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The Perception of Teenage Students in Far Eastern University High School on the Challenges

Arising from OFW Family Structure

A Research Proposal

Presented to the Faculty of


Far Eastern University High School

In Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirements for

Practical Research 1


Alano, Andrea Marie N.

Armada, Hazel Faye A.
Bermas, Mary Althea Kyle B.
Jumdain, Ziana E.
Merculio, Miraiza Elisa V.
Obispo, Dawn Marie Nicole E.
Perez, Roy Arvin L.
Sunga, Christine Andrea DS.

March 2019


Overseas Filipino Workers are called the heroes of our country. They are the ones who chose to

sacrifice their time with their family, in exchange of fulfilling their duties in providing the necessities

and wants of their children. This study will be significant in terms of understanding the perception

and knowing the coping strategies of these children.

Upon gathering the information needed, seven semi-structured questions about the perception and

coping strategies of left-behind children will be prepared by the researchers for an interview with five

male and female respondents from Far Eastern University High School. After transcribing the data,

researchers will conduct a descriptive analysis and categorize its focal theme and coping strategies.

The researchers expected to understand the perception and know the coping strategies of the left

behind children with OFW parents to raise awareness on their well-being. This study can clear up the

misunderstanding between the two parties.




Title Page


Approval Sheet


Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Introduction/Background of the Study

Research Questions

Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework

Significance of the Study

Scope and Limitations

Chapter 2

Foreign Literature

Local Literature

Chapter 3

Research Design

Population and Sampling


Research Instruments

Research Procedure/Data Collection Procedure and Analysis

Ethical Considerations

Chapter 4



Chapter 5








Family is the fundamental unit of the society. Parents, as the primary caregiver, fill in as the light and

establishment, to cultivate their children and work hard to provide them their basic needs. But most of

the time, older people tend to focus more on their works than their family. Ionnidi (2016) finds that

Work Inference with Family or WIF occurs when the pressures from the work and family domains are

mutually incompatible, and as a result, involvement in the family role is made more difficult by virtue

of participation in the work role.

With absence of time and investment to family this will result to conflicts, particularly to the

children or the young ones in the family. This can affect the communication between parents and

children (especially the teen) and may come to some challenges between the two parties. Most of this

occurs when parent/s are working abroad or overseas Filipino Workers (OFW).

According to the Philippines Statistics Authority (PSA) last 2016, the number of OFW’s was

estimated at 2.2 million and increased in a year to 2.3 million as per the measurement of the 2017

Overview on Abroad Filipinos. With this population gathered, we can help many families whose

parents are working abroad.

This study determines the arising challenges on the teenager’s well-being that they are facing such

as in their emotional, mental, psychological, social, and academic aspects. This will help in

distinguishing coping strategies for resolving the issue on having OFW family structure which is said to

be the newest family structure in the Philippines. Furthermore, this study focuses on helping the parents

who cannot balance their work and area and family domain well. With this study, there will be more

understanding and knowledge about the conflicts they are experience and they will be able to know

how to cope with them.


Background of the Study

Filipino culture showed the importance of family. Providing their children’s basic needs is their

number one responsibility as a parent. More often than seasoned individuals or Filipino parents in

general forfeit themselves to work abroad and center more around than their family. With absence of

time investment to the family this will outcome to dilemmas particularly to the children or the teenagers

in the family. This can influence the correspondence among parents and teenagers and the difficulties

between the two parties. The majority of these occurs when the parents are working abroad also known

as Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW).

Overseas work helps to lessen the unemployment rate in the Philippines including the household

financial needs. Money is essential for people, for it is used to buy the necessities, pay for the children’s

educations, and financial needs. It was a difficult decision for OFW parents to work abroad away from

their love ones, but being separated from their primary caretakers was not easy for the leftbehind

children also. Study says, children of OFW parents are prone to risk situation due to lack of effective

supervision and absence of real family environment.

In this case, the researchers conducted a study about the perception of the teenage students of Far

Eastern University High School on the challenges arising from OFW family structure. This study aims

to understand the perception and know the coping strategies of left-behind children. It will be

beneficial to the outgrowing number of migrant parents for them to be able to comprehend with their

children’s status.

Research Questions

These days, Overseas Filipino Workers are called the heroes of our country who chose to sacrifice

their time family in of fulfilling their duties in providing their children best they can offer. A lot of

journals, documentaries are held in their honor but now, it is time to hear the story from the perspective

of their left behind children. This generally aims to know the effects of having an OFW parent to a

teenage student through the following research statement:

1. What are the experiences encountered by the teenage student when their parents work abroad?

2. How can these experiences affect the well-being of a teenage student with OFW parents?

3. What are their coping strategies that helped them manage the challenges related on experiencing OFW

family structure?

Theoretical Framework

According to Linda Graham Attachment Theory (2015) a child being separated from their mother as

their primary caretaker can cause distress on the child. The first person that the child trusts is no other

than its parents. The child longs for their parent’s affection and comfort, that is why the child feel

discomfort if they are separated from their primary caretaker. Bowlby and Ainsworth’s theory suggests

that a child being separated from their mother can gravely affect them due to the child’s attachment.

This attachment occurs ever since the child is born, because the child relies on the mother’s care.

Infants are not able to drink powdered milk in their early months, meaning they must feed over the milk

provided by their mother.

Attachment theory was idealized in year 1969 and his student, Mary Ainsworth, developed her

mentor’s attachment theory further in 1973. There are four attachment styles in children which are:

secure attachment, anxious-ambivalent, anxious avoidant attachment and disorganized attachment.


Nonetheless, this theory is supported by Graham’s theory, because the parents working abroad may be

the source of the arising challenges on the perception of the teenage students.

On the category of attachment theory in adults, there are also four attachment styles, which are:

secure/insecure, anxious-preoccupied, dismissive-avoidant and fearful-avoidant. Attachment theory’s

includes insecure attachment it occurs when a child feels that they were abandoned by their parents

they will start to doubt whether their parents care or not. This relates to mental health aspects. It

explained how children cope up on being separated from their parents and it gave awareness on the

child’s well-being.

The researchers’ studies are heavily related, because insecure attachment occurs when the child feels

abandoned by their parents, thus, this will affect how they socialize with other people, how they cope

with problems and emotional breakdowns. Many teenage students who had their parents working

overseas experienced separation anxiety then soon it will develop to distress. If a person is feeling

distressed, our brain releases stress hormones which could affect our daily routine, academic

performance, coping with problems and many more.


Conceptual Framework

In this study, challenges arising which teenage students had dealt on having OFW parent aims to

give awareness about the perception of the children before having an OFW parent and during the

migration of the parent. Through this, the researchers will perceive the following aspects:

psychological, emotional, social, psychological and spiritual aspects and their coping strategies that can

help understand them.


Significance of the Study

This study aims to determine and apprehend the different types of perceptions and coping

strategies regarding the teenage students with OFW parents. This study is to acknowledge the side of

the teens to give awareness to their situation. The significance can be applicable to the following:

Student: As teenagers growing up with an OFW Parent/s, it is necessary that they understand and

become aware of the challenges arising of being separated from their parents. Knowing that these

conflicts can affect their development. It is somehow purely subjective because there are different

types of personalities as to how they would react or how they perceive their parents working

abroad. This research is beneficial to the students to guide and help them regarding with their

conflicts to fully understand the situation.

OFW Parent/s: As parents working abroad/migrating, it is essential that they know if their work

conditions can affect their left-behind children family structure as they grow old. This research is

beneficial to them as it can contribute ideas on how they can communicate and manage their time

with their children while working in another country.

School: For the school faculty members they can use this research to raise awareness to the

teenage student who are encountering instances where they feel abandoned and unloved by their

parents who is currently working abroad. They will be able to have an additional knowledge to

determine the coping strategies of the student in the situation at hand.


Future Researchers: For those who will conduct the same study for the future generations to

come, it is beneficial to them as they can acquire knowledge and background about the perception

of teenage students on the challenges arising with an OFW Parent/s family structure.

Scope and Limitations

Kelly J. (2012) says many people are affected by family conflicts because of the parents’ migration.

They are affected in all aspects of being emotional, mental, spiritual, and psychological aspects. The

study mainly focuses on the perception of the senior high school students of Far Eastern University

from grade 11 and 12, regardless of age and strand whose parents are both currently working abroad.

The perception of the students will include the problems they have encountered, the effects that they

experience, and the coping strategies that they practice. This study also limits only to the perception of

senior high school students and does not include the migrant parent/s.

This study will be limited only to Far Eastern University senior high school students during the first

and second semester of the academic year 2018-2019. The interview questions that will be prepared is

only limited to 10 participants that are randomly selected from the whole population. Note that this

study will not include Far Eastern University college students whose ages are within the teenage years.



Foreign Literature

Migration of parents abroad for working purposes may be an important way of generating income

and reducing unemployment in the sending countries. Migration may have also be positive and negative

consequences for children left at home. On the other hand, parents often get better paid jobs abroad,

providing their children with more financial and educational resources and fostering social and school

achievement. However, missing the main adult caregiver may be harmful for children's well-being.

Although migration of adults to work abroad has been a common feature in East European societies,

causal analysis on children's well-being for these countries especially if it is scarce. The limited

evidence is primarily due to a lack of valid data that can be used by researchers to assess the magnitude

of the phenomenon as well as its effects on children left home. To the best of our knowledge this paper

is the rest to examine the causal effects of parents' migration on their children left home in Romania.

The identification assumes that the share of migrants does not directly affects the children's

achievement and well-being 5-6 years later. According to the accordance with the literature, initial

evidence for a sign cannot positive effect of parents' migration on children's school performance as

reacted in higher school grades, partly because children left alone increase their time allocation for

studying and homework. However, parents' migration seems to cause more seriously health problems.

Our estimates demonstrate that children whose parents are abroad more often suffer from mental or

physical sickness. – cited needed International migration’s positive influence on the economy of the

relative state has been significantly deliberated while there are numerous negative impacts and

consequences of international migration for the children left behind. The migration of the parents

generates problems for the children and family left behind. Migratory movements are not purely

beneficial for individuals, it has some disadvantages as well. It also has many demographic effects and

have numerous impacts on the social values. In the same way, migration in many cases is beneficial for

family and children left behind and has many economic advantages and paternal migration can leads to

poor educational outcomes of children left behind. Parental migration has a negative impact on the

education of the left behind children. Family disintegration seems to be the negative consequence of the

parental migration, and not only it creates psychological and emotional stress but also the emotional

state of abandonment, and low self-esteem that may damage the child’s development and socializations

which is responsible for the loss of role attained at household as well as in the social order role. In

additional, the children may suffer from depression due to paternal migration and can lead to aggressive

behaviours and low social adjustment at home as well as negatively personality (Waliullah, et al.,


The struggle for relief in life is hard to achieve. People go through such lengths to improve their

quality of life. This study states that migrating from rural to urban areas in China include improved

employment, higher income, also new educational opportunities. There is a really big difference

between rural and urban areas, just from the environment you can notice a big difference. Human

beings have their own reasons why they do things in life. Some moved from rural to urban areas

because of limited farmland, some because their income in rural home area is affected and moving to

urban areas provides much higher income and more job opportunities. Some moved to urban cities to

start a new life filled with new experiences.

According to Chantal Smeekens (2010), there are numerous children and adolescents living

separated from their parents. The parents work overseas, so that they can financially support their

families’ needs. The number of young people remaining behind is estimated to be 9 million, or 27% of

the total of under aged people in the country (Parreñas, 2006; Reyes 2009). As stated by Bryant (2005),

there are signs that culture of migration does not bring positive effects. It is possible for a child to be

emotionally unstable and stressed out if they are left behind. With enough communication from the

parents and support from the extended family and community can improve the child’s mental being.

Based on Claudia Mihaela Vîlcu's Study, the large category of effects that parent's migration

produces on children are divided into two groups, namely: positive and negative effects. Negative

effects on children left by their parents to work abroad has both specialized consular doctrinal elements,

national statistics and own research and reports by other institutions and large stake holders which are

the emergence and development of the phenomenon of child abuse, neglection, legal effects on the

infringement of fundamental rights of the child and psychological effects like pain, anxiety and

depression and lastly social effects and other effects such as deviance, absence from school and juvenile


At the societal dimension, the conviction that gives adequate conditions in Romania is

incomprehensible and grows to an ever increasing extent. The kids yearning, in their turn, to emigrate.

Speculatively, the wonder can join the procedure of the globalization or of individuals and

merchandise's characteristic development among nations and mainland. The most significant issue

caused by Romanians movement abroad is connected to the circumstance of kids deserted (briefly

relinquished). Movement has the most grounded negative impact on the family, wonders that are

noticeable in our nation, errors, intrafamily pressures, the youngsters' under-control, adolescent

wrongdoing, the powerlessness of the parent stayed at home to oversee kids, grandparent's

circumstance without power or a lot of adoration non-attendance, dropout, school disappointment,

liquor, smoking, drugs, and not the least, family breakdown, separate. As the aftereffects of the work

abroad started to end up noticeable, the occupants of whole towns have gone to look for work abroad.

The family is the fundamental wellspring of help for youngsters when looked with an issue. "It is first

unit kids come into nonstop contact with and the main setting in which they create examples of

socialization. It is where nothing can be looked at, and it is likewise the most imperative specialist of

socialization." by and large, yet with application to constrain the negative impacts of relocation, it is

vital the advancement and the usage of reasonable open approach that would distinguish and screen

kids left home, while expanding the limit of the social help systems. Youngsters whose guardians are

abroad ought to be considered in danger circumstance. The guardians' circumstance of working abroad

causes a couple of direct noteworthy impacts on the family usefulness, particularly on the youngsters

who stay at home. Because of the issues identified with the absence of successful supervision and the

nonappearance of a genuine family condition, youngsters deserted are powerless against maltreatment,

work abuse and other comparable circumstances. This classification of youngsters has been and is

progressively being influenced by lower school execution, with the expanding dropout peak even from

early ages.(Sanduleasa & Matei, 2015)

Work family conflict is considered as an important issue in today’s business world (Burke & El– Kot,

2010). During the past years, there has been an increasing interest about the conflict between family

and work. More people are stepping up and speaking out about the difficulty of managing both work

and home life and are seeking “balance” in their personal and professional lives. The work family

conflict should not be considered as a problem of an organization alone. It is a deviation from the

existing family life. And the work family conflict is regarded as an inevitable consequence of

employee functionality. It adversely affects the health and performance of the employees of an

organization. Also, this may cause for the children of the employees (OFW) to build a wall between

their parents and this may lead to absence of communication, love and respect to one another.

It is considered that the atypical families (broken by divorce or single parent ones) are not a

prioritized factor of delinquency, except to the extent that impedes the basic functions: education and

socialization of children. Only if the disorganized family is characterized by a psychological,

pedagogical and moral inability, due to the lack of parental authority and control, it fosters the defective

socialization. For this, it is essential the need of the minors to have a home, a space where they feel

safe. Every child needs to feel that his parents care about him/her, they take part in events and issues in

his life. All these in a framework in which to learn discipline, self-control and responsible use of

freedom modes. As related to how much children were affected by the departure of a parent or both

parents working abroad, in the families we know, the interviewed respondents answered that they were

greatly affected and much enough. It is obvious that the lack of children guidelines, lack of

communication, ethical principles and moral failure or lack of appropriate models in the origin family,

often combined with the frequent absence of parents, is a range of problems associated with the parents’

failure to transmit the ethical and the social values and seriously affect their growing and education.

The next question concerns the respondents’ opinions about the negative effects that the parents’

migration might have on children. Negative effects that may arise could be the communication

problems that children acquire. They become less communicative or introverted. Child communication

with his parents is more difficult in families with migrant parents, which can be a negative influence on

academic achievement and the children of these families believe in the importance from the other

studies: “Remittances of the country are heavily dependent on projects about re-migration and


Regarding the hypothesis that “If parents who migrated leave their children in the care of relatives

or acquaintances, then their departure will lead to negative consequences on children’s affective and

education”, the research results indicate that the negative effects on children’s education of whose

parents are working abroad are multiple. On a long term, this generation of children deprived of

parental love and family harmony can become one of problem adults.

Psychologists do not exclude the possibility that some should become delinquents. Many children

aggressiveness from the “Home Alone” generation, their refusal to accept that they have problems, pain

caused by the absence of parents, makes them at maturity, a generation of socially non-integrated

adults. A child who grows up without parents or without one of them will become an adult who does

not understand the meaning of marriage, will not have confidence in the institution of marriage and, in

people, in general.

In addition, this study is supported by Caroline De Leon (2015), the author of The Impact of

Parent’s Migration on Children who stated that a family’s separation can greatly affect the

relationship between parents and their children as it weakens their bonds. In the absence of the both

parents who migrates can upset the equilibrium system of the family as it can suddenly change the

family role and family structure. The separation-reunion cycle can be an emotional toll for the

children. When the father migrates, the mother is forced to do the husband’s responsibilities inside

and outside the household. When the mother migrates, the father is faced with the need of providing

nurture to their children. With the continuing of the exodus of the mothers to take up jobs overseas

affects the psychological and social development of their left behind children, even if they are

showered with material benefits, they still consider the migration of their mother as a form of

abandonment (Parreñas, 2006 and 2010). Adolescents experience different emotional issues as they

are aware of the temporary nature of the mother’s presence, and they experience the feeling of

abandonment, resentment, and anger towards their mother’s departure.

The bond between parent and child should not be tampered with. The parent or the child should not

be deprived from seeing one another. But in this case the study states that the parent has no choice but

to leave his/her child behind in order to provide a better quality of life. In doing so the child left behind

deprived from love and affection may be prone to get into trouble more easily. The left behind child is

left with a choice, it is either to follow his/her parent into the city or to stay where he/she is currently

residing and drift away from mainstream society. Even though there are relief programs to specific

groups in china the investment efforts always fall short. The government also fails to take in the issue

of the children’s education into account.

There are several factors that may negatively or positively affect the formation and personal

development of the children. One is the socialization of children and learning to be independent.

Social behaviour of children can also be affected by migration of either one or both parents.

According to Scalabrini (2011), children have generally adjusted socially, mainly because of the strong

social support from family members and relatives.

Regardless of whether the parents are here or not, children also share some responsibility in the

household chores. Among the common chores are cleaning the house, setting the table/washing dishes,

taking care of the siblings, doing errands, watering plants, taking care of the animals, etc. and although

“migrant children reported experiencing difficulties and longing for their absent parents, they also

acknowledge that they learned to be more independent in the process.”

In conclusion, having parents working abroad leads to both good and bad results. Either way, this

greatly affects the growth of a child and can lead to different results of their future. Problems that are

encountered because of this situation should be immediately understood and responded by the people

around them, specially their parents.

Local Literature

According to the International Journal of Applied Research (2017), the primary reason why families

suffer is due to the absence of the parents that impacts the critical progress of their children.

Regarding this, the parental care and presence of their parents are a great shape for the child’s

personality; hence it may have an influence on the development of their characteristics as well as their

current state. The absence of the parents during a critical development stage of the child may be

distressing for the youth with the matriarchal care being lost, as it may distort the establishing

foundation of the child’s personality and characteristics. Given this, the emotional stresses are carried

by the child until they reached their adolescent or when the child in college as it can leave an

impression on the side of the child.

If the parents who are working abroad come home frequently, they may see their child’s

advancement and growth throughout the years and those who are not capable of returning home with

the use of technologies as their communication, they can monetary support the compensation for the

time lost. Parents while being away are still seen as a parental figure of the family however distant they

may be. The physical absences and separation from the child had never been that easy on the parent’s

side. With this said, the parents who are working afar could influence how the child sees their parents

as the parental figure (Castro, et al., 2011).

It is emotionally and physically challenging for the children to accept that their family set-up is not

the same with other families. In the research, The Experience of Adolescent Children with

Parents as Overseas Filipino Workers, three themes were apprehended; Absence of Parental Role,

Initial Changes, and Maturity at an Early Age. The role of the absentee parents is experienced when

the left behind children feels the sense of isolation and desertion. The relocation of the parents

involves moving the preceding arrangements regarding the division of care and other domestic

responsibilities. Four themes were indicated; Financial Stability, Initial Academic Decline, Numbness

to Absence, and Maturity at an Early Age for the effects on arising challenges. The migrants receive

incomes four to five times higher than they would at the Philippines. Remittances increases the

child’s capability to attain the necessities needed for educational purposes, though some children

suffer negative educational outcomes because of the parent’s absence. The relationship with the

parent, three themes were indicated; Feeling of Neglect, Perception of Strong Relationship, and

Trusting Relationship. The children regularly compensate for their parent’s hardships by maintaining

their close bonds. Nonetheless the efforts that were made are frequently continuous by the acceptance

of the emotional sacrifices. For the coping, three themes were indicated; Immediate Family for

Support, Accustomed to Absence, and Resiliency. Although the situations are difficult, some can build

resilience and seem to be not affected. Accordingly, under the varying conditions, as well as

depending on how those affected can interpret the parental migratory process, some can effectively

cope (Atienza, et al. , 2012)

As stated by Maculada (2018) The Philippines is one of the countries with the most numbers of

Overseas Workers across the globe. Many parents work abroad to sustain their family’s needs and give

them the best education they can offer. Leaving behind their child on a close relative or possibly a

caretaker, the child would still yearn for their parents’ comfort and presence. Without their parents

beside them, the child feels lost without their guidance. It is possible that they fall into depression if

there is lack of communication from their parents. Development of hatred for their parents could take

place if they feel abandoned and in the worst case, some do illegal doings like drug abuse, destruction

of property, and alcoholism. Their separation could change how the child copes up with problems and

even change its perception of family values. On the other hand, if the parents had good communication

with their child, it is possible that the child’s school performance could improve due to their motivation

on their parent’s hard work to provide their needs miles away. At first, children are emotional about

their parent’s migration, but time will heal if they are well-aware where their parents went abroad and

its reasons why. Many children who had OFW (Overseas Filipino Workers), are devoted to studying

knowing their parents are sacrificing to work abroad for them.

As stated by Noriel Elumba Lim (2011) study “A Study on Filipino American


Young Adults Satisfaction with Parental Upbringing” stated that many Filipinos parent preferred to

work abroad just to meet the need of their families this study the impacts of the immigrant family and

what are the negative affect of the family dynamic. Stress, closeness, and conflicts can affect the family

dynamic and lack of parental guidance can affect the behavioural of the children. Filipinos parent

expect their children that they can understand them. The study focused on the Filipino American young

adult satisfaction with their upbringing by interviewing the student to characterize the relationship they

have with their parent. The study state that challenges is the difficulty of maintaining the family

closeness, understanding the parents struggle and the children adjustment can be influenced by their

current level of their satisfaction as well also their current level of distress also to enhance their family

relationship and to prevent the negative outcomes in children. Satisfaction with parents can encourage

the self-esteem and self -worth is unquestionable with depression outcome in young adult Filipino


According to Alampay, Raza and Rye (2017) parent-child connectedness was defined the quality of

intimate communication between parent and child especially those who are very limited to

communication. While the parents are overseas sustaining what their child needs financially, there are

consequences on their child’s social well-being. There are studies children who had OFW parents had

poor school performance and faced emotional issues. To sum it all, a parent’s presence and even its

absence can affect a child’s well-being. Giving the child’s needs, wants and even better education

would not be enough. As stated by (Reyes, 2008) compensating with the poor communication with

money, would make the child materialistic. The intimate relationship between the parent and child

should be connected to the family values of Filipinos where they prioritize their family first. Without

their parents beside them, children are likely to be vulnerable and feel abandonment from their parents.

Their close relationship crumbles as the child does not want to be a nuisance to their parent’s work

abroad, which is why they less ask for emotional support.


Parental absence creates “displacement, disruptions and changes in care giving arrangement.” There

is always an emotional aspect that goes along with parents leaving their children, especially for long

periods of time. Nevertheless, it is also a relief to have the extended family looking after the children

left-behind. However, it cannot negate the fact that the children are longing for the love and care of

their biological parents (Reyes, 2011).

According to Melanie M. Reyes's Literature Review, children of migrants perform well especially

during grade school compared to those non-migrant children (based on the study of Scalabrini).

However, it is also evident that migrant children tend to have lower grades than the other children. The

social behaviour of the children can also be affected by the migration of either one or both parents. In

the previous study by Battistella and Conaco (1996), children with absent mothers are having

difficulties in adjusting socially and suffered impeded psychological development.

Based on the study of Navarez, Jingle S. and Diaz, Kirt Anthony R. (2017) “Coping Mechanism of

Philippine Student Left Behind by OFW Parents” said that most of student are experiencing a school

life without their parents and they experienced the absence of their parents for not attending their

performances in school, meetings, and other activities from their school. Moreover, this can affect their

self-esteem, and lack of confidentiality of the student and this is the reason why they suffer from

depression. Also, this study stated that it can affect the parent-child relationship. Acceptance is the most

considered as coping mechanism in this research and it is more beneficial to student and to learn their

reality and to understand the situation of their family. Emotional support is also one of the coping

mechanisms in this study, this can help the student and the parents to encourage each other when they

are emotionally in pain because everyone wants to receive a moral support from their families. This

study will help the student and their parents know the coping mechanisms to avoid the conflicts in their

family and how to lessen the emotional pain of the parent child relationship and to understand the why

parents are sacrificing for their own good.


Talking about the term “family” it has been reinvented in the past ten years and defined in rather

loose terms to account for all the disparities. Family, once defined as “a group of persons sharing

common ancestry” (Merriam-Webster, 1967) has been reconceptualized.

The National Institute of Mental Health (U.S) defines today’s family as: “a network of mutual

commitment” (2005). This very broad definition of family was created to represent the new structures

that are the reality of families today. Families in today’s day and age include but are not limited to the

following: single parents, biracial couples, blended families, unrelated individuals living cooperatively

among others (Cruz, 2015). In another view, Work-family conflict refers to "a form of inter-role conflict

in which the general demands of, time devoted to, and strain created by the job interfere with

performing family-related responsibilities" (Baghban, 2010).




Research Design

This study is a qualitative research that utilized phenomenological approach which is a type of

qualitative research method that is used to study and describe how human beings experience a certain

phenomenon. It set aside biases and preconceived assumptions about human experiences, feelings, and

responses to a situation. Thus, this action is called bracketing.

The researchers have chosen this type of qualitative research because of the research topic directly

correlates with the definition of phenomenology. It requires the researchers to examine the lived

experiences of people through the depictions given by the sample of the interview. It also requires the

researchers to set aside their biases about the topic to fully give a better result.

The research questions also fall under phenomenology, because the researchers wants to know the

deeper meaning or essence of the experiences encountered by the teenagers. The researchers try to be

totally immersed with their research questions and remain open to other perceptions of the left behind

children since everyone’s answers are different and relates to their own experiences.

Population and Sampling

In this study, researchers chose a non-probability sampling method called “purposive sampling”.

This method will help the researcher to determine the coping strategies of the left behind the children of

the research problem. The main goal of this sampling is to focus on the experiences and coping

strategies of the left behind children of the research problem. The researcher will find a respondent who

will meet the criteria and the target population is only ten (10) students of Far Eastern University that

will meet the criteria of the left behind children of the research problem.


The researchers will interview ten (10) students – five (5) male and five (5) female that follows the

criteria which may include the willingness to participate and comply on this study.

The criteria for inclusion of the participants were the following:

1. The participants must be a Senior High Student at Far Eastern University whose both parents are

currently living abroad.

2. Participants can be male or female students between 16 to 18 years old.

3. The participants must be a teenager child of an OFW parent who has been living separately from the

family regardless of months and years.

The criteria were decided by the researchers to set a clear parameter on identifying the


Research Instruments

In this research, the information that will be obtained are purely based on the participant’s personal

opinions, beliefs, and experiences about challenges. The researchers will utilize interview questions in

conducting semi-structured questions with the participants and there can be some followup questions

during the interview process for clearer information to be gathered. This consists of the seven questions

prepared by the researchers for the participants and it will be based on the possible outcomes of the

perception and experiences of the sample. The questions are focused on their perceptions and

experiences before and during the migration of their parents as well as their current situation and

coping strategies. They will be asked with the same set of questions that is needed to be answered and

will be recorded and saved at the end of the interview proper. Confidentiality will be rest assured for it

will only focus on the challenges arising on themselves, and they are free not to answer the question if

they are not comfortable to answer the questions.


Research Procedure/Data Collection Procedure and Analysis

The researchers will gather the data that is needed to conduct an interview with the Senior High

School Students of Far Eastern University High School in the research through an in-depth interview to

know the participant's experience and opinion regarding the study and for their side to be known and


The researchers applied the following data collection procedure: (1) preparation for the interview

proper where the interview guide and seven questions are being utilized, (2) contacting and gathering

with the participants to informing and explain the general concept of the study and giving the informed

consent form, (3) giving first small talks for the participant to feel comfortable and less tense during the

interview, (4) the main reason for the interview is to gather the information regarding the perception

and coping strategies of the participants. (5) giving follow-up questions and clarifying the research

participant's answers, (6) after the interview, the researchers will give appreciation to the participants

and a little token of gratitude, (7) transcribing and recording of the records and, (8) the data gathered

will be analyze and will be used for the purpose of the study.

The data collected by the researchers will be compiled and will be kept confidential for the research

participant's privacy. There will be no other information that may leak without the participant's consent.

The research participant's privacy is the main concern of the researchers to ensure the confidentiality

and liability of the students.

The researchers prepared seven (7) questions about the perception of the teenage students in Far

Eastern University High School on the challenges arising from OFW family structure, through this the

researchers will be conducting an interview on ten (10) students. All data that will be collected will

only be under the population of the senior high school students who are currently enrolled at the

university. The researchers will have a descriptive analysis to be able to organize and analyze the

survey data of the participants.


The researchers will organize the recordings of the information that will be gathered and will assess

them thoroughly for good quality. The researchers shall make use of examinations for their writing and

will include them to demonstrate the goals and answers. This research will require to look at the central

purposes of the encounters of the OFW parent and their child independently. Furthermore, the

researchers will identify the data gathered and will critically analyze to achieve the research’s main aim

and objectives. The researchers will be accepting any positive and negative feedbacks from the


Ethical Considerations

In accordance with the Republic Act 10173, also known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012, the

researchers will keep the data given by the respondents in private. During the interview proper, the

researchers will have an ethical consideration to the interviewee or to anyone who will be participating,

as they can skip any sensitive questions in their own will to ensure the liability and validity of the study.

The researchers will give out proper consent and guide questions to the participants of the study as

they approve with the ongoing interview. All participants will be given instructions and details for them

to be informed about the actions that will be held during the process of the interview. The Research

Adviser will ensure that all guide questions for the said activity will be agreeable to the terms of the

ethical procedure and study that will be conducted.

The information that will be gathered by the researchers are assured to be kept privately, properly

and will avoid any unfairness and unforeseen work of any alternation as the researchers will stay true

on what the results are.

Lastly, the researchers will make sure that all used sources are cited and will be given the proper

recognition to the writers and authors as they used their works by the researchers.








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Appendix A: Form 003

Appendix B: Interview Guide

Before Conducting the Research

1. The researchers will be divided into two groups consisting of four members, one for the male

respondents and female respondents. Each group will have an interviewer, voice recorder, and


2. The researchers will give the informed consent form to the population to ask each one if they can be

interviewed. Once they reached the 10 respondents, the researchers will give the personal data sheet

afterwards, researchers will ask the prefer date and venue of the respondent.

Researcher: Good day Mr./Ms., we would like to ask if we could conduct an interview for

our research about the perception of teenage student on the challenges arising from OFW

family structure.

Participant: Sure, but when and where will this happen?

Researcher: We will schedule a date for the interview when you are available.

Participant: Sure, I will accept.

3. Once they are done discussing the interview details, the researchers will give the prepared questions

ahead of time, for them to be well-prepared during the interview.


During the Interview

1. The interviewer shall have small with the interviewee to break the ice and to be comfortable during the

interview proper.

2. To officially start the interview, the interviewer and interviewee shall greet each other formally. The

interviewer will state their research topic and purpose to be proceeded by the following questions:

A. How long have your parents been working abroad?

B. How often does your parent/s go home in the Philippines?

C. What are the usual conflicts that you see and encounter when your parents work abroad?

D. How does this/these challenges affect you?

E. Are you aware of the coping strategies?

F. What are your coping strategies when facing these situations?

G. How does these coping strategies affect your well-being?


3. Follow up questions will be asked if there are is necessary information to be clarified.

4. The assign voice recorder shall also take down notes, particularly the key points of the interview that

will be used as a guide when the researchers analyze the data gathered.

After the Interview

1. The interview will end with a shake hand as a sign of gratitude and respect. A small token will also be

given to the participant to compensate with their time and effort.

2. After the interview the researchers will secure the information given by their interviewees.

No information shall be leaked or changed.

3. The researchers will compile their data and analyze them by category.

3.1 Sort out the data by focal theme.

3.2 Sort out the data by type of coping strategies.

4. After the data gathering and analysis, the researchers will come up with their conclusion.

Appendix C: Informed Consent Form

This informed consent is for First-Year Engineering students. We are inviting you to participate in a
research entitled: The Perception of Teenage Students in Far Eastern University High School on

the Challenges Arising from OFW Family Structure. This research would be an essential tool in
determining the challenges and coping strategies of the teenage students who have parents working

Alano, Andrea Marie N. Merculio, Miraiza Elisa V.
Armada, Hazel Faye A. Obispo, Dawn Marie Nicole E.
Bermas, Mary Althea Kyle B. Perez, Roy Arvin L.
Jumdain, Ziana E. Sunga, Christine Andrea DS.

We are inviting you to take part in this research because we believe that you can contribute
greatly to our data collection. If there would be any reason or a situation arises that would demand you
to not participate in the study, you are free to withdraw anytime.
All information will be treated as confidential and the results of the study will be reported as a
group, and not on individual terms. And for educational purposes only. The data gathering will be
scheduled at your most convenient time.
The research has been approved by the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics of
Far Eastern University High School & if you have any other concerns about the foregoing, you can ask
the researchers for any questions and clarifications. You may contact the researchers through and 09393999040.

To be signed by participants:

I voluntarily agree to participate in the research conducted by Hazel Faye A. Armada, STEM students
from Far Eastern University High School. I understand that the research aims to determine the
challenges and coping strategies of the teenage students who have parents working abroad.
I understand that my participation is on a voluntary basis and I will not be paid in exchange
for my participation. I may also withdraw from the study at any point without any penalty. I have
been given a copy of this consent form.

Signature Over of Printed Name of Participant

Signature Over Printed Name of Legal Guardian (if applicable)


Appendix D: Transcriptions/Audit Trail

Appendix E: Curriculum Vitae of Researchers

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