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Evaluation of Patients With Pulmonary

Nodules: When Is It Lung Cancer? * : ACCP

Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines
(2nd Edition)
Michael K. Gould, James Fletcher, Mark D. Iannettoni, William R. Lynch,
David E. Midthun, David P. Naidich and David E. Ost

Chest 2007;132;108S-130S
DOI 10.1378/chest.07-1353
The online version of this article, along with updated information and
services can be found online on the World Wide Web at:

CHEST is the official journal of the American College of Chest

Physicians. It has been published monthly since 1935. Copyright 2007
by the American College of Chest Physicians, 3300 Dundee Road,
Northbrook, IL 60062. All rights reserved. No part of this article or PDF
may be reproduced or distributed without the prior written permission
of the copyright holder.

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© 2007 American College of Chest Physicians

Evaluation of Patients With Pulmonary

Nodules: When Is It Lung Cancer?*
ACCP Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines
(2nd Edition)
Michael K. Gould, MD, FCCP; James Fletcher, MD;
Mark D. Iannettoni, MD, FCCP; William R. Lynch, MD;
David E. Midthun, MD, FCCP; David P. Naidich, MD, FCCP; and
David E. Ost, MD, FCCP

Background: Pulmonary nodules are spherical radiographic opacities that measure up to 30 mm

in diameter. Nodules are extremely common in clinical practice and challenging to manage,
especially small, “subcentimeter” nodules. Identification of malignant nodules is important
because they represent a potentially curable form of lung cancer.
Methods: We developed evidence-based clinical practice guidelines based on a systematic literature
review and discussion with a large, multidisciplinary group of clinical experts and other stakeholders.
Results: We generated a list of 29 recommendations for managing the solitary pulmonary nodule
(SPN) that measures at least 8 to 10 mm in diameter; small, subcentimeter nodules that measure < 8
mm to 10 mm in diameter; and multiple nodules when they are detected incidentally during
evaluation of the SPN. Recommendations stress the value of risk factor assessment, the utility of
imaging tests (especially old films), the need to weigh the risks and benefits of various management
strategies (biopsy, surgery, and observation with serial imaging tests), and the importance of eliciting
patient preferences.
Conclusion: Patients with pulmonary nodules should be evaluated by estimation of the probability of
malignancy, performance of imaging tests to characterize the lesion(s) better, evaluation of the risks
associated with various management alternatives, and elicitation of patient preferences for treatment.
(CHEST 2007; 132:108S–130S)

Key words: emission CT; granulomas; lung metastasis; lung neoplasms; needle biopsy; pulmonary coin lesion; radiograph CT;
thoracic radiography; thoracic surgery

Abbreviations: ACCP ! American College of Chest Physicians; CXR ! chest radiography; FDG ! F-18 fluorodeoxyglu-
cose; HU ! Hounsfield unit; NSCLC ! non-small cell lung cancer; OR ! odds ratio; PET ! positron emission tomography;
SCLC ! small cell lung cancer; SPN ! solitary pulmonary nodule; TTNA ! transthoracic needle aspiration/biopsy

P ulmonary nodules are small, focal, radiographic

opacities that may be solitary or multiple. By defi-
spherical, well-circumscribed, radiographic opacity that
measures ! 3 cm in diameter and is surrounded
nition, the solitary pulmonary nodule (SPN) is a single,
The authors have reported to the ACCP that no significant
*From the VA Palo Alto Health Care System and the Department conflicts of interest exist with any companies/organizations whose
of Medicine (Dr. Gould), Stanford School of Medicine, Stanford, products or services may be discussed in this article.
CA; the Department of Radiology (Dr. Fletcher), Indiana Uni- Manuscript received May 30, 2007; revision accepted June 5, 2007.
versity School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN; the Department of Reproduction of this article is prohibited without written permission
Cardiothoracic Surgery (Drs. Iannettoni and Lynch), University from the American College of Chest Physicians (www.chestjournal.
of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, IA; the Depart- org/misc/reprints.shtml).
ment of Medicine (Dr. Midthun), Mayo School of Medicine, Correspondence to: Michael K. Gould, MD, FCCP, VA Palo Alto
Rochester, MN; and the Departments of Radiology (Dr. Naidich) Health Care System, 3801 Miranda Ave (111P), Palo Alto, CA
and Medicine (Dr. Ost), New York University Medical Center, 94304; e-mail:
New York, NY. DOI: 10.1378/chest.07-1353

108S Diagnosis and Management of Lung Cancer: ACCP Guidelines

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© 2007 American College of Chest Physicians
completely by aerated lung. There are no associated and May 2005 were identified by a systematic review of the
atelectasis, hilar enlargement, or pleural effusion.1,2 literature (see “Methodology for Lung Cancer Evidence Review
and Guideline Development” chapter). Those guidelines, which
The term coin lesion should be discouraged because include recommendations that are specific to the treatment of
nodules are spherical and not coin shaped. Patients patients with pulmonary nodules, were identified for inclusion in
with solitary nodules typically have no symptoms. Focal this chapter. Supplemental material that is appropriate to this
pulmonary lesions that are " 3 cm in diameter are topic was obtained by literature search of a computerized
called lung masses and are presumed to represent database (MEDLINE), as described in the chapter of these
guidelines by Wahidi et al.4 In addition, we identified articles by
bronchogenic carcinoma until proved otherwise. The searching our own files and by reviewing reference lists provided
diagnosis and management of lung masses and symp- by the Thoracic Oncology NetWork of the American College of
tomatic nodules are discussed in other chapters in these Chest Physicians (ACCP). A multidisciplinary writing committee
guidelines. composed of three pulmonologists, two thoracic surgeons, and
We further distinguish small, subcentimeter nod- two radiologists developed the recommendations and graded the
strength of the recommendations and the quality of the support-
ules from the classical SPN because, compared with ing evidence by using a standardized method (see “Methodology
larger nodules, nodules that measure # 8 to 10 mm for Lung Cancer Evidence Review and Guideline Development$
in diameter are much less likely to be malignant, chapter). The resulting guideline was reviewed by all members of
typically defy accurate characterization by imaging the lung cancer guidelines panel before approval by the Thoracic
tests, and are often difficult to approach by needle Oncology NetWork, the Health and Science Policy Committee,
and the Board of Regents of the ACCP.
biopsy. Throughout this chapter, we reserve the term
SPN for nodules that measure at least 8 to 10 mm in
diameter and use the term subcentimeter to refer to Results
smaller nodules. We use the term indeterminate to
describe a nodule that is not calcified in a benign
pattern and that has not been shown to be stable The SPN is commonly encountered in both pri-
after " 2 years of follow-up. We do not distinguish mary care and specialty settings. Most lung nodules
screen-detected nodules from nodules that are de- are detected incidentally on CXRs or CT scans that
tected incidentally or distinguish nodules that are are obtained for some other purpose. In one study5
detected by chest radiography (CRX) vs chest CT. from the 1950s, an SPN was found in 1 of 500 CXRs
When treating patients with lung nodules, it is more (0.2%) that were obtained in community settings.
important to consider the number (solitary vs multi- More recently, almost 7% of 1,000 healthy volun-
ple), size, and morphology of the lesion(s), as well as teers in New York who participated in the Early
the presence of symptoms and risk factors for ma- Lung Cancer Action Project6 were found to have
lignancy. In contrast to the patient with an SPN, between one and three nodules on baseline screen-
patients with multiple lung nodules often have symp- ing CXR. In most of these volunteers (76%), the
toms and typically require systemic therapy for an largest nodule measured # 1 cm in diameter. Per-
underlying infectious, inflammatory, or neoplastic dis- haps not surprising, an even larger number of the
eases. participants in this study (almost 25%) were found to
We begin this chapter by discussing recommenda- have between one and six lung nodules (many of
tions for the patient with an SPN that measures at which were subcentimeter nodules) on a low-dose
least 8 to 10 mm in diameter. Next, we discuss spiral CT scan of the chest. Of note, more than half
recommendations for managing the increasingly of the nodules that were detected by CXR were
common problem of the subcentimeter nodule. Fi- false-positive findings; the presence of the nodule
nally, we discuss patients with multiple lung nodules was not confirmed by low-dose CT. In other studies4
and other special circumstances. Most of the inter- of screening with low-dose CT, nodules were iden-
ventions described in this chapter are diagnostic tified in 8 to 51% of participants at the time of
tests. Although there have been many high-quality baseline screening.
studies of diagnostic accuracy, few randomized, con- The prevalence of malignancy in patients with
trolled trials or outcomes studies have been per- SPN varies widely across studies. In studies4 of
formed. As a result, many of the recommendations in positron emission tomography (PET) with F-18 flu-
this chapter are based on evidence that is relatively orodeoxyglucose (FDG), the prevalence of malig-
low in quality. nancy ranged from 46 to 82%. In screening studies,4
the prevalence of malignant SPN was much lower,
roughly 2 to 13% in those with nodules. Most of the
Materials and Methods screening-detected nodules measured # 10 mm in
To update previous recommendations on the evaluation of diameter. In a study4 of patients with either screening-
patients with pulmonary nodules,3 guidelines on lung cancer detected or incidentally detected lung nodules, the
diagnosis and management that were published between 2002 prevalence of malignancy was 33 to 60% in nod- CHEST / 132 / 3 / SEPTEMBER, 2007 SUPPLEMENT 109S

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© 2007 American College of Chest Physicians
ules that measured 11 to 20 mm in diameter and Pretest Probability: Although clinical and radio-
64 to 82% in nodules that measured " 20 mm in graphic characteristics cannot reliably distinguish
diameter. between benign and malignant nodules in most
The SPN is important because malignant nodules patients, it nevertheless is important to estimate the
represent a potentially curable form of bronchogenic clinical “pretest” probability of malignancy before
carcinoma. In stark contrast to patients who present ordering imaging tests or biopsy procedures. Esti-
with more advanced lung cancer, " 60% of patients mating pretest probability facilitates the selection
with clinical stage IA (T1N0M0) tumors will still be and interpretation of subsequent diagnostic tests.
alive 5 years after they receive treatment.7 It is not Common sense suggests that different management
clear to what extent the malignant SPN represents approaches are called for in a 30-year-old nonsmoker
“early” lung cancer vs “slowly growing” lung cancer, with a 1-cm, smooth-bordered nodule, and a 70-
but it should be acknowledged that many patients year-old heavy smoker with a 2.5-cm spiculated
who present with a malignant SPN probably have nodule. Most patients with SPNs have characteristics
tumors that are less aggressive biologically than that fall somewhere between these two extremes.
tumors in patients who present with more advanced Although many clinicians estimate pretest probabil-
stages of lung cancer.8 Despite this, many cancerous ity intuitively, several quantitative models21–23 have
SPNs clearly do not behave in a “benign” or indolent been developed to assist in this task. One validated
manner: up to 20% of patients with clinical stage IA model22,24 was developed by investigators at the
tumors will have occult mediastinal lymph node Mayo Clinic, who used multiple logistic regression
metastasis identified by mediastinal biopsy or thora- analysis to identify six independent predictors of
cotomy.9,10 malignancy in 419 patients with noncalcified nodules
that measured between 4 and 30 mm in diameter on
Differential Diagnosis: In studies11–20 of PET im- CXR. Independent predictors of malignancy in-
aging, most of which were performed in the United cluded older age (odds ratio [OR], 1.04 for each
States, the most common causes of benign SPN were year), current or past smoking (OR, 2.2), history of
healed or nonspecific granulomas, accounting for 25% extrathoracic cancer " 5 years before nodule detec-
of all benign causes. Another 15% of benign nodules tion (OR, 3.8), nodule diameter (OR, 1.14 for each
were caused by active granulomatous infections, in- millimeter), spiculation (OR, 2.8), and upper-lobe
cluding tuberculosis, coccidioidomycosis, histoplasmo- location (OR, 2.2). The prediction model is de-
sis, cryptococcosis, and aspergillosis. Hamartomas com- scribed by the following equations:
prised an additional 15% of benign lesions. Less
Probability of malignancy ! ex/(1 % ex)
common miscellaneous causes of benign nodules in-
cluded nonspecific inflammation and fibrosis, lung
abscesses, round pneumonia, round atelectasis, bron- x ! &6.8272 % (0.0391 ' age)
chogenic cysts, healed pulmonary infarcts, focal hem- % (0.7917 ' smoke) % (1.3388 ' cancer)
orrhage, hemangiomas, and arteriovenous malforma-
tions. Because bronchopneumonia is a very uncommon % (0.1274 ' diameter) % (1.0407 ' spiculation)
cause of SPN and unnecessary use of antibiotics en-
% (0.7838 ' location)
courages the development of resistant strains of bacte-
ria, we strongly discourage the use of empirical antibi-
where e is the base of natural logarithms, age is the
otics in patients who have lung nodules with no
patient’s age in years, smoke ! 1 if the patient is a
symptoms. In addition, a trial of antibiotics contributes
current or former smoker (otherwise ! 0), can-
to avoidable delays in the diagnosis and treatment of
patients with malignant nodules. cer ! 1 if the patient has a history of an extrathoracic
The most common causes of malignant SPN in cancer that was diagnosed " 5 years ago (other-
studies11–20 of PET imaging were adenocarcinoma wise ! 0), diameter is the diameter of the nodule in
(47%), squamous cell carcinoma (22%), solitary me- millimeters, spiculation ! 1 if the edge of the nodule
tastasis (8%), undifferentiated non-small cell carci- has spicules (otherwise ! 0), and location ! 1 if the
noma (NSCLC) [7%], small cell lung cancer (SCLC) nodule is located in an upper lobe (otherwise ! 0).
[4%], and bronchioloalveolar cell carcinoma (4%). Of note, the accuracy of this model for predicting
Less common causes of malignant SPN included malignancy was similar to the accuracy of expert
large cell carcinoma, carcinoid tumors, intrapulmo- clinicians.25 Other investigators have attempted to
nary lymphomas, adenosquamous carcinoma, ade- predict malignancy by using the likelihood ratio form
noid cystic carcinoma, and malignant teratomas. of Bayes theorem21,23 and neural networks.26 –28

110S Diagnosis and Management of Lung Cancer: ACCP Guidelines

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© 2007 American College of Chest Physicians
Recommendation and thereby facilitate detection of noncalcified nod-
ules.34 As the use of these newer techniques becomes
1. In every patient with an SPN, we recom- more widespread in clinical practice, it is likely that
mend that clinicians estimate the pretest prob- fewer lung nodules will escape detection.
ability of malignancy either qualitatively by In all patients with an SPN, it is essential to
using clinical judgment or quantitatively by compare the current CXR with previous chest films.
using a validated model. Grade of recommenda- This point cannot be emphasized strongly enough
tion, 1C because nodules that have been stable for at least 2
years usually do not require further evaluation. If the
Imaging Tests: Pulmonary nodule diagnosis begins nodule is seen with the benefit of hindsight on the
with imaging studies. CXR and CT are useful and previous CXR, then growth rate of it can be esti-
widely available. Recent attention has focused on mated. The growth rate is typically expressed in
contrast-enhanced CT and FDG-PET. MRI plays a terms of the doubling time, or the time it takes for
limited role, if any, in most patients. the nodule to double in volume. Because the volume
of a sphere equals 4(r3/3, one doubling in tumor
CXR: SPN diagnosis should begin with a careful volume corresponds approximately to an increase in
review of the CXR. Nodules located within the chest nodule diameter of 26%. The doubling time can be
should be seen in more than one radiographic view, calculated by using the formula dt ! (t ' log 2)/
although it is sometimes difficult to visualize nodules {3 ' [log (d2/d1)]}, where dt is the doubling time in
in the lateral projection. Occasionally, nipple shad- days, t is the time in days between CXRs, d2 is the
ows or articular surfaces of ribs can masquerade as diameter of the nodule at the time of the current
pulmonary nodules. In these cases, the use of nipple CXR, and d1 is the diameter of the nodule at the
markers or apical lordotic projections may help to time of the previous CXR.35 Doubling times for
distinguish normal anatomic structures from abnor- malignant nodules are highly variable but are gener-
mal nodular parenchymal lesions. ally thought to fall between 20 and 300 days.36 –38
Depending on the location of the lesion and the However, older studies of lung cancer growth rates
sharpness of its borders, nodules as small as 5 to 6 selectively enrolled patients who were more likely to
mm in diameter can sometimes be visualized by have benign-appearing nodules or nodules that initially
plain CXR.29 However, many larger solitary nodules escaped detection, biasing the results in favor of longer
are often missed by even experienced chest radiolo- doubling times. Indirect epidemiologic evidence sug-
gists. For example, in the Mayo Lung Project,30 45 of gests that most malignant nodules encountered in
50 screening-detected peripheral carcinomas were clinical practice have tumor doubling times that are
visible on previous radiographs when reviewed in well # 100 days.39 Malignant nodules with longer
retrospect. All but one of the tumors measured at doubling times can grow for many years before symp-
least 1 cm in diameter. In another study,31 19% of toms develop. For example, assuming exponential
NSCLCs were identified retrospectively on previous growth, a malignant nodule that measures 10 mm in
CXRs that were interpreted as being normal. Pa- diameter and has a tumor volume doubling time of 300
tients with missed lesions had smaller nodules, more days will require " 4 years (approximately five dou-
superimposing structures, and more indistinct bor- bling times) to reach a size that is commonly associated
der edges than patients with tumors that were not with symptoms (32 mm).
missed. In a more recent retrospective study32 of 40 Because doubling times for malignant SPN rarely
patients with NSCLCs that initially were missed on are " 300 days (except in screening studies), 2-year
CXR, the median diameter was 1.9 cm, and 85% of radiographic stability strongly suggests a benign eti-
the lesions were peripheral in location. Missed can- ology. Some authors40 have questioned the validity of
cers were most commonly located on the right side this rule, especially as it relates to smaller, screening-
and in the upper lobes, especially in the apical and detected nodules, which may have longer doubling
posterior segments. A clavicle obscured 22% of the times when cancerous. Many of these nodules have a
missed lesions. pure ground-glass appearance, which often repre-
The recent introduction of dual-energy subtraction sents slowly growing bronchioloalveolar cell carci-
digital CXR systems substantially increases the ability to noma. Because some ground-glass opacities eventu-
detect nodules. This technique provides markedly en- ally take on a more aggressive phenotype, longer
hanced contrast resolution, especially in previously follow-up for patients with these lesions should be
difficult-to-evaluate regions of the lung, including be- considered.41,42 However, there is no evidence that
hind the heart and below the diaphragms.33 It is also extending follow-up beyond 2 years identifies a
possible, by use of both single- and dual-exposure sizable number of malignant nodules or improves
techniques, to vary radiation exposure (kilovolt peak) patient outcomes. CHEST / 132 / 3 / SEPTEMBER, 2007 SUPPLEMENT 111S

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© 2007 American College of Chest Physicians
Occasionally, a presumptive benign diagnosis can information about the location, density, and edge char-
be established when a characteristic pattern of cal- acteristics of nodules that have been detected. In
cification is noted on the CXR. Diffuse, central, addition, CT sometimes identifies unsuspected lymph-
laminated, and popcorn patterns of calcification are adenopathy, synchronous parenchymal lesions, or inva-
considered to be benign,43,44 although the presence sion of the chest wall or mediastinum. Selected mor-
of intranodular fat density is more sensitive for phologic characteristics are described next. We discuss
identifying a hamartoma than popcorn calcifica- nodule size and attenuation characteristics (solid vs
tion.45 If one of these patterns of calcification is semisolid vs ground-glass) in greater detail in a subse-
clearly evident on the CXR, no additional evaluation quent section on small, subcentimeter nodules.
is necessary. However, other patterns of calcifica- Morphologic characteristics on chest CT that sug-
tion, including the stippled and eccentric patterns, gest malignancy include spiculated margins,51–53 vas-
do not exclude malignancy. Further evaluation of cular convergence (which suggests vascular and/or
these nodules is mandatory. Studies46 have docu- lymphatic invasion),54 and the finding of either a
mented that, compared with routine CXR and stan- dilated bronchus leading into the nodule55 or the
dard digital radiography, dual-energy digital subtrac- presence of pseudocavitation, a “bubbly” appearance
tion radiography improves detection of intranodular thought to represent air bronchiolograms.53 True
calcification. cavitation, especially when associated with a thick
and irregular wall, is a strong predictor of malig-
nancy. One study56 found that whereas only 5% of all
Recommendations cavitated nodules with thin walls (# 5 mm) were
malignant, the probability of malignancy was " 85%
2. In every patient with an SPN that is visible when maximum wall thickness was " 15 mm.
on CXR, we recommend that previous CXRs Morphologic clues can sometimes lead to a pre-
and other relevant imaging test be reviewed. sumptive benign diagnosis. For example, arterio-
Grade of recommendation, 1C venous fistulas often demonstrate the presence of a
3. In patients who have an SPN that shows feeding artery and a draining vein. A fungus ball can
clear evidence of growth on imaging tests, we be identified as a solitary nodule within a cavity,
recommend that tissue diagnosis be obtained although this appearance does not exclude the pos-
unless specifically contraindicated. Grade of rec- sibility of malignancy. Acute pulmonary infarcts typ-
ommendation, 1C ically appear on CT as wedge-shaped densities that
4. In a patient with an SPN that is stable on abut the pleura, involve the lower lobes, and contain
imaging tests for at least 2 years, we suggest air bronchograms, but chronic infarcts may be more
that no additional diagnostic evaluation be per- difficult to distinguish from a peripheral carcinoma.
formed, except for patients with pure ground- Rounded atelectasis is characterized by a quartet of
glass opacities on CT, for whom a longer dura- CT features, including volume loss, a juxtapleural
tion of annual follow-up should be considered. location, associated pleural thickening, and a dense
Grade of recommendation, 2C “comet tail” of bronchovascular structures that points
5. In a patient with an SPN that is calcified in toward the hilum. Although classically associated
a clearly benign pattern, we recommend no with asbestos-related pleural disease, this entity may
additional diagnostic evaluation. Grade of rec- be the result of any process that causes marked focal
ommendation, 1C pleural fibrosis.57
Initially described in severely immunocompro-
Chest CT: Because of lack of superimposition of mised patients with marked neutropenia, the CT
normal structures, CT is both more sensitive and halo sign (defined as a zone of ground-glass attenu-
more specific than CXR for detecting nodules. The ation surrounding a solid dense core) is strongly
likelihood of nodule detection increases with use of associated with the presence of an invasive fungal
thinner slice thickness. Single-arm prospective stud- infection, with the halo caused by hemorrhage sur-
ies6,47 of CT screening in high-risk participants found rounding a focal pulmonary infarct.58 It should be
one or more nodules in approximately 25% of par- emphasized, however, that other infectious and non-
ticipants when 10-mm collimation was used. In infectious entities may be associated with a positive
contrast, approximately 50% of participants were halo sign, including mycobacterial infections.59 – 61
found to have one or more nodules when 1.25- to In the past, CT densitometry was performed by
5-mm collimation was used for screening.48 –50 comparing the density of a given nodule with the
As is true for nodules identified by CXR, all previous density of a standardized “reference phantom.”52,62
CT scans should be reviewed when a nodule is first Relatively sensitive but not specific, this technique
identified by CT. Chest CT provides more specific is no longer used because of limited reliability.

112S Diagnosis and Management of Lung Cancer: ACCP Guidelines

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© 2007 American College of Chest Physicians
However, smaller (# 20 mm in diameter), smooth- mains experimental because of a lack of consensus
bordered nodules that contain fat density (# 25 regarding standardization.71,72 Consequently, MRI is
Hounsfield units [HU]) can be confidently diag- not indicated in the workup of the SPN outside inves-
nosed as a hamartoma, provided appropriate caution tigational settings.
is taken to avoid misinterpreting partial volume
artifacts as actual fat.63 FDG-PET: In this chapter, recommendations ad-
CT with dynamic contrast enhancement has proved dress the use of FDG-PET for characterizing SPNs.
to be highly sensitive but nonspecific for identifying Recommendations regarding the related issue of
malignant nodules.4 A multicenter study64 enrolled 356 when to use FDG-PET for lung cancer staging are
participants with normal renal function and noncalci- presented in these guidelines in the “Noninvasive
fied nodules that measured 0.5 to 4 cm in diameter, Staging of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer” chapter.
48% of which were malignant. Using a threshold for FDG-PET is a noninvasive functional imaging test
enhancement of 15 HU, the sensitivity and specificity that is widely used in clinical oncology for tumor
of contrast-enhanced CT were 98% and 58%, respec- diagnosis, disease staging, and evaluation of treat-
tively. Absence of lung nodule enhancement was ment response.73,74 FDG is taken up selectively by
strongly predictive of a benign diagnosis; the negative malignant tumor cells, which overexpress the glucose
predictive value was 96.5%. Allowing for slight differ- transporter protein. FDG subsequently accumulates
ences in technique, nearly identical results have been within the cell because the radiolabeled glucose
reported by others.65– 69 analog is phosphorylated once but not metabolized
Risks associated with CT include radiation exposure further. FDG is a positron-emitting radionuclide
and adverse effects as a result of administration of that undergoes an annihilation reaction after collid-
iodinated contrast material. The magnitude of the risk ing with a nearby electron, resulting in the simulta-
associated with radiation exposure from a single CT neous release of two high-energy (511 kiloelectron
scan is likely to be small, but in patients who require volts) photons in opposite directions. Annihilation
multiple follow-up scans, low-dose techniques should photons are coincidentally detected by a ring of
be used whenever possible to minimize the uncertain crystals in the PET scanner. Electronic circuits and
risk associated with repeated radiation exposure.70 IV computer software subsequently localize the abnor-
contrast should not be used in patients with renal mality, register the intensity of uptake, and recon-
insufficiency or allergy to iodine, and it is usually not struct cross-sectional images for display.75
necessary to administer contrast when performing In 17 studies4 of diagnostic accuracy identified
follow-up CT scans to identify growth. in the evidence chapter for this guideline, PET
characterized pulmonary nodules with fairly high
sensitivity (80 to 100%) and variable specificity (40
Recommendations to 100%); using a summary receiver operating
characteristic curve method, point estimates for
6. In every patient with an indeterminate pooled sensitivity and specificity were 87% and
SPN that is visible on CXR, we recommend that 83%, respectively. Slightly more favorable esti-
CT of the chest be performed, preferably with mates were reported in a previous metaanalysis.76
thin sections through the nodule. Grade of rec- PET seems to be less sensitive for nodules that
ommendation, 1C measure # 8 to 10 mm in diameter,77 so its use in
7. In every patient with an indeterminate such nodules should be discouraged outside inves-
SPN that is visible on chest CT, we recommend tigational settings. Preliminary evidence suggests
that previous imaging tests be reviewed. Grade that FDG-PET can help characterize screening-
of recommendation, 1C detected nodules that measure at least 8 to 10 mm
8. In a patient with normal renal function in diameter, but a troubling number of false-
and an indeterminate SPN on CXR or chest CT, negative and occasional false-positive findings
we recommend that CT with dynamic contrast have been reported in this situation.78 – 80
enhancement be considered in centers that False-negative findings on PET can be seen in
have experience performing this technique. patients with bronchioloalveolar cell carcinoma, car-
Grade of recommendation, 1B cinoid tumors, and mucinous adenocarcinomas.18,81
In theory, uncontrolled hyperglycemia may also
MRI: MRI has a very limited role in the evaluation cause false-negative results,82 but the influence of
of the SPN. Dynamic gadolinium-enhanced MRI of hyperglycemia in clinical settings is uncertain. False-
lung nodules has been shown to be nearly comparable positive findings are often the result of infections or
to contrast-enhanced CT for differentiating benign inflammatory conditions, including (but not limited
from malignant nodules: however, this technique re- to) endemic mycoses, tuberculosis, rheumatoid nod- CHEST / 132 / 3 / SEPTEMBER, 2007 SUPPLEMENT 113S

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© 2007 American College of Chest Physicians
ules, and sarcoidosis.11,83 Paradoxically, false-positive gery, transthoracic needle or bronchoscopic biopsy, and
PET results can be helpful sometimes because they observation with serial radiographs, or “watchful wait-
alert the clinician to the presence of an active ing.” Each of these approaches has advantages and
infectious or inflammatory condition that might re- disadvantages. Surgery is the diagnostic “gold standard”
quire specific treatment. In some circumstances, and the definitive treatment for malignant nodules, but
FDG-PET can be helpful by directing tissue biopsy.84 surgery should be avoided in patients with benign
As a “metabolic biopsy tool,” PET can identify nodules. Biopsy often establishes a specific benign or
which lesions or portions of lesions are metaboli- malignant diagnosis, but biopsy is invasive, potentially
cally active and most likely to yield a definitive risky, and frequently nondiagnostic. Observation with
tissue result. serial imaging tests avoids unnecessary surgery in pa-
Use of FDG-PET may be most cost-effective when
tients with benign nodules, but observation delays
clinical pretest probability and CT results are discor-
diagnosis and treatment in cases of malignancy. A
dant, especially when pretest probability is relatively
decision analysis found that the choice of manage-
low and CT characteristics are indeterminate (ie, not
clearly benign).85 In patients with indeterminate nod- ment strategy was “a close call” across a range of
ules (by CT) and high pretest probability, negative PET probabilities for malignancy.90 In this analysis,
results do not reliably exclude malignancy. However, observation was favored when the probability of
patients with nonhypermetabolic malignant tumors malignancy was # 3%, and surgery was preferred
may have a favorable prognosis even when definitive when the probability was " 68%. Biopsy was the
surgical treatment is delayed by a period of observation recommended strategy when the probability of
as long as 238 days.86,87 Hence, patients with negative malignancy fell between 3% and 68%. A generic
PET results should be followed up with serial imaging management algorithm that is based on this anal-
tests for at least 2 years to confirm a benign diagnosis. ysis and a subsequent cost-effectiveness analysis85
A more cautious approach would be to perform needle is presented in Figure 1. More specific recommen-
biopsy in high-probability patients with negative PET dations are outlined next.
results. Patients with SPN may have underlying comor-
Integrated PET-CT scanners combine CT and bidities that preclude surgical intervention. Preoper-
FDG imaging capability in a single patient gantry, ative risk assessment is discussed in detail in the
facilitating the precise localization of areas of FDG chapter on “Physiologic Evaluation of the Patient
uptake to normal structures or abnormal soft-tissue With Lung Cancer Being Considered for Resectional
masses. Accordingly, PET-CT can help to distinguish Surgery” in these guidelines, and evaluation of pa-
between hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes and tients who refuse surgery or who are poor candidates
identify invasion of the chest wall or mediastinal for surgery is discussed later in this chapter.
structures, but the role of PET-CT scanners in the
management of SPN has not been well de- Shared Decision Making and Patient Preferences:
fined.88,89 FDG-PET imaging is associated with Because different management strategies are associ-
minimal risk to the patient, because radiation ated with similar expected outcomes in many pa-
doses are extremely low. tients with lung nodules, patient preferences should
be elicited and used to guide decisions. Some pa-
tients may be uncomfortable with adopting a strategy
of observation when told that a potentially cancerous
9. In patients with low-to-moderate pretest lung nodule is present. Others are similarly risk
probability of malignancy (5 to 60%) and an averse about undergoing surgery unless they are
indeterminate SPN that measures at least 8 to certain that cancer is present. All patients should be
10 mm in diameter, we recommend that FDG- provided with an estimate of the probability of
PET imaging be performed to characterize the cancer and informed about the specific risks and
nodule. Grade of recommendation, 1B benefits associated with alternative management
10. In patients with an SPN that has a high strategies. Clinicians should elicit preferences for
pretest probability of malignancy (> 60%) or management and be sensitive to the preferred par-
patients with a subcentimeter nodule that mea- ticipatory decision-making style of the patient.91,92
sures < 8 to 10 mm in diameter, we suggest that
FDG-PET not be performed to characterize the
nodule. Grade of recommendation, 2C Recommendation
Management Strategies: Once imaging tests have 11. In every patient with an SPN, we recom-
been performed, management alternatives include sur- mend that clinicians discuss the risks and ben-

114S Diagnosis and Management of Lung Cancer: ACCP Guidelines

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Figure 1. Recommended management algorithm for patients with SPNs that measure 8 to 30 mm in
diameter. Adapted from Ost et al.2

efits of alternative management strategies and dates with nodules of this size, because of the
elicit patient preferences. Grade of recommenda- relatively high probability of malignancy. The opti-
tion, 1C mal time interval between imaging tests has not been
determined for patients with SPN, but the standard
Observation or Watchful Waiting: In some pa- clinical practice is to obtain follow-up CT scans at
tients with lung nodules, observation with serial least at 3, 6, 12, and 24 months. More frequent
imaging tests may be used as a diagnostic tool. When follow-up may be considered in patients who are at
this strategy is used, detection of growth at any time higher risk for malignancy. Less frequent follow-up
is presumptive evidence of malignancy, and surgical is indicated in patients with small, subcentimeter
resection should be performed in patients who are nodules.
operative candidates. Two-year radiographic stability The disadvantage of the observation strategy is that it
is strong presumptive evidence of a benign cause. potentially delays diagnosis and treatment in patients
Because it may be difficult to detect growth in with malignant nodules. Depending on the growth rate
nodules on plain CXRs, CT is usually preferred. and metastatic potential of the nodule and the length of
Although it may be possible to detect growth on observation, some malignant tumors will progress from
serial CXRs when the nodule is large (" 1.5 to 2 cm) resectable to unresectable disease during the observa-
and has sharp, clearly demarcated borders, the ob- tion period, and opportunities for surgical cure will be
servation strategy is seldom used in operative candi- missed. Empirical data relevant to the hazard of delay CHEST / 132 / 3 / SEPTEMBER, 2007 SUPPLEMENT 115S

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are scarce, although a Scottish study93 found that nodules). The sensitivity of transthoracic needle aspira-
maximum cross-sectional tumor area increased by tion biopsy (TTNA) depends on the size of the nodule,
" 50% in almost 25% of patients who had delays in the size of the needle (especially for identifying lym-
radiotherapy treatment lasting between 18 and 131 phoma or benign disease), the number of needle
days. Therefore, the observation strategy should be passes, and the presence of on-site cytopathology ex-
selected with caution. It is most appropriate in patients amination. Complications include minor pneumotho-
with a very low risk for malignancy and/or those who rax in approximately 25% of procedures and major
are at high risk for complications of surgical resection pneumothorax that requires chest tube drainage in
and/or nonsurgical biopsy. approximately 5% of procedures. Identified risk factors
for pneumothorax include smaller lesion size, deeper
location, proximity to fissures, the presence of emphy-
Recommendations sema, lateral pleural puncture site, and a smaller angle
12. In patients who have an indeterminate of entry between the needle and the pleura. Risk
SPN that measures at least 8 to 10 mm in factors for chest tube drainage include emphy-
diameter and are candidates for curative treat- sema, proximity to fissures, and the need to tra-
ment, observation with serial CT scans is an verse aerated lung.97–99
acceptable management strategy in the follow- Use of needle biopsy is probably most appropriate
ing circumstances: (1) when the clinical proba- when there is discordance among the clinical prob-
bility of malignancy is very low (< 5%); (2) when ability of cancer, imaging test results, patient prefer-
clinical probability is low (< 30 to 40%) and the ences, and/or the risk for surgical complications, as
lesion is not hypermetabolic by FDG-PET or described in recommendation 14. It is important to
does not enhance > 15 HU on dynamic contrast emphasize that a nondiagnostic needle biopsy result
CT; (3) when needle biopsy is nondiagnostic does not rule out the possibility of malignancy.
and the lesion is not hypermetabolic by FDG-
PET; (4) when a fully informed patient prefers
Bronchoscopy: Bronchoscopy is an excellent tool for
this nonaggressive management approach.
sampling central airway lesions, mediastinal nodes, and
Grade of recommendation, 2C
13. In patients who have an indeterminate parenchymal masses. Traditionally, bronchoscopy has
SPN that measures at least 8 to 10 mm in played a limited role in SPN management outside inves-
diameter and undergo observation, we suggest tigational settings. Diagnostic yields with fluoroscope-
that serial CT scans be repeated at least at 3, 6, guided bronchoscopy for malignant, peripheral pul-
12, and 24 months. Grade of recommendation, 2C monary nodules that measure # 2 cm in diameter
have consistently been in the range of 10 to 50%.100 –103
Transthoracic Needle Aspiration Biopsy: Needle The likelihood of obtaining a specific benign diagnosis
biopsy of the SPN is usually performed under the is even lower. The presence of an air bronchogram in a
guidance of fluoroscopy or, more common, CT. Few pulmonary nodule is associated with an increased
studies of needle biopsy have been performed under yield, especially if this provides a specific road
fluoroscopic guidance and limited enrollment to map as to the bronchial location.104,105 Likewise,
participants with pulmonary nodules. In one study94 bronchoscopy with multiplanar CT or endobron-
with a very high prevalence of malignancy, a diagno- chial ultrasound guidance seems to be an improve-
sis was made by fluoroscope-guided needle biopsy in ment over bronchoscopy under standard fluoro-
84% of patients with nodules that measured 2 to 4 scopic guidance.105–108
cm in diameter. However, in two other studies95,96 A newer technique, electromagnetic navigation,
with a lower prevalence of malignancy, the diagnos- combines simultaneous CT virtual bronchoscopy
tic yield was only 36 to 43%. with real-time fiberoptic bronchoscopy and shows
Several studies of CT-guided needle biopsy limited promise as another tool for guiding biopsy of periph-
enrollment to patients with pulmonary nodules that eral nodules.109,110 Although these new methods
measured # 4 cm in diameter.4 As expected, the seem to improve diagnostic yields over fluoroscopic
specificity of needle biopsy for identifying malignancy guidance, results still do not compare favorably with
was very high. However, nondiagnostic biopsy results those from a recent series that evaluated TTNA in
were seen in 4 to 41% of patients (median, 21%). It is patients with small peripheral nodules.111 Until fur-
interesting that nondiagnostic biopsies were more com- ther progress is made in guidance of bronchoscopy,
mon in nodules that proved to be benign (approxi- peripheral nodules that do not have a CT-bronchus
mately 44% of all benign nodules) than in those that sign should be pursued with TTNA. In addition,
were malignant (approximately 8% of all malignant routine preoperative bronchoscopy is not recom-

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mended in the patient with an SPN, because it has diastinoscopy may be used alone or in combination
been shown rarely to change stage and obviate the in patients with SPNs, depending on the clinical
need for surgery.112 circumstances. Video-assisted thorascopic surgery is
Older retrospective series113 reported major compli- commonly used to diagnose peripheral SPN. Thora-
cations of bronchoscopy in # 1% of procedures, in- cotomy is sometimes necessary to make the diagno-
cluding bleeding, respiratory depression, cardiorespira- sis. If the nodule proves to be a primary lung
tory arrest, arrhythmia, and pneumothorax. Mortality malignancy, then therapeutic resection and staging
has been considered rare, with a reported death rate of are often completed in a single operative procedure.
0.01 to 0.03% in " 70,000 procedures.114,115 However, Thoracoscopy is usually the favored surgical ap-
a more recent prospective, multicenter study116 sug- proach for nodules located in the peripheral third of
gested that complications and mortality are more fre- the lung. It is a minimally invasive technique with a
quent than previously recognized. Bechara et al116 sensitivity and specificity approaching 100%,120 –122
reported adverse events in 35% of 300 bronchoscopies with an associated mortality of approximately 1%.123–128
performed that included at least two endobronchial The rate of conversion to thoracotomy is approxi-
biopsies. Severe adverse events occurred in 10% of mately 12%. As thorascopic techniques mature, re-
patients, 4 of whom died (2%). However, two of the section of smaller nodules (# 5 mm) is becoming
deaths occurred 1 week after the procedure and possible. Localizing techniques can be used to aid
seemed to be unrelated. the surgeon in finding these lesions. Wire localiza-
tion, methylene dye injection, fluoroscopy, and in-
trathoracic and extrathoracic ultrasound each have
Recommendation been reported as useful allies in locating small
nodules.129 –134
14. In patients who have an indeterminate The diagnosis is most often established by intra-
SPN that measures at least 8 to 10 mm in operative consultation with pathology. Frozen-section
diameter and are candidates for curative treat- analysis is sensitive and specific for diagnosis of
ment, it is appropriate to perform a transtho- malignancy; however, the technique has limitations
racic needle biopsy or bronchoscopy in the that the surgeon should understand. In one recent
following circumstances: (1) when clinical pre- study,135 the sensitivity for identifying malignancy
test probability and findings on imaging tests was 86.9% for nodules that measured # 1.1 cm in
are discordant; for example, when the pretest diameter and 94.1% for nodules that measured
probability of malignancy is high and the lesion between 1.1 and 1.5 cm. The specificity of frozen-
is not hypermetabolic by FDG-PET; (2) when a section analysis was 100%. The technique has limi-
benign diagnosis that requires specific medical tations in distinguishing bronchioloalveolar carci-
treatment is suspected; (3) when a fully in- noma from atypical adenomatous hyperplasia and
formed patient desires proof of a malignant reactive pneumocyte hyperplasia. It is limited in
diagnosis before surgery, especially when the establishing a specific cell type in NSCLC. It is
risk for surgical complications is high. In gen- limited in recognizing small peripheral carcinoid
eral, we suggest that transthoracic needle bi- tumors. Lesions that measure # 5 mm should
opsy be the first choice for patients with periph- probably not be used for frozen-section analysis
eral nodules, unless the procedure is unless there is other material available for perma-
contraindicated or the nodule is inaccessible. nent studies.135
We suggest that bronchoscopy be performed For the surgical candidate with an SPN that is
when an air bronchogram is present or in cen- proved to be NSCLC, lobectomy and systematic
ters with expertise in newer guided techniques. mediastinal lymph node dissection are the standard
Grade of recommendation, 2C of care for complete oncologic resection and stag-
ing.136 Thoracotomy is the standard approach for
Surgery: Surgical resection is the “gold standard” resection, with a morbidity and mortality of approx-
diagnostic test and can often be therapeutic. How- imately 34% and 4%, respectively.137–145 Thoraco-
ever, only one flawed and inconclusive randomized, scopic resection and lymph node dissection for stag-
controlled trial117–119 has compared surgery alone ing is an option in experienced hands.143,146 –148 For
with an alternative treatment in patients with resect- patients with marginal cardiac performance or lim-
able lung cancer. The decision to include surgery as ited pulmonary reserve, limited resection can be
part of the diagnostic strategy for the SPN must take considered acceptable treatment, although limited
into account the benefits of definitive diagnosis and resection is associated with a higher rate of local
treatment when compared with the surgical risk. Video- recurrence and a statistically nonsignificant trend
assisted thorascopic surgery, thoracotomy, and me- toward reduced 5-year survival.149,150 CHEST / 132 / 3 / SEPTEMBER, 2007 SUPPLEMENT 117S

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An oncologic resection is not complete without care, experimental alternatives for these patients
staging the mediastinum. Recommendations for in- include stereotactic radiosurgery and radio-
traoperative staging can be found in the “Treatment frequency ablation.
of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer-Stage IIIA” in these
20. For the patient who has an SPN and is not
Recommendations a surgical candidate and prefers treatment, we
15. In surgical candidates with an indetermi- recommend that the diagnosis of lung cancer be
nate SPN that measures at least 8 to 10 mm in confirmed by biopsy, unless contraindicated.
diameter, surgical diagnosis is preferred in Grade of recommendation, 1C
most circumstances, including the following: (1) 21. For the patient who has a malignant SPN
when the clinical probability of malignancy is and is not a surgical candidate and prefers treat-
moderate to high (> 60%); (2) when the nodule ment, we recommend referral for external-beam
is hypermetabolic by FDG-PET imaging; (3) radiation or to a clinical trial of an experimental
when a fully informed patient prefers undergo- treatment such as stereotactic radiosurgery or
ing a definitive diagnostic procedure. Grade of radiofrequency ablation. Grade of recommendation,
recommendation, 1C 2C
16. In patients who have an indeterminate
SPN in the peripheral third of the lung and Small Subcentimeter Pulmonary Nodules
choose surgery, we recommend that thoracos- Subcentimeter nodules measure # 8 to 10 mm in
copy be performed to obtain a diagnostic wedge diameter, can be solitary or multiple, and are usually
resection. Grade of recommendation, 1C detected incidentally on a CT scan that has been
17. In a patient who chooses surgery for an ordered for some other reason. As is true for larger
indeterminate SPN that is not accessible by nodules, the likelihood of malignancy depends on
thoracoscopy, bronchoscopy, or TTNA, we rec- patient risk factors, nodule size, and certain morpho-
ommend that a diagnostic thoracotomy be per- logic characteristics.
formed. Grade of recommendation, 1C
18. In patients who undergo thoracoscopic Predictors of Malignancy: Patient characteristics
wedge resection for an SPN that is found to be have been incompletely studied as predictors of
cancer by frozen section, we recommend that malignancy in individuals with subcentimeter nod-
anatomic resection with systematic mediastinal ules. In the Lung Screening Study,151 abnormal
lymph node sampling or dissection be per- findings on a single low-dose CT screening examina-
formed during the same anesthesia. Grade of tion were more common in current smokers and
recommendation, 1C individuals who were at least 65 years of age. The
19. In patients who have an SPN and are likelihood of malignancy is probably highest in cur-
judged to be marginal candidates for lobec- rent smokers and lowest in nonsmokers who have
tomy, we recommend definitive treatment by nodules that are comparable in size. Extrapolation
wedge resection/segmentectomy (with system- from studies in patients with larger nodules would
atic lymph node sampling or dissection). Grade suggest that the risk for malignancy probably in-
of recommendation, 1B creases with age.21–23

Patients Who Are Not Surgical Candidates: Man- Size: Studies of CT screening in volunteers at risk
agement is uncertain in patients who have an SPN for lung cancer confirm a strong association between
and refuse surgery or are judged to be at unaccept- nodule diameter and the likelihood of malignancy.4
ably high risk for complications from even a limited Data from baseline screening in three US tri-
pulmonary resection. No randomized trials have als49,151,152 of low-dose CT show that the probabil-
compared early treatment before the development ity of malignancy is extremely low (# 1%) in
of symptoms vs later treatment when symptoms prevalent nodules that measure # 5 mm in diam-
develop. Discussion of potential risks and benefits eter. For nodules that measure 5 to 9 mm in
with patients is limited by the paucity of data. For diameter, the prevalence of malignancy varies
patients who prefer treatment, the diagnosis of lung from 2.3 to 6%.151,152 In one Japanese study,130 the
cancer should first be confirmed by biopsy whenever prevalence of malignancy in subcentimeter nod-
possible. Although external-beam radiation ther- ules was " 20%, considerably higher than in the
apy with curative intent is the current standard of US studies.

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Similar results have been reported in nonscreened follow-up for patients with subcentimeter nodules
populations evaluated by CT. One retrospective re- need to weigh multiple considerations, including
view153 of 3,446 consecutive chest CT scans at a single clinical risk factors (eg, age, smoking history, expo-
institution identified 87 patients with non–screening- sure to secondhand smoke and other lung carcino-
detected lung nodules that measured # 10 mm in gens); nodule size; the probable rate of nodule
diameter and definitive 2-year follow-up. Whereas 10 growth as reflected by CT morphology41,158,163; the
of these nodules were malignant (11%), 9 nodules limited accuracy of available techniques for estab-
proved to be metastases in patients with known ex- lishing growth by cross-sectional and/or volumetric
trathoracic malignancies (who composed 56% of the measurements, especially for nodules that measure
study population). More recently, in a retrospective # 5 mm in size166 –168; concerns regarding radiation
review154 of 414 patients with no history of neoplasm, dose70,169,170; risk factors for surgical complications;
infection, fibrosis, or immune deficiency and one or
and cost. There is no evidence that early identifica-
more noncalcified lung nodules that measured # 5
tion of subcentimeter malignant lung nodules im-
mm, none of the nodules was observed to grow at " 3
proves lung cancer mortality rates (see “Screening
to 24 months of follow-up. The upper boundaries of the
95% confidence intervals for the probability of growth for Lung Cancer”), providing additional justification
in these small nodules were 0.9, 1.0, and 1.3% at 3, 6, for a less aggressive management approach. In pa-
and 12 months, respectively. tients who are not considered to be surgical candi-
dates (especially those with limited life expectancy),
Morphology: In the past decade, we have wit- the utility of follow-up is questionable, and even less
nessed a remarkable change in CT terminology to aggressive management alternatives (including no
describe the morphology of lung nodules. Morpho- follow-up) should be considered.
logic characteristics of small nodules can be visual- In general, we agree with the consensus recom-
ized by high-resolution CT with thin (approximately mendations of the Fleischner Society that are out-
1 mm) slices through the target nodule. On the basis lined in Recommendations 22 to 25 and in Figure 2,
of observations from recent lung cancer screening although more frequent follow-up of small lung
trials,4 it is now appreciated that nodules may be nodules should be considered in fully informed
characterized as solid, partly solid, or pure ground- patients who prefer a more aggressive approach. It
glass opacities (defined as focal densities in which should also be noted that controversy remains re-
underlying lung morphology is preserved). These garding how long follow-up should be continued for
categories can help to distinguish benign from ma- both partly solid and especially pure ground-glass
lignant nodules. In two small studies,155,156 almost nodules.41,158,163 As a consequence, longer follow-up
60% of pure ground-glass opacities were malignant, extending over years may be appropriate in some
although the percentage was lower (18%) in another patients, especially when there is an antecedent
study.42 The likelihood of malignancy was similarly history of lung cancer. Follow-up studies should be
high in partly solid lesions but much lower (# 10%) performed with the lowest possible radiation dose
in solid nodules.42,156 (ideally between 40 and 100 mA) to minimize cumu-
Ground-glass nodules often represent either atyp- lative radiation exposure in individuals who require
ical adenomatous hyperplasia or true bronchoalveo- multiple follow-up CT examinations.
lar cell carcinoma.54,157–164 When malignant, partly
solid or solid nodules usually represent adenocarci-
noma but can also be caused by squamous cell Recommendations
carcinoma or small cell carcinoma. Of note, observed
growth rates are often very slow for malignant 22. For surgical candidates who have subcen-
ground-glass opacities, intermediate for partly solid timeter nodules and no risk factors for lung
nodules, and relatively fast for solid nodules.4 cancer, the frequency and duration of follow-up
(preferably with low-dose CT) should depend
Management Strategies: The optimal approach to on the size of the nodule. We suggest the
the management of subcentimeter nodules remains following: (1) that nodules that measure up to 4
problematic. Expert consensus-based guidelines for mm in diameter not be followed up, but the
radiographic follow-up in patients with small pulmo- patient must be fully informed of the risks and
nary nodules were published by members of the benefits of this approach; (2) that nodules that
Fleischner Society,165 who concluded that the follow- measure > 4 to 6 mm be reevaluated at 12
up should be less frequent and often shorter in duration months without additional follow-up if un-
than in patients with larger nodules. changed; (3) that nodules that measure > 6 to 8
Decisions about the frequency and duration of mm be followed up sometime between 6 and 12 CHEST / 132 / 3 / SEPTEMBER, 2007 SUPPLEMENT 119S

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Figure 2. Recommended management algorithm for patients with subcentimeter pulmonary nodules
that measure ! 8 mm in diameter.

months and then again between 18 and 24 nodules and are not candidates for curative
months if unchanged. Grade of recommendation, treatment, we recommend limited follow-up (in
2C 12 months) or follow-up when symptoms de-
velop. Grade of recommendation, 1C

Recommendations Multiple Nodules

23. For surgical candidates who have subcen- Multiple nodules and the solitary nodule have
timeter nodules and one or more risk factors for similar causes, although for multiple nodules, meta-
lung cancer, the frequency and duration of static disease is the most likely malignant diagnosis
follow-up (preferably with low-dose CT) should and active infectious or inflammatory granulomatous
depend on the size of the nodule. We suggest disease is the most likely benign cause. A detailed
the following: (1) that nodules that measure up discussion of diagnosis and treatment in these pa-
to 4 mm in diameter be reevaluated at 12 tients is beyond the scope of this chapter; however,
months without additional follow-up if un- the diagnosis can usually be established by a combi-
changed; (2) that nodules that measure > 4 to 6 nation of serologic testing, sputum analysis, bron-
mm be followed up sometime between 6 and 12 choscopy with biopsy or bronchoalveolar lavage,
months and then again between 18 and 24 transthoracic needle biopsy, and/or open surgical
months if unchanged; (3) that nodules that biopsy. Treatment should be directed at the specific
measure > 6 to 8 mm be followed up initially underlying cause. An inherent assumption in the eval-
sometime between 3 and 6 months then subse- uation of many patients with multiple nodules is that all
quently between 9 and 12 months and again at of the nodules identified represent the same diagnosis.
24 months if unchanged. Grade of recommenda- This is usually true in a patient with multiple nodules
tion, 2C that measure " 1 cm in diameter but often not the case
24. For surgical candidates with subcentime- when a dominant nodule and one or more additional
ter nodules that display unequivocal evidence diminutive nodules are present.
of growth during follow-up, we recommend that
definitive tissue diagnosis be obtained by surgi- Patients With One or More Additional Nodules
cal resection, transthoracic needle biopsy, or Detected During SPN Evaluation: In patients with a
bronchoscopy. Grade of recommendation, 1C known or suspected lung cancer on CXR, CT will
25. For individuals who have subcentimeter frequently identify one or more additional nodules.

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Studies indicate that most of these additional nod- necessary, and curative treatment not be de-
ules are benign. A study171 from Japan showed that nied unless there is histopathologic confirma-
10% of patients with suspected lung cancer had a tion of metastasis. Grade of recommendation, 1C
second nodule detected during subsequent evalua-
tion, and 60% of these were benign at surgery. Solitary Metastasis
Similarly, Keogan et al172 reported that CT detected
a second, indeterminate nodule in 16% of patients In patients with an active or previous extrapulmo-
with clinically operable stage I to IIIA NSCLC. The nary cancer, the SPN can represent a metastasis, a
nodules ranged in size from 4 to 12 mm, and primary lung cancer, or benign disease. Determining
although many of the nondominant nodules were the cause of the nodule is important so that appro-
unavailable for follow-up, " 85% of those with a priate therapy can be offered.
definite diagnosis were benign. Pulmonary metastasectomy has been offered to
Screening studies provide additional evidence that selected patients who have an SPN in the setting of
patients with a malignant nodule will not uncom- an extrapulmonary malignancy because of the poten-
monly have additional benign nodules. In the Early tial for cure.175–184 In this group, 60 to 80% of
Lung Cancer Action Project,6 30% of the partici- nodules will be malignant, and 20 to 50% will be due
pants with cancer identified during baseline (preva- to bronchogenic carcinoma.185–187 Distinguishing pa-
lence) screening had one or more additional nodules tients with metastatic disease from those with a primary
at the time of detection. None of these was reported lung cancer is the task, and treatment for cure is the
to be malignant after follow-up.173 In the Mayo goal. Chronic benign processes and infectious causes
Clinic screening study,174 " 50% of the 31 partici- are a consideration; however, malignancy must be
pants with prevalent cancers had other nodules aggressively pursued, and tissue diagnosis is required.
detected, and all but one (a carcinoid tumor) proved The site and histology of the primary tumor influ-
to be benign by absence of growth during follow-up. ence both the likelihood of metastasis188 –192 and the
In these studies, the majority of “secondary” nodules prognosis after metastasectomy.183,193,194 Of 5,206 pro-
measured # 4 mm, which suggests a very low risk for cedures included in the International Registry of Lung
malignancy. Therefore, although the likelihood of Metastases, the most common malignant diagnoses
finding one or more additional nodules increases were sarcoma (42%), colon cancer (14%), breast cancer
with the use of smaller slice thickness on CT, the vast (9%), renal cell carcinoma (8%), germ cell tumors
majority of additional nodules will be benign. (7%), melanoma (6%), and head and neck cancer (5%).
When confronted with one or more additional In a combined series,183 5-year survival after metasta-
nodules during SPN evaluation, it is prudent to sectomy was 80% for patients with germ cell tumors,
consider each nodule individually, rather than as- 53% for gynecologic cancers, 44% for head and neck
suming that the additional nodules are either meta- tumors, 43% for renal cell carcinoma, 38% for colon
static or benign. Preoperative PET scanning may cancer, 34% for sarcoma, 34% for breast cancer, and
help to decide whether more than one nodule is 16% for melanoma. Overall survival after metastasec-
likely malignant and guide further evaluation, al- tomy ranges from 25 to 45%.188,195 Prognosis is best for
though many of these nodules will be too small to be patients with longer disease-free intervals (" 36
reliably characterized by PET. Above all, candidates months), solitary metastases, and germ cell or Wilms
for curative treatment who have known or suspected tumors. A diagnosis of melanoma confers the worst
malignant nodules and have one or more additional prognosis.196,197
nodules present should not be denied curative ther- Metastasectomy should be considered in surgical
apy unless metastasis is confirmed by histopathology. candidates who have disease that is otherwise con-
The evaluation and treatment of a synchronous trolled without evidence of extrapulmonary involve-
cancer in a separate lobe, satellite cancers in the ment, for whom no better therapy is available. If
same lobe, and metachronous cancers is discussed in these criteria are met, then the surgical strategy must
the “Bronchioloalveolar Lung Cancer” chapter in be directed at completeness of resection with mini-
these guidelines. mal morbidity and mortality. The “gold standard” is
argued to be complete resection with an approach
that will allow thorough palpation of the lung.198,199
Recommendation Thoracotomy is appropriate for this approach. It has
been reported that 30 to 50% of metastases will
26. In patients who are candidates for cura- present as bilateral disease that is not apparent on
tive treatment for a dominant SPN and one or CT scan, and exploration of both lungs may be
more additional small nodules, we recommend justified.198,199 This approach would require bilateral
that each nodule be evaluated individually, as thoracotomies, median sternotomy, or bilateral ante- CHEST / 132 / 3 / SEPTEMBER, 2007 SUPPLEMENT 121S

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rior thoracotomy with transverse sternotomy (clam- Conclusions
shell incision) to explore both lungs completely.
However, some believe that equal benefits can be The classical SPN is a common and vexing prob-
achieved when only radiographically visible disease is lem. Patients with an SPN should be evaluated by
resected. Thoracoscopy can be used to achieve this review of old films, estimation of the probability of
objective.200 –202 malignancy, performance of imaging tests to charac-
terize the nodule better, evaluation of the risks
associated with various treatment alternatives, and
Recommendation elicitation of patient preferences for treatment. Sub-
centimeter nodules are becoming increasingly prev-
27. In surgical candidates with a solitary pul- alent, and we still have much to learn about their
monary metastasis, we recommend that pulmo- biology and behavior, although it is already apparent
nary metastasectomy be performed when there that the growth rates of small malignant nodules vary
is no evidence of extrapulmonary malignancy widely and that morphologic characteristics provide
and there is no better available treatment. Grade clues about the likelihood of malignancy and the rate
of recommendation, 1C of growth. In this guideline, we endorsed recent
expert consensus-based recommendations for per-
Solitary Nodule Caused by Small Cell Carcinoma
forming follow-up CT scans in patients with subcen-
SCLCs represent approximately 15 to 20% of all timeter nodules that balance the potential benefits of
primary lung cancers,203 and 90% of these patients careful follow-up with the potential risks associated
have regional lymph node involvement or metastatic with radiation exposure from CT. In the future, as
disease at initial presentation.204 Infrequently, surgi- imaging tests and other diagnostic technologies im-
cal resection of an undiagnosed lung nodule reveals prove, the prevalence of pulmonary nodules will
the presence of SCLC. Surgery should also be likely increase, as will our ability to distinguish
considered in patients who have known SCLC and malignant from benign nodules before surgery.
present with an SPN and no evidence of regional or
distant metastasis. In one older study,205 multimo-
dality treatment with surgery and adjuvant chemo- SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS
therapy resulted in a 5-year survival rate of 59% in
patients with T1N0M0 tumors caused by small cell 1. In every patient with an SPN, we rec-
carcinoma. Other series206 –210 confirmed that cure ommend that clinicians estimate the pretest
was possible in surgically resected, limited-stage probability of malignancy either qualita-
small cell carcinoma. Three factors contributed to tively by using their clinical judgment or
favorable outcomes: small tumor size, no lymph node quantitatively by using a validated model.
involvement, and candidacy for lobectomy.211 A pa- Grade of recommendation, 1C
tient who has small cell carcinoma and presents with 2. In every patient with an SPN that is
an SPN falls into this category and should be con- visible on CXR, we recommend that previ-
sidered for surgery. ous CXRs and other relevant imaging tests
be reviewed. Grade of recommendation, 1C
3. In patients who have an SPN that shows
Recommendations clear evidence of growth on imaging tests,
we recommend that tissue diagnosis be ob-
28. In surgical candidates with an SPN that
tained unless specifically contraindicated.
has been diagnosed as SCLC, we recommend
Grade of recommendation, 1C
surgical resection with adjuvant chemotherapy,
4. In a patient with an SPN that is stable on
provided that noninvasive and invasive staging
imaging tests for at least 2 years, we suggest
exclude the presence of regional or distant
that no additional diagnostic evaluation be
metastasis. Grade of recommendation, 1C
performed, except for patients with pure
29. In patients who have an SPN and in
ground-glass opacities on CT, in whom a
whom SCLC is diagnosed intraoperatively, we
longer duration of annual follow-up should be
recommend anatomic resection (with system-
considered. Grade of recommendation, 2C
atic mediastinal lymph node sampling or dissec-
5. In a patient with an SPN that is calci-
tion) under the same anesthesia when there is
fied in a clearly benign pattern, we recom-
no evidence of nodal involvement and when the
mend no additional diagnostic evaluation.
patient will tolerate resection. Surgery should
Grade of recommendation, 1C
be followed by adjuvant chemotherapy. Grade of
recommendation, 1C

122S Diagnosis and Management of Lung Cancer: ACCP Guidelines

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© 2007 American College of Chest Physicians
6. In every patient with an indeterminate 14. In patients who have an indetermi-
SPN that is visible on CXR, we recommend nate SPN that measures at least 8 to 10 mm
that CT of the chest be performed, prefer- in diameter and are candidates for curative
ably with thin sections through the nodule. treatment, it is appropriate to perform a
Grade of recommendation, 1C transthoracic needle biopsy or bronchos-
7. In every patient with an indeterminate copy in the following circumstances: (1)
SPN that is visible on chest CT, we recom- when clinical pretest probability and find-
mend that previous imaging tests be re- ings on imaging tests are discordant; for
viewed. Grade of recommendation, 1C example, when the pretest probability of
8. In a patient with normal renal function malignancy is high and the lesion is not
and an indeterminate SPN on CXR or chest hypermetabolic by FDG-PET; (2) when a
CT, we recommend that CT with dynamic benign diagnosis that requires specific med-
contrast enhancement be considered in ical treatment is suspected; (3) when a fully
centers that have experience performing informed patient desires proof of a malig-
this technique. Grade of recommendation, 1B nant diagnosis before surgery, especially
9. In patients with low-to-moderate pre- when the risk for surgical complications is
test probability of malignancy (5 to 60%) high. In general, we suggest that transtho-
and an indeterminate SPN that measures at racic needle biopsy be the first choice for
least 8 to 10 mm in diameter, we recom- patients with peripheral nodules, unless the
mend that F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) procedure is contraindicated or the nodule
positron emission tomography (PET) imag-
is inaccessible. We suggest that bronchos-
ing be performed to characterize the nod-
copy be performed when an air bron-
ule. Grade of recommendation, 1B
10. In patients with an SPN that has a high chogram is present or in centers with exper-
pretest probability of malignancy (> 60%) or tise in newer guided techniques. Grade of
patients with a subcentimeter nodule that mea- recommendation, 2C
sures < 8 to 10 mm in diameter, we suggest that 15. In surgical candidates with an inde-
FDG-PET not be performed to characterize the terminate SPN that measures at least 8 to 10
nodule. Grade of recommendation, 2C mm in diameter, surgical diagnosis is pre-
11. In every patient with an SPN, we ferred in most circumstances, including the
recommend that clinicians discuss the risks following: (1) when the clinical probability
and benefits of alternative management of malignancy is moderate to high (> 60%);
strategies and elicit patient preferences. (2) when the nodule is hypermetabolic by
Grade of recommendation, 1C FDG-PET imaging; (3) when a fully in-
12. In patients who have an indetermi- formed patient prefers undergoing a defin-
nate SPN that measures at least 8 to 10 mm itive diagnostic procedure. Grade of recom-
in diameter and are candidates for curative mendation, 1C
treatment, observation with serial CT scans 16. In patients who have an indeterminate
is an acceptable management strategy in SPN in the peripheral third of the lung and
the following circumstances: (1) when the choose surgery, we recommend that thora-
clinical probability of malignancy is very low coscopy be performed to obtain a diagnostic
(< 5%); (2) when clinical probability is low wedge resection. Grade of recommendation, 1C
(< 30 to 40%) and the lesion is not hyper- 17. In a patient who chooses surgery for
metabolic by FDG-PET or does not enhance an indeterminate SPN that is not accessible
> 15 Hounsfield units (HU) ondynamic con-
by thoracoscopy, bronchoscopy, or trans-
trast CT; (3) when needle biopsy is nondiag-
thoracic needle aspiration, we recommend
nostic and the lesion is not hypermetabolic by
FDG-PET; (4) when a fully informed patient thata diagnostic thoracotomy be performed.
prefers this nonaggressive management ap- Grade of recommendation, 1C
proach. Grade of recommendation, 2C 18. In patients who undergo thoracoscopic
13. In patients who have an indetermi- wedge resection for an SPN that is found to be
nate SPN that measures at least 8 to 10 mm cancer by frozen section, we recommend that
in diameter and undergo observation, we anatomic resection with systematic mediasti-
suggest that serial CT scans be repeated at nal lymph node sampling or dissection be
least at 3, 6, 12, and 24 months. Grade of performed during the same anesthesia.
recommendation, 2C Gradeof recommendation, 1C CHEST / 132 / 3 / SEPTEMBER, 2007 SUPPLEMENT 123S

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© 2007 American College of Chest Physicians
19. In patients who have an SPN and are evidence of growth during follow-up, we
judged to be marginal candidates for lobec- recommend that definitive tissue diagnosis
tomy, we recommend definitive treatment be obtained by surgical resection, transtho-
by wedge resection/segmentectomy (with racic needle biopsy, or bronchoscopy. Grade
systematic lymph node sampling or dissec- of recommendation, 1C
tion). Grade of recommendation, 1B 25. For individuals who have subcentime-
20. For the patient who has an SPN and is ter nodules and are not candidates for cur-
not a surgical candidate and prefers treat- ative treatment, we recommend limited fol-
ment, we recommend that the diagnosis of low-up (in 12 months) or follow-up when
lung cancer be confirmed by biopsy, unless symptoms develop. Grade of recommenda-
contraindicated. Grade of recommendation, 1C tion, 1C
21. For the patient who has a malignant 26. In patients who are candidates for
SPN and is not a surgical candidate and curative treatment for a dominant SPN and
prefers treatment, we recommend refer- one or more additional small nodules, we
ral for external-beam radiation or to a recommend that each nodule be evaluated
clinical trial of an experimental treatment individually, as necessary, and curative
such as stereotactic radiosurgery or radiofre- treatment not be denied unless there is
quency ablation. Grade of recommendation, 2C histopathologic confirmation of metastasis.
22. For surgical candidates who have sub- Grade of recommendation, 1C
centimeter nodules and no risk factors for 27. In surgical candidates with a solitary
lung cancer, the frequency and duration of
pulmonary metastasis, we recommend that
follow-up (preferably with low-dose CT)
pulmonary metastasectomy be performed
should depend on the size of the nodule. We
when there is no evidence of extrapulmo-
suggest the following: (1) that nodules that
nary malignancy and there is no better
measure up to 4 mm in diameter not be
followed up, but the patient must be fully available treatment. Grade of recommenda-
informed of the risks and benefits of this tion, 1C
approach; (2) that nodules that measure 28. In surgical candidates with an SPN
> 4 to 6 mm be reevaluated at 12 months that has been diagnosed as SCLC, we rec-
without additional follow-up if un- ommend surgical resection with adjuvant
changed; (3) that nodules that measure chemotherapy, provided that noninvasive
> 6 to 8 mm be followed up sometime and invasive staging exclude the presence of
between 6 and 12 months and then again regional or distant metastasis. Grade of rec-
between 18 and 24 months if unchanged. ommendation, 1C
Grade of recommendation, 2C 29. In patients who have an SPN and in
23. For surgical candidates who have sub- whom SCLC is diagnosed intraoperatively,
centimeter nodules and one or more risk we recommend anatomic resection (with
factors for lung cancer, the frequency and systematic mediastinal lymph node sam-
duration of follow-up (preferably with low- pling or dissection) under the same anesthe-
dose CT) should depend on the size of the sia when there is no evidence of nodal
nodule. We suggest the following: (1) that involvement and when the patient will tol-
nodules that measure up to 4 mm in diam- erate resection. Surgery should be followed
eter be reevaluated at 12 months without by adjuvant chemotherapy. Grade of recom-
additional follow-up if unchanged; (2) that mendation, 1C
nodules that measure > 4 to 6 mm be fol-
lowed up sometime between 6 and 12 ACKNOWLEDGMENT: We are indebted to the authors of the
months and then again between 18 and 24 First Edition of the ACCP Lung Cancer Guidelines for their
months if unchanged; (3) that nodules that contributions to this article. We thank Ellen Schultz for assis-
tance with manuscript preparation.
measure > 6 to 8 mm be followed up ini-
tially sometime between 3 months and 6
months then subsequently between 9 and References
12 months and again at 24 months if un-
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Evaluation of Patients With Pulmonary Nodules: When Is It Lung
Cancer? * : ACCP Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines (2nd
Michael K. Gould, James Fletcher, Mark D. Iannettoni, William R. Lynch,
David E. Midthun, David P. Naidich and David E. Ost
Chest 2007;132; 108S-130S
DOI 10.1378/chest.07-1353
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