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Lesson Plan in Science K To 12

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Lesson Plan in Science 4 C.

Lesson 1 1. Publishing and reporting by group
I. Describe materials based on the ability to 2. Analysis of group output.
absorb water Ask the following:
a. What are the characteristics
II. A. Materials That Absorb Water
of each of the materials
Curriculum Guide, Science Learner’s
before placing them in water?
Material, Science Teacher’s Guide
b. Describe each material before
placing them in water.
B. Materials: 3 pcs. Of rubber balls, 3 pcs. c. When we added water to the
of cotton balls, 3 pcs, sponges. 3pcs, of face towel, materials what happened to
tissue the water? to materials?
paper, 3 pcs. of t-shirt, 3
pcs. of rug, tray, water clock timer, dropper or dipper
D. Elaboration:
C. Process Skills: observing, identifying,
investigating and describing
D. Values Integration: Awareness on the  Some of the materials
kinds of materials to wear on different absorb water more than
seasons others. Cotton is very
porous, which makes it a
III. natural absorber of water.
 Porous materials are
A. Engagement:
materials having small
1. Have the pupils go around the holes that allow air or
classroom. liquid to pass through.
2. Have then list down at least ten
materials they see in the
3. Instruct the pupils to go back to
E. Evaluation
their seats after listing the
Classify the materials according to
their ability to absorb water in an
4. What materials did you see as you
went around the classroom?
5. What materials in your list are
solids? liquids? gas?
6. Have the pupils fill up the chart.
7. How did we group the materials?
8. Teach the pupils the skill of
description: color, shape, size, ______ 1.
texture, weight etc.

B. Exploration:
1. Group the pupils into three.
2. Set norms to follow during the
3. Giving the instructions for the
4. Go around and observe the pupils
as they perform the activity.
5. Remind each group that they will ______3.
be presenting their outputs in
class after conducting the activity.


IV. Assignment

Go around the classroom. Collect at

least 10 materials and test them as to
whether or not the materials absorb
Lesson Plan in Science 4
Lesson 2
I. Identify the materials that float and sink Activity 1:
Choose among your group
II. A. Materials That Float and Sink who will act as a leader, a
recorder, and a presenter.
Curriculum Guide, Science Learner’s
The leader will get the
Material, Science Teacher’s Guide
envelope and the materials
needed in the activity.
B. Materials: plastic bottle with cover, Follow the directions on the
plastic bowl, pencil, eraser, metal spoon, large stone, activity card found inside the
fastener, metal screw, envelope.
rubber duck, styropor cup, metal fork, nail, a pail
filled 4. Go around and observe the pupils
with water as they perform the activity.

C. Process Skills: observing, identifying, 5. Remind each group that they will
investigating and classifying be presenting their outputs in class
D. Values Integration: Be cautious. after conducting the activity.
(Safety measures when riding a boat)
C. Explanation:

III. 1. Publishing and reporting by group

A. Engagement: 2. Analysis of group output.

1.Let’s play “Pinoy Henyo”. Ask the following:

d. What did you observe when
2. Review on the materials that you place the materials one
absorbed water at a time in water?
e. Based on your activity, let us
3. Where can you find a boat?
find out what are the
4. Present the lesson through a materials sank? What are the
picture of a boat materials floated?
Activity 2
Have you experienced riding on a Choose a pair from your
boat? group. The first pupil will get a
How did you feel? strip and pass it to his partner.
The second pupil will place it
5. Unlocking of difficult words.
on the chart whether the
(Sink , float , metal) materials float or sink.
The first pupil cannot get the
B. Exploration: next strip if the second pupil
cannot finish placing the first
1. Group the pupils into three.
2. Set norms to follow during the a. Look at the group of
work. objects that floated?
Compare them. Is there
3. Giving the instructions for the
anything common among
each one?
b. Look at the group of
objects that sank.
What can you say about
What is common among
one of them?

D. Elaboration:
Activity 3
Look at the jumbled words.
Arrange them in one sentence. Post
your work.

a. Let each group read their

b. Let them check if their
idea is the same as found
in the multimedia.
c. Let the concepts be read
IV. Assignment
by each group, by all the
pupils and by selected Go to your kitchen. List down two
pupils. materials that sink and two materials
that float.

1. Sink means to fall to the

bottom of water.
2. Float means to stay on
3. Plastic and wood float on
the water.
4. Metal sank in the water.

E. Evaluation

Write F on the materials that float

and S for the materials that sink in a
body of water.

______ 1.


b. What are the materials made
Lesson Plan in Science 4 c. What materials di you add to
Lesson 3 every set up before covering it with a plastic sheet?
I. Identify the materials that undergo decay
Describe the materials that undergo decay Elaboration:
Classify the materials that undergo decay

II. A. Materials That Undergo Decay

 Not all plants and animals
Curriculum Guide, Science Learner’s decay at the same time.
Material, Science Teacher’s Guide  Some were compressed
S4MT-Ib-2 under water and thick
layers of soil over millions
B. Materials: transparent plastic cups, of years. They were
slices of bread, water, aluminium foil, pcs, ox wax converted into fossil fuels
paper, plastic such as coal, oil or natural
Bottles, banana (sliced), gas. These fuels are used
kangkong leaves or camote leaves, leftover food, soil by power stations,
factories, motor vehicles
C. Process Skills: observing, identifying, and others.
investigating and describing, classifying  The organic matter in soil is
derived from plants animal.
D. Values Integration: Proper
It becomes organic
management of materials to avoid fertilizer.
wastage  Organic fertilizer from
compost pit does not harm
III. but enrich the soil
A. Engagement:

1. What properties of matter did you

learn from lessons 1 and 2?
2. What materials absorb water? F. Evaluation
3. What materials float? Classify the materials that undergo
4. What materials sink? decay
5. Present the new lesson:
a. Show a piece of bread and a
decayed bread. Let the children describe and
differentiate one from
the other. ______ 1.
b. Let us learn more characteristics
of materials by doing the activity.
B. Exploration:

1. Group the pupils into three.

2. Set norms to follow during the work.
3. Giving the instructions for the _______2.
4. Go around and observe the pupils as
they perform the activity.
5. Remind each group that they will be
presenting their outputs in class after conducting the
C. Explanation:
1. Publishing and reporting by group
2. Analysis of group output.
Ask the following:
a. What are the characteristics of
each of the materials before cutting?


IV. Assignment

Prepare the same set up at home.

Observe, which of the materials
decay fast and which decay slowly?
Lesson Plan in Science 4
Lesson 4
I. Identify the diseases/sickness that may result
from exposure to decaying materials.
Describe the diseases/sickness that may result
from exposure to decaying materials

II. A. Diseases/Sickness Resulting from Exposure

Decaying Materials B.

Curriculum Guide, Science Learner’s 1. Group the pupils into three.

Material, Science Teacher’s Guide 2. Set norms to follow during group
S4MT-Ib-2 activity especially when it is held
outside the school campus
B. Materials: picture of an old man sick
3. Have each group do the gallery
with tuberculosis, picture of a boy sick of asthma,
picture of a walk prepared inside the classroom.
woman sick of diarrhea, 4. Instruct the pupils to work on
picture of a family living near a dumpsite, picture of a lesson 4-LM Activity 1 “What
family Diseases/ sickness Will I Get
living in a squatter. from Exposure to Decaying
C. Process Skills: observing, identifying,
5. After gathering data, ask the pupil
to go back to their table at once to
D. Values Integration: Controlling
consolidate their
findings with their group mates
C. Explanation:
A. Engagement
1. How did you find the activity?
1. You have identified the different 2. What kind of waste materials
materials that undergo decay in yesterday lesson. are found in dumpsite, canal or
2. What are the characteristics of (garbage material such as
these materials? plastic, animal manure )
3. What possible diseases can we
3. Describe the surroundings in
get if we are exposed to these materials?
every picture.
B. Exploration: 4. Are there pests in the area?
What are the common pests seen in
A. Advance preparation the area? (flies, mosquito)
5. What can you say about the
1. Prepare a gallery inside the room.
family living in those areas? (They are
2. Display the picture in the gallery. exposed to garbage)
6. What can you say about the old
man in the picture? Describe him.
(They old
7. What about the boy? What kind
of illness does the boy have? (The
boy is sick with allergy)
8. What did you learn from this be protected from getting
activity? sick?
(Proper disposal of waste
Elaboration: should be observed in areas
near dumpsites, esteros or
Background Information for canals to prevent them from
too much exposure to
 Decaying materials are
garbage that will result to
wastes that may causes
harm to one’s health.
(Good hygiene practices such
 Waste is any materials that
as washing of hands, boiling
is no longer usable and is
of water avoidance or
thrown away.
 There are common
ailments that may result
E. Evaluation
from being exposed to
1. If you are exposed to decaying
decaying materials. Some
materials, what could be its result to your
of these are allergy,
cholera, malaria, typhoid,
2. Explain why decaying
dysentery, and some skin
materials affect one’s health and safety.
diseases such as ring worm
and scabies. IV. Assignment
 Malaria and dengue are
diseases spread by specific Look for a place in your community where
type of mosquitoes. These people practice proper waste disposal
become epidemic in places
where these type of
mosquito breed.
 Typhoid- is a waterborne
disease. People who drink
polluted water can infected
with typhoid. The garbage
in this area is good
breeding place for flies.
The flies can carry the
disease and infect more
 Dysentery is a disease that
can cause severe diarrhea.
If not treated properly
someone can die from it.
This is a waterborne
disease that is transmitted
to a person when they
drink polluted water.

 How could people living near
dumpsites, esteros or canals
Lesson Plan in Science 4
Lesson 5 7. Instruct the pupil to work on Lesson 5:
I. Identify the effects of decaying materials on
one’s health and safely. Survey Form
Describe the physical state of people exposure
to decaying materials. 1. Name (Head of the family) __________________
2. Age ____ 3. Sex ______
II. Effects of Exposure to Decaying Materials 4. Address
One’s Health and Safety. ________________________________________
5. Occupation
Curriculum Guide, Science Learner’s ______________________________________
Material, Science Teacher’s Guide 6. How many members are there in the family?
How many children?______________
7. With toilet? Yes ____ No____ How
A. Materials: survey form, parent permit,
manila paper, marker, plastic cup, rotten fruit, slice of
8. What kind of trash is found in the household?
bread and other materials that decay fast.
B. Process Skills: observing, describing,
9. Where is their trash located?
identifying, and enumerating ________________________________________
C. Values Integration: Controlling 10. What illness/disease have members of the family
pollution suffered for the past year?
III. Learning Tasks ___________________________________________
A. Engagement 11. What were done to treat the illness/disease
Review: Show different materials on _______________________________________
the table. (materials that decay fast and materials 12. What are being done to prevent the spread of the
that decay slowly) disease?
1. Which of these materials on the table undergo ___________________________________________
decay introduce new lesson. ___________________________________________
2. What do you think will happen to us if all these
decaying material will just be disposed
anywhere in our community. LM Activity 1 – “What are the Effects of decaying
B. Exploration: Materials on one’s health and safely?”
1. Group the pupil into three. 8. After gathering of data, have each
2. Set norms to follow during group activity group to discuss their findings and report them in
especially when it’s held outside the campus. class.
3. Provide the pupils with the list of communities C. Explanation:
that they are going to visit.
4. Assign each group to go to their specific assigned A. Ask the pupil to report their
area: finding and their answer to the guide question
a. One group will go to river side
b. One group will go to swampy area Ask:
c. The other group will go to dumpsite
5. Safely precaution should be observed in the  What particular area did you
conduct of the visit. visit? (riverside, swampy
a. seek parental permit from the parents of
area, dumpsite)
the pupil stating that the school will not be liable to
whatever happens to their child during the conduct  What can you say about the
of the visit. place you visit (The riverside
b. Children should wear appopriate foot is full of garbage. There are
wear (closed shoes, boots), mask and other many insect in dumpsite.
materials for personal safely. Etc.)
c. Seek a barangay permit from the office of  Was the place you visited
the Punong Barangay allowing the pupils to visit a
crowded? (yes)
certain community in that place.
d. Children in going to the assigned squatter  How many families were you
community. able to survey in that place?
6. Provide the pupil with a suvery (10, 5, etc.)
form to answer.
 How many members are The following pictures show
there in each family? (some how water, air and land become
have 5 members. Others polluted:
have 10 member.)
 Was there a toilet garbage
are being t in every
household in that place?
(Some have their toilet at
home. The family I interview
doesn’t have one)
 What can you say about the
trash in that place? (Most of
their garbage are being
thrown in the river. Some out
their garbage in plastic bags)
 Where did the people throw
their garbage? (in canals and
 Have you seen decaying
materials in that place?
(there are some along the
river, etc)  People who live on the
 What do you think will riverside often throw
happen to the people living their garbage into the
in that place? (people will get river.
sick)  on the riverside often
 What did you learn in your throw their garbage into
activity? the river
 What are the effects of  Chemical wastes from
decaying materials to one’s pollute the river
health and safety? (Exposure  Polluted water contains
to decaying materials will harmful bacteria and
make people sick) chemical wastes that
can make people sick.

Decaying materials when not E. Evaluation

disposed properly causes Write a reflection. Complete the
pollution. Pollution is harmful to statement below:
one’s health. Pollution is one To combat the disease brought
thing that can seriously interfere about by exposure to decaying materials in
with the proper functioning of my environment, I will
our body. _____________________________________
Pollution- action or process of
IV. Assignment
making land, water, air dirty and
not safe to use. How can you make your environment a
pleasant places to live in?

Present your answer through an

Elaboration: illustration.
Lesson Plan in Science 4
Lesson 6
I. Observe and read product labels.
Explain the importance of reading product  Products labels are intended to
labels. ensure the safety of the user.
 They give the product ingredients (to
II. Importance of Reading Product Labels
which someone is allergic). They
Curriculum Guide, Science Learner’s describe the safe way of using the
Material, Science Teacher’s Guide product, including the dose (in the
S4MT-Ib-2 case of medicine.)
 They warn possible dangers.
A. Material:  They describe the proper way of
• Empty boxes, packages or
storing the product.
containers of different products-milk, cereal,
sardines meat loaf
• empty bottles and boxes of
over-the-counter medicine/drugs (those that
can be bought without a doctor’s description) E. Evaluation:
• empty boxes or wrappers of Given are the drawings of products. Do
detergents products have labels?
• empty containers with copies of What information can you get from the
labels product?
A. Process Skills: observing, describing,
identifying, and enumeration IV. Assignment:
D. Values Integration: Controlling pollution Draw a product commonly found in your
III. Learning Tasks: kitchen. Read the labels and list it in your science
A. Engagement: notebook.
1. a. What properties of a material affect one’s
b. What common materials at home undergo
2. Introduce the new lesson
B. Exploration:
1. Group the pupils into three.
2. Set norms to follow during the work.
3. Giving the instructions for the activity.
4. Go around and observe the pupils as they
perform the activity.
5. Remind each group that they will be
presenting their outputs in class after conducting the
C. Explanation:
1. Ask the pupils to present their data in class
and the answers to the guide questions
* What are the kinds of products that you
have in your activity?
* Do you have all these materials at home?
* Have you experienced buying any of these
* When you buy these products, do you
bother to read the labels on the package or
D. Elaboration:
Lesson Plan in Science 4
 To dispose off the materials properly is to use a
Lesson 7
I. Observe proper ways of disposing waste technique or procedure we call the Total Recycling
materials by sorting them according to its Scheme, which utilizes wastes into factory returnables,
properties fertilizers, feeds, fermentables, fuel, fine crafts and
Identify ways of disposing waste materials filling materials. These are what we identify as then
according to the properties of its materials multi-F’s Recycling Scheme.
 Recycling helps to lessen the amount of garbage we
II. Ways of Disposing Materials According to Their
have to dispose.

Curriculum Guide, Science Learner’s E. Evaluation:

Material, Science Teacher’s Guide (Teacher presents some pictures).

A. Material:
• meal leftovers
* leaves
• banana peelings
* twigs
• kangkong stem Look at the pictures and think of how these
* weeds materials can be disposed properly. Illustrate your
• feathers of chicken plan.
* tetrapacks of juices IV. Assignment:
*glass bottles Conduct an interview to the barangay officials
* pieces of cloth in your community. Ask them how they implement
* cartons/ papers Solid Waste Management.
A. Process Skills: observing, describing,
identifying, and classifying
D. Values Integration: Solid Waste
III. Learning Tasks:
A. Engagement:
1. Teacher presents some pictures and have the
pupils sort the materials according to product.
2. Introduce the new lesson
B. Exploration:
1. Group the pupils into four.
2. Set norms to follow during group activity.
3. Giving the instructions for the activity.
4. Go around and observe the pupils as they
perform the activity.
5. Remind each group that they will be
presenting their outputs in class after conducting the
C. Explanation:
1. Ask the pupils to present their data in class
and the answers to the guide questions
* How do you find your activity?
* What materials did you use in the activity?
* Did you group the materials? How did you
do it?
* What can you say of the characteristics of
leftover food? What about the rest of the materials?
D. Elaboration:
Lesson Plan in Science 4  Proper disposal of human waste is important to avoid
Lesson 8 pollution of water sources.
I. Demonstrate proper disposal of waste  Disposal must be done to avoid harming the
according to its properties
environment or causing harm to human health.
II. Ways of Disposing Materials According to Their
Properties  Waste should never be disposed down sinks, drains,
Curriculum Guide, Science Learner’s lavatories, ditches, near wildlife habitats or ponds.
Material, Science Teacher’s Guide  Products for disposal should not be mixed together
S4MT-Ic-d and containers should be clearly labeled.
A. Material:  Separate materials into bio-degradable and non-
• worn out rubber slipper * plastic bags
 Biodegradable materials are materials which decay
• old toys made of woo * aluminum foil such as leaves, paper, and twigs.
• old toys made of plast * disposable diapers  Non-biodegradable are materials or substances that
• plastic bottle of wate * soft drinks cans do not undergo decay such as plastic and metal.
* peelings of vegetable * empty boxes
 Recycle some of the non-biodegradable materials.
* leaves * juice wrappers
A. Process Skills: observing, describing,  Make a compost out of decaying materials.
identifying, and classifying and demonstrating Compost- waste materials that are recycled
D. Values Integration: Proper waste disposal as fertilizers.
III. Learning Tasks:
A. Engagement:
1. What are the effects of exposure to decaying
waste on the environment and to our health?
2. Have you gone to hospitals and markets? E. Evaluation:
What are the waste materials commonly found in the Given are some of the waste materials in our
hospitals surroundings.
B. Exploration: Demonstrate ways of disposing them through
1. Group the pupils into four. a drawing.
2. Assign each group to go to their respective Explain your drawing
2. Set norms to follow during group activity.
3. Giving the instructions for the activity.
4. Go around and observe the pupils as they
perform the activity.
5. Remind each group that they will be
presenting their outputs in class after conducting the IV. Assignment:
activity. Conduct an interview to the barangay officials
C. Explanation: in your community. Ask them how they implement
1. Ask the pupils to present their data in class Solid Waste Management
and the answers to the guide questions
* What waste materials are found in your
* What are the properties of each of the
waste materials found in your station?
* Were all the materials disposable?
* How did you dispose the waste materials?
D. Elaboration:
Lesson Plan in Science 4
Lesson 9

I. 1. Classify materials/waste according to 1. Waste materials should be properly disposed of.

Properties 2. There are many waste materials found in the home,
2. Enumerate safety precautions in disposing classrooms, and laboratories.
waste materials according to its properties Below are examples of the waste materials:
II. Safety Precautions in Disposing Waste Home Office Classrooms Laboratories
Materials Tubes/bottles Packing Empty boxes Disposable
Curriculum Guide, Science Learner’s of shampoo materials Cardboard syringe
Material, Science Teacher’s Guide and Empty Broken Razor
S4MT-Ic-d conditioner cartridge pieces of Gloves
A. Material: Leftover food Empty boxes glass needles
(fish, meat, Blades Old news
• worn out rubber slipper * plastic bags rice) cutter paper
• old toys made of wood * disposable syringe Plastic
• old toys made of plastic * disposable diapers containers
• plastic bottle of water * soft drinks cans soft drinks
* peelings of vegetable * empty boxes bottles
* leaves * juice wrappers 3. Proper segregation of materials should be observed. Do not
A. Process Skills: observing, describing, mix decaying materials with non-decaying materials.
identifying, and enumerating and demonstrating 4. Re-use plastic bags
D. Values Integration: Solid Waste E. Evaluation:
Management 1. There are broken pieces of drinking glass inside
III. Learning Tasks: your classroom. How are you going to dispose them/
A. Engagement: 2. What necessary precautions are you going to
1. Show the class the empty packages of take in disposing the slice of cake with molds?
candies, biscuits, medicines and empty cans of milk, 3. You want to lessen the waste materials in your
sardines, and empty bottle tubes of shampoo and classroom. One of the waste materials is a pile of old
conditioner. newspaper. How are you going to dispose old
2. Call two pupils to sort the materials that you newspapers in your classroom?
have shown them.
B. Exploration: IV. Assignment:
1. Group the pupils into three. Go to the public market in your place. Interview
2. Assign each group to go to their respective the market administrator on how they dispose their
station. waste materials. Report your findings in class the
2. Set norms to follow during group activity. next day.
3. Giving the instructions for the activity.
4. Go around and observe the pupils as they
perform the activity.
5. Remind each group that they will be
presenting their outputs in class after conducting the
C. Explanation:
1. Ask the pupils to present their data in class
and the answers to the guide questions
* How did you find the activity?
* What are the waste materials commonly
found in the hospital?
* What are the waste materials found in the
* What are the waste commonly found in
D. Elaboration:
Lesson Plan in Science 4
Lesson 10

I. 1. Define what is solid E. Evaluation:

2. Identify some ways of changing solid On the left columns are materials. Fill in the next
materials in terms of size, shape, texture, etc. column with the way the materials undergo
3. Describe the change/s that happen/s in solid change.
materials Material How it undergoes physical
II. Changes in Solid Materials change
Curriculum Guide, Science Learner’s 1. paper Cutting, folding, rolling, tearing
Material, Science Teacher’s Guide 2. candy wrapper
S4MT-Ie-f-5 3. piece of wood
A. Material: 4. bead
* 1 pc. of: candle, aluminum foil, ice cube, wooden 5. string of rope
stick, crepe paper, plastic cup, chocolate bar 6.bread
* match ( matchstick)/ lighter
A. Process Skills: observing, describing, IV. Assignment:
identifying, and demonstrating What changes happened to materials?
D. Values Integration:
III. Learning Tasks:
A. Engagement:
1. With the given solid materials, show ways by
which you could change the state of the materials’
size, shape, texture, etc.
B. Exploration:
1. Group the pupils into four.
2. Assign each group to go to their respective
2. Set norms to follow during group activity. 2.
3. Giving the instructions for the activity.
4. Go around and observe the pupils as they
perform the activity.
5. Remind each group that they will be
presenting their outputs in class after conducting the
C. Explanation:
1. Ask the pupils to present their data in class
and the answers to the guide questions
* What are some ways of changing solid
* What changes may happen to solid
materials when change in temperature and/or
surrounding pressure is applied?
* How do these changes occur?
D. Elaboration:

* A solid has definite shape and volume. You can hold

* Solid materials have different characteristics/properties
such as size, shape, color, texture, weight, etc.
Solid materials can be changed through many ways: by
cutting, tearing, folding, twisting, bending, stretching,
pressing, coloring, crumpling, melting, and others. Such
action/s may change the materials size, shape, texture,
color, and other characteristics/properties.
Lesson Plan in Science 4
Lesson 11 E. Evaluation:

I. 1. Identify the characteristics of solid Material What happened the

2. Describe what happens to the solid materials material when bent?
when they are bent 1. plastic cup
II. Changes in Solid Materials 2. metal fork
Curriculum Guide, Science Learner’s 3. rubber slippers
Material, Science Teacher’s Guide 4. plastic ruler
S4MT-Ie-f-5 5. paper clip
A. Material:
* 2 pcs. of: soft plastic ruler, electric wire (12 IV. Assignment:
inches long), paper clip, metal spoon ( used for List down at least 5 materials that undergo changes
eating) when bent.
* 1 pair of rubber slippers 1.
A. Process Skills: observing, describing, 2.
identifying, and demonstrating 3.
D. Values Integration: 4.
III. Learning Tasks: 5.
A. Engagement:
1. With the given solid materials, show ways by
which you could change the state of the materials’
size, shape, texture, etc.
B. Exploration:
1. Group the pupils into four.
2. Assign each group to go to their respective
2. Set norms to follow during group activity.
3. Giving the instructions for the activity.
4. Go around and observe the pupils as they
perform the activity.
5. Remind each group that they will be
presenting their outputs in class after conducting the
C. Explanation:
1. Ask the pupils to present their data in class
and the answers to the guide questions
* What happened to the solid materials when
they are bent?
* Was a new material formed when solid
material was bent?
* What characteristics of solid were evident
in this experiment?
D. Elaboration:

* Solid materials can be bent. When bent,

these materials may change their size and
shape. No new material is formed. Only the
physical appearance of the materials is change.
* Bending of solid materials is applied in
situations like: bending of steel bars/iron in
industry, etc.
Lesson Plan in Science 4
Lesson 12

I. 1. Demonstrate how to press solid materials E. Evaluation:

properly Put / if the picture shows changes when pressed and
2. Describe what happens to the solid materials x if it’s not.
when they are pressed
II. Changes in Solid Materials
Curriculum Guide, Science Learner’s
Material, Science Teacher’s Guide
A. Material:
* 1 pc. of banana, pandesal, clean plastic sheet,
small wood, empty glass/bottle, large stone
* ¼ kilo dough ( do this ahead of time)
A. Process Skills: observing, describing, ____2.
identifying, and demonstrating
D. Values Integration:
III. Learning Tasks:
A. Engagement:
1. With the given solid materials, show ways by
which you could change the state of the materials’ _____3.
size, shape, texture, etc.
B. Exploration:
1. Group the pupils into four.
2. Assign each group to go to their respective
station. _____4.
2. Set norms to follow during group activity.
3. Giving the instructions for the activity.
4. Go around and observe the pupils as they
perform the activity.
5. Remind each group that they will be _____5.
presenting their outputs in class after conducting the
C. Explanation: IV. Assignment
1. Ask the pupils to present their data in class On your assignment notebook draw 5 materials that
and the answers to the guide questions undergo changes when pressed.
* What happened to the solid materials when
they were pressed?
* Was a new material formed when solid
material was pressed?
* What characteristics of solid were evident
in this experiment?
D. Elaboration:

* Solid materials can be pressed. When

pressed, these materials may change their size,
and shape. Other solid materials may also
change their texture when pressed. However,
no new material is formed because only the
physical appearance of the material is changed.
Lesson Plan in Science 4 E. Evaluation:
Lesson 13 Put / if the picture shows changes when cut and x if
it’s not.
I. 1. Describe what happens to the solid materials
when they are cut
II. Changes in Solid Materials
Curriculum Guide, Science Learner’s ____1.
Material, Science Teacher’s Guide
A. Material:
* 1 pc. of: used paper (any kind of paper), small
cardboard (any karton) used cloth (any kind), pair of ____2.
* 2 pcs. Of: candy wrappers, leaves
A. Process Skills: observing, describing,
identifying, and demonstrating
D. Values Integration:
III. Learning Tasks:
A. Engagement: _____3.
1. With the given solid materials, show ways by
which you could change the state of the materials’
size, shape, texture, etc.
B. Exploration:
1. Group the pupils into four.
2. Assign each group to go to their respective
station. _____4.
2. Set norms to follow during group activity.
3. Giving the instructions for the activity.
4. Go around and observe the pupils as they
perform the activity.
5. Remind each group that they will be
presenting their outputs in class after conducting the
activity. _____5.
C. Explanation:
1. Ask the pupils to present their data in class
and the answers to the guide questions IV. Assignment
* Describe what happens to solid materials On your assignment notebook draw 5 materials that
when they are cut? undergo changes when cut.
* Was there new material formed when the
solid material was cut?
D. Elaboration:

* Solid materials can be cut. When cut, these

materials may change their size and shape, but
no new material is formed. Hence, only
physical appearance of the solid material is
changed when cut.
* Not all solid materials can be cut using simple
scissors. Some solid materials like iron, steel,
etc. can be cut using sophisticated cutters, (i.e.
metal cutters/machine cutters).
Lesson Plan in Science 4
Day 4
E. Evaluation:
I. 1. Describe what happens to the solid materials Formative assessment may be done by considering
when they are hammered the activity output and/or the pupil’s participation
II. Changes in Solid Materials during the discussion.
Curriculum Guide, Science Learner’s IV. Assignment
Material, Science Teacher’s Guide Bring the following tomorrow:
S4MT-Ie-f-5 1 pc. used paper (any kind0
A. Material: 2pcs. Candy wrapper
* 1 pc. of: block of wood, empty tin can (lata), small 1 pc. small cardboard (any karton)
sheet of galvanized iron, hollow block,hammer 2pcs. Leaves
* manila paper, marking pen 1 pc. used cloth (any kind of cloth)
A. Process Skills: observing, describing, 1 pair of scissors
identifying, and demonstrating
D. Values Integration: Be cautious (Protect
oneself from accident)
III. Learning Tasks:
A. Engagement:
1. With the given solid materials, show ways by
which you could change the state of the materials’
size, shape, texture, etc.
If solid materials are hammered, what do you
think will happen to the materials?
B. Exploration:
1. Group the pupils into four.
2. Assign each group to go to their respective
2. Set norms to follow during group activity.
3. Giving the instructions for the activity.
4. Go around and observe the pupils as they
perform the activity.
5. Remind each group that they will be
presenting their outputs in class after conducting the
C. Explanation:
1. Ask the pupils to present their data in class
and the answers to the guide questions
* What happened to the solid materials when
they were hammered?
* Was there new material formed when the
solid material was hammered?
D. Elaboration:

* Solid materials can be hammered depending

on their composition. When hammered, these
materials may change their size, and shape,
and even the texture. However, no new
material is formed because only the physical
appearance of the material is changed.
Lesson 11 material caused to the material to changed it form
(3 Days) from _____(2)_____to_____(3)_____. The materials
also changed its _____(4)______,______(5)______,
I. 1. Describe what happens to the material when and _____(6)_____,when heated.
heated and when cooled. When solid materials like ____(7)_____ is
II. Changes in the Properties of the Material cooled, it removed/released heat. The heat
When Exposed to Different temperature removed/released from the material caused the
Curriculum Guide, Science Learner’s materials its form from ____(8)_____to
Material, Science Teacher’s Guide _____(9)_____. The materials also changed its
S4MT-Ig-h-6 _____(10)______, _____(11)_____ and
A. Material: _______(12)______, when cooled.
* 1 pc. of: clean discard tin can (malinis na lata), IV. Assignment:
barbeque stick/any small stick, box of matches, small Do this activity in your home: (individually)
wood, tong gloves (made of thick of cloth )/ any thick 1.Pour some water in a small plastic bag (ice bag)
cloth to handle hot material 2. Place it in the freezer overnight. Observed what
*2 crayons (for group 1 only), chocolate bar cube happens to the water. Describe the changes that
(for group 2 only), spoonfuls of butter/margarine (for happened to the water when placed inside the
group 3 only) freezer/refrigerator.
A. Process Skills: predicting, observing,
describing, explaining, synthesizing ideas, and Lesson 12
communicating (6 days)
D. Values Integration: Observe precautionary/
safety measures in handing/ using alcohol Day 1-2
burner I. 1. Describe what happens to solid material
III. Learning Tasks: when mixed with other solid materials.
A. Engagement: II. Changes in the Properties of the Materials
1. What do you think will happen to the ice cube When Mixed with other materials
when I put the tin can over the flame for a few Curriculum Guide, Science Learner’s
minutes? Why? Material, Science Teacher’s Guide
B. Exploration: A. Material:
1. Group the pupils into four. * 1 pc. of: spoon, 2pcs. of: mixing bowl/ any small
2. Assign each group to go to their respective plastic container
station. *2tablespoon of each the following pairs of the
2. Set norms to follow during group activity. materials
3. Giving the instructions for the activity. -sand and peebles
4. Go around and observe the pupils as they -rice grains and corn grits
perform the activity. -instant coffee and creamer
5. Remind each group that they will be -rock salt and pepper
presenting their outputs in class after conducting the -white sugar and iodize salt
activity. -corn starch and creamer
C. Explanation: -paper clips and staple wires
1. Ask the pupils to present their data in class -iodized salt and vetsin
and the answers to the guide questions -powdered detergent and rock salt
* What happened to the ice cube in the tin -flour and baby powder
can when it was put over the flame? A. Process Skills: observing, describing,
* Why did the ice cube change its form? explaining, synthesizing ideas, and communicating
D. Elaboration D. Values Integration: Observe safety
* Materials undergo changes in their measures in handing/keeping and using solid
properties when exposed to temperature. materials
Materials may change their size, shape,
texture, and form. III. Learning Tasks:
A. Engagement:
1. Do you fruit salad? Do you know how fruit
salad is prepared?
E. Evaluation B. Exploration:
Fill in the blanks. 1. Group the pupils into four.
2. Assign each group to go to their respective
When a solid like ______(1)_____ is heated, station.
it absorbed heat. The heat absorbed/added to the 2. Set norms to follow during group activity.
3. Giving the instructions for the activity. 1. Have you seen your mother preparing coffee
4. Go around and observe the pupils as they in the morning? What are the things she mixes to
perform the activity. prepare coffee?
5. Remind each group that they will be B. Exploration:
presenting their outputs in class after conducting the 1. Group the pupils into four.
activity. 2. Assign each group to go to their respective
C. Explanation: station.
1. Ask the pupils to present their data in class 2. Set norms to follow during group activity.
and the answers to the guide questions 3. Giving the instructions for the activity.
* What happened to the solid materials when 4. Go around and observe the pupils as they
mixed with other solid materials? perform the activity.
D. Elaboration 5. Remind each group that they will be
* When two or more materials are combined, a presenting their outputs in class after conducting the
mixture is formed. Solid materials can be activity.
mixed/combined with other solid materials. C. Explanation:
Mixed materials can be classified depending on 1. Ask the pupils to present their data in class
the appearance of the resulting mixture. and the answers to the guide questions
* What are the solid materials that can be
E. Evaluation completely dissolved in the liquid materials?
Formative assessment (pupils output) * What are the solid materials that can not be
IV. Assignment: completely dissolved in the liquid materials?
Ask the pupils (by group) to bring the following D. Elaboration
materials for the next activity: * Solid materials can be mixed/combined with
1 pcs. teaspoon 4pcs. clear drinking glass liquid materials. Some solid materials
Tap water vinegar completely dissolved in the liquid materials,
Cooking oil soy sauce but others do not. Some solid materials settled
1 teaspoon sand 1teaspoon powdered juice at the bottom of the container, while others
1 pinch salt 1pinch powder food coloring stayed within the liquid. Some solid materials,
1 pinch vetsin 1 pc. monthball spread out evenly in the liquid materials, but
Malunggay leaves 1teaspoon flour some do not. When mixed with liquid, some
1 pinch pepper solid materials changed their size, shape, and
color, but some do not.

Day 3-4 E. Evaluation

I. Objective: Formative assessment (activity output)
Describe what happens to the solid materials IV. Assignment:
when mixed with the liquid materials Ask the pupils (by group) to bring the following
II. Changes in the Properties of the Materials When materials for the next activity:
Mixed with other materials 1pc. teaspoon
Curriculum Guide, Science Learner’s Material, 4pcs. clear drinking glass
Science Teacher’s Guide 5spoonful of each of the following pairs of materials:
S4MT-Ig-h-6 Soy sauce and vinegar
A. Materials: Cooking oil and water
1pc. teaspoon 4pcs. clear drinking glass Fish sauce (patis) and vinegar
Tap water vinegar Soy sauce and cooking oil
Cooking oil rubbing alcohol Soda/softdrinks and water
1 teaspoon sand 1Tsp flour Coconut milk and water
1 pinch salt 1 pinch pepper
1pinch vetsin 1 pc. ginger
1 pc. mothball malunggay leaves
1 pinch dye coloring (jobos)
A. Process Skills: observing, describing,
analyzing explaining, synthesizing ideas, and
D. Values Integration: Observe precautionary/
safety measures in using mixtures of solid and

III. Learning Tasks:

A. Engagement:
IV. Assignment:
Day 5-6 Ask the pupils to give 1 practical application of the
I. Objective: concept.
Describe what happens to the solid materials
when mixed with other liquid materials
II. Changes in the Properties of the Materials When
Mixed with other materials
Curriculum Guide, Science Learner’s Material,
Science Teacher’s Guide
A. Materials:
1pc. teaspoon 4pcs. clear drinking glass
5 spoonful of each of the following pairs of
Soy sauce and vinegar
Cooking oil and water
Alcohol and water
Fish sauce(patis) and vinegar
Soy sauce and cooking oil
Soda/softdrinks and water
Coconut milk and water
A. Process Skills: observing, describing,
analyzing explaining, synthesizing ideas, and
D. Values Integration: Observe precautionary/
safety measures in using mixtures of liquid
III. Learning Tasks:
A. Engagement:
1. Where do you think the bubbles come from?
2. What materials were mixed to produce the
B. Exploration:
1. Group the pupils into four.
2. Assign each group to go to their respective
2. Set norms to follow during group activity.
3. Giving the instructions for the activity.
4. Go around and observe the pupils as they
perform the activity.
5. Remind each group that they will be
presenting their outputs in class after conducting the
C. Explanation:
1. Ask the pupils to present their data in class
and the answers to the guide questions
* What liquid materials mixed completely?
* What liquid materials di not mix
D. Elaboration
* Liquid materials can be mixed with other
liquid materials. While some liquid materials
completely mix with other liquids, some do
not. Two liquids that do not mix form two
layers like what you see with oil and water.

E. Evaluation
Formative assessment (activity output)

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