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126 Change of Dispensation

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Spiritual Building-Stone No.


Change Of Dispensation
Luke 19:28-44, "...and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another;
because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation."

Luke 5:36-38, "And he spake also a parable unto them; No man putteth a
piece of a new garment upon an old; if otherwise, then both
the new maketh a rent, and the piece that was taken out of the
new agreeth not with the old. And no man putteth new wine
into old bottles; else the new wine will burst the bottles, and
be spilled, and the bottles shall perish. But new wine must be
put into new bottles; and both are preserved."
Listen what God's Prophet has said about it:
Now, notice what's happened. In the garden of Eden was God's
economy of innocence, and that was one of the dispensations. The first
dispensation was innocent; the people knowed no sin. They didn't know
anything about sin. Both Adam and Eve were naked, but they were hid from
their nakedness by a Spirit veil over their face. They never knew that they
were naked at all, because they were hid (Gen. 1:21-25). For God's veil in
their own minds, they didn't know what right and wrong was. And them both
standing there naked, showed that the knowledge had not yet come to them,
that they were naked. The pair was naked and knew it not. [1]

Let's start at the change of the dispensations again from the Adamic
dispensation until the Noahic dispensation [2] (Gen. 6:9-22 + chapter 7-8).
Now, remember Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the
coming of the Son of man" (Luke 17:26-27).
But Noah, in his day it was hard for him in his dispensation, because
that the people had never heard of such a thing, but it come just the same.
Then we find out on the scene, come after Noah's deliverance and so forth,
and the earth begin to grow again, and everything that breathed breath
perished. And then we find out again that there come a time, then God was
bringing His children out of Egypt, that Moses come along with the law. It
was so hard for the people to understand, but a dispensation was changing
to a law. And then after the law come, Moses trying... It was a schoolmaster.
People were just living any way they wished to, so the schoolmaster, the law,
was, the Bible said, to bring people to recognize that it was wrong, so He gave
them the ten commandments (Rom. 7:7-13; Exod. 19-20). It was quite a
change; the people didn't want to receive it. All right.
Then after Moses come John. And after John, the dispensation come,
he introduced Jesus. And when Jesus come to try to bring us grace (John
1:14-18), which was God in the Spirit, in the line of Spirit, manifested His
love, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son" (John
3:16), and Jesus was so different and contrary to the law, but it was a
different dispensation, a different time. [3]

The dispensations change with Jesus Christ: from the law to grace, from
works unto grace (Eph. 2:8-9), from something you do to what something
God did, upon your own merits or upon His merits; it changed. [4]

And then when Jesus left, He spoke of this dispensation of the Holy
Spirit (John 14:16-20; 16:5-14), the Life inside, a Witness of Him of the
resurrection (John 16:7-11).
It's always been a fact and a fight, when one dispensation is changing
from an old dispensation to a present-time message, it's always been a
fight with the people. It's, although it's been always Scriptural. But during
the time that God gives them a dispensation and something to live by, or
something to do... Now we find out that immediately after that dispensation is
given, the men of the earth try to find something to counteract that, and
something to make a manmade affair of it. [3]

That's exactly what took place in the days of Noah; that's what took place
in the days of Lot (Luke 17:26-30); that's what took place in the other days,
the days of Moses; that's what taken place in the days of Jesus Christ. For
they despised the message and perished, and those who believed the
message was saved.
Now, then comes the church dispensation in. We lived back in Noah's
time, the antediluvian; we come into the dispensation of law; then in the
dispensation of grace, the church. And now the church dispensation is
ending. We all know that.
Now, if God did thus-and-thus in that dispensation, in those other two
dispensations, He has to remain the same and do the same in this
dispensation, 'cause He said He would do it. I'll prove it by the Word, that He
said He would do it. Now, He cannot change His program; He's God. Notice
what He did in them dispensations.

Now we come to the church dispensation's end time. That's what I read
tonight: "It shall be Light in the evening time" (Zech. 14:7).

We've had plenty of dismal time, but there shall come Light. The same
Son that came and changed the dispensation then, comes again (Luke
17:30). That's going to be from earth to glory (I Thess. 4:13-17). We'll go in
that. One time we went in, the other time we went out, and this time we're
going up. See? All right: in, out, up. We're coming to the end time. And
we're not only coming; we've already arrived. We are at the end time. [5]

You believe in dispensations? Bible said so, "In the dispensation of the
fulness of time..." (Eph. 1:10). What is the fulness of time? There's been a
dispensation of, well, there was a dispensation of the Mosaic law. There was a
dispensation of John the Baptist. There was a dispensation of Christ. There's a
dispensation of church organization. There's dispensation of the outpouring of
the Holy Spirit. Now's the dispensation of adoption, what the world's
waiting, groaning. "And when the fulness of time comes, when the
dispensation of the fulness of time..." What is that fulness of time? When
the dead rises, when sickness ceases, when all the earth ceases to groan.
"The fulness of the dispensation of time..." (a new heaven and a new earth,
Rev. 21:1).Watch this.
“And when the fulness of the dispensation of time, that he might gather
together... all things in Christ, both which are in heaven...”
But when it comes to the gathering together at the end of the
dispensation, it'll be waiting for the manifestations of the sons of God in
that dispensation (Rom. 8:19-23), that He might gather all together, all
that has been brought into Christ. What is Christ? How do we get into
Him? I Corinthians 12:13, "By one Spirit we are all baptized into one Body,
which is the Body of Christ, and made partakers of every gift and every good
thing that He's got." Is that right? And the whole earth is groaning, crying,
waiting for the manifestations that when Christ and His church will unite
together (I Cor. 15:22-28). [6]

That's exactly what Moses done. That's exactly what Jesus done. That's
what exactly every messenger done down through the Bible, at the end time
of that dispensation; they restored back the message. The people, through
organizations and things, got it all scrupled up and everything in them days. [5]

But, you know, in the days of Noah... Jesus said, "As it was in the days of
Noah..." (Matt. 24:37-39). You know, people perhaps built boats in them
days, whether they were God-constructed or not. But they didn't float when
the time come for it to float. So I like the message to be God-constructed with
the Scriptures, a Scriptural message. And right there with it, everything with
the Scripture, it's THUS SAITH THE LORD, then. And it's got to stand

because it isn't my word that's in question, it'd be His Word that's in question.
Bring it from the Scripture!
And we're in a changing dispensation. We're changing now. And
every change is like building a building. You come to the corner, you have
to make that bend. It's strange, everybody wants to run right straight on
down. You'd have just one big wall. But we're building a building, and we're
coming to corners, and you've got to change those corners. "Those changes is
where the trouble comes. It's hard on that corner to cut that corner, and make
it just right." [7] We're at a corner! [8]

Notice, (people are) living in a glare of Luther, living in a glare of

Wesley, living in them glares back there, that's the reason they can't see
true Light. If they would stop for a few minutes and just pick up the Bible
and read It, they would see that this is Light promised for the hour.
Now, we're going to take some of these things in a minute. He promised
according to Malachi 4:5-6 these things would happen. He promised all
through the Scriptures they would happen. See?
Notice Israel also, our type, in the journey, eating manna which was their
light-life, that give them strength, life. Is that right? Israel could not eat
manna that yesterday had fallen. It was contaminated; it was rotten
(Exod. 16). It was no good for them; they'd die over it. The manna that kept
them alive yesterday would kill them today. The Bible said it got germs in
it, contaminated. They had to get new manna every day. Amen. And what is
it? The people that live on manna of Luther, Wesley, and them back in there,
you're eating contaminated stuff that's killing you spiritually. See? It's
killing you dead in your traditions.
Yesterday's, Luther's manna would not work for Methodists. Methodist
manna would not work for Pentecost. Pentecostal manna will not work for
today. See what I mean? Every day it come day by day, fresh, and so has it to
the church ages. Luther's manna was the message of justification. Wesley's
message was the manifestation of sanctification; Pentecostal was the
restoration of the gifts. But this is introducing the Headstone, the last
day, the Bride Tree. It's contrary to all of it. And yet It's the same Light for
the matured, like the same sun shines today will be ripening the grain for the
harvest in July. See what I mean? But the Light of December won't do any
good back there in July. It's stronger; the wheat's more advanced. It's ready
to take it. Amen. Certainly it is. It couldn't take it in December. It can then in
July. The season wasn't right then; it is now. This is the evening time.
Look how the church ages has fought... Paul first back in the early age,
then come down the line to Irenaeus and so forth, on down into France. From
there over into Germany, over into England, constantly going west. And now
we can't go no farther. This is the last age.
And watch, as it went forward, it grew stronger and stronger. And so has
the real little minority of the church growed from justification,
sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost, and now to the coming
Capstone, shaping itself up. No more organizations after this. There won't be
no more. See? Can't be. See, we're on the west.
Now, that's what it is, the dead things of yesterday, the message of
Luther, the message of Wesley, the message of Pentecost, if it can only go
through the process of God's Holy Spirit and the Word of a-vindication, it'll
bring forth the reflection of Jesus Christ the King. Amen. But if you leave it
lay, it's dirty rags. See? It's got to be molded into something else.
Luther has got to be molded into Wesley, and Wesley's got to be molded
into Pentecost, and Pentecost has got to be molded into Christ. It goes
through a process. So has the Gospel gone through a process. It's processing.
Luther's age of justification, we believe that. Wesley's of sanctification,
we believe that. The Pentecostal's with the restoration of the gifts of the
Holy Ghost, we believe that. Certainly, but mold it all together, what do
you come out with? Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.
You come out with Jesus.
When a man in a foundry is making a bell, he's got a certain tone he has to
put in it. When he's setting his mold and pouring his iron, he puts in so much
brass, so much steel, so much copper. Why? He knows just exactly how much
to put in to give it the right tone. And that's what Jesus has done by His Bride.
He had to put so much Luther, so much Methodist, and so much Presbyterian,
so much Pentecost in it, but what does He come out with? His own
reflection. Why is it? Just like the pyramid message. You see, it's heaping
right up till it's coming to the minority for the Headstone. The ministry of
Jesus Christ on earth has to be the same as the ministry He had, or He
can't come to it. It's like the head to the feet. The feet's not the head, but
the head packs the feet, or makes the feet, tells it where to go. You get it?
Beautifully, it's the Light of the hour.
The dirty rags of yesterday, if you remain that way, it'll just become dirty
rags all the time. It served its purpose as clothing, but now it's become paper.
Justification served its time in justification under Luther, then it had to
become sanctification through Wesley. And sanctification served its time
till it come the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And the baptism of the Holy
Ghost has served its time until the Holy Spirit (which there's only one
God) blends into the church, or the church into Christ, that makes Jesus
Christ reflected on the earth. It's what He promised here in the Bible. Might
not believe it. I can't make you do that. I'm only responsible for the Word.
See? That's right. [9]

And the devil can impersonate any of those things. But he cannot be the
Holy Ghost. See? He can impersonate these gifts, but he can't be the Holy
Ghost. And the Holy Ghost is the Token that the Blood's been applied,
because It follows the Blood all the way from the Book of Redemption.
See it? That was the purpose of Him coming. That's what He followed in
every age. Every age He's followed that to see that It's brought forth. And they
could not be made perfect without us (Heb. 11:39-40). And now, the entire
Holy Spirit visits the church making God in human flesh as He did before
Sodom, the burning there, which was a type. Then Abraham, He appeared
to him (Luke 17:26-36).
And all the things that He hasn't done down through the ages, in the
church ages, He is now doing. Back to the Word, because the messages,
and the messages, and the messages have to wind up in the entire Word.

And now, notice. Like the first time, when He started that first church that
the Roman caterpillar eat off (and cankerworm, so forth - Joel 1:2-4), He
started out with justification by faith (by John the Baptist). In Saint John
the 17th chapter, 17th verse, Jesus said, "Sanctify them, Father, through the
Truth; Thy Word is Truth." Second work was sanctification (to the church).
After justification was sanctification. And after they were sanctified, He
asked them to tarry in the city of Jerusalem (Luke 24:49) until they were
endued with power from on high; and there He gave birth to the Tree, the
Holy Ghost, Pentecost. Justification, Sanctification, baptism of the Holy
Ghost, and then Christ come to dwell in It to bring forth the fruits. Amen.
Is that right?
And what's the evening Light come out for? What is the evening Light
for? To restore (Joel 2:23-27). You get it? The evening Light is for the same
purpose the morning Light was for: to restore what was cut down by the dark
ages through Rome, God is going to restore by shining forth the evening
Light. What? Restore the whole Word of God again, the full manifestation
of Christ in His church. Everything that He did, just exactly the way He
did, would be again in the evening Light. See what I mean? Oh, isn't that
wonderful? And to know we're living right here to see It.
Do you get it? Amen. For God said, "I will restore It." He's going to
restore It how? By four death messengers killed It (Joel 1:3-4); then four
Life messengers will restore It. What was the first? Martin Luther,
justification. What was the second? John Wesley--by sanctification. What was
the third? Pentecost with the restoration of the gifts, the Holy Ghost, baptism
of the Holy Ghost. What was the fourth? The Word. What? The Word.
Watch. Justification brought back the pulp. Sanctification brought back
the bark: doctrine of holiness. What brought back the leaf? Pentecostals.
What is it? Pentecostals, leaves, clap their hands, joy, rejoicing:
Pentecostal. What? The fourth was the Word Itself. The Word made
flesh, fruits of the proof of the resurrection sign that Christ has finally,
after justification being planted, sanctification being planted, baptism of the
Holy Ghost. Organizations died out, and Christ has again centered Himself
like that cap of the pyramid.
First line, justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost, then
coming of the Cap. What is it? That Holy Ghost bunch being honed out, so
that it can fit with the same kind of ministry He had when He went away; that
when He comes back it'll catch the whole thing in the rapture, where
they're justified, sanctified, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost. That pyramid
will stand again. The house of God will live again. The Tree of Life is
growing again. [11]

Now comes our triumphal Capstone on the Baptism with Holy Ghost.
Galatians 4:4-7, "But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth
His Son...." Christ came forth, died upon the cross, and accomplished
Redemption (restoring to original owner by means of purchase, or paying
the price) and thereby placed us as sons. He did not make us sons, for we
were already His sons, but He placed us as sons; for as long as we were in
the world, in the flesh, we could not be recognized as His sons. We were
held captive by the devil. But we were sons, nonetheless. And hear this: and
because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your
hearts whereby you cry, Father, Father. Upon whom did the Spirit fall at
Pentecost? Sons. At Corinth? Upon Sons while they heard the Word. [12]

We're in the last days. We all know that. And we're ready for the
coming of the Lord. The thing to do is separate yourself from all sin.
Separate yourself from anything that pertains to the world. Don't love the
world or the things of the world (I John 2:15-16). Let no man, by his
creed, deceive you. You stay right straight in the promise of God, the Word
of God; and that Word, if It's the Word, for this day, God vindicates It so.
If He doesn't, it's not the Word for this day. The Word that fell on the
day of Pentecost will not work this day. No, sir, that was for Pentecost.
This is for the Bride: going home of the Bride. We got something
different. The Pentecostals represented that again. We're in the Bride age.
No more than the Word of Noah would worked in the days of Moses. No
more than Moses' law would've worked in the time of Paul, here. He tried to
tell them, "You're dead to that. And you cannot have that."
Church, you, who I'm speaking to across the nation, if you've separated
yourself from denomination and all the filth and things of this world (II Cor.
6:14-18), and all those things that keeps you in manmade creeds, and orders,
and things like that, you separated yourself, look up. Get ready! The fire's
going to fall one of these days. God's going to let Him come, in a sight to
behold. Would you be ready when He comes? Would you be ready to go up
with Him when He comes? The secret rapture of the supernatural Bride...
She'll be made from mortal to immortality; be changed in a moment, in a
twinkling of an eye. We which are alive and remain shall not prevent them
which are asleep (I Thess. 4:13-17; I Cor. 15:51-55). [13]

Watch how God vindicates Himself in healing and powers each time, just
at the crossroads, never before, right at the crossroads, at the junctions,
change in dispensation, change in time. [14]

Notice the old world (the antediluvian), the world that's present now, and
the one to come. Now, first stage that He brings us to... See, His plan of
redemption is exactly the same by everything. He uses the same method. He
never changes. He said, in Malachi 3, "I am God and I change not." The
way He does it, therefore, if He saved the first man He ever saved by the shed
blood of an innocent One, He will have to save the next one; and every one
He saves will have to be the same way. If He healed a man at any time
through the journey of life, let it be in the days of Jesus, the apostles, the
prophets, whenever it was, when the same conditions is met He's got to do it
again. That's right. He doesn't change. Man changes, time changes, age
changes, dispensation changes, but God remains the same: perfect. [15]
[1] "God's Power To Transform" (65-0911), par. 113
[2] "Conflict Between God And Satan" (62-0531), par. E-41
[3] "End Time Evangelism" (62-0603), par. 96-97
[4] "Hebrews Chapter 4" (57-0901E), pg. 105
[5] "Evening Messenger" (63-0116), par. 113-117, 232
[6] "Adoption Part 3" (60-522M), par. 163-164, 169
[7] "The Identification Of Christ In All Ages" (64-0409), par. 35-36
[8] "The Rapture" (65-1204), par. 18
[9] "There's A Man That Can Turn On The Light" (63-1229M), par. 159-162, 168-170, 183-187
[10] "Desperation" (63-0901E), par. 21-22
[11] "Restoration Of The Bride Tree" (62-0422), pg. 68, 74-76
[12] "Smyrnaean Church Age", CAB pg. 153
[13] "Invisible Union Of The Bride Of Christ" (65-1125), par. 322-325
[14] "Junction Of Time" (56-0115), par. E-35
[15] "Future Home" (64-0802), par. 80-82

Spiritual Building-Stone No. 126 from the Revealed Word of this hour,
compiled by:
Gerd Rodewald, Friedenstr. 69, D-75328 Schömberg, Germany, Fax: (+49) 72 35 33 06
There's coming one with a Message that's straight on the Bible, and quick work will circle the earth. The seeds will go in
newspapers, reading material, until every predestinated Seed of God has heard It.
[Bro. Branham in "Conduct-Order-Doctrine", pg. 724]

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