IV 8 15
Detection - Inverted Index and its Compression - Latent Semantic Indexing
Text : 1
WebSearch - Metasearch: Combining Multiple Rankings - Web Spamming -
V Web Crawling - A Basic Crawler Algorithm - Implementation Issues 8 15
Text : 1
Web Usage Mining - Data Collection and Preprocessing - Data Modelling
for Web Users Mining - Discovery and Analysis of Web Usage Patterns -
VI 8 15
Recommender Systems and Collaborative Filtering
Text : 1


A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6


There will be two parts in the Question paper - Part A and Part B.
Part A will have 8 short answer questions of 3 marks each (8 X 3 M = 24 M). There
will be no choice questions.
Part B will have 6 essay questions one from each module of 6 marks each, with an
alternative choice question from the same module (6 x 6M=36M).The maximum
number of sub part questions in Part B to be limited to 2.
The total marks assigned to questions in Part A (Short answer) and Part B (Essay)
together from a single module, not to exceed the marks assigned to that module
specified in the course plan in the syllabus.

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Year of
Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits
RLIMCA303 E-Commerce 3-1-0-4 2016
Course Objectives

● Define E-commerce and describe how it differs from e-business.

● Describe major business models of E-Commerce
● Describe how Internet and Web features support E-Commerce
● Understand the key dimensions of E-Security
● Understand the features of E- Payment systems
● Understand the concepts and technologies of E- marketing systems


Introduction to e-Commerce, Business Models and Concepts, Technology Infrastructure for

E-Commerce, E-Security , E-Payment and E-Marketing

Expected Outcome

At the end of the course,

● The students are expected to realise the problems involved in designing and building e-
commerce systems.
● Understand the need to design E-Commerce systems that fully meet the requirements of the
intended users.


1. Kenneth C. Laundon, Carol Guercio Traver, “E-Commerce”, Pearson India, 2016

2. P T Joseph, S.J., “E-Commerce An Indian Perspective”, PHI, Fifth edition ,2015
3. Whiteley,”e-Commerce Strategies, Technologies and Applications”, McGraw Hill, 2014
4. Tharam Dillon, Henry Chan, “E-Commerce Fundamentals and Applications”, John Wiley & Sons
Ltd, 2014

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Course Plan

% of marks in



Introduction to e-Commerce- e-Commerce v/s e-Business, Types of

I 6 15
E-Commerce, E-commerce Infrastructure
Text : 1
Business Models and Concepts - B2C, B2B, C2C, C2B -Brokerage Model,
Aggregator Model, Info-mediary Model, Community Model, Value Chain
II Model, Manufacturer Model, Advertising Model, Subscription Model, 10 20
Affiliate Model
Text: 2
E-Security: E-Commerce Security Environment, Security Threats,
III Technology Solutions, SSL, Protecting Networks- Firewalls, Proxy-Servers 8 15
Text :1
E-Payment: Types of Payment Systems, Credit card E-Commerce
Transactions- How an Online Card Transaction works - Credit Card E-
IV Commerce Enablers - Limitations of Online Credit Card Payment Systems, 8 15
Secure Electronic Transaction Protocol
Text :1
E-Commerce digital payment systems in B2C-Digital Wallets- Digital Cash
-Online stored Value Systems -Digital Credit Card Payment systems -
V 10 20
Digital Checking Payment systems - B2B Payment systems
Text :1
E-Marketing: Basic Marketing Concepts, Internet Marketing
Technologies, B2C and B2B-Commerce, Marketing and Branding
VI 8 15
Strategies, Online Market Research
Text :1


A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

There will be two parts in the Question paper - Part A and Part B.
Part A will have 8 short answer questions of 3 marks each (8 X 3 M = 24 M).
There will be no choice questions.
Part B will have 6 essay questions one from each module of 6 marks each, with
an alternative choice question from the same module (6 x 6M=36M).The
maximum number of sub part questions in Part B to be limited to 2.
The total marks assigned to questions in Part A (Short answer) and Part B
(Essay) together from a single module, not to exceed the marks assigned to
that module specified in the course plan in the syllabus.

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Year of
Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits
RLMCA305 Cryptography and Cyber Security 3-1-0-4 2016
Course Objectives

● Provide basic mathematical concepts used in Cryptography.

● Provide basic understanding of various cryptographic algorithms.
● Provide basic understanding of Hashing techniques, Digital Signature schemes and key
management techniques.
● Provide basic understanding of crypto currencies and bitcoins
● Provide an understanding of network security implementation at application layer, transport
layer, and network layer and the protocols used.


Introduction to Cryptography, Security architecture and classical encryption schemes, Number theory
basics, Conventional symmetric key encryption techniques, Public key cryptography, Digital signatures,
Message Authentication codes and Hash functions, Crypto currencies and bitcoins, Cyber Security, Email
Security, IP Security and Web Security.

Expected Outcome

At the end of the course, students will be able to

1. Build cryptosystems using various Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption techniques.

2. Apply the concepts of different message authentication and digital signature techniques to
applications for ensuring secure transactions.
3. Apply security services to applications at Application, Transport and Network layer.

1. William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security, 6th Edition, Pearson Education, March
2. Behrouz A. Forouzan, “Cryptography and Network Security”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing(2e
3. Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman and Mike Speciner, “Network Security”, Prentice Hall of India,
4. Manuel Mogollon, “Cryptography and Security Services – Mechanisms and Applications”,
Cybertech Publishing.
5. William R. Cheswick, Steven M. Bellovin, Aviel D. Rubin, “Firewalls and Internet Security” Addison-

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

6. Arvind Narayanan, Joseph Bonneau, Edward Felten, Andrew Miller, Steven Goldfeder, “Bitcoin
and Cryptocurrency technologies”, Princeton University Press

Suggested MOOC

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Course Plan

% of marks in



Introduction to Cryptography: Services, Mechanisms and attacks-

Phishing, ransomware, DoS attack, OSI security architecture-Network
I 8 15%
security model-Classical Encryption techniques (Symmetric cipher model,
substitution techniques, transposition techniques, steganography).
Mathematical Background: Elementary number theory: Prime numbers,
Fermat’s and Euler’s theorems, Testing for primality, Modular
Arithmetic: Congruences, Chinese remainder theorem.
II 12 15%
Finite fields: Review of groups, rings and fields; Finite fields of the form
GF(p), Polynomial Arithmetic, Finite fields of the form GF(2").Discrete
logarithms Euclidean Algorithms.
Conventional Symmetric Key Encryption: Block ciphers and Stream
Ciphers, Modes of operation (ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB), multiple encryption,
Data Encryption Standard-Block cipher principles-block cipher modes of
operation-Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)-Triple DES.
III 8 20%

Public key cryptography: Principles of public key cryptosystems-The RSA

algorithm-Key management – Diffie Hellman Key exchange-Elliptic curve
arithmetic-Elliptic curve cryptography.
Hash Functions and MAC: Properties of hash functions, birthday attack,
hash-cash, Message Authentication Code Algorithms, MAC protocols,
IV 8 15%
Digital Signatures: Classification of signature schemes, RSA signature,
Digital Signature Standard, one time signature schemes, attacks on
Digital Signatures, Blind Signatures.
Cryptocurrencies and Bitcoins: A Simple Cryptocurrency: GoofyCoin,
ScroogeCoin, How Bitcoin Achieves Decentralization: Centralization vs.
Decentralization, Distributed consensus, Consensus without identity.
V 8 15%
Mechanics of Bitcoin: Bitcoin transactions, Bitcoin Scripts, Applications
of Bitcoin scripts, Bitcoin blocks, The Bitcoin network, How to Store and
Use Bitcoins: Simple Local Storage, Hot and Cold Storage, Splitting and
A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University
MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Sharing Keys, Online Wallets and Exchanges, Payment Services,

Transaction Fees, Currency Exchange Markets
Introduction to Cyber Security, E-mail Security: Security Services for E-
mail-attacks possible through E-mail – establishing keys privacy-
authentication of the source-Message Integrity-Non-repudiation-Pretty
Good Privacy-S/MIME.

VI 10 20%
IPSecurity: Overview of IPSec – IPv4 and IPv6-Authentication Header-
Encapsulation Security Payload (ESP)-Internet Key Exchange. Web
Security: SSL/TLS Basic Protocol-computing the keys- client
authentication-PKI as deployed by SSL Attacks fixed in v3- Exportability-
Encoding-Secure Electronic Transaction (SET).


There will be two parts in the Question paper - Part A and Part B.
Part A will have 8 short answer questions of 3 marks each (8 X 3 M = 24 M).
There will be no choice questions.
Part B will have 6 essay questions one from each module of 6 marks each, with
an alternative choice question from the same module (6 x 6M=36M).The
maximum number of sub part questions in Part B to be limited to 2.
The total marks assigned to questions in Part A (Short answer) and Part B
(Essay) together from a single module, not to exceed the marks assigned to
that module specified in the course plan in the syllabus.

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Year of
Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits
RLIMCA361 Elective II- Compiler Construction 3-0-1-4 2016

Course Objectives

● To introduce the major concept areas of language translation and compiler design.
● To enrich the knowledge in various phases of compiler and its use, token generation, parsing,
creating intermediate codes, code optimization techniques, machine code generation, and use
of symbol table.
● To provide practical programming skills necessary for constructing a compiler.


Introduction to compilers and interpreters – Overview of compilation, Issues in compilation – structure of

a compiler – compiler writing tools – bootstrapping – notations and concepts for languages and
grammars – regular expressions – context free grammar, derivations and parse trees, BNF notations.

Context of a lexical analyzer – construction of lexical analyzer, deterministic and non-deterministic finite
automata. Compile time error handling, error detection, reporting, recovery and repair.

Basic parsing techniques – Top down parsing – recursive descent parser, predictive parser simple LL(1)
grammar. Bottom up parsers, operator precedence parser, LR grammar, LR(0), SLR(1) parsers.

Syntax directed translation schemes, syntax-directed definitions - S-attributed definitions - L-attributed

definitions - bottom-up and top-down translation - type checking - type systems - specification of a type
checker - run-time environments - source language issues - storage organization – storage allocation
strategies - access to non-local names - parameter passing - symbol tables.

Intermediate codes, translation of assignments, translation of array reference, Boolean expressions, case
statements, back patching.
Code optimization, loop optimization and global optimization, sources of sample code generation.
Expected Outcome
At the end of the course, students will be able to

● Develop lexical rules and grammars for a programming language

● Develop Parser for a programming language.
● Identify and develop code optimization techniques to improve the performance of a program in
terms of speed & space.
● Design a compiler for a concise programming language.

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6


1. Alfred V Aho and Jeffery D Ullman , Principles of Compiler Design - Techniques and Tools, Pearson
Edn, 2nd edn, 2009
2. V Raghavan- Principles of Compiler Design – TMH, 2nd ed,2011
3. Jean Paul Tremblay and Sorenson., The Theory and Practice of Compiler Writing McGraw Hill
4. Principles of compiler design, 2nd ed, Nandini Prasad, Elsevier
5. Kenneth C.Louden, Compiler Construction-Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition, Cengage, 2010.
6. Keith Cooper and Linda Torczon, “Engineering a Compiler”, 2nd Edition, Elsevier, 2011
7. Principles of Compiler, A new approach to Compilers including the algebraic methods, Su, Yunlin,
Yan, Song Y., SPRINGER

Suggested MOOC


A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Course Plan

% of marks in



Compilers – Analysis of the source program – Phases of a compiler –

Interpreters –Compiler construction tools– bootstrapping – Compile time
error handling, Notations and concepts for languages and grammars –
regular expressions – Context of a lexical analyzer –deterministic and non-
I 9 20
deterministic finite automata-construction of lexical analyzer.
Introduction to Lex

//Assignments on Lex programs

Role of the parser –Writing Grammars - Context free grammar, derivations
and parse trees, BNF notations.
II 8 20
Top Down parsing – Recursive Descent Parsing – Predictive Parsing


Bottom-up parsing – Shift Reduce Parsing – Operator Precedence Parsing –
LR Parsers – SLR Parser.
III Introduction to Yacc 8 15

//Assignments on Yacc programs

Syntax Directed Translation, Intermediate Codes-Syntax Tree- Three
IV 8 15
Address Codes-Quadruple-Triples- Indirect Triples-comparisons
Translation of Assignment Statements, Translation of Boolean Expressions,
V Translation of Control flow statements-Backpatching-Symbol Tables-Data 8 15

Code Optimization- Sources-Loop Optimization-DAG representation-

VI Construction-Global data Flow analysis 9 20
Issues in the design of code generator – A simple Code Generator



A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

There will be two parts in the Question paper - Part A and Part B.
Part A will have 8 short answer questions of 3 marks each (8 X 3 M = 24 M).
There will be no choice questions.
Part B will have 6 essay questions one from each module of 6 marks each, with
an alternative choice question from the same module (6 x 6M=36M).The
maximum number of sub part questions in Part B to be limited to 2.
The total marks assigned to questions in Part A (Short answer) and Part B
(Essay) together from a single module, not to exceed the marks assigned to
that module specified in the course plan in the syllabus.

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Year of
Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits
RLIMCA363 Elective II- IPR and Cyber Law 3-0-1-4 2016
Course Objectives
● To understand various intellectual property rights
● To understand the procedure for applying copyright, patents.
● Learn the legalities of intellectual property to avoid plagiarism and other IPR related crimes like
copyright infringements.
● To understand various cybercrimes.
● To understand the information technology act.
● To understand various penalties related to cybercrimes.
Fundamentals of IPR - Patents - Trademarks - Copyright - Industrial Designs - Geographic Indications
- Trade Secret and software copyright - cyber law - Information Technology Acts and Punishments
Expected Outcome

At the end of the course, students will be able to

● Identify different types of Intellectual Properties (IPs), the right of ownership, scope of protection
as well as the ways to create and to extract value from IPs.
● Recognize the crucial role of IPs in organizations of different industrial sectors for the purposes of
product and technology development.
● Identify activities which constitute IP infringements and the remedies available to the IPs owner
and describe the steps to be taken to prevent infringement of proprietary rights in products and
technology development.
● Evaluate the effectiveness of cyber-security, cyber-laws and other countermeasures against
cybercrime and cyber warfare.
● Analyse and assess the impact of cybercrime.
● Understand the structure, mechanics and evolution of the Internet in the context of emerging
crime threats and technological and other trends in cyberspace.
1. Dr. R. Radhakrishnan and Dr. S. Balasubramanian, “ Intellectual Property Rights: Text and Cases”,
Excel Books
2. Harish Chander, “ Cyber Law and IT Protection”, PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd
3. D.Bainbridge, “Introduction to Computer Law”, Pearson Education
4. Rohas Nagpal, “Cyber Crime & Corporate Liability”, CCH, 2008

Suggested MOOC


A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Course Plan

% of marks in



Fundamentals of IPR- Introduction – Intellectual property – Need for

protection of intellectual property – WIPO – Intellectual property rights
and development – Rationale of protection – TRIPS Agreement – Patents
I – Introduction – Patentable and Non-patentable Invention – Types of 8 15
patent applications – Guidelines for registration of patent – patent filing
– grant of patent – types of patent documents
Text :1
Trademarks – Introduction – Guidelines for registration – Requirements
for filing trademarks – Trademark Infringement – Protection of
trademarks – Copyright – Introduction – Rights conferred by copyright –
II 8 20
registration – ownerships – terms – transfer of copyrights – copyright
infringement – databases and copyright
Text :1

Industrial Designs – Introduction – Need for protection of design –

requirements for registration of designs – Design Act,2000 – Duration of
III registration of design – application procedure – Geographic Indications – 8 15
Introduction – Filing – Granting – Protection of geographic indications
Text :1
Trade Secret – definition – discovering and protecting of trade secret –
Software Copyright – Introduction – Need of software copyright –
IV classification of software according to copyright – software auditing – 8 15
copyright notice – transfer of copyright
Text :1
Cyber law - Need for cyber laws - Historical perspective - cyberspace -
deception by squatting in cyberspace - protection of copyright on
cyberspace - infringement of copyright on cyberspace - linking,
V 8 15
hyperlinking and framing - ISP in cyberspace - cyberspace and protection
of patents in India.
Text :2

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Information Technology Act and Punishments- Introduction to IT Act

2000- Amendments on IT Act - Violation of the right of privacy in
cyberspace/internet-punishment for violation of privacy, breach of
confidentiality and privacy under IT act- Terrorism on cyberspace-
VI 10 20
overview of cybercrimes-offences by intermediaries- offences related to
protected system- offences of misrepresentation-punishment for
Abetment and Attempt to commit offences under the IT act.
Text :2


There will be two parts in the Question paper - Part A and Part B.
Part A will have 8 short answer questions of 3 marks each (8 X 3 M = 24 M).
There will be no choice questions.
Part B will have 6 essay questions one from each module of 6 marks each, with
an alternative choice question from the same module (6 x 6M=36M).The
maximum number of sub part questions in Part B to be limited to 2.
The total marks assigned to questions in Part A (Short answer) and Part B
(Essay) together from a single module, not to exceed the marks assigned to
that module specified in the course plan in the syllabus.

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Year of
Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits
RLIMCA365 Elective II- Cyber Forensics 3-1-0-4 2016
Course Objectives

● To understand the fundamentals of computer forensics

● To introduce computer security administrators to computer forensics.
● To understand about computer forensics tools.
● To understand about data acquisition.
● To perform computer forensic analysis, e-mail investigations, image file recovery.
● To perform cloud forensics.


Computer forensics fundamentals - Types of computer forensics technology - Data recovery - Evidence
collection and data seizure - Computer image verification and authentication - Reconstructing past events

Expected Outcome

● Identify and need for computer forensics

● Describe the computer forensic technology
● Illustrate the process of data recovery
● Determine various aspects of collecting and preserving computer evidence
● Assess the authenticity of evidences and forensic identification.
● Estimate various ways to handle files, evidence related data and network forensics scenarios.


1. John R Vacca,”Computer Forensics computer crime scene investigation “, Firewall Media, 2009
Edition Reprint 2012.
2. Bill Nelson, Amelia Phillips, Christopher Steuart , “Guide to Computer Forensics and
Investigations”, Cengage Learning, Fifth Edition 2010.
3. Marjie T. Britz, “Computer Forensics and Cyber Crime”, Pearson Third Edition 2013.
4. Marie - Helen Maras “Computer Forensics: Cybercriminals, Laws, and Evidence”, Jones & Bartlett
Learning, Second Edition 2015.

Suggested MOOC

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Course Plan

% of marks in



Computer forensics fundamentals: Introduction: What is computer

forensics? - Use of computer forensics in law enforcement - Computer
forensics assistance to human resources /employment proceedings -
I 8 15
Computer forensics services - Benefits of professional forensics
methodology - Steps taken by computer forensics specialists.

Types of computer forensics technology: Types of military computer

forensics technology, Types of law enforcement in Computer forensic
technology, Types of business computer forensic technology.
Occurrence of cyber crime - Cyber detectives - Computer forensics
investigative services.
II 8 15

//Lab exercises may be given for (use any open source tools):
1. Investigating NTFS Drive using DiskExplorer.
2. Viewing contents of a forensic image


Data recovery: Introduction of Data recovery - Data back-up and recovery -
The role of back- up in data recovery - The data-recovery solution.

III 8 15
//Lab exercises may be given for (use any open source tools):
1. File Recovery.
2. Data Recovery.
Evidence collection and data seizure: Why collect evidence?, Collection
options - Obstacles - Types of evidence - The rules of evidence - Volatile
evidence - General procedure - Collection and archiving - Methods of
collection - Artifact - Collection steps. Preserving the digital crime scene -
Computer evidence processing scene - Legal aspects of collecting forensic
IV evidence. 10 20

// Lab Exercises may be given for (use any open source tools):
1. Gathering evidences
2. Viewing files of various formats

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Computer image verification and authentication: Special needs of

evidential authentication - Practical consideration - Practical
implementation. Electronic document discovery :a powerful new litigation
tool. Forensics identification and Analysis of technical surveillance devices.
V 8 15

// Lab Exercise may be given for (use any open source tools):
1. Identifying image file format.
2. Analyzing images for hidden messages.
Reconstructing past events: How to become a digital detective - Useable
file formats - Unusable file formats - Converting files. Network forensics
scenario - A technical approach - Destruction of e-mail - Damaging
computer evidence.

// Lab Exercises may be given for (use any open source tools):
VI 10 20
1. Cracking password using any password recovery tool.
2. Recovering deleted emails using the recover my email utility

Note : Students may be introduced to penetration testing tools like

metasploit, Penetration Testing Distribution Kali linux, network protocol
analyzers like wireshark etc as part of the course.
There will be two parts in the Question paper - Part A and Part B.
Part A will have 8 short answer questions of 3 marks each (8 X 3 M = 24 M). There
will be no choice questions.
Part B will have 6 essay questions one from each module of 6 marks each, with an
alternative choice question from the same module (6 x 6M=36M).The maximum
number of sub part questions in Part B to be limited to 2.The total marks assigned
to questions in Part A (Short answer) and Part B (Essay) together from a single
module, not to exceed the marks assigned to that module specified in the course
plan in the syllabus.

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Year of
Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits
RLIMCA367 Elective II- Internet of Things 3-1-0-4 2016
Course Objectives

● Understand the main concepts and features of the IoT paradigm

● Describe different architectures for managing IoT platforms
● Insight on trust, security, and privacy in IoT environments
● Describe data management techniques applied to the IoT environment
● Understand the key enablers and solutions to enable practical IoT systems


IoT ecosystem concepts and architectures - IoT enablers and solutions - IoT data and knowledge
management - IoT reliability, security, and privacy - IoT applications

Expected Outcome

● At the end of the course, students should be able to understand the concepts and features of IoT
Paradigm with a good understanding on different IoT architectures and how it is practically

1. Rajkumar Buyya; Amir Vahid Dastjerdi , “Internet of Things”, Morgan Kaufmann, 2016
2. Peter Waher, “Learning Internet of Things”, Packt Publishing, 2015
3. S. Sitharama Iyengar; Nandan Parameshwaran; Vir V. Phoha; N. Balakrishnan; Chuka D. Okoye,
“Fundamentals of Sensor Network Programming: Applications and Technology”, Wiley,
December 14, 2010
4. Robert Stackowiak (Author), Art Licht (Author), Venu Mantha (Author), Louis Nagode (Author),
“Big Data and The Internet of Things: Enterprise Information Architecture for A New Age” ,
Apress, 2015

Suggested MOOC


A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Course Plan

% of marks in



Overview of Internet of Things - Open source semantic web

I infrastructure for managing IoT resources in the Cloud - Device/Cloud 10 20
collaboration framework for intelligence applications
Introduction to Fog Computing: principles, architectures, and
II 6 15
applications - TinyOS - NesC
Programming frameworks for Internet of Things - Virtualization on
embedded boards as enabling technology for the Cloud of Things -
III 8 15
Micro Virtual Machines (MicroVMs) for Cloud-assisted Cyber-Physical
Systems (CPS)
Stream processing in IoT: foundations, state-of-the-art, and future
IV 8 15
directions - A framework for distributed data analysis for IoT
Security and privacy in the Internet of Things- Internet of Things—
robustness and reliability - Governing Internet of Things: issues,
V approaches, and new paradigm - TinyTO: two-way authentication for 10 20
constrained devices in the Internet of Things - Obfuscation and
diversification for securing the internet of things (IoT)
Applied Internet of Things - Internet of Vehicles and applications -
Cloud-Based Smart-Facilities Management
VI Creating a simple sensor project - Preparing Raspberry Pi - Interfacing 8 15
the hardware - Internal representation of sensor values- Persisting data
-Creating the actuator project - Creating a controller
There will be two parts in the Question paper - Part A and Part B.
Part A will have 8 short answer questions of 3 marks each (8 X 3 M = 24 M).
There will be no choice questions.
Part B will have 6 essay questions one from each module of 6 marks each, with
an alternative choice question from the same module (6 x 6M=36M).The
maximum number of sub part questions in Part B to be limited to 2.
The total marks assigned to questions in Part A (Short answer) and Part B
(Essay) together from a single module, not to exceed the marks assigned to
that module specified in the course plan in the syllabus.

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Year of
Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits
RLIMCA369 Elective II- Python Programming 3-1-0-4 2016
Course Objectives

 To develop proficiency in the Python Programming Language.

 To be able to understand the various data structures available in Python programming
 To be able to do testing and debugging of code written in Python.
 To implement OOPs concept using Python
 To be able to develop web based applications using Python


Introduction to Python, Data Types and Operations, Decision Making, Functions, Modules & Packages,
File Handling, Object Oriented Programming, Exception Handling and Regular Expressions, Database
Programming, GUI Programming, Web Development and Web Frameworks.
Expected Outcome

 Ability to design algorithmic solution to problems.

 Ability to convert algorithms to Python programs.
 Ability to design modular Python programs using functions.
1. Wesley J. Chun, “Core Python Applications Programming”, 3rd Edition , Pearson Education, 2016
2. Charles Dierbach, “Introduction to Computer Science using Python”, Wiley, 2015
3. Jeeva Jose & P.SojanLal, “Introduction to Computing and Problem Solving with PYTHON”, Khanna
Publishers, New Delhi, 2016
4. Downey, A. et al., "How to think like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python", John Wiley,

Suggested MOOC

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Course Plan

% of marks in



Introduction to Python: Features of Python, How to Run Python,

Identifiers, Reserved Keywords, Variables, Input, Output and Import
Functions, Operators
I Data Types: Numbers, Strings, List, Tuple, Set, Dictionary, Data Type 8 15%
Decision Making, Loops, Nested Loops, Control Statements, Types of
Function Definition, Function calling, Function arguments, Lambda
Functions, Recursive Functions

Modules & Packages: Creating Modules, import Statement, Locating

II Modules, Namespaces and Scope, Packages, Date and Time Modules. 9 15%

Exception Handling: Built-in Exceptions, Handling Exceptions, Exception

with arguments, Raising an Exception, User-defined Exception,
Assertions in Python.
File Handling, Object Oriented Programming: Class definition, Creating
III objects, Encapsulation, Data hiding, Inheritance, Method overriding, 8 20%
Regular expressions: Introduction, match() function, search() function,
search and replace, regular expression modifiers, regular expression
patterns, Character classes, special character classes, repetition cases,
findall() method, compile() method.
IV 9 20%

Database Programming: Connecting to a database, Creating Tables,

INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and READ operations, Transaction Control,
Disconnecting from a database, Exception Handling in Databases
GUI Programming: Tkinter introduction, Tkinter and Python
Programming, Tk Widgets, Tkinter examples
V 8 15%
Web Development: Python Web clients tools, Web Clients, Web Servers,
Web Services.

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Web Frameworks : Introduction to Django, Projects and Apps in Django,

The Python Application Shell, The Django Administration App, Creating
an App using Django.

Introduction to SciPy (, NumPy

(, matplotlib (

VI A micro project/programming assignment should be given as part of the 9 15%

Assignments may be given in machine learning using resources available

Note : Python may be taught effectively using IPython

( using Jupiter notebook, which provides an
interactive web based platform for programming.


There will be two parts in the Question paper - Part A and Part B.
Part A will have 8 short answer questions of 3 marks each (8 X 3 M = 24 M).
There will be no choice questions.
Part B will have 6 essay questions one from each module of 6 marks each, with
an alternative choice question from the same module (6 x 6M=36M).The
maximum number of sub part questions in Part B to be limited to 2.
The total marks assigned to questions in Part A (Short answer) and Part B
(Essay) together from a single module, not to exceed the marks assigned to
that module specified in the course plan in the syllabus.

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Year of
Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits
RLIMCA371 Elective II- Social Network Analysis 3-1-0-4 2016
Course Objectives

● To provide students with essential knowledge of network analysis applicable to real world data,
with examples from today’s most popular social networks.


Introduction to Social Network Analysis - Social Media Examples - Electronic Sources for Network Analysis
- Mathematical Representations of Social Networks - Modelling and Aggregating Social Network Data -
Semantic based Social Network Analysis - Case Studies

Expected Outcome

At the end of the course, students will be able to :

● Understand the importance of social media and networks
● Enhance analytical skills for analyzing social media and networking data
● Create real - life case studies using social media data


1. Peter Mika, “Social Networks and the Semantic Web”, Springer, 2007
2. Hansen, Derek, Ben Shneiderman, Marc Smith, “Analyzing Social Media Networks with
NodeXL: Insights from a Connected World”, Morgan Kaufmann, 2011
3. Stanley Wasserman and Katherine Faust. "Social Network Analysis. Methods and Applications."
Cambridge University Press, 1994
4. Christina Prell, “Social Network Analysis: History, Theory and Methodology”, SAGE Publications
Ltd, 2012

Suggested MOOC


A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Course Plan

% of marks in



Introduction to Social Network Analysis - Network Analysis - Key

Concepts and Measures in Network Analysis - Global Structure of
I 8 15
Networks, Macro Structure of Social Networks, Personal Networks
Relevant Portions from Text 1
Social Media Examples: Asynchronous Threaded Conversation -
Synchronous Conversation - World Wide Web - Collaborative Authoring -
Blogs and Podcast - Social Sharing - Electronic sources for network
II 10 20
analysis - Electronic discussion networks - Blogs and online communities
- Web based networks.
Text 2 and Text 1
Mathematical Representations of Social Networks - Notations for Social
data - Graph Theoretic Notation, Sociometric Notation, Algebraic
III 8 15
Notation - Sets of Actors
Text 1
Modelling and Aggregating Social Network Data : Ontological
representation of social individuals - Ontological representation of social
relationships - Aggregating and reasoning with social network data -
IV 10 20
Representing identity - Determining equality - Reasoning with instance
equality- Evaluating Smushing
Text 1
Developing social-semantic applications : Building Semantic Web
applications with social network features - The generic architecture of
V Semantic Web applications - Sesame - Elmo - Flink : the social networks 10 15
of the Semantic Web community - Features of Flink.
Text 1
Social Media Network Analysis Case Studies - Email - Twitter - Visualizing
and Interpreting Facebook Networks - YouTube: Contrasting Patterns of
VI 8 15
Interaction and Prominence.
Text 2


A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6


There will be two parts in the Question paper - Part A and Part B.
Part A will have 8 short answer questions of 3 marks each (8 X 3 M = 24 M). There will
be no choice questions.
Part B will have 6 essay questions one from each module of 6 marks each, with an
alternative choice question from the same module (6 x 6M=36M).The maximum
number of sub part questions in Part B to be limited to 2.
The total marks assigned to questions in Part A (Short answer) and Part B (Essay)
together from a single module, not to exceed the marks assigned to that module
specified in the course plan in the syllabus.

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Year of
Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits
RLIMCA381 Elective III- Cloud Computing 3-1-0-4 2016
Course Objectives

● Understand the main concepts and features of Cloud Computing

● Understand when enterprises should choose Cloud Services
● Understand current cloud providers and the offerings
● Understand cloud services and its applications


Introduction to Cloud Computing - The Value Proposition of Cloud computing - Using Cloud Platforms -
Exploring Cloud Infrastructures - Details of Cloud Services and its Applications - Using the Mobile Cloud

Expected Outcome

● At the end of the course, students should be able to understand the basics of Cloud computing
and be able to would be able to understand different cloud offering and its applications.

Text Book

1. Peter Waher, “Cloud Computing Bible”, John Wiley & Sons Publishing, 2011

Reference Books

1. Michael Kavis, "Architecting the Cloud: Design Decisions for Cloud Computing Service Models
(SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS)", John Wiley & Sons Publishing, 2014
2. Jothy Rosenberg; Arthur Mateos, “The Cloud at Your Service: The when, how, and why of
enterprise cloud computing”, Manning Publications , 2010

Suggested MOOC


A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Course Plan

% of marks in



Defining Cloud Computing - Cloud Types- Characteristics of Cloud

Computing - Open Standards - Value of Cloud for Enterprises -
I Understanding Cloud Architectures - Understanding Services and 8 15
Applications by Type - IaaS vs. PaaS vs. SaaS

Virtualization Technologies - Load Balancing and Virtualization-

Hypervisors - Machine Imaging - Porting Applications- Capacity Planning -
II Baselines and Metrics - Network Capacity - Scaling - Exploring Platform as 8 15
a Service - Using Google Web Services


Using the prominent cloud services - Google Cloud Services - Amazon
Web Services - Microsoft Cloud Services - Google Cloud Services -
III Demonstration/Tutorial on exploring cloud services on either 8 15
Amazon/Azure/Google Cloud platform

Managing the Cloud - Cloud Management Products - Industry Standards

- Understanding Cloud Security - Securing the Cloud - Establishing
IV 8 20
Identity and Presence

Understanding Service Oriented Architecture - Moving Applications to

the Cloud - Working with Cloud-Based Storage - Working with
V Productivity Software - Using Webmail Services - Communicating with 10 20
the Cloud - Using Media and Streaming


Working with Mobile Devices - Smartphones accessing cloud services -
Cloud Mobile Web Service - Service Types - Service Discovery -
VI 8 15
Microservice architecture


A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6


There will be two parts in the Question paper - Part A and Part B.
Part A will have 8 short answer questions of 3 marks each (8 X 3 M = 24
M). There will be no choice questions.
Part B will have 6 essay questions one from each module of 6 marks each,
with an alternative choice question from the same module (6 x
6M=36M).The maximum number of sub part questions in Part B to be
limited to 2.
The total marks assigned to questions in Part A (Short answer) and Part B
(Essay) together from a single module, not to exceed the marks assigned
to that module specified in the course plan in the syllabus.

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Year of
Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits
RLIMCA383 Elective III- Human Computer Interaction 3-1-0-4 2016
Course Objectives

● Acquire the knowledge and skills needed to create highly usable software systems.
● Obtain the objective of the basics of human and computational abilities and limitations.

Usability Engineering Concepts - Interaction basics - Interaction Designs - Socio - Organizational Issues
and Stakeholder Requirements - Modelling Rich Interaction

Expected Outcome

● Understand basic concepts of Usability Engineering

● Understand the fundamental aspects of interaction and designing the interaction
● Understand basic concepts of Dialog Designing aspects in Human Computer Interaction
● Understand the aspect of Rich Context Modelling


1. Alan Dix, Janet Finlay, ”Human Computer Interaction” ,Third Edition,Pearson Education
2. Preece J. , Rogers Y, Sharp H.,”Human Computer Interaction, Addison - Wesley,1994.
3. Martin.G.Helander, Thomas .k .Landauer, “Handbook of Human Computer Interaction”, Second
Edition , Elsevier 1997
4. B.Shneiderman, “ Designing The User Interface” Addison Wesley 2000

Suggested MOOC


A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Course Plan

% of marks in



Introduction- User-Centered System Design , Human Computer

Interaction (HCI) - HCI as Process - Relationship Between the HCI and
I Human Dialogue - Goals of HCI - Purpose of HCI - Interaction and 8 15
Interactivity - Factors in HCI Design.

Usability - Concepts of Usability - Usability Criteria - Usability

II 8 15
Specifications – Conclusion.
The interaction - Introduction - Models of interaction - Frameworks and
ERGONOMICS - Interaction Styles - Interactivity - The Context of the
III 10 20
Interaction - Experience , Engagement and Fun

Interaction Design Basics - Introduction- The process of Design - User

IV Focus- Scenarios - Navigation Design - Iteration and prototyping 10 20

Socio - Organizational Issues and Stakeholder Requirements - Capturing

V Requirements, Dialog- Dialog Design Notations - Diagrammatic Notations 8 15


Modelling Rich Interaction-Introduction - Status Event Analysis - Rich

VI 8 15
Contexts - Rich Contexts



There will be two parts in the Question paper - Part A and Part B.
Part A will have 8 short answer questions of 3 marks each (8 X 3 M = 24 M).
There will be no choice questions.
Part B will have 6 essay questions one from each module of 6 marks each, with
an alternative choice question from the same module (6 x 6M=36M).The
maximum number of sub part questions in Part B to be limited to 2.
The total marks assigned to questions in Part A (Short answer) and Part B (Essay)
together from a single module, not to exceed the marks assigned to that module
specified in the course plan in the syllabus.

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Year of
Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits
RLIMCA385 Elective III- Bioinformatics 3-1-0-4 2016
Course Objectives

● To enable the students to understand scope of Bioinformatics

● To understand popular bioinformatics database
● To learn Fundamentals of Databases and Sequence alignment
● To learn Genomics and Gene Recognition
● To study predictive methods using DNA and Protein Sequences


Introduction to bioinformatics and molecular biology: Databases tools and their uses, Data searches and
Pairwise Alignments, Molecular Phylogenetic, Genomics and Gene Recognition, Protein and RNA structure

Expected Outcome
● At the end of the course, Students will be comfortable to formulate solutions to problems in the
field of bioinformatics.

1. Dan. E. Krane and M. L. Raymer, “Fundamental Concepts of Bioinformatics”, Pearson Education,

2. Attwood T. K. and D. J. Parry-Smith, “Introduction to Bioinformatics “, Pearson Education, 2003.
3. Neil C Jones and Pavel A Pevzner,” An Introduction to Bioinformatics Algorithms”, MIT Press,
4. David W Mount, “Bioinformatics- Sequence and Genome Analysis “, 2/e, Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratory Press, New York, 2004.
5. Jean-Michel and Cedric Notredame, “Bioinformatics – A beginners guide”, Wiley India, 2010
6. Bryan Bergeron, M.D, “Bioinformatics Computing”, Pearson Education, 2015.

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Course Plan

% of marks in



Introduction to bioinformatics and molecular biology:

What is Bioinformatics? Why is Bioinformatics important? Central
I Dogma of Molecular Biology: Proteins- Structure, Protein Folding and 8 15
Protein functions, DNA and RNA structure – Nucleic Acid structure and
function, Genetic Code, Genes and Evolution
Biological Databases and DNA sequence data repositories
Importance of databases -Biological databases-primary sequence
databases, Composite protein sequence databases- Secondary
II 8 15
databases- nucleic acid sequence databases -Composite Protein pattern
databases - structure classification databases – DNA sequence databases
- specialized genomic resources- analysis packages
Data searches and Pairwise Alignments:
Dot plots, Simple Alignments, Gaps, Scoring Matrices
Dynamic Programming: The Needleman and Wunsch Algorithm,
III 10 20
Global and Local Alignments- Semi global alignments- The Smith-
Waterman algorithm , Database Searches, Multiple sequence alignments

Molecular Phylogenetic:
Introduction, Advantages, Phylogenetic Trees, Distance Matrix methods,
Maximum likelihood approaches, Multiple sequence alignments
Molecular visualization tools:
IV Sequence viewers (Artemis, SeqVISTA), 10 20
3D structure viewers (Rasmol, SPDBv, Chime, Cn3D, PyMol) and
Anatomical visualization tools.

//Tutorials may be given to familiarize the tools like Rasmol, Chime etc
Genomics and Gene Recognition:
General introduction to Gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes-
V Prokaryotic Genomes – Gene structure, GC content, Gene Density, 8 15
Eukaryotic Genomes- Gene structure, GC content, Gene Density -
Gene Expression, Transposition

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Protein and RNA structure Prediction:

Amino Acids, Polypeptide Composition, Protein Structures, Algorithms
VI 8 15
for protein folding, Structure prediction, Predicting RNA secondary

There will be two parts in the Question paper - Part A and Part B.
Part A will have 8 short answer questions of 3 marks each (8 X 3 M = 24 M).
There will be no choice questions.
Part B will have 6 essay questions one from each module of 6 marks each, with
an alternative choice question from the same module (6 x 6M=36M).The
maximum number of sub part questions in Part B to be limited to 2.
The total marks assigned to questions in Part A (Short answer) and Part B (Essay)
together from a single module, not to exceed the marks assigned to that module
specified in the course plan in the syllabus.

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Year of
Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits
RLIMCA387 Elective III- Computer Graphics 3-1-0-4 2016
Course Objectives

● Provide a comprehensive introduc on to the basic hardware and so ware elements of computer
● Provide a thorough explana on of computer graphics techniques such as geometric transformation,
projections, hidden surface elimination, illumination models and 3D rendering.
● Provide an insight into graphics applica ons and mul media components.


Introduction: What is Computer Graphics? Basic Raster Graphics: Scan conversion, filling, and clipping
Geometric Manipulation: Transformations, Matrices, Homogeneous Coordinates. Elementary 3D
Graphics: Plane projections, Vanishing points, Specification of a 3D view. Visibility: Image and object
precision, z-buffer algorithms, area based algorithms. Rendering: Lighting, Radiosity, Raytracing

Expected Outcome
At the end of the course, Students will be able to

1. Describe underlying graphic hardware, architecture, graphic primitives and their attributes and apply
algorithms for implementing (drawing) these primitives.
2. Develop applications applying mathematical concepts of geometric transformations, polygon filling
and clipping in 2 dimensions.
3. Compare the different types of projections of 3D objects and the methods to identify visible surfaces
of those projected images, rendering them using illumination models.


1. Donald Hearn and M. Pauline Baker, “Computer Graphics – C Version”, Pearson Education, 2nd Edition
2. Sinha, Udai, “Computer Graphics”, TMH, 2010
3. David F. Rogers, “Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics”, McGraw Hill
4. F.S. Hill., “Computer Graphics Using Open GL”, Prentice Hall, 2001
5. S. Feiner, J. Foley, A. Van Dam, R. Hughes, “Computer Graphics, Principles and Practice”, Addison
Wesley, 1990.
4. John F. Koegel Buford, “Multimedia systems”, Pearson Education/Addison Wesley.
5. Tay Vaughan, “Multimedia making it works”, TMH, 6th Ed.2004
6. William M. Newman and Robert F. Sproull, “Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics”, McGraw Hill
7. Desai, “Computer Graphics”, PHI

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Suggested MOOC


A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Course Plan

% of marks in



Basic concepts in Computer Graphics - Types of Graphic Devices - Video

Display Devices-Graphic monitors and Workstations, Interactive Graphic
inputs-Hard Copy Devices-Graphic Software - Basic Raster Scan -
I 9 20
Random Scan Systems - Line Drawing Algorithms - Circle Generation
Algorithms - Scan Conversion - solid area scan conversion - polygon

Two dimensional transformations - Homogeneous coordinate systems -

matrix formulation and concatenation of transformations - Two
dimensional viewing – viewing pipeline, viewing coordinate reference
II 9 20
frame; window -to-viewport coordinate transformation; clipping
operations – point, line, and polygon clipping algorithms


Introduction to graphics in three dimension, Three dimensional object

representations – Polygon surfaces- Polygon tables- Plane equations –
III 8 15
Polygon meshes- Curved Lines and surfaces- Quadric surfaces- Blobby

Three dimensional viewing – viewing pipeline, viewing coordinates,

IV Projections, Vanishing points, Clipping-Graphical User Interfaces. 8 15
Introduction to multimedia systems.

Spline representations – introduction to Bezier curves and surfaces -B-

V Spline curves and surfaces - 3D transformations - Translation, Rotation, 8 15
Scaling, composite transformations.

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6


Hidden surface elimination- z-buffer algorithms, area based algorithms.

VI Light sources – basic illumination models -Properties of light-Lighting, 8 15
Radiosity, Raytracing-Shading



There will be two parts in the Question paper - Part A and Part B.
Part A will have 8 short answer questions of 3 marks each (8 X 3 M = 24 M).
There will be no choice questions.
Part B will have 6 essay questions one from each module of 6 marks each, with
an alternative choice question from the same module (6 x 6M=36M).The
maximum number of sub part questions in Part B to be limited to 2.
The total marks assigned to questions in Part A (Short answer) and Part B (Essay)
together from a single module, not to exceed the marks assigned to that module
specified in the course plan in the syllabus.

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Year of
Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits
RLIMCA389 Elective III- Parallel and Distributed Computing 3-1-0-4 2016
Course Objectives

● To learn Parallel and Distributed Computing from a programmer’s perspective

● To understand the difference among various parallel programming models
● To study the process of ranking the super computers.

Introduction, Shared memory model (Thread based) - OpenMP, Shared memory model (Thread based) -
CUDA, Shared memory model (Process based) : System V, Distributed Model - MPI, Hybrid Model :
OpenMP + MPI, Data Parallel Model (PGAS) : UPC, Measuring the Performance, The Linpack Benchmark
Expected Outcome

● Analyse a problem, find out the scope of parallelising it and to write parallel programs
● The ability to convert existing serial programs to parallel ones, if possible
● Applying various programming models in solving the problems

1. Advanced Computer Architecture: Parallelism, Scalability, Programmability (Second Edition) Tata

McGraw-Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., 2010 By Kai Hwang, Naresh Jotwani
2. Distributed and Cloud Computing - From Parallel Processing to the Internet of Things 1st Edition
By Kai Hwang, Jack Dongarra and Geoffrey Fox
3. UPC: Distributed Shared Memory Programming By Tarek El-Ghazawi, William Carlson, Thomas
Sterling, Katherine Yelick

Suggested MOOC


A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Course Plan

% of marks in



Introduction: Need for Parallelism, Speedup - Amdahl’s law, Gustafson’s

Classifications: a) Flynn’s classification b) Classification based on Memory
Architectures - Shared Memory - UMA, NUMA, Distributed Memory,
I 6 15
c) Classification based on Programming models - Shared (Thread based
and Process based), Distributed, Hybrid model, Data Parallel
Shared memory model (Thread based) - OpenMP
Important Directives - parallel, for, sections, single, parallel for, parallel
sections, master, critical, barrier, atomic, ordered.

Runtime Library Routines: omp_set_num_threads,

omp_get_num_threads, omp_get_thread_num, omp_get_num_procs,
omp_set_nested, omp_get_nested, omp_set_schedule,
II 10 20
omp_get_wtime, omp_get_wtick.

Clauses: default, shared, private, firstprivate, lastprivate, copyin,


Writing an OpenMP program to find mean deviation of an array.

Compiling with gcc -fopenmp.
Shared memory model (Thread based) - CUDA

Kernels and host-device communication. Shared and constant memory

Library routines and constructs: cudaMemcpy , cudaMalloc, cudaFree ,

III 10 15
atomicAdd, cudaGetDeviceCount, cudaSetDevice,__syncthreads,
__shared__, dim3,CUDA_SUCCESS.

Programs to compute square and cube, synchronicity and performance.

GPU coding restrictions

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Shared memory model (Process based) : System V

shm functions - shmget,shmat,shmctl,shmdt
Distributed Model - MPI

Message Data, Message Envelope

Basic MPI Functions: MPI_Init, MP_Comm_rank and MPI_Finalize

Point-to-Point Communication: Blocking Send and Receive, Non Blocking
Communication - Communication Initiation, Communication Completion

Collective Communication: MPI_Barrier, MPI_Bcast, MPI_Scatter,

IV 10 20
MPI_Gather, MPI_Reduce, MPI_Scan, MPI_Allgather, MPI_Alltoall,

Writing an MPI program to find mean deviation, Compiling and executing

with mpicc and mpirun (Use openmpi/mpich)

Hybrid Model : OpenMP + MPI - Writing a MPI-OpenMP program to find

mean deviation. Compiling with mpicc -fopenmp and executing with

Data Parallel Model (PGAS) : UPC

Basic Concepts: Thread, Shared object, Private object, affinity, shared

access, local access, collective, phase

Translation environment - Threads environment, Execution environment

- Program startup, Program termination, Program execution

V Predefined identifiers - THREADS, MYTHREAD 10 15

Declarations - Type qualifiers - The shared and reference type qualifiers,

layout qualifier, Array Declarators

Important statements: Barrier statements - upc_notify, upc_wait,

upc_fence, Collective Iteration - upc_forall

Writing a UPC program to find mean deviation. Using gnu UPC compiler.

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Measuring the Performance: FLOPS, Calculating Theoretical peak of a

Microprocessor, Interconnection networks - Gigabit Ethernet and
Infiniband (comparison only).
VI 8 15
The Linpack Benchmark - Solving Linear Equations, LU Decomposition,
Ranking from, Important fields - Rmax, Rpeak, Nmax, Nhalf,
MFlops/Watt, Energy efficient ranking - green500.

There will be two parts in the Question paper - Part A and Part B.
Part A will have 8 short answer questions of 3 marks each (8 X 3 M = 24 M).
There will be no choice questions.
Part B will have 6 essay questions one from each module of 6 marks each, with
an alternative choice question from the same module (6 x 6M=36M).The
maximum number of sub part questions in Part B to be limited to 2.
The total marks assigned to questions in Part A (Short answer) and Part B (Essay)
together from a single module, not to exceed the marks assigned to that module
specified in the course plan in the syllabus.

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Year of
Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits
RLIMCA391 Elective III- Artificial Intelligence 3-1-0-4 2016
Course Objectives

● Study the techniques of Artificial Intelligence.

● Learn the methods of solving problems using Artificial Intelligence.
● Introduce the concept of Expert Systems.


Introduction to AI and Production Systems, Search Strategies, Game playing, Knowledge Representation
Structures, Knowledge representation using Logic, Planning, Learning, Expert systems, Fuzzy Logic

Expected Outcome

● Ability to design Algorithms using AI techniques to solve problems that are otherwise
● Ability to design and develop expert systems

Text Books

1. Kevin Night and Elaine Rich,“Artificial Intelligence (SIE)”, Mc Graw Hill-2008.

2. Stuart Russel and Peter Norvig “AI – A Modern Approach”, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education 2007.


1. Peter Jackson, “Introduction to Expert Systems”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2007.
2. Dan W. Patterson, “Introduction to AI and ES”, Pearson Education, 2007.

Suggested MOOC


A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Course Plan

% of marks in



Introduction to AI and Production Systems:- AI-Problem formulation,

Problem Definition -Production systems, Control strategies, Problem
I 8 15
characteristics, Production system characteristics , Example AI Problems
(8 Puzzle problem, Missionary Cannibals Problem, Crypt arithmetic
Problems, block world Problem )

Search Strategies : - Blind search strategies -Depth First Search, Breadth

First Search, Best First Search, Iterative Deepening Search, Heuristic
II 8 15
Search strategies- Admissible Heuristics and examples - Simple Hill
Climbing and Steepest Ascending Hill Climbing, Simulated Annealing , A*
Game playing : Two Player Zero Sum Games, Modelling Two Player Zero
Sum Games as search problems, Min-Max Algorithm, Optimising Min
III Max Algorithm using α – β cut off 8 15
Knowledge Representation Structures : Frames, Sematic Networks and
Conceptual Dependencies, Graph Databases.

Knowledge representation using Logic : - First Order Predicate Logic

(FOPL), Well Formed Formula(WFF) in FOPL,Inference rules for FOPL, The
IV 8 15
Clause Form and conversion of WFFs to Clause Form, Resolution-
Refutation – Example problems

Planning :- Overview, components of a planning system, Goal stack

planning, Hierarchical planning, other planning techniques.
V Learning :-Forms of learning, inductive learning, learning decision trees, 10 20
explanation based learning, learning using relevance information, neural
net learning & genetic learning


A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Expert systems :– Architecture of expert systems, Roles of expert systems

– Knowledge Acquisition – Meta knowledge, Heuristics. Typical expert
VI systems – MYCIN, DART, XOON, Expert systems shells. 10 20
Fuzzy Logic: - Fuzzy Variables ,Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Set Operations,
Typical Examples using Fuzzy Sets



There will be two parts in the Question paper - Part A and Part B.
Part A will have 8 short answer questions of 3 marks each (8 X 3 M = 24 M).
There will be no choice questions.
Part B will have 6 essay questions one from each module of 6 marks each, with
an alternative choice question from the same module (6 x 6M=36M).The
maximum number of sub part questions in Part B to be limited to 2.
The total marks assigned to questions in Part A (Short answer) and Part B (Essay)
together from a single module, not to exceed the marks assigned to that module
specified in the course plan in the syllabus.

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Year of
Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits
RLMCA341 SEMINAR 0-0-2-2 2016
Course Objectives

To enable the students to gain knowledge in any of the technically relevant current topics on computer
science/information technology/research, and acquire the confidence in presenting the topic and
preparing a report.


The student shall undertake detailed study on a technically relevant current topic in computer
science/information technology under the supervision of a faculty member, by referring articles
published in reputed journals/conference proceedings. Each student has to submit a seminar report,
based on these papers; the report must not be reproduction of any original paper. The topic shall be
presented in the class taking a duration of 15-20 minutes.
The report and slides for presentation shall be prepared using free typesetting software such as LATEX. A
committee consisting of three/four faculty members shall evaluate
the seminar presentation.

Following guidelines shall be used for the assessment of Seminar.

Scope and relevance of topic – 20%
Quality of presentation slides – 10%
Presentation skills – 30%
Knowledge in the topic – 20%
Report – 20%

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Year of
Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits
RLMCA351 MINI PROJECT 0-0-8-2 2016
Course Objectives

● To apply the software engineering principles on a real software project

● Develop a software product using the Agile methodology.


1. Alistair Cockburn, “Agile Software Development: The Cooperative Game”, Addison Wesley, 2nd
Edition (2006).
2. Andrew Hunt, David Thomas, “The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master”,
Pearson India, 1st Edition (2008).
3. Ken Schwaber, Mike Beedle, “Agile Software Development with Scrum”, Pearson (2008).
4. Lisa Crispin, Janet Gregory, “Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams”,
Addison Wesley Professional, 1st Edition (2008).
5. Mike Cohn, “User Stories Applied: For Agile Software Development”, Addison Wesley, 1st
Edition, (2004).
6. Pressman, R.S., “Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach”, McGraw Hill SE, 7th Edition,
7. Robert C. Martin, “Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns and Practices”, Prentice Hall
Imprint, Pearson Education, 2nd Edition (2002).
8. Rod Stephens, “Beginning Software Engineering”, Wrox Series, Wiley India Pvt Ltd (2015).
9. RyPress “Ry's Git Tutorial” (Free e-book)

Suggested MOOC

1. Introduction to DevOps(

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Week Schedule
Familiarisation with build tools.
Familiarisation with an IDE (Eclipse, NetBeans,...), that support build tools and git.
Selection of Topic, Formation of Development Team, Feasibility analysis.

Topic Approval, Meeting of Development Team including Scrum Master with Product Owner.
Informal, preliminary discussions of requirements. Creating user stories in the rough record.
Commencement of the Project.

Identifying modules, Initial Design of Database & UI. Starting Test Driven Development.
Creating an empty git repository by Scrum Master / one member of the Development team.
Setting permission to other members. Pushing the first version of the Project along with a
Readme file containing contact details of team members.
Using Branch for individual members. Merging with Master.

First Scrum Review.

IV (Here onwards, the Scrum reviews are conducted on every other week)

Project Presentation - Interim

VII Evaluation to be based on Git History

Project Presentation - Final

Evaluation to be based on Git History

XIV Submission of Project Report, with Rough Record

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Year of
Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits
Course Objectives

● To apply the software engineering principles on a real software project

● Develop a software product using the Agile methodology.

Identify Real projects - Any project useful to the Society. The project must be done in house. The student
has to spent the time in the lab for project work. Attendance as per MCA regulations is applicable for
appearing for the final viva-voce. However the evaluation committee can give consent to students in
exceptional cases to do their project in Industry which has real live projects. Local industries and training
Institutes which offer live projects should not be permitted.

Students, individually have to do a project approved by their faculty Supervisor. Project evaluation weights
shall be as follows:-For convenience the marks are allotted as follows.

Project Progress evaluation details

 Total Marks for the Final Project: 100

 Project evaluation by the supervisor/s : 30 Marks
 Presentation & evaluation by the Committee : 40 Marks
 Evaluation by the External expert : 30 Marks

The project assessment board shall consist of the following members.

 Chairman: Head of the Department
 Members: Project supervisor/s of the student
 One faculty member from the Department
 One faculty member from a sister Department
 An external expert, either from an academic/research institute or Industry

A faculty/technical staff should act as the Scrum Master of each Project team. The Customer or a Senior
faculty is the Product Owner.

Frequent meetings are highly encouraged, at the convenience of the Scrum Master. Should not exceed 15
minutes. Ensure meetings once in three days. A sprint is two weeks, so ensure biweekly reviews. A review
should not exceed 30 minutes. A demo to the Product Owner is compulsory in each review.

Use git for Version control.

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Follow Test Driven Development. Bugzilla or an equivalent tool may be used for bug tracking.

The student should keep a rough record. Divide it into 4 parts. Product Backlog, Database & UI Design,
Testing & Validation and details of Versions. Make dated entries to the corresponding part, as the project
progresses. The Corrections and comments from Product Owner/Scrum Master should be clearly indicated
with the Date.

Project presentations may be conducted for Internal Assessment. They should also serve as supplement to
Scrum reviews. The evaluation board may consist of other faculty members/technical staff. A maximum of
2 Presentations are allowed. Scrum reviews should not be sacrificed for presentations.

Students must be encouraged to publish their work in journals and due credit to be given to the students
for this.

Latex or an equivalent tool should be used for preparing Presentations and Project Report.

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

MCA Regular syllabus – Semester 5 & 6

Week Schedule

I Selection of Topic, Feasibility analysis.

Topic Approval, Meeting of student and Scrum Master with Product Owner. Informal,
II preliminary discussions of requirements. Creating user stories in the rough record.
Commencement of the Project.

Identifying modules, Initial Design of Database & UI. Starting Test Driven Development.
Creating an empty git repository by Scrum Master / Student. Pushing the first version of the
Project along with a Readme file containing contact details of team members.
Using Branch for individual members. Merging with Master.

First Scrum Review.

(Here onwards, the Scrum reviews are conducted on every other week)

Project Presentation - Interim

Evaluation to be based on Git History

Project Presentation - Final

XII Evaluation to be based on Git History

XIII Submission of Project Report, with Rough Record

A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University

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