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Treatment of Parkinson's Cell Edgar Cayce

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Douglas G. Richards, Ph.D.; David L. McMillin, M.A.;
Eric A. Mein, M.D. & Carl D. Nelson, D.C.

Parkinson's disease, a condition involving progressive deterioration of the nervous system, is at
present incurable by conventional medicine. Here we report on a study in which we have
evidence of clinical improvement from using a treatment modality recommended by Edgar
Cayce, a subtle energy device known as the wet cell battery. Cayce said that the wet cell would
transfer vibratory energy into the body, and specifically recommended it for neurological
disorders, but there have been no previous clinical studies of this modality. T en participants
with Parkinson's disease used the wet cell, a chemical battery, with gold and silver solutions,
for a four-month treatment period at home. Nine of the ten people followed the protocol
consistently (but none completely or perfectly). They averaged slight to moderate improvement
in Parkinson's disease symptoms over four months, based on observations by researchers and
subjective questionnaires. Over the long term (three years), one participant obtained almost
complete remission of his Parkinson's disease symptoms. Since there was no control group the
placebo effect cannot be ruled out. However, many minor symptoms showed interesting
improvement in several individuals. For example, two people reported regaining their sense of
smell, and one had improved color vision. Several people had more facial emotional expres­
siveness, and reported reduced tremors.

KEYWORDS: Parkinson's disease, Edgar Cayce, electrotherapy, gold, silver, wet cell

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 11 • Number 2 • Page 151


arkinson's disease, a condition involving progressive deterioration of the
nervous system, is at present incurable by conventional medicine. The
Edgar Cayce readings address this disorder, and provide protocols for
regeneration of the nervous system. Here we report on a study in which we
have evidence of clinical improvement from using a treatment modality
recommended by Cayce, a subtle energy device known as the wet cell battery.

Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) has been acknowledged in an editorial in the Journal

ofthe American Medical Association as a key figure in holistic medicine. 1 During
trance sessions ("readings"), he diagnosed disease and recommended treatments
for thousands of patients. There have been many reports of success using
several of the treatment modalities recommended in his readings. 2-4 There
have been several anecdotal reports of successful treatment of serious neurolog­
ical disorders. These include multiple sclerosis, motor neuron disease, and
muscular dystrophy.5-7 Cayce's energy treatment of neurological disorders,
however, has not previously been studied in a clinical setting. We have
previously reported some experimental and clinical work using his "radial
appliance."8 In this study we are exploring the effectiveness of another
appliance, the wet cell battery.

Parkinson's disease is a disorder involving degeneration of the dopamine­

producing neurons in the substantia nigra in the brain. Parkinson's disease is
characterized by hand tremors and muscular rigidity, including facial expres­
sions. Other symptoms include balance and coordination problems, weakness,
visual disturbances, loss of olfaction, fatigue, bladder and bowel problems, and
cognitive disturbances. Cayce's view of many neurological disorders, including
Parkinson's disease, was that they are caused by a glandular deficiency leading
to an inability of the nerves to regenerate themselves. Cayce's primary physical
modality for stimulating the glands and regenerating the nervous system was
the wet cell, a weak chemical battery.

The wet cell battery is an energy device developed by a group in the 1920s
and 1930s working with guidance from Edgar Cayce. It was prescribed in a
large number of readings as an element of the therapy for restoring function
to the nervous and glandular systems. The details are documented in the 1800

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 11 • Number 2 • Page 152

series of Cayce readings. 9 McMillin and Richards review these Cayce readings,
and provide information on the construction and use of the wet cell (see
Method section below for specific applications in the present study).l0

Cayce's unique contribution is the addition of "vibrational" solutions to the

wet cell circuit, particularly gold and silver. According to the readings the
vibration of these solutions is carried into the body to stimulate regeneration.
Daily massage following application of the wet cell is also important to
distribute the energies. Cayce also had dietary recommendations to facilitate
the healing process. The other key component of the Cayce healing protocol
is mental/spiritual. Our program included meditation and encouragement of
a support network for the participants.


egarding vibratory treatment of deterioration of the central nervous
system, Cayce said "The principle being that these change the vibratory
forces ... with gold and silver in their varied conditions as may be
applied to the system. We will find that impulse. . may create for a body
almost a new brain ...." (Reading 1800-16, May 1930).9

The use of gold and silver in the treatment of neurological disorders has histor­
ical precedent. Both gold and silver have been used in microscopy as neurolog­
ical stains since the mid-1800s because of their affinity for nervous tissue. 11
Gold compounds are now used primarily in the treatment of rheumatoid
arthritis, and to some degree in other diseases involving the immune system. 12
But in the 1800s and earlier, gold was often used as a "nervine," a drug that
could revitalize people suffering from nervous conditions.

"A gold cordial could be found in the new pharmacopoeias of the 17th century
and was advocated by Nicholas Culpepper for the treatment of ailments caused
by a decrease in the vital spirits, such as melancholy, fainting, fevers, and falling
sickness [epilepsy] ."12 In the 1899 Merck's Manual gold bromide is listed as
an "anti-epileptic, anodyne, nervine," used for, "epilepsy, migraine, etc.; said to
act, in small doses, quickly and continuously, without bromism."]3 Even as
late as 1942, Stedman's Practical Medical Dictionary lists gold bromide as

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 11 • Number 2 • Page 153

employed in epilepsy, headache, and as a nerve sedative. Double chloride of
gold and sodium is listed as an alterative (a medicine that produces a favorable
change in the processes of nutrition and repair) and tonic. I4

he most extensive use of gold was the "Keeley Cure," a treatment for
alcoholism and other addictions discovered by Leslie E. Keeley, M.D.
Keeley found that the chloride of gold and sodium (prepared by mixing
gold chloride and sodium chloride) was an effective treatment for addictions,
including morphine/opium and cocaine addiction as well is alcoholism. I5
Included in Keeley's book is a copy of an editorial from the Chicago Tribune,
February 13, 1894. The editorial discusses Keeley's remarkable record, citing
a recent summary of 1000 cases, of which over 900/0 seemed to have achieved
a long-term cure of their addictions. Higby cites an estimate as high as 100,000
patients treated with gold by Keeley, and notes that by the mid-1890s, over
30,000 former Keeley patients joined clubs, "dedicated to the twin goals of
mutual support and spreading the gospel of Dr. Keeley's marvelous gold
treatment."16 Unfortunately, Keeley's exact formula was kept a closely guarded
secret, and the use of gold in treatment of alcoholism at Keeley Institutes ceased
with Keeley's death. Higby calls for more historical research on the Keeley
gold cure, since Keeley probably administered more medicinal gold than anyone
before or since.

Abraham et al. recently (in 1998) explored the potential of colloidal gold as a
nervine. I7 Encouraged by pilot work suggesting improved cognition and well­
being, they conducted a study to see if gold could improve cognitive
functioning. After four weeks on colloidal gold, there was a 200/0 increase in
IQ scores.

It is even possible that gold is an essential trace element. Kauf et al. measured
the amounts of a number of trace elements in the hair of newborn infants. is
They noted, "The investigation of trace elements in the hair of babies resulted
in the remarkable observation that in the first three months of life zinc,
copper and gold contents shows a considerable increase to multiple levels of
the birth values, followed by a decrease. . .. It must be emphasized that
gold, although classified as a non-essential trace element, behaves in the hair
of infants just like the physiologically important essential trace elements zinc
and copper."

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 11 • Number 2 • Page 154

Cayce's use of gold clearly parallels the various uses in the pharmacopoeias of
the late 1800s and early 1900s. Where he differs is in his mode of adminis­
tration of the gold. The toxicity of gold has been a perennial problem in its
therapeutic use. 19 Cayce used two different approaches to this problem. One
was to administer gold orally, but in very small doses, and combined with a
buffering solution (either sodium bicarbonate or sodium bromide). The other
approach, the topic of this paper, was to administer the gold "vibrationally,"
based on a principle similar to that of homeopathy, where the vibrations of
gold were transferred electrically, to the body from a gold chloride solution in
the wet cell circuit.

In a general reading on multiple sclerosis, Cayce explained that the disease was
due to a deficiency in gold resulting in a deficiency in a hormone that enables
the nerves to maintain themselves. To prevent the disease he advised keeping
a balance of the metals in the system, especially addressing the lack of gold.
He said, "Most of these may be tested especially from the spermatozoa"
(Reading 907-1, January 25, 1939).9 This is of special interest because of the
results of Skandhan and Abraham, who measured gold in semen, and noted
that, "this is the richest source of gold reported in biological materials. "20

here is less information on silver as a nervine. However, Potter in his
Materia Medica, based on the Us. Pharmacopoeia of1890, says of silver,
"in small doses it increases secretion, stimulates the heart, promotes
nutrition, and acts as a nerve tonic."21 He notes, among other applications of
silver, that it can be used to treat, "Chronic Spinal Inflammations, causing
locomotor ataxia or paraplegia, the Nitrate has in some few cases effected
permanent cures. Epilepsy was formerly treated much with the Nitrate, and
it occasionally achieved the most brilliant results, but colored the skin blue."
Shi measured a number of trace elements including silver in cerebrospinal fluid
of Parkinson's disease patients, and found significant differences in response to
intracerebral transplantation of the adrenal medulla. 22 He suggests that silver,
among other trace elements, is involved in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's
disease. Unfortunately, he did not look at gold.

The Cayce wet cell treatment, then, is consistent with historical uses for gold
and silver, but appears to be unique in the vibratory application, and has not
previously been studied.

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 11 • Number 2 • Page 155


en research participants were recruited through announcements in
Venture Inward, the magazine of the Cayce organization, the Association
for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.). Most brought support
people, who would be trained to carry out the treatments at home. Subjects
were not financially compensated for participating in the study. All research
and treatment costs were paid by a grant from the Beltone Corporation to the
A.R.E. Conference costs related to housing, food, and transportation were paid
by the participants. At the beginning of the conference, the ptoject was
explained in detail by the investigators, and the subjects signed informed
consent forms. The forms emphasized that the project did not include discon­
tinuation of any conventional therapy or medication.


project began with participation in a 10-day researchltreatment conference

in Virginia Beach. The participants filled out detailed symptom checklists and
received physical examinations. They then received therapeutic sessions, and
training in application of the Cayce modalities at home. Four months later,
they returned to Virginia Beach for a weekend follow-up conference. At the
follow-up conference, they once again filled out the questionnaires and received
physical exams. Those who were unable to attend returned questionnaires by
mail. The follow-up conference ended their formal participation in the projects.
However, after three years all participants were sent a long-term follow-up
questionnaire to assess their status.


In the form used in this project, the wet cell consists of a 2-gallon plastic
container containing a solution of distilled water, copper sulfate, sulfuric acid,
and zinc. Two 9" metal rods (one of copper and one of nickel) project through
the lid of the container into the solution. A wire is connected by an alligator

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 11 • Number 2 • Page 156

clip to the end of each rod where it extends above the lid. At the end of the
wire connected to the copper rod is a copper plate 1 inch in diameter that
attaches to the patient. The wire connected to the nickel rod goes to the
solution jar, and from the solution jar to a nickel plate 3 inches in diameter
that attaches to the patient.

The solution jar is a four ounce glass jar containing 3 ounces of a solution.
The solutions used in this projected included gold chloride (1 grain per
ounce of distilled water) and silver nitrate (2 0/0 solution). A piece of hollow
lead tubing projects through the lid of the jar, makes a loop in the jar, and
returns through the lid. Alligator clips connect the wire from the nickel
rod in the wet cell to one end of the loop, and the wire to the nickel plate
to the other end of the loop. Figure 1 shows the assembled wet cell and
solution jar.

ollowing the conference in which they were trained to do home
treatment, the participants returned home. The regimen consisted of
daily use of the wet cell for 1/2 hour. The solutions of Gold and Silver
were used on alternate days. When Gold was used, the copper plate was
attached over the 9 th thoracic vertebra. When Silver was used, the copper plate
was attached over the 2nd thoracic vertebra. In both cases, the nickel plate was
attached 3 finger-widths up and 3 finger-widths to the right of the umbilicus.
Following the instructions in the Cayce readings, the participants were
instructed to clean the plates with sandpaper to enhance contact with bare skin,
but not to use any electrode gel.

Following 1/2 hour on the wet cell was a massage focusing on the affected
parts of the body (e.g., the legs and arms), and particularly along the spine, in
a circular pattern to either side of the vertebrae. The protocol also included
a standard Cayce healthy diet, high in fresh fruits and vegetables, low in fat,
and excluding fried foods. 23

Such a lengthy treatment regimen, including daily massages, requires motiva­

tion both on the part of the participant and the support person(s). partic­
ipants were encouraged to form a support network, and do daily work with
their attitudes and emotions, including meditation.

Subtle Energies & Medicine • Volume 11 • Number 2 • Page 157

Copper Rod Nickel Rod

Plastic, glass, or ceramic container (NEVER METAL) Nickel Electrode

Figure 1. Wet cell battery and solution jar.


Symptom Checklist. This is a 26-item list of symptoms, with 5 response

alternatives ranging from "None" to "Extreme." The score is a sum of
responses, from a low of 0 to a high of 104. This questionnaire was filled out
by each participant at the beginning of the project and at the follow-up

Daily Functioning Assessment. This is an II-item questionnaire which is

intended to assess the impact of the disease on daily functioning. It has items
such as "My ability to write and/or speak . . . ," and "My ability to think
clearly and remember things ... ," with response choices such as "is unaffected,"
and "is moderately affected." Possible scores on this scale range from 11 (no
functioning affected) to 47 (all functioning strongly affected). This question­
naire was filled out by each participant at the beginning of the project, at
monthly intervals during home treatment, and at the follow-up weekend.

Summary Questionnaire. This is a retrospective questionnaire on compliance

with the protocol and on changes in neurological symptoms and attitudes and

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 11 • Number 2 • Page 158

emotions. Each question asks the subject to rate improvement on a 7-point
scale, with 1 much improvement, 4 no change, and 7 = much worse. This
questionnaire was given at the follow-up weekend and at the 3-year long-term


ine of the 10 participants followed the protocol consistently (but none
completely or perfectly). They averaged slight to moderate improve­
ment in Parkinson's disease symptoms over four months, based on
observation by the researchers and by subjective questionnaires. One partici­
pant obtained almost complete remission of his Parkinson's disease (PD)
symptoms. Many minor symptoms showed interesting improvement. For
example, two people reported regaining their sense of smell, and one had
improved color vision. Several people had more facial emotional expressive­
ness, and reported reduced tremors.

Summary Questionnaire. The summary questionnaire asked the subjects to

rate their compliance with the various elements of the protocol, and then to
rate the changes in their Parkinson's symptoms and in their attitudes and
emotions. All subjects reported roughly the same level of compliance ("most
of the time"). Wet cell compliance was consistent, but participants varied
widely in their ability to obtain the post-wet-cell massage. Some had contin­
ually available support, while others had no support at all and had to try self­
massages or did not do massages. Subjects rated improvement on a 7 -point
scale, with 1 = much improvement, 4 = no change, and 7 much worse. All
subjects reported improvement in attitudes/emotions (average 1.7, between
moderate and much improvement). In Parkinson's symptoms, the average was
3, "slight improvement." One person had major improvement, one moderate
improvement, four slight improvement, and three reported no change.
However, even the "no change" subjects actually reported subtle changes in
comments made during interviews.

Before/After Comparison of Questionnaires. The slight improvements in

symptoms and functioning documented in the summary questionnaire were
also reflected in the individual questionnaires. They did not reach statistical
significance (but the small sample must be taken into account) (Table I).

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 11 • Number 2 • Page 159

Table I
Parkinson's disease baseline and four-month follow-up questionnaires.
Means, standard deviations, and paired t-tests of the difference, n 9.
Lower scores indicate improvement.

Questionnaire Baseline Follow-up t p

Mean (SD) Mean (SD)

Symptom Checklist 42.2 (22.2) 34.1 (23.7) 1.47 0.18

Daily Functioning 22.6 (5.8) 21.6 (4.3) 1.29 0.23

Subtle improvements in functioning with PD are more easily seen in subjec­

tive comments. Here are some comments from their evaluations of progress:

Case 2: "They bake chocolate chip cookies in the school. For a long time I
didn't know why everybody was raving about them. Then about 2 or 3 weeks
ago I smelled them. I said, what's that smell? And they said, that's the cookies.
Oh my God, I can smell! It was very tough to not eat them. That was a big
breakthrough. I didn't know I had lost that much of the sense of smell until
it's back. It was wonderful. That's a miracle for me."

Case 3: "This program ... has, along with true guidance from the holy spirit,
worked a miracle in my recovery. I am much healthier since my participation
began and although I have made great strides in my recovery, there is still much
to accomplish. Now I have a clear pathway to follow."

Case 6: "This experience I feel has been a turning point in my relationship

with Parkinson's disease for which I am deeply appreciative ... I find I am slowly
yet persistently regaining function from this "incurable" disease. I watch
amazed as strength, vitality and coordination gradually return to my body.
Little tasks to anyone else like chop a head of broccoli, untie a twistie tie, write
a legible note (which I'm showing off with my newly returned ability to write!)
and most of all the coordination to return to driving a car after a hiatus of 9
months, are such a delight."

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 11 • Number 2 • Page 160

Case 8: "Speaking of miracles, when you discover that you can smell something
again, there are miracles of sight as well. I can now put on a navy blue pair
of trousers and a navy blue pair of socks, instead of wearing black socks with
blue and blue socks with black. I can do it in inside light in a house, and I
didn't realize how long ago that ability had gone away."

Several participants and their support people returned after a year for an
informal gathering. They continued to be enthusiastic about their healing,
with comments like: 'Tve got to admit that I'm better physically and mentally
than I've been in a long time. I have more stamina. I can stay up longer
without having to nap. I smile." From another: "I have been feeling much
better. . .. My voice is stronger. I have more stamina. . . . My sense of
humor has come back. . .. It's a blessing to be here with you all." From a
support person: "The change is incredible. She just jumps out of her chair
and whips over and gets her food."


ormal participation in the project, including prOVISIOn of wet cell
supplies at no cost, ended at the four month follow-up. However, at
three years following the initial conference, all participants responded
to a questionnaire. Only one was still following the wet cell/massage regimen
(Case 5), and reported continued "moderate improvement," for his PO
symptoms. Another (Case 1) had reported improvement for the 2 1/2 years
of using the wet cell, but had gotten slightly worse since discontinuing it. He
now reported, however, "I feel I was going downhill before we restarted the
wet cell appliance recently. Now I think my memory is improved. I'm sleeping
better and moving better. I'm not quite as rigid and tied to my medication."
One, who followed all elements of the protocol well, but had discontinued the
wet cell (Case 2), also reported continued "moderate improvement." The
others, not using the wet cell or following the other physical elements of the
protocol, reported that they were unchanged to moderately worse in physical
symptoms. Six of the ten participants reported continued moderate to major
improvement in attitudes and emotions.

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 11 • Number 2 • Page 161

Following are comments from two and three years after the initial conference:

Case 2: "I feel great. I feel it has not progressed very much. I am able to
work full time. I teach an evening yoga class and participate in an orchestra
and band! I don't feel that Parkinson's is going to get me. I let go and let
God. I truly enjoy my life and I take my time doing things. It is almost not
even thought of as a problem I truly feel blessed. I know I am doing great.

ase 3: "I am feeling and doing much better (physically) than I can
recall for the last several years. It takes less effort to get things done.
My smiley face is more natural and easier to accomplish! My thought
processes have more continuity and fewer pauses while I get my ideas on the
right track. The improvement in my golf game is amazing. I have very selfishly
kept this to myself. Mraid that it would not last. It was kind of like hoarding
it, jealously keeping it to myself. In retrospect, I was trying not to believe in
the unbelievable. I am sure that we have taken the right track. I believe, I
believe, I believe. Keep the faith, eat well, meditate, exercise, and love God!"

Case 4: "... To someone with Parkinson's disease, turning over in bed means
a great deal. I don't know all of the technical reasons why I couldn't turn over,
but that was the case up until last month. I would just lie there until my
muscles screamed out to MOVE. Then with a great deal of struggle, I would
get up and go to the bathroom. I have been turning over in bed for a month
now, and the habit of getting up to move my muscles is slowly being broken.
. .. I now have more sleep and just as importantly, more hope. Turning in
bed and smiling may not seem like much to anyone else, but to me they are
small miracles."

Case 5: "I am more optimistic because there has not been the progression of
the disease that I feared would happen. At this point I have much more energy
than I did at the time the experimental project started, and the tremor is under
control. . .. I have been fortunate in that my wife and son have been diligent
about seeing that I get the treatment and massage. I also get a full body
massage once a week, and this seems to be very helpful. I do not see how
anyone can handle this treatment by themselves, particularly if the disease is
very far advanced. . .. I am quite carefree most of the time, and I am very

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 11 • Number 2 • Page 162

busy taking care of a large yard with lawns, several flower beds and a vegetable
garden. I am active in the local Rotary Club, the Arts Council and the local
senior citizens center. I work at the senior center several days each month,
and I just completed a three year term as board chairman. In short, I have
been able to function much as a normal healthy individual, and as I mentioned
before I sometimes forget I have the disease."


ithin four months, the majority of the participants in this project
reported some improvement in their symptoms of Parkinson's
disease, in some cases major improvement. They attributed the
improvement both to the physical regimen of the wet cell, massage and diet,
and to the mental/spiritual regimen of meditation and interaction with their
support group. As the quotations demonstrate, for some it was a turning point
in an "incurable" disorder. Particularly interesting are some of the small,
unexpected effects like the regaining of sensory capabilities.

Healing neurological disorders is a long-term process. In the Cayce readings,

there was a wide variation in predictions on how the individuals following the
treatments would fare, but continuous treatment over four to six months is
probably the minimum before dear improvement in symptoms would be
expected. Most of the participants had encouraging results in that time frame.

In the long term, the challenge is compliance with the treatments. The few
people still following the protocol after three years were enthusiastic about the
results. The rest, who had ceased using the wet cell had either stayed the same
or deteriorated physically. They cited a variety of reasons for non-compliance.
For example:

Case 2: "The wet cell is expensive to keep up. The diet is great but sometimes
I have a craving for sweets."

Case 9: "We stopped the wet cell quite a while ago. [Case 9] didn't like the
oiL She doesn't really like massage. The $60/month [cost for wet cell supplies
from the manufacturer after the four months paid for by the research project]

Subtle Energies 6- Energy Medicine • Volume 11 • Number 2 • Page 163

was a lot. I think it may have done her some good and want to start up again
although finding the time will be the problem and the space."

It is also possible that people who experienced little improvement early in the
project discontinued the protocol for that reason, so we cannot necessarily
conclude that long-term compliance would necessarily produce positive results.

There is little theory to explain the physiological effects of the wet cell. It is
a weak chemical battery; measurements by McMillin and Richards show that
it typically provides a voltage of around 30 millivolts.lO Although weak, this
is very similar to the naturally occurring skin potential, and could conceivably
have a physiological effect. Richards et al. demonstrated a physiological effect
from an even weaker potential in the Cayce radial appliance. 8

Since there was no control group, the placebo effect cannot be ruled out. Even
in a chronic degenerative disease like Parkinson's, placebo effects including
objectively measurable increases in dopamine have been demonstrated. 24

here is some interesting recent literature on low-level electromagnetic
treatment of Parkinson's disease that might be relevant to the wet cell.
Sandyk initially published evidence of successfully treating Parkinson's
disease with picotesla electromagnetic fields applied extracranially.25 He
followed up with a series of papers showing that electromagnetic treatment
reduced the need for medication, improved gait, speech, and olfactory
function. 26 -30 The improvement in olfactory function is especially interesting,
since Sandyk points out that dopaminergic drugs do not affect olfactory
threshold in PD patients, and we had also seen the unexpected recovery of the
sense of smell in our participants. Other researchers have also reported good
results with transcranial magnetic stimulation, although some researchers have
not found consistent improvement. 31 -34 Although the form of energy is
different than the wet cell (pulsed rather than continuous, and magnetic,
generating electrical fields in the body, rather than direct electrical), in both
forms of therapy a low-level electromagnetic stimulus is applied externally.

According to the Cayce readings, the solution jar adds a vibrational component
from the solutions. Cayce was not specific about the nature of this vibrational
component, e.g., the frequency or magnitude, and no measurements have yet

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 11 • Number 2 • Page 164

been made. Instead, in this study, we are demonstrating an empirical effect of
the wet cell and solution jar, as a preliminary to an exploration of the physical
mechanism of their effects. At present we do not have a physical mechanism
to explain the effect of the wet cell.

It is our hope that our clinical studies will spur further research on the use of
electromagnetic energy and gold and silver in the treatment of neurological
• • •
CORRESPONDENCE: Douglas C. Richards • Meridian Institute • 1853 Old Donation
Parkway, Suite 1 • Virginia Beach, VA 23454

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: We thank the Beltone Electronics Corporation and the Association

for Research and Enlightenment for their generous funding of this research.


1. J. P. Callan, Editorial, Journal of the American Medical Association 241 (1979), p. 1156.
2. W. A McCarey, The Edgar Cayce Remedies (Bantam, New York, NY, 1983).
3. W. A McCarey, The Oil That Heals (AR.E. Press, Virginia Beach, VA, 1994).
4. H. J. Reilly & R. H. Brod, The Edgar Cayce Handbook.for Health Through Drugless Therapy
(Macmillan, New York, NY, 1975).
5. D. Delany, The Edgar Cayce Way of Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis: Vibratory Medicine
(Meridian Publications, Hampton, VA, 1996).
6. D. Atkinson, Hope Springs Eternal: Surviving a Chronic Illiness (AR.E. Press, Virginia Beach,
VA, 1999).
7. L. Caputi, Remedies Found for Muscular Dystrophy, Venture Inward Jan/Feb (2000).
8. D. C. Richards, D. L. McMillin, C. D. Nelson, & E. A Mein, Improvement of Circulation
Using the Radial Appliance, Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine 7,1 (1996), pp.1-18.
9. E. Cayce, The Complete Edgar Cayce Readings on CD-ROM (AR.E. Press, Virginia Beach,
VA, 1993).
lO. D. McMillin & D. C. Richards, The Radial Appliance and Wet Cell Battery (Lifeline Press,
Virginia Beach, VA, 1994).
11. C. Clark & F. H. Kasten, History ofStaining (Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 1983).
12. S. P. Fricker, Medical Uses of Cold Compounds: Past, Present and Futute, Gold Bulletin
29 (1996), pp. 53-60.
13. Merck's 1899 Manual ofthe Materia Medica (Merck & Co., New York, NY, 1899; Reprint
1999), p. 38.
14. S. T. Carber, Stedman's Practical Medical Dictionary (Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD,
15. L. F. Keeley, Opium: Its Use, Abuse and Cure (The Banner of Cold, Co., Chicago, IL,
1897; Reprint Arno Press, New York, NY, 1981).

Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 11 • Number 2 • Page 165

16. G. J. Higby, Gold in Medicine: A Review of its Use in the West Before 1900, Gold Bulletin
15 (1982), pp. 130-140.
17. G. E. Abraham, S. A. McReynolds, & J. S. Dill, Effect of Colloidal Metallic Gold on
Cognitive Functions: A Pilot Study, Frontier Perspectives 7,2 (1998), pp. 39-41.
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Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 11 • Number 2 • Page 166

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